450 Radio Road, Little Egg Harbor NJ 08087
450 Radio Road, Little Egg Harbor NJ 08087
450 Radio Road, Little Egg Harbor NJ 08087 Phone: 609 296-2504 Fax: 609 296-4530 Emergency Phone: 609 857-3676 Email: info@sttheresa450.org • Web Site: sttheresa–littleeggharbor.com Catholic School: All Saints Regional Catholic School, Manahawkin, NJ - Phone: 609 597-3800 Parish Office Business Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 AM – 4:00 PM (Closed for lunch 12:00 -1:00 PM) PARISH STAFF Pastor: Rev. K. Michael Lambeth Deacon/Annulment Advocate: William Sulzmann Parish Coordinator/Assistant to the Pastor: Cathy Mazanek Director of Religious Education: Donnaann Powers Youth Minister: Nicole DeSio Bookkeeper/Online Giving Coordinator: Chris Gile Facilities Manager: Sean Johnson Sacristan: Norma Mooney Director of Parish Music: Victoria Nichols Trustees: Bill Dwyer, Sue Eggert LITURGY SCHEDULE Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,-Friday: 8:00 AM Mass Thursday: 8:00 AM Communion Service Saturday Vigil Mass: 4:00 PM Sunday Mass: 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:30 AM Holy Day Vigil Mass: 7:00 PM Holy Day Mass: 8:00 AM & 12:15 PM Reconciliation: Saturdays: 3:00 PM - 3:45 PM Or by appointment Sacrament of Baptism: First Sunday of the month at 1:00 PM Third Sunday of month during 11:30 AM Mass. Arrangements for a Baptism must be made in person at the Parish Offices at least 6 weeks in advance. Ministry to the Sick and Homebound: Please call the Parish Office to arrange for communion in the home and the sacrament of Anointing of the Sick. Call us in the event of any serious illness. Please do not wait for an emergency to call. Marriages The Sacrament of Matrimony must be arranged with the Parish a minimum of one year in advance of your planned nuptials ALL ARE WELCOME Whatever your present status in the Catholic Church, whatever your current family or marital situation, whatever your past or present religious affiliation, whatever your personal history, age, background, race or color, whatever your selfesteem, you are invited, welcomed, accepted, loved and respected at the Church of St. Theresa. AS A CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY: WE PRAY FOR OUR MILITARY: Please remember in your prayers all those members of our parish family and our friends who are currently called to active military service especially6JW&KULVWRSKHU$KOHPH\HU$:27D\ORU WE PRAY FOR OUR SICK: Please remember in your prayers all those members of our parish family and our friends who continuously suffer physically, emotionally and/or spiritually and those who tirelessly care for them. Let us especially remember those currently in need of our prayers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¶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ay the Lord protect them as they protect us. The %UHDG:LQH is offered this week in loving memory of 0LOOLH/DZWRQrequested by Donna and Brianna Powers. The 6DQFWXDU\/LJKW is offered this week in loving memory of .HYLQ0RRQH\ requested by Mom and Dad. WE PRAY FOR VOCATIONS: God our Father, You made each of us to use our gifts in the Body of Christ. We ask that You inspire young people whom You call to priesthood and consecrated life to courageously follow Your will. Send workers into Your great harvest so that the Gospel is preached, the poor are served with love, the suffering are comforted, and Your people are strengthened by the sacraments. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. WE PRAY FOR OUR RECENTLY DECEASED: We extend our prayers and sympathy to the family and friends of %DUEDUD&DUXVRDQG5REHUW*LEVRQ May they find eternal rest in peacewith God our Father. 1 OUR MASSES FOR THIS WEEK OUR MASSES FOR THIS WEEKEND SATURDAY – -DQXDU\ 4:00PM – Catherine Kozzi/Marjorie Annette Margaret Mawson/Bob & Christie MONDAY-DQXDU\ 8:00AM – Albanese Family/Jane Innocenti Gibble TUESDAY – -DQXDU\ Gene Giustozzi/Wife, Alice Ronald Davis/Mr. & Mrs. Louis DeTitta Francis Carozza/Linda & Jim DiGiulio 8:00AM – Jim Carbin/ Deacon Bill Robert DeFrance/Wife. Gwen Sr. Trinita Solnek(L)/Pat & Peggy Madison Judy Hazel S. Fernandez/Cy & Cora Fernandez & Family SUNDAY – -DQXDU\ 7:30AM – William Glaven/Tim & Kim Coyle Oliver Clooney for his Good Health/ Family The People of the Parish WEDNESDAY – -DQXDU\ 8:00AM – Edward Baulis/Wife, Dolores & Children Joseph Maida/Daughter, Josephine Frank DiBiase/Consolation Apostlate THURSDAY- -DQXDU\ 8:00AM – Communion Service 9:00AM – Sebastian Panza/Phil & Millie Cross Lucy Grimm/Deacon Bill Patrick Flaherty(L)/Grandmom & Grandpop Lynn Marie Smith Leo/Betty Donnely FRIDAY – -DQXDU\ 8:00AM – Carol Ann Sasin/Mom & Dad Wanda Zibowich/Daughter, Joan Nicolena Lifavi/Carl & Gladys Salva 11:30AM - Helen & Ed Hurley/Daughter, Diane Raymond J. Schwakoff/Friends at SATURDAY – -DQXDU\ Holiday Island 4:00PM – Louise Giuffra/ Consolation Apostolate Nicholas Frodelly/Nancy & Tony Frodelly Margaret Mawson/Anthony & Judy Meduri Norman Greig/Hector & Faye Dorothy Whaley/Daughter, Maureen Louis DeLuca/Mr. & Mrs. Edward Meinsen and Maryann James Vitt/Michell & John Burns & Family George Gibney/Henry & Iris Gibney SUNDAY – -DQXDU\ 7:30AM – Elizabeth Cross/Phil & Millie Cross Jerry Laudato/Marilyn Laudato Nicolena Lifava/Frank & Barbara Davide COLLECTION ENVELOPES 9:00AM –Madeline Fitzgerald/Karen Piche Lois Schroeder/Margaret & Michael Caronia Gary Papa/Roy & Florence Floden Mary Ellen Lupton/Jeanette & Paul O’Rourke If you were unable to pick up your envelopes at Church the last few weekends, you may pick them up at the Parish Office on Mondays or Tuesdays or we can mail them to you. ,I\RXKDYHDQ\TXHVWLRQVSOHDVHFDOO0D]LHDWWKH 3DULVK2IILFHDW([W7KDQNVIRU\RXU FRRSHUDWLRQ 11:30AM – Dr. Frank Esposito/Wife Virginia Valerie Schatz/Mary Jo Fotopoulos Msgr. Ron Amandolare/Bob & Annette Moran Carmen Diaz/Garbaravage Family Helen Campoli/Mr. & Mrs. John Gilmour Muriel & Ed Downey/Seeger Family 2015 CHURCH CALENDARS Our 2015 Church calendars are located in the Kiosk, by the Bulletin Board by the Daily Chapel or at the Parish Office. Please feel free to take as many as you need. 2 BREAKING OPEN THE WORD (SLSKDQ\RIWKH/RUG -DQXDU\ 6DWXUGD\-DQXDU\±300DVV 5($'(560DXUHHQ0DOVEXU\$QQD+DUWPDQQ $/7$56(59(56.HQOH\3LYROD/LEHUW\3LYROD 6DPDQWKD$FTXDYLYD (;75$25',1$5<0,1,67(562)+2/< &20081,210DULO\Q:LQWHUEHUJ3DWULFLD2¶+DUD -DQH,QQRFHQWL-RKQ.HUQ0DU\%HDQ/DXULH :HLVORJHO0DXUHHQ6H[WRQ&DURO2ZHQV%DUEDUD 5DJXVD0D]LH:RRG 6XQGD\-DQXDU\±$00DVV 5($'(56)UDQN'DYLGHERWKUHDGLQJV $/7$56(59(565DFKHO9LWDOH3DWULFLD*HLJHU (;75$25&20081,21-RKQ7DDIIH5RVH)DLVV 3DW&DUDEHOOHVH3DWULFLD6KHSKHUG-RDQQH&RVXOLFK -RKQ0LQQHOOD 6XQGD\-DQXDU\±$00DVV 5($'(56-DQLFH%HQQHW9LQFHQW3RLVHOOD $/7$56(59(56'DQLHOOH.HQQ\*UDFH.OHPHQWV (;75$25',1$5<0,1,67(562)+2/< &20081,21,UHQH=DUQRZVNL3DWULFLD0XVWR -DQHW3DVFDYLWFK-RH$X&RLQ7RGG/XQG3HJJ\ 0DGLVRQ-RKQ6XOOLYDQ%LOO4XLQQ.DWK\%DUQHPDQ 6XH(JJHUW 6XQGD\-DQXDU\±$00DVV 5($'(565REHUW0RUDQ6XVDQ0F(ZDQ $/7$56(59(56(ULFK6HHJHU-DFRE6HHJHU 3KLOLSS6HHJHU (;75$25',1$5<0,1,67(562)+2/< &20081,21(VWKHU%HUGLQL0DU\0RGOLQ0DU\ 5HLFKQHU5RVHPDU\*HQDX6XH/HKPDQ'LDQH &UHJDQ.D\'ROFK$PDQGD$OOLNPDD7HUU\:DOVK 5REHUW0DQIUHGR First Reading: Isaiah 60:1-6 Isaiah speaks poetically of the coming of the Lord. He Describes how “darkness covers the earth” but light and glory appear over God’s chosen people. Second Reading: Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6 Paul tells the Ephesians that the Jews and Gentiles are now co-heirs of the promises God has made. He explains that both groups are now members of one body through Jesus Christ. . Gospel: Matthew 2:1-12 After Jesus’ birth, three astrologers from the east came to Jerusalem and inquired about the newborn king of the Jews. King Herod became greatly angered, and asked the astrologers to bring him more information about the child once they had found him, so that he too could pay homage to the infant. However, Herod’s true plan was to kill Jesus. The wise men were warned in a dream not to return to him and they took a different route to return home. &RQVLGHU5HIOHFW As the astrologers returned to their place, changed by the Christ event, we too should reflect on the change which has taken place for us. Perhaps we travelled and visited, or others did us the favor. The light of Christ, perhaps has dimmed as we said goodbye and return to normal. Maybe there was some sadness too during the days of Christmas joy, the absence of a loved one, or family member, because of death or sickness. The prophet Isaiah reminds us of the light, the radiance, ‘raise your eyes and look about.’ The darkness of world and personal problems cannot take away the brilliance of the light of Christ. The magi brought their treasures, and we have been given not gold, myrrh and frankincense, but we carry within us the treasure of Christ Himself. As they opened their coffers we continue to open our hearts to receive the Christ. +RZGR,HQFRXQWHU-HVXVLQP\OLIH",QSUD\HU",Q VFULSWXUH",QRWKHUSHRSOH" In preparation for the next weekend’s liturgy, we cite the following: ALTAR ROSARY SOCIETY The Altar Rosary Society will have our next meeting on Monday, January 5, 2015 at 1:30 PM in the Faith Formation Center. -DQXDU\ %DSWLVPRIWKH/RUG All members are encouraged to attend. 5HDGLQJ,Isaiah 55:1-11 5HDGLQJ,,: 1 John 5:1-9 *RVSHO: Mark 1:7-11 3 7+,6:((.¶6&$/(1'(52)(9(176 0RQGD\-DQXDU\ Children Faith Formation Class 6:30 PM Altar Rosary Society Meeting @ 1:30 PM Faith Formation Center St. THERESA’S COUNCIL# 14615 K of C Council #14615 meets: Regular Meetings: 4th Tuesday of each month Officer’s Meetings: 2nd Tuesday of each month 7XHVGD\-DQXDU\ 50/50 Drawing @ 10:00AM-Parish Office Scriptural Rosary @ 1:30 PM Day Chapel th K of C 4 Degree Meeting @ 7:00 PM Faith Formation Center 7:00 PM in the Faith Formation Center. For detailed information on activities and planned events, please visit our website www.kofc14615.org. For information or questions on joining our council, please contact -RKQ7DDIIH# . $OOPDOHSDULVKLRQHUVRUROGHU :HGQHVGD\-DQXDU\ Scripture Sharing @ 9:00 AM Faith Formation Center 7KXUVGD\-DQXDU\ 3DULVK2IILFH&ORVHG HEALTH TIP OF THE MONTH +$1':$6+,1* )ULGD\-DQXDU\ No Parish Events Planned Washing your hands is probably your best defense against getting a cold, virus or other infectious diseases. Hand washing helps you wash away germs that you picked up from people, surfaces or from animals. 6DWXUGD\-DQXDU\ Children Faith Formation 2nd Grade Retreat 9:00 AM – 12:00 Noon Faith Formation Center 6XQGD\-DQXDU\ Children Faith Formation Classes 10:00 AM Faith Formation Center Baptism @ 1:00 PM Since germs can’t be seen, washing your hands frequently is important, especially at the following times: • Before, during and after you handle food • Before you eat • After you use the bathroom (even in your own home) • After touching animals or animal waste • Every time you cough or sneeze and cover your mouth • After changing a child’s diaper COUNSELING SERVICES +HUHDW6W7KHUHVD¶V Eleanor E. Tyler, LCSW is available to work with individuals, couples, and families here at St. Theresa Parish at our Faith Formation Center. A NJ Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Eleanor is a credentialed in-network provider for Aetna, Value Options, Medicare Provider, GHI and others as well as a sliding scale to make services affordable. She can be reached at 609-978-1899 or 609-346-4409. The best method for hand washing is to wet your hands and place liquid soap on them. Rub your hands together including your wrists, palms, back of hands, fingers and under finger nails for 20 seconds, just long enough to sing Happy Birthday, then rinse and dry your hands. If you can’t wash-sanitize your hands with gel 4 Children’s Stewardship Corner Sharing my gifts of time and talent CHILDREN’S FAITH FORMATION “I played in my room while my mom and dad talked about something.” Benjamin Martin ³/HWWKHFKLOGUHQFRPHWRPH´ Mark 10:14 Classes are offered for students in Grades Pre K–8, including preparation for First Communion & Confirmation. “I helped pick out presents for the kids who cannot afford them. Jessica Chesney Children’s Faith Formation Office hours: Sundays 8:30 am to 1:00 pm Mondays 8:30 am to 8:00 pm Tuesdays 8:30 am to 4:00 pm Wednesday 8:30 am to 4:00 pm Thursdays 8:30 am to 4:00 pm (Closed for lunch daily from 12 Noon to 1:00 PM) “I picked up the toys without being asked.” Rory Krier “I took my dog for a walk without being asked.” Vincent Ferraioli PLEASE NOTE: CLOSED Fridays & Saturdays *Additional hours may be available upon request* FOR MORE INFORMATION Call DonnaAnn Powers at 296-2504 Ext. 24 ALL SAINTS REGIONAL CATHOLIC SCHOOL Please join ALL SAINTS REGIONAL CATHOLIC SCHOOL and support Team ASRC at the AOH 9th annual POLAR PLUNGE for Catholic Education. The event is on Sunday, January 11, 2015, 1:00 pm in Long Branch, NJ at McLoone’s Pier Village. Take the plunge with our staff and families! Contact the school if you would like to support TEAM ASRC! ALL SAINTS REGIONAL CATHOLIC SCHOOL will hold their annual OPEN HOUSE on Tuesday, January 27, 2015 (snow date Tuesday, February 3, 2015). All Saints enrolls students from Preschool through 8th grade. There will be two sessions; morning session is from 9:30 am- 11:00 am and the evening session will run from 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm. Parents will have the opportunity to visit classrooms, tour the facility and learn about the school’s philosophy, curriculum and the many special programs offered. All Saints is located at 400 Doc Cramer Blvd., Manahawkin, NJ 08050. Please contact us for more information 609-597-3800 or visit our website at www.asrcs.org. ALL STUDENTS MUST REGISTER EACH YEAR IN ORDER TO ATTEND CLASSES. ATTENTION HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS STAY Strong in the Lord St. Theresa’s Active Youth Group meets every Sunday 6:00 to 8:00 PM in the Faith Formation Center Visit us on Facebook: Stay St. Theresa Parish Or email:Nicole.DeSio@sttheresa450.org All students in Grades 9 thru 12 are invited. Come see what we’re all about! 5 March for Life Bus Trip to Washington, DC St. Theresa’s Now offers Online Giving Convenient. Easy. Secure. The Knights of Columbus and St. Mary's Church invites you to join them for the "March for Life in Washington DC" Thursday, January 22, 2015. Save paper. Save time. And make your offertory gifts work harder. When you give online, your gift will be transferred conveniently and securely from your bank account or credit card directly into the Church’s account. We will pick up promptly at St. Mary’s Parking Lot in Barnegat at 7:30 AM and St. Mary of the Pines in Manahawkin at 8:00 AM. There will be a Mass before we leave at St. Mary’s in Barnegat at 7:00 AM. There is NO Charge for the bus. We will make one stop on the way down and on the way back at Cactus Willies Buffet. We will return at about 11:00 PM. Access your account anytime you like– You’re in complete control! Sign up today on our website: www.sttheresa-littleeggharbor.com or call Chris, ext. 23 at the Parish Office for instructions & how to sign up St. Theresa’s MONTHLY 50/50 Raffle! Reservations are required. Please call Frank DeSena at 609-698-0142. Tickets are on sale in the gathering space and at the doors of the Daily Chapel after Mass or at the Parish Office during office hours. Only 500 tickets are available! BOOK OF PRAYER INTENTIONS st The drawing will be held the 1 Tuesday of each month with the next drawing – -DQXDU\DW$0 DWWKH3DULVK2IILFH We have placed a book in the Gathering Space & at the entrance to the Daily Chapel for your prayer intentions. At our weekend Liturgies, we will pray for all of your intentions during the Prayers of the Faithful. Please feel free to write your Intentions at any time. Please support this new fundraiser! OUR LADY OF LOURDES Our Lady of Lourdes is available for a weekly home visit each week after the 11:30 AM Mass. She is to be returned the following Saturday. The veneration of the Virgin Mary can take many forms for your prayerful devotion to Her. Shrine information and the sign-up book are in the Gathering Space. ³7KH/LWWOH)ORZHU¶V3DWKZD\´ %ULFNVRI5HPHPEUDQFH There are still many spaces for additional bricks in the Church plaza. Buy a brick for yourself, your children, or grandchildren, or in memory of a loved one, and help support St. Theresa Church. Bricks also make great gifts for Christmas, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Baptisms, or those “KDUGWR EX\ IRU´ relatives and friends. Each brick costs $250.00 and includes engraving of 3 rows, 13 characters each. ANNULMENT ADVOCATE If you would like any information about Annulments, or have any questions, we want to help. Please call Deacon Bill, our trained annulment advocate at 609296-0701. All calls are strictly confidential. )RUPVDUHDYDLODEOHDWWKH3DULVK2IILFHRU IRUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQFDOO(YHO\QDW([W 6 FREE INCOME TAXES PREPARED Tax Aide Sites for Southern Ocean County February 2 through April 15, 2015 CHRISTMAS SHARING PROGRAM Our sincere & heartfelt thanks to all of you who bought toys, bicycles, gifts, gift cards, etc. and who contributed money this year to our Annual Christmas Sharing Program. Let me assure you that the parent’s and families were truly touched by your generosity & were most grateful. Monday-9:00 AM – 2:00 PM – WALK IN St. Mary of the Pines Parish Center 100 Bishops Lane, (off McKinley Blvd.) Manahawkin Tuesday-1:30 PM – 5:30 PM – WALK IN Village Lutheran Church 701 Western Blvd, Lanoka Harbor Wednesday-9:00 AM – 1:00 PM – WALK IN St. Theresa Faith Formation Center 450 Radio Road, Little Egg Harbor Wednesday-1:00 PM – 5:00 PM APPOINTMENTS ONLY Call 609-994-3671 Perry's Lake Club House 4 Princeton Ave., Manahawkin Thursday-9:00 AM – 2:00 PM – WALK IN St. Mary's Church-Reinbold Hall 747 West Bay Ave., Barnegat Here are the Numbers… Together we helped 157 families and provided almost 1,300 toys and gifts for 325 children. Our monetary contributions totaled almost $1,500.00, which enabled us to purchase some much-needed clothes, bills, Christmas trees, and other incidentals. Our “Extra Special Thanks” go to the following: • Fr. Mick and the Parish Staff, Ray Mazanek, Emma Mazanek, Evelyn Lavender, Ray & Maize Wood, Ginny Hagen, Jane Jaworski, Rose Faiss, Maryann Alburger, and Jane Innocenti. • Tammy Stefanick and Toys for Tots. • Rev. Martha McKee and the Church of the Holy Spirit, Tuckerton • The Mystic Shores Crafters for their handmade scarves & gloves • Members and Leaders of S.T.A.Y and Mrs. Burns 8th grade class who worked tirelessly sorting the toys: Quinton Hambly, John McKelvey, Kenny McKelvey, Amanda Allikmaa, Joe Biassi, Justin McCarthy, Kristin Sawyer, Tricia Geiger, Matt Maresca, Alissa Papernik, Erich Seeger, Eva Mancini, Joe Mancini, Tina Murray, Eric Anglero, Sara Marcincak, Nicole DeSio, and Sierra Giasullo. 3OHDVH1RWH<RXPXVWDUULYHDWOHDVWRQHKRXU EHIRUHFORVLQJWLPHWRDVVXUHWKHUHLVVXIILFLHQW WLPHWRFRPSOHWH\RXUWD[HV What to bring with you: * Copy of your 2014 Federal and New Jersey Tax returns * Your Social Security card * All W-2 Wage and Tax statements * All 1099-R Pension and Annuity statements * All 1099's for Interest, Dividends, Stocks, etc. * All Social Security Statements Form SSA1099 * All Medical Expenses including mileage * All Tax related statements (Property Tax, etc.) * Must bring check to verify Bank information for Direct Deposit of Refund or Direct Debit of Payment * PTR (blue) Book and Primary Residence Real Estate Tax Bill * Photo Identification is needed, example: Driver’s License )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQRUKRPHERXQGFOLHQWV Call 609-294-0730 :H¶UHVXUH*RGZLOOEOHVVDOORI\RXDEXQGDQWO\LQ WKH1HZ<HDU Thank You! - Cathy Mazanek, Project Coordinator 7 ST. THERESA PASTORAL COUNCIL SUGGESTION BOX LIMITED QUANTITIES STILL AVAILABLE 2 GREAT BOOKS - 2 GREAT CD’S WE SING OF OUR FAITH CD Vocalist: Rev. Mick Lambeth Piano Accompaniment: Mrs. Victoria Nichols. Fr. Mick and Vicki Nichols recorded a CD of 12 Religious Songs. Songs include: Amazing Grace, Salve Regina, Were you there, and more. By popular request, we have brought back our Suggestion Box. The Parish Pastoral Council is a group of parishioners who represent the Parish Family and who advise the Pastor as to the needs of the parish. We meet on a monthly basis and discuss issues that are facing our Parish and look for ways to resolve them. :HZDQW\RXULQSXW We have decided to place the suggestion box back in the Gathering Space for any needs or concerns you would like the council to address OR, you can email your suggestions to info@sttheresa450.org. Also, please feel free to speak to any member of our council at any time. Your suggestions will be reviewed at our monthly meetings and we hope to publish some as well as our responses in the bulletin. Thank you for your prayerful suggestions and input. We look forward to better serving you. The Pastoral Council: Steve McDonnell, Cheryl Smith, Michell Burns, Joe AuCoin, Karen Jacobs, Sue Lehman, Lou Piccolo, Esther Berdini, Janelle Brady. __________________________________________ CHRISTMAS CD We have recorded last year’s Christmas Concert and are offering it for purchase. The Concert features St. Theresa’s Choir as well as solos. The CD contains 12 songs. “IN THE EYES OF THE CHILDREN” Super storm Sandy affected so many people … including children. Kathy Ignatoski (Kathy is the daughter of Harry Woods, a parishioner of St. Theresa who lost his house in Mystic Island to the storm) has edited a book of children’s essays on how super storm Sandy impacted their lives, including how the total loss of her father’s home affected her daughter. THE PARISH COOKBOOK Our Parish cookbook is filled with great recipes all submitted by parishioners and we are very pleased with the results. All Books & CD’s: $15.00 each Books and CD’s are available at the Parish Office. Pastoral Council Suggestion Box __________________________________________ _________________________________________ All proceeds benefit the Parish of St. Theresa William J. Stanton V.F.W. Post 316 ANNUAL CLOTHING DRIVE __________________________________________ __________________________________________ Our annual winter clothing drive runs Now through March. _________________________________________ We are asking all who wish to contribute gently worn coats, jackets, blankets, comforters and other cold weather gear to help those less fortunate than ourselves. Please drop them off at the Post on Radio Road or contact John Nowak at (609) 812-9788. All donations are given to Atlantic City Rescue Mission, Sr. Jean’s Kitchen. We will be happy to pick them __________________________________________ __________________________________________ (Optional – In case we have any questions) Name_____________________________________ up should you have a large donation. Phone_____________________________________ Thank you for your help! 8 NOW OPEN BORN TO SELL NOW OPEN THE AMERICAN HERO DELICATESSEN CELL 732-791-7847 ()$%)*+'$/ 158 O A K L A N E · L I T T L E E G G H A R B O R &DUPHOD0DUFHOOLQR Realtor-Associate® NJAR Sales Agent Circle of Excellence Award 2004-2009, 2012 Specializing in USDA 100% FINANCING TO QUALIFIED BUYERS! RI¿FHFHOO Email: cmarce1770@aol.com 3DULVKLRQHU6LQFH ;<$="#<>?H!I#J<Q#' LAW FIRM RICHARD M. KITRICK ATTORNEY AT LAW A.&R. CARPET TOTAL FLOOR COVERING SERVICE Personal Injury · Wills, Living Wills · Bankruptcy Consumer Fraud · General Practice of Law Steam Cleaning & Sales 609-879-6295 609-296-7302 Credit/Debit Cards Now Accepted RichardKitrick@aol.com "3"%*030"%r-*55-&&(()"3#03/+ Lic. #11892 PLUMBING · HEATING and AIR CONDITIONING L.L.C. (609) 296-3152 Golf, Restaurant, Catering & Accommodations LUNCH & DINNER OPEN 7 DAYS (609) 296-2656 www.seaoakscc.com 99 GOLF VIEW DRIVE LITTLE EGG HARBOR 10% OFF YOUR REPAIR 26"-*5:t*/5&(3*5:t4&37*$& 609-296-4400 · JmCarCare.com &"45."*/453&&5t56$,&350/ Open 7 days a week at 11 am Lunch & Dinner Specials Daily Party & Banquet Facilities – Plan Your Holiday Party Now! Dr. Heather Crawford PODIATRIC MEDICINE & SURGERY Paving: New Construction, Remove & Replace · Ashpalt Overlays Seal Coating: Spray Applications, Brush Applications Crackfilling: Hot Pour Meeting All DOT Specs Infrared & Traditional Asphalt Repair · Line Striping: New Layout, Retrace Northeastern Pavement Technologies LLC LIC. #13VH05737200 609-812-5516 Board Certified 609-296-3533 COME VISIT US AT OUR NEW LOCATION! 125 EAST MAIN STREET · TUCKERTON ELLIS’ FAMILY EYECARE DR. J. SCOT ELLIS - Parishioner Medical & Routine Eyecare Optical Boutique · Contact Lenses · Kremmer Lasik Affiliate · Treatment of Cataracts & Glaucoma 0LOOHUV0DOO86+Z\5W6RXWK/(+1- LITTLE EGG DENTAL MOST INSURANCES ACCEPTED EMERGENCY WALK-IN CARE $80 (Reg. $265.00) (Not to be combined with any other service) Evening & Saturday Appointments Available 261 Country Club Blvd., Little Egg Harbor 609-296-2137 fax 609-296-2140 XXXDVJTJOFPOUIFHSFFODPNt-JLFVTPO'BDFCPPL 609-296-7167 15% OFF ANY COLOR SERVICE 112 GIFFORDTOWN LANE · LITTLE EGG HARBOR Bring this ad after the 4 pm Saturday Mass (must be seated by 5:30 pm) or after 11:30 am Sunday Mass (must be seated by 1 pm) and receive a 20% DISCOUNT (on food only). Will Be Donated To St. Theresa W/This Coupon. Service Repair Only. Not Combinable With Other Offers. $20 Max/Invoice. /&81"5*&/5 8&-$0.&1"$,"(& On Frame Purchase (cannot be combined with other offers) 294-8144 www.elliseyecare.com Bisque Celebrating Our 10th Year! Restaurant Twilight All Inclusive Offered Thursday, Friday & Sunday From 4:30-6:30pm Excluding Saturdays & Holidays 21st St. & Long Beach Blvd., Ship Bottom ACME SHOPPING CENTER 609-296-1313 INCLUDES: CLEANING, X-RAYS, EXAMINATION, ORAL CANCER SCREENING Located In Acme Plaza · 609-879-6456 Bring This Bulletin For 20% DISCOUNT pizzeria & italian restaurant 10% Will Be Donated To St. Theresa With This Ad !#$%' !"#$% &#%'!+"#%/ Wood Funeral Home, Inc. EDWARD T. LEGENZA (609) 296-2414 Owner/Manager · N.J. Lic. No. 3027 We Have Changed Our Name From Phil Keeney & Sons To TODD E. LEGENZA Director · N.J. Lic. No. 4425 CORINNE WHITEHEAD ® Broker ALL SHORE BOATWORKS! At Barnegat Bay ~ Parishioner Since 1991 ~ 609-296-9525 609-651-2999 <==><<=<??<<= 31 NORTH MAIN STREET MANAHAWKIN, NJ 08050 (,.%110(0+0-2(3(-2(-4 %-(2,-2%3($,(2 @@@/%B%+%QQX%/$X[#@\)/ 4PVUI(SFFO4USFFUr5VDLFSUPO Julia Matta 609.296.7534 EL RANCHO MEXICAN RESTAURANT OPEN FOR LUNCH & DINNER EVERYDAY! We Deliver 609-812-1700 mysticins@comcast.net 455 RT. 9, STE. 201, PO BOX 412, TUCKERTON, NJ 08087 240 MATHISTOWN ROAD LITTLE EGG HARBOR TOWNSHIP Nadine Feldman Licensed Mortgage Originator NMLS#588941 Phone: 609-646-5555 Mobile: 609-226-3491 nfeldman@annie-mac.com “Real People, Real Stories, Real Solutions” 1009 SOUTH MAIN STREET PLEASANTVILLE, NJ 08232 15% OFF With This Ad KEVIN CUMMINGS CONSTRUCTION LLC Home Improvement Contractor 609-709-1551 www.cummingsbuilding.com ]#$/^?Q_ ELDER LAW ATTORNEY KATHLEEN A. SHERIDAN, ESQ. Member: National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys And Academy of Special Needs Planners Christopher J. DiFrancia, Esq. (609) 296-0001 Criminal Law Personal Injury Real Estate Municipal Court Family Law Construction Disputes Wills/Estates Landlord Tenant Civil Litigation FREE HALF HOUR INITIAL CONSULTATION WITH THIS AD St. Mary’s Heritage Cemetery FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED UI%#/U%#;< V#<& · XJJZ· =[ ·< ·I%# Pre-Need Counseling ROBERT L. THOMAS, OWNER SHOP AT AMY THOMAS FORD, MANAGER HOME · SERVICE · · !"#$%'()*(+·,-,.,/0- 597-9015 BAY GARAGE DOORS Evening & Weekend Appointments Available (609) 597-8289 \/]<>H!^<V_UV#J`X#_Q# DeMarco Family Dental 296-8700 We Clean SALES · SERVICE · INSTALLATION Old Doors Repaired · Electric Openers ~ 25 Years Experience ~ SERVING ALL OF OCEAN COUNTY 609-296-6886 732-349-1221 Z<#V##/]< IJ#%j# #%<[<< NEW TUCKERTON PROFESSIONAL PLAZA !zX#J<Q# SERVICE, SALES & INSTALLATION · CARPET · UPHOLSTERY · DRAPERIES · AREA RUGS · DRYER DUCTS · AIR DUCT CLEANING & SANITIZING · CARPET STRETCHING · CARPET, FLOORING & BLIND REPAIRS Shop-At-Home or Visit Our Showroom 609-857-5600 260 E. Main St., Tuckerton, NJ BLINDS · SHUTTERS · SHADES TOP TREATMENTS · CARPET HARDWOOD · LAMINATE · CERAMIC CUSTOM BACKSPLASHES 3ODQQLQJ)RU/RQJ7HUP&DUH1XUVLQJ+RPHV DQG$VVLVWHG/LYLQJ :LOOV/LYLQJ:LOOV3RZHUVRI$WWRUQH\7UXVWV 0HGLFDLG3ODQQLQJ (VWDWH3ODQQLQJ(VWDWH$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ 5HVLGHQWLDO&RPPHUFLDO5HDO(VWDWH 609-361-8300 382 West 9th Street · Suite 6 · Ship Bottom, NJ 08008 OceanCountyElderLaw.com THOS L. SH I N N FUNERAL HOME Dedicated to improving the quality of life in the community we serve. Mark C. DeMeno, Manager, Funeral Director, N.J. Lic. No. 4554 Francis Hoyer, Funeral Director, N.J. Lic. No. 4262 (609) 597-7740 DignityMemorial.com 10 HILLIARD DRIVE · MANAHAWKIN, NJ 08050 !#$%' !"#$% &#%'!+"#%$ Newman’s Car Service !" # SONNY’S Plumbing LLC 296-5914 PARISH MEMBER 609-978-7353 297 Route 72 West · .BOBIBXLJO (Near Shoprite & Lowe’s ) ST. LIC 6713 Maxwell Funeral Home Airports are our specialty Local Rates 609-290-5799 573 Millcreek Rd. Manahawkin, NJ 08050 296-6060 597-4411 Daniel E. Maxwell, MGR Mark L. Tobie, MGR N.J. Lic. No. 4696 N.J. Lic. No. 4568 Mr.Cuts $ 7 609-294-2599 115 Mathistown Road "/:$658/COUPON '2&.6,'( &$)( %UHDNIDVW/XQFK 2)) SANDWICH SHOP DELI & GENERAL STORE FRESH SANDWICHES MADE TO ORDER All Phases of Electrical Work !" Come by Boat or Car Docking Available! 8PPE'JSFE#SJDL0WFO Pizzeria & Restaurant 609-597-8161 We Deliver 10% OFF ANY CATERING TRAY 'SFF7*1%FMJWFSZ w/orders $150+ On/Off Premise Catering 35&"45)"3#031-";" ."/")"8,*/ 888#3";;*#3*$,07&/$0. 609-879-1516 License #17279 REGIONAL ITALIAN CUISINE 609-978-9785 antoinettas.com Fine Dentistry by DAVID GAMACHE, R.PH. DDS Great Bay Plumbing (609) 597-1123 & Heating, Inc. % A S 609-296-5930 20 P 400 SOUTH MAIN STREET STRAFFORD TOWNSHIP OFF NY INGLE ROCEDURE TUCKERTON HIGH EFFICIENCY BOILERS CARWASH Open 7 Days TANKLESS WATER HEATERS Closed Mondays! %)%0<,+ +,,+-4-+ XXX(SFBU#BZ1MVNCJOHDPN Order ahead for fast pick-up! Featuring Thumann’s Cold Cuts Lunch & Dinner Open 7 Days 294-3349 424 E. Main St. (Rt. 9) Tuckerton CLOSED TUESDAY Free Can of Soda w/ Sandwich Purchase 296-7799 56788566997 Located next to '54 =5 >*#;'54 5287(78&.(5721 609-312-6782 :$' Scenic Water View on the Tuckerton Creek 338 SOUTH GREEN ST. TUCKERTON <=?`= {\I|U www.maxwellfuneralhome.com 160 Mathistown Rd. Little Egg Harbor, NJ 08087 Precious Pets Grooming Salon LLC 609-296-0583 332 EAST MAIN STREET · TUCKERTON Ocean County’s newest Assisted Living Residence RESTAURANT 609.294.4281 101 Parker Rd., Tuckerton www.paninibay.com 609-618-9249 Mike Capicotto Solar Consultant and Parishioner mikecap37@gmail.com 8JOETUBS%S-JUUMF&HH)BSCPS/+ DOLLAR $ DISCOUNT 609-597-4466 10% / OFF wd this a FKHISUHSDUHGPHDOVGDLO\ :HHNO\KRXVHNHHSLQJODXQGU\ 0HGLFDWLRQPDQDJHPHQWSHUVRQDOFDUH DVVLVWDQFHVHUYLFHVDYDLODEOH 1XUVHVRQVLWHKRXUVDGD\ 6SDFLRXVFRPPRQDUHDVLQFOXGLQJPRYLHWKHDWHU JDPHURRPSULYDWHGLQLQJURRPIRUPDOOLYLQJ URRPDQGPRUH An Assisted Living Community $%'%(%)*+,-0%*+-%+1+-+2,+-3 0$7+,672:152$'/,77/((**+$5%257:31- llc Owned & Operated By The Kontogiannis Family 45!6 7"4851 5 0 895%9: ;59( Julie Nails Spa Creative UN HOLIDAY SPECIAL 20% OFF With This Ad 8PSLr$FMM Monday-Saturday 10:00am-7:00pm 3 " % * 0 3 0" % r- * 5 5 - & & ( ( ) " 3 # 0 3 (N E X T T O 7 E L E V E N ) Touch NDER EW MANAGEMENT Men’s Monday with Marie SPRAY TANNING 609-812-0778 800 Radio Rd., Little Egg Harbor -JLF6TPO'BDFCPPL Diner & Family Restaurant 10% OFF ENTIRE CHECK Excludes Holidays & Specials W/This Ad. OPEN 7 DAYS 609-296-7227 117 EAST MAIN STREET · TUCKERTON !#$%' !"#$% &#%'!+\J%