Inspiring Young Women at the Scosh Paliament
Inspiring Young Women at the Scosh Paliament March 2015 Inspiring Young Women at the Sco sh Paliament On the 22nd of March Kirsty MacLean, Amelia Lane, Mairi MacIntosh and Michelle MacDonald travelled to Edinburgh to represent the Western Isles at the first Inspiring Young Women Conference. The chance to go to the Scottish Parliament was a great privilege and we all took full advantage of the opportunity. The Parliament building was very different and unusual: for example there were no right angles and the multi-coloured ceiling lights in the lobby were very impressive. The Parliament staff were very welcoming and there was a pleasant, friendly atmosphere. During the event we were split into groups and taken to different committee rooms where inspirational women such as Amal Pictured above: Kirsty MacLean S4, Amelia Lane S5, Mairi MacIntosh S4 and Michelle Azzudin (leader of the ‘Glasgow MacDonald S4 taking their seats in the Scottish Parliament Debating Chamber, Edinburgh. Girls’ campaign to stop deportation of asylum seekers) and Cara Henderson (Founder of Nil by Mouth anti-sectarian charity) shared their stories. This was followed by a question and answer session. We then had to think about and discuss, the barriers today’s young women face under the topics: sexism, leadership, courage and body image. We were shown a video clip of how images of woman are often photo edited before being used in the media to make them appear flawless - an unachievable goal. We then went into smaller groups with students from other schools and discussed issues relating to the video. The main ideas that came up were that the video showed how difficult it is for young girls to be comfortable in their own bodies because the ‘perfect’ image is completely unrealistic and fake. It also showed the pressure girls are under to meet these expectations. After the workshops and lunch we were taken to the Debating Chamber which was very impressive. Photos of the chamber do not do justice to the actual size of it. In the Chamber Presiding Officer Tricia Marwick, read out questions that pupils had come up with during the conference. Answering the questions were the deputy leader of Scottish Labour Kezia Dugdale MSP, leader of the Scottish Conservatives Ruth Davidson MSP, Alison McInnes MSP for the Scottish Liberal Democrats and Alison Johnstone MSP for the Scottish Green Party. The MSPs gave a lot of good advice about how to deal with the issue of inequality and that this is something we do not have to put up with. They were encouraging us to think about how we can change gender inequality right now. This country has come a long way but a lot more work has to be done to make this country 100% gender equal. We all came away from the conference a lot wiser about the issues that affect young women today and everything that was said will stay with us for years to come. Overall, it was a fantastic opportunity and definitely something to get involved with so that we can overcome gender inequality in the future. Michelle MacDonald, Amelia Lane, Mairi MacIntosh and Kirsty MacLean S5 Buddies for the New S1s On the 25th of February our S5 pupils set out on a ground-breaking visit to the local primary schools. There they met up with their Primary 7 ‘Buddies’ and began the bonding process that is designed to help the younger pupils when they move to S1. The visits were a resounding success and both sets of pupils were very positive about the experience. Iain MacPhee from S5 stated: “Going to Daliburgh School allowed me to pass on to my buddy, knowledge of transitioning from Primary School to High School. Given this opportunity my main piece of advice was not to be nervous and to ‘be yourself.’” This was echoed by Daisy Melnyczuk who said: ‘My experience at Balivanich was really enjoyable as my buddy was very talkative and friendly! It felt nice to help the new P7s feel less scared about coming to Lionacleit.’ The P7 pupils were equally positive about the experience. Floraidh Gray and Summer Harrison from Daliburgh School wrote the following: “We all felt really excited when we were told we were going to get S5 buddies from Lionacleit. We were all really nervous when we met them, but as we got to know them we didn't feel as nervous and we liked talking to them.” “They were really kind to us and they told us all about Pictured above: S5 Buddies at Daliburgh Primary getting to Lionacleit. We discussed our interests and dislikes and know the forthcoming S1 pupils, during their visit in February. talked about all the clubs in Lionacleit. We are looking forward to going into Secondary even more now because we know we have someone that we know there.” The Head Teacher of Balivanich Primary School thanked all of the S5 Buddies and commended their positive attitude to the P7 pupils who were made to feel very special. HEADLINES FROM Head Teacher Mr Miller MacDonald ‘Developing the Young Workforce’ is a report that sets out how schools, working with employers, will enable all young people to achieve their poten al. Ge ng our young people ready for work has always been a key strategy for Sgoil Lionacleit. Recently, several local employers put our S5 pupils through their paces by holding mock interviews in prepara on for when they apply for employment or for college/university places. I wish to thank all the employers that interviewed pupils and Include Us for suppor ng this event. Several Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM) ac vi es were held in Sgoil Lionacleit this term. The Engineering Club, the STEM workshops for S3 and a trip to Inverness to compete against other schools in various STEM challenges have all raised awareness of Science and Engineering in the workplace. The school was invited by the Presiding Officer to take part in the Inspiring Young Women event at the Sco sh Parliament on Monday 23 March. May I take this opportunity to thank parents, employers, members of the community and school staff who lead and accompany school trips and extra‐curricular ac vi es for pupils. Your support is much appreciated. I hope you have an enjoyable and res ul holiday but, with the SQA examina ons star ng on 28th April I would like to remind pupils in S4, S5 and S6 that to ensure the best possible grades they must devote me to study. Best wishes to all those si ng exams in the coming term. rmation ntact Info School Co acDonald r Miller M her, M nbecula Head Teac acleit, Be Sgoil Lion 5PJ Isles, HS7 rn te es , W 0 603690 Tel: 0187 gn @ it le llionac k Email sgoi .sgoilliona http://www Making the Most of Opportunities Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) is a programme for young people aged 14 to 24, run by volunteers. It helps people to develop life skills and to get involved in new, interesting and challenging (but non-competitive) activities. Sgoil Lionacleit is currently supporting ten S6 pupils that are doing their Silver award and twenty two S4 and S5 pupils working towards Bronze. There are three different types of awards in DofE: Bronze, Silver and Gold. At each level you have to do so many hours of a physical activity, volunteering , learning a new skill and a final assessed, overnight expedition. It is a really rewarding, fun activity which makes you get active and helps you develop your communication, team work and problem solving skills. If there are any adults reading this that have spare time, and would like to get involved, we would like to hear from you because we need volunteers to help with all aspects of DofE e.g. assisting with expeditions, map reading, assessing and training. You can get in touch by contacting the school at Christopher Palmer S4 Following on from her participation in the Nuffield Science Bursary Programme at Marine Scotland Science Laboratory in Aberdeen, S6 pupil Erin Warner travelled to the NECC in Birmingham to present her Sandeels project to judges at the National Science and Engineering Competition held in mid March at the Big Bang Science Show. There were over 300 competitors at the event and on the strength of her presentation Erin was advised to enter her project in the Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management’s Tomorrow’s Water Competition. This is an annual scientific event aimed at pre-university students. The competition encourages educational projects that focus on improving quality of life and/or the environment through topical water issues such as water conditions and biodiversity, water resources management, water protection and conservation, water and wastewater treatment as well as social issues related to water. Award In February of this year Erin received a runner-up award from the Donald Stewart Memorial Trust. Impressed by Erin’s many achievements, within and outwith school, the Trustees commended her not only for her academic achievements, but also for her drive to take advantage to opportunities that present themselves to her, for example, volunteering in school and the community, the Traditional Boat Building course and her participation in the Nuffield Science Bursary Programme above. Pictured above top: Rhianna Gordon, Catriona MacLeod, Curtis Ireland, Fergus MacVicar and Lee Stewart. Above Middle: Roddy Thomson and Christopher Palmer. Above lower: Diane MacVicar, Rachael MacDonald, Kirsty MacLean and Charlotte Morrison on their Duke of Edinburgh camping expedition in North Uist. CAR WASH, COFFEE AND CAKE Pictured above back row: Huge Paterson, Maddy MacMillan, Mata MacIsaac, Duncan Rossi. Front row: DJ MacMillan and Cameron MacInnes. All S3 pupils recently took part in an afternoon of STEM (Science Technology Engineering and Maths) workshops. They were challenged with solving a variety of problems related to STEM activities. Pupils took part in each task e.g. building structures from spaghetti, making steam powered boats and making a working train for a monorail. Pupils also had the chance to gain first-hand experience of computer programming S3 Skills for Work pupils thanks to Howard Manning from Qinetiq who showcased the Raspberry Pi Stephanie McPhee, Megan project that the Senior Engineering Club have been working on, some of whom MacLeod, Anna MacRae, DJ acted as STEM mentors for each of the challenges. MacMillan,Bobby MacDonald Six of the S3 pupils recently went on to represent Sgoil Lionacleit at the (pictured above); Maria Highlands and Islands regional Celebration of Engineering event, in Inverness. Steele, Sophie MacAulay Pupils presented to the judges the STEM related activities that had been taking and Laura Steele (pictured place in the school and went on to take part in the Celebration of Engineering left), hosted a car wash and challenges. The team worked to produce a steam powered boat and a train to hospitality event on 11th carry apples along a track. The pupils from Sgoil Lionacleit created the most March to raise money for successful train. Iochdar Playing Fields and St. Jerome’s Orphanage We would like to thank Deputy Head Teacher Mr K MacDonald and Mrs M MacRury for accompanying the pupils. Thanks also to Mr Howard Manning and as part of their course. It supporting staff from Qinetiq for attending the school event and supporting the was very successful and pupils. raised a total of £157.50. We would like to thank It is hoped that these activities will raise awareness of STEM subjects in school everyone who attended or and their relevance in society. helped in any way. Pupils are reminded that the STEM Club currently runs on Fridays after school. Article by the S3 pupils Any pupils from S1-6 interested in taking part or finding out more should speak Page 2 b Developing the Photography Clu Pipe Band at the Scottish Schools The Sgoil Lionacleit photography club was set up on the 8th of December 2014 and has undergone a major sort out. By the 6th January the darkroom was ready to be used by the pupils of Sgoil Lionacleit. At the moment the club has a total of nine members and we hope there will be more spaces available at a later date. The members have been working with pin-hole cameras made from biscuit tins that have a pin sized hole in the lid covered by black card. The lid is securely fitted onto the tin, the black card is then lifted and it is ready for use. A single sheet of light sensitive paper is put into May n Brendo erson, Sean Francis and the tin under safe light Pictured above: Hugh Patt conditions. Then an object is found to take a photograph of and placed in front of the pin hole. The hole is then uncovered and left for between 5 seconds and 5 minutes depending on the light conditions. SL Pipe Band (pictured above) travelled to the Scottish Schools Pipe Band Championship on Sunday 8th March in Edinburgh. It was an opportunity to compete against bands from the same age group and a chance for the newer band members to experience the buzz of a Pipe Band competition for the first time. The band finished in the top 12 in their category and the drummers were 2nd. The freestyle band comprising pipes, drums and guitars, finished 5th in their category. GAELIC UPDA TE In the future we hope to develop our own black and white films. The proceeds of a recent bakesale that raised £46, will go towards photographic equipment, photosensitive paper and cameras. The members of the club would like to thank everyone who baked and everyone who bought. Sean Francis S5, Brendon May S5, Hugh Patterson S3 Drama Air 11 Am Màirt, bha Debbie NicAoidh ann an Sgoil Lionacleit. Rinn i clasaichean dràma Gàidhlig còmhla ri sgoilearan air S1, S2 agus S3. Chòrd na clasaichean ris a h-uile duine agus abair gu robh fealla-dhà gu leòr a’ dol! Unicef Open Day: A Mile in Their Shoes. On Saturday the 18th of April Sgoil Lionacleit will host a UNICEF fundraising open day. Pupils will run, walk or hop a mile in order to raise money for this worthy cause. This will also be an opportunity for family, friends and members of the community to come along and enjoy a fun filled day and learn with Sgoil Lionacleit about the work of UNICEF in countries all over the world. There will be a selection of home baking, tea, coffee and soft drinks available throughout the day. Pupils will have a choice of dates to complete their mile if they are unable to attend on Saturday 18th April. Pictured above: Gaelic drama workshop in the theatre. Word Wizard Tha sgoilearan Lionacleit air faighinn troimhe chun iar-chuairtdheireannaich de dh’fharpais Word Wizard 2015. Tha Sophie NicDhòmhnaill (S1) ag ionnsachadh mar a litricheas i 150 facal ann an Gearmailtis agus tha Zoe Wilkie (S1) agus Catherine NicCarmaig (S1) ag ionnsachadh mar a litricheas iad 150 facal ann an Gàidhlig. Bidh an Eilidh Cameron and Joanna MacBain fharpais a’ gabhail àite ann an Oilthigh Shrath Chluaidh air 27 Am Màirt agus tha sinn uile an dòchas gun tèid gu math leotha. S1 English Pupils Telling Tales Film G Tha buidheann Film G Sgoil Lionacleit air a’ ghearr-liosta airson duaisean Film G 2015. Tha am buidheann an aghaidh trì sgoiltean eile airson duais na Gàidhllg. Tha Maryrose NicIosaig agus Georgia Nic a’ Mhaoil a’ dol a riochdachadh na sgoile aig cuirm nan duaisean ann an Glaschu. Chithear, An Gaol Dìomhair, am fiolm aig na sgoilearan air làrach-lìn Film G. Tha sinn an dòchas gun soirbhich leotha! Mad Hatters Fundraiser Wear A Hat Day will take place on Friday 27th March in aid of the charity Brain Tumour Research. The event has been arranged to raise awareness and funds for life saving research into the causes and cures for brain tumours. Pictured above are the S1s who entered stories into the 500 Words short story competition. The competition is run by BBC Radio 2 and it has thousands of entries from around the UK. The pupils are All in school are encouraged to wear a weird and very excited to enter and they all hope they will win a prize. There is also a class competition for the wacky hat on the day. Base your hat around a best story in the class. We will announce the winner in the next issue of the newsletter. theme that has some importance to you. There will be prizes for the most imaginative hats on Hannah Fox and Marion Steele S1 display. Page 3 Pink Power on the Pitch CROSS COUNTR Y In February S5 pupils Owen Johnson and Paul Morrison competed at the Sco sh Cross Country Championships in Falkirk, represen ng North Uist Athle cs Club. Both boys performed to a very high standard, placed 30th and 19th from a field of 96 in the Under 17 sec on. Owen Johnson then travelled to Gordonstoun School, Moray, to represent Sgoil Lionacleit in the North of Scotland School Cross Country Championships where he was placed 5th in a field of over 90 in the Under 17 sec on. PS NATIONAL INDOOR CHAMPIONSHI As part of the National 5 Physical Education Qualification, S4 pupils Mairi MacIntosh and Calum Fraser chose Athletics for their portfolio topic. Both pupils competed at the Emirates Stadium at the National Indoor Championships to meet the challenges they had set for themselves, and trained to overcome. Also competing at this event was Heather Mackinnon S5 who achieved a personal best of 10 metres in the Triple Jump, achieving the standard to compete for the Western Isles at the World Island Games in Jersey. Also competing and achieving personal bests were DJ Macmillan S3, Cameron MacInnes S3, Shona Steele S1 and Marion MacCorquodale S3. The Pupils were competing as part of the North Uist, South Uist and Eriskay Well done to Sgoil Lionacleit girls football team (pictured above) who played a tournament Athletics Clubs. at home recently against two teams from Castlebay school. The team won both their games, 8-1 and 3-1 and looked professional in their new pink strips. Thanks to their coach Mary Ann Campbell, for her assistance sourcing the strips. The girls hope to travel to Barra after the Spring Break for a re-match. Thanks to the girls from Castlebay school who The S6 House Captains successfully organised an Interhouse Football tournament during February. The results were: travelled to Uist in such windy conditions. Interhouse Events Recreation Pupils Coaching Sucesses for Sport and Pupils taking Scolpaig in 1st place with 93 points part Borgh in 2nd place with 76 points in the Sport and Recreation Course have had a busy year. They assisted with coaching nd Ormacleit in 3rd place with 50 points. pupils from Iochdar Primary School, whose boys’ team achieved 2 place at the North of The House Captains are now planning a Basketball Interhouse Scotland Primary Schools Cross Country Championships. They also ran basketball clubs and assisted in the running of the football clubs. In addition to this, the pupils have gained competition. two qualifications in basketball refereeing and a level 1 coaching certificate in badminton. This was as a result of visits from Development Officers from Basketball Scotland and Badminton Scotland. The pupils have been gaining many volunteer hours to go towards their Saltire Awards. Dates For Your Diary Friday 27th March School closes for Spring Break Monday 13th April School opens Tuesday 5th May - Friday 29th May: Study Leave Tuesday 28th April - Friday 5th June: SQA Exams Monday 4th May School Closed for May Day GOOD LUCK TO ALL THOSE SITTING SQA EXAMS NEXT TERM! Pictured above: Sport and Recreation Pupils achieving their Basketball Officiating Qualification and assisting with a primary basketball tournament.
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MacLennan’s Supermarket; Daliburgh and Creagorry Co-op; parents and staff.
Grateful thanks to all!