March named Rape Awareness Month


March named Rape Awareness Month
Two S O S U athletes
tackle the LSC
Billboard Top 20 and
coming attractions
Spring is the time
for Royalty
Page 5
Page 4
Page 3
Southeastern Oklahoma State University. Durant. Oklahoma, 7470
Volume 81 Number 21
Friday, March 30, 200
March named Rape Awareness Month
By Tara McMullin
Staff Writer
1 he month of March has
been named Rape Awarness
The formal definition of
rape is a person beingforced
to have sexual intercourse,
whether vaginal, oral, or anal
against their will. Typically,
the victim is being threatened
or restrained.
In a nation wide survey of
12,000 students performed
by the Higher Education Center, more than two out of three
students w h o committed
sexually related crimes were
reported by the victims to be
under the influence of alcohol and/or other drugs when
committing the crime.
Eight out of ten rapes are
committed by someone the
victim knew. In m a n y cases
the victim doesn't know that
the emotional trauma that
they are suffering is considered rape.
W h a t is sexual assault?
Southeastern defines
sexual assault according to
Mosby's Medical, Nursing,
and Allied Health Dictionary
(4th edition) which states it
is, "the forcible perpetration
of an act of sexual contact on
the body of another person,
male or female, without his
or her consent. Legal criteria
vary among different communities."
Southeastern considers it
sexual assault when:
1. The victim is under 16
years of age; or
Campus Calendar
"The Senate was surprised
that our crime rate increased since last year by
43 percent," Anthony
Wadley, Director of Safety
and Security said.
2. The victim is incapable
through mental illness or another unsoundness of mind,
temporary or permanent, or
3. Force or violence is
usedor threatened on the victim or another person; or
4. T h e
intoxiacted by a chemical substance; or
5. The victim is unconscious
W h a t is being d o n e to
prevent rape o n college
The student "Right-toknow" and "Campus Security
Act" of 1990 set three specific requirements for institutions of higher learning.
1. Develop and distribute
to students and employees,
and upon request to applicants for enrollment or
employment, a statement of
policy regarding the school's
campus sexual assault education and prevention
2. Distribute procedures
for on-campus disciplinary
action and possible sanctions
for sex offenders.
3. Make timely reports to
the campus community on
See Rape, page 3
A campus
police officer locks
the front
doors of
"the recreation center.
Cellular phones: friend or foe?
By Andrew Pagel
Staff Writer
March 30
* Baseball H o m e 2 p.m.
* C E - play therapy; Russell 9 a.m.
April 2
* Softball H o m e 2 p.m.
* Board recommendations due in
Pres. office
April 3
* Family horseback riding 7 p.m.
Equestrian Center
* Infant/Toddler Swim 6:30 p.m.
S O S U Pool
* Country & Western Dance II 7 p.m.
* Excel 6 p.m. M100D
* Senior Recital, Brian Ladd 7:30 p.m.
Little Theater
April 5
For any human to succeed, all that
is needed are fouressential elements:
air, food, water, and shelter. But for
a few people there is a fifth element—the cell phone.
Since 1983 when the first primitive cell phone sprung upon the
scene, people have been taking and
placing calls, causing this industry
to have a substantial growth. By the
end of the 20th century, this business has taken in a revenue of $50.2
billion. In the United States alone
there are 80 million users.
A major portion of this group is
m a d e up of collegians and teenagers.
"Twenty five to 35 percent
of our new wireless customers are
new to the category; in other words,
they've not had service before," Laine
Seeley, area marketing manager for
BellSouth Mobility in Raleigh, North
Carolina told
Cell phones allow constant connection with
probably a majority of that 25 to 35
percent are students." 20 percent of
the world as seen with this S O S U graduatte.
American teens (more girls than
busy people can be in constant contact
boys) o w n a cellular phone.
But how do they use them? For the with others despite their being on the go.
adults, the phone can mean the dif- But lor the most part, students get a cell
ference between life and death at the phone for emergency use.
As with every new invention, people feel
hands of their spouse because they
didn't call h o m e or at the hands of the need to weigh the pros and cons. The
their boss because they didn't call in phones do allow people to stay in constant
to say that they will be late. Emails contact with family, business associates,
and friends. And emergency assistance is
and messsages can be checked, and
as quick as your fingers can dial 9-11.
[he hazards consist of dangerous
useage of the phone and health risk.
Too m a n y times one can drive down
the road and see someone driving
erradicaly because the phone is stuck
to their ear. In February, 1997, The
N e w England Journal of Medicine published a study of approximately 700
monitored cellular phone users during a 14-month period. The stud)
concluded that the risk of being involved in some t\ pe of traffic incident while using the phone was nearly
four times that of the average driver.
The study determined that the risk
resulted primaril) Irom the act of
talking, or becoming absorbed in the
conversation, rather than dialing or
searching for phone numbers.
The second problem is caused by
the minute amounts of radiation emitted from the phone at such a close
proximity to the user's head. This
radiation can be harmful if the individual is exposed to it for a long time.
Cell phones are a part of everyday
living. Anyone can tell this b> walking out of their dorm and looking
across campus at almost half the student body using a cellular phone or
carrying one. This fad is here to sta\,
but we have to learn not to become a
slave to it and h o w to use it properly.
* Play D a y 7 p.m. Equestrian Center
* American Brass Quintet 7:30 p.m.
* Career & Placement Services,
Teacher Placement Day, SOSU
April 8
* Passover Palm Sunday
* Daylight Savings T i m e Begins
Smithsonian Institute Marine Biologist plans visit to Southeastern
By Mark Bilecki
News Editor
papers. "[T]he stunning new
IMAX 3-D film ... is almost as
Dr. Carole Baldwin, good as a trip to evolution's
Smithsonian Institute marine greatest showcase. The Kanbiologist, is the special guest sas Board of Education
for Alpha Chi and the South- should buy a ticket," said
eastern Honor's Program's Ken Ringle of the Washingannual speaking engagement ton Post. Since it is an IMAX
for Tuesday, April 3 at 7p.m. film, its showing is limited to
in Russell 100. Dr. Baldwin those locations luxurious
also stars in the IMAX film enough to host an IMAX the"Galapagos."
Fler film has received rave
Dr. Baldwin gives a "specreviews from national news- tacular" multimedia presen-
tation with her lecture concerning marine life of the
Galapagos Islands. Her experiences with the animals
on this "living natural science laboratory" are displayed in her presentation including giant tortoises,
iguanas and deep sea life. As
well as unveiling the mysteries of ocean life, Dr. Baldwin
also tells of the effects of
O n January 2 2 , the
Galapagos Islands were the
casualty of an oil spill. The
fragile ecosystem has since
been in the process of a cleanup. Dr. Baldwin visited the
islands during this time and
is expected to provide information on this new event as
Besides providing an invaluable educational experience, Dr. Baldwin's presentation promises to be entertaining and vibrant.
FRIDAY, M A R C H 30, 2001
Big M a n on Campus remembers
magnolias and giant peanuts
Giant peanuts, beautiful magnolias and one too m a n y white
people...these are but few of the
many eherished memories I will
have of Southeastern Oklahoma
State University as I head to greener
and hopefully more racially diverse
pastures aftergraduating this May.
What can I say of an experience
that has truly shaped the individual
I a m n o w ? I a m utterly thankful for
S O S U . It has forever altered m y
life course and
driven m e towards greater success
in many ways.
It has also, however, demonstrated the absolute need for poor
examples. Sadly. I have been witness to less than stellar teaching in
several instances, unethical
actions and individual corruption.
I can only hope to learn from these
base standards and never mimic
Yet. I have also been privileged enough to form friendships
of a lifetime and memories that
will sustain m e through tough
times. For those of you w h o
have touched m y life, thank you.
Thank you for your smiles and
thank you for your ears. More than
one of you has seen m e through
difficult periods. T o utilize
a trite phrase, you know w h o you
Being named 2000 Big M a n on
C a m p u s was an incredible honor.
H o m e c o m i n g was a trip1 To First
Kristi Ferguson, thanks lor your
friendship and your never-ending
integrity. T o Nancy Flippo and
A m y Lowe, I a m so sorrv for threw ing everything on your
shoulders that week. If it makes a
difference, ya know w h o to call
next time va need afloatbuilt...
M c C r a w for their excellent
instruction in the Department of
Communication and Theatre
I thank both Liz M c C r a w and A m y
C h a p m a n for tolerating m y constant
presence in the Office for Student
I was also privileged enough to
have met Kelly Wray. this year's
Southeastern's journalism program
is absolutely blessed to have
benefited from his presence. The
Newsroom actually has carpet (rather
I've been privileged enough to
than prison tile) and brand new i Macs.
build and maintain excellent rela11 simply appears professional. The
tionships with m y family over the
newspaper n o w has full color on the
past lour years. Rather than growfront and back pages.
ing apart, w e have grown
Thank you. Kelly. Y o u are truly an
much closer. Thank you for your
advisor, a mentor and a friend.
support and love. 1 would be nothAfter having worked on four yearing without you.
hooks and serving as staff writer.
Through the organizations I've
columnist ("Charles in Charge" and
been involved with (University
"Big M a n on Campus?") and copy
Band. Chamber Singers and Choeditor for The Southeastern as an
rale, Canterbury Society Episcoundergraduate journalism major, I
pal Studenl Association.
n o w head off to graduate school to
Student Government Association.
pursue a master's degree. I hope to
Young Democrats. Wesley Cenfind success in print.
ter. Studenl Publications. Lambda
Where does life take m e from here?
Pi Eta. Circle K International. Blue I don't know. Where will I be in 10
Key. Alpha M u Gamma...and othyears? I can't say. I do know, howers i. I've learned the ins and outs of ever, that S O S U . in both positive
successful interpersonal c o m m u and negative manners, has shaped
m e indelibly.
After being president of several
I will recall dorm life, late nights at
organizations and holding several
both the Waffle Shop and Jo's, afterother offices in various groups. I noon lunches at our o w n beloved
have c o m e upon a fundamental
campus Savage Grille, and early
conclusion--] spread
morning conversations-cram sesmyself thinner than badly melted
sions fondly.
M y advice to those of you still here
I thank m y Wesley Center and
and all future students....
Canterbury Society friends for true
Follow your dreams. I know I
friendship and good times. > all will.
are real folks!
Until magnolias and peanuts go
I thank Dr. Faye Gothard
out of fashion in Durant. O K . I reMangrum, Dean C.W. M a n g r u m
main forever a Southeastern studenl.
and soon to be Dr. Shannon
Thanks for the memories.
The Week in
Charles Coley
April 2
1513 - Ponce de Leon discovers Florida
April 3
1860- Pony Express Mail Service Begins
1882- Jesse James shot in the back
1996- Unabomber suspect arrested
April 4
1841- Pres. Harrison dies after month in office
1949- North Atlantic Treaty Organization formed
April 5
1614- Pocahontas marries John Rolfe
1955- Winston Churchill resigns
1992- Abortion rights supporter march
April 6
1830- M o r m o n church established
1917- America enters World War I
What makes you squirm?
With term papers, midterm tests, and deadlines
surrounding our every m o v e , m y worst fear is a
four-letter w o r d T I M E ! Aagghh! I just think of that frightening
word and I can feel myself suffocating from it's
choking hands around m y
"Time" magazine released a list of phobias that
Ablutophobia— fear of bathing
Agliophobia— fear of pain
Agyrophobia- fear of crossing the sueet
Arachibutyrophobia— fear of peanut butter sticking
to the roof of your mouth
Barophobia- fear of gravity- now that is a problem'
Caligynephobia- fear of beautiful women
Clinophobia- fear of going to bed
Coprastasophobia- fear of constipation
Dementophobia - fear of insanity
Eleutherophobia— fear o\ freedom
Gymnophobia- fear of nudity
Hedonophobia- fear of feeling pleasure
Kathisophobia- fear of sitting down
Melophobia- fear of music
Mnemophobia- fear of memories
Nomatophobia- fear of names
Novercaphobia- fear of stepmothers
Oophthalmophobia- fear of being stared at
M y favoriteZemmiphobia-- fear of the great mole rat--
you would never have imagined- or would you?
Southeastern Says...
Question: H o w important is your cell phone to you?
Jason G a u t
Rani Nasser
Ashlee Northcutt
Niki Hales
"It comes in handy for all of
those spur-of-the-moment oc-
"I use my cell phone for emergencies mainly and, of course,
"I just know the moment I don't
"I love to be able to contact
for calling friends.
have m y phone with m e will be
the time w h e n I would run out o\'
m y family and friends anytime I need to.
gas or have a flat tire.
FRIDAY, M A R C H 30, 200
I " W e ' r e going to strive through educating
I a n d working with the Student Senate so that
I n o one ends u p a victim of sexual assault,"
W a d l e y said.
(cont. from page 1)
any reported crimes that may of Safety and Security, is planning
be a threat to other students in
to hold an educational seminar
order to prevent similar occurnext fall where Southeastern is inrences.
forming students as well as parW h a t is Southeastern doing
ents on the concerns and prevento prevent rape?
tions of rape and other crimes.
The on-campus police departHe's also working to set u p a
ment is setting u p n e w pro- better communication system
grams to ensure student safety
throughout on-campus organizaon-campus in all crime related
tions such as the Student Senate,
the radio station, and the student
Anthony W a d lev, Director
newspaper so that everyone is in-
formed on what's going on.
"I want this department to work
extremely well with the other organizations to warn students of
potential problems and prevent
rape," Wadley said. "We're just
in the beginning of building this
Once a month Wadley will be
meeting with the Student Senate
to inform them of the problems
"The Senate was surprised to
find out that our crime rate increased since last year by 43
percent," Wadley said.
Also, he plans on having a
weekly segment on the
Southeastern's radio station informing people about on-campus crime, having a section in
the news paper reporting crime
stats, and a website is currently
being set u p to give students
easy access to information
about crime, prevention ideas,
and crisis hotlines.
"We're going to strive
through educating and working with the Student Senate so
that no one ends u p a victim of
sexual assalt," Wadley said.
N e w s Editor
M a r k Bilecki
Bruce Jackson
soring a Spring Queen/Spring King
compeition during SpringFest. It
will be similar to the Big M a n on
C a m p u s fundraiser held during
Blue Key President Charles Coley
spoke at the last President's Club
meeting concerning this event. H e
asked each organization to nominate a man and w o m a n as nominees
Help Wanted
for Spring Queen and Spring King.
"I think it is great that Blue Key
is starting this tradition." Laura
Mitchell, junior elementary education major, said. "I know it will go
Voting will take place in front of
the bookstore on Wedensday, April
11. Candidates with the most funds
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Press Law
The Southeastern is published as a teaching instrument lor journalism students
under the Department of Communication and Theatre on Frida\ during the school
year and biweekly during the summer, except during examinations and holidays.
Opinions expressed in The Southeastern do not necessarily represent those of the
student body, faculty, or administration. Opinions appearing in by-lined articles,
columns or letters are those of the indi\idual writer. Opinions in unsigned
editorials are those of the editorial board.
Letters to the editor must be signed, although names m a y be withheld upon request
to the editor and the adviser. A n o n y m o u s letters will not be published. Letters are
due no later than Tuesday at 5 p.m., and must include the author's address and
telephone number for verification. The editor reserves the right to edit letters for
space limitations and to comply with libel laws. Every effort will be m a d e to
preserve the integrity of the letter. Letters m a y be mailed ordeli\ ered to Fine Arts
203. Subscriptions are $10 per year. A d Rate cards are available upon request.
Sherman, TX 75090
Sports Writers
Rvan Bass
Brooke Barker
Publication Policy
Wake Dp Oh Sleeper!
Juliet Smith
raised (each dollar counts as a
will be declared Spring Queen
and Spring King.
The event will serve as a
fundraiser for both the Special
Olympics and
cancer awareness.
"I can't wait to see w h o the
winners are," Mitchell said.
Chixrch of Christ
Sports Editor
Kami Allen
C o p y Editor
Charles Colev
Christopher Bradley
Charles Coley
Todd Fischer
Elliot Asbell
N e w Tradition announces Spring Royalty
Homecoming is but one of the
several traditions Southeastern celebrates during the academic year.
Man) students revel in the arrival
of such festh ities.
SpringFest. SOSU's annual
spring competition, is one such tradition.
Blue Key, national honorary fraternit) lor college men. is spon-
M a n a g i n g Editor
K a m i Allen
Staff Writers
Charles Coley
Tara McMullin
Todd Fischer
Andrew Pagel
Carol Poore
Walk-ins Welcome
No Appointment Needed
* with c o u p o n only, m u s t present college
studentor faculty ID with haircut purchase
FRIDAY, M A R C H 30, 200
Russell Crowe claims
Best Actor in Oscars
By Michael Glover
Entertainment Writer
The Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences held its
37th annual Oscar awards on Sunday. Comic Steve Martin hosted
this year, taking the role Billie
Crystal has held for the past several years.
"Gladiator" beat out "Crouching Tiger. Hidden Dragon," "Traffic." "Chocolat." and "Erin
Brockovich" for the best-picture
award. It had 12 Oscar nominations and w o n in five of the
catergories. "Gladiator" has
grossed $187 million to date.
The best-actor award went to
Russell C r o w e for his role in
"Gladiator." while Julia Roberts
earned the best-actress Oscar for
her work in "Erin Brockovich."
"Chocolat" failed to receive
any awards, though il was nominated for five Oscars.
The Oscar Awards are usually
one of the most-watched shows
of the year on TV. second only to
the Super Bowl. However, this
year only 42.9 million viewers
watched it. a figure d o w n 79?
from last year. 55.2 million viewers tuned in to the 1998 awards.
when "Titanic" w o n best-picture
and a host of other awards.
JM g§
Jw{ (^j%^%
y iJ£ «n
Russell C rowe won best actor with his perfomance in
Billboard H o t List
On the DIKJ Screeen...
"Get Over It"
Comedy featuring: Kirsten Dunst. Ben Foster, Melissa Sagemiller.
Swoosie Kurtz, Sisqo
Running Time: 1 hour 50 minutes
Release date: March 9, 2001
Top 20
The Mexican59
Action/Adventure featuring: Brad Pitt. Julia Roberts.
Gene Hackman
Running Time: 2 hours
Release Date: March 2, 2001
List cited from Billboard Magazine
Crazy T o w n
"Thank You"
Joe featuring Mystikal
Lenny Kravitz
"Nobody Wants to be Lonely99
Ricky Martin/Christina Aguilera
Matchbox Twenty
Shaggy featuring Ricardo Ducent
Jennifer Lopez
"Put It On M e "
Ja Rule featuring Lil' M o & Vita
"Don't Tell M e "
Out on video..
"The 6th Day
Sci-Fi/Fantasy featuring: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Robert Duvall.
Michael Rapaport, Wendy Crewson
Running Time: 1 hour 45 minutes
"Its Over Now"
Release Date: March 23, 2001
"If You're Gone"
"Love Don't Cost a Thing" "It Wasn't M e "
6"All For You"
Running Time: 2 hours
Shaggy featuring Rayvon
Comedy featuring: Sigourney Weaver. Jennifer Love-Hewitt,
Gene Hackman, Ray Liotta
Destiny's Child
"I Hope You Dance•>•>
Comedy featuring: Minnie Driver, Hallie Kate Eisenberg,
Joey Lauren Adams, Kathleen Turner
Running Time: 1 hour 42 minutes
Lee A n n W o m a c k
"Ms. Jackson"
"Remember the Titans"
"South Side"
Drama featuring: Denzel Washington, Donald Faison, Kip Pardue.
Craig Kirkwood, Will Patton
M o b y featuring G w e n Stefani
Jagged Edge
Running Time: 1 hour 53 minutes
FRIDAY, M A R C H 30. 200
Savage and Lady Savage claim P O W honors
Southeastern Oklahoma State University senior pitcher Kendall Prather
has been named the Lone Star Conference North Pitcher of the Week for
baseball. He was
honored for his performance for the
week of March 18-25.2001.
Prather, a senior out of Erick, Okla..
went 2-0 this week improving his mark
to 4-2 on the season. He tossed two
complete-game shutouts as the Savages began LSC North Play.
On Tuesday in the second game of a
double-header against East Central
Univeristy (Okla.). he went the distance allow ing three hits and zero runs
while striking out eight Tigers and
walking just
two. O n Saturday's second game
againsi Northeastern State University
(Okla.). Prather tossed his second
straight shutout as he went 7.0 innings
scattering three hits, striking out six
Redmen and walking just
On the week, he pitched 14.0 innings
along zero earned runs striking out
Southeastern Oklahoma State
University senior catcher
Adrienne Stoops has been named
the Lone Star ConferenceNorth
Player of the Week for softball.
She was honored for her performance for the week of March
11-17,2001. This marks the second straight week a Lady Savage has received this award.
Stoops, a senior out of Tulsa.
Okla., hit .500 on the week going 5-for-l0 in four games for
the Lady Savages. In SOSU's
I 1 -7 win over Newman University (Kan.) on Monday. Stoop
went 4-for-4 with two runs
scored, two RBIs and one home
She was selected as the 2001
LSC North Preseason Player of
the Year.
The Lady Savages are currently 1 1-8-2 and will begin LSC
K e n d a l ! Prather
eight batters while walkingjust
The Savages, the 2000 N C A A
DII National Champions, are
currently 19-8 and are ranked
No. 10 nationally by Collegiate
Michael M u r p h y
Wildlife Writer
fishing days
tate the anglers. T h e y follow them
around jumping the waves, and doing
circles around them while they are trying to fish.
I have rode one of thease things for
hours and hours, and let m e let y o u in
on a little secret—you run out of things
to d o after about thirty minutes. After
that y o u can bet that w h a t ever y o u are
doing is m a k i n g s o m e o n e m a d .
N o w that I a m off that subject—back
to fishing. This time of year the fish are
not as aggerssive as they will be closer
to the spring, w h e n the water gains
temperature. A s the water gets w a r m e r
and w a r m e r the fish will get m o r e active and start to s p a w n . T h e fish right
n o w are cold a n d slow-moving a n d
will b e harder to catch than w h e n the
water hits about 60 degrees. Although
they are harder to catch, they are m o r e
susceptible to your ploys as an angler.
T h e fish will usually be aggresive to
slower baits such as: w o r m s and/or
slo-moving crankbaits.
A s with anything y o u try to accomplish there is somthing y o u need to
r e m e m b e r : even the best anglers have
bad days, and in all honesty there are a
lot m o r e bad days than good, and that
goes for everyone. H o w d o y o u define
a b a d d a y w h e n y o u are out o n your
favorite lake or p o n d enjoying the day,
watching the sun c o m e up, listening to
all the critters as they d o there daily
grind, fish all d a y with n o deadlines,
papers, h o m e w o r k , reading, working...
Just you a n d the fish.
That's a good day.
North play on Tuesday when the)
host the University of Central Oklahoma in a double-header at 2 p.m.
at Lady Savage Field.
Cheerleader tryouts
full speed ahead
Prepare for good
This w e e k w e are going to separate
the die-hards from the bi-monthly fishermen. A r e y o u going to b e the g u y
that only goes to fish w h e n the fish are
biting or are y o u going to be the g u y
that tells the other ones w h e n the fish
are biting.
T h e m a n with the most k n o w l e d g e
is the winner at the end of the year (just
because he has the most fish), the next
few w e e k s are m y favorite to fish for
t w o major reasons
1) This is the time of year that I d o
m y best. I a m referring to large m o n t h
and small m o u t h bass. All of the fish
that are o n m y wall have been caught
during this time of year. O k there is
only two, but one of t h e m is 91b, 3oz.
This m a y not be the biggest one that I
tell you that I have caught ,but it is the
biggest one that I can have proof of. M y
friends say that m y 23 pounder I caugh t
at Lake Fork doesn't count; because I
felt that I needed to release it because it
talked to m e and asked m e to let it go,
so I did. (I think it should count).
2) T h e other major reason I like fishing in the spring, is the water-maggots
are not out in force. T h e y are like bottle
flies, but y o u can't swat them. Each
year there are m o r e and m o r e of them,
and they multiply almost weekly as
spring progresses. If you haven't figured out w h a t l a m talking aboutitis jet
skies in any shape or form. T h e y are
inexpensive, cheaply m a d e , junk. Really, h o w m u c h fun are they? T h e thing
that ticks m e off is the fact that the
operators of these machines try to irri-
Adrienne Stoops
The Spirit Squad is
staying busy practicing
every night from 6 p.m.
in the Student Activities
The S O S U Spirit Squad and
Mascot tryouts are soon approaching. Tryouts will be held
April 21st at 8 a.m. in the
Bloomer Sullivan Gymnasium.
Scholarships are available for
cheerleaders, dancers, and mascots who make the squad. Open
practices will be held Tuesdays 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the
Student Activity Center up until April 21st.
To be eligible for a Spirit
Squad position, the member
must be a full-time student and
maintain a 2.0 G P A .
The member must maintain
sufficient merit points in accordance to the Spirit Squad
Constitution, attend pre-eamp
practices, and maintain adequate strength and weight requirements.
Throughout the year, the
squad performs at football
games, basketball games, campus events, and often makes
special appearances in the community. As a squad member,
you will be expected to practice three days a week for a
total of 10 to 12 hours per week.
attend U C A summer camp, and
represent the university at special events.
As a reward for dedication
and effort, a tuition waiver
scholarship ranging between
$350 and $500 could be issued
for each semester on the squad.
The exact amount, which is
dependant on squad size, will
be announced during April tryouts. Travel, uniforms, and a
supporting atmosphere are all
provided to squad members.
For more information, contact
the Office of Student Life in
the Student Union room 138,
or call 745-3102.
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Wednesdays 11:45-1:15 p*m, — Noon Lunch
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. Thursdays 9:00 p.m.—Vespers
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CONTACT 745-2983!
CONTACT 745-2983!