President`s Message


President`s Message
Volume 37, Issue 4
May 2014
P.O. Box 34425
Ft. Buchanan, PR 00934
“QUality Education for Students by Teachers”
(787) 707-2786 Office
(787) 707-2787 Fax
President’s Message
by Paul Trittschuh, ACEA President
Dear Fellow ACEA Members,
26 May 2014
As I write this on Memorial Day I want you to know I did
stop and reflect on men and women I’ve known who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. As someone once said, “Freedom is
not free.”
I am starting out my last epistle of SY 2104-2015 with a
correction to my April contribution. In it I was quoted that we are
celebrating our 40th year as an independent Association. In actually, as you can see in our CBA Appendix A, 19 December marks
40 years of ACEA. We were incorporated that date in 1974. However, we were initially a subgroup of the National Education Association (NEA) and further under the auspices of the Overseas Education Association (OEA). Next summer (2015) will mark 20 years
of ACEA being an independent Association.
Next I want to thank all of you who voted in our recent elections. The process went smoothly thanks to the efforts of María
(Maribel) Campbell and her consultant Bernice Bayonet. Also
thanks to the volunteers at the four schools who observed the
elections and those who came to the ACEA office to count our
votes. Finally I wish to thank those who showed support for me
and I expect to live up to your expectations over the next two
years. During these years we will be negotiating a new contract:
the current CBA expires next summer. Hopefully we won’t have
any more RIF’s during these two years.
Speaking of RIF, I am disappointed that the Agency waited
to the last minute to distribute the notices of RIF actions, on a Friday before a long weekend. I have yet to talk to any affected members. This will be on my platter from now until the end of the SY
and perhaps even over the summer. Though we go on recess, I am
still in contact with Richard Hirn, our legal consultant in DC, as
well as Alexis Gorbea, our Negotiated Agreement/Grievance Chair.
I am always monitoring, even over the
recesses. (Editor’s note: Please see the article on Page 2 on enrollment for more information about how this RIF came about.)
As to the summer recess, I hope to see most of you next August. For those of you who have hung-up your chalkboard markers, I hope you enjoy your retirement and I plan on joining you in
the not too distant future. Have a great summer and rest assured
ACEA takes sides, yours.
Inside this issue:
Changes on the
“Reflections” by
Hector Garcia
Fond Farewells
Election Results
ACEA Website
Set to Launch
PR District Rides Wave of Change into Summer
Interview with Helen Balilo
As the 2013-2014 SY comes to a close, the Puerto Rico District is faced with a number of
changes on the near horizon. With an eye on 2014-2015, QUEST sat down with Assistant Superintendent Helen Balilo to discuss some of them. Below are a list of 7 topics that we addressed:
1. Decreasing Enrollment and Reduction in Force.
As we all know, the agency has been conducting a RIF in our district. Ms. Balilo clarified
that this action is a direct result of declining enrollment in our district. The RIF is not related to
school closures in DDESS or in Europe. Nor is it caused by changes in staffing ratios (although
these changes are coming, and will result in slightly lower staffing levels, they were not applied to
staffing for 2014-15). Simply put, we have
Enrollment DDESS
DDESS--PR, 2008
2008--2014 been losing students. Please see the enrollment graphs for details.
The decline is directly tied to reductions
in national guard and
reserve activations as
the draw-downs proceed
in Afghanistan and other
locations. Only when a
soldier is activated for
more than 365 days do
they become eligible to
enroll their children. The
number of these “longer”
activations has been
dropping. In the face of
these low numbers four
teachers were affected by
the RIF. Ms. Balilo also
clarified that the drop in enrollment has not come due to any agency or branch removing their students. Despite rumors over the years, no agency has pulled out any kids.
However, the school closures in Europe and DDESS have affected us in other ways. The extended offers of Early Retirement (VERA) and Voluntary Separation Incentives (VSIP) have been
available as DoDEA works to find jobs for educators being displaced by school closures. Many of
our PR educators have requested and received these incentives, leading to a high number of retirees this year. This
lessened the impact of the RIF.
2. Administrative Changes
After 26 years at the helm, Nancy Maldonado will retire in June from the leadership of AMS. She will be replaced
by Andrea McClain, who comes down from the Kentucky
District to take charge of AMS. Ms. Balilo will relocate to
Quantico to fill the second Asst. Superintendent position
that had been frozen since the departure of Gary Gerstner,
and Dr. Cuadrado will leave Ramey’s principal position to
take up the Asst. Superintendent reins at CSO in Ft. Buchanan. This leaves two schools with new principals in 2014
-2015. We can expect major transitions at AMS and Ramey
as both outgoing principals have had lengthy tenures that
left a big imprint.
Volume 37, Issue 4
Page 2
3. Professional Development, “21st Century Schools”, and the new AES
An ongoing concern in DDESS-PR has been the lack of quality professional development.
Ms. Balilo described some of the plans in place to provide ongoing training. First, in the short
term, she indicated that the administration and ISS positions will be expected to take leadership in
implementing the PD at the schools. The emphasis will be on the principles of “21st Century Teaching and Learning” as described by DoDEA. She particularly
emphasized the need for students to be engaged in collaboration and problem solving, and stressed that these areas will
be embedded in the professional development efforts.
In the medium term DoDEA has created a new
position of Staff Development Coach. This will be a schoolbased position assigned to all new facilities. Crossroads Elementary (the new school in Quantico which will open in April
2015) will have one, as will the new AES when it opens in
2015-2016. These teacher-level professionals will receive extensive training (along with ISSs) on problem- and projectbased learning, training they will then pass on to the classroom level.
New AES Construction on track for 2015 opening.
The opening of the new AES is currently on schedule
for August 2015. CSO has requested teachers at AES, in accordance with the contract, to be granted additional paid days to facilitate the move into the new building. Also, the 5th grade teachers at
AMS will be relocated to the new AES and could also be granted some paid days for the move. AMS
will go back to being a 6-8 middle school.
4. Increased Emphasis on Technology Issues
Ms. Balilo identified this area as a major target within our district for
changes in 2014-2015. She expects the hiring of the new district Educational Technologist, Adam Fisher, to herald a new era of increased communications and responsiveness on the part of the IT Division. “I am hoping that the District will be able to be more proactive in the future with
technology Issues.” She cited Fisher’s experience in the ET position, his
ability to work collaboratively with school ETs, and his progress already
in making connections to support them in resolving technology issues.
Tech problems targeted for 2014-15
“We know that there has been a lot of frustration on the part of the teachers and we are working to resolve that. At this point we feel like a reasonable response time for a
tech issue is three days. Anything more than that is really too long.” One of her first goals upon
arriving in Quantico is to convene a district technology committee to target these issues.
For those of us in the trenches this is, of course, welcome news. It remains to be seen how
rapidly these goals translate into increased functionality at the classroom level.
5. Curriculum Standards and Assessments
DoDEA “Adopted” Common Core last year. The adoption is taking longer than trying to
adopt a baby. At the moment we are scheduled to begin full implementation of these standards in
the 2015-2016 school year. When asked about the process of implementation, Ms. Balilo reinterated that although we will still be responsible for the DoDEA Standards next year (2014-15), it would be good practice to start looking
at the Common Core standards and matching them up with what
we are teaching. The CSO hopes that teachers will actively solicit
assistance from the ISS’s to support the alignment process.
How will the shift to Common Core affect assessments?
Well, for years one of our complaints has been that the Terra-Nova
Test is not aligned with the DoDEA standards. Hopefully, DoDEA
will begin looking at some of the new assessments being developed
in conjunction with the common core. In the meantime, Terra Nova
continued on page 5
Volume 37, Issue 4
Page 3
Garcia Reflects on Thirty-Four Years
by Héctor Garcia
It's here. Sooner than I expected and without much fanfare. My
VSIP was granted and I'm getting out of Dodge while the getting is
good. It's been thirty-four years of not only teaching the 3 R's but trying to hip kids to the life skills they'll need in this world. However,
how do you put all those years into focus now that one phase of my
life is ending and another one is beginning? I guess that's what this
article is about. As I walk down memory lane, thoughts of my teacher's life fill my head. Some good and some not so good. The following
memories come from my perspective. Some will smile, others frown,
and still many won't know what I'm talking about. But I can't leave
without one final goodbye to that past. It's been a great ride.
I remember when we were a Section 6 School under the Department of the Navy and wonderfully autonomous. Back then, I was
told to plan for 300 minutes of this, 400 minutes of that, etc., and left
to our expertise to organize our week and address the children's
needs. Then DOD stepped in and the micromanaging hasn't stopped
since. We are now also having an elementary school built to politician's whims. Teacher accountability has replaced trust in our ability to do what's needed in our classrooms.
I remember when English was heard more than Spanish in our classrooms, hallways, and
offices. The principal walking daily into our classrooms just to check things out and having our
backs when parents came calling. I remember Field Days when people actually competed for ribbons and the hell with self-esteem and "touchy-feely." We used to have a School Board with real
"cojones" who hired Superintendents and actually had power to make decisions and not the rubber stamp we have today. This Superintendent also lived amongst us.
Thoughts of working at a Blue Ribbon School before, during and after it won Blue Ribbon
reminded me of working with teachers who all worked together and everybody pulled their weight.
A School Improvement Team that worked on the kind of school improvement that was focused primarily on bettering the school climate and teacher morale and secondarily on dotting the i's and
crossing the t's for an accreditation. A team that received real feedback from teachers and did not
make arbitrary decisions behind closed doors.
I remember a PE teacher who would dress up as Superman or a Rasta man and greet the
kids as soon as they got off the bus. The Santa Mile Relay, kite flying on campus, pen pals with
Ms. Coriano's class and our alternate yearly visits to each other's bases, the Navy's parachute
team landing in our athletic field, the Budweiser Clydesdales trotting haughtily by. I remember the
Dental trailer making its annual visit to check everyone's teeth, the Cub Scouts getting on a truck
and singing Xmas carols as we rode around housing, campouts at Community Beach and La Puntilla, Mr. Wiener's concerts and my children's participation in same.
I remember when we sat with our classes at lunchtime and then had our own meal separately. A cafeteria that had an Ed Tech assigned to each class and there was order and not the
chaos present now. I remember when students did not hit students and our Principal actually disciplined misbehavior.
I remember when money was no object for training teachers and we were sent to the states:
Cooperative Learning in New Orleans and Lake Tahoe, TESA in Miami. We also had high caliber
trainers visit us: Art Costa for Critical Thinking Skills, Marie Carbo for Reading Styles (I was able
to teach her to merengue at Ms. Corbin's after party), the many who made the All School's Conferences really meaningful.
I will never forget the hundreds of children who survived a year with Mr. Garcia. The ones
who needed structure, attitude adjustment, and a male role model. The Benjamin Franklin Stamp
Clubs and yearly Stamp Fairs in my room. Watching my six children walk the halls at Roosey
Volume 37, Issue 4
Page 4
continued from previous page
Roads and the last two here at Ft. Buchanan. I remember being elected as Faculty Rep my second
year and attending board meeting with the high-powered educators who had the courage to keep
away from the OEA-NEA when nobody gave us a chance of surviving as an independent union.
This is a union that stands by and protects its members and ensures
our contract is followed to the letter. I remember a Principal who was
a leader and not just an administrator. One who created a positive
ambience at our own workplace.
And what about the real professionals who labor daily in the
trenches and fight the good fight against ignorance, apathy, underachieving, pop culture, and parental indifference? These are the ones
whose respect I strove for. That was my goal, to earn that respect as a
professional from the peers that I respected for giving that extra percent in their classrooms every day.
I remember all the bandwagons each successive Superintendent
marched out for us to jump on and was then abandoned for the next
best thing in education. But no matter what directives, new strategies, or pedagogical turmoil is
going on outside my classroom, I've always concentrated on fixing my little corner of the world.
What now? I'll be starting the second phase of my life. One I hope will be as enriching, empowering, and exciting as the one I leave behind. As one door closes, another one opens. Ciao, and
keep doing what you do best. This generation needs you.
Parting Thoughts from Helen Balilo
continued from page 3
will remain the principal external assessment for grades 3-9. 10th and 11th grade dropped TNT this year, so
we can expect an increased emphasis on the PSAT results at the high school level. Ms. Balilo mentioned that
she gets frustrated sometimes with over-emphasis on Terra Nova scores. “Those scores are primarily for our
stakeholders,” she said. “But to a certain extent they represent ‘autopsy’ data—they just give us a window on
how a kid did on one test on a certain day. After a certain point there isn’t a whole lot more useful instructional information we can glean from them. What I really would like to focus more on is helping staff to utilize classroom formative assessments, and other school-wide assessments [PSAT, SRI, etc] in more meaningful ways.”
6. Biggest Challenges We Face
When Ms. Balilo arrived she faced a series of challenges. In particular the leadership crisis at AHS
and the pressing issue of the re-accreditation of the school, but also the accreditation visits at AMS and AES
made for a stressful tenure. With these challenges largely overcome, what challenges remain as she relocates
to Quantico? QUEST inquired for her thoughts, which she was glad to share. “Communication is our biggest
issue here. We have got to get better at communicating with each other and with our stakeholders,” she
said. We have many tools at our disposal—Gradespeed, email, One-call, Google Docs, VTC, GoToMeeting—
but she feels we need to utilize these tools more effectively and build more partnerships with stakeholders
and among ourselves.
She also feels we could improve our performance by utilizing our time differently. “Are there things
we are holding onto that are no longer needed? We need to find ways to take more off of our plates so we
have time to devote to making changes in our practice. For example, PLT time. Are we utilizing the time
placed in our schedules to collaborate—to grow as professionals?”
7. Lasting Impressions of Puerto Rico
“The single strongest lasting impression I will take away from my time
here,” Ms. Balilo shared, “is the incredible level that teachers here love and care
about their kids.” She added that she has been impressed with the openness to
change. “It has been rewarding to see so many teachers trying new strategies and
collaborating with the Instructional Support Specialists. The majority of the staff
really want to learn new things.” Finally, she concluded with an observation on
the warmth and openness of the people. “Everywhere I have gone I have felt that I
have been welcomed and embraced.”
Volume 37, Issue 4
Page 5
ACEA Wishes Fond Farewell
Noris Colberg (Math, AMS)
“NCTM- Most will think this stands for National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, but for me it stands for Noris Colberg Teaches Math. She not only
teaches math, she teaches it with passion and contagious energy. Although
she moves on to enjoy the freedom of retirement, she will continue to be a
teacher, a mentor, and much more than a friend...a sister.” -Ada Cruz
Sammy Vazquez (PE, AES)
“Congratulations to Sammy Vazquez, a proactive colleague that has made
tremendous contributions to the positive development of many students he has known throughout
his thirty eight years in our school system. He has contributed not only as a
Physical Education Teacher at AES but as a former classroom teacher as
well, which included all elementary school levels. In addition, he has had
many successful years as an AHS Softball and Baseball Coach, winning numerous Championships in both sports. He has been a great role model and
mentor to our youth at AHS. In addition, he has coached the Puerto Rican
National Female Softball Team making him an icon to the coaching profession in our system.
So my friend, although we part as colleagues we will always remain friends. Enjoy your newfound
freedom, be happy and have fun doing all the things you enjoy. You will be truly missed by all of
the friends you leave behind at Antilles Elementary School. Hasta la visita amigo!” --Hector Franco
Clarissa Diez-Muro (AES Classroom Teacher)
“Ms. Clarissa Diez-Muro dedicated many years of her life to the education of her
students and the schools in Fort Buchanan. Having been both a student and
teacher at Antilles gave her the unique opportunity to understand education in our
schools from a special perspective. Clarissa did not limit herself to teaching the
ABC’s. She taught her students values, citizenry, consideration and empathy for
others. Her classroom was an experiment in democracy where all students were
heard, valued and given opportunities to participate in every aspect of classroom
life, which made a lasting impact on their lives. She was a caring and compassionate person and was particularly gentle with the special students who she never
failed to treat with respect. Clarissa was known for her elegance, and professionalism. She was helpful and loving with a kind word and a smile for everyone. The love she had for
her students was only exceeded by the love she had for her husband, and her ‘hijos del corazon’,
as she called her step-children. True to her selfless ways she retired at the middle of the school
year to take care of her husband, and they are now happily enjoying their retirement. She is truly
missed at AES where she last taught.” -Margie Calenzani
Doris Sierra (AMS ESL teacher)
“Doris is not only an esteemed colleague , she is a master teacher and
has made a difference in the lives of many students throughout her
30 years of teaching at Antilles Middle School. She is extremely diligent and studious about all the best practices in education, specifically when it comes to English Language Learners. She has a quiet
wisdom about her that ignites children’s learning. Oh Doris, you are
above all, a friend and a sister to me. You know that I will miss you,
Page 6
Volume 37, Issue 3
to our 2013-2014 Retirees
but it is true that you have the right to enjoy the wonders of retirement. Have fun traveling and being a mom, grandma, and a wife!!!!!!” -- Tere Napoli
Martha Nieves (Classroom Teacher, AES)
“Martha has been a teacher at Antilles schools for fifteen years. In those
years, she has held a variety of positions to include: PK-Third grades, Culture, and Reading Specialist. She quickly became an asset to AES due to
her technological skills and willingness to help her colleagues. For the
past two years, Martha has been a valued member of AES’ third grade
team. She is an active participant in our weekly professional learning
team (PLT) meetings. She has helped the team organize activities such as
end of year field trips, represented the grade in school wide activity planning, etc. Additionally, Martha is an active member of the PTO. In PTO,
she has helped organize the annual Teacher Appreciation Luncheons as
well as aid the PTO in Scholastic orders for teachers.
Martha’s charisma will be missed by her colleagues. We know that she looks forward to traveling
as well as visiting her children and grandchildren.” --Maria Campbell and Melissa Cruz
Harry Hamilton (Music Teacher, Ramey)
“Harry Hamilton, a.k.a, " the band man"... our friend and colleague at DDESS-PR... known to all as
a friend who also happens to be a great teacher and outstanding,
caring school administrator who always put the kids well-being
first. Harry hails from LA, KT, TX, PR... and anywhere in between
with great beats and hot sun; at DDESS-PR, he served as music
teacher, band director, marching band "genio", social studies
teacher, assistant principal, baseball coach, sailor, boat owner,
plantation man, softball player, and TT Club Founder... forever
his secret to keep! Among the many accomplishments under his
tenure, Ramey School was placed on the map by "Harry's Band"
performances at multitudinal parades throughout Puerto Rico; his
effort and the RS marching band received some of the highest awards granted to performing guests
artists by numerous City Mayors along Puerto Rico's western coast. Harry's sense of humor and
wit made every conversation an engaging exchange... his savvy made them meaningful... his heart
made them lessons to listen to... his intelligence always providing for answers and cut to the
chase actions... an uncommon mix of skills!
We wish Harry a long, happy, healthy, productive and fun-filled retirement... as the young man he
still is... he certainly has multiple paths to choose from on which to strut down on... while listening
and following his " different drummer" beat… Felicidades en tu retiro, Harry...
well earned and deserved…” —Joe Motolenich Carmen Hernandez (ESL Teacher, Ramey)
“Carmen Hernandez, teacher, friend, team player. Carmen has dedicated her
time here at Ramey to working with our ESL population. Her kindness and
caring has enabled many of our students to walk the path of success. Enjoy
your new adventure.” --Julia Portela
continued on page 8
Volume 37, Issue 4
Page 7
Tributes to Retirees (cont.)
continued from page 7
Anivet Lopes (Classroom Teacher, AES)
“Anivet Lopes is so quiet and shy that you may have missed her over
the past 30 years. But that gentle personality made Ms. Lopes a very
sought after elementary teacher. Her colleagues were the first to request her as the teacher of their own children. Anivet has been “the
teacher” counselors depend upon to provide compassion and nurturing to students that need it. Her absence will be a void that will be
hard to fill!” --Monica Echaves
Héctor Garcia (Classroom Teacher, AES)
“Ahh, Héctor. The first I came to be aware of Héctor was at a meeting at the AHS cafeteria when
members were unhappy with the ACEA and the ACEA board came to the meeting to support the
then President, Nathan Collins. One thing that is evident about Héctor is he is willing to speak his
mind, which he did that afternoon. Then, when Héctor was elected Vice-president in 2008 and was
named to our negotiating team I got to know him as a conscientious and knowledgeable team
member. Later I got to know the man as an "old fashioned" teacher, one who takes his position as
a teacher very seriously, one who insists the students do the work, but also willing to assist the
student if assistance is necessary. We keep hearing about 21st Century schools but I think educators like Héctor are still relevant and I am certain AES will miss him. But since he has decided
this is the time to go, I wish him fair winds and blue skies. Just don't be a stranger Héctor.” -Paul Trittschuh
Carlos "Cachao" Arroyo (AMS PE Techer)
“From RRES and RRMHS to AIS, AES, DoDDS - Italy and back Home (AMS),
Cachao has been an outstanding energetic PE teacher, dancer/choreographer, and
yes a Golfer all these years. I say good bye as a co-worker, but I will be seeing him
more and more on the golf course..” —Ruben Ortiz Alba del Campo (Psychologist, AES)
“Many of us have had the opportunity to be touched in some way
from Alba's soul and dedication as a school psychologist and coworker. She places her soul and dedication through her work and the lives of the
children at Antilles School System. Friendship and commitment always makes her
shine. OH!! "Mama Mia!", the AES Broadway presentation...lots of friendship and
memories…” —Marisol O. Rosado
Socorro Ortiz (Classroom Teacher, AES)
“I had had her daughter under my care and had designed an exercise program for her when she
was in school. During school year 1999 we both ended up as preschool teachers....
The new building we were working in were actually three classrooms connected; PK 1, PK 2 and
OT Dept. There was a seamless transition between Preschool special education
and Occupational therapy department. When official visits came to do their
snapshot visits they could not tell which children were special education and
which were not!
When I was assigned to preschool in the mornings... I had to displace myself to
three school to serve as Physical Therapist... I remember I would arrived
drenched in sweat and she would receive me with a cool Pepsi to quench my
thirst. We have supported each other when in need and through thick and thin
we have continued to be friends....”--Rosario Vera
Volume 37, Issue 4
Page 8
Yolanda Rivera (GE Teacher, AMS)
“Yolanda Rivera has been an inspiration to many students, faculty and staff
members at AMS. Once you get to know her as a colleague, it is easy to become her friend. Those of us, who have worked with her very closely, have recollections of special moments and memories that will forever be in our hearts.
Considering the job of a teacher who puts her students before herself, Mrs.
Rivera has been able to reach out to students beyond her duties and expectations of herself as an educator and when students remember her, they think
and I quote: “Thank you for teaching me different ways to be outstanding”
“Not only did you teach me the best volleyball techniques, you taught me
sportsmanship, team work and what collaboration is all about” “Building J
will not be the same without you” “You always thought and told me I was
great, especially when I was down. I do not know what I would have done
without you and your kind words” “Thank you for making me feel welcome when I first came to
AMS and thank you for asking me daily, how I was doing and introducing me to other people” . As
Yolanda retires, she can look back and say, I have touched many lives. Forever, I will be grateful
and students, faculty and staff members are thankful to have met and worked with the wonderful,
kind and warm human being she is to all of us at AMS!” —Myrna Otero
Vilma Barreto (Spanish Teacher, AMS)
“Mi querida Barreto:
Sabes que no soy de muchas palabras “cursi” (Eso te toca a ti) pero cuando digo
algo lo digo de corazon. Gracias por tu hermosa amistad. Gracias por ser la maestra de excelencia para mis hijos… Fueron tantos hermosos momentos “loquitos/
alegrias/lagrimas” que compartimos como Mamas y solo nosotras…De pensarlo
me rio…Te acuerdas cuando nos preguntaban “Y quienes van??” tu contestaba
“Pues van Otero , Barreto , Barreto y Otero , van mucha gente”…
Te deceamos muchas mas bendiciones en tu nueva etapa. Nunca te olvides que
Dios te ama y que todo estara bien. Todo lo puedes en Cristo que te fortalece .
Jesus Ramos (ELA Teacher, AHS)
“After being an Antilles Pirate for twenty-six years, Jesus Ramos will retire this June 2014. Personally, I can say that I have known Jesus for quite some time, from being football parents to colleagues once I joined the Pirate family. Jesus will greet you in the morning with a smile and a
"hello how you," along with mentioning one's name. He is compassionate, friendly, easy going (do
not upset him though), and is willing to help anyone if needed, these
qualities make Jesus a unique individual, however he can be very, very
humorous in "SITUATIONS," to ease up the tension.
It can be said that as a versatile individual, Jesus has been a sports
coach, class sponsor as well as an ESL and English teacher. This being
said, Mr. Ramos has a lot of patience with teenagers and this drives him
to persevere whatever goal he has set his mind on. As a parent, Jesus
was always willing to stay after school for his three boys' sports activities, despite having to drive for an hour or more to Luquillo. Now, as a
grandfather, he is much involved in the grandchildren's activities as well.
Upon his retirement, Jesus will be enjoying this well- deserved new adventure, not only with the
family, but will dedicate time to his church as a deacon.” --Miriam Miranda
Also retiring: Carmen Gladys Cruz (Classroom Teacher, AES)
Volume 37, Issue 4
Page 9
Technology Review:
by Yvonne Sanders is a Web 2.0 tool
for making animated videos. is an ideal Web 2.0 tool to
integrate technology into the content so
as to enable classes of students to become creators of digital media and not
just consumers. It allows students to
create animated “cartoons” that can express their interpretation of class content. Using templates, text-to-voice, and
(optional) voice recordings they can
bring their ideas to life in a creative
I recently used during instructional collaboration sessions with a US Government teacher and a Health Education teacher during spring 2014. We wanted to give students
opportunities for elaborate rehearsal of the content to increase retention. The results of technology
integration featuring exceeded my expectations. It became the “hook” that engaged students in the process of collaborating with a common creative goal. Students were able to
experience the power of script writing. They exercised their decision making with selection of characters, backgrounds, and props, and engaged in problem solving to address technical difficulties.
They had opportunities to diversify their writing voice and English expression. Many were able to
add other voices and music. can enhance the World Language goal by providing
student opportunities to discover and share their voice on issues that impact their generation.
The only challenge was the making of a two minute video using a free account of In most student free accounts, students were allowed only 30 seconds. The solution
was to make four 30 second videos to get their message across. This problem provided an opportunity to work with students on
transitional phrases.
The time and effort were well
worth it to integrate this technology. It added spark to the lesson by
“whispering education and shouting
fun”! Students were able to problem solve and use their creative
juices which added rigor, reflection, and evaluation within the teaching and learning process. Students were motivated to complete the project because they had a good tangible product to look forward to and would be able to share their product with peers for FUN! The outcome was a deeper
understanding of the content due to greater engagement and ownership over the details.
What I would do differently is to add more probing questions to the project. I would
add the question, “How could you use as a tool to summarize what you have
learned during this project”. I truly believe that technology integrated projects is the best way to
teach content standards because it allows students to get elaborate rehearsals on the details in a
way that is fun, exciting, and memorable.
Samples of student work are posted at Check them out!
Volume 37, Issue 4
Page 10
ACEA Election Results
Volume 37, Issue 4
Page 11
ACEA Website to Launch in August 2014
by Yvonne Sanders
ACEA has been working on a membership website. The website URL is Although, the website will officially launch in August
2014, it is in prototype status for testing with membership now and during the summer months. In prototype status, anyone in the world can access the
website but only ACEA members can access certain
areas of the website for testing purposes. These areas
are "Media and Document Library" and commenting
on "Blogs: Latest From ACEA. This areas are a work
in progress. The website is mobile friendly making it
easy to access using cell phones, tablets, or iPads.
Members are invited to test drive the membership features for commenting on "Blogs: Latest From
ACEA” and accessing the "Media and Document Library" for downloading documents, forms, and other
ACEA publications. Your login is the first initial of
your first name and your entire last name. You can
get your default password from your school faculty
representative or you can send an email request to Once you get your default password, login for a test drive, remember to change your
password by clicking on the blank avatar for the scroll
down menu, then click the link "Edit Profile".
Remember, no login
is necessary unless
you would like to
download from
“Document and Media Library” or comment on a blog.
All ACEA members
have a login.
Usernames are first
letter of first name
and the last name
with no spaces. Get
the default password
from your school
representative or
send an email to
Volume 37, Issue 4
Page 12