PDF version - Pohutukawa Coast Times
PDF version - Pohutukawa Coast Times
FRIDAY August 21 2015 Issue 1122 ‘THE PAPER WITH THE MOST FOR THE COAST’ Driver allegedly five times over limit driving of one year and one day. Police allegedly found the man hiding under a gorse bush in a paddock after the crash. The Siberia Hill crash was one of nine Police attended over the course of one week period. Police say all were caused by driver error. In some, speed and alcohol were also factors. “Again we remind people to drive to the road conditions - when it’s wet slow down,” says Beachlands constable Police say a driver, who allegedly ran off from the scene of a recent crash on Siberia Hill, on the WhitfordMaraetai Road, was found to have been more than five times over the legal alcohol limit. The Beachlands man in his 40s faces charges of careless driving and driving with excess blood alcohol levels. He will appear in court next month and could face up to a maximum of two years in prison and disqualification from Adrian Fisher. “We will be monitoring the roads more closely and we will have zero tolerance for poor driving behaviour.” On the way to setting up a checkpoint at the Beachlands roundabout last Friday night Police clocked a driver doing 161 kph on Sandstone Rd. The mid-evening checkpoint netted two drivers twice over the legal alcohol limit and a number close to the limit. Of 50 drivers tested, constable Fisher says close to half had some alcohol in their system. “We’re very disappointed that people still choose to drive on our roads under the influence of alcohol,” he says. “They put themselves and others in danger.” Outbreak of spidermen ? SEAVIEW WATER Ph: 0508 732 843 JENNY CHANDLER Property Manager 027 265 2933 PENNY CLOVER Assistant Property Manager 027 839 7107 Office: 536 4990 Email: beachlands.rental@barfoot.co.nz MORTON TIMBER CO. LTD For All Your Timber & Hardware Supplies SPECIALS! TIMBER Snow White on this weekend Clevedon Kidz pre-school celebrated Dress-Up Day with lots of imagination and fun as children, staff and even some parents came dressed in a colourful assortment of different costumes. The Pukeko room was inundated with spidermen (pictured) who had a great time climbing together. The children are now super interested in super heroes and teachers will continue to explore this interests with them during the term. INSIDE: Pohutukawa Pet Feature pages 7,8,9 Enter our Pet Photo competition! Beachlands Maraetai water Tony Rawson ~ The Water Man Ph: 2739-763 Short of a drop $250 per 17,000ltr - $225 per 13,500ltr (3000gal) - $180 per 10,000ltr Police are following strong leads after last week’s attempted knife-point robbery at Beachlands Video Ezy. “A number of local members of the public have provided information to the Police regarding sightings of the male offender,” says Beachlands constable Adrian Fisher. “We have had really good feedback from the community.” Police are still awaiting the results of forensic testing on the sweatshirt the offender dumped in Puriri Rd after the attempted robbery. Police would still like to hear from anyone who may recognise the distinctive blue-grey hooded sweatshirt with a bold red Animal logo across the front and on the shoulder. If you have any information, you can call Police anonymously on 536-6130 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111. "Bringing water to your community for 30 years" Maureen Spyve Ph 021 276 7796 Coolest household water in town Police follow leads There’s still time to buy tickets for this weekend’s pantomime performances of Snow White at the Beachlands Hall. Shows are on Friday and Saturday at 7.30pm with a Sunday matinee at 2pm. Email admin@logcabin.org.nz or call 021 660 212 to book. Some door sales will be available before performances. Family concessions are also available. Honest, professional advice in any Real Estate matters. Call me today! Beachlands Water Service 536 6508 • 75 x 45mm H1.2 SG8 4.2m lengths • 90 x 45mm H1.2 SG6 6.0m lengths • 90 x 45mm H1.2 SG8 2.4m lengths • 90 x 45mm H1.2 SG8 3.0m lengths • 190 x 45mm H1.2 SG8 3.6m and 4.2m • 140 x 45mm H3.2 SG8 4.2m lengths • 190 x 45mm H3.2 SG8 4.2m lengths • 290 x 45mm H3.2 SG8 4.2m lengths FARM FENCING $2.00/m $2.81/m $7.00/length $8.25/length $5.50/m $4.61/m $6.10/m $8.50/m • Round Posts 1.8m No. 1 Seconds - Bundle Rate $8.60/ea • Fence Rail H3 RS 150 x 40mm 4.8m lengths $2.10/m Prices exclude GST, valid while stocks last. Contact us or call in to our yard for a free quote. Open Saturdays 7.30am to 12pm Prompt delivery service available 226 North Rd, Clevedon Ph: 2928-656 or 021 943 220 Email: mortontimber@xtra.co.nz Web: www.mortontimber.co.nz Our timber is sourced from renewable plantations www.johnsfarmletservices.co.nz H O 2 Order online or phone Water tank cleaning available BEACHLANDS WATER your local water carrier DISCOUNTS AVAILABLE ON-LINE! BY POPULAR REQUEST WE NOW DO 1,000 GALLON DELIVERIES! Online Ordering and Payment Now Available www.beachlandswater.co.nz 2 H O JOHN’S FARMLET SERVICES DEADLINES: Noon Tuesday for all news and advertising. OFFICE HOURS: 8.30am – 5pm Mon to Fri Ph: 536-5715, Fax: 536-5714. Email: info@pctimes.co.nz Web: www.pctimes.nz 2 POHUTUKAWA COAST TIMES (August 21st 2015) Other rural roads in need of upgrade too THE EDITOR SAYS BY DUNCAN PARDON duncan@pctimes.co.nz The rapid growth of Beachlands and Maraetai has resulted in much discussion about the state of the Whitford Maraetai Rd. To be fair, there has always been concern about the road – the main route to Beachlands, other than by ferry. Readers who have lived here a while will recall that a few years ago the Accident Compensation Corporation was so concerned at the accident statistics for this road that it ran a safety campaign aimed at improving driver behaviour. And, believe it or not, a lot has been done to improve the road. For example since the mid 1980s we have seen the addition of a passing lane on the hill up to the landfill, re-engineering of Turanga Hill up from the Whitford Pony Club, the addition of an earth bund to collect vehicles spinning off the corner at the other end of the pony club, resurfacing of the Omana bend, construction of the Beachlands roundabout and some improvements to the bottom of Siberia Hill (which still leave a lot to be desired). But there has been a lot less talk, and a lot less action, when it comes to the other arterial rural roads that link WORD FOR THE WEEK FRIENDS It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to your enemies, but even more to stand up to your friends. ~ J. K. Rowling LAND SURVEYORS Hollier Greig Ltd LAND SURVEYORS & LAND DEVELOPMENT CONSULTANTS A member of the D.N. Book Consultants Group When considering: • Subdivision of Rural, Residential and Commercial land • Redefinition of boundaries for building or fencing • Engineering and topographical surveys PH: JOHN GREIG 292-8745 McNICOL RD, CLEVEDON the Pohutukawa Coast and Clevedon District to each other and to the rest of the world. For example, North Rd – between Umupuia and Clevedon – is awful. It is too narrow, has heaps of blind bends and the road surface is just dreadful. Twice I’ve come close to being killed on North Rd. On one occasion many years ago a tree fell on our car and we had to be cut out by a local farmer! On another occasion I found myself head on with a car coming the other way which had swerved to pass an unseen cyclist on a blind bend. I’m struggling to think of any major work that has been done on North Rd in the same time period as work carried out on Whitford Maraetai Rd – apart from frequent resealing alongside the Balemi property. Instead, it’s just been one patch-up job after another. Earlier this week, on my way back from Clevedon, I chose a section of road at random – from the Duder Regional Park entrance to Umupuia – and counted no fewer than 19 resealed sections or patches. I’m sure it wouldn’t have been much different if I’d chosen any other stretch of the road, or indeed any other main rural road in the district. Those of you in four wheel drives may not notice the road surfacing, but when you are driving a Daihatsu Sirion you feel every bone-jarring bump! Another big worry is the deteriorating state of the Maraetai Coast Rd. In places it is starting to slump badly. Of particular concern is the recent big jump in the LETTERS Marching against the TPPA I was one of the 10, 000 concerned citizens who marched down Queen Street last Saturday against the TPPA (Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement). It was a great march- heaps of families and people from all areas of society and a big group of doctors and nurses who are very worried about the effect that the loss of Pharmac (or at least most of its THE BIBLE SAYS: Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked. (Psalm 84:10) WEEKLY TIDE CHART - HIGH WATER DATE AM FRI 21st SAT 22nd SUN 23rd MON 24th TUES 25th WED 26th THURS 27th 11.42 12.41 1.29 2.22 3.21 4.23 PM HEIGHT 11.57 12.25 1.13 2.08 3.08 4.09 5.07 2.9 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.9 3.0 marine forecast - vhf Channel 21 Auckland Forecast - 0900 999 + your std For all your hairstyling needs Tues – Sat. Late nights Wed & Thurs. 16 Te Pene Road, Maraetai. P: 027 329 1781 cooperhairdressing.co.nz INTERESTED IN BECOMING A VOLUNTEER? INTERESTED IN BECOMING A MEMBER? INTERESTED IN BECOMING A BETTER BOATIE? PHONE (09) 536-7105 OR FIND OUT MORE AT www.coastguardmaraetai.org.nz number of trucks using this route. On the same trip back from Clevedon I passed three on that stretch of road. There’s no legal reason for trucks not to use that stretch of road, but I would hope trucking companies would have the sense to avoid it as much as possible. Meeting a truck coming the other way on a tight bend with a cyclist also on the road doesn’t bear thinking about. I hope one day – in the far distant future – a new inland route will be built connecting the Coast with Clevedon. Then Maraetai Coast Rd could become a cycling and walking route. The planned expansion of Brookby quarry and the landfill planned for Twilight Road, the expansion of Clevedon and Whitford Villages and even growth planned for far-flung Kawakawa Bay means there will be a huge increase in traffic using all our arterial rural roads, and especially truck and heavy traffic, while all this development is taking place. These roads are struggling to cope now, especially when cyclists and boat trailers are thrown into the mix. The various District Plan provisions for the expansion of Whitford, Beachlands, Maraetai, Clevedon and Kawakawa Bay deal with each of those communities in turn but there needs to be some serious planning carried out, with a long term funded works programme, aimed at future-proofing the rural roads that connect them all together. bargaining power) will have on their patients – us! The size of the march and the fact that we were all very ordinary, orderly citizens, give the lie to some who claim that we were a bunch of extremists or even “politically irrelevant” (thanks Tim Grose). It is absolutely out or order for any government which calls itself democratic to sign away our rights, in secret, with a vague promise of “better trade”. If New Zealand signs the TPPA, any new health or environmental regulations that a local authority or the Government might want to bring in, to protect the people or the environment, can be challenged by a company simply on the premise that it affects their profits and is therefore “ illegal”. The Egyptian govern- Legal issues? Need to find the right lawyer to help you? I am Devon McDonald of the law firm Swayne McDonald. Our legal team of six lawyers and registered legal executives has more than 140 combined years of legal practice experience. We can help you in a wide range of legal matters – including conveyancing, relationship property, small businesses, leases, wills, estates and family trusts. Call us for an initial relaxed and confidential chat about Branch office conveniently located at: your legal needs. Botany Junction, corner Ormiston Road We’ll have the right lawyer & Te Irirangi Drive. Phone 265 2700. to help you. • Devon McDonald Visit us at: www.smlaw.co.nz ment is being sued at the moment by the foreign company that runs its railways, simply because they want to raise the minimum wage. Big companies have big pockets, often bigger than the GDP of small countries and in the face of this, governments or councils give up, or worse , don’t even try. Please take the time to find out more about this and contact our MP or John Key to let them know what you think. Itsourfuture.org.nz is a good place to start. MAGS RAMSEY Maraetai *** We marched in the Auckland TPPA protest on Saturday. However we find that the majority of our friends are unaware of the far reaching effects this agreement will have on our society. For instance TPPA is not a trade agreement about financial tariffs. Its aim is to eliminate regulations such as those protecting labour standards, food safety rules (including restrictions on GMO’s and food additives), environmental regulations and the use of toxic chemicals etc. The US corporations also want to inflict virtually an identical secret agreement on Europe – the TTIP. However a European MP has seen the secret documents and says “I’ve seen the secrets of TTIP and it’s built for corporations not citizens.” Most people are only aware that Pharmac drugs will be affected but many other products, services and standards will be affected too. TONY PITT Maraetai Prima Panelbeaters & Carpainters Peter Murray Mob 0274 863 828 Unit B 154-160 Harris Rd Industrial Park (just off Ti Rakau Dr) The helping hands for your car ars yC s e t Ph: 274 4778 Fax 274 4748 r e! Cou ailabl Email: prima.panelbeaters@xtra.co.nz Av POHUTUKAWA COAST TIMES (August 21st 2015) 3 Functions - School Holiday Programme - Gymnastics ww.tepuru.co.nz (09) 536 5360 Sport / Fitness Coastguard helps man overboard Saturday August 8 saw Coastguard Maraetai answer a Mayday call from a yacht in a two-handed yacht race in the Rangitoto Channel after a crew member had fallen overboard. Coastguard Maraetai and Howick recovered the crew member, who had been in 13˚C water for about 25 minutes without a lifejacket. He was transported to the Maritime Rescue Centre where ambulance staff were waiting. Later that morning Coastguard received a second Mayday call – this time from a nine-metre catamaran which had capsized near Tarahiki Island. In this case the crew from the catamaran were well equipped and all wearing wetsuits, helmets and lifejackets, which made it much easier to help them, and it wasn’t long before they were operational and heading back to Bayswater. In the meantime, Coastguard Maraetai attended a five metre Fyran with engine troubles, about two miles out of Kawakawa Bay. With no radio on board the Fyran and a cell phone only, Coastguard Maraetai managed to contact them eventually. It turned out the vessel was much further out into the Firth than they first thought, but they were unable to give their exact coordinates. The crew on board the Fyran emailed a photo of where they were looking back at Orere Point and after thirty minutes of searching, based on the photograph, Coastguard Maraetai found them and started the long tow back to Kawakawa Bay boat ramp through swell and wind. No VHF and no ability to provide latitude and longitude made it much harder to find the Fyran. Hunua MP hears from Coast’s senior citizens Hunua MP Andrew Bayly took a leaf out of the Winston Peters playbook this week by holding a public meeting for local senior citizens. About 40 seniors attended the mid afternoon meeting at the Beachlands Baptist Church. Andrew talked to them about his role as an MP and what he hoped to achieve (he said he would like 15 years in the job) , before taking questions from the floor. The big concern for those in the audience was immigration. Long time local real estate agent Geoff Bignell opened with a statement in which he said New Zealand was selling its assets to overseas investors. New Zealanders wanting to buy a home were being outbid by Chinese buyers taking advantage of 1% loans from China. “Young kids have no chance of getting on the property ladder,” he said. He received applause from the audience. Others were critical of the sale of large farms to overseas buyers . One comment was that the National Government would be remembered for “selling to China and changing the flag.” Andrew Bayly responded by pointing to new legislation that would make it much harder for overseas investors to buy residential property as they would require a New PICTURED: Andrew Bayly talks with Maraetai’s Rona Robinson at the end of Monday’s meeting held at the Beachlands Baptist Church. Zealand bank account and an IRD number. This would also provide the Government with accurate information on who exactly was buying property. He described it as “one of the smartest pieces of legislation passed by this Government.” As far as the sale of farm land to overseas interest, Andrew said New Zealand was actually one of the hardest countries to invest in land. Any overseas land purchase over half a hectare had to go through a rigorous approval process by an independent Government appointed panel. There were also questions about the controversial Trans Pacific trade deal (TPPA) with concerns over secrecy surrounding the agreement, the potential impact on the cost of medicines, and intellectual property provisions which would give corporations the ability to sue the Government. Andrew Bayly acknowledged there were areas of concern that New Zealand was still trying to negotiate its way through, but that overall the benefits would outweigh the negatives. He said the countries involved in the trade deal represented 42% of the world’s economy. “If we miss being part of this arrangement we will be fearfully disadvantaged,” he said. Andrew went on to outline the provisions of new health and safety legislation aimed at bringing about a “culture change” in the New Zealand workplace with managers and workers having equal responsibilities to keep workplaces safe. And he dealt with a question over the lack of apprenticeship schemes by suggesting that training for trades was now in a different format with a lot more vocational training now being done in secondary schools. Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Parish Please note change of time for August 22 only. No 5pm Mass at Beachlands on this date. Mass at 10am on Sunday, August 23 at Beachlands Hall instead. Beachlands Hall, 49 Wakelin Road “Trust isn’t seen...it’s experienced!” NAOMI HERHOLDT Sales Consultant M 021 141 0000 P: 09 267 8900 Fx: 09 267 8981 E: naomi.herholdt@harcourts.co.nz BCRE Ltd MREINZ Licensed Agent REAA 2008 SUPERMARKET BEACHLANDS SUPER SPECIALS! PAMS TWIN PACK PAPER TOWELS $2.39 BUDGET BUTTER 500G $3.09 each each RIVERSTONE WINE RANGE $8.99 btl OPEN 7 DAYS ~ 7am-7pm 53 Third View Ave,Beachlands Ph: 536-4668 Spray and Walk Away! 30 Seconds SPECIALS! 5L Outdoor Cleaner Concentrate Was $21.18 NOW $19.98 5L Spray & Walk Away Was $30.63 NOW $28.90 2L Window Wonder Was $26.48 NOW $22.48 2L Deck Wash Was $31.78 NOW $26.98 2L House Wash Was $31.78 NOW $26.98 All prices include GST - Available as stock lasts Opening Hours Monday - Friday: 8am till 5pm; Saturday: 8am till 4pm; Sunday: 9am till 3pm beachlands@hammerhardware.co.nz 42 Bell Road, Beachlands PH:536 6567 4 POHUTUKAWA COAST TIMES (August 21st 2015) OPEN HOMES Beachlands 15 Harbourside Court Only A Ferry Ride Away Do you need less hassle in your life? Try hopping on a ferry only a few minutes stroll away. What could be better than an enjoyable stroll and a ferry ride to work? Check out this quality Fletcher home for size, 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 2 lounges, and 3 car garaging. Brilliant layout, four spacious bedrooms upstairs, plus an ensuite in the master bedroom. One bedroom downstairs with it’s own bathroom, ideal for guests or family. Natural indoor/outdoor flow from family room to safe, well fenced play area for the children. Or maybe room for a pool? On a level 724m2 section. The Vendor is going farming and keen to sell. 5 Auction View Open 3 3 2 4 30th August at 2.00pm on site (unless sold prior) www.harcourts.co.nz/BH4865 Saturday and Sunday 1.00pm-2.00pm Peter Brinkley P 09 536 6121 M 021 536 613 E peter.brinkley@harcourts.co.nz Gabrielle Burt P 09 536 6121 M 021 746 553 E gabrielle.burt@harcourts.co.nz Beachlands Real Estate Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008 OPEN HOMES Beachlands 30 First View Avenue It’s All About The Beach Are you looking for a beach lifestyle? One where you can walk down to the beach in your togs? One where your children can put down roots - and their video games and play outside on the big lawn? Do you want to avoid the dreaded ’rush hour traffic’ by catching a stress-free 35 minute ferry ride to work? Well, stop looking. We’ve found it! Situated in Beachlands, alongside multi-million dollar homes, this 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom, block and weatherboard home with a peep of the sea, is looking for a new family now! Great potential to renovate and add value, or bide your time as you watch your family grow. Two levels with spacious 2-car garage and plenty of room downstairs for the ’teen zone’. This property has lots to offer a growing family. Situated on mature, leafy 999m2 corner site. Here’s your opportunity to become part of our friendly, progressive Beachlands community - so stop dreaming and start packing! 4 Auction View Open 2 30th August at 3.00pm on site (unless sold prior) www.harcourts.co.nz/BH4855 Saturday and Sunday 2.00pm - 3.00pm Peter Brinkley P 09 536 6121 M 021 536 613 E peter.brinkley@harcourts.co.nz Gabrielle Burt P 09 536 6121 M 021 746 553 E gabrielle.burt@harcourts.co.nz Beachlands Real Estate Ltd Licensed Agent REAA 2008 Contributor to realestate.co.nz www.harcourts.co.nz POHUTUKAWA COAST TIMES (August 21st 2015) 5 WE ARE FEELING GENEROUS! PAY HALF, OR POSSIBLY NOTHING! lovegrove realty ltd MREINZ licensed real estate agent REAA 2008 lovegrove realty ltd MREINZ licensed real estate agent REAA 2008 ‘Mates Rates’ List your home with us now and only pay Half the Commission Call us now, as this is just for a limited time! www.lovegroverealty.co.nz Karen Hay Dan White ☎ 09 555 9136 ☎ 09 555 9198 List with us and win your commission back Go into the draw to win your commission back! Exclusively list your property with Lovegrove Realty during August or September 2015 Contact us now on 555 9108 promotion@lovegroverealty.co.nz www.lovegrovepromotion.co.nz See website for terms and conditions 6 POHUTUKAWA COAST TIMES (August 21st 2015) TENNIS GO-AHEAD: The recently-formed WHAT’S ON Whitford Tennis Club has been given permission FRIDAY AUGUST 21: To Sunday August 23. Snow White Pantomime MONDAY AUGUST 24: Pohutukawa Coast Community Association to go-ahead and re-surface tennis courts at the at Beachlands Memorial Hall. Friday 7.30pm, Saturday 7.30pm and AGM, Beachlands Memorial Hall, Wakelin Road at 7pm, panel Whitford Domain in time for summer. The project Sunday 2pm Tickets $10 Adults, $5 children, Family $25 ( up to 5 discussion at 7.30pm ‘Is the Coast getting a fair go?’ with Andrew had been stalled because of the need to get approval members) Tickets can be purchased from Maraetai Beach School, Bayly MP for Hunua, Bill Cashmore Auckland Councillor for Franklin Beachlands School, Karishma Supermarket or Log Cabin. Ph: 021 660 and Andy Baker Chair of Franklin Local Board. Your opportunity to from Auckland Concil as the landowner. 212 or admin@logcabin.org.nz. demand answers from our leaders. All welcome, and please stay But the Franklin Local Board this month approved after to continue the conversation with refreshments. FRIDAY AUGUST 21: And every Friday morning at the Clevedon the court re-surfacing under urgency. Family Centre at 10.30 am. Art classes with Marian Sharp. A class WEDNESDAY AUGUST 26: And every Wednesday Maraetai Beach Discussions over the lease are still on-going, in for beginners through to more experienced artists. Learn new skills Indoor Bowling Club, Maraetai Hall at 7.15pm particular which parts of the domain the tennis club with step by step instructions or take the opportunity to spend time WEDNESDAY AUGUST 26: And every Wednesday. 9.30 am at the Clevenjoying your hobby in a relaxed and welcoming environment. New edon Family Centre. Want to take on a new activity for the cold Winlease will cover. members welcome. Contact Heather Chapman for further information. Ph: 2923 085 or hchapman@clevedonpresy.co.nz what’s on ? sunday services Traditional Service – 9.30am Family Service – 11.00am (with Kidz Club & OK Club Yr 7/8) also Kawakawa Bay - 9.30am friday youth JCYG (Years 7/8) - 3.30pm (4.30pm start)-6.00pm CYG (Yr 9-13) - 7.30-10.00pm the family centre Mon 10am, Asian Dumpling Making - Tony Xu $5 Bookings essential Tues 9.15am Young Mums and Tots Walking Group 11.00am Intercultural event Wed 9.30am Sewing and Craft - Elvene Stevenson 2.00pm Bookgroup & Poetry – Morrie Gasson Thur 9.15am Senior Exercise - Cath Neike 10.00 am Thursday Event - Dr Sandy Callister Book The Face of War –NZ’s Great War Photography Fri 9.00am Tai Chi Jack Jin 10.30am Art Class, - Marian Sharp Contact Heather Chapman on 021 714 274 or 292 3085. Also see Facebook page - Clevedon Family Centre church ph 2928 0 family centre ph 29261 30 www.clevedon 85 presy.co.nz & hardware FRIDAY AUGUST 21: And every Friday during term. Maraetai Beachlands Playgroup. Playtime session for children under 5 years and babies. Come for a coffee/tea and chat with other parents or caregivers. Indoor and outdoor play area with lots of toys. Any further info contact Louise 536 4281 or Sarah 536 5013. SATURDAY AUGUST 22: Flying-Hanger is hosting a Fashion Show to showcase the Beloved clothing line, Romantic Vintage Chic – The ultimate romantic love story of my Vintage love affair. Whitford Community Hall, at 7pm. $10 pp. includes a cupcake and refreshments. Book tickets by sending an email to Flyinghanger@ xtra.co.nz. MONDAY AUGUST 24: at 10am at the Clevedon Family Centre. Dumpling Making with Tony Xu. Tony will teach you how to make and cook delicious Asian dumplings. Plenty of delicious treats to sample. Cost $5. Bookings please . Contact Heather Chapman 2923 085 or email hchapman@clevedonpresy.co.nz MONDAY AUGUST 24: And every Monday. Gentle Exercises at St Mark Church, Maraetai and Thursdays at St Hilda Hall, Beachlands at 10am. Followed by morning tea, games and chit chat. MONDAY AUGUST 24: AGM meeting for Pohutukawa Coast Community Association, Beachalnds Hall, 7pm. Includes election of officers and panel discussion: “Is the Coast Getting a Fair go? with Bill Cashmore, Andy Baker and Andrew Bayly. MONDAY AUGUST 24: 10.00 am at the Clevedon Family Centre. Dumpling Making with Tony Xu. Tony will teach you how to make and cook delicious Asian dumplings. Plenty of delicious treats to sample. Cost $5. Bookings please . Contact Heather Chapman 2923085 or email hchapman@clevedonpresy.co.nz manukau branch: 32 noel burnside road manukau city p: 277 7695 mt roskill branch: 50 frost road mt roskill p: 620 4069 HOURS: Mon- Fri 7am-5pm Sat 7.30am - 12pm frame & truss specialists for all your residential building supply needs Winter Sale! 100X75 RAD TAN H4 R/S FENCE POSTS 2.4m@$7.95 EA+GST 2.7m@ $8.95 EA+GST 100X50 RAD#2 TAN H3.2 R/S FENCE RAILS 4.8m@$11.99 EA+GST 6.0m@ $13.90 EA+GST 100X40 GALV FLAT NAILS 5kg@$19.00 EA+GST 25kg@ $70.00 EA+GST DELIVERY SERVICE AVAILABLE 150X50 RAD#2 TAN H4 R/S RETAINING TIMBER 4.8m or 5.4m $3.20 /M + GST 200X50 RAD#2 TAN H4 R/S RETAINING TIMBER $4.35/M + GST 140X45 SG8 H1.2 KD M/G 3.6, 3.9, 4.2, 4.5m lengths $3.55M + GST WHOLESALE PRICES ONLY WHILE STOCKS LAST All prices shown are excluding GST. Offers only valid while stocks last and if paid for in full by: Cash, Visa or Master Card www.wiritimber.co.nz ter months and make new friends at the same time? Then why not join us for Sewing/Craft. Qualified tutors. No charge except for materials, but donations to support the Family Centre welcomed. For further information contact Heather 2923 085 or hchapman@clevedonpresy.co.nz WEDNESDAY AUGUST 26: The last ‘Clevedon Conversations’ drop-in at the Clevedon District Centre from 12 noon to 3pm. Clevedon is set to grow, so have your say on the future shape of Clevedon. THURSDAY AUGUST 27: 8pm, $8. Uxbridge Cinema: Whiplash. Oscar winning, gripping music drama, lauded for its cinematic tension. Follow a young drummer in pursuit of greatness, and fighting for it in the face of a cutthroat instructor. Uxbridge Arts Centre, 35 Uxbridge Rd, Howick. Ph: 535 6467 THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 3: 8pm $8. Uxbridge Cinema: Tongan Ark with a Director’s Talk and Q&A. Cultures entwine in what is probably the world’s smallest and poorest university. Paul Janman’s documentary comes to represent the pride and fortitude of the institution it follows in spite of a sea of repression. Uxbridge Arts Centre, 35 Uxbridge Rd, Howick. Ph: 535 6467 FRIDAY 4 –SUNDAY 6 SEPTEMBER: At the Clevedon Family Centre. Spring Art and Craft Exhibition. A n exhibition of the works of local artists including paintings, photographs, woodwork, patchwork, handcrafts etc. Many items will be for sale with the proceeds going to support the ongoing work of the Family Centre. For further information, contact Heather Chapman 2923085 or email hchapman@clevedonpresy.co.nz SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 20: Brookby School Agricultural Day. 10am to 2pm. Animal judging, auction, bbq, cakes, jams, plants, sweeets, white elphant, kids corner etc. Eftpos available. This column is for free or low cost for community events. Clevedon soccer Clevedon Football Club Junior soccer results, August 15: 9th Grade Cats lost to Western Springs Sapphires 3-6, POD Mila Hunt and Hayley Newington; 9th Grade Cannons lost to Pukekohe 7-1, POD Charlie Bilbrough; 10th Grade Clashers drew against Pukekohe 1-1, POD George Brothers; 11th Grade Cheetahs lost to Beachlands Maraetai Gunners 1-3, POD Connor Hooper; 12th Grade Chasers beat Pukekohe 14-1, POD Alexzia Screen; 13th Grade Coyotes beat Waiuku Hawkes 7-3, POD Bailey Pitt; 14th Grade Crystals lost to Ellerslie Red 1-2, POD Abby McArthur. Beachlands soccer Beachlands-Maraetai AFC soccer results, week ending August 16: 1st Team beat Pukekohe 5-1, POD Brody Cleave; Reserves beat Pukekohe 3-0; Over 35 Coasters lost to Legionnaires 3-0; Over 35 Lions lost to Mangere Utd Raki Raki 3-1, POD Jeff Greenwood; Over 35 Legionnaires beat Coasters 3-0, POD Paul Llewelyn; 9th Grade Athletico lost to Manurewa Hornets 5-2, POD Sean; 9th Grade Sea Hawks lost to Papakura City Brazil 4-3, POD Jordan; 9th Grade Celtic lost to Papatoetoe AFC JOHN BURTON’S LEGAL SERVICES PROPERTY & FAMILY LAWYERS ALL LEGAL SERVICES PROVIDED PHONE: 536 5279 or 299 7780 HOME VISITS & AFTER HOURS APPOINTMENTS BY ARRANGEMENT Cyclones 4-3, POD Corey Brown; 9th Grade Galacticos drew with Papakura City Costa Rica 4-4, POD Blake Tomkinson; 9th Grade Lightning Bolts beat Metro Thunder 2-1, POD Tanner Gilpin; 10th Grade Bullets lost to Waiuku Sharks 6-1, POD Riley Biddulph; 10th Grade Classic11 beat Drury Cobras 11-0, POD Charlie Wilson; 11th Grade Spartans drew with Waiuku Panthers 6-6, POD Caleb Therond; 11th Grade Gunners beat Clevedon Cheetahs 3-1, POD Carsen Mills; 11th Grade Girls The Magic lost to Ellerslie Pearls 2-1, POD Maeve MacDonald; 12th Grade Sharks beat Manurewa Pumas 1-0, POD Layton Shailer; 12th Grade Thunder beat Waiheke Utd Fullers Gallardo 6-1, POD Aiden Purkiss; 12th Grade Bullets lost to Drury Torpedoes 4-3, POD Declan Cahill; 13th Grade Coasters beat Western Springs Rangers 2-1, POD Connor Green; 15th Grade The Suns beat Bucklands Beach Valencia 5-3, POD Rory McCreight; Senior Women drew with Pukekohe 0-0, POD Anna Ross. Counties Manukau knockout cup semi-final: 1st team beat South Auckland Rangers 2-1, POD Mark Giles. HAVE YOU FILLED IN THE PINE HARBOUR FERRY SURVEY? GO TO: www.surveymonkey.com/s/PHFerry POHUTUKAWA COAST TIMES (August 21st 2015) 7 POHUTUKAWA PETS Coast dog trainer prefers positive training techniques Pohutukawa Coast dog trainer Fiona Bailey has an affinity with her four legged clients that goes back to an idyllic childhood in England. “We had lots of pets when I was growing up in Kent - I’ve always loved animals, especially dogs and I’ve never known a time when we didn’t have pets,” says Fiona. When she and husband Tony and their three children emigrated to New Zealand and settled in Beachlands in 2001, it was natural for Fiona’s beloved lab-collie X Temu to come too. After all, he was part of the family. It was just two years later, months before the birth of their fourth child, that Tony arrived home with another dog in need of a new home - a Sharpei-Mastiff X called Bruno. It was Bruno’s “difficult” personality that led Fiona to seek help from a professional dog trainer in the city and set her on the path towards her own new vocation as a dog trainer. In 2009 Fiona graduated from Unitech with qualifications in canine behaviour and animal training. After working for the same trainer who helped her with Bruno, Fiona spotted a real need in her local Pohutukawa Coast community and began Help My Dog, specialising in running a variety of classes for puppies and adult dogs of all breeds and backgrounds as well as one-on-one personalised training sessions. It’s work Fiona finds rewarding, especially when she later meets her happy former four-legged clients out and about in the community with their equally happy owners. “I find being able to turn a dog around and help them with their behaviour really rewarding,” says Fiona. “People can get embroiled with what’s happening with their dog and it often just needs to be broken down into little steps.” While Fiona says not every problem is fixable, steps can be put in place to manage certain behaviours. “Dogs have an intense desire to simply be with us.There’s a science to how animals learn - they aren’t that complicated,” she explains. Fiona says it is often more about working with the own than their canines. Positive reinforcement is at the heart of all Fiona’s canine training techniques. “I love seeing someone having a really close bond with their dog and ‘getting’ their dog,” she says.“So many people buy a dog because they like the look of the breed but they don’t always understand what that breed needs. “They get the wrong dog for their lifestyle then wonder why they have a few issues.” Fiona is happy to offer advice about selecting a dog that is a good match. The right dog can bring a lot of happiness into people’s lives and dogs are great for children, adding an extra dimension to family life. Today Fiona, Tony and their family share their Beachlands home with farm collie Piper, lab pointer X Chester, kunekune Rodney Trotter and moggie Bobcat. Help My Dog helps owners get off on the right foot (or should that be paw?) with their new pet, running classes for puppies from about 12 weeks of age. “Puppies need to understand what basic commands mean so they can learn them,” says Fiona. “People talk about socialisation - it’s important to get puppies out and about in the community with you at an early age, seeing and hearing and experiencing as many different things as possible, like rubbish trucks, going in the car and meeting different dogs of all shapes and sizes.” Adult classes include and build on basic commands.....these group sessions try to incorporate the concepts of real-life application and build positive relationships between dog and owner. She believes it’s vital that owners learn to read a dog’s body language. Fiona says classes are effective, fun and achievable. She likes owners to be able to apply what’s learnt in a class environment to positive problem solving in real-life situations. Then there are agility and tracking classes on offer as well as one on one training sessions. Fiona also offers a dog walking service, currently walking about 15 dogs on a weekly basis, with a local pickup and drop off service. Fiona is always upskilling to add to her wealth of practical training knowledge and tips to pass on to clients. Last year she enjoyed the challenge of helping train Ramble a Wellington labradoodle to play the part of cute mongrel Sandy in the stage show Annie. “It was fantastic and I look forward to training another stage star in the future if we get the opportunity,”says Fiona. Meanwhile dog lovers on the Coast can look forward to a canine massage workshop organised by Fiona in conjunction with Auckland Canine Massage on Sunday 30 August. Then there’s a Furmazing Race in November Fiona is organising with Denise of Bracks Dog Grooming, when small teams of owners and dogs will compete in a race around Beachlands taking part in fun activities and challenges to raise funds for charity. Beachlands-based dog trainer Fiona Bailey relaxing at home with her own pooches, Piper and Chester. What is available to you! Learn how to communicate with your dog and shape its behaviour, in an effective and respectful way, allowing your dog to clearly understand your commands and respond appropriately. We offer the following classes: PUPPY CLASSES (4 Sessions) - How to encourage and teach our puppy. ADULT DOG TRAINING GROUP COURSE (6 sessions) - These classes introduce and build on Basic Commands. MONTHLY MAINTENANCE SESSIONS - Continue practicing and building on behaviours you want from your dog FUN AGILITY - These varied fun activities help to further your bond! TRACKING - Let your dog’s nose lead the way! PRIVATE 1:1 TRAINING - Designed to give you greater flexibility and intensity of training. Learn skills that will enable you to give your dog good behavioural guidance in a wide variety of real life situations. MAXIMUM IMPACT PROGRAMME - 3 intense “school styled” days where Fiona instructs your dog and puts in the basic training, followed by 3 x 1hour sessions with you and your dog. DOG WALKING SERVICE - Many behavioural problems are the result of lack of exercise. Help My Dog offers one off or regular beautiful forest walks. (Pick up and drop off service) For further information call Fiona on 536 5388 or 021 243 8089 fiona@helpmydog.co.nz www.helpmydog.co.n Are you sick of getting up to let your pet out? CLEVEDON A271NIMAL F ARM Clevedon-Kawakawa Bay Rd Great Family Fun! ~ Family Farm Walks ~ ~ Children’s Pony Rides ~ ~ Birthday Parties ~ Visit our website: clevedonanimalfarm.co.nz Or call Lynn on 292 9231 It may be time to fit a cat or dog door Free measure and quote • Broken Windows • Dog & Cat Doors • Safety Glass • Automotive Glass • Glass Splashbacks • Made to Measure Mirrors • Table Tops • Putty Work • Rubber Wedge Seal HOURS: Mon-Fri 7am to 5pm; Sat 8am to noon 173 MOORE ST, HOWICK PH: 535-4180 howick.glass@xtra.co.nz www.howickglass.co.nz the pet insurance people Protect your pet •100% rebate on claims1 •Genuine ‘Covered for Life’ policies2 0800 255 426 petplan.net.nz 1 2 Less applicable excess and non-claimable items. Provided cover is renewed each year without a break. 8 POHUTUKAWA COAST TIMES (August 21st 2015) POHUTUKAWA PETS Adopt your next pet from the SPCA Mon. 24 August Buy a cup-cake for $4 at Coffee Club Meadowlands Aug22-24 - Proceeds to SPCA • International Pet Transportation • Boarding Pets in Clevedon PH: 292 8789 021 PETMAN www.petman.nz Gifts for the Animal Lover in your life Animal Lovers From Cats to Horses, Birds to Wildlife, we search all over NZ and the world to �ind you the best animal themed gifts for every occasion. Visit us at... If you’re thinking about getting a pet, you might like to consider adopting one from the SPCA and giving an animal in need a forever home. You’ll be rewarded with a lifetime of unconditional love from your new companion. Every year, thousands of animals of all shapes, sizes and ages come into SPCA Auckland. All of them have an individual story to tell and all of them deserve a second chance at life. Many are simply lost pets or unwanted litters of puppies or kittens. Others have been abandoned or have suffered from cruelty or neglect. Some are there because their owners simply could no longer care for them. You can rescue an animal in need by giving them a loving home for life. The SPCA’s expert animal staff will match you to the right pet for your lifestyle. They want In association with every animal to find the right home, so they will talk with you to understand your lifestyle and needs. If you’ve got the time and the love, they’ve got a pet to suit your family. When you adopt from the SPCA, your new pet is all ready to go. All their animals are healthy and prepared for their new home prior to adoption. Your adoption fees are great value for money as all animals are: • Vet checked and healthy • Temperament Pet photo competition The Pohutukawa Coast Times annual Pet Photo contest is here! Every owner knows their pet is the cutest, smartest or just a real character. And there are plenty of treasured pets of all shapes and sizes on the Pohutukawa Coast! Here at the PC Times we love pets too. Anyone who’s been to our office will have been ‘meeted and greeted’ by our pooch Peanut (pictured) or seen our large Canine Massage Workshop Workshop Sunday 30th August www.animallovers.co.nz BRACKS DOG GROOMING A“hands on” workshop experience from which you will learn about the benefits of massage for your canine companion and some basic techniques that you can use at home to relax your dog, soothe those overworked and sore muscles, and deepen your pet - owner bond…. BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL! $40 per dog At: The Scout Hall, Te Puru Times: 10.30am-Midday or 1pm-2.30pm • Small groups for optimum learning • Bring a blanket/cushion For further information call Fiona on 536-5388 / 021 243 8089 or Email: fiona@helpmydog.co.nz DoGroomZ Grooming on your Doorstep Dog Grooming in the quiet relaxed environment of my home. Free pickup & drop off in Beachlands & Maraetai Warm washes & blow dry’s, de-shedding, style clipping or stripping or just a simple nail trim. All breeds welcome & cuddles are included! BY APPOINTMENT Ph: Denise – 09 536 4639 denise@bracksdoggrooming.co.nz www.bracksdoggrooming.co.nz FAIRFIELD Kennels & Cattery Your pet’s home away from home UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP Anton & Crisna Taljaard Fairfield is a family owned Kennel and Cattery in Clevedon. As a small facility, we can give the pet in your family even greater love and attention. • At Fairfield every pet is treated as an individual - let us know if your pet has any special requirements • Kennels are large & secure, with grassy outdoor runs. • Semi–communal cattery, with inside/outside enclosed areas • We offer a pick-up and delivery service. Viewings welcome by appointment Ph: 09 292 8852 027 222 0307 751 Clevedon-Kawakawa Road, Clevedon www.fairfieldkennels.co.nz enquiry@fairfieldkennels.co.nz checked • De-sexed • Vaccinated • Wormed • Treated for fleas • Micro chipped. And all dogs are registered with Auckland Council. Your adoption fee also helps the SPCA rescue other animals in need. See us first for all YOUR pets’ needs Dr Jim D. Powell Ph/Fax: 299-9991 Email: admin@vetscorner.co.nz 150 AIRFIELD ROAD, TAKANINI Bath - Tidy Up - Full Groom Ph: 536 5355 or 021 130 448 ginger moggie Huggles lying in the in-tray. (He once wrote his own editorial as office cat!) That’s why we’re running a pet photo competition so you can show off your pet to us. Email us a photograph of your favourite four footed, furry, feathered or finned friend - and the one we like best will win a $100 voucher to spend at Franklin Vets’ store in Beachlands. (On food, treats, pet accessories or treatments.) Second and third place getters will also win a prize. The photo can capture your pet’s unique personality or their winning ways. It can be a funny pic, your pet at play or asleep, even dressed up - whatever you like. Include your name and a contact number as well as your pet’s name and age. Email your photo to us at fran@pctimes.co.nz. Entries close 5pm on August 31. The winning photos will be published in the PC Times September 4 edition and on our Facebook page. ALFRISTON PURRFURRED CATTERY "Your Cat’s Home Away From Home” Our primary concern is the Comfort, Safety, Health and Happiness during their stay. • Professionally & Purpose Built • Tranquil, relaxing garden setting • Sunny conservatory for cats to relax • 15 minutes from Botany & Airport. 12 Ranfurly Rd Alfriston PH: 269-5858 purrfurredcattery@orcon.net.nz www.alfristonpurrfurredcattery.co.nz Pets ome can c too! PET FRIENDLY ACCOMMODATION IN NEW ZEALAND Now you can locate good quality, pet friendly holiday homes in New Zealand quickly and easily. On 'Pets Can Come Too' you will find a range of accommodation to suit all budgets and holiday styles from home stays / bed & breakfasts to apartments and motels / hotels. Finding pet friendly holiday homes means your whole family can enjoy a break and receive a warm welcome. Ph: 04 293 2705 www.petscancometoo.co.nz POHUTUKAWA COAST TIMES (August 21st 2015) 9 POHUTUKAWA PETS Animal acupuncture treatment comes to Beachlands Franklin Vets Beachlands now offers the benefits of acupuncture for treating your pet. Local veteranarian Sarah Tutt, who has been a vet for 16 years, trained in animal acupuncture at Massey University last year and is now offering the service at the Beachlands clinic. “It’s always been something I have wanted to do as another way of helping our clients,” explains Sarah. “It’s very similar to human acupuncture and it’s been used successfully on animals too for a number of years.” Sarah says acupuncture has proved beneficial on horses, cats, dogs and rabbits . So what is it? Acupuncture is the insertion of fine acupuncture needles into specific points on the body. The exact points are a mixture of predetermined acupuncture points and areas of soreness over muscles or bony points determined by examination of the pet. How it works: Acupuncture works in many ways. Firstly at the area of needle insertion where they stimulate the local nerves to release the bodies own anti – inflammatory and pain relieving hormones. It also increases blood circulation and relieves muscle spasms in this area. Secondly there is relaxation of muscles at a distant location to where the needle is inserted. Thirdly there is a general whole body effect by releasing serotonins and neurotransmitters which relax the pet and give an overall feeling of well being. Sarah’s first feline acupuncture patient relaxed so completely it went to sleep during the first session. What can it treat? Acupuncture can be used to treat many things but musculoskel- etal problems (including back pain, arthritis, disc disease, muscle pain) being the main one. It can also be used in certain skin issues, gastrointestinal problems, urinary and wound healing. Some of these are having an impact on function rather than pain. Sarah says while acupuncture is usually a treatment used in conjunction with other medications it can also be used alone where traditional medications are not an option due to other illnesses or reactions. “If you have an elderly cat with bad arthritis that also has kidney problems and cannot take certain traditional medications then we would use acupuncture on its own.” What is involved? An acupuncture session usually takes from 30-40 minutes. Sarah first thoroughly examines your pet to deter- mine where the acupuncture needles need to be placed. The very fine needles are then inserted and left in place for 10-15 minutes. The number of needles varies from case to case and is usually less in the first treatment. Most pets feel no pain when the needles are inserted. Sarah recommends weekly sessions for four to six weeks to start with followed by fortnightly then three weekly appoints, spread out to about every six weeks at the most. What can your pet expect from the treatment? Hopefully an improvement in the clinical signs we are treating for, says Sarah. “Some pets may be called strong reactors and they can be initially worse for 1-3 days before improvement is seen,” she explains. “In these cases less needles for a shorter time usually helps.” At the actual appointment she says the pets will usually sit down and relax. “Over time they may begin to really enjoy their treatments and be excited about coming for future appointments.” If you would like to find out whether your pet is a suitable candidate for acupuncture then call Franklin Vets in Beachlands on 5380010. BROOKBY L DGE Brookby Lodge is a perfect pace to leave your loved pets when you are on holiday or even just while your are at work. FOR DOGS • Indoor Boarding Kennels - fully air conditioned and heated for comfort. • Daily Exercise - 6 hours of supervised play. • Indoors/Outdoors with splashpool. • Quality Foods - Royal Canin and Butch. FOR CATS • Communal Lounge - And outdoor areas. • Private spleeping spots • Climbing frames and Toys • Quality foods - Royal Canin and Whiskas. DOGGY DAYCARE IS ALSO AVAILABLE! Beachlands FVS vet Sarah Tutt with Ragdoll kitten Cuscka. 235 Brookby Rd, Brookby Tel: 530 8675 www.brookbylodge.com FRANKLIN VETS BEACHLANDS Retail Opening Hours: Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri 9.00am - 5.00pm l Wednesday 9.00am - 6.00pm l Saturday 9.00am - 12.00pm Are your pets suffering from bad breath? During the month of August we are offering FREE dental checks and 15% off all dentistry What we can do to help Oral health checks Veterinary dental care advice Reduced pain and discomfort with dentistry Don’t forget, we’re in your local area and vets are on site in the clinic on While stocks last. Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offers. Picture may vary from actual stocked item. Stockists of Monday,Tuesday, Friday and Saturday 9.00am - 12.00pm Wednesday 2.00pm to 6.00pm 100% Money Back Guarantee If your pet doesn’t like it, bring it back. No questions asked franklinvets.co.nz Find Us on Facebook 538 0010 1 42 Wakelin Road 1 beachlands@fvs.co.nz Online Pet Supplies 10 POHUTUKAWA COAST TIMES (August 21st 2015) Social club report Coast Rugby Meeting cancellation PN9761-PTC Twenty members of the Beachlands-Maraetai Social club met on August 3 at the Beachlands Hall. After the anthem, instead of an entertainer, members enjoyed playing Bingo for a change. After this the raffle was drawn with the winners being Mary Cromb and Cushla Walton. We finished with usual nice afternoon tea. We would love to see some new members at our next meeting on Monday 7 September, 1.30pm at the Beachlands Hall. – Chris. Horton. Alcohol ban review The Franklin Local Board Alcohol Ban Review Panel deliberations meeting on Tuesday 15 September at 1.30pm in the Local Board Chambers, 82 Manukau Road, Pukekohe, has been cancelled, as deliberations were undertaken after the hearings on 11 August. Beachlands Maraetai Junior Rugby Results – 15 August 2015 U6 Orange lost against Manurewa 16-9, POD James Daniel, Most Awesome Player Keanu; U6 Navy beat Dury 1412, POD Anaya Morris, ROD Carter Overend; U7 White drew 11-11 against Maurewa Green, POD Drew Strong, ROP Connor Reeleu; U8 Orange beat Weymouth 14-3, POD Max King, TOD Daniel Ritchie; U8 Navy beat Ardmore Green 10-7, POD Damien Beale, Try of the day Riley Dexter; U9 Orange beat Dury Green 10-8, POD Campbell Norton & Noah Retford; U9 Navy lost against Manurewa White 11-6 , POD Jamie Hedgman, Most Improved Lachlan Hawker; U11 lost against Dury 6-3, BOD Rico, FOD Ollie Rooks; U12 lost against Pukekohe Gold, POD Alex Fargier; Beachlands Maraetai Junior Rugby Results – 8 August 2015 U6 Orange lost to Dury 14-12 POD Dylan Samsoni Most Awesome Player Rowan Rooks ; U6 Navy BYE; U8 Orange beat U8 Navy 7-4, POD Enzo Scaggiante, TOD Fraser Brown; U8 Navy lost to U8 Orange 7-4, POD Spencer Winterman, Try of the day Tremaine Quinn; U9 Orange lost to Ardmore Marist Yellow 10-8, POD Charlie Gilchrist, Coaches pick CJ Gibson; U9 Navy lost to Manurewa White 23-2, POD Ryan Collet, Most Improved Ash Pearce; U11 won 8-2 against Patamahoe, POD Mathew Ritchie; U12’s lost again Ardmore Marist, POD Jackson Rutherford; Coast Netball Pohutukawa Coast Netball Club results, August 15: Find out more: phone 09 301 0101 or visit aucklandcouncil.govt.nz Beachlands Maraetai RFC Annual Battle of the Bridge Club Day Family Fun Day with a FREE sausage sizzle and ice cream for the kids Sunday 30th August at Te Puru Park Junior Grades from 11am Under 6yrs up to Under 13 yrs Senior Grades from 1pm 14yrs-17yrs, 18yrs-35yrs, 35yrs & Over Please email: bmrfc@vodafone.co.nz to register Reference: Matt for junior grades, Phil for senior grades NB: Locals only please. Format for the Senior games will be decided by player numbers J1 lost to Cockle Bay J2, 8-14, POD Alex Lee; J2 beat Cockle Bay J3, 26-6; J5 lost to Sunnyhills,17-9,POD Bailee McDowell; J6 lost to Cockle Bay, 4-8, POD Nicole Shirley; J7 lost to Shelly Park, 3-10, POD Meg Mckenzie; C1 lost to Shelly Park C2, 19-28, POD Bailey Smith; C2 lost to Cockle Bay C1, 27-26, POD Gemma France; C4 beat Tangaroa College C3, 23-14, POD Molly C, Maya, Lydia, Georgia, Alana, Emma and Molly W; S1 beat Pakuranga United S1, 34-30, POD Katie Sanford; S2 beat Sancta Maria S2, 24-21, POD Kirsty Vincent Results from August 8: J1 beat Shelly Park J3, 3511, POD Lucy Smart & Jamie Payne; J2 beat Carlston J1, 14-10, POD Brooklyn Murray; J3 won 21-3, POD Lily Moore ; J4 lost to Waiheke Dolphins, 12-13, POD Ellie Norton; J5 beat Sancta Maria, 10-9, POD Alana Jones; J6 beat Elim, 28-4, POD Anouk Ferreira; J7 lost to Waiheke, 2-3, POD Anya Worthington; C1 beat Sancta Maria C3, 28-16, POD Jane Ward; C2 lost to Charlies Angels C1, 33-17, POD: Haley McDonald; C3 beat Owairoa C2, 15-13, POD Laura Sinclair; C4 lost to Elim C4, 10-16, POD Maya Louw; S1 lost to Shelly Park S1, 2344, POD Kelsey Stadlander; S2 beat Sunnyhills, 19-13, POD Nira Ulupoao ACCOMMODATION RENT WANTED: Local family seeking 3 or 4 bedroom house to rent. Couple with 3 school age children. 2 cats. Have been in current property 6 years. Excellent references. Phone Tom 0211731566 or Kelly 0210341458 Wanted to Rent GARAGE Dry, secure storage wanted for a classic car, please phone 536 5273 BUYING/SELLING FERTILISER: Chicken manure fertiliser supplied, carted and spread. Also lime spreading. Ph: Neil 021 724 327/ 299 6486 FIREWOOD:Dry pine, macro, gum,. Mixed firewood. Free local delivery. Ph: 536 6928 or 0277 656 127 SHAVINGS: In woolsacks - sawdust also available. Ideal for horse stables and calf pens. Ph: Ph: Neil 021 724 327 or 299 6486. FOR HIRE WOODSPLITTER: for hire. Split your own wood now. Dry hire or with operators. Ph: Leighton 021 752 687. renew beauty room beauty therapy / make-up HEALTH & BEAUTY PROFEET: Mobile Footcare. Nail clipping and filing, corn and hard skin removal, ingrown toenails, footbath and massage. Qualified service in your own home. N.S.I. Qualified. Health Protection licence - Alk City Cncl. Ph: Nicolle Janssen on (09) 291 9298 or 021 134 1575 • Blend Method Electrolysis • Facials • Waxing • Lash/Brow Tinting • Manicures & Pedicures • Make-up for Weddings or Special Occasion using MAC Cosmetics • Gift Vouchers available BRACKS DOG GROOMING For all your grooming needs. Warm bath & dry, scissor, clip, strip, de-shed, nails. Give me a call Denise 09 536 4639 Call: Julie 09 536 4484 or 021 175 1644 Professional & Trade Services From Page 11 VETERINARY Franklin Vets Beachlands OPEN Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri 9am-5pm Wed 9am-6pm; Sat 9am-12 noon VET ON PREMISES Mon, Tues, Fri, Sat 9am-12noon, Wed 2pm-6pm 42 Wakelin Rd, Beachlands 538 0010 l beachlands@fvs.co.nz www.franklinvets.co.nz TEACHER AIDE We seek to appoint a person to work as a Teacher Aide in our Learner Support Unit. The successful candidate should be able to demonstrate initiative, energy and the willingness to be an enthusiastic team-member. This is a Fixed Term position from 25th September to the end of 2015 and is for 22.5 hours per week, during term time. A letter of application with current CV and the Support Staff Application form (which can be found on our website www.howickcollege.school.nz can be emailed to secretary@howick.school.nz Closing date for applications is Friday 28 August 2015. WATER Malmaks Water Shop Pumps, Filters & Bores Install & Service Complete Water Treatment Systems 530 8872 Whitford Village WEB DESIGN DINING GUIDE Down to Earth Wine Bar OPEN: THURS/FRI 11AM - ’TIL LATE, SAT/SUN 11 AM - 5PM Friday’s from 4pm till late Italian Pizza Night small plates, platters, wine tasting, events Ruean Thong DINING GUIDE Ph: 536 5749 FULLY LICENSED/ BYO WINE Fresh, Healthy and Delicious NOW AVAILABLE Thai food combo only $15 a main Also Chicken Pad Thai only $12 a main Dine-in or Takeaway Also available for private functions/weddings sales@turangacreek.co.nz 133 Whitford Park Road, Whitford PH 530 8936 www.turangacreek.co.nz ~FREE delivery every day except Fri & Sat, minimum order $50~ HOURS: DINNER 7 DAYS FROM 5-10.30PM 45 WAKELIN RD, BEACHLANDS Hours of opening: Wed & Thurs - 6pm-late Fri & Sat- 9am- late Sunday - 9am- 5pm OPEN: SUN to WED 11.30am – 8pm; THURS to SAT 11.30am – 8.30pm week Mid- ER WINT IAL SPEC DINING GUIDE TELEPHONE 536 4400 DELIVERY from 5pm ( FREE on orders over $40) ALL MAINS $18 WEDNESDAY NIGHTS Now includes Eye Fillet Not valid with any other promotion or discount Coupons Mon: CLOSED Tues: 9am-4pm Wed-Sun: 9am-late PH: 536 4659 info@pepperjacks.co.nz | www.pepperjacks.co.nz www.facebook.com/pepperjacksrestaurant 190 Jack Lachlan Drive, Pine Harbour Marina, Beachlands RESTAURANT & BAR Visit: www.theflyingpizza.co.nz FOR MENU DETAILS 2/5 MARAETAI SCHOOL RD, MARAETAI OPEN ON PUBLIC HOLIDAYS 2 course dinner* $35 per person Wednesday and Thursday Nights ONLY from 6pm *your choice of a starter and a main or a main and a dessert from the “Meal Deal” menu* Full a la carte menu also available on these evenings Bookings preferable 442 North Road, only 4 kms from Clevedon Village T: 09 292 8539 POHUTUKAWA COAST TIMES (August 21st 2015) 11 PETS / ANIMALS DOG TRAINER: Fiona Bailey. Qualified Dog Trainer. Flexible Training Options Available. Ph: 536 5388 & Mob 021 243 8089 SITS VACANT WEB SITE ADMIN We are looking for someone who can help manage our new webpage. This entails loading new product, monitoring pricing and keeping us current etc. This is a part time casual position with flexible hours. Not an IT position but suitable for someone who is computer savvy and would like some part time work. For more enquires please email info@clevedonwoolshed. co.nz Professional & Trade Services Guide APPLIANCES GRAYMAC APPLIANCE SERVICES Nor West House PINE HARBOUR For repairs to: Fisher & Paykel and all major brands of stoves, fridges, dishwashers,washing machines, dryers etc MARINA Visit your LOCAL dentist for all your dental needs Authorised Whirpool service centre After Hours Appts by Arrangement Dr Alex Mechkov Dr Juliane Techima For prompt reliable service 535-5093 Ph: GRAEME McCORKINDALE BDS DENTAL SURGEON, BSc, Dip.Dent.Technology Ph: 536 4361 E: pineharbour@marinadentists.co.nz BDS DENTAL SURGEON Lawn mowing • General gardening Tree trimming & removal • Pruning Spraying • Chipping ELECTRICIAN BINS PINK BINS 3, 4.5, 6 & 9 metre bins 3, 4.5 metre hardfill bins We are reliable and we recycle! Ph: 0800 PINK BINS (746-524) Email: bins@pinkbins.co.nz HOURS: Mon-Fri 9.30am-5.30pm; Sat 9.30am-2.30pm www.pinkbins.co.nz Your Local Registered Electricians 021 2921 679 Your local garden specialist Ph 536 6800 For prompt professional electrical services with a smile • www.awe.co.nz • help@awe.co.nz • free quotes james@thekeanegardener.co.nz W www.thekeanegardener.co.nz www.marinadentists.co.nz PLUMBING Providing electrical services on the Pohutukawa Coast & throughout Auckland YOUR plumber living on the Coast! WHITE WASTE LTD ph: 0800 720 710 Quality workmanship no matter the size of the job • Renovations • New Homes • Pumps • Spouting • Hot Water Cylinders • All Plumbing Repairs No job too small - No job too big! Fast, reliable service. Qualified lighting designer pony rides and children’s parties. Visit our website: w w w. c l e v e d o n a n i malfarm.co.nz or call Lynn on 292 9231 Clevedon. ATEr BRANDING moved, or chipped for mulch or landscaping. Inorganic removal and section clearing. Ph: 536 5955, 021 056 0793 DECKING: A1 Decking & Landscaping Construction, Decks, Pergolas, Garden Sheds etc. Ph. 0204 001 8401 HANDYMAN You name it... renovations, DVS installation, gardening, retaining, fencing, landscaping, trellis, light building and maintenance work. Ph Gary 021 90 30 20 or 536-6358. MOWER/CHAINSAW REPAIRS: All small en- WINDOW CLEANING: WOOD CHIPPER: Wood chipping service. Up to 60mm dia branches. Full service, cutting, chipping, spreading and clearing available. Ph Gary 021 90 30 20 or 536-6358. Ford Plumbing Website: ciflooring@vodafone.co.nz Pensioner Discounts Local Beachlands-Maraetai Craftsman Plumber 24 HOUR CALLOUT Call Mark on PROPERTY SERVICES YOUR TOTAL HEALTH & FITNESS SOLUTION DENTAL Opening Hours: Mon & Wed: 8am - 6pm Tues & Thurs: 8am - 7pm Fri: 9am - 5pm Sat: 9am - 2pm GYM & GROUP CLASS MEMBERSHIPS PERSONAL TRAINING TENNIS & SQUASH COURTS POOL 09 536 7231 WWW.PERFORMFITNESS.CO.NZ Unit 20, 2 Bishop Dunn Place Botany, Auckland you should love visiting the dentist... LEGAL $60 Online Booking Available www.sanctuarydental.co.nz *Terms and conditions apply, contact us for full details Make the right choice about your dental care We are dedicated to your personal well-being through dental health David Cain B.D.S (UK) Rick Parfitt B.D.S. Shelley Chadwick minimise your time Property Manager—Beachlands M 021-0736389 The Family Trust Specialist PUMPS Service Centre Jacques Vannoort, LLM Eddie Gausel tel 273 2173 www.sanctuarytrustlaw.co.nz • Sales & Service • Domestic Pumps • Filters • UV Purification M: 0274 308 538 Fx: 536 7084 A/H: 536 7083 Email: pumpservicecentre@xtra.co.nz STAINLESS FABRICATIONS LANDSCAPING • Teeth whitening • All ceramic tooth filling materials using Cerec3 cad-cam 3D technology • Permanent tooth replacements with dental implants • For gum health and maintencance call our hygienist Shelley Chadwick • All aspects of general dentistry Evening appointments available Call us now on 530 8461 or 530 8271 Whitford Village, Whitford, Auckland MAXIMISE YOUR INVESTMENT Call David Jones Today! We offer: • Sleep dentistry for relaxation and anxiety • Holistic and amalgam free dentistry • Free dental treatment for young adults from year 9 to 18 years old* • Payment options: GE, Farmers, Q Card Property Management State of the art systems and x dedicated personal service from a team with over 40 years property management experience. 09 273 2173 Full Comprehensive Dental Assessment including: 2 x-rays & Panoramic OPG Imaging (Full Mouth Digital X-ray) 022 601 3216 www.fordplumbing.co.nz HEALTH & FITNESS PROPERTY S’VICES: Window’s in/out,exterior house wash,gutter clearing. Exp operator, Ph Keith at Panoramics 0272 453 444 or 530 8136 • All Gas Maintenance • Electric Hot Water Cylinders • Gas Water Heating • Gas Fire Places • New & Existing Housing Carpet and Vinyl – Free measure and quote. Family business for over 35 years. Ph: 0508 243 5667 gine repairs, mowers, ride-on mowers, chainsaws, weedtrimmers, and chain saw sharpening. No job too small. Free pick-up local area only. Ph: 536 5621 or mob 027 308 7777 No job too small! Gib stop & paint, brick & block laying, tiling, paving, property maintenance. Ph: Dean 536 5164 or 0221 361 620 ROOFER: Qualified roofer, Stephen Perfect, 12yrs experience in metal roofing offers free quotes to fix or re-roof, also specialises in gutters, repairs & maintenance. Ph 027 389 5253, a/h 536 5527 More than 20 years’ experience • All Plumbing Maintenance • Pumps & Filters For ALL Domestic • Water Tanks & Commercial Work • UV Sterilisation • Rain Water Harvesting we have an eye for detail A1 HEDGES/TREES/ STUMPS: Trimmed, re- Call BRETT on 021 501 421 or 536-6592 K.Dadzie PLUMBING GAS FITTING DrAINLAyING LTD Certifying Plumber & Gas Fitter FLOORING WORK WANTED FL AME CLEVEDON ANIMAL FARM: Family farm walks, Your Local Skip Bin Supplier W PUBLIC NOTICES Call SHAY on 0212 767 797 PH: 536-4076 FREE Quotes MOB: 021 769 964 www.pohutukawaelectrical.co.nz DARRYL SMITH STAINLESS FABRICATIONS LTD 09 536 5605 or 021 263 4101 kath@landscapestudio.co.nz • Alloy Boat Repairs • Alterations & Custom-made Accessories a Specialty, Including Architectural Alloy, Stainless Steel & Steel Fabrications Ph: 266 8774 or Fax: 267 1104 Email: darrylsmithstain@actrix.co.nz 12 POHUTUKAWA COAST TIMES (August 21st 2015) Business Listing - phone 536 5715 or fax 536 5714 ACCOUNTING SERVICES Sheryl Lane, chartered accountant 530 8219 Ian McLennan, CA www.iwm.co.nz 536 6715 Diane Myers CA, diane@myersca.co.nz 292 9470 Beanies2U, call Tanya chartered accountant 536 6297 Pat Callinan, karenh@patcallinan.co.nz 533 8420 ACCOUNTING & BOOK KEEPING Fair Value Accounting, Natasha www.fairvalue.co.nz 536 5195 ACUPUNCTURE Elaine Lin, Beachlands - ACC accrediated 021 299 2694 AERIALS, TV & HOME THEATRE Smart Home Technology. Freeview, aerials, phone jacks, TV outlets, home theatre, new home prewire. Phone Sunny 0800 786 266 or 027 2841 325 Auckland Wide Electrical 536 6800, 021 998 665 AGGREGATES Beachlands Building & Hire Centre 536 6567 ALUMINUM WINDOWS: www.windowrenovations.co.nz Repairs and Replacements 021 297 2320 APPLIANCE SERVICING Axial appliance servicing Service@axial.co.nz 573 0877 ARCHITECTS Peter Diprose www.diprose.co.nz 530 9065 or 021 125 1498 ARCHITECTURAL PLAN & DESIGN Ross J Willoughby 530 9358 ASPHALT Asphalt & Civil Projects Ltd 527 8718, 0274 969 817 AUTO ELECTRICIAN Mobile Auto & Marine 0800 662 352 BEACHLANDS STORES Go to Mo’s 536 6505 Liquorland Beachlands 536 6345 Beachlands Building & Hire Centre - hardware, hire and garden centre 536 6567 BEAUTY THERAPY Electrolysis Hair Removal 536 5377, 027 536 5377 BED & BREAKFAST Brookwood Lodge (Beachlands) 536 6975 BLIND SERVICES Ven Lu Ree Blind Services For all New Blinds Plus Blind Cleaning and Repairs – www.vlr.co.nz 0800 999 229 Onsite Blind Cleaning & Repairs 528 1657 or 296 3237 BOBCAT & TRUCK HIRE Clevedon Bobcats, Dennis Marx 021 275 8544 BRICK & BLOCK LAYING Dave Stones 021 287 0188 BUILDERS Bryant Builders Ltd 0274 935 507 or 2928 777 Neal McKendrick Builders 2928 583 or 0274 374 896 Dean Hartshorne Builders Ltd 536 5645 or 027 536 5645 Homing Instincts Ltd, ph Gareth Price 021 618 181 or 536 6422 specialistbuilders.co.nz Craig 0800 54 64 64 or 021 392 092 NAS builders Ltd Neil 021 079 2589 BUILDING CERTIFIERS Compass Building Consultants Ltd 272 2269 BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES Morton Timber Co. Clevedon 292 8656 CAKE DECORATOR Cake Love serena.cakelove@gmail.com 021 201 0945 / 5365174 CAR DEALER Chris Broadhurst Motor Co 027 457 2379 CHANDLERY Marina Supplies (Pine Harbour) 536 5157 CHILD CARE CENTRES Lilly’s Locker Montessori preschool 530 8697 CLOTHING ALTERATIONS From Hems to Wedding Gowns - Call Cathryn 963 4107 COMPUTER SERVICES Andrew WhatWhyWhen.com 0220 HELP PC or 536 6514 CONCRETE WORK Asphalt & Civil Projects Ltd 527 8718 or 0274 969817 Bellingham Concretes 536 5220 or 0274 533 059 18yrs exp. Drives, paths, floors etc COUNSELLING Your Direction, www.yourdirection.co.nz 021 240 4242 DECKING A1 Decking & Landscaping Construction 0204 001 8401 – Decks, Pergolas, Garden Sheds etc Deckreation 536 4948 www.deckreation.co.nz projects@deckreation.co.nz DENTISTS Sanctuary Dental 273 2173 – Dr Yvonne Vannoort, Dr Ali Murtuza, Dr Sylvia Hong – Dr Shayeste Irani – Hygienists Michelle Felton-Naeff, Caron Thorne, Kimberley Lynch, Grace Han Whitford Dental Group 530 8461 or 530 8271 – Dr Rick Parfitt & Dr David Cain – Hygienist – Shelley Chadwick 530 8461, 530 8271 Anthony Hunt Dental Ltd, Dr Anthony Hunt, Clevedon 292 9071 Marina Dentists Pine Harbour 536 4361 DENTURES Howick Denture Services 534 8113 DIGGER & TRUCK HIRE Holland Landscaping www.hollandlandscaping.co.nz0800 200 360 Entwood Enterprises 021 767 743 or 534 2481 The Little Digger 027 278 0335 or 536 4424 DOCTORS Beachlands Medical Centre 536 6006 Maraetai Beach Medical Clinic 536 5292 DOGS, CATS & PETS Clevedon Kennels and Cattery 292 8789 Howick Country Kennels & Cattery 530 8664 Brookby Lodge accommodation for dogs & cats 530 8675 Fairfield Boarding Kennels & Cattery, Clevedon 292 8852 Noah’s Ark mobile inhome pet care 530 8136 Riverlee Pet Lodge, Clevedon 292 8789 DOG GROOMING Bracks Dog Grooming 536 4639 denise@bracksdoggrooming.co.nz www.bracksdoggrooming.co.nz DRAINLAYERS J & R Hack Drainage 021 367 431 Bay Earthworks 0274 925 771 DRILLING Drillforce – water bores, divining, pump advice 09 267 9100 EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION B/M Playcentre Mon-Fri. 9am-12 536 6015 in Beachlands School grounds Whitford Pre-School Centre 530 8726 Clevedon Kidz Early Childhood Centre 2928 358 Coastal Kids 536 6737 Coastal Kids Pre-School 536 5313 Stems From Home Professional In-Home Child Care 536 7103 Connections In The Home (In-Home Child Care) 533 3512 EARTH MOVING CONTRACTORS Henri & Lynda Habraken 0274 961 472, 536 6806 Mike Forde Contracting Ltd 021 636 816 Digginit.co.nz 5 tonne digger & mini truck, holes drilled 027 656 2270 www.brookbycontracting.co.nz 3.5t w Augers 530 9290 or 027 530 9290 ELECTRICIANS Auckland Electrical & Pump Services 536 4074, 0274 741 579 Auckland Wide Electrical 536 6800, 021 998 665 Pohutukawa Electrical 536 4076, mob 021 769 964 Positive Electrical Services 021 801 606 Powered Up Electrical 021 660 065 , 299 1122 Down to Earth Electrical 027 779 7777 ENGINEERING & WELDING M & K Anderson, onsite engineering 09 948 2160 or 021 02677369 Amediate Engineering Ltd 265 2200, 021 725 609 ENGINEERS - CIVIL/ENVIRONMENTAL/ STRUCTURAL CLC Consulting Group Ltd 576 3276 FARM KILLS Kevin Rogers 292 4725 FARM SUPPLIES Rural Supplies Clevedon Ltd 2928 404 FENCING CONTRACTORS Craig McLeod 027 292 5844 White Fencing 2928 064, 0274 957 868 FIREWOOD Ignition Firewood 0800 WOOD NOW FLOORING All About Floors, Darrel 570 5300, 021 688 875 FLORIST Clevedon Flowers, www.clevedonflowers.co.nz 292 9540 FRAMERS Howick Frames & Gallery 534 1307 FUNERAL DIRECTORS Resthaven Funeral Services Rachel Benns & Raewyn Proctor 533 7493, 267 2530 Ensom Funerals (John Ensom) 266 9942 or 524 6765 Fountains Funeral Directors & Monumentalists Papakura, Franklin and Manurewa 298 2957 or 266 6177 Howick Funeral Home Robert Johnstone - Mark Rowley 534 7300 Souly Funerals Beachlands 0800 47 68 59 GARAGE DOORS Repairs & Service, Metro Garage Doors 263 6608 GEOTECHNICAL SERVICES Fraser Thomas Ltd 278 7078 GIBSTOPPING ALL JIB, Fix, Stop - Call Geoff 022 027 0290 or 536 6653 Wayne Mackenzie 021 882 276 or ah 530 9031 Greg Brown 021 067 6104, ah 536 5989 Tony Hardyment -stopping & painting 0274 966 394, 536 6477 specialistlinings.co.nz We fix, stop, and paint 0800 54 64 64 Mark Mangham, small to large jobs: Phoenixplasterers@gmail.com 021 456 275 ah 536 4140 GLASS AND GLAZING Manurewa Glass 266 7794 Howick Glass 535 4180 GRAPHIC DESIGN Nikki Croxford www.clickcreative.co.nz 536 7142, 021 920 630 HAIRDRESSING Hair 4 You - hair salon 536 6658 Spirit Hair-Makeup-SprayTanning 536 6855 Nobel Hair & Beauty 536 5805 Hair Do’s @ Maraetai ph Denise 536 4571 Cooper Hairdressing, 16 Te Pene Rd, Maraetai 027 329 1781 Sue’s Coastal Hair Design 536 6598 or 027 536 6598 HANDYMAN SERVICES Local Handyman: 536 5050 or 021 156 7370 Oakes Landscaping/Building Services, Gary 021 903 020 Lifestyle Property Services Ltd 536 6735, 0272 533 336 HAY & HAYLAGE CONTRACTOR McInnes Contractors Ltd 0274 992 648 HEALTH & FITNESS Perform Fitness 536 7231 HEAT PUMPS Positive Electrical Services 021-801-606 HIRE & GARDEN CENTRE Beachlands Building & Hire Centre 536 6567 HOME APPLIANCE REPAIRS Graymac Appliances 535 5093 IMMIGRATION ADVICE Licensed Advisor - Lisa Seaborn 0210 229 9588 KITCHENS La Bella Kitchens Ltd, 530 9092 www. labellakitchens.co.nz Kitchen Craft Ltd www.kitchencraft.co.nz 09 274 4221 For Sizzling Kitchen Design & Cabinetry – Ph Warren Inhouse Design & Concepts Ltd 021 272 1974, 536 4625 LANDSCAPING Cornerstone Landscapes Ltd – For All Aspects Of Landscaping 530 9126 or 021 312 266 or 021 412 110 The Keane Gardener, phone James on 021 292 1679 LANDSCAPING/GARDEN SERVICES Holland Landscaping www.hollandlandscaping.co.nz 0800 200 360 Eastside Landscapes 021 484 158 LAUNDROMAT 7 DAYS, at GAS Maraetai, 536 4218 131 Maraetai Drive, Maraetai LAWNMOWING & GARDENING SERVICES Pohutukawa Coast Lawns 536 5830, 021 072 7799 The Keane Gardener, phone James on 021 292 1679 Greenacres – Stephen Howe 292 4165, 021 2266 753 LAWNMOWERS SALES/ SERVICE/ REPAIRS B’lnds/M’tai mower/chainsaw repairs 536 5621 027 308 7777 Reliable Lawnmower Services 278 5592 LAWNMOWING (LARGE AREAS) Holland Landscaping www.hollandlandscaping.co.nz0800 200 360 LEGAL SERVICES Swayne McDonald & Co (Beachlands/Maraetai/Whitford) 265 2700 John Burton - Maraetai & Beachlands 536 5279 or 299 7780 Sanctuary Trust Law, Jacques Vannoort, LLM 273 2173 LOCKSMITHS Local Locksmith - Tony 536 5050 or 021 156 7370 Armstrong Smarter Security 0800 506 111 MARQUEE HIRE Megan www.maraetaimarquee.co.nz 536 5771, 027 438 5130 MARRIAGE CELEBRANT Helen Rutledge 027 245 5837 or 536 5981 Neil Hamilton 027 224 2265 Lyn Buchanan 021 135 3643 or 536 6774 MECHANICAL REPAIRS Clevedon Automotive Ltd 292 8441, 0274 743 918 Maraetai Automotive 536 6542 Pohutukawa Motors, 57 Third View Ave, Beachlands 536 6664 Clevedon Garage & Tyres Ltd 2928 289 Clevedon Motorcyles & Machinery 292 8927,021 2544 686 MIRRORS Howick Glass 535 4180 OUTBOARD REPAIRS / MARINE ENGINEERING Eastern Marine ~ Outboard, Petrol & Diesel Motors 536 6252 PAINTERS & DECORATORS DTS Wright Contracting Ltd 536 5239 or 021 40 1094 S.T. Taylor, Member of Master Painters 021 912 515 Mustills Painting Services 536 4356, 027 619 2619 4U2C Decorators 027 648 3565 specialistlinings.co.nz We fix, stop, and paint 0800 54 64 64 PANELBEATERS & PAINTERS Whitford Panelbeaters 530 8695 Pristine Autobody, Panel & Paint 262 3757 Auto Collision Panel & Paint 534 2190 PARTY HIRE For Kids and More, www.forkidsandmore.co.nz 536 6350 PERSONAL TRAINING WOWFIT Personal Training-James 0800WOWFIT, 021 771 015 PEST CONTROL Coastal Pest Solutions (including rats, rabbits,possums, wild cats, pest birds, wasps & bees) 536 6020, 0273 932 125 Unichem Beachlands Pharmacy 536 6500, fx 536 6590 PHYSIOTHERAPIST Ultimate Physio unit 4 45 Wakelin Rd, B’lands 536 5904, 272 9294 PLASTERING (SOLID) APE Ltd, Exterior plaster & paint Ph: Joel 0275 254 024,536 4223 PLUMBERS SMS Plumbing 0212 767 797 Call The Plumber Ltd 24/7 service 536 5516, 027 202 3212 Ford Plumbing - 24 hour callout - phone Mark on 022 601 3216 PLUMBERS & GASFITTERS Ashby Plumbing & Gas 2922 445, 0272 553 499 K. Dadzie Plumbing/Gas call Brett on 021 501 421, 536 6592 PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Harcourts Beachlands Real Estate 536 6121, 0276 480 240 Rent People Ltd 0800 426 580 RobsonKerr Property Management 0508 762 766 Ray White Lighthouse Licensed Real Estate 536 7011 Barfoot & Thompson Beachlands 536 4990 Professionals Pohutukawa Coast 555 9100 PUMP SALES & REPAIRS Auckland Electrical & Pump Services 536 4074, 0274 741 579 Franklin Water Ltd 0800 826 525 Pump Service Centre 536 7083, 0274 308 538 Water Pump Specialists Malmaks Water Sho Rural Supplies Clevedon Ltd 536 5447, 0274 982 419 530 8872, 021 353 158 2928 404 REAL ESTATE AGENTS Barfoot & Thompson Beachlands 536 4990 Barfoot & Thompson Clevedon 2928 348 Barfoot & Thompson Whitford 530 8292 Harcourts Beachlands Real Estate 536 6121 Ray White Lighthouse Licensed Real Estate 536 7011 Professionals Pohutukawa Coast 555 9136 ROOFING SERVICES Eastern Roofing Services, ph Steve 536 5875, 021 865 615 NZ Spouting 0800 444 899 or 021 825 387 SCAFFOLDING Scaffold Connect Ltd 027 565 4130 or 09 215 4855 SECURITY SYSTEMS ADS Security Ltd (alarms & monitoring) 536 6860 Armstrong Smarter Security and Alarms 09 274 0999 SEPTIC TANK CLEANING SST Services phone Rob 09 2947611 or 0274 967430 SHEEP SHEARING Mr Clip Ltd - sheep, goats, 0274 853 234 SHUTTLES Coast Shuttle-local hire & airport trips 536 6488, 0274 722 613 Omana Shuttles - Airport Transfers 536-5935 SPRAY TAN SPECIALISTS Colour Me In 536 6766 Mob 027 662 9897 SURVEYORS - LAND Hollier Greig Ltd 2928 745 McInnes, Read & Lucas Ltd 2987 288 Fraser Thomas Ltd 2787 078 Churchill Land Development Services Ltd 2734 182 CLC Consulting Group Ltd 576 3276 SWIMMING POOLS Bluestone Pools Ltd 021 2731 779, ah 536 7125 Partridge Pool & Spa 299 8659 TANK CLEANING John’s Farmlet Services 0800 327 653 TRAVEL - INTERNATIONAL, DOMESTIC Chrissy,The Travel Brokers chrissyashby@ttb.co.nz 2928 081 TYRES - SALES & SERVICE Maraetai Automotive Pohutukawa Motors Clevedon Garage & Tyres Ltd, North Rd, 536 6542 536 6664 292 8289 UPHOLSTERY & CANVAS Stackpole’s Upholstery Ltd 274 8585 VALUERS-PROPERTY Property Valuations Ltd, Papakura 299 7406, pvloffice@xtra.co.nz Seagar & Partners Ltd, Charlene 272 9660 or 021 945 806 VETERINARY SERVICES Franklin Vets (Beachlands) 538 0010 Mon, Tues, Fri, Sat 9am-12noon, Wed 2-6pm for vets on premises. WALLPAPERING Wallpapering 021 1748 466 or 536 5899 WATER DELIVERY Beachlands/Maraetai Water Supply 273 9763 Beachlands Water Service 536 6508 Clevedon Water 292 8099 Whitford Water Supplies 530 8164 Rural Water, freephone 0508 787 254 or 021 765 628 John’s Farmlet Services & Water Supplies 0800 327 653 The Original Johns Water Supplies 536 6696 or 530 8155 Maraetai Blue Ltd 536 6437, 027 536 6437 Carlton Haulage 0800 420 246 Coastal Water Cartage 0508 COASTAL Todd Wheeler Transport Ltd 0508 426 246 or 0274 752 832 Seaview Water 0508 732 843 – $250 for 17,000 litres; $225 for 13,500; $180 for 10,000 WET AZZ – keeping it local 0800 WET AZZ (0800 938 299) WATER TANK CLEANING & REPAIRS Franklin Water Ltd 0800 826 525 Green Clean Co ($100) 0274 982 419 or 536 5447 John’s Farmlet Services 0800 327 653 Rural Water, freephone 0508 787 254 or 021 765 628 Healthy Water Tanks Ltd, www. healthywatertanks.co.nz 027 847 7000 WATER TREATMENT Anthony Preston Ltd, 167 Moore St, Howick 534 5127, fx 535 6353 Malmaks Water Shop 530 8872, 021 353 158 NZ Water Filters Ltd 576 9649 or 021 138 7679 WEDDING VENUE Te Puru Centre 536 5360 Maraetai Beach Boating Club 536 6649 Brookwood Lodge, Beachlands. Garden setting. Ceremony only. 536 6975 or 0274 796 453 WEIGHT LOSS HYPNOTHERAPY Virtual Gastric Band www.avrilcarpenter.com 021 626 805 WINDOWS www.windowrenovations.co.nz Repairs and Replacements 021 297 2320 WINDOW CLEANING/HOUSE WASHING Panoramics 530 8136 or 027 245 3444 BEST Property Services 0508 932 532 or 021 366 615 The Pohutukawa Coast Times is published by Pohutukawa Publishing (NZ) Ltd and printed by Beacon Print, 5 Pohutu Street, Whakatane
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