‐ 'x 1'S Ctl子 (111)θ 」 Europass ctrRRIcυ ιυM ylTAE ET STυ Curriculum Vitae D′ ORυ ″ RESO AI SENSi DEGL:AR爾 .46E47 DEL D p.R. 28.12.2000,N.445 Personal information Davide Moccia Surname(s) / First name(s) Address(es) Telephone(s) Mobile: I E-mail ltalian NationalitY Date of birth Male Gender Work experience 2008 Dates Museum guide Occupation or position held Guide at the zoological collection of the department of Animal Biology and Ecology Main activities and responsibilitles Cagliari - University of : University Of Cagliari Name and address of emPloYer Marine Biology Type of business or sector Dates 201 0 Occupation or Position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of emPloYer Type of business or sector lnternship at University of Cagliari, Marine Biology second level Degree Testing techniques on fertilization in lab, growing and the tagging of a species of sea urchin P a race ntrotu s livid u s. University of Cagliari, Marine Biology Marine biology Dates Occupation or Position held Main activities and responsibilities Name and address of emPloYer Type of business or sector 2012 lntern at the New England Aquarium Boston to The training will be comprised of construction of egg collectors, and the deployment of the collectors gather fish-eggs and larvae that are produced on exhibit in a public aquarium. The student will create a as well as a record of the time of collections, [hysicat ;u.o? lirugur) of the diversity of eggs collected, and the volume of eggs collected at each collection New England Aquarium Boston Massachusetts Marine Biology ol For more information on Europass go to httpl/eurqpass'cedefop'europa'eu Page 1/5 - Cuniculum vitae @ European Communities, 2003 20060628 name(s) First Sumame(s) ゝ Education and training Dates January 2013 Title of qualification awarded Phd Candidate XXV|ll Principal sublects/occupational Entered the PhD program at University of Cagliari - Department of Life and Environmental Sciences skills covered Dates November 201 2 Title of qualification awarded Applied Marin Bio- Ecology second Degree with Principal subjects/occupational 1 1 0/ 1 1 0 e lode Grades (Highest grade) Thesis : "Sull'ecologia del riccio di mare Paracentrotus llvrdus: aspetti riproduttivi, tagging sperimentale e colorimetria" skills covered Size diskibution analysis, analysis gonado somatrc index, testing marking techniques, breeding in the laboratory, colorimetric study through the use of color meter 400 CR '1sr Dates Position held lntern at New England Aquarium in Boston Massachusset Dates 2011 Master Student in "Marine Biology" (second level Degree) at the University of Cagliari Position held Dates Principal subjects/occupational skills covered Name and type of organization providing education and training Ecologic Systems analysis and experiments design cycle of research seminars for ecologist University of Cagliari Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjecis/occupational skills covered Name and type of organization providing education and training Sumame(s) First March 2010 Course "Ecological Experiments: their Logical Design and lnterpretation" Title of qualification awarded Page 2/5 - Cuniculum vrtae June 2012- 31st August 2012 of name(s) - Course directed by Prof. A.J.Underwood 2009i201 0 Applied Bio- Ecology Degree with '1 10/1 10 Grades Thesis title: "Population structure of Corallium rubrum in Sardegna" University of Cagliari For mrre information on Europass go to htlp:/ @ European Communilbs, 2003 20060628 Computer skills Skills both Hardware and Software Excellent ability to use the full Office Suite (writing, spreadsheet, presentations). Excellent knowledge of Windows (98, XP, Vista, W7) Certified knowledge of the Linux operating system Established practice research network on major browsers (Explorer, Firefox, Chrome) and e-mail programs. Knowledge of programs for image processing (Corel Draw, photoshop) Knowledge of video processing (Pinnacle Studio, Movie Maker) Good knowledge of programs ECPC, tpsDig2, Visual FoxPro,CpCe. Boat license for navigation 12 miles from the cost, Car driving license, Dates Title of qualification awarded Principal subjects/occupational skills 2008/2009 Erasmus experience in Spain for one academic year Marine biology studies at University of Biology in Oviedo covered Name and type of organization providing education and training Dates Title of qualification awarded Name and type of organization providing education and training Oviedo Biology University 2006 Scientifi c college graduation Liceo scientifico L.B. Alberti- Viale Colombo 37 - 09125 Cagliari Personal skills and competences Mother tongue(s) ltalian i t C B2 B2 English Speaking e k Reading 珈山 Listening e k d Understandinq Self-assessment European level (") 珈繭 Other language(s) 32 (') Common European Framework of Reference for Languages Trinity college 82 certification wtth onor, Other language(s) Self-assessment European level Spanish Understanding Listening Reading Spokeninteraclion Spokenproduction 31 Spanish Social skills and competences Writing Speaking Bl Good organizational skills and management experience from the reconciliation of professional prrvate and public. High capacity to adapt to problems related to the research. Ability to organize own work, setting priorities and taking responsibility, skills acquired through various professional experiences listed above in which I was always required to manage their activities according to the deadlines and targets. Easy to work independently and in a team for scientific research. Skong interpersonal skills and management and participation in working groups. acquired through the efforts of adolescence in projects in diverse areas. Willingness to work in a team and to the possible collaboration with people of different nationalities and cultures. Ability to communicate clearly and accurately respond to the specific demands of clients and / or users of reference through the activities of relationship Technlcal skills and competences Since 2009 knowledge acquired during national and international trawl survey research projects on systematic and biology of demersal resources Page 3i5 - Cuniculum vitae of Sumame(s) First name(s) For more information on Europass go to httpJ/ O European Communities, 2003 20060628 Open Water Diver with PADI certification Advance PADI certifi cation Additional information Publication.' EFFECT OF TWO DIFFERENT HABITAT ON EXTERNAL COLOUR, GONAD INDEX AND GONAD COLOUR lN PARACENTROTUS LIVIDUS.(Marine Ecology 1-7,2013,ln press) Secci M; Moccia D; Addis P Deepwater corals biodiversity along roche du large ecosystems with different habitat complexity along the south Sardinia continental margin (CW Mediterranean Sea), (Marine Biology 08/2015; 162(9):1865-1878. DOI:'10.'10071s00227-A15-2718-5) Alessandro Cau Maria C. Follesa . Davide Moccia ' Andrea Alvito Marzia Bo ' Michela Angiolillo Simonepietro Canese Enrico M Paliaga Paolo E Orru ' Flavio Orru Rita Cannas Poster and workshop: l.C.C.B 8, Eilat (lsrael), 1-5 Dec, 2013: PREMINARI R.O V DATA ON HIGH CONSERVATION INTEREST DEEP COML COMMUNITIES IN SARDINIA SEA Alessandro Cau, Cannas R., Follesa M C, Sacco F., Bo M., Canese S., Paliaga E.M., Moccia D, Alvito A. & Cau A. Marine lmaging Workshop, Southampton (UK), 7-10 Apri2014 PRELIMINARY ROV SURVEY DATA ON DEEP.CORAL ASSEMBLAGES FROM SOUTH-EAST SARDINIAN SEA (central western Mediterranean) Moccia 0., Alvito A. & M.C. Follesa. A Bellodi, D. Cuccu, D, Moccia, M.F. Marongiu. Conversion factors for skates (Rajidae) in Sardinian seas (Central-Western Mediterranean Sea). ln: lBth EEA Scientiflc Conference Leeuwarden (NL), 7-9 November 2014. C. Porcu, Atzori G., Agus 8., Buttu S., Lopez E , Moccia D., Cabiddu S. (2014) First record of the alien speciel Naineris setosa (Anellida, Orbiniidae) in the Tyrrhenian Sea (Santa Gilla lagoon - southern Sardinia. Italy) (POSTER XXIV Congresso, Fewara 2014) Participation in research projects: 1. 2. 3 Page 4i5 - Cuniculum vitae of Sumame(s) First name(s) lnternazionale MEDITS (Mediteranean lnternational Trawl Survey) European Commission Directorate-general Fisheries Conservation Policy management of stocks, for years: 2009' 201 0 "201 1 -201 2-201 3 -201 4 -241 5 ISPRA R/V ASTREA 2013 Deep-sea research cruise aimed to monitor the presence of the resource Corallium rubrum along Sardinian coasts. Carloforte ROV campaign 2013 lnvestigation on deep sea ecosystem by means of Remote operated vehicle in South West Sardinia sea. For more information on Europass go to http:/leuropass.cedefop.europa eu 2003 2006062E O European Communitres, 0 m operated vehicle in South West Sardinia sea, Dichtaro che le informazioni riportate nel presente Curriculum Vitae sono esatte e veritiere. ll sottoscritto d a conoscenza che, ar sensi dell,art. 26 della legge 15/68, le dichiarazioni mendaci, la falsitir negli atii e I'uso di atti falsi sono puniti ai sensi del codice penale e delle teggl speciali. Autorizzo ilkattamento deidatipersonalitrasmessiaisensideldec. lgs. .196/2003. Place and Date Davide Moccia Cl&ie-Nft) to f u-1 ,S Page 5/5 - Curriculum vitae of Sumame(s) First name(s) For more information on Europass go to http,//europass.cedefop, O European Communities, 2003 20060628 い︺・ 〓 ‘ 0 carloforte RoV campaign 2014lnvestigation on deep sea ecosystem by means R 4.