Welcome and Welcome Back - Silverthorn Collegiate Institute
Welcome and Welcome Back - Silverthorn Collegiate Institute
PHOTO TAKEN BY MARK SYPTEK Fall into Autumn! Camp Manitou 2012 SINDHUJAA GANESAMOORTHY embraced the day’s wet conditions and remained optimistic. Though the weather was On September 17th, several S.C.I. students wild, spirits were high as everyone eagerly boarded buses and headed up north to Camp awaited that night’s activity: Gym Riot. Just Manitou. Upon arrival, they discovered that before the highly anticipated event, the field their beloved camp was being used to film a was a sea of people dressed in red, pink, orange, movie. The fact that the barn, the central green, blue, gold, purple, and black. For the destination for evening activities, was off duration of the night, teams performed their limits, didn’t stop students from embarking cheers, screamed their hearts out, and on their life changing week. On the first day, demonstrated their pride and devotion to their campers got acquainted with the camp colours. Just as the night wound down, cries of environment and the atmosphere grew bright joy rang through The Hanger when the green with excitement. Lunch was eaten, tours were team was crowned the winner of this year’s given, and games were played. After a long Gym Riot. The week progressed and the bond day of activities came to an end, students between campers, counsellors, and leaders grew began to look forward to their next day at stronger. From rotations during the day and camp. dance invitations at lunch to the following The second day came rolling in, accompanied night’s activities (campfire and the dance/talent with some pretty stormy weather. Campers, show), new friends and everlasting memories activity leaders, counsellors, and teachers REPORTER SCI VIBES VOL. 12 y ISSUE # 1 October 2012 SCI VIBES The Controversy of School Uniforms BRITTNEY CULMONE REPORTER Silverthorn is the type of school that allows you to express yourself in any way you wish. What if one day that freedom was suddenly taken away? Imagine one day you were given a mandatory uniform to wear and no longer had the option to wear what you chose to school. Now this could be a good thing, or it could be a bad thing. A few of the pros would be that students would no longer have to worry about what to wear every day, it would also eliminate the competitiveness fashion brings. Another “perk” would be the money saved as students would no longer have to spend hundreds of dollars on clothes every year and season. Some may disagree with the fact that it saves you money. It truly depends on your life style. Some may want a selection of clothes specifically for the weekend and evenings therefore, buying a uniform on top of that would end up costing you more money. Another con of having a uniform would be that you would not be able to express yourself in the way that you wish. Many school boards believe that by forcing students to wear the same uniform can influence the students to behave in a more civilized way and cause students to have better focus in school. A problem with that would be that not being able to express yourself the way you wish which can cause the students in uniform to rebel more than the students who already have the freedom. Religion can also play a part in the uniform decision. In some cultures, certain restrictions on how individuals dress are common. By bringing uniforms into public school, this would take away part of their cultural decisions. Certain schools that currently have a uniform policy have one day every other month called a “Civics Day”, allowing students to take a break from their everyday uniform — while still following the dress code. Some believe this is a good thing as it is a compromise, while still allowing the students to have something to look forward as well. In the end, everyone has their own opinion about uniforms, some for and some against. If public schools were assigned uniforms, would you be happy? If one day you came to school and everyone was wearing uniforms would you be comfortable? In the end, it is all about you. SCI Features were made. On the very last day of camp, students packed up and headed to their group debrief to end their week at Manitou. Teams shared their favourite moments at camp together and thoughts on what they learned about one another that week. Team bracelets were handed out, hugs were exchanged, and a slideshow of the week’s highlights was presented. Shortly after, the campers boarded their buses to make their journey back home. “The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect and joy in each other's life. Rarely do members of one family grow up under the same roof.” This quote by Richard Bach describes what is experienced by many – if not all – people who attend Camp Manitou. Though we are not related, perhaps with a few exceptions, camp truly creates a family. Starting the week off as individuals and as strangers who believe we have nothing in common with one another; we progress to become one large family. At Manitou we meet people whom are exactly like us, find joy in things we never thought we would find joy in, and in some cases, rediscover ourselves. Though Manitou was several weeks ago, it is wonderful to see teammates exchange smiles and greetings in the hallways at school. Bonds from that week remain strong, showing that the Camp Manitou experience never truly leaves a person. Whether you were or will be a camper in the future, you are reminded that bonds will never break so long as you try to keep them strong. OCTOBER 2012 U.S. Presidential Election: The Breakdown MARINA POPOVIC REPORTER th On November 6 , 2012, US voters will be heading to the polls to vote for their 57th president. This year, the presidential candidates are Barack Obama for the Democratic party, Mitt Romney for the Republican party, Gary Johnson for the Libertarian party, Jill Stein for the Green party, and Virgil Goode for the Constitution party. Being Canadian, we do not have the opportunity to vote for a president because we are a Constitutional Monarchy. It is very interesting, entertaining and a little bit frustrating to watch U.S. citizens and politicians battle for the job of President of the United States. Nominating candidates and electing a president is a very long and complicating process. It works on many levels. First, a state has a primary election within parties which is called an indirect election. Unlike Canada, voters do not directly select the candidate for the presidential role. This election determines how many ‘delegates’ each party will have for their national convention. A national convention is a special type of convention in which the purpose is to select a nominee from each party to run for President. The parties each have only two types of delegates at the convention: pledged and unpledged. Unpledged delegates are allowed to vote for any candidate at the election. But, pledged delegates must vote in agreement with their state party rules. SCI VIBES Once the parties have selected their presidential candidates, they go into an active political arena against each other. They explain and sell their political views and platforms. The candidates will spend many days on the road with their teams trying to convince the citizens of the US that they are the proper candidate for the job. The nominees will debate against each other in a televised program. After their campaigns, U.S. citizens will have the chance to vote for their choice nominee. Unlike Canada, the president is not selected by popular vote, but by ‘electoral votes’. Each state has at least 3 of these votes. In total, the U.S. has 538 electoral votes, and to win the presidency, a nominee must receive a majority of the electoral votes. This year, the two major candidates are from the Democratic and Republican parties, Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. It is expected for one of them to win. If Barack Obama wins, it will be his second term of presidency. As the hat of North America, we wish our southern neighbours to successfully elect whoever is best for them and we hope to continue our prosperous link with the United States. A Simple Guide to Surviving the 2012 Apocalypse VALENTINA MIHAJLOVIC AND MARIJA BULAJIC REPORTERS All right ladies and gents, I’m sure you’re all aware of the impending apocalypse, but don’t sweat it because we have compiled a list of all the necessary items you’ll need to survive. “The number one thing you need to know is that Australia, New Zealand, Great Britain, the U.S., Africa, South America, and Europe are the best places to be during the end of days” (http://safespots.info/). What you might wonder is where are Asia, or Canada on this list? Well, I guess it’s time to pack our bags and move, because the internet told us all this wonderful information, and as we know, the internet is never wrong. You also might want to build a bunker on a pristine block of wilderness, and make sure to equip it with plenty of magazines, Scooby-Doo BandAids, a snuggie, and most importantly your laptop with WiFi, because hey, you gotta’ tweet such an epic event, #2012! The last, and absolutely most important thing you are going to need if you want to survive, is to act like Will Smith from ‘I Am Legend’. Good luck! OCTOBER 2012 Our interview with Mr. Bubulj: 1. I teach history, law and philosophy. 2. Twenty-six years. I’ve been teaching here since 1999, 14 years. 3. You need to strive to find your purpose in life. Also, never lose sight of human goodness and what is possible. 4. I remember a student setting a toilet on fire about seven years ago. He set one of the staff room toilets on fire and we were forced to go into a lockdown. It was really horrible because of the smell that remained afterwards, and now the staff bathroom doors are locked. 5. I believe that you can never step in the same river twice. I don’t believe in wishing to repeat any moments in life, but rather in looking back on memories, seeing the mistakes that were made, and moving on. 6. I have a tie that was once my father’s from his wedding day. Its navy blue and it serves as a memory for me. 7. I was staff advisor for the debate society one year and we went to a mock G20 Summit where one of our students put on a really big show for everyone. At first we were all embarrassed but he managed to make a great impression at the meeting. I didn’t join many teams or clubs in high school. However, I didn’t really join anything until I reached university, so I recommend that students join organizations early in high school if that is what they are interested in. 8. If I had the chance, I would go to Ancient Rome. It was a very multicultural city at the time and had the most advancements. Also, there were many famous characters around Rome at that time, like Julius Caesar, who would be interesting to see. SCI VIBES 9. I’m looking forward to the year in general. There are challenges in every year, both academic and otherwise and I anticipate the excitement of a good challenge. Getting to Know our Teachers… CAITLIN CRUX AND LIZ MCELROY STAFF REPORTERS Welcome back Spartans! For the first issue of the year, we chose to focus on the History Department and two of their fantastic teachers, Ms. Chong and Mr. Bubulj, who kindly allowed us to interview them. QUESTIONS: 1. What are the subjects that you usually teach? What are the subjects you are currently teaching? 2. How long have you been a teacher? How long have you been teaching at Silverthorn? 3. What advice would you give to all graduating students? 4. What is your most embarrassing/favourite/best/funny moment of the year overall? 5. If you could re-do any moment in your life, what would and when would it be? 6. What’s your favourite article of clothing? (eg. Your signature piece) 7. What is the weirdest team/club that you have ever been involved in as a student and as a teacher? 8. If you could travel to any place and time where and when would it be? 9. What is one thing you are looking forward to this school year? Our Interview with Ms. Chong: 1. I usually teach History for the grade 10s, HSP for grade 11s and this year I am also teaching Genocide for grade 11s. 2. I’m not answering that question. I have been at Silverthorn for 12 years. 3. Go to all your classes and stay organized!! 4. A memorable moment would be going to the semi-formals and proms that Silverthorn hosts. I always go to them –it’s nice to see everyone dressed nice and looking grown up. 5. I maybe would redo my course selection for grade 13. I would not take the two maths and two sciences that I did, but include French and Classical Studies. 6. I like pointy shoes. They are retro-styled (from 50s and 60s) and make me feel professional. 7. I was on the school band throughout high school and I played the French Horn. I enjoyed it though it many people took typing instead which is more practical. For the Christmas assembly about 5 years ago, Mr. Stefaniuk and I were included with a club’s play and went on stage. It was visually funny! 8. I would revisit Paris in Amsterdam – I went when I was 17 and really enjoyed myself. 9. The semi-formal. It’s the first big event and I like to go and observe with the other teachers. OCTOBER 2012 Five Upcoming Movies KHADIJA SETAK REPORTER 1. Fun Size (Starring Victoria Justice) Coming Out: October 26, 2012 Genre: Comedy Rated: PG-13 Summary: When Wren’s high school crush invites her to his Halloween party, she is more excited than ever. Her plan to attend his party with her best friend April, however gets crushed soon enough when her mother puts her in charge of her younger brother, Albert, for the night. Upset, Wren takes Albert trick-ortreating, but soon loses him in the crowd. Forced to find him though, Wren and April adjourn into a crazy search for Albert, meeting new people and going through unusual experiences that complete their night. Opinion: Based on the trailer, Fun Size seems like the perfect Halloween comedy of the month. Wren and April are funny protagonists to watch, though are not nearly as amusing as Albert. Fun Size has a high school based plot that will leave you feeling high-spirited making it is a perfect match for those who enjoy Halloween, but do not like the genre horror. 2. Lincoln (Starring Daniel DayLewis) Coming out: November 9, 2012 Genre: Biography, Drama, History Rated: R Summary: During the time of the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln strives to put an end to American slavery. Determined, he goes through the process of SCI VIBES convincing millions of people of his opinion. A nonfiction tale about politics, determination and success, Lincoln, retells the inspirational story of President Abraham Lincoln and his accomplishments. Opinion: For people who enjoy non-fiction and educational movies, Lincoln is the best upcoming movie for you. Historical and motivating, Lincoln is sure to leave a permanent mark on you. 3. The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2 (Starring Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson) Coming out: November 16, 2012 Genre: Adventure, Drama, Fantasy Rated: PG-13 Summary: Sequel to The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1, Bella Cullen is adapting to her life as a vampire. Her daughter, Renesmee Cullen, is everything everyone is talking about in the household. However, after a vision, the Cullens are faced with the threat of the Volturi and they must do everything they can to protect their beloved new clan member. Opinion: Romance and fantasy fans are bound to watch the grand finale of the Twilight Saga. Featuring vampires and werewolves, Twilight fans are sure to be either happy or disappointed with the sagas final movie. Watch and see! 4. Red Dawn (Starring Chris Hemsworth, Josh Peck and Josh Hutcherson) Coming out: November 21, 2012 Genre: Action Rated: PG-13 Summary: A war raises in the United States as North Korean soldiers bomb the country. In result, the protagonists struggle to save their hometown from complete destruction by forming a guerilla fighting group. Training themselves, they find themselves face to face with war, and they must win it in order to resume their old lives. Opinion: An action-packed adventure, Red Dawn also features some of our all-time favorite and well-known actors such as, Chris Hemsworth and Josh Hutcherson. This upcoming film is an excellent choice for audience that enjoys war-based plots. 5. The Silver Linings Playbook (Starring Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence) Coming out: November 21, 2012 Genre: Comedy, Drama Rated: 14A Summary: Released from his mental institution, Pat Solitano, a former teacher, moves back into his parent’s house and attempts to get back with his ex-wife. However, Pat finds himself struggling to keep up with the normalcy of the people around him. But things get even more challenging when he meets Tiffany, a secretive girl with issues of her own. Pat finds himself drawn to her though, and together, the two overcome their obstacles together in a humor-laced plot. Opinion: With humorous dialogue and a moving plot, The Silver Linings seems like the most dramatic movie in the upcoming two months. Presented by Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence (who starred in The Hunger Games and House at the End of the Street), this movie is an amusing in tale that shows development over time and the growth of fondness in life. OCTOBER 2012 It’s All in the Stars PUNEH JAMSHIDI AND EMILY MOCEK REPORTERS Aquarius (January 20 February 18) Pisces (February 19 - March 20) Your thoughts are likely to turn to setting goals for the future, particularly concerning your career. This would be a great day to start thinking about ways to make that happen. Aries (March 21 - April 19) This month is about to get extremely busy. Get started on that project you’ve been putting off before it’s too late! Taurus (April 20 - May 20) You’ve been so busy socializing these past few week that you may have inadvertently neglected one special person in your life. Try to rectify that today. Gemini (May 21 - June 20) It’s possible that big change is in store for you in the near future. If you’ve been toying with the idea of moving, today you may get some news that motivates you to make your fantasy a reality. SCI VIBES People are impressed with your ability to take on anything. However, your busy schedule may distract you from what is truly important. Capricorn (December January 19) 22 - You will have an argument with a close friend. Remember that not all relationships are meant to last. Leo (July 23 - August 22) Be careful when taking advice from family members or friends. They may not have your interests at heart. Virgo (August 23 September 22) Don’t plunge headfirst into work mode. The cleaning and tidying up can surely wait for another day. Today, spending time with friends and family should be your main priority. Libra (September 23 October 22) Don’t close yourself off to new opportunities. You never know which experiences will open doors to the places you have always wanted to go. Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) Things are going well and life has never been this good. But watch out, some may confuse your happiness with arrogance. Sagittarius (November 22 December 21) You could be feeling quite lazy today and you definitely deserve to feel this way! You deserve some time off after all the activities of the past week. Give yourself the gift of a true day off. Fall Activities MARIAM NOUSER REPORTER Hey SCI! Hope you all had a wonderful summer. As we all know, sports is a pretty big part of SCI. Our upcoming fall sports season will be exciting. Some of our teams have had successful seasons in the past and hopefully they will continue their success this year. Our Junior Girls’ Basketball team is entirely new; players and coach included. We see great potential with this new lineup! The Senior Girls’ Basketball team hits the court with some new players and some of last season’s veterans as well as returning coach, Mr. Clifford. We wish them a very successful season! The Cross Country Crew has consistently seen many talented runners emerge over the years – hopefully the trend continues! Junior Boys’ Volleyball … their successes in previous seasons have made SCI proud! We know you will make do it again this year! Senior Boys’ Volleyball team has a talented group of seniors this season who bring a lot of passion and skill to the court. Here’s to an outstanding run! Junior Boys’ Football … SCI coaches welcome a whole new lineup of players this year. We are sure their enthusiasm and energy will serve the team well! OCTOBER 2012 Entertainment You will probably encounter a bit of opposition along with today. Even those who are usually right behind you will seem uncooperative. Try not to let this faze you too much. Cancer (June 21 - July 22) Halloween Costume Ideas MONICA LOUIE REPORTER This year don’t get stuck being a boring witch or “myself” for Halloween. Here are some Halloween costume ideas that are anything but ordinary. Boys: • NFL football player - XL NFL jersey, shoulder pads, war paint on both of your cheeks! • James Bond - Wear a tux and gel your hair into the same hair-do, “It’s Bond, James Bond” • Batman – At Walmart for $39.67 • Soldier – at Amazing Party & Costume for $44.99 and draw on your war paint! jeans, thin headband, flip-flops, and peace signs everywhere! • Roaring 20’s Dancer – at Amazing Party & Costume for $31.49 and blood red lipstick • Cheerleader from Glee at Amazing Party & Costume for $49.49. Think cute and preppy. Stores: www.amazingpartystore.com www.walmart.ca/en Pictures: http://www.footballfanatics.co m/NFL_TShirts/Nike_New_Orleans_Sai nts_Legend_Authentic_Footb all_Font_Performance_TShirt_-_Ash http://www.amazingpartystore .com/storefront/productdetail. aspx?idproduct=74377&idcat egory=2326 Girls: • Nerd - thick strapped tank top, high waist jeans, nerd glasses with some masking tape on the bridge of the glasses (you can buy some from ‘Claire’s’ or pop out the lenses of RealD3D glasses from Cineplex)! • Hippie - Loose tank, bandeau (underneath), worn and torn skinny SCI VIBES OCTOBER 2012 Upcoming Events Upcoming Events Wednesday, October 31 Halloween! Wednesday, November 7 Dear Albert and Alf, I want to join a lot of sports teams and clubs this year, but I have a lot of really hard courses. How do I balance my school work and extracurricular activities? - Over Achieve-her Over achieve-her, what you need to do is prioritize and schedule-ize! Obviously, school comes first, but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the school’s extracurricular activities as well! Plan out your nights so that you can fit in homework and activities and make a plan with your coach or club head about how you will balance your two worlds. -ALBERT Grade 9 Take Your Kid to Work Day Sunday, November 11 Like always, Albert, you are completely wrong! What you really should do is follow your heart. Maybe your true calling is writing in the school newspaper or playing volleyball. Don’t forget about academics, but don’t let them take over your whole life outside of the classroom. - ALF Remembrance Day Tuesday, November 13 Diwali DDTuesday, November 13 Mid-Term Report Cards Dear Albert and Alf, I want to ask this cutie girl in my Chemistry class to the semi, but I don’t know how! HELP!! - Chemi Semi Well, you two obviously have chemistry together, hopefully in more ways than one! Strike up a conversation in class asking her about the science homework, then; casually ask if she’s going to Semi-Formal. Pop the question right then so she doesn’t get taken! -ALBERT Editors: Credits: Muna Abshir Caitlin Crux Liz McElroy Emily Mocek Marina Popovic Sindhujaa Ganes Monica Louie Sophie Vaccarino Megan Eves Puneh Jamshidi Khadija Setak Mariam Nouser Valentina Mihajlovic Marija Bulajic Brittney Culmone SCI VIBES No, no no! What you really have to do is write her a lovey-dovey letter expressing your true feelings for cutie girl. Slide it in her locker and hope for the best! If she doesn’t start acting weird d k h t S i! Friday, November 16 PA Day May 2012 Tuesday, November 20 Parents’ Night Special thanks to: Administrative Staff Caretaking Staff Mr. Hall Ms. Chong Ms. Bubulj Mr. Iskander www.imbd.com www.walmart.com OCTOBER http://safespots.info/ www.amazingpartystore.com 2012
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