A Word From Our Pastor - Centenary United Methodist Church


A Word From Our Pastor - Centenary United Methodist Church
Centenary United Methodist Church
140 E Market St
Smithfield, NC 27577
Phone 919-934-2333
Non-profit standard mail
U.S. Postage Paid
Permit No. 11
Smithfield, NC
Centenary Messenger
May 20114
Change Service Requested
Centenary United
Methodist Church
140 E. Market St.
Smithfield, NC 27577
Email– Frtdesk@embarqmail.com
A Word From Our Pastor
A good family is like the foundation to society. Good families live to serve each other and their neighboring human beings.
Good families love one another.
I am blessed to be a member of a good family. We tackle
problems together and stand beside each other in time of need.
Ours is not to gain but to support.
Recently, Charline and I have witnessed the support and love of a family.
Throughout Charline’s illness our families have supported us. We have traveled together and prayed together. We have hugged together and cried together. We have
held hands and blended hearts.
We have also been blessed to have a wonderful church family. We thank you for
all your support during these difficult days. Things are getting considerably better.
Charline’s treatments are much shorter and further apart. We give God and our families all the praise.
On another note we are getting very excited about welcoming a tiny addition to
our family. Our youngest daughter, Kelci, is expecting a baby and our third grandchild in November. May the family increase!!
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The Centenary Messenger
The Centenary Messenger
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Regular Weekly Schedules
May 2014
Sunday Schedule:
8:45 am.
Early Service
9:45 am
Sunday School
10 am
Chancel Choir
10:55 am
Morning Worship
6 pm
Church Family Celebrations
May Birthdays
Julia Royall
Terry Dickens
Thomas Howard
Alice Royall
Banks, Margaret
Food Closet, 9:30 am-Noon
& 2-4:30
Choir Practice, 7:00 p.m.
Hispanic Prayer Group, 7:00 p.m.
Hispanic Worship
United Methodist
Men’s Ham and
Yam Breakfast
Special Schedule
UMM Ham & Yam Breakfast, 7:45 a.m.
Joy Cir. 10 am @ CUMC
Mary Stevens Cir, 10:30 am @ home of Betsy Royall
Bettie Sanders Cir., 2pm @ the home of
Dana Johnson with co-hostess Frances Busby
Church office closed
in observation of Memorial Day
Hampton Moore
Lorine Davis
Joseph Stancil
Jimmy Royall
Michelle Wallace
Rick Fanney
Mr. & Mrs. Julian Marshall
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Tate
Mr. & Mrs. Berry Skinner
Betsy Stancil
Mr. & Mrs.. Stephen Henderson
Peter Connet
Tony Felizzi
Raleigh Tubb
Will Kennedy
David Stubbs
John Hess
Dr. Harold Underwood
John Fleming
Jason Williams
Dana Johnson
Jaclyn Beck Kennedy
Lanette Williams
Kevin Williams
Ryan Harris
Mark McCain
Wade Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Andy Moore
Mr. & Mrs. Pete Peterson
Mr. & Mrs. David Sawrey
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Parr
Mr. & Mrs. Alex DeLeon
Addie Embler
Brooks Skinner
Laurra Bowling
Neal Davis
May Anniversaries
Fred Jensen
Jonathan Pittard
Breanna Williams
Reaves Cataliotti
John Wallace
Saturday, May 3rd
from 7 am to 9 am
in Wesley Hall.
Alex Girard
Sue Erwin
Miles Fleming
Phyllis Parrish
Hilda Huskey
Genie Grimes
Lu Long Medlin
Nathan Kiser
Barry Jackson
Tickets are $7.00 and are available
from a UMM member or from the
church office
Banks Wallace
Thank you,
Thank you so much for the cards, calls and prayers
during my recent illness. I really appreciate the
Christian love and caring of my community. May
God Bless and keep you all. You are all in my heart.
Ann DeHaven
The Centenary Messenger
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Vivia Creech
The Centenary Messenger
Smithfield Area Ministr ies
Karen Velker
Mr. & Mrs. Jack O’Hale
Mr. & Mrs. Jack O’Hale
Dr. & Mrs. Tom Johnson
Mrs. Kelly Cobb
Mr. & Mrs. Paul McCain
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Sutton
Mrs. Eva Creech
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Grimes
Dr. & Mrs. F.O. Fitzgerald
Mr. & Mrs. Phil Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Perry Harris
Mr. & Mrs. John Whitley
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Fleming
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Clay
Jean Fields
Mr. & Mrs. Jack O’Hale
Ray Earp
Mr. & Mrs. Jack O’Hale
Susan Allen
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Sutton
Jennifer Lawson
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Sutton
Centenary UMC
Attention Church Members:
A special ministry was begun by Ruby York and a large number of volunteers many years ago.
It has been continued under the leadership of Lea Moore for the past few years. The key focus
is to visit and to send cards to the homebound, sick, and needy people of our church every
month. We also send birthday, sympathy, get well, new baby, congratulations, special anniversary, and prayer cards to various people in the church.
The members of this committee need your help. If you are interested in volunteering to visit someone once a month, please call Dee Howell at 919-9342218. If you know of someone who needs a visit, a call or a card, please let
Dee, Meagan, or Laurra at the church know.
Health and Welfare Committee
Dee Howell, Chair.
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We have survived a very cold winter and assisted 706 people December 2013 through March
2014. Many children that were home during snow
days may not have had much to eat. Now that the
snow and ice are gone please don't forget
these people that continue to need our help.
During the summer months (June and July) we are
asking that you assist with "kid" friendly bread, jelly
and peanut butter. This will be a time where there
will be no free lunches or backpack Buddies to help
keep hunger at bay. We are blessed with donations
from Pepperidge Farm with bread but most children
do not like rye or other dark breads. If you could
start now adding one jar of peanut butter and jelly to
your cart when you shop to have a donation to make
in June or July, it would make a huge difference to
the Food Closet shelves. Let's fill the shelves with
peanut butter and jelly.
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The Centenary Messenger
Message from Meagan
In all the rainy weather this spring, I
have learned one new, very special fact.
Large chocolate labs, have large, muddy
feet. It seems that every time I let Daisy, our
lab, out I end up having to clean the floor
when she comes back in, no matter how hard
we try to catch her at the door and wipe her
paws. She leaves tracks everywhere! And
she can cover a lot of ground quickly.
However, these footprints got me thinking about the tracks
we leave in the lives of others. Sometimes we leave good tracks
in the lives of those around us. We share God’s love and grace
with them in word and in deed. We touch their lives and spread
God’s word. Occasionally we may leave bad tracks in the lives
of others. We can be careless with our words, or harmful in our
In John 13 Jesus tells us that Christians will be known by
their love. That when we care for one another, we leave “Godprints”. Christ left the most important tracks in our lives and in
so doing, he shaped the way we are to leave tracks for others. Let
us strive to live lifes of love, that others may know that we are
Christians, and come to believe in Him more deeply.
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The Centenary Messenger
Centennial Celebration
This summer we will be
celebrating the
100 anniversary
of worshipping in our Sanctuary!
Be sure to join us in this special
time as we look back to remember the
past, give thanks for those who have so
faithfully served before us, and continue to look to the future of outreach and
ministry at Centenary! Our Celebration
will culminate on July 13 as we will
have one Worship Service at 10:55am
followed by a “Dinner on the Grounds”.
More information will be coming soon!
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The Centenary Messenger
JOY Circle
May 11th at 10:00am
Classroom 2 (next to Royal Builders)
Mary Stevens Circle
May13th at10:30 a.m.
@ home of Betsy Royall
Betty Sanders Circle
May 21st at 2:00 p.m.
@ home of Dana Johnson
Co-Hostess Frances Busby
The Centenary United Methodist Women would like to recognize the
mothers, grandmothers, daughters, aunts and other special women in
our lives on Mother's Day, May 11, 2014 by giving a gift of $5.00 in
memory or in honor of someone special.
Please fill out the information and send contributions to Judi Blizzard,
Treasurer, 104 E. Stevens Street, Smithfield, NC 27577 or to the church office by Friday May 3, 2014. Proceeds will be given to women, children,
and youth. Thank you.
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United Methodist Youth Fellowship
Helping Youth Grow as Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World
Dear Friends,
Since 2008 I have seen God at work in the fellowship and love shared by the members of this church community. And, although I will soon be transitioning to a new place of service, I know that God is, even now, preparing the heart of the one he
will send to serve in this role. If my time with you is any indication of what God can do, I can say you’ve got great things
ahead of you!
Beginning in July of this year, I will begin serving as a resident chaplain at the University of North Carolina Hospital in
Chapel Hill. Because it is God who is calling me, I can say that I am not worried about this church – for when God calls one
person away, we know that another is close behind.
Over the next few months, your youth ministry will continue to provide a safe place where the youth of this church and community can explore faith, build friendships, worship God, and have lots of fun along the way. As you can see, we have a full
calendar of youth events to carry us into the summer and into the fall of this year and I know that God will continue to uphold
this youth ministry well into the future.
As the Staff Parish Relations Committee begins the search process, I ask that you keep them in your prayers. I also ask that
you pray for all of our youth, parents, and volunteer ministry workers who already serve so faithfully. I am thankful for your
love and support throughout my time here and I will continue to serve Christ among you with prayer and love.
Grace & peace,
Andrew Tatum
(919) 631-2487
Youth Ministry Updates:
In memory of_______________________________
Given by ___________________________________
In honor of _________________________________
Given by __________________________________
UMYF meets on the following dates and times in May: May 4th and May 18th. We will not meet on May
11th due to Mother’s Day and we will not meet on May 25th due to Memorial Day weekend.
Praise Team will lead wor ship in both ser vices on May 4th.
2014 Summer Mission Trip: Please be in prayer for our mission trip participants as we prepare to share the love
of Christ with the people of Overtown in Miami, Florida. The trip will take place the week of June 14-21 and
we'll be working with Touching Miami With Love, a ministry to inner-city kids. Our work will involve loving
these kids in Jesus' name and sharing God's love with them as we play, work, and share the love of Christ with
those in need.
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The Centenary Messenger
The teachers and children of Mother's Morning Out
would like to take this time to thank all the church members for their support of our program. It is a great blessing to be a part of a church that cares so much about the
programs that it provides for the children. We wouldn't
be here without your support! Thank you and God bless.
Do you have an interesting hobby or collection that you
would be willing to share with pre-school children? We
are on the look out for fun activities for our summer
If you have a passion for music and children, I have
the place for you. I would like to do a music program
for the children during MMO summer camp. If you
would be willing to volunteer a couple hours a month,
to plan and conduct a music lesson for our children,
please let Bethany know at bchapin@nc.rr.com.
The Centenary Messenger
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Vacation Bible School will be held on July 7, 8, and 9 during the morning hours. It
will be open to children ages three through Fifth grade. This year we will have fun
with WEIRD ANIMALS where we learn that Jesus Love is one of a kind!!!!
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED We need your help!!!!
Volunteers needed for Summer Sunday School from May 25 until August 17.
You will be provided a DVD lesson and age appropriate activities for the children.
It is a simple way to help
Volunteers for Vacation Bible School are needed on J uly 7, 8, 9 from 8:30-12:00
Bible Story Teller
Science Leader
Theater Leader
Snack Leader and helpers
Group level leader
If you are interested please contact Rodney Sawrey at rbs1253@aol.com