Royal Veterinary College - Employability
Royal Veterinary College - Employability
“Embedding Employability into the BSc Curriculum” HEA funded SEP October 2014 – July 2015 Charlotte Lawson, Claire Russell, Gemma Ludgate, Alistair Spark, Imelda McGonnell, Mike Whelan, Rachel Lawrence, Chantal Chenu, David Bishop-Bailey, Charlotte Burn, Michael Waters, Kirsty Fox, Donald Palmer Student Reps: Matthew Weir and Elizabeth Myers RVC Strategic Plan 2014-2019 Aim of the project: to increase students’ awareness of their employability (or “graduateness”) Objectives for the project: 1. To develop an online questionnaire “employability health check” for students to take at different stages of the course and mapping of the BSc curriculum to employability attributes First year – awareness Second year – application Third year - articulation 2. To develop an online reflective tool – the ePortfolio for students to reflect on acquisition of employability skills, to be used as part of the tutorial system, to provide space in the cloud to gather evidence for future employers or postgraduate providers 3. To capture baseline data Current awareness of employability in our BSc students; The desired attributes in new graduates from post graduate employers /study providers and how our graduates perform compared to those from other courses Values and skills our alumni feel they gained from our BSc programme Long term goals for the project (five year plan) To roll out employability health check and ePortfolio across all UG and PG courses; Develop KPI based on baseline data from undergraduates, alumni and employers; Continued development of our online tools, tutor and mentor capabilities in employability, and careers advice tailored for our students; Increase graduate level employment for all RVC new graduates and ultimately ensure that they are able to pursue their career goals and aspirations as they change over time. Outputs • Interviews and focus groups to gather baseline data • Development of Employability Healthchecks for all years of the BSc, extended to Masters programmes and developing PGR version • Development of ePortfolio available to everyone with an rvc email • First cohorts have taken the EHC. RVC ePortfolio Employability skills Attitudes Skills development Capability for career self management Subject specific skills Locus of control Digital skills Opportunity analysis Analytical and problem solving Goal setting Effective written and oral communication Online presence Research design and methods Growth mind-set Team working Career decision making Numeracy Resilience Leadership Relevant professional experience Presentation skills Skills self-awareness Organisation/time management CVs and applications Ethical issues, legislation and best practice Values Self-awareness Creative thinking Interviewing Scientific integrity Emotional intelligence Attention to detail networking Practical skills and H and S good practice Employability Health Check *** ** * BSc1 EHC data October 2015 Locus of control Attitudes Goal setting Growth mind-set Resilience Values self-awareness Skills self-awareness Emotional intelligence Opportunity analysis Career decision making Online presence Capabilities Attributes Relevant professional experience CVs and applications Interviewing Networking Digital skills Effective written and oral communication Leadership Transferable skills Team working Organisation/ Time management Creative thinking Attention to detail Research and design methods Analytical and problem solving skills Subject specific skills Numeracy Presentation skills Ethical issues and scientific integrity 0 10 50 0 Practical skills and health and safety good practice BSc2 EHC data October 2015 *** ** * Locus of control Goal setting Attitudes Growth mind-set Resilience Values self-awareness Skills self-awareness Emotional intelligence Opportunity analysis Career decision making Online presence Capabilities Attributes Relevant professional experience CVs and applications Interviewing Networking Digital skills Effective written and oral communication Leadership Transferable skills Team working Organisation/ Time management Creative thinking Attention to detail Research and design methods Analytical and problem solving skills Numeracy Subject specific skills Presentation skills Ethical issues and scientific integrity 40 30 20 10 0 Practical skills and health and safety good practice Ongoing/Future plans • Better join-up of Year 2 and Year 3 careers weeks and tutorials to ensure that there is good signposting of careers, career planning • students have the opportunity to develop their employability skills with support and signposting • Use of ePortfolio is encouraged for group work and archiving of practical write-ups • Students encouraged to retake EHC during the academic year to enable reflection on development of employability skills Lessons Learned/sharing good practice • Utilised a cross services working group structure (academics, student support, registry, eMedia, educational researchers) with student involvement at every level • Enabled the project to proceed at a very fast pace • This structure will be used in future projects to enhance the student experience within the RVC. • Our team was a core group of members and we co-opted further expertise at relevant stages of the project. • Having key contributors to the project being utilised at different stages helped the project to move forward with but also having a core team helped to maintain an overview of the project ensuring that it has achieved its aims.