Application Training Brochure
Application Training Brochure
User Services Application Training 2016 Knowledge means staying ahead Our Training Courses Classroom Training Classroom training sessions generally take place at our Training Centers. Theoretical principles of imaging are supplemented by a wide range of practical exercises on the most recent systems, giving learners the opportunity to gain skills for day-to-day clinical work. Clinical Workshop Clinical workshops are training programs which last one to several days and specifically focus on clinical issues. They include lectures given by clinical experts, live examinations, and, in many cases, practical exercises. Training Overview Fellowship Program Participants accompany clinical experts on their daily rounds in a specialist unit, observe examinations and diagnostic procedures, and expand their skills through direct interaction with mentors. E-Learning E-Learning content is available on CD-ROMs, as web-based training, and in live virtual classrooms. You receive interactive application training in which system operation is clearly presented. Most e-Learning courses conclude with a certification exam. Credit Points CME Credits CME CREDITS Several of our training courses have been submitted to the Bavarian Medical Association for approval of credits in category C. Credit Points CREDIT POINTS Several of our training courses have been submitted to the training program offered by the DIWMTA and the DVTA for voluntary certification in category C. The validation will be carried out by the DIW-MTA and DVTA. DFP Credits DFP CREDITS Several of our training courses taking place in Austria have been submitted to the Austrian Medical Association for approval of credits. Welcome to the new Edition of our Application Training Booklet Dear valued Customer, I am proud to introduce our new Application Training Booklet 2016 to you, our customer. This booklet is published once a year. It is our goal and on-going commitment to offer you the best possible up-to-date and state of the art education environments to ensure you stay ahead in expertise by continuously improving your knowledge, skills and performance. We, therefore, offer you this excellent knowledge ‘broad band’ of training opportunities, rich in quality, expert knowledge, support and hands-on experience. Considering the different requirements and tasks of today’s world, our portfolio also offers internationally accepted accreditation courses in different certification programs: like CME Credit Points, Germany MTRAs credit points and Austrian DFP Credit Points. We invite you to browse our application training booklet and discover all the opportunities for the different courses to suit your needs. You see the whole year at a glance which enables you to plan and schedule your training programs well ahead of time. During the year we will update the booklet information, additional course dates and/or new training classes will be added accordingly. Please see our contact data on page 3 – TrainingNews. Dr. Patrick Amarteifio It will be our pleasure to welcome you at one of our training programs. Siemens Healthcare GmbH Customer Services Vice President Training Dr. Patrick Amarteifio Training Overview Know-how in Theory and Practice Our global training concept offers participants learning opportunities throughout the world on the newest systems at state-of-the-art training centers in Germany, USA and China. Participants can attend hands-on courses with colleagues covering the maintenance and operation of medical systems and applications, without the distractions of daily clinical routine. Tailored e-Learning courseware optimally supplements our instructor-led courses. Many courses take place at the Imaging Science Institute (ISI) Erlangen, Germany. The ISI Erlangen is a cooperative project of the University Hospital Erlangen and Siemens Healthcare. The exceptionally close cooperation facilitates practical training in real clinical surroundings, as the ISI is located right at the University Hospital Erlangen. The course participants attend block courses in routinely operated radiological examination rooms with experienced doctors acting as trainers. Participants benefit from the comprehensive clinical and technical experience of the University Hospital Erlangen. Imaging Science Institute Universitätsklinik Erlangen Ulmenweg 18 91054 Erlangen, Germany 2 Training Overview On the following pages you will find a complete listing of classroom courses and clinical workshops. From “Angiography” to “Ultrasound”, our courses give users system, application and technology training that combines theoretical principles with handson exercises in a one-day to five-day course format. You can extend your skills and gain new knowledge by working on course content closely with your peers. Offering many of our courses in collaboration with various partner hospitals gives them a strong practical emphasis. On-site training: If the course times do not fit your schedule, contact us about on-site training. Our experts offer you and your employees training designed to meet your specific requirements – at your company site, on your own systems. Siemens Healthcare GmbH Training Center, Course Administration Phone: +49 9131 84-5005 Fax: +49 9131 84-6492 E-mail: Fortbildungspunkte TrainingNews Kontakt Your advantages: Updated information: You will receive the latest news about changes or additional information in the current course program. Professional expertise: You choose your specific area of interest and we forward your request to the specialist. Clear advantage in knowledge and information: You will be among the first to learn about news and updates in the training and education program of your area of interest. Get the latest news Please contact us for new course dates and news in the training and continuous learning world of Siemens Healthcare. If you are interested in a specific field we will forward your request to the specialist. Please contact us: Email: Training Overview 3 User Services Enabling users with expertise and efficiency Continuous education and training delivered in flexible and long-term plans Clinical expertise and high efficiency are essential to achieving quality results, fast throughput, and optimized resource management. Personalized training and consulting unlock your staff’s potential and keep your organization at the forefront of clinical diagnostics and corresponding outcome-based treatment. Constantly support the development of the operators’ skills Clinical expertise and high efficiency are essential to achieving quality results, fast throughput, and optimized resource management. Our global team of clinical education and application specialists understands your needs and delivers training whenever and wherever you need it. You can count on our portfolio of services to maximize your return on investment. n n n n Medical devices and equipment are utilized to the full potential of their technology Staff feels invested in and confident, which improves patient outcomes and the facility’s reputation High quality of care and economic success depends on the performance of both systems and staff Level of knowledge and performance Delivering high-quality patient care at a predictable cost that generates revenue in the long run Training Level of safe operation Knowledge gap Time Unrestricted © Siemens Healthcare GmbH 2015 4 Training Overview Page 1 2015-06 American Society for Training & Development: “Bridging the skills gap”, 2012 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality: “A decade of evidence, design, and implementation”, Author / Department Education Plans Continuous education that fits Deliver high-quality, every day Enhance your in-house expertise Stand out as a center of excellence You are faced with the need to reduce potential treatment errors, rescans, and gain more system availability at the same time. You want to decrease overtime, efficiently onboard new staff, and retain your well-trained employees. You are faced with the need to master more complex procedures, capture additional revenue streams with a broader case mix. You need to reduce the fluctuation of expert staff by offering in-house career paths that go beyond their current responsibilities. Your goal is to continuously build a competitive advantage – your institution strives for better patient satisfaction and aims to attract those high-potential employees you need. Your challenge is to further increase your reputation and optimize performance – above and beyond your competitors. Your benefit: With the Routine Plan, you can rely on a training concept that helps your team reach a new level of confidence – in your everyday routines, without additional investment in your system landscape. Your benefit: With the Expertise Plan, you will be able to enhance your clinical expertise. The focus of this education plan lies on improvements in patient outcome, standardization of quality of care and employee satisfaction – on a regular basis. Your benefit: With the Excellence Plan you will be able to strengthen your institution’s position as a center of excellence. This education plan is focused on the optimization and perfection of existing routines and further developing skills in terms of clinical workflow consulting. Three plans to address your education needs: An Education Plan is a comprehensive multi-year service agreement that bundles all your User Services training and education activities in one flexible package. Each year, a Siemens Application Specialist will help you choose and plan the most beneficial courses to support your goals. With the MultiModality Option you can expand the Education Plan to trainings for other Siemens imaging systems. Your benefit: Customized education at predictable cost For more information please contact: Training Overview 5 Training Overview MT(R)A Physicians Physicists Computed Tomography Basic skills In-depth skills Course type Page 10 Multislice CT Scanner 8 Clinical Workshop on Coronary CTA Interpretation 12 8 13 Cardiac CT 8 8 14 Clinical Workshop on Dual Energy 8 8 15 8 8 16 Clinical Workshop on Myocardial CT Perfusion NEW Workshop for Physicists 8 17 Optimized TAVI Procedural Planning 8 8 18 3D Imaging with syngo and syngo.via 8 8 19 CT Colonography with syngo and syngo.via 8 8 20 MSCT Angiography with syngo and syngo.via 8 8 21 Cardiac CT with syngo and syngo.via 8 8 22 CT Oncology with syngo and syngo.via 8 8 23 CT syngo.via Imaging Advanced 8 8 24 Interventional Cardiology 26 Artis Image Quality 8 28 Interventional Cardiology, Sensis and Artis zee floor 8 8 29 Introductory Course in Interventional Cardiology 8 8 30 Interventional Radiology 32 Artis Image Quality Interventional Radiology 6 IT 8 8 8 34 35 Training Overview Physicists IT Basic skills In-depth skills Course type MT(R)A Physicians Neuroradiology, Artis zee biplane with syngo DynaCT 8 8 36 Interventional Oncology, Artis zeego 8 8 37 Innovations in Interventional Oncology 8 8 38 Institute for Radiology and Interventional Therapy, Artis zee ceiling 8 8 39 Interventional Neuroradiology, Artis zee biplane 8 8 40 Interventional Radiology, AXIOM Artis zee biplan 8 8 41 IT Solutions Page 42 syngo.via, IT Administrator Training syngo.via Imaging Basic 8 8 8 8 8 44 8 45 syngo.plaza, Training for Application Specialists / Clinical Admin. NEW syngo.plaza, Training for IT Administrators NEW 8 47 syngo Imaging, Technical Training for IT Administrators NEW 8 48 Mammography Digital Breast Tomosynthesis 46 50 (8) 8 Molecular Imaging 51 52 SPECT Imaging I 8 8 54 SPECT Imaging II 8 8 55 SPECT/CT 8 8 56 Myocardial Perfusion SPECT: 4D-MSPECT 8 8 57 PET Imaging Basics 8 8 58 Biograph PET/CT Systems 8 8 59 7 Training Overview Course type Advanced PET/CT Imaging 8 8 60 PET/CT Imaging with syngo and syngo.via 8 8 61 Operating the Radioisotope Delivery System Eclipse 8 8 62 Multimodal Small Animal Imaging 8 8 63 Page 64 MRI Intensive Course Part 1 – Neuro and MSK 8 8 66 MRI Intensive Course Part 2 – Body and Angiography 8 8 67 Cardiac Imaging in MRI 8 8 68 MR Neuroradiological and Musculoskeletal Imaging 8 8 69 8 70 8 71 MRT – MDCT Abdomen MR syngo.via Imaging Advanced 8 Ultrasound 72 General Imaging 8 74 Cardiovascular 8 75 Classroom Training 8 IT In-depth skills Physicians MR Tomography Physicists Basic skills MT(R)A Clinical Workshop Fellowship Program E-Learning Training Overview 9 Computed Tomography 10 Training Overview MT(R)A Multislice CT Scanner Physicians Physicists Basic skills In-depth skills Course type Page 12 8 Clinical Workshop on Coronary CTA Interpretation IT 8 13 Cardiac CT 8 8 14 Clinical Workshop on Dual Energy 8 8 15 8 8 16 Clinical Workshop on Myocardial CT Perfusion NEW Workshop for Physicists 8 17 Optimized TAVI Procedural Planning 8 8 18 3D Imaging with syngo and syngo.via 8 8 19 CT Colonography with syngo and syngo.via 8 8 20 MSCT Angiography with syngo and syngo.via 8 8 21 Cardiac CT with syngo and syngo.via 8 8 22 CT Oncology with syngo and syngo.via 8 8 23 CT syngo.via Imaging Advanced 8 8 24 Training Overview 11 Computed Tomography Multislice CT Scanner MT(R)A Organizer: Imaging Science Institute University Hospital Erlangen Ulmenweg 18 91054 Erlangen, Germany Location: Siemens Healthcare Training Center Allee am Röthelheimpark 3 91052 Erlangen, Germany Course fee: 960 EUR This course is tax-exempt according to § 4 No.21 UStG (German VAT-law) Course ID: CT8REFRESH Basic skills IT n Course content: Overview of safety issues, principles of image acquisition and reconstruction Technical principles of multislice CT Intensive training on the user interface Image quality criteria, effects of scanning parameters (kV, mA, convolution kernel, etc.) Artifact formation and prevention Quality assurance: constancy testing, contrast resolution Bolus triggering Introduction to data post-processing, e. g. 2D and 3D: MIP, MPR and volume rendering n n Registration: To register, please go to: n n n n n * Training Overview Course type Audience: CT users POINTS 26 CREDIT 12 In-depth skills This three-day course is suitable for participants who wish to extend their basic knowledge of multislice CT. Using the most advanced scanners available, this course covers theory and practice of multislice CT scanning, providing participants with detailed knowledge on multislice CT scanners and image post-processing. Participants can immediately test their knowledge using the latest multislice CT systems. This course is offered in cooperation with the Radiological Institute of the University Hospital Erlangen. n Course size: 4 –10 persons Physicists 8 Basic Course Dates and language: Apr 04 – 06, 2016 German Jun 22 – 24, 2016 German Sep 26 – 28, 2016 English Nov 21 – 23, 2016 German Physicians CREDITS 30 CME * *submitted Computed Tomography Clinical Workshop on Coronary CTA Interpretation MT(R)A Physicians Physicists IT Basic skills In-depth skills Course type 8 Workshop This two-day course provides participants with hands-on training in the interpretation of cardiac CTA datasets. Participants have the opportunity to use workstations with syngo.via’s latest CT Cardiac Engine and evaluate original images of coronary CTA in compliance with AHA level II certification requirements. Dates and language: Nov 10 –11, 2016 English Scientific Director and content responsible: Prof. Stephan Achenbach, MD University Hospital Erlangen Ulmenweg 18 91054 Erlangen, Germany Scientific Director and Content responsible: Professor Stephan Achenbach, MD Head of Department of Cardiology University Hospital Erlangen, Germany Course size: 5 –12 persons Course fee: 1,750 EUR excl. VAT Prerequisites: Experience with Cardiac CT n Courtesy of: University Hospital Erlangen, Radiology, Audience: Radiologists Cardiologists Erlangen, Germany n n Course content: Two participants work together at a workstation, with faculty available to provide guidance and support. Invasive coronary angiography data will be available for each CT angiography. Scientific lectures round off the training syllabus. Registration: To register, please go to: Or please contact: CME CREDITS* *submitted Training Overview 13 Computed Tomography Cardiac CT Basic Course Dates and language: Apr 25 – 26, 2016 German Oct 27 – 28, 2016 German Organizer: Imaging Science Institute University Hospital Erlangen Ulmenweg 18 91054 Erlangen, Germany Location: Siemens Healthcare Training Center Allee am Röthelheimpark 3 91052 Erlangen, Germany MT(R)A Physicians 8 8 Physicists IT Basic skills In-depth skills Course type This two-day course is suitable for participants who wish to extend their knowledge of cardiac CT and related post-processing programs. Theoretical content is supplemented by practical exercises to illustrate and deepen learner knowledge. Audience: Physicians MTRAs with little or no experience working with cardiac CT systems n n Course content: Technical principles of multislice CT and dual-source CT Dose modulation options Gated/triggered cardiac scan protocols Artifact recognition and prevention Cardiac-specific data processing 2D and 3D, MIP, MPR and VRT n n n n Course size: 6 –12 persons n n Registration: To register, please go to: Course fee: 780 EUR This course is tax-exempt according to § 4 No.21 UStG (German VAT-law) Course ID: CT8CARDREF POINTS 19 CREDIT * 14 Training Overview *submitted Computed Tomography Clinical Workshop on Dual Energy Workshop MT(R)A Physicians 8 8 This two-day workshop introduces participants to the physics principles of Dual Energy and provides a supervised hands-on study of clinical data sets using syngo.via workstations, followed by interactive proof-reading and discussions. Physicists IT Basic skills In-depth skills Course type Date and language: May 12 –13, 2016 English Organizer: Siemens Healthcare Siemensstraße 1 91301 Forchheim, Germany Workshop instructor: Professor Ralf Bauer, MD, Department of Radiology, University of Frankfurt, Germany Course size: 5 –12 persons Audience: Radiologists Radiographers with basic knowledge n Course fee: 2,000 EUR excl. VAT n Course content: Physics principles of Dual Energy Interactive evaluation of data sets showing how to optimize data reconstruction and clinical results Clinically useful applications (e. g. syngo.CT DE Virtual Unenhanced, syngo.CT DE Brain Hemor- rhage or syngo.CT DE Gout) will be demonstrated and discussed Clinically proven tips and tricks on patient examination n n n Registration: To register, please go to: Or please contact: n Training Overview 15 Computed Tomography Clinical Workshop on Myocardial CT Perfusion Workshop Dates and language: Jan 28 –29, 2016 English Organizer: Siemens Healthcare Siemensstraße 1 91301 Forchheim, Germany Course size: 5 –12 persons MT(R)A Physicians 8 8 Physicists IT Basic skills In-depth skills Course type Dynamic Myocardial CT Perfusion Imaging for the evaluation of myocardial ischemia is evolving rapidly and has become an important dimension in CT in recent years. This 2-day workshop covers state-of-the-art techniques and provides participants with supervised hands-on training of clinical data sets using syngo.via workstations. Workshop instructor: Francesca Pugliese, MD, PhD Queen Mary, University of London, UK Koen Niemann, MD, PhD Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, NL Ernst Klotz, Siemens Healthcare n n Course fee: 2,000 EUR excl. VAT n Audience: Radiologists and Cardiologists Radiographers with basic knowledge n Courtesy of: Erasmus MC, Rotterdam / NL n Course content: Myocardial CT Perfusion in clinical research and application Guided hands-on exercises using syngo.via’s latest perfusion software solution syngo.CT Myocardial Perfusion Technical principles of dynamic MPI and quantitative perfusion modelling Interactive case review and discussion Dose management CT-factory and detector center tour n n n n n n 16 Training Overview Registration: To register, please go to: Or please contact: NEW Computed Tomography Workshop for Physicists Workshop MT(R)A Physicians Physicists IT Basic skills In-depth skills Course type 8 Specialists from our physics department will discuss in depth dose saving possibilities Siemens offers with the SOMATOM CT systems. Participants will learn how to perform necessary quality controls and receive valuable tips. Dates and language: Mar 22 – 23, 2016 English Oct 25 – 26, 2016 English Audience: Physicists Organizer: Siemens Healthcare Siemensstraße 1 91301 Forchheim, Germany n Course content: Physics principles of SOMATOM CT systems Physics principles of Dual Energy Dose management State-of-the-art technologies such as CARE kV, CARE Dose4D, Turbo Flash Scanning and iterative reconstruction techniques (e. g. SAFIRE, ADMIRE) CT-factory and detector center tour n n Course size: 5 –12 persons n n Course fee: 2,000 EUR excl. VAT n Registration: To register, please go to: Or please contact: Training Overview 17 Computed Tomography Optimized TAVI Procedural Planning CT and Angiography Clinical Workshop and Hands-on Training Dates and language: Mar 08, 2016 English Scientific Director and content responsible: Prof. Stephan Achenbach, MD Head of Department of Cardiology University Hospital Erlangen Ulmenweg 18 91054 Erlangen, Germany Course size: Max. 15 persons per course Course fee: On request MT(R)A Physicians 8 8 Physicists IT Basic skills In-depth skills Course type Professor Stephan Achenbach, MD, and Mohamed Marwan, MD, both with several years of experience as TAVI operators, have jointly developed this unique training concept. This one-day workshop covers state-of-the-art pre-procedural planning tools including 2D and 3D imaging in the cath lab and at the CT scanner, as well as dedicated post-processing for highly effective implantations in a small learning group. Prerequisite: Experience with Cardiac CT n Course content: Lectures & workstation training: CT for TAVI: Data acquisition and reconstruction CT for preprocedural planning: Interpretation and clinical implications CT for TAVI: Case demonstrations & hands-on workstation training Live Demonstrations: syngo.CT Cardiac Function – Valve Pilot application n n n n n syngo.CT Cardiac Function – Valve Pilot Registration: Please contact your local Siemens representative or n Audience: Radiologists and Cardiologists Cardiac Surgeons Radiographers with basic knowledge n n n CME CREDITS* 18 Training Overview *submitted Computed Tomography 3D Imaging with syngo and syngo.via Workshop MT(R)A Physicians 8 8 This one-day workshop not only refreshes basic MSCT knowledge, but also includes presentation of the syngo and syngo.via user interface and handson training. The main emphasis lies on the presentation of MSCT image post-processing. The topics of MSCT technology and dosage, patient preparation, examination planning and implementation, as well as evaluation strategies and workflow concepts are covered. Using state-of-the-art syngo MultiModality workstations and syngo.via server-client based workplaces, participants can expand their knowledge and practice what they have learned in groups of no more than 12 people. n Audience: Radiologists RT/MTRAs n n IT Basic skills In-depth skills Course type Dates and language: Please see: MEDtraining Organizer: Department of Biomedical Imaging, Image-Guided Therapy and Nuclear Medicine Währinger Gürtel 18-20 1090 Vienna, Austria Course size: 5 –12 persons Note: This workshop can be combined with the MSCT Angiography, the Cardiac CT or the CT Oncology Workshop (see following pages). Prerequisites: Familiarity with Multislice Spiral CT and previous experience with operating the syngo and syngo.via user interface Physicists Course content: Presentation of MSCT image post-processing, MSCT technology and dosage syngo 3D and user interface functionality Presentation of syngo Viewing and Inspace Taskcards and syngo.via MM Workflows for image processing as part of data analysis and documentation Hands-on training Course fee: 550 EUR incl. VAT n n n n Registration: To register, please go to: CREDITS 9 DFP * *submitted Training Overview 19 Computed Tomography CT Colonography with syngo and syngo.via Workshop Dates and language: Please see: MEDtraining Organizer: Department of Biomedical Imaging, Image-Guided Therapy and Nuclear Medicine Währinger Gürtel 18-20 1090 Vienna, Austria Course size: 5 –12 persons MT(R)A Physicians 8 8 Physicists IT Basic skills In-depth skills Course type This two-day workshop includes scientific lectures, colon user interface presentations with main focus on interpretation and reporting of colon cases. Using state-of-the-art syngo MultiModality workstations and syngo.via server-client based workplaces, participants can expand their knowledge and practice what they have learned in groups of no more than 12 people. Prerequisites: Familiarity with Multislice Spiral CT and previous experience with operating the syngo and syngo.via user interface n Audience: Radiologists RT/MTRAs n n Course fee: 1,100 EUR incl. VAT Course content: syngo and syngo.via user interface functionality Clinical presentation: polypoid lesions, malignomas, inflammatory bowel diseases, postoperative findings and extra colonic findings Presentation of syngo Taskcards and syngo.via workflows: workflow concepts, evaluation strate- gies, data analysis, contents of findings, etc. Hands-on training n Registration: To register, please go to: n n n CREDITS 13 DFP * 20 Training Overview *submitted Computed Tomography MSCT Angiography with syngo and syngo.via Workshop MT(R)A Physicians 8 8 This one-day MSCT angiography workshop covers the topics of patient preparation, examination planning and implementation. Participants are additionally introduced to user interface functionality, evaluation strategies, data analysis, contents of findings, and workflow concepts. Using stateof-the-art syngo MultiModality workstations and syngo.via server-client based workplaces, participants can expand their knowledge and practice what they have learned in groups of no more than 12 people. n IT Basic skills In-depth skills Course type Dates and language: Please see: MEDtraining Organizer: Department of Biomedical Imaging, Image-Guided Therapy and Nuclear Medicine Währinger Gürtel 18-20 1090 Vienna, Austria Note: This workshop can be combined with the 3D Imaging with syngo and syngo.via, Clinical Workshop (see p. 19). Prerequisites: Familiarity with Multislice Spiral CT and previous experience with operating the syngo and syngo.via user interface and image postprocessing Physicists Course size: 5 –12 persons Course content: Application of contrast media Examination strategies Data management Assessing CPR, MIP, and VRT Indication for CTA Clinical significance Hands-on training Course fee: 550 EUR incl. VAT n n n n Audience: Radiologists RT/MTRAs n n n n n Registration: To register, please go to: CREDITS 7 DFP * *submitted Training Overview 21 Computed Tomography Cardiac CT with syngo and syngo.via Workshop Dates and language: Please see: MEDtraining Organizer: Department of Biomedical Imaging, Image-Guided Therapy and Nuclear Medicine Währinger Gürtel 18-20 1090 Vienna, Austria Course size: 5 –12 persons Course fee: 550 EUR incl. VAT MT(R)A Physicians 8 8 Physicists IT Basic skills In-depth skills Course type This one-day intensive course on cardiac CT and CTA includes scientific lectures, syngo and syngo.via user interface presentations and handson training. Using state-of-the-art syngo MultiModality workstations and syngo.via server-client based workplaces, participants can expand their knowledge and practice what they have learned in groups of no more than 12 people. Prerequisites: Experience with Multislice Spiral CT and some experience with operating the syngo and syngo.via user interface are required (see 3D Imaging with syngo and syngo.via, Clinical Workshop, p. 19) n Audience: Radiologists RT/MTRAs n n Course content: Underlying technology Patient preparation Examination strategies Image post-processing on real case studies Anatomical fundamentals Step-by-step image analysis syngo Calcium Scoring Coronary vessels Clinical indications Registration: To register, please go to: n n n n n n n n n 22 Training Overview CREDITS 7 DFP * *submitted Computed Tomography CT Oncology with syngo and syngo.via Workshop MT(R)A Physicians 8 8 This two-day clinical user training course introduces participants to working with the syngo CT Oncology and LungCARE applications and syngo.via MM Oncology workflows for objective tumor measurement in oncology staging and follow-up. After a general introduction on what is required of radiology in daily oncological routine, special emphasis will be placed on RECIST and volumetric analysis and the clinical background of quantitative abdominal and pulmonary imaging in oncology. Using state-of-theart syngo MultiModality workstations and syngo. via server-client based workplaces, participants can expand their knowledge and practice what they have learned in groups of no more than 12 people. Prerequisites: Experience with Multislice Spiral CT and oper- ating the syngo and syngo.via user interface See 3D Imaging with syngo and syngo.via, Clinical Workshop, p. 19 Physicists IT Basic skills In-depth skills Course type Dates and language: Please see: MEDtraining Organizer: Department of Biomedical Imaging, Image-Guided Therapy and Nuclear Medicine Währinger Gürtel 18-20 1090 Vienna, Austria Course size: 5 –12 persons n n Audience: Radiologists Internists, surgeons RT/MTRAs with advanced knowledge of CT-Oncology n n n Course content: syngo and syngo.via user interface functionality n Patient preparation, examination planning and implementation Clinical presentations of tumor biology of meta- stasis, Tu-staging, Recist criteria, metastasis Presentation of syngo Taskcards and syngo.via workflows: workflow concepts, evaluation strate- gies, data analysis, contents of findings, etc. Hands-on training n Course fee: 700 EUR incl. VAT n n n Registration: To register, please go to: CREDITS 12 DFP * *submitted Training Overview 23 Computed Tomography CT syngo.via Imaging Advanced Workshop Dates and language: Please see: MEDtraining Organizer: Department of Biomedical Imaging, Image-Guided Therapy and Nuclear Medicine Währinger Gürtel 18-20 1090 Vienna, Austria MT(R)A Physicians 8 8 Physicists IT Basic skills In-depth skills Course type This one-day syngo.via Imaging Workshop in Com-putertomography will provide syngo.via user with advanced CT workflow knowledge, evaluation and documentation principles in theoretical and practical training sessions on server – client based demo consoles. Additionally, there will an update to recent software version changes to get acquainted with news on basic configuration options, different roles and the user interface. The main topic of the course is to assure knowledge of advanced visualization in CT Imaging throughout all CT-Engines. Prerequisites: Basic IT and DICOM skills, clinical workflow and basic 2D/3D imaging skills are mandatory (see separate self-test in course details) n Course size: 5 –12 persons Course fee: 550 EUR incl. VAT Course content: Update software “state of the art” CT Vascular CT Cardiac MM Oncology CT Bone reading CT Colon CT Pulmo 3D CT Neuroperfusion CT Neuro DSA CT Dual Energy n n Audience: syngo.via user (radiologists, RT/MTRAs, physicians) n n n n n Registration: To register, please go to: n n n n CREDITS 9 DFP * 24 Training Overview *submitted Training Overview 25 Interventional Cardiology 26 Training Overview MT(R)A Physicians Artis Image Quality Physicists 8 IT Basic skills In-depth skills Course type Page 28 Interventional Cardiology, Sensis and Artis zee floor 8 8 29 Introductory Course in Interventional Cardiology 8 8 30 Training Overview 27 Interventional Cardiology Artis Image Quality MT(R)A Organizer: Siemens Healthcare Training Center Allee am Röthelheimpark 3 91052 Erlangen, Germany Physicists IT Basic skills In-depth skills 8 Image Quality Training for Physicists Dates and language: Please see: healthcare-training-center Physicians AX Image Quality specialists will discuss in depth the influence to image quality and radiation dose by components and settings in Artis angiography systems. Audience: Clinical physicists working with Artis systems n Course content: System components and system handling Fluoro and acquisition protocols Image quality essentials Detector and X-Ray tube essentials Image signal processing Dose and dose saving IQAP AX factory tour n n n Course size: 6 –10 persons n n n Course fee: 1,680 EUR This course is tax-exempt according to § 4 No.21 UStG (German VAT-law) Course ID: AX8ARTISIQ 28 Training Overview n n Registration: To register, please go to: Course type Interventional Cardiology Interventional Cardiology AXIOM Artis dBC with AXIOM Sensis & Artis zee floor MT(R)A Physicians 8 8 The Leopoldina Hospital Schweinfurt, which uses an AXIOM Artis dBC with AXIOM Sensis XP & Artis zee floor, offers their patients state-of-the-art diagnostic and therapeutic cardiac treatment. It is an academic teaching hospital associated with the University of Wuerzburg. The city of Schweinfurt is located close to Erlangen / Forchheim and can be reached by car or train in less than 1 hour. Participants learn how the AXIOM Artis dBC with AXIOM Sensis XP is used in interventional cardiology. Since both a single-plane Artis zee floor and a biplane system are available, there is a unique opportunity to explore clinical use and learn the differences between a single-plane vs. a biplane system configuration. Audience: Cardiologists Radiographers and technicians IT Basic skills In-depth skills Course type Dates and language: On request, German or English Organizer: Leopoldina Hospital Medizinische Klinik I Gustav-Adolf-Straße 8 97422 Schweinfurt Germany Course size: 3 persons maximum Course fee: On request n n n n n Course content: Diagnostic left and right heart catheter examinations Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with stent implantation Percutaneous septal ablations for hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy (HOCM) Percutaneous umbrella closure of ASD and PFO Mitral valvuloplasty Physicists n Peripheral angiography Angioplasty of peripheral vessels Stenting of carotid stenosis PTA for renal arterial stenosis n n Registration: Please contact your local Siemens representative. n n n Training Overview 29 Interventional Cardiology Introductory Course in Interventional Cardiology Hands-on Training Vascular Models and Virtual-Reality Simulators Dates and language: Please contact: Mrs. Christina Ng, E-mail: English Organizer: Cardiac Department National University Heart Centre, Singapore 1E Kent Ridge Road NUHS Tower Block, Level 9 Singapore 119228 Course size: Small group size to enhance learning success Course fee: 1,900 S$ excluding GST During the interactive course, you will learn about coronary angioplasty, the angiographic projections of the stenosis, the right selection of catheters, even tips and tricks of wire techniques and catheter intervention. Exercises are conducted using a CATHI computer-based simulation system and the newly developed pulsatile coronary model, CoroSim, in conjunction with a fully functional Siemens biplane flat detector angiography system. A newly upgraded scenario based virtual simulation system developed by Terumo enables participants to refresh and experience situational procedural sequences. A silicon vessel model using real interventional devices will enhance reflection of knowledge transforming into acquired skills. In addition to the hands-on experiences, lectures are presented on topics such as radiation protection, complications and quality management. Course content: Seminar: Optimized angiographic settings at intracar- diac catheter examination and intervention Basic Principles of radiation dose reduction Quality management in the cath lab Case studies: Complication management in the cath lab Hands-on Training: Coronary intervention exercises using CATHI computer based simulation system n n MT(R)A Physicians 8 8 Physicists IT Basic skills In-depth skills Coronary intervention training using a pulsatile heart simulator with a Siemens angiocardiography system Training with 3-dimensional coronary quantification tool Trans-radial access n n n n n n Audience: Physicians with little or no experience in interventional cardiology n n n 30 Training Overview *S iemens Pte Ltd is not responsible for the content of external websites. Registration: Please contact: Course type Training Overview 31 Interventional Radiology 32 Training Overview MT(R)A Physicians Artis Image Quality Physicists 8 IT Basic skills In-depth skills Course type Page 34 Interventional Radiology 8 8 35 Neuroradiology, Artis zee biplane with syngo DynaCT 8 8 36 Interventional Oncology, Artis zeego 8 8 37 Innovations in Interventional Oncology 8 8 38 Institute for Radiology and Interventional Therapy, Artis zee ceiling 8 8 39 Interventional Neuroradiology, Artis zee biplane 8 8 40 Interventional Radiology, AXIOM Artis zee biplan 8 8 41 Training Overview 33 Interventional Radiology Artis Image Quality MT(R)A Organizer: Siemens Healthcare Training Center Allee am Röthelheimpark 3 91052 Erlangen, Germany Physicists IT Basic skills In-depth skills 8 Image Quality Training for Physicists Dates and language: Please see: healthcare-training-center Physicians AX Image Quality specialists will discuss in depth the influence to image quality and radiation dose by components and settings in Artis angiography systems. Audience: Clinical physicists working with Artis systems n Course content: System components and system handling Fluoro and acquisition protocols Image quality essentials Detector and X-Ray tube essentials Image signal processing Dose and dose saving IQAP AX factory tour n n n Course size: 6 –10 persons n n n Course fee: 1,680 EUR This course is tax-exempt according to § 4 No.21 UStG (German VAT-law) Course ID: AX8ARTISIQ 34 Training Overview n n Registration: To register, please go to: Course type Interventional Radiology Interventional Radiology Simulator Training MT(R)A Physicians 8 8 In addition to intensive small-group training on the treatment of stenosis of the liver, pelvic and femoral arteries, this two-day workshop also focuses on the fundamentals of modern radiology. Under the guidance of experienced interventional radiologists and through the use of practical case studies, participants are trained how to safely handle interventions at varying levels of difficulty on modern, realistic simulators. Physicists IT Basic skills In-depth skills Course type Dates and language: Please see: healthcare-training-center Organizer: Imaging Science Institute University Hospital Erlangen Ulmenweg 18 91054 Erlangen, Germany Audience: Radiologists Neuroradiologists MTRAs n Course size: 6 – 12 persons n n Course content: Endovascular therapy of renal artery stenosis Treatment of stenosis and occlusions in pelvis and a. femoris superficialis (AFS) Simulator training Case discussions Course fee: 280 EUR n n n Registration: To register, please go to: This course is tax-exempt according to § 4 No.21 UStG (German VAT-law) Course ID: AX8ANGKAT n CREDITS 15 CME * *submitted Training Overview 35 Interventional Radiology Neuroradiology Artis zee biplane with syngo DynaCT Dates and language: On request, German or English Organizer: University Hospital Erlangen Department of Neuroradiology Schwabachanlage 6 91054 Erlangen, Germany Course size: Max. 3 persons Course fee: On request 8 8 Physicists IT Basic skills In-depth skills Course type Prerequisites: Advanced skills in angiography n Audience: Radiologists Neuroradiologists Radiographers n n Typical examinations: Diagnostic angiography, including temporal bone imaging (e. g. cochlear implants) Treatment of stroke, aneurysms, AVM/AVF, spine, hemorrhages, etc. with latest technology and devices Follow-up angiography with intra-venous DynaCT Carotid artery stenting (rotational angiography and DynaCT) Usage of DynaPBV Neuro n n n n n Training Overview Physicians Comprising 11 departments, 6 institutes, 1,400 beds and 6,000 staff members, the University Hospital Erlangen is driving advancement in several modern medical fields. The Department of Neuroradiology specializes in diagnostic examinations and minimally invasive therapies. Participants are introduced to Neuro interventions using an Artis zee biplane or Artis zeego system with syngo DynaCT. The course also covers various therapeutic neuroradiological procedures. n 36 MT(R)A Registration: Please contact your local Siemens representative. Interventional Radiology Interventional Oncology Artis zeego MT(R)A Physicians 8 8 The University Hospital Munich is one of Europe´s largest and most progressive public healthcare facilities with over 2,300 beds and numerous specialty institutes and departments. Dilatation and stenting procedures using catheter balloons and stents as well as the treatment of liver and lung tumors form the primary focus of its Institute for clinical radiology in the area of interventional radiology. Participants are exposed to various interventional radiology techniques using an Artis zeego system with syngo DynaCT. Basic skills In-depth skills Course type Organizer: University Hospital Munich Klinikum Großhadern Department of Angiography and Interventional Radiology Marchioninistraße 15 81377 Munich, Germany Course size: Max. 3 persons n n n IT Dates and language: On request, German or English Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of angiography Audience: Radiologists and Physicists Radiographers Physicists Registration: Please contact your local Siemens representative. Course fee: On request Typical examinations: Port implantation and explantation Chemoemoblizations Peripheral angiography Selective Internal Radiation Therapy (SIRT) Transjugulary Intrahepatic Portosystemic Shunt (TIPSS) n n n n n Training Overview 37 Interventional Radiology Innovations in Interventional Oncology Clinical Workshop and Hands-on Training Dates and language: 1 – 2 workshops per year, English Scientific Director and content responsible: PD Dr. med. Tobias Jakobs Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology Barmherzige Brüder Hospital Munich, Germany Course size: Max. 15 persons Course fee: On request Course content: Lectures: Positioning IO in the set of oncologic treatments Limits of surgical treatment in mCRC and HCC Management of mCRC: RFA / MWA / TACE / SIRT Management of HCC: RFA / MWA / TACE / SIRT Particles and beads in embolization procedures Contrast-enhanced syngo DynaCT for planning, complication avoidance and outcome prediction TACE / SIRT procedure planning with syngo Embolization Guidance syngo DynaCT guided punctures Interactive case discussions Hands-on training on imaging functions: syngo DynaCT postprocessing n n Training Overview Physicians 8 8 This two-day workshop covers state-of-the-art tumor treatment techniques, including 2D and 3D imaging within the angio suite and dedicated post processing, as well as innovative embolic materials such as drug eluting beads and radiation microspheres for highly effective embolizations. Experienced speakers will share their expertise and provide you with valuable tips and tricks during this clinical training. By combining lectures, practical exercise, expert round table discussions & a live case, this training is the best way to broaden your knowledge. Physicists IT n n n n n n n n n Basic skills In-depth skills Course type Innovations in Interventional Oncology Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, Hospital Barmherzige Brüder Munich | Germany Workshop and Hands-on Training n 38 MT(R)A Cooperation with Answers for life. syngo Embolization Guidance syngo Fusion Hands-on model training on devices and particles: Beads, coils, embolization materials n n n n Audience: Interventional radiologists Radiologists MT(R)As n n n Registration: Please contact your local Siemens representative or Mrs. Larissa Heinrich: Interventional Radiology Institute for Radiology and Interventional Therapy Artis zee ceiling MT(R)A Physicians 8 8 The Vivantes Hospital in Berlin Neukölln is a very modern facility with some 1,050 beds, 20 medical specialty departments, 398 doctors and 875 nurses. The institution is equipped with an Artis zee ceilingmounted system. Participants learn how the system can be used to perform interventional radiology covering abdominal and peripheral interventions, chemoembolizations and certain hybrid procedures. n Course content: Interventional radiology, abdominal & peripheral procedures Mechanical vascular recanalization intra-arterial lysis therapy Aspirational thrombectomy Interventional therapy for abdominal aortic aneurysms Radiofrequency ablation for liver and kidney tumors Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPPS) Chemoembolization of liver tumors Embolizations of hemorrhages and tumors n n n n n n n n IT Basic skills In-depth skills Course type Dates and language: On request, German or English Organizer: Vivantes Klinikum BerlinNeukölln Institute of Radiology and Interventional Therapy Rudower Straße 48 12351 Berlin, Germany Audience: Radiologists Radiographers and technicians n Physicists Course size: 1– 3 persons Registration: Please contact your local Siemens representative. Course fee: On request Training Overview 39 Interventional Radiology Interventional Neuroradiology Artis zee biplane Dates and language: On request, German or English Organizer: Vivantes Klinikum Berlin-Neukölln Institute of Clinical and Interventional Neuroradiology Rudower Straße 48 12351 Berlin, Germany MT(R)A Physicians 8 8 Physicists IT Basic skills In-depth skills Course type The Vivantes Hospital in Berlin Neukölln is a modern 1,051-bed institution with 20 speciality departments, 398 doctors and 875 nurses. The Institute for Clinical and Interventional Neuroradiology covers the complete spectrum of diagnostic and interventional procedures. It also offers its services via a teleneuroradiology network.The participants are familiarized with various neuroradiological techniques and procedures using the facility´s Artis zee biplane system. Audience: Radiologists Neuroradiologists Radiographers n n Course size: 1– 3 persons Course fee: On request n Course content: Interventional neuroradiology procedures Embolizations with different materials to treat cerebral aneurysms, cerebro-spinal vascular malformations and arteriovenous tumors of the CNS, spine and head/neck regions Revascularization in acute stroke therapy Stenting of carotid and intracranial stenosis n n n n 40 Training Overview Registration: Please contact your local Siemens representative. Interventional Radiology Interventional Radiology AXIOM Artis zee biplane MT(R)A Physicians 8 8 The Central Institute for Imaging Diagnostics at the City Hospital of Karlsruhe covers the complete radiological spectrum from diagnostics to interventional radiology, including pediatrics and neuroradiology. In the area of interventional radiology, the institution specializes in vessel dilatation and interventional techniques using balloon catheters and stents as well as the treatment of liver and lung tumors. Participants are provided with key insights in the use of the Artis zee biplane system to support interventional radiology procedures. Physicists IT Basic skills In-depth skills Course type Dates and language: On request, German or English Organizer: Städtisches Klinikum Karlsruhe GmbH Zentralinstitut für Bildgebende Diagnostik Moltkestraße 90 76133 Karlsruhe, Germany Course size: 1– 3 persons Audience: Radiologists Radiographers n n Course content: Peripheral angiography Carotid artery stenting Port implantation and explantation Chemoembolization Selective internal radiation therapy (SIRT) Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPSS) n Registration: Please contact your local Siemens representative. Course fee: On request n n n n n Training Overview 41 IT Solutions 42 Training Overview MT(R)A Physicians syngo.via, IT Administrator Training syngo.via Imaging Basic 8 8 8 8 Physicists IT Basic skills In-depth skills Course type Page 8 44 8 45 syngo.plaza, Training for Application Specialists /Clinical Admin. NEW syngo.plaza, Training for IT Administrators NEW 8 47 syngo Imaging, Technical Training for IT Administrators NEW 8 48 46 Training Overview 43 IT Solutions syngo.via MT(R)A Organizer: Siemens Healthcare Training Center Allee am Röthelheimpark 3 91052 Erlangen, Germany Course size: 4 –12 persons Course fee: 1,340 EUR This course is tax-exempt according to § 4 No.21 UStG (German VAT-law) Course ID: SY8VIAITAD Physicists IT Basic skills In-depth skills 8 IT Administrator Training Dates and language: Please see: healthcare-training-center Physicians syngo.via* is a software product for high-quality visualization of 2D/3D/4D datasets which have been acquired using various modalities. The close integration between syngo.via and the imaging modalities makes the review of datasets a part of your clinical routine. The server/client-based product allows datasets to be accessed for various modalities and provides users with modality- and disease-related viewing workflows. After attending this course, participants will be familiar with the workflow and implementation concept of syngo.via. Practical exercises such as the use of the Service User Interface and completing administrative tasks round off the course syllabus. In addition, basic first level support questions are covered. Duration of training: 2 days For preparation, the e-Learning course “syngo. via IT Administrator Training“ which is included in the course price is recommended. This course covers IT basics and gives learners a general introduction to clinical workflows. Course content: System overview and software topology IHE, infrastructure and function view Installing the client software System and workflow configuration Introduction of the Service User Interface Introduction of troubleshooting tools n n n n n Audience: IT Administrators or employees who are respon- sible for local user management, regular main tenance tasks and first level service support n n 44 Training Overview Registration: To register, please go to: *s yngo.via can be used as a standalone device or together with a variety of syngo.via-based software options, which are medical devices in their own right. Course type IT Solutions syngo.via Imaging Basic Workshop MT(R)A Physicians 8 8 This one-day syngo.via* Imaging Basic workshop will provide basic server-client knowledge with the objective to train you as a clinical administrator or key user who intends to provide theoretical and practical training to other colleagues across all modalities. There will be several client-server based demo consoles to get acquainted with basic configuration options, different roles and the new user interface. Workflow assignment and the basic workflow with its new application in 2D/3D imaging will also be covered. As a key user or clinical administrator, you will be able to create your own and your colleagues’ dedicated workflow and gain a cross modality overview of syngo.via. Prerequisites: Basic IT and DICOM skills, clinical workflow and basic 2D/3D imaging skills Physicists IT Basic skills In-depth skills Course type 8 Dates and language: Please see: MEDtraining Organizer: Department of Biomedical Imaging, Image-Guided Therapy and Nuclear Medicine Währinger Gürtel 18-20 1090 Vienna, Austria Course size: 5 –12 persons n Course fee: 550 EUR incl. VAT Course content: syngo.via concept – implementation and workflow management RIS-PACS integration models Hardware Image call up, advanced search, roles Basic workflow and workflow assignment UI and basic 2D/3D imaging on basic workflows n Audience: Key users (RT / MTRAs, physicians) Clinical administrators (RT / MTRAs, physicians, medical technicians) n n n n n n n Registration: To register, please go to: CREDITS 8 DFP ** *s yngo.via can be used as a standalone device or together with a variety of syngo.via-based software options, which are medical devices in their own right. **submitted Training Overview 45 IT Solutions syngo. plaza Training for Application Specialists and Clinical Administrators (VB 20) Dates and language: Mar02 – 04, 2016 English Jun 22 – 24, 2016 English Further dates, please see: healthcare-training-center Organizer: Siemens Healthcare Training Center Allee am Röthelheimpark 3 91052 Erlangen, Germany Course size: 8 persons maximum MT(R)A Physicians 8 8 Physicists IT Basic skills In-depth skills The objective of this three-day course is to give the participants the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills to routinely work with syngo. plaza VB 20. In addition the participant will get familiarized with the syngo.plaza settings and configurations for application. Prerequisites: Good basic knowledge in anatomy, cross sectional imaging and DICOM Basic understanding of clinical workflows and basic IT n n Audience: Application specialists syngo.plaza key users (radiologists, MTRAs and clinical administrators) n Course fee: 1,260 EUR This course is tax-exempt according to § 4 No.21 UStG (German VAT-law) Course ID: SY8PLAZAPP 46 Training Overview n Course content: Demonstration and exercises on: Patient Browser application: Filter Bar, Tool Bar, Manual Worklist Viewer application: 2D image processing, Display Protocol incl. individual layouts Filming application 3D Basic application vs. 3D+ application n n n n n Registration: To register, please go to: Course type NEW IT Solutions syngo. plaza MT(R)A During this four-day course the participant will get a comprehensive overview of IT administration required to fully utilize, administrate and maintain a syngo.plaza system. In addition, the participant will have a solid understanding on how to provide users with first level support. n Audience: System administrators n n n n n n In-depth skills Course type NEW Course size: 8 persons maximum n Basic skills Organizer: Siemens Healthcare Training Center Allee am Röthelheimpark 3 91052 Erlangen, Germany n IT Dates and language: Mar07 – 10, 2016 English Jun 27 – 30, 2016 English Further dates, please see: healthcare-training-center Prerequisites: Understanding of clinical workflows and basic IT Knowledge about Microsoft Windows administration functions n Physicists 8 Training for IT Administrators Course content: Administration and first-level support: Backup and user management Audit management Central system configuration (DICOM nodes) Configuration tool (e.g. License handling) Message handling and first-level trouble-shooting Configuration and handling of options like Mobile+, 3D+, and VNA+ Physicians Registration: To register, please go to: Course fee: 1,680 EUR This course is tax-exempt according to § 4 No.21 UStG (German VAT-law) Course ID: SY8PLAZAIT Training Overview 47 IT Solutions syngo Imaging MT(R)A Organizer: Siemens Healthcare Training Center Allee am Röthelheimpark 3 91052 Erlangen, Germany Course size: 10 persons maximum Course fee: 2,200 EUR Audience: System administrators Course ID: SY8SIADMIT n n n n n n Course content: Administration: Backup management Recovery concepts Software distribution Workplace administration: User management (user accounts and role administration) DICOM configuration in syngo Imaging Audit analysis Message handling n n 48 Training Overview IT Basic skills In-depth skills Course type NEW Like all PACS systems, the syngo Imaging system is embedded in the IT infrastructure. This course is designed for IT administrators and covers administrative tasks for syngo Imaging and enables the participants to support the users with a first level technical support. Duration of course: 5 days. Prerequisites: Knowledge of Microsoft Windows Administration Knowledge of DNS, Active Directory Experience with backup and archiving software Operating system knowledge: Windows and Linux Fundamental PACS knowledge This course is tax-exempt according to § 4 No.21 UStG (German VAT-law) Physicists 8 Technical Training for IT Administrators Dates and language: Feb 22 – 26, 2016 English Further dates, please see: healthcare-training-center Physicians n n n n n n n First level support, troubleshooting: System status control (software and hardware testing procedures) Managing access control for Siemens Remote Service Integration in clinical IT environment n n n n Registration: To register, please go to: Training Overview 49 Mammography 50 Training Overview Mammography Digital Breast Tomosynthesis Intensive Training MT(R)A Physicians (8) 8 Learn from some of our most experienced clinical experts who will demonstrate how to use Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT) in your daily routine. With a combination of in-depth presentations and comprehensive reading sessions you will learn how to evaluate 2D mammography and 3D Digital Breast Tomosynthesis in case based demonstrations. On the way you will also become familiar with syngo.Breast Care application and its tomosynthesis reading tools. Physicists IT Course size: 15 persons Audience: Breast radiologists Course fee: 950 EUR n n Course type Organizer: Siemens Healthcare Henkestraße 127 91052 Erlangen Germany n Course content: Technical background of breast tomosynthesis Instruction: How to read tomosynthesis Your first tomo reading “Don’t panic, just do it” Tomosynthesis in the clinical routine Morphology of lesions in 2D vs. 3D Clinical questions to be answered with DBT Test your knowledge: Reading sessions with mixed cases In-depth skills Dates and language: Please see: healthcare-training-center Speakers and hands-on tutors: Dr. Maria Bernathova, Vienna Prof. Dr. Chantal Van Ongeval, Leuven n Basic skills Registration: To register, please go to: n n This course is tax-exempt according to § 4 No.21 UStG (German VAT-law) Course ID: XP8MAMMO n n n n CME CREDITS* *pending Training Overview 51 Molecular Imaging 52 Training Overview Physicists IT Basic skills In-depth skills Course type MT(R)A Physicians Page SPECT Imaging I 8 8 54 SPECT Imaging II 8 8 55 SPECT/CT 8 8 56 Myocardial Perfusion SPECT: 4D-MSPECT 8 8 57 PET Imaging Basics 8 8 58 Biograph PET/CT Systems 8 8 59 Advanced PET/CT Imaging 8 8 60 PET/CT Imaging with syngo and syngo.via 8 8 61 Operating the Radioisotope Delivery System Eclipse 8 8 62 Multimodal Small Animal Imaging 8 8 63 Training Overview 53 Molecular Imaging SPECT Imaging I Basic Procedures Dates and language: Jan 26 – 28, 2016 English Apr 26 – 28, 2016 English Further dates, please see: healthcare-training-center Organizer: Imaging Science Institute University Hospital Erlangen Ulmenweg 18 91054 Erlangen, Germany MT(R)A Physicians 8 8 Physicists Basic skills IT In-depth skills Course type The learning objective for this three-day course is the solid operational knowledge of MI applications using the MI Application Workstation. This includes the introduction of how to acquire, process and display patient data. Practical implementation and a deeper operational knowledge are reinforced by hands-on application routines. This course is designed for SPECT and SPECT/CT system users with no or minor experience with the MI APPS software. Prerequisites: PC-basic knowledge n Location: Siemens Healthcare Training Center Allee am Röthelheimpark 3 91052 Erlangen, Germany Course size: 4 – 6 persons Course fee: 1,170 EUR Audience: MI APPS system user n Course content: Overview MI APPS user interface Basic principles of the workflow structure Introduction how to acquire, process and display patient data Hands-on exercises n n Registration: To register, please go to: n n This course is tax-exempt according to § 4 No.21 UStG (German VAT-law) Course ID: MI8MIAPPS1 POINTS 18 CREDIT * 54 Training Overview CREDITS 30 CME * *submitted Molecular Imaging SPECT Imaging II MT(R)A Physicians 8 8 Intensive Course This four-day course provides participants with advice and hints for customizing SPECT system workflows to meet customer requirements. Participants gain extensive knowledge about creating and fine-tuning workflows and flexible displays. Many hands-on exercises give learners the opportunity to design, process and save various types of workflows. Basic image fusion exercises round off the topics covered in the course. Audience: SPECT and/or SPECT/CT system user n Basic skills In-depth skills Course type Organizer: Imaging Science Institute University Hospital Erlangen Ulmenweg 18 91054 Erlangen, Germany n n IT Dates and language: Feb 22 – 25, 2016 English Jul 18 – 21, 2016 English Further dates, please see: healthcare-training-center Prerequisites: At least three months working experience with MI APPS user interface Course content: Modification of the MI Application user interface e.g. creating new workflow categories, filter, saving workflow templates Configuration of the activity Data Selector Series Arithmetic Image Fusion Troubleshooting Intensive hands-on training: Designing workflows Creating flexible displays Physicists Registration: To register, please go to: Location: Siemens Healthcare Training Center Allee am Röthelheimpark 3 91052 Erlangen, Germany Course size: 4 – 6 persons n n Course fee: 1,680 EUR n n This course is tax-exempt according to § 4 No.21 UStG (German VAT-law) n n n 40 CME CREDITS* *submitted Course ID: MI8MIAPPS2 Training Overview 55 Molecular Imaging SPECT/CT Intensive Course Dates and language: Apr 04 – 08, 2016 English Further dates, please see: healthcare-training-center This five-day training course introduces learners to the principles of operating SPECT/CT using a Symbia® system. At the end of the course, participants perform various SPECT/CT examinations using different energy windows. In addition, course work includes practical exercises on modifying and generating acquisition and evaluation workflows. Organizer: Imaging Science Institute University Hospital Erlangen Ulmenweg 18 91054 Erlangen, Germany Prerequisites: At least three months working experience with MI APPS user interface Location: Siemens Healthcare Training Center Allee am Röthelheimpark 3 91052 Erlangen, Germany Course size: 4 – 6 persons Course fee: 1,800 EUR This course is tax-exempt according to § 4 No.21 UStG (German VAT-law) Course ID: MI8SYMBIA n MT(R)A Physicians 8 8 Physicists IT Basic skills In-depth skills Course type Audience: SPECT/CT system user n Course content: Operating a SPECT/CT system SPECT/CT safety considerations demonstrated on a Symbia Intevo system SPECT/CT acquisition, evaluation and display Modification of SPECT/CT acquisition and evaluation workflow Image fusion Daily quality assurance Sensitivity Calibration xSPECT Acquisition and Processing SUV Calculation n n n n n n n n n Registration: To register, please go to: CREDITS 50 CME * 56 Training Overview *submitted Molecular Imaging Myocardial Perfusion SPECT: 4D-MSPECT Corridor-4DM MT(R)A Physicians 8 8 Myocardial perfusion SPECT has established itself as a valuable procedure for primary diagnosis and for determining the severity of coronary heart disease. Training is given so that participants are able to independently complete such routine work as the quantification of myocardial perfusion and the evaluation of gated SPECT data. Physicists IT Basic skills In-depth skills Course type Dates and language: Please see: healthcare-training-center Organizer: Imaging Science Institute University Hospital Erlangen Ulmenweg 18 91054 Erlangen, Germany Workshop instructor: German: Prof. Dr. Dr. Wolfgang Schäfer, Head of Department of Nuclear Medicine, Maria Hilf Clinics Mönchengladbach, Germany English: Dr. Knollmann Location: Siemens Healthcare Training Center Allee am Röthelheimpark 3 91052 Erlangen, Germany Prerequisites: Experience working in quantitative coronary evaluation n Fundamentals of gated SPECT Evaluation and display of gated SPECT with 4D-MSPECT Value of highlighted parameters (EDV, ESV, LEVF, regional wall motion) Clinical case studies Hands-on workshops n Audience: Specialist physicians for nuclear medicine and Experienced MTRAs n n Course content: Fundamentals of myocardial perfusion SPECT Acquisition and reconstruction protocols Evaluation and display of myocardial perfusion SPECT with 4D-MSPECT Clinical case studies/prognostic value of the diagnostic findings n n n n n n n n Course size: 4 –10 persons Registration: To register, please go to: Course fee: 320 EUR This course is tax-exempt according to § 4 No.21 UStG (German VAT-law) Course ID: MI84DMSPEC CREDITS 10 CME * *submitted Training Overview 57 Molecular Imaging PET Imaging Basics Principles & Technology Dates and language: Feb 08 – 12, 2016 English Jul 04 – 08, 2016 English Further dates, please see: healthcare-training-center Organizer: Siemens Healthcare Training Center Allee am Röthelheimpark 3 91052 Erlangen, Germany Course size: 4 – 6 persons The learning objective of this five-day course is to introduce participants into Positron Emission Tomography. The class covers the medical, physical and technological background of PET imaging. Prerequisites: Basic knowledge about medical imaging modalities n Audience: Technologists Physicians and physicists n n Course content: Medical background of PET imaging Basic nuclear physics Radiation protection PET technology (data acquisition, reconstruction, quantification, corrections) FDG imaging basics n n n Course fee: 2,100 EUR This course is tax-exempt according to § 4 No.21 UStG (German VAT-law) Course ID: MI2PETBAS 58 Training Overview n n Registration: To register, please go to: MT(R)A Physicians 8 8 Physicists IT Basic skills In-depth skills Course type Molecular Imaging Biograph PET/CT Systems How to operate a PET/CT System The objective of this five-day course is to learn how to operate a Biograph PET/CT system. It enables participants to carry out routine daily tasks such as quality assurance and basic image acquisition and processing. Practical exercises on a Biograph PET/CT system and image processing workplaces are included. Prerequisites: Basic knowledge about PET imaging n Audience: Technologists Physicians and physicists n MT(R)A Physicians 8 8 Physicists IT Basic skills In-depth skills Course type Dates and language: Feb 15 –19, 2016 English Jul 11 –15, 2016 English Further dates, please see: healthcare-training-center Organizer: Siemens Healthcare Training Center Allee am Röthelheimpark 3 91052 Erlangen, Germany n Course content: Biograph PET/CT features • Hardware controls • Software overview • Performing basic PET/CT acquisition protocols • Basic PET/CT processing • Quality control procedures Course size: 4 – 6 persons n Registration: To register, please go to: Course fee: 2,100 EUR This course is tax-exempt according to § 4 No.21 UStG (German VAT-law) Course ID: MI2BIOGRAP Training Overview 59 Molecular Imaging Advanced PET/CT Imaging Biograph PET/CT Systems Dates and language: Apr 11–14, 2016 English Further dates, please see: healthcare-training-center Within this five-day course you will improve your knowledge about PET image quality. Participants will learn to use advanced PET/CT listmode protocols which can include cardiac and respiratory gating as well as dynamic acquisition. In addition you will get information about basic processing of such studies including hands-on. Organizer: Siemens Healthcare Training Center Allee am Röthelheimpark 3 91052 Erlangen, Germany Prerequisites: Knowledge about PET imaging and Biograph PET/CT systems Course size: 4 – 6 persons Course fee: 2,100 EUR This course is tax-exempt according to § 4 No.21 UStG (German VAT-law) Training Overview 8 8 Physicists IT Basic skills In-depth skills Audience: Technologists Physicians and physicists n n Course content: PET image quality PET cardiac imaging basics PET listmode imaging Dynamic PET/CT protocols Cardiac gated PET/CT protocols Respiratory gated PET/CT protocols Respiratory gating hardware n n n n n n 60 Physicians n n Course ID: MI3BIOADV MT(R)A Registration: To register, please go to: Course type Molecular Imaging PET/CT Imaging with syngo and syngo.via Workshop MT(R)A Physicians 8 8 This one-day intensive course on the use of PET/CT in oncology gives special emphasis to areas such as physical condition, clinical significance, preparation of tracers, workflow PET/CT and study protocols. The workshop also covers patient preparation, examination planning as well as implementation and user interface functions of the True D software. Data analysis, finding content and workflow concepts are treated separately. Course participants can also visit the Biograph 64 at Vienna General Hospital’s Center for Diagnostic Imaging. Using state of-the-art syngo MultiModality workstations and syngo.via server-client based workplaces, participants can expand their knowledge and practice what they have learned in groups of no more than 12 people. Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of MD-CT and Nuclear Medicine (PET) General familiarity using the syngo user interface and image postprocessing n n Physicists IT Basic skills In-depth skills Course type Dates and language: Please see: MEDtraining Organizer: Department of Biomedical Imaging, Image-Guided Therapy and Nuclear Medicine Währinger Gürtel 18-20 1090 Vienna, Austria Course size: 5 –12 persons Course content: Physical prerequisites Basics of PET/CT Tracer Study strategies and workflow PET/CT Clinical benefits of oncology and cardiology Case studies Presentation and training of the syngo TrueD Taskcard and MI-workflows on syngo.via Hands-on trainings in small groups Course fee: 550 EUR incl. VAT n n n n n Audience: Radiologists Nuclear physicians RT/MTRAs with advanced knowledge of PET/CT n n n n n Registration: To register, please go to: CREDITS 8 DFP * *submitted Training Overview 61 Molecular Imaging Operating the Radioisotope Delivery System Eclipse Intensive Course Dates and language: Please see: healthcare-training-center Organizer: Siemens Molecular Imaging 810 Innovation Drive Knoxville, TN 37932 USA Course size: 3 – 6 persons Course fee: 5,400 USD incl. VAT Course ID: MI8ECLIPS 8 8 Physicists IT Basic skills In-depth skills Prerequisites: Students must be trained and badged as Radiation Workers, and have ES&H training appropriate for the work. Students should have a basic grasp of pharmacy operations and routine as well as the basic physics of the atom prior to attending this class. Audience: PETNET pharmacy staff who will be operating the Eclipse as part of their duties Customers who wish to enroll members of their pharmacy staff n Course content: Covering the safe and efficient operation of the Eclipse systems for normal pharmacy operations (This training does not cover installation of the Eclipse cyclotron, nor does it cover PET tracer chemistry units.) n Training Overview Physicians This three-day course is designed for operators of Eclipse RD, HP, and ST cyclotron systems, with a focus on F-18 production. It covers the safe and efficient day-to-day operation of the Eclipse system for normal clinical and production pharmacy use. The training includes safety instructions applicable to operations, a simplified theory-of-operation, and intensive, supervised hands-on experience with computer simulators and operating the Eclipse cyclotron. n 62 MT(R)A Registration: To register, please go to: Course type Molecular Imaging Multimodal Small Animal Imaging Intensive Course MT(R)A Physicians 8 8 This two-and-a-half-day course introduces students to the use of multimodal imaging techniques dedicated to small animals including CT / PET / SPECT as combined with other techniques such as MRI and Ultrasound. Participants set up and perform data acquisition from all modalities, and carry out postprocessing as well as data evaluation. Overall, this intensive course covers the spectrum from animal handling over hard- and software usage suited for physicians and technicians. IT Basic skills In-depth skills Course type Dates and language: Please see: healthcare-training-center Organizer: Preclinical Imaging Platform Erlangen (PIPE) University Medical Center Erlangen Palmsanlage 5 91054 Erlangen Scientific Director: Prof. Dr. med. Tobias Bäuerle, Radiological Institute, University Hospital Erlangen Prerequisites: General familiarity using imaging devices, but no particular prior knowledge is needed Physicists Course size: 3 – 6 persons n Audience: Physicians, Technicians n Course content: Animal handling and preparation for multimodal imaging Monitoring animals during imaging (vital functions) Gating algorithms for small animals Technical background from multiple modalities Hands-on-training on scanner operation n n Acquisition of multi-modal in-vivo and ex-vivo data Post-processing of data including the use of evaluation software Course fee: 2,500 EUR Registration: To register, please go to: healthcare-training-center Course ID: MI8MULTANI n n This course is tax-exempt according to § 4 No.21 UStG (German VAT-law) n n n Training Overview 63 MR Tomography 64 Training Overview Course type MRI Intensive Course Part 1 – Neuro and MSK 8 8 66 MRI Intensive Course Part 2 – Body and Angiography 8 8 67 Cardiac Imaging in MRI 8 8 68 MR Neuroradiological and Musculoskeletal Imaging 8 8 69 8 70 8 71 MR syngo.via Imaging Advanced 8 IT In-depth skills Physicians MRT – MDCT Abdomen Physicists Basic skills MT(R)A Page Training Overview 65 MR Tomography MRI Intensive Course Part 1 Neuro and MSK Dates and language: Feb 22 – 24, 2016 German Jun 20 – 22, 2016 German Oct 17 – 19, 2016 German Organizer: Imaging Science Institute University Hospital Erlangen Ulmenweg 18 91054 Erlangen, Germany Course size: 6 – 8 persons Course fee: 1,170 EUR This course is tax-exempt according to § 4 No.21 UStG (German VAT-law) Physicians 8 8 Physicists Basic skills IT In-depth skills Course type This three-day MRI intensive course provides participants with the opportunity to expand and increase their knowledge regarding neurological and musculoskeletal (MSK) MRI imaging techniques. Combining lectures and interactive hands-on practical sessions using Siemens Tim technology, participants will gain a better understanding of sequence parameter settings, adaptation and optimization, and the impact on scan time and image quality for specific examination protocols used in their daily routine. With focus on practical exercises and clinical relevance, this course provides participants with valuable information they will be able to incorporate into their day-to-day routine. This course is one of two independent course modules. The second module focuses on abdominal and angiography MR imaging techniques, p. 67. Prerequisites: A basic understanding of MR principles One year of MRI experience are mandatory Course content: Review physical principles of MRI Safety aspects regarding MR equipment General sequences and workflows used for brain imaging Advanced Neuro imaging: Diffusion, Perfusion, SWI. Musculoskeletal MRI Image quality: recognizing and avoiding artifacts n Course ID: MR8APINT1 MT(R)A n n n in Neuro and MSK imaging Recognizing and classifying common pathologies in Neuro and MSK imaging Specific adaptations of examination protocols n n Audience: Physicians and MTRAs who would like to increase their knowledge and expertise of MR imaging n n n Registration: To register, please go to: n n 66 Training Overview POINTS 26 CREDIT * CREDITS 30 CME * *submitted MR Tomography MRI Intensive Course Part 2 Body and Angiography MT(R)A Physicians 8 8 This three-day MRI intensive course provides participants with the opportunity to expand and increase their knowledge regarding body and angiographic MRI imaging techniques. Combining lectures and interactive hands-on practical sessions using Siemens Tim technology, participants will gain a better understanding of sequence parameter settings, adaptation and optimization, and the impact on scan time and image quality for specific examination protocols used in their daily routine. With focus on practical exercises and clinical relevance, this course provides participants with valuable information they will be able to incorporate into their day-to-day routine. This course is one of two independent course modules. The second module focuses on neurological and musculoskeletal MR imaging techniques, p. 66. Prerequisites: A basic understanding of MR principles One year of MRI experience are mandatory n n Course content: Review physical principles of MRI Safety aspects regarding MR equipment MRI sequences and parameters for fast imaging Parallel imaging techniques Abdominal imaging and strategies for motion reduction (breath-hold, respiratory triggering etc.) Image quality in body imaging: avoiding artifacts Contrast agents in MRI Physicists IT Basic skills In-depth skills Course type Dates and language: Feb 25 – 27, 2016 German Jun 23 – 25, 2016 German Oct 20 – 22, 2016 German Organizer: Imaging Science Institute University Hospital Erlangen Ulmenweg 18 91054 Erlangen, Germany Course size: 6 – 8 persons Course fee: 1,170 EUR MR angiography: non-contrast and contrast enhanced techniques Recognizing and classifying common pathologies in body imaging Specific adaptations of examination protocols n This course is tax-exempt according to § 4 No.21 UStG (German VAT-law) n n Course ID: MR8APINT2 n n n Audience: Physicians and MTRAs n n n Registration: To register, please go to: n n POINTS 26 CREDIT * CREDITS 30 CME * *submitted Training Overview 67 MR Tomography Cardiac Imaging in MRI Workshop Dates and language: Mar 17 – 19, 2016 German Apr 28 – 30, 2016 German Sep 22 – 24, 2016 German Nov 17 – 19, 2016 German Organizer: Imaging Science Institute University Hospital Erlangen Ulmenweg 18 91054 Erlangen, Germany Course size: 6 –12 persons Course fee: 1,260 EUR This course is tax-exempt according to § 4 No.21 UStG (German VAT-law) Course ID: MR8ADVCARD MT(R)A Physicians 8 8 Physicists Basic skills IT Workshop instructor: PD Dr. Rolf Janka, Radiological Institute of the University Hospital Erlangen Courtesy of: MAGNETOM Aera, Centre Cardio-Thoracique de Monaco Course content: Fundamentals of MRI physics MRI anatomy of the cardiovascular system Examination techniques and evaluation strategies for cardiac MRI Protocol optimization for cardiac MRI examinations Functional cardiac imaging Practical training on different MRI systems using clinical cases n Audience: MTRAs with advanced knowledge in MRI Radiologists Cardiologists n n n n n n n Registration: To register, please go to: POINTS 23 CREDIT * Training Overview Course type In recent years, cardiac MRI has evolved into a key procedure in diagnostic and functional cardiac imaging. These imaging procedures are proven and reliable predictive techniques for diagnosing a wide range of cardiovascular pathologies. The objective of this course is to give users more confidence as they carry out MRI cardiac examinations. Under the expert direction of the University Hospital Erlangen and Siemens Healthcare, participants have the opportunity to perform cardiac measurements on volunteers and to observe examinations on real patients in clinical settings. n 68 In-depth skills CREDITS 30 CME * *submitted MR Tomography MR Neuroradiological and Musculoskeletal Imaging Intensive Course with syngo and syngo.via MT(R)A Physicians 8 8 These two one-day intensive courses on MRI scanners in neuroradiological and musculoskeletal diagnosis cover topics such as physical prerequisites, predictive clinical value and examination protocols as well as commonly used standard evaluations. The course is designed for participants who wish to refresh their existing basic knowledge, extend their knowledge and enhance their skills through hands-on instruction. Basic knowledge about MRI and experience with operating the syngo and syngo.via user interface and image post-processing are useful. n n Basic skills In-depth skills Course type Organizer: Department of Biomedical Imaging, Image-Guided Therapy and Nuclear Medicine Währinger Gürtel 18-20 1090 Vienna, Austria Course size: 5 –12 persons n n IT Dates and language: Please see: MEDtraining Audience: Radiologists, RT/MTRAs with advanced knowledge of MRI Course content: Overview of high-field safety precautions Performing an MRI examination: patient prep aration, introduction to the user interface, hands-on training on 3T device Standard evaluations: spectroscopy, perfusion/ diffusion tensor including hands-on units on the syngo MultiModality Workplace Physicists Course fee: 550 EUR incl. VAT per module Module 1: Neuroimaging Protocols for multimodal tumor imaging and disorders of white substance Module 2: Musculoskeletal imaging Protocols for examining joints and the spine as well as advanced techniques for biochemical imaging, et al. Lectures on key topics n n n Registration: To register, please go to: CREDITS 9 DFP * *submitted Training Overview 69 MR Tomography MRT – MDCT Abdomen MT(R)A Organizer: Department of Biomedical Imaging, Image-Guided Therapy and Nuclear Medicine Währinger Gürtel 18-20 1090 Vienna, Austria Course size: 5 –12 persons Course fee: 550 EUR incl. VAT per module Physicists IT Basic skills In-depth skills Course type 8 Workshop with syngo and syngo.via Dates and language: Please see: MEDtraining Physicians The workshop consists of scientific lectures and syngo user interface presentations, including hands-on units in three independent modules. The course is given in state-of-the-art seminar rooms equipped with syngo MultiModality workstations and syngo.via server-client based workplaces. Small groups with no more than ten participants ensure optimal learning results. Learners who attend this workshop can focus intensively on new techniques and actively share their experience without being distracted by daily work. Course duration: Pancreas workshop: 1 day Liver and Biliary Tract workshop: 1 day Gastrointestinal Tract workshop: 1 day Course content: Choosing CT versus MRI Examination protocols, contrast media, image quality Benefits of advanced sequences (diffusion, spectroscopy) Diagnosis of various pancreatic diseases Correct interpretation of clinical condition based on radiological findings Presentation and training with syngo Taskcards and syngo.via workflows Workstation training in small groups n n Audience: Radiologists and radiologists in training RT/MTRAs with broad experience in abdominal imaging n n n n n Registration: To register, please go to: n n CREDITS 8 DFP * 70 Training Overview *submitted MR Tomography MR syngo.via Imaging Advanced Workshop MT(R)A Physicians 8 8 This one-day syngo.via Imaging Workshop in Magnetic Resonance Tomography will provide syngo.via users with advanced MR workflow knowledge, evaluation and documentation principles in theoretical and practical training sessions on serverclient based demo consoles. Additionally, there will an update to recent software version changes to get acquainted with news on basic configuration options, different roles and the user interface. The main topic of the course is to assure advanced visualization knowledge in MR Imaging throughout all MR-Engines. n n n n Basic skills In-depth skills Course type Organizer: Department of Biomedical Imaging, Image-Guided Therapy and Nuclear Medicine Währinger Gürtel 18 - 20 1090 Vienna, Austria Course size: 5 –12 persons n n IT Dates and language: Please see: MEDtraining Prerequisites: Basic IT and DICOM skills, clinical workflow and basic 2D/3D imaging skills are mandatory (see separate self-test in course details) Course content: “State of the art” MR Vascular MR Cardiac MM Oncology MR Prostata MR Breast MR Neuroperfusion MR SpektroComposing MR specific Workflows Physicists Course fee: 550 EUR incl. VAT Audience: syngo.via user (radiologists, physicians, RT/MTRAs) Registration: To register, please go to: n n n n n CREDITS 8 DFP * *submitted Training Overview 71 Ultrasound 72 Training Overview Ultrasound Diagnostics Technology From the generation of simple gray-scale images, diagnostic ultrasound imaging has developed into a highly advanced technical procedure. New areas of use and innovative applications have increased the importance of sonography in medicine. In collaboration with specialists across all disciplines, Siemens is developing new systems, modern technologies and innovative methods in the field of diagnostics. Founded on a knowledge-based workflow, it is already possible today to remodel clinical routines through enhanced information density and by widening the range of applications – all of which helps achieve considerably improved diagnostic accuracy. Our training courses are planned within a narrow time frame to address the rapid evolution of ultrasound diagnostics technology. At the same time the course participants are offered the greatest possible amount of learning content possible. For further information, please contact your country Siemens representative. Training Overview 73 General Imaging ACUSON SC2000 Ultrasound System – Advanced System Optimization Physicians Sonographer Technologist 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 The Use of Doppler in the Abdomen – Ultrasound Ultrasound of the Appendix 8 Thyroid Ultrasound Imaging 74 Elastography and Breast Imaging 8 8 8 Ultrasound Elasticity Imaging of the Breast 8 8 8 Automated Breast Volume Scanning 8 8 8 Strain Imaging Technologies and Automated Breast Volume Scanning 8 8 8 Sonohysterography – Ultrasound 8 8 8 The Fetal Heart – What the OB Sonographer Needs to Know 8 8 Neonatal Head Ultrasound 8 8 Infant Hip and Spine 8 8 8 Musculoskeletal Ultrasound – Upper Limb 8 8 8 Musculoskeletal Ultrasound – Overview 8 8 8 Musculoskeletal Ultrasound – Lower Limb 8 8 8 Introduction to Virtual Touch™ Imaging (VTi) 8 8 8 Virtual Touch™ Quantification (VTq) 8 8 8 Virtual Touch™ IQ (VTIQ) 8 8 8 Training Overview Basic skills In-depth skills Course type Cardiovascular Physicians Sonographer Technologist Carotid Doppler Imaging 8 8 8 Intima-Media Thickness – A Window to Your Arterial Health 8 8 8 Deep Vein Thrombosis Imaging 8 8 Transcranial Imaging 8 8 Heart Sounds 8 8 Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy and Strain Rate Quantification 8 8 8 Cardiomyopathy 8 8 8 How to Assess Valvular Stenosis Part 1 – Mitral Valve 8 8 8 How to Assess Valvular Stenosis Part 2 – Aortic Valve 8 8 8 Ultrasound and Pediatric Imaging in the Cardiac Cath Lab 8 8 8 Basic skills In-depth skills Course type Training Overview 75 76 Training Overview Registration Application Training Booklet Course Course date Course organizer/language Course ID Course fee I hereby register for the following course: Fax: +49 9131 84 -6492 E-mail: Siemens Healthcare GmbH Training Center, Course Administration I/we need a hotel reservation from Single room Double room Category: until * ** *** **** Title Name of additional guest First name/Last name Preferred location of hotel: downtown Institution/Hospital Street ZIP/City, country Phone w/area code Fax Preferred location of hotel: near the Training Center Arrival by car Bank info Account no. Routing no. Or: Credit card company Credit card no. Expiration I do not need a hotel reservation Customer reference number Name of account holder (if other than above) E-mail I have read and accept the terms of use and registration conditions on the reverse. I have already paid the course fees: ORG ID PO Number Date Signature 77 78 Training Overview Course Registration Registration: It is possible to register online for nearly all the courses we offer. In most cases all you need is the course ID. You can also use the registration form or contact us at the phone number listed at the side. General Terms and Conditions: Course fees include all refreshments, catering and training material. All courses held at the Siemens Training Center in Erlangen begin at 8:30 AM on the first day. Please check your registration confirmation or training material for further information about courses held at other locations. Your course registration is complete after availability has been checked. A reservation confirmation and further course information will be mailed to you or sent by e-mail well ahead of the course date. You will receive an invoice one to two weeks before the course takes place. Cancelation: There is no charge for cancelations made at least two weeks prior to the beginning of the course. However, payment of the total course fee is due if you miss to cancel at least two weeks before the course starts. Two weeks prior to the beginning of a course, we will decide if it is held despite low enrollment numbers. Therefore we would like to ask you to register for courses at least two weeks in advance. If necessary, we reserve the right to change instructors or adjust how a course is run. Hotel Booking: The hotel booking is carried out exclusively by BOOK-IT Guest Houses, Carl-Thiersch-Str. 2c, 91052 Erlangen, Germany. The course fee and/or costs for reservation of a hotel will be charged to your credit card. For bank accounts located within Germany direct debit is possible (only for German bank accounts). Contact: Siemens Healthcare GmbH Customer Services Training Center, Course Administration Phone: +49 9131 84 -5005 Fax: +49 9131 84 -6492 E-Mail: Internet: healthcare-training-center Payments: The collection of any and all payments to be made by the client to the Healthcare Training Center will be performed by BOOK-IT. Please note items 6 and 7 of the General Terms and Conditions of Siemens Healthcare GmbH pertaining to the training provided by the Healthcare Training Center, which can be found on the Internet at If you are unable to attend courses on the dates listed here, please let us know. We will try to accommodate your wishes. Training Overview 79 Siemens Healthcare Headquarters Siemens Healthcare GmbH Henkestraße 127 91052 Erlangen Germany Phone: +49 9131 84-0 Local Contact Information Siemens Healthcare GmbH Customer Services Henkestraße 127 91052 Erlangen Germany Phone: +49 9131 84-0 Printed in Germany I SV CS TC CC 3468 10150.85 I © Siemens Healthcare GmbH, 2015
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