TC Views March 2007


TC Views March 2007
V O L . 2 6 , N O . 7 - J U LY 2 0 1 2
Transcona’s Only Exclusive Community Paper
(Special To The Views)
CN has announced a major sponsorship of Transcona
Centennial Square, honouring joint centennial celebrations by the
community of Transcona and CN’s Transcona Shops. CN will contribute $250,000 to erect a Centennial Clock Tower on Centennial
Square, in recognition of the long-time and continuing relationship
between the town and the railway. The announcement was made June
1 by CN President & Chief Executive Officer Claude Mongeau
while visiting the CN Transcona Shops and employees during the
centennial celebrations.
“The bond between CN and Transcona goes back to the early
days of the 20th century” said Mr. Mongeau. “The town grew around
the Shops complex that was being built on the open prairie. Over the
decades, generations of CN workers made their homes and raised
their families here. I am immensely proud that the tradition carries on
today, 100 years later, and to be recognizing the ties between us in this
highly visible manner.”
“On behalf of Transcona, I want to sincerely thank Claude
Mongeau for his tremendous leadership and dedication to communities such as ours,” said Transcona Ward Councillor Russ Wyatt. “As
the success and proud history of Transcona and Winnipeg are directly
linked to the development and growth of this great railway company,
Continued on page 4
we are forever grateful.”
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Frontier Toyota................................................................. Page
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CN Announces $250,000
Contribution To Erect
Centennial Clock Tower
Major Sponsorship
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Transcona Views - July 2012 - Page 1
The Best In Sight
A Look At Retinal Detachment
Presented By Transcona Optical
The retina is the light-sensitive layer
of tissue that lines the inside of the eye.
When the retina is lifted or pulled from its
normal position, it is called a Retinal
Detachment. If not promptly treated, a
retinal detachment can cause permanent
vision loss. In some cases, there may be
small areas of the retina that are torn.
These areas, called retinal tears or retinal
breaks, can lead to a retinal detachment.
Symptoms include a sudden-or-gradual increase in the number of floaters
and/or flashing lights in the eye or the
appearance of a curtain over the field of
vision. A retinal detachment is a medical
emergency. Anyone experiencing the
symptoms of a retinal detachment should
see an eye-care professional immediately.
What are the different types of retinal
1) Rhegmatogenous [reg-maTAH-jenous] — A tear or break in the
retina causes it to separate from the
Retinal Pigment Epithelium (RPE) -
which is the pigmented cell layer that
nourishes the retina - and fill with fluid.
These types of retinal detachments are
the most common.
2) Tractional — In this type of
detachment, scar tissue on the retina’s
surface contracts and causes it to separate from the RPE. This type of detachment is less common.
3) Exudative — Frequently caused
by retinal diseases including inflammatory
disorders and injury/trauma to the eye. In
this type, fluid leaks into the area underneath the retina (subretina).
Although anyone can experience a
retinal detachment, people with certain
eye conditions are at increased risk.
Some examples of these conditions
Detachment ... Lattice Degeneration
Degenerative Myopia ... and Uveitis.
Injuries to the head can also cause a
retinal detachment.
Transcona Views - July 2012 - Page 2
Small holes and tears are treated with
Laser Surgery or a freeze treatment called
Cryopexy. These procedures are usually
performed in the doctor’s office. During
laser surgery, tiny burns are made around
the hole to “weld” the retina back into place.
Cryopexy is a similar procedure that
freezes the area around the hole.
Retinal detachments are treated with
surgery that may require the patient to
stay in the hospital. In some cases, a sclera buckle (a tiny synthetic band) is
attached to the outside of the eyeball to
gently push the wall of the eye against the
detached retina. If necessary, a
Vitrectomy may also be performed to
treat more severe cases.
Early treatment can usually
improve the vision of most patients with
retinal detachments. An eye-care professional who has examined the
patient’s eyes and is familiar with his-orher medical history is the best person to
answer specific questions.
(Transcona Optical is located at
212 Regent Avenue West in Downtown
Transcona. Text for this article was
taken from the National Eye Institute
(NEI), National Institutes of Health
(NIH). For more info on Retinal
Detachment, visit v
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Transcona Views - July 2012 - Page 3
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CN Announces $250,000 Contribution
To Erect Centennial Clock Tower
Continued from page 1
will enjoy this beautiful Town Square
and all of its elements.”
CN employs approximately 500
people at its Transcona Shops complex. They perform heavy repairs to
CN’s Canadian-based locomotives and
railcar fleets and supply the whole network with freight and locomotive wheels
and traction motors. More than 300 of
these workers have joined CN in the last
five years. In addition to the workforce
renewal, CN has invested some $10
million of improvements to the Shops in
the same time period, upgrading lighting, ventilation, employee facilities and
other parts of the complex.
CN — Canadian National Railway
Company and its operating railway subsidiaries — spans Canada and midAmerica from the Atlantic and Pacific
Oceans to the Gulf of Mexico, serving
the ports of Vancouver and Prince
Rupert, B.C., Montreal, Halifax, New
Orleans and Mobile, Ala., and the key
The Tower will be built on
Centennial Square now being established in the heart of downtown
Transcona. The Square will be a tribute
to the history, pride and strong spirit of the
community as it gathers together to celebrate its 100th Anniversary. The construction and development of this quarteracre urban park will create usable green
space which will be enjoyed by all.
“Today’s announcement of CN’s
generous sponsorship will enable the
construction of a Clock Tower that will
be a community beacon that pays tribute to the strong history and spirit of
Transcona,” said Kent Davis,
President of the Transcona Business
Improvement Zone which is overseeing the development of both the Square
and the Tower. “It is truly fitting our partner here today is CN. Transcona is a
railway town and this celebrates that
long and strong connection. Today and
well into the future, Transcona citizens
metropolitan areas of Toronto, Buffalo,
Chicago, Detroit, Duluth, Minn.
/Superior, Wisc., Green Bay, Wisc.,
Minneapolis/St. Paul, Memphis and
Jackson, Miss. with connections to all
points in North America. For more
information on CN, visit the company’s
website at v
Dazzling Display — Photography
student Ashley Delorme of Transcona
captured a series of images from the
Fabulous Fireworks extravaganza sponsored by Manitoba Lotteries and held in
June at Buhler Recreation Park during
the Transcona Hi Neighbour Festival.
This is just an example of the photos she
snapped that night. More of her
Fireworks images are included in the
Gallery section of the Hi Neighbour
Festival Website at www.hineighbour
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Transcona Views - July 2012 - Page 4
Vegetables, Homemade Pies/Pastries
& Baking must be donated either the
afternoon or evening of August 21 or
the morning of August 22. If you are
able to donate some items, call Michelle
or Erin at 204-222-3251/Ext 245.
Adult Education Registration
Registration for new classes leading to
a Mature High School Diploma will
resume in late August & September at
Transcona Adult Learning Centre,
Community Billboard
Programs For Children & Youths —
Oxford Heights Community Centre at
359 Dowling Avenue East has two new
programs this summer. The Children’s
Free Play Program for children ages
six-to-12 will run until Friday August 10
— Monday to Friday from 10:00 AM to
4:00 PM. The Summer Youth Action
Centre, geared to youths ages 13-andup, will run until the same date but on
the following schedule: Monday to
Thursday from 2:00-9:00 PM and
Fridays from 2:00-6:00 PM. Both are
FREE summer recreation programs. For
more info, visit
Food Bank Switches To Summer
Schedule — Transcona Food Bank
will be open only once per month in July
& August, the specific dates being
Thursday July 19 and Thursday
August 16. It will resume its regular
schedule in September when it will be
open on the 1st-and-3rd Thursdays of
each month. To receive food, you must
pre-register with Winnipeg Harvest at
204-982-3660 on-or-before the Friday
morning prior to each Food Bank
date. On Food Bank days, a Used
Clothing Depot is open to the general
public from 8:30-9:30 AM and food is
available to Food Bank recipients from
9:30-10:30 AM. Food Bank’s location
is Suthwyn Hall, Transcona Memorial
United Church, 209 Yale Avenue West
... The Food Bank would like to thank
everyone for their donations during the
Transcona Hi Neighbour Festival
Parade in June, as well as thanking all
of its volunteers who collected donations along the parade route.
Vacation Bible School For Kids
3-To-15 — St. George’s Anglican
Church and Transcona Memorial
United Church (TMUC) have once
again teamed up for Vacation Bible
School this summer. The Bible School
will operate this year out of TMUC at
209 Yale Avenue West. It will be held
the week of July 23-27 from 9:00 AM
to 12:00 Noon. Activities have been
added this year for youths 12-to-15
years old, not just 3-to-11 as in previous
Donate Items For August
Farmer’s Market — Park Manor
Personal Care Home at 301 Redonda
Street will host a Farmer’s Market on
Wednesday August 22 from 9:30 AM
to 6:30 PM. Donations from the community would be gratefully accepted.
“White Elephant” Items and Craft
Items can be donated anytime before
August 20 ... Canning Items &
Preserves should be donated by
August 21 ... Fresh Fruit &
Continued on page 8
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Transcona Views - July 2012 - Page 5
Transcona Remembered
Historical Landmark Prompts
Recollection Of Many Names
By Bill Blaikie, Guest Columnist
The building at the corner of
Madeline & Pandora — which opened
in 1956 and used to house the
Transcona Police & Fire Department,
the Public Works Department and
Transcona City Council Chambers —
may soon be history, as I understand
that the city property between Madeline
& Hoka is slated for a condominium
development. This is not a bad thing,
but it does mean that another
Transcona landmark may well be disappearing, making it appropriate perhaps to remember some of those who
served our community from that place.
It was in that building that I first
exercised my interest in how the business of elected officials was conducted,
attending city council meetings in 1963.
I remember quite lively arguments on
occasion between Aldermen Bill
Dyzndra & Mike Starr with Mayor
Harry Fuller presiding. The Mayor
before Fuller was Tom Copeland and
before that, Paul Martin who was voted
“The Greatest Transconian” a few
years ago and is an Honourary Chair
of Transcona’s 100th Anniversary.
Another of the Aldermen that I
remember from that time was the late
Jack Perry whose wife, Rev. Edna
Perry, is also a Centennial Honourary
Chair. Other names that come to mind
from councils past are Nick Slotek, Al
Thompson, Walter Philip & Don
Perry. Don was later one of three elected to represent Transcona on
Winnipeg City Council when we first
became part of the new Winnipeg created in 1971. The other two were Phil
Rizzuto and Bernie Wolfe, another
Honourary Chair of our Centennial.
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But it isn’t only the politicians who
served our community from that place
who should be remembered. City
Engineer George Reshaur (who had
the idea to build Murdoch Hill),
General Foreman Harry Sandulak,
Stan Lopuck, Charlie & Frank
Altomare, Jake Wiebe... are just a few
longtime city workers who come immediately to mind... and Tony Bayrack,
who gave me a follow-up course in
Ukrainian, my first having been
obtained across the street one summer
at North American Lumber building
trusses with Mike Grodzyk.
Thinking of Transcona Police &
Fire folks who served out of Pandora &
Madeline, I immediately think of Chiefs
Joe Teres & Gus Bilodeau and an earlier Chief, Alex Taylor, who did his
Justice Of The Peace work there.
Others also come to mind like Bert
Zaretski, John Matheson, Walter
Shefchyk, Jack Haack, Brian Kramble,
Joe Lucky, Bill Evans & Barry Rand.
What became the new public safety
building at Pandora & Plessis, opened
in 1968, is itself now a matter of historical
record, although it continues to exist in a
transformed way as a church.
Continued on page 10
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Transcona Views - July 2012 - Page 6
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Transcona Views - July 2012 - Page 7
Community Billboard
130 Regent Avenue East. Classes in a
variety of subjects will begin September
4. Call 204-958-9297 for an appointment ... Registration will also take
place at the McLeod Centre, 530
McLeod Avenue in North Kildonan,
during August and up to September
10. Call 204-667-6193 for more information and to make an appointment.
Expressions Of Appreciation Re
Festival Events — St. Michael’s
Ukrainian Catholic Parish wishes to
thank all the residents and visitors who
supported their Ukrainian Luncheon,
held in conjunction with the Transcona
Transcona’s 100th Anniversary, and
made it such a great success .....
Transcona Legion would like to extend
a HUGE Thank-You to everyone for
their support of our most successful Hi
Neighbour Pancake Breakfast ever.
Volunteers consisted of: five students
from Arthur Day School, Transcona
Sea Cadet parents, Legion members
and Transcona 100th Anniversary
Committee members. Also a special
thank-you for the donation of the extra
grill, batter and helper/cook from
Smitty’s Restaurant on Regent. And
to the Transcona BIZ for advertising on
their billboard. We sat approximately
565 people.
Hi Neighbour Festival Thanks
Sponsors — Organizers of the 2012
Transcona Hi Neighbour Festival
wish to thank their Sponsors for their
support. Without them, the Festival
would not have been as successful as it
was. Sponsors were: Assiniboine
Insurance, Birchwood Honda, Border
Chemical, Boyd Autobody & Glass,
CIBC (Crossroads), Cambrian Credit
Union (Regent), Canad Inns (Club
Regent Casino Hotel), Canad Inns
(Transcona), Casera Credit Union,
Central Hotel, Community Safety Net,
Crosstown Credit Union (Regent), D
& S Auto, Dal’s Restaurant & Lounge,
East End Arena, Eastside Storage,
Econo Muffler, Extra Foods, Gateway
Publishing, Gauthier Dodge Chrysler
Jeep, George & Tweed Law
Goodfellow Real Estate, Granny’s
Henry’s Car Wash, Investors Group,
Kehler Realty, Keystone Ford,
Kildonan Place Shopping Centre,
Knights of Columbus (#13185),
Russell Group, NVR Construction,
New Flyer Industries, Nexstar, North
American Lumber, Oakley Optical,
PMC Orion Insurance, Pandora Inn,
Pharmacy, Qualico Homes, Raymond
Vauclair Projects, Regent Park
Pharmacy, Rene’s Landscaping,
Royal Bank (Regent), Royal Canadian
Legion (Transcona Branch #7),
Rubenstein Bros., Sevala’s Ukrainian
Deli & Catering, Steinbach Credit
Union (Lagimodiere & Steinbach),
Subway (Regent), TD Bank Group
(Regent), Transcona BIZ, Vickar
Mitsubishi, Vickar Nissan, Whistle
Pig Drive-Inn and Wyatt Dowling
Insurance/Red River Mutual.
Continued on page 14
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Transcona Views - July 2012 - Page 9
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Gardens Of Delight
Container Gardening Competition
By Domia Derkach
It’s time to enter your Container
Garden in the Transcona Garden
Club’s annual Container Gardening
Competition. These will be judged
around the third week of July and you
must register before July 15. There are
no fees and competition is open to all.
We will need your name, address and
phone number. Make sure the container
to be judged is clearly marked with a
sign (e.g. ‘Judge Me’). To register, call
More details available in the Club’s
Prize Booklet which may be picked up
at either Transcona Public Library at
111 Victoria Avenue West or the
Transcona BIZ Office at 108 Bond
Street during their regular business
hours. There are three prizes to be won:
1st $10, 2nd $7.50 & 3rd $5. First-prize
recipient will also receive a Transcona
Centennial Knights of Columbus
Award. All prizes will be awarded at the
Club’s Annual Awards Night in
Calling All Junior Gardeners —
Entries for the Junior Garden
Competition and the Junior Container
Gardening Competition are also due
at this time. Same details apply as noted
above. Parents and grandparents are
urged to encourage the children to participate. All children under 16 years of
age are eligible. There are some very
nice awards just for the kids in both of
their competitions. Call 204-222-0236 to
enter your garden and/or your container.
Contact Information — If you
have any questions regarding the
Club’s annual Garden Show &
Competition to be held in August at
Kildonan Place Shopping Centre, call
the Show Convener at 204-224-2356
... For more info about the Club’s other
activities, or about obtaining a Club
Membership, or to enter the July competitions, call 204-222-0236. v
Historical Landmark
Prompts Recollection
Of Many Names
Continued from page 6
Liz Golis
Financial Services Officer
(204) 925-2710
100-855 Regent Ave
The same cannot be said for many
other Transcona landmarks like
Central School, the Queen’s Court
Apartments at Regent & Winona,
Blostein’s Store, Harry Sucharov’s
Transcona Motors at Plessis &
Regent, the Transcona News on
Victoria, the Bowling Alley at Regent
& Day, the Fruit Home across the
street, the Transcona Curling Club
and last but not least, Joe Lerner’s corner store at Day & Rosseau, to name
a few. v
Transcona Views - July 2012 - Page 10
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Transcona Views - July 2012 - Page 11
Our Past Perfect
Three New Museum Interns Add To Summer Fun
By Ashlee Bart, Communications & Gallery Assistant
Transcona Historical Museum
Transcona Historical Museum
has three new summer interns eager to
share their ideas and talents.
Samantha Porco joins us as a
Communications & Gallery Assistant
(CGA). Samantha has lived in
Transcona her whole life and is more
than excited to be working at the
Museum. She recently obtained her
Bachelor of Science Degree and is
entering the Education After Degree
program in the fall.
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Also sharing the CGA position is
Ashlee Bart who is in her fourth year of
Education studies and loves working
with kids. She hopes to add an educational component to the drop-in days
and develop them further, as it is only
the second year running this program.
The third intern is Kent McLeod who is
cataloging and updating the Museum’s
ever-growing archival-and-artifact holdings. He is also busy researching information for members of the community
who have research requests regarding
the history of Transcona.
Programs For Kids & Families —
We have tons of fun programming
scheduled for kids and families this
summer including our Kid’s Quest
scavenger hunt, drop-in programs and
walking tours. Here are some important
July 3 To August 31 — Kid’s
Quest — Annual self-led scavenger
hunt for kids 5-15 years old. Come learn
about your community. Prizes for each
completed Kid’s Quest form, weekly
draws and a chance to win the Grand
Prize. Suggested donation: $1.
July 4 To August 31 — Free DropIn — Kids aged 5-12 can join us every
Monday, Wednesday & Friday from
1:00-4:00 PM. Crafts will be made
which highlight each week’s theme.
There will also be games and other
activities. Some days we will play outside so remember to bring a hat, sunscreen and a water bottle. Themes:
July 4 & 6: Hi Friend! ... July 9, 11 &
13: People & Our Community ... July
16, 18 & 20: Fun With Critters! ... July
23, 25 & 27: To & From Transcona ...
July 30, August 1 & 3: Let’s Dig! ...
August 8 & 10: Sports ... August 13,
15 & 17: All About Trains ... August
20, 22 & 24: Now & Then ... August
27, 29 & 31: Transcona’s 100th
July 5 To August 30 — Walking
Tours — Come compare the development of today with the landmarks of yesterday through archival photographs
and storytelling. We will leave
Transcona BIZ Market Garden at 2:30
Transcona Views - July 2012 - Page 12
PM every Thursday. Wear good walking shoes and dress for the weather.
There is no charge to attend.
Contact Info — Summer Hours
are Monday to Saturday from 9:00 AM
to 4:00 PM. We are located at 141
Regent Avenue West (at Bond
Street). For more info, call 204-2220423, e-mail, visit our Official Website at or
check out our Facebook Page at www. (be
sure to ‘Like’ us). v
Miss Transcona Royalty On
Parade — Past Miss Transcona’s who
were able to attend the Miss Transcona
Reunion held during the Transcona Hi
Neighbour Festival in June get into the
swing of things on their special float during
the Festival Parade. They were very
excited to have gotten together for the
Festival Weekend. Reunion Organizer
Jean Delorme expresses her thanks to
Larry Vickar who gave each of the Miss
Transcona’s a Transcona Centennial
Book as a souvenir. She also expresses
her appreciation to Transcona Ward
Councillor Russ Wyatt and ElmwoodTranscona MP Lawrence Toet who presented the 16 Miss Transcona’s with a
ribbon that bore the title “Miss
Transcona” plus the year in which they
were crowned. Each Miss Transcona
also received Centennial and Transcona
100 pins. (Photo By Dean Jonasson.) v
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Transcona Views - July 2012 - Page 13
D & S Auto Receives Mayor’s Award
Provided By The Transcona BIZ
Winnipeg Mayor Sam Katz (right)
presented a 2012 Mayor’s Award in
early June to Dave Hrynchuk, coowner along with brother Jack of D & S
Auto Service at 122 Regent Avenue
West. The prestigious award is presented annually to individuals, organizations
and businesses that have made significant contributions to their local
Business Improvement Zone (BIZ).
Awards are presented for exemplary
work that contributes to BIZ programs in
a variety of ways. Past awards have
acknowledged contributions in the
areas of special events, marketing, promotions, physical enhancement and
Since 1976, D & S Auto has served
Transcona and surrounding areas plus
province-wide customers with knowledge, honesty, great customer service
and quality workmanship. Dave opened
the business with his brother Steve who
retired in 1999. Jack then joined Dave
Transcona BIZ Green Team. They are
forever filling flat tires, charging batteries, changing bearings and doing so
much more for the Green Team students who water the flowers throughout
the BIZ during the summer months. The
students quickly learn that Dave and his
staff are their “Go To Guys” for advice
and assistance. For the countless hours
of repair and support offered over the
years, Transcona BIZ was proud to
nominate Dave Hrynchuk and the staff
of D & S Auto for the 2012 Mayor’s
Award. v
as a partner. Today, the two owners —
along with employee Kevin — offer a
combined 95 years of automotive
knowledge and experience. Trust, honesty and integrity are often words used
by customers to describe the service
they receive from D & S Auto.
For many years, the gentlemen at
D & S have been quiet heroes to the
Festival Appreciates Donations
— Transcona Hi Neighbour Festival
organizers would like to express their
appreciation to several businesses for
their generous Donations towards the
2012 Festival: Domino’s Pizza for supplying pizza to volunteers and security
... IGA on Plessis for sandwiches ...
Sevala’s Ukrainian Deli & Catering for
Al’s Home
Sausage &
(Nat-Al Ltd.)
Taste the Quality…Taste the Difference
Al’s Homestyle
Sausage Recipes
Meat Pa le
Check our
In-Store Specials
We have many years of experience and our staff offers
friendly service from the Little Meat Shop in Transcona!
123 Regent Avenue East
(Beside the Transcona Legion)
HOURS: Sunday 12:00 - 4:00
Monday Closed
Tuesday - Saturday 9:00 - 6:00
Transcona Views - July 2012 - Page 14
perogies and kulbassa ... Subway at
Regent & Day for sub coupons ... Plus
for providing automobiles for dignitaries
in the Festival Parade: Larry Vickar
(five cars), Auto List (three cars) and
Keystone Ford (three cars).
Transcona Historical Museum
December 2011: Shane Yaworski,
Sterling Ducharme, Gil Maynard,
Bernie Chapko, Carol Boutet, Jhun
Verona, Pat Jonasson, Brenda
Deroche, Cy Nimchuk, Peter Martin,
Brett McCullough, David & Taryn
Giesbrecht, Mary Courchene, Brigitte
Worm, Kim Caetano, Rob & Deb
Petkau, Stanley Cordeiro, Jan
Senyshyn, Lorraine Silk, Mayvis
January 2012: Peter G. Maruca,
Carla Slipec, Fred Kleinsasser, Gina
Wychnenko, Sharon & Andrew
Thomson, Percy Allan, Yvonne
Marion, Dianne Hemming, Judy
Prokopchuk, June Donnelly, Terrie
Stewart, Peter Perch, Christine
Brunen, Alison & Barry Zerbin,
Sharron Yakowchuk, John Cook,
Terry McCreary, Yvette Banfield, Mark
St. Laurent, Allan Akins, Leonard F.
February 2012: Dale Gigolyk,
Christine Sward, Josie Walld, Laurie
Molinski, Henri Bourquin, Doris
Perrin, Dick Reimer, Diane & Ross
MacIver, Gregg Derlago, Sladen
Adleman, Barbara Korb, Else
Hansen, Sheridan Pawluk, Shari
Howells, Richard Mueller, Wayne
Bernshine, Mike McDermid, Terry
McCreary, Deborah & Brian Sellar.
March 2012: Dean Gushulak,
Irene Trann, Jill Basarab, William
Mazaur, Cindy Smith, Bernie Nault,
Lore Harrap, David Johnson, Len
Kork, Art Caldwell, Janice Stardom,
Marcel Lemoine, Hilda Kessling,
Debbie Coleman, Chris Savory, Gene
Edwards, Grant Bridgeman, Bill
Moroz, Evelyn Kouk, Terry Solomon,
Ryan Munro, Steve Malo.
April 2012: Ameilia Co-Ping, Rea
Chornley, Kathy Deschamps, Gregg
Derlago, Trevor Boehm, Ed Vandal,
Rick Panting, Lauren Russell, Linda
Komus, Les Rubin, Dave Jeffrey,
Gerald Wallace, John & Luba
Ewashko, James Kanceruk, Bruce &
Marlene Candline, Jeana Prociuk,
Ben Ostrander, Lawrence Ulusy,
Richard Mueller.
May 2012: Debbie Barthalette,
Paul Stoesz, David George, Richard
Senez, G. Desender, Scott Stevens,
Amelia Co-Ping, Wally Strylytski, Dr.
C.M. Possia, Walter W. Nilsson,
Heather Landgaft, Daniel Dobson,
Joe Strike, Ruby Garand, Diana-Lynn
Petrash, Joe Hoe, Linda Baird, David
Bergen, Michelle Wyryha, Mary
Butchart, Laurie Cheffiws, Roy
June 2012: Darryl Clarke, Wayne
Bernshire, Sylvia Truesdale, Howard
Bloomfield, Chantal Sabot, Lois
Watts, Daniel Marion, Joe Hoe, David
& Gina Low, Rose Boyd, Dr. Bruce
Rosner, Carrie Simmons, Marge Riel,
Warna Sheridan, Elsie Omiucke,
Joanne Legault, Cal Moskal, Teresa
Macijuk, Florence Neimore, Dorothy
Zahara, Carol Martel.
Wednesday Suppers On Summer
Break, But Bingo Continues —
Wednesday Suppers at St. Michael’s
Ukrainian Catholic Parish, 400 Day
Street, are on their summer break for
July & August. They will resume in
Continued on page 20
Proudly providing personalized, honest and affordable services
in Transcona, the RM of Springfield and surrounding areas.
Transcona Views - July 2012 - Page 15
WE GOT THE GREY CUP — That venerable symbol of
supremacy each year in the Canadian Football League, the
Grey Cup, made an appearance during the Transcona Hi
Neighbour Festival Parade in June. Local businesswoman
Jean Delorme (far left) was instrumental in securing the Grey
Cup as a parade highlight. This was only fitting with
Transcona celebrating its 100th Anniversary and the 100th
Grey Cup Game will be played this year on Sunday
November 25 in Toronto. Beside Jean is Dennis, the Escort
for the Grey Cup. The others from left are Darcy Robert, Kim
Delorme and Grant Reid of the Hi Neighbour Festival
Committee. They were gathered in Tavern United at Canad
Inns Transcona. (Photo By Dean Jonasson.) v
We Service:
Lawn Mowers
Chain Saws
All makes
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201 Regent Ave. W.,
Winnipeg, MB R2C 1R3
Phone: (204) 224-1760
Wi nni p eg ’s No . 1 Saw Sho p
Dr. Alison McMechan
is pleased to announce that her new office in
Reenders Square is now open…Returning and new
patients are very welcome to join her there.
• Comprehensive Eye Examinations
• Contact Lens Fitting and Training
• Glaucoma and Cataract Evaluation
• Digital Retinal Photography
• A Wide Selection of Eyeglasses and Sunglasses Including Vanni, Ray-Ban,
Juicy Couture, Easy Clips, D&G, Burberrry, Lucky Brand, Gucci & more
Summer Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Closed Mondays of Long Weekends. Saturday hours will resume August 18
Reenders Square Eye Centre
50 - 11 Reenders Drive, Winnipeg, Manitoba R2C 5K5
Phone: (204) 421-9429
Miss Transcona Recognition —
Jean Delorme, who for many years was
the driving force behind the former Miss
Transcona Pageant, displays the special plaque and dozen yellow roses that
she was awarded during the Miss
Transcona Reunion at the Transcona
Hi Neighbour Festival in June. The
plaque reads as follows: “Miss
Transcona Reunion 2012 would like to
acknowledge Jean Delorme for her
years of support and tireless commitment to the Miss Transcona Pageant.
You are and always will be the real Miss
Transcona.” The plaque and roses
were presented to Jean by the Miss
Transcona’s in attendance and by
Grant Reid on behalf of the Festival.
Jean organized the Reunion to coincide
Anniversary Celebrations. (Photo by
Dean Jonasson.) v
or visit
Transcona Views - July 2012 - Page 16
Seeking Public Support
Proposed Park City West Multiplex
Would Enhance Our Quality Of Life
By Robin Chase, Views Editor
Park City West Community
Centre at 115 Sanford Fleming Road
has had a Multiplex proposal on the
drawing board for several years now...
one designed to increase the quality of
life in Transcona by providing a multitude of recreational options... but they
need new public support if the project is
to have any chance at all of getting off
the ground. There have been several
news reports about the project over the
last few years, but for the benefit of new
residents and for anyone else not fully
aware of it, let’s reiterate a few key
aspects of the project.
Healthy Living/Fitness Facility —
Imagine how nice it would be if there
was a place in Transcona where you
could walk-or-run and exercise indoors
year-round. The proposed Healthy
Living/Fitness Facility component of
the Multiplex project would include a
full range of treadmills, elliptical trainers
and stationary bikes as well as other
types of exercise equipment.
New Arena — It has become obvious to many people that Roland
Michener Arena at 1121 Wabasha
Street is getting a little long in the tooth.
The proposed Park City West
Multiplex would include a new, state-ofthe-art, environmentally-friendly arena
component. But even if a new arena is
built, Roland Michener need not fall
victim to the wrecking ball.
Scott Donald is a former Park
City West Vice-President of Sports
who has been working on the Multiplex
project. He says Roland Michener
could be renewed for other purposes:
“Roland Michener loses the City of
Winnipeg about $200,000 a year. By
converting or ‘repurposing’ Roland
Michener for a different use, the City
could save a lot of money. For example,
Manitoba Gryphons would like to use
Roland Michener as a year-round facility for box-and-field lacrosse for training,
practices and games. The fact that
Roland Michener has boards, player
benches, stands, dressing rooms,
showers etc. makes it perfect to be
‘repurposed’ as a lacrosse facility.”
Past Public Support — Mr.
Donald pointed out that two different
surveys were conducted in 2007 & 2011
which showed 90% support by residents
for the proposed Multiplex. In addition
in 2009, all Community Centre
Presidents in Transcona & River East
voted in support of the proposal. Also,
the General Council of Winnipeg
Community Centres (GCWCC — the
group that oversees all community centres in Winnipeg) recommended the
Multiplex at Park City West as a Top
Five Priority for the City. Lastly in
2010, the City’s Executive Policy
Committee approved the GCWCC
business plan which included the proposal for a Multiplex in Transcona.
Continued on page 19
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Transcona Views - July 2012 - Page 17
Transcona Legion News
Come & Join The Legion
By Celeste West
It was only just today that a fellow
co-worker of mine asked me what the
Legion is. There are many people out
there who still do not know what the
Royal Canadian Legion is all about. He
said all he knew was that he’d drive by a
building every day that said “Legion” in
big words and “Bar opens at Noon”. I
thought that this would be the perfect
opportunity to provide an explanation by
outlining the activities and programs of
Transcona Legion Branch #7.
I mentioned to him about the
Poppy Campaign and that every
November, the Legion distributes
Poppies to the public - that the money
collected goes towards donations to
hospitals for medical equipment ... provides assistance to Legion housing
that provides homes for low-income
Veterans ... offers bursaries for postsecondary education ... hosts colouringand-literary contests for local schools ...
sponsors local youth groups ... and provides speakers to go to local schools
and talk about Remembrance.
The Legion also provides activities
for its members and has in-house clubs
such as Darts and Cribbage, to name
but two. Transcona Legion holds tournaments such as Golf, Darts, Cribbage
and Nine Ball with other Legions on
Zone, District, Provincial & National
Levels. There is a Legion Sports Camp
for teenage children located at the
International Peace Gardens in southwestern Manitoba. I could go on and on,
but maybe you should come down to the
Legion and see for yourself.
You do not have to be a Veteran to
become a member. We are a club that
welcomes all new members — without
you this organization would not be here.
And don’t let the “Bar open at Noon”
sign make you think that we are just a
club where old Veterans go to drink
beer – we are much more than that. We
are having a Membership Drive and
we are looking for 100 new members
this year. Come in and see how easy it
is to join.
Hall Rentals — We have a beautiful hall for rent. It would be perfect for
your Centennial Celebration. Call 204222-9951 for details ..... Centennial
Merchandise — Transcona 100
Merchandise is still for sale at the
Legion. Come down after 2:00 PM and
check out what is available. Youth sizes
are included ..... Transcona Legion is
located at 117 Regent Avenue East in
Downtown Transcona.
Upcoming Events — Executive
Meeting on Tuesday July 10 at 6:30
PM ... Family Picnic on Sunday July
15 from 12:00 Noon to 4:00 PM at St.
Vital Park, Structure 2B (beside the
soccer field). Please register at the
Branch to attend ... General Meeting on
Thursday July 26 at 7:30 PM .....
Weekly Events — Bingo every
Monday at 7:00 PM ... Cribbage every
Transcona Views - July 2012 - Page 18
Tuesday at 7:30 PM ..... Watch the
Bulletin Boards for details of all events.
For more info, you may also call
Transcona Legion at 204-222-9951, email or visit our
website at v
will be compiled by project officials and
presented to Transcona Ward
Councillor Russ Wyatt who has a long
history of fighting for Transcona at City
letters/messages, you will be letting
Councillor Wyatt know that you want
him to fight for this project. And if you
would like more information regarding
the proposed Multiplex project, you
may e-mail Mr. Donald at scott.donald v
Proposed Park City
West Multiplex
Would Enhance Our
Quality Of Life
Transcona City Councillor
Continued from page 17
“So you may be asking why this
project has not gone ahead,” said Mr.
Donald. “Well it’s complicated, but
essentially a department within the City
of Winnipeg believes only twinned arenas should be built, regardless of the
merits of twinned arenas in all areas of
the City or the support for a Multiplex in
What Can You Do? — You can
send your expressions of support via email to multiplexfortranscona@ ... These communications
City Hall
Council Bldg., 510 Main Street
Winnipeg, MB R3B 1B9
Phone: 986-8087
Fax: 986-8549
The Transcona BIZ Anti-Graffiti Campaign
sponsored by the City of Winnipeg,
City Councillor Russ Wyatt and Transcona BIZ
The goal of the campaign is to wipe out
graffiti in the Transcona Community
from April to December 2012
If you see any Graffiti in Transcona
please call the hotline at
222-8566 or visit
Proudly serving Transcona and area for over 9 years
(business and residential removal services available)
Transcona Views - July 2012 - Page 19
Community Billboard
September, weekly from 5:00-7:00 PM
followed by Bingo. Menu includes perogies, sausage, coleslaw, hot dogs, popcorn and homemade desserts ... But
please note that Wednesday Bingo
continues at 7:00 PM throughout the
summer with the canteen selling coffee,
popcorn, hot dogs, etc.
St. George’s Anglican Church
News — CLAY 2012 (Canadian
Lutheran Anglican Youth Gathering)
for youths 14—to-19 years old will be
held August 16-19 in Saskatoon. To
register or for more info, visit ... St. George’s
Anglican Parish thanks all who supported their Garden Centre this year ...
Many of our programs such as Sunday
School, ACW, Men’s Breakfast and
Adult Movie Nights are on their sum-
mer break and will resume in the fall ...
St. George’s Parish at 321 Pandora
Avenue West gathers for BAS
Eucharist Service on Sundays at
10:30 AM and also on Mondays at 7:00
PM for a unique Contemplative
Communion, Hospital Visits &
Prayers For Healing available as
requested ... St. George’s also provides
a monthly service (second Wednesday
at 9:45 AM) for residents of Park Manor
Personal Care Home. More volunteers
welcome ... To volunteer or for more info
about our scent-free Church and its
activities, visit or call the Church
Office at 204-222-1942 ... Links on
website for Anniversary Booklet and
The Bellringer Newsletter (includes
St. Michael’s Perogy Sales — Are
on their summer break during July &
August. St. Michael’s Ukrainian
Catholic Church at 400 Day Street will
resume Perogy Sales in September on
selected Fridays with its Fall Schedule
as follows: September 14 & 28 ...
October 12 & 26 ... November 9 & 23
... December 7 & 14. Orders must be
placed by the Tuesday preceding the
Perogy Sale date. Contact Person is
Jo at 204-222-8557.
Diabetes Support Group — Is taking an extended summer break through
July, August & September. Next meeting is Thursday October 11 from 2:003:00 PM in Access Transcona at 845
Regent Avenue West. Topic to be
announced. No registration required.
For more info, call 204-940-2114.
(Submitted by Access Transcona.)
• Summer Dance Intensives
• Princess Dance Camp
• Be a Canadian Pop Star
• Be a Broadway Star
• World Music &
Full & Half Day Camps
Before & After Care Available
Running weekly in August 2012
Buy one camp
get one free
And many more
exciting camps
Dance Camp
Seniors Bulletin
Alzheimer’s Caregivers Group —
Will meet Wednesday July 4 from
10:00–11:30 AM at Transcona
Memorial United Church, 209 Yale
Avenue West. Caregivers meet in
Knox Lounge. Group is peer-led.
Opportunity for caregivers to share the
challenges and victories of caring for
someone with Alzheimer’s Disease.
Provides valuable support when you
might feel alone with your situation or
overwhelmed by the challenges of care-
Transcona Views - July 2012 - Page 20
giving. Alzheimer’s Clients meet in
Yale Hall for games, socializing, chair
exercises and refreshments with volunteer nurse and recreation facilitator. For
more info, call Colleen at 204-2229879. (Submitted by Council for
Seniors Bus Trip — There will be a
Bus Trip For Seniors on Thursday
July 19. We will leave Transcona about
8:30 AM and travel to Treherne,
Cypress River and Holland, Manitoba
taking in the sights along the way. To
purchase a ticket for the trip, call
Colleen at 204-222-9879. (Submitted
by Council For Seniors.)
Healthy Aging Resource Team
Clinics — With nurse and occupational
therapist at Access Transcona, 845
Regent Avenue West. Next clinic is
Thursday July 19. To make an appointment, call 204-938-5555. (Submitted
by Access Transcona.)
Vision Impaired Group — Is taking a summer break during July &
August. Will meet again on Tuesday
September 11 from 1:00-2:30 PM at
Devonshire House, 75 Kildonan
Green Drive. Group is for Seniors who
have difficulty with their eyesight and
would enjoy getting together once a
month for discussions of topics of mutual interest regarding loss of sight. To
register or for more info, call Colleen at
204-222-9879. (Submitted by Council
for Seniors.)
TCS Expresses Appreciation —
Transcona Council for Seniors (TCS)
wishes to thank everyone who made
their Centennial Hi Neighbour Tea on
June 1 such a wonderful time ...
Sponsors: All About Computers,
Beautiful You, Burnbrae Farms,
Canad Inn Transcona, Homestead
Manitoba, IGA, Le Petit Barbier,
Purses Etc, R US, Regent Park
Pharmacy, Royal Canadian Legion,
Royal George Hotel, Safeway, TD
Bank, Transcona BIZ, Russ Wyatt
(Councillor, Transcona Ward), Vickar
Community Chevrolet and Wyatt
Dowling Insurance ... Honoured
Guests: Daryl Reid (MLA Transcona),
Transcona Historical Museum),
Lawrence Toet (MP ElmwoodTranscona), Paul Martin (“The
Greatest Transconian” who opened
the Tea), Peter Martin (Hi Neighbour
Sam) and Russ Wyatt (Councillor,
Transcona Ward) ... Murdoch MacKay
Collegiate students served lunch and
Murdoch MacKay Fashion Program
students modeled their creations. Thank
you to teachers Lorraine Laporte &
Denise Miller ... Heartfelt thanks to all
volunteers who helped set up, ran the
bake sale, prepared food and cleaned
up ..... Hats off to Nederhoed A.
Transport Ltd. who sponsored the TCS
float in the Hi Neighbour Festival
Parade on June 2. Big thank you to
Keith & Donna Fargey (chief float constructors), and to Frank Reimer and his
band. Thanks as well to everyone who
rode on the float.
The 55+ Dining Experience —
Home-cooked meals, entertainment,
prizes and interesting company. Meals
open to all 55-plus. Served Mondays &
Wednesdays at 4:30 PM and Fridays
at 12:00 Noon. Meals include roast
beef, roast pork, ham and scalloped
potatoes, chicken, soups and desserts.
To hear what the menu is for any given
day, call 204-222-5947. Copies of
menus can be e-mailed or pick up a
copy at Transcona Memorial United
Church, 209 Yale Avenue West. For
Continued on page 22
Constituency Office
549 Regent Ave. W. R2C 1R9
Office Hours:
Monday-Friday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
For information or to make an appointment, please call:
222-0040 (24 Hour Answering Service)
945 0774 (Legislature)
Transcona Views - July 2012 - Page 21
Seniors Bulletin Board
reservations, call 204-222-5947 anytime before 8:00 AM of the day you
wish to attend. (Submitted by Council
for Seniors.)
Stroke Recovery Support Group
— Meets the second Monday each
month from 1:00-3:00 PM at Access
Transcona, 845 Regent Avenue West.
(Submitted by Access Transcona.)
Arthritis Support Group — There
will be no meetings of the Arthritis
Support Group in July & August.
Meetings will resume in September when
Transcona Chiropractic
Wellness Centre
Dr. Harpal S Duggal B.Sc, D.C
1783 Plessis Rd, Unit 7, Wpg, MB, R3W-1N3
Ph: 777-9355 Fax: 777-9356
Publisher: Bond Printing Ltd. Copy Editor: Robin Chase
Distributed free of charge to the Transcona community
on-or-about the first day of each month.
Deadlines For August 2012 Issue:
Editorial Copy Deadline: Thursday, July 5
Display Advertising Deadline: Thursday, July 12
For Display Advertising Information,
call Greg Romance at 222-7069.
The Transcona Views welcomes your articles and notices of coming events. We invite
you to promote yourself to the residents of our community. Every month, you have the opportunity to inform your fellow citizens just how, through your activities, you are contributing to
the quality of life in Transcona. Need help publicizing your fundraising efforts? Tell us about
it! Need exposure to attract the public to your carnivals, concerts, dances, dinners or other
activities? Just send us the details! We’re here to help you get the word out!
Editorial Articles & Coming Events of interest to the community may be submitted
directly to the Copy Editor via e-mail – or via postal mail, fax or hand-delivery to Bond
Printing Ltd. E-mail Submissions may be sent as plain text or as an attached document
(MSWord only). Submissions On Paper must be typed or printed legibly. Submitted
Articles must be no longer than 500 words. All Submissions are subject to editing-and-formatting for style and to fit available space. There Is No Guarantee that articles will appear
in their entirety and no guarantee that any images accompanying articles will be used.
130 Victoria Avenue West, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R2C 1S5
Tel: (204) 222-7069 • Fax: (204) 222-2979
Editorial Email:
Advertising Email:
the Group meets the fourth Tuesday of
each month from 3:00-4:00 PM in
Access Transcona at 845 Regent
Avenue West. No registration required.
For more info, call 204-940-2114.
(Submitted by Access Transcona.)
Group Tackles Addictions —
Seniors Get-Together is held each
Wednesday at 10:00 AM in Access
Transcona at 845 Regent Avenue West.
Group focuses on reducing harm caused
by addictive substances or activities such
as alcohol, prescription drugs or gambling.
Come out and explore options for a
healthier lifestyle. For more info, call
Colleen at 204-222-9879. (Submitted by
Council for Seniors.)
Parkinson’s Exercise Group —
An Exercise Group for those afflicted
with Parkinson’s Disease meets on
Wednesdays at 1:30 PM in Abundant
Life Church at 1396 Plessis Road.
(Submitted by Access Transcona.)
TCS Exercise Program — Held
Fridays at 10:30 AM at Transcona
Memorial United Church, 209 Yale
Avenue West. Free of charge and open
to anyone 55-plus. Trained peer leader
leads exercises which help with balance
and flexibility. For more info, call 204222-9879 or drop by to try it out.
(Submitted by Council for Seniors.)
Play Whist Or Cribbage — Every
Friday at 1:30 PM, Whist or Cribbage
is played at Transcona Retired
Citizens Centre, 328 Whittier Avenue
West. Everyone 55+ is welcome.
(Submitted by Council for Seniors.)
TCS Seeks More Volunteers —
Transcona Council for Seniors (TCS)
needs more Volunteer Drivers to help
get Seniors to their doctor appointments. TCS would also welcome new
volunteers for its Meal Program and
other activities. To volunteer or for more
info, call Colleen at 204-222-9879.
(Submitted by Council for Seniors.)
TCS On The Internet — Transcona
Council for Seniors (TCS) has an
Official Website located on the Seniors
Resource Network. When you “Google”
Transcona Council for Seniors, the
TCS Home Page link appears at the top
of the search results. You can recognize
the link by its title: Transcona Council for
Seniors - Seniors Resource Network.
Click that link and be sure to bookmark it.
Site includes info on coming events, TCS
services and activities, photographs of
recently-held events and the current menu
for the 55+ Dining Experience.
(Submitted by Council for Seniors.)
Transcona Views - July 2012 - Page 22
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Fax (204) 940-7885
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Selkirk, MB R1A 1S7
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Email: Web:
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and Rehabilation
n Sports injuries
n Neck pain n Whiplash
n Low back pain
n Slipped disc n Headaches
Fast and Friendly Service
Repairs brought in remain on premises
Hours: Tuesday – Friday 9:30 am - 4:30 pm
Saturday 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
118 Regent Ave. W. • 224-5389
n Tennis elbow
n Foot pain - custom orthotics
n Rotator cuff injury
n Tendonitis n Work injuries
Dr. Curtis Possia
Jennifer Desrosiers
Massage Therapist
Lindsay Broschuk
Massage Therapist
Transcona Views - July 2012 - Page 23
n Exercise programs
705 Regent Ave. W.
Winnipeg, MB R2C 1S2
Treatment covered by:
PH: (204) 222-1571
Medicare, Autopac,
Workers Comp.,
Blue Cross and
Great West Life
FAX: (204) 222-8050
60 month lease $0 down payment, all payments plus taxes OAC. MODEL BU42EM CA. Dlr permit #4456C
Manitoba’s #1 Toyota Dealership - 36 Years, Same Location
1486 REGENT AVE. 944-6600
Rob Townsend, General Manager, Frontier Toyota
is pleased to welcome Mark Johnson
Mark Johnson Sales / Sales Manager To our Frontier Family Management Team.
Frontier also welcomes his wife Carolyn and children Sadie and Brock to our family.
Mark has over ten years experience with Toyota products and invites all his customers
and friends to drop in for coffee.
Transcona Views - July 2012 - Page 24