N E W S L E T T E R - St. John Paul II Catholic Schools
N E W S L E T T E R - St. John Paul II Catholic Schools
The DEACON N E Spring 2015 W S L E T T E R For Alumni, Families and Friends of the JPII Catholic Schools • Sacred Heart Academy and Shanley High School “We are a pro-life generation!” In this Issue Shanley, North Dakota students lead nation in annual March for Life By: Kristina Lahr Reprinted with permission from the February 2015 edition of The New Earth Each year since the Roe V. Wade court case legalized abortion in the United States, the March for Life has brought increasing numbers to the Supreme Court in Washington D.C. as a witness to respect all human life. With the number of people supporting the March estimating to be 600,000 to 700,000 this year, it is by far the largest demonstration at the nation’s capitol. This year, the March was led by the students of Shanley High School in Fargo and by and large, the state of North Dakota. To carry the lead banner is a high honor, highlighting North Dakota’s increasingly pro-life stance and leadership in the pro-life movement. “To anyone who has gone to the March more than once, I think it’s very easy to recognize it’s a distinguished honor to be able to carry the lead banner,” said Rachelle Sauvageau, Respect Life director for the diocese. COVER STORY 1 OUR BELOVED FACULTY 7 ALUMNI 16 Printer’s Proof 25 53 IN MEMORIAM 54 WHERE ARE THEY NOW WHAT’S HAPPENING 4 IN OUR SCHOOLS 58 THE JOY OF GIVING 65 ADMINISTRATION 68 Upcoming Events REUNION WEEKEND SHS CLASSES OF 1970, 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995,2005 and Parents of 2005 June 26-27 ROGER MARIS CELEBRITY GOLF TOURNAMENT June 28-29 CLASS OF 1965 - 50 YEAR REUNION September 10-11 CLASS OF 1955 - 60 YEAR REUNION September 11-12 SACRED HEART/SHANLEY GOLDEN REUNION September 11-12 HALL OF FAME/ MIKE & KAREN HOFER DEACON AWARD BANQUET September 12 ORV KELLY SHANLEY SCRAMBLE GOLF TOURNAMENT September 21 More than 600,000 pro-life individuals across the nation line up at the National Mall for the annual March for Life on Jan. 22 in Washington D.C. The number of people at this year’s event, primarily comprised of people under 30, made it by far the biggest demonstration at the nation’s capitol. (New Earth/Gretchen Noah) For a full list of activities, please visit: http://alumni.fdjp2.k12.nd.us/events The Deacon Newsletter is published by the JPII Catholic Schools Network, 5600 25th Street S, Fargo, ND 58104 • Volume #20 Issue #1 The Deacon • Spring 2015 2 “We are a pro-life generation!” cont. many and run deep, which is why many prayers, especially the rosary and divine mercy chaplet, swept through the crowd and the chants. Shortly after arriving at the Supreme Court, Shanley students led multiple “Our Fathers” with many of the crowd joining them. “However small you think you are praying in your room, today you see that you’re not alone,” said Father Kurt Gunwall, spiritual director for the diocese youth pilgrimage group. “Waving a sign can only do so much. Praying can do so much more.” With signs, scarves, chants and prayers, students united in showing their support for life at the annual March of Life on Jan. 22, marking the 42nd anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision which legalized abortion. More than 600 youth and young adults from North Dakota attended the March. (New Earth/Kristina Lahr) “It’s very representative of North Dakota because we are a very pro-life state. People of North Dakota at their heart are pro-life.” As pro-life groups from across the nation gathered together on the National Mall, they unraveled banners, practiced cheers and met unexpected faces from around the country. The hour-long rally preceding the March assured them that their efforts to promote a culture of life brought joy and hope to the nation. Rally speakers were met with cheers and excitement; excitement that was not only contagious but unmistakably youthful. When the marchers approached the Supreme Court, they were met by counter-protesters. Many of them displayed signs which read, “Abortion on demand and without apology.” “After seeing those signs from the opposition, I pitied them,” said Austin Braun, McVille. “They have things so backwards. I’m going to be praying a lot of rosaries for them.” Father Gunwall explained that their first priority is not to the March itself, but to educate, love and connect ourselves and others to God. A personal conversion to Christ is the most important, which is why students are encouraged to pray and fast during the March. “There might be people who disagree with us at the March and some people who are unsure,” said Father Gunwall. “We help them by our witness. You won’t convince anyone through “It’s a very joy-filled day,” said Father Greg Haman, parochial vicar of St. Michael’s parish in Grand Forks, “There’s just this great energy that people at the rally feed off of. There’s a great sense of renewal.” Moving beyond tragedy But amidst the enthusiastic chants and excitement, it is impossible to forget why so many have gathered at the nation’s capitol. Many carry signs that read, “I regret my abortion, I regret lost fatherhood,” or “I mourn my aborted sibling.” With the number of lives lost to abortion reaching 57 million in the United States since its legalization in 1973, it’s no surprise to see just how many have been impacted. The wounds inflicted through abortion are Father Chad Wilhelm, pastor of St. Joseph’s parish in Devils Lake, seminarian Patrick Parks and Deacon Kyle Metzger show their support for the March for Life in Washington D.C., celebrating that every life is a gift. (New Earth/Father Luke Meyer) The Deacon • Spring 2015 3 “We are a pro-life generation!” cont. debate and argument; you convince them by your love for them.” Pro-life in ND Our nation is shifting to pro-life majority. A new Knights of Columbus-Marist poll shows 84 percent of Americans want to see restrictions on abortion, preferably limiting it to the first three months of pregnancy. And, North Dakota is one of the most pro-life states in the nation. Over the past four years, North Dakotans have brought many pro-life laws to action. North Dakota introduced legislation to prohibit abortions past the 20th week of the child’s development, have prohibited abortions based on gender or disability and have put an end to the use of certain abortion inducing drugs at our state’s only abortion facility. Furthermore; because of many other pro-life laws in place such as: requiring parental consent for a minor, requiring a mother be given an opportunity to view an ultrasound and banning web-cam abortions (a chemical inducing abortion where the woman and abortion provider are never in the same location), North Dakota continues to lead by example. Students of Shanley High School, Fargo lead the nation in the annual March for Life by carrying the lead banner. From left are Maddie Jetvig, Aly Corbid, Emily Heinrich, Abby Dusek, Katie Roberts, Julia Johnson, Jerimiah Johnson, Summer Kubalak, Megan Miranda, Marie Bitzan and Madeline Breen. (New Earth/Gretchen Noah) and dismissed by pro-choice advocates, it is important to remember that while progress is slow, progress is being made. It’s difficult to detect whether or not the number of abortions in the state are dropping, but nationwide abortion numbers are the lowest they’ve been since abortion was made legal. As the wounds of abortion grow deeper in our society, the truth is springing fourth. Too young to witness? With more than 50 percent of marchers under the age of 18, and the vast majority under the age of 30, the presence of the youth during the March is undeniable. But because the gathering is so young, pro-choice advocates are quick to say that they couldn’t possible understand all the details as to why women choose abortion. Shanley High School students (from left) Skylar Allex, Ellie Noah, Dina Rabadi, Ashlen Wright, Shannon Doyle and Miranda Allex show they are part of the pro-life generation as they get ready to march to the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington D.C. during the 42nd annual March for Life. (New Earth/Gretchen Noah) “The answer doesn’t lie completely in legislation, but when we get a victory, that’s very hopeful too,” said Sauvageau. While many pro-life victories are often overlooked But the North Dakota youth didn’t just attend the March. By spending a week in D.C., they went to many sites in D.C., including the Holocaust museum and Gettysburg. “This group thinks on a very deep level,” said Karen Dosch, a chaperone for the diocesan group from Grand Forks. “They make connections between slavery, World War II and Gettysburg. The older peoples’ hearts just soar when they see young people understanding what it means to be pro-life and are passionate enough to do something about it.” The Deacon • Spring 2015 4 “We are a pro-life generation!” cont. During Mass celebrated the morning of the March, Bishop John Folda quoted in his homily a speaker at a graduation ceremony depicting the kind of attitude he hoped the youth would embrace. “I wish you discontent,” he said. “Discontent is the antithesis of complacency. It keeps us on our toes, keeps us listening and alert. It keeps us from getting too comfortable or being satisfied with things just the way they are.... So, my friends, I wish you discontent. And, I think you understand why.” “My brother has Down syndrome,” said Harrison Young from St. Thomas. “And, sometimes people will stare when we are in public, so we ask them what they want to know. Sometimes they ask why we chose to keep him. Then my brother turns to them and has this huge smile on his face, and I say ‘that’s why.’ I get to wake up to that every day.” Everyone’s work “This work of the pro-life movement is not just left to a group of people,” said Sauvageau. “It’s really something everyone is Bishop John Folda, Diocese of Fargo, joins the youth at the called to do, that they With nearly oneMarch for Life Jan. 22. About 50 percent of march partici- can do in their daily third of the youth’s pants are under the age of 18. From left are Bishop Folda life and in different and Shanley students Michael Noah, Reid Nelson and generation lost due ways. We realize not Nickolia Kraft. (New Earth/Gretchen Noah) to abortion, it’s no everyone can pray in surprise that they are front of the abortion more pro-life than any other generation. They facility, but that doesn’t mean they can’t pray in are more likely to be conscious that they are their bedroom or home or churches. Prayer is so survivors of their generation. important.” “What is most hopeful in the pro-life movement is to see the youth embracing the cause,” said Sauvageau. “They really take it up and understand the issues involved with abortion and realize that it’s not an answer, it’s not a response to an unplanned pregnancy or to solving problems. At the same time too recognizing the dignity of the human person and that this is not how we treat human life.” Every life is a gift Every Life is a Gift was this year’s March for Life theme, focusing on pre-born babies that receive a diagnosis of a fetal abnormality. This year also marks the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, which prohibits discrimination based on disability. Yet, abortion continues to claim the life of 60-90 percent of children with disabilities. This means that those who consider themselves pro-life are making exceptions when they receive news that their baby will be different. Even though more pro-life laws have been passed in the last three years than in the previous decade and more than 200 abortion restrictions were passed across the nation since 2011, it is the hearts and conversion of the nation that the marchers pray will grow to know Christ and his truth. “Our presence here along with hundreds of thousands of others is an amazing thing; it will be an awesome sight to see so many who are united in reverence and devotion to the gift of life. But, it doesn’t end here in Washington when the March is over. Our work is just beginning. When we go… home, we must continue to give witness to the sanctity of life, the sacredness and irreplaceable dignity of every human life,” added Bishop Folda. “By our words and actions, by every decision we make, we must continue to manifest what we believe and what we will march about today: the knowledge that every life is a gift of God and deserves our protection, and even our love. This is what Jesus calls us to do.” The Deacon • Spring 2015 5 Brothers in Arms By: Jeremiah Johnson, Shanley Class of 2007 “I have a dream…” Words synonymous with standing up for what you believe in. Words made famous by Dr. King, words that have gone on to represent countless causes since. Everyone has a dream but MLK spoke of more. A dream for a better society, for equal rights, for a complete cultural shift. I believe we all have dreams that can change the world, but only a few take the time to identify those dreams while even fewer act upon them. But what if we did? What would it feel like to stand with thousands and demand a change? Unexpectedly, I was given a chance to understand. Five months ago I received word that my high school, Shanley, would be given the honor of carrying the lead banner at the 2015 March for Life (I’m in the graduating class of 2007). The March is held annually on the National Mall inWashington DC, about a half mile from where MLK declared he had a dream. It begins with a rally that gives prominent Pro-Life voices a chance to address the crowd, followed by the March itself which follows a 1.5 mile track. Typical attendance is around 500,000. As the March drew near something unexpected happened. Julia Johnson, my little sister, was asked to address the crowd during the rally portion of the event. To speak was an Jeremiah Johnson and his sister, Julia Johnson in Washington, D.C. invitation typically extended only to the most seasoned Pro-Life speakers; Politicians, religious leaders, activists, and now high school seniors. Her invitation to speak was the epitome of icing on the cake. I’m not sure who was more nervous as the crowd began to swell, Julia or I. The Archbishop of Louisville stepped up to lead those gathered in prayer, we weren’t in Fargo anymore. Thousands roared as the speakers took their turns. My brother Joshua and I, having pushed our way to the front of the throng, stood patiently as Julia’s time drew near. We were ready. Click for your own seat Julia spoke with passion and projected love. She prepared half a million to march. Jeremiah Johnson and his bother, Joshua Johnson in Washington, D.C. The crowd at the corner of 14th and Constitution was about to burst at the seams, it was time! Julia and I stood shoulder to shoulder holding the lead banner, Joshua yelling encouragement from the thousands behind us. The men who were prompting us began an Our Father…and then… ”Everyone together now, march!” Straight down Constitution Avenue we marched. Chanting, singing, praying, soaking it all in. Thousands lined the streets and yelled encouragement. Thousands more waved their banners behind us. As the sun began to break through the clouds we turned towards the Capitol, time to take this baby home. The March ends in-between the Supreme Court and Capitol buildings just after marching over a narrow bridge. This bridge would prove monumental as standing atop it, from rail to rail, were supporters of a different kind. For the first time in the history, the March had been halted. You may believe in spiritual forces, you may not. But when we stood facing our dissenters upon that bridge, the spiritual world became our reality. The gray asphalt seemed to warp as I stared down the two yellow lines in its center. The lines terminated abruptly beneath the raucous The Deacon • Spring 2015 6 Brothers in Arms cont. crowd of opposers, screaming that we should not continue. Slowly, from our contingent, prayers began. “Hail Mary, full of grace”….”Our Father, who art in heaven”….”Saint Michael the Archangel, protect us in battle”… The moment served as a reminder that we are all so very small in the big scheme of things. Truly embracing our powerlessness is the first step towards eternity. Thirty minutes later my sister and I crossed the bridge, hand in hand, with our brothers in arms. Never will I forget what happened that afternoon. As the prayers raised to Heaven something happened that I cannot fully describe. The spiritual forces around us became palpable. I felt a darkness 30 yards to our front. It wasn’t the people standing against us that caused this Always remember darkness, but a horrible that you entered this presence hovering around world as a sacrifice. Marching with our brothers in arms them, consuming them. I Your parents pulled felt my mother, who passed away four years ago, back so that you might crawl forward. You were standing directly behind my sister and I. I felt never a decision, but always destined to be. No angels surround us, flanking to our right and to one is ever conceived as a mistake, not in God’s our left. Mother Mary was there, joined by St. eyes. Michael as he commanded the legions. I felt as if We are coming for you Satan. Individually we the whole of Heaven and Hell has emptied to be are weak, but together we can move mountains. with us on that bridge, and as I wiped away tears The landslide of prayers is changing the attitudes I felt something else, an unbelievable sense of of our generation. We will not stop. We will not peace. settle. The tide is turning. Want to stay up-to-date on all the latest happenings at Shanley as they happen? “Like Us” on Facebook or follow us on Twitter!! Just search for “Shanley” or “JPII Schools” The Deacon • Spring 2015 7 Our Beloved Faculty RANDY NELSON’S SMILE By:Roxane Salonen, Writer/Author, Beauclair Communications The news came from my daughter by text this morning, 10:49 a.m. Two words, “Randy died,” and instantly my heart felt as if it had plummeted into my gut. We were just talking about him over Thanksgiving break. Middle girl was wearing a T-shirt she’d gotten through volunteering at a pulledpork benefit dinner in late September, and Troy, noticing it, asked the kids how our school’s big, burly, larger-than-life athletic director has been faring. In August, we received the sad news about his cancer diagnosis, just as the new school year was about to launch, and we’ve been in the midst of processing it ever since. “I’ve seen him hanging out around school,” our middle boy said brightly in response. “Oh that’s good,” we said, grateful for the news. It settled us temporarily knowing Randy was back in the place he loved, yes, thrived in. It wouldn’t seem right, really, for him to be anywhere else. To many of us, Randy has been the face of Shanley. We’ve seen him lead more school community events than any one principal or superintendent; it’s been his strong, welcoming voice that has brought us back to school year after year. Every fall for as many as I can remember, Randy has summoned all the parents with kids in school activities for a mandatory parent meeting. After our lazy summers at the lakes and pool and on vacation, his cool, confident, fatherly voice has coaxed us gently back into the new year ahead. And then would come the fall picnic with its announcing of fall athletes, and Randy also there, leading the whole thing, getting the school psyched up for another bustling season. His face always radiated a smile, even when Randy Nelson the mood was more serious. Randy was a cross somewhere between an NFL linebacker and Santa Claus. The news that he’d been stricken with cancer sent our summers crashing to a concerned halt. It was hard to believe this man, known for helping bring so many teams to victory, was now facing the most challenging scrimmage of his life. There wasn’t too much time to think. Before we knew it, one fundraising dinner was pulled together, and then another. The whole community came out to support the man who has on so many occasions been our spokesperson, and gratefully, we received him. Though vulnerable and a little shaken, he told us what we’d meant to him and how much he loved us. I waited for my chance. I wanted him to know how much he’d meant to me and our entire community in turn. I thought I’d missed it, but then I spotted him in the sea of people and took my spot in line. A fellow mother was just sneaking a blessed medal into his hands as I pulled up front for a hug and said the words that needed to be said. I am so grateful for that chance. And now, unbelievably, he’s gone, as of this morning, Dec. 1. The kids, middle through high school, were called into the auditorium and given The Deacon • Spring 2015 8 Our Beloved Faculty cont. the hard news, followed by an offer for those who needed a little time to grieve to do so rather than head back to class right off. Dear Lord, be with his precious family. That’s all I can think of now. Holocaust victim Etty Hillesum, “An Interrupted Life.” In my own grief, I turned to Etty. “What can you tell me now, sweet soul? You, who wrote of death so wisely?” As I waited for my daughter in the school parking lot, I opened the book and landed on a page with these words of Etty’s: When I first heard, I gulped a few times, talked a while with my husband on the phone, and then – I had to because deadlines don’t wait – I got back to work. But a while later, as I was wrapping things up, this – an article by WDAY on Facebook – popped upon my horizon and gripped my heart… “Give your sorrow all the space and shelter in yourself that is its due, for if everyone bears his grief honestly and Shanley Students and Staff wear Red for Randy courageously, the sorrow that now fills the world will abate.” Seeing his great smile, it hit me hard, and I had to stop…and weep awhile. That’s a smile that’s as Clinging to those words, I continued on. genuine as they come, and it’s going to be missed “And if you have given sorrow the space its something awful. gentle origins demand, then you may truly say: On my own Facebook page, I wrote: “Just can’t life is beautiful and so rich.” seem to wrap my brain around how this big, Thank you, Etty. That’s exactly what I needed vibrant guy, who was the face of Shanley in so today. many ways, could be gone. You were and are so Randy, you are missed. You will be missed for loved, Randy. I’m sorry you left us so soon. We a long time. May the perpetual light shine upon weren’t quite done having you in our lives.” you always, as yours has shone on us, dear man. I’ve been thinking a lot about death the last several days while reading the diaries of Image created by Kevin Wolf The Deacon • Spring 2015 9 Our Beloved Faculty cont. Mr. Randall R. Rustad Funeral Tribute By: Mike Hagstrom, Shanley Religion Teacher “Randall Raymond Rustad.” It’s been my privilege to teach just a few doors down the hallway from Randall’s room for the past 29 years (16 at “Old Shanley” and 13 here at the “New Shanley” building). It was also my privilege to serve as his Varsity Assistant Boys Basketball Coach during his first three years at SHS. (And Mary, I hate to say it, but I think he sometimes spent more time with me than with you during the basketball season.) I see three personas or identities in Mr. Rustad that I’d like to share from my perspective as a fellow teacher. TEACHER: Mr. Rustad was the Consummate Teacher, the Master Teacher. He was a professional in the sense that he was the very best at what he did; he was an amateur in the literal sense in that he loved teaching for its own sake and not for the big bucks we get here at Shanley. He taught everywhere and at every opportunity: very specifically and explicitly broken down, stepby-step, in his deliberate, systematic approach. Whether in the classroom and teaching the Constitution and its amendments or the battles of the Civil War, whether in the car for Driver’s Ed, whether in the gym or athletic field, he taught. In athletics, he was an especially gifted teacher. He had a knack for working with athletes and teams. Defensive Lineman: where do you line up for the “A Gap”? Catchers: how do you present the target for your pitcher? And Basketball techniques were highly refined and taught for every aspect of the game and position. He was a phenomenal teacher. Quick story: It was the last week of the 1987-88 regular season. SHS was facing number 1-rankedand-undefeated Wahpeton, a team that had beat us by 28 points in January. Randall faced that David vs. Goliath challenge by designing, installing, and teaching a special spread offense accompanied by a tenacious pressure defense. The Deacons give Wahpeton quite a scare taking them to overtime and only losing when a last second Shanley shot for the win bounced off the rim. It was labelled a fluke. But “Torgy” was in Randall Rustad giving a Commencement Speech for the Class of 1995 the audience. Long-time West Fargo Coach Bob Torgrimson was taking copious notes. Using Randall’s ideas with his Packer team the next week in EDC tournament, West Fargo handed Wahpeton its first loss. And Grand Fork Red River gave Wahpeton a knock-out punch in the loser-out bracket the next day. Mighty Wahpeton didn’t even make it to state—forced instead to be stunned, sullen spectators. The great teacher Mr. Rustad had his hand in that. Randall R. Rustad, TEACHER. ACTOR: Lynann [(Rustad), Randall’s Sister-inlaw]: last night at the prayer service you said that Randall looks like George Clooney. I disagree. George Clooney looks like Randall! But that’s not what I mean by “actor.” Nor do I mean acting in the sense of pretense or duplicity—putting on an act. I mean Actor in the St. Pope John Paul II sense. St. John Paul II saw that the structure of the universe is a drama [as related by theologian and papal biographer George Weigel]. Each of 10 The Deacon • Spring 2015 Our Beloved Faculty cont. us struggles to surrender the person I am now to the person I ought to be. We live in this “gap” and to be human is to be an actor, one who acts, one who is called to confront evil and mediocrity; to do good and to strive for excellence, to become more and more the person God wants me to be. bride, Mary. What a beautiful example and witness! St. John Paul II also observed that “In the designs of Providence, there are no mere coincidences.” God, Who entered human history, guides its course. Similarly, “Divine Intervention” was the name of Randall’s annual talk each Randall—as any good teacher year at our Senior Retreat. At does—understood this drama the beginning of the school well. It was beautiful to see year, he would challenge him call out and expect the our Seniors. He recited the very best from his students, key moments of his life in for he believed that they, too, light of Divine Providence— were actors, with a personal including the setbacks, responsibility. He held them embarrassments, challenges, Randall Rustad giving a Commencement to the same standard he and disappointments. In fact, he Speech for the Class of 2011 held for himself: no excuses, was able to see those things as no blaming, no complaints, no whining, no ways God was shaping, molding, and preparing murmuring. Instead, take personal responsibility him to be more and more the person God wanted as one who acts for the better. him to be. For example, he was second from the bottom in his class—until the student at the very I saw a Shanley grad on Sunday, and he said, bottom left school! Yes, Mr. Rustad graduated at “Mr. Hagstrom, he (Mr. Rustad) taught us life the bottom of his class from SHS! lessons!” Life lessons: the importance of hard work, self-discipline, and doing your best. Our Seniors always complete a retreat evaluation, Teachers: good luck beating Randall to school and year after year, Randall’s talk was always in the morning! (He always seemed to have his listed as a highlight of the day by many students. lights on and door open first each day.) Teachers: And to the question—“What was the most good luck correcting and then posting grades spiritually powerful aspect of the retreat for each day before Randall! And when something you?” –many students also said it was Mr. needed doing in the athletic arena, we turned to Rustad’s talk. (Sorry, Father Charles!) Here’s one Randall: PA announcer, scoreboard operator, student’s comments from this year: “My favorite open gym supervisor, batting practice coach. was hearing Mr. Rustad speak.” Most spiritually He put into action a concern for others and the powerful? “Knowing that you can be the least greater good—at personal expense and sacrifice. smartest person and you can still be whatever you The Presentation Sisters (who taught the young want to be.” Randall) have a motto from their foundress, Nano Divine Intervention: Bed-ridden with a severe Nagle: “Not Words But Deeds.” baseball injury in college, Randall was forced to Randall R. Rustad, ACTOR. concentrate on his studies and take academics much more seriously than he ever had before. BELIEVER: At the center of the human drama, Years later at the retreat, he challenged our said St. John Paul II, is Christ, Who entered students to be open to the workings of Divine human history and made all the difference. The Providence in their lives—and to expect great Word became Incarnate. Randall’s lived faith things with the help of God’s Grace. and personal witness pointed to this Truth. We especially saw that in his tender devotion to and Is it mere coincidence that Randall passed away love for his family, and in his marriage to his on January 31st? Fr. Ermer, I know you like to The Deacon • Spring 2015 11 Our Beloved Faculty cont. knows not boredom, grumbling, sighs, laments, and do not permit me to trouble myself with that very cumbersome thing called ‘I.’ Give me, Lord a sense of good humor. Grant me the grace to understand a joke, to discover in life a bit of joy, and make others part of it. Amen.” Randall R. Rustad, Teacher-Actor-Believer Teacher-Actor-Believer I wish there was some acronym or mnemonic device that would help me remember those personas of Mr. Rustad! [Here hold up a can of TAB.] Randall Rustad and Mike Hagstrom 1989 question your audience, so I have a question for you: Whose Feast Day is January 31st? [Fr. Ermer replies: “Don Bosco.”] Yes, it’s the Feast of St. John Bosco, “The Apostle of Youth,” Patron Saint of the Young. In the prayer at Mass that day, St. John Bosco is described as “father and teacher of the young.” That description fits Mr. Rustad very well too: “father and teacher of the young.” Randall R. Rustad, BELIEVER. Pope Francis recently said that the follower of Christ “must force himself to be a courteous, serene, enthusiastic, and joyful person who transmits joy wherever he is. A heart full of God is a happy heart that radiates and infects with joy all those around him: it is seen immediately!” On that same occasion, Pope Francis then said that he prays each day the prayer of the statesman and martyr, St. Thomas More. I think of Randall (Teacher, Actor, Believer) when I hear this prayer: “Lord, give me a good digestion and also something to digest [preferably Prime Rib— Randall’s favorite!]. Give me health of body and the good humor necessary to maintain it. Give me, Lord, a simple soul that is able to make a treasure of all that is good and is not astonished in view of evil but rather always finds the way to put things back in place. Give me a soul that One of my great joys for many years has been to barge randomly in to Mr. Rustad’s classroom, stop him in mid-sentence, and offer him a can of Tab. I especially liked to do that on Fridays and have done so for many years. I would note at 3 pm, for example, that it was soon the saddest time of the week, when we say goodbye to our students, but that the Tab was offered to console him, to keep him going, and to fight withdrawal from our students until 8:00 am Monday morning—just 65 hours away! Lucas, please come up and join me in doing so one last time. [Lucas Rustad comes forward and together we hold up a can of Tab, “nectar of the gods,” and say in the direction of Mr. Rustad’s body the final four words by which Randall and I always ended those classroom encounters.] “I love you man.” The Deacon • Spring 2015 12 Our Beloved Faculty cont. Rustad Remembrance By: Kari (Meier) Brock (‘88), Sullivan Social Studies Teacher I feel like I need to apologize in advance to all of my wonderful English teachers over the years, as I’m afraid this piece of written work may not be my best. The thoughts in my head have been swirling ever since we heard the shocking news that Mr. Rustad would not recover from his heart attack. The memories and thoughts continue to swirl, but I promised Mary that I would try to put into words the tremendous impact that Mr. Rustad had on my life. I was there at the beginning as a student and at the end as a colleague, so there are a lot of memories built into those twenty-nine years. This is for Mary, Luke, Jessica, and Sarah, and family. Thank you for sharing your husband, father, and grandfather with us for all these years. Because of your sharing, we have all become better people. If anyone else would like to read along, you are more than welcome. Before the pranks, before the legend, there was a new social studies teacher at Shanley High School in the fall of 1986. Well, he had teaching experience, but he was new to us. Before I was Mrs. Brock, I was Kari Meier, and I was a junior at Shanley, with the “new guy” as my U.S. history teacher. What would he be like? He was replacing a teacher who had been one of my favorites, so I must admit that it was with a little hesitation that I welcomed Mr. Randall Rustad. What do I remember? First impressions abounded. First of all, he was handsome. Enough said about that. Second, he wore three-piece suits. Who did that? Certainly not many other teachers. I remember that he wore a suit every day that year, but a yearbook photo seems to prove me wrong. I do, however, remember that he was exceedingly professional in dress. The first time that I remember seeing his arms was when he wore a polo shirt during a homecoming skit senior year. Shocking!! Third, he had the neatest handwriting of any teacher ever. He always wrote in cursive. Always. It was like an art form. Finally, he called us all by our last names. I was Ms. Meier. Secretly, I believed that he just never learned anyone’s first name. I was shocked when he called me “Kari” outside of school one day. Extra-shocking!! Beyond those first impressions, though, was so much more. In terms of U.S. history, our new teacher was passionate. He loved history more than anyone I had ever met. Did I love it? Maybe. Not yet. But I loved that Mr. Rustad presented everything as a story. His notes were amazing. Detailed. Complete. He never seemed to need notes himself. He gave everything to us in outline form. He never seemed to know exactly where we were in the outline itself … “R., S., T., whatever …” Somehow, though, he never left anything out. A couple of years ago, I showed my notes to my oldest son who was a junior. He couldn’t believe that the notes were practically word-for-word what he was writing in class twenty-six years after me. I believed it. Everything in those notes was “fair game” when it came to the test. People have mentioned the instructions to “put it in the margin.” I looked back at my notes, and sure enough, the margins were full of notes. The tests were so hard. True/False questions? Ugh. Was there really only one correct answer, or was he The Deacon • Spring 2015 13 Our Beloved Faculty cont. trying to trick us? I was that kid who wrote little notes on my test to justify my answers (it’s false if …). The tough tests were just the beginning. Amendments. Yes, even then. But there were only twenty-six amendments at the time. Don’t believe me? Look it up. “You’ve got your states, you’ve got your caps …” Nothing short of mastery was acceptable. We all had our troubles. Hartford, CT, seemed to be mine. I couldn’t believe that I would really end up with no better than a D in the class if I didn’t pass that test. Now, though, I do something very similar in my own eighthgrade classroom. There is nothing better than the satisfaction of achieving something difficult. Mr. Rustad set the bar high, and we all strove to achieve. Senior year, I took Economics with Mr. Rustad. Again, the bar was set high. I remember that we had daily quizzes or reading checks. I hated them! I always thought that I had read the material well and had reviewed the material adequately, yet I rarely got 100% on those assessments. Apparently, I needed to work harder. No one wanted to get an answer wrong, but we certainly knew that the classroom was a place where we could all make mistakes without fear. What I remember most about that class was the field trips that we took. Mr. Rustad was determined to make us educated consumers. We went to Hornbacher’s to become familiar with the price of groceries. With a realtor, we visited a new and an existing home for sale so that we could comprehend the additional cost associated with “buying new.” We also went to Boulger Funeral Home. I will never forget our class standing in the casket display room. Mr. Rustad said something like, “I don’t want the first time that you are in this room to be at a time when you might make an emotional purchase.” I still remember that room. The lessons were real. They were practical. I will always be grateful for that. During my high school years, I was a basketball cheerleader. When Mr. Rustad joined our school community, he coached boys’ basketball for a few years. This meant that on more than one occasion, I rode the team bus to out-of-town games. I remember one particular bus ride. In the seat across the aisle from me sat Coach Rustad with his son, Luke, maybe nine years old at the time. There they sat, heads together, intense. They were reviewing states and capitals. Intensely. “Seriously,” I thought, “can’t the poor kid catch a break?!” But in reality, they were building an incredible bond of family and friendship that I would be privileged to see again years down the road. Home basketball games introduced me to Jessica and Sarah. Gosh, they were cute! The girls were maybe seven and eight years old at the time. They were always in the stands, at the front of the Shanley student section. They knew all the cheers by heart and were the biggest fans for their dad’s team. Whenever I’ve seen the girls in recent years, my mind flashes back to their vibrant smiles and enthusiasm in those old Shanley bleachers. After high school, I really wasn’t sure what I wanted to pursue as a profession. I spent a few years taking classes that simply appealed to me. The Deacon • Spring 2015 14 Our Beloved Faculty cont. Apparently, I loved the social sciences. It became evident that I was headed either to law school or the classroom. I stopped in at Shanley one day to seek Mr. Rustad’s advice. I honestly have no memory of what he said. I’m sure that he was honest about the good and bad that come with the teaching profession. I do remember, though, that he was the only person from whom I sought advice. As Luke so eloquently shared, Mr. Rustad did not dish out advice unless asked. I did go into the teaching profession. I’ve been a social studies teacher in the Catholic Schools for more than two decades, and I can’t think of a single time that Mr. Rustad advised me on how or what to teach. Yet, he was the person I most tried to emulate. I would seek his wisdom whenever I had a question. Could I look it up? Of course, but with Mr. Rustad, I knew that I would get a background story and conversation along with the answer. Who could pass that up? He was way better than Wikepedia. By the way, I was no longer “Ms. Meier.” Nor was I even “Kari.” He took to calling me “Kare” in everyday conversation. Was I really a colleague? Did I have his respect as a grown-up? As a teacher? In some way, I think that the change in how he addressed me was an intentional shift. Boy, I hope that in some small way I had earned his respect in the profession that we both loved. I was teaching at my alma mater, serving in the same academic department as my favorite teacher. We worked on curriculum writing, textbook selection committees, and all the rest that goes with education. From this different perspective, I once again saw how much Mr. Rustad LOVED teaching and his students. Once, while interviewing candidates for an open social studies position, we had about a fifteenminute break. Substitute teachers had already been lined up so that we could sit in on the interview, but Mr. Rustad literally jumped at the chance to get back into his classroom to get in a few more minutes with his students. His comments at school frequently referred to getting back to class to “educate the youth of America.” The smirk and twinkle were ever-present, but there was never sarcasm in those statements. By the way, those interviews were interesting. Mr. Rustad asked the most thought-provoking questions. I’m pretty sure that I flashed back to the American history tests of junior year … was there even a correct answer?! There were tremendous thought and educational philosophy behind those questions. He was a master teacher. Mr. Rustad’s classroom was unique. I would tell my own student teachers, “You have to see this. It’s old-school teaching at its finest,” and I would encourage them to observe in Mr. Rustad’s classroom as a part of their student teaching experience. There were few frills. Multi-media presentations? Group projects? Lots of videos? Not so much. I can only remember watching one video in that classroom. It was Tora! Tora! Tora! No, there weren’t many frills, but what you would see was a master teacher orchestrating every nuance of his classroom. He did everything with purpose. A previous student teacher of mine spent one day in Mr. Rustad’s classroom The Deacon • Spring 2015 15 Our Beloved Faculty cont. a few years ago, and she recently reached out to me. She said, “I’ll never forget when I asked why he had the desks facing each other. He said, ‘So they can see what I have to look at every day.’” She said that his was a “model classroom.” Can anyone duplicate it? Nope. One of the unexpected delights in being a colleague of Mr. Rustad’s was to get a glimpse into just how much he loved his family. One mention of Mary, the kids, or the grandkids would make Mr. Rustad beam with pride. That ever-present smirk and twinkle became a fullblown smile and glow that somehow personified love in its purest form. It was so sweet to see grandfather and grandchild walking to the bus in the morning. And I got to witness countless conversations between Luke and his dad at school. The exchange was always intense, in a “connected” sort of way. Somehow, it always brought me back to those school bus trips to out-of-town basketball games. Grown-up Lucas in the teacher workroom somehow resembled nine-year-old Luke on the bus. Why? The father-son relationship was the same, only better. I will always be grateful that my two older sons had the privilege to be students in Mr. Rustad’s room. My oldest son graduated in 2014, and my next-oldest is currently a junior. Some things just never changed. My boys, my classmates, and I all share the same chuckle for those classic “RRR quotes” that have been shared in recent days. The boys have a knowledge of history and government that is remarkable. They share, with so many others, a respect for a man who, over the years, became a legend. He will always remain a legend. The stories will continue to warm our hearts. In Mr. Rustad, we were given a gift. The coolest thing, I think, is that we were all aware of the gift while we had it. We appreciated Mr. Rustad. We laughed with him. We learned from him. We loved him deeply. That’s why this loss hurts so badly. I am sad for the students (my daughter and youngest son included) who will never be experience the satisfaction of passing those orals. I’m heartbroken for the students (my son included) whose teacher was suddenly taken from them. I’m grateful for all those alums who were blessed to be educated by the legend himself. When I was pouring out so many of these sentiments through tears, to my son, he reminded me that Mr. Rustad was headed to a better place and that I didn’t need to be sad. I continued to talk (and cry) about our loss … how he was his teacher, my teacher, my mentor, the reason that I became a social studies teacher. My son then said something to me so simple and profound that I will never forget it. He said, “Then live his legacy.” Mr. Rustad, I can only hope that we can all do just that … live your legacy. Thank you. You will forever be missed. The Deacon • Spring 2015 16 Alumni News 1940’s Ann (Deutsch) Murphy (‘49) and her husband, Dan, celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. They were married April 16, 1955, at St. Anthony Church, Fargo. 1950’s Ron Jacobson PhD (‘57) and his wife, Nina (Duerr), celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. They were married June 20, 1964. 1960’s Susan (Person) Torson (‘61) and her husband, Frank, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. They were married November 14, 1964, at St. Anthony’s Catholic Church, Fargo. Kirk Haverkamp (‘89) and his wife, Lynne, welcomed their second child, Kelty Reese, to their family on December 1, 2014. They live in Phoenix, AZ. 1990’s Arin (Murphy) Johnson (‘94) and her husband, Bruce, welcomed a daughter, Addison Kay, on March 19, 2015. Kyle Bosch (‘98) married Crystal Campbell on January 17, 2015. 2000’s Nicholas Bowar (‘00) and his wife, Stephanie, welcomed a daughter, Kendall Marie, on February 26, 2015. Gary Grandbois (‘69) and his wife, Claudette, celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on December 29, 2014. Michael Lorz (‘00) and his wife, Stephanie, welcomed a daughter, Lillian Mae, on November 4, 2014. 1980’s Amber Bowman (‘01) will marry Brian Meyer on June 6, 2015. Bill Braun (‘83) was recently named Chevron Corporation’s chief information officer and the president of its Information Technology Company. He has served with the corporation in Texas, California and Singapore since 1991. Bill received his bachelor’s degree in mathematics from the University of St. Thomas, Houston, TX, and completed the Harvard Business School’s Advanced Management Program in 2014. He and his wife, Mary and family live in Texas. Jonathan Dahl (‘01) and his wife, Elizabeth, welcomed a son, Samuel Hurley, on January 26, 2015. Matthew Welle (‘01) and his wife, Erin, welcomed a son, Camden Wayne, on October 22, 2014. Savannah (Lahren) Lewis (‘04) and her husband, Chad, welcomed a daughter, Paisley Marie, on February 3, 2015. Katie (Wolfe) Sullivan (‘05) and her husband, Daren, welcomed a daughter, Eva Rae, on October 14, 2014. Leandra (Hoffart) Iverson (‘06) and her husband, Jeremy, welcomed a daughter, Abigail Elizabeth, on November 11, 2014. Bill Braun ‘83 Sarah (Hund) Solberg (‘06) and her husband, Joe, welcomed a daughter, Londyn Michelle, on March 2, 2015. The Deacon • Spring 2015 17 Alumni Adam Schwankl (‘07) married Valerie Senecal on August 8, 2014. Kristen Vetter (‘08) married Devin Wirth on December 27, 2014. Molly Brenner (‘08) will marry Drew Weaver on July 18, 2015. Chad Hingst (‘09) married Kate Snyder on July 19, 2014. SAVE THE DATE! 2016 Shanley Reunion Weekend June 24-25, 2016 If you are a member of one of these classes: 1966 1971 1976 1981 1986 1991 1996 2001 2006 and would be interested in being the “Class Contact” for a reunion in 2016, please contact Joelle Shewey at 701.893.3225 or joelle.shewey@jp2schools.org Send Us Your News... Last Name ______________________________________ First Name ______________________________________ Address __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Email _________________________________________ Phone ( ) _____________ Class of _________ Since high school I have... ___________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ I am currently (working, retired, married, children, etc.)________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ One thing I would like others to know about me is...___________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ Please return to: JP II Catholic School Network, 5600 25th Street South, Fargo, ND 58104 or email: maria.dahlin@jp2schools.org. You may also send us your news via our alumni web site: http:// alumni.fdjp2.k12.nd.us. The Deacon • Spring 2015 18 Alumni Reunion Re-Cap: Class of 1964 (50 year Reunion) By: Marilyn Jamieson ‘64 The Shanley Class of 1964 gathered on August 21st and 22nd, 2014 in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota to celebrate their 50th class reunion. Thursday night was a celebration at the Detroit Lakes Country Club, where all enjoyed a wonderful gathering of friends, socializing and reliving many high school memories. A class photo was taken that evening. Friday events consisted of golf in the morning, and lunch at Zorbaz Restaurant in Detroit Lakes. The evening ended with a sit down dinner on the porch at the Fireside Restaurant on Detroit Lake. Friendships were renewed and many memories shared, a reunion we will all remember. Class of 1964 - 50 year Reunion Diocesan policy regarding reporting sexual abuse: The Diocese of Fargo is committed to the protection of youth. Please report any incidents or suspected incidents of child abuse, including sexual abuse, to civil authorities. If the situation involves a member of the clergy or a religious order, a seminarian, or an employee of a Catholic school, parish, the diocesan offices of other Catholic entity within the diocese, we as that you also report the incident or suspected incident to Msgr. Joseph P. Goering, Vicar General, at (701) 356-7945 or to Larry Bernhardt, Victim Assistance Coordinator, at (701) 356-7965 of victimassistance@fargodiocese.org. For additional information about victim assistance, visit: http://www.fargodiocese.org/victimassistance/index.htm The Deacon • Spring 2015 Alumni Upcoming Reunions: Class of 1955 (60 Year ReunionDate: September 11-12, 2015 (Homecoming) Schedule of Events: September 11: 4:00 pm Social at the Fargo Country Club (509 26th Ave S, Fargo) 6:30 pm Open House at Kathy (Rooney) Boucher’s home (3115 Timberline Cir S, Fargo) September 12: 10:00 am Coffee & Rolls with the Sisters of the Presentation at the Presentation Center (1101 32nd Ave S) 4:00 pm Tour of Shanley High School 5:00 pm Mass at Shanley High School (5600 25th St S, Fargo) Banquet at the Ramada Plaza Suites (1695 42nd St S, Fargo) Cost: $50 per person 6:00 pm Cocktails 7:00 pm Dinner Contact: Kathy (Rooney) Boucher • kboucher@cableone.net or 701-212-5828 Class of 1965 (50 Year ReunionDate: September 10-11, 2015 (Homecoming) Schedule of Events: Thursday, September 10: Cruisin’ Broadway Remember those days? You can relive them on foot while enjoying the exciting new nightlife of Downtown Fargo. We will meet at a Downtown hot spot with a fourth story balcony overlooking Broadway, and venture out from there. Registration and Social starting at 5:00 pm. Friday, September 11: More time to catch up and reminisce... Fargo Country Club 5:00 pm Social • 6:00 pm Buffet A Block of Rooms has been set aside for September 10 and 11 at: Radisson Hotel (201 5th St N, Fargo) 701-232-7363 • $139/night Holiday Inn Fargo (3808 13th Ave S, Fargo) 877-282-2700 • $119/night For either hotel, please reference Shanley Reunion, Class of 1965 We are planning to make this the best reunion yet! Contact: Mary Lou Dahms • mldahms1@gmail.com or 701-318-0904 19 2015 shanley reunion weekend JUNE 26-27, 2015 class of 1970 FRIDAY, JUNE 26TH – SOCIAL AT FARGO BILLIARDS & GASTROPUB (3234 43RD ST S) COST: $20 class of 1985 FRIDAY, JUNE 26TH – SOCIAL AT USHER’S HOUSE (700 1ST AVE N, MOORHEAD, MN) COST: $40 SATURDAY, JUNE 27TH – 6:00 PM - PUB CRAWL IN DOWNTOWN FARGO- START AT THE BOILER ROOM (210 BROADWAY N) EVERYONE PAYS THEIR OWN WAY FOR FOOD AND DRINKS AS WE GO! END AT HODO (101 BORADWAY N) class of 1975 FRIDAY, JUNE 26TH – SOCIAL AT RADISSON SKYVIEW SUITE (201 5TH ST N) COST: $35 SATURDAY, JUNE 27TH – 6:00 PM - PUB CRAWL IN DOWNTOWN FARGO - START AT OLD BROADWAY (22 BROADWAY N) EVERYONE PAYS THEIR OWN WAY FOR FOOD AND DRINKS AS WE GO! class of 1990 FRIDAY, JUNE 26TH – SOCIAL AT FARGO BILLIARDS & GASTROPUB (3234 43RD ST S) COST: $20 SATURDAY, JUNE 27TH – 12:00 NOON - 9-HOLE CLASS GOLF OUTING AT MOORHEAD COUNTRY CLUB (2101 N RIVER DR, MOORHEAD, MN) COST: $35 FOLLOWING GOLF - BURGER BAR LUNCH AT THE MOORHEAD COUNTRY CLUB COST: $12 6:00 PM - FOR ADULTS ONLY PUB CRAWL (TBA) class of 1980 FRIDAY, JUNE 26TH – SOCIAL AT FARGO BILLIARDS & GASTROPUB (3234 43RD ST S) COST: $20 SATURDAY, JUNE 27TH – 5:30 PM - BACKYARD BBQ AT THE HOME OF MARY (KELLY) JAGIM class of 1995 FRIDAY, JUNE 26TH - SOCIAL AT FARGO BILLIARDS & GASTROPUB (3234 43RD ST S) COST: $20 class of 2005 FRIDAY, JUNE 26TH –SOCIAL AT STOKER’S (HOTEL DONALDSON) DOWNTOWN FARGO (101 BROADWAY N) COST: $15 parents of class of 2005 graduates YOU WENT TO ALL OF THE SHANLEY ACTIVITIES TOGETHER, BUT IT’S BEEN 10 YEARS SINCE YOUR 2005 GRADUATE ROAMED THE HALLS OF SHANLEY HIGH! HERE’S A CHANCE FOR YOU TO CATCH UP WITH EACH OTHER AS WELL. FRIDAY, JUNE 26TH –SOCIAL AT PEPPER’S SPORTS CAFE (2510 UNIVERSITY DR S) COST: $15 events for all on saturday, june 27: 9:00 AM - ALUMNI FUN RUN (LINDENWOOD PARK) COST: $10 (PROCEEDS BENEFIT SHANLEY CROSS COUNTRY TEAMS) 10:00 AM - CONTINENTAL BREAKFAST WITH PRESENTATION SISTERS 2-4:00 PM - DEACON DEN CLOTHING SALE AT SHANLEY (5600 25TH ST S) STOCK UP ON YOUR SHANLEY GEAR! 3:00 PM - TOUR OF SHANLEY HIGH SCHOOL 4:00 PM - MASS AT SHANLEY 6:00 PM - “SHANLEY NIGHT” AT THE FM REDHAWKS (BASEBALL) NEWMAN OUTDOOR FIELD (1515 15TH AVE N, FARGO) RESERVED SEATING COST: $8.50 2015 Shanley Reunion Weekend R eg i s t r at i o n F o r m You may register for these events online at: http://alumni.fdjp2.k12.nd.us or by mailing this completed form and payment (checks payable to “JPII Schools”) to: Shanley Reunion Weekend 5600 25th St S Fargo, ND 58104 Name: _____________________________________________ Class Year: _______ Guest: _________________________________ Class Year (if applicable): _______ Address: ___________________________________________________________ City: __________________ State: ______ ZIP: __________ Phone: ____________ Email: _____________________________________________________________ Friday, June 26th Cost Number Amount Class of 1970 Social Class of 1975 Social Class of 1980 Social Class of 1985 Social Class of 1990 Social Class of 1995 Social Class of 2005 Social Parents of 2005 Social $20 $35 $20 $40 $20 $20 $15 $15 _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ Alumni Fun Run $10 _______ _______ Continental Breakfast No cost _______ _______ Class of 1990 Golf Outing Class of 1990 Lunch $35 $12 _______ _______ _______ _______ Tour of Shanley High School Mass at Shanley High School No cost No cost _______ _______ _______ _______ “Shanley Night” at the FM Redhawks $8.50 _______ _______ Saturday, June 27th (please complete & sign form on following page) (caramel rolls from Sandy’s Donuts, coffee & juice at the Presentation Center - 1101 32nd Ave S) (open to all Alumni & Friends; deceased classmates from 1970, 1975, 1980 and 1985 will be remembered by name with a lighted candle.) If you are interested in helping out with Mass in any way, please contact Joelle at Joelle.Shewey@jp2schools.org Class of 1975 Downtown Pub Crawl No cost _______ _______ Class of 1980 Backyard BBQ No cost _______ _______ Class of 1985 Downtown Pub Crawl No cost _______ _______ Class of 1990 Pub Crawl No cost _______ _______ TOTAL:_______ Credit Card Check Enclosed VISA MASTERCARDDISCOVER # __________ / __________ / __________ / __________ Exp: ____ / ____ CVV: ______ Signature: _________________________________________________________________ S h a n l e y A l u m n i C ro s s C o u n t ry R a c e & 5 K R u n / Wa l k Saturday, June 27, 2015 8:00 am Registration • 9:00 am Races Start Lindenwood Park, Fargo Registration: Pre-registration fee for the events is $10 for individuals and $30 for families, and will be accepted until Wednesday, June 24th. Day-of-Event Registration fee is $15 for individuals Please send registration form and payment to: Shanley High School Cross Country Attn: Coach Falde 5600 25th Street South Fargo, ND 58104 Contact: Greg Falde 701.371.3590 andfalde@msn.com Official Entry Form Event Categories (circle one): Cross Country 5K 5K Run 5K Walk Sex (circle): Male Female Age: _______ Birthdate: _________________ Age Categories (circle): 14 & under 15-19 20-29 30-45 46-59 60+ First Name _______________________ Last Name ______________________ Address ___________________ City ______________ State _____ Zip _______ Phone __________________ E-mail ___________________________________ Registration Fee: $10 for 5K / $30 Family Door prizes will be drawn during the race - check the prize board Make Check payable to: Shanley Cross Country Please read the following statement and sign below before submitting entry: I know that running a cross country/road race is a potentially hazardous activity. I should not enter and run unless I am medically able and properly trained. I also assume any and all other risks associated with running this event, including, but not limited to, falls, contact with other participants, the efffect of weather, including high heat and/ or humidity and the condition of the course/roads. Knowing these facts, and in considertion of your acceptance of my entry fee, I hereby, for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators or anyone else who might claim on my behalf, covenant not to sue. And waive, release and discharge Shanley fundraisier and any volunteers from any and all claims or causes of action (known or unknown, forseen or unforseen) for death, personal injury or property damage of any kind or nature arising out of their negligence or that of others in the course of my participation in this race and all other events and activities associated with this race. I give my permission for medial team evaluation, treatment and transfer to an emergency facility if needed. I understand entry fees are not refundable. Signature: __________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian: ____________________________________________ if applicant is under 18 years of age, form must be co-signed by a parent or guardian ** All proceeds from the 5K will be used for future out-of-state cross country trips (like our 2010 trip to Belle Forche, SD) SAVE THE DATE ON YOUR CALENDAR FOR THE 7TH ANNUAL SACRED HEART/SHANLEY Golden Reunion for ALL CLASSES celebrating 50 or more years since High School Graduation F r i d ay, S e p t e m b e r 1 1 t h : 4:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Social gathering at Fargo Country Club Homecoming Football game vs Lisbon at Sid Cichy Stadium 509 26th Ave S 5600 25th St S S at u r d ay, S e p t e m b e r 1 2 t h : 10:00 a.m. Coffee & Rolls with the Sisters of the Presentation at the Presentation Center 1101 32nd Ave S 4:00 p.m. Tour of Shanley High School 5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. Hall of Fame Induction and Mike & Karen Hofer Deacon Award Presentation Dinner and Ceremony 5600 25th St S Mass at Shanley High School September 11-12, 2015 SHS HOMECOMING OFFICIAL REGISTRATIONS WILL BE MAILED OUT IN LATE JULY OR EARLY AUGUST PLEASE RSVP FOR EVENTS BY YES I/WE WILL BE ATTENDING THE 7TH ANNUAL SHA/SHS GOLDEN REUNION Name(s): ______________________________________________________ EVENT NUMBER ATTENDING Social at the Fargo Country Club Homecoming Football Game at Sid Cichy Stadium ______ (complimentary) ______ (tickets available at the social) Coffee & Rolls with the Presentation Sisters ______ Tour of Shanley ______ Mass at Shanley ______ Hall of Fame/ Mike and Karen Hofer Deacon Award Dinner & Ceremony ______ x $30 = $______ (make checks payable to JPII Schools) $______ :TOTAL ENCLOSED REGISTRATION AND TICKET PURCHASE FOR THIS EVENT IS ALSO AVAILABLE ONLINE AT: HTTP://ALUMNI.FDJP2.K12.ND.US (DEACON ALUMNI WEBSITE) SEND REGISTRATION FORMS TO: JPII SCHOOLS (ATTN: JOELLE) • 5600 25TH ST S • FARGO, ND 58104 You are invited to join us for a day of golf, fun and fellowship at the Orv Kelly Shanley Scramble Monday, September 21, 2015 Moorhead Country Club SHOTGUN START 12:30 PM Burger/Brat Lunch at 11:00 AM Sign-In Begins at 11:30 AM Hole-in-One Contest (sponsored by Valley Imports, Inc.) 6-Person Scramble ● BBQ Dinner $125 Scramble & BBQ Dinner ● $20 BBQ Dinner Only (PROCEEDS BENEFIT ALL OF THE SCHOOLS IN THE ST. JOHN PAUL II CATHOLIC SCHOOLS NETWORK) Name _________________________________________________ Phone # _______________ E-mail address: ______________________________________________________________ (Your team will be notified via e-mail if there are last-minute tournament changes due to weather, etc.) ______ I do not have a team, but would like to play. Please put me on a team with an opening. Team Requested: Name _______________________________________________________ Handicap ______________ Mailing Address ____________________________________________________________________ Name _______________________________________________________ Handicap ______________ Mailing Address ____________________________________________________________________ Name _______________________________________________________ Handicap ______________ Mailing Address ____________________________________________________________________ Name _______________________________________________________ Handicap ______________ Mailing Address ____________________________________________________________________ Name _______________________________________________________ Handicap ______________ Mailing Address ____________________________________________________________________ Name _______________________________________________________ Handicap ______________ Mailing Address ____________________________________________________________________ #Golfing & Dinner _____ X $125 = __________ #Mulligans _____ X $5 = __________ (limit 2 mulligans per golfer please) #BBQ Dinner Only _____ X $20 = __________ *Total Due = __________ *Your team will be considered “registered” when payment is received. Tournament is limited to first 25 teams. Please complete entire form and return with payment by Sept. 14th to: SHANLEY SCRAMBLE 5600 25th Street South Fargo, ND 58104 Questions? – Contact Joelle at 701-893-3225 or e-mail Joelle.Shewey@jp2schools.org 2015 PRELIMINARY HONOR ROLL OF DONORS PRINTER’S PROOF Listing includes Alumni, Current Parents, Parents of Graduates, Grandparents and Friends who have made a gift to the JPII Schools between JULY 1, 2014 and APRIL 15, 2015 These names will appear in the JPII Annual Report for 2014-2015 Please check to make sure: 1. Your name appears if you have given a gift between the above dates 2. Your name is spelled correctly PLEASE NOTE: If you gave to the JPII Schools between the dates listed above and your name does not appear, please contact the Advancement Office at 701-893-3225. You still have until JUNE 30th to send your gift or give online at http://alumni.fdjp2.k12.nd.us if you wish to be included! $3.5 $3 Class Participation (1942-1978) Class Participation (1979-2014) $2.5 $2 $1.5 $1 $500 $250 $125 Class of 1950 Participation: 15.15% Class of 1938 Participation: 33.33% William E. Clemens Class of 1941 Participation: 25.00% Msgr. Allan F. Nilles Robert J. Rosatti 5M Class of 1951 Participation: 7.50% Class of 1942 Participation: 18.75% R Total Gifts: $345 R Louise Mertz Arendt Christina Gapp Pyle Robert Schoener Donald R. Wood Class of 1948 Participation: 21.62% P 5,000 Total Gifts: $11,598 Jerome Barrett Kathleen Fischer Barton Wayne Blanchard Dorothy Steinbach Duchschere Ruth Cantlon Dunnicliff Margaret Ann Welu Eastman James Hebert Patricia Carvell Maris JoAnn Sinner McMullen Thomas McMullen Roy Montplaisir Walter Montplaisir Richard Wehage James P. Wold E Class of 1947 Participation: 14.29% 0,000 T 0,000 Class of 1946 Participation: 9.09% Knute Henning Phyllis Savageau Williams Class of 1953 Participation: 35.00% IN 1M P Total Gifts: $6,980 Mary Jane Saefke Akers Thomas Bogan Jerome H. Cossette Olivia (Nan) Challoner Hover George T. Mallick Anne Hablas Marchione Gerald Pronovost Total Gifts: $1,340 Joan Maresh Baron Dr. Norma L. Chaska Lorraine Allmaras McManmon Richard Savageau Aaron J. Wolff Robert G. Wood Class of 1945 Participation: 35.00% Class of 1956 Participation: 16.92% Class of 1952 Participation: 17.14% Class of 1943 Participation: 5.56% George R. Knudson 5M Total Gifts: $1,561 Dr. Patrick Colliton John Connolly Patricia Rush Setter Total Gifts: $510 Steve Gorman Catherine Stephenson Hartnett Dr. Crawford Hawkins 2M Total Gifts: $780 Jacklyn Britt Canino Donald Durensky Mary Klontz Hebert Willard Hebert Mary Samels Pease Total Gifts: $1,850 Margaret Viets Doyle Morris Doyle Mary Ann Heising Graves Joseph Lawrence Br. John McLaughlin, CSC David Pease Evie Ukestad Soukup Mary Marquart Trowbridge Class of 1949 Participation: 9.76% Total Gifts: $200 Larry V. Fischer Timothy Klontz Total Gifts: $914 R O 3M Kathleen Rooney Boucher Brian Brandmeyer Daniel Cullen Marianne Van Sickle Egan Veronica Peters Etzel Gerry Klier Gray Kathleen Svela Koehler Dr. Donald Kraft James F. Pettinger William F. Schulz Edward Shea Betty Germaine Vettel Paul Welu Richard Willits Thomas Wold F Ann Deutsch Murphy Ramona Saefke Neeb Total Participation: 9.71% Total Gifts: $389,044 O ALUMNI CLASSES ’S 5M Janice McCurdy Alm Sister Josephine Brennan Carol Bailey Christensen Margaret Ibach Conley Donald L. Kercher Nell Henley Murray Mary Herrick Nelson Sharon Mische Scheltens Judy Higgins Stowe Phyllis Moen Weber Patricia Schmitz Willits Class of 1957 Participation: 17.14% Total Gifts: $888 Joanne Jorgenson Anderson Lucretia Barrett Canning Dennis J. Chisholm Catherine Sedlak Etienne Arlo-Ann Lincoln Hobbs Mike Hurley Wilda Bridgeford Kovich Beverly Rodger Kraft David Kramer Rodney Langer Emily Johnson Morey Jerry Schutz Class of 1954 Participation: 16.67% Class of 1958 Participation: 14.63% Gordon Bartholomay Mary Carolyn McDonald Bolinger Class of 1954 – 60th Class Reunion Catherine Miller Hinsperger Bernard Leclerc Roberta Peterson Leclerc Dianne Hoss Myers Madonna Klontz Sweeney Mary Wadnizak Patricia Yunker Larry Bailey Jeanette Olson Boehmer Joanne Hinton Connolly John Dullea Thomas Kuppich Maurie Lamb Donald Lau Mary Scott Miller Lois Cantlon Nordstrom Janet Marquart Richard Jacquelyn Daugherty Sidner James A. Wolff Total Gifts: $6,372 Class of 1955 Participation: 26.23% Total Gifts: $3,656 Total Gifts: $60,428 Betty Brown Bossart PLEASE NOTE: Listings reflect gifts through April 15th. Gifts through June 30th will be included in the Annual Report. Class of 1959 Participation: 11.76% Class of 1967 Participation: 9.24% Class of 1963 Participation: 8.89% Total Gifts: $1,705 Patrick Clark Dennis Derrig Brenda Cruz Eid James O. Eide Andrew Fischer John Gerlach Mary Kennelly Hanigan Kenneth Lasneski Michael V. Miller Christina Powers Total Gifts: $1,700 Dr. Dorothy Berg Leo Collins Sue Gidskemo DuBois Robert Gibb Margaret Kippels Mowery Sharon Brown Nordman Kathleen Malone Schoenfelder Mary Witcik Class of 1960 Participation: 15.45% Class of 1964 Participation: 7.52% Tom Alm Frank Argenziano Delores Richard Barker Bruce J. Coryell Mike Donahue Ronald Duval Jan Leonard Gerlach Jim Gerlach Judy Jacobson Dale McCright Jerry McDonald Janet Reese Murray Georgine Jorgenson Parker Colleen Kieffer Rott Lawrence Schmidt Dr. Gary Schmit Art Schmitz Catherine McShane Coghlan Kenneth J. Collins Onalee Olson Flicker Timothy L. Fortune Michael Grinney Paul T. Jorgenson Thomas Lavelle Dr. Thomas Nagle Lynn Huntington Schubert Barbara Torok Sturdevant Total Gifts: $10,845 ’S Class of 1965 Participation: 8.21% Total Gifts: $1,320 Deacon David Barfuss Richard Bergseth Mary Lou Greving Dahms Robert C. Gaffaney Margaret Sapa Hartze Linda Johnson Healy Jill Slayton Lavelle William A. Rinehart Jeanne Hoesley Rowe Arne Ruud Rod Swatfager P R IN T Thomas Albert Joseph Busek Patrick Donahue Renee Tessier Dulski Lee Faust Anita Anderson Galloway Kathleen Kelley Godon John Gross Rose Ibach Ivey Don Wold Total Gifts: $2,915 R Class of 1961 Participation: 9.47% Class of 1962 Participation: 13.08% Total Gifts: $14,002 Laura Wolsky Biggers Renee Bernardy Buckman Marjean McShane DeCesare Ronald DeCesare Patrick J. Delmore Vicki Olson Edstrom Patrick Kennelly Paul Kuppich Richard Ludwig Joe McCormick J. Dennis Nelson Barbara Sedlak Salazar Tom Savageau Patricia Duchscher Schoeppach Class of 1966 Participation: 11.76% Total Gifts: $2,635 Orville Banasik Dan Deutsch Michael Flynn Paul Foerster Libby Gross Michael Hager Charlie Hanish Pam McGarry Hartwig Karen Cossette Hofer Colleen Morrissey Keeling Larry Klosterman Robert McCormick Michael McShane Rosemary Neuman Schatz Mary Stromme Corry Van Mil $3 $2.5 Class of 1968 Participation: 18.35% Total Gifts: $31,500 Kathy Lynch Ashe Patricia Rasmussen Deutsch David Foerster Debera Olson Frey Margaret Haley Hahn Sue Anderson Jackson Michael Jacobs William Jacque John Kennelly Brigid Connolly Langseth Andrea Laliberte Lewis Thomas McCormick Randall Rustad† Linda Dukart Sadowsky Cathy Rutten Schwinden JoEllen Leintz Smith Gregory Staszko Kathrine Armstrong Swenson Sandy Thiel Thomas Witcik P Total Gifts: $7,858 E $3.5 Total Gifts: $3,170 Linda Olson Borkenhagen James Deutsch Steven Gravalin Brenda Buck Haas Jane Williams LaMont Larry LaMont Mary Fitzgerald Martinez Patricia Deede Simons Ann Hall Steinhouse Karen Lavelle Stoner Helen Tritschler R O O F Morrie Schwinden Class of 1969 Participation: 8.13% $1.5 $1 $500 Total Gifts: $1,270 Stephen Bologna Paul Collins Dr. William Hawn Laurie Bassett Kadrie Brian Kappel Julie Cossette Knodel Mary Fridgen Rutten Mark Savageau John Scott Margaret Kodelka Sveum Class of 1970 Participation: 13.67% $2 Total Gifts: $30,222 Ardys Miller Burley Elizabeth Sologuk Christianson David J. Clark Patrick Dunn Mark Foss Doreen Dooher Kennelly Rodman Kern Patricia Caulfield Kotta James Lynch PLEASE NOTE: Listings reflect gifts through April 15th. Gifts through June 30th will be included in the Annual Report. $250 $125 1M 0,000 Sharon Desautels Beauclair Tom Cossette David Driscoll Kevin A. Duchschere Rick Kasper Dan Lavelle David Lavelle Lisa Barth Polachek Elizabeth Mendoza Streich P Total Gifts: $1,130 Dennis Blake Gail Hebert Danielski Peter Fendt Jeff Frey Dr. Craig Kuhlmann Duane Millette Nancy Thomas Millette Debra Schott Nelson Jean Sapa Seifert Rose McGarvey Skroch Carol Kraft Steier Cindy Bergseth Sund Class of 1977 Participation: 8.96% Class of 1973 Participation: 8.62% Total Gifts: $1,940 Lynn Casey Tim Connolly Michael Deede Jean Dooher Eppler Jim Grossman Jeffrey Jones Marguerite Hilber Mielke Teryl Setter Sitarz Kathleen Mulkern Smail Tim Wilken P R 5,000 Class of 1974 Participation: 6.03% Total Gifts: $520 Total Gifts: $2,054 Total Gifts: $1,083 Daivd Bruns Judy Bassett Bruns Patrick Foerster Barbara Greving Gentzkow Paul Gentzkow Catherine Nilles Al Soukup Kelly Davies Anderson Douglas Andring Chris Daly Shannon Mehlisch Dockter Dr. Keith Millette Scott A. Montplaisir Todd Olson Michael Schoenecker David Schons Tom Sweeney Michael Thomas Mark Wimbush Class of 1978 Participation: 15.52% Bruce Schmith Donald Schott Linda Carew Skjerseth Katie Nistler Traynor Class of 1979 Participation: 12.41% Total Gifts: $10,475 Lisa Desautels Bergerson Patrick Bogan Patricia Bower-Jernigan Lori Olson Brown Scott Colliton Dr. Keith Fischer Diane Fitterer Fritz Brenda J. Gravel James Hardwick Michele R. Keogh Robert Knudson David Kramer Susan McCord Mormann David Noah Lisa Foss Ritter Lori Kelly Schaefer Jim Traynor R O O F Class of 1976 Participation: 6.57% Class of 1972 Participation: 8.96% 0,000 Total Gifts: $3,275 Don Bolgrean Dennis Bower Allan Danielski Elizabeth DuBord David Fischer Diane Seifert Goodmanson Thomas B. Greving Julie Klosterman ’S 5M Class of 1971 Participation: 7.69% Total Gifts: $3,175 Dan Borgie Linda Lothspeich Brooks Dean Bruhn-Ding Patrick Collins Mark DuBord Deborah Forstner Thomas Hnasko Teresa Sweeney Jordan Pat Kelly Kevin Korsmo Paul Murphy Clifford Naylor Peg O’Meara Mary Nagle Shulstad Dr. Steve Sornsin Cathryn Colliton Spaeth R 2M E 5M Class of 1975 Participation: 13.68% T 3M Mark Malmberg Jane Ermer Metzger Barbara Bultman Olson Rene Ouellette Jean Wilk Picard Debra Nystrom Pollard Mary Beth Cossette Rustad Jay Schmallen Patrick Sweeney Jacqueline Maurer Wanzer Madeleine Moss Zirbes IN 5M Total Gifts: $10,883 Dr. Janine Henning Carson Steve Cichy Paul Cortese Steve Cossette Mary Russell Daly Anne Obert Derfler Dan Doyle John Hebert Jane Vogel Indergaard Dan McGarvey Todd Mickelson Larry Montplaisir David Naylor Sharon Fritz Pollard Class of 1980 Participation: 6.25% Total Gifts: $3,165 Dr. Mark Colliton Chris Eldred Stephen Fritz Gregory Gerig Charlotte Nilles Kitsch Philip T. Meyer Peggy Traynor Mickelson Paul Noah Catherine Savageau Wold Class of 1981 Participation: 7.96% Total Gifts: $5,795 Cecile Anderson Clark Fr. Paul Duchschere Carol J. Fischer Toni Magelky Grabinger Nancy Duchscher Kasper Thomas Kasper Dr. Susan Mathison Kathy Carew Weir Pat Weir Class of 1982 Participation: 5.66% Total Gifts: $4,497 Brenda Urie Anderson Janet Barnick Theresa Nistler James J. O’Hearn James Savageau Katie Vogel Shaw PLEASE NOTE: Listings reflect gifts through April 15th. Gifts through June 30th will be included in the Annual Report. Class of 1983 Participation: 3.77% Total Gifts: $3,040 Laura Hicks Barry LaBine Bill Marcil Rodger Nichols Total Gifts: $8,545 Class of 1985 Participation: 15.32% Class of 1989 Participation: 11.83% Total Gifts: $3,498 Total Gifts: $3,037 Total Gifts: $888 P R Kristen Kramer Brynestad Nanette Sturdevant Fort Matthew Glessner Dean Haaland Dr. Steve Kern Tami Blanchard Llewellyn Lori Mastrud-Bloch Dr. Christopher Mathison Ann Fornes Van Wie Class of 1987 Participation: 10.43% Total Gifts: $3,125 Laura Bach Alderman David Dietz Brian Fairfield Jeff Jacobson Mark Johnson Tim Kasper Renee Gilles Moseley Rhett Neuman Lisa Lodin Peralta ’S R E IN Class of 1986 Participation: 8.33% Class of 1994 Participation: 12.28% Tiffany Eagleson Brandt Taylor DeVine William Dietz Susan Fornes Hanson Angela Jordahl-Olson Dr. Brian Mathison Tim Sandy Dr. Michelle Sauer Jennifer Seminary Stark Stacie Willits Stein Julie Price Welch Class of 1990 Participation: 10.39% Total Gifts: $790 T Sara Wold Bleth Stacy Larson Bossart Dr. Kenneth Fischer Thomas Gibb Dave Glessner Lisa Godon Cindy Gruman Eric Haverkamp Lee LaBine Elizabeth Bossart Mathison Lisa Sullivan Montgomery Michael Montgomery Brad Nyhof Jennie Schons Rivard Mark Rivard Lynn Toulouse Swenson Brandon Weatherford Total Gifts: $10,985 Kari Meier Brock Brian Carroll Timothy Franckowiak Dr. Matt Friederichs Susan Russell Kadrmas Cory Kelly Shirley J. Kern David Mathison Kathy Rivard Schmitt Mark Seeba Philip Simon Daniel Sweeney Kelly McNulty Vaaler Nicole Fenstad Adrian Fretland Renae Buckhouse Hermen Dr. Steve Lantz Teri Schwan Lantz Kary Mehl Sandy Rebecca Simons-Seeba Mary Catherine Hicks Woods Class of 1991 Participation: 11.29% Total Gifts: $9,485 Pam Mastel Astrup Mary Mengedoth Brennan Rachel Wold Conrad Chad Mears Christopher Meier Sayra Crary Rice Christopher Simon Class of 1992 Participation: 5.45% Class of 1995 Participation: 11.48% Total Gifts: $400 Josh Astrup Katie Broderick Astrup Allison Gemar Bakke Ryan Carlson Michael Monson Lucas Rustad Amy Borkenhagen Seavert Total Gifts: $915 Amy Lantz Adams Marc Adams Debra Gallagher Bolte Class of 1996 Participation: 16.44% Total Gifts: $4,118 Thomas Astrup Sunny Jensen Blankinship Damon Bradshaw Dr. Benjamin Dahl Jennifer Pitsenbarger Dahnert Suzanne Haverkamp Halstrom Mike Hofer Nichelle Danielson Manchester Jessica Rustad Stimpson Dr. Matthew Tinguely Scott Whitman Andrea Brager Wygant Class of 1997 Participation: 7.79% $2.5 $2 $1.5 $1 $500 $250 Total Gifts: $700 Heather Carlson Madsen Jason Phillips Maureen Deutsch Splettstaszer Nathan Voss Brian Walker Corie Gronso Walker Class of 1998 Participation: 8.00% $3 Total Gifts: $555 Nancy Tupa Boll Dr. Eric Fenstad Melissa Dahl Flaherty Jennifer Beare Schroeder Tina Steinhouse Julie Kelly Wanner Richard Wiese $3.5 Total Gifts: $1,900 Mara Wieser Gust Greg McCormick Erica Fretland Shaw R O O F Scott Bleth Julie Schons Kaspari Diane Moraghan Kenney Jason Mehlisch Dr. Thomas Noah Eugene Simon Tim Sweeney Patrick Traynor Class of 1988 Participation: 12.04% Class of 1984 Participation: 7.08% Class of 1993 Participation: 4.29% P Lori Magelky Ruhland Steve Schons Melissa Gruman Sorensen Total Gifts: $442 Jill Bozovsky Backlund Sarah Lacher Crary Angie Welle Edinger Melissa Kranz Johnson Jill Borkenhagen Nelson Karen Kirsch Sanden PLEASE NOTE: Listings reflect gifts through April 15th. Gifts through June 30th will be included in the Annual Report. $125 Lindsay Schott Kristen Vetter Wirth Jonathan Markwardt Charles Neff, Jr. Jacob Rodenbiker Ryan Shannon Class of 2009 Participation: 3.51% Carri Faller Adam Richard Class of 2000 Participation: 2.63% Nicholas Bowar Beth Vacek DiPerna Class of 2010 Participation: 2.53% Beth Paulson Mortenson Kayla Zeltinger Class of 2001 Participation: 7.46% Class of 2011 Participation: 5.88% Jonathan Dahl Kristi Kapitan Hendricks Emily Schmalz Kelly Chad Prososki Matthew Welle Jesse Braun Dylan Dunn Thomas Mickelson Preston Nichols Garrett Zeltinger 2M 5M Class of 2014 Participation: 4.05% Class of 2004 Participation: 5.45% Total Gifts: $465 T Class of 2005 Participation: 2.94% Shannon O’Leary Adam Roder Class of 2006 Participation: 1.67% Paige Richard P R 0,000 Total Gifts: $965 Erin Faller Hitt Kellie Bruckbauer Knodel Michael Wolfe Laura Mercil Bryson Elliot Hitt Nicole Alton Knoll 5,000 Class of 2007 Participation: 4.05% Total Gifts: $115 Shane DuBord Connor Dunn Tyler Pederson IN 0,000 Class of 2003 Participation: 3.95% Total Gifts: $445 Class of 2013 Participation: 3.66% Class of 2002 Participation: 1.82% John Knoll 1M Total Gifts: $440 P 5M Total Gifts: $62 Stephanie DuBord Rachel Nistler Josie Perhus R 3M Total Gifts: $1,290 ’S Total Gifts: $115 Rachel Hofer Kevin Torgerson Katie Bowar Wise Class of 2008 Participation: 11.39% Total Gifts: $333 Josephine Breen Molly Brenner Christopher Colwell Corinne Edgerton Michelle Kramer Friedt Isaac Olson Michael Schmit Class of 2022 Madison Ahlers Anna Bernhardt Grace Hardmeyer Kinley Kueneman Olivia Vetter Elsa Wambach † - Denotes deceased CURRENT PARENTS Total Participation: 41.82% Michele Berg Michael and Tina Berger Robert and Lorine Bernhardt Michael and Michelle Biver Michael and Sunny Jensen Blankinship Stacy Larson Bossart Bryan and Pamela Bossert David and Carolyn Boutain Todd and Laurie Braun Pat and Brenda Breen Edward and Mary Mengedoth Brennan Dana and Kari Meier Brock Dr. Alekzandria Brown Kevin and Kari Bucholz Mark and Jill Buisker Kent and Corinne Busek Dan and Heather Butler Brian and Joanna Hoffman Carroll Thomas and Teresa Christensen Ted and Nancy Christianson John and Cecile Anderson Clark Jeff and Le’Dean Collins Dan and Rachel Wold Conrad Nancy Conway Charles and Kelly Cooper David and Brenda Craft Dr. Benjamin and Dr. Lindsey Dahl Dr. Chris and Erin Danduran Gary and Stephanie Dauenhauer Tim and Ramelle Day Greg and Jami Dean Edward and Lori DeKeyser Taylor and Ellen DeVine Jim and Kari Dew Tom and Danette Dewald Clark and Cheryl Dietz David and Lori Jo Dietz Kevin and Karen Donahue Paul and Mary Dosch Dan Doyle and Wanda Hanson Dan and Pauline Dunn Stephen and Suellen Dusek Dave and Paula Ekman Tim and Teresa Erholtz Dr. John and Lori Erie Dr. Erik and Bethany Fetner Mike and Sheila Finneseth Dr. Keith and Wanda Fischer Drs. Kenneth and Eunah Fischer Michael and Melissa Dahl Flaherty Nanette Sturdevant Fort Lee and Colleen Fowler Keith and Susanne Fraase Jeremy and Heidi Frie Dr. Matt and Julie Friederichs Stephen and Diane Fitterer Fritz Howard and Kathleen Fulks Brian and Cyndi Geffre Charles and Louella Geraci Paul and Shelley Giauque R O O F Class of 1999 Participation: 6.15% E 5M Total Gifts: $521,778 Chris and Gina Ahlers Shane and Laura Bach Alderman Jim and Amy Alexander Glen and Connie Altringer Paul and Margo Ames Jens and Mary Jo Andersen Kyle and Melissa Anderson Russ and Janis Anderson Josh and Katie Broderick Astrup Ken and Pam Mastel Astrup Scott and Barbara Augdahl Jeff and Lisa Aune Michael and LaDonna Bannach Mark and Stephanie Bares Dr. John and Sharon Desautels Beauclair James and Nancy Berg Dr. Mark Gitau and Masha Nzabi-Gitau John and Valerie Gladitsch Dan Goehring and Janis Bork Jerald and Gail Gores PLEASE NOTE: Listings reflect gifts through April 15th. Gifts through June 30th will be included in the Annual Report. Thomas and Nancy Duchscher Kasper P R IN Brady and Amy Borkenhagen Seavert Claire and Sandy Seefeldt Daniel and Bernadine Seefeldt Brett and Joelle Shewey Michael and Mary Nagle Shulstad Eugene and Sherri Simon Philip and Cheryl Simon Clete and Becky Smith Dr. Michael and Katie Smith Mark and Mykal Sonstelie Rick and Maureen Deutsch Splettstaszer Kelly and Sandra Splitt Brent and Brenda Srejma Joseph and Tina Stanger Tina Steinhouse Chris and Sherrey Stich R O O F T E Patrick and Stephanie Kautzman Edward and Mary Kava Brian Keller Gerard and Joni Keller Michael and Anne Keller Thomas and Beverly Kelsch Dr. Emmet and Diane Moraghan Kenney Patrick and Catherine Keogh Ann Kieffer Donald and Melissa Kiffmeyer Travis and Jill Koch Paul and Nancy Kochmann Stephen Kostecke and Pamela Antoniuk Kenneth and Tina Kraft Eric and Brenda Krueger Kevin and Nadine Kruk Dr. Gary and Judy Kubalak Grace Kuehl Rob and Kamie Kueneman Dr. Steve and Teri Schwan Lantz Terrance and Kelly Leeper Francis and Barbara Leier Mark and Bonnie Leier Todd and Jennifer Lefor Norman and Josee Leslie Jin Li Joseph and Kayla Lorsung Brian and Roxanne Madson Josh and Aliceyn Magelky Dr. Saakwa and Veronica Mante Bill Marcil and Chris Linnares Stacey and Amy Mathias Edward and Jennifer Schwind Justin and Jessica Rustad Stimpson Jon and Erin Strand Patrick Sweeney Tim and Kim Sweeney Todd and Lynn Toulouse Swenson Michael and Molly Thomas Cassie Thomasson Dean and Donna Thompson James and Lynn Toay Patrick and Jamie Traynor Dr. Richard and Sharmae Vetter Paul and Jill von Ebers Nathan and Jessica Voss Brian and Corie Gronso Walker Kent and Lisa Wanner Ron and Carrie Ward Mark Weber and Natalie OgaardWeber Justin and Julie Price Welch Jeremy and Christine Welsand Chip and Tammy Wheelock Richard and Jessica Wiese Keith and Julie Wilson Dale and Nicol Winkelman John and Linda Wolbaum Wade Wolf Mark and Nancy Wolfe Dr. Aaron and Michelle Wright Chad and Stacie Zimmerman P Scott and Cindy Hoselton Steve and Christy Huber Dr. David and Patricia Jacobson Jeff and Mary Jo Jacobson Roger and Debra Jaeger Earl and Kristi Jarolimek David and Robin Johnson Mark and Pam Johnson Steve and Dani Johnson Steve Johnson and Dr. Susan Mathison William C. Johnson Angela Jordahl-Olson Dale and Kelly Kadlec Dan and Susan Russell Kadrmas Marvin and Kathy Kanwischer ’S Christopher and Jennifer Hoffmann Dr. Brian and Jenny Mathison Dr. Christopher and Elizabeth Bossart Mathison David and Miranda Mathison Mark McAllister Lincoln and Renae McArthur Greg and Angie McCormick Brian and Laurie McKeever Shawn and Nola McNeally Jac and Shari McTaggart Chad and Jessica Mears Jason and Melissa Mehlisch Steve and Elizabeth Mehus Christopher and Karin Meier Todd and Peggy Traynor Mickelson Edward and April Mitchell Michael and Lisa Sullivan Montgomery Brian and Michelle Moore Brad and Jill Motschenbacher Nate and Dr. Jennifer Mullally Dr. Yuri Nakasato and Ximena Suarez-Sousa Randy† and Dorian Nelson William and Marna Nelson Patrick and Brenda Nistler Steve and Cindy Noack Paul and Geneva Noah Dr. Thomas and Kimberly Noah Gerald and Jane Noble Paul and Anne O’Donnell John and Amy Ommen Rusty and Marilyn Ouart Eduardo Pablo and Maria Novoa Dr. Roberto and Dr. Patricia Patron Joseph and Sandra Paul Daniel and Janelle Pederson Eric and Sarah Pegors Ray and Jill Perhus Dr. Bruce and Cathy Piatt Dr. John and Sharon Fritz Pollard Christina Gapp Pyle Chad and Ashley Askew Quamme Aaron and Teresa Reinholz Daniel Rieger and Dr. Elena Rodgers-Rieger John and Sarah Ries Mark and Jennie Schons Rivard Rob and Vicki Roberts Marv and Lisa Roeske Daniel and Kathryn Rogers Regan and Renae Rohl R Timothy and Jill Graveline Brian and Kate Greicar Mike and Shawn Hagstrom Charles and Laura Hale Danny and Kristi Hallock Carl and Mercedes Hanson Doug and Betty Hanson Mitch and Susan Fornes Hanson Jonathan and Angela Hass Todd and Amy Heinrich Scott and Maria Hennen Laura Hicks Lee and Diann Hoedl Mike and Nicole Hofer Dr. Jeff and Dr. Denise Rondeau Brian and Stacy Roney Ryan and Dana Roshau Ken and Lori Magelky Ruhland Michael and Karen Kirsch Sanden Jeff and Dana Sandene Joseph and Toni Sandin Tim and Kary Mehl Sandy Wade and Amy Sandy James and Connie Savageau Dan and Maria Saville Timothy and Lori Sayler Mark and Kathy Rivard Schmitt Steve Schons PARENTS OF GRADUATES Participation: 26.62% Total Gifts: $431,831 Russell and Loretta Abel Shane and Laura Bach Alderman Aaron and Jan Alton Paul and Margo Ames Russ and Janis Anderson Scott and Rhonda Anderson Steve and Sandy Anderson Anonymous Dennis and Kathy Antonelli Larry and Jo Astrup Millie Bach Larry and Carolyn Bailey Mark and Stephanie Bares Dr. Eric and Phyllis Barth PLEASE NOTE: Listings reflect gifts through April 15th. Gifts through June 30th will be included in the Annual Report. $3.5 $3 $2.5 $2 $1.5 $1 $500 $250 $125 1M 0,000 Marlene Christenson Ted and Nancy Christianson Patrick and Donna Clark Dr. Patrick Colliton Kim and Bev Colwell Charles and Kelly Cooper Gene and Joyce Cortese Bruce J. Coryell Steve and Teri Cossette Kevin Cowles and Marsha CraneCowles Dr. Bruce and Terri Dahl Gregory and Mary Lou Greving Dahms Jerry and Bonnie Daily Timothy and Gail Dancer Harley and Irene Danielson Gary and Stephanie Dauenhauer Tim and Ramelle Day David and Nancy DeCock Doris Desautels Dan and Lida Deutsch James and Patricia Rasmussen Deutsch Patricia DeVine Gary and Kathryn Dietz Jean Donahue P R 0,000 Paul and Dr. Janine Henning Carson 5,000 Richard and Paulette Lang Frank and Kate Latta David and Jane Lavelle Thomas and Jill Slayton Lavelle Francis and Barbara Leier Mark and Bonnie Leier Frances Leingang Henry and Leota Leintz Terrence and Candy Lien Mona Little Robert and Kathy Littlefield Ralph and Tami Blanchard Llewellyn Mary Magill Sam Mann Fred and Mary Manuel Bill Marcil and Chris Linnares Ronald and Devonne Markwardt Paul and Brenda Marsolek Ronald and Alice Mastrud Terry and Patricia Mathern Dr. Mark and Marjorie Mathison Donald and Jeaninne McAllister Lincoln and Renae McArthur Richard and Mary Jo McClellan Geneva McCord Thomas McCormick Flora McGarvey Keith and Rondi McGovern L. Patrick and Sonia McManus Ray and Pat Meier Glenn and Pat Metzger David and Candace Meyer Trudy Meyer Todd and Peggy Traynor Mickelson P R O O F Kenneth and Kristina Grafton Lori Hager Mike and Shawn Hagstrom Danny and Kristi Hallock Bob and Cheryl Halvorson Charlie and Kathy Hanish Carl and Mercedes Hanson Margaret Sapa Hartze Marvin and Cory Haverkamp Willard and Mary Klontz Hebert Patrick and Holly Heintzman Scott and Maria Hennen Knute and Char Henning Bruce and Kathy Hettenbaugh Dr. John and Ginny Hicks Laura Hicks ’S 5M Marvin and Kathy Kanwischer Brian and Ev Kappel Rick and Janis Kasper Sally Kasper Tom and Nancy Duchscher Kasper Brian Keller Gerard and Joni Keller Pat and Valerie Kelly Thomas and Beverly Kelsch John and Doreen Dooher Kennelly Dr. Emmet and Diane Moraghan Kenney John and Bonnie Kern Donald and Melissa Kiffmeyer Gary and Jean Klubberud Andy Knoll George R. Knudson Paul and Nancy Kochmann Robert and Cheryl Kochmann Dr. Ronald and Judith Kolb Maurice and Kathleen Kelley Godon R 2M Dorothy Steinbach Duchschere Dan and Pauline Dunn Stephen and Suellen Dusek Dave and Paula Ekman Cray and Jean Dooher Eppler Bonnie Faller Janet K. Feist Roger and Jan Fenstad Mike and Sheila Finneseth Betty Lou Fischer Eve Fischer David Foerster Lee and Colleen Fowler Keith and Susanne Fraase Kaylin and Terri Frappier Leonard and Cynthia Fretland Robert and Cherie Friederichs Matthew Fritz Stephen and Diane Fitterer Fritz Howard and Kathleen Fulks Gene and Rose Gallagher Phillip and Angela Gapp Tim and Judith Gefroh Barbara Gendreau Jan Leonard Gerlach Gregory and Mary German Robert Gibb Merle and Peg Gilbertson Dr. David and Janice Glatt Phillip and Kristin Glogoza E 5M T 3M Ronald and Linda Beare Dr. John and Sharon Desautels Beauclair James and Nancy Berg Michael and Tina Berger Jon and Lisa Desautels Bergerson LeRoy Bernstein Mark and Marilyn Bittner Brian and Marilyn Bjoralt Wayne and Joanne† Blanchard Thomas Bogan Linda Olson Borkenhagen Neil and Vicki Bosch Betty Brown Bossart Stacy Larson Bossart Bryan and Pamela Bossert Kathy Sornsin Boucher Myron and Joan Bowar Ernie and Becky Bozovsky Keary and Sandra Brager Robert and Bernice Braun Todd and Laurie Braun Pat and Brenda Breen Mark and Terri Brenner Dana and Kari Meier Brock Mike and Katie Bruckbauer Dr. Joseph and Rebecca Burns Bob and Deb Buth Rick and Pat Callens Gene and Barbara Carew Mike and Roberta Carlson IN 5M Kevin and Karen Donahue Paul and Mary Dosch Dan Doyle and Wanda Hanson Morris and Margaret Viets Doyle Louise Dryburgh Mark and Colleen DuBord Dr. Thomas and Anna Marie Hiestand Michael and Karen Cossette Hofer Richard and Andree Horst Scott and Cindy Hoselton Sharon Hughes Dr. Morris and Elizabeth Hund Dr. Doug and Renelda Hushka Scott and Cindy Hutchins Dr. Patrick and Jane Vogel Indergaard Tom and Beth Irsfeld Jerald and Janet Iverson Dr. David and Patricia Jacobson Jeff and Mary Jo Jacobson Debra Y. Johnson Keith and Carol Johnson Randy and Chelly Johnson William C. Johnson Jeffrey and Ann Jones Donald and Dorothy Jordan Leonard and Patricia Caulfield Kotta Helen Kram David and Jenny Kramer Aaron and Cindy Krauter Mark and Julie Krejci Kenneth and Bonnie Kroetsch Thomas and Phyllis Kukowski Thomas and Kathy Kuppich Gary and Barbara Lacher Christopher Lancaster and Elizabeth Fortin PLEASE NOTE: Listings reflect gifts through April 15th. Gifts through June 30th will be included in the Annual Report. Richard Savageau Winnie Savageau Dan and Maria Saville Paul and Dawn Schares Richard and Mary Kay Schmit Beverly Schons Steve Schons Donald and Mary Kay Schott Sheri Schulz Jerry and Mary Schutz Morrie and Cathy Rutten Schwinden Grandparents - ($62,876) Ted and Marian Appel Larry and Jo Astrup Millie Bach Larry and Carolyn Bailey Gordon Bartholomay Linda Olson Borkenhagen Betty Brown Bossart Kathy Sornsin Boucher Ernie and Becky Bozovsky Pat and Brenda Breen Gene and Barbara Carew Marlene Christenson Dr. Bruce and Terri Dahl Doris Desautels James and Patricia Rasmussen Deutsch Patricia DeVine Gary and Kathryn Dietz Morris and Margaret Viets Doyle Eddie and Bev Dunn Betty Lou Fischer Robert and Cherie Friederichs Matthew Fritz Gene and Rose Gallagher Jan Leonard Gerlach P ’S R T IN P R Leo and Kay Welk Terry and Chrisse Welle Wayne and Jean Welle Paul and Judy Welu Dan and Pat Whitman Jerel and Rochelle Wieser John and Linda Wolbaum Don and Marilyn Wold James P. Wold Thomas Wold Kevin and Brenda Wolf Mark and Nancy Wolfe Michael and Bertha Wood Peter and Carol Xenides Barbara Zacher Kent and Laurice Zeltinger Kim and Joy Zeltinger Dale and Carol Zetocha Timothy and Brenda Zerr Carol Zietz R O O F Daniel and Bernadine Seefeldt Benedict and Jennine Seitz Bruce and Patty Senger Donald and Patricia Rush Setter Marc and Susan Shannon Robert and Katie Vogel Shaw Hal and Leonor Sillers Eugene and Sherri Simon Raymond Simon Joel and Patricia Deede Simons Nick and Chris Sinner Brian and Linda Carew Skjerseth Sherrie Skuza Robin and Mary Jo Slavik Clete and Becky Smith Evie Ukestad Soukup Dr. Stephen and Judith Spellman Kelly and Sandra Splitt Chad and Jennifer Seminary Stark Robert and Bridgette Startz Terry and Ann Hall Steinhouse Lloyd and Patricia Steinmetz Michael and Barbara Stenberg Alan and Sandra Stokke Harrison and Dawn Storandt Dr. Wally and Paula Storm Marie Stremick Jon and Theresa Strom Bill and Barbara Torok Sturdevant Donald and Alice Such E Mark and Paula Miller Joe and Bev Miranowski Paul and Mary Molick Eric and Patricia Monson Michael and Lisa Sullivan Montgomery Marjorie A. Montplaisir Michael and Mary Montplaisir Walter and Dorothy Montplaisir John and Betty Moraghan Gregory and Joan Mulkern Peggy Nathan John and Cindy Naughton David Naylor Charles and Julie Needham Randy† and Dorian Nelson Robert and Debra Schott Nelson Suzanne Nelson William and Marna Nelson Bernie and Rhonda Ness Rodger and Carisa Nichols John Niemackl and Jean RyanNiemackl Elizabeth H. Nilles Patrick and Brenda Nistler David and Carla Noah John and Mary Noah Gregory and Suzanne Nordbeck Mike and Marsha Nygaard Mary Ann Nystrom Paul and Anne O’Donnell David and Jolette Olig Terry and Kathy Olson Rusty and Marilyn Ouart Joseph and Sandra Paul Justin and Wendy Paulson Daniel and Janelle Pederson Ray and Jill Perhus Gerald and Mary Phillips Dr. Bruce and Cathy Piatt Thomas and Jean Wilk Picard Robert and Patricia Pieri Dr. John and Sharon Fritz Pollard Aaron and Teresa Reinholz Tony and Dorothy Renner Paul and Mary Jo Richard Jeff and Lisa Richmond John and Sarah Ries Leo and Gail Ringey Gerald and Myrna Rivard Jerome and Carol Rivard Mark and Jennie Schons Rivard Rob and Vicki Roberts Dr. Hal and Bonnie Rodenbiker Sandy Thiel and Randy Roder Ken and Lori Magelky Ruhland Irvin and Lynann Rustad Randall† and Mary Beth Cossette Rustad Dr. Charles and Barbara Ruzicka Jeff and Dana Sandene Gerald and Joanne Sandy Tim and Kary Mehl Sandy Wade and Amy Sandy Wayne and Denise Sargent James and Connie Savageau Curtis and Margaret Kodelka Sveum Lenore Sweeney Madonna Klontz Sweeney Todd and Lynn Toulouse Swenson Hugo and Julie Ternes Mark and Liz Thelen Rosemary Thomas Tom and Trish Thorson Donald and Janet Tillisch James and Judy Tilton Jim and Katie Nistler Traynor Dr. Michael and Mary Beth Traynor Mark and Stacey Tschider Ed and Sandy Tupa Deacon Jim Uline Vernon and Barbara Useldinger Mark and Suzanne Uselman Judy Vanyo Dr. Richard and Sharmae Vetter Amanda Voss Mark and Mary Lou Walker John and Marlene Walsh Ron and Carrie Ward Richard and Janice Wehage Pat and Kathy Carew Weir $3.5 $3 $2.5 $2 $1.5 $1 $500 $250 Maurice and Kathleen Kelley Godon Knute and Char Henning Dr. John and Ginny Hicks Michael and Karen Cossette Hofer Duane and Renee Huber Debra Y. Johnson Cory and Barb Jones Doug and Maralee Kalianoff Sally Kasper Robert and Cheryl Kochmann Richard and Paulette Lang Catherine E. Libbrecht Fred and Mary Manuel Dr. Mark and Marjorie Mathison Donald and Jeaninne McAllister Ray and Pat Meier Marjorie A. Montplaisir PLEASE NOTE: Listings reflect gifts through April 15th. Gifts through June 30th will be included in the Annual Report. $125 1M 0,000 Total Gifts: $36,792 Melissa Anderson Jo Astrup Michelle Biver Josephine Breen Kari Meier Brock Sarah Lacher Crary Tim Cruff Maria Dahlin Jean Dooher Eppler Brian Geffre Kristina Grafton Lori Hager Mike Hagstrom Shawn Hagstrom Mercedes Hanson Lee Hoedl Cindy Hutchins Dani Johnson Stephanie Kautzman Leon Knodel Jill Koch Rhoda Koudela Brenda Krueger Kathy Littlefield Ronald Markwardt Tammy Mattson Mary Jo McClellan Shari McTaggart Marna Nelson Randy Nelson† Shannon O’Leary Janelle Pederson Katy Peltier Rebecca Raber Gail Ringey Stacy Roney Lucas Rustad Randall Rustad† P R 0,000 5,000 Friends - ($160,878) Daniel and Carol Aase Maria Alfonseca-Cubero Alfons Allmaras Anonymous Troy and Brenda Aswege Matt and Amy Baasch Richard and Karen Bakke Joseph and Joan Barta Mike Beaton Gail Beauchamp Bill and Bernadette Behm Jeff and Melissa Benda Karl and Ursula Benzenberg Rick Berg and Tracy Martin Therese Bergeson John and Sylvia Birrenkott James Bisignano Elizabeth Bloomer Deanna Hauptman Bohl Fr. Kevin Boucher Ken and Karen Braun Paul and Michelle Breen Trisha Breker Ken and Pam Brusegaard Kelly Buettner-Schmidt Amanda Kitchens Buettner Jane Busko Robert and Jana Bye Darrell and Geraldine Cariveau Alan and Sharon Carlson Frank and Sally Casey Stan and Margo Clouse R. L. Dimmer Coleman Karen Corbid Fr. Duaine Cote Fr. Raymond Courtright Mary Ann Crary Donna Darell Steven Degele James and Paulette Dew Dan and Patrice Dietz Judith C. Dolan Kathryn Dorn Katie Dubas Beth DuFault Lori Duginski Thomas and Hali Durand Carol Dutoit Edmund and Kathleen Erbes Fr. James R. Ermer Kenneth and Lois Ewertz Greg Falde and Rebecca Anderson Falde Rev. Charles M. Fischer Bishop John T. Folda Justin and Kate Ann Fosberg Patricia Fritel Tom Froning Michael J. Gallagher Bob and Judy German Ray and Nancy Gierszewski Nick Gludt R O O F Discover You Care, We Share Program Eastern Dakota Conference Eli Lilly and Company Foundation, Inc. Fellowship of Christian Athletes FM Area Schools’ League Gate City Bank Goodrich Foundation Grouser Products Heartland Capital Group, LLC Hommerding Incentive Fund Hornecker LC Humana Foundation In-House Advertising & Consulting P Network Staff Participation: 38.21% Businesses/Organizations ($341,566) Elmer & Kaya Berg Foundation BNSF Foundation Bremer Bank Butler Machinery Company Clark Construction Group, LLC Comquest Corporation Dakota Health Solutions PC Dakota Supply Group ’S 5M West Fargo Public School District No. 6 R 2M Jennifer Schultz Joelle Shewey Sherri Simon Dr. Michael Smith Dawn Storandt Michael Strand Cassie Thomasson Mary Beth Traynor Kristen Vetter Wirth J D S & Associates of Eden Prairie Inc. John L. McCormick Memorial Trust Jordahl & Associates, Inc. Ken Kraft Agency, Inc. Knoll Realty Kochmann Bros Homes Inc. Land O’Lakes Foundation Lucile Coghlan McCormick Memorial Trust Master Construction McArthur Tile Co. E 5M T 3M John and Betty Moraghan Elizabeth H. Nilles John and Mary Noah Gregory and Suzanne Nordbeck Mary Ann Nystrom Tony and Dorothy Renner Gerald and Myrna Rivard Jerome and Carol Rivard Randall† and Mary Beth Cossette Rustad Dr. Charles and Barbara Ruzicka Gerald and Joanne Sandy Winnie Savageau Beverly Schons Jim and Mary Beth Sexton Miriam Shewey Raymond Simon Terry and Ann Hall Steinhouse Bill and Barbara Torok Sturdevant Shirley Suda Madonna Klontz Sweeney Rosemary Thomas Richard and Janice Wehage Don and Marilyn Wold IN 5M Metro Area Tournament Committee Microsoft Matching Gift Program Morgan Stanley Smith Barney ND Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Assn. Northstar Power Co. Offutt Family Foundation Roger Maris Celebrity Golf Tournament Scheels All Sports Shiloh Christian School Southpointe Pharmacy St. Ann Catholic Parish Sun Life Financial The Blenders, Inc. The Prudential Foundation US Bank Home Mortgage Valley Repair, Inc. Voya Wells Fargo Advisors Wells Fargo Foundation Western Dakota Association PLEASE NOTE: Listings reflect gifts through April 15th. Gifts through June 30th will be included in the Annual Report. JPII FUND LEADERSHIP GIVING SOCIETY $3.5 $3 $2.5 $2 Founders Circle (Gifts of $15,000+) Elizabeth H. Nilles P ’S R T IN P R Richard and Pauline Vetsch James and Ardis Vetter Rev. Msgr. Wendelyn Vetter Bobby and Britni Volesky Geraldine Walz Ralph and Janine Wagner Sara Wald Charles and Amy Wanzek David Weber and Susan Mary Mahoney-Weber Leslie Wegner Victor and Kathy Weigel Jake and Deb Werner Jeff and Karla Wiegrefe John and Lori Willert H. Jane Yahna Jeff and Kathy York R O O F Greg and Tahnee Miller Fr. Brian Moen Ken and Peggy Mondry David and Nancy Monson JoAnn Moody Charles and Kathryn Morehead Alexander and Kali Mork Timothy and Veronica Mosser Robert and Carol Muscha Kenneth and Betty Neameyer Nebraska Journal Leader / Richard & Judy Volkman Bill and Cindy Nelson Larry and Gail Nelson Eric and Nicole Ness Kyle and Tara Newman David and Stephanie Nilles Julie Norman Lawrence Nosbusch Ruth Ohlrichs John and Jane Olson Barbara Opoien Rusty and Neva Papachek Frank and Patricia Paumen Dorothy Pawlik Ross and Melissa Perala Michael and Michelle Perius Doyle and Sharon Plecity Benjamin Potter, II Gene and Shirley Preskey Robert and Elizabeth Price Leone Richard Lisa Ripplinger Kevin Rittenhouse Lucas and Kelly Robertsdahl Joshua and Kristen Robinson Annette Roth Ruth Samson Jennifer Satter Mike and Brenda Schell Sabrina Schmitz Betty Lou Scott Thomas and Patti Sell Robert Sherman Joe and Sue Simon Sharon Simon Darla Skaurud Rev. Msgr. Dennis A. Skonseng Jessica Skroch Bryan and Patti Smith Dawn Smith Robert and Jan Sobolik Thomas and Diana Sopp Leon Steidl Michael and Lisa Stenstrom Thomas and Stephannie Stiel Marilyn Stine Jeffrey and Reneece Strand Jeane Sweeney Wallace and Mary Ann Tintes Dr. Robert Toutges Anthony Trappen Marc Valenzuela Christopher and Heather Vanyo Janette Venaas-Gilbraith E Jerry and Kay Gnoinsky Msgr. Joseph P. Goering Gerald Gregor Josiah Gunderson Fr. Kurtis Gunwall Linda Haag Roger and Mary Haberman Mike Hagen LeRoy and Jackie Hager Deacon David Haney Valerie Hanson Donna Hentges John Herlick Eva Hogan† Robbie and Angela Holthusen Jerry and Cindy Hunsicker Marie Brattensborg Hunter Family Janet Iverson Troy Ivesdal Brian and Antoinette Johnson Denise Jonas Curt Jones John and Jody Jones Lorell and Renae Jungling Fr. Jared Kadlec Brad and Sindy Keller David and Carol Widman Kennedy Margo Kern Bryan and Cindy Kramer Patricia Roach Kratky Keith and Beatrice Kroke Marie Kujawa Bob and Deb Kuntz Richard and Denise Lagasse James and Kim LaHaise Steve and Dr. Patricia Laqua Dr. Richard and Pamela Leader Cory Lehman Andrew and Teal Leraas David and Jane Lessard Steve and Laurie Liebetrau Jill Liljestrand Rob and Cheryl Link Larry and Sheila Lubben Jerry and Kathy Luther Darryl and Rene Lutovsky Bradley and Lisa Lysne Gary Mailloux Eugene and Merry Manson Shane and Tammy Marmon Frank and Ann Marquette Ann Martin Peter McArdle Francis and Debby McCann Hugh and Wilma Jean McDonald Julia McGuire Joanne T. McMullen Patrick McNally Scott and Becky Meek Walter and Marjorie Meidinger Fr. James Meyer Matt and Kari Meyer Ray and Rita Meyer Fr. Bert Miller Ervin and Evelyn Miller Partners in Mission Circle (Gifts of $10,000 - $14,999) Legacy Circle (Gifts of $7,500 – $9,999) Dan and Heather Butler John and Amy Ommen Lenore Sweeney Benefactors Circle (Gifts of $5,000 - $7,499) Dr. Erik and Bethany Fetner Dr. Matt and Julie Friederichs Dr. Gary and Judy Kubalak Joseph and Sandra Paul Madonna Klontz Sweeney Paul and Jill von Ebers Dale and Nicol Winkelman James P. Wold Visionary Circle (Gifts of $2,500 - $4,999) Roger and Jan Fenstad Charles and Laura Hale Steve Johnson and Dr. Susan Mathison Thomas and Kathy Kuppich Patricia Carvell Maris Thomas and Judy McCormick Todd and Peggy Traynor Mickelson Dan and Susan Russell Kadrmas Norman and Josee Leslie Bill Marcil and Chris Linnares Jerry and Judi McDonald Dr. Yuri Nakasato and Ximena Suarez-Sousa Patrick and Brenda Nistler Eric and Sarah Pegors James F. Pettinger PLEASE NOTE: Listings reflect gifts through April 15th. Gifts through June 30th will be included in the Annual Report. $1.5 $1 $500 $250 $125 1M 0,000 P R 0,000 5,000 Marc and Susan Shannon Brett and Joelle Shewey Dr. Michael and Katie Smith Steve and Karen Lavelle Stoner Todd and Lynn Toulouse Swenson The Prudential Foundation Rosemary Thomas Helen Tritschler Mark and Nancy Wolfe Deacon Club (Gifts of $500 - $999) Glen and Connie Altringer Ted and Marian Appel Michael and LaDonna Bannach Deacon David Barfuss Robert and Lorine Bernhardt Josh and Katie Broderick Astrup Scott and Barbara Augdahl Mark and Stephanie Bares Jerome and Lois Barrett Gordon Bartholomay Ronald and Linda Beare Dr. John and Sharon Desautels Beauclair James and Nancy Berg Therese Bergeson Richard and Lois Bergseth LeRoy Bernstein Wayne and Joanne† Blanchard Patrick Bogan Thomas Bogan P R O O F Thomas and Teresa Christensen Dan and Rachel Wold Conrad Charles and Kelly Cooper Dakota Health Solutions PC Allan and Gail Hebert Danielski Doris Desautels Gary and Kathryn Dietz Dan and Pauline Dunn Mike and Sheila Finneseth Eve Fischer Adrian and Jennifer Fretland Gene and Rose Gallagher Michael and Marvyl Grinney John and Kathleen Gross Charlie and Kathy Hanish Elliot and Erin Faller Hitt Scott and Cindy Hoselton Duane and Renee Huber Gene and Sue Anderson Jackson Cory and Barb Jones Rick and Janis Kasper Brian Keller Kenneth and Bonnie Kroetsch Lee and Sujata LaBine Dr. Saakwa and Veronica Mante Donald and Jeaninne McAllister Michael and Becky McShane Ken and Peggy Mondry David and Nancy Monson Roy Montplaisir Nate and Dr. Jennifer Mullally R. Tracy and Dianne Hoss Myers John Niemackl and Jean RyanNiemackl Steve and Cindy Noack ’S 5M Paul and Dr. Janine Henning Carson R 2M Mark and Marilyn Bittner Scott and Sara Wold Bleth E 5M Superintendent’s Circle (Gifts of $1,000 - $2,499) Jim and Amy Alexander Anonymous Elmer & Kaya Berg Foundation Bryan and Pamela Bossert Dennis Bower Dr. Alekzandria Brown Kevin and Kari Bucholz Bob and Deb Buth Jerome H. Cossette Dr. Benjamin and Dr. Lindsey Dahl Dr. Bruce and Terri Dahl William and Teena Dietz James O. and Catherine L. Eide Dr. Keith and Wanda Fischer Timothy L. Fortune Jim and Jan Leonard Gerlach Dr. Mark Gitau and Masha Nzabi-Gitau Mary Ann Heising Graves Eric and Jill Haverkamp Lee and Diann Hoedl Eva Hogan† Marie Brattensborg Hunter Family Dr. Emmet and Diane Moraghan Kenney Donald and Renae Lau Lucile Coghlan McCormick Memorial Trust Richard Ludwig Mark and Bobbie Malmberg Greg and Angie McCormick David and Candace Meyer Theresa Nistler Paul and Geneva Noah David and Mary Samels Pease Paul and Mary Jo Richard Dr. Jeff and Dr. Denise Rondeau Randall† and Mary Beth Cossette Rustad Gerald and Joanne Sandy James and Connie Savageau Scheels All Sports Donald and Patricia Rush Setter T 3M Kevin and Brenda Wolf IN 5M Bill and Georgine Jorgenson Parker Dr. Roberto and Dr. Patricia Patron Gerald and Lois† Pronovost Daniel Rieger and Dr. Elena Rodgers-Rieger Gerald and Myrna Rivard Brian and Stacy Roney Ken and Lori Magelky Ruhland Rev. Msgr. Dennis A. Skonseng Brent and Brenda Srejma Gregory and Gail Staszko Dr. Michael and Mary Beth Traynor Mark and Mary Lou Walker Richard and Janice Wehage Dr. Aaron and Michelle Wright Red & White Club (Gifts of $100 - $499) Chris and Gina Ahlers Janice McCurdy Alm Tom and Arlene Alm Paul and Margo Ames Steve and Brenda Urie Anderson Steve and Sandy Anderson Anonymous Dennis and Kathy Antonelli Kathy Lynch Ashe Don Bolgrean and Julie Klosterman Mary Carolyn McDonald Bolinger Stephen Bologna Dan and Kelley Borgie Kathy Sornsin Boucher David and Carolyn Boutain Roy and Patricia Bower-Jernigan Keary and Sandra Brager Brian and Janice Brandmeyer Jesse and Jenna Braun Paul and Michelle Breen Dana and Kari Meier Brock Mike and Katie Bruckbauer David and Judy Bassett Bruns Eric and Kristen Kramer Brynestad Ardys Miller Burley Joseph and Annette Busek Kent and Corinne Busek Rick and Pat Callens William and Jacklyn Britt Canino Lucretia Barrett Canning Gene and Barbara Carew Brian and Joanna Hoffman Carroll Lynn Casey Duane and Carol Bailey Christensen Ted and Nancy Christianson Wayne and Elizabeth Sologuk Christianson Patrick and Donna Clark Class of 1954 – 60th Class Reunion William and Catherine McShane Coghlan Dr. Mark Colliton Kim and Bev Colwell Gene and Joyce Cortese Paul and Barb Cortese Bruce J. Coryell Tom and Nancy Cossette David and Brenda Craft Edward and Sarah Lacher Crary Daniel and Elsie Cullen Jonathan and Elizabeth Dahl Maria Dahlin Harley and Irene Danielson Gary and Stephanie Dauenhauer Greg and Jami Dean Ron and Marjean McShane DeCesare Michael and Barb Deede Patrick J. Delmore Taylor and Ellen DeVine PLEASE NOTE: Listings reflect gifts through April 15th. Gifts through June 30th will be included in the Annual Report. David and Mary Kramer Eric and Brenda Krueger Kevin and Nadine Kruk Grace Kuehl Rob and Kamie Kueneman Paul and Gabriella Kuppich Gary and Barbara Lacher Maurie Lamb Larry and Jane Williams LaMont Richard and Paulette Lang Kenneth and Betty Lasneski David and Jane Lavelle Joseph and Helen Lawrence Terrance and Kelly Leeper P R Goodrich Foundation Steve Gorman Steve and Toni Magelky Grabinger Jim and Jody Grossman Grouser Products Cindy Gruman Michael and Kathy Hager Mike and Shawn Hagstrom Erik and Suzanne Haverkamp Halstrom Catherine Stephenson Hartnett Dr. William and Vicki Hawn John and Kathy Hebert Todd and Amy Heinrich Scott and Maria Hennen Bruce and Kathy Hettenbaugh Dr. John and Ginny Hicks Dr. Thomas and Anna Marie Hiestand Duane and Catherine Miller Hinsperger Michael and Karen Cossette Hofer Mike and Nicole Hofer Robbie and Angela Holthusen William and Andrea Laliberte Lewis Catherine E. Libbrecht Fred and Mary Manuel Anne Hablas Marchione Jonathan Markwardt Jim and Mary Fitzgerald Martinez Dr. Brian and Jenny Mathison Dr. Christopher and Elizabeth Bossart Mathison Dr. Mark and Marjorie Mathison Mark McAllister Richard and Mary Jo McClellan Geneva McCord Dale McCright Hugh and Wilma Jean McDonald Dan and Jeanne McGarvey $3.5 Thomas and JoAnn Sinner McMullen Shawn and Nola McNeally Chad and Jessica Mears Fr. James Meyer Philip T. Meyer $3 Peter and Marguerite Hilber Mielke Fr. Bert Miller Mark and Paula Miller Michael and Mary Scott Miller Dr. Keith Millette Paul and Mary Molick Larry and Kristi Montplaisir Marjorie A. Montplaisir Scott A. Montplaisir Walter and Dorothy Montplaisir John and Betty Moraghan Emily Johnson Morey Douglas and Susan McCord Mormann John and Nell Henley Murray Justin and Janet Reese Murray John and Cindy Naughton Mary Herrick Nelson William and Marna Nelson Rodger and Carisa Nichols P ’S R Leonard and Patricia Caulfield Kotta Dr. Donald and Beverly Rodger Kraft T IN Earl and Diane Seifert Goodmanson Brian and Laurie McKeever L. Patrick and Sonia McManus R O O F Dr. Morris and Elizabeth Hund Mike Hurley Scott and Cindy Hutchins Joel and Rose Ibach Ivey Roger and Debra Jaeger Debra Y. Johnson William C. Johnson Angela Jordahl-Olson Paul T. Jorgenson Dale and Kelly Kadlec Jerry and Laurie Bassett Kadrie Brian and Ev Kappel Michael and Anne Keller Pat and Valerie Kelly John and Doreen Dooher Kennelly Dr. Emmet and Diane Moraghan Kenney Michele R. Keogh John and Bonnie Kern Rodman and Cindy Kern Shirley J. Kern Dr. Steve and Anne Kern Ann Kieffer Timothy Klontz Gary and Jean Klubberud Leon and Kellie Bruckbauer Knodel Andy and Cindy Knoll John and Nicole Alton Knoll George R. Knudson Travis and Jill Koch Dr. Ronald and Judith Kolb Kevin and Barbara Korsmo E Tom and Beth Vacek DiPerna Mike and Judy Donahue David Driscoll Louise Dryburgh Mark and Colleen DuBord Dorothy Steinbach Duchschere Kevin A. Duchschere Fr. Paul Duchschere John Dullea Dylan Dunn Patrick Dunn Stephen and Suellen Dusek Margaret Ann Welu Eastman Gerald and Brenda Cruz Eid Cray and Jean Dooher Eppler Fr. James R. Ermer Greg and Veronica Peters Etzel Brian and Tricia Fairfield Greg Falde and Rebecca Anderson Falde Janet K. Feist Carol J. Fischer David Fischer Drs. Kenneth and Eunah Fischer Michael Flynn Paul and Donna Foerster Bishop John T. Folda Deborah Forstner Mark Foss and Sharon Eckert Keith and Susanne Fraase Leonard and Cynthia Fretland Howard and Kathleen Fulks Robert C. Gaffaney Michael J. Gallagher Tim and Judith Gefroh Charles and Louella Geraci John and Barbara Gerlach Robert and Elizabeth Gibb John and Valerie Gladitsch Matthew and Mary Glessner Msgr. Joseph P. Goering $2.5 $2 $1.5 Catherine Nilles and Bruce Melchert David and Stephanie Nilles Gerald and Jane Noble Gregory and Suzanne Nordbeck Sharon Brown Nordman Arthur and Lois Cantlon Nordstrom Lawrence Nosbusch Southpointe Pharmacy/ David & Jolette Olig Peg O’Meara and Jeff Wagner $1 Rene and Sherri Ouellette Eduardo Pablo and Maria Novoa Justin and Wendy Paulson $500 Peter and Debra Nystrom Pollard Christina Powers Christina Gapp Pyle Michael and Rebecca Raber Aaron and Teresa Reinholz Tony and Dorothy Renner John and Sarah Ries William and Margie Rinehart Bill and Lisa Foss Ritter Jerome and Carol Rivard Mark and Jennie Schons Rivard Rob and Vicki Roberts $250 Frank and Patricia Paumen Daniel and Janelle Pederson Dr. Hal and Bonnie Rodenbiker Jacob and Molly Rodenbiker Daniel and Kathryn Rogers Regan and Renae Rohl Robert J. Rosatti Colleen Kieffer Rott Arne and Shirley Ruud Barbara Sedlak Salazar Joseph and Toni Sandin PLEASE NOTE: Listings reflect gifts through April 15th. Gifts through June 30th will be included in the Annual Report. $125 5M 2M William F. Schulz Jerry and Mary Schutz Edward and Jennifer Schwind Claire and Sandy Seefeldt Daniel and Bernadine Seefeldt Bruce and Patty Senger Jim and Mary Beth Sexton Ryan and Anka Vela Shannon Michael and Mary Nagle Shulstad Bill and Jacquelyn Daugherty Sidner Eugene and Sherri Simon Paul and Teryl Setter Sitarz Sherrie Skuza Robin and Mary Jo Slavik Paul and Melissa Gruman Sorensen 5,000 Richard and Mary Jane Saefke Akers Maria Alfonseca-Cubero Alan and Kelly Davies Anderson Duane and Joanne Jorgenson Anderson Douglas and Marti Andring Anonymous Louise Mertz Arendt Frank and Susanne Argenziano Ken and Pam Mastel Astrup Thomas Astrup Jeff and Lisa Aune Larry and Carolyn Bailey Richard and Karen Bakke Orville and Sharon Banasik Delores Richard Barker Janet Barnick Joan Maresh Baron Dr. Dorothy Berg Michele Berg Dennis Blake Guy and Nancy Tupa Boll Chad and Debra Gallagher Bolte Linda Olson Borkenhagen Neil and Vicki Bosch Stacy Larson Bossart Fr. Kevin Boucher Myron and Joan Bowar Ernie and Becky Bozovsky Ken and Karen Braun Robert and Bernice Braun Larry and Linda Lothspeich Brooks Bill and Lori Olson Brown Dean and Barb Bruhn-Ding Dr. Norma L. Chaska Dennis J. Chisholm Steve and Lisa Cichy David J. Clark John and Cecile Anderson Clark Patrick and Teresita Collins Dr. Patrick Colliton Scott and GayAnn Colliton Margaret Ibach Conley Tim Connolly Nancy Conway Mary Ann Crary R Christopher and Heather Vanyo Betty Germaine Vettel Rev. Msgr. Wendelyn Vetter Nathan and Jessica Voss Brian and Corie Gronso Walker John and Marlene Walsh Kent and Lisa Wanner Brandon and Melissa Weatherford Terry and Chrisse Welle Jeremy and Christine Welsand Paul and Judy Welu Chip and Tammy Wheelock Dan and Pat Whitman Scott Whitman Jerel and Rochelle Wieser Tim and Judy Wilken P R 0,000 Friends of JP II (Gifts of $25 - $99) E 0,000 Warren and Kathrine Armstrong Swenson Mark and Liz Thelen Dean and Donna Thompson Dr. Matthew and Christina Tinguely Dr. Robert Toutges Anthony Trappen Deacon Jim Uline David and Kelly McNulty Vaaler Corry and Tammy Van Mil T 1M Curtis and Margaret Kodelka Sveum IN 5M Dr. Steve and Therese Sornsin Al and Lori Soukup Tina Steinhouse Lloyd and Patricia Steinmetz Mary Stromme Bill and Barbara Torok Sturdevant Cindy Bergseth Sund Richard and Madeleine Moss Zirbes Mark and Elaine Wimbush Mary Witcik Thomas Witcik John and Linda Wolbaum Wade Wolf Michael and Alison Wolfe Patrick and Dianna Donahue Morris and Margaret Viets Doyle Sue Gidskemo DuBois Elizabeth DuBord Shane DuBord Stephanie DuBord Lori Duginski Connor Dunn Donald and Ida Mae Durensky Stephen and Suellen Dusek Ronald and Arlene Duval Ryan and Angie Welle Edinger David and Vicki Olson Edstrom Marianne Van Sickle Egan Chris and Lynne Eldred Guillermo and Catherine Sedlak Etienne Bonnie Faller Lee and Frances Faust Nicole Fenstad Andrew Fischer Larry V. Fischer Daniel and Onalee Olson Flicker Nanette Sturdevant Fort Lee and Colleen Fowler Robert and Cherie Friederichs Tom Froning R O O F John and Lynn Huntington Schubert Aaron and Marian Wolff James A. Wolff Donald R. Wood Peter and Carol Xenides Kim and Joy Zeltinger Timothy and Brenda Zerr Chad and Stacie Zimmerman P 3M Timothy and Lori Sayler Paul and Dawn Schares Andrew and Rosemary Neuman Schatz Dr. Gary and Dotty Schmit Richard and Mary Kay Schmit Art and Carol Schmitz ’S 5M Gregory and Mary Lou Greving Dahms Jerry and Bonnie Daily Chris and Mary Russell Daly David and Nancy DeCock Steven Degele David and Anne Obert Derfler Dennis and Cynthia Derrig Dan and Lida Deutsch Gerald and Anita Anderson Galloway Phillip and Angela Gapp Barbara Gendreau Dave and Marci Glessner Maurice and Kathleen Kelley Godon Brenda J. Gravel Gerry Klier Gray Thomas B. Greving Libby Gross Fr. Kurtis Gunwall Dean and Kathy Haaland Gary and Brenda Buck Haas Roger and Mary Haberman LeRoy and Jackie Hager Margaret Haley Hahn Mary Kennelly Hanigan James and Sharon Hardwick Pam McGarry Hartwig Thomas and Linda Johnson Healy James Hebert Patrick and Holly Heintzman Donna Hentges Trent and Renae Buckhouse Hermen Laura Hicks Arlo-Ann Lincoln Hobbs Richard and Andree Horst Olivia (Nan) Challoner Hover Jerald and Janet Iverson Judy Jacobson William Jacque Brandon and Melissa Kranz Johnson David and Robin Johnson Keith and Carol Johnson Mark and Pam Johnson John and Jody Jones Donald and Dorothy Jordan Fr. Jared Kadlec Doug and Maralee Kalianoff PLEASE NOTE: Listings reflect gifts through April 15th. Gifts through June 30th will be included in the Annual Report. Tim and Melanie Kasper Tom and Nancy Duchscher Kasper Gerard and Joni Keller Brandon and Emily Schmalz Kelly Patrick and Catherine Keogh Donald L. Kercher Donald and Melissa Kiffmeyer Nick and Charlotte Nilles Kitsch Kathleen Svela Koehler Frank and Rhoda Koudela Wilda Bridgeford Kovich David and Jenny Kramer Dr. Craig and Anna Kuhlmann Thomas and Phyllis Kukowski Barry and Leslie LaBine Rodney and Agnes Langer Frank and Kate Latta Dan and Kim Lavelle Henry and Leota Leintz Terrence and Candy Lien Joseph and Kayla Lorsung James and Patricia Lynch Mary Magill William and Nichelle Danielson Manchester Sam Mann Ronald and Devonne Markwardt Lori Mastrud-Bloch Ronald and Alice Mastrud Terry and Patricia Mathern David and Miranda Mathison Chad and Tammy Mattson Robert A. McCormick Flora McGarvey Br. John McLaughlin, CSC Lorraine Allmaras McManmon Glenn and Pat Metzger Steve and Jane Ermer Metzger Trudy Meyer Edward and April Mitchell Michael and Lisa Sullivan Montgomery Bill and Renee Gilles Moseley Gregory and Joan Mulkern Dan and Ann Deutsch Murphy Paul Murphy Dr. Charles and Barbara Ruzicka Kerry and Linda Dukart Sadowsky Jennifer Satter Mark Savageau David Naylor James and Ramona Saefke Neeb J. Dennis and Denise Nelson Larry and Gail Nelson Robert and Debra Schott Nelson Preston Nichols Mike and Marsha Nygaard Mary Ann Nystrom James J. O’Hearn Leif and Catherine Savageau Wold Keith and Sharon Mische Scheltens Daniel and Kathleen Mulkern Smail ’S R E T IN P R Clifford Naylor and Monica Hannan James and Barbara Bultman Olson Rusty and Marilyn Ouart Tyler Pederson Michael and Michelle Perius Gerald and Mary Phillips Thomas and Jean Wilk Picard Chad and Ashley Askew Quamme Julien and Janet Marquart Richard Fred and Jeanne Hoesley Rowe Tim and Melanie Kasper In honor of Fr. Charles LaCroix Mike and Marsha Nygaard In honor of Fr. Tom Matchie Steve and Karen Lavelle Stoner In honor of Katelyn and Ryan Ommen John and Amy Ommen In honor of Betty Lou Scott Paul and Geneva Noah In honor of Donny Steinhouse Tina Steinhouse Richard and Patricia Schmitz Willits Keith and Julie Wilson Robert G. Wood Mary Catherine Hicks Woods Patricia Yunker and Francis Bolls Barbara Zacher Garrett Zeltinger Kayla Zeltinger Kent and Laurice Zeltinger HONORS / MEMORIALS *All memorial gifts from alumni count toward class giving totals and the Class Act Challenge. In honor of Howard Bittner Mark and Marilyn Bittner $3 $2.5 $2 In honor of Jim Strong Sabrina Schmitz P JoEllen Leintz Smith Rick and Cathryn Colliton Spaeth Kelly and Sandra Splitt Curt and Carol Kraft Steier Kevin and Stacie Willits Stein Terry and Ann Hall Steinhouse Alan and Sandra Stokke Judy Higgins Stowe Michael and Madonna Strand Elizabeth Mendoza Streich Marie Stremick Donald and Alice Such Shirley Suda Sun Life Financial Rod and Betty Swatfager Daniel and Brenda Sweeney Jeane Sweeney Tim and Kim Sweeney Mary Marquart Trowbridge Mark and Suzanne Uselman Judy Vanyo Dr. Richard and Sharmae Vetter Tom and Phyllis Moen Weber Jake and Deb Werner Richard and Jessica Wiese Phyllis Savageau Williams $3.5 In honor of Richard & Sally Kasper R O O F Lawrence and Barbara Schmidt Michael and Betty Schoenecker Kenneth and Kathleen Malone Schoenfelder Duane and Patricia Duchscher Schoeppach David and Kathy Schons Edward and Jane Shea Miriam Shewey Eugene and Sherri Simon Sharon Simon Darla Skaurud John and Rose McGarvey Skroch In honor of Cindy Hutchins Cray and Jean Dooher Eppler In honor of Sullivan Teachers John and Doreen Dooher Kennelly $1.5 In honor of the Sweeney Family Tim and Kim Sweeney In honor of Clarence Thompson Steve and Karen Lavelle Stoner Oscar Aberle Mike and Marsha Nygaard Nick Bailey Larry and Carolyn Bailey Duane and Carol Bailey Christensen Dan and Pauline Dunn Rodman Bailey, Sr. ‘51 Larry and Carolyn Bailey Duane and Carol Bailey Christensen Nancy Beeson ‘68 Randy Roder and Sandy Thiel Tom Bergeson ‘43 Therese Bergeson Patricia Bitzan Mike and Shawn Hagstrom Francis Boucher Joe and Bev Miranowski Charles Bowman Mike and Shawn Hagstrom Robert and Kathy Littlefield Mike and Marsha Nygaard Mark and Jennie Schons Rivard PLEASE NOTE: Listings reflect gifts through April 15th. Gifts through June 30th will be included in the Annual Report. $1 $500 $250 $125 5M 2M 5M Robert S. Fischer ‘39 Kathy Sornsin Boucher Mitch and Susan Fornes Hanson Jeff and Ann Fornes Van Wie Ruth Samson Jeanette Foster ‘99 Corey and Jill Bozovsky Backlund Michael Paul Jones ‘74 Jeffrey and Ann Jones Joyce Olson Freese ‘54 Gordon Bartholomay Jeanette Olson Boehmer Michael Kaplor Mike and Shawn Hagstrom Joan Burns Mike and Shawn Hagstrom Steve Gorman III Robert and Gerry Schoener Jerome Burr ‘54 Jim and Jan Leonard Gerlach Dale A. Greterman ‘67 Charles and Monica Mohs Richard & Marlys Callahan Justin and Janet Reese Murray Susan K. (Grinney) Hanson ‘67 Michael and Marvyl Grinney Sheila (Jones) Kummeth ‘57 Tom and Arlene Alm Mike and Shawn Hagstrom Duane R. Campbell Tom and Nancy Cossette Dr. Ryan Harrington ‘50 Mike and Shawn Hagstrom Robert and Katie Vogel Shaw Joseph (‘23) & Harriet Kuppich Thomas and Kathy Kuppich John Gibson Winnie Savageau R Elizabeth Moen Crane ‘59 Tom and Phyllis Moen Weber IN Dorothy Deplazes Joe and Bev Miranowski Ronald Dittmer Jim and Jan Leonard Gerlach P R 0,000 5,000 Marie (Brattensborg) Hunter ‘55 Betty Brown Bossart Kathleen Rooney Boucher Ruth Brattensborg Robert and Susan Christenson Dennis and Virginia Coffield Amie Jean Dexter Marianne Van Sickle Egan Greg and Veronica Peters Etzel Mr. and Mrs. Russell Falness Larry and Ann Hunter Marie Brattensborg Hunter Family Kathleen Svela Koehler Bernard and Roberta Peterson Leclerc Ronald and Phyllis Nelson Elizabeth H. Nilles William and Lori Sugden E 0,000 June Corbid Mike and Shawn Hagstrom Daniel and Janelle Pederson Harrison and Dawn Storandt Rev. Peter Hughes, C.S.Sp. Mike and Shawn Hagstrom T 1M Ken & Pauline Collins Leo and Gwen Collins ’S Adrian Cihak Jacqueline Maurer Wanzer Steve Duginski ‘60 Lori Duginski Marie Kujawa Dick Edgar Bonnie Faller Jane Eret Elizabeth H. Nilles Sister Bernice Ewals (Sister Thomas) Art and Carol Schmitz Elizabeth Virginia “ Robbie” Farley Jim and Jan Leonard Gerlach Roger Johnson Suzanne Nelson R O O F 3M SuzAnn Breen Kathy Sornsin Boucher Bruce and Terri Dahl Mike and Shawn Hagstrom Robert and Kathy Littlefield Mark McKew Pat and Brenda Nistler family Daniel and Janelle Pederson Brett and Joelle Shewey Eugene and Sherri Simon Michael and Katie Smith Harrison and Dawn Storandt Lenore Sweeney Michael and Mary Beth Traynor P 5M Keith Jacobson ‘63 Daniel and Carol Aase Mike and Shawn Hagstrom Kathy Neary Sandra Olson Jon and Joann Peterson Ed & Alice Keller Gerard and Joni Keller William H. King Mark and Mary Lou Walker Benjamin Gaffrey Knier Corey and Jill Bozovsky Backlund Sidney (Staszko) Kuropchak ‘70 Michael and Patricia Jacobs Beverly J. Larson Stacy Larson Bossart Rodney & Janet Larson Lori Mastrud-Bloch Terry (Olson) Larson ‘54 Gordon Bartholomay George A. Lavelle ‘47 Tom and Nancy Cossette Mike and Shawn Hagstrom John and Kathy Hebert David and Jane Lavelle Joanne T. McMullen Elizabeth H. Nilles Bryan and Patti Smith Steve and Karen Lavelle Stoner James Edward Lavelle ‘72 Jeffrey and Ann Jones Margaret “Peggy” (Manning) Lavelle ‘48 Joanne T. McMullen Steve and Karen Lavelle Stoner Cami Jetvig Mike and Shawn Hagstrom Robert and Kathy Littlefield Pat and Brenda Nistler Betty Lou Scott Floyd Lecy Gerald and Myrna Rivard Joseph John Johnson ‘94 Mike and Shawn Hagstrom Randall “Randy” Lemar ‘84 Chris and Julie Schons Kaspari Carol Lefor Mike and Shawn Hagstrom PLEASE NOTE: Listings reflect gifts through April 15th. Gifts through June 30th will be included in the Annual Report. Wilma Lubke Elizabeth H. Nilles David Madsen Sally Kasper Dan Kenna and Bev Schons Eugene and Sherri Simon Leon Steidl Kevin and Stacie Willits Stein Jeff and Ann Fornes Van Wie Anton “Tony” Magelky Steve and Toni Magelky Grabinger Sandra Jeanne Reitan Lori Mastrud-Bloch Joanne “Nan” Malmberg James and Sharon Hardwick John Paul Ringuette ‘74 James W. McCord Geneva McCord Douglas and Susan McCord Mormann William G. & Margie McShane Mike and Becky McShane Kevin Savageau ‘78 Betty Brown Bossart Kathy Sornsin Boucher Dr. Patrick Colliton Tom and Nancy Cossette Mike and Shawn Hagstrom John and Kathy Hebert Richard and Sharon Savageau Bruce Schmith Evie Ukestad Soukup St. Ann Catholic Parish Lenore Sweeney Robert G. Wood Helen Mitzel Mike and Shawn Hagstrom Frances Schmitt Mike and Marsha Nygaard LaVerne (Hayek) Montplaisir ‘53 John and Ruth Cantlon Dunnicliff Gerald and Myrna Rivard Judith (Larson) Schmitz ‘60 Art and Carol Schmitz Richard McGarvey Dan and Jeanne McGarvey Peter Simonson Mike and Shawn Hagstrom R Patricia (Knudson) Schons ‘48 Anonymous Kathryn Dorn Chris and Julie Schons Kaspari Robert Knudson Greg Schulz Sheri Schulz E Beatrice Ness Cameron and Shannon Mehlisch Dockter ’S P Thomas W. McShane ‘75 Mike and Becky McShane R O O F Paul and Barbara Greving Gentzkow Thomas and Jean Wilk Picard Geraldine Price Gerald and Myrna Rivard Mark and Jennie Schons Rivard Brian and Stacy Roney Richard and Mary Schmidt Mark and Rebecca Simons-Seeba Brett and Joelle Shewey Christopher Simon Dean and RaeLynn Simon Eugene and Sherri Simon Joe and Sue Simon Raymond Simon Nick and Chris Sinner Evie Ukestad Soukup Harrison and Dawn Storandt Michael and Mary Beth Traynor Ed and Sandy Tupa US Bank Home Mortgage Sara Wald Leo and Kay Welk IN T Fabian Noack Gary and Stephanie Dauenhauer Mike and Shawn Hagstrom Patrick and Brenda Nistler Louis Nordick Suzanne Nelson P R Bernie Paulson Mike and Shawn Hagstrom D. Duane “Dewey” Peterson Scott and Sara Wold Bleth W.J. “Joe” & Mary Pettinger James Pettinger Edward W. Price Gary and Kathryn Dietz Jim and Jan Leonard Gerlach Mike and Shawn Hagstrom Mitch and Susan Fornes Hanson Donald and Dorothy Jordan Steve and Elizabeth Mehus Robert and Patricia Pieri Robert and Elizabeth Price Mark and Jennie Schons Rivard Michael and Lori Kelly Schaefer Larry Scott Mike and Shawn Hagstrom Jean Sedlak ‘63 Barbara Sedlak Salazar Phyllis Simon Russell and Loretta Abel Larry and Jo Astrup Kelly Buettner-Schmidt Scott and Patricia Carew Marlene Christenson Karen Corbid Gary and Kathryn Dietz Jean Donahue Jerry and Kay Gnoinsky Mike and Shawn Hagstrom Donald and Dorothy Jordan Helen Kram Gary and Barbara Lacher Hugh and Wilma Jean McDonald Walter and Marjorie Meidinger Mike and Pam Nelson Dorothy Pawlik Daniel and Janelle Pederson Melania Smith Daniel and Janelle Pederson $3.5 $3 $2.5 $2 $1.5 Barbara Scatterday Sornsin Thomas and Adelma Hnasko Donald G. Sweeney ‘55 Madonna Klontz Sweeney Mark V. Sweeney ‘49 Bell State Bank & Trust Mark and Gail Bilek Betty Brown Bossart Stacy Larson Bossart Kathy Sornsin Boucher Richard and Susan Brudvik Jeff and Le’Dean Collins Dr. Patrick Colliton J. Todd Colliton Sandra Cunningham Greg and Mary Lou Greving Dahms Fargo Country Club Charles and Shirley Feeney Roger and Jan Fenstad Betty Lou Fischer Paul and Barbara Greving Gentzkow Bob and Liz Gibb Dave and Marci Glessner Mike and Shawn Hagstrom John and Ginny Hicks Joseph and Audrey Jordan Timothy J. Klontz Paul and Susan Knoll Dr. Ronald and Judith Kolb Robert and Margaret KolbTavis Kenneth and Bonnie Kroetsch Dr. Christopher and Elizabeth Bossart Mathison PLEASE NOTE: Listings reflect gifts through April 15th. Gifts through June 30th will be included in the Annual Report. $1 $500 $250 $125 3M 5M 2M Donald and Jeaninne McAllister Mary Herrick Nelson Elizabeth H. Nilles Paul and Geneva Noah Leo and Gail Ringey Mark and Jennie Schons Rivard Jack and Ann Ruttger Richard and Sharon Savageau Richard and Mary Kay Schmit Jerry and Mary Karen Schutz Shaw / Stewart Lumber Co. Brett and Joelle Shewey Lenore Sweeney Madonna Klontz Sweeney Tom and Peg Sweeney Michael Thomas and Molly VoldThomas Genevieve Nilles Tougas Larry and Renee Waters Patrick D. Sweeney Madonna Klontz Sweeney 5,000 Carrol Woxland James and Sharon Hardwick Frank & Rosemary Thomas Endowment (for band) Duane and Nancy Thomas Millette Charles Yirchott ‘57 Mike and Shawn Hagstrom Brett and Joelle Shewey P Shirley Zander Dan and Jeanne McGarvey ’S Jim and Jan Leonard Gerlach Mike and Shawn Hagstrom Jerry and Judi McDonald Mary Herrick Nelson Elizabeth H. Nilles Lisa Barth Polachek Joel and Patricia Deede Simons Mary Marquart Trowbridge Sister Maureen Walker ‘48 Louise Dryburgh Victor Werlinger Michael and Karen Cossette Hofer Father George Wertin ‘56 Mike and Shawn Hagstrom Keith and Sharon Mische Scheltens Mark Wilken ‘75 Jeff and Debera Olson Frey Thomas and Adelma Hnasko Dick Kasper Endowed Memorial Scholarship Sally Kasper Elaine Barth VanDeVoorde Memorial Scholarship Dr. Eric and Phyllis Barth R Paul and Barbara Greving Gentzkow P R 0,000 Dr. Eric and Phyllis Barth Randall† and Mary Beth Cossette Rustad Robert and Gerry Schoener Cliff & Gladys Wold Dan and Rachel Wold Conrad Alacoque Gibb Memorial Scholarship Thomas and Holly Gibb Humana Foundation E 0,000 Sister Jane Walker ‘39 Gordon Bartholomay Jeanette Olson Boehmer Kathy Sornsin Boucher Jean Williams Wold ‘53 Scott and Sara Wold Bleth *This is not a complete listing of ALL scholarships. These are scholarships that received donations from July 1, 2014-April 15, 2015 only. A full listing of Endowed Scholarships can be found at http://alumni.fdjp2.k12. nd.us/?page=EndowedScholarships Dennis Walaker Mike and Shawn Hagstrom T 1M Jay Wold Scott and Sara Wold Bleth SCHOLARSHIPS IN 5M Marjorie Tholkes Mike and Shawn Hagstrom Laura Williams-Jaffe ‘71 Larry and Jane Williams LaMont R O O F 5M Amanda Leininger Memorial Scholarship Dan and Pauline Dunn Alexis Wanner Kent and Lisa Wanner family Fred Desautels Memorial Scholarship Jon and Lisa Desautels Bergerson Fr. James Ermer Scholarship Anonymous Microsoft Matching Gifts Program Harold & Mary Ann Klosterman Memorial Scholarship Don Bolgrean and Julie Klosterman Larry and Sandy Klosterman Jeff Skuza Memorial Scholarship Anonymous J. Michael Collins Endowed Memorial Scholarship Jeff and Le’Dean Collins Kenneth and Marcia Collins Leo and Gwen Collins Paul and Debbie Collins Morgan Stanley Smith Barney Beth McGarvey Memorial Scholarship Dan and Jeanne McGarvey Kevin and Denise Savageau Endowment Fund Betty Brown Bossart Kathy Sornsin Boucher Dr. Patrick Colliton Tom and Nancy Cossette Mike and Shawn Hagstrom John and Kathy Hebert Richard and Sharon Savageau Bruce Schmith Evie Ukestad Soukup St. Ann Catholic Parish Lenore Sweeney Robert G. Wood Brother Michael Collins Endowed Scholarship Fund Jeffrey and Ann Jones Louise S. Barry Scholarship Endowment The Barry Foundation Clifford & Blanche Cossette Memorial Scholarship Fund Steve and Teri Cossette Tom and Nancy Cossette Mike and Shawn Hagstrom Mark † & Lenore Sweeney Endowed Scholarship Bell State Bank & Trust Mark and Gail Bilek Betty Brown Bossart Stacy Larson Bossart Andrew Nelson Memorial Endowed Scholarship Corey and Jill Bozovsky Backlund Suzanne Nelson Michael and Alison Wolfe PLEASE NOTE: Listings reflect gifts through April 15th. Gifts through June 30th will be included in the Annual Report. R O O F Kevin and Karen Donahue Dan and Pauline Dunn Corinne Edgerton Kenneth and Lois Ewertz Greg Falde and Rebecca Anderson Falde Bonnie Faller Carri Faller Dr. Eric and Brooke Fenstad Roger and Jan Fenstad Mike and Sheila Finneseth Dr. Keith and Wanda Fischer T IN P R Michelle (Missy) McLennan Memorial Scholarship Rhett and Julie Neuman The Blenders, Inc. Randall R. Rustad Memorial Scholarship Marc and Amy Lantz Adams Shane and Laura Bach Alderman Kyle and Melissa Anderson Anonymous Larry and Jo Astrup Corey and Jill Bozovsky Backlund Jason and Allison Gemar Bakke Ronald and Linda Beare Brian and Marilyn Bjoralt Michael and Sunny Jensen Blankinship Nicholas and Stephanie Bowar Josephine Breen Edward and Mary Mengedoth Troy Ivesdal Debra Y. Johnson Eric and Heather Johnson Michael and Heather Johnson Randy and Chelly Johnson Donald and Dorothy Jordan Gerard and Joni Keller Scott and Julie Cossette Knodel Patricia Roach Kratky Kenneth and Bonnie Kroetsch Gary and Barbara Lacher Paul and Brigid Connolly Langseth Steve and Dr. Patricia Laqua Rob and Cheryl Link Robert and Kathy Littlefield Ralph and Tami Blanchard Llewellyn Derryk and Heather Carlson Madsen Frank and Ann Marquette Ronald and Alice Mastrud Terry and Patricia Mathern Family David and Miranda Mathison Donald and Jeaninne McAllister Jac and Shari McTaggart Scott and Becky Meek Ray and Pat Meier Eric and Patricia Monson Michael Monson Benjamin and Beth Paulson Mortenson Charles Neff, Jr. Bill and Cindy Nelson Dorian Nelson Josh and Jill Borkenhagen Nelson Bernie and Rhonda Ness John Niemackl and Jean RyanNiemackl Elizabeth H. Nilles Pat and Brenda Nistler Family Rachel Nistler Mike and Marsha Nygaard Brad and Sonja Nyhof Isaac and Bobbi Jo Olson Daniel and Janelle Pederson Jason and Kris Phillips Robert and Patricia Pieri Mark and Sayra Crary Rice Leo and Gail Ringey Dr. Hal and Bonnie Rodenbiker Jake and Molly Rodenbiker Adam Roder Randy Roder and Sandy Thiel Brian and Stacy Roney Irvin and Lynann Rustad Mary Beth Cossette Rustad Michael and Karen Kirsch Sanden P Harley and Irene Danielson Family E Bob and Liz Gibb Dave and Marci Glessner Mike and Shawn Hagstrom John and Ginny Hicks Joseph and Audrey Jordan Teresa (Sweeney) and Rick Jordan Timothy J. Klontz Paul and Susan Knoll Dr. Ronald and Judith Kolb Robert and Margaret Kolb-Tavis Kenneth and Bonnie Kroetsch Dr. Christopher and Elizabeth Bossart Mathison Donald and Jeaninne McAllister Mary Herrick Nelson Elizabeth H. Nilles Paul and Geneva Noah Leo and Gail Ringey Mark and Jennie Schons Rivard Jack and Ann Ruttger Richard and Sharon Savageau Richard and Mary Kay Schmit Jerry and Mary Karen Schutz Shaw / Stewart Lumber Co. Brett and Joelle Shewey Lenore Sweeney Madonna Klontz Sweeney Tom and Peg Sweeney Michael Thomas and Molly VoldThomas Genevieve Nilles Tougas Larry and Renee Waters ’S Paul and Barbara Greving Gentzkow Brennan Dana and Kari Meier Brock Ken and Pam Brusegaard Toby and Laura Mercil Bryson Dr. Joseph and Rebecca Burns Kent and Corinne Busek Mike and Roberta Carlson Ryan and Kristi Carlson Class of 1992 Class of 2004 Class of 2008 Class of 2010 Ryan and Noelle Clouse Family Stan and Margo Clouse William and Catherine McShane Coghlan Kim and Bev Colwell Tom and Nancy Cossette Fr. Raymond Courtright Edward and Sarah Lacher Crary Tim and Carol Cruff Dr. Benjamin and Dr. Lindsey Dahl Dr. Bruce and Terri Dahl Maria Dahlin Gregory and Mary Lou Greving Dahms Troy and Jennifer Pitsenbarger Dahnert Tim and Gail Dancer R Kathy Sornsin Boucher Richard and Susan Brudvik Jeff and Le’Dean Collins Dr. Patrick Colliton J. Todd Colliton Sandra Cunningham Fargo Country Club Charles and Shirley Feeney Roger and Jan Fenstad Betty Lou Fischer Michael and Melissa Dahl Flaherty Justin and Kate Ann Fosberg Kaylin and Terri Frappier Jared and Michelle Kramer Friedt Stephen and Diane Fitterer Fritz Robert and Elizabeth Gibb Merle and Peg Gilbertson Phillip and Kristin Glogoza Kenneth and Kristina Grafton Steven and Deborah Gravalin Josiah Gunderson Ervin and Mara Wieser Gust Mike Hagen Lori Hager Mike and Shawn Hagstrom Bob and Cheryl Halvorson Katie and Brady Hasbargen Marvin and Cory Haverkamp Scott and Maria Hennen Elliot and Erin Faller Hitt Michael and Karen Cossette Hofer Rachel Hofer Sharon Hughes Family Wayne and Denise Sargent Tom and Rachel Savageau Winnie Savageau Michael Schmit Don and Mary Kay Schott Lindsay Schott PLEASE NOTE: Listings reflect gifts through April 15th. Gifts through June 30th will be included in the Annual Report. $3.5 $3 $2.5 $2 $1.5 $1 $500 $250 $125 1M 0,000 Todd and Lynn Toulouse Swenson Kevin Torgerson Dr. Michael and Mary Beth Traynor Amanda Voss Mark and Mary Lou Walker Ron and Carrie Ward Leo and Kay Welk Matthew and Erin Welle Wayne and Jean Welle Dan and Pat Whitman Scott Whitman Trent and Katie Bowar Wise Mark and Nancy Wolfe Michael and Bertha Wood Ken and Andrea Brager Wygant H. Jane Yahna Randy Nelson Memorial Scholarship Madison Ahlers Shane and Laura Bach Alderman Jim and Amy Alexander Glen and Connie Altringer Paul and Margo Ames Jens and Mary Jo Andersen Scott and Rhonda Anderson Anonymous Larry and Jo Astrup Matt and Amy Baasch Millie Bach Gordon Bartholomay Mike Beaton Dr. John and Sharon Desautels Beauclair Rick Berg and Tracy Martin Anna Bernhardt James Bisignano P R 0,000 5,000 Elizabeth Bloomer & Family Edward and Mary Kava Brad and Sindy Keller Gerard and Joni Keller Ken Kraft Agency, Inc. Kochmann Bros Homes Inc. Robert and Cheryl Kochmann Bryan and Cindy Kramer Aaron and Cindy Krauter Mark and Julie Krejci Kinley Kueneman Steve and Dr. Patricia Laqua Dr. Richard and Pamela Leader Cory Lehman Andrew and Teal Leraas Steve and Laurie Liebetrau Robert and Kathy Littlefield R O O F Steve and Kari Lavelle Stoner Dr. Wally and Paula Storm Jeffrey and Reneece Strand Jon and Erin Strand Bill and Barbara Torok Sturdevant Lenore Sweeney Madonna Klontz Sweeney R 5M Justin and Jessica Rustad Stimpson E 2M T 5M Shanley Staff Robert and Erica Fretland Shaw Brett and Joelle Shewey Hal and Leonor Sillers Christopher Simon Eugene and Sherri Simon Joel and Patricia Deede Simons Jessica Skroch Robin and Mary Jo Slavik Family Dawn Smith Dr. Michael and Katie Smith Dr. Stephen and Judith Spellman Michael and Lisa Stenstrom IN 3M Brady and Amy Borkenhagen Seavert Deanna Hauptman Bohl Bremer Bank Michael and LaDonna Bannach Dana and Kari Meier Brock Mike and Katie Bruckbauer Kent and Corinne Busek Kim and Bev Colwell Charles and Kelly Cooper Kevin Cowles and Marsha CraneCowles CYA U14 Team Dr. Bruce and Terri Dahl Harley and Irene Danielson Donna Darell Tim and Ramelle Day Greg and Jami Dean Edward and Lori DeKeyser James and Patricia Rasmussen Deutsch James and Paulette Dew Tom and Danette Dewald Gary and Kathryn Dietz Mark and Colleen DuBord Beth DuFault Dan and Pauline Dunn Thomas and Hali Durand Eastern Dakota Conference Dave and Paula Ekman Tim and Teresa Erholtz Greg Falde and Rebecca Anderson Falde Fellowship of Christian Athletes Roger and Jan Fenstad Mike and Sheila Finneseth Dr. Keith and Wanda Fischer FM Area Schools’ League Nanette Sturdevant Fort Keith and Susanne Fraase Dr. Matt and Julie Friederichs Stephen and Diane Fitterer Fritz Howard and Kathleen Fulks Tim and Judith Gefroh Paul and Shelley Giauque Kenneth and Kristina Grafton Lori Hager Mike and Shawn Hagstrom Carl and Mercedes Hanson Mitch and Susan Fornes Hanson Grace Hardmeyer Heartland Capital Group, LLC / Dave & Lori Dietz Phil Hebert Scott and Maria Hennen Hornecker LC Dr. Doug and Renelda Hushka P Chris and Jennifer Beare Schroeder Morrie and Cathy Rutten Schwinden Family Betty Lou Scott ’S 5M Dr. Patrick and Jane Vogel Indergaard Tom and Beth Irsfeld Dr. David and Patricia Jacobson Debra Y. Johnson William C. Johnson Denise Jonas Curt Jones Jeffrey and Ann Jones Lorell and Renae Jungling Marvin and Kathy Kanwischer Ralph and Tami Blanchard Llewellyn Larry and Sheila Lubben Jerry and Kathy Luther Bradley and Lisa Lysne Gary Mailloux Eugene and Merry Manson Shane and Tammy Marmon Ann Martin Stacey and Amy Mathias Dr. Brian and Jenny Mathison Chad and Tammy Mattson Peter McArdle McArthur Tile Co. / Lincoln & Renae McArthur Keith and Rondi McGovern Brian and Laurie McKeever Patrick McNally Metro Area Tournament Committee Alexander and Kali Mork ND Interscholastic Athletic Administrators Assn. Nebraska Journal Leader / Richard & Judy Volkman William and Marna Nelson Eric and Nicole Ness Patrick and Brenda Nistler Steve and Cindy Noack Northstar Power Co. Mike and Marsha Nygaard Ruth Ohlrichs Terry and Kathy Olson Todd Olson Rusty and Neva Papachek Joseph and Sandra Paul Daniel and Janelle Pederson Doyle and Sharon Plecity Dr. John and Sharon Fritz Pollard Benjamin Potter, II Gene and Shirley Preskey Aaron and Teresa Reinholz John and Sarah Ries Leo and Gail Ringey Mark and Jennie Schons Rivard Marv and Lisa Roeske Roger Maris Celebrity Golf Tournament Brian and Stacy Roney Jeff and Dana Sandene Wayne and Denise Sargent PLEASE NOTE: Listings reflect gifts through April 15th. Gifts through June 30th will be included in the Annual Report. T E Patrick and Jamie Traynor Janette Venaas-Gilbraith Olivia Vetter Dr. Richard and Shar Vetter Ralph and Janine Wagner Mark and Mary Lou Walker Elsa Wambach Dr. Thomas and Angie Wambach Kent and Lisa Wanner family Ron and Carrie Ward Western Dakota Association West Fargo Public School District No. 6 John and Lori Willert John and Linda Wolbaum Kevin and Brenda Wolf IN Shanley Alumni Scholarship Margaret Kippels Mowery Sid Cichy Memorial Scholarship Jeffrey and Ann Jones P R Steve & Mary Lou Nistler Endowed Memorial Scholarship Microsoft Matching Gift Program Theresa Nistler Jim and Katie Nistler Traynor Susan Barry Meckstroth Educator Endowment Dan and Pauline Dunn Tim Schons Memorial Scholarship Kathryn Dorn Chris and Julie Schons Kaspari MARCH FOR LIFE 2015 Kathy Aasand Mick Aberle Oscar & Gloria Aberle R O O F Dr. Michael and Mary Beth Traynor Bobby & Carleen Buchholz Kate Buchholz Andrew & Kristina Budde Marjory & Robert Burchfiel Ramona Burchill Larry & Christine Burd Steven & Sara Buresh Todd Burianek Kent & Corrinne Busek Deanna Butenhoff Bob Buth Dwight Byron Steven J. Cahill Daniel & Elena Cailler Rev. Douglas & Mary Campbell Capital Signs Joe Carik John & Barbara Carlson Sharon & Alan Carlson Sally Casey Catholic Daughters of America Thomas & Marsha Cerar Theresa Cernik Tim & Laurie Champ Patricia Charron Kurt & Nicole Chenoweth David W. Christensen John L. Christensen Stephanie Christianson Glenn & Brenda Christmann Sara Christmann Jean Clark Earl & Mary Cole Kim & Bev Colwell Ronald & Jeanene Conner Paul & Margaret Cose John & Cordelia Cosgrove Jon & Martha Crane Tim & Carol Cruff Perry & Gayle Cummings Cynthia Dauksavage Wayne Dauwen Barbara Deconcini Mildred DeKeyser Lori & Edward DeKeyser Diane Delaney Fr. Larry Delaney Edwin & Martha Demerly Mary DeVos James & Paulette Dew Jim & Kari Dew Daniel & Patrice Dietz Gary Dietz Paul & Diana Dietz Greg & Vickie Dillard Phillip & Jeanne Dingman Paul & Suzanne Dobbins Joan Dockter Karen Donahue Marie Dormanen Debra Ann Drummond Walter & Harriet Drusch Florence Duchscher Joann Dufault Jerry Dufult P Robert and Bridgette Startz Harrison and Dawn Storandt Jon and Theresa Strom Bill and Barbara Torok Sturdevant Mark and Liz Thelen Sandy Thiel and Randy Roder Michael and Molly Thomas Tom and Trish Thorson ’S Chad and Jennifer Seminary Stark Chris & Gina Ahlers Michael & Amy Alexander Cathy Allex Tony Allex CW & Jean Altringer Glen & Connie Altringer Lisa Altringer Rob & Tasha Altringer Brenda Anderson Earl & Mary Anderson Lila Anderson Rodney & Mary Anderson Scott & Rhonda Anderson Sheri Anderson Dominick & Leslie Angiolillo Ted & Marian Appel Gary & Patricia Artz Roger Aspevig Jeff & Lisa Aune Jonathan Aune Dennis & Sheila Baadte Millie Bach John & Arlene Bailey Richard & Karen Bakke Elizabeth Ulschmid & Gordon Bartholomay Ron & Linda Beare Jane Beauclair Alice Beaudry Jack & Barb Belkham Marie Bellerud Corey Bennington Dr. Geoffrey Bentley Brian & Janelle Berg Leroy & Carole Berg Rick Berg Thomas Berglind Mary Biewer D & Kathleen Binde C.W. Birkeland Dick & Mimi Bitzan Donald & Patricia Bitzan Liz Bitzan Michael & Sheri Bitzan Brian & Marilyn Bjoralt Catherine Bjorklund Jay Bjornstad Jon & Janie Bjornstad Dwight & Carol Bleth Ken & Cindy Bleth Shawn & Meagan Bleth Paul & Nancy Boerboom Brian & Grace Bohanna James & Jo Bonner Edward & Eleanor Bosch Patricia Bosch Betty Bossart Bryan & Pam Bossert Susan Bowman Daniel & Kathleen Brantl Theresa Brantl Chad & Susan Braun Elizabeth Brennan Kari Brock Elaine Brown R Dan and Maria Saville Mike and Brenda Schell Richard and Mary Kay Schmit Drew and Jennifer Schultz Betty Lou Scott Daniel and Bernadine Seefeldt Shanley Staff Brett and Joelle Shewey Shiloh Christian School Dr. Michael and Katie Smith Keith Snortland Robert and Jan Sobolik Thomas and Diana Sopp PLEASE NOTE: Listings reflect gifts through April 15th. Gifts through June 30th will be included in the Annual Report. $3.5 $3 $2.5 $2 $1.5 $1 $500 $250 $125 1M 0,000 P R 0,000 5,000 David & Judith Gierszewski Nicolette Gietzen John & M. Kaye Hoffert Judy Hoganson Paul & April Hollingsworth RM Holmes Jennifer Houim Dorothy Huck Iris Ihry Intercept EFT Larry Isaak Jeremy & Leandra Iverson Christine Jacobson Dawn Jacobson Jeff & Mary Jo Jacobson Marilyn Jamieson Craig & Dawn Jarolimek Kenneth Jarolimek Matt Jarolimek Elizabeth Jensen Jesse & Cheryl Jensen Joyce & Thomas Jensen Katherine Jensen Vadrah Jensen Chad Jetvig Allan & Mary Jirele Arlon & Helen Johnson David & Robyn Johnson Joshua Johnson Laurie Johnson Patricia Johnson Steven & Danielle Johnson Walter & Renee Johnson Johnson Woodwork, Inc. Julie Jonasson Donna Jore LeoRoy & Audrey Kack Joyce Kadlec Mark Kadlec Gary & Connie Kalanek Ronald Kane Veronica Kane Julie Kaspari Richard Kasper Selma Kasper Tom & Nancy Kasper Dean & June Kassa Ben Kautzman Brian Kautzman Pat & Stephanie Kautzman Carol Keller Gary & Joni Keller Renee & John Kelly Marilyn Kelsch Mike Kelsch Terry & Shari Kensok Vera Keogh Mr. & Mrs. John Kern Ralph & Phyllis Kieffer Rick & Vicki Kielb John & Marlene Kjera David & Paula Klein Mark & Jerilyn Klevgaard Jeffrey Kline Andy Knoll Bob & Carrie Koch Charles & Kim Kochmann R O O F P ’S 5M R 2M Valerie Gladitsch Beverly Glessner Matthew & Mary Glessner Norm & Sue Goehring Frank & Elaine Goldman Chapman & Kathleen Graham Betty Grande Pamela Green George & Marian Greenwood Jennifer Grieve William & Sheila Groothuis Angela Gross Jami & Peter Grosz Marcia Grosz Kevin & Carol Grove Gary & Sharon Grugel Roanne Guerrero Judy Gunkelman Molly Gunkelman Olaf & Paula Gustafson Jackie Hager Marilyn Hagge Jeff & Marla Hagler Joanne Hagstrom Edwin J. Haick Kami Jo. & A. Halle Steve & Jacqueline Hallsten Alice Halpin Brian Halvorson Marie Halvorson Gerald & Agnes Hamerlik Michael & Beth Hamerlik Bernie & Pat Hansen Brian & Corazon Hansen Carl & Mercedes Hanson Keith & Kathy Hanson Larry Hanson Marc & Valerie Hanson Marvin & Margaret Hanson Paul D. Hanson Beverly Harbrecht Becky Hardy Jackie Hardy Joe & Norine Hardy James & Sandra Harms Ryan & Agnes Harrington Orlin Hartman Mark & Joan Hartung Camille B. Harvey Michael L. Harvey Wayne & Linda Heinrich Tom & Anna Marie Heistand Jonathan & Judy Hendry Kunte & Char Henning Anita Hertsted Dareld & Debra Hertz Mary Katheryn Hess James & Leane Mae Hewitt Robin Hilber Warren & Beth Hilde Lee & Diann Hoedl Pam Hoekstra Alvin & Verna Hofer Marilyn & Elias Hoffart Ronald & Marlene Hoffart E 5M T 3M Eric & Katie Dukart Brenda Dusek Duwayne & Alanna Dusek Greg & Patricia Dusek Joseph Dusek Joseph & Clarice Dusek Randolf Dusek Tom & Mary Dusek Faye Eagleson Gloria Eberhardt John Eck David & Kathy Edland Min Edwards Darlene Ehlert David & Paula Ekman James & Dorothy Elfering Kelly Elfering James & Judy Ellingson Thomas & Debby Else Patrick Emerson Robert & Jeannine Engberg Mary Beth Engelke Marilyn Engstrom Edmund & Kathleen Erbes Mark Erholtz John & Lori Erie Luke Esboldt James & Carolyn Exner Joseph & Claire Exner Expressway Suites Fargo Right to Life Dorothy Feist Nadine Ferguson Mike & Sheila Finnseth First Choice Clinic Michael Fischer Tim & Bonnie Fischer Wanda Fischer Ervin & Mildred Fitterer Sharon Fjeld-Grotte Bishop John T. Folda Allan & Wanda Follman Michael Foltz Charles & Kathy Fortney Betty Fraase Susanne Fraase Lisa Franck William & Mona Franck Jason Fritz Matthew Fritz Patricia Fritz Sharon Fritz Howard & Kathleen Fulks Catherine R. Gadomski Gary & Toni Gaudreau Dr. Thomas & Mary Geffre Clarice George Michele George Mandy Gerik Paul Germaine Mary Geyer Thomas Gibson Don Gibson IN 5M PLEASE NOTE: Listings reflect gifts through April 15th. Gifts through June 30th will be included in the Annual Report. P ’S R T IN P R Candice Olson Darrel & Julie Olson Gloria Olson Karla Olson L.A. Olson Cliff & Esther Pederson Dan & Janelle Pederson Lonnie Peltier Matthew Pennington Terry & Cindy Petrich Delaine Petry Todd & Catherine Pettengill M.K. Phingsten Patricia Pieri Deb Pilgrim Kristie Pladson Donald & Kathleen Platt Daniel Plemel Peggy & Robert Plemel, Jr. James & Nicole Poolman James & Brenda Posch John S. Post Claudia Pramhus Randy & Gaylene Ptacek Paula Menne & Thomas Quinn Marion Radigan Mary Rafferty Jerome Ranek Nicholas & Merlyn Rausch Victoria & Daniel Regan Aaron & Teresa Reinholz Diane Reinholz Doug & Carol Rerick Paul & Mary Jo Richard Fr. Joseph D. Richards Sharon Richards Jeff & Lisa Richmond Gary Riedman James & Margaret Riepe Chris Rivard G & M Rivard Jerome & Carol Rivard Roger & Connie Rivard Daniel & Judy Roach Darrell & Linda Roberts Craig & Brenda Robinson Terrance & Martha Rocheford Tom & Jean Rodine Karen Roeber Don & Nancy Roehrich Roehrich Financial Services Rose Management, LLC Carol Roth Ruth Ruch Keith & Mary Jane Sailer Amy Sampson Jeff & Dana Sandene Bethany Sandy Gerald & Joanne Sandy Perry & Diane Sandy Cleola Sauter Winnie Savageau Loren & Mary Ann Saville Edward & Nancy Schafer Debra Schaff R O O F Matthew Mayer Reid & Judy Mayer Tim & Laurie McCoy Barb McKeever John & Emma McKeever R.G. & Teresa McLachlan Jon & Debra McTaggert Simon & Pauline Mears Paul & Mary Ann Mehl Kathy Meier Patricia Meier A & J Melarvie Donald & Stacy Mengedoth Dr. Daniel & Jackie Mengedoth JM Merta Jennifer Messelt Allan & Julie Meyer Karen Meyer Matthew & Kari Meyer Midland National Life Insurance Company Brent Mikkelsen L.M. Miller Gary & Karen Miller Brenda & Robert Mitzel Marjorie Montplaisir Linda Morris Tim & Veronica Mosser B.S. & J.M. Motschenbacher J.W. & J.B. Mullaney Cynthia Mumm Don & Michelle Murray Reuben & Deanna Mutzenberger Alexius & Josephine Nagel Alvin & Kathy Nagel Robert Nagle Thomas & Cynthia Nagle Darin & Stef Narlock Debbie Nebosis Barb Nelson Frances Nelson Jill Nelson Megan Nelson Scott & Barbara Nelson Albert & Dorothy Ness Patricia A. Ness Tara & Kyle Newman Twila & Larry Nicholson Donald & Marie Nistler John & Mary Noah Mark & Gretchen Noah Paul & Geneva Noah Rosemarie Noesen Tamara Noesen Marilyn Noonan Duane Noraker Jeff & Michelle Norby Richard & Edna Nordquist Marlys Novotny Michelle Novotny Marsha Nygaard Jerry & Nancy Obritsch Cindy Odberg Matthew O’Donnell Angela Olson E Patricia Koenigs Kari Kolstoe Brad & Brenda Kosir Norbert & Marlys Kosir Thomas Kosir Chad Kourajian Tom & Lora Kraft Pete & Alice Kramer Chad & Sue Ann Krause Roger & Sharon Krause Valeria & Russel Krause Allen & Joyce Krueger Trina Krumm Alvin & Ellen Krump Heidi Kruse Anthony & Barbara Kubalak Margo Kubicek Arnold Kuhn Monica Kuklenski Gregg & Kari Kuta Charles & Joanne LaCroix Fr. Charles LaCroix Curtis & Mary Lou Ladwig Linda Lage David Lako Janice & W.L. Lamb Cynthia Lambert Eugene & Alpha Lang Peter & Kathleen LaPlante Jon & Julie Larson Philip Larson Todd Larson Frances & Sean Lawlor Mike & Sherryl Lefor Joshua & Margy Lentsch-Richter Jane Lentz Tim Leonard Martha Lepore Yang Zhehui & Jin Li Marilyn Loegering Stacy Loeslie Henry & Mary Loock Jon & Junell Looker Roberta Looker Dr. Gerald & Brenda Luedeman John Luschen Mackner Excavating, Inc. Gerald & Janet Madson Mark Madson JC & NM Magnotto JW & Lynne Magnotto Joy Magstadt Joan Maiers Patricia Malvin Wanda Mangin George & Audrey Marchand Dr. John & Lynne Mari Bill & Sidni Markovich Anna Marsolek James Martino John & Vickie Martino Mary’s Bookkeeping & Tax Angeline Mathias Mark & Marjorie Mathison Marilyn Mayer PLEASE NOTE: Listings reflect gifts through April 15th. Gifts through June 30th will be included in the Annual Report. $3.5 $3 $2.5 $2 $1.5 $1 $500 $250 $125 1M 0,000 P R 0,000 5,000 CAPITAL CAMPAIGN GIFTS Engraved in the Spirit Tile Donors Class of 1969 Reunion Rick and Maureen Deutsch Splettstaszer Legends & Legacies Capital Campaign R O O F P ’S 5M R 2M Madonna Johnson & Andrew Thomason Susan Thompson Mark & Kim Thon Mavis Tjon Dean & Cynthia Todd Daniel Tomashek Thomas & Susan Tooley Torkelson Brother’s, Inc. Gerald & Marjorie Triller Carol Trottier LeRoy & Mae Trottier Joseph & Jayne Tuetken Daniel & Dorothy Turnbloom Tracie Tveito George & Donna Ugland M & J Uhlich Michelle Ujene Sue Ellen Ulrich August & Loretta Vetter Ben & Delphine Vetter Wendelyn Vetter Mary Ann Vogel Paul & Jill von Ebers Richard & Mary Wagner Kevin Wallevand Paul & Carol Walswick Kent & Lisa Wanner Dennis Wanner Don & Debra Wanner James & Jean Wanner John Wanner Andrew Warcken Kirk & Katherine Watt Mark Weber & Natalie OgaardWeber Scott & Jolynn Weber Terry & Chrisse Welle James & Janell Wensman Wilfred & Lois Wesbur David & Cynthia Wessels Vern Whitten Janice Wieland Mark & Barb Wieland Jerel & Rochelle Wieser Ronald J. Winkelman Russell Winkelman Norman & Lois Wirtz Ruth Woessner John & Linda Wolbaum Don & Micker Wold Duane & Edwina Wolfe Elizabeth Wolfe Ted & Jean Worner Keith & Rita Wygonik Melissa Yaggie Marjorie Young Sarah Yuergens Jo Anna Yvorchuk Joseph & Lorraine Zikmund Keith & Helen Zikmund E 5M T 3M James & Beverly Schaff Barb Schave Ralph & Ann Schellack LeRoy & Ida Scherr Kim Schlotfeldt Rich & Mary K. Schmit Kathy Schmitt Paul & Anne Schneider Beverly Schons David & Kelly Schroeder Timothy Schroeder Tom & Coleen Schulz Bernd Schumacher Carl & Shannon Schwartz Pepper Schwartz Betty Lou Scott Beverly K. Scott Steven & Elizabeth Scott James & Mary Sears Claire & Sandy Seefeldt Edward & Jane Shea John & Tammy Shereck William Sherman Carolyn Shook Arden Shulstad Michael & Mary Shulstad Stuart & Judy Shulstad Norman & Jennifer Sidler Raymond Simon Sheryl Simon Richard Simonson Kenneth & Victoria Sims Chris & Nick Sinner W. Norman & Michelle Sitz George A. Smith Katherine Smith Marion Smith Mary & Bill Smith Mary S. Smith Renae Smith Thomas R. Smith Ed & Nicole Snyder Edward A. & Lois Snyder Tracy Sortland Thomas & Joan Springstead St. Anthony’s Knights of Columbus St. Francis deSales Church Marilyn Stanger Patty Steffes William & June Steffl Twyla Steinberger Marilyn Stine Angela Stoa-Lipp John & Theresa Strom V. William & Barbara Sturdevant Robert & Carol Swenson Dennis & Katherine Tahran Larry & Patricia Ternes Andrew & Loretta Thares Jean & Charles Thielman Robert & Karen Thom IN 5M Anonymous Dan and Heather Butler Gregory and Mary German John L. McCormick Memorial Trust Betty Lou Scott Jon and Theresa Strom Mark and Nancy Wolfe TOGETHER! Capital Campaign Russell and Loretta Abel Chris and Gina Ahlers Alfons Allmaras Paul and Margo Ames Randy and Carol Anderson Russ and Janis Anderson Scott and Rhonda Anderson Susan K. Anderson Anonymous Ted and Marian Appel Mary Artz Brenda and Troy Aswege George Axtmann Michael and LaDonna Bannach Joseph and Joan Barta Ronald and Linda Beare Gail Beauchamp Bill and Bernadette Behm Jeff and Melissa Benda Karl and Ursula Benzenberg Michael and Tina Berger Loretta Bernier Myrtle Bernier John and Sylvia Birrenkott Michael and Michelle Biver Mary Blazek David and Tracy Boehm Neil and Vicki Bosch Dennis Bower Todd and Laurie Braun Family Pat and Brenda Breen Dana and Kari Brock Family Kevin and Kari Bucholz Dr. Joseph and Rebecca Burns Kent and Corinne Busek Jane Busko Dan and Heather Butler Susan Buttke Gene and Barbara Carew Darrell and Geraldine Cariveau Alan and Sharon Carlson Frank and Sally Casey William E. Clemens R. L. Dimmer Coleman Jeff and Le’Dean Collins PLEASE NOTE: Listings reflect gifts through April 15th. Gifts through June 30th will be included in the Annual Report. Benjamin, Juliet and Maxwell Geffre P R IN Christopher and Jennifer Hoffmann Hommerding Incentive Fund Scott and Cindy Hoselton Steve and Christy Huber Jerry and Cindy Hunsicker Janet Iverson Roger and Debra Jaeger John and Bonnie Jangula Earl and Kristi Jarolimek Brian and Antoinette Johnson R O O F In honor of William & Maria Mullally’s 70th Wedding Anniversary Robert and Carol Muscha R. Tracy and Dianne M. Myers Kenneth and Betty Neameyer Larry and Gail Nelson Randy Nelson Family Brent and Amara Nerenz Eric and Jessica Nesius Newman Family Msgr. Allan F. Nilles Theresa M. Nistler Steve and Cindy Noack David and Carla Noah John and Mary Noah Dr. Thomas and Kimberly Noah Robert and Twila Nohrenberg Dolores Normandin Paul O’Donnell Family Offutt Family Foundation Bernadette Olheiser Southpointe Pharmacy/ David and Jolette Olig John and Jane Olson Terry and Kathy Olson Barbara Opoien Joseph and Sandra Paul Frank and Patricia Paumen Daniel and Janelle Pederson Ross and Melissa Perala Thomas and Jean Wilk Picard John and Sharon Pollard Chad and Sarah Prososki Gary and Patricia Redlin Ella Richard Leone Richard Paul and Mary Jo Richard Daniel Rieger and Dr. Elena Rodgers-Rieger Kevin Rittenhouse Gerald and Myrna Rivard P ’S T E Bob and Judy German Bob and Liz Gibb Dr. David and Janice Glatt Family Fund Nick Gludt Rev. Msgr. Joseph P. Goering Fr. Kurtis Gunwall Linda Haag LeRoy and Jackie Hager Mike and Shawn Hagstrom Valerie Hanson Margaret Sapa Hartze Jonathan and Angela Hass James Hebert Scott and Maria Hennen Knute and Char Henning John Herlick Jim and Joan Hill Lee and Diann Hoedl Michael and Nicole Hofer Delores Johnson Steven and Danielle Johnson John and Jody Jones Fr. Jared Kadlec Dan and Susan Russell Kadrmas Eric and Kristi Kanski Tom & Nancy Duchscher Kasper Gerard and Joni Keller Thomas and Beverly Kelsch David and Carol Widman Kennedy Patrick Kennelly Margo Kern William Kiefer (In memory of William Kiefer, Sr.) Donald and Melissa Kiffmeyer Robert and Gale Kirkeby Betty Kiser Kochmann Brothers Homes, Inc. Ken and Tina Kraft Family Helen Kram Kenneth and Bonnie Kroetsch Keith and Beatrice Kroke Eric Krueger Family Dr. Gary and Judy Kubalak Bob and Deb Kuntz James and Kim LaHaise Francis and Barbara Leier Frances Leingang David & Jane Lessard Family Dr. Dionisio and Bernadette Libi Jill Liljestrand Darryl and Rene Lutovsky Brian and Roxanne Madson Josh and Aliceyn Magelky Mary Magill Elaine Majerus Frank and Diane Manthey Andrea Marihart Dean and Beverly Marsh Alice Marx-Kuehn Donald and Jeaninne McAllister Francis and Debby McCann Joe McCormick Thomas and Judy McCormick Hugh and Wilma Jean McDonald Keith and Rondi McGovern Julia McGuire Shawn and Nola McNeally Shari McTaggart Chris and Karin Meier Family Fr. James Meyer Matt and Kari Meyer Philip T. Meyer Ray and Rita Meyer Microsoft Matching Gift Program Ervin and Evelyn Miller Greg and Tahnee Miller Joe and Bev Miranowski Ken and Peggy Mondry Walter and Dorothy Montplaisir JoAnn Moody Brian and Michelle Moore Charles and Kathryn Morehead Timothy and Veronica Mosser Nate and Dr. Jennifer Mullally R Jerome H. Cossette Fr. Duaine Cote Brian and Erin Crommett Maria Dahlin Edward and Lori DeKeyser Patricia DeVine Taylor and Ellen DeVine & family Clark and Cheryl Dietz Dan and Patrice Dietz David and Lori Jo Dietz Gary and Kathryn Dietz Judith C. Dolan Paul and Mary Dosch Delores Drake Katie Dubas Mark and Colleen DuBord Dorothy Duchschere Dan and Pauline Dunn Eddie and Bev Dunn Stephen and Suellen Dusek Carol Dutoit James O. and Catherine L. Eide Clark and Jeanette Enebo John and Lori Erie Bonnie Faller Andrew Fischer Rev. Charles M. Fischer Michael Flynn Bishop John T. Folda Jeremy and Heidi Frie Patricia Fritel Tom and Mary Gangl Richard and Teresa Garske James Gatzke Lucas and Kelly Robertsdahl Joshua and Kristen Robinson Annette Roth Lucas and Sarah Rustad Tim and Kary Mehl Sandy James and Connie Savageau Dan and Maria Saville Jay Schmallen Mark and Kathy Schmitt Beverly Schons Steve Schons Family Wilbert and Gertrude Schuster Daniel and Bernadine Seefeldt Benedict and Jennine Seitz Marc and Susan Shannon Robert Sherman Brett and Joelle Shewey Christopher Simon Eugene and Sheryl Simon Philip and Cheryl Simon Raymond Simon Curtis and Suzann Sinness Brian and Linda Carew Skjer- PLEASE NOTE: Listings reflect gifts through April 15th. Gifts through June 30th will be included in the Annual Report. $3.5 $3 $2.5 $2 $1.5 $1 $500 $250 $125 1M 0,000 P R 0,000 5,000 GRANTS/SPECIAL GIFTS Dakota Medical Foundation Roger Maris Celebrity Golf Tournament Jeffrey and Ann Jones Jordahl & Associates, Inc. Dale and Kelly Kadlec Rick and Janis Kasper Tom and Nancy Duchscher Kasper Patrick and Stephanie Kautzman Edward and Mary Kava Brad and Sindy Keller Gerard and Joni Keller Ken Kraft Agency, Inc. Dr. Emmet and Diane Moraghan Kenney Donald and Melissa Kiffmeyer Knights of Columbus 4th Degree Cardinal Muench Assembly 788 Paul and Nancy Kochmann Robert and Cheryl Kochmann Stephen Kostecke and Pamela Antoniuk Aaron and Cindy Krauter Dr. Gary and Judy Kubalak Christopher Lancaster and Elizabeth Fortin Dr. Steve and Teri Schwan Lantz Todd and Jennifer Lefor Francis and Barbara Leier Mark and Bonnie Leier Jin Li Mona Little Robert and Kathy Littlefield Paul and Brenda Marsolek Master Construction Stacey and Amy Mathias Dr. Brian and Jenny Mathison Dr. Christopher and Elizabeth Bossart Mathison Greg and Angie McCormick Keith and Rondi McGovern Brian and Laurie McKeever Jason and Melissa Mehlisch Christopher and Karin Meier David and Candace Meyer Todd and Peggy Traynor Mickelson Microsoft Matching Gift Program Edward and April Mitchell Michael and Lisa Sullivan Montgomery Michael and Mary Montplaisir Brad and Jill Motschenbacher Charles and Julie Needham William and Marna Nelson Patrick and Brenda Nistler Steve and Cindy Noack Dr. Thomas and Kimberly Noah Mike and Marsha Nygaard Terry and Kathy Olson Rusty and Marilyn Ouart Rusty and Neva Papachek Joseph and Sandra Paul Daniel and Janelle Pederson Nelson and Lisa Lodin Peralta Ray and Jill Perhus Dr. Bruce and Cathy Piatt Dr. John and Sharon Fritz Pollard RD Offutt Company R O O F P ’S 5M Shane and Laura Bach Alderman Jim and Amy Alexander Glen and Connie Altringer Paul and Margo Ames Anonymous Jeff and Lisa Aune Ronald and Linda Beare James and Nancy Berg Bryan and Pamela Bossert Myron and Joan Bowar Tiffany Eagleson Brandt Mark and Terri Brenner Mike and Katie Bruckbauer Kevin and Kari Bucholz Mark and Jill Buisker Dr. Joseph and Rebecca Burns Bob and Deb Buth Robert and Jana Bye Brad and Chris Conner Charles and Kelly Cooper Kevin Cowles and Marsha CraneCowles Dr. Bruce and Terri Dahl Timothy and Gail Dancer Greg and Jami Dean James and Patricia Rasmussen Deutsch Gary and Kathryn Dietz Dan Doyle and Wanda Hanson Mark and Colleen DuBord Dan and Pauline Dunn Eddie and Bev Dunn Dave and Paula Ekman Dr. John and Lori Erie Roger and Jan Fenstad Keith and Susanne Fraase Timothy Franckowiak Dr. Matt and Julie Friederichs Stephen and Diane Fitterer Fritz Howard and Kathleen Fulks Tim and Judith Gefroh Phillip and Kristin Glogoza Dan Goehring and Janis Bork Jerald and Gail Gores Timothy and Jill Graveline Brian and Kate Greicar Danny and Kristi Hallock Deacon David Haney Carl and Mercedes Hanson Heartland Capital Group, LLC / Dave & Lori Dietz Lee and Diann Hoedl Michael and Karen Cossette Hofer Scott and Cindy Hoselton In-House Advertising & Consulting Tom and Beth Irsfeld Jeff and Mary Jo Jacobson Roger and Debra Jaeger Earl and Kristi Jarolimek R 2M RESTRICTED/IN-KIND GIFTS E 5M T 3M seth Duane and Camille Smith Mike and Katie Smith Family Mark and Mykal Sonstelie Terry and Ann Hall Steinhouse Michael and Barbara Stenberg Thomas and Stephannie Stiel Marilyn Stine Mike Strand Family Bucumi Venance and Stephanie Teguza Hugo and Julie Ternes Michael and Molly Thomas Family Rosemary Thomas Marie Thompson Donald and Janet Tillisch James and Judy Tilton Wallace and Mary Ann Tintes James and Lynn Toay Joanne Toy Ed and Sandy Tupa Valentina Tweeter Deacon Jim Uline Vernon and Barbara Useldinger Marc Valenzuela Darrell and Dena Vanyo Richard and Pauline Vetsch James and Ardis Vetter Dr. Richard and Sharmae Vetter Bobby and Britni Volesky Paul and Jill von Ebers Nathan and Jessica Voss Mary Wadnizak Brian and Corie Gronso Walker Geraldine Walz Charles and Amy Wanzek David Weber and Susan Mary Mahoney-Weber Leslie Wegner Victor and Kathy Weigel Pat and Kathy Carew Weir Yvonne Wentz Dorothy Wieland Keith and Julie Wilson John and Linda Wolbaum Don and Marilyn Wold Thomas Wold and Lisa Wheeler Dale and Nicol Winkelman Jeff and Kathy York Barbara Zacher Rick and Linda Zeis Kent and Laurice Zeltinger Kim and Joy Zeltinger Timothy and Brenda Zerr Carol Zietz IN 5M J D S & Associates of Eden Prairie Inc. David and Robin Johnson Debra Y. Johnson Dr. Walter and Renee Johnson PLEASE NOTE: Listings reflect gifts through April 15th. Gifts through June 30th will be included in the Annual Report. R O O F Gold Partners Fargo Jet Center, Inc. First International Bank & Trust Hurley’s Religious Goods Luther Family Buick GMC Moore Engineering, Inc. Northern Improvement Company Robert Gibb & Sons, Inc. TCI Insurance P Bronze Partners Advanced Business Methods Anonymous Beyond Boundaries Therapy Services Boulger Funeral Home hoedl’s haven productions Laney’s, Inc. Valley Imports, Inc. Wolf Steel Construction, Inc. 2014 Orv Kelly Shanley Scramble Sponsors American Federal Bank Anda Properties / Rose Management LLC Bell State Bank & Trust (Moorhead) Catholic Church Deposit & Loan Fund of Eastern North Dakota Catholic Development Foundation Coaches Choice Dakota Medical Foundation / Impact Foundation D-S Beverages Essentia Health Anesthesia Cory Kelly Rosewood on Broadway SMP Health System Keith and Julie Kelly Wanner Wells Fargo Advisors T IN P R $2.5 M $2 M Silver Partners In-House Advertising & Consulting E Patrick and Jamie Traynor Mark and Stacey Tschider Dr. Richard and Sharmae Vetter Paul and Jill von Ebers Mark Weber and Natalie OgaardWeber Pat and Kathy Carew Weir Wells Fargo Advisors Wells Fargo Foundation West Fargo Public School District No. 6 Dale and Nicol Winkelman Devin and Kristen Vetter Wirth John and Linda Wolbaum Mark and Nancy Wolfe Dr. Aaron and Michelle Wright Dale and Carol Zetocha Platinum Partner Butler Machinery Company $3.5 M $3 M Diamond Partner Bell State Bank & Trust ’S Dr. Michael and Mary Beth Traynor 2014-15 DEACON PARTNERS & ORV KELLY SHANLEY SCRAMBLE SPONSORS R Aaron and Teresa Reinholz Jeff and Lisa Richmond John and Sarah Ries Rob and Vicki Roberts Hal and Bonnie Rodenbiker Jeff and Dana Sandene Tim and Kary Mehl Sandy Wade and Amy Sandy Dan and Maria Saville Donald and Mary Kay Schott Betty Lou Scott Daniel and Bernadine Seefeldt Eugene and Sherri Simon Clete and Becky Smith Dr. Michael and Katie Smith Joseph and Tina Stanger Harrison and Dawn Storandt Jon and Theresa Strom Sts Anne & Joachim Knights of Columbus 11930 Patrick Sweeney Mark and Liz Thelen Sandy Thiel and Randy Roder Michael and Molly Thomas Rosemary Thomas Tom and Trish Thorson PLEASE NOTE: Listings reflect gifts through April 15th. Gifts through June 30th will be included in the Annual Report. $1.5 M $1 M $500,000 $250,000 $125,000 The Deacon • Spring 2015 53 Where Are They Now? We are very proud of our graduates and their positive impact on their communities. Faith, family, service and excellence are common characteristics in our graduates. Please take some time to read through these interviews with graduates and their profiles, we hope that you find them interesting and inspiring. If you know of a graduate who would make for a great profile for the Deacon Newsletter please contact Joelle Shewey (joelle.shewey@jp2schools.org) or Mike Smith (michael.smith@jp2schools.org). Shanley grad McGovern out to prove his Missouri Tigers team ready for big-time By: Eric Peterson, INFORUM Published December 29, 2014 in The Forum Fargo -When Connor McGovern played high school football at Fargo Shanley, he was always the strongest kid on the team. So his coach had to be creative for motivation. Steve Laqua – who was McGovern’s high school coach – remembers a day when McGovern wasn’t giving maximum effort in the weight room. Laqua asked McGovern if he would be putting forth the same level of effort if a big-time college coach, like Jim Tressel, was there. Missouri’s Connor McGovern, a graduate of Fargo Shanley, has helped his team to a berth in the Citrus Bowl. David Samson / The Forum “I tried to keep him competing against some nameless, faceless guy who was playing somewhere big,” said Laqua, now the head coach at Minnesota State Moorhead. “He was a huge help,” McGovern said of Laqua. “I owe a lot to him.” Now, McGovern is the guy playing somewhere bigtime. A redshirt junior, the 6-foot-4, 310-pound right guard starts for the Missouri Tigers, who have played in the past two Southeastern Conference championship games. “It was kind of a year of beating out the naysayers,” McGovern said with the Tigers losing home games to Indiana and Georgia early in the season. After a 42-13 loss to No. 1-ranked Alabama in the SEC title game in early December, the Tigers have a chance to finish their season with a win. Missouri (10-3) plays the Minnesota Gophers (8-4) at noon Thursday in the Buffalo Wild Wings Citrus Bowl in Orlando, Fla. “We take it as a way to prove that the team that played Alabama isn’t us,” McGovern said of the bowl game. “We clearly didn’t play well at all. … We want to prove that we are a good team.” Having something to prove is nothing new for McGovern since he made his decision to play at Missouri. He was about a week away from choosing North Dakota State before the Tigers called and offered a scholarship. McGovern said there were some who didn’t think he should go to Missouri. They didn’t think he would ever crack the starting lineup for an NCAA Division I FBS team playing in one of the five power conferences. “People were just being realistic,” McGovern said. “They weren’t trying to bring me down.” McGovern proved he made the right choice at the beginning of last year, his redshirt sophomore season. The Deacon • Spring 2015 54 Where Are They Now? Missouri opened against Murray State, and that was a proud moment for McGovern, since that was his first career start. “It was a very good feeling,” he said. The Tigers finished the 2013 season with a 12-2 record after a 41-31 victory over Oklahoma State in the AT&T Cotton Bowl. McGovern felt a sense of accomplishment when he came back to Fargo after that successful season. “That’s when I was proud and I had done something that people didn’t think I could do,” McGovern said. “When you do something that people don’t think you can do, that’s pretty special.” Missouri had its doubters earlier this season after 3127 home loss in September to Indiana, which won one road game all year. Two weeks later, Georgia rolled to a 34-0 win at Missouri. The Tigers had 4-2 record at that point. “We picked ourselves up, dusted ourselves off and came back and started playing football again,” McGovern said. “After the Georgia loss … you could tell that the attitude in practice changed.” Missouri responded with six consecutive wins, including a 21-14 home victory against Arkansas to finish the regular season and clinch the SEC East title. The aftermath of that Arkansas game was memorable for McGovern. “Having everyone rush the field … there’s not a whole lot better feeling than seeing the whole stadium emptying onto the field,” he said. Laqua is impressed with the success McGovern has enjoyed at Missouri. “That says a lot about his work ethic that he was able to adapt to how hard he needed to work,” Laqua said. “You can’t just do it on talent at that level. You have to perfect your craft.” In Memoriam (information from Fargo Forum or provided by families) We extend our sympathies to the friends and families of: Sister Jane Walker (‘39) passed away on November 7, 2014. Sister Jane was the sister of Tom Walker (‘51) and the late Jim Walker (‘42), Annabelle (Walker) Van Gilder (‘42) and Sister Maureen Walker (‘48). Sister Jane taught science and home economics and served as Girls’ Administrator at Shanley High School for 34 years. Frank S. Ladner (‘45) passed away on November 8, 2014 in Lawrenceville, IL. Frank was inducted into the JPII Schools Hall of Fame in 2010. Beverley (Barnick) Jaeb (‘46) passed away on January 3, 2015. Beverley was the sister of Kathie (Barnick) Jaeb (‘51), Mary Ellen (Barnick) Schwichtenberg (‘57) and the late Marlo (Barnick) Durbin (‘48) and William Barnick (‘52). Jean Ellen (Brazell) Selbo (‘46) passed away on December 26, 2014. She was the sister of Betty (Brazell) Hopp (‘41), Kathy (Brazell) Klontz (‘45) and the late Nancy (Brazell) Gannon (‘46) and Bill Brazell (‘50). George Lavelle (‘47) passed away on December 11, 2014. George was the husband of the late Margaret “Peggy” (Manning) Lavelle (‘48) and the father of Susan (Lavelle) Custer (‘68), Michael Lavelle (‘69), Bob Lavelle (‘70), Patrick Lavelle (‘72), Bill Lavelle (‘73), Nancy (Lavelle) Hettich (‘75), David Lavelle (‘76), Paul Lavelle (‘78), Colleen (Lavelle) Roy (‘78), Ted Lavelle (‘79) and Jeff Lavelle (‘81). He was also the grandfather of John Lavelle (‘08). Dr. Ryan Harrington (‘50) passed away on December 16, 2014. Ryan was the father of Anne (Harrington) Johns (‘82), Ryan Harrington (‘84) and Mark Harrington and the brother of the late Mary (Harrington) Johnston (‘48). His wife, Agnes was formerly a teacher and counselor at Shanley from 1972-77. Raymond J. “Jack” Volk (‘50) passed away on January 20, 2015. The Deacon • Spring 2015 55 In Memoriam Beverly (Stegge) Jester (‘51) passed away on December 9, 2014. Beverly was the sister of Marjorie (Stegge) Iverson (‘44) and the late Frances Stegge (‘42). LaVerne (Hayek) Montplaisir (‘53) passed away on March 9, 2015. Jerome Burr (‘54) passed away on October 27, 2014. Jerry was the brother of Margaret (Burr) Harris (‘60), David Burr (‘62) and John Burr (‘65). Marilyn (Aask) Schur (‘56) passed away on December 4, 2014. Marilyn was the sister of Jacquelin (Aask) Schroeder (‘50). Jeanne L. Cossette (‘57) passed away on October 29, 2014. Jeanne was the sister of the late Diane (Cossette) Tessier (‘56). Rita (Gilbertson) Moe (‘58) passed away on April 29, 2015. Rita was the sister of Edward Gilbertson (‘55), Richard Nein (‘63) and the late John Gilbertson (‘59) and Jill (Nein) Gardner (‘65). Gary Cossette (‘61) passed away on December 27, 2014. He was the brother of Joyce (Cossette) Barefoot (‘49) and the late Angela (Cossette) McNeese (‘46) and Gloria (Cossette) Stock (‘52). David Stewart (‘61) passed away on August 19, 2014. David was the brother of James Stewart (‘57), Connie (Stewart) Kelly (‘58), William Stewart (‘60), John Landry (‘66) and Judy Benson. Nancy Beeson (‘68) passed away on February 1, 2015. Nancy was the sister of Betty (Beeson) Sholl (‘69), John Beeson (‘70), William Beeson, Patsy (Beeson) Chapman, Peggy (Beeson) DuBord (‘77) and Fr. Terry Beeson (‘79). Randall Rustad (‘68) passed away on January 31, 2015. Randall was the husband of Mary (Cossette) Rustad (‘70), the father of Lucas Rustad (‘95), Jessica (Rustad) Stimpson (‘96), Sarah (Rustad) Hillman (‘97) and the grandfather of Current Network students Reece Rustad, Paige Rustad, Beckett Stimpson, Ella Stimpson and Cole Stimpson. Randall began his career at Shanley High School in 1986 and was currently in his 29th year. During his time at Shanley, Randall taught US History, Government, Sociology, Economics, and Driver’s Education. He had also been head boy’s basketball coach, defensive coordinator for the football team, head baseball coach, and Athletic Director, as well as an organizer of the Close-Up program – taking many students to Washington, D.C. Robert “Pete” Perez (‘69) passed away on December 17, 2014. Pete was the brother of Tom Perez (‘64), Shar (Perez) Wolf (‘72) and Rick Perez (‘84). Monica (Langer) Schloesser (‘70) passed away on February 17, 2015. Monica was the sister of Gary Langer (‘64) and the late Ron Langer (‘61). Carol (Miller) Sinner (‘66) passed away on February 26, 2015. Carol was the sister of Dale Miller (‘57), Sharon (Miller) Mueller (‘61), Denny Miller (‘62) and the late Mary Jane Miller. John Paul Ringuette (‘74) passed away on October 29, 2014. John was the brother of Barbara (Ringuette) Miller (‘58), Gene Ringuette (‘64), Lavetta (Ringuette) Syverson (‘66), Ken Ringuette (‘68), Dana Ringuette (‘72), Tom Ringuette (‘76) and the late Leo Ringuette, Scott Ringuette (‘63) and Renee Ringuette-Bearden (‘79). John was also the nephew of Sister Paula Ringuette (‘48). John W. Majors (‘67) passed away on March 15, 2015. John was the brother of Lynne (Majors) Meckstroth (‘59), Joe Majors (‘63), Mary Majors (‘66) and Jane (Majors) Rosso. Maureen Korsmo-LeCompte (‘78) passed away on February 28, 2015. Maureen was the sister of Kevin Korsmo (‘75), Patrick Korsmo (‘76), Kathleen Korsmo (‘77) and Daniel Korsmo (‘89). Lynn (Adair) Leach (‘66) passed away on March 5, 2015. Lynn was the sister of Jim Adair and Steve Adair. 56 The Deacon • Spring 2015 In Memoriam Kevin Savageau (‘78) passed away on December 19, 2014. Kevin was the son of Dick Savageau (‘52), the brother of Tim Savageau (‘79), Donna (Savageau) Hammer (‘79), Dave Savageau (‘86) and the late Denise (Savageau) Lahn (‘81). He was the stepbrother of Laura (Mullen) Graham (‘80), Dick Mullen (‘81), Mark Mullen (‘83), Mike Mullen (‘84) and Julie (Mullen) Zimmel (‘88). David J. Gaffaney (‘80) passed away on May 7, 2015. David was the brother of Tom Gaffaney (‘87). Randall “Randy” Lemar (‘84) passed away on March 9, 2015. Randy was the brother of James Lemar (‘87), Corrina Lemar (‘88) and Carmen Lemar (‘93). Joseph John Johnson (‘94) passed away on January 15, 2015. Joe was the son of Steve & Linda (Gehrts) (‘63) Johnson, the brother of Jennifer (Johnson) Madla (‘89), James Johnson (‘92) and the brother-in-law of Angela Zurn (‘89). Joanne Blanchard passed away on May 6, 2015. Joanne was the wife of Wayne Blanchard (‘53), the mother of Tim Blanchard (‘84), Tami Blanchard Llewellyn (‘86) and the grandmother of Paige Knain Blanchard (‘13). Sheryl Beth McMahon Boe passed away on October 12, 2014. Sheryl was the sister of Michael McMahon, Patrick McMahon (‘69), Denise (McMahon) Rheault (‘72), Maureen (McMahon) Ronken (‘78) and Kileen (McMahon) Snyder (‘80). Helen Cahill passed away on December 11, 2014. Helen was the mother of Steven Cahill (‘66), Mary (Cahill) Johnson (‘68), Kathleen (Cahill) Graham, Martha (Cahill) Rocheford, David Cahill, Brian Cahill, Robert Cahill, Barton Cahill (‘79) and Matthew Cahill. She was also the grandmother of James Cahill (‘07) and Amanda Cahill (‘18). Duane R. Campbell passed away on April 28, 2015. Duane was the father of Steven Campbell (‘76) and Michael Campbell (‘78) and the grandfather of Ashley (Campbell) Woitzel (‘03). Orel Cossette passed away on December 22, 2014. Orel was the father of Cindy (Cossette) Quibell and James Cossette (‘88). Ronald Dittmer passed away on March 3, 2015. Ron was the husband of Marlya (Mertens) Dittmer (‘60). Rose G. Duval passed away on January 19, 2015. Rose was the mother of Ron Duval (‘60), Karen Stern, Linda Carver, Diana Kowalski and the late Patricia Bunn and Keary Duval. Jack Engan passed away on April 11, 2015. Jack was the father of Mark Engan (‘86) and Sara Jo (Engan) Morfin. Julie Erickson passed away on December 30, 2014. Julie was the daughter of Janet (Mullen) Erickson (‘62) and the late Paul Erickson (‘61). Elizabeth Virginia “Robbie” Farley passed away on February 27, 2015. Robbie was the wife of Michael Farley (‘60). Clara Fertig passed away on April 27, 2015. Clara was the mother of Norman Fertig (‘59), Theresa (Fertig) Troska (‘62), Sally (Fertig) Owen (‘65) and the late Clara (Fertig) Brynteson (‘54). Geraldine Foerster passed away on March 7, 2015. Gerry was the mother of Cheryl (Foerster) Martinetto (‘64), Paul Foerster (‘66), Ginger Foerster (‘67), Fred Foerster (‘68), Michael Foerster (‘73), Patrick Foerster (‘74), Michelle (Foerster) Buckingham (‘76) and Sheila (Foerster) Maher. Richard “Rick” Gray passed away on January 8, 2015. Rick was the husband of Gerry (Klier) Gray (‘55). Dolores Hollenhorst passed away on December 8, 2014. Dolores was the mother of Kathryn (Hollenhorst) Thomas (‘69), The Deacon • Spring 20153 57 In Memoriam Margaret (Hollenhorst) Klindworth and Richard Hollenhorst. Myron Hovden passed away on November 29, 2014. Myron was the father of Jeffrey Hovden (‘77) and Julie (Hovden) Thoemke (‘80). Susan Korst Jensen passed away on May 1, 2015. Susan was the mother of Sam Jensen and Sunny (Jensen) Blankinship (‘96) as well as the grandmother of current Network student, Griffin Blankinship (‘26). Richard J. Kluzak passed away on January 13, 2015. Richard was the father of LeMarie (Kluzak) O’Malley, Anna-Marie (Kluzak) Hill, Richard Kluzak and David Kluzak (‘86). Connie Lahren passed away on April 28, 2015. Connie was the mother of Richard Lahren, Bobbie (Lahren) Grob (‘92), Chris Lahren, Joshua Lahren, Sedonia Lahren and Savannah (Lahren) Lewis (‘04). Harvey Lillestol passed away on October 31, 2014. Harvey was the husband of Jane (Brush) Lillestol (‘54). Sarah (Dullea) Lyman passed away on October 24, 2014. Sarah was the daughter of Michael Dullea (‘65) & Janet (Engelking) Dullea (‘65) and the sister of Norine Ireland, Mick Dullea, Timothy Dullea (‘90), James Dullea, Deborah Haugen, Andrew Dullea, Peter Dullea, David Dullea and Jonathon Dullea. Joshua Neil Maddock passed away on March 30, 2015. Josh was the son of John Maddock (‘64) and his wife, Judi. Joanne “Nan” Malmberg passed away on December 16, 2014. Nan was the mother of Mark Malmberg (‘70), Marty Malmberg (‘70), Peggy (Malmberg) Rodenburg (‘72), Paul Malmberg, Nancy (Malmberg) Thomas (‘76) and John Malmberg (‘79). Cody M. Marthaller passed away on October 26, 2014. Cody was the son of Brent Marthaller (‘73), the nephew of Brenda (Marthaller) Sorrels (‘71) and the grandson of John & Ruth (Cantlon) Dunnicliff (‘53). Mary Lou Matejka passed away on December 29, 2014. Mary Lou was the mother of Thomas Matejka, Jerald Matejka, Susan Matejka, Nancy (Matejka) Boehler (‘81) and Janet Matejka (‘84). Susan Matejka passed away on March 22, 2015. Susan was the sister of Thomas Matejka, Jerald Matejka, Nancy (Matejka) Boehler (‘81) and Janet Matejka (‘84). Helen Mitzel passed away on January 13, 2015. Helen was the mother of Milt Mitzel, Mary Ann (Mitzel) Ball (‘72) and the late John Mitzel and Dolores Mitzel. Randy Nelson passed away on December 1, 2014. Randy was the father of Nicole Nelson, Brandon Nelson (‘12) and Current Network student, Gabby Nelson (‘19). Randy served as the JPII Activities Director from 2007 until the time of his death. Sheila Pfaff passed away on January 30, 2015. Sheila was the mother of Laura (Pfaff) Christopher, Gary Pfaff, Sheila (Pfaff) Nygren, Margie (Pfaff) Christopher and Richard Pfaff (‘77). Edward W. Price passed away on November 8, 2014. Ed was the father of Kevin Price (‘81), Lisa (Price) Schmidt (‘87), Julie (Price) Welch (‘89) and the grandfather of current Network students Molly Schmidt (‘16), Ryan Schmidt (‘19), Michael Welch (‘21) and Joseph Welch (‘24). Lois Pronovost passed away on January 3, 2015. Lois was the wife of Gerald Pronovost (‘45). Marjorie A. Tholkes passed away on December 3, 2014. Marjorie was the sister of Greg Blaufuss (‘67) and Paul Blaufuss. She was also the mother of Chris Tholkes, Rick Tholkes (‘97) and Theresa (Tholkes) Hawkins (‘99). Victor Werlinger passed away on January 19, 2015. Victor was the father of Mark Werlinger (‘77), Dennis Werlinger (‘79), Cheri The Deacon • Spring 2015 58 In Memoriam (Werlinger) Wheeler (‘82) and Lurae (Werlinger) Hill (‘83). Colleen Witt passed away on March 23, 2015. Colleen was the mother of Jonathan Witt (‘69), Mary (Witt) Brewer (‘72) and Teresa Witt (‘73). Carrol Woxland passed away on November 21, 2014. Carrol was the father of Peter Woxland (‘68), Barbara (Woxland) Bundy (‘70), John Woxland (‘75), Peggy (Woxland) Malmberg (‘79) and Ann (Woxland) Koch (‘80). If you would like to inform classmates and other alumni of a loved one’s passing, please submit information either by phone or by email to Maria Dahlin at: 701-893-3233 or maria.dahlin@jp2schools.org. What’s Happening in our Schools High School Club Radio Active in Fargo By Edith Lennon, N2ZRW, Contributing Editor to Radio Waves. reprinted, with permission, from the Winter 2015 edition of Radio Waves At the Shanley High School Amateur Radio Club, KDØTCP, in Fargo, North Dakota, the students really take charge. “I have told them that it is their club, and that my job is just to make sure no one dies,” jokes science teacher Tim Cruff, KØCRF, of the organization he began in 2012 in this Catholic school. For community service, last year KDØTCP hosted the Red River Radio Amateurs and their emergency communications trailer for the North Dakota QSO Party. Students have also operated their own site for Field Day, assisting with the Fargo Marathon as spotters at safety stops, and volunteer for just about every run, bike race, or walk for area charities. Academically, students have used their Patrick Donegan, KDØVSX (rear), then a junior, operates from the Red River Radio Amateur His words Radio must have Amateurs’ emergency communications trailer during the North Dakota QSO Party in knowledge 2014, as Alan Schoberg, AIØQ, looks on. (Photo by Tim Cruff, KØCRF) sunk in, to design because payloads and launch high-altitude balloons. members are deeply involved in many aspects of The club is open to high school and middle school Amateur Radio. They can even achieve a varsity letter students. So far, nine students have earned their in Radio Club, provided they earn their licenses, licenses and five their high school letters. “We just continue their education, provide service to the had about a dozen new students sign up, so the school and community, are active in club activities [current members] are going to start working with and on the radio, and meet the basic academic them on studying for their exams,” says Cruff. standards of the school. The Deacon • Spring 2015 59 What’s Happening in our Schools Fargo Shanley tops Bismarck Century, wins Class A volleyball Championship By: Tom Mix, INFORUM Published November 23, 2014 in The Forum MINOT, N.D. – The Fargo Shanley volleyball team took a road less traveled to earn its 37th win of the season Saturday. And with it, the Deacons walked out of the Minot State Dome as state champions. Shanley dropped its first set against Bismarck Century in the North Dakota Class A state championship match, but recovered to defeat the Patriots 16-25, 25-17, 25-15, 25-18, earning the school’s first volleyball title since 1991. “There is no better feeling,” senior setter Lauren Sandy said of the victory. “It is a great accomplishment, and the fact that we beat a great team like Bismarck Century to win the championship gives it more meaning. We are all blessed.” The loss in Set 1 was only the fourth time this season Shanley fell into a deficit to start a match. statement. After that, we needed to play our match and not play into their hands.” Shanley opened Set 2 with a 7-1 lead and settled back into the match. Century played strong defense, but the Deacons’ depth in the front row won out. Senior middle blocker Somer Bucholz led the Deacons’ attack, posting 17 kills. Sophomore middle blocker Kylie Kanwischer added six kills and six blocks for Shanley (37-1). “They kept swinging against us,” Century co-head coach Sara Bohrer said. “I thought each team took things point by point and set by set, but they were able to get a few extra points here and there and were able to go on more runs than we did.” Kanwischer gave the Deacons a “We knew Century wasn’t going to 2-1 lead with a kill for set point in hand anything to us,” said Shanley Set 3. senior middle blocker Alivia Fargo Shanley’s Kylie Kanwischer hugs Momentum kept swinging Fraase, who posted 15 kills and teammate Sydney Weber after the North the Deacons’ way in Set 4 and three blocks in the match. “We Dakota Class A state volleyball champieventually Shanley found itself had to work for this victory onship match on Saturday. Chris Aarhus with a match-point opportunity. and our focus wavered at the / Forum News Service beginning of the match, but Match point was scored when our mentality changed after the first set. We started Bucholz smacked a ball that the Patriots’ defense playing our game, and that helped us get through the couldn’t handle. match.” “I wanted to get in the court, and when I saw it shank Century led 22-10 at one point is Set 1, but the Deacons pulled to within eight points of the Patriots before senior middle hitter Cassidy Miller recorded set point with a kill. off the hand of one of their players, I went into shock because I knew then that we won,” Bucholz said. “We did it. The championship means the world to all of us. It is a dream come true.” “I thought the atmosphere set us back a bit,” Shanley head coach Curt Johnson said. “Century has played in this match in this building many times, and we were a little nervous. We went on a run to end the first set to make it a little closer and that was us making a Senior outside hitter Sydney Weber added six kills and 27 digs for the Deacons. Shanley finished the season winning 33 straight matches. Century – making its fourth straight state The Deacon • Spring 2015 60 What’s Happening in our Schools title match appearance – was the only team to defeat the Deacons this season. Unbeaten No. 1-ranked Fargo Shanley wins Class A girls basketball title By: Tom Mix, INFORUM Published March 14, 2015 in The Forum FARGO – There was a banner hanging in the Fargodome all weekend that had a photo of the Fargo Shanley girls basketball team and the words “Defend ’til the end” on it. When the Deacons hit the court for the first time this season in December, they did so with intentions of defending their North Dakota Class A state championship won the previous season. Shanley was flawless in the execution of its quest to repeat. The No. 1-ranked Deacons defeated Bismarck Century 46-38 in the championship game at the Class A state tournament Saturday. Shanley was led by its standout juniors – all-state guard Sarah Jacobson and forward Lauren Rotunda. Jacobson finished with 22 points and was voted the tournament’s unanimous Most Valuable Player. “We have a lot of weapons,” Jacobson said. “There were girls who stepped up and hit some big shots for us and we really buckled down on defense. It was a team victory (Saturday). We pulled together and played as a team.” Rotunda added 18 points and had four steals in the game. “We came out with a lot of intensity, and I thought we just played very well as a team,” Rotunda said. “It was a great way to end the season.” Shanley finishes the season 27-0 and has now twice won state championships while going undefeated. Shanley’s 1980 girls basketball team was 22-0 in its championship season. “We won’t really feel it until tomorrow, next week and next year,” Fargo Shanley head coach Tim Jacobson said. “As long as I have been coaching, this (season) was unbelievable that a group of young ladies could stay so calm and focused. They kept believing in what we were doing. They kept thinking that this was right, and I congratulate them totally.” Fargo Shanley bench players stand to celebrate after defeating Bismarck Century in the North Dakota Class A state girls basketball tournament title game Saturday at the Fargodome. Michael Vosburg / Forum Photo Editor With the victory, Shanley improved its winning streak to 43 games – the longest active streak in the state. The Deacons’ string of wins is now a school record. The 1980 team followed up its title going 20-0 in 1981 for a 42-game streak before losing in the state semifinals. The Deacons are just the seventh team in Class A to end a season with an undefeated record since 1974 The Deacon • Spring 2015 61 What’s Happening in our Schools and the first since 2001 when Fargo North finished its season 25-0. are normally used to. We needed more help from our guards and that is where it came from.” Shanley led 22-15 at halftime Saturday. Other than the 8-0 run early in the second half, Century had trouble stringing enough offense together against the Deacons. The Deacons began the second half on a 5-0 run capped by a 3-pointer by Jacobson with 14 minutes, 47 seconds remaining to give Shanley a 27-15 lead. Century (22-5) answered with an 8-0 run to cut Shanley’s lead to 27-23, but that would be as close as the Patriots would get in the second half. “We really had to tighten it up inside,” Tim Jacobson said. “They have some nice post players and they went strong on us. It was a physical game so it mattered that we blocked them out further than we No Patriots player scored in double figures. Century was led by its senior guard Jordyn Jossart, who scored nine points. “We had some good shots early in the game that didn’t go down and I think that got in our heads a little bit,” Century head coach Ron Metz said. “They had us so spread out. We were playing too far out too often.” Shanley in rare company as seventh unbeaten Class A girls team By: Kevin Schnepf, INFORUM Published March 14, 2015 in The Forum Fargo - Craig Murie, the first coach to guide a Fargo Shanley girls basketball team to an unbeaten season, had a front-row seat in the Fargodome on Saturday – a night when his old school made history at the North Dakota Class A state tournament. Shanley not only claimed its second consecutive state championship with a 46-38 win over Bismarck Century, but it became only the seventh Class A girls team to finish the season with a perfect record. That’s more than four decades of a mere seven encounters with perfection. And in the last three decades, Shanley becomes only the second team to reach perfection. Plain and simple, this just doesn’t happen very often – as Murie is well aware. “This team is good,” Murie said of this year’s Deacons team that has outscored opponents by an average score of 69-43. “They play together so well, and there is no animosity among them. That’s a big thing nowadays.” And it was a big thing back in 1980, when Murie coached a Shanley team with four all-staters to a 22-0 record. “They were really focused,” Murie said of his unbeaten team. It’s funny, but when Class A girls basketball started Sarah Jacobson of Fargo Shanley is fouled by Katie Scherr of Bismarck Century during their championship game in the North Dakota Class A basketball tournament Saturday, March 14, 2015, in the Fargodome. Michael Vosburg / Forum Photo Editor The Deacon • Spring 2015 62 What’s Happening in our Schools having sanctioned state tournaments in 1974, Jamestown won it all with an 18-0 record. Then in 1976 and 1977, Williston posted back-to-back 19-0 seasons. Devils Lake went 22-0 four years after Shanley’s perfect season. So five of the seven unbeaten seasons occurred during the first 11 years of Class A girls basketball. We haven’t seen a flawless season since 2001 – when Fargo North finished with a 25-0 record. “Credit these girls,” said Shanley’s Tim Jacobson, who was named the Class A girls coach of the year. “They have just handled this so well. It was an unspoken pressure but they didn’t talk about it.” Such pressure can certainly catch up to unbeaten teams. In 2003, a 24-0 North team had its 50-game win streak halted with a state-title loss to Mandan. In 2009, the Fargo South Bruins had a 24-0 mark until Bismarck knocked them off in the state title game. Probably no one knows more about such heartache than Pat Jacobson – the mother of Sarah Jacobson, Shanley’s junior point guard who was named the tournament’s most valuable player. Back in the 1980s playing for Class B Lidgerwood, Pat – known as Pat Smykowski back then – experienced the thrill of an unbeaten season only to follow that with two straight unbeaten seasons ending at the state tournament. After beating Larimore 53-45 in the 1982 title game to finish 24-0, Lidgerwood lost to Washburn 64-46 in the 1983 opening round to finish 23-1 and lost to Esmond 57-54 in the 1984 semifinals to finish 23-1. “That was very disappointing,” said Pat, who went on to become a Division II All-American at North Dakota State. “That year (1983), we should’ve won it. I’ll be frankly honest. The following year (1984), we should’ve won it too, and we didn’t. I don’t know if we would be in the same category as Minot Bishop Ryan, but we could’ve been pretty dang close with three unbeaten state championships.” Minot Bishop Ryan is the epitome of perfection. Ryan has won the last three Class B state championships, and had it not been for last December’s loss to Shanley, it would’ve been three straight perfect seasons. Shanley’s win snapped Ryan’s 63-game win streak. And Saturday night, Shanley extended its winning streak to 43 games – breaking the school record of 42 set by Murie’s Shanley teams in 1980 and 1981. The 1981 team was 20-0 before it lost to Devils Lake in the state semifinals. “We had four juniors and one sophomore that year,” said Murie, who saw his teams lose only three games in four seasons from 1980 to 1983. On such an historic night Saturday, it’s funny how history kind of repeats itself. Back in the 1980s, Pat Smykowski poured in 204 points in three state tournaments guiding Lidgerwood to a 70-2 record. Flash forward to today. Her daughter Sarah has scored 200 points in four state tournaments and has guided Shanley to a 91-11 record. And she has one more year to try for another state title. Is an unbeaten season on her mind? “We’ll try our best,” Jacobson said with a smile. “There are still a lot of things to improve on.” Media Center 3rd Grade Classroom Over the past 18 months we have been in the midst of our Together! Campaign. This five year campaign is off to a wonderful start with $13 million raised in funds and pledges, bringing us to 70% of our goal. Thank you for being a part of making our schools strong and viable for the future. Your contributions to the project have allowed us to be able to place ourselves in a position of strength in terms of our long-term sustainability. Upon the successful completion of all three components of the Together! Campaign, we will be poised to take our schools to a new and unparalleled level in terms of our long-term sustainability. Campaign Goal 1: Trinity Elementary School Our biggest tangible highlight to date is the nearing completion of Trinity School which will open in the fall of 2015. We have 162 students enrolled at Trinity and Network wide we have 92 kindergarteners enrolled. This is the highest number of kindergarten students that have been enrolled in the past eight years. We are confident that these numbers will grow over the summer as personal tours continue at all of our schools. Our trajectory has us on a positive enrollment trend, which is the ultimate goal of our Strategic Plan process and the building of Trinity School. Gymnasium There are very few new Catholic Schools being built anywhere in the nation, to have a beautiful, new, state of the art school in our Catholic Community is something we need to celebrate and be proud of having accomplished! Campaign Goal 2: Debt Retirement of the Original Shanley and Sullivan Construction Project There is $3.5 million in remaining debt that was used to build Shanley/Sullivan with a current interest rate of 1.00%. We currently have $500,000 of cash funds designated to service that debt in an interest bearing account that helps to offset the debt servicing. Since the new Shanley/ Sullivan building was completed in 2002, just under $4 million of the original debt has been paid off, and the goal is to retire the remaining balance owing with this campaign. Although the building has been completed for some time, gifts made by our benefactors to retire the debt would be giving the St. John Paul II Catholic Schools our largest and most valuable asset that is owned free and clear. In addition, it is the Board of Director’s positon that we will only proceed with construction for the proposed Shanley/Sullivan Addition provided that we can complete the project by incurring no new debt. Campaign Goal 3: Shanley/Sullivan Addition Construction plans have been approved by the Shanley/Sullivan Building Committee as well the Diocesan Building Committee. Parents, teachers, coaches, and administrators provided valuable feedback on the specific needs for the proposed addition. The complete design and development of the plans are currently being finalized. Highlights of the plans include: additional commons space, new enlarged band room, new enlarged choir room, indoor restrooms for outdoors activiPre-K Classroom ties, new boys and girls locker rooms for varsity sports, additional space to expand the weight room, new space for speech and debate, new practice space for small group ensembles and a scene shop for theater. All of these improvements continue the vision of the original Legend and Legacy Campaign. See the following page for the floor plan and renderings. Total cost of the addition is $3.7 million, and we currently have $1.3 million cash on hand for the project with an additional $973,000 pledged to complete this campaign goal. We still need an additional $1.5 million in new pledges, and approximately $700,000 in cash to begin the project. It is our goal that we will have sufficient funds to start the project this fall. In summary, we are very pleased with the visible progress of Trinity School and the steps taken to be closer to begin the construction of the addition at Shanley/Sullivan. Your participation in helping us to achieve our strategic planning initiatives is greatly appreciated. We ask you to prayerfully consider supporting this next push to complete our projects and strengthen our position for the future. Dr. Smith would be happy to sit down and visit with you personally if you have any questions, or if you would like more details about the project and the capital campaign efforts, Contact Dr. Smith at 701893-3244 or Michael.Smith@jps2schools.org. SHANLEY/SULLIVAN Addition Activities Addition Fine Arts Addition The Deacon • Spring 2015 65 The Joy of Giving 2015 Shanley Dinner Auction By: Lee Hoedl, JPII Auction Director Upon exiting the evening’s festivities, one guest remarked, “This is the most fun I’ve had donating my money to such a worthy cause.” Such was the sentiment of many guests who attended and were entertained at the 31st Annual Shanley Dinner Auction held on April 25th at the Fargo Holiday Inn. Following on the traditions of past years, the Shanley Dinner Auction hosted a Silent and a Deacon Select Auction of over 400 items on which to bid. The Live Auction presented over 50 wonderful items, from one-of-a-kind specialty items such as the Trinity Celtic Cross Dedication Rights to coveted travel packages. And also following with tradition, this particular Shanley Dinner Auction recorded the highest grossing total of all past auctions with just over $600,000 raised in one evening. Special Project for this year’s auction was a particularly emotional moment as guests graciously donated to the endowed scholarships of beloved and recently deceased St. John Paul II educators Randall Rustad and Randy Nelson. All funds raised for this special project will be split between the Randy Nelson Memorial Scholarship and the Randall Rustad Memorial Scholarship, with an additional 33% of the gift matched by Shanley alum Mr. John Barry and the Barry Foundation to be placed in the Louise S. Barry Scholarship Endowment. “The auction was an evening that showed that our community believes in our mission, honors the work done by dedicated and professional staff and fully expects us to continue to grow, improve and thrive for years to come,” stated St. John Paul II Superintendent Dr. Michael Smith. Auction Director Lee Hoedl, returning for his fourth year, acknowledges, “There are so many wonderful JP II community volunteers, committee members, families and supporters that continually assist in making this event one of, if not the premier dinner auction in the region. These people are the energy and soul behind this annual tradition and celebration. And once our guests are their seats it is our responsibility to find that rich balance of entertaining 2015 JPII Special Projects 66 The Deacon • Spring 2015 The Joy of Giving them, inspiring them and graciously asking them to support the St. John Paul II Catholic Schools. And once again, that formula worked without a flaw. A special thanks goes out to our first-year emcee David Dietz, longstanding auctioneer Kevin Pifer and Media Productions for tying it all together so well.” Highlight videos presented at the 2015 Shanley Dinner Auction can be viewed at: http://www. hoedlshaven.com/ SHANLEYAUCTION/ cinematography.html The 2016 Shanley Deacons Dinner Auction will be hosted on April 30, 2016 at the Fargo Holiday Inn. And Hoedl promises, “The best is still yet to come. We will be celebrating the arrival of Trinity Elementary School, the introduction of an innovative smart phone and text bidding process to accommodate all guests and enhance their silent auction experience… and yes, there will be more humor than your stomach can handle and more memories than your mind might be able to capture in one evening.” It is the purpose of the Shanley Dinner Auction, the annual premier community celebration and fundraiser for all the St. John Paul II Catholic Schools, is to provide valuable financial resources for the operations and initiatives of Trinity Elementary, Nativity Elementary, Holy Spirit Elementary, Sullivan Middle and Shanley High Schools. The Shanley Dinner Auction is open to all parents, alumni and supporters of the St. John Paul II Catholic Schools and the general public - ALL are encouraged to attend. JPII DEACON PARTNERS PROGRAM The JPII Catholic Schools Deacon Partners program is part of our JPII Annual Fund with special packages tailored to the needs of our generous business donors. • DEACON PARTNER - $250 ($200 Tax Deductible Donation): Hole sponsor at the Orv Kelly Shanley Scramble and ½ page advertisement in the 2016 Shanley Dinner Auction Catalog. • RED + WHITE PARTNER - $500 ($400 Tax Deductible Donation): Cart sponsor at the Orv Kelly Shanley Scramble and a full page advertisement in the 2016 Shanley Dinner Auction Catalog. • BRONZE PARTNER - $1,000 ($750 Tax Deductible Donation): Red + White package plus: Business name and logo in the Deacon Newsletter (semi-annual publication) sent to all Parents, Alumni & Friends of JPII and our Annual Report publication. Business name and logo on the JPII website and the Shanley Alumni website on a rotating basis. Business name and logo in the Weekly E-Newsletter, sent to parents on a rotating basis. Table signage & full page color advertisement in the 2016 Shanley Dinner Auction Catalog. • SILVER PARTNER - $2,500 ($2,000 Tax Deductible Donation): Bronze Partner package plus: Business name and logo in the JPII Schools Family Directory. Business name and logo in the program for the Mike & Karen Hofer Deacon Award and Hall of Fame Awards Banquet. Ad space on Shanley’s new digital scoring table in McCormick Gymnasium (Ad displayed once every nine minutes). • GOLD PARTNER - $5,000 ($4,000 Tax Deductible Donation): Bronze & Silver Partner packages plus: Signage in Sid Cichy Stadium. Full table of eight at the 2016 Shanley Dinner Auction, complete with premium wine service. • PLATINUM PARTNER - $10,000 ($8,500 Tax Deductible Donation): Bronze, Silver & Gold Partner packages plus: Platinum Sponsorship of the Orv Kelly Shanley Scramble (includes recognition and promotion as a Platinum Sponsor in all materials leading up to & during the golf tournament, signage and a team of 6 golfers). • DIAMOND PARTNER - $15,000 ($13,000 Tax Deductible Donation): Bronze, Silver & Gold Partner packages plus: School bus advertising on all JPII buses that shuttle our students between our schools twice daily as well as some in-town and out-of-town activities. Diamond Sponsorship of the 2016 Shanley Dinner Auction (includes recognition and promotion as the Auction’s Diamon Sponsor in all the material leading up to and during the Auction, table signage, wall signage, catalog advertisement and Diamond Sponsor table for eight guests at the Auction on April 30, 2016). If you are interested in becoming a Deacon Partner for the 2014-15 school year, Please contact Joelle Shewey, Director of Constituent Relations & JPII Fund, at Joelle.Shewey@jp2schools.org or 701-893-3225 *All advertising must be consistent with the mission of the JPII Catholic Schools... “to inspire exceptional student achievement by teaching the total person and fostering the following of Christ in an environment guided by the Gospel spirit, as taught by the Catholic Church.” Thank You for your support of the St. John Paul II Catholic Schools A Community Inspiring Excellence through Faith, Learning and Service St. John Paul II Catholic Schools Network 5600 25th Street South Fargo, ND 58104 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED NON-PROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID FARGO, ND PERMIT NO. 168 ATTENTION PARENTS OF DEACON ALUMNI: If your Deacon Alumn has a new address, please pass it on to us, so we can send them the Deacon newsletter. Phone: 701-893-3233 • Email: maria.dahlin@jp2schools.org Or mail to: ATTN: Maria Dahlin, JPII Catholic Schools Advancement Department, 5600 25th St. S., Fargo, ND 58104 Administration Board of Directors Chairman of the Board of Directors: Dr. Michael Smith Treasurer: Eugene Simon Fr. Kevin Boucher Fr. Raymond Courtright Fr. Paul Duchschere Msgr. Joseph Goering Fr. Jared Kadlec Fr. Charles LaCroix Fr. Jim Meyer Fr. Brian Moen Fr. Bert Miller Wanda Fischer Tom Kasper Keith Wilson Carrie Ward Dr. Michael Smith Superintendent Lori Hager Director of Admissions and Marketing Joelle Shewey Director of Constituent Relations and JPII Fund Sherri Simon Executive Administrative Assistant and Communications Director Sarah Crary Principal of Shanley High School Council Members Laura Alderman Greg Burd Chris Conner Dave Dietz Wanda Fischer (Council Chair) John Jones Jr. 2014-2015 Leadership Team Amy Mathias Joe Paul Keith Wilson Fr. Charles LaCroix Fr. Jared Kadlec Leon Knodel Principal of Sullivan Middle School/ Interim Activities Director Cindy Hutchins Principal of Nativity Elementary School Jason Kotrba Principal of Holy Spirit Elementary School Fr. Charles LaCroix Chaplain Mary Beth Traynor Director of Accreditation & Student Services Stacy Roney Business Manager