Virginia Glenn and Jan Lundstrom


Virginia Glenn and Jan Lundstrom
Newsletter of the Arizona Desert Weavers and Spinners Guild, Inc.
8 4
LaVila Churruca
Vice President
Susan Clark
Vice President
In this issue ~
Refreshment Corner.............................................2
“Unblocking the Block”........................................2
Special Interest Groups........................................3
ADWSG Workshop Review................................5
Red Hat Spring Bling Show.................................6
Calendar Events...................................................8
Carol Eggers
Anita Bellinger
Diane Wilson
Helene Charles
August - May
Lt to Rt: Shelly Leichter, Anita Bellinger, Carol Eggers, Bernie Goodrich, and
Nancy Wanek showing off their Jumpstart Vest projects at March guild meeting.
Next Meeting: April 3rd at 10 AM
Northtown Community Center
2202 E. Waltann Lane
Phoenix, AZ
Guest Speaker:
Virginia Glenn and Jan Lundstrom
N-Z last names of Members to bring the foodies!
The Refreshment Corner
The ‘quilded-year’ is quickly coming full circle with another color to eat or wear. Stores are clearing out their
freezers in prep for the summer harvest. Time for the frozen blueberry sales. They’re right next to the frozen
strawberries, raspberries and pineapple smoothie make-ins. Grab a two cup bag of blueberries for dye.
You’ll need three pots: one to bring the mixture to boil, the second as a strain/transfer pot, and the third - filled
with ice water. Add eight cups of water to two cups of blueberries. Begin heating the mixture, bringing it to a
high simmer. While heating you will need to mash the berries with a potato masher. The more you mash, the
more color. Your goal is to simmer the mashed berries for 5/10 minutes to get the most intense natural color.
Now strain the mixture to remove the skins, seeds and pulp. While the dye is HOT, submerse your cotton or
muslin cloth, swishing to get and even dispersion. Once you get the color you want, transfer the dyed material to
the bucket of ice water. The ice water will set the color.
And for all of our guild members with last names beginning with N through Z, it’s your turn to bring the
refreshments. Color frosting and pudding to a beautiful blue, or perhaps crackers and blue cheese, or cream
cheese with blueberries swirled in
~ Eve
Colorado Weavers Day :
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Boulder, Colorado
For further information about Colorado Weavers Day,
the conference brochure and registration form, visit: www.
Telaraña Weavers and Spinners
Guild Hosts
“Unblocking the Block”
Registration, which includes lunch and a goodie bag is $45
before May 1; $50 after May 1.
Plan to spend Saturday, May 15th with fellow fiber enthusiasts expanding your knowledge about textiles, textile
techniques, and ideas. Make new fiber friends; enjoy your
familiar ones. Be inspired! The conference will be held at
the Glenn Miller Ballroom on the CU Campus in Boulder. Attendees will have the opportunity to see the exhibit,
“Navajo Weaving: Diamonds, Dreams, Landscapes” at the
CU Musuem of Natural History. A special reception for
attendees is scheduled for Friday, May 14th from 4:00-6:00
pm at the museum. Other events are planned on Friday as
well. Visit for more information about the exhibit.
Joanne Tallarovic of Flagstaff will speak on Wednesday,
April 14 at 7:00pm in Mesa, Arizona
Joanne will present “Unblocking the Block” How blocks
identify not only weave structure, but codes that identify
the units of each A-B-C-D block. This will be an interactive program, using graph paper and pencils. Joanne is a
nationally recognized weaver with expertise in Rep Weave
and design. Do you understand when a weaver talks about
2-block or 3-block patterns? Do you know how blocks are
used to design weave patterns? If not, this is the talk for
you! Whether you are a weaver yourself, or an admirer of
the weavings of others, this program will forever change
how you look at any weaving. We’re not that far away, so
come on out to Mesa and join us. Our meeting location is:
The morning features two keynote addresses: Ann Lane
Hedlund, “A Turning Point: When Modern Navajo Weaving Became Art”; Suzanne MacAulay, “From One End to
the Other: Weaving Across Time and Space.”
In the afternoon, HGB members will present short demonstrations on their areas of expertise. This informal learning
time will provide an opportunity to sample new ideas and
Outreach Center of the First United Methodist Church
First Avenue and Center St. Mesa. It is a free-standing
building in the southeastern corner of the parking lot. There
are entrances to the lot from all four streets:, Center, First
Avenue, Second Avenue and Sirrine. The room will be open
by 6:30.
Complex Weavers
Seminars 2010
This group’s meeting takes place
after the Guild meeting on the first
Saturday of the month until 2 or
3 p.m. Bring your wheel, spindle
and current project and lunch or be
prepared to go out to eat or fetch
lunch back to the meeting. Susan
Clark 602-495-9275 is the contact
First Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m.
Each month a different member
hosts the meeting at their home.
To attend please RSVP to
chairperson Georgian Ferrante. or 480-9483705. Directions to meeting place
will be emailed to all members.
Bring your inkle loom and yarn
to the monthly meeting. The new
Inkle Loom Interest Group will
meet right after the meeting to
brush up on inkle weaving or watch
and learn! As with Serendipitous
Saturday Spinners, bring lunch or
be prepared to go out to eat or fetch
lunch back to the meeting.
The most significant event for Complex Weavers is as close to our region
as it's been in a long time. CW Seminars, in Albuquerque, NM, July
18-21, 2010. Registration filled quickly. If you didn't get a slot, consider
putting your name on the waiting list. There are bound to be cancelations from those who are no longer able to attend. Check out the link at
Arizona Spinner now on Ravelry
Jodie Weisenberg, a member of the ADWSG, created an Arizona Spinners chat group on Ravelry. It’s a great online support group for folks to
meet others from all over Arizona. You can ask spinning related questions, post pictures of your latest project, show off your newest tools or
just plain chat with other like minded folks.
For those who have not discovered The site was created as
a knitting and crochet online community. It has now expanded to just
about every fiber related craft you can think of and there are members
from around the world. Registration is free so hop over there and take a
Latest update: local spinners are meeting at Kiwanis Park (in Tempe)
on Sunday, April 11th for a spin out. Come bring your spinning wheels
and/or spindles for some adventurous spinning, warm friendship and
pleasant weather!
Meetings begin at 10:30.
Chairperson for more information
is Sybil Yastrow
or 480-488-0523.
Fiber-related Blogs
Tartan Maker - - A really neat website to create
your stripes and being able to preveiw it!
Tilta Swift -
- Ever wanted to make your own yarn swift but don’t know how? Here’s a thrifty
way using plastic hangers!
This Month’s Program:
Virginia Glenn and Jan Lundstrom will be presenting a program on
their fiber adventures abroad.
Weave a Miniature Landscape Tapestry Workshop
at the Fibers Through Time 2010
Instructor: Rebecca Smith
sett at 8 epi, using 8/4 carpet warp or similar warp
Design and weave your own miniature landscape using
tapestry weave. This workshop presents techniques
for weaving smooth, undulating curves for portraying
a variety of landscape features.
Basic instruction for weft-faced
weaving is covered. Bring your
own landscape design or be
inspired by examples provided
by the instructor. Design, weave
and embellish a small tapestry
during the workshop. Materials
for weaving, embellishing and
hanging the tapestry are provided.
- Interesting yarn scraps, beads or other embellishments
- Landscape design ideas
Instructor Bio:
Rebecca has developed a
unique approach to weaving
by combining yarn, beads
and wire in her two decades
of weaving. She produces
tapestries, sculptures, baskets and jewelry. Her work
is exhibited in art shows
and galleries. She has been
teaching workshops since
2001. In her workshops,
Rebecca introduces students to proper technique,
and then shows them how
to creatively break the rules to achieve spontaneous
Take Home: A small tapestry
Skill level:
All levels
Materials fee: $20.00
Supply List: - Instructor provides everything, including the
loom. (Looms may be purchased
from the instructor.)
- Optional: Small pre-warped loom (4-inch wide warp
From AZ Federations website:
ADWSG Workshop Review
Our first workshop-Jumpstart Vest with Daryl Lancaster was a 2-day whirlwind leaving us all exhausted with
vests finished except for hand sewing. All of us learned more than we expected about sewing with handwovens,
sewing techniques and fitting garments to our body.
First photos are samples of Daryl Lancaster’s clothing, all with handwoven fabrics.
Our major workshop of the year with Judith MacKenzie McCuin exceeded most of our expectations. We spent
the first day spinning and improving our wheels and techniques with varied fibers. The second day we dyed our
warps and the third day we wound them on and began weaving. One of our weavers, Jan Tatum even finished
her weaving! The three days were full of fun, new information, and new friends.
These photos show some of the work we did with Judith and members of the classes. To all of the participants,
thank you for your participation and graciousness. Remember our May meeting is “workshops revisited” so
bring all your finished, or mostly finished projects from the classes.
We have an opportunity to have Melissa Weaver Dunning from Berryville, Virginia present workshops in
weaving, spinning, and/or knitting April 19-27 while she is in the valley with her husband. Please contact me if
you are interested. Information on her classes will be at the April meeting. She has classes from 1-3 days. and
we would not pay for travel. Her website has more information.
Carol Eggers
Workshop chair
Woven Baskets - Painted Papers
Questions? Contact Joyce Boyle at 520-232-1394 or or Fran Belinky at 520-825-0179 or
Joyce Boyle, Workshop Chair for the Tucson Handweavers and Spinners Guild, invites you to a wonderful
workshop at the end of April.
Woven Baskets - Painted Papers
Date: Friday afternoon, Saturday and Sunday, April 23, 24 and 25, 2010
Instructor: Jackie Abrams (link info: http://
Location: UofA Ag Module near Campbell
and Rodger
Time: 1 pm - 4 pm Friday
9 am - 4 pm Saturday and Sunday
Cost: TH&SG Members $115
Nonmembers $125
Materials Fee: $50
Level: Previous experience with basket
weaving is helpful but not required.
Explore making Baskets from Paper with
Jackie Abrams, a nationally know basket
maker, in this 2 1⁄2 day workshop. The first
afternoon we will have a ‘Painting Party’ with
Jackie guiding us in painting our own papers
while she shares with us her experiences in
color and surface design. On Saturday and
Sunday we will use our hand-painted paper
to weave a basket using traditional and contemporary basketmaking techniques. Jackie
is especially known for her exploration of the
interplay of traditional basketry with other
techniques, colors, forms, and materials.
The materials fee ($50) includes 100% cotton
heavyweight watercolor paper and painting
supplies for the ‘Painting Party’ on Friday
afternoon. We’ll will use half of our handpainted paper for the woven basket we’ll
make on Saturday and Sunday and have
enough of our painted paper left over for
another basket to make on our own.
Mon. April 12, 2010
10:00 AM- 6:00 PM
at the
Hampton Inn & Suites
14783 W. Grand Avenue
Surprise, AZ
*Wine Tasting
*Raffle drawings
*Chair Massages
*Vendor Booths with
Bling and More!
Free admission. ~ Open to the Public.
It’s All About Hattitude!
Running in conjunction with the
Red Hat Appreciation Luncheon
at Kokopelli Winery & Bistro
14719 W. Grand Ave. (Next door)
(3) Luncheon Seatings ~ Only $13/pp (tax incl.)
Call for reservations 623-556-4810
For more information
about Vendor Booths
Call 623-322-9843
Bisbee Fiber Arts Guild hosting
Fiber Festival
Please note: if you are unable to attend the Friday afternoon ‘Painting Party’ Jackie will supply you with painted
paper on Saturday for an extra fee of $20. Thus the
materials fee would then come to $70.
Maximum 10 students. Sign up deadline: March 22,
The Bisbee Fiber Arts Guild will be hosting the
Bisbee Fiber Festival on May 15th, 2010. It will
take place at the Farmer’s Market in beautiful Vista
Park in the Warren District. Hours run from 8am
until 1pm with demonstrations of weaving, spinning, knitting, dyeing with natural materials, sheep
and possibly alpaca shearing.
To register for a TH&SG Workshop, please send a check
for the full amount (not including materials fees) to the
Workshop Chair.
Please remember to include your email, phone number,
the name of the workshop and your check (made out to
TH&SG) when mailing registrations to:
Joyce Boyle
5443 N. Camino Real
Tucson AZ 85718
Vendors are welcome and may contact Holly Kemp
at <> or please visit our website
at for more information.
Melissa Davis
Christine Hunt
Gail Baker
Elaine Rowles
The Southwest’s Most Complete Yarn
Yarn, accessories, equipment& classes for:
Knitting, Weaving, Spinning, Crochet,Tatting, Basketry, Bobbin Lace, &
Sue Carneal
Hospitality/Web Site
Eve Smith
216 W. Main St, Mesa, AZ 85201
Out of area: 888.969.9276
Visit our website:
Carol Eggers
Calendar Events
• April 15-18, 2010 - Fibers Through Time 2010 , Phoenix AZ. Information available:
• May 29 - 30, 2010 - Pagosa Spring Fiber Festival, Pagosa Spring Town Park, CO. Information: http://www.
• June 5-6, 2010 - Flagstaff Wool Festival, Pioneer Museum, 2340 N. Fort Valley Rd., Flagstaff, AZ. Info:
• July 18-25, 2010 - Convergence Albuquerque 2010 - Albuquerque, New Mexico. Information available: http://www.
• October 4 - 10 - Handweavers Guild of America Celebrates Spinning and Weaving Week - http://www.weavespindye.
• October 29 - 30, 2010 - Southwest Fiber Festival - Amado, Arizona -
• July 21 - 24, 2011 - IWC - A Conference for Fiber Artists - Fort Lewis College, Durango, CO - http://www.
15th of every month
from August to May
Visit our guild’s website: http:/
First Class
c/o H. Charles
6319 E. Lowden Rd.
Cave Creek, AZ 85331

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