The Ben Salem Voice


The Ben Salem Voice
PO Box 128, Andreas, PA 18211
1965 Church Hill Road
Lehighton, PA 18235
Church Phone: 570-386-3870
Social Hall Phone: 570-386-4990
Fax: 570-386-3870 [call, speak to secretary, then call back]
Pastor Michael McGowan: Home – 610-759-9126
Office e-mail:
PO 128
ANDREAS PA 18211-0218
U.S. Postage
Lehighton, PA
Permit #4
Ben Salem Voice
Ben Salem United Church of Christ
PO Box 128, Andreas, PA 18211
October- 2013
Hello, blessings to you and May the Lord direct your hearts to the love of God.
So God has put the body together
… that all the members care for each other.
1Corinthian 12:24-25 NLT
I can remember as a young boy going to church on a Sunday morning and seeing the
church filled with people. The church I attended had four services on a Sunday so it may well have
been that the service I attended just happened to be the most popular service. Whatever the
reason, this makes me think there was a time not too long ago when everyone got up on a Sunday
morning and without even giving it a thought, prepared the family and themselves for church.
Now I know our society has experienced vast changes in the period since then. Many businesses
are now opened every day of the week, while our schools, sports programs, and non-profit
organizations schedule events at the same time as many church services. Some of these events
being held at these times are for very good causes, like raising awareness for Breast Cancer, or
Heart Disease, or any number of other causes. So I know there are various events that can keep a
person away from church on a Sunday morning, some more closely related to the insight of the
gospel than others.
Regardless of what keeps a person away from church, many times when a person misses
church for a few weeks it becomes very difficult to convince themselves that they will be welcomed
back. So they stay away and many times the weeks turn into months and the months turn into
years and they realize it’s just easier to stay away from church than to come back. One reason
they may feel this way is the fear they will hear comments like “where have you been?” or “well,
well, we haven’t seen you in a while!” These comments are apt to be thought of as just some good
natured ribbing by those who are saying them but many times they can be a major part of why
people don’t come back to church after missing significant time. Who really wants to be reminded
that they haven’t been to church for a while; especially as soon as they walk in the door? Being
greeted in this way would make anyone feel inferior! This is also true when we see people outside
of church or if we are calling someone or communicating through other electronic means, we
shouldn’t start a conversation with anyone who hasn’t been to church and who may be struggling
with a personal inferiority by exposing that inferiority and stomping on it!
So if you haven’t been to church in a while and want to know if you are welcome -- the
answer is a resounding YES! The church is not just for the holy but for all people who want to
expand their relationship with God, find forgiveness, and give God praise. And if you are those
who do attend most Sundays -- please remember that we are called to care and to be
compassionate to all who walk through the doors of Christ’s church. As Paul says, God has put the
body (the church) together so all members care for each other. One of the greatest ministries we
can perform in the name of Jesus is to be welcoming. We do this best by letting others know we
are truly concerned with them and what is happening in their life.
May the God of love and peace be with you all.
Pastor Mike
Worship Services for October
October 6, 13, 20, 27 - 8:15 and 10:30 AM Services
Communion Services:
World Communion Sunday
October 6
8:15 and 10:30AM
Bible Stud has resumed.
The Thursday Morning Bible Study group is
continuing the study of the book
“There’s a Hole in Your Soul that Only God Can Fill”
written by James W. Moore.
The group meets at 10 AM in the parlor.
The Adult Sunday School Discussion Group is beginning a new book:
“Be Real, turning from hypocrisy to truth” by Warren Wiersbe.
This book is based on 1 John.
The study of this book will begin on Oct. 6 at 9:15 AM in the parlor.
World Food Sunday
Harvest Home
Sunday, October 13
To help with this collection, you can bring either a non-perishable food item to support our Food Bank
or make a donation to Church World Service CROP Walk on that day. Also on October 13, each
worship bulletin will have an insert from “Bread for the World” regarding hunger. The insert has a
petition on the back that will be returned to President Barack Obama. The petition asks the President
to work with Congress on a plan to end hunger in the US and abroad. During the service we will
discern this petition through prayer and there will be time set aside to sign and collect the inserts.
Together we can help eradicate hunger both here and throughout the world.
Visit Penn Northeast Conference Website at :
If you would like to receive the weekly newsletter from Penn Northeast Conference which is packed with lots of information
including church events and other functions that the Conference offers, send your home e-mail address or the address where you
would like to receive the newsletter to Recent graduates who are planning a future in education, medicine or
ministry should visit the PNEC website for information on the Gwilym T.Williams Scholarship Fund.
Prayer Shawl Ministry:
The Prayer Shawl Committee is in need of helpers to make prayer shawls. If you can knit or
crochet and would like to help, please contact coordinators Betty Nothstein at 570-386-5644
or Barbara Snowberger at 570-386-2112 for more information.
Photographs… Barry Fink has set up an email address for members to send photographs of church
activities: The email address is
Photos should be sent as attachments to the email please note in the e-mail what activity is being
represented. Emails must be under 25 Meg in size. Please note: The photographs may be used in
presentations prior to or during worship services.
Church Business
How to Contribute to Our Operating Budget: to pay Ben Salem’s bills]
+ Use your weekly envelope [in your envelope packet]
+ Designate “Current Expenses”: [Benevolence is only for Missions – OCWM]
+ Place in offering plate or send to the Church:
Ben Salem UCC, PO 128, Andreas, PA 18211
2013 Church Board Members:
Officers: Jeffrey Elder, President
Kevin Lusch, Vice President
Karen Hayman, Church Board Secretary
Elders: Brian Beidleman, Jeffrey Elder, Kenneth Oswald, Bernice Steigerwalt
Deacons: Tammy Beidleman, Nadine Blair, Karen Hayman, Richard Hook,
Kevin Lusch, Judy Pope, David Rex, Jr., Kelly White
Pastor: Rev. Michael McGowan
Church Secretary: Dollie Behr
Treasurer: Dawne Beidleman
Financial Secretary’s Address: Susan Messina, 66 River Road,
Tamaqua, PA 18252
Upcoming Church Board Meeting: October 21, at 7 PM
Ben Salem History Books
are still available / $60
Contact the Church Office [570-386-3870]
Cemetery Association Officers: Next meeting –October 3, 7 PM
President: Dennis Frantz
Vice-President: Christopher Galloway
Caretaker: David Fritz
Secretary: Walter Keeck
Treasurer: Doris Lusch
Trustee: Sal Messina
Have you remembered the
church in your will?
Hospitalization ?
If you or someone you know is
going to be in the hospital for surgery, please let the church
office know a day or two before the surgery. This way the
Pastor will make every effort to be there to visit and pray with
the patient before the surgery.
Remember, it is
important to keep us
informed of any address
changes. Please give
changes of address to
either Dollie Behr or
Sue Messina.
Have you moved
recently? Each time we
send out our newsletter our
secretary receives changes
of address from the Post
Office through newsletters
that have been returned.
When this happens we
incur added postal
expenses because the Post
Office charges for these
returned letter. Each
member can help by
updating the church office
with their new address prior
to moving. It is also
helpful to provide the
church office with your
home phone numbers, cell
phone numbers and e-mail
addresses if you wish. By
doing this we can keep in
touch with you and also
provide you with important
information regarding the
church. Thank you in
Upcoming Committee Meetings
Health & Wellness – Blood Pressure Screening [1st Sunday of Month]
Called to Care –October 15, 10 AM
Property – October 17, 7 PM
Membership & Growth – October 1, 6:30 PM
Mission – No meeting scheduled
Fundraisers Meeting – October 8, 6:30 PM
Memorial – October 23, 6:30 PM
Worship – No meeting scheduled as of printing
Scheduling Events at Ben Salem Church:
To prevent scheduling problems…prior to calling meetings or events,
please check with the Church Secretary at 386-3870 to make sure
that the date you have planned is available.
Altar Flower Sponsors:
Note from Church
Office & Financial
Recycle…save your soda cans…
Herlin Haberman will take aluminum cans to
Zaprazny’s. To help with this project…
bring your aluminum soda cans [crushed or uncrushed]
to the Old Social Hall and drop them off at the lower
basement entrance. Benefits the Phase II Building Fund.
Please do not throw any other garbage items in
with the aluminum soda cans.
[Checks payable to Ben Salem UCC]
A sign up sheet is located in the narthex. Cost of flower sponsorship is $20.00. If you would like to sponsor flowers call Cindy Smith at
570-386-4248. ***Payment should be sent directly to: Cindy Smith, 707 Hoffman Rd., Lehighton, PA 18235.
Bulletin Sponsorship: [Checks payable to Ben Salem UCC]
Please call Sue Messina at 570-386-2880 with
your sponsorship information or e-mail Sue at Cost of Bulletin Sponsorship is $7 per week. *** Payment should be
sent directly to: Susan Messina, 66 River Road, Tamaqua, PA 18252.
Please do not call the church office with sponsorships!
General Fund Report – August 31, 2013
Beginning Balance – 1/1/2013
Balance 8/31/2013
16, 451.97
OCWM 2013 Donation
[Please help us reach our 2013 OCWM goal of $10,000.00]
Ben Salem Phase II Update
To contribute to Phase II, please use the gold envelopes included in your offering
packets – checks payable to Ben Salem UCC.
Phase II Report
Phase II Goal
Donations & Pledges
Difference needed to meet goal
$ [37,131.99]
The Committee still has plans to move
forward with this project in November.
We are inching closer and closer to our
goal each month.
If so, please fill out the following form and place it in the box located in the narthex or mail it
to Ben Salem UCC, PO 128, Andreas, PA 18211.
e-mail: ___________________________
Musical Groups have resumed practice
Cherub Choir – practices on Wednesday evening at 6:30 PM
Cindy Nothstein & Lynn Wassmer, leaders
New this year!....A Junior Choir has been formed.
If you would like to participate in this choir, please come out on
Wednesday evenings at 6:30 PM. The group is meeting in the chapel.
To participate you should be in the 3rd grade.
Cathy Smith will lead this group.
Note: On October 16, the Youth Group will participate in the Andreas Halloween Parade, therefore no
Junior or Cherub Practice will be held on that night. The Senior Choir will practice on October 16.
Senior Choir – practices on Wednesday evening at 7 PM – Cathy Smith, Choir Director
Christmas Cantata Practice starts on October 2 at 7:30 PM
Anyone wishing to join the choir for the cantata, please come out on October 2.
All are welcome to participate!
Hand Bell Choir – practices on Thursday evening at 6:30 PM – Shirley Kline, Director
Daybreak – practices between services on Sunday morning
All of these groups look forward to having new members join them!
Blanket Makers / Quilters
The Blanket Makers and Quilters meet on Thursday mornings starting at 9 AM. Anyone is
welcome to come and join them. The quilt for this year is a beautiful Lancaster Rose pattern. Tickets are available now. Call Betty
Nothstein 386-5644 or Dollie Frantz 386-4034 to purchase tickets. Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5. The drawing will be held in December.
There is no meeting scheduled at this time.
The mission committee has been steadily moving forward and growing in determination and spirit. We have been following God’s path and
have been reaching out and ministering to our brothers and sisters in need in the name of Jesus Christ. Please pray that we receive God’s
favor and grace as we continue to care for the poor and disadvantaged.
Continuing in October - Operation Blessing International
Real hunger is a reality for millions of people on this great planet of ours and in our own little corner of the USA. The
less fortunate among us do not know where their next meal is coming from. Hunger is a constant companion for them.
Operation Blessing is a non-profit humanitarian organization whose mission is to show God’s love by alleviating human
need and suffering in the US and around the world. Each week, OBI’s Hunger Strike Force delivers an average of 55
truck loads of food and supplies to more than 100 organizations in the US. Please consider donating to Hunger Relief in
September to help hungry kids around the world. You can make a big difference!
Family Promise Information - Our next Hosting Week is October 6-12
As usual, help is needed…please contact Lonnie Christoff if you can volunteer! Also…you can help
by making cash donations to help with the program, please talk to Lonnie. If you can make a cash donation,
do so by placing it in a blue mission envelope and putting it in the offering plate. Help us to help those less
fortunate…give to Family Promise!
Sunday, October 6 – Neighbors in Need Sunday
Neighbors in Need is the UCC’s annual offering to support ministries of justice and compassion throughout the United
States, including the Council for American Indian Ministries [CAIM], justice and advocacy efforts, and direct service
projects funded by the UCC’s Justice and Witness Ministries. Please use the offering envelope in your packet or pick up
one on the credenza in the narthex. Neighbors in Need helps make another world possible. Please be generous in your
support of Neighbors in Need.
CROP WALK at the Weissport Canal – October 13
…Registration is a 1 PM, Walk begins at 2 PM…If you are not able to walk, envelopes will be
available for donations. You can deposit them in the blue CROP WALK return box in the
narthex. Please return all donations by Oct. 18. Help fight hunger one step at a time!
Operation Christmas Child coming up!
We need your help! We are enthusiastic about this project and are looking
forward to Dedication Sunday on November 10. This project is a worthy cause that
directly touches the hearts of children who receive our boxes. Eight million children
received shoebox gifts last year. The church has touched hearts and changed lives of children all over the
world. Ben Salem has made many friends over the years through this program. A display with more
information about this project is in the narthex!
Health & Wellness Committee offers: FREE BLOOD PRESSURE SCREENINGS on the first
Sunday of each month between the 8:15 and 10:30 AM Service.
The Membership & Growth Committee
are holding a T-Shirt,
Sweatshirt and Hooded Sweatshirt Sale
Shirts have the Ben Salem UCC logo on them
T - Shirt - $10
Sweatshirt - $15
Hooded Sweatshirt - $20
Items will be for sale between the Church Services
…or contact Sharon Elder to purchase 570-386-2530
Thank You Note:
Dear Prayer Shawl Committee:
Your kindness is appreciated. To those who made the prayer shawl
for our niece, Lori Zerbe…we give our heartfelt thanks.
Linda and Stanton Steigerwalt
Fundraiser Update
Coming Soon!
Our Worship Committee has arranged for
a special presentation by
Jim Hendricks Ministries
on November 17, 2013
There will be a presentation at both
services [8:15 and 10:30 AM]
Please tell your friends and neighbors to
join us on November 17 for this special
service. A free will offering will be taken
to support Jim Hendricks Ministries. CD’s
will also be available for sale.
[Next Fundraiser meeting, October 8, 6:30 PM at the Church]
Watch the bulletin & newsletter for information on upcoming projects, which include hoagie sales in October, &
November, pierogie sale in October, soup & filling sale in November, church made Christmas candy in December, and the annual
Christmas cookie & candy sale in December. Another easy way to help is to purchase "Cash for Causes" gift cards here at the
church and use them to buy your groceries or gas at Giant. You pay nothing extra and Ben Salem gets 5% of your purchase.
These projects are only successful with your continued support, whether it be by donating your time, needed supplies, or money to
purchase these supplies, by getting orders from your friends & neighbors, or by attending our fundraising events. If you have any
questions, please contact Sharon Elder or Sue Messina. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Fundraisers - Gift Cards
Do you shop at Giant? Do you buy gas there? See
Sue or Sal Messina in the narthex after the service for your Giant gift cards. You pay nothing extra
and Ben Salem will get 5% of your purchase. So for every $100 in gift cards, the church gets $5.
The profit for 2013 as of this printing is $300.00.
ORDERS DUE October 6
PICK-UP October 17 (11:00 AM – 1:00 PM)
NAME_____________________________________ PHONE #___________________
PLAIN – HAM, SALAMI, CHEESE, LETTUCE & TOMATOES (no onions or peppers)
WITH ONIONS ________
WITH HOT PEPPERS (no onions) _________
TOTAL # ORDERED ______ @ $4.00 EACH TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $__________
Place order form in box in narthex or call Sue Messina at 570-386-2880.
<<<Pierogie Sale>>>
Homemade Pierogies…Potato and Cheese filled pierogies will be fresh frozen by the dozen in freezer bags.
Cost - $6.00 per dozen Deadline to order is October 6. Please fill in the order blank below and place
in the box located in the narthex. Thank you!
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name_________________________________Phone Number__________
Please choose [check one] pick-up date for your order Friday, Oct. 18_____ 4-6 PM
Thursday, Oct. 24 _____ 4-6 PM
Quantity of pierogies ordered [by the dozen]_________@ $6.00 each
There is a sign up sheet in the narthex to make donations for this project. All proceeds benefit the new building fund.
Pierogies will be made on October 14, 15, 16, 21, 22, 23. Monday is the day we make the pierogie filling. Potato peelers
are needed. Tuesday and Wednesday are the days we will make the pierogies. Help is needed to roll the dough and make
the pierogies. Work begins at 8 A.M. Your help is appreciated.
Orders can be picked up either on Friday, October 18
from 4-6 P.M. or Thursday, October 24 from 4-6 P.M.
Birthday Calendars 2014… Ben Salem UCC will be sponsoring a birthday calendar for the upcoming year.
Names can be added to the calendar for 10 cents each. Calendars will be sold for $5.00 each. Please fill out the form
below and print names clearly. Anniversaries will be included this year. Orders will be taken until Sunday, October 13th.
Please place orders in the box in the narthex, checks should be made out to Ben Salem UCC. If you need more
information or have questions, please contact Gail Handwerk at 570-386-4470.
Anniversary Date
Please use * to denote deceased person.
Name_____________________________________Phone Number __________
Total Number of Names (@ .10 cents each) _____
Total Number of Calendars (@ $5.00 each) _____
Total Amount Enclosed $___________
Happening in our community:
Fall Bazaar – Saturday, October 5, 9 AM to 2 PM – Emmanuel UCC, 509 Hamilton St., Bowmanstown, PA
Raffle, Chinese Auction, Food, Baked Goods
Contact: 610-852-2707
Living a Life that Matters: An Evening with Rabbi Harold S. Kushner – Bestselling Author
Central Moravian Church, West Church & Main St., Bethlehem, PA
Wednesday, Oct. 9, 7:30 PM, doors open at 6:30 PM
Purchase tickets [$15] at Moravian Book Shop or call 1-866-STLUKES [785-8537]
Cancer Benefit for Ginger Outlaw – Turkey Dinner at Mahoning Valley Ambulance Assn., Oct. 12 from 1 – 5 PM
Call Sharon at 610-377-2640 for more information. Bake Sale & Chinese Auction
Palmerton Library 7 Annual Quilt Show – Saturday, Oct. 13 from Noon to 4 PM
FMI – Call 610-826-3424
Zion’s Stone Church – Longaberger & Thirty One Bingo – Sunday, October 13 – Doors open at Noon
Tickets $20 in advance & $25 at the door…Call the Church Office at 570-386-5111 during office hours
There will be door prizes, Chinese auction, raffles & awesome food.
Zion’s Stone Church – Used Book Sale and Bake Sale – Saturday, November 2 from 9 AM to 3 PM
St. Peter’s Church Pork & Sauerkraut Supper & Bake Sale – Saturday, Nov. 9, 4-7 PM
St, Peter’s Pre-School Basket Raffle – Saturday, Nov. 9 [in conjunction with Pork & Saurekraut Supper]
St. Peter’s Dinner Theater – Nov. 15, Nov. 16 at 6 PM and Nov. 17 at 1 PM…FMI and advanced tickets
- Contact 386-4388 The title of the comedy is “ And So They Had None” -
Special Prayers
Our Members and Friends with Special Needs:
In Institutions:
Norman Ellis, The Summit Nursing Home, 211 N.12th, Lehighton, PA 18235
Vera Frantz, Pleasant Trees Senior Center, 65 E. Lizard Creek Road, Lehighton, PA 18235
Eleanor Green, Stabon Manor Personal Care Home, 1555 Haak St., Reading, PA 19602
Lillie Hagenbuch, Pleasant Trees Senior Center, 65 E. Lizard Creek Road, Lehighton, PA 18235
Joanne Haney, Manor Care, Allentown, PA
Ethel Kershner, The Summit Nursing Home, 211 N. 12th St., Room 103, Lehighton, PA 18235
Phyllis Kobal, Cedar Brook, 350 S. Cedar Brook Road, Rm. 609D6, Allentown, PA 18104
Pauline Leiby, Warren Haven, 350 Oxford Rd., Oxford, NJ 07863
Gloria Ott, Weatherwood, 1000 Evergreen Ave., Weatherly, PA 18255 [Area 3, Room 15]
Charles Rutman, Pleasant Trees Senior Center, 65 E. Lizard Creek Road, Lehighton, PA 18235
Leighton Steigerwalt, Mahoning Valley Conv. Home, Lehighton, PA 18235
Gayle Stewart, Spring Village at Floral Vale, 600 Township Line Road, Yardley, PA 19067
Keep in Your Prayers:
Rosemary Andreas
Richard Bloom
Israel Daniel
David W. Frantz
Edith Fritzinger
Dora Hoppes
Rosanne Reed
Wayne Smith
Derek Szenas
Lori Zerbe
Ruth Ann Andreas
Timothy Andreas
Paula Breiner
Pam Buchinsky
Peg Daniels
Ellen Diaz
Mary Frantz
Arthur Fritz
Gail Handwerk
Ray Hassler
Louise Houser
Ricky Johnson
Skip Rudy
Phyllis Seems
Ethel Steigerwalt
Pearl Steigerwalt
Regen thor Straten
Marlin Troxell
Missionary Jeff Mensendiek [Japan] & Sendai Student
Betty Anthony
Isabel Burkett
Bill Dromsky
Arvilla Fritz
Marie Heim
Nicole & Jeff Kaylor
Alice Skrabak
Richard Steigerwalt
Darlene Wargo
Norma Barndt
Rev. Paul & Lucille Cop
David & LaRue Fink
Paul Fritz
Donna Henning
Melvin Kershner
Cynthia Smith
Brenda Strausberger
Dr. Lewis Williams
Prayer Chain: The Prayer Chain is a way for anyone to request prayer for a specific need….[or thanksgiving or joy]. To have
our Prayer Chain pray for you: Contact Betty Nothstein at 570-386-5644. Please call Betty if you would like to be called with others’
prayer requests as part of the Prayer Chain.
Called to Care: Trained volunteers from our church are available to assist the Pastor in visiting people. If you would like a
“Called to Care” volunteer to visit you, please contact the Pastor at the Church Office [570] 386-3870. We are looking for more
volunteers for this Committee…Please call the Church Office or speak to the Pastor if interested. The next “Called to Care”
Meeting is scheduled for October 15, 10 AM.
Support Our Troops - All military personnel
Jessica A. Bealer: FC# Bealer, Jessica, A 959 Dahlgren Road Box 3107, Dahlgren, VA 22448
*Please notify us if you know of anyone who is serving at this time or if any names are missed or if status changes.
Our Sympathy is extended to the families of Sandra Gerber,
Minerva Ellis, Rosemary Frey, and Darlene Stein.
Please keep these families in your prayers.
Congratulations & Best Wishes to
Megan Hoppes and John Hine.
Megan & John were married at Ben Salem Church on September 14, 2013.
8:15 AM Worship
9:15 AM Sunday School
10:30 AM Worship
Deadline for Hoagie & Pierogie
1 Tuesday
2 Wednesday
3 Thursday
6:30 PM
& Growth
6:30 PM Cherub &
Junior Choir
7 PM Senior Choir
7:30 PM Cantata Practice
9 AM Blanket
Makers & Quilters
10 AM Bible Study
6:30 PM Hand Bells
7 PM Cemetery
6:30 PM
6:30 PM Cherub &
Junior Choir
7 PM Senior Choir
7:30 PM Cantata Practice
9 AM Blanket
Makers & Quilters
10 AM Bible Study
6:30 PM Hand Bells
4 Friday
5 Saturday
Harvest Home
World Food Day
8:15 AM Worship
9:15 AM Sunday School
10:30 AM Worship
2 PM Phase II Committee Mtg.
Deadline for Birthday Calendar
[Register at 1 PM]
8 AM
8 AM
8 AM Making Pierogies
Prep for Hoagie Sale
7 PM Andreas Halloween
7 AM Hoagie Sale
9 AM Blanket
Makers & Quilters
10 AM Bible Study
6:30 PM Hand Bells
7 PM Property
4-6 PM Pick
up Pierogie
8:15 AM Worship
9:15 AM Sunday School
10:30 AM Worship
7 PM Older Youth Group going to
Country Junction
8 AM
7 PM
8 AM
8 AM
Making Pierogies
6 PM Memorial
9 AM Blanket
Makers & Quilters
10 AM Bible Study
4-6 PM
Pick Up Pierogie
6:30 PM Hand Bells
Reformation Sunday
8:15 AM Worship
9:15 AM Sunday School
10:30 AM Worship/Hand Bells
6:30 PM Youth Group Mtg.
7 PM
10 AM
Called to Care
6:30 PM Cherub &
Junior Choir
7 PM Senior Choir
7:30 PM Cantata Practice
6 PM Newsletter
6:30 PM Cherub &
Junior Choir
7 PM Senior Choir
7:30 PM Cantata Practice
9 AM Blanket
Makers & Quilters
10 AM Bible Study
6:30 PM Hand Bells