General information - Erasmus School of Law


General information - Erasmus School of Law
General information
Table of Contents
A word from the Dean
1. Rotterdam
2. Erasmus University Rotterdam
Characteristics of Education
Statistics *
Student population
Course participants
Family tree
Research Schools coordinated by Erasmus University
3. Erasmus School of Law
Teaching Methodologies
International Orientation
4. Erasmus International Programmes
Master’s level:
At postgraduate level we offer two programmes in English:
Student Services and Campus Life
International Office (LL.M. and Exchange programmes)
Study Advice
Exchange students
Commercial Law and International and Public Law Students (IEPL)
Business, Corporate and Maritime Law
Exchange Programmes (incoming)
Commercial Law and International & European Public Law
Business, Corporate and Maritime Law
Student Counselors and Psychologists
The Immigration Desk
University Library
Computer facilities
Language Courses
Sports centre
Banking facilities
Housing Cooperation Stadswonen
Baggage Lockers
University Restaurants
6. Student Life
Social Events
Erasmus International Club Rotterdam
ESN Rotterdam
General information
7. On Arrival
Student card
Residence permit
Tuberculosis check
Registering at city hall/ municipality
Application process
Documents required
Opening a Dutch bank account
Extending your residence permit
8. Living in Rotterdam
Multi-faceted Rotterdam
Attractive Rotterdam
Means of Transport
Public Transport
The OV-chipkaart
Family doctors
Pharmacy/Chemist (Apotheek)
Emergency number 112
9. Things to do in your free time
Boat tour
10. English / Dutch dictionary
11. Dutch customs and traditions
Queens Day
Clogs/wooden shoes
Liquorice (drop)
French fries and fast food
Herring (haring)
General information
A word from the Dean
Dear Student,
You have chosen Erasmus School of Law for your legal education and I am sure that you won’t regret
it. Erasmus Law School is one of the largest law faculties in the Netherlands (approximately 4000
students), located in a dynamic city and offering a selection of the best legal programmes and courses
(both for students from abroad and from the Netherlands).
In our legal education we like to stress the importance of the internationalisation of the law and the
interdisciplinary study of the law. In law and legal practice it is of the utmost importance to keep an
open mind for practical solutions, informed by knowledge from different angles. You will find that both
the international and interdisciplinary orientation, focussed on the practical solution of legal and social
problems, is the prevalent philosophy also in our LL.M. programmes. Besides this, critical thinking and
interactive discussion is part and parcel of every academic education.
As Dean of this School of Law I hope you will enjoy your stay with us and that you will be proud
afterwards to be an alumni of our School of Law.
May I express the hope that you will stay in contact with your Alma Mater, we would be very happy to
hear from you. I wish all students a very fruitful and happy stay at Erasmus School of Law and a
successful career afterwards.
Yours truly,
Maarten Kroeze,
Dean, Erasmus School of Law
General information
1. Rotterdam
Given its unique, central location, Rotterdam has developed into one of the largest commercial ports in
the world. It is a centre for trade, industry and services. Many international companies like Shell and
Unilever have their headquarters and their branches in Rotterdam. Rotterdam also houses several of
the most prestigious law firms in the world.
Rotterdam is an international city par excellence. The city has several theatres, cinemas and annual
festivals. Film fans can enjoy the International Film Festival and, during the summer carnival,
Rotterdam becomes a tropical city! Events like the Dunya festival and the World Harbour Days further
intensify the city’s liveliness. Rotterdam as an active city: The Dutch love to ride bicycles. There are
cycling paths throughout the city. These paths are also used for inline skating. A completely new way
of getting to know the city!
During the ride through the city you will discover the nightlife Rotterdam offers. A wide selection of
cafés and restaurants with a variety of international cuisine is just run of the mill here. There are dance
clubs galore where one can dance deep into the night. And as a university city, there are a number of
cafés catering especially to students. Students from all continents come to these cafes for a drink and
a chat. This city knows no dearth of entertainment. Art lovers know Rotterdam for its museums like
Boymans van Beuningen and de Kunsthal. Their impressive collections of both traditional and modern
art are world famous.
For those who love modern architecture, Rotterdam has everything to offer, including the striking cube
houses, the Weena area - with the modern headquarters of an international insurance company - and
the Rotterdam library. After enjoying the museums, you can stroll through the Museumpark.
The Hague can be reached within 20 minutes by train. It hosts the
International Court of Justice, the International Criminal Tribunal for the
Former Yugoslavia, the Permanent Court of Arbitration, the Iran-U.S.
Claims Tribunal, the Hague Conference of Private International Law and
the Organisation for the Prohibition on Chemical Weapons, as well as
being a centre of International Law studies. The Peace Palace Library is
renowned the world over for its comprehensive collection of writings on
International Law and related topics. Finally, The Hague is the seat of the
permanent International Criminal Court.
Peace Palace – The Hague
General information
Brussels is just some 180 km to the south of Rotterdam. The European Commission and the council of
Ministers, both, have their seat in Brussels. Indeed, it is in Brussels where all initiatives for new
European policies are developed and where the decision-making of the European Union takes place.
Luxembourg is situated just 400 km from Rotterdam. Luxembourg is home to the Court of Justice, the
Court of Auditors, the Secretariat of the European Parliament, and the European Investment bank.
Studying Law in the Netherlands will put you in the centre of the International Law arena. If you want
to see more of Europe; London, Berlin and Paris are within a few hours reach. Europe is yours!
General information
2. Erasmus University Rotterdam
In 1913, a group of Rotterdam businessmen set up a School of Commerce in Rotterdam. Twenty-five
years later it was succeeded by the School of Economics, which acquired international status on the
home ground of the Nobel Prize winning economist Tinbergen. In 1973, the School of Economics
became Erasmus University Rotterdam, together with the Rotterdam School of Medicine, the School
of Law - which dates from 1963 - and several other Schools.
“The world is my home”
This is a famous quote attributed to the name giver of our university,
Desiderius Erasmus (1469 – 1536), an intellectual who was
philosopher, theologian and humanist and a true cosmopolitan at
Nowadays, Erasmus University Rotterdam has a worldwide
reputation of being an innovative, businesslike, practical and
internationally oriented University. Erasmus University Rotterdam
serves as a hub for academic expertise and experience. The
research and teaching extend to areas such as law, management,
economics, medicine, philosophy, social sciences, history and arts,
Desiderius Erasmus (1469-1536)
business administration. Students can take both undergraduate and
graduate courses. The international reputation of Erasmus
University Rotterdam as a practical and businesslike university also attracts students from all over the
world. These students take either undergraduate or graduate courses, for instance, at the Rotterdam
School of Management and the Erasmus School of Law. All these courses for international students
are conducted in English. The culture of the university is open and personal. It is especially easy for
international students to make contact with others!
Erasmus University Rotterdam is consistently ranked amongst the top 100 leading universities
worldwide by publications such as the Times Higher Education Supplement (THES). The THES 2006
ranking shows that Dutch universities are very international and popular with employers. Unique is the
fact that Erasmus University Rotterdam is the leading non-Anglophone university in the world of
citations, gaining this position by well-cited medical publishing. Finally, our business school, RSM
Erasmus University, is widely recognised as a top business school by publications such as Financial
Times, Wall Street Journal, Business Week and The Economist and as the no. 1 business school in
the Netherlands.
General information
To cultivate talent and produce knowledge at the academic level to benefit mankind, business and
society, internationally, nationally and regionally.
Characteristics of Education
Practice-oriented and problem solving
Multidisciplinary and businesslike approach
Based on up-to-date expert knowledge
International scope
Social relevance
Virtual learning environment
Statistics *
No. of students**
No. of annual graduations (degrees)
No. of students with a foreign passport
No. of PhD-theses
No. of PhD-students
No. of faculty and support staff
Turnover 2007
M€ 499
* based on the annual report 2007
** EUR database (reference date 1 October 2007)
Student population
The EUR has 19,781 students.
Distribution by faculty
Erasmus University
Erasmus School of Economics
Erasmus School of Law
Erasmus MC (Medicine and BMG)
Faculty of Social Sciences
Faculty of History and Arts
Rotterdam School of Management,
General information
Faculty of Philosophy
No. of annual graduations (degrees)
Total number of international students: 2,928 (June, 2008)
• International Bachelor students:
• International Master students:
• International doctoral and post-doctoral students:
• International students registered for other ducational forms (including exchange programmes
, BA programmes etc):
Course participants
Approximately 5000 people attend courses each year:
short-term courses
post-experience training courses
non-initial and post-initial programmes
in-company training sessions
Family tree
1913 Netherlands School of Commerce
1939 Netherlands School of Economics
1950 Foundation of Higher Clinical Education
1966 Medical Faculty Rotterdam
1973 Erasmus University Rotterdam
2003 Erasmus Medical Centre
Research Schools coordinated by Erasmus University
Tinbergen Institute (Economics)
Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM)
Netherlands Institute for Health Science (NIHES)
Postgraduate School Molecular Medicine (MM)
Cardiovascular Research School EUR (COEUR)
Research School Safety and Security in Society
Netherlands Institute of Government (NIG)
General information
3. Erasmus School of Law
The Erasmus School of Law dates from 1963. It became an integral part of the university in 1973. One
of the striking characteristics is its interdisciplinary emphasis and its business and international
orientation. The aim is to make students aware of the way in which the law functions within a socioeconomic context.
To achieve this, the Erasmus School of Law has
students into contact with the social sciences,
economics and management as a part of their law
studies. In this way, law graduates who study at
Erasmus University Rotterdam do not only have
legal knowledge, but also the social and economic
successfully as professionals in contemporary society.
Erasmus School of Law – L-building
The Erasmus School of Law is organised into four main departments: Jurisprudence and Social
Sciences, Private Law, Public Law and Tax Law. Each of these departments contains a number of
Teaching Methodologies
The Erasmus School of Law uses many different teaching methodologies such as lectures, seminars,
essay/paper, coursework and (interim) examinations. By creating an interactive learning environment,
especially during the seminars, students are required to actively participate in class discussions and
use creative thinking. This education system is favourable for international students since it is
interactive and focuses on teamwork, which makes it easy to meet other students and staff.
International Orientation
The teaching staff consists of professors with a strong international orientation. Due to their
professional and educational experiences around the world, the teaching staff at the Erasmus School
of Law has first hand knowledge on their area of expertise. Students come to the Erasmus School of
Law from Africa, North and South America, Asia and Europe. Because more than 30 nationalities
participate in the Erasmus LL.M. Programmes every year, you will attend class with students from
many different legal cultures. We offer a high quality educational experience and welcome the
contribution made by the diverse backgrounds and perspectives.
General information
The international orientation of the Erasmus School of Law is also expressed in the participation in
more than 70 cooperation agreements with many well-known and reputable universities, such as:
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
York University, Canada
Northeastern University, U.S.A.
ITAM, Mexico
National University of Singapore
Beijing University, China
Furthermore, we participate in 2 international networks: The Rotterdam Law Network, founded in 1996
by our School of Law. This network consists of 27 European Law Schools and meets once a year. The
other network is the EACLE network, consisting of 4 American Universities and 4 European
General information
4. Erasmus International Programmes
At undergraduate level, students are welcome to enter the Erasmus School of Law as an exchange
student on one of the exchange agreements we have.
For graduates the School of Law offers eleven Master programmes of which four are taught in English.
Master’s level:
Commercial and Company Law/Bedrijfsrecht, specialisation Commercial Law*
Master of Laws/Rechtsgeleerdheid, specialisation International and European Public Law*
(* The name of the specialization will be recorded on the transcript)
At postgraduate level we offer two programmes in English:
Business, Corporate and Maritime Law
European Master in Law and Economics (EMLE).
EMLE is a cooperative programme of ten partner universities in Europe. For more information please
visit the website:
General information
Student Services and Campus Life
International Office (LL.M. and Exchange programmes)
The International Office acts as a link between the academic staff, the university’s administrative
services and the exchange and degree students.
In order to make you feel right at home, the Erasmus School of Law organises an introduction week,
introducing you to the campus, faculty, staff and each other.
The International Office is situated on the fifth floor of the Law (L)-building. Office hours for students
are from 13:00-14:00 hrs, Mondays to Fridays. During these hours, the staff will gladly assist you with
questions. For more complicated questions, you are requested to make an appointment. Staff can also
be reached by phone and e-mail between 9:00-17:00 hrs.
We will do all we can to help you settle in to life in Rotterdam and the Erasmus University Rotterdam.
You could say that the International Office at the Erasmus School of Law is your home base in the
Study Advice
When you need advice on practical matters you can always contact the international office (room
L5-040 for exchange students, room L5-037 for degree students). However, if you need advice on
your studies, students should not always contact the international office, please see below about
whom to contact:
Exchange students
For learning agreements and other questions about your exchange studies, you can turn to the
International Office (exchange) staff (L5-040).
Commercial Law and International and Public Law Students (IEPL)
For study-related questions, students from the Commercial Law and International and European
Public Law programme can turn to one of the study advisors. They can give you information on
planning of your studies, study progress, the programme etc. (L5-026, L5-030, L5-034)
Business, Corporate and Maritime Law
Students can turn to the LL.M. staff if they have any study-related questions. When necessary, the
LL.M. staff will refer you to other relevant staff (L5-037)
General information
Exchange Programmes (incoming)
Addie van Dijk, Eddie van Roon
Room: L5-040
Phone: + 31 10 408 2658
Fax: + 31 10 408 9175
Commercial Law and International & European Public Law
Mrs. Dubbeldam, LL.M., Mrs. Erkel, LL.M, Mr. Van Meijgaarden, LL.M.
Room: L5-026, L5-030, L5-034
Phone: + 31 10-408 1561
Office hours: by phone Mon-Thu 10-11 and Tue and Thu 14–15.
Walk-in hours: Mon and Wed 11-12, Tue and Thu 15 –16.
Business, Corporate and Maritime Law
André van der Schee, Mariska Boshoven
Room: L5-037
Phone: + 31 10 408 9764
Fax: + 31 10 408 9175
Affairs of Academic content
Wicher Schreuders
Room: L5-103
Phone: +31 10 408 1606
General information
Student Counselors and Psychologists
The university offers students various kinds of advice and counseling. The student counselors offers
advice, assistance and information to students on personal matters, practical subjects, along with
problems relating to studies (e.g. study methods). This usually takes place in the form of personal
Student counselors discuss students’ concerns in confidential interviews and help them find solutions.
For an appointment with one of the student counselors, please contact the ESSC, phone: 0104082323 or drop by in room CB-07.
Furthermore, the university offers the help of student psychologists to solve problems that get in the
way of their studies. There is a danger that personal problems and poor study results could reinforce
each other. If you are experiencing any kind of problem (e.g. fear of taking examinations, social
problems, lack of concentration), you are advised to make an appointment with a student psychologist
at the ESSC, phone: 010-4082323 (room CB-07) or contact the staff of the International Office
You can contact a confidant or the International Office if you are object of undesired sexual
harassment or if you believe that you are discriminated. The confidant will discuss with you what
action should be taken and may refer you to other agencies. You can make an appointment with a
confidant at or contact the ESSC, phone: 010-4082323
(room CB-07).
Practical study-related questions should be directed to the study advisors. (See chapter 5, ‘Study
The Immigration Desk
The Immigration Desk is responsible for the MVV applications of the Erasmus University Rotterdam.
They will also assist you to apply for your residence permit. (Please see chapter 7 for more
Erasmus University Rotterdam aspires to be an excellent and inspiring study and work environment for
students. There are a number of facilities like bookstores, restaurants and even a bank that you can
find right here on the campus.
Erasmus University Rotterdam encourages its international students to participate in wide variety of
General information
extracurricular activities. International students can join in on activities organized by study and sports
associations, student fraternities and political/cultural student organisations.
The buildings are open Mondays to Fridays from 7:30-22:30 and on Saturday from 8:30-12:30. You
are advised to check the schedule when parking your car on University grounds.
Smoking is prohibited in all the Woudestein Buildings, except in specially designated smoking rooms.
University Library
Erasmus University Rotterdam offers extensive student facilities related to their studies, including a
large library, an information centre for foreign students and computer facilities. In the library students
can find more than 800,000 volumes and some 8,000 periodicals. There, they have access to various
external databases, online and on CD-Rom. Millions of publications are available on microfiche,
microfilm, videotape and compact disc, covering subjects on law, general economics, business
economics, management, social sciences, history and arts and philosophy.
During the course of your stay, you can use the facilities of the libraries
of Erasmus University Rotterdam. The University’s library is situated in
Building B, 1 floor. For more information on opening hours, catalogues,
databases, collections and services, please visit
The School of Law has a separate library (The Sanders Institute), with a
wide variety of books and other publications on law. The Sanders Institute is situated in Building L, 7th
Furthermore, students have access to the Peace Palace Library in The Hague. The library of the
Peace Palace has one of the world’s largest collections in the field of international law, public and
private law, and foreign national law, as well as the Grotius collection.
Computer facilities
Computer facilities for law students are much above average. The Erasmus School of Law has its own
PC Lab. All students receive an e-mail address and have access to the Internet. If help is needed, an
assistant is at hand. All these computer facilities are of course free of charge.
General information
Facilities have been established at a large number of locations on
the Woudestein Campus which make it possible to obtain access
using portable computers (laptops, notebooks, PDA's, etc.) to the
university network, EURnet. The locations at which these facilities
are offered are called "HotspOts". Use of them is possible for all
students and employees of the EUR.
An ERNA userid and password is required to obtain access to the
network. All students of the EUR have these credentials. On the transcript accompanying your student
card you can find all data necessary for using the computer facilities of the School of Law, such as an
e-mail address, an ERNA user name and password.
The School of Law has its own PC Labs that all students may use free of charge. Students can
reserve their computer time in advance by using their student cards. An assistant is on hand in the
main hall of the L-building to help you with any problems you may have using the computers.
On the digital network of the Erasmus School of Law (SIN-Online), you can find more information on
courses. You can also visit your student e-mail account via ‘My Webmail’. On the website you can enter the network by using your ERNA username and password. Please see
appendix for more information.
Blackboard is a digital learning environment used by some lecturers. On SIN-Online you can find a
Blackboard link if the lecturer uses this system for course purposes (e.g. assignments, materials). You
can also enter Blackboard via (again by submitting your ERNA username and
While using computer facilities at Erasmus University, you are expected to comply with the code of
conduct regarding computer use. For example, students are not allowed to give their unique
passwords to anyone else. Your account will be blocked if there is an indication you have done this.
Your account can be blocked for a number of violations, such as eating in the PC lab. We therefore
advise students to read all PC Lab rules carefully. You can find them on the website .
More information regarding computer facilities can be found here:
General information
The Erasmus Student Service Centre (ESSC) is the central
checkpoint and information service for all foreign students who are
studying at Erasmus University Rotterdam. If students have
questions or need help on accommodation or health care relating to their stays in Holland, they are
welcome to visit the ESSC (located at CB-07). Opening hours for students are from 09:30-17:00hrs,
Mondays to Fridays. For more information please visit their website:
Language Courses
The department of Student Affairs offers a wide range of courses, workshops, groups and training
sessions for students of the Erasmus University Rotterdam throughout the academic year. The
courses are supportive and additional to the regular studyprogramme.
Furthermore the Language and Training Centre offers courses, tests and individual feedback for
employees to improve their English skills.
The Language and Training Centre offers language courses in Chinese, Dutch, English, French,
German, Italian, Japanese and Spanish. Especially for foreign students there are different Dutch
language courses. Although you will probably attend courses and programmes in English, some
knowledge of the Dutch language will come in handy during your stay in the Netherlands. The
University Language Centre organises different language courses during the academic year, ranging
from three-week intensive dutch courses to beginners courses to dutch conversation courses.
Training skills
Besides language courses the Language and Training Centre also offers trainings to improve your
skills: Academic Writing for Bachelor and Master students, Thesis presentation and Presentation
For more information please contact the ESSC, room CB-07.
Sports centre
As an active and practical university, Erasmus University Rotterdam has an
impressive Sports Centre. The range of sports offered is extensive - more
than 30 sports can be practiced, including tennis, squash, golf, basketball,
boxing, karate, aerobics, jujitsu, fitness, athletics, swimming and football. The
sports complex also conforms to the highest standards. Students can simply
arrange to play together, or to train in the sport of their choice under expert
General information
supervision. Of course, students are also welcome to participate in competition teams and to join the
student sports clubs! For the cost of a sports card, students are free to make use of these facilities
every day of the week. For more information please visit: Sportsbuilding Woudestein, Internet:
Banking facilities
There are three cash dispensers on the Woudestein campus where you can obtain
cash using your bankcard (outside the branch's business hours as well). Two cash
dispensers are located in the corridor between the lecture rooms lobby and the
restaurant on the ground floor of the high-rise building (HB-2), next to the entrance
to the bank. At one of these dispensers it is also possible to deposit money (euro
notes) using your bankcard. The third dispenser is in the wall (next to the Postbank
cash dispenser) on the south side of building L.
Postbank Cash dispenser
In the wall on the southside of building L on the Woudestein campus is a Postbank cash dispenser.
Bank branches
The ABN-AMRO Bank has a branch at Woudestein. They offer commercial as well as private
customers a full package of financial services. The office does not have cash facilities, you can't
deposit, withdraw or change money there.
Room HB-2, telephone 0900-0024
Hours of business: Monday through Tuesday 09:00-12:30 hours.
The Selexyz Donner EUR bookstore in Woudestein's shopping street is a branch of Selexyz Donner
on the Lijnbaan in the city centre. Selexyz Donner EUR focuses mainly, but not exclusively, on the
university community. It aims to be able to supply all prescribed literature from stock during the lecture
period in which the literature in question is being used. Outside this period, prescribed literature can
often only be obtained by order. Selexyz Donner EUR supplies books to the students of the
programmes given at Woudestein. Besides the prescribed literature, Selexyz Donner EUR also has
much recent academic literature in stock.
General information
The store also has a limited selection of general books. Arrangement can be made for books in stock
at the Lijnbaan branch of Selexyz Donner to be picked up at the EUR branch. As EUR law student you
can purchase most books and readers at Selexyz Donner Bookstore, located in the basement of
Building C on the University Campus. For information of the availability and prices of literature, please
contact the Selexyz Donner Bookstore (phone: 010 4081150; e-mail:
Housing Cooperation Stadswonen
Stadswonen arranges accommodation for international students. For questions and information about
housing you can contact:
Phone: 010-8007200, fax 010 - 414 50 86 or visit the front desk of Stadswonen.
Address: Struisenburgdwarsstraat 109 in Rotterdam.
Office hours: Monday – Friday from 10.00 – 18.00 hours.
A parking card that enables free parking on the Woudestein campus is available for students. Please
note that there is a limited number of parking cards available. The vehicle must be registered in the
name of the applicant and a deposit is required.
Baggage Lockers
You can use the baggage lockers near the University library, in the ‘shopping street’ in the C Building
and in the sports building. Please note: if the lockers are not cleared by the user on time, they will
consequently be emptied after 22:30 hrs and all found items will be deposited at the central reception
desk in the C hall. Upon payment of the storage costs, the items will be returned to the rightful owner.
University Restaurants
There are a number of self-service restaurants and cafeterias serving lunch
and dinner on weekdays at relatively low prices. The School of Law has a
self-service restaurant located in Building L. There is also an espresso bar in
the Law (L)-building. At these restaurants you can pay with either your
chipknip (recommended) or cash. The chipknip is the e-purse chipcard from
Dutch banks.
Studying at Erasmus University Rotterdam is more than just studying!
General information
6. Student Life
Social Events
During your participation in the programme, you can meet fellow students at the social events
organized by the International Office. Dates of these events will be communicated to you during the
Erasmus International Club Rotterdam
The ESSC coordinates the Erasmus International Club Rotterdam (EICR), together with the
international student associations of Erasmus University Rotterdam. The aim of the EICR is to
introduce foreign guests (students, lecturers and researchers) to their Dutch colleagues in the hope of
creating long-lasting contacts. To achieve this, EICR organises a wide range of activities. EICR also
provides an electronic newsletter ("Club News") for all foreign students and staff by e-mail. For more
information please visit:
ESN Rotterdam
Erasmus Student Network Rotterdam (hereafter, ESN-Rotterdam) cooperates closely with the
International Offices of all faculties, the Director of Student Facilities, Study- and Student Associations,
and other relevant bodies within the Erasmus University Rotterdam (hereafter, EUR) to enhance the
In this framework and with this purpose, ESN-Rotterdam strives to foster friendships that will
transcend boundaries and will enlarge their professional and social network.
ESN-Rotterdam sees itself as an ambassador for our university and city, and through this we hope to
enhance the experience of each international student, when studying and living in Rotterdam. In
addition, ESN-Rotterdam wants to be a student organization that makes itself available to every
international student, minimizing the threshold to join activities and contact the board for assistance.
As this novel student organization we would contribute to this experience, through:
Integrate the international students in the society and the culture of Rotterdam, also in terms
of linguistic tools and social opportunities;
Bringing about the “Dutch Experience” through social activities;
Evaluating the exchange experiences of international students and having their evaluation
considered and appreciated by the competent institutions, in order to foster and influence the
evolution of the exchange programmes and policies;
Helping, in turn, other students to succeed in their exchange study and in overcoming the
same difficulties and challenges they experienced.
General information
For more information please visit: .
L’Association des États Généreaux des Étudiants de l’Europe or AEGEE is an international student
association with more than 250 local organisations. AEGEE-Rotterdam gives you an opportunity to
meet international and Dutch students and learn more about Rotterdam, the Netherlands and Dutch
culture at the same time. You can become a member for ashall contribution and subsequently
participate in the following activities: buddy system, parties, introduction and spring weekend, and
sororities/fraternities, cultural excursions, diners, etc. For more information you can visit AEGEE
( More information about AEGEE can be found on their website:
You can find the official Student Association of the Erasmus School of Law (Juridische
Faculteitsvereniging, JFR) in the main hall of the L-Building (next to the entrance of the restaurant).
The JFR mainly organises events for Dutch students, but also initiates events for international
students. Contact details: room LB-008, phone: 010-4081794, e-mail:, website:
ELSA is the world's largest independent law students' association. It comprises a membership in
excess of 25 000 students and recent graduates who are interested in law and have demonstrated
commitment to international issues. ELSA operates primarily through its local groups, which are
located at more than 200 universities throughout 38 countries in Europe. You can find more
information about ELSA on You can contact ELSA Rotterdam via
General information
7. On Arrival
When you have just arrived in Rotterdam, you are advised to arrange a number of formalities, such as
registration, opening a bank account, applying for a residence permit, etc. Please, read all the
information carefully and follow our advice on procedures.
Student card
You have been registered as a student at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. All students are required
to hold an Erasmus University student identification (ID) card. The student ID card allows access to
Erasmus University facilities such as libraries, computer labs, sports facilities, etc. and is required for
identification purposes during exams. Student ID cards are strictly personal and should never be used
by anyone except the student to whom it has been issued. Students must report the loss or theft of
their student ID cards to the International Office immediately. Students who are dismissed or
suspended from the School for any reason must surrender their student ID cards within 24 hours.
On the transcript accompanying your student card you can also find all data necessary for using the
computer facilities at Erasmus University Rotterdam, such as an e-mail address, an ERNA user name
and password.
Residence permit
You are obliged to obtain a residence permit if you are not a citizen of an EU/EEA country or
Switzerland and you would like to stay in the Netherlands for a period of more than three months. A
residence permit will generally be issued for a period of one year. Depending on the purpose of your
stay, the validity may be for a longer or shorter period of time.
Within three days after your arrival in the Netherlands you should report at the Erasmus Student
Service Center (ESSC) in CB-07 (main hall). You are requested to pay the fee for the residence permit
and, if applicable, the MVV. You will receive the application form for a residence permit.
Tuberculosis check
International students need to undergo a tuberculosis check if they do not have one of the following
nationalities: EU/EEA countries, Australia, Canada, Israeli, Japan, Monaco, New Zealand, South
Korea, Surinam, Swiss, the United States and Vatican City. This can only be done after your arrival in
the Netherlands and only by the Dutch Public Health Authority (GGD).
General information
Schiedamsedijk 95
3011 EN Rotterdam
tel. (010) 433 9933
Opening hours: 8.15-12.00 and 13.15-15.00 daily except Wednesdays.
Metro station Leuvehaven
tram lines 8 and 23/25.
More information:
The university will submit the application to the Immigration Department on your behalf, but you have
to fill in part of the form and sign it. Also you should hand over all required documents:
Documents required for students who arrived
Documents required for students who arrived without an
with an entry visa:
entry visa:
Copy of your MVV
A valid passport.
Copy of your passport.
A passport photo.
A passport photo.
Proof of enrollment at the university (‘Verklaring van
Proof that you can support yourself financially. For
more information see:
Receipt of payment of the handling fees
If applicable: proof that you did a tuberculosis-check
Receipt of payment of the handling fee
At the beginning of the academic year, Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) will organize several
special information sessions during which you will receive more information about completing the
application form. You are requested to bring all necessary documentation with you in order to hand
over the complete application to the responsible EUR staff.
There are separate sessions for students who arrived in the Netherlands with an MVV/entry visa, and
for those who arrived without.
You should register for attending one of the information sessions on applying for a residence permit.
For more information see:
General information
For registering for an information session, please send an email to with the following
details: date of the session you wish to attend, your name and nationality. For more information on the
residence permit see:
Please take into account that you will not have your passport in possession for a specific period of
time. You will receive a written statement declaring that you delivered your passport for the application
of your residence permit.
We would also like to remind you that you cannot travel abroad before your residence permit is issued.
Only if you have a multiple entry visa (D&C visa) you can enter the Netherlands more than once. The
IND can take 3-6 months to process your residence permit application. Usually it takes 3 months, but
take into account that it may take 6 months!
Registering at city hall/ municipality
Non-EU students must have started the application procedure for their residence permit before
registering at the municipality.
If you will be studying at Erasmus University for more than one semester you must register at the City
Hall in the area in which you are living. It is important that you do so, because you need to be
registered when you apply for an extension of your residence permit. Another reason is that some
banks, for example ABN-AMRO, require a Civil Service number when you want to open a bank
Application process
If you will be living in Rotterdam you can make an appointment with the Civil Affairs Department via The interview will take place at Erasmus University,
room CB-09 (by appointment only). If you will be living somewhere other than Rotterdam, you must
contact the local City Hall yourself to arrange your registration.
Documents required
The following documents are required to complete your registration:
Valid passport or valid identity card
Original birth certificate (authenticated or with apostille) This must not be a copy and must not
be older than six months. The certificate must be in Dutch, English, French or German. If not,
General information
you will also need to provide an official translation. It is easier to arrange this before your
arrival in the Netherlands.
In addition, legislation stamps may be required from the government of the country, which issues the
birth certificate to confirm that the document is genuine. In order to confirm what legislation you are
required to have, you must contact the Dutch Embassy or Consulate in your own country (see for details of your local Embassy or Consulate). This should be done as soon as
possible because the legislation process can sometimes take a number of months.
A fully completed application form to be downloaded at
A rental contract or declaration by the main occupant (‘verklaring van inwoning’ to be downloaded at ) or a housing permit for those who do not live in
accommodation provided by Stadswonen.
If applicable:
Marriage certificate (authenticated or with apostille)
Divorce decree(s) or death certificates (authenticated or with apostille)
The total process takes 2 weeks. You will then receive a Citizen Service Number (BSN) by mail.
Please note that some banks require this number when you open a Dutch bank account. If you
change your address you have to notify the Civil Affairs Department. For more information go to:
Opening a Dutch bank account
International students who stay here longer than 6 months can open a Dutch bank account at several
banks. You will find all kind of banks in the center of Rotterdam (location Coolsingel, tram stop 21,
metro Beurs). Some banks might require your Citizen Service Number. As the process to receive such
a number takes already 2 weeks, please note that it requires also a lot of time before you have
opened a Dutch bank account. During this process you need to have cash to come around here.
There is 1 bank where you do not need to provide a Citizen Service Number at the moment, which is
the ING bank (
Your Dutch bankcard will also have a “chipknip” function. The chipknip is
used when paying small amounts of money, for example in the university
restaurants or for parking meters. Postbank clients will receive a separate
card with a chipknip function. You can charge you card in front of the restaurant in the L-building.
General information
The ABN-AMRO has a bank shop on the university campus.
Application procedure ABN-AMRO bank
To prepare opening an account at the ABN-AMRO bank you have to fill out the Application Form
Foreign Student Account, downloadable at
After completing the form digitally you have to print it, sign it and send it by regular mail to:
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Dept of Student Affairs
Room G3-1
P.O. Box 1738
3000 DR Rotterdam
The Netherlands
Make sure that you send the form to this address in good time. Regular mail takes a while and the
Student Affairs department needs time to process the form.
To open your account you have to make an appointment with the bank. Appointments can be made
via An appointment is only possible
when the bank has received the Foreign Student Application Form approved by the university.
Required documents Resident (1st appointment at bank shop)
(You are a resident if you stay for a period of at least 6 months and have a rental contract)
Valid passport or identity card (same document as mentioned on the Application Form Foreign
Student Account)
Letter of acceptance to Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Rental agreement or proof of registration at City Hall
Required documents Non-Resident (1st appointment at bank shop)
(You are a non-resident if you stay in the Netherlands for a period shorter than 6 months or you do not
have a rental agreement)
Valid passport or identity card (same document as mentioned on the Application Form Foreign
Student Account)
Letter of acceptance to Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam
Proof of address in home country (e.g. Bank Statement or telephone bill)
General information
The bankcard will be sent to your study address. In order to activate your card and your account you
have to make a 2nd appointment with the bank to show your BSN (Burger Service Nummer = Citizen
Service Number).
Costs ABN-AMRO bank
To open account € 20,00
Quarterly bank charges € 3,75
Bank Card (worldwide) € 3,75 per 3 months
Closure account
At the end of your studies your account will be closed automatically. If you want to continue using the
account, you will have to visit the bank shop of ABN-AMRO.
For closing your account with another bank please contact the bank for the exact procedures.
Extending your residence permit
Residence permits for the purpose of study are valid for a period of up to twelve months. If your
programme of study will continue beyond the expiry date of your residence permit, you have to apply
for an extension.
Students of EUR should arrange the extension of their resident permits themselves. If you need
assistance, you can come one of the contact hours at the ESSC, or contact us by email:
For more information on extending your residence permit see:
Students are obliged to have health insurance prior to arrival in the Netherlands. It is important to be
completely insured during your stay in the Netherlands, not only for medical expenses but also for
accidents, liability, legal assistance, loss of baggage and special expenses, in order to avoid any
unpleasant surprises. Students that do not hold international insurance (students who do not require a
MVV, all other students need to have insurance before they enter the Netherlands), are advised to
apply immediately. For application of insurance, please visit our website: When you apply for a
residence permit, you must have submitted an application for international insurance.
General information
8. Living in Rotterdam
Because most students will be visiting the Netherlands for the first time, we have gathered some
information to help you on your way in the Netherlands and Rotterdam. The VVV Tourist Office will be
glad to provide you with more information on a number of topics. You can visit the Tourist Office at
Coolsingel 5, or call 010-2710120.
Multi-faceted Rotterdam
Rotterdam is different. A vibrant metropolis, whose magnificent skyline is
easy to recognize from afar, but which calls for some serious attention
and an adventurous spirit when you are actually there. Do you have an
adventurous nature or are you an adventurer?
With the largest port in Europe, Rotterdam is one of the most important
drivers of the Dutch economy. While throughput operations and industry
shift towards the sea, the city centre is blossoming as never before. This
heritage of trade has left its legacy – Rotterdam today is a multicultural
city that is home to a host of multinational and local enterprises, like
Unilever, Shell and Mittal Steel.
Attractive Rotterdam
Some four million visitors find their way to the wide variety of top attractions in Rotterdam each year.
The city offers something for everyone: those who love the hectic bustle of the city or who want to rise
up into the air or who want to look into the eyes of sharks, but also for people who are searching for
the peace and beauty of nature. One of Rotterdam’s main attractions is Diergaarde Blijdorp, the
extensive zoo that includes the impressive Oceanium, where visitors can walk through the huge shark
tunnel surrounded by sharks and giant tortoises.
Clubbing city of Holland: it is a title that Rotterdam has won for itself by the explosive growth of the
number of cafés, restaurants, clubs and discotheques over the last twenty years. Rotterdam is the
cradle of house and dance music, a fact that is clear from the very high quality of dance parties and
clubs. Famous locations for parties include club Maassilo, and the trendy in-crowd of dance
effortlessly gravitates to clubs like Off_Corso and Watt.
General information
Cultural life is vibrant in Rotterdam, which continues to surprise everyone with its new architecture,
festivals, sporting events, daring art and culture, trend-setting nightlife and increasing numbers of
unique stores. The city also has a broad selection of museums, featuring everything from modern art
to historical treasures, from architecture to photography, from historical ships to exotic animals, just
Rotterdam attracts a great deal of international interest as a city of architecture. A few square
kilometers of the city centre offers a complete overview of what the twentieth century has produced in
terms of modern architecture. Appealing examples of pre-war architecture include the Van Nelle
Factory and the Sonneveld House (see The innovative and adventurous period after the
war is expressed in structures such as the Erasmus Bridge and the Luxor Theatre.
Shops are usually open on Monday from 12:00-18:00, on Tuesday to Friday from 9:00-18:00 and on
Saturday from 10:00-17:00. In the centre of Rotterdam shops are also open from 18:00-21:00 on
Friday and on Sunday from 12:00-17:00. In other major city centres (such as Amsterdam and The
Hague) shops are also open on Sunday. All shops are closed on National Holidays. You can find
these dates in the academic calendar in the studyguide of your programme
Supermarkets are situated in every neighbourhood in Rotterdam. We have listed a few:
Bas vd Heijden Goudsesingel 19/23
Super de Boer Botersloot 19/13
Spar Witte de Withstraat 32/34
Edah Rijnwaterstraat 35
Albert Heijn Oudedijk 149
Plus De Esch Rijnwaterstraat 35
(close to campus)
There are also a few ‘Nightshops’ that are open after the usual opening hours:
De Avondwinkel Goudse Rijweg 13
Nightshop Goudsesingel 227
General information
There is an open market on Tuesday and Saturday in the city centre. On Sundays there is a also a
street market. To get there you can take the tram or metro to station Blaak. Here you can obtain
(cheap) food like fruit & vegetables, cheese and fish. A variety of other products are sold like plants,
cloths and curiosa.
Means of Transport
The best way to get around the city of Rotterdam is by bicycle. Most people in the
Netherlands have bicycles. You should not buy expensive bikes. That way, you
won't feel too much (financial) pain if they get stolen. A new bicycle will cost you
around 150-300 Euro. Most students buy second-hand bicycles. A reasonable one
will cost you between 50-100 Euro. You can find them at second-hand bicycle
shops. If a stranger offers to sell you a bicycle for less than 25 Euro, don’t buy it.
It’s probably stolen, and you will be violating the law if you take possession of it.
When you buy a bicycle, make sure that it has a good lock!
To get you started, here are some bicycle shops in Rotterdam:
Rijwielshop CS
Stationsplein 1
Mega Bike
Burg.van Walsumweg 2
All Bikes
Jonker Fransstraat 91/93
Public Transport
In the Netherlands you will find frequent services on buses and trams. Amsterdam and Rotterdam also
have metros. You can obtain a public transport map of Rotterdam at the railway station or the Tourist
Office. In order to be able to travel by bus,
tram or metro (within the Rotterdam area)
best is to buy an “OV-chipkaart” at one of
the RET service desks:
Coolsingel 141
Stationsplein Centraal Station Rotterdam
Metrostation Beurs/Churchillplein
Metrostation Zuidplein
Metrostation Spijkenisse Centrum
Metrostation Capelsebrug
General information
The OV-chipkaart
The OV-chipkaart is the new way of paying for public transport in
Rotterdam. You can credit the balance on the card in euros after
which you may travel anywhere you wish. Alternatively, you can
credit the card with a travel product such as a single ticket or a
season ticket.
There are three sorts of tickets:
A personal OV-chipkaart. You can order these from this website. Alternatively, you can also
obtain a personal OV-chipkaart from one the participating OV-companies.
An anonymous OV-chipkaart. You can purchase these at the Sales & Information points or
from ticket machines located at the station.
A ‘throw-away’ chipkaart. These are also available from the ticket machines at stations.
The OV-chipkaart is very easy to use.
Step 1: Crediting
In order to travel with an OV-chipkaart, you must first credit your card with a travel product and/or
balance. A new ‘throw-away’ card has already been credited with a balance. You can credit your OVchipkaart at the RET ServiceShop and RET Sales & Information points. You can also credit your OVchipkaart at the machines at the RET metro stations.
Step 2: Checking-in
You check-in by holding the card in front of the card-reader. It is then automatically scanned to see
whether your card has a sufficient balance or is credited with a valid travel product.
Step 3: Checking-out
To check-out at the end of your journey, hold the card again in front of the card-reader. If you travel
using your credited balance, then the travel costs are directly calculated. On those occasions when
you change from one form of transport to another (e.g., from the metro to the bus), you are required to
first check-out prior to checking in again.
With balances of less than € 0, you are not permitted to travel. When you travel using a credited
balance, a boarding charge of € 4 is deducted on check-in. At the end of your journey, your actual
travel costs will be calculated accordingly. So, if your travel costs are less than € 4, then the difference
will be credited to the card when checking-out. Once you have checked-out, the cost of your journey
will be calculated automatically.
General information
The Netherlands has a dense railway network that offers frequent service,
as well as the quickest way to travel between city centres. Regular tickets
can be obtained at the service desk in the railway station or at the ticket
machines. If you buy a ‘Voordeel-uren-kaart’ (discount hours) you will
receive 40% discount on tickets when travelling during the ‘voordeel-uren’:
Monday to Friday after 9.00 hrs, on Saturdays, Sundays and National Holidays. This card will cost you
about 55 Euro/yearly. We recommend you to inform about the best option for you at the the ticket
counter. For more information on prices and schedules you can also visit Night trains run
on the route Rotterdam-Delft-The Hague-Leiden-Schiphol Airport-Amsterdam-Utrecht and vice versa
every night, with a frequency of one train per hour.
For more information about schedules of public transportation (buses, trams, trains, metro’s) you can
call 0900-9292. You can indicate your departure and arrival address and they will give you detailed
travel information. You can also visit (in Dutch).
Family doctors
The family doctor will be the first person you should contact whenever you have any medical questions
or need help. You should make an appointment with one of the following family doctors if you need
medical treatment. If the doctor thinks you need more specialised expertise, he will refer you to a
Dr C. Jansen , Prinses Julianalaan 84
Phone: 010 452 7878
Dr. H. Haarmans, Van Bassenstraat 2
Phone: 010 4200439
Dr. T.O. Boonstra, Schieweg 12B
Phone: 010 4663357
Dr. E.M. Ketzer, Kipstraat 11
Phone: 010 4125329
Please note that in many cases you will have to pay the invoice yourself first, after which you will be
reimbursed by your insurance company. Always ask for a receipt in order to enclose with your claims
Medication prescribed by the family doctor or dentist is available from a pharmacy (apotheek). Nonprescription medication goes over the counter in drugstores (drogist).
General information
It’s a good idea to get a check-up every 6 months. If you wish to make an appointment with a dentist,
you can contact:
R. M. de Klerk, Bergweg 257 (010 467 7689)
In case of a dental emergency, call the dentist’s hotline 010-455 2155 (Please note that this number is
only for inhabitants of Rotterdam and it provides aid to those who have been here only a short period
and do not have their own dentist yet! Please also note that you have to pay up front).
If your illness requires an expert to take a look at you, the doctor will refer you to a specialist. You can
contact the hospital to make an appointment. If your situation is urgent, he or she may also refer you
to a hospital emergency room or call ahead to have you admitted. You will find that one of the
following hospitals will be near where you live.
Erasmus Medisch Centrum, 's-Gravendijkwal 230
Phone: 010 704 0704
Sint Franciscus Gasthuis, Kleiweg 500
Phone: 010 461 6161
Havenziekenhuis, Haringvliet 2
Phone: 010 404 3300
The Municipal Public Health Service, or GGD (Gemeentelijke Gezondheidsdienst), aims to provide a
good health care system that is accessible to all (you can go here for the tuberculosis test). You can
contact the following GGD office for more information:
GGD Rotterdam
Schiedamsedijk 95, 3011 EN Rotterdam
Metrostation Leuvehaven
Tramlines 8, 20 en 22
Phone: 010 - 433 99 33
Fax: 010 - 433 92 66
General information
Pharmacy/Chemist (Apotheek)
The apotheek is where you can obtain medicine on prescriptions. They also have a wide range of nonprescription drugs.
Kralingsche Apotheek, Avenue Concordia 100
Phone: 010 4136605
Spanhoff Apotheek, Goudsesingel 59
Phone: 010 4124431
Medsen Apotheek Westblaak, Westblaak 20
Phone: 010 4110370
Apotheek De Esch, Rijnwaterstraat 43
Phone: 010 4528464
Emergency number 112
In case of an emergency, call the national emergency number 112. Depending on the emergency, you
will be put through to the local police station, fire department or medical ambulance service.
General information
9. Things to do in your free time
The Netherlands and Rotterdam have a lot to offer when it comes to making use of free time. If you
are interested in tourist attractions, such as visiting the port of Rotterdam, you can visit or (Tourist Office) for more information.
The Euromast in Rotterdam, the highest lookout tower in the Netherlands, is not easily surpassed.
When it was built in 1960 in honour of the international garden festival, the Floriade, it rose 104 meters
above the city and its industrious port. During the ten years after its construction, other buildings were
built in the Netherlands, rising toward the heavens with the aim of achieving a certain status. By 1970,
the Euromast still rose higher than all the other structures. A Space Tower was set atop its mighty
shoulders, bringing the Euromast to its current impressive height of 185 meters.
All the big chains (H&M, Zara, Mango, WE etc.) are represented in Rotterdam, but also be sure to visit
shops located in the “Fashion Streets” (Beursplein, Lijnbaan, Kruiskade), “Quartier Varié” (Korte
Hoogstraat, Coolsingel, Meent, Pannekoekstraat) and the “Cultural Streets” (Lijnbaan, Oude
Binnenweg, Nieuwe Binneweg).
Diergaarde Blijdorp is one of the most popular daytime attractions in the Netherlands. Walk through
different parts of the world, seeing interesting animals that feel right at home in an approximation of
their natural habitats. An interesting feature at Diergaarde Blijdorp is the Oceanium. Feast your eyes
on your journey through this enchanting world of water, filled with ocean and coastal dwellers,
including exotic fish, puffins, playful sea otters, snakes, sharks and jellyfish. One of the highlights is
the cold domain of the imposing Emperor Penguins: the Falkland Islands!
Boat tour
At the foot of the Erasmus Bridge, Spido welcomes you to come enjoy the surprising tour along the
imposing architecture of Rotterdam. During the tour you will be able to make beautiful pictures of the
famous hotel New York and you pass by the Euromast and the picturesque Veerhaven. Meanwhile
you can enjoy the busy water traffic, sea-going and inland ships pass by.
General information
Besides this one, Spido offers also an extended harbour tour to the bustling Botlek area in the harbour
of Rotterdam. In July and August Spido provides complete day tours to the Delta Works and the
Europoort. Website:
You can also borrow book from the libraries in town. The main library is situated at:
Bibliotheek Rotterdam
Hoogstraat 110
3011 PV Rotterdam.
You can also check the largest music library in Europe:
Every Sunday at 12:00 an ecumenical service is held in the church at the Noordmolenwerf (near
Hofplein) in Rotterdam.
Christian Science Society Rotterdam, Kraaiheide 38, Rotterdam
Church of English-speaking Catholics, Sint Liduinastraat 10, Schiedam
Schiedamsevest 121
Gultepe Mosque (Camii), Erasmusstraat 135, Rotterdam
The student pastoral care team at EUR includes pastors of various denomination, who will be pleased
to talk to you about any philosophical, ethical, and personal issues you have. These talks are, of
course, strictly confidential. The pastor at EUR is K.D. van Kampen, MA. For more information please
Note: We have updated the information in this brochure. However if any of the websites or e-mail
addresses or other information proves not to be accurate any more, please contact the International
Office for assistance.
General information
10. English / Dutch dictionary
A drink (an alcoholic drink or a get together)
A beer
A soda
Red/White wine
Coffee, tea
Having a cup of tea, coffee
French fries
Chips with sateh, sauce and mayonnaise
Chips with mayonnaise, ketchup and raw onion
Have a nice meal
I would like to order …
Can I have the check/
bill please?
How much is it?
Can I help you?
Can you help me?
Where can I buy this?
That’s it
Camera security
No change
Lunch, middageten
Diner, avondeten
Rode/Witte wijn
Koffie, thee
Een bakkie doen
Patat, friet
Patatje oorlog
Patatje speciaal
Eet smakelijk
Ik wil graag...bestellen
Kan ik de rekening
Hoe duur is het?
Kan ik u helpen?
Kunt u mij helpen?
Waar kan ik dit kopen?
Dat is alles
Aanbieding, opruiming
Korting, voordeel
Gepast betalen, geen
Geen € 2,- inworp
No € 2,- coin accepted
General information
The day after tomorrow
The day before yesterday
Next week, month
Next year
Last week, month
Last year
Volgende week, maand
Volgend jaar
Vorige week, maand
Vorig jaar
Hello, hi
Good morning
Good afternoon
Good evening
Good night/Sleep well
Bye (bye-bye)
Here you are/ Here you go
Thank you
You’re welcome
What’s your name?
My name is …
How are you?
I’m fine
Where are you from?
I like you
I love you
Cute boy/girl
Girl, woman
Boy, man
Of course
Yes, please
Well done!
Not yet
Date, appointment
First floor
Second floor
Where’s the restroom?
Do not enter
Hallo, hoi
Tot ziens
Dag, doei
Alstublieft (a.u.b.)
Danku wel
Graag gedaan
Hoe heet je?
Ik heet …
Hoe gaat het?
Met mij gaat het goed
Waar kom je vandaan?
Ik vind je leuk
Ik hou van je
Lekker ding
Meisje, vrouw
Jongen, man
Goed zo!
Nog niet
Op bezoek, op visite
Begane grond
Eerste verdieping
Waar is het toilet?
Verboden toegang
General information
Straight ahead
How do I get to the ‘Coolsingel’?
Hoe kom ik op de
Enkele reis
De trein is vertraagd
One-way ticket
Round trip
The train is delayed
Get in
General information
11. Dutch customs and traditions
Queens Day
All over the world you will find typical traditions and customs. A typical custom in the Netherlands is
celebrating Queens Day.
Queens Day (Koninginnedag) is when the Dutch celebrate officially the Queens birthday. Until now
celebrated on 30 April, the Queen mother’s birthday, HRH Princess Juliana who passed away in 2004.
Our current head of state Queen Beatrix’s birthday is on 1 January, a time of year too cold for the
many outdoor festivities. On 30 April Queen Beatrix with the Royal Family will visit several towns to
celebrate Queens Day with the local population. The night before there are big festivities in Rotterdam,
The Hague (Koninginne Nach) and probably the best place to be, Amsterdam.
The tulip is a flower with a rich history and though seen as a typically Dutch flower, it originated in
Turkey/Iran. Around 1560 the first tulips bloomed in Western Europe. Around 1570 they were
introduced to the Netherlands. The tulip became very popular in renaissance gardens, and the years
1600 to 1637 saw an absolute tulip mania with exorbitant prices. You can buy the flowers in the flower
shops. The cheapest flowers are available on the centre market. Visit the Keukenhof near Leiden in
spring, see
Clogs/wooden shoes
Clogs/wooden shoes used to be worn by the poor and farmers, and
were said to strengthen the feet. Nowadays they are typically a Dutch
souvenir. People don’t wear them that much now, except on farms
perhaps. Alternatively, they are sometimes used to be hung on the
wall and filled with flowers and plants.
Liquorice (drop)
A typical Dutch candy, although there are some varieties in other European countries. The Dutch
consume 31 million kilograms yearly! It’s made of the liquorice plant, the Glycyrrhiza Glabra. In its
most pure form it’s called blokdrop, an important ingredient to the drop candy. Go to a drugstore or a
candy store to make your own selection; there are a lot of varieties. It is sold, prepacked, in small
shops and supermarkets.
General information
French fries and fast food
Another Dutch delicacy can be found everywhere in so-called snackbars. Typically in the Netherlands
is to get your French fries (patat) with mayonnaise in a pointed paper bag. The Dutch have their own
types of fast food besides the French fries, like typical meat products. The meat is deep fried. Typical
are the frikandel (a deep fried skinless minced meat sausage) and the kroket (deep fried meat ragout
covered in breadcrumbs). A smaller version of the kroket, the bitterbal, is often served with mustard as
a snack in bars and at official receptions.
Herring (haring)
Perhaps the weirdest thing to experience is eating raw herring(To be honest, not every Dutch
appreciates herring eating). One ritual pertaining to herring is Vlaggetjesdag Scheveningen in spring.
This day celebrates the arrival of the first herring (Hollandse Nieuwe). Around the end of spring and
the beginning of the summer you will see typical herring stalls here and there where the Dutch gather
to eat the herring. The raw herring is eaten with chopped onions. You hold the herring up, by the tail,
and bend back your head. Then let the raw fish slide down your throat. In some way or other it is then
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Business, Corporate and Maritime Law