
Curriculum Vitae (March 2014)
Nomadéis, 21 rue George Sand, 75016 Paris (France)
+33 (0)6 19 97 64 60
+33 (0)1 45 24 31 44
Sex Male | Date of birth 30 Jan 78 | Nationality French, Swiss
1 Mar 02 - Present
Founding partner and managing director
Nomadéis, Paris (France)
Consulting agency specialized in environmental affairs, corporate social responsibility and
international cooperation. Key expertise: eco-industries, sustainable cities, inclusive growth.
300+ missions conducted in 45+ countries worldwide since 2002. Team: 12 employees.
Key corporate accounts:
Bureau Veritas, Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations, EDF, Essilor, Hewlett-Packard, Intel,
Materis, Microsoft, Proactiva, Rio Tinto, Saint-Gobain, Sanofi-aventis, Veolia Environnement...
Examples of recent assignments:
- Multi-country, prospective research on the usage of information technology for educational purposes
(Australia, China, Finland, France, Germany, Singapore, South Korea and the UK).
- Strategic study of water and energy risks (China, France, India, Ireland, Mexico, Spain, Thailand and
the United States). Draft of a corporate policy and presentation to key stakeholders.
- Definition of a Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy for a multinational corporation, development
of institutional partnerships and dialogue with key stakeholders.
- CSR reporting (annual reviews, best practices, communication on progress for the UN Global
Compact, presentation and dissemination at the occasion of international events...).
Public and institutional accounts:
Government of France (Ecology, Economy and Finance, Foreign Affairs, Prime Minister,
French Development Agency…), cities and local authorities, Government of Monaco, German
International Cooperation (GIZ), European Economic and Social Committee, United Nations
(UNAOC, UNEP, UN-Habitat, UNITAR), World Bank, World Water Forum...
Examples of recent assignments:
- Economic and strategic research for the development of new green industries (related with smart
cities, smart mobility, sustainable construction, etc.)
- Multi-country, multi-channel research on the perception of climate change risks by public opinions,
conducted (Brazil, China, France, India, South Africa, US).
- Sustainable water management (Mediterranean): compared analysis of measures, public policies.
- Support for the establishment of a public-private partnership focusing on health and the environment
in 3 countries (Madagascar, Niger, Vietnam).
- Consulting for the development of Agendas 21 (strategies to achieve local sustainable development)
for cities and local governments.
Civil society accounts:
Mohammed VI Foundation for environmental protection, Foundation for Nature and Humanity,
Pasteur Institute, Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, Veolia Foundation...
Examples of recent assignments:
- Coordination of a study on innovative financing models to achieve sustainable development in
Southern countries.
- Creation of a network of expertise in environmental governance in the Mediterranean region;
organization of a symposium.
- Organization and facilitation of a 2-day seminar bringing together representatives from 24 countries,
to establish a cooperation framework.
- Joint coordination of humanitarian actions in post-crisis contexts (water, sanitation, energy, public
health, education...).
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Curriculum Vitae
November 2013
American Swiss Foundation
24th Annual Young Leaders Conference – Zurich, Switzerland
Nominated by Hon. Christa Markwalder, elected member and Second Vice President of the National
Council of Switzerland, member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Head of Government and Industry
Affairs with the Zurich Insurance Group.
October 2013
Council for the US and Italy
29th Young Leaders Conference – Austin, Texas
Theme: “Roots and Borders: How Personal and Collective Identities Interact with Politics and
Economics in a Changing World”.
Nominated by Michael Calingaert, former senior foreign service officer specializing in economic
affairs, expert at The Brookings Institution on European economic integration, the European Union,
transatlantic relations and Western Europe.
1 Apr 12 - 15 Apr 12
United Nations Alliance of Civilizations
Fellowship Programme aimed at fostering intercultural dialogue between young leaders from Europe,
Americas, Middle East and North Africa.
Two-week, intensive seminar organized in three countries (Morocco, Jordan, Saudi Arabia) with highlevel meetings and workshops on politics, culture, diplomacy, civil society and the Media).
Nominated by Jean-Christophe Bas, Senior Advisor Strategic Development and Partnerships at the
United Nations secretariat of the Alliance of Civilizations, Development Policy Dialogue Manager at
the World Bank and former Executive Director of the Aspen Institute in France.
1 Sep 07 - 30 Jun 08
University degree
Paris Institute of Criminology, Université Paris II - Panthéon-Assas, Paris (France)
Geostrategic intelligence. Analysis of contemporary threats and global issues.
1 Sep 97 - 30 Jun 00
MBA (Master of Business Administration)
ESSEC Business School, Paris (France)
Management, Strategy, Organization, Micro and Macroeconomics, Marketing, Finance and
Accounting, Law, Human sciences, Human Resources.
Mother tongue(s)
Other language(s)
Spoken interaction
Spoken production
Spanish / Castilian
Levels: A1/2: Basic user - B1/2: Independent user - C1/2 Proficient user
Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
Communication skills
Excellent communication skills in multi-cultural environments.
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Curriculum Vitae (March 2014)
Organisational / managerial skills
Proven leadership and managerial skills in multi-cultural environments.
Example: Designated Team leader to draft the Declaration of Alumni of the United Nations Alliance of
Civilizations (UNAOC) Fellowship Programme To Heads of States and Governments At the occasion
of the 67th General Assembly of the United Nations (Sept. 2012).
Computer skills
Driving licence
Good command of Office suite.
Network administration skills.
Website (creation, administration): Wordpress.
Statistical analysis software: Modalisa by Kynos.
Global survey ScenaRio 2012 (2011-2013): co-founder of the first global survey on Youth and
sustainable development, involving 30,000 young citizens aged 16-29 from 30 countries and a panel
of 100 thought-leaders. This project was supported by 6 agencies of the United Nations, 4 corporate
sponsors and was placed under the patronage of H.S.H. the Prince Albert II of Monaco and his
Foundation. Its results were officially presented during the Rio+20 UN Conference on sustainable
development. ScenaRio 2012 obtained various labels including the International Year of Youth and
the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (UNESCO).
World tour "AQUA tu penses ?" (2001-2002): one-year research journey on water and poverty,
covering 6 countries, 10 cities and 20 slums with the support of UNESCO (International Hydrological
Programme) and Veolia Environnement (the world leader in environment services, with 330,000+
employees worldwide). Key findings of this project were quoted in a book on water challenges
published in 2004 by former IMF President Michel Camdessus (Chair of the World Panel on Financing
Water Infrastructure) and presented through a series of talks in France and abroad (including USA:
World Bank, US Department of State; South Africa: World Summit on Sustainable Development,
Durban “CIFAL” training center; Japan: 3rd World Water Forum).
High-level panels
Other current positions
Personal invitation (2012) by French author and thought leader Jacques Attali (One of the top
100 public intellectuals in the world, according to the Foreign Policy Magazine 2008) to join an
international expert group to brainstorm on a new growth paradigm called “The Positive Economy”
(French President François Hollande entrusted this mission to M. Attali). This group is comprised of 30
high-level academics, business leaders, social entrepreneurs, representatives of multilateral
organizations, think tanks and associations, elected officials and individuals recognized for their
Appointed General Rapporteur, Positive Economy Index (2014)
UN-Habitat World Urban Campaign (WUC)
United Nations Global Compact (French network)
International Expertise Network on Sustainable Urbanization.
Comité 21 (French network of actors involved in sustainable development).
Solidarity Water programme's network of experts.
Solucom corporate Foundation (support to underprivileged children in France and internationally).
Member of the Board (2009 - Present): http://www.fondation-solucom.fr/index.php
R20 - Regions of Climate Action
Member of the committee of experts in charge of preparing the World Summit of Regions, to be held in
Paris (October 2014): http://regions20.org/
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Curriculum Vitae
Selection of publications
Author (A) / Co-author (C)
Fayard / La Documentation Française (2013) (C)
“For a positive economy” – Report submitted to the President of the Republic
Nomadéis / Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation for the protection of the environment (2013) (C)
“Water Governance in Mediterranean countries: analysing, taking action. Anticipating”
Press of the Alumni association of Ecole Polytechnique (“La Jaune et la Rouge”) (2013) (A)
“Local associations, major stakeholders for access to water and basic services in developing
Nomadéis / French Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy (2013) (C)
“Study on the industry and production sectors of bio-sourced materials and products used in
Nomadéis, Semiocast, K-Minos (Strategic intelligence Centre, French Government) (2012) (C)
"Perception of the international scientific discourse on climate threat by the general public in six
countries: Brazil, China, France, India, South Africa, United States"
Nomadéis and Fondapol, with the Untied Nations (2012) (C)
"ScenaRio 2012: Youth and Sustainable Development"
IGD / Institute of Delegated Management (2012) (C)
“Contractual governance of basic network services”
French Development Agency, Common Knowledge Collection (2009) (C)
"Water and sanitation in the process of ending the crisis: between emergency and development"
IGD Foundation - Committee for the Essential Services Charter (2008) (C)
"Contractualization, a key to the sustainable management of essential services"
UNESCO, Solidarity Program, Veolia Environnement (2004) (C)
"Water, Sanitation and Sustainable Development: Challenges in Developing Cities"
(160 pages, ISBN: 92-9220-008-9).
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Curriculum Vitae (March 2014)
Selection of conferences
New York (2014): Official launch of “the City We Need” process as a key World Urban Campaign
event organized by UN-Habitat and its partners to pave the way towards the 7 World Urban Forum
(2014), the post-2015 development agenda and the Habitat III Conference (2016).
Rabat (2013): World Summit of local and regional leaders (4 UCLG Congress).
Baku (2013): 2nd World Forum on Intercultural Dialogue. Invitation by United Nations and the
Government of Azerbaijan (Minister of Culture and Tourism) to take part to a panel on how to
strengthen relationships between young professionals from 20 countries. Co-chair of the first Alumni
meeting of the UNAOC Fellowship programme.
Nairobi (2013): 24 Governing Council of UN-Habitat (United Nations Human Settlements
Programme). Facilitation of an expert group on sustainable urbanization.
Washington D.C. (2012): invitation to join a Leadership Conference and Alumni Reunion of the
American Swiss Foundation (young leaders programme), focusing on bilateral issues (Politics,
Healthcare, Foreign Policy and Trade & Investment).
Rio de Janeiro (2012): United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20).
Organization of 2 official side-events and participation as an invited speaker.
Durban (2011): 17th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 17) to the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Survey and interviews with key personalities
including Rajendra K. Pachauri, Chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
Nairobi (2011): 23rd Governing Council of UN-Habitat (United Nations Human Settlements
Programme). Facilitation of an expert group on sustainable urbanization.
Rio de Janeiro (2010): World Urban Forum. Co-organization of 6 side-events (topics: PPPs,
decentralized cooperation, governance). Contribution to the preparation of the closing ceremony.
Istanbul (2009): World Water Forum. Participation as an official Facilitator in debates, in support of
the Forum's Secretariat General. Co-organization of an event for the launching of the Water think tank,
in partnership with the Prince Albert II Foundation for the Protection of the Environment and the United
Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR). Organizers: World Water Council, Government
of the Republic of Turkey.
Nice (2009): "Sustainable Development in the Mediterranean Region". Programme design, selection
of speakers, drafting of legal acts and funding. Organizers: European Economic and Social
Committee, Union for the Mediterranean Area, City of Nice.
Quito (2008): Sustainable development in Latin American cities. Facilitation of a working group.
Nanjing (2008): World Urban Forum. Participation in expert groups on sustainable urbanization.
Official representation of the private sector in the closing ceremony.
Vancouver (2006): World Urban Forum. Participation in expert groups on sustainable urbanization.
Kyoto (2003): World Water Forum. Presentation and launching of a collective work of reference, in
collaboration with UNESCO, Veolia Eau and the Solidarité Eau Programme.
Johannesburg (2002): World Summit on Sustainable Development. Composition and presentation of
a brochure on the topic of water, sanitation and sustainable development.
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Curriculum Vitae
Press references
Press agency UN-Habitat, 2008
Weekly newspaper " Le Nouvel Economiste", 2008
Newspaper "Le Monde", 2008
Weekly newspaper "Challanges", 2005
Ana MORENO, Spokesperson and Communications Director, UN-Habitat:
Eugenie BIRCH, Co-Director of the Penn Institute for Urban Research and
Co-chair, UN-Habitat World Urban Campaign (WUC): elbirch@design.upenn.edu
Christophe NUTTALL, CEO of R20 (Regions of Climate Actions):
Jean-Christophe BAS, Special Advisor, UN Alliance of Civilizations:
Nouzha ALAOUI, Secretary General of the Mohammed VI Foundation:
Jacques ATTALI, President, Attali & Associés; President, PlaNet Finance:
Dominique HERON, former Vice-President in charge of Partnerships, Veolia Environnement:
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