L\оЎ - University of Macau
L\оЎ - University of Macau
=ál .^F UNIVERSIDADE DE MACAU UNIVERSITY OF MACAU :o-Et++#ËlH å{ù#EXä: T f àrñ zq c- ++x4ig r fltùt:o- +^tr - +g+f ilâilffi r - sSæ )F F I t zq zq &E â.iâffi Ê'ÊÈ#lÍ E ( trH¡ " ) ^ iH z É+ øæ#t&H+4* ú4+ + X ä É,! {E €f F[ fË' FÍ,H H É,T tE ë . ff â ùffi * ÊE & FlJ 4H ã tr -l^ E ( E'trlî ) 42Èlt-Ê * F.ffiìÉ+ Eæ++& ^ +x4 -+"e ù{ EãEã$[ , '=*"8#+gqirffiffi\ffiffi( EãÈÉ : +853 8397 4007 ' €sF: registry@umac.mo ) . 4iËællHñt?.HætÊE:h*E^ffi tHÈIä,ffiÊãZîeñXäFÎ+tÉlát$ilfl --Ê\*EHéf.Èf. tË " ffit8[fút '-O-Zq++X4ìH?¡ÐF t Ír r)EFIte&Ëg^ÊFÈË#r &ÈËäH. ffiJih . ' JIIFп ÉE+ fx wffiF L\î¡" V+j\+ -C-Zq+IELB r1¡i{+- :o-zs+F*41ëã#F )4 I t e &Ë Ê^ Ê. F ÈËt GHV Zã+E'-I ff - W! F øtrt-þe*æ*r+â\ã ËrI7t+ iåt^ UM - Modelo ó ) È1 ^ffi ig Ë xî E tìË&éç.8 ãZìÊf iltz1þì. yJÈ ^ :-F -FT .^ Ê UNIVERSIDADE DE MACAU UNIVERSITY OF MACAU 7 l|l4ay 2014 Congregation 2014 Dear Potential Graduates, I have the pleasure of announcing that the Congregation 2014 will be held on Saturday, 21 June 2014, at 4:00 p.m., at the UM New Campus Sports Complex. The reply E-form will be sent to the students'personal E-mail. Please complete the E-form for attending the ceremony on or before 16 Mav 2014 (Fridav). If you do not receive the said E-mail, please contact Registry as soon as possible (Tel: +853 8397 4007, E-mail: registry@umac.mo). Shuttle bus service is available on the day of Congregation. Details will be announced on Registry's webpage (http://www.umac.mo/regl) later. All information regarding the Congregation will also be released on the webpage. Attached please find the "Atrangement for Congregation 2014" and the "University of Macau Alumni Association Admission Application" for your reference. Thank you for your kind attention. Pa', Paul Pang Registrar I Appendix II Appendix Arrangement of Congregation 2014 Universþ of Macau Alumni Association Admission Application (the completed form can be submitted to the Alumni and Development Offtce counter on the day of Congregation or submitted to the Alumni and Developmsnt Offtce later) ËF1të tåll¡' UM - Modelo 6 H14+- -O.-w++*4,iË+¿,F :Ãrr4Ë UNIVERSIDADE DE MACAU UNIVERSITY OF MACAU :o-E++**il+äF E+n: 2014+6n21 â (åS¡/i) 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. B+f"l : ,ù,Få : +flÈ@ tF,+#.à æ h trs'{þ, à+'È èÈ + ffi rx T + * 4 iË )f. îz . ifxl fr g Fl + hU, â 4+ e + Ê * iH+ ilF, E úb4*/Ë ffi - ÃF *iÈ-z+ +X Èi'+TÈ-+eH ='ñ 4iå ' &Å++XÈÅl.tà4*#t-É-LA *FeJi. B *H*iÈ.¡'-thàí' ¡uthätÀ+R+E#ÈÆ.t¡f-l"ltß¿F'ñ * *H.t-tï ra # X + 41àÍ'J 4È. A+'ì io T ¿+ : A #Ê/\jã#-z-+nä;i- +RH-'ÈFx-ffi-âf ^*H^-,h+: tfT+åËtr *Ð\th+ B : '6tftï)Ì'È " ++ B *Ê/\!ã+1Èfr,Èrt +Rffi ='fr yffi"..å;'#;^ËJ6 n+#R ++* 1 @, ê,r ^q üâ , fr-fLäË¿Ìü,Få4H (Ø,+tûfrîo+H) Èîeffi ##,æ I àHWè#â ñê-ù 4. H -',fr : 5. 4= E qh (àâ 3. , Æ.4Ù'Àl,*à1ÞrtÊãÈELE , +n.È-tî ' Æ.4r..ì++¿)FãtHËâÈ rþ,T E , +n h-tar^T+ +n " WÆ4il+ e+fr,È-¡.th4í " # 4 #. + x ++ ã A *A tu tv 4 _ü./f;¿++#. , ÈrhXr1Å+frfr-L 2. 4iå 4iå È"tâ @+n Ër.I tn, È-'y' tír'l 4 ?Ë È,h :yJi, Æ 3:00 p.m. " ' ('*-"âF*&ei4^ä#Eå,È ' 7. å=lì.4[ (èã +++ +iË4tñ+ 8. +ì'å4{ñ+ 9. ',ñt*.#l¡ + È4\+4\w 10. 11 * ÈJs+E Ë ¿å eÌ.rf +rrä @ åb$ +f &E å.îâ w.ÃæXÈ 3:00 p.m. - Ëätr (4¡¡.LÍ<È ) î, rÈ_#à ìErhÊ+' Ëå*sÈjú.4#4++# ++# * ÈfetEÊ.'T ) 6. ffi-,fr*iË Ê 3:45 p.m. *4HÈtfr *Èèth " râT ) lnÅ.ê-.f\å4{É+ : Ë â L#ÃWÈ,hn+' äã*sn_ü.4ï.+++# . - þFråR ffi='fr : ¿+ã B *A^-!h+1+nÈ_'i/,tãt^ 4:40 p.m.Êî+,.l449þtfr:tJÌ,Æü.{f;+++å+ , +thxr1ì+frnL ,ÀA4*.*åâ ( + + x Èi+tÈ&Ì â t* Ë+È F-,¡H4*.*åë Ê.trh Fp. g ê ) 4,iË.1å* : È â _L# H ñÈrha+' ?å€JL_ú{fr+++ål . 72. ffi 13. 14. 15. ËFile få-Jì^ UM - Modelo 6 " t\+4+- -O-w++*+iË+++ :-FtT.^Ê UNIVERSIDADE DE MACAU UNIVERSITY OF MACAU ¿ Ê. I ø fz t ì* À4 É +f ã{- Ë -ã + + * È tr 4H /..É. + ûrt ffi ' +ft. ü ñ tr Fl F èÈ ¡* r  =l z a ) è\zfr!E*E-&fÌ-€f s Fí#t&' tEl#llrf É,++ref *êe¿rfrffi4^tÈ.t-t6#z+a*aNstË . \oftfif.xtfrä-trffi,ÈËtaü rl4*/ê*iÊ. , +ì-:LÀ+utl*#,ãÀ,;*È-xth#1Ê*A14*t*- , 4+ ff,¿n +À+È 4t fr -*H¡.rh)i , $È xr.]\îËta_,È+fr " \" ë ¡H)rht4t t'lls Bfi €sfr , Èå#+s+-'"+-ffitftqri4* (É,"t : +853 8397 4007 , €41¡: registry@umac.mo)' +*4 (En a t. iå *il¿ät+d: ++ * ÈiÐlhl+rå : ++ * È- t+t* T + ft Ê F1 + Ãu, â È-+RH ='fr4i9 fE-n zÈfr /t+ E- +É . k * R # lh iÈ, ìtrth 4,ig + JrF' E ùbf* /fr H -',fr * sgth :rJÌ.Æ. â- la- û/' tH 4# ¿+ 4È. 1 ++ *# " * å ì+ 6 2. ù. ñ +e,È- | +n,È-')t'rTr,5.4iË,4.r¿ 3. xÉ.dfi+i< : o $+*È ù/'rH+ EE*nu,r-F-Br â e,Mit , iFøìÈ-,/iFþ-ùEe¡xÊ-È . +ìElh+ùo4iå ( xA,üT4. Ètr rF +8'4+). *iåìêlî+t f4 ' *n È-tt"A4#+++#eg+Æ.4t ' ÈÈh-fLthnÉË.ËÈø ' iÈ*ln*¡È" 4'4+++ T,ltu- +1+ÈÂ)È.sÈ T<+4++fr,ì&1++*4- . 4. +EH +#ñ.: ÌhF.8*+üF : 6. Eâ,alÃåffiÊ¡Anf z+¿tF: ËF5ië t$iì¡UM - Modelo 6 +**è*€ ++ #ÈÆ â LÈX_k&àodl " t;Àìin+ * +#tuzq " o f ø ãîsffi +*fr,1++*åârr¿|*,iå r 5. A+ã-tÈLê È xîlffi ÀtiË4*<-#*,iA ' H H h&xîEèi4^P1W 6s rr,e-+*âi4flF 440 tr, " 4,t+kl ¡\)Auflè L 4t . &âârî'Ë+#,itË¿rË . zþ* ÈËå"fÈt+,iË Ë'^T+-L B++Êíiáù è+h*"kË_zlÉ4ùÉfi Ë+ *tu " 4,iå+fi r"I , ä-îiì+++rF+ â&Ft¿,Êfrì841+ä4#t,[ft " a\ 4 FË H F.ã-,H , Ìeßã-#,1Ël+â|;rfilÁ*.EJ H, L'Èífi " ++* Èrrêü+EÈ_zl## . lê+å'- fÈ,ilAfuffiiÈd¿Æ=ft EÈ."ru1È,a+*iåF.€. fr 4.4î 'o # *iÈ. f ô ñ$**l',råñEê,8[?ftiÆ, *iÈ M&t+41 fiå E f îl=nl4n f.6l*l',rlÈ,qê,,81ËnÍÆ, ,*i"É.À+èn#aFÅ#4î " " " Appendix I Arrangement for Congregation 2014 =Ã-FI ;1F UNIVERSIDADE DE MACAU UNIVERSITY OF MACAU Arrangement for Congregation 2014 Date: Time: Venue: 21 June 2014 (Saturday) 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. New Campus Sports Complex The Congregation will consist of two sessions. Please refer to the below Ceremony Proceedings for details. We hope that students can respect the ceremony arrangement, thus, potential graduates who are absent from Session I will not be allowed to attend Session II of the ceremony. Each potential graduate is entitled to at most T\ilO ceremony admission tickets of either Type A or Type B. The admission tickets will be distributed together with the potential graduate's seat card. The types of admission ticket are as follows: Type A admission Companions can attend Session I and II of the ceremony by presenting the þpe A admission tickets. The seats will be located on the upper level of the ceremony hall. ticket ' Companions should arrive at the ceremony hall bv 3:00 p.m. Type B admission Companions can attend Session II of the ceremony by presenting the Type B admission ticket ; tickets. The seats will be located on the ground floor level of the ceremony hall. Companions should arrive at the ceremony hall bv 4:40 p.m. . There will be a live broadcast room near the ceremony hall. Companions can watch the live broadcast of Session I of the ceremony, or visit the new campus if preferred. - Ceremony Proceedings Items Renting of graduation gown (including hood and mortarboard) anc I collection of seat card and admission tickets. Potential graduates and companions holding Type A admissior 2. tickets should arrive at the ceremony hall, be seated and kee¡ J. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 12. 13. 14. 15. Time Venue New Campus Sports Complex Lobbv 3:00 p.m. Ceremony Hall silent. The entrances of the ceremonv hall will soon be closed. Demonstration on receiving certificates, practice of Universit¡ Ceremony Hall Anthem sinsing and UM Symphonic Band's performance. Session I: please rise and keep silent when the Chancellor (Chief Executive of Macao SAR) and the processton are enterins the ceremonv hall. National Anthem (Please take offthe mortarboard) University Anthem (Please take offthe mortarboard) Speech by the Chancellor Speech bv the Rector Conferment of Degrees Speech by the Representat ve of the Students AlumniAssociation nd of Session I: please stand up and keep silent when the procession on stage is leaving the ceremony hall Session II: companions holding Type B admission tickets should arrive at the ceremony hall by 4:40 p.m., be teated and keep silent. The entrances of the ceremony hall will soon be closed. {wards of Certificates (Rector will present certificates and take photos with the potential graduates) End of Ceremony: please stand up and keep silent when the procession on stage is leaving the ceremony hall Speech by the Representat ve of the ËF5^e +åiì/i UM - Modelo 6 Appendix I Arrangement for Congregation 2014 = ¡r .;\ g' UNIVERSIDADE DE MACAU UNIVERSITY OF MACAU The reply E-form will be sent to the students' personal E-mail again. Please complete the E-form for attending the ceremony on or before 23 May 2014 (Friday). Please also indicate the type and quantity of admission ticket you preferred in the E-form. If there is a shortage for a specific type of ticket, the final distribution of tickets will be decided by a lottery draw and the drawing result will be announced later. If you do not receive the said E-mail, please contact the Registry as soon as possible (Tel: +853 8397 4007, E-mail: registry@umac.mo). a Notes for Congregation: 1. Time to Arrive at the Ceremony Hall for Potential Graduates: 2. Companions: 3. Dress Code: Potential graduates should arrive at the ceremony hall BEFORE 3:00 P.M. and attend the whole ceremony. Please be seated and keep silent after arrival. We hope that students can respect the ceremony arrangement, thus, potential graduates who are absent from Session I will not be allowed to attend Session II of the ceremony. Companions should present the ceremony admission tickets for attending the ceremony (children of age below 6 will not be admitted). Please remain seated during the ceremony. . in white shirt, dark-colour / dark-colour dress and dark-colour shoes for the ceremony. No T-shirts, jeans and sneakers are allowed. Potential graduates with improper attire will not be allowed to receive the certificate on stage. Potential graduates must dress formally trousers 4. Gown Rental: . Potential graduates should prepare hair clips and safety pins for wearing their gowns. . Only potential graduates who confirmed renting a gown in the reply E-form can rent a gown provided by the University on the day of the . 5. Photo Taking Arrangement: ceremony. The rent is MOP65 per day plus a MOP440 deposit. Payment should be made by cash. The deposit will be reimbursed upon your return of the gown. Potential graduates could return their gowns on the day of the ceremony to the designated counter before 7:30 p.m. The University will arrange photographers to take photos during the ceremony. Potential graduates can purchase the photos at the designated photography company. Details will be announced on the Registry's webpage. 6. Congregation Arrangement in case ofTyphoons and Rainstorms: . . . ËPItë fåni^- l.,M - Modelo 6 The ceremony will be held as usual when tropical storm waming signal no.3 or rainstorm warning signal is hoisted. The ceremony will carry on when tropical storm warning signal no.8 is hoisted during the ceremony. The ceremony will be postponed when tropical storm warning signal no.8 is still hoisted at 12:00 n.n. on the day of the ceremony. 澳 門 大 學 校 友 會 ASSOCIAÇÃO DOS ANTIGOS ALUNOS DA UNIVERSIDADE DE MACAU Photo UNIVERSITY OF MACAU ALUMNI ASSOCIATION 入會申請表 Pedido de Admissão Admission Application 個人資料 Dados Pessoais Personal Information 外文姓名(葡英) Nome Completo Name in Full 中文姓名 Nome Chinês Name in Chinese 性別 Sexo Sex F – 女/Feminino/Female M – 男/Masculino/Male 國籍 Nacionalidade Nationality 身份證/護照號碼 B.I.R./Passaporte I.D. Card/Passport No. 出生日期 Data de Nascimento Date of Birth DD 通訊資料 MM YYYY Informações de Contacto Contact Information 通訊地址 Endereço Postal Postal Address 電話 No. de Tel. Tel No. (辦公室) (Escritório) (Office) 傳真 Fax Fax (住宅) (Casa) (Home) 傳真 Fax Fax (流動電話) (Portátil) (Mobile) 傳呼機 Pager Pager 電子郵箱 E-mail 學歷資料 Informações de Graduação Graduation Information 學院 Faculdade/Instituto Faculty/Institute 畢業年份 Ano de Graduação Year of Graduation 主修 學號 No de Estudante Student No Variante Major 其他資料 Outros Informações Other Information 申請成為”澳門大學校友會會員”, 並接受由工商銀行發出的” 工銀澳門大學校友會銀聯雙幣信用咭 ” Application for both AAAUM membership and Dual Currency AAAUM Credit Card from ICBC 只申請成為”澳門大學校友會會員” Application only for AAAUM membership 備註 Observações Remarks 年度會費為 MOP$150 (應屆畢業 生獲豁免一年會費優惠) Quota Anual MOP$150 (Isenção da quota anual por um ano para recém graduados) Annual Fee MOP$150 (The annual fee for the 1st year is waived for fresh graduates) 遞交報名表時請連同下列文件: Inclua por favor os seguintes documentos Please submit the following documents 畢業證書副本 Cópia do Certificado Certificate Copy 1. 存入本會永亨銀行賬號: 669115-101 Depositar na conta número 669115-101 BANCO WENG HANG Deposit to our account 669115-101 in WENG HANG BANK 相片一張 Fotografia(uma) Photo(one) 年度會費 Pagamento Anual Annual Payment 2. 存 入 本會中 國銀行 戶口 : 0 1-01 -20-8 334 00 ; 居民身份證副本 Cópia do B.I.R. Copy of I.D. Card 4. 將150元會費支票郵寄氹仔澳門大學學 生中心2樓5號室,澳門大學校友會收. Envia por correiro o cheque cruzado à ordem de “Associação dos Antigos Alunos da Universidade de Macau” 3 . 存 入本 會工 商銀行 戶口 : 1 07-0 119- 100 5-0 237 14 -1 0 ; 本會郵寄地址 AAAUM Mailing Address 澳門大學學生中心二樓 5 號室 Room 5, 2nd Floor, Student Center, University of Macau, Taipa, Macao. 簽署 本會電郵地址 AAAUM E-mail 傳真: 8397 4385 FAX: Assinatura 申請人簽署 Assinatura do Requerente Signature of Applicant 校友會專用 會員證編號 No de Cartão do Membro Member Card No 負青人簽署 Assinatura do Responsável Signature of Responsible aaaum@umac.mo Signature 日期 Data Date Somente para Uso Oficial For AAAUM use only 日期 Data Date SN PR WL PS
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