2003 GR LP Compendium


2003 GR LP Compendium
APRIL 2004
The Learning Partnerships are grouped in the Compendium according to the country of their
coordinating institution.
The countries appear alphabetically and in the following order by EU, EFTA/EEA and Acceding/
Candidate countries respectively:
GERMANY (Deutschland)
GREECE (Ellas)
SPAIN (España)
AUSTRIA (Österreich)
BELGIUM ....................................................................................................................................................................... 1
INNOVATIVE METHODS FOR ACQUIRING BASIC SKILLS IN THE EDUCATION OF CHILDREN ......................................................................... 1
NAILS - NEEDS ANALYSIS IN LEARNING SURROUNDINGS .......................................................................................................... 2
AND WITHIN ART EDUCATION .............................................................................................................................................. 4
E-LAN LANGUES EN LIGNE ................................................................................................................................................ 5
DENMARK...................................................................................................................................................................... 7
NYE INDFALDSVINKLER - DET VIGTIGE KENDSKAB ...................................................................................................................... 7
REFLEX - REACHING OUT WITH FLEXIBLE LEARNING ................................................................................................................... 8
NEW APPROACHES FOR ADULT LEARNERS AND THEIR MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES ................................................................................ 9
MENTALLY ILL - EDUCATION - LABOUR MARKET ..................................................................................................................... 10
GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING .......................................................................................................................................... 11
SECOND CHANCE EDUCATION AND TRAINING ........................................................................................................................ 12
LEARNING PARTNERSHIP FOR THE EUROPEAN INSTITUTE FOR PERFORMING ARTS ............................................................................. 13
A GUIDE TO INTERCULTURAL UNDERSTANDING ....................................................................................................................... 14
EMPOWER LIFE............................................................................................................................................................. 15
LEARNING BY DOING ...................................................................................................................................................... 16
MOBILE LEARNING LAB EUROPE ........................................................................................................................................ 18
INNOVATIVE WAYS OF REACHING OUT.................................................................................................................................. 19
GERMANY.................................................................................................................................................................... 20
KULTURKOMPASS EUROPA ............................................................................................................................................... 20
POLITSCHE BILDUNG UND LERNEN FÜR GENDER MAINSTREAMING IMPLEMENTIERUNG ...................................................................... 22
GILE - GENERATIONSÜBERGREIFENDES INTER-KULTURELLES LERNEN IN EUROPA ............................................................................. 23
MUSEUM AS PLACES FOR LIFELONG LEARNING - EUROPEAN QUALIFICATION TRAINING...................................................................... 26
NEW WAYS OF ADULT EDUCATION IN MULTICULTURAL SOCIETIES ................................................................................................. 28
DAS LEBEN (WIEDER) IN DIE EIGENE HAND NEHMEN ............................................................................................................... 29
CITYKIRCHEN ALS LERNORTE EUROPÄISCHER IDENTITÄT ............................................................................................................ 31
ÖSTERREICH ................................................................................................................................................................ 33
A HANSEATIC LEAGUE OF LEARNING (BILDUNGSHANSE)........................................................................................................... 35
EE – EUROPEAN ENCOUNTERS, EUROPÄISCHE BILDUNGSBEGEGNUNGEN AM WECHSELNDEN ORT......................................................... 36
THE KNOWLEDGE SHOP .................................................................................................................................................. 37
NIGEL - NETWORK OF INTERGENERATIONAL LEARNING IN EUROPE ............................................................................................. 38
GRUNDTVIG-MEDIA – BLENDED-LEARNING IN DER EUROKULTURELLEN ERWACHSENENBILDUNG .......................................................... 39
ASSESSMENT FOR ADULT EDUCATORS IN NON-FORMAL EDUCATION ............................................................................................ 40
PATHWAYS TO LEARNING ................................................................................................................................................ 41
WEITERBILDUNGSMARKETING IN EUROPA (WIE).................................................................................................................... 42
CATIE COOPERATION OF ADULT TEACHING INSTITUTES IN EUROPE .............................................................................................. 43
TIMIAE - TRADITIONAL AND INNOVATIVE METHODS IN ADULT EDUCATION ................................................................................... 45
THE MUSEUM AS A PLACE FOR LIFE-LONG LEARNING.............................................................................................................. 47
EDUCATION, BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE AND SOCIETY IN EUROPE (ESSE)............................................................................................ 48
PERSÖNLICHE STADT-GESCHICHTE(N) ................................................................................................................................. 49
INTEGRATIVE ERWACHSENENBILDUNG MIT MENSCHEN MIT UND OHNE BEHINDERUNG ...................................................................... 50
DIVERSITY MANAGEMENT................................................................................................................................................ 51
BIBLIODRAMA-LANGZEITFORTBILDUNGEN IN EUROPA .............................................................................................................. 52
BEST PRACTICE TRANSFER TO PREVENT SOCIAL EXCLUSION ......................................................................................................... 53
STIMULATION AND INITIATION OF EU-PROJECTS FOR HUNGARIAN, ROMANIAN, AUSTRIAN AND GERMAN INSTITUTIONS OF CULTURE AND ADULTEDUCATION ................................................................................................................................................................. 54
SALT - SAVING AND LEARNING TRADITIONS ......................................................................................................................... 55
EUROPEAN WOMEN-IMAGES OF INTERACTION ...................................................................................................................... 56
ACT-ADULT-CHILDREN-TEACHING .................................................................................................................................... 57
BEST PRACTICE TO DEVELOP LEARNING CULTURES FOR LIFELONG LEARNING "LECU".......................................................................... 59
GREECE........................................................................................................................................................................ 60
ARIADNE – FIGHTING AGAINST SOCIAL EXCLUSION OF FEMALE SINGLE PARENTS............................................................................. 60
PEOPLE WITH SPECIAL NEEDS MEET SPECIAL ARTS ................................................................................................................... 62
EUROPE CLOSER TO THE CITIZEN AND MORE TRANSPARENT ........................................................................................................ 63
FAMILIARITY AND INTEGRATION WITH EUROPEAN CULTURAL ACTIVITIES ......................................................................................... 65
BRINGING AGRICULTURAL ADULT EDUCATION INTO THE ERA OF INNOVATION.................................................................................. 67
SPAIN .......................................................................................................................................................................... 68
TRAINING AND INTERVENTION IN COMMUNITY MEDIATION ....................................................................................................... 69
INFLUENCING ATTITUDES OF NATIVES AND IMMIGRANTS ............................................................................................................ 71
SHIFT: SHARING INITIATIVES AND GOING FORWARD USING ICT IN ADULT PEOPLE TRAINING ............................................................... 72
MIRROR WEB SITE ........................................................................................................................................................ 73
TO LEARN AND ENJOY THROUGH THE USE OF INFORMATION ....................................................................................................... 74
NEW TECHNOLOGIES AND SOCIAL PARTICIPATION................................................................................................................... 75
ADULT EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS AND ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP......................................................................................................... 76
HOW TO REACH MARIA, JOHN AND MANFRED ?.................................................................................................................... 77
SCALA: ADULT GUIDANCE PROCESS .................................................................................................................................. 78
CONSA 3 .................................................................................................................................................................. 79
ENREDATE: WOMAN AND ICTS ...................................................................................................................................... 80
RESPONSIBLE CONSUMERISM: OPTIMEZE CONSUMERISM ......................................................................................................... 81
APPRECIATE THE DIFFERENCE ............................................................................................................................................ 82
DESIGNING NEW ADULT TRAINING PATHWAYS FOR BETTER SCHOOLING .......................................................................................... 83
EDUCATIONAL ATTENTION TO POPULATION AT RISK OF EXCLUSION, NATIONALS AND IMMIGRANTS .......................................................... 84
ENGAGING NEW GROUPS OF ADULTS INTO LLL. (ENGALL)........................................................................................................ 85
LUCES: COGNITIVE ABILITIES ........................................................................................................................................... 86
FAMILY LEARNING ......................................................................................................................................................... 87
MANAGEMENT, ORGANIZATION AND PROGRAMMING LOCAL ADULT EDUCATION CENTRES: GLOP'S ....................................................... 88
TRESOR: TO TEST AND EXPERIENCE OUR OWN RESOURCES ....................................................................................................... 90
THE IMPORTANCE OF NEW TECHNOLOGIES IN DISADVANTAGED RURAL AREAS (INTAED) .................................................................... 91
ADN: ADULT DIGITAL NEWS ............................................................................................................................................ 92
A MODERN CONCEPTION OF OCCUPATIONAL TRAINING ............................................................................................................. 93
"M-M" MINORITY IN MAJORITY COMMUNITY INTEGRATION ...................................................................................................... 94
WOW: WIDEN OPPORTUNITIES FOR WOMEN ....................................................................................................................... 95
TOWARDS A BETTER WORLD: ADULT EDUCATION AND EUROPEAN CULTURE ..................................................................................... 96
FRANCE ....................................................................................................................................................................... 97
EDUCATION TOUT AU LONG DE LA VIE PAR LA PHILATELIE ........................................................................................................... 97
EUROPEENNE ............................................................................................................................................................... 98
TIC ET INSERTION SOCIALE DES USAGES ..................................................................................................................... 99
HANDI COOP .......................................................................................................................................................... 100
MOTIVATING ADULT LANGUAGE LEARNERS THROUGH ICT....................................................................................................... 101
VIA VOLONTAIRES POUR L’INSERTION DES ADULTES ............................................................................................................... 102
PASSERELLES POUR LA COMPREHENSION INTERCULTURELLE ..................................................................................................... 104
AUTO-FORMATION ET FORMATION A DISTANCE..................................................................................................................... 105
TEXTILE .................................................................................................................................................................... 106
CONCILIER VIE FAMILIALE ET VIE PROFESSIONNELLE : LE PARI D’UNE HARMONIE SOCIALE .................................................................. 107
2EI: EMPLOYABILITE EUROPEENNE INTERCULTURELLE ............................................................................................................. 108
FAVORISER LA COMMUNICATION ENTRE PUBLICS VULNERABLES (FCPV) ...................................................................................... 109
PARENT.................................................................................................................................................................. 110
PUBLICS DEFAVORISES ET CHANCES EN EUROPE.................................................................................................................... 111
QUELLE EDUCATION A L'EPOQUE DE LA MONDIALISATION DANS UNE EUROPE ELARGIE ?.................................................................... 112
L'ALTERNANCE COMME PRATIQUE PEDAGOGIQUE EUROPEENNE COMMUNE ................................................................................... 113
TRAINING CROSSROADS: EDUCATION TRANSGENERATIONNELLE ................................................................................................. 114
EDUCATION DES PARENTS ET RESPECT DE LA DIVERSITÉ CULTURELLE ............................................................................................ 115
L'OUVERTURE A L'AUTRE: FONDEMENT DE LA SOCIETE DE DEMAIN (COMMENT CONTRER LA VIOLENCE?)................................................. 116
IRELAND .................................................................................................................................................................... 117
ITALY ......................................................................................................................................................................... 119
BALANCE, CERTIFICATION AND TRANSVERSE COMPETENCES IN EUROPE). ...................................................................................... 121
“EUROPAVITA” – L’EUROPA E LA FORMAZIONE LUNGO TUTTO L’ARCO DELLA VITA” .......................................................................... 122
ARTS & CRAFTS....................................................................................................................................................... 123
EU-NQ BEST PRACTICE NET........................................................................................................................................... 124
“LA SCUOLA DELLA FAMIGLIA” ........................................................................................................................................ 125
I.M.T.D.S. – INNOVATIV METHODOLOGIES OF TEACHING FOR DISABLED STUDENTS ........................................................................ 126
DEVELOPMENT OF A NEW TYPE OF INCLUSION USING ART ........................................................................................................ 127
MODERN HOUSEKEEPING THROUGH CULTURE AND LANGUAGE................................................................................. 128
CASCADE-COOPERATIVE ADULT SECOND CHANCE ACTION DEVELOPMENT ................................................................................. 129
AEOLOL- ADULT EDUCATION ON LINE AND OFF LINE ............................................................................................................. 130
EUROPE.................................................................................................................................................................... 131
EVALUATION AND SELF EVALUATION IN INFORMAL EDUCATION .................................................................................................. 135
AGRISUPPORTAL: A SUPPORTING PORTAL IN AGRICULTURE ACTIVITIES .......................................................................................... 138
SCENA SINERGIE CREATIVE E NUOVE PROPOSTE ALTERNATIVE ................................................................................................ 139
UNDER EUROPEAN SKIES .............................................................................................................................................. 140
SVILUPPO RURALE ATTRAVERSO LE CONOSCENZE ACQUISITE ..................................................................................................... 141
LUXEMBOURG............................................................................................................................................................ 142
GENDER TRAINING METHODS LEARNING PARTNERSHIP .......................................................................................................... 142
NETHERLANDS ........................................................................................................................................................... 143
DEVELOPMENT OF ICT LEARNING ..................................................................................................................................... 143
EDUCATIONAL INCLUSION (ED-IN) .................................................................................................................................. 144
CIVIL SOCIETY AGAINST RIGHT-WING EXTREMISM ............................................................................................................... 145
ALIA, ADULT LEARNERS IN ARTS ..................................................................................................................................... 146
ELLE - EDUCATORS AS LEARNERS, LEARNERS AS EDUCATORS .................................................................................................. 147
MANAGING LIFELONG LEARNING IN EDUCATION, MALLE....................................................................................................... 148
AUSTRIA .................................................................................................................................................................... 149
ERDE- EUROPEAN RURAL DEVELOPMENT BY MEANS OF EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES .......................................................................... 149
............................................................................................................................................................................. 151
LIFE LINK .................................................................................................................................................................. 152
EMPOWERMENT OF MARGINALIZED WOMEN ....................................................................................................................... 153
DIVERSION: MANAGING GENDER & DIVERSITY ................................................................................................................... 154
AUF DEM WEG ZU EINER OFFENEN EUROPÄISCHEN GESELLSCHAFT ............................................................................................ 155
PORTUGAL ................................................................................................................................................................. 156
PARENTS SELF - DETERMINATION ............................................................................................................................ 156
ADULT STUDENTS – LET’S KNOW EACH OTHER............................................................................................................... 157
NEW EMERGENT PROFILES - YOUNGSTERS IN SITUATION OF SOCIAL EXCLUSION ........................................................ 158
“LIFE MEMORIES AND CULTURAL TRADITIONS” ..................................................................................................................... 159
ULYSSES – SOCIAL INCLUSION OF FAMILIES AT RISK.................................................................................................. 160
REMA – RESULTS MANAGEMENT IN DELIVERING AND DESIGNING TRAININGS FOR ADULTS ............................................................... 162
SUOMI / FINLAND...................................................................................................................................................... 163
RECALLING PAST MEMORIES - THE LIFE STORIES OF SENIOR STUDENTS ...................................................................................... 163
NEW CONFIDENCE IN E-LEARNING ................................................................................................................................... 164
SECOND LANGUAGE TEACHING TO ADULTS (SELTA).............................................................................................................. 165
MUSEUM AS A SOURCE OF KNOWLEDGE............................................................................................................................. 166
LEARNING EUROPEAN SUCCESS TEAM ............................................................................................................................... 167
EUROPEAN SENIOR CITIZEN´S STORY BOARD ...................................................................................................................... 169
SWEDEN .................................................................................................................................................................... 170
WAP- WOMEN AND POWER .......................................................................................................................................... 170
I-NET LEARNING INTERCULTURAL ETHICS ........................................................................................................................... 171
LEARNERS ON BOARD................................................................................................................................................... 172
UNITED KINGDOM ..................................................................................................................................................... 173
AXLE (ADULTS EXCHANGING LEARNING EXPERIENCE) ........................................................................................................... 173
E NETWORK: AN APPROACH TO SECOND LANGUAGE TEACHING AND LEARNING ............................................................................ 174
LEARNING, LIFE HISTORIES AND CITIZENSHIP ...................................................................................................................... 175
MENTORING STRATEGIES FOR SOCIAL INCLUSION ................................................................................................................. 176
LEARNING EUROPE ...................................................................................................................................................... 177
PEPAE (PERSONAL ENTERPRISE PROJECTS IN ADULT EDUCATION)............................................................................................. 178
TANDEM LEARNING ..................................................................................................................................................... 179
ENHANCE ................................................................................................................................................................. 180
BASIC SKILLS AND SOCIAL ENTERPRISES ............................................................................................................................ 182
SMILEY FACES – EUROPEAN LEARNING BAGS...................................................................................................................... 183
WHEN WRITING WE COMMUNICATE – WWW.COM .............................................................................................................. 184
CULTURAL INTEGRATION AND CITIZENSHIP EXPERIENCES OF MIGRANT LEARNERS .......................................................................... 185
DEVELOPING FEMALE ENTREPRENEURS .............................................................................................................................. 186
CREATIVE AND PERFORMING ARTS IN THE COMMUNITY .......................................................................................................... 187
REMOVING BARRIERS TO LEARNING FOR OLDER PEOPLE .......................................................................................................... 189
LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES FOR PEOPLE LIVING IN RURAL AREAS. ................................................................................................ 190
JUST LIKE US ............................................................................................................................................................. 191
ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP IN EUROPE (ACE).............................................................................................................................. 192
THREE NATIONS, ONE WORLD ........................................................................................................................................ 193
MABEL – MULTI-DISCIPLINARY APPROACH TO ADULT BASIC EDUCATION AND LEARNING ............................................................... 194
EPLLA – ENGAGING PRISONERS IN LIFELONG LEARNING ACTIVITIES .......................................................................................... 195
COMMUNITYSHIP ........................................................................................................................................................ 196
THE DEVELOPMENT OF A COMMUNITY-BASED MODEL FOR A DRUGS EDUCATION PROGRAMME ............................................................ 197
ARTS AS A CATALYST FOR SOCIAL INCLUSION THROUGH SHARED INTERCULTURAL LEARNING ............................................................. 198
CLEAR (CULTURAL LEARNING ENGAGING ALL REGIONALLY) FOR LEARNING PARTNERSHIPS .............................................................. 199
CADAC – COMMUNICATION AND DEVELOPMENT ACROSS CULTURES ........................................................................................ 200
NON-TRADITIONAL APPROACHES TO REACHING MARGINALISED GROUPS .................................................................................... 201
PARENTS AS EDUCATORS ............................................................................................................................................... 202
LUMINA ................................................................................................................................................................... 203
‘CIAO’ COMMUNICATION VIA IT FOR ADULTS ON-LINE ......................................................................................................... 204
GEM (GUIDANCE, EVALUATION AND METHODOLOGIES FOR LIFELONG LEARNING).......................................................................... 205
COMMUNITY CREATIVITY FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ...................................................................................................... 206
ICELAND .................................................................................................................................................................... 207
LEARNING FOR NEW OPPORTUNITIES ................................................................................................................................ 207
SECOND CHANCE FOR WOMEN ....................................................................................................................................... 208
NORWAY ................................................................................................................................................................... 209
HIDDEN ARTS ......................................................................................................................................................... 209
ADAPTED ADULT EDUCATION IN PRISON AND HOW TO FOLLOW UP AFTER RELEASE .......................................................................... 210
FORMATION EN TIC POUR DES DEBUTANTS CHERCHANT DE LA FORMATION PAR INTERNET ................................................................. 211
IMPROVEMENT?.......................................................................................................................................................... 212
BULGARIA.................................................................................................................................................................. 214
CZECH REPUBLIC ....................................................................................................................................................... 217
SOFT SKILLS DEVELOPMENT - SPECIAL APPROACH IN YOUNG JOB SEEKERS´TRAINING ....................................................................... 219
THEOLOGY - FACTORY.NET ............................................................................................................................................. 220
THE REVIVAL OF GRUNDTVIG - ADULT LEARNERS WEEK (TROG – ALW).................................................................................... 221
WOMEN AND WORK NETWORK - W AND W NET ................................................................................................................ 222
LATVIA ....................................................................................................................................................................... 223
LITHUANIA................................................................................................................................................................. 224
EDUCATIONAL TRIANGLES .............................................................................................................................................. 225
MALTA ....................................................................................................................................................................... 229
PLANET- PERSONALISED TRAINING ASSISTANCE NETWORK .....................................................................................................
EFFECTIVE PARENTAL PARTICIPATION IN EARLY LITERACY ........................................................................................................
POLAND ..................................................................................................................................................................... 231
ENTREPRENEURSHIP INCUBATOR AS A FORM OF ADULT UNEMPLOYMENT FIGHTING ........................................................................ 231
PRO SPECTATORE ........................................................................................................................................................ 232
ROMANIA .................................................................................................................................................................. 234
MODERN EVALUATION TOOLS IN ADULT EDUCATION AND TRAINING (MODETA) ........................................................................... 234
............................................................................................................................................................................. 235
LINKING THE EUROPEAN FAMILY – I, YOU, WE .................................................................................................................... 237
BRINGING ICT INTO ADULT EDUCATION ............................................................................................................................. 238
PARENTS AS PARTNERS IN HEALTH PROMOTION ................................................................................................................... 239
YOUNG CRAFTSMEN IN A EUROPEAN LEARNING PARTNERSHIP ................................................................................................. 240
FORUM THEATRE IN ADULT EDUCATION ............................................................................................................................. 241
EUROPEAN RESPONSE TO DIVERSITY.................................................................................................................................. 243
EDUCATION OF STAFF THAT WILL TRAIN VOLUNTEERS ABLE TO WORK WITH DISABLED PEOPLE ............................................................ 244
ADULT EDUCATION- KEY TO DEVELOPMENT TO OUR REGIONS ................................................................................................... 245
GRIP – HOW TO INVOLVE WOMEN IN SOCIETY .................................................................................................................... 247
SLOVENIA .................................................................................................................................................................. 248
POSSIBILITIES OF LIFELONG LEARNING OF MENTALLY HANDICAPPED ADULTS .................................................................................. 248
SLOVAK REPUBLIC ..................................................................................................................................................... 249
EDUCATION AND TRAINING IN ECOTOURISM (EDUCATOUR)...................................................................................................... 249
KNOWING ME - KNOWING YOU ..................................................................................................................................... 250
DIFFERENT CULTURE - DIFFERENT TRAINING IN ONE EUROPE ................................................................................................... 251
INDEX...................................................................................................................................................................... 252
Project Reference: 03-BEN01-S2G01-00016-3
Innovative methods for acquiring basic skills in the education of children
The project wants to help parents/partners improve their skills in educating young children (0 to 7 years) in a fast and
modern way, using case-studies and teamwork with the help of a moderator.
The core business of the project is the training of moderators to enable them to apply group dynamics and transmit vital,
practical and scientifically-based knowledge to adult learners.
During the first and second years, new moderators were trained and two international exchanges of adult-learners took
place, with intensive brainstorming in workshops. The first release of a Vade Mecum has been prepared through
collaboration between the four partner countries.
The project has been renewed for one year in order to allow the integration of an East-European partner in the project,
This last year must permit the partnership to finalise the guidelines for the training of moderators and a bibliography on the
subject. It will also integrate the study of intergenerational help, considering the needs and help of grandparents.
The project wants to reinforce one of the oldest roots of Europe: the family. If a person can find harmony, peace and
happiness at home, it also improves other areas, such as professional and social life. As the course is addressed to all parents
(of any race, language, country, social level or ideology) it helps to overcome discriminations and stimulates networking
between them.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Funding year: 3
Basic skills
Education for parents
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches
Guidance/counselling or other support services
Other (describe if applicable)
Target Group(s)
Young parents
Local community groups
Other (describe if applicable)
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: I.D.F.(Instituut van de Familie)
Name of the contact person: Karel Phlips
Address: Billikstraat 29, 3511 Hasselt
e-mail: karel.phlips@pandora.be
tel: +32(0)11 25 42 49
fax:+32(0)11 25 62 78
Organisation/Project website: in project
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
• Instituto de Iniciativas de Orientación Familiar (IIOF)/ES
• Institut pour l’Education dans la Famille (IPEF)/FR
• Gesellschaft für Familiënorientierung (GFO)/AT
• Stowarzysmenie Edukacji i Kultury (SEK)/PL
Project Reference: 03-BEN01-S2G01-00023-2
NAILS - Needs Analysis in Learning Surroundings
The general objective of the project is to increase the accessibility and participation of adults in formal and non-formal
adult education and to create a positive learning culture for adults by recognising and meeting educational needs. The main
objective of the project is to develop a range of effective tools for establishing and analysing the needs of adult learners in
education both pre- and post-entry. It is envisaged that more holistic programmes of education can be designed by taking
into account the needs identified and through active participation of learners in all stages of the process. If these needs can
be made explicit, adult learners can be supported more effectively in learning. The needs of all stakeholders will be
considered (e.g. local community, institution, tutors, etc.) but the focus will be on those of adult learners. The development
of tools will be supported by a continuing process of evaluation and review which will involve active participation of
learners at every stage. To this end, the partners also share information on the structure and the main providers of adult
education in the countries concerned and disseminate examples of good practice with regard to needs detection at the local,
national and European level.
The results of the first year of the partnership (August 2002-August 2003) can be summarised as follows:
Regarding the implementation of the NAILS-project
• All partners agreed on the content of the NAILS-project by accepting the synopsis document
• Names of experts and institutions were collected.
• agreement on some outlooks of the project, such as the logistics, preparation of the meetings, internal and external
communication, website.
Regarding adult education and EU-policy in general
• The partners are informed about the EU-policy on Lifelong Learning (the Memorandum and the Communication) and
they see the connection between EU-policy and the NAILS-project.
• All partners gained knowledge and better insight into the structure of and legislation on adult education in the partner
countries involved in the project.
Regarding instruments for needs detection and analysis, there was the following input :
• Three examples of good practice for needs detection at the institutional level and three examples at the regional level
• Lecture by Prof. Dr. H. Baert (Catholic University Leuven) about needs assessment in the context of planning and
designing of educational programmes by educational suppliers
• Lecture by Prof. Dr. Walter Leirman (Catholic University Leuven) on needs detection methods.
• Lectures by Prof. Dr. Dimitrios Vergidis and by Prof. Dr. Athanasios Karalis, both from the University of Patras, about
needs detection and analysis
• Visit to local schools dealing with needs detection
Total Duration: 36 months
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Funding year: 2
- active citizenship
- needs detection and analysis, accessibility for learners, creating a learning culture
- strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learning
- experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Target Group(s)
- Local community groups
- other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison
- young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: SoCiuS vzw
Name of the contact person: Theo Van Malderen
Address: Gallaitstraat 86 bus 4, 1030 Brussel
e-mail. theo.van.malderen@socius.be
tel: + 32 2 215 27 08
fax: +32 2 215 80 75
Organisation/Project website: www.socius.be
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
The Vysocina Regional Authority, Department of Education, Youth and Sports (CZE)
AOF Grindsted Dayfolkhighschool and Center of Education (DK)
Second Chance School of Patras (GRE)
Inchicore College of Further Education (IRE)
Centro Territoriale Permanente per l’EDA c/o Scuola Media Statale ‘Cesare Battisti’ (ITA)
Escola Secundaria Anselmo de Andrade (POR)
Project Reference: 03-BEN01-S2G01-00006-1
Midi-Art-Education – Minorities and disadvantaged or disabled persons integration and active
citizenship building through and within art education
Through art education of any kind - music, word art, (gymnastic) dance and visual art - the project aims at collaboration
between some organisations from different European countries to exchange experiences and to work out common
programmes for teaching and active citizenship building. The main target groups are ethnic and other minority groups of
every kind, disadvantaged people and disabled persons. By better integrating these target groups in our organisations, we
want to lower barriers in order to reach better acceptance and understanding in both directions, create possibilities for
active citizenship and change the pedagogical attitudes of the teachers. We are convinced that personal expression will be
key to reaching our goals. At a later stage, our experiences will be very helpful in working out anti-prejudice training
programmes for teachers that are not currently provided in pedagogical and didactical high school education. Through the
project we can also create opportunities for our learners to become teachers themselves, apply for learning other subjects or
integrate in the community in general and in organisations that promote possibilities for the target groups.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Other (describe if applicable)
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Arts, Music, Culture
Active citizenship
sustainable development, intercultural issues, consumer education
- Build active citizenship through cultural exchanges by ART-education
- Create possibilities to facilitate the contact between minority and majority groups
through art and artistic expression
- Lower the barriers between majority and minority groups in order to reach better
acceptance and understanding
- Reach more learners from target groups: equal chances
- Facilitate the access of minority groups / Roma to educational institutions
- Better integration into common living circumstances
- Change pedagogical attitudes of teachers for target groups through exchange of
- Reflection and development of new methodology in adult education
- Development of independent learning processes
- Development of process orientated and discovering learning
- Starting an ANTI-PREJUDICE training programme for future teachers: basic ideas and
Migrants / traveller / ethnic or other minorities
Disabled persons
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Gemeentelijke Academie voor Muziek en Woord
Name of the contact person: Hiëronymus Van Hileghem
Address: Kroninglaan 42 – B-1200 SINT-LAMBRECHTS-WOLUWE
e-mail: gmaSLW@chello.be
tel: +32 2 7611127 (16h00 – 19h00) or +32 497 200940
fax: +32 2 2756691
Organisation/Project website: http://www.gamw-woluwe1200.be
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
• The Public Institution Roma Community Centre of Vilnius (LT)
• Andragogical Society for Experiential Education of Slovenia, ASEE of Ljubljana (SI)
Project Reference: 03-BEF01S2G01-00015-2
E-lan Langues en ligne
Le projet se propose de travailler sur le thème de l’enseignement des langues étrangères et le net. Ce champ d’investigation
sera divisé en deux sous-parties concrètes :
- Le français oral et écrit en ligne : modules d’ apprentissage expérimentaux multimédias.
- Le portugais et le roumain mis en ligne selon les mêmes principes méthodologiques.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 3
Information technology
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Senior citizens
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: I.E.P.S.
Name of the contact person:
Address: rue Clémenceau, 60 - 7340 COLFONTAINE
e-mail iepscolfontaine@infoboard.be
tel: +
fax: +
Organisation/Project website:: http://www.iepscol.be
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
RO: Université Polytechnique de Bucarest – BUCAREST – cristina@leo.optimum.pub.ro
PT : Academus – EVORA – academus@clix.pt
BEF : U.M.H. – MONS – thierry_fauvaux@yahoo.fr
Project Reference: 03-BEF0152G01-00017-2
Sensibilité des pouvoirs publics et de la population à la problématique du veuvage précoce
Depuis début août 2001, Infor-Veuvage asbl est coordinatrice d’un projet de sensibilisation et de prévention auprès des
pouvoirs publics et de la population en situation de veuvage précoce. L’objet principal de ce partenariat est d’entreprendre
des actions conjointes en vue d’améliorer la situation du conjoint survivant et de ses enfants, cela notamment à travers la
diffusion de brochures informatives et préventives, le contact avec les médias, la portée de différentes revendications auprès
des ministères concernés, ainsi que le recensement au travers une enquête, des réelles difficultés vécues par les personnes en
situation de veuvage précoce. Une des actions importantes de ce projet est également d’informer le mieux possible les
organes de première ligne qui accueillent le survivant ( police, administration communale, médecins, notaires,…)
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 3
Active citizenship
Guidance / counselling or other support services
Senior citizens
Young adults
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: : INFOR-Veuvage
Address: rue de la prévoyance, 58 - 1000 BRUXELLES - BELGIQUE
e-mail veuvageasbl@hotmail.com
tel: + 32.2.513.17.01
fax: +32.2.513.17.01
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
FR : FAVEC – PARIS – favec01@planet.net
SE : NAWIS – STOCKHOLM – n.a.w.i.s@telia.com
Project Reference: 03-DNK01-S2G01-00001-1
Nye indfaldsvinkler - Det vigtige kendskab
We intend that the differences between those taking part in this project shall be considered its strength. We shall together
make new recognition and pedagogical products for our work with disabled adults. We shall allow new thoughts and
exchange experiences, and remove the acts and thoughts that exist out of habit in our culture, just as we shall create proper
opportunities to use the new pedagogical methods in each country.
The partners will meet at executive level in seminars/workshops where “new approaches” will be the focus, and through
which we obtain “the important knowledge” that aims at individual service to disabled persons and towards lifelong learning
for all involved.
The preliminary process shall “tie up all proportions of the project” which can form a shared database of knowledge in the
virtual and existing space. Subsequently we will establish trans-national groups, which will work with different subjects and
make a coherent view of life with the focus on work situations, quality of life, understanding for disabilities and a social
network. Completion of this work will finish with an evaluation. A new process will be started with a development stage that
involves employees.
Total DURATION: 24
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Basic skills
Intercultural issues
Sustainable development
Guidance / counselling / information or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation
Disabled persons
Coordinating organisation:
Name of the institution: Landsbyen Sølund
Name of the contact person: Britt Bach Madsen
Address: Dyrehaven 10, 8660 Skanderborg, Denmark
e-mail: mei@solund.aaa.dk
tel: +45 87931122
fax: +45 86521185
Organisation/Project website: www.solund.dk
Paz y Bien, 41970 Santiponca, Spain
Quinta Essencia, 2750 Cascais, Portugal
V.Z.W. Den Dries, 9940 Evergem, Belgium
Project Reference: 03-DNK01-S2G01-00002-1
Reflex - reaching out with flexible learning
The idea of the project is to explore ways of reaching adults at their work places and then find ways of identifying their
training needs and finally organise learning for these groups. The target group is adults with limited skills who may be at risk
of exclusion from the labour market.
The project will try to find answers to questions like:
How can schools reach adults in employment? How can schools establish cooperation with the business community? How
can schools help businesses identify and develop their human resources? What are the best methods suited to this kind of
teaching/learning? The partners in the project represent a variety of institutions with very different experiences in this field.
The first project year has an overall organisational perspective in which we plan to exchange present practices and
experiences in working with companies and based on those develop new practices that will be tested on a number of pilot
companies. The second year has a learning perspective and the focus will be on the teacher/learner relationship and will
experiment with various forms of flexible learning. This approach gives new meaning to the ideas of lifelong learning.
Total DURATION: 24
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Basic skills
Information technology
Active citizenship
Raising awareness of life long learning
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners' demand for learning
Guidance / counselling / information or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities
People in employment at risk of early retirement due to lack of skills
Coordinating organisation:
Name of the institution: VUC Vestegnen
Name of the contact person: Eva Krarup Steensen
Address: Gymnasievej, 2620 Albertslund, Denmark
e-mail: VUC_vestegnen@uk.kbhamt.dk
tel: +45 43 64 95 11
fax: +45 45 43 64 51 95
Organisation/Project website: www.vuc-vest.dk
Adulta Oy, Keski-Uudenmaan, Järvenpää, Finland
Albeda College, Rotterdam, Netherlands
County Tipperary (N.R.), Nenagh, Ireland
MJK-koulutuskeskus ry, 00330 Helsinki, Finland
Ridge Danyers College, SK6 Stockport, Cheshire, United Kingdom
Waterside Development Trust, Londonderry, United Kingdom
Project Reference: 03-DNK01-S2G01-00004-2
New Approaches for Adult Learners and Their Multiple Intelligences
An exploration of Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences is the focus of this project, which targets disadvantaged
adult learners. This theory implies that individual learning strategies, based on learners’ individual strengths, will enhance
learning opportunities for students whose education has been inadequate.
In the process of exploration, partners will meet at seminars to share expertise, knowledge and experience. Experimental
pilot projects are to be based on the theory studied, using new approaches to teaching and learning. Learner involvement in
the planning, implementation and evaluation of these pilot projects is important.
One pilot project, a student newsletter with IT communication between rural, mono-cultural and urban, multicultural learner
groups will combat rural isolation, xenophobia and racism.
A homepage and a conference for professionals in the field of adult education will ensure documentation and dissemination
of the knowledge and experience acquired by the partnership project.
Total DURATION: 12
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Basic skills
Information technology
Intercultural issues
Arts, music, culture
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities
Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons,
persons in prison
Coordinating organisation:
Name of the institution: Kofoeds Skole
Name of the contact person: Margaret Ryan Hellman
Address: Nyrnberggade 1, 2300 København S, Denmark
e-mail: ks@kofoedsskole.dk
tel: +45 3268 0200
fax: +45 3295 6217
Organisation/Project website: www.kofoedsskole.dk
Sisä-Savon kansalaisopisto, Suonenjoki, Finland
Warrenmount Community Education Centre, 17 Dublin, Ireland
Shotton Partnership 2000 Ltd., Shotton Colliery, Durham, United Kingdom
Project Reference: 03-DNK01-S2G01-00005-2
Mentally ill - education - labour market
In Denmark we have a large group of mentally ill people who have no connection to the labour market. We find that this
social inequality may act as an obstacle to the mentally ill and we would like to focus on their absorption into the extensive
labour market. We find that education can contribute to motivate and bring the mentally ill into the labour market.
An individual analysis of the resources of each person gives the possibility for planning an individual education programme,
which is based upon each person’s strengths. We wish to co-operate with the social network around each person to develop
their individual qualifications and to make sure that the systems’ collective knowledge will become best utilised by the
participants of the project.
We therefore have a vision of creating a sort of jobcentre that would demonstrate the value of the working capacity of every
mentally ill person in the project. The second goal for this jobcentre is to ensure that companies are living up to their social
responsibility so jobs can be created on the extensive labour market.
The expertise of the partner countries will be collected and a proposal for a strategy will be developed and probably
continued in an application for Social Funds.
Total DURATION: 12
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Basic skills
Active citizenship
Learning about European countries / the European Union
Information technology
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners' demand for learning
Guidance / counselling / information or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal
Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation
Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons,
persons in prison
Mentally ill people
Coordinating organisation:
Name of the institution: Amtets Specialundervisningscenter for voksne Horsens
Name of the contact person: Gert Jensen
Address: Nørrebrogade 38a, 8700 Horsens, Denmark
e-mail: gj@asv-horsens.dk
tel: 4575622777
fax: 4575626285
Organisation/Project website: www.asv-horsens.dk
Dipartimento di Salute mentale dell'Azienda USL di reggio Emilia, 42100 Reggio Emilia, Italy
Kongsskogen videregående skole, 0956 Oslo, Norway
Pedagogická fakulta Univerzita Palackého, katedra specialni pedagogiky, 78349 Olomouc, Czech Republik
Project Reference: 03-DNK01-S2G01-00006-2
Guidance and Counselling
The purpose of the project is to further develop good practice in guidance and counselling in order to:
• Strengthen adults with special needs
• Secure the learning possibilities to accomplish a scheduled education
• Develop good conversation
• Strengthen contact with the surrounding society
This will be achieved through international seminars where the project’s participants meet for mutual inspiration and
learning. The participant countries share experiences and practices after which they are tested by the other participants. The
results of the projects are published partly in a flyer, in developing a website and finally through exchanging experiences at
national network meetings.
Total DURATION: 24
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Basic skills
Guidance / counselling / information or other support services
Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation
Local community groups
Coordinating organisation:
Name of the institution: VUC Glamsbjerg
Name of the contact person: Ninna Gammelgaard Jepsen
Address: Nørregade 42, 5620 Glamsbjerg, Denmark
e-mail: ng@vucglam.fyns-amt.dk
tel: +45 63 72 20 80
fax: +45 63 72 20 85
Organisation/Project website: www.glamsbjerg-vuc.dk
AGORA, 08032 Barcelona, Spain
Labour Centre of Békés County, Békéscsaba, Hungary
Vilnius Adult Educational Centre, Vilnius, Lithuania
VUC Holstebro, 7500 Holstebro, Denmark
Project Reference: 03-DNK01-S2G01-00007-1
Second Chance Education and Training
The project is based on co-operation between four organisations, who work with young uneducated adults, aged 16-24
years. The aim of this project is to improve pedagogical methods in the area of non-formal education. This will be achieved
by visiting each of the members' centres in order to compare methods, thereby applying the most appropriate methods to
our own work. The long-term outcome of this co-operation will be the mobility of young adults with "less opportunities".
This mobility will promote cultural links and awareness, and thus improve these young adults sense of worth and help them
to recognise their valuable role in a developing Europe.
Total DURATION: 24
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Basic skills
Intercultural issues
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation
Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons,
persons in prison
Coordinating organisation:
Name of the institution: Brovst kommunale ungdomsskole
Name of the contact person: Kristen Henriksen
Address: Skolevej 5, 9460 Brovst, Denmark
e-mail: brovst-us@brovst-us.dk
tel: 98 23 31 22
fax: 98 23 32 22
Organisation/Project website: www.brovst-us.dk
Mission Locale - Espace Ressources Jeaunes, Roubaix, France
Youthbreach, Hospita, Co.Limerick, Ireland
Project Reference: 03-DNK01-S2G01-00015-1
Learning Partnership for the European Institute for Performing Arts
The objective of the project is to establish a learning partnership for a new and innovative European institute of performing
arts. The tuition of the institute will focus on aesthetic subjects: theatre, dance, music, but with a multi-aesthetic
interdisciplinary approach so that these disciplines can interact and enrich each other. Through focus on artistic
professionalism the project wants to enhance the learning process with personal development, the meeting of cultures and
vocational/personal qualifications such as the willingness to adapt, commitment, attentiveness, mobility, tolerance,
interpersonal skills, responsibility, creativity and entrepreneurial skills and problem-solving ability and other competencies.
Through interaction between theory and practice, interaction with the research environment and an international network,
the project will create a knowledge centre for aesthetic interdisciplinary learning processes. This will ensure development,
documentation and the spreading of experience within the area.
Total DURATION: 36
Area(s) covered
Intercultural issues
Arts, music, culture
Project Objectives
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Target Group(s)
Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities
Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation
Coordinating organisation:
Name of the institution: Den europæiske højskole for musik, dans og teater
Name of the contact person: Lars Ilum
Address: Duedalsvej 2, 8600 Silkeborg, Denmark
e-mail: ilum@dk2net.dk
tel: +45 86802070
fax: +45 86890169
Organisation/Project website:
L'Outil, 34000 Montpellier, France
Magyar Népföiskolai Társaság, 1054 Budapest, Hungary
Studio Maria P, Voohout, Netherlands
Project Reference: 03-DNK01-S2G01-00018-1
A guide to intercultural understanding
We want to improve EU citizens' knowledge of each other's cultures, i.e. customs, standards and values. We want to create
tools and opportunities to reflect the informal learning which takes place continuously when people encounter different
cultures. In order to avoid significant polarisation, it is important to identify common standards and values. This is why we
want to develop methods to reveal all the hidden agendas present in our democratic society. This will help those EU citizens
who have a different cultural background to understand the prevailing social order, make their mark on it and thus become
active and contented citizens.
We then want to test our method and materials in practice by working with ethnic minorities in our respective countries. As
Folkevirke has found study groups to be a successful method, we want to use them in this project together with the
practical tool of "constructive dialogue".
Total DURATION: 12
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
Arts, music, culture
Learning about European countries / the European Union
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners' demand for learning
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal
Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities
Senior citizens
Adults interested in LLL and active citizenship
Coordinating organisation:
Name of the institution: Folkevirke
Name of the contact person: Annemarie Balle
Address: Niels Hemmingsens Gade 10, 3., 1153 København K, Denmark
e-mail: folkevirke@folkevirke.dk
tel: +45 33328301
fax: +45 33328311
Organisation/Project website: www.folkevirke.dk
Odyssee, 6570 AA Berg EN DAL, Netherlands
Organizatia Femeilor - Targu Frumos, 6750 Targu Frumos, Iasi, Romania
Project Reference: 03-DNK01-S2G01-00030-1
Empower Life
This project aims at enhancing the quality of the European Dimension, through access to adult non-formal education, as
well as the promotion of sustainable development and mutual solidarity. The partnership will focus on techniques and
methods for the inclusion of adults with special needs and from disadvantaged groups.
Through exchange of practices, the partners will discover the gaps between competencies and new life challenges among
adult learners from rural areas and disadvantaged groups, and the need for the renewal of participatory methods.
The partnership will compare and create a beneficial link between strategies and actual practices, which will be adjusted and
planned in our non-formal schools, organizations and schools under development, and try to find ways of preparing people
for a world with fast-growing progress in communication technology, unemployment and personal burnout which
marginalise more and more people from rural areas and disadvantaged groups from society.
The project ‘Empower life’ is an example of a first step in building and exchanging strategies to attract and keep adult
learners in non-formal education in order, in the long term, to prepare them to also take part in formal education.
Total DURATION: 24
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Active citizenship
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners' demand for learning
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation
Local community groups
Coordinating organisation:
Name of the institution: Baaring Højskole
Name of the contact person: Erik Bukh
Address: Højskolevej 2, 5466 Asperup, Denmark
e-mail: info@baaringhoejskole.dk
tel: +45 6448 1108
fax: +45 6448 1552
Organisation/Project website: www.baaringhoejskole.dk
Questao de Equilibrio Associacao de Ed.Jovens, Palmela, Portugal
Vara Folkhögskola, 53423 Vara, Sweden
Project Reference: 03-DNK01-S2G01-00035-1
Learning by doing
The project will develop good practice in education, training and guidance as a means of integrating migrants and others in
the labour market. In the development of ‘Learning by Doing’, we will seek to identify the needs for social skills, cultural
understanding and communication codes used in the workplaces and to transform this knowledge into good guidance,
teaching and training practice.
The project will look for ways to help learners to find a job in the country where they live, and look for ways to improve the
teaching process in the field of practical use of learned skills and knowledge. The partners in the project will exchange
experience in uncovering the non-formal competencies of the target group and of making the target group aware of these
The project will finally try to influence the policy of the private and public labour market for it to become more receptive to
ethnic minorities and to people with special educational needs.
Total DURATION: 24
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
Languages, i.e. language at work
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners' demand for learning
Guidance / counselling / information or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal
Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities
Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons,
persons in prison
Coordinating organisation:
Name of the institution: Videnscenter for Integration
Name of the contact person: Ib Jespergaard
Address: Skolegade 1, 7100 Vejle, Denmark
e-mail: ije@vejle.dk
tel: +45 7644 4162
fax: +45 75832630
Organisation/Project website: www.vifin.dk
Strand Voksenopplæring, Jørpeland, Norway
Organism de Formation de Rocher, 24240 Rudeau, France
SOZE Sdruzeni obcanu, Society of Citizens Assisting, 627 Brno, Czech Republic
Ländlische Erwachsenenbildung, 14712 Rathenow, Germany
Project Reference: 03-DNK01-S2G01-00040-1
How to Make Integration More Efficient Through Language Teaching Focusing on Intercultural
The project aims at becoming familiar with learning systems in the partner countries and from that then selecting and
improving the tools used in teaching immigrants.
The project will focus on learning and observation of partners ‘in action’, exchange of curricula and study plans and
organisation of relevant events with the students.
Selected curriculum and study plans will be translated, compared and evaluated and teaching strategies through practical
examples will be exchanged. During visits class-room observation will be video-taped and brought back to the students and
fellow teachers/trainers. Current documentation of the findings will be elaborated.
Total DURATION: 36
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Sustainable development
Intercultural issues
Arts, music, culture
Learning about European countries / the European Union
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners' demand for learning
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal
Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities
Coordinating organisation:
Name of the institution: VUC Odense
Name of the contact person: Bent Funder
Address: Jernbanegade 20, 5000 Odense C, Denmark
e-mail: vucoden@fyns-amt.dk
tel: +45 66143396
fax: +45 66147075
Organisation/Project website: www.vuc-odense.dk
AOF Svendborg Sprogcenter, 5700 Svendborg, Denmark
Centro de Educacion de Adultos 'Manolo Collado', 41009 Sevilla, Spain
IPSSCT 'Marisa Bellisario', Inzago (Milano), Italy
Jyväskylan tysväenopisto, 40101 Jyväskylä, Finland
Project Reference: 03-DNK01-S2G01-00045-1
Mobile Learning Lab Europe
The project aims at giving inspiration and ideas on how to develop new and different ways of supplementary education and
training of teachers in adult education on the basis of teaching practice. Furthermore, the project will enable institutions of
adult education to establish networks between different types of schools, countries, formal and non-formal education.
The participants in the partnership project will experience teaching practice in the different partnership countries with their
different traditions, theories and culture and thus be given ideas and the possibility of developing new types of
supplementary education.
Teachers in adult education from the partnership countries will develop methods of reflecting on their own practice and
relate them to theories and practice presented in other countries and in this way hopefully become even better teachers
(reflective learning). Being part of the learning process, participants in courses will have the possibility of reflecting on their
own learning.
After completion, the project will still, by means of the established IT communication, enable the participants to ‘meet’ for
mutual inspiration with the purpose of continuing further and new development of best practices.
Total DURATION: 36
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Basic skills
Information technology
Intercultural issues
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Management of adult education organisation / institution
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities
Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation
Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons,
persons in prison
Disabled persons
Senior citizens
Local community groups
Coordinating organisation:
Name of the institution: Syddansk VPC
Name of the contact person: Bent Alminde
Address: Damhaven 13A, 7100 Vejle, Denmark
e-mail: vpc@acu-vejle.dk
tel: 75829944
fax: 75827690
Organisation/Project website: www.syddansk-vpc.dk
CEPA Camp Rodó, Palma de Mallorca, Spain
I.P.S.S.C.T.S. Paolo Frisi, 20153 Milano, Italy
Project Reference: 03-DNK01-S2G01-00051-1
Innovative ways of reaching out
The purpose of the learning partnership is the experience in innovative ways to reach marginalized groups or such groups
threatened by marginalization. These groups vary between regions, but they have certain traits in common: 1) difficulties in
obtaining steady jobs, 2) disinclined to participate in education voluntarily and 3) not affected by traditional methods of
marketing education.
The learning partnership is a trans-national cooperation between different teaching institutions with a common wish to try
and use untraditional ways of reaching these groups. Each institution has targeted a group that it will attempt to engage in
educational activities.
The framework for the cooperation is: 1) an internet conference with a common homepage. The coordinator is responsible
for construction and technical maintenance of the site. Partners regularly exchange experiences on information material,
marketing strategies etc. 2) an annual conference (preceded by a preparatory meeting for key staff) in alternating countries
to exchange experiences directly and strengthen the European dimension.
Total DURATION: 36
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Basic skills
Information technology
Active citizenship
Sustainable development
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners' demand for learning
Guidance / counselling / information or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons,
persons in prison
Disabled persons
Coordinating organisation:
Name of the institution: Københavns VUC
Name of the contact person: Anne Jelsøe
Address: Helgolandsgade 6, 1653 København V, Denmark
e-mail: kvuc@kvuc.dk
tel: +45 82 32 66 00
fax: +45 8232 6601
Organisation/Project website: www.kvuc.dk
Volkshochschule Reutlingen GmbH, Reutlingen, Germany
GRETA Vaucluse Nord, 84200 CARPENTRAS, France
I.T.C.P.C.E. 'Biagio Pascal', Romentino, Italy
Project Reference: 03-DEU03-S2G01-00001-2
Kulturkompass Europa
Ein wichtiger Bestandteil des Sokrates-Programms - so auch des Grundtvig-Programms - sind Mobilitäsmaßnahmen für
Lehrende und Lernende. Gerade durch diese Maßnahmen werden Möglichkeiten für 'Lebenslanges Lernen' eröffnet, die für
die persönliche Qualifizierung der Bürger Europas von großer Wichtigkeit sind.
Phase 1 des Projekts: Evaluation
Die Vorbereitung auf solche Mobilität, die Erfahrungen mit der Durchführung und der zu registrierende Lerneffekt sollen in
einer Evaluation von Lehrern, Auszubildenden, Schülern u.a. erfragt werden.
Phase 2 des Projekts: Vademecum
Nach diesem ersten Schritt der Bestandsaufnahme sollen in einem zweiten Schritt aus den Erfahrungen der Befragten Tipps,
Hinweise und Anregungen zusammengestellt werden, die einen Auslandsaufenthalt erleichtern, verbessern, optimieren
können. Damit wird ein Beitrag zum 'Lebenslangen Lernen' geleistet, weil die Mobilitätsmaßnahmen Menschen aller
Altersgruppen ansprechen.
Phase 3 des Projekts: Credit-Point-System
Schließlich können auf diesem Hintergrund Kriterien für die Anerkennung eines Auslandsaufenthalts entwickelt werden:
Anrechnung im Bildungsgang, Anrechnung als Fortbildungsmodul, Anrechnung für berufliche Qualifikation.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Other (describe if applicable)
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Basic skills
Intercultural issues
European countries / European Union
Optimierung von Mobilitäsmaßnahmen
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Westfalen-Kolleg Paderborn
Name of the contact person: Dr. Ulrike Kurth
Address: Fürstenweg 17b, 33102 Paderborn
e-mail Ulrike.Kurth@t-online.de
tel: +49 (0)5251 - 13 29 10
fax: +49 (0)5251 - 13 29 111
Organisation/Project website: www.westfalen-kolleg-pb.de
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Wyzsza Szkola Handlowa we Wroclawiu (Handelshochschule Breslau) / PL
Flämischer Hochschulrat Brüssel - BE
Hogeschool van Anrhem en Nijmwegen (Hochschule von Arnheim und Nimwegen) / NL
Tallinna Banalinna Täiskasvanute Gümnaasium (Talliner Altstadtgymnasium für Erwachsene) / EE
Paderborner Lehrerausbildungszentrum - DE
Project Reference: 03-DEU03-S2G01-00002-1
Getting experience from applying the European Language Portfolio in adult education for
The project aims at getting common experience in applying the European Language Portfolio (ELP) in adult education for
Specific objects are:
- Use of tools for self-assessment
- Exchange of experience in Foreign Language Teaching methodology
- Intercultural communication (two-way learning, teacher-learner)
- Involvement of learners
The target groups are foreigners, migrants who are adults or young adults who are not in formal education.
The main activities are the introduction of different tools for the active involvement and self-assessment of language
learners. The project implementation will consist mainly in the application of the European Language Portfolio in current
language courses for foreigners of partners’ institutions. The project evaluation will take place mainly in international
seminars / workshops.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Basic skills
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Guidance / counselling or other support services
Methods for providing credit for knowl. or comp.
Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities
Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Akademie Klausenhof, gGmbH
Name of the contact person: Dr. Rogelio Villegas
Address: Klausenhofstr. 100, 46499 Hamminkeln
e-mail projekte@akademie-klausenhof.de
tel: +49 (0)2852/89-357
fax: +49 (0)2852/89-43001
Organisation/Project website: www.akademie-klausenhof.de
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Escuela Oficial de idiomas (Official language school) / ES
Arendal voksenopplaering (Arendal Adult Learning) / NO
EDUCA - vzdelávací centrum (EDUCA - Educational Center) / CZ
lisalmen sivistyspalvelukeskus / kansalaisopisto
(The Adult Education Centre of Iisalmi) / FI
Project Reference: 03-DEU03-S2G01-00005-2
Politsche Bildung und Lernen für Gender Mainstreaming Implementierung
Die Projektpartner werden im gemeinsamen Lernprozess den transnationalen Wissens- und Erfahrungstransfer im Hinblick
auf individuelles und organisationales Lernen für die Implementierung der Gender Mainstreaming Strategie fördern. Aus
einer gemeinsam erarbeiteten Ausgangsposition werden sie mit dem Sammeln und Sichten von Bildungsmodulen für
unterschiedliche Zielgruppen auf nationaler und europäischer Ebene, von „Train the Trainer“-Modellen für Gender Dialog,
Gender Sensibilisierung und Gender Trainings und durch das Thematisieren der notwendigen organisationalen Lern- und
Veränderungsprozesse die Gender Mainstreaming Implementierung auf unterschiedlichen politischen Aktionsebenen
unterstützen sowie für eine Adaption und Testung innerhalb eines Kooperationsprojektes vorbereiten. Damit wird
gleichermaßen ein bildungspolitischer und praxisbezogener Beitrag zur Vertiefung des Politikkonzepts und seiner Umsetzung
Die transnationale Kooperation der Lernpartnerschaft unter Einbeziehung weiterer Interessentlnnen und ExpertInnen in
einen Workshop, in ein Seminar, in eine Fachkonferenz und in die Nutzung neuer Informations- und
Kommunikationstechnologie, der internetgestützte Informations-, Wissens- und Erfahrungstransfer zum Thema sowie die
Erarbeitung weiterer gemeinsamer Zielstellungen und Kooperation mit anderen themenverwandten Projekten werden die
Basis für ein nachfolgend zu schaffendes Kooperationsprojekt „Politische Bildung und Lernen für Gender Mainstreaming“
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 1
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
European countries / European Union
Information technology
Sustainable development
Gender Mainstreaming Implementation
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Guidance / counselling or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Management of adult education organisation / institution
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
für Gender Mainstreaming Bildung zuständige Männer und Frauen
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung
Name of the contact person: Petra Grüne
Address: Berliner Freiheit 7, 53111 Bonn
e-mail gruene@bpb.de
tel: +49 (0)1888-515 289
fax: +49 (0)1888-515 293
Organisation/Project website: www.bpb.de
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Strategie 21 e.V. / DE
Forschungsinstitut Arbeit, Bildung, Partizipation e.V. Institut an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum / DE
Center for Ligestillingsforskning (Danish Center on Gender Equality) / DK
Kentro Ereunon Gia Thematika Isotitas (Research Centre for Gender Equality) / GR
The World of NGO’s Informationsplattform für den Dritten Sektor in Österreich / AT
Naiskoolituse Keskus (The Women’s Training Centre) / EE
Dipartiment dwar in-Nisa fis-Socjeta (Department for Women in Society, Ministry for Social Policy) / MT
Project Reference: 03-DEU03-S2G01-00006-1
GILE - Generationsübergreifendes inter-kulturelles Lernen in Europa
Der biographische Ansatz in der Erwachsenenbildung kann den Prozess lebenslangen Lernens effektiv unterstützen. Es
fördert das gegenseitige Verständnis individueller Erfahrungen, Probleme und Motivationen. Besonders produktiv kann die
biographische Methode in gemeinsamen Lernprozessen von Teilnehmenden mit unterschiedlichen persönlichen Erfahrungen,
Altersstufen und beruflichen Zusammenhängen sein, vor allem dann, wenn die Teilnehmenden unterschiedlichen
Generationen und unterschiedlichen Nationalitäten angehören.
Ziel des beabsichtigten Projektes ist es, diesen Bildungsansatz in gemeinsamer Arbeit von Bildungseinrichtungen
verschiedener europäischer Länder weiter zu entwickeln und damit neue Zugänge, Lehrpläne und Methoden für das
lebenslange Lernen zwischen Generationen, in internationalen Lerngruppen und Lernprojekten zu erarbeiten. Dabei stehen
der Austausch individueller Perspektiven, die Wissensvermittlung über aktuelle soziale Veränderungen und europäische
Entwicklungen im Vordergrund. Mit dem Projekt soll zugleich ein konkreter Beitrag zur Integration der mittel- und
osteuropäischen Beitrittsländer/Beitrittskandidaten geleistet werden.
Das Projekt sieht vor:
- Internationale generationenübergreifende Lernseminare zu projektieren, durchzuführen und zu evaluieren
- Experten/Lehrer für europäische Ausbildungsprojekte auszubilden;
- die Erfahrungen in Seminaren auszutauschen
- die weitere Anwendung in den Bildungszusammenhängen der Partner vorzubereiten.
Total Duration: 1 year
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 1
Intercultural issues
European countries / European Union
Verständigung zwischen den Generationen, Aktivierung für den Prozess lebenslangen Lernens
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Management of AE organisations/institutions
Senior citizens
Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar
teachers / multipliers of adult education
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Thüringen
Name of the contact person: Helmut Schuchardt
Address: Regierungsstr. 73, 99084 Erfurt
e-mail SchuchardtH@tsk.thueringen.de
tel: + 49 (0)361/3792 740
fax: +49 (0)361/3792 702
Organisation/Project website: www.thueringen.de/de/lzt
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Evangelische Erwachsenenbildung Thüringen / DE
Fundacja Krzyzowa dla Porozumienia Europejskiego (Stiftung Kreisau für Europäische Verständigung) / PL
Klub feministickych filozofiek (Klub feministischer Philosophinnen) / SK
Druschestwo sa obrasowanie na mladeschi u mediina pedagogika (FAR - Verein für Jugendbildung und Medienpädagogik) /
Project Reference: 03-DEU03-S2G01-00007-2
GeQa Gender Qualität und Strategien in der Erwachsenenbildung und Qualifizierung
Die Lernpartnerschaft "GeQua" will zur konkreten Umsetzung der Gender Mainstreaming Prinzipien in der Praxis von
Weiterbildung und Qualifizierung bei den im Umfeld von Qualifizierung und Erwachsenenbildung Tätigen und Betroffenen
wie Bildungseinrichtungen, regionalen Akteuren beitragen. Dafür soll auf europäischer Ebene:
- nach Beispielen "guter Praxis" für die Umsetzung von Gender Mainstreaming mit Hilfe von Angeboten, Maßnahmen und
Strukturen der Erwachsenenbildung und Qualifizierung gesucht werden.
- mit Hilfe eines Leistungsvergleichs (vereinfachtes Benchmarkingverfahren) sollen Strategien deutlich gemacht werden, wie
Mitarbeitende, Dozenten / Dozentinnen und Lernende sowie Betriebe und andere Organisationen für das Thema
Chancengleichheit sensibilisiert und zur Umsetzung motiviert werden können.
- es sollen Qualitätskriterien für eine konkrete Umsetzung identifiziert werden.
Dabei gehen wir von der Hypothese aus, dass die Implementierung des Gender Mainstreaming einen Beitrag leistet zur
- Qualitätsverbesserung von Lernen und Lehren in den o.g. Angeboten und Strukturen der Qualifizierung und
- Erhöhung gleicher Zugangschancen hinsichtlich Bildung und Beschäftigung für (benachteiligte) Frauen und Männer
Die Lernpartnerschaft möchte eine reflektierte Basis für weiterführende Kooperationsprojekte schaffen, in denen zur
Implementierung des Gender Mainstreaming durch innovative und weiter entwickelte Qualifizierungsbausteine und
Maßnahmen beigetragen wird.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 1
Intercultural issues, Information technology
Health, Education for parents
European countries / European Union
Gender Mainstreaming als Querschnittsaufgabe
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Guidance / counselling or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Management of adult education organisation / insti
Local community groups
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Gender Akademie NRW e.V.
Name of the contact person: Dr. Monika Goldmann
Address: Evinger Platz 17, 44339 Dortmund
e-mail Genderakademie@sfs-dortmund.de
tel: + 49 (0)231/8596-221
fax: +49 (0)231/8596-100
Organisation/Project website: www.gender-akademie.de
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
VDAB Training & Opleiding / BE
VUC Adult Education Center Falster / DK
Mikkeli Vocational Institut / FI
VFA Valter Fissamber & Associates Ltd. / GR
Knowsley Community College / UK
Landesinstitut für Schule und Weiterbildung, Soest / DE
Project Reference: 03-DEU03-S2G01-00008-2
ECU - Using elements of culture & creativity to overcome barriers amongst different ethnic
The project's basic idea is to use different elements of culture (arts, music, folklore "every-day" cultural aspects like cooking,
sports, etc) as the first meeting ground for the host-population and for different ethnic groups/minorities living in the host
country. The general aim of this procedure is to overcome barriers between the different groups, enhance mutual
understanding and lessen potential conflicts. All institutions involved in this learning-partnership use a similar and
compatible approach in their individual local or regional projects. During the transnational meetings experiences and models
will be compared and exchanged.
Summing up: the aim of the project is to stimulate intercultural learning and understanding by using various cultural
activities as the first meeting ground between the host population and different ethnic groups.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Basic skills
Intercultural issues
Arts, music, culture
Education for parents
families and responsibles for ethnic integration-process
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Local community groups
Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Kunstgespräche
Name of the contact person: Dr. Jutta Thinesse-Demel
Address: Geyerspergerstr. 42 , 80689 München
e-mail thinesse-demel@t-online.de
tel: + 49 (0)89/580 6664
fax: +49 (0)89/580 3466
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Senior Studies Institute; Centre for Lifelong Learning / UK
Norsk Musikkrad Sor Trondelag (The Council for Music Organisations in Norway) / NO
Landesverband Oberösterreichisches Volksbildungswerk / AT
Katholisches Kreisbildungswerk e.V. Bad Tölz - Wolfratshausen / DE
Project Reference: 03-DEU03-S2G01-00012-1
Museum as Places for lifelong learning - European Qualification Training
The potential of museums as ideal learning environments for lifelong learning has been explored during different regional,
national and European projects within the last decade. The existence and study of collections is only a tool, their
conservation only a condition; therefore education is the most crucial and fundamental task of the museum. As David
Anderson mentioned: “museum-education is not any more an ‘add-on’; it becomes an increasing core function integral to all
museums activities. Otherwise the fulfilment of the museum’s mission cannot be achieved which could raise the crucial
question "why museums in general should be obtained?” Learning in the museum promotes, enhances and facilitates
learning-results for every target-group and every purpose. Therefore specific training-conditions are necessary. Herewith we
prepare a European training which opens-up 3 possibilities:
1) to be trained in intercultural competence and new innovative trends for learning-projects in the museum
2) to have a lively exchange with experts from other European countries and come into contact with programmes and
3) to receive a certification from every institution
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Basic skills
Intercultural issues
Sustainable development
Arts, music, culture
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Guidance / counselling or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Methods for providing credit for knowl. or comp.
Local community groups
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Kunstgespräche
Name of the contact person: Dr. Jutta Thinesse-Demel
Address: Geyerspergerstr. 42, 80689 München
e-mail Thinesse-demel@t-online.de
tel: + 49 (0)89/5806664
fax: +49 (0)89/5803466
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Regione Emilia-Romagna / IT
Pécsi Tudományegyetem (Universtiy of Pecs) / HU
Reinwardt Academie / NL
Project Reference: 03-DEU03-S2G01-00014-1
Music education in early childhood for disabled and non-disabled children: significance for
parents and grandparents
"Wer unterschiedliche Menschen zusammenbringen will, muss eine gemeinsame Sprache finden."
Diese gemeinsame Sprache ist zweifelsohne die Musik, das ureigenste Kommunikationsmittel. In der heutigen Zeit ist Musik
überall präsent, aber im Bildungsverständnis hat Musik in den europäischen Ländern einen unterschiedlichen Stellenwert.
Die Lernpartnerschaft stellt die Bedeutung der Musikerziehung im frühkindlichen Bereich für behinderte und nichtbehinderte
Kinder sowie die Bedeutung der Musik für den älter werdenden Menschen in den Mittelpunkt.
Mit dem Vergleich kultureller Unterschiede in der Musikerziehung und in den Angeboten für das Lebensbegleitende Lernen
soll aus der Lernpartnerschaft eine Lernende Partnerschaft (Eltern - Großeltern, Erzieher/innen, Lehrer/innen, Ärzte,
Wissenschaftler) für Kinder werden, die den Aufbau eines europäischen Netzwerkes "Musizierende (cantare et sonare)
Kindergärten und Schulen mit Eltern und Großeltern" initiieren möchte.
Dadurch wird die Fähigkeit durch Stimme und Sprache mit anderen zu kommunizieren gefördert, der Dialog der
Generationen unterstützt und der Einsatz von Musiktherapie bei Sprachbehinderung besonders beachtet.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Education for parents
Methods for providing credit for knowl. or comp.
Local community groups
Senior citizens
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Elternverein Baden-Württemberg e.V.
Name of the contact person: Dr. Renate Heinisch
Address: Kurpfalzstr. 37, 97944 Boxberg
e-mail info@elternverein-bw.de
tel: + 49 (0)7930/8851
fax: +49 (0)7930/8852
Organisation/Project website: www.elternverein-bw.de
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Musikerzieher Österreich AGMÖ / AT
Lietuvos Muzikos Akademija (LT)
Project Reference: 03-DEU03-S2G01-00015-1
New ways of adult education in multicultural societies
Unsere Lernpartnerschaft verfolgt die Absicht, anhand eines erweiterten Bildungsbegriffes ein Bildungskonzept für eine
Verbesserung des Zusammenlebens von Migranten und Einheimischen in unseren Gesellschaften zu entwickeln. Dieser
erweiterte Bildungsbegriff umfasst neben dem kontextbezogenen Spracherwerb eine politische und gesellschaftliche
Bildung, einen interreligiösen Austausch und eine allgemeine Kompetenzverbesserung für Migranten. Dieses Bildungskonzept
hat den Anspruch, Migranten das Rüstzeug zu vermitteln, damit sie zu aktiven und gleichberechtigten Staatsbürgern in
unseren multikulturellen Gesellschaften werden.
Ausgehend vom Vergleich der vorhandenen Bildungsangebote für Migranten in den jeweiligen Ländern werden neue Ansätze
der Weiterbildung in einer multikulturellen Gesellschaft erarbeitet. In die Lernpartnerschaften werden Akteure aus
Migrantenorganisationen, Vertreter von Ausländerbeiräten, Ausländerbeauftragte von Gewerkschaften und Kirchen
einbezogen. Die Ergebnisse der Lernpartnerschaften werden in einer Broschüre zusammengefasst, die dann
Bildungseinrichtungen, Vereinen, Nichtregierungsorganisationen, Kirchen und Gewerkschaften, die aktiv mit Migranten
arbeiten, zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Darüber hinaus werden sie in die Politik hineingetragen, um die Verantwortlichen
für die Problematik zu sensibilisieren und eine Erhöhung der finanziellen Mittel zur Förderung der Integration von Migranten
zu bewirken.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Basic skills
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Local community groups
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Oswald-von-Nell-Breuning-Haus
Name of the contact person: Wilfrried Wienen
Address: Wiesenstr. 17
e-mail wilfried-wienen@nell-breuning-haus.de
tel: + 49 (0)2406/95580
fax: +49 (0)2406/4632
Organisation/Project website: www.eza.org
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Institut de Formation Sociale (IFS) / LU
Uniòn de Centros de Estudios del Mediterráneo (UCEM) (Union der Forschungszentren des Mittelmeerraumes) / ES
Slotemaker de Bruine Instituut Polska (SBI Polska) / PL
Project Reference: 03-DEU03-S2G01-00016-1
Das Leben (wieder) in die eigene Hand nehmen
Mit zunehmender Arbeitslosigkeit geraten viele Menschen in eine Art "Lähmungszustand". Als "Bildungsversager" und
"Aussteiger" sind oft auch frustrierte junge Menschen von einer "Lern- und Bildungsabstinenz" betroffen. Diese Menschen
nehmen keine Bildungsangebote mehr in Anspruch und stellen sich auch sonst keinen Lernerfahrungen. Zur Entwicklung
sinnstiftender Lebensperspektiven sind sie nicht in der Lage, ihr geistiges Potential verkümmert.
Wesentliches Anliegen der Lernpartnerschaft ist es, diese resignierten Menschen zu motivieren, sich wieder Lererfahrungen
zu stellen und auch Freude an neuen Erfahrungen zu erleben. Als Mittel zum Erreichen dieses Ziels, sollen praktizierte
sozialarbeiterische Ansätze optimiert und weiterentwickelt werden.
Fachkräfte des sozialen Sektors aus Deutschland, Tschechien und England
- tauschen sich dazu über die jeweilige Praxis und eigene Erfahrungen aus,
- gehen der Frage nach, wie es gelingen kann, diese Menschen besser zu erreichen,
- untersuchen, welche Aspekte zu ihrer Motivation von Bedeutung sind,
- und leiten daraus Handlungsschritte für die sozialarbeiterische Arbeit ab.
Zielgruppen sind Menschen, bei denen keine inneren Antriebe mehr erkennbar sind, ihr Leben aktiv selber zu gestalten und
die nicht (mehr) offen sind für neue Lernerfahrungen.
Für die Partnerorganisationen soll die Lernpartnerschaft den Einstieg in den Aufbau einer längerfristigen Partnerschaft
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 1
Basic skills
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Guidance / counselling or other support services
Disabled persons
Menschen, bei denen keine inneren Antriebe mehr erkennbar sind, ihr Leben aktiv selber zu
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Diakonisches Werk, Ev. Luth. Braunschweiger Landeskirche
Name of the contact person: Juliane Bauer
Address: Klostergang 66, 38104 Braunschweig
e-mail sozialarbeit@diakonie-braunschweig.de
tel: + 49 (0)531/3703-130
fax: +49 (0)531/3703-099
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Diocesan Board for social responsibility / UK
Slezska diakonie / CZ
Christliches Jugenddorfwerk (CJD) Salzgitter,
Hallendorfer Werkstätten / DE
Project Reference: 03-DEU03-S2G01-00018-1
TALE - Transeuropean Adult Learning, Fächer- und länderübergreifende Erwachsenenbildung in
Das Projekt dient dem Austausch zwischen Erwachsenenbildungs-Einrichtungen im großstädtischen Umfeld, die eine
langfristige, multidisziplinäre Kooperation suchen.
Gegenstand des Austausches sind:
- das gesamte pädagogische Angebot (Ziel: internationale und interne Synergiewirkungen durch
fach- und
grenzübergreifende Veranstaltungen wie z.B. parallele Kurse mit europäischen Themen etc.)
- das Fremdsprachenangebot (Ziel: Erweiterung durch bilingualen Sachunterricht, Sprachlernpartnerschaften, InternetKontakte, Austausch von Lernenden, Sprachreisen usw.)
- interne und externe Kommunikationsprozesse
- andere mögliche Kooperationsbereiche.
Die wichtigsten Aktivitäten sind:
- transnationale Treffen mit jeweils 10 Personen pro Land (Pädagogen, Lernende) Ziele: Analyse und Vergleich, Bestimmung
von Fachbereichen und Formen der Zusammenarbeit, Ausarbeitung von Vorschlägen für Europa-Veranstaltungen
- Eröffnung einer Internetseite als Austausch- und Verbreitungsforum.
- Modellhafte Erprobung von Europa-Veranstaltungen
- Abschlusskonferenz zur Evaluierung und Weiterentwicklung
- Vorbereitende Maßnahmen zur Eröffnung eines Koordinationsbüros für Kontakte und Teilnehmeraustausch zwischen den
- Europäische Bildungsveranstaltungen als fester Programmteil
- Etablierung einer dauerhaften Europagruppe von Lernern und Lehrenden
- Stabiler transnationaler Kursteilnehmeraustausch
- Aufbau von Kommunikationskanälen und Kooperationen
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 1
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
European countries / European Union
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Management of AE organisations/institutions
Local community groups
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
user of adult education
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Volkshochschule Tempelhof-Schöneberg Berlin
Name of the contact person: Dr. Frank Dittmer
Address: Barbarossaplatz 5, 10781 Berlin
e-mail dittmer@ba-temp.verwalt-berlin.de
tel: + 49 (0)30/7560 3518
fax: +49 (0) 30/7560 3503
Organisation/Project website: www.vhs-tempelhof-schoeneberg.de
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Volkshochschule Hietzing / AT
Universitá Popolare di Roma (Popular University of Rome) / IT
Stichting Volksuniversiteit Amstelland (Stiftung Volkshochschule Amstelland) / NL
Project Reference: 03-DEU03-S2G01-00024-1
Citykirchen als Lernorte europäischer Identität
Historische Kirchenbauten sind Zeugnisse einer duch das Christentum geprägten gesamteuropäischen Identität. In ihrer
Entstehung, Geschichte und Nutzung wirken universale, grenz- und kulturüberschreitende Impulse und Gemeinsamkeiten.
Zudem werden sie nach wie vor gemäß ihrer ursprünglichen Zweckbestimmung genutzt. Damit erweisen sie sich als
hervorragende Lernorte europäischer Kultur, die für ein intergenerationelles und lebenslanges Lernen und für einen
interkulturellen und interreligiösen Austausch genutzt werden können. Der wachsende Städtetourismus, die wachsende
Bedeutung von Kultur und Freizeit für die städtische Bevölkerung stellen die Zentralkirchen europäischer Großstädte vor
neue pädagogische und organisatorische Herausforderungen. Sie müssen sich Besucherströmen und kommerziellen
Kontexten öffnen, ohne ihren eigentümlichen Charakter als Orte religiöser Präsenz zu verlieren. Zugleich eröffnen sich neue
Chancen als Lernorte kultureller, historischer, politischer und religiöser Identität. Die Lernpartnerschaft möchte hierüber
einen Erfahrungsaustausch herstellen: Auf Basis direkter Kooperation verschiedener Institutionen sollen Erfahrungswerte
verglichen und ausgewertet werden. Geplant ist die Entwicklung didaktischer Materialien und der Aufbau nachhaltiger
fachlicher Kooperationsstrukturen, welche in naher Zukunft evtl. gemeinsame pädagogische Standards oder die Entwicklung
von Austauschmodellen und Partnerschaften im europäischen Kontext ermöglichen sollen.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 1
Intercultural issues
European countries / European Union
Arts, music, culture
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Guidance / counselling or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Management of AE organisations/institutions
Local community groups
Senior citizens
tourists, visitors
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: DOMFORUM Treffpunkt - Information - Kirche
Name of the contact person: Harald Schlüter
Address: Domkloster 3, 50667 Köln
e-mail hschlueter@domforum.de
tel: +49 (0)221/925847-32
fax: +49 (0) 221/925847-3
Organisation/Project website: www.domforum.de
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Kathedraal Antwerpen / B
laurenspastoraat Rotterdam / NL
Folkerkerkens Pädagogische Institut, Roskilde/ DK
Veitsdom / CZ
Dompfarre St. Stephan, Wien /AT
Katholische Erwachsenenbildung, Frankfurt/ DE
Project Reference: 03-DEU03-S2G01-00029-1
Exploration of the Relationship between Individual Motivation, Work and Citizenship
We believe that motivation is the basis for individuals to achieve their goals and the motor for personal achievement and
that active citizenship is an essential context in which personal, social, and economic growth takes place.
Therefore we intend to explore the relationship between an individual's motivation, work and citizenship.
We will do this by investigating theoretical and practical approaches and processes of lifelong learning by:
1. Inviting partners to carry out a local programme, to test and evaluate a common and agreed methodology with different
target groups. Evaluating the experiences of both: trainers and learners.
2. Each partner producing an evaluative study.
3. Managing a two year project involving exchange of findings through transnational seminars, conferences and best
practice workshops.
4. Forming our conclusions and disseminating the results through national institutions, European meetings, workshops and a
final conference and posted on a common website.
The target groups to be involved and consulted will be people living in disadvantaged areas, young adults at risk of social
marginalization and finally young specialists, adapting to social and cultural environments.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Basic skills
Active citizenship
European countries / European Union
Information technology
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Local community groups
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Ringwald Mikroelektronik GmbH
Name of the contact person: Verena Kaarow-Fuellbeck
Address: Seiterichstr. 6a, 76131 Karlsruhe
e-mail v.kaarow-fuellbeck@ringwald.de
tel: + 49 (0)721/623 50 50
fax: +49 (0) 721/623 50 79
Organisation/Project website: www.ringwald.de
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Adulta Institute of Further Education (Adulta OY) / FI
Centrao Territorale Permanente presso Scuola Media "Biancheri - Cavour" (Adults Training Centre, High Junior School
Biancheri-Cavour) / IT
Fundatia Central de Resurce pentru Diversitate Etnoculturala (Ethnocultural Diversity Resource Center) / RO
Project Reference: 03-DEU03-S2G01-00031-1
Erfahrungsaustausch der Lehrkräfte und PlanerInnen in der Erwachsenenbildung in den Ländern
Ungarn, Deutschland und Österreich
Erfahrungsaustausch in den Weiterbildungsbereichen: Grundbildung, Zweiter Bildungsweg, Bildungsabschlüsse, Sprach- und
Integrationskurse für Ausländer, Aussiedler
Zu folgenden Fragen und Themenfeldern: Bildungsprogramme, Bildungsmaßnahmen, Zielgruppengenerierung, Ausbildung
des Lehr- und Betreuungspersonals, unterstützende Maßnahmen (Beratungs-, Begleitung- und Betreuungsangebot),
Methoden – auch im Bereich der neuen Medien bzw. Informationstechnologien, des internetgestützten Lernens
(Distanzlernen per Internet), notwendigen Anpassungen der Organisationen/Bildungseinrichtungen auf sich verändernde
Rahmenbedingungen (Qualitätsmanagement, Finanzierung, Professionalisierung)
persönlicher und virtueller Erfahrungsaustausch, gegenseitiges kennen lernen der Erwachsenenbildungssysteme, Vergleich
der regionalspezifischen Ausgangssituationen (strukturelle, wirtschaftliche, soziale und geografische Gegebenheiten) und
Rahmenbedingungen in den Partnerländern, Kennenlernen von Bildungsprogrammen und Maßnahmen, Präsentation von
Modellprojekten (z.B. Qualitätssicherung, Lehrgangskonzepte, e-Learning unterstützte Lehr- und Lernformen), Austausch und
Erprobung von TeilnehmerInnen und KursleiterInnenbefragungen (Evaluationsbögen), Erfassung von Indikatoren und
Vergleich von Zahlen, Daten, Fakten, Problemen und Erfahrungen der erwähnten Themenfelder und Fragestellungen,
Methodenvergleich und Verbreitung der kennengelernten neuen Methoden innerhalb der Organisationen
Total Duration:
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year:
Basic skills
Intercultural issues
Information technology
Bildungsabschlüsse, Qualitätsmanagement
Guidance / counselling or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Management of AE organisations/institutions
Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Bildungszentrum des Handels e.V.
Name of the contact person: Christoph Scheffel
Address: Baarstr. 5, 58636 Iserlohn
e-mail scheffel@bzh-bildung.de
tel: + 49 (0)2371/835333
fax: +49 (0) 2371/835335
Organisation/Project website: www.bzh-bildung.de
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Burgenländische Volkshochschulen / AT
Zala Megyei Müvelödesi, Képzési Központ és Szakiskola /HU
Project Reference: 03-DEU03-S2G01-00034-1
Entwicklung und Erprobung neuer Lehr- und Lernmethoden für sozial benachteiligte Jugendliche
im europäischen Kontext
Das spätestens seit der Pisa-Studie zu Tage getretene Niveaugefälle bei Jugendlichen verschiedener europäischer Länder hat
uns veranlasst, nach Lösungen im internationalen Rahmen zu suchen. Da ein wesentlicher Grund für Lese- und generell
Lernschwächen in mangelnder Motivation und Selbständigkeit junger sozial benachteiligter Erwachsener zu suchen ist, sollte
an der Fähigkeit zur aktiven Beteiligung an gesellschaftlichen Prozessen gearbeitet werden.
Als Partner eignen sich Einrichtungen, die
- mit sozial benachteiligten Jugendlichen arbeiten
- Jugendliche in berufsvorbereitenden Maßnahmen betreuen,
- Jugendliche auf nachzuholende Schulabschlüsse vorbereiten.
Über diese Partner können wir die Zielgruppe der sozial benachteiligten jungen Erwachsenen der Partnerländer erreichen und
Entwicklung neuer Unterrichtskonzepte, d.h. neue Lehr- und Lernmethoden, die lebenslanges Lernen im europäischen
Kontext ermöglichen. Weitere Aktionsfelder betreffen Konzepte zum Erwerb von Schlüsselqualifikationen, die Förderung
individueller Selbständigkeit sowie die Umsetzung interkultureller Lernarrangements im Rahmen des Projekts.
Das wünschenswerte Ergebnis ist die Knüpfung von dauerhaften Kontakten zum interkulturellen Austausch
1. als Mittel zum sozialen Lernen (Toleranz, Verständnis)
2. zur Förderung eines gesamteuropäischen Bewußtseins.
Total Duration:
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year:
Basic skills
Intercultural issues
Sustainable development
European countries / European Union
Soziale Kompetenzen
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Guidance / counselling or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Volkshochschule Fürth
Name of the contact person: Susanne Scharrer
Address: Hirschenstr. 27/29, 90762 Fürth
e-mail Susanne. Scharrer@vhs-fuerth.de
tel: + 49 (0)911/974-1711
fax: +49 (0) 911/974-1706
Organisation/Project website: www.vhs-fuerth.de
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
U.F.I.L. Puerta Bonita (Unity for Education and Initiation Labour) / ES
KEK Nomarhiakis Aytodiokisis Serron (Vocational training center - Prefecture of Serres) / GR
Project Reference: 03-DEU03-S2G01-00038-1
A Hanseatic League of Learning (Bildungshanse)
1. Building an international e-learning network of adult learning institutions in the Baltic Sea area – through consolidating
and intensifying previously initiated contacts between institutions in Denmark, Germany, Latvia, Sweden as well as through
winning additional partners, esp. in Lithuania, Estonia, Finland and Poland.
Beyond Grundtvig eligibility, contacts exist with institutions in Russia (St. Petersburg and Kaliningrad) which can be
developed for the Hanseatic League of Learning.
2. Developing common educational projects for and with young adult learners. Project proposals exist bearing on various
aspects of the integration and enlargement of Europe (one project involving learners is currently being piloted between
Malmö, Riga, and Hamburg), additional ones are called for. The most relevant of these will be discussed by the Learning
Partnership, procedures will be developed to work them out in detail and to translate them into learning formats.
3. Testing various tools of e-learning and formats of online communication for selected project ideas, involving young adult
learners in the partner institutions, thereby preparing them for future activities within the Hanseatic League of Learning as
well as enhancing the media competence of both trainers and learners for the demands of virtual international
Total Duration: 1 year
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Funding year: 1
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
European countries / European Union
Communication skills and competence
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Young adults (18-30 years)
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Hamburger Volkshochschule
Name of the contact person: Hans-Hermann Groppe
Address: Schanzenstr. 75, 20357 Hamburg
e-mail H.Groppe@vhs-hamburg.de
tel: + 49 (0)40/42841.2751
fax: +49 (0) 40/42841.2788
Organisation/Project website: www.vhs-hamburg.de
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
MALMÖ FOLKHÖGSKOLA ( Malmö Folk High School) / SE
KROGERUP HØJSKOLE (Krogerup Folk High School) / DK
Distance Education Centre) / LV
Project Reference: 03-DEU03-S2G01-00042-1
EE – European Encounters, Europäische Bildungsbegegnungen am wechselnden Ort
Das Ziel dieser Lernpartnerschaft zwischen Einrichtungen der Erwachsenenbildung ist die Entwicklung einer Reihe von
europäischen Bildungsbegegnungen an wechselndem Ort, die auf einer länderübergreifenden, von Lernenden
mitstrukturierten Planung und Vorbereitung beruhen. Im Zentrum der jeweiligen Bildungsbegegnung steht die Kultur des
Erwachsenenbildungseinrichtung. Durch den multidisziplinären Ansatz und die Einrichtung von Übersetzungspartnerschaften
sollen auch nicht Fremdsprachen kundige Menschen einbezogen werden.
Die wichtigsten Aktivitäten sind:
transnationale Vier-Tage-Treffen mit jeweils 10 Personen pro Land (Leiter und Teilnehmer), Eröffnung einer Internetseite zur
Dokumentation, Entwicklung und Verbreitung des Projekt-Konzeptes, Vorbereitung der Bildungsbegegnungen in den
bestehenden Kursen jeder Einrichtung, Supervisions-und Dokumentationsmaßnahmen der ersten Bildungsbegegnungen, 1
Konkrete Ergebnisse
- Bildung einer dauerhaften Projektgruppe von Lernenden und Lehrern in jeder Einrichtung
- Stabile Kommunikationskanäle
- Aufbau der Beziehungen zwischen Bildungseinrichtungen und lokalem Umfeld und von Verbindungen zwischen Tourismus
und Bildung
- Erstellung eines musterhaften Konzeptes für fremdsprachenunabhängige, europäische Begegnungsformen
- Aufwertung von Kenntnissen und Alltagserfahrung der Einwohner eines Ortes
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 1
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
European countries / European Union
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Management of AE organisations/institutions
Local community groups
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
user of adult education
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Volkshochschule Tempelhof-Schöneberg Berlin
Name of the contact person: Dr. Frank Dittmer
Address: Barbarossaplatz 5, 10781 Berlin
e-mail dittmer@ba-temp.verwalt-berlin.de
tel: + 49 (0)30/7560 -3518
fax: +49 (0) 30/7560-3503
Organisation/Project website: www.vhs-tempelhof-schoeneberg.de
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Centro de Educaión de Adultos Pisuerga (Center of Education of Adults Pisuerga) / ES
Università Popolare "Giuseppe Cristaldi" (Volkshochschule "Giuseppe Cristaldi") / IT
Università Aperta "G. Masina F. Fellini" (Offene Hochschule "G. Masian F. Fellini") / IT
Project Reference: 03-DEU03-S2G01-00045-1
The Knowledge Shop
The knowledge shop's assignment is information, counsel and supply. In order to achieve this, the atmosphere of the shop
has to be of a genuine and natural attraction. The LP will analyse existing models like "sportello" from Italy, "Internet Cafè"
etc. to see if elements of these models can be of use for the design of the knowledge shop. The learning process has to be
moved from its current environment and restrictions to a situation where animated surroundings makes it a pleasure to talk
about learning, comparable for example to talking with friends in a cafè or espresso bar.
The image of the "learner" the project is based on is characterised by motivation, independence, partnership and self
competence. This Leitbild, is, however, today not matched by adequate concepts of the providers of education and training.
Both in school and in vocational education formalised ways of learning and curricular teaching make self controlled and
joyful learning a thing difficult to be experienced. The concept strived for in this partnership wants to give new input to the
pretension of the empowerment of learners. The knowledge shop is designed to be a meeting point for all who want to
obtain (or offer!) knowledge.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Basic skills
Active citizenship
European countries / European Union
Information technology
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Guidance / counselling or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Akademie Überlingen N. Glasmeyer GmbH
Name of the contact person: Hugo Kirchhelle
Address: Wasserstr. 55, 48431 Rheine
e-mail h.kirchhelle@akademie-ueberlingen.de
tel: + 49 (0)5971/929455
fax: +49 (0) 5971/929472
Organisation/Project website: : www.akademie-ueberlingen.de
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Speha Fresia s.c.arl / IT
Bourgas Free University / BG
Institut FBI / AT
Project Reference: 03-DEU03-S2G01-00046-1
NIGEL - Network of Intergenerational Learning in Europe
The request of this learning partnership is to constitute over a period of two years the basics to develop a European Network
in the field of Intergenerational Learning.
For this purpose our focus will be on the following selected topics of Intergenerational Learning: working on conflict
cultures, peace education, reminiscence, lifelong and social learning, mentoring, environment and sustainability.
We want
- to improve personal capacities by critical self-reflection on our work and sharing methodological innovations and best
- to exchange experiences of co-operation between institutions
- to explore the possibilities of agencies, service-centres and networks of national, regional and local authorities
disseminating intergenerational learning approaches in communities, formal and non-formal institutions
- to develop tools for the dissemination of intergenerational learning approaches
- to initiate a European Forum of practitioners, academics and policy-makers in order to promote Intergenerational Learning
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 1
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
European countries / European Union
Information technology
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Guidance / counselling or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Senior citizens
Local community groups
children, young adults
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: : Projektbüro "Dialog der Generationen"
Name of the contact person: Iris Marreel
Address: Fehrbelliner Str. 92, 10119 Berlin
e-mail dialog-der-generationen@pfefferwerk.de
tel: + 49 (0)30/44 383 475
fax: +49 (0) 30/44 383 452
Organisation/Project website: www.generationendialog.de
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Ost-West-Europäisches Frauennetzwerk OWEN / DE
Alapitvany az Emberi Jogok es a Beke Oktatasaert (Foundation of Humand Rights and Peace Education) / HU
Konfliktkultur Verein für die wissenschaftliche Erforschung und sozialpolitische Verbesserung von Konfliktverhalten / AT
Gernika Gogoratuz Asociación, Centro de Investigación por la Paz Tratamiento de Conflictos (Gernika Gogoratuz Assiciation,
Peace research and conflict treatment Center) / ES
Institut Universitaire des Ages es de Générations / CH
Pro Senectute - Secretariat Roman / CH
Klick, Tipps und Infos, Auskunftsstelle für Kinder- und Jugendfragen / CH
Project Reference: 03-DEU03-S2G01-00047-1
Grundtvig-Media – Blended-Learning in der eurokulturellen Erwachsenenbildung
Das Projekt „GRUNDTVIG-MEDIA“ will in den beteiligten Ländern Aktivitäten zu Blended-Learning in der eurokulturellen
Erwachsenenbildung erkunden, systematisieren und in Europa verbreiten. Dazu wird in jedem Land ein GRUNDTVIG-MEDIA –
Wettbewerb zur Ermittlung qualitativ guter Weiterbildungsangebote zu Blended-Learning in der eurokulturellen
Erwachsenenbildung organisiert. Die besten Beispiele werden in Konferenzen in jedem beteiligten Land vorgestellt und
ausgezeichnet sowie für die Bildungspraxis präsentiert und verbreitet. Im Zentrum der Projektaktivitäten in jedem beteiligten
Land stehen die Ermittlung und Verbreitung beispielhafter Bildungsangebote zu eurokultureller Bildung mit Multimedia bzw.
Internet, die in Form von Blended-Learning durchgeführt werden und vor allem lebenslanges selbständiges Lernen auf
unterschiedlichen Gebieten und bei einem breiten Anwenderkreis fördern wollen. Die Zielgruppe umfasst Lehrende in der
Erwachsenenbildung und alle Personen, die sich mit selbständigem lebenslangen Lernen mit Multimedia und Internet
befassen wollen, insbesondere die Gruppe der Lerner über 25 Jahre, Frauen und Senioren.
Total Duration: 2 year
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 1
Basic skills
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
Information technology
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Senior citizens
Lehrende in der Erwachsenenbildung
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Institut für Bildung und Medien (IB&M) der Gesellschaft für Pädagogik und Information e.V. (GPI)
Name of the contact person: Dr. Bernd Mikuszeit
Address: Alt-Friedrichsfelde 60, Haus 14, 10315 Berlin
e-mail gpi-ev@t-online.de
tel: + 49 (0)30/510693 33
fax: +49 (0) 30/510693 33
Organisation/Project website: www.gpi-online.de
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
ASCoR The Amsterdam School of Communications Research / NL
Universität Wien, Institut für Publizistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft; Ordinariat für audiovisuelle Medien und
Medienkultur / AT
RCI Institut für Forschung und Bildung GmbH / CY
Infinity GmbH / HU
Project Reference: 03-DEU03-S2G01-00048-1
Assessment for Adult Educators in Non-Formal Education
The project involves six countries and has arisen from the difficulty felt by all the participants in assessing within a nonformal context. In fact, the traditional, formal assessment practices have very little in common with the teaching/learning
process in the context of non-formal education; on the other hand, it is imperative for both trainers and trainees to have
accurate feedback which will allow them to analyse, reflect on and improve their practices. Therefore, the project aims at
developing assessment by portfolio. The typical portfolio will include evidence of cognitive, meta-cognitive and attitude
development components, encompassing different areas, according to the different subjects taught (in Portugal, for
example, English as a Foreign Language; in Germany, ICT...). The written and oral products will be presented in several sways;
they will show processes and products, illustrate several activities and identify different learning opportunities given. The
process of revising, analysing, reflecting on and selecting the work to be included will be an important part of the project. It
will be shared and developed via a Discussion Forum on the Net.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Funding year:
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
European countries / European Union
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Guidance / counselling or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Volkshochschule Ulm
Name of the contact person: Rupert Höpfl
Address: : Kornhausplatz 5, 89073 Ulm
e-mail hoepfl@vh-ulm.de
tel: + 49 (0)731/1530-16
fax: +49 (0) 731/1530-50
Organisation/Project website: www.vh-ulm.de
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Centro de Formacso António Sérgio (Training Centre António Sérgio) / PT
Europazentrum Graz /AT
The European Initiatives Office / PL
Project Reference: 03-DEU03-S2G01-00053-1
Pathways to Learning
The aim of the project "Pathways to Learning" is to promote access to and full participation in Lifelong Learning for poorly
represented / marginalised groups in disadvantaged urban areas in the participating regions. It will encourage and support
learning institutions to become more accessible and enhance the capacity of the target groups (migrants, asylum seekers,
refugees and ethnic minorities including Roma / Travellers) to engage positively with Lifelong Learning opportunities. The
partners will carry out literature reviews on the needs of target groups for Lifelong Learning and on barriers to taking part in
the services and courses of learning institutions. Focus group meetings and workshops will be facilitated locally with
representatives of the target groups and the learning institutions to get feed-back on the findings of the reviews. The
partners will also examine the potential role of "Cultural Mediators" to act as an interface between target groups and
learning institutions and will discuss this issue at local workshops. During a transnational workshop a shared concept and
model for "Cultural Mediators" within a wider conceptual framework will be developed. The parties involved will also assess
the results of year 1 and decide on actions during year 2 of the project.
Total Duration:
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year:
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
Sustainable development
Guidance / counselling or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Management of AE organisations/institutions
Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Local community groups
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Kommunales Forum Wedding e.V.
Name of the contact person: Hans-Georg Rennert
Address: Wiesenstr. 29, 13357 Berlin
e-mail kom.forum.rennert@web.de
tel: + 49 (0)30/46507355
fax: +49 (0) 30/4629447
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Bund gegen ethnische Diskriminierung in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V. / DE
City VHS Berlin-Mitte / DE
Martineum Felnött Akademia (Martineum Further Education Institute) / HU
Clondalkin Partnership Ltd. / IE
Project Reference: 03-DEU03-S2G01-00054-1
Weiterbildungsmarketing in Europa (WIE)
In Zeiten ständigen Wandels wird von den Weiterbildungseinrichtungen in allen europäischen Ländern Zukunftskompetenz,
Innovationsbereitschaft, fortwährende Kurskorrektur und Zieloptimierung der Weiterbildungsarbeit erwartet. Sie nutzen
daher zunehmend Marketing, um ihre Qualität zu verbessern und bei verstärkter Konkurrenz ihre Existenz zu sichern. Wir
wollen wissen, wie die Projektpartner mit diesen Anforderungen umgehen:
- Zunächst muss das Verständnis von Weiterbildungsmarketing definiert werden, da wegen unterschiedlicher
Bildungstraditionen und Bildungsmärkte Missverständnisse möglich sind. Verschiedene Instrumente und Methoden zur
Entwicklung einer marktorientierten Weiterbildungseinrichtung werden vorgestellt und die erforderliche Qualifizierung des
Personal beschrieben.
- Das Projekt befasst sich mit der Ansprache unterschiedlicher Zielgruppen, insbesondere sozio-ökonomisch beeinträchtigter
oder in unterschiedlicher Weise behinderter Menschen. Ein weiterer Aspekt ist die Heranführung Jugendlicher an
Lebenslanges Lernen sowie die Entwicklung angemessener Angebote für die über fünfzigjährigen bzw. die aus dem
Berufsleben ausgeschiedenen Menschen.
- Zur Überbrückung des Grabens zwischen Anbietern und potentiellen Kunden sind die bei einigen Partnern schon
vorhandenen Instrumente der Befragung / Beratung ebenso von Interesse wie die Vorstellung von best-practice-Beispielen
des Weiterbildungsmarketings. zusätzlich wird Trendforschung einbezogen.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Intercultural issues
European countries / European Union
Information technology
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Guidance / counselling or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Management of AE organisations/institutions
Senior citizens
Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: hvv-Institut des Hessischen Volkshochschulverbandes gGmbH
Name of the contact person: Bernhard S.T. Wolf
Address: Winterbachstr. 38, 60320 Frankfurt
e-mail wolf@vhs-in-hessen.de
tel: + 49 (0)69/56000828
fax: +49 (0) 69/56000810
Organisation/Project website: www.vhs-in-hessen.de
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Kloster Seeon / DT
Centro Interculturale Villa Palagione / IT
LFI Steiermark / AT
Studiefrämjandet (Study Promotion Association) / SE
Zveza Ljudskih univerz Slovenije ZLUS / SI
Project Reference: 03-DEU03-S2G01-00083-3
CATIE Cooperation of Adult Teaching Institutes in Europe
What are the modern conditions for effective adult learning?
Three institutes of adult teaching explore the different conditions and experiences of this kind of education. By participating
in student working groups, each institute wants to find out the specific shape of adult teaching through the results from a
common questionnaire. This questionnaire shall stimulate ideas for developing new ways of teaching and learning. The
project work will have influence on teamworking, teamteaching, development of own skills and decisions on one's own way
of learning. It supports democratic understanding and knowledge of the different cultures and ways of life in the countries
of Europe.
The results will be published by internet or CD-ROM.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 1
Basic skills
Active citizenship
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities
Im ersten Bildungswesen Benachteiligte
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Braunschweig-Kolleg
Name of the contact person: Britta Kothe
Address: Wolfenbütteler Straße 57, 38124 Braunschweig
e-mail Postmaster@kolleg.bs.ni.schule.de
tel: + 49 (0)531/2621036
fax: +49 (0)531/2621037
Organisation/Project website: www.braunschweig-kolleg.de
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
I.E.S. de Formacion de Adultos / ES
S. Kovalik's Association-Education for the 21st Century / SK
Project Reference: 03-DEU03-S2G01-00090-2
Rettung kulturellen Erbes als Motivation für Alfabetisierung und Grundbildung - ALFATERRA
Die Projektpartner berichten von Aktivitäten, bei denen Menschen im ländlichen bzw. im städtischen Raum lebend aber mit
ländlichem Hintergrund ihr lokales Wissen über Sprache, agrarische Anbaumethoden, Gebräuche, Märchen, Mythen,
Bauweisen ...vor dem Aussterben retten wollen. Im städtischen Raum sind Menschen mit kultureller Deprivation von
Interesse, die von biografischen Hintergründen berichten wollen. Da diese Personen nur bedingt der Schrift mächtig sind,
wollen sie schreiben und lesen lernen, um alle genannten Kenntnisse aufzuschreiben und der Nachwelt bzw. dem politischen
Umfeld zu übermitteln. Sie bringen also ein hohes Maß an Motivation mit, sich "alfabetisieren" zu lassen.
Eingeladen sind Einrichtungen, die sich um eine solche Alfabetisierung (plus weitere Grundbildung) bemühen bzw. dazu
Anstöße geben und zur Aus- oder Fortbildung ermutigen und einschlägige Beratungsarbeit leisten. Von besonderem Interesse
ist es, dass nicht nur Einrichtungen mitarbeiten, zu denen die Klienten automatisch kommen (wie z.B. zur Psychiatrischen
Klinik), sondern auch Institutionen, die eine Struktur aufweisen, die auf die Menschen zugeht, bzw. eine offene Tür als
Anlaufstelle hat, so dass die Zugangschwelle niedrig ist (wie bei Kirchen; Volkshochschulen, Bildungswerke für Arbeitslose).
Mit höherer Schrift- und Bildungskompetenz der Nutzer und Beratungsteilnehmer steigt die Chance auf einen Arbeitsplatz d.h. das Bemühen um die eigene Kultur und Biografie vermindert potentiell die Arbeitslosigkeit.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Basic skills ,
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues , Languages
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Guidance / counselling or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities
Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Evangelische Akademie Bad Boll
Name of the contact person: Dr.Thilo Fitzner
Address: Akademieweg 11,73087 Bad Boll
e-mail thilo.fitzner@ev-akademie-boll.de
tel: + 49 (0)7164/79-396
fax: +49 (0)7164/79-5396
Organisation/Project website: www.ev-akademie-boll.de
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Centro Cultura Popolare - UNLA / IT
UHI Millennium Institute, Lews Castle College / UK
Westfälisches Zentrum für forensische Psychiatrie / DE
Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale / IT
Project Reference: 03-DEU03-S2G01-00091-2
TIMIAE - Traditional and Innovative Methods in Adult Education
Das Projekt "TIMIAE" ist ein sich entwickelndes Projekt. Die einzelnen Schritte sind ständig aktuell im Internet
nachvollziehbar. Ziel des Projekts ist es, Lehr- und Lernmethoden der Erwachsenenbildung in vier europäischen Ländern zu
Die Vergleiche schließen alle Ebenen der am Bildungsprozess Beteiligten, die Veranstaltungsplanenden, die Lehrenden und
die Lernenden ein. Diese fungieren dann als Multiplikatoren in ihren Einrichtungen sowie auf lokaler und regionaler Ebene.
Durch die Aufbereitung und Einstellung ins Internet wird eine europaweite Verbreitung angestrebt.
Um die Abläufe zu strukturieren, werden den verschiedenen Ebenen der Beteiligung schwerpunktmäßig Themen zugeordnet.
So beschäftigen sich die Veranstaltungsplanenden mit bewährten traditionellen und innovativen Lehrmethoden und erstellen
daraus Fortbildungsangebote für Planende. Ausgewählte Lehrende treffen sich ihrerseits zum Vergleich der Vermittlung von
interkulturellen Kompetenzen und wählen geeignete best-practice-Modelle aus, die sie als Multiplikatoren an Kolleg/innen
weitergeben. Schließlich informieren sich Lernende über Lernstrategien und vergleichen ihre Techniken mit denen der
Partnereinrichtungen. Die Ergebnisse fließen in Angebote zur Lernberatung und ggf. workshops für Lernende bzw. künftige
Selbstlerngruppen ein. Die Entwicklung des Projekts wird laufend evaluiert und dokumentiert. So steht am Ende nicht EIN
Produkt, sondern ein Prozeß-Verlauf sowie kleinere "Handreichungen" für die Beteiligten am Bildungsprozess in ihrer
jeweiligen Funktion.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 1
Intercultural issues
Information technology
Guidance / counselling or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Local community groups
Lehrende und Lernende in der Erwachsenenbildung
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Volkshochschule Stuttgart e.V.
Name of the contact person: Ingrid Münnig-Gaedke
Address: Fritz-Elsas-Str. 46-48, 70174 Stuttgart
e-mail ingrid.muennig@vhs-stuttgart.de
tel: + 49 (0)711/1873-755
fax: +49 (0)711/1873-709
Organisation/Project website: : www.vhs-stuttgart.de/www.timiae.de
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Centre for Modern Translation Studies / PL
Can Ribes / ES
UPE Strasbourg / FR
Project Reference: 03-DEU03-S2G01-00092-3
European summer academy – sustainable development and implementation of concepts of
intercultural learning
Intercultural learning, making teachers and adult learners more fit for Europe – these are the main objectives of the learning
The project places particular emphasis on innovative approaches to inter-cultural learning and on improving the educational
opportunities for socially or economically underprivileged target groups which differ in each of the institutions involved. It
brings together learners and teachers from different European countries. At the basis of the conceptual work of this renewed
project is the feeling shared by the participating institutions that one of the central tasks of the European Union is to avoid
or reduce exclusion. This concerns the internal integration efforts of the member countries (for example: their ways of
dealing with ethnic minorities, the handicapped, the socially disadvantaged) as well as the different classes of relationship
between the member countries of the EU.
In 2003 the so-called “Summer Academy” which serves as a kind of European experimental laboratory and which will give a
chance for an intensive exchange of information between the institutions involved, will take place in Agigea, Romania.
Among other things, there will be creative workshops, lectures and field trips, and, at the end of the event, the results of the
work will be presented in a performance to the local public and on the Summer Academy's own website.
Total Duration: 3 years
Funding year: 1
Area(s) covered
Basic skills
Intercultural issues
European countries / European Union
Other (describe if applicable) Combatting xenophobia, Improving the chances of socially disadvantaged
Project Objectives
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Management of adult education organisation / insti
Target Group(s)
Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities
Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar
Disabled persons
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Rahel Varnhagen Kolleg Hagen
Name of the contact person: Dr. Bernhard Kühmel
Address: Eugen Richter Str. 77-79, 58089 Hagen
e-mail postmaster@rahel-varnhagen-kolleg.de
tel: + 49 (0)2331/28950
fax: +49 (0)2331/32346
Organisation/Project website: www.rahel-varnhagen-kolleg.de
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Roc Ter AA (Regional vocational and educational training center) / NL
Jelgavas rajona padome (Jelgava Region Council) / LV
Universitatea “Al.I. Cuza”, Centrul Regional de Educaţie a Adulţilor, Iaşi ("A.I.I. Cuza" University, Adult Education Regional
Center - AERC, Iasi) / RO
Eteria Gia Tin Anaptuksi Kai Ti Dimiourgiki Apasxolisi Ton Pedion, EADAP (Societe pour l'epanouissement et les actives
creatives des enfants) / GR
National Institution of Deaf People / GR
Centrum vor Taalen en Techniek Limburg (Centre de Langues et de technique) / BE
VUC Fredericia (Adult Education Centre of Fredericia), DK
State Higher Vocational School in Tarnów (HVST) / PL
Project Reference: 03-DEU03-S2G01-00093-3
The Museum as a Place for Life-Long Learning
The project is to support the formation of a stable partnership between the participating institutions with the goal of
improving the methods of life-long learning in science museums. Learning strategies in museums have to be adapted to the
latest scientific evidence. One question to be adressed is how groups with no access to formal teaching programmes (i.e.
seniors and disabled people) can be reached by the museum's educational activities. The educational programmes to be
developed are to take account of the latest findings of brain research, pedagogics and psychology. An important question is
how interactive exhibits and educational programmes can stimulate learning processes among the choosen target groups.
The third year of the project is to implement the concepts of projects jointly developed in the 2nd year and to evaluate the
impact on the target groups. The project will support our Greek partner whose museum will open a new building in 2004.
Project meetings to work on specific projects and staff exchange between the partners will secure a transfer of experiences
and knowledge. The collaboration is to contribute to the strengthening of European consciousness and in doing so assist in
promoting intercultural understanding.
Total Duration: 3 years
Funding year: 1
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
life long learning
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Target Group(s)
Senior citizens
Disabled persons
multipliers (i.e. teachers in life-long learning sector)
Other (describe if applicable)
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Stiftung Deutsches Hygiene-Museum
Name of the contact person: Jörg Naumann
Address: : Lingnerplatz 1, 01069 Dresden
e-mail science@dhmd.de
tel: + 49 (0)351/4846 777
fax: +49 (0)351/4846 587
Organisation/Project website: www.dhmd.de
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Science Center and Technology Museum of Thessaloniki / GR
Landesmuseum für Technik und Arbeit / DE
Fondazione IDIS - Citta della Scienza (IDIS Foundation City of Science) / IT
Project Reference: 03-DEU03-S2G01-00094-2
Education, biomedical Science and Society in Europe (ESSE)
Research and implementation of biomedical practices are distinctive features of the European knowledge society. This is true
not only within its social order but also regarding individual life plans and life decisions. Active citizenship and democracy
require the appropriate participation of citizens in bioethical and biomedical processes. The project assumes that value
debates on bio-medical queries are based on adequate information, however more scientific information on processes is
insufficient either to commence debates on values or to find processes of communication and consensus in the long run. The
transformation of information to knowledge is a central challenge of the knowledge society, especially if it is essential in
terms of decision-making and choosing options. However, information can only be transformed to knowledge where the
relevant information content has been successfully taken on board. Therefore elaborating and evaluating appropriate
information and education concepts in the field of biomedical questions, are central to the project. Subject to existing
national education concepts in bioethics, it is intended to compile a synopsis of concepts in educational bioethics. In so
doing, one of the primary objectives of the learning partnership will be to find a point of departure for a European
perspective on educational concepts in ethical problems in biomedical science.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 1
Basic skills
Active citizenship
Information technology
Consumer education
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Local community groups
Disabled persons
wider public, with no professional biomedical background
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Heinrich Pesch Haus, Bildungszentrum Ludwigshafen e.V.
Name of the contact person: Ulrich Dreismickenbecker
Address: Frankenthaler Straße 229, 67059 Ludwigshafen
e-mail info@hph.kirche.org
tel: + 49 (0)621/5999-0
fax: +49 (0)621/517225
Organisation/Project website: www.heinrich-pesch-haus.de
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Catholic University Leuven) / BE
Fondazione Lanza Progetto etica e medicina (Projects ethics and medicine) / IT
KIFE Katolikus iifjusagi - es feinöttkepzi Szövetese (The Union of Catholic Youth and Adult Training) / HU
Project Reference: 03-DEU03-S2G01-00095-2
Persönliche Stadt-Geschichte(n)
Das Projekt ist ein Austausch zwischen Einrichtungen, die Zeitzeugengruppen, Gruppen des kreativen Schreibens
und Fremdsprachkurse anbieten. Durch den Austausch werden Formen gesucht, wie Fremdsprachenlerner den
internationalen Austausch unter Gruppen, die Zeitzeugenarbeit betreiben, vermittelnd ermöglichen. Das Ausgangsthema ist
die Vorstellung der eigenen Stadt bzw. des eigenen Wohnbezirkes aus der Sicht des Alltags und der Biographie der
Die wichtigsten Aktivitäten sind:
transnationale 4-Tage-Treffen mit jeweils 10 Personen pro Land (Leiter und Gruppenteilnehmer), Eröffnung einer
Internetseite, die den Austausch dokumentiert, Entwicklung von modellhaften Bausteinen für eine mehrsprachige wandelnde
Ausstellung über das o.g. Thema, Abschlusstreffen, Ausbau der Ausstellung und der Internetseite
Methodologie des Projektes ist: Gegenseitiges Kennenlernen von Menschen und Aktivitäten durch Präsentationen,
Interessenbekundungsfragebogen, Hospitationen, Erarbeitung von Vorschlägen für gemeinsame Aktivitäten, vor allem
internetgestützt, Projektssprachen sind Deutsch und Italienisch im ersten Jahr, später auch Englisch und andere.
Ergebnisse werden sein: Bildung von spezifischen Lehrgruppen, die den Austausch koordinieren und verbreiten, Aufbau eines
Netzes von individuellen Übersetzungspartnerschaften, die über die Internetseite selbständig aktiv bleiben, Entwicklungen
von weiteren Kooperationen, z.B. zwischen Bezirken, Städten, zwischen Senioren und Jugend
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 2
Intercultural issues
European countries / European Union
Kulturelle Erben, Vermittlung des Erlebten
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Senior citizens
Erwachsene in der Weiterbildung
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Heimatmuseum Treptow & Stadtgeschichtliches Archiv
Name of the contact person: Barbara Zibler
Address: Sterndamm 102, 12487 Berlin (Johannisthal)
e-mail barbara.zibler@ba-tk.verwalt-berlin.de
tel: + 49 (0)30/6172-5629
fax: +49 (0)30/6172-5630
Organisation/Project website: www.heimatmuseum-treptow.de
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
ZAWiW (Zentrum für allgemeine Wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung), Universität Ulm / DE
Universita popolare di Roma, UPTER (Popular University of Rome) / IT
UPDEA Universidad popular de la edad adulta / ES
Ceke vysoke uceni technicke v Praze Fakulta elektrotechnicka (Czech Technical University in Pragues, Faculty of Electrical
Engineering) / CZ
Universita’ della terza eta’ unitre sede autonoma di Macomer (Universität des dritten Alters UNITRE in Macomer) / IT
Project Reference: 03-DEU03-S2G01-00096-2
Integrative Erwachsenenbildung mit Menschen mit und ohne Behinderung
Ziel dieses Projektes ist es, integrative Ansätze und Bemühungen in der Erwachsenenbildung in verschiedenen europäischen
Ländern zu erfassen, Ideen zu entwickeln und diese Ergebnisse zu verbreiten. Teilnehmen werden Menschen mit und ohne
Auf den Treffen der Projektpartner wird modellhaft integrative Erwachsenenbildung durchgeführt, es werden bestehende und
neue Methoden erprobt. In einer "Handmappe" werden diese Ergebnisse dokumentiert und allen in der Erwachsenenbildung
Interessierten zugänglich gemacht.
Leitgedanken: Alle Menschen mit und ohne Behinderung - ob mit geistiger, psychischer, Sinnes- und/oder körperliche
Behinderung, ob leicht oder schwerstbehindert - sollen sich gemeinsam im Rahmen der allgemeinen Erwachsenenbildung
bilden können. Bisher hat sich gezeigt, dass integrative Erwachsenenbildung für alle Beteiligten von großem Nutzen ist:
- Sie ermöglicht ein gegenseitiges Verstehen und baut dadurch Vorurteile und Ängste ab.
- Sie kann damit Ausgrenzung behinderter Menschen vermindern.
- Sie führt die integrativen Ansätze im Kindergarten und Schulbereich weiter.
- Sie ermöglicht Chancengleichheit und fördert berufliche (Wieder)-Eingliederung.
- Ihre Ansätze schaffen auch für Menschen ohne Behinderung gute Lernvoraussetzungen.
Themenschwerpunkte der Partnerschaft:
- Leitgedanken / Philosophie integrativer bzw. inklusiver Bildung
- Didaktik: Ziele, Themen, Methoden und Materialien
- Entwicklung von Strategien zur individuellen Bildungsberatung
- Qualifizierung von KursleiterInnen
- Sensibilisierung der am Bildungsprozess mittelbar und unmittelbar Beteiligten
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
European countries / European Union
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Guidance / counselling or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Disabled persons
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Gesellschaft Erwachsenenbildung und Behinderung e.V.
Name of the contact person: : Anna Rieg-Pelz
Address: Fürstenholzstr. 7, 93161 Sinzing
e-mail rieg-pelz@t-online.de
tel: + 49 (0)9404/8880
fax: +49 (0)9404/8880
Organisation/Project website: www.geseb.de
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Barmherzige Brüder Straubing / DE
Landesverband der Kärntner Volkshochschulen / AT
Beratungs-, Mobilitäts- und Kompetenzzentrum / AT
St. John of God Kildare Service / IE
Andragoski zavod Maribor - Ljudka uiverza (Volkshochschule Maribor) / SI
VDC Polz Maribor (Zentrum für Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung) / SI
Project Reference: 03-DEU03-S2G01-00097-2
Diversity Management
The growing diversity provides us Europeans with enormous resources for the process of developing a united Europe. To
make this diversity work is a task of the future. The project gives basic contributions. The work is based on experiences
achieved in companies which work with diversity issues to be able to benefit from the diversity represented in the work
force. The project will analyse the way such issues may be adapted and transferred to learning processes in general and for
multicultural communities in particular. Diversity awareness is a core qualification which can be learned during lectures and
which can be defined as a personal competence (key skill). The objective of the partnership is to gain knowledge about
concepts for diversity management. A central question of the partnership will be the relationship between equal
opportunities, diversity management and integration. Experiences from processes of implementation will be of interest as a
starting point for further work.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 1
Basic skills
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
European countries / European Union
adult education (conceptualisation of)
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Management of AE organisations/institutions
Local community groups
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Volkshochschule Frankfurt am Main
Name of the contact person: Marion Andresen
Address: Im Galluspark 19, 60326 Frankfurt
e-mail marion.andresen.vhs@stadt-frankfurt.de
tel: + 49 (0)69/212-38383
fax: +49 (0) 69/212-35878
Organisation/Project website: www. vhs-frankfurt.de
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Arbeidsforskninginstituttet (Work Research Institute) / NO
Iniciativas para la Formacion, IPF Málaga (Initiatives to improve Vocational Qualification) / ES
Project Reference: 03-DEU03-S2G01-00098-3
Bibliodrama-Langzeitfortbildungen in Europa
Bibliodrama ist eine Form religiös-kultureller Bildung, die im Bereich der öffentlichen Erwachsenenbildung zunehmend auf
Interesse stößt. In diesem Projekt verständigen sich FortbildnerInnen in sechs Konsultationen über Qualitätsanforderungen
an Bibliodrama-Prozesse und wünschenswerte Kompetenzen von Bibliodrama-Leitenden; sie erarbeiten eine
Rahmenkonzeption für die Fortbildung von Bibliodrama-Leitenden, die versucht, sowohl den unterschiedlichen vorhandenen
Profilen als auch der angestrebten Vergleichbarkeit im europäischen Bildungsraum gerecht zu werden. Gleichzeitig werden
methodische Ansätze und Curricula von Bibliodrama-Workshops im Sinne von Erfahrungsaustausch und Qualifizierung
vorgestellt , diskutiert und Konzeptionen für die Fortbildung von Leitenden und deren Implementierung in den einzelnen
Einrichtungen erarbeitet und vorbereitende Veranstaltungen unter kollegialer Beratung durchgeführt. Laufende
Langzeitfortbildungen werden in der Konsultationsgruppe ausgewertet. Eine „Charta“, die Grundlage für ein europäisches
Bibliodrama-Netzwerk sein soll, liegt im Entwurf vor. Sie umfasst eine Qualitätsbeschreibung, ethische Grundsätze für
Leitende, eine Rahmenkonzeption für Fortbildungen und Strukturen eines europäischen Kommunikationssystems, das die
Qualität und die Vergleichbarkeit von Bibliodrama-Angeboten befördern soll. Diese Charta wird mit neu zu gewinnenden
Partnern auf nationaler und europäischer Ebene diskutiert und am Ende des Projektes als Kern eines europäischen
Netzwerkes präsentiert. Gleichzeitig wird ein europäisches Steuerungsgremium installiert.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 1
Intercultural issues
Arts, culture
European countries / European Union
Vergleichbarkeit unter Respektierung nationaler / regionaler Gegebenheiten
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Guidance / counselling or other support services
Disabled persons
Trainer for Bibliodrama
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Westfälische Diakonenanstalt Nazareth - Erwachsenenbildung Bethel Nazareth - Sarepta Lindenhof
Name of the contact person: Josef Hartmann
Address: Nazarethweg 4-7, 33617 Bielefeld
e-mail Erwachsenenbildung@nazareth.de
tel: + 49 (0)521/144-4323
fax: +49 (0)521/144-6109
Organisation/Project website: www.nazareth.de
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Csillaghegyi Evangelikus Gyülekezet- és Templomépitö Alapitvány (Stiftung für evangelischen Kirchen- und Gemeindeaufbau
Csillaghery) / HU
Gesellschaft für Bibliodrama e.V. / DE
Österreichische Gesellschaft für Pastoralpsychologie und integrative Pädagogik / AT
Egyházfórum Alapitvány (Stiftung Kirchenforum) / HU
Svenska Missionskyrkans Utbildningscentrum Lidingö / Lidingö folkhögskola (Ausbildungszentrum der schwedischen
Missionskirche Lidingö, Volkshochschule Lidingö) / SE
Österreichisches Bibliodrama-Netzwerk / AT
ABS - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Bibliodrama Schweiz (in Verbindung mit den evang. Reform. Kirchen St. Gallen und Appenzell) / CH
IGB - Interessengemeinschaft Bibliodrama Schweiz – Liechtenstein – Vorarlberg / CH
Project Reference: 03-DEU03-S2G01-00100-2
Best practice transfer to prevent social exclusion
This project will qualify our organisations for formal and non-formal adult education. It will offer the opportunity to have a
qualification in this field for all interested and will help to establish "lifelong learning" as a main function for the future. It
will turn people suffering from social exclusion into socially accepted ones. The scheme will also help to prevent social
exclusion and so curb political damage created by extremists in European society. The participation of providers, teachers
and learners is necessary to check the results as well as qualify the members of the whole process in each organisation and
to get substantial methods and didactics to access disadvantaged people in education.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 1
Basic skills
The media
lifelong learning
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities
Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar
all persons at risk of social exclusion
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Institut für Erwachsenenbildung
Name of the contact person: : Cornelia Zengerling
Address: Alfred-Mozer-Str. 32-34, 48527 Nordhorn
e-mail ieb.eu@t-online.de
tel: + 49 (0)5921/80 700
fax: +49 (0)5921/74868
Organisation/Project website: www.iebgmbh.de
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Ljudska Univerza Jesenice / SI
I.E.S. Antoni Maura (Center of Secondary school) / ES
The Adult Eduation Centre of Korsholm / FI
Project Reference: 03-DEU03-S2G01-00116-3
Stimulation and Initiation of EU-projects for Hungarian, Romanian, Austrian and German
Institutions of Culture and Adult-Education
Against the background of European political and economic integration and migration, cultural interchange becomes more
and more important in the everyday life of all European citizens. This means that adult education institutions have to play a
full role in the area of culture in their own countries. This involves getting in touch with partners in European countries in
order to initiate, set up and organise co-operation projects in many areas of social life. The target groups are educational
and management staff of associations in the area of adult education. The main areas are: Prepare and organise projectmeetings, conferences and seminars to initiate European co-operation in the following areas: 1.) inter-cultural and language
learning, supporting the European enlargement process 2.) lifelong learning, including e-learning and "information, guidance
and counselling services" for adult learners to develop, implement and disseminate "train the trainer" courses 3.) teaching
and learning for specified target groups, such as senior citizens, young adults, handicapped people in order to adopt,
improve, develop and disseminate innovative pedagogical methods and course design.
The expected outcomes are: 1) setting up useful co-operation projects and activities, funded or non-funded, in the main
fields of adult education 2) dissemination of good practice-projects 3) building up sustainable networks for intercultural
exchange and lasting co-operation (by mailing lists, newsletter, address and contact pools).
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 1
Basic skills , Intercultural issues, Languages
European countries / European Union, Information technology,
Sustainable development, Arts, music, culture,
The media
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Guidance / counselling or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Management of adult education organisation / institution
Senior citizens
Disabled persons
Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar
teachers, educational and management staff on regular and current basis in the area of
adult education
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Bayerischer Volkshochschulverband
Name of the contact person: Hella Krusche
Address: Fäustlestr. 5 a, 80339 München
e-mail hk-bvv@vhs-bayern.de
tel: + 49 (0)89/51080-34
fax: +49 (0)89/5023812
Organisation/Project website: www.vhs-bayern.de
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Budapesti Müvelödési Központ (Association of Culture Houses Budapest) / HU
Fundacion ECCA / ES
Project Reference: 03-DEU03-S2G01-00125-2
SALT - Saving and Learning Traditions
The project focuses on the preservation of knowledge about cultural heritage, traditions and skills. This is knowledge which
is connected to the people's own background and roots but unfortunately not considered enough in the current educational
systems. These skills are closely connected to farmers, agriculture and rural areas. The profession of the farmer as well as
rural areas in general have been under considerable change over the last decades. Therefore the number of people who know
about their own culture has been decreasing so that there are less people to pass them on to the younger generation. The
project will make investigations into which skills/knowledge/tradition/customs are about to get lost. The partners will
establish a databank to be made public on the project's homepage with relevant addresses and contact points where
education/information about traditions is available. In seminars and innovative educational courses (eg living museums,
practical presentations of old skills, etc.) the learners will be encouraged to get new insights into the above mentioned
topics. The transnational co-operation will carry through "Transnational Cultural Heritage Weekends" where the partner
countries offer educational events about their cultural background in the other countries. This contributes to a better
intercultural knowledge and unterstanding as well as an exchange of experience. The project will foster communication
between older and younger generations and thus enable a higher social competence.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 1
Intercultural issues
Sustainable development
Arts, music, culture
Cultural Heritage
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
urban inhabitants
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: : Landurlaub Mecklenburg-Vorpommern e.V.
Name of the contact person: Cornelia Hass
Address: Griebnitzer Weg 2, 18196 Dummerstorf
e-mail landurlaub.hass@t-online.de
tel: + 49 (0)38208/60672
fax: + 49 (0)38208/60673
Organisation/Project website: www.landurlaub.m-vp.de
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Arbeitsgruppe Heimische Wildfische / DE
KKA - Kobenhvns Kursus - og Aftenskole (KKA Copenhagen Course and Evening School) / DK
Hillerod Handelsskole (Nordsjaelland Business School) / DK
ALA / Sveriges Landbruksuniversitet (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) / SE
EKSPERT-SITR Spólka z.o.o. (Regional Center of Expertise and Technical Consult) / PL
Project Reference: 03-DEU03-S2G01-00126-2
European Women-Images of Interaction
This project will strengthen the intercultural exchange in the field of further education of women. We want to learn about
the different concepts and programmes and the different groups of women and their living conditions, the common and
different issues in Western, Eastern, Northern and Southern Europe.
Images are the issue of the project. The participating institutions want to develop an (virtual) exhibition about the different
ways of life and the conditions of learning for women participating in further education. This exhibition will be lent to the
different European institutions and will be sent by internet/e-mail.
When using creative methods in the development of an exhibition, language will not be a barrier for women without any
knowledge of foreign languages. Another advantage of the project is that when looking at each other, women from different
countries and migrant and indigenous women achieve a better understanding.
Introductory courses in new technologies (information and communication) and in English as a foreign language will be on
offer. Project groups in the different institutions will be initiated. Bilateral meetings of participants and of teachers, an
intercultural training for teachers and meetings of all institutions with coordinators, participants and teachers are very
important. The process and the success of the project will be evaluated. Methods for all participants of the project will be
developed to research the process of learning.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Basic skills
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Guidance / counselling or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Management of adult education organisation / institution
Local community groups
Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Frauenakademie Ulm
Name of the contact person: Gesa Krauss
Address: Kornhausplatz 5, 89073 Ulm
e-mail krauss@vh-ulm.de
tel: + 49 (0)731/153040
fax: +49 (0)731/153055
Organisation/Project website: www.frauenakademie-ulm.de / - www.european-women.de
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Ardoyne Women's Group / UK
Daghojskolen De Frie Fugle (Dayhighschool "The Free Bird") / DK
Tübinger Institut für frauenpolitische Sozialforschung (TIFS) / DE
Asociacion HEURA (HEURA Association) / ES
Stowarzyszenie na rzecz Wszechstronnego Rozwoju Kobiet Dakini (The Society of the Comprehensive Development of
Women "DAKINI") / PL
Belfast Institute of Further and Higher Education / UK
Project Reference: 03-DEU03-S2G01-00141-3
The target groups of this project are immigrants and ethnic minorities. The purpose is to motivate the parents to participate
in their children’s schooling to obtain a strengthening of the motivation/ability of the whole family to participate in society,
first of all to increase knowledge of the educational system and to motivate for effective language learning. In a larger
perspective the target is to let immigrant women learn in the same school as their children. Mutual knowledge, discussions
in chat rooms and exchange of life stories will perhaps lead these groups towards a more active and participatory way of life
and also through exchange and personal contacts involving both children, teachers and parents. Together we are trying to
develop new methods of intercultural teaching. The success of the project depends on to what extent we will be able to
involve and commit the participants. A parent being taught at the same school as the child will support the child in another
way because of the school experiences, but perhaps also through the “ACT” project, simply by communicating with equals in
other European countries. The other very important purpose of the ACT-project is to strengthen the local social network. The
homepage works now and is used for exchange of global ideas about intercultural work, examples for best practice, methods
and concepts.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Basic skills
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
Education for parents
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Guidance / counselling or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: ver.di Bundesverwaltung
Name of the contact person: Alexander Wegner
Address: Potsdamer Platz 10, 10785 Berlin
e-mail alexander.wegner@verdi.de
tel: + 49 (0)30/6956-2236
fax: +49 (0) 30/6956-3630
Organisation/Project website: www.verdi.de
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Homarkskolen / DK
Nele Kavala / GR
Project Reference: 03-DEU03-S2G01-00144-2
EuCoNet Europäisches Kompetenz-Netzwerk - Erschließung des Internets für ältere Erwachsene
Die neuen, internetbasierten Informations- und Kommunikationstechniken werden immer wichtiger. Immer mehr
Informationen über gesellschaftliche und politische Entwicklungen sind faktisch nur noch über das Internet zugänglich.
Nach den vorliegenden Daten aus den verschiedenen Ländern der EU ist davon auszugehen, dass bereits in zwei Jahren eine
Mehrheit der Bevölkerung in der EU einen Zugang zum Internet haben wird.
Ältere Menschen sind von dieser Entwicklung in vielen Ländern der EU bislang ausgeschlossen. Besonders Frauen und ältere
Menschen in ländlichen Bereichen stehen dem Internet noch sehr distant gegenüber. Es fehlt ihnen oft an
Zugangsmöglichkeiten und guten Beispielen, um für sich das Internet zu erschließen.
In dieser Lernpartnerschaft, in der ältere Lernende eine aktive Rolle spielen, sollen auf die Zielgruppe bezogene, didaktisch
reflektierte, kulturspezifische Herangehensweisen zur Interneterschließung ausgetauscht und deren Übertragbarkeit auf
andere Länder diskutiert werden. Dabei spielen die Initiierung von Multiplikatorennetzen, der Aufbau von Internetcafés für
Ältere und die Aufbereitung zielgruppenspezifischer Lernmaterialien eine besondere Rolle. Ältere Menschen werden in
diesem Projekt nicht nur als aktive Partner betrachtet, die an der Konzipierungsarbeit teilnehmen, sondern wirken auch im
Projektverlauf als Tutoren und Mentoren mit. Die Ergebnisse werden Online im Internet und auf einer CD-ROM publiziert.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Other (describe if applicable)
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Basic skills , Information technology
Active citizenship , Sustainable development
The media
Intercultural issues ,
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Guidance / counselling or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Methods for providing credit for knowl. or comp.
Senior citizens
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Local community groups
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: ZAWiW, Universität Ulm
Name of the contact person: Carmen Stadelhofer
Address: Oberer Eselsberg, 89069 Ulm
e-mail carmen.stadelhofer@zawiw.uni-ulm.de
tel: + 49 (0)731/5023193
fax: +49 (0)731/5023197
Organisation/Project website: www.zawiw.de
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Istituto di Scienze Sociali Nicoló Rezzara (Institute of Social Sciences Nicoló Rezzara) / IT
Università Tretiho Veku, Vysoke Uceni Technicke v Brne (Universität des Dritten Lebensalters, Technische Hochschule Brunn)/ CZ
Senior Studies Institute, University of Strathclyde / UK
Univerzita Tretieho Veko, Universita Komenskeho (Universität des dritten Lebensalters an der Comenius Universität
Bratislava) / SK
Universita tretiho veku, Ceske vysoke uceni techicke v Praze, Fakulta elektrotechnicka (Universität des dritten Lebensalter,
Wirtschaftsuniversität Prag, elektrotechnische Fakultät) / CZ
Universidad Permanente, Universidad de Alicante (Universität des dritten Lebensalters an der Universität Alicante) / ES
Project Reference: 03-DEU03-S2G01-00145-2
Best practice to develop Learning cultures for lifelong learning "LECU"
Das Projekt „LECU“ dient dem Erfahrungsaustausch und dem gemeinsamen Lernen bei der Gestaltung neuer Lernkulturen.
Die Veränderungen in der Wissensgesellschaft verlangen Antworten darauf, welche Kompetenzen vorrangig zu entwickeln
sind, auf welchen Lernwegen dies effektiver möglich ist, welche Faktoren auf der individuellen, organisationalen und
regionalen Ebene hierbei berücksichtigt und positiv beeinflusst werden können, wie die Lernmotivation verbessert werden
kann, welche Faktoren im Lernprozess diesen positiv oder negativ beeinflussen, wie Kompetenzzuwachs, vor allem
informeller Lernprozesse, erfassbar wird usw. Durch die Zusammenarbeit mit Institutionen, die ähnliche Problemstellungen
bearbeiten, in einer Lernpartnerschaft können Ergebnisse der eigenen Arbeit vorgestellt und überprüft werden. Andere
Herangehens- und Sichtweisen werden den eigenen Erfahrungshorizont erweitern und zu einer höheren Qualität der eigenen
Arbeit führen. Arbeitsergebnisse können schneller transferiert werden, ggf. wird sich aus der Lernpartnerschaft eine
zukünftig gemeinsame Bearbeitung einzelner Fragestellungen ergeben. Auf Grund der Komplexität der Fragestellungen sollen
an den vorgesehenen Lernorten unterschiedliche Teilbereiche in kleineren Gruppen bearbeitet werden.
Die Einbeziehung von Praxispartnern als Lernende wird eine praxisnahe Diskussion fördern. Die Lernenden werden
Multiplikatoren für Bildungsdienstleister im Sinne einer Verbesserung der Qualität in der Weiterbildung sein.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 1
Intercultural issues
European countries / European Union
Information technology
Guidance / counselling or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Management of AE organisations/institutions
Methods for providing credit for knowl. or comp.
Local community groups
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Innovationstransfer- und Forschungsinstitut für berufliche Aus- und Weiterbildung ITF
Name of the contact person: Monika Schellenberg
Address: Grevesmühlener Str. 18, 19057 Schwerin
e-mail :schellenberg@itf-schwerin.de
tel: + 49 (0)385/4885 130
fax: +49 (0) 385/4885 129
Organisation/Project website: www. itf-schwerin.de
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Latvijas Universitate, Pedagogijas un Psihologijas Instituts (University of Latvian, Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology) / LV
Veb Consult S.r.l. / IT
Project Reference: 03-GRC01-S2G01-00001-1
ARIADNE – Fighting against social exclusion of female single parents
The aim of the Ariadne project is to establish strategies for the integration of single parents, either young women (15–25
age range) at risk of social marginalisation, or other women who face economic and social problems. The activities proposed
include several strategies that can be divided in two main areas:
• The exchange of experiences, good practices and methodologies between trans-national partners, in order to develop
innovative work in areas of common interest, especially related to the defined target group;
• The involvement of the target group to find measures for the reintegration of excluded persons through occupational
training, acquisition of skills and restoration of their sense of usefulness in society.
The activities that are going to take place in this project are the following:
1. Identification of good practices, products and materials at the level of each region and in a European context
2. Diagnosis of the target group’s specific characteristics and needs, in articulation with other local services
3. Building of local partnerships (in all participating countries) which will provide additional support for the project
4. Transnational meetings
5. Development of shared communication and evaluation tools
6. Development of a Guide for the development of personal and social competences
7. Evaluation actions.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Other (describe if applicable)
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 1
Basic skills
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
Education for parents
European countries/European Union
Strategy for stimulating/ promoting adult learner
Guidance/counselling or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Young adults at risk of social marginalisation
Economically or socially disadvantaged groups
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Training and Research Center of the Prefectural Administration of Magnesia
Name of the contact person: Triantafyllou Vassilis
Address: Makrinitsis 131, Volos 38333 Greece
e-mail kekanam@hol.gr
tel: + 30 24210 71466-7
fax: + 30 24210 71468
Organisation/Project website: www.kekanam.gr
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Euro-net , IT
Bauskas Rajons Padomes Izglitibas Parvalde (Bauskas Region Council- Department of Education), LV
Centro Social Paroquial de Cristo Rei, PT
Project Reference: 03-GRC01-S2G01-00003-1
European coalition against unemployment
This project focuses on the preparation of people at risk of social exclusion for their integration in the labour market. It
includes psychosocial support, vocational orientation, active participation in educational procedures, training programmes
and work placements. The project aims at sharing experiences and models of work used by organisations across Europe,
concerning the preparation for employment programmes in order to improve employability within specific target groups. The
objectives of the project are to identify the methods by which each partner makes contacts with relevant organisations, in
order to realise actions of training for socially excluded people, to examine and describe practices and methods of work
followed by professionals in each of the partners’ countries, to exchange good practices, to implement an example of good
practice in each of the partner organisations, to conduct initial formative evaluation by trainers and learners and finally, to
disseminate all findings and results. More analytically, the activities of the project concern selection, preparation and
adjustment to a profession through teaching of basic and life skills, development of self-awareness, self confidence,
interests and talents and training on job searching techniques, CV formulation and interview skills. The project through its
activities will ensure the active participation of trainers and learners and will have a positive impact in terms of expanding
and improving professional practices and exploring new ways of collaboration between the organisations, the local
authorities and the local labour offices.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Other (describe if applicable)
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 1
Basic skills
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
Sustainable development
Arts, music, culture
The media
Strategy for stimulating/ promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Guidance/counselling or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. Mar.
Economically or socially disadvantaged groups
Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: ARSIS, Association for the Social Support of Youth
Name of the contact person: Dionyssia Lali
Address: Derigny and 3rd September st, Athens 10234 Greece
e-mail info@arsis.gr, dlali@arsis.gr
tel: + 30 210 8259880
fax: + 30 210 8259880
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
IES AS Fontinas (ES)
East Anrim Institute of Further and Higher Education (UK)
Milton Keynes College (UK)
Labour Office (CZ)
Project Reference 03-GRC01-S2G01-00037-1
People with special needs meet special arts
The project aims to create a European network involving training organisations and the Centre of Creative Occupation of
Persons with Special Needs, in order to exchange methods and practices concerning the training of these persons, thus
reinforcing also collaboration at European level.
The project will be realised in the form of 3 educational seminars. It will include the training of a group of persons with
mental disability and psychosis by performing the Chinese martial art of “T'ai Chi Ch'uan”, as well as operating a puppet
theatre to interpret a Chinese fairytale. The fairytale will be performed as a melodrama by the trainees themselves and it will
lead to the final “product”, the setting up of a play.
Our main target is the reinforcement of the organisations so that they may take initiatives to support the social integration
of socially excluded people and raise the awareness of society. It includes activities such as psychological support, theatre,
music, physical exercise, improvising through dance, puppets, photography, Tai-Chi, and communication activities.
Total Duration: 1 year
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Other (describe if applicable)
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Intercultural issues
Arts, music, culture
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Disabled persons
People with mental disorders and/or disabilities
Other (describe if applicable)
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: D.E.A.DI.Z –Zografou Municipal Enterprise of Development
Name of the contact person: Eleni Papageorgiou
Address: 60 Anakreontos str, Zografou 15771
e-mail deadiz@hol.gr
tel: + 30 210 7483265, 7759089
fax : + 30 210 7751976
Organisation/Project website: www.deadiz.gr
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Action Space Mobile (UK)
Greta de Bourges – Saint Amand (FR)
PO Alytus Youth Centre (LT)
Project Reference: 03-GRC01-S2G01-00042-3
Europe closer to the citizen and more transparent
European citizens are now demanding more information on things that directly affect their daily lives. They rightly insist
that Europe be more democratic, more efficient and that European initiatives and policies be brought closer to their
everyday concerns:
The aim of the project is to:
• promote the European dimension and knowledge about the European Union and European activities among adult
• form new strategies on how to attract/motivate people with regard to social/political issues and thus promote
democracy in Europe by creating active citizenship.
• understand the different types of social partnerships.
• develop educational methods by learning from the participating partners, in order to create a new educational tool (a
CD) for use in other organizations providing lifelong learning in Greece and in the other member states of the E.U.
• promote the idea of “voluntarism” in our society and in Europe, since we host the Olympic Games in 2004.
• raise awareness and increase the knowledge of adult learners in the values of the Olympic Idea, the Olympic Spirit, and
universal peace not only in Greece, but also in our E.U. partner countries.
• motivate retired adult learners to be “active European members”, because with their experience and their social position
they can influence the opinion of other fellow citizens.
Target groups of the project are local community retired adult learners and adult volunteer learners, study circle leaders.
This project goes on for a third year because this learning partnership will promote lifelong learning, improve training of
adult educators in the voluntary sector and build a dynamic learning network.
The Pedagogical methods for adult active learning will be: simulation, group discussion, project research.
Project outcomes: Adult learners will create:
1. A newsletter every 2 months,
2. A CD-ROM (software),
3. Web Page (the existing one will be updated in English).
Evaluation of the project:
1. A questionnaire (pre-test) on the topics of the project will be given to the adult learners at the beginning of the
project. - A questionnaire (after-test) will be given to the adult learners at the end of the seminars and project
activities, to ascertain whether they have changed attitudes, opinions.
2. Report from the educators of the target groups, seminars, and project management, educational material.
3. Final report from the coordinator.
The Evaluation of the project is the formative evaluation, because we intend to act and evaluate during the implementation
of the project aiming at improving the quality of this project. We identify the weak points of the project in order to make
certain proposals for improving the project.
Regular partner meetings will help the evaluation of the project and the development of the best strategies for the
fulfilment of its aims.
The various phases of the project will be in a power point CD-ROM and this educational material will be used in future
training activities. The development of the final software presentation and a project CD-ROM will be disseminated as an
educational tool for similar institutions of lifelong learning education and for the partners.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Other (describe if applicable)
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 3
Active citizenship
European countries/ the European Union
Information technology
Voluntarism, Human rights
Strategy for stimulating/ promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Guidance/counselling or other support services
Local community groups
Senior citizens
Retired people, especially women
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Directorate of Secondary Education in Achaia Prefecture – Office for European Programmes
Name of the contact person: Vamvaka Kyriaki (Sandy)
Address: 70, Ermou str - 26221 Patras, Greece
e-mail vamvaka@dide.ach.sch.gr
tel: + 30 2610 272699
fax: + 30 2610 622553
Organisation/Project website: http://www.dide.ach.sch.gr/europroj
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code
Newham College of Further Education (UK)
Vitalis Betreuungsgellschuft fur Modellprojekte mbH (DE)
Project Reference: 03-GRC01-S2G01-00021-2
Familiarity and integration with European cultural activities
During the second phase of the project (2003-2004), the participants will include a common programme (as defined during
the first phase) for all 4 partners in their cultural laboratories. The common programme will include: introduction to
educational topics (history of local folklore, local psychology, social psychology, cultural anthropology) and also practices
(socio-cultural encouragement, direct assistance). The objective will be to record and preserve all those elements which form
culture and civilisation in each participating country, providing, at the same time, the women trainees with the opportunity
to work in this area voluntarily or even professionally.
Our sources will be elderly people whom we are going to approach using creative activities as a method for recording:
folklore and customs, traditional cuisine, songs, stories, tales, anecdotes, professions, local costumes, embroidery, etc. In
addition, during the second educational phase, the women trainees will acquire the expertise to organise programmes of
creative activities for the elderly and the disabled, especially those who cannot move from their homes. The working
framework will be the same for every country, but the needs may be different.
All different stages of the project will be recorded separately for each country (on DVD) and the results will be presented to
the local communities during the final seminar of the project.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Other (describe if applicable)
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 2
Basic skills
Active citizenship
Arts, music, culture
Information technology
Strategy for stimulating/ promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Guidance/counselling or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Management of adult education organisation/institutions
Seniors citizens
Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Organisation of Culture, Youth and Athletics of Kilkis Municipality
Name of the contact person: Maria Chnitidou
Address: 17-19 G. Kapeta str, 61100 Kilkis Greece
e-mail info@dhmoskilkis.gr, dhmkil_maria@yahoo.gr
tel: + 30 23410 39167
fax: + 30 23410 3915-2
Organisation/Project website: www.dhmoskilkis.gr
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Municipality of Latsia (CY)
Mancomunidad del Norte de Tenerife (ES)
Forcoop Agenzia Formativa (IT)
Project Reference: : 03-GRC01-S2G01-00036-2
Women cooperatives for the promotion of local products and the development of European
The project addresses women with a low socio-economic profile who are interested in developing international cooperation
and producing local products.The main objectives of the project are to make them able to handle their own lives, to enhance
their abilities and working skills, to learn about the EU and also to communicate with women from the other partner
organisations and thus promote their social skills in an intercultural environmment. We hope that women will achieve these
aims by attending courses in entrepreneurship, practising ICT, interacting with each other and visiting some well organised
enterprises under real working conditions. In the long-term it is expected to promote access to lifelong learning and
entrerpreneurship for women as citizens and enterpreneurs. We hope that some of them will then start their own business
based on collaborative methods. Additionally, there will be further cooperation and exhange between the already existing
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Other (describe if applicable)
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 2
Basic skills
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
Consumer education
Art, culture, ICT, European Union, languages, women entrepreneurship
Strategy for stimulating/ promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Guidance/counselling or other support services
Local community groups
Persons living in disadvantaged areas
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Daphne KEK
Name of the contact person: Vassiliki Tsekoura
Address: 94-96 Girokomeiou str? Patras 26224 Greece
e-mail kekdafni@otenet.gr
tel: + 30-2610-624213-4
fax: + 30-2610-624214
Organisation/Project website: www.kefdafni.gr
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Municipality of Dymi (GR)
Municipality of Agros Lemessou (Cy)
Municipality of Vernole (IT)
A.S.S.A. – Associazione per la salvaguardia e lo sviluppo di Acaja (IT)
Project Reference: 03-GRC01-S2G01-00050-2
Bringing Agricultural Adult Education into the Era of Innovation
This project aims to create a common space for communication, research and development for adult education organisations
that specialise in the training of adult farmers and inhabitants of rural communities. It will address all aspects of the
organisations’ function and structure i.e.:
• Management of adult education organisations
• Research of the educational needs of the population in the countryside
• Development of Strategies for stimulating the adult farmers' demand for learning
• Design of new curricula according to the educational needs of the target group
• Introduction of new subjects through new pedagogical approaches
• Exchange of experience in the provision of support services (counselling after the completion of the training,
encouraging entrepreneurship etc.)
Each year there will be an initial investigative and preparatory phase where local meetings, questionnaires and research will
provide the base for further discussions. A transnational preparatory meeting of those responsible for the project will follow
which will prepare for the co-ordinated mobility of administrative, teaching and support staff. This coordinated mobility will
take the form of a large transnational meeting in one of the countries involved, where a number of workshops will address
the above-mentioned topics. The results of the meeting will be processed and publicised in printed and electronic form. Staff
development conferences for the organisations in the regions of the partners will then take place and will help to diffuse the
findings of the partners. An evaluation phase will complete the year’s work. Evaluation will take place via questionnaire and
informal discussions during a two-hour tele-meeting.
In the second and third year the project will move into curricula and learning tool development and testing which will
involve teaching staff and learners more. The mobility at this stage will involve learners.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 2
Information technology
Sustainable development
Strategy for stimulating/ promoting adult learners
Guidance/counselling or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Management of adult education organisation/institution
Persons living in disadvantaged areas
Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc.mar.
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Thessaloniki Agricultural and Industrial Institute
Name of the contact person: Dr Evaggelos Vergos
Address: P.O. Box 23, GR 55102 Kalamaria-Thessaloniki-Greece
e-mail: kek-afs@afs.edu.gr, vvergos@afs.edu.gr
tel: + 30-2310 492854
fax: + 30-2310 492860
Organisation/Project website: www.afs.edu.gr
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Centre de Formation Professionelle et de Promotion Agricole (FR)
Istituto Nazionale per l’istruzione professionale agricola (IT)
Svenska yrkesinstitutet (Swedish Vocational Institute) (FI)
Project Reference: 03-ESP01-S2G01-00511-1
Building up of the FRAME for adult education related to basic skills and intercultural issues:
Project: EU_CORAS
Goal: To build the FRAMEWORK (CORAS is the Gaelic word) in the adult education fields of basic skills and intercultural
issues, through the exchange of experiences among the partners, in a first phase. Each partner will then involve their own
adult learners in the research of what basic skills are, what intercultural issues are, and how they are interconnected with
other facts and elements of adult education, as the new methodological approaches, the teacher/trainer basic skills needs,
the funding, etc in this un-defined framework.
It is expected to have exchanges of experiences through different ways, international conferences for partners, and the
production of a European Newsletter about project issues. In a second phase (second year), it is expected to produce staff
exchanges, to continue with the Newsletter and conclude with a final international conference.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Basic skills
Intercultural issues
European countries / European Union
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Economically or socially disadvantaged groups
Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar
Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Asociación Columbares
Name of the contact person: Andrés Abad Pacheco
Address: Adrián Viudes, 9, 30570 Beniaján, Murcia
e-mail asociacion@columbares.org
tel: + 34 968 82 42 41
fax: +34 968 82 03 20
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Vuc Kolding, Kolding, DK, approved
Coiste Gairmoideachais Chontae na Gallimhe, Ballinasloe, IE, approved
Movimondo GSI, Perugia, IT, approved
ROC van Amsterdam, Amsterdam, NL, approved
Oslo Voksenopplaering, Oslo, NO, rejected
Project Reference: 03-ESP01-S2G01-00117-2
Training and Intervention in Community Mediation
It aims at creating a learning partnership to study in depth the solution of conflicts and community mediation at European
level. First of all research about the definition of good practices will be done, and with these findings people will be trained
in Conflict Solution in their communities.
Year one will be devoted to research and training, and years 2 and 3 to the design and implementation of programmes of
Community Mediation with the clients of the participating institutions.
Two meetings took place, one in Montpellier delayed with regard to the foreseen plan, and another one in Brussels. The
results of the project are as foreseen, in Montpelier the theoretical and conceptual definition of community mediation were
defined and the agendas and content for future meetings organised.
There are not meaningful changes in the objectives but they considered it useful to add an extra year to the project to
organise a training seminar and exchange of experiences. Two new institutions have applied to join the project, from RO and
ES, but they have been rejected.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
Community Mediation
Guidance / counselling or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Local community groups
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Pere Tarres Foundation
Name of the contact person: Pere-Joan Giralt Rovira
Address: Enric Granados, 2, 08007 Barcelona, España
e-mail ps@peretarres.or
tel: + 34 93 410 16 02
fax: +34 93 454 96 55
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Kolding Pedagog Center, DK, rejected
Haute Ecole de Bruxelles, BE, approved
IRTS, Institut Régional du Travail Social de Montpellier, FR, approved
Pestalozzi Foundation, RO, rejected
Mataró City Hall, Mataró, ES, rejected
Barcelona City Hall, ES, approved
Project Reference: 03-ESP01-S2G01-00168-1
Multilingual and cultural approach for language teaching as a contribution to world peace
This project intends to help teachers/monitors/social agents/local authorities to understand better the different cultural
groups we are in touch with nowadays (immigrants and ethnic minorities). It will take into account the origin and cultural
background of the countries they come from.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 1
Intercultural issues
European countries / European Union
Integration to fight racism and xenophobia
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities
Local community groups
Adult students
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: C.E.A. Albuñol
Name of the contact person: Juan Cristobal Ruiz González
Address: Veintiocho de Febreo s/n, 18700 Albuñol, Murcia
e-mail hyperati@hotmail.com
tel: + 34 958 82 67 72
fax: +34 958 82 64 81
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Kauno Suagusi, Kaunas, LT, approved
Volkshochschule Olching E.V., Olching, DE, approved
Multiforma P.S.C.A.R.L., Ponenone, IT, approved
ANUP, Bucarest, RO, rejected
Kentro Symboyleytikhs Kai Prosanotolismoy, Chania, GR, approved
Project Reference: 03-ESP01-S2G01-00170-2
Influencing attitudes of natives and immigrants
Immigration is a growing concern in most European countries. Racist attitudes are putting social peace at risk and although
certain improvements have been achieved the present situation is far from satisfactory. The institutions taking part in this
project intend to approach the integration of immigrants from different viewpoints.
We will exchange experiences, ideas and working methods with the aim of finding good pathways to deal with these
In September there was a project meeting in Bucharest to work on the activity plan and then from October to February work
in the institutions with students, elaboration of questionnaires, cultural events, information and documentation. There is
special attention to immigrant integration in our programme and we are in touch with local communities and NGOs.
We intend to ask for one year’s extension to evaluate the results of immigrant-native integration and the change of
attitudes through educational strategies.
We intend to facilitate procedures of economic management within institutional accountancy.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Basic skills
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues, Languages
European countries, ICTs, sustainable development, art, culture, music, consumer education, the
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Guidance / counselling or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Management of adult education organisation / institution
Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competences
Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities
Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar
Local community groups
Economically or socially disadvantaged groups
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Adult Education Centre, "Casa de la Cultura"
Name of the contact person: MªLuisa García
Address: Guadalajara, 3, 28901 Getafe, Madrid, España
e-mail m-g-g@mixmail.com
tel: + 34 91 695 97 98
fax: +34 91 681 59 29
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Centre université, Economie d'education permanente, Lille, FR, approved
UNESCO Friends' Club, Barcelona, ES, approved
Adult Education School Landshut, DE, approved
Prefectural Committee of Adult Education of Xanthi, GR, approved
Adult Education in Tramsoe, NO, approved
Casa Corpului Didactic, Bucharest, RO, approved
Romanian Centre for Economic Education, RO, rejected
Project Reference: 03-ESP01-S2G01-00185-1
SHIFT: Sharing Initiatives and going forward using ICT in adult people training
It intends to create a network in Europe to exchange initiatives and experiences on the use of ICT in adult education. The
participating institutions will assume a two-fold role: to provide the results obtained in previous pilot projects and to
channel the experiences developed by institutions in their frame of reference.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Information technology
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Adults in general
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Consorcio de formación e iniciativas Bages Sur
Name of the contact person: : Angeles Fusté
Address: Mopntserrat, 50, 08295 Sant Vicent de Castellet
e-mail cfibs@cfibs.es
tel: + 34 93 833 13
fax: +34 93 833 10 53
Organisation/Project website: www.cfibs.es
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
GEA agencia de desarrollo, Verbania, IT, approved
CAE, Formación y Servicios Socioculturales, Manresa, ES, approved
Synthesis, Centre for Research and Education, Psematismenos Larnaka, CY, ?
Fondation Kruger, Mosset, FR, approved
Nova College, CC Harlem, NL, approved
Project Reference: 03-ESP01-S2G01- 00246-2
Mirror Web Site
The project will create an educational tool on-line to educate the young and develop new educational approaches. The
partnership is composed of institutions belonging to the International Network of Productive Schools (INEPS), especially
devoted to young people in difficult circumstances and with risk of social exclusion.
The project will use ICT and the final product will be a website, Mirror will be elaborated by the students with the
collaboration of trainers and experts. It will contain different sections related to the educational, socio-cultural and working
life of the young, and also the different practices and characteristics of the participating institutions so that they will learn
from one another. The web will be in 6 languages, English being the common lingua franca among the students.
This project is especially meaningful to the students mainly due to the transnational cooperation, the relationship with other
students through internet, e-mail, etc... and it is an important motivation for foreign language learning, writing skills, ICT,
and communication and cooperation skills.
Also for trainers this exchange of experience is proving very valuable. The project has been disseminated in the local
community with enormous success and there have not been any significant changes in objectives though the website has
been enlarged introducing new ideas and measures, like a database and comparative analysis of the information. A new
partner from Berlin has been introduced and also some alternative adult education institutions as “lateral partners”.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Basic skills
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
Information technology
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: IDAP, Institute for Productive Learning
Name of the contact person: Josep Alsina
Address: Townhall, Plaza de la Verema, 1, 08720 Villafranca del Penedes, Barcelona, España
e-mail idap@ajvilafranca.es
tel: + 34 93 818 06 54
fax: +34 93 892 23 91
Organisation/Project website: www.vilafrancavirtual.org/idap
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Fogelströmska Gymnasiet, SE, approved
Riihimäen Ammattioppilatios, Rihimaki, FI, rejecte
Gustave Eiffel Oberschule-Produktives Learning, Berlin ,DE, approved
Project Reference: 03-ESP01-S2G01-00250-1
To learn and enjoy through the use of information
Libraries in our society are a basic cornerstone in LLL for all people that through such information can be citizens with better
skills and abilities and therefore more free.
The project intends that adults make use of and know the possibilities and resources the libraries may offer them.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
Information technology
Education for parents
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Guidance / counselling or other support services
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Disabled persons
Local community groups
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Ayuntamiento de Oviedo
Name of the contact person: Consuelo Veiga
Address: Plaza Lago Enol s/n, 33010 Oviedo
e-mail biblio-ven@ayto-oviedo.es
tel: + 34 985 11 40 42
fax: +
Organisation/Project website: www.ayto-oviedo.es
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Associazione Culturalle Raffaello, Cozensa, IT, approved
Karmoy Skole-og kulturetat, Pedagogisk Senter, Kopervik, NO, rejected
Albertslund und pedagogisk Center und Albertslund Public Library, Albertslund, DK, approved
Project Reference: 03-ESP01-S2G01-00031-1
New Technologies and Social Participation
The project intends to find out how other institutions deal with training in new technologies and finding common ground in
the different methodologies used, teachers' profiles, role of participating volunteers, type of training courses offered and
requested, and especially the profile of the people profiting from this academic offer.
Total Duration: 1 year
Area(s) covered
Funding year: 1
Active citizenship
Information technology
Project Objectives
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Guidance / counselling or other support services
Target Group(s)
Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar
Other (describe if applicable)
Adults without qualifications
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: FACEPA
Name of the contact person: Ana Lebrón Ruiz
Address: Av. Francesc Cambó 14, 8è F, 08003 Barcelona
e-mail facepa@telefonica.net
tel: + 34 93 315 29 69
fax: +34 93 310 05 47
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Centro di Cultura Populare U.N.L.A., Ispica, IT, approved
Societatea Romana Pentru Educatie Permanenta, Bucharest, RO, rejected: lack of quality
Casa Corpului Didactic, Craiova, RO, rejected
Voksenuddannelscenter Vestsjaelland SYD, Slagelse, DK, approved
Project Reference: 03-ESP01-S2G01-00032-1
Adult education institutions and active citizenship
The project intends to identify a methodology appropriate to adult education according to the interests and needs the
beneficiaries expressly demand, and develop equal opportunities and active citizenship both within the target group and
society in a broader context.
Total Duration: 1 year
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Active citizenship
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Adults in the process of being trained
Other (describe if applicable)
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: CONFAPEA
Name of the contact person: Ana Lebrón
Address: Francesc Cambó 14-8º F, 08003 Barcelona
e-mail confapea@neskes.net
tel: + 34 93 315 29 69
fax: +34 93 310 05 47
Organisation/Project website: www.neskes.net/confapea
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Stitching Enove Emancipatie Adviesbureau Drenthe (NGO), Assen, NL, approved
CFL, Soderhams, SE, approved
Viesoji Jstaiga Romu Visuemenes Centras, Vilnius, LT, no application form
Unione Nazionale Lotta contra Analfabetismo (UNLA), Roma, IT, approved
Association pour le Developpement des Initiatives Citoyennes et Europe, Roubaix, FR, rejected
Project Reference: 03-ESP01-S2G01-00033-1
How to reach Maria, John and Manfred ?
Our project intends to find an effective methodology to reach those difficult to reach adults that otherwise wouldn't
participate in LLL or in a European Dimension.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
European countries / European Union
Information technology
Media, cooperation among different institutions
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Guidance / counselling or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Methods for providing credit for knowl. or comp.
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities
Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: I.E.S. de Melide
Name of the contact person: Benito Otero Varela
Address: O Marquiño s/n, 15800 Orense
e-mail ies.melide@edu.xunta.es
tel: + 34 981 50 51 62
fax: +34 981 50 51 62
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
CEPA Juan Luis Vives, Ibi, alicante, ES, approved
Katholieke Hogesschool Limburg, Hasselt, BE (flemish), approved
Solleftea Kommunala Vuxetnutbildning, Solleftea, SE, approved
Centro territoriale permanente presso scuola media "Biancheri-cavour", Ventimiglia, IT, approved
Centrum Promocy Niematerialnej, Lodz, Pl, rejected
Project Reference: 03-ESP01-S2G01-00501-3
SCALA: Adult Guidance Process
The project intends to train adults with low level qualifications who are disadvantaged because they belong to ethnic
minorities, are immigrants, have a lack of basic skills, dropouts, school failure etc... The aim of the partnership is to work on
methods and educational tools used in lifelong vocational guidance and ongoing training of these groups.
For students, the project can so far be underlined in their motivation to learn, active learning, reaching their learning
targets, understanding of other cultures and countries, ability to communicate their ideas, and better ICT skills. Of less
importance, contact with students from other countries, foreign language abilities and further learning.
The staff has been involved, as well as the institutions, deeply and very collaboratively, in the exchange of good practices
and experience has been paramount and the local community has also been involved in all the process.
There have not been important changes regarding the original plan, except that in the second year an Italian partner was
not approved which meant a change in the meetings.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 3
Basic skills
Information technology
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Methods for providing credit for knowl. or comp.
Economically or socially disadvantaged groups
Immigrants from non-Indoeuropean linguistic areas
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Semilla, NGO
Name of the contact person: Beatriz Torres
Address: Paseo de Alberto Palacios, 13-1º, 28021, Madrid
tel: + 34 91 797 48 19
fax: +34 91 798 43 51
Organisation/Project website: www.semilla.net
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Union Francaise de Centres de Vacances et Centre Regional de Formation et d'animation, Orleans, FR, approved
PROBENS, Association for the study and promotion of social welfare, Barcelona, ES, approved
Arbeit und Bildung, Marburg, DE, approved
CEDEF, Centre Europeén pour le development de l'emploi et de la formation, Paris, FR, approved
Project Reference: 03-ESP01-S2G01-00505-1
It is a project addressed at less fortunate consumers immigrants/emigrants, senior citizens and women over 50. It intends to
elaborate and experience new dynamics and methodological approaches, showing their usefulness in adult training and
trying to reach a multiplier effect of results in the field of guidance, counselling and information to other consumers.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Information technology
European countries / European Union
Consumer education
Guidance / counselling or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Methods for providing credit for knowl. or comp.
Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities
Senior citizens
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Escuela Europea de Consumidores
Name of the contact person: Nieves Álvarez
Address: Nicolás Salmerón 5 y 7, 39009, Santander
e-mail escuela@infocosumo.es
tel: + 34 942 21 06 00
fax: +34 942 21 08 67
Organisation/Project website: www.infoconsumo.es/escuela
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Institut National de la Consommation, Paris, FR, rejected
Central Logistic Tactic, Bucharest, RO, rejected
Kontsumo Eskola-Dirección de Consumo del Gobierno Vasco, Vitoria, ES, approved
Instituto do Consumidor, Lisboa, PT, approved
Adiconsum Regionale Lazio, Roma, IT, approved
Project Reference: 03-ESP01-S2G01-00507-1
ENREDATE: Woman and ICTs
The importance of ICT and influence of ICT in the individual is reflected in social, cultural, economic and even political life.
Today it is a must to use these technologies but for that it is necessary to be trained, and those left behind are bound to be
socially and electronically excluded.
The project includes especially the differences of gender in this training and intends to exchange ideas, methods and good
practices as well as produce materials that can be disseminated in Europe.
Total Duration: 1 year
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Basic skills
Active citizenship
Information technology
The media
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Guidance / counselling or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Universidad Popular de Cartagena
Name of the contact person: Fulgencia Plaza
Address: C/ Jacinto Benavente, 7, 30203, Cartagena, Murcia
e-mail chenchi.upopular@ayto-cartagena.es
tel: + 34 968 12 88 59
fax: +34 968 12 88 54
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Casa Corpului Didactic, Craiova, RO, approved
University of Wales Bangor, Research Institute for Enhancing Leraning, Bangor, UK, rejected
Multiforma P.S.C.A.R.L., Ponenone, IT, approved
Interactive RHYL Ltd., RHYL, Denbishire, UK, rejected
Project Reference: 03-ESP01-S2G01-00514-1
Responsible Consumerism: Optimeze Consumerism
One of the main problems nowadays is the deterioration of the environment and one of the reasons is consumerism and the
bad habits originating from it. This project intends to incorporate a responsible consumerism in the framework of
educational and cultural activities. The experience and good practices of the partners will introduce a European Dimension
through a thematic network.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Sustainable development
Consumer education
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Guidance / counselling or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Local community groups
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Universidad Popular de Cartagena
Name of the contact person: Fulgencia Plazas
Address: Jacinto Benavente 7, 30203 Cartagena, Murcia
e-mail chenchi.upopular@ayto-cartagena.es
tel: + 34 968 12 88 59
fax: +34 968 12 88 54
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
1.Centro Territoriale nº 8 a Narbone per l'Instruzione degli Adulti, Caltagirone, IT, approved
2. Komvux Tomelilla, Tomelilla, SE, rejected
3. Groupement d'Interet Public, Formation Continue et Insertion Professional, Limoges, FR, approved
Project Reference: 03-ESP01-S2G01-00516-2
Appreciate the difference
This project aims at improving an integral education underlining the ethical values that all pupils, disadvantaged or not, will
be confronted with.
It is two-phased: in the first phase the project researches how the young perceive disabilities; in a second phase it will try to
make parents and teachers aware of these results by means of the publication of a questionnaire. They will also be
distributed to the media, the schools were they have all-inclusive classes, so that they can value the benefit of such an
integrated education.
Throughout the project they will exchange materials and good practices about how in other European countries these
matters are dealt with, how disabilities are perceived by teenagers and how these feelings are researched. It will include a
comparative study with the different educational practices in the participating countries.
Meetings took place in Madrid, March 2003, and Sezanne, July 2003, to elaborate questionnaires and then to analyse the
results coming out of them.
The most important factor was the educational innovation that means the pilot concept of the project “Appreciate the
Difference”: evaluate the advantages of integration not only for disabled people but mainly for the rest of the students. The
compilation of international materials in integrated education has been very meaningful.
Two new partners have applied in the renewal: CPN from PL and DIA-SPORT from BG, but both were rejected.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Active citizenship
European countries / European Union
Education for parents
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Guidance / counselling or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar
Disabled persons
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Fundación Belén, Bethelem Foundation
Name of the contact person: Leticia Escardo
Address: Plaza Pintor Sorolla, 4, 28010, Madrid, España
e-mail funbelen@yahoo.es
tel: + 34 91 448 39 40
fax: +34 91 448 39 40
Organisation/Project website: www.fundacionbelen.org
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Centrum Pomocy Niematerialnej, Lodz, PL, rejected
Greta du Sud Ouest Champenois, Sezanne, FR, approved
Youth Institute, Madrid, ES, approved
KINE, Pordenone, IT, approved
DIA-SPORT Asociation, Sofia, BG, rejected
Project Reference: 03-ESP-01-S2G01-00536-2
Designing new adult training pathways for better schooling
It is the continuation of sharing new adult training pathways for better schooling. This project is aimed at improving the
quality of education through a partnership among institutions that try to involve parents in their children's education
participating in the school councils. In this second year the design of training modules will be the target according to the
detected and shared needs among the partners.
Taking as a starting point a positive experience carried out by the Townhall of Quart de Poblet together with the University
of Valencia, there will be an exchange of experiences to achieve innovative and profitable methods that can improve the
quality of school education.
In the project we count on experienced institutions that can be a point of reference for smaller ones and also different
backgrounds to bring varied points of view to the project.
There was a preparatory meeting in November to set up the concrete workplan, a descriptive report of the problem and the
agreement of transnational cooperation. Then they elaborated the questionnaire and the field book and identified the
training needs of parents within the School Councils. A web was designed and implemented. The intention is to design new
materials, contents, and dynamics adapted to the circumstances of each partner so that they can incorporate them in their
adult training programmes.
No further changes have been envisaged.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Education for parents
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Guidance / counselling or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Local community groups
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Quart de Poblet Townhall
Name of the contact person: José Salvador
Address: Plaza del Pais Valenciá, 1, 46930 Quart de Poblet, Valencia, España
e-mail Educa1@quartdepoblet.org
tel: + 34 961 53 40 75
fax: +34 96 1 29880 97
Organisation/Project website: www.gva.es/quart
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Valencia University, Valencia, ES, approved
University of Glasgow, Department of Adult Education, Glasgow, UK, approved
University of Bangor, Centre for learning development, Bangor, UK, rejected
County Limerick Vocational Education Committee, Limerick, IR, approved
Parents' Association of Public School "Ramón Laporta", Quart de Poblet, ES, approved
Patronato de Servicios Integrales de Vinalesa, Vinalesa, ES, approved
Escuela Oficial de Idiomas, Quart de Poblet, ES, rejected
Project Reference: 03-ESP01-S2G01-00539-2
Educational attention to population at risk of exclusion, nationals and immigrants
We intend to learn about other programmes and target groups in other European institutions, integrate the European
Dimension in the practices of our everyday work and also make visible the programmes we carry out with immigrants.
The objectives are to try and integrate the different levels of basic skills and training according to the individual needs of
students, to create a group to prepare the illiterate people to pass the driving license test, to have socio-cultural workshops,
groups of Spanish for immigrants and Arab for Spanish.
For the Spanish students, the project was meaningful because contact with the partners from other countries really made
them aware of their belonging to a supranational community and motivated them to engage in written communication
activities using ICT with the partners. The materials are very useful for the participating students and will be incorporated in
their everyday work.
Also important the involvement of the institution staff and the local community, the meeting was reported in the media and
that helped with the project dissemination. Also involvement of the regional education authorities should be underlined.
There have not been changes to the project except for the elimination of the Arab language due to lack of appropriate staff
and it has been substituted by other languages.
Minor changes in the time schedule of meetings. The main problems were the working overload that the management
implies, the inexperience of the partnership and the delay in getting the funding.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Active citizenship
Information technology
Arts, music, culture
Intercultural issues
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Management of adult education organisation / institution
Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities
Economically or socially disadvantaged groups
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Adult Education Centre "Juan Ramón Jiménez"
Name of the contact person: Edita Villamarin
Address: Plaza Omeya s/n, 11204 Algeciras, Cádiz, España
e-mail 11500535@averroes.cec.junta-andalucia.es
tel: + 34 956 66 84 54
fax: +34 956 66 84 54
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
CDIMN Maramures Foundation, Baia Mare, RO, approved
Euronet, Potenza, IT, approved
Fundatia de Carita Kelse, Baia Mare, RO, approved
Project Reference: 03-ESP01-S2G01-00550-1
Engaging new groups of adults into LLL. (ENGALL)
All adult education institutions both private and public have undergone important changes in Europe in recent years.
Managing and planning issues get more and more complicated while funding gets more scarce. Also these institutions have
to attract clients as if they were private enterprises and their managing teams lack the necessary training for that and they
also have to care for their educational objectives and commitments with society. It is necessary to give them the required
competences to engage new groups of adults and at the same time to care for their traditional customers and provide them
with new competences and skills required in the information and globalized society of nowadays, and that requires new
managing skills that this project intends to clarify and provide.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Basic skills
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
Information technology
Sustainable development, art, media
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Guidance / counselling or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Management of adult education organisation / insti
Methods for providing credit for knowl. or comp.
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar
Senior citizens
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Instituto Provincial de Formación de Adultos
Name of the contact person: Carmen Alvarez-Amandi
Address: Hernando de Magallanes s/n, 14010, Córdoba
e-mail lpfacor@telefonica.net
tel: + 34 957 26 14 50
fax: +34 957 43 13 36
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
EOI de Lleida, Lleida, ES, approved
Osrodek Doskonalenia Nauczycieli, Warsaw, PL, approved
Slovenska Akademicka Informacna Agentura, Zilina, SI, rejected
Centrum voor Volwasseonderwijs Antwerpen, Hoboken , BE (flemish),
Volkschochule Lörrach, Lörrach, DE, approved
Volksschochule Bludenz, Bludenz, AT, approved
Makine Mcedonian Institute for Employment, Thesaloniki, GR, approved
KVS Institute, Orivesi, FI, approved
Project Reference: 03-ESP01-S2G01-00560-3
LUCES: Cognitive Abilities
In this project governmental and non-governmental organisations involved in education in Bulgaria, Czech Republic and
Spain are participating. The activities will be addressed at the adult unemployed population, (women, people at risk of social
exclusion and disabled people) to try and improve their chances to enter or re-enter the labour market.
The training will facilitate intercultural education within the entrepreneur and develop the spirit of the community.
The training of entrepreneurs will receive due attention because of the great interest it raises in the present socio-economic
situation and the special need there is in Europe for people who can find new entrepreneurial ways and can profit from the
opportunities the European Union offers us.
We have already researched the characteristics and assets that make a successful entrepreneur (values, attitudes, skills,
difficulties they find, how to overcome them, etc..). Now we are designing training programmes that may be effective and
helpful for those willing to start their careers in this field in the common framework of the European Union.
The results so far have been mainly the involvement of students in all the activities aimed at entrepreneur training and also
the trainers with the exchange of transnational experiences. In this third year the coordinaton was taken over by a former
partner and the previous coordinator has left the project.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 1
Basic skills
Enterprise training for people without any skills in economics
Guidance / counselling or other support services
Disabled persons
Adults in risk of social exclusion
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Patronato Pedro de Ibarra para la Formación y el Desarrollo Local de la Provincia de Cáceres
Name of the contact person: Candida Sevilla
Address: Avda. Hernán Cortés, 2, bajo, 10004, Cáceres
e-mail info@ppdi.es
tel: + 34 927 62 64 46
fax: +34 927 22 72 50
Organisation/Project website: www.ppdi.es
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Centre for Guidance, Information and Employment (COIE) from Calatayud, Zaragoza, ES, rejected
Sinergia Formation and Human Development, Valladolid, ES, approved
Research projects for Euro-Atlantic integration, BG, rejected
Tempo training centre, CZ, approved
Consorcio Artiquiano Autoriparatori, Torino, IT, approved
Project Reference: 03-ESP01-S2G01-00586-2
Family Learning
This project aims at forming a learning partnership among different European institutions involved in strengthening the role
of parents in their children's education. All the participating institutions are worried because of the growing difficulties
parents face when educating their children due to the present society where consumerism has assumed an important place
in the scale of values of the young.
We think it is important to help and back the parents in this task by means of a forum where they can rely on the guidance
and counselling of experts and also hare their problems with other parents and make themselves aware of the important
responsibilities they have in this matter.
The exchange of experiences can enrich the work each independent institution is doing and the final products and materials
can be used by other European institutions working in the field.
The implication of students so far has been scarce. The most important thing has been to know what the different partners
are doing, their daily work, that has permitted the setting up of common goals and how to motivate the families. The
partners work with parents very differently from one another: mothers in prison, immigrant parents, disadvantaged parents
due to socioeconomic reasons, socially excluded families.. It has been necessary to find common ground in the professional
organisation of each partner and the nature of the intervention to be taken to tackle the objectives targeted.
There have been minor changes in the time schedule and one of the meetings was eliminated, July 2003.
One complaint is the difference in funding of the partners that makes it difficult to have the same meetings, produce the
same sort of materials, etc.. One positive aspect is the continuous backing of the NAs.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Funding year: 1
Education for parents
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Guidance / counselling or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Target Group(s)
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Ayuntamiento de la Villa de Agüimes
Name of the contact person: Paqui Domínguez Mena
Address: Calle Dr. Joaquín Artiles s/n, 35260 Agüimes, Las Palmas, España
e-mail aguimes@aguimes.net
tel: + 34 928 789 980
fax: +34 928 783 663
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Centre for Studies and Social Intervention, Lisboa, PRT, approved
Etablissement Public Local d'enseignement et de formation professionnelle agricole du Cher, Bourges, FR, approved
Regional Education and Training Centre, Amhem, NL, approved
The Regional Training Centre, Tilburg, NL, approved
Project Reference: 03-ESP01-S2G01-00059-3
Management, organization and programming local adult education centres: GLOP'S
In Europe the demand for adult education is answered by public and private providers.
Public providers are usually official and local centres, the latter being the main providers because they know better the
educational and training needs of their citizens. Towns with less than 20.000 inhabitants are making a great effort to give
their citizens a wide choice of training so that this is not a privilege for those living in larger towns or in cities.
But, how, what should be the answer to the growing demand, what is the best model; all these questions need up-to-date
Objectives of the project:
-To elaborate a model to manage and organize local adult education centres.
-To exchange experiences among different adult education centres in Europe where the responsibility for adult education
lies totally or partially with the local authorities.
-To revise existing experiences and new future proposals adapted to present needs.
-To motivate youngsters and adults to learn bearing in mind the need of lifelong learning if they want to be quality citizens.
-To help small towns organize the Adult Education Plan.
The project is a third year renewal. In the first year there were project meetings in the participating countries: NL, SE, ES,
UK to discuss issues of interest and visit adult education institutions. In the second year, there was a meeting in NL and a
videoconference to exchange experiences.
The workplan was carried out as foreseen and the number of partners increased. The dossiers were elaborated as previously
planned and there were no changes in the objectives, activity plan or timing.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Information technology
Active citizenship
European countries / European Union
Guidance / counselling or other support services
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Management of adult education organisation / insti
Methods for providing credit for knowl. or comp.
Local community groups
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities
Economically or socially disadvantaged groups
Senior citizens, disabled people...
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: ACEFIR, Catalonian Association for Education, Training and Research
Name of the contact person: Rosa Mª Falgás
Address: Rutlla 20-22, 17002 Gerona
e-mail acefir@suport.org
tel: + 34 972 20 07 85
fax: +34 972 20 31 69
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Vuxenutbildningen i Hylte, Hylteburg, SE, approved
Odyssee Maatschappelijke Ontwikkaling, NL, approved
Swedish school of library and information studies, SE, aproved
The City Literary Institute, UK, rejected
Stichting voor Volkshogeschoolwerk in Nederland, NL, approved
Central de Bibliotecas de Gerona, ES, approved
Camdem Local Education Authority, UK, rejected
North Ayrshire Council, Irvine, UK, rejected
Project Reference: 03-ESP01-S2G01-00601-1
TRESOR: To test and experience our own resources
To motivate students to autonomous and self-learning strategies in LLL, especially those lacking basic skills or certificates,
and even more so those disabled for economic, social or physical reasons. There is a need for new teaching methods and
techniques that take account of the skills they already have and stimulating them to be the owners of their own learning.
Total Duration: 1 year
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Basic skills
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Methods for providing credit for knowl. or comp.
Economically or socially disadvantaged groups
Disabled persons
Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: El Arte de Ser Persona
Name of the contact person: Norman Duncan
Address: Dos de Maig, 272-1º 2ª, 08025 Barcelona
e-mail norman_d@elartede.org
tel: + 34 93 446 00 33
fax: +34 93 450 11 04
Organisation/Project website: www.elartede.org
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Tempo Training Centre, Prague, CZ, approved
WSHE, Lodz, PL, approved
Caritasverband der Stadt Koln EV, Köln, De, approved
CEAS Tetuán, Madrid, ES, approved
Opus Rana, Mo I Rana, NO, approved
Project Reference: 03-ESP01-S2G01-00607-2
The importance of new technologies in disadvantaged rural areas (INTAED)
This project is based in the use of computers in an open way, in an attempt that all the educational community participates
actively in all the activities that we offer or that are presented to us. We think it is necessary to take new technologies to
rural disadvantaged areas and in this way bring other cultures and languages to the clients. This approach will favour the
exchange of different experiences and also make the users aware of the opportunities that new technologies can offer them.
We think it is still too early to report on the detailed activities carried out by each of the participating institutions because
so far they have been devoted to the needs of their areas, the difficulties and possibilities.
The local authorities have been contacted and participate in the project. The involvement of the staff and students is
In reference to objectives we have added new components for the second year: the importance of education and culture
through the handicrafts, the introduction of new languages and the use of Internet as a means of communication.
The two meetings had to be postponed for a time because of organisational problems due mainly to delays in funding.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Basic skills
Information technology
The media
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Methods for providing credit for knowl. or comp.
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Local community groups
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Adult Education Centre Suroccidente-Tineo
Name of the contact person: Belén Pidal
Address: Avda. González Mayo, 26-2º, 33870 Tineo, Asturias, España
e-mail ceatineo@educastur.princast.es
tel: + 34 985 80 18 87
fax: +34 985 80 03 45
Organisation/Project website: www.epatineo.es
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Teacher Training Centre IASI, RO, approved
Seirbhis Oideachis, Inis Mellan Gail, IR, approved
Adult Education Institute, Waidhofen, AT, approved
Asociata Femeilor Dim Romania, Bucharest, RO, approved
Societatea Comerciala Doval Prod, Tomerti Iasi, RO, rejected
Project Reference: 03-ESP01-S2G01-00610-3
ADN: Adult Digital News
The project to teach digital literacy to people attending adult education institutions comes from a sociocultural reality:
people have a lot of possibilities of training through ICT but to profit from that they need some input and training in these
new technologies to avoid rejection attitudes towards them.
It is important to devise methodologies that are user-friendly, hands-on and attractive.
The adult education institutions can mediate and overcome the generation gap in other ways with ICT training.
The adult students need new cultural spaces, new contexts not limited to traditional curricula. Our project tries to make the
students approach digital literacy, use the new audiovisual media and construct a website to be used as a newspaper that
can guide and inform the learning processes of adult students. The aim is that our students can face a computer without
apprehension and fear, that they can learn what they are for and what use they can make of them, that they know that ICT
helps people but does not replace them.
Two issues of the magazine have been produced so far, June and December 2002, and two more will be produced in this
second year. In the first year the problems with partners from IT and SE have been constant, and finally they have left the
project. We have had two international meetings and another one is scheduled in RO this second year to prepare a Seminar
on European Programmes and Adult Education to be held in Rostock.
The partnership is now composed of 6 institutions and 4 countries. The work plan had to be adapted for the institutions that
have no students and we have added a strong component of art, music and culture.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Information technology
The media
Arts, music, culture
Guidance / counselling or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Resource and Teacher Centre Nalón-Caudal
Name of the contact person: Oliva Salas
Address: Hornos Altos s/n, Ciudads Industrial Valnalón, 33930 La Felguera, Asturias, España
e-mail cprnc@educastur.princast.es
tel: + 34 985 67 80 00
fax: +34 985 67 49 44
Organisation/Project website: www.educastur.princast.es/cpr/nalon_caudal
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
1. Adult Education Centre Valle del Nalón, Sotrondio, Asturias, ES,
2. Official Languages School, Langreo, Asturias, Es, approved
3. Centro Territorisale Permanente per l'Istruzione e la Formazione in Etá Adulta, Agira, IT, approved
4. Europaverein, Rostock, DE, approved
5. Soros Educational Centre Foundation, Miercurea, RO, approved
Project Reference: 03-ESP01-S2G01-00063-2
A modern conception of occupational training
This project aims at improving the objectives, content and methodology of this type of training. The final aim of this training
is not only that the student finds a job, but also to provide him with strategies to look for a better one, to get skills
demanded in the labour market, to be self-confident and autonomous in his working life.
The labour market is always undergoing changes, a lack of stability and requiring new professional profiles and people
should adapt to new technologies, and that's why the occupational training has to follow those guidelines and provide the
students with tools to comply with these changing demands.
It is a renewal. There have been project meetings in ES, RO and IT to set up cooperation guidelines. An analysis of the labour
market has been carried out and training activities for the partnership. Also some questionnaires for employers and students
were produced.
It is too early to evaluate the results of this first phase.
The participation and collaboration has been highly satisfactory and there are no changes in the workplan, objectives,
partnership or the role of the partners in it.
Total Duration: 2 years
Funding year: 1
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Module of transversal competences and employability
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Guidance / counselling or other support services
Methods for providing credit for knowl. or comp.
Target Group(s)
Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar
Economically or socially disadvantaged groups, u
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Municipal Company for Ocupational Training and Employment, SL, EMFO
Name of the contact person: Maria-Nadal Sau i Giralt
Address: Berenguer III, 105, 08100 Mollet del Vallés, Barcelona, España
e-mail formacio@emfo.com
tel: + 34 93 570 51 60
fax: +34 93 570 35 07
Organisation/Project website: www.emfo.com
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Scarabeus, IT, approved
TCX Consultancy, SRL, RO, approved
Project Reference: 03-ESP01-S2G01-00077-1
"m-M" minority in Majority Community Integration
With this project we intend, through non-formal and informal education, to integrate immigrant adults into the formal
education system (and society). In this way these target groups can access vocational training and LLL. Once the different
strategies used by each partner institution are evaluated, we will work on the ones considered most appropriate and from
them we will elaborate our final products and results.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Basic skills
Intercultural issues
European countries / European Union
Information technology
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Guidance / counselling or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Methods for providing credit for knowl. or comp.
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities
Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: I.E.S. Monte Castelo
Name of the contact person: Victoria Villar
Address: Os Matos s/n, 27880 Burela (Lugo)
e-mail ies.montecastelo@edu.xunta.es
tel: + 34 982 58 08 89
fax: +34 982 58 09 38
Organisation/Project website: www.i-montecastelo.com
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
EPA Ricardo Sola, Cariñena, ES, approved
Urad Prace Semily, Semily, CZ, approved
Universitá degli Studi di Lecce, Fac. CC Informacione, Lecce, IT, approved
Project Reference: 03-ESP01-S2G01-00018-1
WOW: Widen Opportunities for Women
The Project is going to try and develop attitudes, values, and strategies for gender equality and violence prevention. It
intends to offer forums to exchange experiences, training and guidance. To help access to the labour market under equal
conditions, to know about good practices in Europe and to stimulate self-esteem.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
European countries / European Union
Information technology
Health, media
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Guidance / counselling or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities
Economically or socially disadvantaged groups
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Centro de Educación de Adultos Juan José Lorente
Name of the contact person: José María Galdo
Address: Castellote, 3, 50017 Zaragoza
e-mail jjloren@centros6.pntic.es
tel: + 34 976 31 31 99
fax: +34 976 32 67 00
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
GRETA-GEPS, Paris, FR, approved
University Comenius, Science Faculty, Bratislava, SK, rejected
Higher Education Centre, Bolton, Manchester, UK, approved
IBDC, Bucharest, RO, rejected
Adult Education Centre Las Rosas, Madrid, ES, approved
Project Reference: 03-ESP01-S2G01-00003-1
Towards a better world: adult education and European culture
The project intends to compare methodologies to accept cultural differences in Europe, know the main cultural traits of the
participating regions, exchange materials on this issue, arrange multilateral meetings and produce a workbook.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
European countries / European Union
Information technology
Languages, art, music, culture
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Guidance / counselling or other support services
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Local community groups
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Centro Público de Educación de Personas Adultas de Aznalcollar
Name of the contact person: Angel Muñoz
Address: Avenida de Andalucia s/n, 41870 Aznalcóllar (Sevilla)
e-mail cpazn@pobladores.com
tel: + 34 954 13 31 63
fax: +34 954 13 54 78
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Foundation for Universal Education, Sofia, BG, rejected
Orivesi Adult Education Centre, Orivesi, FI, ?
Zentrum für Erwachsenenbildung Stephansstift, Hannover, DE, approved
Midstöd Simmentunar a Sudernesjum, Keflavik, IS, approved
Project Reference: 03-FRA1–SG01- 00189 - 1
Education tout au long de la vie par la philatélie
L’objectif de ce projet GRUNDTVIG 2 est de constituer un partenariat avec 1 organisme polonais et 1 organisme italien afin
de construire un projet Grundtvig 1 (qui sera déposé en octobre 2003), centré, dans un premier temps, sur les universités du
troisième âge, en utilisant les documents philatéliques comme moyen ou « média » pédagogique. En choisissant de nous
adresser d’abord aux « seniors », nous visons aussi indirectement les juniors qui sont leurs petits-enfants, et plus
généralement l’ensemble de la société civile, tous publics confondus, étant tous appelés à devenir des citoyens européens.
Les contextes polonais, italiens et français étant très différents concernant les universités du 3ème âge :
• en Pologne, en cours de structuration autour de celle de Cracovie, déjà expérimentée ;
• en Italie, notre partenaire de Turin possède une longue expérience dans ce domaine mais très orientée sur la philatélie
(ayant même rédigé un manuel didactique dédié) ;
• en France, ou les BTS ou Universités de Tous les savoirs sont beaucoup plus « généralistes ».
Nous espérons atteindre nos objectifs
• en organisant dans chacune des villes concernées (Turin, Milan, Cracovie, Lyon) un premier séminaire-test (ou « pilote »)
de deux jours en septembre-octobre 2003, (suivis d’autres sessions).
• pour mettre au point une « méthodologie » (pas forcément commune aux 3 pays, puisque devant tenir compte des
« spécificités nationales » pour les futures Formations de formateurs à la philatélie pédagogique ;
• pour proposer aux auditeurs des universités du 3ème âge de créer eux-mêmes de nouveaux documents philatéliques ;
• -grâce à des visites croisées à l’occasion de ces session-prototypes, qui nous donnerons également l’occasion de
connaître les « bonnes pratiques » des pays partenaires (visites des UTA).
Total Duration: 1 year
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 1
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
Learning about European countries/ the European Union
Strategy for stimulating/ promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Seniors citizens
Local community groups
Others : all public
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: ASSOCIATION EDUCAPHIL/EUROPE
Name of the contact person: Professeur Jean Paul DEUNETTE
Address: 16 rue du Plat, 69 002 LYON
tel: +33 4 78 38 19 55
fax: + 33 4 78 42 63 84
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Conseil Régional RHONE –ALPES, FR
CIFO Collectioneurs italiens des timbres ordinaires, IT
Université du troisième âge (UTW) Jaguellonne de CRACOVIE, PL
Project Reference: 03-FRA1-S2G01-00200-1
L’intégration des immigrants : vers une meilleure compréhension et une éducation de qualité
dans le cadre d’une coopération européenne
Le GRETA des pays Champenois sur son site de Sézanne, comme la plupart des GRETA en France, travaille dans le domaine de
l’individualisation du parcours de formation depuis plus de 20 ans. Il s’est spécialisé dans l’autoformation accompagnée
depuis 1994 avec son Espace Langues et depuis 1999 avec son Espace Bureautique. Depuis 2002, l’ensemble des autres
matières générales est conçu selon le modèle de l’autoformation accompagnée. Mais beaucoup de questions sont encore
soulevées et demandent une concertation plus large des pratiques et des mises en situation. Le GRETA s’est également
engagé dans la formation à distance mais uniquement du point de vue théorique. C’est pourquoi il recherche une
coopération européenne pour préciser, concevoir et développer ce type de pédagogie.
Le site de Sézanne du GRETA des pays Champenois est une site de petite taille qui a quand même pu développer un certain
type de coopération européenne à travers des actions du FSE (individualisation, formation à des détenus) ou du programme
Adapt Dynamo (conception d’un site internet, création d’un Cd-Rom de formation sur la maintenance informatique,
conférence sur l’e-commerce).
Déjà, des effets extrêmement positifs sont apparus tant au niveau de l’organisation (motivation des personnels, intérêt
croissant des plus récalcitrants, ouverture sur l’Europe y compris pour les stagiaires) qu’au niveau local (implication des élus
locaux, de la presse locale, de l’office du tourisme, des établissements hôteliers), régional (intérêt académique pour notre
D’autre part, en travaillant sur la base de recherche de partenaires, nous sommes devenus une organisation recevant dans le
cadre de deux projets Leonardo Da Vinci – Mobilité, l’un avec l’Espagne, actuellement en cours, et l’autre avec la Roumanie
(à venir). Pour 2004, nous devrions reconduire le projet avec l’Espagne et sommes engagés dans deux projets du même pays,
les deux avec l’Italie.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Other (describe if applicable)
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 1
Active citizens
Intercultural Issues
Languages, Learning about European countries/the European Union
Information technology; Arts, music, culture; Education for parents
Strategy for stimulating/ promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Guidance/ counselling/ information or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Migrants/ travellers/ ethnic or other minorities
Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: GRETA DES PAYS CHAMPENOIS
Name of the contact person: Madame Nelly LEHEUTRE
Address: Chemin de la Fontaine du Vé, 51 120 SEZANNE
tel: +33 3 26 81 44 87
fax: + 33 3 26 80 60 87
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
INTEGRA Association, BG
DANMAR Computers, PL
Centro Gamma, IT
Unicom Education Center, IS
Centro territoriale Permanente per l’Istruzione e la formazione in eta adulta, IT
IPF – Iniciativas Para la Formacion – International consulting, ES
Project Reference: 03-FRA1-S2G01-00159-1
A l’heure d’ l’intégration européenne, ce projet vise l’appropriation des usages des technologies de l’information et de la
communication (TIC), notamment par les personnes en formation et en recherche d’emploi.
Nos hypothèses sont les suivantes :
1- une bonne appropriation des usages des TIC favorise l’autonomie des usagers dans leur acquisition de savoirs et de
connaissances et participe ainsi à la réduction de la fracture numérique, notamment en ce qui concerne les personnes
en situation précaire. Cela entre dans la logique de l’apprentissage tout au long de la vie.
2- Par voie de conséquence, cette appropriation accroît l’efficacité dans l’action et les usagers peuvent réutiliser ces
compétences dans les démarches concernant leurs activités professionnelles (recherche d’emploi, création d’entreprise).
3- Tout en prenant en compte la plus value de la médiation sociale apportée par les professionnels et par les pairs, les TIC
suppléent aux lacunes des systèmes éducatifs pour l’accès aux emplois et l’intégration sociale, de façon innovante et
Dans le contexte en mutation profonde de la société de l’information, il s’agit d’estimer quelle est la plus value des TIC dans
la mise en place de systèmes de formation non formels efficaces et accessibles auprès de publics hétérogènes susceptibles de
devenir acteurs du développement économique de leur pays au sein de la communauté européenne. Afin de s’intégrer dans
une Europe compétitive et dynamique, il est important d’immerger le citoyen dans un environnement à forte dominante
technologique et de l’aider à franchir certains obstacles : économiques (coût des matériels), culturels (craintes face à la
machine) et sociaux (poids des contextes et des habitudes environnementales).
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Other (describe if applicable)
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 1
Intercultural issues
Information technology
Strategy for stimulating/ promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Guidance/ counselling/ information or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in
Others : People looking for information about jobs
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: CEM-GRESIC (centre d’études des médias, groupe de recherche expérimentale sur les systèmes de
communications) Université de Bordeaux 3
Name of the contact person: Professeur André VITALIS
Address: Esplanade des antilles, 33 607 PESSAC cedex
e-mail ivieira@info.msha.u-bordeaux.fr
tel: + 33 5 56 84 68 14
fax: +33 5 57 12 45 28
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
CETRANS, Université de Bologne, IT
CREATIC, Université libre de Bruxelles, BE
IEPE et FCCB, Institut d’Etudes politiques Blanquerna, Faculté des Sciences de la communication, ES
URIAC, Université of Athens, GR
Project Reference: 03-FRA1-S2G01-00176-1
Précédemment l’IFGT a été partenaire dans des dispositifs tel que Adapt (le PIC Emploi) qui constitue un travail de recherche
sur les rôles, missions et compétences du manager européen de formation : coopération transnationale avec l’Italie.
L’IFGT est actuellement tête de liste dans le projet EQUAL. Notre but étant, en tant que coordinateur de ce vaste projet, qui
travaille autour des thèmes de l’économie sociale, du développement d’activités et de diversification en milieu rural, de
fédérer des synergies entre des acteurs locaux ayant un même souci de valorisation de notre patrimoine…, de dynamiser
notre territoire par des actions concrètes menées en partenariat local et transnational (Italie, Espagne).
Nous sommes également partenaires dans un projet Leonardo Da Vinci qui a pour objectif de créer un parcours de formation
en ligne en direction des managers de projets européens (coopération transnationale avec la République Tchèque, la
Belgique, l’Italie). Nous travaillons également à développer le thème de la citoyenneté au public que nous recevons. Notre
structure s’ouvre à l’Europe autant que l’Europe s’ouvre à nous.
Nous travaillons beaucoup en relation avec le CECOP RD, organisation belge européenne de développement des coopératives
et de l’économie sociale, maintenant appelé DIESIS. Cette organisation a pour mission de soutenir le développement de
l’économie sociale en Europe et dans le monde grâce à des activités dans le domaine de la formation, l’assistance technique,
le conseil et la recherche.
Nous gardons contacts avec un grand nombre de structures au niveau international pour développer la mobilité des
formateurs et enseignants ainsi que des apprenants adultes…
Grâce à ces diverses expériences dans le domaine de la formation, de l’échange de bonnes pratiques et d’expériences,
d’échanges d’apprenants et de formateurs ou enseignants, nous voulons travailler en réseau avec plusieurs pays sur des
thématiques communes et propres à chaque structure candidate autour du handicap . Nous souhaitons développer des
formations, des sujets propres aux attentes et besoins des publics que nous recevons.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Other (describe if applicable)
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Basic skills
Intercultural issues
Strategy for stimulating/ promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Guidance/ counselling/ information or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Disabled persons
Others : teachers
Other (describe if applicable)
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: IFGT (Institut de formation Générale et technologique)
Name of the contact person: Madame Sylvia BROCVIELLE
Address: 20-22 rue de Loeillette – BP 181, 62 004 ARRAS
tel: + 33 3 21 07 70 60
fax: +33 3 21 24 97 12
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
CO-LABOR/ Société coopérative, LU
Project Reference: 03-FRA1-S2G01-00162-1
Motivating Adult Language Learners through ICT
Mise en place d’un site web qui servira de lieu d’échange en anglais pour les stagiaires des 4 pays européens concernés par
le projet : Italie, Espagne, France et Irlande.
Les stagiaires rempliront des fiches modèles consultables sur le site qui permettront à leurs homologues des autres pays de
communiquer par affinités sous forme d’échange et de discussion.
Les stagiaires pourront également mutualiser des ressources pédagogiques susceptibles d’intéresser cette petite
communauté éducative européenne (documents, exercices, comptes rendus etc.) travaillant dans des domaines similaires.
Les stagiaires prendront ainsi conscience de la dimension européenne de leurs préoccupations linguistiques et pédagogiques
et pourront pratiquer la langue cible en situation de communication.
Total Duration: 1 year
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Other (describe if applicable)
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Intercultural issues
Information technology
Strategy for stimulating/ promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation
Local community groups
Other (describe if applicable)
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: GRETA de l’Auxerrois-puisaye
Name of the contact person: Monsieur Christian ROBERT
Address: 44 boulevard Lyautey, 89 000 AUXERRE
e-mail ce.greta.auxerre@ac-dijon.fr
tel: + 33 3 86 72 10 40
fax: +33 3 86 72 10 41
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
CEPA Pedro Martinez Gavito, ES
Instituto tecnico commercial GR Carli, IT
Project Reference: 03-FRA1-S2G01-00201-1
VIA Volontaires pour l’insertion des adultes
Le projet s’appuie sur le partenariat de six organismes locaux qui garantissent l’accueil, l’orientation et la formation continue
d’adultes défavorisés. Parmi ces publics, nous rencontrons des difficultés sociales et de suivi quant aux apprentissages, et
c’est pourquoi les partenaires travaillent avec des réseaux de volontaires qui complètent les équipes éducatives
professionnelles dans différents domaines :
L’appui social individualisé
L’aide à l’apprentissage de base
L’intégration dans des réseaux sociaux, culturels et professionnels
Par la rencontre de volontaires et de responsables des organismes, nous voulons connaître et enrichir les pratiques des
volontaires quant aux thématiques abordées. D’autre part, c’est aussi permettre aux organisations de gérer au mieux ses
réseaux de volontaires au travers d’un tutorat éducatif adéquat.
La diffusion des travaux réalisés se fera par des brochures sur les différents thèmes abordés. Ces résultats seront diffusés à
partir des sites web de chaque organisme, et destinés à des réseaux de volontaires et d’autres organismes de formation
continue. Nous avons prévu une journée de diffusion et lancement à Orléans à la fin du projet. La continuité du projet se
fera à partir de ce lancement sur un forum internet, dont les destinataires seront les volontaires impliqués dans ces
organismes de formation continue.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Other (describe if applicable)
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 1
Other : formal education non institutional
Guidance/ counselling/ information or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Migrants/ travellers/ ethnic or other minorities
Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Union Française des Centres de Vacances (UFCV-CENTRE)
Name of the contact person: Madame Pilar RAVIER
Address: 6 rue Saint Etienne 45 00 ORLEANS
e-mail Pilar.javier@ufcv.asso.fr
tel: + 33 2 38 51 07 36
fax: +33 2 38 22 50 41
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Project Reference: 03-FRA1-S2G01-00168-1
Coopération pour la formation de personnes handicapées physiques dans le domaine mécanique
et électronique médical
Ce projet Grundtvig 2 prévoit la réalisation des échanges qui permettront l’installation de six ateliers de formation et travail
pour personnes handicapées physiques.
Les partenaires du projet sont des institutions belges, italiennes, espagnoles et françaises, toutes ayant une ou plusieurs
compétences dans la formation-emploi de personnes handicapées dans la mécanique et l’électronique médicale.
Les partenaires réalisent ensemble les activités suivantes :
1) Etude de faisabilité, destiné à :
- l’installation d’un centre commun aux partenaires, de réparation d’échographes
- l’installation dans chacun des pays partenaires, d’un atelier de réparation de matériel mécanique
- l’installation en Bulgarie d’un atelier de distribution locale
2) Elaboration du projet, organisation du réseau, définition des rôles et recherche de financement pour l’installation
de 6 ateliers
3) Les échanges de mise en place des ateliers
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Other (describe if applicable)
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 1
active citizenship
Sustainable development
Strategy for stimulating/ promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education
Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation
Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in
Disabled persons
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: HANDICAP & LIBERTES
Name of the contact person: Madame VEIGA, directrice
Address: 13, rue Nélaton, 92 800 PUTEAUX
e-mail Hal@club-internet.fr
tel: + 33 1 47 74 62 19
fax: +33 1 47 74 62 19
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Project Reference: 03-FRA1-S2GO1-00248-2
Passerelles pour la compréhension interculturelle
Le projet consiste à explorer l’influence et la place de l’interculturalité dans le champ du social et de la jeunesse. C’est un
projet monté par 5 organisations partenaires allemande, Italienne, lituanienne, française et espagnole, avec pour principal
objectif de rassembler quelques travailleurs sociaux et animateurs des différents pays pour 5 rencontres dans les pays
respectifs, au cours desquelles ils auront l’opportunité d’échanger sur leur expérience des environnements multiculturels, sur
la manière dont ils gèrent l’interculturalité dans leur travail quotidien et dans leur vie et au cours desquelles ils pourront
découvrir d’autres environnements. Entre chaque rencontre, ils pourront explorer ces thématiques à un niveau local.
Pendant toute la durée du projet, ils seront considérés comme groupe d’apprenants et seront guidés et suivis par des
formateurs de chaque organisation, qui animeront la discussion et faciliteront les échanges.
A partir de ces diagnostics, l’équipe de formateurs pourra alors proposer des méthodes pour que les animateurs et
travailleurs sociaux puissent acquérir les compétences nécessaires en matière d’apprentissage interculturel.
L’idée est de développer l’apprentissage interculturel comme outil éducatif pour l’apprentissage tout au long de la vie et pour
la formation continue non-formelle de ce groupe. Les compétences acquises devront leur permettre in fine de travailler de
manière innovante avec des groupes socialement défavorisés.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: Second year
Intercultural issues
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Economically or socially disadvantaged groups
Young adults (15-25 age range)
Coordinating organisation
Name of the contact person: M. Sylvain ABRIAL
Address: 22, rue Paul Petit 42031 ST ETIENNE
e-mail international-fol42@laligue.org
tel: +33 477495485
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Project Reference: 03-FRA1-S2G01-00220-2
Auto-formation et formation à distance
Notre projet comporte deux axes et doit s’adresser à tous les publics, y compris les publics relevant du domaine de
1°/ L’autoformation
Il s’agit dans un premier temps d’échanger sur nos pratiques pédagogiques qui s’apparentent à l’autoformation, puis d’établir
des règles déontologiques acceptables par l’ensemble des partenaires afin d’établir une charte qualitative en tenant compte
des critiques et es observations des apprenants ainsi que du public en difficulté et en voie d’insertion sociale et
professionnelle, enfin de créer des modules spécifiques dans différentes matières : les formateurs d’une même matière
conçoivent un module plus ou moins long et le traduisent dans leur langue nationale, tout en respectant la charte
préalablement définie. Ces modules pourront être testés et validés par les apprenants associés à ce projet.
2°/ La formation à distance
Parallèlement à ces modules d’autoformation, la formation à distance sera l’une des réponses au premier objectif de ce
projet. En effet, il paraît judicieux d’inclure la formation à distance dans le projet d’autoformation.
Pour atteindre ce deuxième objectif, la méthodologie de travail proposée sera la même : échanges de pratiques, rédaction
d’une charte qualitative. Une méthodologie de travail sera également à construire (quand inclure la formation à distance,
avec quel support, avec quel matériel, pour quel public…). Grâce aux modules créés dans la première partie du projet,
certaines tâches pourront être
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: second year
The media
Information technology
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: GRETA DU SUD OUEST CHAMPENOIS
Name of the contact person: M. GAILLARD
Address: Chemin de la Fontaine du Vé 51120 SEZANNE
tel: +33 326814487
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Project Reference: 03- FRA1-S2GO1-00233-2
Echange de pratiques européennes pour une meilleure employabilité des publics défavorisés dans
le secteur de la Mode et du Textile
Ce projet a pour objectif de promouvoir une culture européenne auprès de publics défavorisés (en difficulté d'insertion, de
bas niveaux de qualification et le plus souvent des femmes) ayant peu l'opportunité d'accéder à des échanges interculturels
et souhaitant se réinsérer dans le secteur de la mode et du textile.
Les partenaires du projet sont de petits centres de différents types( public, privé, municipal, associatif, troisième secteur) qui
souhaitent tous apporter une ouverture européenne tant les publics accueillis qu'aux acteurs de la structure.
Deux publics-cibles sont concernés :
- les stagiaires en formation et/ou en réinsertion dans les différents organismes partenaires.
- les équipes des organismes partenaires qui pourront ainsi améliorer leurs prestations auprès des apprenants.
A travers ce projet, les différents bénéficiaires pourront:
- comparer les pratiques de formation formelle et non-formelle dans les différents pays;
- élargir leurs compétences personnelles et professionnelles et améliorer leur estime de soi par une approche interculturelle
en vue d'une meilleure employabilité;
- améliorer leur compréhension de l’environnement politique; économique et social pour développer une citoyenneté active
- utiliser les nouvelles technologies et les médias pour favoriser les échanges avec les bénéficiaires des autres pays
- mettre en commun leurs compétences pour se construire une citoyenneté européenne
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Other (describe if applicable)
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 2
Basic skills
Active citizenship
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Guidance / counselling or other support services
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: GRETA DE LA MODE
Name of the contact person: Madame Véronique BERJON-BAILLY
Address: 19, rue des Taillandiers 75011 PARIS
e-mail vbb.gretamode@wanadoo.fr
tel: +33 147001927
fax: +33 1 47 00 45 15
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Project Reference: 03- FRA1-S2G01- 00235-3
Concilier vie familiale et vie professionnelle : le pari d’une harmonie sociale
L’évolution des conditions de vie professionnelle (rythmes et horaires de travail, horaires décalés, …) influent dans l’équilibre
de vie de certains foyers au détriment souvent de la vie familiale. Cette évolution peut engendrer des phénomènes
d’exclusion et d’éclatement de la cellule familiale.
En année 1, 4 partenaires de 3 pays d’Europe (Portugal, Italie, France) ont défini une méthodologie partagée pour
appréhender cette problématique, mis en place des outils de repérage et de valorisation de pratiques innovantes de
conciliation, développé des échanges entre apprenants grâce aux TIC et une sensibilisation linguistique pour mieux se
comprendre et se connaître.
En année 2, un élargissement du partenariat a été recherché ainsi qu’un développement des mobilités pour les apprenants.
De plus, de nouvelles pratiques ont été mises au point pour favoriser des confrontations croisées sur les temps de vie et la
En année 3, il s’agit de poursuivre l’effort qui vise à accompagner les apprenants dans une prise de conscience de leurs
propres pratiques, de dégager des perspectives critiques par un appui à la réflexion et à l’observation pour permettre une
meilleure décision dans leurs choix de vie. De ce fait, des modules de formation-accompagnement à la gestion des temps de
vie seront développés, des conférences et colloques entre les différentes parties concernées par la conciliation seront mis en
place, ainsi qu’un lieu de ressources et d’auto cheminement par le biais d’un site Internet (ouverture et transférabilité).
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Other (describe if applicable)
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 3
Active citizenship
Education for parents
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Guidance / counselling or other support services
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Association SEGALA LIMARGUE
Name of the contact person: M. Landas
Address: rue Principale 46120 LEYME
e-mail: association.segala.limargue@wanadoo.fr
tel: +33 565689817
fax: +3305 65 38 99 94
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Project Reference: 03- FRA1-S2G01-00242-3
2Ei: Employabilité européenne interculturelle
Dans la perspective de la recherche de l'égalité des chances Femmes/Hommes, notamment en matière d'employabilité, ce
partenariat européen cherche à favoriser l'insertion professionnelle des publics menacés d'exclusion (femmes, handicapés,
migrants, demandeurs d'emploi longue durée) dans le secteur interculturel où l'apprentissage des langues et les technologies
de l'information et de la communication sont indispensables. Les méthodes de recensement des emplois potentiels auprès
des entreprises du secteur interculturel pour repérer les compétences transversales et spécifiques requises.Les résultats
donneront lieu à synthèses écrites dans les différentes langues du partenariat pour diffusion aux réseaux des partenaires et
mise en ligne sur le site web afin de favoriser l'ouverture de ce partenariat sur de nouveaux échanges et projets européens.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: Third year
Basic skills
Active citizenship
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Economically or disavantaged people
Coordinating organisation
Name of the contact person: M. Michel TARRAS
Address: 183, bd Paul Cézanne 84200 CARPENTRAS
e-mail environnement.acare@libertysurf.fr
tel: +33 490600606
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Project Reference: 03-FRA1-S2G01-00232-3
Favoriser la communication entre publics vulnérables (FCPV)
Dans un contexte de mutation sociale, économique et technique, l’ objectif est de renforcer la participation des citoyens à la
démocratie locale; le développement de la communication pour lutter contre l'isolement des personnes vulnérables du 2ième
âge aux plus âgées, être à l'écoute des besoins des personnes vieillissantes, dans un souci d'établir des passerelles entre les
générations. Le projet vise aussi à faire évoluer les pratiques professionnelles des travailleurs sociaux, des formateurs. Les
publics concernés participeront à cette démarche-action qui mettra en valeur le potentiel des personnes elles-mêmes,
favorisera l'expression de leurs compétences, développera leur confiance en elles et leur capacité d'aller vers l'autre. Nous
collecterons ces expériences pour les partager à travers des ateliers mémoire, des groupes de parole, etc. Nous échangerons
sur les méthodes de travail pour enrichir nos pratiques locales, tant dans l'action auprès des publics que dans la conduite des
équipes professionnelles. Nous utiliserons pour cela les NTCI (nouvelles technologies de communication et d'information).
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Other (describe if applicable)
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: Third year
Basic skills
Active citizenship
Learning about European countries / the European Union
Information technology
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Economically or socially disadvantaged groups
Disabled persons
Senior citizens
Coordinating organisation
Name of the contact person: Mme VERGER Anne
Address: 9 rue Francis de Croisset, 72 018 PARIS
e-mail greta-aisp@wanadoo.fr
tel: +331 53 68 06 90
fax: +33 1 42 50 48 98
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Project Reference: 03-FRA1-S2G01- 00191-3
Le projet " PARENT" est ciblé sur l'accompagnement de la parentalité. La mise en place d'un lieu "centres de ressources" (par
pays partenaires), pour les familles dans le cadre de structures sanitaires et sociales déjà existantes, est devenu une priorité
pour notre société actuelle. Le partenariat éducatif constitué par le projet permettra, aux professionnels, aux formateurs et
aux apprenants des différents pays, de collaborer ensemble autour du thème du rôle éducatif auprès des enfants pour
favoriser leur développement et leur évolution. Le projet permettra également grâce à ces acteurs multiples d'améliorer la
connaissance face aux comportements d'agressivité, de contestation et de violence. Ce projet inter relationnel améliorera la
qualité des relations familiales. Ces champs d'expériences de pratiques, de méthodes seront capitalisés sur une base de
données télématique (portail/web) qui contribuera à mettre en exergue la sensibilisation accrue à la diversité culturelle et
économique des recompositions familiales en Europe.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: third year
Intercultural issues
Learning about European countries / the European Union
Information technology
Education of parents
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Guidance / Counselling / Information or other support services
Experimentation with adult education organisation/ Institution
Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in
Young parents
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Maison de santé Protestante de Bordeaux Bagatelle (MSPB-BPE), Talence, FR
Name of the contact person: Madame Florence RODIER-ROUGET
Address: 201, rue Robespierre 33400 Talence, FR
e-mail bpeurope@mspb.com
tel: +33 5 57 12 40 16
fax: +33 5 57 12 40 17
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Project Reference: 03- FRA1-S2G01- 00228-2
Publics défavorisés et chances en Europe
Le projet vise à constituer un groupe d’échanges autour de pratiques éducatives auprès de jeunes et adultes en difficulté
d’insertion sociale et professionnelle, en vue d’enrichir les expériences de chaque partenaire intervenant.
Dans un deuxième temps, ce projet permettra d’induire un dynamique de réflexion et de participation élargie aux équipes
éducatives des institutions concernées.
La finalité du projet permettra aux apprenants de bénéficier de possibilités nouvelles de communication avec les institutions
partenaires, et de pouvoir y effectuer des séjours linguistiques et culturels.
A travers ces échanges culturels et, cette ouverture Européenne, nous souhaitons donner une chance à ceux qui n’en ont pas
eu beaucoup jusqu’à maintenant.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: Second year
Basic skills
Intercultural issues
Learning about European countries / the European Union
Information technology
Sustainable development
Arts, music, culture
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Economically or socially disadvantaged groups
Young adults (15-25 years)
Coordinating organisation
Name of the contact person: Madame Sylvère COCHELIN
Address: 2, rue de l'Eglise Saint Germain Laxis 77950 MAINCY
e-mail adsea77.logis.a.ae@wanadoo.fr
tel: +33 164144200
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Project Reference: 03- FRA1- S2G01-00227-2
Quelle éducation à l'époque de la mondialisation dans une Europe élargie ?
Le Forum européen « Quelle éducation à l’époque de la Mondialisation dans une Europe élargie ? » se propose de préparer
l’élargissement de l’Europe de l’éducation par l’échange de bonnes pratiques dans le cadre de la mondialisation. Il
comportera :
- trois séminaires d’études de trois jours à Paris, Bruxelles et Florence,
- un forum européen de 8 jours en juillet 2003 à Marly-le-Roi (France),
- la mise en place d’un Forum permanent virtuel sur le thème.
Il se propose les objectifs suivants :
- compléter la formation de cadres associatifs et de formateurs, développer leurs capacités à s’ouvrir sur l’Europe en pleine
- développer les activités existantes et favoriser leur diversification dans une Europe élargie,
- réfléchir au devenir de l’éducation dans cette Europe élargie à l’époque de la mondialisation (l’Europe dans le monde, le
monde dans l’Europe),
- développer l’éducation à la citoyenneté démocratique, l’éducation interculturelle à la paix,
- favoriser la mobilité et la coopération entre formateurs européens et des échanges pédagogiques virtuels permanents.
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Other (describe if applicable)
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
Learning about European countries / the European Union
Information technology
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Migrants / travellers/ ethnic or other minorities
Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk social of marginalisation
Other : teachers
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: CENTRE DE FORMATION CEMEA
Name of the contact person: M. VERCOUTERE
Address: 24, rue Marc Séguin 75883 Paris cedex 18
e-mail drei@cemea.asso.fr
tel: +33 153262424
fax: +33 1 53 26 24 19
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code
Project Reference: 03- FRA1- S2G01 – 00224-2
L'alternance comme pratique pédagogique européenne commune
Le partenariat pédagogique que nous proposons d'instaurer dans le cadre de ce projet sera plus particulièrement axé sur le
thème de l'alternance. La participation conjointe, dans chaque pays, d'écoles, de centres de formateurs et d'organismes
professionnels permettra de développer la complémentarité des phases en centres et des phases en entreprises. La
confrontation des pratiques dans les pays européens partenaires devra permettre d'améliorer l'efficacité de tels dispositifs. Le
fait de nous appuyer sur des entreprises engagées dans des démarches d'agriculture durable inscrit ce projet dans une
problématique plus global de développement rural. Le volet transnational permettra également à terme l'adjonction de
phases d'alternance dans un pays étranger ( échange de stagiaires), l'élaboration de modules de découvertes linguistiques et
la réalisation de voyages d'étude. Outre leur efficience pédagogique de telles activités devront donner aux apprenants une
vision plus positive de la formation ce qui les rendra plus ouverts au concept de "formation tout au long de la vie" et d'autre
part une ouverture d'esprit sur d'autres cultures qui pourra contribuer à développer une attitude de "citoyenneté
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Other (describe if applicable)
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: Second year
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
Learning about European Countries / the European Union
Information technology
Sustainable development
The media
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Management of adult education organisation/ institution
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation
Local community groups
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: LYCEE AGRICOLE / CFAA ETIENNE MUNIER
Name of the contact person: M .DERET Ludovic
Address: Le Grand Montmarin 16, rue Edouard Belin BP 363 70014 VESOUL cedex
e-mail epl.vesoul@educagri.fr
tel: +33 384968500
fax: +33 3 84 96 85 30
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code
Project Reference: 03- FRA1- S2G01- 00194-3
Training crossroads: Education transgénérationnelle
Les partenaires européens s'inscrivent dans une coopération éducative sur la question de l'intergénérationnel dans
l'apprentissage à la citoyenneté active. Quelles sont les bonnes pratiques éducatives chez chacun de nos partenaires et où
sont elles innovantes pour essayer d'améliorer les pratiques éducatives respectives ?
- unir ces connaissances, pratiques et nos efforts pour développer conjointement des actions éducatives innovantes tout au
long de la vie
- essayer d'en faire un recueil de pratiques efficientes et positives au niveau européen et de les rendre publics sur les sites
web des différents partenaires.
Les deux types de publics : les travailleurs sociaux et les jeunes ainsi que leurs familles bénéficieront d'un apprentissage
linguistique de base et réaliseront un petit lexique des mots/vocabulaire en lien au travail de l'intergénérationnel.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: Third year
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
Education for parents
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities
Economically or socially disadvantaged groups
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Fédération des Centres sociaux et sociaux culturels de France, FR
Name of the contact person: Martine Egele
Address: 10, rue Montcalm 75869 Paris
e-mail : Martine.egele@centres-sociaux.asso.fr
tel: +33-1 53 09 96 16
fax: +33-1 53 09 96 00
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Project Reference: 03-FRA1-S2G01-00231-3
Education des parents et respect de la diversité culturelle
Les lieux d'accueil Petite Enfance Interculturels proposent à des parents de cultures minoritaires de travailler ensemble à
l'élaboration d'un projet éducatif pour leurs enfants qui s'appuie sur différentes cultures mais qui est commun à tous. Ils
constituent de précieux outils d'intégration, de citoyenneté et de lutte contre le racisme. Prenant ainsi des responsabilités
dans ces espaces, les parents de cultures minoritaires sont ainsi valorisés dans leur culture d'origine et renforcés dans leurs
compétences et responsabilités parentales.
Ce programme a pour finalité de mutualiser les pratiques innovantes et les bonnes pratiques qui favorisent l'implication et
l'Education des parents dans des lieux d'accueil petite enfance fondés sur le respect de la culture des parents. Ces bonnes
pratiques seron largement diffusées en Europe, grâce notamment au réseau DECET, réseau sur les pratiques antidiscriminatoires auquel participent les 4 partenaires.
Ce programme s'appuie sur des :
- échanges entre parents immigrés et en grande difficulté pour renforcer leurs capacités à s'impliquer activement et à
prendre des responsabilités dans les lieux d'accueil petite enfance, à accéder à une citoyenneté Européenne
- séminaires de professionnels petite enfance pour renforcer leurs capacités à accueillir et à éduquer les parents
- séminaires de formateurs pour travailler à l'élaboration de méthodes d'accompagnement et formation de ces lieux
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: Third year
Intercultural issues
Active citizenship
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Economically or socially disadvantaged groups
Migrants/ travellers/ ethnic or other minorities
Local community groups
Coordinating organisation
Name of the contact person: Mme Emmanuelle MURCIER
Address: 15, RUE DU CHAROLAIS 75012 PARIS
e-mail murcier@francenet.fr
tel: +33 1 44 73 85 29
fax: +33 1 44 73 85 39
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Project Reference: 03-FRA1-S2G01-00211-2
L'ouverture à l'autre: fondement de la société de demain (comment contrer la violence?)
La violence a fait l’objet de nombreuses études. Celle que nous proposons associe parents, éducateurs sociaux et formateurs
pour une action éducative conjointe au service des générations actuelles et futures. Pour bâtir la paix, l’accent sera mis sur
cette nécessaire contribution de tous pour une ouverture à l’Autre. Dans chaque pays, ces différents pays seront invités à
faire l’état des lieux sur les causes, les manifestations de la violence et les réponses innovantes proposées dans les différents
secteurs (social, éducatif, enseignement, fédération des parents), des actions de mobilité seront alors organisées pour
découvrir et approfondir ces éléments de réponse. Le vécu ce chaque pays et les réponses innovantes serviront de base à
l’élaboration d’une cassette vidéo. Sera organisé enfin un séminaire pour une recherche commune de réponses humanistes.
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
Education for parents
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Local community groups
Economically or socially disadvantaged groups,
Young adults
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Centre CFP, Centre de formation Pédagogique et Association de parents d’élèves
Name of the contact person: Mme Viviane DEVRIESERE
Address: 4, bd godard 33000 Bordeaux
e-mail cfp_aquitaine@wanadoo.fr
tel: +33 1556398106
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Project Reference: 03-IRL01-S2G01-00031-1
R.E.S.P.E.C.T. - Raising Esteem and Standards for Participation in Employment, Community and
The R.E.S.P.E.C.T. project will focus on developing methods to combat long term unemployment among adult learners with
few qualifications. The main activity of the project will be the sharing of information and experiences among the partners
of various methods of combating long term unemployment among the target group. Partners will practice and further
develop the various methods within their own organisations with the adult learners. Project activities will also include
examining learner centred approaches to training for long-term unemployment, developing methods of increasing selfconfidence in adult learners and developing ways of building support systems for the target group. Project staff and learners
from the project partnership will travel to project meetings in the partner organisations to gain practical experience about
the methods being used, to share experiences and actively gather information on combating long term unemployment. A
website will be developed by the adult learners where information on the project and its progression will be available. The
end product will be a publication (in brochure/booklet format) in each partner language detailing examples of good practice
and case studies on combating long term unemployment among adult learners with few qualifications.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Other (describe if applicable)
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 1
Long term unemployed with little or no qualifications
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in
Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Muintearas, an Togra Oideachais Gaeltacht
Name of the contact person: Ms Mairin Nic Fhionghuin
Address: Tir an Fhia, Leitir Moir, Co. na Gaillimhe, Ireland
e-mail: muint.ias@eircom.net
tel: + 353 91 551145
fax: + 353 91 551277
Organisation/Project website: www.muintearas.com
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Profil-Kolleg Gesellschaft fur Weiterbildung mbH (DE)
For Education of Sabinov (SK)
Province of Campobasso Job Centre (IT)
Project Reference: 03-IRL01-S2G01-00028-1
Empowering mentors and other bilingual adults to work within the wider community
The partners in this project work with adults from marginal and minority groups in projects throughout Europe. The
activities of the project will include host country language teaching, mother tongue language support, social and cultural
orientation and the involvement of incoming migrants as language and cultural support mentors. The purpose of the project
is to exchange learning experiences between partners, to identify aspects of good practice which are transferable and to
explore methods by which such transfers can be achieved. Finally the project will explore new pedagogical approaches to
these areas. The project will develop a website as a primary point of contact and exchange. It will use mobility visits to
inform its members of the work of each partner and to assess the impact of each partner’s work in the broader context of
the Grundtvig partnership.
Total Duration: 3 years
Funding year: 1
Area(s) covered
Basic Skills
Active Citizenship
Intercultural Issues
Languages (Danish, Greek, Finnish, English)
Learning about European countries/the European Union
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Other (describe if applicable)
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Guidance / counselling
Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities
Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Midwest Development Education Centre
Name of the contact person: Mr Denis Bates
Address: Block F, CBS Primary, Sexton Street, Limerick, Ireland
e-mail : bates@indigo.ie
tel: + 353 61 311155
fax: + 353 61 362690
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code) Irish Refugee Council (IE)
Oulun Settlement ry (FI)
Instituttet for Blinde og Svagsynede (DK)
Hvidovre Sprogcenter AOF (DK)
Efxini Poli (GR)
Lifelong & Community Learning Service (UK)
Minority Ethnic Curriculum Support Service (UK)
Project Reference: 03-ITA01-S2G01-00132-2
Family help and school success: adult continuous education for parents and children’s
Le projet d’éducation des adultes-parents se propose de promouvoir, dans le cadre de l’éducation tout au long de la vie, les
éléments suivants :
• La dimension européenne de l’éducation des adultes par le partage de l’expérience, de l’innovation et des bonnes
pratiques ;
• L’estime de soi et l’intégration sociale des familles défavorisées ;
• La coopération famille-école ;
• La prévention de l’échec scolaire des enfants par l’implication des parents dans l’activité de soutien scolaire ;
Les objectifs du projet seront atteints grâce à :
• La constitution d’un réseau de centres d’éducation des adultes, écoles maternelles, élémentaires et services sociaux pour
le repérage précoce des parents d’élèves en difficulté ;
• La programmation et la réalisation des modules-pilotes courts de formation pour parents défavorisés socioéconomiquement et culturellement ;
• L’usage systématique des TIC (courrier électronique, mailing list, newsletters, CD ROM, sites WEB) ;
Activités prévues :
• Les échanges d’informations entre partenaires sur les aspects législatifs et organisationnels de l’éducation des adultes ;
• Des séminaires de coordination pour le personnel du projet (étude, programmation, analyses et comparaisons, échanges
d’expérience, bonnes pratiques et innovations, évaluation) ;
• Des laboratoires intégrés entre enseignants des centres de formation d’adultes, écoles maternelles et élémentaires ;
• Des modules de formation pour les adultes parents ;
• Des séminaires pour les enseignants et les formateurs des centres de formation d’adultes ;
• La mobilité entre les institutions partenaires pour un certain nombre d’enseignants et/ou formateurs des centres de
formation d’adultes ;
• Un site web ;
• Des publications et mise en réseau des méthodes et produits (modèles de protocole d’accord pour le repérage précoce,
modules de formation, le guide pour les parents et les formateurs).
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 2
Education for parents
Basic skills
Active citizenship
Strategy for stimulating/ promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Guidance / counselling or other support service
Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities
Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups; unemployed persons
People living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Coordinating organisation
Name of the contact person: GAROTTA GIANFRANCO
Address: VIA LOMELLINI, 15/4 – 16124 GENOVA - IT
e-mail garotta@irre.liguria.it
tel: + 39 010 2548134 / +39 010 3991854
fax: + 39 010 2489400
Organisation/Project website: www.irre.liguria.it
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
DIREZIONE DIDATTICA GE22-BOLZANETO (Centro Territoriale Permanente per l’istruzione e la formazione in età adulta) - IT
SCUOLA MEDIA STATALE “FONTANA-CERVI (Centro Territoriale Permanente per l’istruzione e la formazione in età adulta) - IT
E.P.F.F. (Espace Pédagogie Formation France) - FR
Project Reference: 2002 / 03-ITA01-S2G01-00139-2
“A B C …in Europe
Adult education - Accoglienza, bilancio, certificazione e competenze trasversali in Europa.
(Reception, balance, certification and transverse competences in Europe).
This project will allow the participating institutions, involved in EdA (Adult Education), to exchange both socialpsychological- pedagogical and didactic experiences and cases linked to questions concerning the reception and balance of
competences and their certification, both at the beginning and at the end of the project with the purpose of helping working
adults achieve success in an active participation in society through education and training.
It will develop strategies to stimulate adult learners’ requests for education through experimentation with new teaching
methods as well as ways to attribute credits for the competences acquired at school and outside formal education channels.
There will be experiments in search of a system of certification that can be shared among the institutions functioning in the
different areas of adult education. Particular attention will be given to transverse competences aimed at greater student
The “final product” will consist of a collection of models of intervention, also available via computer.
The system of monitoring will allow comparison of all the results obtained during the two years of the project in order to
extract a “common model” that might best guarantee the adult student the right to be an active citizen.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 2
Basic skills
Information technology
Active citizenship
European countries/ European Union
Strategy for stimulating/ promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Guidance / counselling or other support service
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Methods for providing credit for knowl. or comp.
People living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation
Economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed, prisoners
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Istituto Tecnico Commerciale Statale “G. Amendola”
Name of the contact person: Santarcangelo Carmela
Address: Via Lazzarelli 84132 Salerno Italia
e-mail csantarcangelo@tiscalinet.it ; aoepma@tin.it
tel: + 39089333084 - +39089338127
fax: + 39089333084 - +39089338127
Organisation/Project website: www.itcamendola.it
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Inspectoratul Scolar Judentean- Dolj - Craiova
Greta du Sud-Ouest Champenois - SEZANNE FR
Centro de Formaçao de Professores Arrabida - Setubal PT
Centro Público Municipal de Educación de Adultos “Los Picones” - Jamilena (Jaén) ES
Istituto Ricerca Regionale Educativa CAMPANIA IRRE Campania – Napoli IT
Asociación Cultural “Hablamos” - Linares (Jaén)
Teachers’ Association of 2nd Elementary School of Paleo Faliro GR
Centro Territoriale Permanente Scuola Media “Covotta”- Avellino
Project Reference: 03-ITA01-S2G01-00024-1
“Europavita” – L’Europa e la formazione lungo tutto l’arco della vita”
The planned activities are
c) language courses (each partner will choose a second language to learn) English as the common language
d) meetings on the project: one in every seat of the partnership, depending on the available budget
e) mobility of students: one visit to a partner centre in the course of the year
f) exchange of teachers between partners (mutual agreement)
g) construction of a website for the filing of products and mail
h) dissemination of results in the region through conferences, events and exhibitions of products created by the various
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Information technology
Intercultural issues
Strategy for stimulating/ promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Disadvantaged groups
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: F. Culturale “Europaclub”
Site to work: IISS “Di Vittorio/XX” – Roma
Name of the contact person: prof. Alberto Pigliacelli
Address: V. F. Ferraironi, 45 - K10 – 00177 Roma
e-mail : albertopigliacelli@tiscali.it - europaclub@interfree.it
tel: + 39.06.273268 (Institution) – 0039.06.2415460 (legal site) – 349.8775301 (Mob)
fax: + 39.06.2147146 - Secondary School “Di Vittorio”
Organisation/Project website: www.iitalia.com/europaclub
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
I.E.S Nueva Isleta “Tony Gallardo” Aloe - I.E.S. Asociaciòn de Padres y Madres, ES
I.E.S. N° 18 Instituto de Educaciòn Secundaria, ES
Escola Básica 2.3 D. António da Costa, PT
Escola Secundària Antonio Gedeao Alameda Guerra Junqueiro, PT
Escola Secondària Cacilhas –Tejo, PT
Project Reference: 03 – ITA01 – S2G01 – 00087 – 1
Changes in the labour market in a society with advanced industrialisation and the loss of the “job for life” myth,
leaves room for temporary jobs and forms of self-employment in which creativity and crafts have great value.
With a broadening of the middle years of life and many no longer employed full-time, they can dedicate themselves
to cultural activities (Lifelong Learning Education).
Special users:
1. for migrant workers, an opportunity to know the socio-economic system in which they are going to live;
2. for women, a stimulus to re-take possession of crafts that have been considered for centuries as a feminine
domain and to re-utilise them for their re-introduction into the world of work.
3. for recovery of marginalised people and for activities with social and psychological support for young and adult
The aims of the project are to compare the different realities in which the partners work and to learn the ways used to
recollect arts and crafts: mobility is foreseen for pupils to let them share their experiences and work.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 2003
Arts, music, culture
Strategy for stimulating/ promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Management of adult education organisation/institution
Migrant workers
Drop out young people
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Centro Territoriale Permanente per l’istruzione e la formazione degli adulti
Name of the contact person: Camozzi Luigi
Address: via Brunenghi, 64 – Finale Ligure – SV
e-mail findida@libero.it
tel: + 39019692208
fax: + 0039019692730
Organisation/Project website: http://www.geocities.com/findida
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Project Reference: 03-ITA01-S2G01-00171-2
EU-NQ best practice Net
This is the second year of a Grundtvig 2 project, that closed its first phase very successfully in July 2003. The project “EU-NQ
best practice Net” aims at establishing a network of highly competent European institutions to analyse and evaluate best
practice pedagogic examples of the institutions in the reintegration of disadvantages persons on the labour market. The
network will deal with best practice examples in the field of long-term unemployed, ethnic and other minorities (first year
phases), gender problems and elderly unemployed +45 years (second year phases). In the frame of the learning partnership,
different concepts and examples of good practice will be evaluated by a defined evaluation frame through all the partners
and put into a best practice report together with further innovative ideas and perspectives for future developments. Beside
this the network will organise three mobility actions where learners and trainer will have the possibility to exchange their
ideas and gain new experiences and feel the European dimension and mobility. Furthermore the network, during the first
year, concentrates its activities also on two horizontal topics we see as especially important for this target group (new
technologies and accreditation and certification of non-formal learning). Here the network will run some research study in
the institutions and develop possibilities, recommendations and models.
It is very important to mention that the network is based on a prior initiative of the project partners who have already met
at their own expense to discuss the project and that the network is planned to continue for a sustainable time beyond the
project funding period.
Total Duration: 1 year
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Learning about European countries / the European Union
Information technology
Sustainable development
The media
gender problems, best practices
elderly unemployed +45 years, best practices
elderly unemployed +45
Disadvantaged people
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Associazione FORMAZIONE 80
Name of the contact person: PAOLO MARIN
Address: Corso Re Umberto I, 10-12 – 10121 TORINO Italy
e-mail paolo.marin@formazione80.it
tel: + 39-0115069370
fax: + 39-0115069378
Organisation/Project website: www.formazione80.it www.eu-praxi.net
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Project Reference: 03-ITA01-STG01-00127-2
“La Scuola della Famiglia”
Identification of the family roles: being a couple, being parents and children
Relations within a family
Social relations: integration between family and school, parents and teachers, parents and parents, parents and other
The project is connected with the idea of "permanent education" aiming at studying the family "system" as well as its own
relations and educational processes. At the same time we wish to point out how we mean to interact with the social system
and be engaged in establishing co-operations and supporting solidarity.
It is fundamental to make the people attending the course think about their personal experience and analyse their previous
position as children (family history – genealogical plan). We place at the parents' disposal the pedagogic and psychological
notions for everyday family life. We think this could help them to review their experience and to improve their abilities in
preventing and coping with the difficulties in relations with their children which often result in social problems.
This project aims to convey the necessary notions and hints to build up naturally an informal supporting network of mutual
help among the families involved through the development and deepening of the sense of citizenship, of social responsibility
and civil liability as well as a sense of belonging.
Some examples of discussions:
- issues connected to getting custody of a child and adoption (troubles and solidarity);
- the developing processes of the family of the people attending the course (daily experience);
- how the school, sociological-sanitary and legal systems work (social aspects).
The program includes a training section on some forms of communication to develop co-operation among parents, trainers
and other professionals working in different educational contexts attended by their children. The standards of assessments
achieved during the course will be checked when the solution of real problems placed in unreal contexts will be faced
together. The project means to emphasize parents' educational skills and their abilities in interaction and communication
and to make them more effective.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 1
Active citizenship
Education for parents
Strategy for stimulating/ promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Guidance / counselling or other support service
People living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation
Relatives and teachers
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Fondazione Il Forteto onlus
Name of the contact person: Luigi Goffredi (Forteto Fondation’s President)
Address: Frazione Orticaia, 16 – 50062 Dicomano (FI)
e-mail fondazione@forteto.it
tel: + 39 0558448376
fax: + 39 0558387589
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Distretto Scolastico n. 13 di Firenze IT
North East Institute of Further and Higher Education of Ballymena UK
Escola Profissional de Setubal PT
Instituto Educacion Secundaria “Dionisio Aguado” Fuenlabrada (Madrid) ES
Project Reference: 02-ITA01-S2G01-00225-2
I.M.T.D.S. – Innovativ Methodologies of Teaching for Disabled Students
The project aims to develop a new way of teaching based on the newest technologies already available in the most part of
the European Union’s schools; focusing on the condition of the disabled, the project has also the objective of generating
different policies of caring assistance in order to permit an easier way to find a job inside the European companies within
the E.U. and Euromed countries: in that way the project wants to propose a methodological exchange of good practice
between the national governments of the participating countries.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 2
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Disabled / blind people
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Associazione Centro Gamma – Polo Campano per l’innovazione tecnologica nelle scienze sociali
Name of the contact person: Vincenzo Piccirillo
Address: Via A. m. Pirozzi n°65 – 80014 – Giugliano - Na
e-mail enzoplo.pic@tin.it - centro_gamma@yahoo.it
tel: + 39/081/8941151
fax: +
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Centro Id, ES
Mondo Consult, RO
Znanie, BG
Free Art., CZ
Ostrava, CZ
Project Reference: 03-ITA01-S2G01-00010-1
Development of a new type of inclusion using art
The project "Development of a new type of inclusion using art" sets out to realise the following points:
Meetings among some organisations operating in the European field of integration and education of adults who
have not attended school for a long time, through the use of art.
To develop a permanent partnership among the aforesaid organisations with an exchange of:
best practices of the techniques that each group has adopted;
staff to verify the different techniques in person;
new ideas for future collaboration in Community programmes.
To realise works together for a supranational integration.
Evaluation at the beginning, during and at the end of the project.
Development of new techniques of inclusion as a result of the melting-pot of different techniques developed by the
Improvement and introduction of a foreign language (English) in the portfolio of uneducated people.
To improve and/or introduce the use of Internet in the portfolio of uneducated people.
To make elements of integration based upon the common use of art.
To develop centres of cultural activity locally or internationally.
To publish the materials produced during the project.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Art, music, culture
Information technology
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Strategy for stimulating/ promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Young people
Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed, prisoners
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Associazione ALCHIMIA
Name of the contact person: Marco SILVI
Address: via Stefano Porcari 7 00193 ROMA
e-mail ass.alchimia@katamail.com
tel: + 39-06-6879239
fax: +
Organisation/Project website: .kaleidosgate.com/alchemy
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Association CARTOONS (ITALY)
Centre of higher education in theatre studies (GREECE)
The “Marin Morescu” High School of Art (ROMANIA)
Project Reference: 03-ITA01-S2G01-00048-1
“Modern Housekeeping through culture and language” aims at analysing all possible problems involving immigrant women,
who very often work as family assistants and/or in simpler housekeeping but often with many problems due to the lack of
information about domestic hygiene products, washing and ironing methods, electrical appliances and their functions,
security and first aid rules, feeding techniques, looking after children and elderly people. In addition, there is the difficulty
in communicating in the language of the host country. The aim of the project is to involve associations and local entities,
which have in common the necessity to fill this “gap” which slows down the process of integration and hampers the quality
of work done by these unskilled workers. The interaction between European partners will allow each one to focus on all
aspects of the problems which are often underestimated but real, with the aim of increasing the quality of the work done by
women immigrants, and at the same time favouring their complete integration, in the perspective of social and cultural
growth in an ever opening world.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Basic skills
Housekeeping training
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: LINGUA + DI D’ALESSANDRI MARIA
Name of the contact person: MARY D’ALESSANDRI
Address: VIA DANTE 17 (new address) VIGEVANO 27029 (PV)
tel: + 39 0381 72 142
fax: + 39 0381 72 142
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Project Reference: 03-ITA01-S2G01-00254-3
CASCADE-Cooperative Adult Second Chance Action Development
The project, which is in its third life year, aimed to exchange information about adult education systems in the partner
countries and to share best practices in this field. Furthermore the partners intended to develop a training module for
trainers and adult learners to enhance motivation and the European Dimension in Adult Education (first project year)
In the second project year, the partners ran the training module and carried a multilateral exchange both of teachers and
adult learners.
Aims of the third project year are:
to promote mobility of adult learners
to document the project activities in a publication
to disseminate the project and its results
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 3
Adult Education in the partner countries
Active citizenship
Intercultural Issues
Strategy for stimulating/ promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Teachers in adult education
Adult living in rural or disadvantaged areas
local community groups
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Istituto Regionale di Ricerca Educativa per la Lombardia –IRRE Lombardia
Name of the contact person: Lauretta D’Angelo
Address: Via Leone XIII, 10 –20145 Milan
e-mail dangelo@irre.lombardia.it
tel: + 39024380021
fax: + 390248193229
Organisation/Project website: www.irre.lombardia.it; www.bdp.it/̃~miir00001/cascade/homepage
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
ITCG Carlo Dell’Acqua (IT)
North Ayrshire Council (UK)
Center for Vidergaande Uddannelse Vest (DK)
Universitatea Petre Andrei (RO)
Universidad de Zaragoza (ES)
Project Reference: 02-ITA01-S2G01-000101-2
AEOLOL- Adult education on line and off line
Using Italian as the main communication language, the project aims at a meeting and a cultural exchange between adult
students from the three participating countries: Italy, Denmark and Sweden. The project aims at developing the theme “
Knowing, appreciating and promoting our territory “ through reading, creative writing, on-line seminars, real material,
articles, tourist booklets and selected passages chosen from the novels of Maria Giacobbe, a writer from Nuoro and a Danish
The theme is based on contents of real interest for the students:
1) Environment
2) History and local folklore
3) way of life
4) expectations and real perspectives on the local labour market.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 2
Basic skills
intercultural issues
information technology
Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learner
Experimentation with new technology
Economically or socially disadvantages groups
Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation
person living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: : ITC G.P. Chroni
Name of the contact person: Antonietta Tore
Address: via Toscana, 29 Nuoro
e-mail giumula@box1-tin.it
tel: + 390784.30067
fax: + 390784.32769
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
HF-C-Efterslaegten, DK
Komvux Kronborg, SE
Project Reference: 03-ITA01-S2G01-00152-2
European Further Education – Learning Partnership about Systems and innovative education
conceptions of further education Europe
The aim of this learning partnership is the comparison of local problems in adult education and certification of formative
modules/credits in the different education systems in Europe
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 2
European countries/ European Union
Adult education
Strategy for stimulating/ promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Accreditation of competencies
People living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed, prisoners
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: PROVINCE OF PISTOIA
Name of the contact person: Bert d’Arragon
Address: Place S. Leone, 1 – 51100 PISTOIA
e-mail b.darragon@provincia.pistoia.it
tel: + 39.0573.3741
fax: + 39.0573.374307
Organisation/Project website: http://grundtvig.pistoiaform.it
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
A.C.I.T. (PESCIA) – (IT)
Project Reference: 03-ITA01-S2G01-00131-2
This project’s aim is to elaborate and test – through trans-national cooperation - a methodology of distance learning
addressed at disadvantaged adult learners and regarding a high school course for building technicians.
The partners are Italian and Spanish high schools for building technicians, a Norwegian professional school and a Rumanian
training and human resources company.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 2
Basic skills
Information technology
Active citizenship
Sustainable development
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Strategy for stimulating/ promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities
Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Technical School for building technicians “Camillo Rondani” - Parma
Name of the contact person: Bruna BASSI
Address: Viale Maria Luigia 9/a - 43100 Parma - Italy
e-mail bruna.bassi@email.it or brunabassi@yahoo.it
tel: + 39.0521.234463 349.66.46.393
fax: + 39.0521.234463
Organisation/Project website: www.itg-rondani.it
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Project Reference: 03-ITA01-S2G01-00027-1
Development of Competences and Methodologies in the field of Adult Education with the focus
on ICT
This project’s first aim is to give teachers/trainers of the partner institutions involved new opportunities for increasing and
improving their professional competencies in the field of adult education and to offer to the institutions/schools involved in
adult education and vocational training, methodological support to bring about innovation in teaching-learning methods
through the use of ICT. This requirement is determined by the necessity to employ human and technical resources which
each institution can rely on in order to answer the growing demand for adult education and training in the disadvantaged
areas of the regions involved. For this reason, schools face new tasks: they need to become active interlocutors for regional
centres and institutions involved in Life-long Learning and play a new role in the study and elaboration of methods and best
practices to be used in this field. The schools, considered as partners and consulting centres, will be able to contribute to the
development of an Educational Network for adult education, which will be of great cultural importance for disadvantaged
areas. On the basis of a regional analysis, an appropriate offer for further education will be elaborated for the needs
identified; the status quo, in each area will show the necessity to reduce the digital and linguistic illiteracy of the target
groups identified and the need to offer chances of education and training in the field of ICT and English language in order to
give new opportunities for re-integration into the work process.
The common theme at the basis of the research and study of “Best Educational Methodologies” to be followed with adult
learners will be Cultural Tourism and will include the possibility to support the artistic and cultural heritage of each region
The project will offer new opportunities to improve and enhance the specific educational offer of each institution involved
and will allow the direct exchange and confrontation of didactic practices, planning of activities, training in other
institutions (seminars and workshops), thanks to the mobility of teachers inside the partnership, the use of new means of
communication and information: e-learning, videoconferencing, monitoring and evaluation carried out during the courses. A
regional network will be developed for the sharing and exchange of methodologies and didactics as well as the values of
monitoring and the evaluation indicators.
The target groups of this initiative will be: local community groups, economically or socially disadvantaged groups and
The following concrete results will be produced at the end of the project:
1°: Guidelines for Adult Education in the field of Basic Informatics and English, studied and obtained thanks to
experimentation, methodological exchange and research carried out in each partner country. This document will take into
account firstly the peculiar requirements of the target group and secondly the requirements of the different territories, in
particular as regards their development in terms of cultural tourism;
2° Teaching tools aimed at the application of the methodology;
3° WEB platform for the sharing of didactic supports and for publication and dissemination of the guidelines;
4° Consolidation and extension of the network, thanks to the action of awareness and involvement with other Educative
Agencies, carried out by the partners during the project;
5° Values of the monitoring and the evaluation indicators reached during the phase of experimental application of
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Funding year: 1
Basic skills.
Information technology.
Languages: English.
Sustainable development.
Cultural heritage.
Project Objectives
Strategy for stimulating/ promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Target Group(s)
Local community groups
Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Istituto Statale di Istruzione Secondaria Superiore Tecnica Commerciale e Professionale
Alberghiera: “G. Salvemini”.
Name of the contact person: Prof. Anna Santoro
Address: Via Attoma 72015 Fasano (BR) Italia
e-mail anna.santoro13@libero.it
tel: + 39\080\4414286 +39\080\4414697
fax: +39\080\4414286
Organisation/Project website: www.itcsalvemini.org
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
PASTIS-CNRSM SCPA: Parco Scientifico Tecnologico Ionico Salentino – Centro Nazionale per la ricerca. Italy (IT)
Virtuelles Institut für Fort- und Weiterbildung. Austria (AT)
University of Chemnitz: Institut für Weiterbildung und Organisationsentwicklung e. V. (IWO) Germany ((DE)
University of Malta: Dept of Maths, Science and Technical Education. Faculty of Education. Malta (MT)
Project Reference: 03-ITA01-S2G01-00046-1
Evaluation and self evaluation in informal education
The aim of this project is to promote a series of meetings among educators of the countries involved to examine methods
and useful instruments for learners and teachers directed towards both the evaluation and self-evaluation of the cognitive
process and of the level of knowledge that has been reached in order to begin the next level.
The project consists of a series of seminars in which, through constructive discussion, teachers from the partner countries
will agree on the instruments to use for an evaluation of the level of knowledge achieved by the learner who is attending
informal educational projects and to a self-evaluation of the effectiveness of the teacher’s assistance. The collection of some
existing experiences, the discussion and the possibility to use particular situations, countries and contexts will be the
starting point.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Basic skills
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Strategy for stimulating/ promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Local community groups
Teachers for adults
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Università delle LiberEtà del FVG
Name of the contact person: Giuseppina Raso
Address: Via Ippolito Nievo 16/a 33100 Udine - Italy
e-mail libereta@libereta-fvg.it
tel: + 39 0432 297909 / 295961
fax: + 39 0432 297033
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Espiral Entitat Serveis - Girona, Spain
FIATEST – Bucharest , Romania
Association DIA-SPORT – Sofia, Bulgaria
Cyprus Adult Education Assocaiation C.A.E.A. – Nicosia, Cyprus
Project Reference: 03-ITA01-S2G01-00115-2
Atlantis: Strategies for the homogeneity of training courses and their orientation, comparison of
The learning partnership faces the hypothesis of a homogeneous model in training courses offered at European level. The
objective is to compare and share best practices in the areas of communication, orientation and training. The project will
explore these areas to produce “best practices” and a common intervention model so as to improve the learners’ approach to
training. With that aim the project asks the following questions:
The creation of a standard model aimed at communication, orientation and training, what advantage does it assure
to learners and what support is given to the development of adult education?
What is the orientation to provide in relation to the needs of the learners?
What are the most suitable instruments and surveys to detect these needs?
These questions make the active support of the learners necessary as privileged indicators in the formulation of survey
instruments. Through their own experiences and attributes, each participant will contribute to create a common model. An
ad hoc training will be organised for those who will use the individualised orientation model, which will be tried out by each
The partnership is composed of institutions and organisations in the field of adult education in Eastern and Western Europe.
The final products will result from the objectives reached and shared through seminars, printed in books in the different
languages to consult through the website created for the purpose. The site will function as a vehicle for communication
between one visit and another.
Total Duration: 2 years
Funding year: 2
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Other: exchange of methodology about orientation, formation and communication, spread of activity
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Strategy for stimulating/ promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Seniors citizens
Local community groups
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: UPTER Popular University of Rome
Name of the contact person: Francesca Landi
Address: Via del Corso, 101 - 00186 Roma
e-mail landi@upter.it
tel: + 39 06692043310
fax: + 39066780702
Organisation/Project website: www.progettoatlantide.it
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
UPDEA Popular University of Adult Age. Madrid ES
VUC I Roskilde. Folk High Shool Roskilde Roskilde DK
Project Reference: 03-ITA01-S2G01-00145-2
Approche non traditionnelle de l’apprentissage musical pour des adultes en difficultés culturelles
et sociales
Le but, la portée principale du plan est de provoquer et favoriser l’intérêt pour la culture musicale pour un public adulte qui
n’a pas habituellement accès à l’offre culturelle. Il vise la mise en place et la promotion d’une approche formatrice
spécialisée dans le monde musical, en direction d’un public particulier (adultes, immigrés et chômeurs) en milieux sociaux
défavorisés. Le but du plan est de répandre la sensibilité et la culture musicale sans distinctions de genre, par l’activité
chorale et l’éducation à l’écoute d’apprenants adultes, dans des couches de la société ou des secteurs de ville où des
problèmes sociaux de communication et d’intégration sociale se manifestent. Des approches non traditionnelles pour
l’apprentissage musical seront développées, commençant un processus d’intégration, avec le soutien de la politique sociale
du territoire et en collaboration avec les centres sociaux et culturels plus particulièrement tournés vers un public d’adultes
et de personnes âgées. Enfin, au travers de la coopération européenne, seront échangées des expériences profitables de
pratiques de l’étude musicale des adultes.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 2
Art, music, culture
Intercultural issues
Faciliter l’intégration sociale
Doter les apprenants de connaissances de base et de capacités sociales qui facilitent
l’intégration dans la communauté locale
Elaboration de matériels de formation pour les enseignants
Personnes défavorisées
Personnes âgées
Emigrants, minorités ethniques
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Fondazione Scuola di Musica di Fiesole - ONLUS
Name of the contact person: Manuela Tasselli
Address: Via delle Fontanelle 24
e-mail segrgenerale@scuolamusica.fiesole.fi.it
tel: +39/055/5978537
fax: +39/055/599686
Organisation/Project website: www.scuolamusica.fiesole.fi.it; www.escotasiplau.free.fr/socrates
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Foyer Rural d’Angais –Escota si plau – France
Grup de Musica i Teatre El Ginjiol – Espagne
Associazione di volontariato il Muretto - Italie
Project Reference: 03-ITA01-S2G01-00236-1
Agrisupportal: a supporting portal in agriculture activities
Agrisupportal is a project to explore the needs for web based resources for farmers and farmers educators in land based
industries and in rural areas to provide accordingly.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
European countries / European Union
Information technology
Strategy for stimulating/ promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Guidance / counselling or other support service
People living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Farmers and educators working in land based industries
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: CIPAT - Centro per l'Istruzione Professionale e l'Assistenza Tecnica
Name of the contact person: Enrico VACIRCA
Address: Lungotevere Michelangelo, 5 00192 ROMA IT
e-mail cipat@cipat.org
tel: +39 06 3216838
fax: +39 06 36008722
Organisation/Project website: www.cipat.org
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
University College of Agriculture, NO
Norwegian Association for distance learning, NO
Cornwall College Group, UK
Project Reference: 03-ITA01-S2G01-00183-1
SCENA Sinergie Creative E Nuove Proposte Alternative
The project involves disadvantaged groups such as drop-outs, people at risk of exclusion or with special needs. The learners
will meet and will use ICT to debate the school system and the reasons why young people leave school early.
The project will ask young adults to express themselves through artistic performance in order to motivate their difficulties.
Total Duration: 1 year
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Active citizenship, Art, music, culture, European countries
Stimulating Adult Learning Demand
Young adults
Other disadvantaged groups
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Università di Cagliari - Dip. Scienze Pediatriche e Medicina Clinica
Name of the contact person: Carlo Pintor
Address: Via Porcell, 3 - Cagliari
e-mail carpint@tin.it
tel: + 39 070 6093486
fax: + 39 070 6093482
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Value Training & Solutions – IT
Casa Corpului Didactic – RO
Zingha – FR
ASV Kolding – DK
Project Reference: 03-ITA01-S2G01-00240-1
Under European Skies
The focus of the project is an exchange of observations of the sky, its stellar phenomena (sun, moon, planets, stars and
visible constellations) and the weather made by the learners involved in the project.
The other aspect deals with cultural elements as regards the organisation of time and space: celebrations, traditions, rituals,
monuments, buildings, churches, towns.
Moreover the observation of the sky will include an exchange of stories, myths, religions, literature, art and science.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 1
Basic Skills
Intercultural issues
Information technology
Art Music, culture
Astronomy, Cosmology, Mythology, Anthropology
Stimulating Adult Learning Demand
New pedagogical approaches
Young Adults
Persons living in rural area
Adult that did not completed their formal education
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: C.T.P. 11 C/O 1 C.D. MAFFI ROMA
Name of the contact person: Marina Tutino
Address: VIA PIETRO MAFFI, 45 - Roma
e-mail rmee00100t@istruzione.it
tel: + 39-06-3070579
fax: + 39-06-3070579
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
I.E.S. De Rodeira-Gangas – ES
CFPA San Vocente Ferrer – ES
Sosna Civic Association – SK
Escola Professional Do Alto Minho Interior – PT
Escola Agricola A. Duarte – PT
Cardiff Council –UK
Komvux Södervärn Rosengård –SE
Cultural Association Oi Lazaioi –GR
Project Reference: 03-ITA01-S2G01-00120-1
Sviluppo rurale attraverso le conoscenze acquisite
Comparison between local areas with geographical, social and economic similarities. Analysis of an idea of ‘development’
not only in terms of cultural and linguistic personal growth but also as a tool to have a wider knowledge of the partners. The
project aims at finding the reasons for socio-cultural underdevelopment through the analysis of local history, social
environment, the economy, the environment and quality of life. The project will be developed by working groups and
institutions that aim at growing on an economic, tourist and social level.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Territorial development
Guidance, consulting and information
Local Communities, Persons living in rural areas
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Linguapiù
Name of the contact person: Daniele Piacenti
Address: Corso del Popolo, 101 - Terni
e-mail info@linguapiù.it
tel: + 39 0744 428413
fax: + 39 0744 428407
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Institut fur Fortbildung und Projeckmanagement – IFPRO – DE
Unit of Environmental Studies Research and Development Center – CY
Linguapiù SAS – IT
Project Reference: -LUX01-S2G01-00001-1
Gender Training Methods Learning Partnership
The awareness of gender differences has been rising continually in the last decade. Concrete outcomes can be observed in
gender mainstreaming actions, but also in the training area. This project will focus on the latter point. The integration of
gender aspects in training is relatively young and there is no established and broadly recognized method. All over Europe we
can see isolated initiatives trying this integration. The aim of the present partnership is to create a European forum of
exchange of experience and a compendium of existing methods.
The integration of gender aspects in training will be analysed on two different levels. The first concerns the way training is
designed and organised in order to allow equal access to the courses to both genders. The second one is oriented to the way
gender differences are treated in the teaching process and in the lay-out of course materials.
At the end of the project, the compendium will give a synthesized view on the state of the art concerning gender training
methods as used and experienced in the different institutions involved.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Other (describe if applicable)
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Basic Skills
Intercultural issues
Learning about European countries/the European Union
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
All people in their gender specificity
Other (describe if applicable)
Coordinating organisation: Finance and Mediation SA
Name of the contact person: Guido Gennen
Address: 41, Cité millewé L- 8064 Bertrange
e-mail: gennen@finance-et-mediation.lu
tel: +352 263 10269
fax: +352 318748
Organisation/Project website: http://www.finance-et-mediation.lu
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Lunaria (IT)
Fay Andras szakközépiskola (HU)
ESTA Bildungswerke (DE)
Asociata Femeilor din Romania (RO)
Project Reference: 03-NLD02-S2G01-00002-2
Development of ICT Learning
This partnership will co-operate to establish a network for electronic learning and video-conferencing in order to:
• increase the educational level in general, and in dispersed areas in particular
• increase intercultural knowledge
• increase learning possibilities for dispersed people
• motivate the learning process by new didactics, prompting adult learners to play an active role in the learning process
• promote fluency in written and spoken foreign languages, English being the common project language, but other
languages can be used in bilateral contacts between students at their choice
• promote European awareness
The combination of electronic learning and video-conferencing is to be considered as very powerful, since it makes it
possible to learn at a distance with the advantages of face-to-face contacts.
It will promote participants' competencies and abilities in written and spoken foreign languages. The partnership's common
language is English, but participants will have the possibility to use other languages in bilateral contacts within the network.
Total Duration: 36 months
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 2
Basic skills
Intercultural issues
Arts, music, culture
EU countries/European Union
Information technology
Sustainable development
Strategy for stimulating/ promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Young adults at risk of social marginalisation
Senior citizens
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: ROC Nova College
Name of the contact person: Mr. H. van der Meulen
Address: Postbus 2110, 2002 CC Haarlem, The Netherlands
e-mail hmeulen@novacollege.nl
tel: + 31 23 5482633
fax: + 31 23 5482687
Organisation/Project website: www.novacollege.nl
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Centrum voor Talen en Techniek Limburg, BE
Établissement Public Local d'enseignement, FR
Instituto de Educacion Secundaria de Teis, ES
Nygaard Skola, NO
Växjö Katedralskola, SE
Project Reference: 03-NLD02-S2G01-00007-1
Educational Inclusion (ED-IN)
ED-IN is a project which promotes the participation of adults in education and vocational training. By matching three
themes (core skills, motivation and accessibility) with three target groups (non-certificated adults, migrants and disabled
people), by means of exchange, development, implementation and evaluation of best practices, expertise is being developed
which may be exchanged among a large group of institutions for educational and vocational training in the EU.
Total Duration: 36 months
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Other (describe if applicable)
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 1
Basic skills
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
Information technology
Improvement of personal skills
Stimulating adult learner demand
Credit for competencies
Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities
Disabled persons
Non-certificated adults
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: ROC Twente Plus
Name of the contact person: Mr. L. Folkerts
Address: Bornerbroeksestraat 361, 7609 PJ Almelo, The Netherlands
e-mail international@roctwenteplus.nl
tel: +31 546 830700
fax: +31 546 830705
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Centre Public de FPA 'Pascuel i Tirado', ES
Colaiste Stiofan Naofa Cork, IE
IES Politecnico, ES
Project Reference: 03-NLD02-S2G01-00014-1
Civil Society Against Right-Wing Extremism
The aim of the project is to combat right-wing extremism by working out best practices of life-long learning. Nongovernmental organisations from four different countries, active and experienced in the field of (non-formal) education
against right-wing extremism, will develop and disseminate ‘pilots of best practices’. These pilots (presented in the form of
information leaflets) aim to support the work of institutions, organisations, initiatives and informal networks which build an
important infrastructure in the struggle against xenophobia, intolerance and right-wing extremism. Focussing on a specific
European region this partnership is a pilot project for pan-European projects with the aim of developing Europe-wide
networks of life-long learning for tolerance and understanding.
Total Duration: 12 months
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Other (describe if applicable)
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 1
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
Guidance / counselling / information or other support services
Management of adult education organisation / institution
Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities
Local community groups
Non-governmental organisations, initiatives and institutions
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: UNITED for Intercultural Action
Name of the contact person: Mr. G. Ates
Address: Postbus 413, 1000 AK Amsterdam, The Netherlands
e-mail info@unitedagainstracism.org
tel: +31 20 6834778
fax: +31 20 6834582
Organisation/Project website: www.unitedagainstracism.org
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
A3L, Agentur für Lebenslanges Lernen, DE
DUHA (Rainbow Association), CZ
Project Reference: 03-NLD02-S2G01-00026-1
ALIA, Adult Learners in Arts
The ALIA (Adult Learners in Arts) project aims at bringing into contact European adult learners who are attending informal /
non-formal courses in the fine arts (painting, drawing, sculpture). These easy-to-enrol courses are often the start of further
education in the framework of lifelong learning. To contact each other and to show their artwork, they will discover that
extra skills are needed. This will encourage the participating learners to attend new courses: IT courses, language courses,
(cultural) history courses.
Extra skills the learners will develop in this project:
making use of internet-based communication platforms
language skills
knowledge of cultural history of their own country and of the participating countries
organising and exhibitions
Artwork made by the students as well as an introduction into the highlights of their national art history are put on a webbased platform and are shown in the participating countries. Mobility of students will be used to attend lessons in other
countries. The learning partners (staff) will discuss in this project how to bring the adult learners from informal / non-formal
education in arts to formal education and collect their good practices.
Total Duration: 36 months
Funding year: 1
Area(s) covered
Intercultural issues
Arts, music, culture
Information technology
Strategy for stimulating/ promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Senior citizens
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Albeda College
Name of the contact person: Mr. F. Bastemeijer
Address: Oostzeedijk 108, 3063 BG Rotterdam, The Netherlands
e-mail F.Bastemeijer@albeda.nl
tel: + 31 6 53728337
fax: +31 10 4120525
Organisation/Project website: www.albeda.nl
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Folk University Alcobendas, ES
Foundation for Vet EPA 21st Century, BG
Middlesbrough College, UK
Ridge Danyers College, UK
Unified Vocational Training Centre of Cyclades, GR
Project Reference: 03-NLD02-S2G01-00045-2
ELLE - Educators as Learners, Learners as Educators
This project focuses on understanding the cultural needs of a diverse group of people who are currently living in countries as
refugees, asylum seekers and immigrants. The project is located within the philosophical framework that teachers must
become actively engaged in learning through interaction with their students. This in turn should lead to the creation of
spaces in which teachers/trainers can learn with their students and where students can learn about themselves and one
another. Members of minority groups face many challenges in the context of successful integration, particularly from a
language and social skills point of view. This project seeks to provide a framework in which educators and learners can work
successfully within an intercultural context so the individuals can participate autonomously in learning programmes,
through development of language and social skills, and deal with agencies and systems in the host country. Within that
context, the project will seek to document current provisions and existing practices in relation to initial education services
for diverse multicultural groups in partner organisations, will pilot training opportunities within an adult education context
for professionals in the field, both national and of different nationalities, to work together, and will evaluate the process of
existing provisions within each organisation with a view to broadening these provisions in response to presented needs.
Total Duration: 36 months
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 2
Intercultural issues
Learners as educators in a multicultural society
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Migrants / travellers / ethic or other minorities
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: ROC Midden Brabant
Name of the contact person: Mr. N. Erradi
Address: Apenijnenweg 4, 5022 DV Tilburg, The Netherlands
e-mail n_erradi@rocmb.nl
tel: +31 1358 30 933
fax: +31 1358 30 960
Organisation/Project website: www.educatie.rocmb.nl
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Dun Laoghair Vocational Education, IE
Education Department University College Dublin, IE
Haringey Adult Learning Service, UK
Jarvenpaa Adult Education Centre, FI
Provincial Direction of Education, ES
Waltham Forest Community Learning and Skills, UK
Project Reference: 03-NLD02-S2G01-00028-1
Managing Lifelong Learning in Education, MALLE
The objective of the project is to identify and solve practical managerial problems related to the implementation of the
Lifelong Learning (LLL) principles in educational establishments. The participants of the project are practitioners –
representatives of educational establishments or public authorities – whose immediate responsibility includes the
implementation of Lifelong Learning principles. For every country, a group of around 20 people will be compiled, and two
workshops will be conducted.
The methodology of the workshops will be similar for all countries. During the first workshop the participants discuss the
situation in a given country, especially what have been the obstacles in LLL implementation and how the problems could be
solved. The second workshop serves for elaborating and discussing the materials received from other countries. The results
from all workshops will be evaluated by leading experts, and formulated in guidelines on how to implement the LLL
principles in educational and training establishments. The guidelines will be disseminated using the existing network of
Socrates offices.
The project also serves as a feasibility study for generating and implementing a more wide and in-depth project, with
partners from at least six countries, and with the objective to test the practical implementation of the elaborated guidelines.
Total Duration: 12 months
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
EU countries/European Union
Sustainable development
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners' demand for learning
Guidance / counselling / information or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Management of adult education organisation / institution
Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal education
Managers of education
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Universiteit Utrecht, IVLOS
Name of the contact person: Mrs. I. Lam
Address: Heidelberglaan 8, 3584 CS Utrecht, The Netherlands
e-mail i.lam@ivlos.uu.nl
tel: +31 30 2537975
fax: +31 30 2534262
Organisation/Project website: www.ivlos.uu.nl
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Universiteit Antwerpen, BE
The Foundation of Local Government Reform, BG
Project Reference: G2-03-1-K-O-127
ERDE- European rural development by means of educational activities
Die Lernpartnerschaft beabsichtigt, gemeinsam Inhalte und Methoden zu entwickeln um zukunftsgerichtete Bildungs- und
Kommunikationsstrukturen im ländlichen Raum aufzubauen. Die Zusammenführung der Stärken der einzelnen Partner steht
im Vordergrund ebenso wie der Austausch von Methoden und Erfahrungen zur Stärkung ländlicher Regionen durch
Bildungsaktivitäten unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von IKT und Vernetzung von verschiedenen Bildungs- und regionalen
Service- Einrichtungen mit Hilfe demokratischer Beteiligungsmodelle.
Um einen guten Informationsfluss zu garantieren wird die Lernpartnerschaft eine eigene Webseite installieren, die als
Diskussionsplattform für neue Methoden, Studie und dem Ideen- und Erfahrungsaustausch dienen soll. Es ist geplant in
jedem Land einen Workshop abzuhalten, in welchem die Stärken des jeweiligen Landes bzw. der teilnehmenden
Organisationen vermittelt werden sollen- anschließend erfolgt die Präsentation auf der Webseite sowie anderen Medien.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 2003
Arts, music, culture
Educational counselling
Sustainable development
Guidance/ counselling information or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Management in adult education institutions
Persons living in disadvantages areas
Local community group
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Bildungs- und Heimatwerk Niederösterreich
Name of the contact person: Mag. Monika Erb
Address: Wipplingerstraße 23/23, 1010 Wien
e-mail m.erb@bhwnoe.at
tel: + 43/1/5331899/12
fax: + 43/1/5331899/18
Organisation/Project website: www.bhwnoe.at
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
B.I.V.E. Forschungsgesellschaft-Labor für globale Dörfer, Vienna, AT
City & Bits GmbH, Berlin, DE
Stadt Coburg, Coburg, DE
D.J. Wortley c/a Massmitec, Lubenham, GB
Gimnazjum w Malechowo, Malechowo, PL
Hungarian Telecottage Association, Budapest, HU
Project Reference: G2-03-3-K-O-022
Merkwürdige Welten - Europäische Versammlungskulturen in politischen Bildungsprozessen
The project develops an approach at organising political education processes starting with crucial questions concerning the
culture of meeting: Where do European citizens meet? What sorts of places do they create for meeting and debating? What
roles do places of knowledge and cultural heritage (libraries, museums, archives) play? What are the "stories" underlying the
common reasoning?
Typical places and meeting environments (a "week-end community" in Finland, a library and a study circle in Sweden, an inn
in Austria, a public square in Italy) will be analysed with regard to their role in political education processes. An exhibition
will be planned and implemented in the partner countries, and the project carries out a mental-map study on public places
where tutors and learners meet for political education in the respective countries.
The main product after two years will be a book of European educational stories which describe educational paths in Europe
following the questions concerning the culture of meeting. The book is meant to motivate and inspire tutors in adult
education to reason about the right place and the rhetorics of democracy when planning educational processes.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 2003
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
European countries / European Union
Information technology
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Local community groups
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Europahaus Burgenland
Name of the contact person: Johann Göttel
Address: Domplatz 21, 7000 Eisenstadt
e-mail : europahaus@gmx.at
tel: + 43/2682/75650
fax: +43/2682/75651
Organisation/Project website: www.europahausburgenland.net
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Civic Association for Adult Learning KSL, Helsinki, FI
Universitetsbibliothek, Växjö, SE
Südwind- Agentur, Wiener Neustadt, AT
Project Reference: G2-03-2-K-O-032
Firmen- und Künstlerdiskographien der Schellackzeit unter bes. Berücksichtigung der
Unterhaltungsmusik und ihrer Wirkung
Hardly any research has been carried out in the field of popular music. Neither a discography is available nor has the
heritage of Schellac musical documents been treated in a way that ensures its preservation.
The project intends to make a review of this heritage and highlights the European context of the documents' history of
reception, their respective place in the history of music and their sociology. Thus, the preconditions for a new, pedagogical
use of this genre will be generated.
The project partners want to create the basis for international standards in preserving these musical documents and making
them available for educational purposes. The endangered heritage of Schellac documents contains important information
about European culture which cannot be found in any other media and would otherwise be irretrievably lost.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 2003
Intercultural issues
Arts, music, culture
The media
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Guidance / counselling or other support servicesExperimentation with new pedagogical
Univ. degli Studi di Udine; Facoltà di lettere e Filosofia, Gorizia, IT
Österreichisches Volksliedwerk, Wien, AT
Beratungsstelle für Volksmusik in Franken, Uffenheim, DE
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Gesellschaft für Historische Tonträger
Name of the contact person: Christiane Hofer
Address: Glasergasse 5/13
e-mail office@phonomuseum.at
tel: + 43/1/9684705
fax: + 43/1/9684705
Organisation/Project website: www.phonomuseum.at
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Univ. degli Studi di Udine; Facoltà di lettere e Filosofia, Gorizia, IT
Österreichisches Volksliedwerk, Wien, AT
Beratungsstelle für Volksmusik in Franken, Uffenheim, DE
Allgäu-Schwäbisches Musikarchiv, Eglofs, DE
Project Reference: G2-03-2-K-V-046
Life Link
Life Link aims to develop the medium of the internet into a flexible instrument for self expression, inclusion and interaction.
An adaptable open framework or communication tool is to be developed which enables adult learners to present aspects of
their own life and culture to others. Participants will thus undergo a net-based learning experience and at the same time
create intercultural learning materials.
Life Link will use the internet for the following target groups: adult returners to education, senior citizens, refugees,
immigrants and minorities (both ethnic and special needs) to communicate and exchange cultural aspects. Life Link will
further enlarge the spirit of European citizenship by breaking down intercultural barriers and by creating communities
within the European Union and beyond.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 2003
Intercultural issues
European countries / European Unio
Information technology
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities
Senior citizens
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: VHS Hietzing
Name of the contact person: Mag .Dr .Robert Streibel
Address: Hofwiesengasse 48, 1130 Wien
e-mail office@vhs-hietzing.at
tel: + 43/1/8045524
fax: +43/1/8049729
Organisation/Project website: www.vhs-hietzing.at
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
The institute of languages and Tourism, Pargas, FI
Albeda College, Rotterdam, NL
Rijn Ijssel College, Arnhem, NL
Lewis Castle College, Stornoway, UK
Project Reference: G2-03-1-K-O-118
Empowerment of marginalized women
The learning partnership intends to compare counselling and validation methods which are aimed at increasing the
educational and labour market chances of marginalized women in the participating countries.
Main activities: collecting and exchanging examples (materials) of good practice from each partner country, multilateral
meetings in order to get know the counselling and validating procedures in their socio-cultural framework, designing
documentation with examples of good practice in the field of counselling and validation.
The relevant women students involved in the project will be selected in each country in accordance with the local target
groups. Special attention will be given to validation of former education and practice, evaluation of their knowledge gap and
counselling in skills and the future labour market.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 2003
Basic skills
Sustainable development
Educational counselling
Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners´demand for learning
Guidance/ counselling information or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es
Young female adults at risk of social marginalisation
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: WIFI der Wirtschaftskammer Burgenland
Name of the contact person: Ms Friederike Soezen
Address: Robert Graf-Platz 1
e-mail friederike.soezen@wkbgld.at
tel: + 43/2682/695-110
fax: +43/2682/695-555
Organisation/Project website: www.wko.at/bgl
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Oslo Voksenopplaering, Oslo, NO
EDU-Consult, Grieskirchen, AT
National Centre for Vocational Training, Sofia, BG
Project Reference: G2-03-3-K-V-018
DIVersion: Managing Gender & Diversity
“Managing Gender & Diversity” is a concept in how to cope with social differences as far as gender, ethnic origin, age,
religion, life style etc. are concerned. The dominant cultural and economic values will be critically highlighted. “Managing
Gender & Diversity” opens up a new perspective on an instrumental concept in the debate on equal rights for women and
Based on the state of the art in the partner institution, particularly on the concept “Managing Gender & Diversity” developed
by FRAUENSTUDIEN of Dortmund University” and Institut Kirche und Gesellschaft (IkuG), the project aims are:
Exchange of experience between the partner institutions
Development of common criteria and flexible curricula in the institutions
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 2003
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
European countries / European Union
Information technology
The media, Sustainable technology;
Other: emanzipatorische EB
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Guidance / counselling or other support servicesExperimentation with new pedagogical
Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar
MultiplikatorInnen im weitesten Sinn, Lehrende in der EB, PersonalentwicklerInnen
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Volkshochschule Ottakring
Name of the contact person: Michaela Judy
Address: Ludo-Hartmann-Platz 7, 1160 Wien
e-mail michaela.judy@vhs-ottakring.ac.at
tel: + 43/1/4920883
fax: + 43/1/4920883/58
Organisation/Project website: www.vhs.at/ottakring
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Weiterbildende Frauenstudien an der Universität Dortmund, Dortmund, DE
Verein Rosa- Mayreder- College. Wien, AT
Záumové Zdruzenie Zien Aspect, Bratislava, SK
Institut Kirche und Gesellschaft (IkuG), Iserlohn, DE
Project Reference: G2-03-2-K-O-047
Auf dem Weg zu einer offenen europäischen Gesellschaft
The project creates synergy between Grundtvig 2 and Comenius 1. In both actions, Learning Partnerships and school projects
are formed on the topic of regional identity. The project groups will cooperate both at national and European levels. In so
doing, an intergenerational approach to learning about cultural traditions and personal roots is pursued.
The international exchange of ideas aims at promoting the understanding the history and culture of the partner countries
including accession candidates and thus contributes to an open European society.
The thematic focuses are: “Living and housing now and then” (Year 1), “Music and dance” (Year 2), “The theatre” (Years 3).
New technologies will be intensively used in the project.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 2003
Basic skills
Intercultural issues
Information technology
Arts, music, culture
Education for parents, Languages, Environment,
Other: Literatur
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Local community groups
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Volksbildungswerk für das Burgenland
Name of the contact person: Andrea Mittl
Address: Hauptplatz 3-5/1, 7400 Oberwart
e-mail Vbw.regsue@aon.at
tel: + 43/3352/3452525
fax: +43/3352/3452511
Organisation/Project website: www.volksbildungswerk-bgld.at
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Kaunaus Gallery, Kaunas, LT
Istituto comprensivo Luigi Pirandello, Taranto, IT
Odysee- Projectbureau, Berg en Dal, NL
Kroatischer Kulturverein, Bratislava, SK
Project Reference: 03-PRT01-S2G01-00024-1
This project implements lifelong learning based on:
• a process allowing parents to identify their needs and expectations and to find solutions to their problems;
• an exchange of life experiences and knowledge-sharing in order to develop their competencies as educators,
• support to their motivation and involvement in the education and socialisation of their children;
• interaction within the community to develop educational and social processes.
The general objectives, from which each partner will identify priorities and adequate answers, are the diagnosis of parents’
needs and motivations as educators; the preparation of a work plan answering those needs and motivations; the adaptation
and implementation of a learning programme with a view to:
a) implementing family advocacy oriented at the parents’ self-determination;
b) the development of personal motivations and competencies;
c) services providing counselling, guidance and social support to parents’ needs;
d) the creation or consolidation of local networks to support social and educational processes
e) the empowerment of parents in order to promote solutions for the community’s social development;
f) on-the-job training of technicians.
The trans-national partnership will make cooperation possible between organisations with different levels of experience and
knowledge, each with different groups at risk, and so setting up a real learning partnership. The strategies/methodologies are
to: stimulate the parents as individuals and in a learners’ group; stimulate their participation in educational and social
processes; create natural networks; develop appropriate structures for parents’ representation; enlarge the local support
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Basic skills
Active citizenship
Sustainable development
Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Guidance/counselling or other support services
Economically or socially disadvantaged groups
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Salenina, Estabelecimentos de Ensino, LDA
Name of the contact person:
Address: Baiza de Banheira, Portugal
tel: +
fax: +
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Asociacion Padres y Protectores de Ninos Discapacitados (APAPNIDICSUR) – Fernan Nunez, Spain
M.O.I.GE Basilicata (Movimento Italiano Genitori Basilicata)- Potenza, Italia
GIOVANEUROPA – Potenza, Italia
Association “Education and profession” – Sofia, Bulgaria
Club Europa – Bucarest, Romenia
Fay Andras Secondary Vocational School – Batonyterenye, Hungary
Zespol Szkol – Czestochowa, Poland
CRIVA (Centro de Reformados e Idosos do Vale de Amoreira – Vale de Amoreira, Portugal
Project Reference: 03-PRT01-S2G01-00013-1
Adult Students – LET’S KNOW EACH OTHER
With this project, the intention is to involve adult students in pertinent questions such as the European Dimension, to make
them aware and help them understand that we are citizens of the same Europe. We cannot forget that when these
questions start to be looked at, this population, given their social-economic status, used to be (and in a way still is, if they
are not motivated) unaware of this problem. With their horizons limited to the area where they live, they are unable or not
interested in this feeling of European citizenship.
The acquisition, development, confrontation in terms of pedagogical and methodological approaches in the field of adult
education, will always be the vector that will remain adjacent to all this cooperation activity and that we aim to enrich
during the Project. All this will take account the creativity, diligence and motivation of the learners.
Since this is a very specific student population group, we hope the selected sub-themes be directly related to the life
experience of the students and/or the training they are receiving, so we considered professional expectations/training
motivation/local or national economic activities/work market situation/social and cultural aspects.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Funding year: 1
Basic skills
Intercultural issues
Languages (Portuguese, English, Slovak, Estonian, Italian)
Active citizenship
Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learner
Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches
Target Group(s)
Economically or socially disadvantaged groups
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Escola Secundaria de Carvalhos
Name of the contact person:
Address: Rue do Roseiral, 4415 Pedroso, Portugal
tel: +
fax: +
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
EFESO – Research and study Institute for social economy and small and medium size enterprise, Bologna, Italy
Project Reference: 03-PRT01-S2G01-00023-1
The complexity and diversity of social exclusion nowadays, implying the loss of solidarity links, justify the necessity to
identify new tools and profiles to develop fieldwork, in- and outside of school. A future network of exchanges and
cooperation can be envisaged as an initial and in-service training for these new emerging profiles contributing thus to a
better and more adequate approach to the foreseen objectives.
Total Duration: 1 year
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Other (describe if applicable)
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Basic skills
Active citizenship
Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches
Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners
Young adults at risk of social marginalisation
Other (describe if applicable)
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Secretariado Entreculturas
Name of the contact person: Presidência do Conselho de MInistros e MInistério da Educação
Address: Portugal
tel: +
fax: +
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Centrul de Resurse pentru Diversitate Etnoculturala, Romenia
Centre de ressources “Actions éducatives en milieu difficile”, Délégation académique à la formation et à l’innovation,
Rectorat, Académie d’Amiens, Ministère de la jeunesse, de l’éducation nationale et de la recherche France
Project Reference: 03-PRT01-S2G01-00011-2
“Life memories and cultural traditions ”
This project aims at the valorisation of lifelong learning, recognising knowledge acquired in several life contexts, combining
this knowledge and also contributing to a larger professional and educational fulfilment in an entirely individual learning
perspective. Therefore the methodology of life histories in adult education assumes special importance.
We believe that with the uncertain and impermanent context we live in, the development of life knowledge will give people
the chance to understand and participate in the knowledge society, mobilising through them the knowledge and the
knowledge of problem-solving which the world faces today.
One of the enriching sides of this project is, without doubt, its diversity, the gathering of schools, associations and
enterprises that intervene in the adult learning and formation, either in a formal or non-formal context.
We expect that from a joint effort with local and regional institutions we can reach the valorisation of adult learning and
training suitable to a changing reality.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Other (describe if applicable)
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 2
Active citizenship
European countries/European Union
Intercultural issues
Strategy for stimulating/ promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Guidance/counselling or other support services
Methods for providing credit for knowl. Or comp.
Local community groups
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Young adults (15-25) age range at risk of soc.mar.
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: PROFORMAR
Name of the contact person: Maria José Tomazinho
Address: Escola Secundária da Sobreda – Rua Dr Alberto Araújo, Vale de Figueira – 2819-507 Sobreda
e-mail info@cf-proformar.rcts.pt
tel: + 351 21 2946507
fax: + 351 21 2946509
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Société Philomatique de Bordeaux - FR
ProACCis de Nancy - FR
Istitituto P. Comite de Amalfi- IT
Instituto Luigi Pirandello de Taranto - IT
Bem Baso de Sevilha - ES
Project Reference: 03-PRT01-S2G01-00025-1
To promote through lifelong learning the social inclusion of families at risk the project implements:
A) Strategies/ methodologies to 1) value learners’ personal and social skills and cultural identities, 2) initiate and sustain
families’ motivation and social initiative, 3) individual counselling and guidance to family life projects, 4) mediation and
establishment of support partnerships within the education community and social, economical and cultural agents, public
services and authorities from local contexts.
B) Learning activities for 1) motivation, sharing and autonomy of learners group, 2) identification and use of social resources
available in the community, 3) learning programme focused on learners’ personal and social skills development, 4) guidance
programme to facilitate learners’ self-determination, 5) learning programme focused on theme analysis to help find
solutions to problems in family life, 6) local networks meeting to share information and support the family’s inclusion
processes, and 7) trainers and staff training programme.
Transnational mobility activities for 1) trainers and staff project meetings, 2) exchanges of trainers, 3) families project
Trainers and staff training activities at transnational and local level for 1) identification and share of good practices, 2)
theme study, discussion on web and exchange of pedagogical and technical materials, and 3) workshops responding to the
needs of project development.
C) Transnational partnership to establish a regular communication, reports, works related to project development and
cooperation within the global and local partnerships, to disseminate the project products at local, regional and transnational
Coordinator partner to establish 1) a project on-line virtual community, 2) distance work groups, 3) guidelines for
management and a registry of activities, 4) organisation of transnational activities and 5) project global assessment.
Each partner to perform 1) a monthly local team meeting, 2) a transnational report every 3 months, 3) local networks
meeting every 3 months, 4) participation in transnational project meetings, 5) participation in project training activities, 6)
participation in assessment and project restructure.
D) Assessment, internal, with preparation and application of instruments, related to 1) starting situation, ongoing and final
situation of learners groups, 2) expectations and satisfaction of learners and trainers groups, 3) learners portfolio, 4)
achievement of objectives and realisation of products, 5) participation and recognition of learners initiatives, and 6)
participation and support of social, economical and cultural agents in the community. The assessment reports are published
every 6 months and at the end of each year, with project restructuring for the next year.
E) Project products, 1) web newsletter every 6 months, 2) an on-line virtual community, 3) common data-base, 3) annual
activities registry and learning materials CD-ROM, 4) learners’ individual portfolio, 5) personal and/ or social initiatives of
learners, and 6) a local networks consolidation.
F) Impact 1) families at risk a) improvement of family life, b) social and professional insertion of family members, c)
participation and active citizenship of family members at local community, 2) continuing cooperation for future solutions
responding to the social inclusion process of families at risk, 4) consolidation of local networks for social inclusion, and 5)
induction of a transnational networks focused on social development and families at risk of inclusion.
Total Duration: 3
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
Information technology
Strategy for stimulating/ promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Guidance/counselling or other support activities
Economically or socially disadvantaged groups
Local community groups
Coordinating organisation
Name of the contact person: Silvino Rego
Address: Portugal/ Moita
e-mail criva.ulysses@mail.pt
tel: + 351 21 2039198
fax: + 351 32 2032246
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Association H Foundation for Distance Learning of Disabled People, Bucharest, RO
Câmara Municipal do Montijo, PO
Centro de Investigation para el desarrollo, Cartagena ES
Federation de Asosiaciones de Minusvàlidos Fisicos de Cordoba (FEPAMIC), Cordoba, ES
Foundation for Human Relations, Sofia, BU
Project Reference: 03-PRT01-S2G01-00027-1
REMA – Results management in delivering and designing trainings for adults
This project, whose main topic is to systematise methods of measurement and management of results obtained through
training and courses given by training institutions based on the three-level conception of training (ISTL – integrated System
of Training Levels) has the following aims:
1. Improvement of quality of teaching by each partner in the project;
2. Improvement of European trainers and lecturers’ competences, who are engaged in a process of creating and
conducting training sessions and workshops;
3. Establish clear training goals, according to the needs at each level of training;
4. Through interaction between the partners, gaining a broader understanding of methods of designing and delivering
5. Providing substantial benefits for each partner: the resulting training management tools will enable all participants to
provide tailored programmes that cater for learners’ requirements;
6. Preparation of new customized tools for analysis of reporting and obtaining feedback on training results.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Management of adult education organisation/institution
Teaching adults
Strategy for stimulating/ promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Teachers of adults
Coordinating organisation
Name of the contact person: José Luís Presa
Address: Edifício Silva Torres, Rua Joaquim Rosas, s/n, 4910 – Caminha - Portugal
e-mail : etapvam.sede@mail.telepac.pt
tel: + 351 258 719240
fax: + 351 258 719 241
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Institutul de Formare Economica si Sociala – IFES / Social and Economical Training Institute, Cluj-Napoca, RO
Ustav Zemedelskych Informaci (UZPI) / Institute of Agricultural and Food Information, Prague, CZ
Project Reference: 03-FIN01-S2G01-00001-3
Recalling Past Memories - The Life Stories of Senior Students
The goal of the project is to stimulate senior citizens to recall, discuss and write down past memories covering the period
from the World War II till present day. One of the important aims is to refresh and invigorate the learning skills of senior
students by working in regular study groups. Also the project will promote participants´abilities to use different means of
media like internet and e-mail. The aim is to achieve a life story viewed from the point of social order and class, history,
family relations and general values. The project activities will promote and widen cultural, social and historical knowledge of
European nations and between neighbouring countries. The work will also contribute comparative future visions of senior
people in their own countries. In all the participating countries there will be some study groups where the students recall
and discuss their memories. From each sub-theme material will be collected and finalised. Some picture exhibitions will be
built based on the pictures of the senior students. Senior students are encouraged to exchange their experiences with each
other by writing letters or by e-mail.
During the first year senior groups were established in each country. The groups adopted variable working concepts and
methods depending on the history of their country. In the second year senior groups met each other, discussed the themes of
the project and presented photo exhibitions to each other. The mentors have met regularly during the two years, they have
agreed a joint working schedule, discussed the themes and the methods used in senior groups. The study groups have
produced a lot of material. The mentors have collected the material from different countries and planned the use of the
material. In the last year there will be a final mentors´ seminar where the summary and evaluation of the project will be
made. Study groups continue their work according to their working plan.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 3
Basic skills
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues, culture, history
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Guidance / counselling or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach
Senior citizens
Coordinating organisation:
Name of the organisation: Vantaan aikuisopisto
Name of the contact person: Ms Kaisa Väyrynen
Address: Unikkotie 5 B 01300 Vantaa, Finland
tel: + 358 9 83924541
fax: + 358 9 83924136
Organi sation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Tallinna Kultuuirahvaylikool, EE,
Huddinge Komvux, SE
Debreceni Universitet, HU
Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, PL
Project Reference: 03-FIN01-S2G01-00014-2
New confidence in e-learning
The aim of the project is to focus on building e-confidence among European citizens, getting information of the e-learning
process of the learners and persons involved in providing e-learning opportunities for adults, changing knowledge about the
current situation of e-learning and e-teaching in the partner institutions and the future plans in this field.
The partner organisations will offer a course on a freely chosen subject in an ICT supported environment. The students and
the providers of e-learning possibilities will be evaluated with a common assessment sheet "Learning and Instruction
through the Web and other I.T. surroundings". The gained results will be evaluated together and results adapted to improve
e-learning in the partner institutions.
During the first year the the most useful results were:
1) learning to know about the supply of e-learning programmes, e-learning platforms and materials in each partner institute
2) the learning process in doing the assessment questionnaires together
3) the learning process in planning together the lay-out and appearance of the project's web-site
4) the new information received, especially from the Czech Republic
During the second year the project will analyse the information of the assessment questionnaires collected by the partners.
A joint report will be published in the final seminar which is to be held in Finland in May 2004.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 2
Basic skills
Information technology
Intercultural issues
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Local community groups
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Young adults at risk of social marginalisation
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: The Green Cultural and Educational Centre
Name of the contact person: Ms. Anneli Bauters
Address: Ruoholahdenranta 1 E 2 krs - Helsinki 00180
tel: + 358961291220
fax: +359961291229
Organisation/Project website: www.newconfidence.facia.de
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Masaryk University (CZ)
MBA Kontakt (CZ)
Community I.T: Access (IE)
Zweckverband Volkhochschule Lingen (DE)
Die Grune Bildungswerkstatt (AT)
Project Reference: 03-FIN-01-S2G01-00002-2
Second Language Teaching to Adults (SeLTA)
The project aims at comparing and sharing techniques and methodology to teach a second language in adult education. The
main activities will aim to develop teaching units and modules for different learning levels and mixed ability classes.
Their contents will contain regional and local culture, usage and habits, relevant places and main products in order to
improve the learners´ knowledge of the territory and to encourage the learners in the European countries involved in the
project to know other cultures and other people.
The planned modules will be recorded on a CD-rom and be available on a website. The project could conclude with the
exchange of learners´groups. The learners will receive a detailed certification of their skills in the second language.
During the first year the teachers have created a questionnaire for adult language students about their wishes and
expectations concerning the project. The teachers have exchanged experiences on teaching methods and practices and
adopted some new methods. The web-site of the project has been opened. The students have written postcards to the
students in other partner countries. During the second year some joint material will be created. The project will disseminate
the results and a publication in all the partner countries.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 2
Basic skills
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues, Languages, Learning about European countries, Information Technology, Arts, mu
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches
Economically or socially disadvantaged groups
Local community groups
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: The Adult Education Centre of Elimäki Municipality (Elimäen kansalaisopisto)
Name of the contact person: Tiina Rosberg-Poikola
Address: PL 4, 47201 ELIMÄKI, Finland
e-mail tiina.rosberg-poikola@elimaki.fi
tel: + 358 400 743 905
fax: +358 5 377 6024
Organisation/Project website: www.elimaki.fi/kansalaisopisto
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Centro territoriale permanente per l‘educazione degli Adulti c/o Scuola Media Statale "Cesare Battisti" (Lifelong Learning
Centre for Adult Education c/o Cesare Battisti Lower Secondary School (IT)
Centro de Educación de Adultos "Francisco Largo Caballero" (Adult Education Centre "Francisco Largo Caballero") (ES)
Centro de Educación de Adultos "Joaquín Sorolla" (Adult Education Centre "Joaquín Sorolla") (ES)
Haminan kansalaisopisto (Hamina Adult Education Centre) (FI)
Project Reference: 03-FIN01-S2G01-00040-1
Museum as a source of knowledge
The project aims at initiating and establishing adult education in museums. The main focus is to make people aware of the
possibilities of museums as creative learning environments for life-long learning. The activities encompass lectures, field
trips, courses, drama, workshops and artistic processes. The activities are planned out and executed in such a way that they
enable all people over 16 years of age a possibility to join, regardless of sex, health, ethnic origin or social status. Special
programmes are planned for immigrants, senior citizens and the visually impaired. The outcomes of some of these processes
will be presented to the media and general public in an exhibition.
Another aim of the project is to function as a means of further education for the museum educators, exhibition designers
and technicians. Through intensive, long-term communication and co-operation with the colleagues in other partner
museums and the adult learners themselves the museums will gain valuable information about how to make exhibitions and
other activities in the museums more educational, interactive and meaningful also with respect to the adult learners.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Arts, music, culture
Intercultural issues
Active citizenship
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Disabled persons
Senior citizens
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Aboa Vetus & Ars Nova- museet
Name of the contact person: Ms Minna Hautio
Address: Itäinen Rantakatu 4 - 6
e-mail minna.hautio@aboavetusarsnova.fi
tel: + 358-2-2794920
fax: +
Organisation/Project website: www.aboavetusarsnova.fi
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Bryggens Museum (NO)
Tartu Linnamuuseum (EE)
Project Reference: 03-FIN01-S2G01-00036-1
Learning European Success Team
The project aims at exchanging experiences and methods to solve regional problems ("rural escape") including the process of
project planning and financing. We try to find new input for lifelong learning as a tool for diminishing the "export of key
persons and young people away from rural areas" and for the schools to find a new and actual profile, small study classes or
virtual tools for finding economy of specialised courses.
We will create a European success team in order to support adult education as a tool for finding new input for schools, skills
and new competencies. We will also arrange lectures, meetings and seminars using ICT as a test of our working process.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
Learning about European countries
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Guidance/counselling/information or other support services
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Local community groups
Young adults at risk of social marginalisation
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: :EU-informations center Carrefour Svenskfinland
Name of the contact person: Ms. Gunvor Häggman
Address: Öurvägen 31, 66800 Oravais, Finland
e-mail carrefour@multi.fi
tel: + 358-6-3853011
fax: +358-6-3853012
Organisation/Project website: www.fi/carrefour
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
HM Partners sro (CZ)
Centre de FPA Beniassent (ES)
Zambrana Atienza, Centro de Adultos (ES)
Frauen & Familien beratungstelle (AT)
Bildungsservice Steiermark (AT)
Svenska Österbottens Folkakademi (FI)
Project Reference: 03-FIN01-S2G01-00033-1
Developing Skills for Efficient Communication with People from Different Cultural Backgrounds
The project involves three partners, some experienced and some total novices in European cooperation. The main aim is to
share expertise among the learning partners concerning communication with people from different cultural backgrounds
(immigrants, ethnic minorities, disadvantaged people for socio-economic reasons) and teaching these people. We will
develop a catalogue of the skills needed by teachers/trainers/communicators working in a multicultural environment. Best
practices and successful approaches already experienced by partner organisations will be analysed and presented.
The activities will also include short-term pilot courses to promote the learning of lesser taught languages (Dutch, Swedish
and Finnish) and disseminate information about other countries and cultures. The project pays particular attention to the
dissemination of the catalogue within the participating organisations and more widely through the creation of local
networks and web-based technology.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Basic skills
Intercultural issues
Guidance / counselling or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Management of adult education organisation
Economically or socially disadvantaged groups
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Västra Nylands folkhögskola
Name of the contact person: Mr. Radu Szekely
Address: Strandpromenaden 1, 10300 Karis, Finland
e-mail vnf-kansli@vnf.fi
tel: + 358-19-222600
fax: +358-19-2226011
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Mag. Ingrid Wagenhofer (AT)
Centrum voor Volwassenenonderwijs Deume (BE)
Project Reference: 03-FIN01-S2G01-00012-1
European Senior Citizen´s Story Board
The project aims at promoting interaction between European senior citizens. Senior citizens are encouraged to exchange
their cultural heritage. Seniors from 6 countries work in study groups where they write down stories about their own
cultural heritage, "local histories" by using the computers. All the stories will be set up to "The Story Board" - a web page of
the project. On the web page there will be chat rooms for each topic. The stories are multilingual and they include photos,
videos, voicemail etc. The partner institutions with the expertise in languages translate the stories. Seniors have a net friend
from another country and they write net letters also to their grandchildren. Each partner country works with International
Senior´s magazine where all the stories and products are presented. The magazine is a tool for dissemination of project
results. The seniors and their trainers meet once a year in an international seminar.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 1
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
Learning about European countries
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Senior citizens
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Different generations
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Hyvinkään kansalaisopisto
Name of the contact person: Ms Virpi Wegge
Address: Helenenkatu 21, 05800 Hyvinkää, Finland
e-mail virpi.wegge@hal.hyvinkaa.fi
tel: + 358 400 531 791
fax: +358-19-4592582
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Porvoon kansalaisopisto (FI)
Kyrönmaan opisto (FI)
Universidad Senior- Universidade of La Coruna (ES)
Volkhochschule Weiden (DE)
Technische Universität Chemnitz (DE)
AICCRE- Associazione dei Comuni e Regioni d´Europa (IT)
Provinciaal Centrum voor Volwassenonderwjis Gent (BE)
East Antrim Institute of Further and Higher Education (IE)
Project Reference: 03-SWE01-S2G01-00054-2
WAP- Women and power
The project aims at increasing adult women students’ knowledge about women’s conditions in Europe and to develop tools
to enable women students to change their own lives through learning and participation. Exchange of learning methods and
best practice, development of teaching and learning methods.
Expected results:
1. A better dissemination of teaching and learning methods and models
2. An increased interest in the partner countries’ cultures and traditions
3. A better understanding between disabled women and other women
4. An increased ability for the women in the project to influence their own situation and to become active citizens in their
own country and in the EU
Activities during the first year:
Students from different countries shared experiences and were informed on computer aids for visually impaired persons.
Staff discussed adult education, methods and content for the visually impaired. Exchange of information about economic
resources, legal situation and work assistance. A comparison between Sweden and Austria in adult education for the visually
impaired was made.
New for 2003/2004:
This period will concentrate on “equal opportunities” and sharing of “best practice” from the different partner countries
regarding lobby policing, universities etc. for bettering the conditions of the target groups.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 2
Basic Skills
Active Citizenship
Intercultural Issues
Learning about European countries/the European Union
Information technology
Sustainable development
Arts, music, culture
The media
Other: Braille
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities
Disabled persons
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Stiftelsen Kvinnofolkhögskolan
Name of the contact person: Lilian Hultin
Address: Box 7151, 402 33 Göteborg, Sweden
e-mail lilian.hultin@kvinno.fhsk.se
tel: + 46-31-775 65 00
fax: + 46-31-311 465 29
Organisation/Project website: www.kvinnofolkhögskolan.se
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Scarabeus (IT)
Förderverein Odilien - Institute fur Sehbehinderte und blinde Menschen ( AT)
SRF- Synskadades Riksförbund (SE)
Studieförbundet Vuxenskolan I Stenungsund (SE)
Project Reference: 03-SWE01-S2G01-00040-3
I-Net Learning Intercultural Ethics
The three partner institutions have students with many different linguistic and cultural backgrounds and ethical value
systems, which have a potential to enrich the institutions. The idea of the project is to maximize this potential and also
remove barriers for ethnic minority participation.
The objectives are:
To develop awareness and understanding of intercultural issues
To identify procedures for promotion of equality of access to education for adults from minority ethnic groups
To exchange ideas and strategies for working with conflict in the classroom.
Activities: seminars, study visits, work shadowing and learner exchange
Activities during the first and second year:
During the first year mostly definition of the project, discussions, reflections on the main topics, production of information
sheets and spreading of information about the project.
During the second year there was an increase in the number of participants (students) and language skills. There was also an
increased awareness and interest in the issues relating to intercultural ethics among the staff in the participating
departments and improved knowledge of the effect of intercultural issues on student lives.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Other (describe if applicable)
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 3
Intercultural Issues
Information technology
Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learner
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities
Economically or socially disadvantaged groups
Refugees and asylum seekers
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Komvux Lund
Name of the contact person: Britt-Marie Hellman
Address: Box 2073, 220 02 Lund, Sweden
e-mail brhe45@skola.lund.se
tel: + 46-46-357 100
fax: +46-46-211 0708
Organisation/Project website: www.komvux.lund.se
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Volkshochschule der Hansestadt Greifswald (DE)
Stevenson College (UK)
Project Reference: 03-SWE01-S2G01-00050-3
Learners on Board
The project topics are: Research into the success and failures of engaging multiple disadvantaged groups into learning.
Looking at the ways in which this has been addressed in the partner countries for their own most disadvantaged groups.
Examining and identifying best practice in management of community learning and how the various types of access to
provision impacts numbers of learners being engaged. Developing innovative methodologies and tools for engaging learners.
Using learners to try out new tools and methodologies when they are developed. Demonstrating that marginalized groups
can be skilled for employability
The work plan and the calendar were seriously affected by the withdrawal from the project by the coordinator in 2002. The
partners managed to find a new partner and coordinator and applied for a third year so that they could finish the project
During the first and second year the main issue was to make study visits, participate in lessons and meet people. During the
third year the learners will be more active in their own countries, between the exchange visits. They will make interviews,
collect statistical data and other kinds of information.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Other (describe if applicable)
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 3
Basic Skills
Information technology
Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners demand for learning
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Management of adult education organisation/institution
Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities
Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in
Disabled persons
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Karlskoga Folkhögskola
Name of the contact person: Anders Hellgren
Address: Box 192 691 24 Karlskoga
e-mail anders.hellgren@fhsk.karlskoga.se
tel: + 46-586-646 00
fax: +46-586-646 22
Organisation/Project website: www.karlskoga.se/fhsk
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Ridgemont Training (UK)
Stadt Offenbach am Main (DE)
Project Reference: 03-GBR01-S2G01-00254-2
AXLE (Adults Exchanging Learning Experience)
The overall aim of AXLE is to develop a learning partnership that facilitates mutual contact between language learners by
means of ICT and exchange visits. It is anticipated that learner groups will be teamed up to allow contact between students
and teachers of the different countries by e-mail, video-conferencing and a web board based facility. Partners will exchange
teaching materials and methodologies, examples of good practice and adult learners’ experiences.
The adult learners participating in AXLE should be empowered and motivated through their use of different European
languages, their knowledge of different cultures, their use of different IT communication facilities and their exposure to
alternative language teaching methodologies.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Basic skills
Intercultural issues
Learning about European countries/the European Union
Information technology
Sustainable development
Arts, music, culture
The media
Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Guidance/counselling/information or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal
Local community group
Senior citizens
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Aberdeen College
Name of the contact person: Bill Stalker
Address: Gallowgate Centre, Gallowgate, Aberdeen AB25 1BN
e-mail b.stalker@abcol.ac.uk
tel: + 44 (0)1224 612219
fax: + 44 (0)1224 612001
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Universite Blaise Pascal SCLV (FR)
Volkshochschule der Stadt Regensburg (DE)
Internationales Sprachzentrum an der Universität Graz (AT)
Statna Jazykova Skola (SK)
Drujestvo “Znanija za Vsichki” – Bourgas (BG
Project Reference: 03-GBR01-S2G01-00266-2
E Network: an Approach to Second Language Teaching and Learning
The project will set up the appropriate infrastructure to enable learners and teachers at the participating institutions to
communicate and network electronically with each other. The object is for teachers to exchange and develop teaching
practice and materials and for learners to develop their language skills and share their cultural and social experiences.
The first stage of the project will be to establish a project web site and a virtual forum. Teachers will start networking with
each other first and then learners will be brought in after suitable preparation.
Once it has been successfully established, the E Network should be self-sustaining and should continue to function beyond
the end of the project to lasting mutual benefit.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Intercultural issues
Learning about European countries/the European Union
Information technology
Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Senior citizens
Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Callington Community College
Name of the contact person: Michele Laouenan
Address: Ti Kevran, Port Lane, North Hill, Launceston PL15 7NT
e-mail michele@laouenan.fsnet.co.uk
tel: +44 (0)1566 782587
fax: +44 (0)1566 782996
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Help Foundation (BG)
Greta Ampere – Espace Langues (FR)
Centro Territoriale Permanente per L’Istruzione e La Formazione in Eta’ Adulta (IT)
Aula de Educacion de Adultos (ES)
Aso Vuxengymnasium (SE)
Volkshochschule Florisdorf (AT)
Association of Teachers, Hania (GR)
Project Reference: -GBR01-S2G01-00246-2
Learning, Life Histories and Citizenship
Citizenship is a highly contested concept and one which has particular prominence in European political debate at this time.
The project focuses on how “excluded” groups, including adults with learning disabilities, economically marginalised women,
refugees, asylum seekers and young people can find a voice in these debates around active citizenship. The project will use
life history techniques to explore the concept of citizenship, its commonalities and differences, in three European countries
with long histories of political democracy and similar traditions of liberal adult education. Underlying the process is a
recognition that citizenship has both an individual and a collective dimension, and that diversity needs to be recognised and
celebrated, alongside a recognition of what we share in common. The project will allow the participants to share their
expertise and knowledge of working with these excluded groups, develop new techniques in using biographical approaches
and the subsequent material generated, and applying this new knowledge to their educational provision and practice. In
turn, this will help excluded groups to find a voice in local and national debates about citizenship in their own countries and
in Europe.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Active citizenship
Learning about European countries/the European Union
Information technology
Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Disabled persons
Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Centre for Continuing Education, University of Sussex
Name of the contact person: Pam Coare
Address: Education Development Building, University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton BN1 9RG
e-mail p.j.coare@sussex.ac.uk
tel: + 44 (0)1273 678040
fax: + 44 (0)1273 678848
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
The Larkin Centre (IE)
The Association for Learning Disabilities in Northern Savo (FI)
Harrow Community and Youth Service (UK)
Project Reference: 03-GBR01-S2G01-00269-2
Mentoring Strategies for Social Inclusion
The purpose of this social inclusion project is to promote the use of mentors in various formal and non-formal adult learning
settings to increase the participation and achievement rates of adult learners. The partners will share experiences of
mentoring and other means of motivating and supporting learners, as well as starting to address the excluding factors
within social institutions. The project will involve:
the production of a “What is mentoring?” leaflet which will be piloted and evaluated locally;
an arts workshop for mentor/mentee pairs from partner countries through which the support needs of excluded
adults will be voiced;
the development of recommendations for the training of mentor trainers.
The project will emphasise the existence of two sets of learners who have training needs and who stand to benefit from
mentoring: (1) the volunteer mentors, and (2) the learners that they support (the “mentees”).
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Removing barriers to learning
Basic skills
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
Arts, music, culture
Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Guidance/counselling/information or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches
Economically and socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison
Local community groups
Persons not using formal education systems
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: CG Partnership
Name of the contact person: Janet Farr
Address: 8b Queen Street, Market Rasen, Lincolnshire LN8 3EH
e-mail janet@thecgpartnership.co.uk
tel: + 44 (0) 1673 843489
fax: + 44 (0) 1673 843492
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Madrid Regional Federation of Parents’ Associations (ES)
Association Villanelle: Office d’animation pour la promotion du village de Notre Dame de la Paix (FR)
Ballymun Job Centre (IE)
Sign for Meaningful Life (GR)
Project Reference: 03-GBR01-S2G01-00133-2
Learning Europe
Tutors and disadvantaged learners will produce a series of booklets and international story bags on specific themes which
will illustrate different aspects of culture and lifestyle. The chosen themes are: food, Christmas customs, dance and music,
Easter customs, family life/health issues, geography/tourism/holiday destinations, traditional costumes,
religion/intercultural/mutual understanding, architecture, arts and crafts. The arts and crafts module will produce
collaborative friendship quilts created by adult learners and children, called “Hands Across Europe”. It is hoped that through
participation in these activities adult learners will improve their reading, writing and numeracy skills and improve their
confidence and self-esteem. Parents should acquire increased confidence and competence in supporting their children’s
At the end of the project the individual booklets on each theme will be collated into a “Learning Europe” book which can be
used as a resource for adults, language students and children. It is anticipated that participating countries will continue this
work by extending the scope of use with other disadvantaged learners.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Basic skills
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
Learning about European countries/the European Union
Information technology
Arts, music and culture
Education for parents
Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners demand for learning
Guidance/counselling/information or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches
Economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison
Local community groups
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Daphne Mears Life Long Learning and Development Ltd
Name of the contact person: Daphne Mears
Address: Room 16, Grove Primary School, 256 North Queen Street, Belfast BT15 3DJ
e-mail Hscp-ni@utvinternet.com
tel: + 44 (0) 28 9075 4075
fax: + 44 (0) 28 9075 4075
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Adult Basic Education, Aberdeenshire Council, Education and Recreation (UK)
CEPA Navalcarnero (ES)
Club Europa (RO)
Muurlan Evankelinen Opisto (FI)
South Carelia Vocational College (FI)
Roman Voda National College (RO)
Project Reference: 03-GBR01-S2G01-00165-1
PEPAE (Personal Enterprise Projects in Adult Education)
This project focuses on enterprise education and training for adults and will involve a range of adult learners, trainers and
educators from formal and non-formal educational institutions, including community groups. Activities will include the
exchange of learners and trainers and joint collaboration on the development of learners’ enterprise competencies. The
project will facilitate the exchange of best practices, ideologies and pedagogical methodologies relating to enterprise
development through lifelong learning actions. Three transnational learner enterprise activities are planned – each of which
will be determined by the relevant learner cohorts. Workshops addressing enterprise development issues will be held in
conjunction with study visits to a variety of enterprises and economic development agencies in partner countries.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Basic skills
Active citizenship
Learning about European countries/the European Union
Enterprise training and education
Information technology
Sustainable development
Consumer education
Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Guidance/counselling/information or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches
Management of adult education organisation/institution
Economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison
Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Falkirk College of Further and Higher Education
Name of the contact person: Adrian Kitchen
Address: Grangemouth Road, Falkirk FK2 9AD
e-mail adrian.kitchen@falkirkcollege.ac.uk
tel: + 44(0) 1324 403 328
fax: + 44 (0) 1324 403 222
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Florida Training Centre (ES)
Production School of Kalundborg Region, Saltoftevaenge (DK)
Project Reference: 03-GBR01-S2G01-00258-1
Tandem Learning
This project aims to motivate adult learners to improve their foreign language skills and to provide them with an authentic
language learning context through direct communication with learners in other countries.
Adult learners will work collaboratively with learners in the partner countries to create language learning materials
reflecting their respective cultures. All materials will be personalised/localised to add interest. The materials produced will be
evaluated by tutors and learners, reproduced in photocopiable booklets, supported by video and audio cassettes, and
disseminated within the partner countries.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Intercultural issues
Learning about European countries/the European Union
Information technology
Arts, music, culture
Education for parents
Strategy for stimulating adult learners’ demand for learning
Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
16+ learners of languages
Local community groups
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Fermanagh College of Further and Higher Education
Name of the contact person: Joan Major
Address: Fairview, 1 Dublin Road, Enniskillen, BT74 6AE, Northern Ireland
e-mail majorj@fermanaghcoll.ac.uk
tel: + 44 (0) 28 66 342262
fax: + 44 (0) 28 66 326357
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Gmuender VHS (DE)
Instituto Comprensivo Sciviero (IT)
Escuela Oficial de Idiomas de Gijon (ES)
Universidad Popular para la Educacion y la Cultura de Burgos (ES
Project Reference: 03-GBR01-S2G01-00239-2
The general aim of “Enhance” is to exchange partner experiences and develop an understanding of the backgrounds and
contexts of the approaches used to engage hard-to-reach learners into first learning experiences, the reaching of learners
through employers (and unions) and the creation of alternative learning environments in the workplace to keep them on the
route to life long learning. Objectives will be the concrete description of different individual approach experiences by the
partners and the reaction of the envisaged members of the target groups to these approaches. From that stage on practices
will be compared (examples that lead to successful engagement as well as unsuccessful approaches) by the partner
organisations, by their respective tutors as well as, eventually, by the learners themselves. The project findings will be
disseminated in booklet form and via a project website to education organisations and to employers who are interested in
organising learning in the workplace.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Basic skills
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
Information technology
Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Guidance/counselling/information or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches
Economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Harrow Enterprise Agency Ltd
Name of the contact person: Duncan Lamb
Address: Enterprise House, 297 Pinner Road, Harrow HA1 4HS
e-mail duncan.lamb@hib.org.uk
tel: + 44 (0)20 8427 6188
fax: +44 (0)20 8861 5709
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Learning Centre Vansbro (SE)
VHS Bildungsinstitut (BE)
Learning Centre Masugnen (SE)
Kulturelle Aktion und Prasenz VoG (BE)
Training Centre of the Employers’ Association of Neubrandenburg (DE)
Klaipeda District Economists’ Club (LT)
Project Reference: 03-GBR01-S2G01-00169-1
Language and Literacy Teaching to Migrants via Social Integration and Multicultural Awareness
The main aim of the project is to explore the ways of second language and literacy teaching in the context of social
integration and multicultural awareness for asylum seekers, refugees and migrants. The project will focus in detail on the
implications of teaching and learning another language in a new country where learners are trying to settle, function on a
daily basis, integrate into society, develop multicultural awareness and gain access to education and employment.
The project will entail carrying out research into the existing language provision in four countries, visiting these countries
and observing language provisions offered there, engaging learners and teachers in providing direct feedback on strengths
and weaknesses observed, and finally designing a common framework for language and literacy learning based on the model
of good practice to be implemented for common use.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Basic skills
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
Learning about European countries/the European Union
Information technology
Arts, music, culture
Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Guidance/counselling/information or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches
Management of adult education organisation/institution
Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal
Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities
Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in
Local community groups
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Hull College of Further Education ESOL Department
Name of the contact person: Beata Barker
Address: Queen’s Gardens, Wilberforce Drive, Hull HU1 3DG
e-mail bbarker@hull-college.ac.uk
tel: + 44 (0)1482 329943
fax: +44 (0)1482 598733
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Adult Education Centre, Puerto de Santa Maria (ES)
Karel de Grote Hogeschool (BE)
Sprogcentret Kigkurren (DK)
Project Reference: 03-GBR01-S2G01-00121-2
Basic Skills and Social Enterprises
The aims and objectives of the Learning Partnership are to identify good practice developed by partners in engaging normally
disaffected adults in lifelong learning, particularly where there is a need for basic skills development. In many cases, these
people have been ‘turned off’ learning by previous unsatisfactory experiences and are thus apprehensive (if not antagonistic)
to re-engaging with an educational organisation. However, many of these people are attracted to the operations of social
enterprises or co-operatives which are not seen as representing ‘establishment’ organisations. In particular, this project will
identify good practice where social enterprise organisations and learning providers work together to reach the target groups
and, by developing flexible and non-threatening programmes, encourage them to re-engage with learning and address basic
skill needs. The involvement of learners throughout this project, including transnational visits is therefore essential.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Basic skills
Information technology
Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Guidance/counselling/information or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches
Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation
Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in
Disabled persons
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Lancaster and Morecambe College
Name of the contact person: John Perry
Address: Morecambe Road, Lancaster LA1 2TY
e-mail j.perry@lanmore.ac.uk
tel: + 44 (0) 1524 521216
fax: + 44 (0) 1524 843078
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Furniture Matters (UK)
Dobrich Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BG)
Vaxjo City Council (SE)
Project Reference: 03-GBR01-S2G01-00260-1
Smiley Faces – European Learning Bags
The overall aim of the project is to increase the child development knowledge and basic skills of childminders and parents
and, through them, improve the early years education of children aged 3 – 12.
The adult learners (childminders and parents) will develop a range of ‘Smiley Faces European Learning Bags’ and supporting
training materials for use in the education of children. Each ‘Learning Bag’ will contain resources (toys, games, stories, songs,
etc) created, recorded and handcrafted by the learners themselves. The ‘Learning Bags’, which will also reflect the cultures of
the countries involved, will be exchanged with partners and piloted with groups of children across the partnership. The bags
will also incorporate a project logo to reflect the differing cultures and will explore the use of a ‘Travelling Teddy’ to
accompany the bags across the countries. The project will also deliver a basic child development course to provide learners
with the knowledge and skills necessary for the development of educational resources. It will also devise and deliver training
in child observation techniques as well as training in the use of the learning bags.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Basic skills
Arts, music, culture
Education for parents
Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Northern Ireland Childminding Association
Name of the contact person: Bridget Nodder
Address: 16 – 18 Mill Street, Newtonards BT23 4LU, Northern Ireland
e-mail bridget.nodder@nicma.org
tel: + 44 (0)28 9181 1015
fax: + 44 (0)28 9182 0921
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Centre of non-Material Aid (PL)
Association DIA SPORT (BG)
Kelme English Club ‘ABC’ (LT)
Parents Association of the Makedonitissa B Elementary School (CY)
Project Reference: 03-GBR01-S2G01-00261-3
When Writing We Communicate – www.com
The project aims to publish a book of creative and imaginative writings of young socially excluded people from three
European countries, in their own language. These writings will include poetry, prose and short stories, which have been
developed from themes decided upon by the young people and will reflect the ideas and opinions that are pertinent to their
The project will start with a creative writing workshop for trainers and learners. Learners will then continue to produce work
in creative writing classes at their home institution. Learners will collaborate via the internet with their counterparts in
partner countries over the content and design of the book.
Through participating in this activity, learners will develop their basic skills in literacy and broaden their knowledge and
experience of literature. Using creative writing as a medium to express feelings will build their self-confidence and help
them to overcome barriers to learning and social inclusion.
The partner organisations will benefit from the use of innovative methods to develop basic skills in literacy and from the
development of creative writing as a curriculum subject.
Total Duration: 1 year
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Basic skills
Information technology
Arts, music, culture
Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches
Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation
Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Second Chance School
Name of the contact person: Barbara Brodigan
Address: East Leeds Family Learning Centre, Brooklands View, Leeds LS14 6SA
e-mail barbara.brodigan@leeds.gov.uk
tel: + 44 (0)113 224 3113
fax: + 44 (0)113 224 3172
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Ideke (GR)
Second Chance School, Gijon (ES)
Project Reference: 03-GBR01-S2G01-00265-2
Cultural Integration and Citizenship Experiences of Migrant Learners
The project aims to develop a transnational community creative writing and educational guidance skills programme with
learners from migrant communities, especially women. It will utilise an informal approach, allowing learners to increase
their capacity to play a full and active role in society. This will be achieved through educational guidance tools for
addressing the specific needs of migrant learners. Learners will be given the opportunity to express their cultural, social and
economic experiences in relation to citizenship through essays, journals and workshops. Support and guidance systems will
be put into place for developing self-confidence, motivation and educational awareness. The project’s outcomes will include
case studies, publications, an exhibition and partnership exchange visits allowing for wider dissemination across local,
national and transnational communities.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Educational guidance
Basic skills
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
Learning about European countries/the European Union
Sustainable development
Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Guidance/counselling/information or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches
Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities
Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Sherico Care Homes Ltd
Name of the contact person: Noor Hasmat Ali
Address: 2 Balmoral Road, Leyton, London E10 5ND
e-mail Shericocarehomes@aol.com
tel: +44 (0)20 8518 7896
fax: +44 (0)20 8539 6422
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Transcultural Therapeutic Team for Young Immigrants and Refugees (DK)
University of Plovdiv (BG)
Padua University (IT)
Otava Folk School (FI)
Project Reference: 03-GBR01-S2G01-00263-3
Developing Female Entrepreneurs
Primarily, this project seeks to identify the needs of unemployed women wishing to establish their own businesses. In
particular, the partnership has been designed to examine the existing support services available to women who face multiple
forms of exclusion (e.g. unemployment, rural isolation, victim of domestic violence). Secondly, the partners aim to design
and develop a series of training modules in response to the identified needs of the target group and to make these available
in electronic format (internet/CD-ROM) in the languages of the countries involved. It is intended that, in the longer term
these modules will be delivered either face-to-face, or on-line to facilitate access by women in rural or isolated areas.
Total Duration: 1 year
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Basic skills
Information technology
Sustainable development
Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Guidance/counselling/information or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches
Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Stockport College of Further and Higher Education
Name of the contact person: Gareth Long
Address: Wellington Road South, Stockport SK1 3UQ
e-mail Gareth.long@stockport.ac.uk
tel: + 44 (0)161 958 3367
fax: + 44 (0)161 958 3367
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Centre for Continuing Education (PL)
Association for the Promotion of Women in Romania (RO)
Project Reference: 03-GBR01-S2G01-00198-2
Creative and Performing Arts in the Community
The broad aim of the project is to identify common problems and share good practice amongst European partners in relation
to participation of local people in creative and performing arts.
An initial partner meeting will be held involving learners and practitioners from each of the participating countries.
Participants will discuss common problems and share good practices and plan the arts activities to be carried out in their
own countries. Each partner will then go back and set up specific arts projects in their communities. These projects will have
a common theme of local culture/traditions. A website will be established as a means of communicating between partner
groups. Partners will discuss the progress of their projects at a second transnational meeting and plan how best to showcase
the outcomes (e.g. a CD of musical performances, a video of drama performances, a virtual gallery of artwork). Each of the
local projects will then record/video their performances or photograph their artwork. At a third meeting, partners will share
final outcomes, contribute to the final report of the project and plan future events.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Intercultural issues
Learning about European countries/the European Union
Information technology
Arts, music, culture
Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches
Local community groups
Economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: The Lyndhurst Centre
Name of the contact person: Colin McLelland
Address: Beacon Lough Road, Gateshead NE9 6TA
e-mail staff@lyndhurst.fslife.co.uk
tel: + 44 (0)191 420 7000
fax: + 44 (0)191 420 8000
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
New Bulgarian University (BG)
Teacher Centre of Cabrera (ES)
Raffaello Cultural Association (IT)
Adult Education Promotion Association (ES)
Adult Education Centre of Vilnius (LT)
Project Reference: 03-GBR01-S2G01-00174-3
Enhancing Guidance and Counselling Services Delivered to Parents/Carers of Hearing Impaired
The key purpose of this project is to share and develop expertise on the part of professionals who counsel and support the
parents and carers of hearing impaired children and students. Professionals will undertake short exchange visits to work
with colleagues in partner countries and participate in and observe their ways of working with families/carers.
Conferences/meetings will be held in each of the partner countries where the parents/carers of hearing impaired children
and students will be invited to discuss counselling/support issues. In addition, each partner will conduct a survey of
parents/carers in order to garner their views on the counselling, guidance and support facilities delivered to them. At the end
of the project a report will be produced comparing and contrasting guidance and counselling methodologies and practices in
the participating countries with recommendations for enhancing them. It is hoped that the project will contribute to the
European Year of Disabled People.
Total Duration: 1 year
Funding year: 1
Area(s) covered
Education for parents
Professional development of those responsible for the support of parents of hearing
impaired children and students
Project Objectives
Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learners
Guidance/counselling/information or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches
Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal
Parents/carers of hearing impaired children and students
Target Group(s)
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Sensory Inclusion Service, Borough of Telford and Wrekin and Shropshire County Council
Name of the contact person: Andrew Broughton
Address: The Glebe Centre, Glebe Street, Wellington, Telford TF1 1JP
e-mail andrew.broughton@telford.gov.uk
tel: + 44 (0)1952 522660
fax: + 44 (0)1952 522661
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
National Upper School for the Deaf, Hearing and Language/Speech Impaired (SE)
Gozo Association for the Deaf and Helen Keller School (MT)
Project Reference: 03-GBR01-S2G01-00151-2
Removing barriers to learning for older people
This project aims to find ways of overcoming barriers to learning and to support the needs of older learners. It has a
particular focus on disadvantaged older learners. All the partners work with older learners in different ways and settings,
e.g. through community development work, intergenerational learning and traditional adult education. The project aims to
identify best practice in each country and make the models available for transference to the other partner countries.
For 2003, the project is committed to producing a book of best practice, drawn from each of the participating countries.
There are also plans to develop a training programme for practitioners which will take into account the views of older
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 2
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
Learning about European countries
Information Technology
Arts, music, culture
Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches
Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal
Senior citizens
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Community Education Development Centre (CEDC)
Name of the contact person: Ms Chris Jones
Address: Unit C1, Grovelands Court, Grovelands Estate, Longford Rd, Exhall, Coventry CV7 9NE
e-mail chris@cedc.org.uk
tel: + 44 2476 588440
fax: + 44 2476 588441
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Europäisches Zentrum für Wohlfahrtspolitik und Sozialforschung (AT)
Curriculum Development Centre (IE)
Adult Education Institute (HU)
Project Reference: 03-GBR01-S2G01-00154-2
READ – Rural Exchanges and Access for investigating new ways of Developing rural districts,
through developing new learning opportunities for people living in rural areas.
The aim of the project is to investigate new ways of developing rural districts and how the role of adult education can be an
active contributor to rural development. Key topics will be rural adult education programmes, diversification, agriculture
and small farmers, food production, financial and economic literacy and the use of new technology. A ‘learner’ is defined as
anyone actively involved in rural life from farmers to community activists. All rural districts have the common issues of
isolation, lack of transport, migration of young people, ageing population, and decline in primary industry (agriculture).
Learners and trainers will attend two seminars/workshops per year, at which they will explore new ways of developing
learning opportunities for adults living in rural districts. Video diaries of the workshops will be kept and disseminated to the
partners. The results will also be recorded in a manual of training material/resources and a CD-ROM. Learners will be
involved in the planning, implementation and evaluation of the project and “planning groups” of Learners will be established
in each partner country.
In the first year of the project, participants benefited from direct contact with others learning and working in adult
education in a rural environment and shared information on how they deal with mutual issues. The partners prepared the
first draft of the READ manual and set up the READ website. In the second year, the manual and the website will be
developed further and the CD-ROM will be produced. The project also aims to develop and seek accreditation for a rural
workers’ (READ) certificate course.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 2
Basic skills
Active citizenship
Learning about other European countries
Sustainable development
Rural development through adult education
Strategy for stimulating adult learners
Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Local community groups
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: West Midlands Churches Regional Forum
Name of the contact person: Mr Michael Lilley
Address: Carrs Lane Church Centre, Birmingham, B4 7SX
e-mail m.lilley@ruralnet.org.uk
tel: + 44 121 643 6603
fax: + 44 121 632 5320
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Association Villanelle (Reunion – FR)
Fundacja Roswoju Regionu Goldap (PL)
Femxa Formación Empressarial (ES)
Teaching College for Religious Education (AT)
Centre de Formation Professional et Promotion Agriculture (FR)
Project Reference: 03-GBR01-S2G01-00213-3
Just Like Us
The project aims to provide learners with basic skills through the visual and performing arts. The project will work with
learners in each of the countries to show that they are not unique and that they share similar difficulties with other
learners. It aims to widen consciousness and share experience through the European dimension of the project. Connections
will be made between different types of Learners who have been labelled through disability, gender, ethnicity etc, and
through innovative approaches, individuals will be encouraged to overcome barriers to participation.
All activities will have an emphasis on tackling exclusion. Learners will meet face to face at the project meetings and will
also take part in a video conference. The end products, (e.g. creative writing, performance art, music etc) will be recorded
and shared amongst the partners and beyond.
In the first year of the project, learners and facilitators shared experiences through a variety of cultural activities (drama,
music, art, photography, etc.) within the theme of The Story of My Life’s Journey. They did this via the project website, a
series of video conferences, a project newsletter and the exchange of hand-made Christmas greetings cards.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 2
Basic skills
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues; Arts, music, culture
Education for parents; Information technology
Stimulating the adult learner’s demand for learning.
Tackling barriers to acquiring basic skills
developing new tools for learning by targeting specific groups and individuals
making connections between excluded groups
Using European experience to broaden consciousness.
Persons living in rural and disadvantaged areas
Disabled persons
Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: The Moray Council
Name of the contact person: Sue Mitchell
Address: The Moray Council, High Street, Elgin IV30 1BX
e-mail Sue.mitchell@moray.gov.uk
tel: + 44 (0)1343 829026
fax: +44 (0)1343 829054
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Katholische Erwachsenbildung im Lande Niedersachsen e V( DE)
Åsen voksenopp/æringssenter ( NO)
Stockton Borough Council (UK)
Project Reference: 03-GBR01-S2G01-00135-2
Active Citizenship in Europe (ACE)
This project aims to bring together partners from a range of organisations to share and experiment with best practice in the
field of active citizenship and to make creative links to lifelong learning provision, with the aim of mainstreaming changes
to service provision across member states.
The main objective of the project is to develop new and imaginative methods of learning about and teaching active
citizenship to enhance local and regional communities, as well as awareness of the EU and its institutions. Participants will
also study and report on the role of ICT in active citizenship and develop specific programmes to enhance citizenship
In the first year of the project, the partners have been researching and evaluating methods and materials in the field of
active citizenship and sharing their findings through partner meetings, involving learners from economically and socially
disadvantaged groups. The aim for the second and third years of the project is to identify the most effective strategies and
develop these further.
For the second year, a new partner, Birmingham Reachout, has been brought in to add a cross-sector approach to the
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Other (describe if applicable)
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 2
Active citizenship
Learning about European countries / the European Union
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches
Local Community Groups
Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Birmingham Adult Education Service
Name of the contact person: Mr Stuart Daniels
Address: Central Library, Chamberlain Square, Birmingham, B3 3HQ
e-mail stuart_daniels@birmingham.gov.uk
tel: + 44 121 303 4040
fax: + 44 121 303 4187
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Rovalan Setlementtry (FI)
Foundation in Support of Local Democracy (PL)
Reachout (UK)
Jelgava Regional Council Adult Education Centre (LV)
Project Reference: 03-GBR01-S2G01-00183-3
Three Nations, One World
This partnership aims to promote active citizenship and challenge xenophobia within Europe as well as on a global level. This
will be achieved through collaborative work and shared learning, raising awareness of the socio-political factors affecting
the economic situation of EU peripheral nations and looking at the theme of sustainable development. The first phase of the
project will be the implementation of a baseline study designed to identify levels of awareness of socio-political issues
linked to Europe and the wider world, which will lead to the development of intercultural learning materials. Learners will be
actively involved in the project throughout, taking part in planning and evaluation, looking at different pedagogical
approaches and undertaking study visits to partner countries.
Results of the project will be disseminated via a dedicated web site, which will also be used as a communication tool
between partners throughout the life of the project.
The first year of the project has seen the development and exchange of training materials between the partner countries and
the establishment of a project website. The project has facilitated a process of exchange and learning for the educators.
Learner groups have declared an interest in more opportunities to exchange and learn from partners. This will be addressed
in year two when there will be a series of learner visits to partner countries. There will also be four resources and training
workshops with educators and learner groups to further develop delivery materials for the project.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 2
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
Sustainable development
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Adult educators and trainers
Young adults at risk of social marginalisation
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Global Connections
Name of the contact person: Cathryn Al Kanaan
Address: 2 Castle Terrace, Pembroke, SA71 4LA, Wales
e-mail cathryn@globalconnections.org.uk
tel: + 44 1646 687800
fax: + 44 1646 687800
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Gaia (GR)
Associazione di Cooperazione Rurale in Africa e America Latina (IT)
Project Reference: 03-GBR01-S2G01-00139-2
MABEL – Multi-disciplinary Approach to Adult Basic Education and Learning
The M.A.B.E.L. project aims to explore the potential of a multi-disciplinary approach to Adult Basic Education and Learning
for prisoners and young offenders, with emphasis on a common core curriculum involving Basic Numeracy, Literacy, ICT and
Social and Life Skills. Staff involved in the teaching of these subjects will explore themes together, share ideas on methods
and techniques and develop lessons that can be delivered to adult learners using a cross-curricular approach.
Central to this study will be the work carried out with the prisoners themselves to produce three collaborative magazines, in
both paper format and on audio-tape for the visually impaired. Prisoners will share information about themselves, prison
life, their local area, their country, customs, traditions and beliefs.
The magazines will be also be developed as a teaching/learning resource of real life experiences that can be used for learners
by all partners to improve communication skills (mother tongue/foreign languages) and European awareness. At the end of
the project all partners will have a rich library of real life experiences. A project website will be created so that the results
of the project can be widely disseminated.
The first issue of the project’s Open Doors magazine was produced in May 2003, with contributions from students in each of
the partner countries on the theme of “Isolation and Society”.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 2
Basic skills
Intercultural Issues
Languages and Learning about European Countries/the European Union
Information Technology
Arts, music, culture
Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Her Majesty’s Prison Maghaberry
Name of the contact person: Mr Jim Turley
Address: Education Department, Old Road, Upper Ballinderry, Lisburn, Co Antrim, Northern Ireland, BT27 2 NF
e-mail turjimley@hotmail.com
tel: + 44 28 9261 2592
fax: + 44 28 9261 4893
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Lancaster and Morcambe College (UK)
The Curragh prison Camp (IE)
Prison School Stara Zagora (BG)
Prison School Rzeszow (PL)
Stromso Videregaende Skole avd. Drammen Fengsel (NO)
Project Reference: 03-GBR01-S2G01-00148-2
EPLLA – Engaging Prisoners in Lifelong Learning Activities
The E.P.L.L.A. project will encourage prisoners and young offenders to re-engage with learning in the hope that it will lead
them to a continuous cycle of lifelong learning and thus reduce their risk of re-offending. Its overall aim is to involve
learners in activities that will improve their literacy skills and increase their awareness of health, lifestyle and employment
issues. The partnership will also explore current educational opportunities and systems of prison education in the partner
countries and will investigate processes of basic skills/basic literacy education as well as the potential for distance learning.
In the first year of the project each of the partners prepared training and learning material which were then shared and
developed through a series of partner meetings and an ongoing process of trials and evaluation. Prison learners from the
partner countries were involved in this process via questionnaires and focus groups. The development and evaluation process
will continue into the second year with the aim of producing a definitive trainer manual and a set of learning materials at
the end of the project.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 2
Basic skills
Active Citizenship and Intercultural Issues
Information Technology
Sustainable Development
Health and Environment
Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches
Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal
Persons in prison
Young Adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: North East Institute of Further & Higher Education
Name of the contact person: Clare O’Neill
Address: Trostan Avenue Building, Ballymena, Co Antrim, Northern Ireland, BT43 7BN
e-mail coneill@nei.ac.uk
tel: + 44 28 25 636237
fax: + 44 28 25 659245
Organisation/Project website: www.nei.ac.uk
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
ARPAT Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione dell’Ambiente della Toscana (IT)
Faculty of Economics and Administration Masaryk University BRNO (CZ)
Universita di Malta Dipartimento dell Educazione (MT)
Prato Prison (IT)
HMP Magilligan (UK)
University of Denmark (DK)
Project Reference: 03-GBR01-S2G01-00153-3
The broad aim of this project is to engage those suffering from social exclusion. The project will work towards a common
definition of basic skills and community involvement. Staff and learners from the participating institutions will evaluate
teaching and learning styles in the light of community needs. Formal and informal community education in a range of
contexts will be considered along with exchange of current good practice in engaging those who suffer from social
exclusion. Particular target groups in the context of this project are refugees and asylum seekers and the project will explore
how these groups can be best involved in the community and learn the skills they need to support this involvement.
The project will engage teachers and trainers delivering basic skills, social workers, community and outreach workers, health
workers, local authorities, members of excluded groups and members of mainstream communities. Learners will be directly
involved in project activities and study visits to partner countries. They will make videos and exhibitions of their learning
In the first year of the project there have been a series of visits to evaluate basic skills and community work at each of the
participating institutions. These visits will continue in the second year culminating in a final conference to disseminate
materials and models of good practice.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 2
Basic skills
Strategy for stimulating adult learners’ demand for learning
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Socially excluded
Asylum seekers and refugees
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Thanet Basic Skills Partnership
Name of the contact person: Jennifer Gartland
Address: 29 King Street, Ramsgate Kent CT11 8NP
e-mail tbsp@lineone.net
tel: + 44 1843 583553
fax: + 44 1843 583553
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Centro Spazio Reale, (IT)
Esberg Daghojskole,(DK)
Project Reference: 03-GBR01-S2G01-00156-3
The development of a community-based model for a drugs education programme
The purpose of the project is the development of an agreed model of drugs education/awareness that the partner countries
can use in their day-to-day work and disseminate to the wider community of drugs education agencies. The project will give
learners a very active role in developing the training model.
In the first year of the project, the partners exchanged existing training plans/models and began a process of consultation
and evaluation aimed at identifying models of best practice and developing these further.
In the second year of the project, a training seminar will be held in Lithuania and work will continue on devising a model of
training for the delivery of drugs education programmes. The project will seek accreditation for programme deliverers and
participants within the partner countries and at wider European level.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 2
Active Citizenship
Intercultural issues
Education for parents
European Countries / European Union
Consumer education
Strategy for stimulating adult learners’ demand for learning
Guidance/counselling or other support activities
Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches
Methods for accrediting competencies acquired outside formal education
Local community groups
Parents, carers and professionals working with young people
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Birmingham Parents for Prevention
Name of the contact person: Martin Chidgey
Address: 2nd floor, Ruskin Chambers, 191 Corporation St
e-mail Martin_pfpAyahoo.co.uk
tel: + 44 121 200 2008
fax: + 44 121 236 8177
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Community Awareness of Drugs (IE)
Centre for Education about Drugs and Treatment of Drug Addicted Persons (CY)
Parents Against Drugs (LT)
Project Reference: 03-GBR01-S2G01-00221-2
Arts as a Catalyst for Social Inclusion through Shared Intercultural Learning
The project partners will share experience and skills of using arts as a catalyst for social inclusion and a medium for
intercultural shared learning.
This project will investigate how learners outside of formal learning institutions can be empowered through shared
experiences in an intercultural context. The learners involved are all from socially excluded groups. The issue of how this
type of learning can act as a pathway to further education and training will also be addressed. The partners will examine
what is common in their approaches to learning through the arts, and what is specific to each partner’s national, regional
and local setting.
Central to the project is the idea that the learners can be teachers and the teachers can be learners. There will be workshops
and weekly arts sessions in each of the partner organisations. During this period the learners will prepare pieces that will be
performed at an exhibition in Poland in July 2003. Learners and staff from all the partners will attend. The second year will
incorporate learners’ reflections on the project. A further exhibition will be staged and a CD ‘Orchestra of the Souls’ is
planned. The project results will be disseminated via a project website and displays.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 2
Active citizenship
Intercultural Issues
Arts, music, culture
Learning about European countries, the European Union
Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches
Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal
Migrants/travellers/ethic or other minorities
Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation
Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: LIFT – London International Festival of Theatre
Name of the contact person: Tony Fegan
Address: 19-20 Great Sutton Street, London EC1V 0DR
e-mail tonyf@liftfest.org.uk
tel: +44 20 74903964
fax: +44 20 7490 3976
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Katholische Erwachsenenbildung im Lande Niedersachsen e.V. (DE)
Ayuntamiento de la Ville De Aguimes (ES)
Centrum Edukacjii Inicjatyw Kulturalnych (PL)
CESIS Centro de Estudos para a Intervencao Social (PT)
Multi Cultural Resource Centre (UK)
Project Reference: 03-GBR01-S2G01-00218-3
CLEAR (Cultural learning Engaging all Regionally) for Learning Partnerships
The aim of this project is to establish transnational study circles for adult learners with a view to promoting intercultural
understanding and increasing awareness of cultural diversity. Museums and other cultural organisations will be actively
involved at local level. The First Class intranet system, managed by the EU Job rotation International Association, will
facilitate study circle communication. It is intended to research and publish good practice in the formation of learning
networks and role of culture in lifelong learning.
In the first year of the project, the partners conducted research into national legislation relating to the development of
lifelong learning partnerships/networks and into regional models for the formation of lifelong learning networks. The Project
website was established. Participants were recruited for the first transnational study circle
In the second year, the partners will continue to share material relating to lifelong learning networks/partnerships with the
aim of identifying and showcasing models of good practice. Transnational study circles will be established on a range of
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Other (describe if applicable)
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 2
Basic skills
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
Learning about European countries
Information technology
Sustainable development
Arts, music, culture
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal
Persons living in rural or disadvantage areas
Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups
Local community groups
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Dacorum Borough Council
Name of the contact person: Hilary Fyson
Address: The Bridge, 1-11 Bridge Street, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 1EG
e-mail Hilary.fyson@dacorum.gov.uk
tel: + 44 1442 867832
fax: + 44 1442 266056
Organisation/Project website: www.clear-network.org
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Technopolis (GR)
LASA Brandenburg (DE)
Eductus (SE)
Geomedia (EE)
Project Reference: 03-GBR01-S2G01-00191-2
CADAC – Communication and Development Across Cultures
The core aim of the project is the promotion of cultural understanding and tolerance and working towards improved social
inclusion for marginalised groups. The project focuses primarily on cultural and ethnic minorities, asylum seekers and
The project partners will explore ways to tackle integration using formal and informal teaching of language and
communication. Through a series of workshops with learners in each of the participating organisations, it will explore
cultural differences and ways of interacting more effectively. The main aim is to empower individuals to influence their own
situation via better access to language, basic skills and cultural awareness.
In the first year of the project, the partners pooled their existing resources for promoting cultural awareness and challenging
xenophobia and began the process of identifying the most effective materials and developing these further. This process will
continue into the second year, supported by a series of workshops on learners’ experience of racism and xenophobia. The
project will end with a seminar on intercultural learning to disseminate the materials that have been developed.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 2
Intercultural Issues
Strategy for stimulating adult learners’ demand for learning
Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities
Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Community Education (The City of Edinburgh Council)
Name of the contact person: John Heywood
Address: Carrington Road,10
e-mail John.Heywood@educ.edin.gov.uk
tel: + 44 131 332 6316
fax: + 44 131 332 3812
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Glasgow College of Food Technology (UK)
Max-Eyth-Schule (DE)
Adult Centre Joaquin Sorolla (ES)
Institute of Language and Foundation Studies at the Charles University (CZ)
Project Reference: 03-GBRO1-S2GO1-00150-1
Non-Traditional Approaches to Reaching Marginalised Groups
Best practice in reaching traditionally excluded groups is investigated and shared. The project investigates methodologies
used with a wide range of disadvantaged groups rather than focusing on the needs of one particular group. The partners
conduct an audit of innovative practice in each member institution. During the first year of the project, staff from the
partner institutions met in order to discuss the findings of the audits and experience innovative practices at first hand. For
example, at the first meeting in Denmark participants experienced the ‘suggestopedial’ method of teaching traumatised
refugees. In the second year of the project, there were further visits to partner institutions and learners were also brought in
through a series of learner exchanges. These visits and learner exchanges will continue into the third year and the audit
evidence will be collated into a final report detailing the good practice identified. The project will end with an evaluation
and dissemination meeting and the publication of the report.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 3
Basic skills
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
Strategy for stimulating adult learners’ demand for learning
Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches
Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities
Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups
Young adults at risk of social marginalisation
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Bristol Community Education Service
Name of the contact person: John Windsor
Address: The Alexandra Park Centre, Alexandra Park, Fishponds, Bristol BS16 2BG
e-mail johnwindsor@inthedark.co.uk
tel: + 44 117 903 8822
fax: + 44 117 903 8823
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
MENTOR – Centru pentru educatia adultilor (RO)
CTP Arcore – Centro Territoriale Permanete Per La Formazione e l’Educazione Degli Adulti (IT)
Fédération des centres d’insertion (FR)
Sprogkolen I Kolding (DK)
Project Reference: 03-GBR01-S2G01-00140-1
Parents as Educators
Learning and education are difficult to access for those who care for a child with a disability, this project unites parents who
share the common ground of being experts in the disability issues which affect their children. The project assists and
empowers parents to become active learners by engaging them in an informal learning environment and helping them to
identify and value their skills. These are then presented to a wider audience of other parents and professionals via a website
and submissions in professional journals.
Parents are partners in the delivery and development of the project, which encompasses staff and learner exchanges,
internet and e-mail communication, and jointly developed project materials. The project places disability issues in a
transnational context, examining the way in which the delivery of services varies between the participating countries. The
cultural diversity that gives rise to these differences in provision is a matter of great interest to many parents seeking
alternative systems and best practice in support of their children. The parents will end up educating the professionals in the
best way to meet their service needs.
Activities in the second year of the project included: the production and distribution of a bulletin of parents’ learning
experiences and testimonies; a planning meeting in Edinburgh attended by 50 parents representing parent groups from each
of the partner countries; and the development of a strategy for influencing policy on school education in partner countries.
In the final year of the project, parent learners will continue to share knowledge and skills through learner exchanges.
Strategies will be devised in each of the partner countries for the parent learners to put their experience into practice and
become the educators of professionals and other parents of disabled children
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 3
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
Education for parents
Learning about European countries/the European Union
Strategy for stimulating adult learners’ demand for learning
Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches
Parents of children with a disability
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Children in Scotland
Name of the contact person: Eddie Follan
Address: Princes House, 5 Shandwick Place, Edinburgh EH2 4RG
e-mail efollan@childreninscotland.org.uk
tel: + 44 131 228 8484
fax: + 44 131 228 8585
Organisation/Project website: www.childreninscotland.org.uk
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Associazione Italiana Persone Down, Sezione di Pisa-Livorno (IT)
Associazione Italiana Persone Down, Sezione di Brindisi (IT)
Associazione “Intergrazione” (IT)
Committee for Inclusive Education of Disabled People (IT)
Groupement pour l’Insertion des Personnes Handicapées Physiques (G.I.H.P) Midi-Pyrénées (FR)
Project Reference: 03-GBR01-S2G01-00207-3
The partnership, through its shared activity, aims to ‘shed light on’ and address the challenges faced by people excluded or
at risk of exclusion from mainstream opportunities. It seeks to redress prejudice, xenophobia, racism and intolerance by
promoting intercultural education as a tool for individual and community development. It aims to work with teachers,
learners, minority community members and community development workers to share expertise. The project will establish
and promote models of good practice, including the development of teaching and training materials, in working with adults
who are disadvantaged for socio-economic, geographical, cultural, racial or other reasons, including low levels of basic
Highlights of the third and final year of the project will include a workshop on “engaging men in learning” and a summer
word camp with literacy and language activities. The ongoing process of sharing, evaluating and developing teaching
materials and models of good practice will culminate in the production of an integrated tool kit for delivering basic skills
education to adults and the publication of a good practice guide. A final conference will allow for the dissemination of the
LUMINA project using video, visual displays, presentations and celebrations of the variety of cultural identities represented.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 3
Basic skills
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
Strategy for stimulating adult learners’ demand for learning
Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches
Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities
Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Oxfordshire County Council
Name of the contact person: Karen Fairfax-Cholmeley
Address: East Street Centre, Banbury,OX16 7LJ
e-mail karenfair@bancec.org.uk
tel: + 44 1295 265 427
fax: + 44 1865 712 010
Organisation/Project website: www.oxfordshire.gov.uk/lifelearn/absintro.htm
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Learning and Skills Council (UK)
Centro de Adultos (Crespa) de Parla (ES)
Colectivo Abaco (ES)
University of Transilvania in Brasov (RO)
Fundacion Secretariado General Gitano (ES)
Fundatia Partener (RO)
Resource Centre for Roma Communities (RO)
Project Reference: 03-GBR01-S2G01-00217-3
‘CIAO’ Communication via IT for Adults On-Line
This project uses innovative ways of promoting new technologies to disadvantaged groups with the aim of encouraging
lifelong learning. Computer facilities are provided in remote rural areas or in areas of industrial decline. They are set up in
places where they would not usually be expected, such as in village shops or local bars. The computers are linked via the
internet to interesting sites and via a web camera to a terminal in another participating country. Users are able to observe
other Europeans going about their daily routine and are encouraged to establish links. Specialist equipment is available to
disabled learners. Questionnaires and interviews in the disadvantaged communities are used to assess the impact of the new
technologies. Activities also include learner exchanges, a joint newsletter and the establishment and maintenance of a
shared website.
For the final year of the project, the focus will be on improving certain aspects, e.g. better collection and analysis of
questionnaire data for presentation in a summary report, the incorporation of a better web-cam experience, and more
effective use of voice messaging and chat-room formats. There are also plans to produce a “Good Practice Guide” which will
cover areas such as project delivery and evaluation.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 3
Basic skills
Active citizenship
Information Technology
Strategy for stimulating adult learners’ demand for learning
Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches
Disadvantaged groups
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Ridge Danyers College
Name of the contact person: Janet Milligaan
Address: Hibbert Lane, Marple, Stockport, SK6 7PA
e-mail janet.milligan@theridge.ac.uk
tel: + 44 161 484 6682
fax: + 44 161 484 6682
Organisation/Project website: www.ciaoproject.org
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Amtscentret For Undervisning (DK)
Associazione Culturale Alfabeti (IT)
Znanie Centre for Vocational Training Ltd. (BG)
Latvian School Sport Federation (LV)
Project Reference: 03-GBR01-S2G01-00209-3
GEM (Guidance, Evaluation and Methodologies for Lifelong Learning)
The aim of the project is to exchange information on guidance provision for ‘low educated’ adults with a view to identifying
models of good practice and a career guidance methodology.
Thus far there have been two successful transnational partnership meetings including practical field trips and consultations
with a range of organisations and individuals with an insight into adult education and experience of the target group. Two
further meetings are planned for June 2003 and May 2004.
Work is continuing on identifying models of good practice in career guidance, career development and motivational
strategies for low achievers and on developing a tool to be used in the assessment of low achievers based on instruments for
measuring existing skills and competencies and recognising informal learning.
The partnership has submitted an application for a Grundtvig European Cooperation Project to take forward the work of this
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 3
Basic skills
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
Education for parents
European countries
Information Technology
Strategy for stimulating adult learners’ demand for learning
Guidance/counselling or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches
Methods for providing credit for competencies acquired outside formal education
Economically or socially disadvantaged groups
Young adults at risk of social marginalisation
Low academic achievers
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Waterside Development Trust
Name of the contact person: Margaret Lee
Address: 104-108 Spencer Road, Londonderry, Northern Ireland
e-mail enquiries@thewdg.com
tel: + 44 287 311 433
fax: + 44 287 138 220
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
V.Z.W. De Sleutel (BE)
Irfa Est Interregion (FR)
East Sussex County Council (UK)
Centre for Social Welfare and Professional Education (LT)
Project Reference: 03-GBR01-S2G01-00252-3
Community Creativity for Community Development
The project aims to extend the use of drama and the creative arts as an educational tool by providing training for
trainers/educators at the partner institutions. As many of the staff involved in the project will already be engaged in using
these techniques, the focus will be on enhancing their skills and developing effective methodologies. Participants will share
experience and identify common needs and opportunities through exchange visits and internet communication. Techniques
and methodologies designed to develop skills and imagination will be shared in a number of ‘Impact Workshops’. The project
will end with a celebratory rural community drama and arts festival.
Total Duration: 1 year
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Intercultural issues
Learning about European countries, the European Union
Arts, music, culture
Education for parents
Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches
Management of adult education organisation/institution
Economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Local community groups
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Pathways Inspirational Development Ltd
Name of the contact person: Ian Ball
Address: Y Bwthyn, Bachaethlon, Sarn, Newtown, Powys SY16 4HH
e-mail ianball@ntlworld.com
tel: + 44 (0)1686 670505
fax: + 44 (0)1686 670505
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Panevezys Day Care Centre (LT)
Iasi Regional Board of Education (RO)
University of Wales Bangor Research Institute for Enhancing Learning (UK)
Project Reference: 03-ISl01-S2G01-00003-2
Learning for New Opportunities
Exploring new methods to make people in disadvantaged groups aware of their competences and support their wishes for
the future. Focus on new teaching methods to identify competence among the learners as well as methods to apply to
learners. Discuss ways of evaluating real competence and knowledge and how to evaluate the results when working with
low self-esteem. Introduction of research carried out with people in the target groups on how to prepare them for the
labour market. Networks have been formed that will prove beneficial for the future.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 2
Basic skills
Guidance/Counselling or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Methods for providing credit for knowledge or comp.
Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities
Economically or socially disadvantaged groups
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: MFA- Workers education association
Name of the contact person: Gunnlaug Hartmannsdóttir
Address: Grensásvegur 16 a
e-mail: gunnlaug@mimir.is
tel: + 533 1818
fax: + 533 1819
Organisation/Project website: http://www.asi.is/vinnan/1998/vinnan5/mfaskoli.htm
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Kobenhavns kvindedaghojskole, DKArbeidernes Opplysneingsforbund No
Learning Links-UK
Project Reference: 03-ISl01-S2G01-00010-2
Second Chance for Women
To give women a second chance in life and promote equality between women and men. To raise a co-operation network
among the partners in order to develop strategies to encourage women to participate in lifelong learning and to consider
gender issues. An exchange of experiences has been shared and the project co-ordinator organised an international seminar
last spring on this matter.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 2003
Basic skills
Active citizenship
Information technology;
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Centre of Lifelong learning in West Iceland
Name of the contact person: Inga Sigurðardóttir
Address: Bjarnabraut 8, 310 Borgarnes
e-mail : ingasig@simenntun.is
tel: + 437 2390
fax: + 437 1494
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Resource centre of Skjetlein, No
Multipurpose co-operative Union,PT
Business coaching Partners, - GMBH, AT
Akademy of Education Presov, Sk
Project Reference: 03-NOR01-S2G01-00067-2
The participants in the project (the teachers) are working with disadvantaged people and use arts, music and culture as a
means to let the learners cope better with life. The main goals are to prepare and motivate the participants for further
education and/ or enable the participants to adjust better to life and to set realistic goals. We want to build up an
international network to get new ideas and inspiration in this field. This is in line with Reform 94 in Norway and The Council
of Europe`s Recommendation No r (89) 12 on Education in prison, states in Art 6.1: "Courses should not be limited to
conventional subjects; it is the potential student`s right to learn what is paramount, and some learning needs may not be
met by traditional academic classification." This will be the matter for various groups of disadvantaged people.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Other (describe if applicable)
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 2
Art, music, culture
Strategy for stimulating/ promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Methods for providing credit for knowl. or comp.
Economically or socially disadvantaged groups
Other (describe if applicable)
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Åsane videregående skole, avd. Bergen fengsel
Name of the contact person: Alfhild T. Heldal
Address: Postboks 230 Nyborg, NO- 5871 Bergen
e-mail Alfhild.Heldal@ble.hordaland-f.kommune.no
tel: + 47 55 39 37 80
fax: + 47 55 19 44 54
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Katholisches Bildungswerk Karnten, AT
Karel de Grote Hogeschool, BE
Education Unit, Cork Prison, IE
Vsl Juodosios keramikos centras, LT
Project Reference: 03- NOR01- S2G01- 00037-3
Adapted Adult Education in Prison and how to follow up after release
The project aims through exchange of experiences and working sessions in cross-national meetings, as well as by involving
the learners in trying out methods/models, to improve the adult teaching provided to offenders in the participating
institutions/schools. Main topics: how to use ICT as a tool in the education provided to the offenders, how to manage cooperation between teaching staff and other services in prison to enhance the quality of the adult education given to the
offenders, to improve the knowledge of different cultures and languages in Europe, how to co- ordinate the inside prison
education with follow-up education after release.
Through working sessions in conferences established by the partners, and project work in the institutions between the
conferences, we will work out models and educational methods for better adult education adapted to the offenders and
their special needs.
A common Home Page on the Internet has been made during the first project year. On this page, the project partners will
present local projects and experiences for each other (and to other interested providers of adapted, adult education). The
project also will present the results on paper and CD- ROM.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Other (describe if applicable)
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 2
Basic skills
European countries/ the European Union
Information technology
Adapted adult prison education
Strategy for stimulating/ promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Guidance / counselling or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Management of adult education organisation/institution.
Economically or socially disadvantaged groups
Migrants / travellers / ethnic or other minorities
Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social mar.
Other (describe if applicable)
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Brundalen videregående skole
Name of the contact person: Johan Fløan
Address: Postboks 4415, NO- 7418 Trondheim
e-mail jfl.kif@c2i.net
tel: + 47 73 88 47 36
fax: + 47 73 88 47 60
Organisation/Project website: http://www.brundalen.vgs.no
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Daugvpils 38 arodvidusskola, LV
Centro Territoriale Permanente per lèducazione e la formazione in età adulta di Rovigo, IT
Ministero della Giustizia, Dipartiment Amministra zione penitenziari, IT
Centro P`ublico de Educatiòn Permanente de Adultos Prisiòn 11, ES
Oulun Vankila, FI
Justizvollzuganstalt Celle, DE
HMP Magillian, UK
Project Reference: 03-NOR01-S2G01-00052-2
Formation en TIC pour des débutants cherchant de la formation par Internet
The offer of internet-assisted education (e-learning) is growing rapidly. At the same time the access to this type of courses is
not in reality open to everyone because there is a lack of knowledge of the use of ICT as a tool in general and ICT as a tool in
e-learning in particular. In cities and urban areas the courses on offer give the inhabitants a great choice and in addition
transportation in these areas does not pose any big problems. The partners in the applied project are concerned with the
distance between the rights to continuing and lifelong education and the actual possibilities to exercise these rights. We
plan to have an exchange of experiences we have had in our respective countries. We have our strong as well as weak
points. But we have seen that we can convey to each other the good practices we have developed, some on the organisation
and following- up of the participants, some on the content of the courses and the materials that have been used. Based on
these initial exchanges an “initiation-to-ICT” course was produced during the first year. The course is tested according to
content and follow-up of the participants while they follow an e-learning- course. The rural areas where the course is
offered are depopulated, and due to costs, these courses could not be offered if they required attendance at a study- centre.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Other (describe if applicable)
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 2
Basic skills
Information technology
Strategy for stimulating/ promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Economically or socially disadvantaged groups
Other (describe if applicable)
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Nordhordaland vidaregåande skule
Name of the contact person: Øivind H. Solheim
Address: Kvernhusmyrane 2, NO- 5914 Isdalstø
e-mail Oivind-H.Solheim@nov.hordaland-f.kommune.no
tel: + 47 55 39 95 32
fax: + 47 56 35 54 01
Organisation/Project website: http://www.hordaland-f.kommune.no/nov/
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Francis MENET Conseiller en Formation continue, FR
Instituto Tecnico per Geometri "Camillo Rondani", IT
Project Reference: 03-NOR01-S2G01-00015-1
ADHD among prison inmates. How can the health, welfare and school departments cooperate in
finding a positive way of improvement?
It is estimated that more than 30% of the inmates in prison are suffering from ADHD -Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorder. This may create big problems among the inmates and in the prison environment. The overriding aim of the project
is to find out in what way the health, welfare and school departments can cooperate in finding ways of achieving
improvement for this group, and by that improving their quality of life. This aim will be met by working on widening and
improving general knowledge about the ADHD problem, exchanging experiences as well as teaching methodology, and
carrying out research on the topic.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Other (describe if applicable)
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Basic skills
Active citizenship
Information technology
Strategy for stimulating/ promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Guidance / counselling or other support service
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar.
Economically or socially disadvantaged groups
Other (describe if applicable)
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Hønefoss secondary school, section: Ringerike prison
Name of the contact person: Arve Huneide / Jarle Ellingsen
Address: p.box 40, N 3533 Tyristrand, Norway
e-mail arvehu@eunet.no, k.-jarle.ellingsen@skole.bfk.no
tel: + 47 32 11 34 40
fax: + 47 32 11 34 99
Organisation/Project website: http://www.honefoss.vgs.no/
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Rummu Special Vocational School, EE
BRESOP e.V.: Bremer society for the promotion of interdisciplinary cooperation between research, practice and politics in the
area of social problems, DE
Project Reference: 03-NOR01-S2G01-00003-1
NEWROLE: Preventing exclusion of senior workers: New roles for adult education providers
Exclusion of older workers from the labour market is alarmingly high in many European countries. Research findings indicate
that an important prerequisite for combating exclusion and gaining a higher employment rate for ageing workers lies in
their employability and therefore their opportunitites for education and continuous training. In the development of lifelong
learning, increased efforts are required in order to translate this concept into meaningful and concrete action. Easy access to
active LLL opportunities are of particular importance.
In this context it is important to assess the existing educational structures, practices and services and their compatibility
with the articulated needs of employers and older workers themselves. There is also a need to encourage local stakeholders
to organise more local experiments in the field of LLL. Local project-based experimentation can be a fruitful strategy for the
develpment of new models of good practice.
Based on action research methodology, the NEWROLE project will map the problem situation in selected local areas in the
partner countries, and contribute to the creation of a common gorund for joint action between the local stakeholders. In its
first year, the project will focus on the existing services' compatibility with the learners' needs and how to improve the
opportunities for LLL. For the second year, the plan is to organise and implement local experiments with new methods for
LLL for ageing workers.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Other (describe if applicable)
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
Learning about European countries/ the European Union
Strategy for stimulating/ promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
People living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Seniors citizens
Other (describe if applicable)
Others : Older workers with lack of adequate qualifications
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Work Research Institute
Name of the contact person: Steinar Widding
Address: Stensberggaten 29, 0130 Oslo, Norway
e-mail steinar.widding@afi-wri.no
tel: + 47 23 36 32 00
fax: + 47 222 56 89 18
Organisation/Project website http://www.afi-wri.no
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Greta Ampere, FR
Public center for Adult Education of Alfinden, ES
Comprehensive State Institute of Anghiari, Permanent County Center, Valtiberina, IT
Greta de Salagou, FR
INTEGRA Association, BG
Project reference: 03-BGR01-S2G01-00015-2
Facilitating Access to Education in the Sphere of Information Technologies by Means of Distance
The theme of the project proposed by the Learning Partnership is facilitating access to education in the sphere of
information technologies by means of distance learning. The specific topics and aims of the partnership are research and
analyses of the background situation, target groups and best practices in each partner country; exchange of experience and
knowledge of distance learning methods in the field of IT between the partners; elaboration of a distance learning module in
IT; testing the module in each partner organisation; standardisation of the special terminology; evaluation and updating of
the DL module; dissemination of the project results, thus enhancing the European dimension in education; widening the
partners’ cultural outlook and increasing the level of knowledge about European traditions, culture and spirit.
The project will pass through three phases: a phase of preparation, including research activities, language preparation of
the staff and elaboration of a terminology study dictionary in the IT field in the partners’ languages. The active phase of the
project includes mobility activities/exchange of staff and elaboration of a DL module in IT. During that phase experience,
ideas, and knowledge will be exchanged between the partners concerning the selected subject as a testing of the ready DL
module. The third phase is the final phase during which the “end products” will be translated and disseminated. The “end
products” are an Instruction manual, terminology study dictionary and DL module in IT. During that phase the final
evaluation of the project will be done. The Learning Partnership consists of three partner organisations from Bulgaria,
Austria and Poland. One of the best advantages of this partnership is that the project theme gives great opportunities for
equal access to education of learners and organisations regardless of their sex, age, physical and health condition, social and
geographical position, thus combating isolation and discrimination.
Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: second
Basic skills
Information technology
Learning about European countries, the European Union
Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Experimentation with new pedagogical approaches
Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Disabled persons
Local community groups
Coordinating institution
Name of the organisation: Bulgarian-German Vocational Training Centre
Name of the contact person: Anna Arapova
Address: 4400 Pazardjik, 17, Plovdivska str.
e-mail: anna@pz.bgcpo.bg
tel: +359 (0)34 445568
fax :+359 (0)34 443564
Partners (Name of the organisation and country code)
e-bfi Telelearning GmbH (AT)
Centrum Biznesu I Rozwoju (PL)
Project reference: 03-BGR01-S2G01-00039-1
MOSLA: More Opportunities for the Civil Society, Less Obligations for the Local Authorities
The project will deal with the training of local municipality staff in the town of Botevgrad (a town located some 100
kilometres from Sofia with about 100,000 residents) and representatives of the civil society, namely, of the Association of
Municipalities in South-western Bulgaria, aiming to achieve better management of the property, enterprises and the public
service in the perspective of European integration.
Within this context, the project is to focus especially on building useful relationships at trans-national level for cooperation
and to implement better national experience in order to design the training modules.
The target groups are the corresponding local competent authorities, local enterprises, prospective private sector applicants
for public procurement activities, privatisation and concessions.
The first phase of the project will be to compare and confront the different national experiences in training in the
appropriate area in the participating countries. The next two phases will deal with designing modules and a manual for
educators which will provide an opportunity to improve the capacity of the respective target groups to a degree allowing the
best possible choice of one of the following options:
- whether to liberate the municipalities from their property through privatization or to keep ownership and use it in the
best possible way
- whether to organise the property and the services that remain under municipal ownership within a specialised
municipal enterprise or to make them available to the private sector
- whether to grant long-term concessions
- whether to choose the way of public procurement contracts
- consider the options of granting municipal licences to private contractors in selected areas
Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: first
Active citizenship
Learning about European countries, the European Union
Other, namely: Civil society, protection of the environment, EU awareness, foreign
languages, property and service management by the municipalities
Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal
Local community groups
Others: local municipality authorities, NGOs
Coordinating institution
Name of the organisation: ECOLEX 2001
Name of the contact person: Anna Gotzeva
Address: 1000 Sofia, 10, Slaveykov sq.
e-mail: gotzeva@mail.bg
tel: +359 (0)2 9310576
fax: +359 (0)2 9310576
Partners (Name of the organisation and country code)
Institut de Cooperation avec l”Europe Orientale (FR)
Bulgarian Business Centre LTD – London (UK)
Asociatia Alternative Pedagogice (RO)
Project reference: 03-BGR01-S2G01-00044-1
Introducing the European Union Model of Curriculum Vitae in the Recruitment Practice of the
Hotel Sector
This project aims at aligning one of the common European initiatives in the field of human resources management, while at
the same time eliminating the barriers to enhanced mobility of the workforce in the light of European integration. The first
objective involves the training of employees to process and job seekers to use the EU model of CV. The second objective
strongly represents Grundtvig’s priority of adult education for learners disadvantaged for social or economic reasons (with
emphasis on unemployment in the hotel sector).
In today’s dynamic and liberal society, a unified form of presenting a worker’s knowledge and skills to an employer, being
part of different national or international sectors, is of great significance to both employers and job seekers as it assists the
former in making recruitment choices, and helps the latter in competing on the labour market. Efforts of the trans-national
partnership will intensively contribute to the spreading of social cohesion and encourage people to plan their career and
development strategies. In addition, it is expected to open a new area for cooperation among employers in the hotel sector
regarding personnel recruitment policy, as well as HR development strategies in a framework of lifelong learning.
Duration: 1 year
Funding year: first
Area(s) covered
Learning about European countries, the European Union
Other, namely: introducing EU practice in professional development
Project Objectives
Guidance/ counselling/ information or other support activities
Target Group(s)
Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed
persons, persons in prison
Coordinating institution
Name of the organisation: Euroinform Ltd.
Name of the contact person: Maya Russimova
Address: 1000 Sofia, 19, Slavianska str.
e-mail: euroinfo@mail.bol.bg
tel: +359 (0)2 9878507
fax: +359 (0)2 9872169
Partners (Name of the organisation and country code)
Fattoria Biologica Patrice di Patrice Niclas (IT)
Biuro Obslugi Inicjatyw europejskich (PL)
Project Reference: 03-CZE01-S2G01-00002-2
Exchanging and sharing pedagogical experience, ways of teaching and curricula in mixed classes
Lifelong adult learning represents not only a driving factor of personal skills development but it is also a way to be better
involved in local and regional communities. All partners of this project have experienced various obstacles in lifelong
learning as they all have been providing classes, courses and training for groups of various ages, professions, gender and
literacy levels. Each partner has identified its best approach to tackle the day-by-day issues. They have implemented
methods and techniques, established relations with local authorities, municipalities and educational institutions to support
their goals and visions. Acquired experience can be inspiring for foreign schools, institutions and training centres and it shall
constitute an experimental approach sourced by the best practices of all involved partners.
All the project activities will provide a deeper understanding of needs in adult education in various countries.
In the second year of the project all partners decided to continue in the cooperation especially in the area of
trainers/teachers exchanges and to focus on e-learning as a tool for integration of rural areas and distant learners in AE.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 2
Basic skills
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
Information technology
Learning about European countries
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Guidance / counselling or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Management of adult education organisation / institution
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar
Economically or socially disadvantaged groups, u
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: LYRIX centrum, s.r.o.
Name of the contact person: Blanka Kocourková
Address: Masarykovo nám. 29, 741 01 Nový Jičín, Czech Republic
e-mail lyrix@lyrix.cz
tel: + 420-556-703784
fax: + 420-556-725150
Organisation/Project website: www.lyrix.cz
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Volkshochschule Regen, Regen, DE
Ecole Industrielle de Marcinelle-Monceau, Marcinelle-Charleroi, BE
C.E.P.A. Francisco Largo Caballero, Talaver de la Reina, ES
Project Reference: 03-CZE01-S2G01-00003-2
GEBIGE - Genderbeziehungen im Spiegel biographischer Selbstpräsentation und gesellschaftlicher
This project will open new approaches towards gender and interactive educational processes, which can be identified
through autobiographic statements of women between the years 1998-2002 in the context of society development. A
significant part of the statements will be memories of women from former communist countries. In the first part of the
project the partners will analyse the materials and show their historical and sociocultural context. In the second part
partners will work with the story teller-questioner relationship. This mutual learning should contribute to better perception
of gender issues in society.
During the first year of the project all partners carried out examinations/studies of the subject, which they shared. Also
individual cases in partner countries have been selected and analysed.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 2
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
European countries / European Union
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Methods for providing credit for knowl. or comp.
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Gender Studies, o.p.s.
Name of the contact person: Pavla Frýdlová
Address: Gorazdova 20, 120 00 Praha 2, Czech Republic
e-mail gender.office@ecn.cz
tel: + 420-2-2491 5666
fax: +420-2-2491 5666
Organisation/Project website: www.feminismus.cz
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Centrum rodových studií pro FiFUK, Bratislava, SK
Project Reference: 03-CZE01-S2G01-00004-2
Soft skills development - special approach in young job seekers´training
The original aim of the project was to develop, customize and deliver a pilot course for teachers, trainers or counsellors
working with young job seekers entitled “Soft skills development - special approach in young job seekers’ training”. Because
of the lower number of participating institutions we have agreed on small changes in the project plan. We have included in
our project activities the local research in respective countries. The aim of this research is to find out:
Possibilities for young job seekers to develop their skills with special focus on soft skills
Who are counsellors working with young job seekers – qualification, skills
To specify the skills needed for counselling young job seekers
There are young job seekers all over Europe, without any working experience and with specific learning and development
needs. This group is potentially disadvantaged not only because they have no experience but also limited communication
skills and a lack of self-confidence. They have already finished their formal education but still need development as they are
not well enough prepared for working life.
The aim of the project is to prepare a teacher training using best practices from all participating countries. This training will
focus on:
Communication skills
Presentation skills – how to present oneself in potential countries of employment
Self development (identification of strengths and weaknesses) and action plan preparation.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 2
Basic skills
Active citizenship
teaching adults, development of soft skills, training of trainers
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Guidance / counselling or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar
young adults´s teachers, trainers, counsellors
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: , BUSINESS LINK
Name of the contact person: Miluše Jurošková
Address: Spádová 5, 643 00 Brno, Czech Republic
e-mail . info@businesslink.cz
tel: + 420-5-45238084
fax: +
Organisation/Project website: www.businesslink.cz
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
TANINFO Kiadói, Budapest, HU
SEN, Soest, DE
Project Reference: 03-CZE01-S2G01-00005-2
Theology - factory.net
The aim of this project is to:
1) provide a discussion between church institutions within Europe with the focus on education in these institutions.
2) organize exchanges of experience and discussions and to connect different educational church organisations.
3) enhance active citizenship and to create a dialogue within churches, educational institutions and representatives of civil
The project´s ambitions are to enhance the active social, political and civic involvement of citizens in the European
This will be supported by a number of workshops carried out in partner countries.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 2
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
Sustainable development
European countries / European Union
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Local community groups
Religious groups
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Ekumenická akademie Praha
Name of the contact person: Jiří Silný
Address: Na Míčankách 1, 101 00 Praha 10, Czech Republic
e-mail ekumakad@volny.cz
tel: + 420-2-72737077
fax: +420-2-72737077
Organisation/Project website: www.ecn.cz/eapraha
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Work and Economy Research Network in European Churches, DE
Latvijas pilsetas, rupnieckskas un lauku misijas kontaku grupa, Liepaja, LVLV
Project Reference: 03-CZE01-S2G01-00008-1
The Revival of Grundtvig - Adult Learners Week (TROG – ALW)
Project partners support the Grundtvig-concept of making education available to all groups in society by the Living Word.
Every project partner has positive experiences in organising ALW-activities. However, we observe that there are areas to
improve: the ALW should be directed at all adults, but in reality there are significant difficulties in reaching disadvantaged
groups. This project concentrates on the exchange of successful strategies, methodologies and practices to reach these
groups. The main target groups of the project are local organisations which provide LLL-opportunities, policymakers and
national coordinating agencies of the ALW in the different countries. They will be organised in national second circles where
they will discuss the outcomes from the international seminars and look at the transferability of experiences of other
partners. The main activities of the project are exchange of experiences through international seminars and national second
circle activities. The outcome will be a list of new methodologies of how to involve disadvantaged groups of learners in
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Basic skills
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Guidance / counselling or other support services
Economically or socially disadvantaged groups
Local organizations which provide ALW, local policy makers, national coordinators for ALW
Other (describe if applicable)
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: ABS WYDA, s.r.o.
Name of the contact person: Jaroslav Bezchleba
Address: Horní 22, 591 01 Žďár nad Sázavou, Czech Republic
e-mail bez@wyda.cz
tel: + 420-616-630 460
fax: +
Organisation/Project website: www.wyda.cz
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Eesti taskasvanute koolitajate assotsatsioon ANDRAS, Tallinn, EE
Fristads folkhögskola, Fristad, SE
Stichting voor Volkshogeschoolwerk in Netherlands, Bakkeveen, NL
Project Reference: 3-CZE01-S2G01-00012-1
Women and Work Network - W and W Net
The project : ”Women and work network (W&W NET)” is a follow-up to the international seminar organised by the European
Contact Group in the Czech Republic and its local partner, that took place in June 2003 in the Czech Republic. The seminar
"Women and the labour market – combating unemployment & discrimination" will gather women from European NGO’s,
local groups, trade unions and government-related projects, working on issues of women unemployment, empowerment,
learning, requalification and work-related discrimination. The main aim of the seminar is to create a network, which will
help unemployed women from disadvantaged/remote regions, who have difficult/no access to learning and requalification
and require self-confidence, new skills and knowledge in order to be able to re-enter the labour market.
W&W NET will be established in the seminar and the planning group will be created to coordinate the follow-up project. The
first phase of the project will focus on adult learning, exchange of know-how and information as well as mutual visits of
staff and learners from partner organisations. All the partner organisations have an experience with projects on learning and
empowerment as well as work with unemployed women; each of them in a slightly different field. Together, we want to
share our know-how, experience and information, create new learning strategies and training modules, cooperate on joint
fundraising strategies, encourage new learners etc.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Basic skills
Active citizenship
Sustainable development
European countries / European Union
Empowerment, women issues
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learner
Guidance / counselling or other support services
Management of adult education organisation / institution
Economically or socially disadvantaged groups
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Evropská kontaktní skupina v České Republice
Name of the contact person: Ivana Šindlerová
Address: Belgická 22, 120 00 Prague 2, Czech Republic
e-mail ivana.ecg@ecn.cz
tel: + 420 222 517 173
fax: +420 222 518 783
Organisation/Project website: www.ecg.ecn.cz
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Fundatia PRO WOMEN, RO
Most k ivotu, Trutnov, CZ
Project Reference: 02-LVA01-S2G01-00001-2
The main aims and objectives of the SDIT project are:
• Creating a framework for small-scale co-operation among the partners from Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Malta and
• Gathering and mutual exchange of information and experience about two aspects of adult education in the localities
elected by partners: sustainable development (environmental and social aspects) and availability of modern information
technologies for the needs of adult learners. Joint development of proposals to improve the situation, in particular
through implementation of learning materials in the form of distance education packages, CD ROM and on-line
• Analysis and implementation of the ways to foster co-operation between local authorities and adult education
• Dissemination of information among local people and organisations about the activities carried out in the framework of
the project.
• Establishing a long-term co-operation programme in adult education based on project results.
The main target audience comprises the administrators and providers of adult education, teachers and learners as well as
developers of modern learning materials for community use.
The measures of European quality standards will be followed during the project development.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Other (describe if applicable)
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 2003
Information technology
Sustainable development
Guidance / counselling or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Management of adult education organisation / institution
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation
Other (describe if applicable)
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Rīgas Tehniskā universitāte s Tālmācības studiju centrs
Name of the contact person: Augusts RUPLIS
Address: Âzenes street 12, Riga, Latvia
e-mail: auruplis@latnet.lv
tel: +3717433973
fax: +3717089187
Organisation/Project website: www2.internet-uni.lv
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
XGrant Apeldoom, NL
New Media School Mol, BE
Association of Universities for Culture, Information and Exchange, Messina, IT
Department of Manufacturing Engineering of the University of Malta, Msida, Malta
Project Reference: 2003-LT-G2-00002
IMPROCOMAS - The Modules for Improving Professional and Social Competence for Adults
The aims of the project “The Modules for Improving Professional and Social Competence for Adults” are to prepare 2
modules: (1) guides in the professional career of adults; (2) the methods and methodology in adult education.
The first module will consist of the following topics: the development of self-confidence, psychological self-analysis,
professional skills and abilities in professional activities, investigation and analysis of trade market; the development of skills
in the field of economics and business.
The topics of the second module will be: specific features of adult education; experimental teaching, distance teaching;
analysis of different cases; group project work, etc.
The target groups for the modules are teachers of adults, educational staff and professionals responsible for in-service
teacher training. Special emphasis is on the staff of adult learners from the periphery.
The project would be carried out: 1) analysing needs in all participating countries; 2) creating working groups and sharing
responsibilities for different tasks; 3) meetings; 4) testing primary drafts of the modules’ materials via pilot courses; 5)
translating final versions of the modules into national languages (according to the needs of each country) and adopting
them correspondingly to each users’ needs; 6) dissemination of the project results.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Other (describe if applicable)
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 2
Basic skills
Information technology
Consumer education
Strategy for stimulating/ promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Local community groups
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Teachers for adults
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Kauno rajono svietimo centras
Name of the contact person: Laimute Ruzgiene
Address: Savanoriu g. 192, 3005 Kaunas, Lithuania
e-mail: krmsc@takas.lt
tel: +370 37 332529
fax: +
Organisation/Project website: www.kaunorsvietimocentras.lt
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Vocational Training Center Eurotraining, GR
Nesna University College, NO
Project Reference: 2003-LT-G2-00037
Educational Triangles
The objective of this project is to bring together three different types of institutions – museums, libraries and adult
education institutions, which are all involved in formal, non-formal and informal learning processes for adults.
This project will take place in seven countries. Every partner creates its national “triangle” of a museum, a library and an
adult education provider. The first year of the project is to define:
• -target groups of adult learners, their needs and expectations,
• -ways of how participating institutions could cooperate by integrating their potential and expertise.
The next stage will involve the partners meeting to share their ideas and results and to develop educational activities within
“triangles” – exhibitions, lectures, meetings, performances, educational programmes etc.
The second year of the project is for the implementation and evaluation of these activities.
Expected outcomes:
• a methodology for museums, libraries and adult educators to co-operate in the context of lifelong learning according to
the needs of the learners.
• dissemination of the project results through the published project report, on websites and at the final international
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Other (describe if applicable)
Target Group(s)
Funding year: second year
Basic skills
Intercultural Issues
Information technology;
Arts, music, culture; Education
Strategy for stimulating/promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Local community groups
Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation
Other (describe if applicable)
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Lietuvos technikos biblioteka
Name of the contact person: Nijole Popoviene
Address: Sv. Ignoto g. 6, LT-2001 Vilnius, Lithuania
e-mail : nijole@tb.lt
tel: +370 5 2610367
fax: +370 5 261037
Organisation/Project website: www.tb.lt
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Lithuanian Art Museum, LT (associated partner)
Vilnius Adult Education Centre, LT (associated partner)
Dornbirn Town Library, AT
Dornbirn Town Archive, AT (associated partner)
Krems Donau University, AT (associated partner)
Finnish Museums Association, FI
Turku Provincial Museum, FI (associated partner)
Turku Public Library, FI (associated partner)
The Southwest Finland Institute for Art, Craft and Design, FI (associated partner)
Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art, GR
Central Library of the Municipality of Thessaloniki, GR (associated partner)
Visual Arts workshop, GR (associated partner)
The Open Art Academy, IS
The Library of The Iceland Academy of the Arts, IS (associated partner)
The Icelandic Museum of Design and Applied Ar, IS(associated partner)
Scarabeus, IT
Applied Visual Arts Research Centre, IT (associated partner)
Collesalvetti Public Library, IT (associated partner)
Bergen International Culture Centre, NO
Bergen Ethnographic Museum, NO (associated partner)
Bergen Public Library, NO (associated partner)
Project Reference: 2003-LT-G2-00012
BIPIL: Breaking Isolation of People with Multiple Sclerosis through their Integration into the
Labour Market
Following the decision of the European Council to nominate 2003 as the European Year of People with Disabilities, the
project partners aim to adopt the most effective models of information technologies for people with multiple sclerosis (MS)
in their integration into the labour market via virtual training
Partnership of all three organisations will fulfil the main objectives of the project:
• to help citizens with special needs, namely people with physical disabilities caused by MS, to take full advantage of the
benefits that new information technology can offer them as a factor of social integration and improvement in their
quality of life as the benefits of the information society are for all;
• to give a valuable experience in promoting life-long learning in the community of the disabled;
• to combat unemployment and (re-)integrate people excluded from the labour market by equipping a person with MS
with basic competence for (re-)insertion.
• to reinforce co-operation among the project partners in developing technically advanced methods or services adapted
for people with multiple sclerosis.
On-line conferencing system will be used as a tool for trans-national dialogue and exchange of experiences regarding virtual
labour search and virtual learning.
The outcomes of the project -- Recommendations on Virtual Labour Search and Virtual Learning for the People with MS and
Final Report shall be drawn up, printed and disseminated.
Total Duration: 1 year
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Other (describe if applicable)
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Active citizenship
Information technology
Strategy for stimulating/ promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Guidance/ counselling/ information or other support services
Disabled persons
Other (describe if applicable)
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: VO "Lietuvos issetines sklerozes sajunga
Name of the contact person: M.Lauciene
Address: J.Tumo–Vaizganto g. 9/1, LT-2001 Vilnius, Lithuania
e-mail milda@delfi.lt
tel: + 370 5 260 90 68
fax: +370 5 260 90 68
Organisation/Project website: www.liss.lt
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Latvian Multiple Sclerosis Association, LV
EU-Jobrotation Ltd, DK
Project Reference: 2003-LT-G2-00008
Practice Makes Perfect: Promoting European Citizenship through Language Practice
The project will examine how command of a foreign language helps promote intercultural awareness and active participation of
European citizens, and therefore, removes personal, cultural and social frontiers. It will search for possibilities to put adult
European students in contact, so they can practice the target languages authentically.
The main objectives are:
• to promote European citizenship and intercultural exchanges between adult learners at local, national and European levels;
• to induce critical thinking about our own country, and tolerance towards other European ones;
• to establish a permanent trans-national European network of electronic learning facilities in which cultural, historical,
economical and geographical information can be exchanged by adult learners to promote their knowledge of foreign
societies and cultures.
• to offer learning opportunities to socially excluded groups;
• to improve spoken and written language use in local target community groups by authentic target language practice and
encourage their personal development.
The strategy involves the procedures of language practice, investigation and analysis of the impact of learning on the adult
students, assistance to the students, implemented by modern ICT means: e-mails, chats, discussion boards, videoconference, also
visits and exchanges, magazines and newspapers, leaflets.
Dissemination of information concerning the project in participating countries on a webpage and in written documentation.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Other (describe if applicable)
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
European countries / European Union
Information technology
Personal development
Strategy for stimulating/ promoting adult learner
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Local community groups
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Senior citizens
Other (describe if applicable)
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: VsI „Soros International House“
Name of the contact person: Daiva Malinauskiene
Address: Konstitucijos pr. 23 A , LT-2004 Vilnius, Lithuania
e-mail daiva@sih.lt
tel: + 370 5 272 48 92
fax: +370 5 272 48 39
Organisation/Project website: www.sih.lt
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Official School of Language of Lugo, ES
ilands, MT
Public Adult Education of Ourense, ES
Project Reference: 03-MLT01-S2G01-00007-1
plaNET- Personalised Training Assistance Network
The plaNET project aims to provide a personalised support network to be implemented via electronic means where the target
will be the adult learner who has left a traditional or virtual course and is now facing the present alone. The objective of the
creation of such a learning partnership is to avoid the problems that commonly affect adult students who, after finishing
attending courses, feel removed and alone. The same solution will also be adapted in the second year to create virtual
learning communities between students who have attended similar courses in different regions and thus keep at bay
problems like loneliness, depression and lack of self confidence. Mentors and facilitators online will be there to support the
user, answer his/her questions and help the interaction within a larger group of people, possibly coming from several
countries, to talk to one another about their problems and thus help themselves overcome them. The project will train these
teachers and mentors to use the system.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Other (describe if applicable)
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 2003
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
Sustainable development
Mentoring and life-long learning support
Guidance / counselling or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Local community groups
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Economically or socially disadvantaged groups
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: AcrossLimits Ltd.
Name of the contact person: Angele Giuliano
Address: 16, Bwieraq Street Birkirkara BKR07
e-mail: info@acrosslimits.com
tel: +356 21 496376
fax: +356 21 486008
Organisation/Project website: http://www.acrosslimits.com
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Universita' delle LiberEta' del FVG, IT,
ESPIRAL, Entitat De Serveis, ES,
The Harrow Enterprise Agency Ltd, UK
Project Reference: 03-MLT01-S2G01-00008-1
Effective Parental Participation in Early literacy
A programme for the creation of lessons aimed at parents to inform them about the best methods by which to help their
children obtain literacy skills and to improve the intellectual level of the parents. Listening and oral skills, reading and
semiotics are the main elements within the educational programme to be created, as well as personal issues such as selfconfidence, respect and the building of a schema of knowledge. Parental skills, values and cultural issues are also included in
the programme. Parents will engage in educational and artistic activities for their own benefit and for use with their
children. The community is involved through the parish and local councils. Intergenerational sessions in the form of
educational and literacy games are organised throughout the project.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Other (describe if applicable)
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 2003
Basic skills
Active citizenship
Arts, music, culture; Education
Mentoring and life-long learning support
Strategy for stimulating/ promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Guidance /counselling or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Methods for providing credit for knowl. Or comp.
Local community groups
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: MUT Malta Union of Teachers
Name of the contact person: Elizabeth Micallef
Address: 16, Bwieraq Street Birkirkara BKR07
e-mail : gmica@nextgen.net.mt / info@mut.org.mt
tel: +356 21 446184
fax: +356 21 483646
Organisation/Project website: www.tb.lt
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Fay Andras Szakkozepiskola es Kollegium, HU
Parents and Guardians Association of the 29th Elementary, GR
Polo Europeo della Conoscensa, IT
Project Reference: 03-POL01-S2G01-00050-1
Entrepreneurship Incubator as a Form of Adult Unemployment Fighting
The project is aimed at collecting cross-sectional information on various forms of economic support offered by
entrepreneurship incubators. The target of the project is also the exchange of methods and techniques applied by incubators
in the European Union and the candidate countries and improvement of professional qualifications of people working for
incubators. Long-term aims are: development of entrepreneurial attitudes among adults, improvement of entrepreneurship
incubators efficiency and promotion of life-long learning.
It is planned to enrich existing knowledge, systematize literature data, design the web site dedicated to the project and
entrepreneurship incubators and to publish the book on training methods applied in entrepreneurship incubators.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Other (describe if applicable)
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 1
Basic skills
Active citizenship
Active fight with unemployment
Guidance/ counselling/ information or other support services
Management of adult education organisation/ institution
Other: unemployed people
Local community groups
Young adults (15- 25 age range) at risk of social marginalisation
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Instytut Postepowania Tworczego (Institute of CreativeProceedings)
Name of the contact person: Gabriel Osiewala
Address: ul. Rewolucji 1905r. 52, 90- 213 Lodz
e-mail gosiewala@ipt.pl
tel: + 48 42 631 59 00
fax: + 48 42 631 59 01
Organisation/Project website: www.ipt.pl
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Institut fur Hohere Studien (AT), approved
Regional Development Agency with Business Support Centre for Small and Medium- sized Enterprises (BG), approved
Bildungswerk des Allgemeinen Unternehmensverbandes Neubrandenburg e.V. (DE), approved
Vilnijos verslo inkubatorius (LT), rejected
Institutul National pentru Intreprinderi Mici si Mijlocii (RO), approved
D&S Group- Donne per lo Sviluppo p.s.c.a.r.l (IT), approved
Project Reference: 03-POL01-S2G01-00020-1
Pro Spectatore
The concept of the project is to create a permanent group of cooperating persons involved in adult learning, representing the
museum workers’ circles from the countries covered by the project. There will be 4 workshops, one in each partner country
with participation of all partners. The group will consist of coordinators of the project and of learners- museum
professionals invited by them (3-4 persons from each country). Workshops will concentrate on the following subjects:
surveying the needs of adult recipients (“The museum face to the spectator”) and maintaining regular contacts with them
(“The spectator in the museum”). Each workshop will be organised by a different partner institution. The workshops will
consist of three modules: presentation of solutions used by a given organisation, presentation of marketing tools by
specialists and a joint discussion leading to adoption of specific conclusions, moderated by a specialist. Conclusions and new
tools for surveying recipients’ needs and maintaining regular contacts with them will be further developed and published in
a printed form, as well as on web sites of involved institutions to make them the basis of carrying out new solutions in
partner organisations and other institutions interested in project results.
Total Duration: 1 year
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Other (describe if applicable)
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 1
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
Information technology
Art, music, culture
Education for parents
Strategy for stimulating/ promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Guidance / counselling or other support service
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Management of adult education organisation/institution
Economically or socially disadvantaged groups
Seniors citizens
-museum professionals- learners of workshops who will use the results of the workshops in
adult learning museum projects by preparing special offers for different target groups
- adult society- the categories mentioned above who will benefit from the results of the
workshops through the new special offer of the museums
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Malopolski Instytut Kultury (Malopolska Culture Institute )
Name of the contact person: Czechowska Joanna
Address: Rynek Glowny 25, 31-008 Krakow
e-mail czechowska@mik.krakow.pl
tel: + 48 12 422 18 84
fax: + 48 12 422 55 62
Organisation/Project website: www.mik.krakow.pl
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Tartu Ulikooli Ajaloo Muuzeum (EE), rejected
Instituto per i Begni Artistici, Culturali e Naturali della Regione Emilia- Romagna (IT), approved
Interculturele Pragramma’s (NL), approved
Project Reference: 03-POL01-S2G01-00016-1
Shaping of active attitudes in opposition to passive ones among socially disadvantaged adults.
The aim of this project is to identify and define the core problems and threats concerning socially disadvantaged adults. The
exchange of experiences between partners plays an important role- it stimulates a growth of the educational quality of the
disadvantaged and it helps to identify and take into consideration some cultural differences and single out certain specific
educational needs in different regions of Europe. Another task of the project is to present effective solutions and methods
that would be helpful in the development of creative and innovative attitudes among disadvantaged adults. In the
framework of the project people will seek measures and methods of stimulating self- development and self-improvement,
strategies that will permit them to develop multilateral teaching (taking into consideration individual needs). The exchange
of experiences will allow the project team to separate the factors that have an influence on shaping one’s own life and
breaking barriers of socially disadvantaged people.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Other (describe if applicable)
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Basic skills
Active citizenship
Active attitudes among adult people
Strategy for stimulating/ promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Economically or socially disadvantaged groups
Local community groups
People living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Other (describe if applicable)
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Instytut Postępowania Twórczego (Institute of Creative Proceedings)
Name of the contact person: Gabriel Osiewała
Address: ul. Rewolucji 1905r. 52, 90- 213 Łódź
e-mail : gosiewala@ipt.pl
tel: + 48 42 631 59 00
fax: + 48 42 631 59 01
Organisation/Project website: www.ipt.pl
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Siauliai universitetas (LT), approved
Latvijas Pieauguso izglitibas apvieniba, LAEA (LV), rejected
TECNOPRAS s.a.s.(IT), approved
Liverpool Hope University College (UK), rejected
Project Reference: 03-G2-103-AG-RO-R
Modern Evaluation Tools in Adult Education and Training (MODETA)
The project aims to offer an up-to-date view of the evaluation problems in adult education, bringing an original contribution
in the field of evaluation and assessments tools for adults.
The learning partnership will promote good practices in adult education by designing a modern methodology for the didactic
evaluation and assessment in adult education and training. This will consist of new, modern methods and means developed
and will result in a package of evaluation tools, suitable for diferent training situations and contexts.
The project intends:
to put together the actual knowledge and experience of different European countries in adult evaluation
to improve the existing background related to adults evaluation (methods, techniques, tools)
to develop and offer modern learning materials for teachers, trainers, educators in the field of adults evaluation
to produce a set of evaluation instruments for adult education
The partners will produce guides, reports, analyses of needs, studies and data in the adult evaluation field. They will develop
research, organise workshops, conferences, seminars and dissemination actions.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 2
Active citizenship
Evaluation in education and adults training
Consumer education
Experimentation of adult education new pedagogical approaches
Designing, developing and delivering a package of modern tools, taking into consideration
the profile of the adult - the age, the availability to learn, the skills and the abilities;
testing and delivering the tools to teachers, trainers, educators involved in adult education
and training field
Economic and social disadvantaged groups,
unemployed persons,
trainers and teachers working with disadvantaged target group,
local community groups
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: University of Pitesti
Name of the contact person: Ms Georgeta CHILESAN
Address: Targul din Vale St., no. 1, 0300, Pitesti, Romania
e-mail gchir@xnet.ro
tel: + 4/0248/216448
fax: + 4/0248/216448
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Verein Amimbo, AT
Quarriers, UK
School Inspectorate of the Maramures County, House of Didactic Staff, RO
Project Reference: 03-G2-104-DJ-RO
La découverte et la découverte de soi-même en ce qui regarde le personnalité – comme but du
conseil concernant la carrière
Le projet propose le développement des compétences spécifiques pour les formateurs qui travaillent avec des jeunes
défavorisés, et des formateurs qui travaillent en coopération avec d’autres institutions/ organismes de formation, avec de
différents partenaires sociaux, y compris des autorités locales / régionales.
L’objectif final du projet est l’amélioration de la qualité des programmes centrés sur l’éducation continue des adultes, le
perfectionnement de l’éducation et de l’accès au travail des jeunes avec des handicaps qui ont terminé un cycle d'études,
l’amélioration des services d’orientation et de conseil pour ce public-cible, l’amélioration des relations de coopération entre
les acteurs (institutions, personnes) qui travaillent pour/ avec ces jeunes adultes.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
- Stimulating/ promoting young adults learning demands
- Guidance / Counselling/ Information and other support services for adults
developing new competencies for the adult trainers
stimulate young adults abilities and competencies for work
stimulate local and regional initiatives
promote professional integration
guidance and counselling for young adults
empowering young adults with disabilities
disadvantaged young people
• disabled persons
• young people with special needs
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Grupul Scolar "Ilie Murgulescu"
Name of the contact person: Ms Dorina GOICEANU
Address: Str.Brestei Nr.154, 1100, Craiova, Romania
e-mail Dorinaalex2@yahoo.com
tel: + 40 251 422 937
fax: + 40 251 195 174
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Centro de Formação António Sérgio, PT
Municipality of Anagni, IT
European Pole of Knowledge-Europole-Schools and Associations network, IT
Association "Pentru Copiii Primaverii", RO
INTEGRA Association, BG
Project Reference: 03-G2-120-MM-RO-R
Active Involvement in Civic National and European Activities of Aged or Nearly Retired People
The project aims to offer training for aged and retired women who are willing to remain active in the social and civic
activities of NGOs or in individual or other LLL activities. The partners propose to analyse the existing situation in their
countries, and to establish together the best methods to raise the target groups’ interest and motivation for getting involved
actively in non-formal and informal education activities (helping disadvantaged groups, promoting programmes of social
inclusion, ecological life, or cultural activities). The women will be also trained with specific skills useful in playing the role
of the European active citizen in modern society.
The project intends:
to promote LLL and enhance the potential of individuals to facilitate social integration for the aged who are
preparing to retire or for newly retired people
to identify the problems (of age, psychological or educational) that women meet before and after retirement
to develop new skills to deal with the problems of modern society
to promote key skills and new approaches in the management of social life competencies
to exchange experience and knowledge of staff through network development
The partners will produce research and will organise workshops, conferences, seminars and dissemination actions. Some of
the main products will be published on a specific website and the partners will use ICT means for communication and
specific group discussions.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 2
Basic skills
Active citizenship
Learning about European countries
Involving actively the aged and retired women in the social and cultural life of their
community and in LLL informal and nonformal programmes.
Women, senior citizens, local community groups
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Maramures County School Inspectorate – House of the Teaching Staff
Name of the contact person: Ms Mariana Gabriela HUDREA
Address: Petofi Sandor St., no. 12-14, 4800, Baia Mare, Romania
e-mail Mariana.Hudrea@mail.alphanet.ro
tel: + 4/0262/220064
fax: + 4/0262/211992
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Centre Regional d’Information Droits des Femmes, FR
Training 2000, IT
Project Reference: 03-G2-20-CJ-RO
Linking the European Family – I, You, We
The project aims to provide adults in disadvantaged communities with the opportunity of working with educators to improve
their contribution to the enhancement of their children/students’ school success.
The project intends:
To identify skills and abilities that parents need in order to assist their children in learning
To train a group of educators and parents to facilitate community learning
To share information on how to develop families’ understanding of European citizenship and culture
To revive parents’ motivation for learning with a view to encouraging lifelong learning
To produce and share materials that can be sources of learning about a community culture
The objectives mentioned above are to be achieved by developing learning programmes and materials to be used in the
community learning, particularly in family learning with disadvantaged communities
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Intercultural Issues
Education for Parents
Learning about European Countries
To develop a forum for the exchange of ideas and practices which benefit the learners and
those who are engaged in family learning activities
Local Community Groups
Persons Living in Rural or Disadvantaged Areas
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Reading and Writing for Critical Thinking (RWCT) Association – Romania
Name of the contact person: Ms Maria KOVACS
Address: Str Luceafarului 6/22, Cluj Napoca, 3400, Romania
e-mail maria_rwct_ro@yahoo.com
tel: + 40-745-397-612
fax: + 40-264-420470
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
IES Laxeiro, ES
Cardiff Council, UK
East Antrim Institute, UK
Project Reference: 03-G2-24-B-RO
Bringing ICT into Adult Education
The project intends to draw on the experience and expertise of a series of adult educators in Europe, in order to collate the
good practice examples and general guidelines on the introduction of ICT in the educational process with a functional role
outside the learning partnership.
The trans-national partnership will maximise opportunities for the exchange of relevant knowledge and experience
regarding the use of the ICT, by examining the process of internal adaptation of structures, systems and program provision
to include the maximisation of such technologies. Findings will be disseminated through relevant networks and a virtual
resource centre.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Basic Skills
To maximise the opportunities for the exchange of relevant knowledge and experience
regarding the use of ICT
Young People; Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons,
persons in prison; Local community groups
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: EPSILON 3
Name of the contact person: Ms Larisa Harko Nita
Address: Valentin Bibescu no 18, 73542, Bucuresti, Romania
e-mail epsilon_iii@yahoo.com
tel: + 40 21 662 735
fax: Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
TCX Consultancy SRL, RO
Stredni odboma skola, CZ
Project Reference: 03-G2-28-B-RO
Parents as Partners in Health Promotion
The best way to achieve success in health promotion in schools or society is by getting the parents’ support. In many cases,
many categories of parents are not aware of some basic rules or information in the field of adult education.
The project aims to address the links between poverty, education and health with a particular focus on related cultural
issues arising in some European countries due to the influx of refugees and asylum seekers.
In addition, this project is looking to establish a good relation between education on health and the environment.
Total Duration: 1 year
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Health Education
Education for Parents
Promoting Health Issues among Parents
Empower the Parents to act on Health related issues within their Families
Other economically or socially disadvantaged groups
unemployed persons
persons in prison
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: School no 39, Bucharest
Name of the contact person: Ms Carmen ENACHE
Address: Soseaua Colentina nr. 91, Bucuresti, Romania
e-mail carmen_enache@yahoo.com
tel: + 40 723 29 11 06
fax: + 40 212 40 30 25
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Training 2000, IT
Escola E.B. 2,3/S REI D. Manuel I-Alcochete, PT
Project Reference: 03-G2-31-B-RO-R
Young Craftsmen in a European Learning Partnership
The project aims to create an educational partnership in order to bring together marginalised young people and old
craftsmen with a view to:
improving the collaborative learning process between people from different countries involved in the project
supporting young people by giving them the opportunity to experience working life
ensuring the continuity of handicrafts.
The beneficiaries of the project are young people between 18 and 25 years old, coming from dysfunctional families or
orphans, seeking social and professional integration.
The main activities are:
meetings of the partners and exchanging experiences and practices
workshops and modules aimed to train the beneficiaries with basic skills for social integration, old and new
technologies in the handicrafts field and management of their own small business
exhibitions of the products made by beneficiaries
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 2
Basic skills
Intercultural issues
Arts, music, culture
Developing skills and competencies of young people
enhance their confidence and encourage them to adopt a positive attitude required for
successful integration
exchange experience in the handicraft field
Young disadvantaged people (18-25 years old)
persons living in rural areas
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Innovation and Business Development Centre (CIDAf)
Name of the contact person: Ms Oana RADU
Address: Baciului St, no.2, Bl. 14, sc.2, et. 9, ap.82, sector 5, Bucharest, Romania
e-mail oana@ictcm.ro
tel: + 4/021/3323195
fax: + 4/021/3323195
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
LOGIS Formation, FR
VEB Consult SRL, IT
Centre of Consulting Education, PL
“Cetatea de Scaun” Foundation, RO
“Village in XXI Age” Foundation, PL
Project Reference: 03-G2-33-B-RO
Forum Theatre in Adult Education
Forum Theatre is referred to in many different ways including Theatre for Living, Theatre of Provocation, Theatre for Change,
Theatre of Liberation, Theatre of the Oppressed and Democracy Theatre. Forum Theatre is designed to reach anybody in the
community from professionals to homeless, youth, adults, men, women, children and seniors. The project aims to explore the
effects of forum theatre approaches in adult education in various European communities and to learn about current
developments in employing forum theatre as a means to encourage active citizenship.
The outcomes of the project will be a “training for trainers kit” on using forum theatre, including a trainer’s manual, a
methodological guide as well as a web-site acting as a virtual resource centre for specialised training organisations and
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Active Citizenship
Intercultural Issues
Arts, Music, Culture
Using the forum theatre as means to encourage active citizenship
Stimulating dialogue and encouraging the “spect-actors” to find their own “grass root”
solutions to various problems presented in the forum.
Young adults at risk of social marginalization
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Fundatia CONCEPT
Name of the contact person: Mr Radu MATEESCU
Address: 44 Regina Elisabeta Sc A, Ap 34, 73542, Bucuresti, Romania
e-mail imiron@concept.ro , info@concept.ro
tel: + 40 21 311 12 52
fax: + 40 21 311 12 53
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Fundatia Dramafest, RO
Forum Theatre WALES, UK
" Theatre Tsvete" Association, BG
Association for Education and Local Development, PT
Project Reference: 03-G2-41-B-RO-R
Social Dialogue – a Chance to Realise the Concord in the Society through Adult Education
The project aims to analyse how social dialogue can be used to obtain social concord through adult education, how to
promote equal opportunities in the adult education field and on the labour market for disadvantaged people.
In this way the project will collect models of good practices, and will develop specific methods for obtaining social concord
in the society and to promote co-operation between employer’s organisations, trade unions and civil society concerning the
possibilities to improve difficult situations and equal opportunities for disadvantaged people. It intends to stimulate adult
education institutions to produce courses in adult education, especially in the field of social dialogue (targeted at
representatives of the employer’s organisations and trade unions) and to promote and offer equal opportunities for
disadvantaged people in continuing their education and on the labour market.
The main products will be guidelines for development of courses in the field of social dialogue and a good practices manual.
All the materials will be translated into the languages of the project partners. The partners will also organise seminars,
meetings and conferences in order to promote the materials and to exchange experiences.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 2
Basic skills
Intercultural issues
Information technologies
Sustainable development
Developing skills and competencies of disadvantaged people for their better integration in
the social life and labour market,
developping a better social dialogue between the representative of employer’s
organisations, trade unions and the disadvantaged people.
Young people (18-25 years old) at risk of social marginalisation
representatives of employer’s organisations and trade unions
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: National Institute for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (INIMM)
Name of the contact person: Ms Catalina NASTASE
Address: Mendeleev St, no. 36-38, 70169, Bucharest, Romania
e-mail inimm98@kappa.ro
tel: + 4/021/2127547
fax: +4/021/2127547
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
The Institute for Work and Technology-IAT, DE
GRETA des Métiers de l'Hôtellerie, FR
Project Reference: 03-G2-44-B-RO-R
European Response to diversity
The project intends to promote lifelong learning and to enhance the potential of individuals to facilitate social integration. It
aims to:
explore different processes of addressing inclusion and an equal opportunities framework through education for
disadvantaged people from different countries and cultures
to develop and involve the staff of the participants from different European institutions participating in the project
in a dynamic formative process
The target groups are made up of adult learners who are disadvantaged for social and economical reasons (offenders, ethnic
minorities, immigrants, asylum seekers) and training/ teaching staff and other professionals who work with disadvantaged
people in each country.
The main activities will consist of exchanging experiences and methodologies between participants through visits, seminars,
staff and ICT. The main product is a guide of good practices collected from the partner countries, and focused in providing
lifelong learning for disadvantaged people. The guide is aimed to facilitate integration of the target groups, taking into
account the experiences of all participating countries. The partners will organise thematic workshops and conferences.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 2
Basic skills
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
Identification of needs and good practices
increasing the capability of each participating country to respond in a realistic manner to
the process of social reinsertion into the society of disadvantaged group of population
Travellers, ethnic minorities
Unemployed persons
Persons in prison
Trainers and teachers working with disadvantaged target group
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Romanian Centre for Education and Human Development
Name of the contact person: Ms Camelia TANCAU
Address: Nasaud St, no. 6, Bl. 24, sc.1, ap.65, sector 5, Bucharest, Romania
e-mail cred@dnt.ro
tel: + 4/021/3367018
fax: + 4/021/3367018
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Kent Adult Education Service, UK
UIED, Research Unit on Education and Development, New University of Lisbon, PT
GRETA Marseille Sud, FR
Secondary School Jose Arancibia Gil, ES
Penitenciarul pentru Minori si Tineri Craiova, RO
Project Reference: 03-G2-58-CS-RO-R
Education of Staff that will train Volunteers able to work with Disabled People
The project aims at the creation of abilities for adult volunteers that are to work with disabled people. It answers some of
the social needs of the local community, especially in places with a high rate of unemployment due to socio-economic
causes, where disabled people have a low standard of living due to the neglect of their specific needs.
The main activities envisaged are:
creation of a training kit to be applied in courses
the training and supervising of the participants taking part in the courses of the project
working meetings among partners in order to get to know each other better and share the relevant experience in
volunteer activities and social service networks for disabled people.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Funding year: 3
Basic Skills
Strategy for Stimulating / Promoting adult learners demand for Learning
Methods for Providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Local community groups
Disabled People
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Centrul Pilot de ed. Speciala ptr. Copii "Primavara"
Name of the contact person: Ms Jamina LECHEZEU
Address: Str. Primaverii, nr. 51, Resita, Romania
e-mail spring_resita@yahoo.com
tel: + 4/055/210.713
fax: + 4/055/216.301
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Nederlands Instituut voor Zorg en Welzijn, NL
Training 2000, IT
Project Reference: 03-G2-6-HR-RO-R
Adult Education- Key to development to our regions
The project proposes to investigate the adult learning opportunities and methods in different regions of Europe as well as
exchange of experience and good practice using information and communication technology. It also aims to organize local
fora for educational providers of adult education in order to share experience and to assess their needs within the field.
Ultimately it aims to create a database and to publish a multimedia catalogue which should serve both as a resource book
for further international co-operation among the investigated institutions and as a multilateral guide that informs potential
learners of the learning opportunities in the respective regions as well as through an exchange of work practices throughout
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 3
Basic Skills
Intercultural issues
Information technology
Sustainable development
Stimulating adult learners demand
Guidance and Counselling
investigate the adult learning opportunities and methods in different regions of Europe
create a database and to publish a multimedia catalogue
Adult Education institutions
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Soros Educational Center Foundation – Miercurea Ciuc
Name of the contact person: Ms Csilla LAZAR-BOROS
Address: Str. Florilor, nr. 9, et. III, 4100, Miercurea Ciuc, Romania
e-mail office@sec.ro, lbcsilla@sec.ro
tel: + 4/066/171.799
fax: + 4/066/171.799
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Univ of Szeged, HU
COO S.S. Marche, IT
Dept d'estudis Medis Actuals, ES
Project Reference: 03-G2-71-IS-RO
“Advocate of the People with Disabilities” – training and on-line counselling partnership
The project aims to set up an international partnership in order to provide permanent support to those people within the
cohesive context offered by an on-line discussion forum and to publish a successful storybook.
The advocates, selected from people with disabilities, NGO staff and community volunteers will be trained to collaborate in
advocating the rights of people with disabilities, counselling them and moderating an on-line discussion forum dedicated to
their specific difficulties.
As a result of the activities envisaged in the project, an increase in the number of the individual and group initiatives and
lobby actions is anticipated in order to defend the rights of people with disabilities and a few success stories of professional
integration in each participating country expected.
Total Duration: 1 year
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Active Citizenship
Intercultural Issues
Guiding / Counselling
Training advocate people with disabilities in order to:
- stimulate their abilities of collaborative work,
- stimulate personal and group initiatives
- promote professional integration
- lobbying, advocating, promoting in the community
- counselling disabled people
Empowering the people with disabilities
People with disabilities
Local Community Groups
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: EuroEd Foundation
Name of the contact person: Mr Dana Anca CEHAN
Address: Florilor 1C, Iasi, Romania
e-mail guest@ilc.osf.ro
tel: + 40 232 252 850
fax: + 40 232 252 870
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Polish Teachers Association-Koszalin, PL
Swedish Telepedagogic Knowledge Centre, SE
Project Reference: 03-G2-93-TM-RO
GRIP – How to involve women in society
The project intends to continue another Grundtvig 2 project (Study Evaluation on Adult Education needs for disadvantaged
People). The new project aims to identify the trigger that will strengthen the attitude towards lifelong learning and
consciousness on selecting personal specific qualifications for permanent education and better integration in the society of
a particular disadvantaged target group: rural and urban women with low income or unemployed.
The results will be incorporated in a comparative methodological guide. The main directions envisaged are:
flexibility and mobility regarding employment
new competencies in the area of ICT, “services to people” commercial service sector, new technologies, languages
communication, fashion, art and crafts
personal skills (self-esteem, self-motivation, entrepreneurship etc)
new abilities (team working, work discipline, stress and conflict management and independence).
The methods of the project will be focus groups, incubators on specific topics and field research.
Total Duration: 1 year
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 1
Basic Skills
Active Citizenship
Sustainable Development
Identify the real needs of adult education for rural and urban women with low income or
Develop a comparative methodological guide
Promote social dialogue with local stakeholders
People living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Other Economical or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Centrul de Asistenta Rurala
Name of the contact person: Ms Claudia NOVAC
Address: Piata Istria nr. 6, 1900, Timisoara, Romania
e-mail cnovac@rural-center.org
tel: + 40 256 221470
fax: + 40 256 221469
Organisation/Project website:
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
The Academy of Humanities and Economics, PL
Training 2000, IT
Project Reference: 03-SVN01-S2G01-00016-1
Possibilities of Lifelong learning of mentally handicapped adults
The goal of this project is to create an international learning partnership, which will research the possibilities of lifelong
learning and employment for people with mental disabilities.
Within the framework of European cooperation, we plan to research the realization of lifelong learning of adults and then
disseminate the results within a community of experts and incorporate them in practical work and innovative learning
processes. Those processes will take into account specific medical, educational and social needs of the target population.
One of goals of the project is to overcome prejudice and misinformation about adult learning among mentally disabled
adults and to inform the general public about their educational needs. We wish to ensure equal access to adult education in
accordance with their needs and to offer extra help, wherever it is needed.
We plan to survey educators’ education and to compare education strategies among participating countries.
The objectives of this project are:
Survey the state of adult education for the mentally handicapped in participating countries.
Presentation and evaluation of survey results.
Survey of infrastructure possibilities and identification of learning needs.
Development of a good lifelong learning system for the target population.
Presentation of good practice in participating countries.
Presentation of learning processes, programmes and educational models in participating countries.
Publishing of a lifelong learning manual, which will describe different educational models, based on project results,
experiences and practical work in partner countries.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Project Objectives
Other (describe if applicable)
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 1
Basic Skills
Active Citizenship
Arts, Music, Culture
EU Countries, EU
Information Technology
Consumer Education
The Media
Strategy for stimulating / promoting adult learners' demand for learning
Guidance / counselling / information or other support services
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Management of adult education organisation / institution
Methods for providing credit for knowledge or competence acquired outside formal
Disabled Persons
Young Adults (15-25)
Other Economically Disadvantaged Groups
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Center Dolfke Boštjančič
Name of the contact person: Marija Turman Lemajič
Address: Dobravica 28, 1292 Ig, Slovenia
e-mail: : mojca.turman@guest.arnes.si
tel: +386.1.3003.670
fax: +386.1.4202.626
Organisation/Project website: http://www.center-db.si
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Turning the red lights green (UK)
John Paul II Centre of Support to people with profound handicap (PT)
Fokus Praha (CZ)
Vocational training center of Thrace Athena (GR)
Project Reference: 02-SVK01-S2G01-00004-1
Education and Training in Ecotourism (Educatour)
The aim of the project is to promote sustainable development of geographically disadvantaged rural areas by raising demand
for life-long learning, promoting basic skills and intercultural issues among people living in these areas. The way to achieve
this is by creating a partnership among organisations working in the field of adult education related to ecotourism that can
exchange their experience and knowledge and try to implement innovative teaching methods. Active participation of
learners is ensured in all project activities in each of the institutions involved. The project is also interrelated with initiatives
at national level.
The contact meeting of the partners held in the first year of the project gave rise to an additional project activity gathering
data on ecotourism which will be presented on the project web site http://mojweb.sk/educatour.
Total Duration: 2years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Other (describe if applicable)
Target Group(s)
Funding year: 2
Basic skills
Intercultural issues
Sustainable development
Strategy for stimulating/ promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged areas
Economically or socially disadvantaged groups
Local community groups
Other (describe if applicable)
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Ústav pre výchovu a vzdelávanie pracovníkov lesného a vodného hospodárstva
Name of the contact person: Ľudmila Marušáková
Address: Sokolská 19, 960 50 Zvolen, Slovakia
e-mail uvvplvh@isternet.sk
tel: +421 45 5347620
fax: + 421 45 5332589
Organisation/Project website: www.isternet.sk/uvvplvh
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Ökologischer Tourismus in Europa e.V., Bonn (DE)
Integrovaná střední škola lesnická, Vimperk (CZ)
Palsmanes pieaugušo tālākizglītības atbalsta centrs (LV)
Project Reference: 02-SVK01-S2G01-00013-1
Knowing Me - Knowing You
The primary aim of the project is to develop a critical understanding of multi-cultural education. Knowledge shared and
understanding obtained through common practice-based workshops and seminars will help the institutions involved to act
as a catalyst for stimulating discussion and debate on multi-cultural education at national level. The envisaged final
outcome of the partnership is a range of curriculum solutions such as good practice guides improving teachers' ability to
develop curricula that recognise the needs and aspirations of learners from different cultural backgrounds.
Total Duration: 3 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Other (describe if applicable)
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 2
Intercultural Issues
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Migrants/ travellers/ ethnic or other minorities
Local community groups
post 16 education and training practitioners working in formal and non formal settings
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Občianske združenie HaBiO
Name of the contact person: Martin Krajčík
Address: ražská 11, P.O.Box 233, 810 00 Bratislava 1, Slovakia
e-mail: habio@mailbox.sk, mkrajcik@usitmail.com
tel: +421 2 52492013
fax: +421 2 52492013
Organisation/Project website: http://home.nextra.sk/habio/
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Follo Folkehøgskole, Vestby (NO)
Partners, Dublin (IE)
Society for the Development and Creative Occupation of Children, Athens (GR)
Centre for Civic Initiatives, Vilnius (LT)
African Women's Culture, Arts & Development, Manchester (UK)
VUC Fredericia, Fredericia (DK)
Project Reference: 02-SVK01-S2G01-00018-11
Different Culture - Different Training in One Europe
The project aims at sharing and understanding different approaches to adult teaching and learning in Europe, particularly in
relation to hard-to-reach, economically and socially disadvantaged groups and the unemployed. The cooperation will be
based on a chain of exchanges of teachers among the participating institutions to enable an effective exchange of
experience and knowledge, as well as experimentation with new pedagogical approaches. To a large extent there will be ICT
used in all project activities.
Due to experience from the first project year, the project aims also at a two level project evaluation in order to improve the
project realisation.
Total Duration: 2 years
Area(s) covered
Other (describe if applicable)
Project Objectives
Other (describe if applicable)
Target Group(s)
Other (describe if applicable)
Funding year: 2
Basic skills
Active citizenship
Intercultural issues
Information technology
Strategy for stimulating/ promoting adult learners’ demand for learning
Experimentation with new pedagogical approach(es)
Management of adult education organisation/institution
Migrants/travellers/ethnic or other minorities
Economically or socially disadvantaged groups, unemployed persons, persons in prison
Young adults (15-25 age range) at risk of soc. mar.
Coordinating organisation
Name of the organisation: Akadémia vzdelávania Poprad
Name of the contact person: Jaroslav Budzák
Address: Mnoheľova 828/23, 05801 Poprad, Slovakia
e-mail akademiapp@stonline.sk
tel: +421 52 7721236
fax: +421 52 7721236
Organisation/Project website: www.aveducation.sk
Partners Name of the organisation (Country code)
Stockton Adult Education Service, Stockton-on-Tees (UK)
Centro de Profeores y Recursos de Belmonte, Belmonte (ES)
DEKEK, Kavala (GR)
Volkshochschule in der Grossen Kreisstadt Dachau e.V., Dachau (DE)
Institut fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit des Deutschen Volkhochschul-Verbandes e.V., Bonn (DE)
Interacting Education and Training S.L., Madrid (ES)
Project Areas, Objectives and Target Groups
Page number
Active citizenship
Arts, music, culture
Basic skills
Consumer education
Disabled persons
Economically or socially disadvantaged
group, unemployed, prisoners….
Education for parents
European countries / European Union
Experimentation with new pedagogical
Gender issues
Guidance / counselling or other support
Information Technology
Intercultural issues
Local community groups
Management of adult education
organisation / institution
Marginalised groups
Methods for providing accreditation of
Migrants /Immigrants/ethnic or other
Persons living in rural or disadvantaged
Senior citizens
Special needs
Strategy for stimulating / promoting
adult learners
Sustainable development
Young adults at risk of social