18 Week 8 Term 1 Newsletter 2016 Week 12


18 Week 8 Term 1 Newsletter 2016 Week 12
School Newsletter
Caring, Living, Learning
Student Banking
Wednesday, Thursday
18 Mar SRC and House Induction
Assembly - 2.20pm
EOI for Yr6 into Yr7 due
21 Mar ROSA Assembly - 9.30am
22 Mar PSC Sport Leadership
23 Mar Stage 1 Excursion - Symbio
Wildlife Park
24 Mar Combined Easter Scripture
Assembly 10am - 11am
Easter Fun - 12.30pm - 1.30pm
25 Mar Good Friday
28 Mar Easter Monday
29 Mar Parent Teacher Meetings 3.15 - 6.25pm
31 Mar School Cross Country
2 April P and C Bunnings BBQ
8 April Last day Term 1
27 Apr
Term 2 commences
Friday 18 March 2016
Number 76
Term 1 Week 8, 2016
A huge thank you to all students, teachers and parents for making the
opening of our COLA and Harmony Day such a memorable experience.
Thank you to all of the parent helpers who helped to coordinate the
days events: Mr Arthur, Mr Beattie, Mrs Nicastri, Mrs Schipp,
Mrs Stanojevic, Mr Venables, Mrs Zaharis, Mrs Egan, Mrs Keremelevski,
Mrs Gavriloski, Mrs Newman and Mr and Mrs Brown.
A special thank you to Mrs Christian for sourcing a donation of sausages
and bread from the Outback Steakhouse for our sausage sizzle.
I would also like to thank the Outback Steakhouse for their generous
Our school chose to celebrate Harmony Day earlier than the set date of
21 March to coincide with the opening of our new COLA. It gave us all
the opportunity to celebrate diversity. The students had a great day
playing both Indigenous games and games from other countries . A huge
thank you to Mrs Rojas and Sebastian who gave cooking demonstrations
for all of our students. We all got to
taste a calzones rotos, sweet treat
from Chile!
Special thanks to Miss David for her
organisation of the harmony day
activities and to all of the teachers and
students who contributed to the
The day was truly a team effort.
Jacaranda Avenue, Figtree NSW 2525
Ph: 4226 3867 Fax: 4226 5087
email: nareenahil-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au
Principal : Giselle Coltman
P and C Executive
I would like to publicly thank all outgoing 2015 P and C Executive; Mrs Stanojevic, Mr Kendon. I would
particularly like to thank Mrs Stanojevic 2015 President for her outstanding leadership of our school
P and C. Your efforts are truly magnificent and appreciated by all.
Our 2016 P and C are:
President: Madeline Christian
Vice President : Kate Egan
Secretary: Cheree Beattie
Treasurer: Leisa Zaharis
Canteen Coordinators: Amanda Schipp and Christine Gregory
Events Coordinator: Madeline Christian
Uniform Coordinator: Kaylene Herald
Congratulations to all committee members and I look forward to yet another great year of working
together to support our students.
Performing Arts Success - Congratulations
Congratulation to Montana and Abbey for their successful selection in their audition for a place in the
prestigious Southern Stars Dance Company.
The audition process was long and arduous in the heat with extremely challenging choreography. I have
been informed that both girls were an absolute credit to our school.
Parent Teacher Interviews – Tuesday 29 March 3:15-6:25pm
This year our parent teacher interviews will once again be held on one afternoon to enable parents to
meet with their children’s teachers on the one day.
Parent Teacher interviews will be 10 minutes in length. Unfortunately the time is not able to be extended.
Parents wishing longer interview times should make an appointment with the child’s class teacher at a
different time.
Please note all meeting times will be scheduled at 10 minutes intervals.
Parents will need to be responsible for the supervision of their children during interview times.
Unfortunately supervision cannot be provided as all teachers will be involved in parent/teacher meetings.
It would be appreciated if alternative care arrangements could be made to ensure the safety of all.
If you are unable to attend the parent /teacher sessions on 29 March 2016 teachers will schedule another
mutually convenient meeting time.
All students were given an interview request form for parents to complete and return to their child’s
class teacher.
Parents will be given a return slip indicating their interview time.
Giselle Coltman
Nareena Hills Public School Newsletter Ph: 4226 3867 www.nareenahil-p.schools.nsw.edu.au
Wednesdays 9.00 - 2.30pm
Term 1
Week 9
Parent Action Symbol!
If you see this symbol next to an item, then it is
something that you may either have to action or
note in your diary.
23 March
Leonie Paiola, Renae Hancock,
Ali Giobbi, Lauren Scott
Week 10
30 March
Kaylene Crowe, Kristy Clifford,
Megan Arthur
Week 11
6 April
Natalie Nicastri, Christine Gregory,
Amanda Schipp, Kirsten Potter
Term 2
Week 1 27 April
Rachel Kendon, Louise Coleman,
Julijana Stanojevic,
Tammy Montgomery
Voluntary School Contributions
$30 per student or $60 per family (with two or
more children attending the school.)
Online Ref
Voluntary School Contributions
Stage 1 Excursion to Symbio Wildlife Park
Wednesday 23 March
Symbio Wildlife Park, Helensburgh
Thursday 17 March
Online Ref:
Thursday 9.00 - 2.30pm
Term 1
Week 9
24 March
Petra Holmes, Katrina Stanmore,
Alison Darlow
Week 10
31 March
Kelly Lazicic, Alannah Tagliapietra,
Debra Tagliapietra
Week 11
7 April
Linda Zanotto, Kate Johnson,
Anne Simpson
Term 1
Next Assembly Week 9
commences at 9.30AM
Term 2
Week 1 28 April
Karmen Bond, Bridget Newman,
Cheree Beattie, Michelen Bowman
Week 9
Monday 21 March - ROSA Assembly 9.30am
Term 2
Week 2
Friday 6 May - 3/4L Assembly Item
Week 4
Friday 20 May - 1/2T Assembly Item
Nareena Hills Public School Newsletter Ph: 4226 3867 www.nareenahil-p.schools.nsw.edu.au
During week 9 we will be focussing on the value of RESPONSIBILITY.
The focus statement is
Do what you know is right.
This week will be focussing on responsibility around toilets and bubblers.
Remember: Use appropriately, Wash hands and Leave promptly.
Lowes Easter Draw
Bring in your school uniform receipts from Lowes and place them in the box at the office. Please
ensure you have your child’s name and class on the receipt. A draw will take place at the Easter
Woolworths Earn and Learn
The educational resources we ordered through the 2015 Earn & Learn
program have been delivered. We received:
Stepping stones exercise balance kit 
Yoga play and relaxation kit
Three rivers recycled floor mat
Polydron giant acrobats
Set of 10 softplay seats
Story sequencing cards
Emotions cards
Easter activities
On Thursday 24 March, we will be holding an Easter Fun session in the middle of the day. There will be
tabloids of fun activities set up for K-2 and Yrs 3-6 to roam and enjoy. Children are not required to make
an Easter hat this year. Please bring along a dollar if you would like to have a go in the Easter Egg
Guessing competition.
The drawing of the Year 6 Easter Raffle will occur at the end of the fun
During the morning, those students who attend Scripture will enjoy an Easter
themed performance in the hall.
Children who attend non scripture have also been invited to attend. Please
return your permission note to school if you are interested in attending the
performance in the hall.
Lost Property
As the end of term approaches, parents are reminded to ask their child/children to check lost
property. Parents are advised that on the last day of term any items of clothing not collected will
be donated to the schools second hand uniform and other items will go to St Vincent de Paul.
A reminder to please ensure that ALL your child/children’s items are clearly labelled to enable them to be
Nareena Hills Public School Newsletter Ph: 4226 3867 www.nareenahil-p.schools.nsw.edu.au
1/2T Gym Sports
This term 1/2T and all Stage 1 and Early Stage 1 classes have been participating in a program called Gym
Sports. All of the students have had a great time participating in the program that included learning
specific balance skills on balance beams, how to jump and land off a mini trampoline, forwards and
sideways rolls and how to do different types of box jumps. I know all students in my class are always
really excited when lunch finishes on a Tuesday as that means it’s time for Gym Sports! Here are a few
photos of what 1/2T has been doing in Gym Sports.
Nareena Hills Public School Newsletter Ph: 4226 3867 www.nareenahil-p.schools.nsw.edu.au
These are a some of the responses as to why 1/2T loves Gym Sports so much!
I think Gym Sports is very fun because you get to play games using the parachute. My favourite game is
where you put balls on it and then flip the parachute up to try and get the balls to touch the roof!
It’s fun because the monkey bars, the parachute and the balance beam are all really exciting!
I think Gym Sports is so fun because the balls go flying everywhere when we do the parachute.
I absolutely love doing Gym Sports! Every Tuesday at Gym Sports everyone gets to do a variety of
different activities, which I think is great.
Gym Sports is fun because we get to do new things every Tuesday.
Gym Sports is fun because we get to do bunny hops, go on the trampolines and monkey bars.
We have been doing the motor bike landing at Gym Sports, I really like it.
Gym Sports is cool because you get to have fun while burning some energy.
Gym Sports is so enjoyable because the teachers put the fun into exercising!
Gym Sports is great as it is really fun, plus it keeps you fit and healthy.
I love Gym Sports because it’s a fun sport.
Gym Sports is fun because you get to jump on the mini tramp and do a motorbike landing.
I really enjoy doing Gym Sports because we get to do the monkey bars and we also get to do mini
I’m sure every student is looking forward to seeing what activities they will be doing next week in their
weekly Gym Sports lesson.
Mr Tunbridge
Nareena Hills Public School Newsletter Ph: 4226 3867 www.nareenahil-p.schools.nsw.edu.au
AFL Paul Kelly Cup Gala Day
On Wednesday 9 March some Stage 3 students went to play in the AFL Paul Kelly Cup Gala day. It was
at Thomas Dalton Park and it was a boiling hot day. Nareena Hills had one girls team and one boys team
compete on the day.
There were 12 members of the girls team, they were: Ebony, Arwen, Tahlia, Cameron, Ava, Georgia,
Hannah, Grace, Hayley, Makinley, Clementine and Annemieke. The girls played Waniora, Thirroul and
Dapto. They won the second of their 3 games, and lost the other 2. The girls worked well as a team and
encouraged each other throughout all the games.
There were 15 members of the boys team: Samuel, Zac, Anthony, Louis, Benjamin, Daniel R, Daniel T,
Slater, Nicolas, Jayden, Roman, Tyson, Nathan, Isaac and Brock. The boys played against St Pius, Dapto,
Thirroul and Wollongong. They won the first 3 games and lost the last one by 2 points. The boys showed
persistence and resilience in all their games, and scored some excellent goals.
Even though neither team made it to the semi-finals, they still had heaps of fun and showed great
teamwork and sportsmanship. Everyone tried their best and did Nareena Hills proud.
By Annemieke
Sport Announcement
Congratulations to the following students who were selected to represent Northern Illawarra at the
PSSA Trials:
Netball – Alice C, Chloe K
Touch Football – Zac T, Chloe K
Rugby League – Zac T, Ben K
Nareena Hills Public School Newsletter Ph: 4226 3867 www.nareenahil-p.schools.nsw.edu.au
Our school Cross Country carnival will be held on Thursday 31 March from
9am – 12pm (please note, times are approximate). All children from Kindergarten
to Year 6 will be participating unless they have a note of exemption signed by a
parent and handed in to the class teacher.
Children are to wear their school sports uniform or their house colour (Wattle - Yellow, Banksia Green, Waratah - Red, and Jacaranda - Blue). Please apply sunscreen to your child in the morning and
ensure that your child has a hat and a drink bottle filled with water. The children are able to have a light
snack during their designated spectating time, so please make sure you pack them enough food for the
entire day.
Firstly, the 11, 12 & 13 year olds will run four laps (3km), followed by the 8, 9 & 10 year olds who will
run three laps (2km). The final race of the day will be the 5, 6 and 7 year olds. They will run a modified
course of the school playground. Students have been training for these distances during fitness and sport.
Parents are very welcome to attend and be part of the cheer squad. It is always a great event.
We are also in need of some parent helpers on the day. Can you please let Mr Tunbridge know if you are
available to help. Your help at these events is much appreciated!
If parents wish to take their child/children after the event they need to sign and record the time they
are leaving on their childs class list before taking them home. A copy of the class list can be found at the
recording table.
It is going to be a fantastic day and we hope to see you all there!!
Mr Tunbridge
Nareena Hills Public School Newsletter Ph: 4226 3867 www.nareenahil-p.schools.nsw.edu.au
School Cross Country Fun Run
Students were given their school cross country sponsorship forms this week. We would be delighted if
you could help your child to find sponsors to support the school P and C’s fundraising efforts. Please
note number of laps on sponsorship form are incorrect.
Bunnings Fundraising BBQ
Nareena Hills Public School P and C continues to support the students and teachers in purchasing
resources for learning. Please help us to continue to do so in supporting our fundraising efforts.
The P and C have been fortunate in securing Saturday 2 April for a Wollongong Bunnings BBQ
fundraising event. We are in need of adult helpers. Please email nareenahillspandc@hotmail.com
with your name, availabilities and contact details so we can make the day an enjoyable one for all involved. Help is required throughout the day between the hours of 7am-5pm, any time will be of assistance. Please note that due to safety regulations, as set by Bunnings, children are not permitted in
the BBQ area.
Nareena Hills Public School Newsletter Ph: 4226 3867 www.nareenahil-p.schools.nsw.edu.au