2015 P1 CCE Curriculum Briefing
2015 P1 CCE Curriculum Briefing
WELCOME Parents of Haig Girls’ School Quote… from Mr Heng Swee Keat “Our education system must...nurture Singapore citizens of good character, so that everyone has the moral resolve to withstand an uncertain future, and a strong sense of responsibility to contribute to the success of Singapore and the well-being of fellow Singaporeans.” Mr Heng Swee Keat, Minister for Education VISION Leaders of Character Striving for Excellence in a Vibrant School PUPILS’ CREED We, the pupils of Haig Girls’ School Believe that we can Think, learn, achieve and excel We believe that we will be Gracious, self-disciplined and responsible citizens Character & Citizenship Education Character Citizenship • • FTGP (SEL) Discipline School Support Team (SST) Counselling Special Needs Student Leadership Sexuality SPACES Road Safety Financial Assistance Scheme School Family Education First Aid Assembly • CME Value Based Storytelling • Career Guidance • Cyberwellness CE Core Events Values-in-Action Social Studies Kindness Heritage News-in-brief Internationalization Character and Citizenship Education Framework VALUES - WHAT IT MEANS TO THE PUPILS VALUES- I4 Cs WHAT IT MEANS TO US, THE PUPILS INTEGRITY oHonesty oSteadfastness oWe must make morally upright decisions & stand by them. oWe must persevere in the face of adversity. COMMITMENT oResponsibility oCustomer Focus oWe are responsible for our actions. oWe do our best to excel. CONCERN oMutual respect oCaring & Challenging Environment oWe are courteous and caring. oWe care for the school property and the environment. oWe face challenges positively. COOPERATION oTeamwork & Network oTotal Involvement oWe work as a team to achieve our goals. oWe cooperate to accomplish more. CREATIVITY oInnovation Creative & Critical Thinking oWe dare to do new things. oWe are creative & critical thinkers. SOCIAL EMOTIONAL LEARNING Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is an umbrella term that refers to students' "acquisition of skills to recognise and manage emotions, develop care and concern for others, make responsible decisions, establish positive relationships, and handle challenging situations effectively" Children equipped with social and emotional skills, anchored in sound values, will be able to demonstrate good character and citizenship Core SEL Description KEY SEL COMPETENCIES Identifying and recognising emotions Accurate self-perception Self Awareness Recognising strengths, needs and values Self-efficacy Spirituality Perspective taking Social Awareness Empathy Appreciating diversity Respect for others Impulse control and stress management Self Management Self-motivation and discipline Goal setting and organisational skills Communication, social engagement and building Relationship Management Working cooperatively Negotiation, refusal and conflict management Seeking and providing help Problem identification and situation analysis Responsible Decision Making Problem solving Evaluation and reflection Personal, moral and ethical responsibility How can you, as parents, help your children to develop social emotional skills? Self awareness: When your child brings home a graded assignment, what would you do? How can you, as parents, help your children to develop social emotional skills? Self management: When your child is angry about some issues, what could you do to help her manage her anger? How can you, as parents, help your children to develop social emotional skills? Social awareness: How can you support your child in learning how to make a difference to others? How can you, as parents, help your children to develop social emotional skills? Relationship management: What can you do to build stronger relationships with your child? How can you, as parents, help your children to develop social emotional skills? Responsible decision-making: How can you guide your child to find solutions to their own problems? FORM TEACHER GUIDANCE PERIOD (FTGP) To build positive relationships between form teachers and their pupils Objectives: to provide quality interaction time between form teachers and their pupils - done by enabling form teachers to engage in meaningful play with their pupils during Interaction to equip pupils with social and emotional competencies, a set of social and emotional learning (SEL) Pupil FTGP Journal The individual pupil journal for FTGP, “My FTGP Journal”, is a means for pupils to record their FTGP journey through their interactions with form teacher and classmates, and their Social and Emotional Learning in Primary 1 and Primary 2. The journal which also caters for parents and form teachers to pen down their thoughts and feelings where appropriate and required, will serve to encourage parents to journey together with the form teachers in guiding their children in their development of social and emotional competencies STUDENT LEADERSHIP @ Haig Girls’ School Vision Leaders of Character, Striving for Excellence in a Vibrant School Vision ‘Leaders of Character’ Lead by example Serve with humility Take initiative Work well with others Exemplify our school values and possess good social-emotional skills , creative, civic-minded and gracious Are confident and articulate, STUDENT LEADERSHIP MISSION We are committed to developing every student’s leadership potential. STUDENT LEADERSHIP PHILOSOPHY A leader in every student. 4 KEY PRINCIPLES OF STUDENT LEADERSHIP Every student has at least one opportunity to be a leader. (class-based, school-based, CCA-based) 4 KEY PRINCIPLES OF STUDENT LEADERSHIP Students from different abilities, races, religions and social background should be given opportunities to be a student leader. 4 KEY PRINCIPLES OF STUDENT LEADERSHIP Student leaders are given opportunities to develop their leadership skills through inhouse training and outdoor training in partnership with schools and collaborations with vendors. 4 KEY PRINCIPLES OF STUDENT LEADERSHIP Student leaders are given opportunities to apply their skills in projects and programmes initiated by the school or by them. STUDENT LEADERSHIP ROLES PREFECTS P6 PREFECTS P5 JUNIOR PREFECTS P4 JUNIOR PREFECTS CCA LEADERS SPORTS & GAMES PERFORMING ARTS UNIFORMED GROUPS CLUBS STUDENT LEADERSHIP ROLES OTHER LEADERS SAFETY LEADERS CE AMBASSADORS MATHS/SCIENCE FACILITATORS FITNESS LEADERS AV LEADERS FRIENDS OF SINGA ENVIRONMENT CHAMPION STUDENT LEADERSHIP SELECTION SELECTION CRITERIA: You are chosen based on the following criteria: Believes and leads in practising the school’s I4Cs: Initiative Commitment Cooperation Creativity Concern Displays high level of leadership qualities: Leads by Example Serve with Humility Takes Initiative Works well and Inspires Others STUDENT LEADERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES (P1) Class Monitress Subject Leader Group Leader Eye Care Monitress Environment Care Monitress PE Representative Class Librarian Miss Tutti Frutti How can you provide leadership opportunities at home? Singapore is our homeland, this is where we belong. We must preserve racial and religious harmony. We must uphold meritocracy and incorruptibility. No one owes Singapore a living. We must ourselves defend Singapore. We have confidence in our future. HAIG GIRLS’ CE HOPSCOTCH MODEL ‘Head’ A ‘Heart’ that cares and ‘Hands’ that serve CE Core Events Overview of CE Programme Learning Journeys “…all trips out of schools which teachers and students embark on together to extend and enrich the educational experience in understanding Singapore… not relevant to National Education only…” Overseas trips Surfnews@HGS Current Affairs Sharing and Blog C Haig Girls’ School Values In Action (VIA) VIA Framework: The Four-leaf Clover Fund-Raising Projects HGS School Advisory Committee (SAC) Fund HGS CHARITY CONCERT Donation Drives Class-based VIA • Love your classroom and school • Class duties • Practise the 3Rs (Reuse, Reduce, Recycle) • Help your friends • Role as a leader (Leadership Opportunities for all) • Peer-tutoring CCA-based VIA • Arts Connect- Performing for the community • Performing arts groups (e.g. Handbells, dance groups, Gamelan) • Charity Concert • D3T2: Discover, Develop, Dedicate Talent Time • Community Service • Red Cross • Brownies • Pupil leaders – Leadership Camp Level VIA in conjunction with IPW • • P1 –Keep the Neighbourhood Clean Books and Posters P1 - Making of a ‘Thank You’ Card for the P5 buddy • P2 – Advocates of a multi-racial society • P3 – Advocates for the conservation and promotion of heritage in Joo Chiat • P4 – Advocates of themes such as Nationhood, Globalisation, Heritage and Identity • • P5 – Science Inno-fair (Develop an item to contribute back to the community) P5 – Primary 1 Buddy Programme • • P6 – Community-based Problem Solving Project P6 – Beach Clean Up Reflections… • How have others benefited from my help? • What are the lessons that I have learnt from the NE and VIA experiences? • What did I like most about these experiences? • Given a chance, how would I change each experience? “We cannot offer our next generation any fixed formula for success, or even any set goals in life. They will face new circumstances and problems. They will need to think through and work out their own solutions. But we must equip them with the basic attitudes, values and instincts which make them Singaporeans. This is the common culture that will give them a shared perception of life, and draw them closer together as one people when confronted with serious problems. This will give them a well-founded faith in the country’s future. This is the DNA to be passed from one generation to the next.” Prime Minister , Mr Lee Hsien Loong
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