Nuclear Science and Technology
Nuclear Science and Technology
ISSN 1810-5408 Nuclear Science and Technology Volume 3, Number 2, June 2013 Published by VIETNAM ATOMIC ENERGY SOCIETY NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Volume 3, Number 2, June 2013 Editorial Board Editor-in-chief Tran Huu Phat (VINATOM) Executive Editors Vuong Huu Tan (VARANS) Le Van Hong (VINATOM) Cao Đình Thanh (VINATOM) Editors Phan Sy An (HMU) Cao Chi (VINATOM) Nguyen Nhi Dien (VINATOM) Bui Dieu (NCI) Le Ngoc Ha (Tran Hung Dao Hospital) Duong Ngoc Hai (IOM) Le Huy Ham (VAAS) Nguyen Quoc Hien (VINATOM) Bui Hoc (HUMG) Nguyen Phuc (VINATOM) Nguyen Tuan Khai (VINATOM) Hoang Anh Tuan (VAEA) Ngo Quang Huy (HUI) Le Hong Khiem (IOP) Dao Tien Khoa (VINATOM) Do Ngoc Lien (VINATOM) Dang Duc Nhan (VINATOM) Nguyen Mong Sinh (VINATOM) Le Xuan Tham (DOST of Lamdong) Tran Duc Thiep (IOP) Le Ba Thuan (VINATOM) Huynh Van Trung (VINATOM) Dang Thanh Luong (VARANS) Nguyen Thi Kim Dung (VINATOM) Pham Dinh Khang (VINATOM) Foreign Editors Pierre Darriulat (INST) Myung Chul Lee (WFNM) Hideki Namba (JAEA, Japan) Philippe Quentin (CENBG, CNRS, France) Yang (KAERI, Korea) Kato Yasuyoshi (TIT, Japan) Managing Secretary Nguyen Trong Trang (VINATOM) Science Secretary Hoang Sy Than (VINATOM) .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Copyright: ©2008 by the Vietnam Atomic Energy Society (VAES), Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute (VINATOM). Pusblished by Vietnam Atomic Energy Society, 59 Ly Thuong Kiet, Hanoi, Vietnam Tel: 84-4-39420463 Fax: 84-4-39424133 Email: Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute, 59 Ly Thuong Kiet, Hanoi, Vietnam Tel: 84-4-39420463 Fax: 84-4-39422625 Email: .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS GENERAL INFORMATION MANUSCRIPT PREPARATION Nuclear Science and Technology (NST), an international journal of the Vietnam Atomic Energy Society (VAES), quarterly publishes articles related to theory and application of nuclear science and technology. All papers and technical notes will be refereed. It is understood that the paper has been neither published nor currently submitted for publication elsewhere. 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Authors should choose one of the following fields at the time they submit their manuscript: 1) Nuclear Physics, 2) Nuclear Data, 3) Reactor Physics, 4) Thermal Hydraulics, 5) Nuclear Safety, 6) Nuclear I&C, 7) Nuclear Fuel and Materials, 8) Radioactive Waste Management, 9) Radiation Protection, 10) Radiation Technology, 11) Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture, 12) Nuclear Medicine and Radiotherapy, 13) Nuclear Techniques in Industries, 14) Environment Radioactivity, 15) Isotope Hydrology, 16) Nuclear Analytical Methods, 17) Health Physics, 18) Fusion and Laser Technology. MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSION Manuscript for publication should be submitted to the Editorial Office in triplicate by postal mail. For electronical submission use Submission Address Department of Planning, R&D Management Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute, 59 Ly Thuong Kiet Street, Hanoi, Vietnam E-mail: Headings: Use I, II,… for major headings and A, B, … for secondary headings. Mathematical formulas: All mathematical formulas should be clearly written, with special consideration to distinctive legibility of sub-and superscripts. Equation (at least the principal ones) should be numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals in parentheses in the right hand margin. Tables and Figures: Tables should be numbered with Roman numerals. Figures should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals in order of their first appearance and have a complete descriptive title. They should be typed on separate sheets. Tables should no repeat data which are available elsewhere in the paper. Figures should be original ink drawing or computer drawn figures in the original and of high quality, ready for direct reproduction. Figures should be referred to in the text as, for example, Fig. 1., or Fig. 2. . Reference: References should be listed at the end of the text and presented as follows: [1] C. Y. Fu et al., Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, S. M. Qaim (Ed.), p. 587 (1991). [2] C. Kalbach, Z. Phys, A283, 401 (1977). [3] S. Shibata, M. Imamura, T. Miyachi and M. Mutou, “Photonuclear spallation reactions in Cu”, Phys. Rev. C 35, 254 (1987). KHOA HỌC VÀ CÔNG NGHỆ HẠT NHÂN Chịu trách nhiệm xuất bản TRẦN HỮU PHÁT Chịu trách nhiệm nội dung TRẦN HỮU PHÁT TRẦN CHÍ THÀNH LÊ VĂN HỒNG CAO ĐÌNH THANH Trình bày LÊ THÚY MAI DOÃN THỊ LOAN In 200 cuốn, khổ 19x26,5cm tại Công ty Mỹ thuật Trung ương Giấy đăng ký kế hoạch xuất bản số: 770/GP-BTTTT cấp ngày 20 tháng 5 năm 2011 In xong và nộp lưu chiểu Quý II năm 2013 25 000đ Nuclear Science and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 2 (2013), pp. 1-6 Studies of multiparticle photonuclear reactions in natural iron induced by 2.5 GeV bremsstrahlung Pham Duc Khue*, Kim Tien Thanh, Nguyen Thi Hien Institute of Physics, VAST, 10 Dao Tan, Ba Dinh, Hanoi, Vietnam * Email: (Received 27 June 2013, accepted 26 September 2013) Abstract: Multiparticle photonuclear reactions produced on natural iron target with maximum endpoint energy of 2.5 GeV bremsstrahlung have been investigated by using the activation method in combination with -ray spectrometric techniques. The -spectra were measured with a high energy resolution -spectrometer based on HPGe detector. The radioactive residual nuclei formed via nuclear reactions were identified based on their half-lives and -ray energies. The yields of reaction products were determined based on their -activities. In order to improve the accuracy of the experimental results a series of -spectra were measured at different cooling times and the necessary corrections were made. More than twenties radioactive nuclei formed via the following photonuclear reactions: nat Fe(,xn), natFe(,xnyp) and natFe(,-xn) have been identified and their yields have been determined. The present experimental results are compared with reference data and analyzed with an empirical formula given by Rudstam. Keywords: Bremsstrahlung; Activation method; Gamma spectrometer, Reaction yield. I. INTRODUCTION The photonuclear reactions with high energy bremsstrahlung photons generated from the electron linear accelerators (linac) have been the subject of many investigations. The photon interacts with nuclei in different ways depending on the photon energy. When high energy photons interact with the target nuclei a number of radioactive products are induced as a result of different reaction mechanisms such as (1) giant dipole resonance (GDR) in the energy region from about 10 MeV to 30 MeV, (2) quasi-deuteron resonance (QDR) from about 30 MeV to 140 MeV and intranuclear cascade and evaporation at energy greater than 140 MeV. Generally, the possible photonuclear reactions can be classified into four groups, namely simple reactions; spallation reactions; fission; and fragmentation. The knowledge of the reaction channels and yields of the reaction products from the de-excitation of the nuclei can help in understanding the interaction process [1-4]. Recently, with the fast development of high energy electron accelerators the studies of photospallation reactions for light, medium and heavy weight targets have been made at energies up to 5 GeV [4-11]. The aim of the present work is to investigate the multiparticle photonuclear reactions on medium iron target nuclei bombarded by 2.5 GeV bremsstrahlung. The main attentions were to identify the reaction products and to determine the reaction yields. The obtained yields are analyzed by means of Rudstam' five parameters formula. The experiment work was carried out at the 2.5 GeV electron linac of the Pohang Accelerator Laboratory (PAL), POSTECH, Pohang, Korea. II. EXPERIMENTAL The experiment was carried out at the 10o beam line of the 2.5 GeV electron linac of the PAL. The details of the 2.5 GeV electron linac and its applications were described elsewhere [12]. The bremsstrahlung photons were ©2013 Vietnam Atomic Energy Society and Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute STUDIES OF MULTIPARTICLE PHOTONUCLEAR REACTIONS IN … where is the detection efficiency, an represents the fitting parameters, and E is the energy of the photopeak, E0 = 1 keV. The detection efficiencies as a function of the photon energy measured at different distances between the source and the surface of the detector were illustrated in ref. [13]. produced when a pulsed electron beam hit a thin W target with a size of 50 mm 50 mm and a thickness of 0.2 mm. The W target is located at 38.5 cm from the beam exit window. In this work, the high purity (99.559%) natural iron foil made by Reactor Experiments Inc. (USA), in disc shape with diameter of 1/2 inch and thickness of 0.05 inch was used. The activation foil was placed in air at 24 cm from the W bremsstrahlung target and they were positioned at zero degree with the direction of the electron beam. The irradiation time was 4 hours. During the irradiation, the electron linac was operated with a repetition rate of 10 Hz, a pulse width of 1 ns, and the electron energy of 2.5 GeV with total electron beam current of 2.19 × 1014 electrons. For the measurements, the cooling and the measuring times were chosen based on the activity and the half-life of each radioactive isotope considered. In order to optimize the dead time losses and the coincidence summing effect we have also chosen the appropriate distance between the foil sample and the detector for each measurement. Generally, the dead times were kept below 1.0 % during the measurement. Typical -ray spectra from the irradiated iron foil taken at different waiting time were shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2. The energy values of the -rays were taken from ref. [14]. After an irradiation and an appropriate waiting time, the irradiated iron foil was taken off, and then the induced gamma activities of III. DATA ANALYSIS AND RESULTS the irradiated foil were measured by using a gamma spectrometer. The gamma The nuclear reaction products were identified based on their half-lives and gamma ray energies. In this work, total of 27 radioactive nuclei were measured, such as 53 Fe, 52Fe, 56Mn, 54Mn, 52mMn, 52gMn, 51Cr, 49 Cr, 48Cr, 48V, 48Sc, 47Sc, 46Sc, 44mSc, 44gSc 43 Sc, 45K, 43K, 42K, 41Ar, 39Cl, 3S8Cl, 34mCl, 24 Na, 22Na, 55Co and 56Co. These isotopes were formed from the different channels such as multineutron emission reactions natFe(,xn); photospallation reactions natFe(, xnyp) and photopion reactions natFe(,xn-), where x and y being the number of neutrons and protons emitted. Obviously, the photospallation reaction was the most dominant competitive channel among others. The maximum number of neutrons and protons emitted from the spallation reaction 58Fe(,21n15p) 22Na were 21 and 15. Two products 55Co and 55Co were produced in the photopion reactions. Some reaction products are in isomeric state (52mMn, 44m Sc and 34mCl). spectrometer used for the measurements was a coaxial CANBERRA high-purity germanium (HPGe) detector with a diameter of 59.2 mm and length of 30 mm. The HPGe detector was coupled to a computer-based multichannel analyzer card system, which could determine the photopeak-area of the gamma ray spectra by using the GENIE2000 (Canberra) computer program. The energy resolution of the detector was 1.80 keV full width at half maximum (FWHM) at the 1332.5 keV peak of 60Co. The photopeak efficiency curve of the gamma spectrometer was calibrated with a set of standard gamma sources such as 241Am, 137Cs, 54 Mn, 22Na, 60Co, 133Ba and 152Eu. The measured detection efficiencies were fitted by using the following function: 5 ln a n ln E / E0 n (1) n 0 2 PHAM DUC KHUE, KIM TIEN THANH, NGUYEN THI HIEN Fig. 1. Typical gamma-ray spectrum from natural Fe irradiated with 2.5 GeV bremsstrahlung with ti= 240 min, td = 40 min and tc = 10 min. Fig. 2. Typical gamma-ray spectrum from natural Fe irradiated with 2.5 GeV bremsstrahlung with ti= 240 min, td = 8395 min and tc = 120 min. where N0 is the number of the target atoms, is the absolute photopeak efficiency, I is the gamma ray intensity, f is the correction factor, is the decay constant of the product nucleus, is pulse width, ti is the irradiation time, tw is the waiting time, tc is the counting time, T is cycle period, is the flux of the photon beam, is the reaction cross section, Eth the By considering the pulse nature of the bremsstrahlung beam, the photopeak area or the number of detected gamma rays, C, can be expressed as follows: C N0I f (1 e )(1 eti )et w (1 et c ) (1 e T ) E m ax E th ( E ) ( E )dE (2) 3 STUDIES OF MULTIPARTICLE PHOTONUCLEAR REACTIONS IN … threshold reaction energy, and Emax the maximum bremsstrahlung energy. characteristic only for spallation. Meanwhile yield of the products from the natFe(,xn) and nat Fe(,-xn) nuclear reactions can not be described by the Rudstam’s formula. For any nuclear reaction, the yield is given by [10]: Y No E m ax E th (E)(E)dE We plot the yield data of natFe irradiated with 2.5 GeV bremsstrahlung obtained in this work together with those data obtained by G. Kumbartzki et al., [6] at 1.5 GeV bremsstrahlung in Fig. 4, and it is shown that the present yields are in good agrement with most of the reference data. (3) On basis of the equations (2) and (3), the experimental yield can be derived from the measured activity, C, as follows: Y C(1 e T ) I f (1 e )(1 e t i )e t d (1 e t m ) (4) The main sources of the errors are due to statistical error, detection efficiency, photopeak area determination, coincidence summing effect and nuclear data used. In order to improve the accuracy of the experimental results, corrections for -ray interferences, self-absorption of -rays and coincidence summing effect were taken into account. The total uncertainties were estimated to be 5 - 10%. The measured yield was obtained by averaging over several measurements. In the present work, the reaction yields were determined relative to that of 54Mn where the yield of 54Mn is normalized to unity. The obtained data were analyzed by using the Rudstam’s formula as follows [3-6]: (A, Z) 3/ 2 ˆ PR 2 / 3 exp[ PA R Z SA TA2 ] (5) PAt 1.79(e 1) where: (Z,A) is the cross section for the production of the residual nucleus with charge Z and mass number A; At is mass number of target; P, R, S, T and ˆ are free parameters with P 6.08 At0.89 =0.1695, R 11.8 At0.45 =1.93, S=0.485; T=0.00032, At = 55.845, max ˆ (0.81 0.192 ln E max )A1t.13 = 65.213, E IV. CONCLUSION Multiparticle photonuclear reactions on Fe induced by 2.5 GeV bremsstrahlung have been investigated by using the activation method. Total of 27 radioactive nuclides with half-lives ranging from 8.51 min (53Fe) to 2.6109 yr (22Na) have been found. Most of the reaction products identified were formed via the spallation reactions, and their yields can be described by empirical Rudstam’s formula. The agreement between the measured and predicted yields for the photospallation reactions is quite satisfactory. The obtained data have yielded valuable information not only for the understanding of reaction mechanisms and testing the validity of the nuclear model, but also for the application to other field such as astrophysics, shielding physics, activation analysis, isotope production and transmutation of nuclear wastes. nat = 2500 MeV. The yields for the natFe(,xn) reactions can be approximated by the following formula [15]: (, xn ) 0.058A0t.684 exp[ 37A t 0.864(x 1)5 / 4 ] (6) Rudstam’s five parameter formula is based on the evaporation model and experimental data. It allows one to represent the mass distributions of the residual nuclei in an analytical form. The experimental and calculated yields were plotted against the mass number of the product nuclei and shown in Fig. 3. As can be seen, our experimental yields are well consistent with the prediction values. The yield distribution curves seem to be 4 PHAM DUC KHUE, KIM TIEN THANH, NGUYEN THI HIEN Relative Yield 100 10 nat Sc K Ar Cl Na calculation Co Fe Mn Cr V 1 Fe(,xnyp) Cr Mn Fe V Sc 0.1 Ar Cl 0.01 K Na Co 1E-3 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Mass number , A Fig. 3. Mass distribution of radioactive nuclei produced in natFe irradiated with 2.5 GeV bremsstrahlung. The curves were calculated by Rudstam's formula. 10 Relative Yield This wor k (2.5 GeV) Ref. [6] (1.5 GeV) 1 0.1 0.01 1E-3 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 Mass number , A Fig.4. Realative yields of radioactive nuclei produced in natFe induced by 2.5 GeV () and 1.5 GeV () bremsstralung photons. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS completion of this experiment. This work is also supported in part by the Vietnam National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED) under grant number 103.04-2012.21. The authors are very grateful to Prof. Nguyen Van Do for his encourage and support. We would like to thanks to the Pohang Accelerator Laboratory, POSTECH, Korea for the invitation and support during the 5 STUDIES OF MULTIPARTICLE PHOTONUCLEAR REACTIONS IN … Young Seok Lee, Youngdo Oh, Hee-Seock Lee, Moo-Hyun Cho, In Soo Ko and Won Namkung, “Isomeric cross-section ratios for 45 nat the Sc(,n)44m,gSc, Ti(,xn1p)44m,gSc, nat 44m,g nat Fe(,xn5p) Sc and Cu(,xn8p)44m,gSc reactions induced by 2.5 GeV Bremsstrahlung”, Nucl. Instr. and Meth., B266, 5080 (2008). REFERENCES [1] G. 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Terranova and O.A.P.Tavares, “Total Nuclear Photoabsorption Cross Section in the Range 0.2-1.0 GeV for Nuclei throughout the Periodic Table”, Phys. Scri. 49, 267 (1994). [9] Koh Sakamoto, “Radiochemical study on photonuclear reactions of complex nuclei at intermediate energies”, J. Nucl. Radiochem. Sci. 4, 9 (2003). [10] Nguyen Van Do, Pham Duc Khue and Kim Tien Thanh, Le Truong Son, Guinyum Kim, 6 Nuclear Science and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 2 (2013), pp. 7-14 Analysis of steam generator tube rupture accident for Korean reactor APR1400 Le Dai Dien* and Le Tri Dan Nuclear Safety Center - Institute for Nuclear Science and Technology 179 Hoang Quoc Viet, Cau Giay, Ha Noi * Email: (Received 1 July 2013, accepted 23 July 2013) Abstract: The APR1400 is an advanced light water reactor designed by KEPCO, Korea. Steam generator tube rupture (SGTR) is one of the design basic accidents (DBA) which needs to be analyzed in safety analysis report. In this paper, a steam generator tube rupture event was simulated by using RELAP/SCDASIM system code and some results are compared with MARS code with modeled MULTID components of the reactor vessel and two steam generators. Further simulations for tube rupture depend on the broken positions and number of ruptured tubes is also estimated. The results are in fairly good agreement with one simulated by MARS code. Keywords: APR1400, steam generator tube rupture, safety analysis report, direct vessel injection, reactor trip, reactor coolant pump trip, nodalization. I. INTRODUCTION The APR1400 is an advanced light water reactor designed by KEPCO, Korea. The next design developed from experienced OPR-1000 adopted new safety features such as a safety injection system with a direct vessel injection (DVI) and a passive fluidic device in the safety injection tank (SIT). The reactor has a capacity of 4,000 MWth with a 2 x 4 loop arrangement of the reactor coolant system (RCS). The APR1400 has been designed based on System 80+ from CE and now Westinghouse. With only two steam generators with one hot and two cold legs is a distinguish feature of this design. This feature of design is also used in AP1000. The plant also has 60 years of a design lifetime. Two units are under construction in Korea and other is also under construction in UAE. For the safety analysis report, there have been many investigations on DBA for APR1400. The SSAR (Standard Safety Analysis Report) recently has been submitted to US NRC in the attemp to have the license. For the thermal hyfraulic safety analysis, KAERI had developed MARS code [8] to simulate the NPP system based on RELAP5. Multi-dimensional components including reactor core and SGs had been installed in the MARS code. In this report, a steam generator tube rupture (SGTR) event was simulated by using RELAP/SCDASIM [1] and some results are compared with one from MARS with modeled MULTID component of the reactor vessel and two steam generators. In the operation of nuclear power plant, SGTR may occur spontaneously or by another reason. Tube degradation mechanisms such as coolant stress corrosion cracking, outside stress corrosion cracking, inter-granular attack, intergranular stress corrosion cracking,fretting, wear, thinning, corrosion, erosion, fatigue or cavitation result in the spontaneous tube ruptures. From the safety point of view, a SGTR event is an important safety concern in a nuclear power plant. It results in a loss of the pressure boundary ©2013 Vietnam Atomic Energy Society and Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute ANALYSIS OF STEAM GENERATOR TUBE RUPTURE ACCIDENT FOR … between the primary and second systems. If there is any broken tube of a steam generator, high pressure primary coolant will leak into the secondary side of the steam generator which allows the radioactive inventory to turbine building and then radiation leakage is unavoidable. control system automatically terminates main feedwater following a reactor trip with reduced primary coolant temperatures. In the framework of the cooperation project between KAERI and VAEI [2], researchers of the Nuclear Safety Center at the Institute for Nuclear Science and Technology (INST) have been actively participated in the safety analysis of fundamental DBAs for APR1400 under assisstance of experienced experts of Thermal Hydraulics Safety Research Divison (THSR) of KAERI. Several results were presented in the Ninth National Conference on Nuclear Science and Technology and reported in domestic Nuclear Science and Technology journal [3], [4], [5]. For SGTR, APR1400 design features are capable of avoiding containment bypass during the event: The steam bypass control system is automated and provides a path to remove steam from the SGs when MSIV closed. In the event of SGTR, The steam bypass control system will automatically relieve secondary pressure and dump steam to the condenser. The N-16 monitor is attached in each steam generator to assist in the diagnosis of the event and the main feedwater Table I. Steam Generator Parameters of APR1400 [6] Parameter Value Number of units Heat transfer rate per SG, (kcal/h) Number of Tubes per SG Average Active Tube Length per SG (m) Heat Transfer Area per SG, (m2) 2 1.721 x 109 13,102 19.391 15,205 Primary Side: Design pressure/temperature (kg/cm2/0C) Coolant inlet temperature, (0C) Coolant outlet temperature (0C) Coolant flow rate, each, (kg/h) Coolant volume each, (m3) Tube size, OD, (mm) Tube thickness, nominal, (mm) Primary inlet nozzle, No./ID, (mm) Primary outlet nozzle, No./ID, (mm) 175.76/343.33 323.88 290.55 37.78 x 106 86.84 19.05 1.0668 1/1066.8 2/762 Secondary Side: Design pressure/temperature (kg/cm2 /0C) Steam pressure, (kg/cm2) Steam flowrate per SG, (kg/h) Feedwater temperature at full power, (0C) Steam nozzle, No./ID, (mm) 84.36/298.88 70.30 4.070 x 106 232.22 2 / 711.2 8 LE DAI DIEN, LE TRI DAN Fig. 1. Steam Generator of APR1400 [6] assumed to be operating in an automatic mode and no operator action is taken into account during the transient. II. MODELING DESCRIPTION The steam generator parameters are presented in Table I and general schematic is in Fig. 1. The data for steam generator are referenced form SSAR of APR1400 [6]. The hydrodynamic systems are composed of four parts: the reactor pressure vessel, reactor coolant transport system, steam generator and main steam line. The reactor vessel consists of a fuel region with hotest fuel assembly and the other FAs which makes an active core, core-bypass, core support, downcomer, upper plenum and lower plenum. The reactor coolant system with four cold legs and two hot legs, four RCPs plus PZR in one of the hot leg is simulated. The secondary parts of the steam generator are modeled by combined two main steam line for each SG as one as seen in nodalization. The steady state calculations are often used to start the transient simulations and already reported in [2] and earlier reports ([3], [4], [5]). Fig. 2 shows the nodalization scheme of APR1400 which used by safety analysis in the cooperation project. The main nuclear steam supply system components like a reactor pressure vessel (RPV), steam generators (SG), hot legs, cold legs, reactor coolant pumps (RCP), a pressurizer (PZR) are modeled. The important safety systems like high pressure injection safety (HPIS), low pressure injection safety (LPIS), accumulators or safety injection tanks (SIT) are also modeled. The control systems include the reactor protection trip, reactor coolant pump trip, the pressurizer safety valves and so on. The reactor systems and safety systems are 9 ANALYSIS OF STEAM GENERATOR TUBE RUPTURE ACCIDENT FOR … Fig. 2. Nodalization diagram of APR1400 NPP for safety analysis by RELAP/SCDAPSIM Fig. 3. System pressure in SGTR event simulated by MARS [7, 8] (Left) and RELAP/SCDAPSIM (right) 10 LE DAI DIEN, LE TRI DAN III. CALCULATION RESULTS AND DISCUSSION PRZ backup heater is actuated as designed. However, the pressure in reactor coolant system continues decreasing which leads to reactor trip. The reactor trip results in a safety injection at 1360s at 12.47 MPa (compared with 1462s calcualted in [8]). After the reactor trip, the main steam isolation valves (MSIVs) are closed, the pressure in the secondary side increases due to an evaporation of the water in the shell side and the water coolant in the tube side. The main steam line safety valves (MSSVs) will be opened when the secondary pressure exceeds a setpoint. A. SGTR scenario with 1 broken tube and comparison with MARS code. According to the control parameters for APR1400 [7], in the transient if the primary RCS pressure decreases lower than 15.17 MPa the heaters in PZR will be actuated. However, if the pressure still decreases and reaches a set-point of 12.47 MPa, a high-pressure injection safety (HPIS) system is started to inject water into the reactor core. The SITs are designed to automatically start an injection when the PZR pressure is lower than 4.03 MPa. The set-point of the reactor trip signal is the same as the SI set-point. At the first time period, from 0s to 1360s, the water level in PZR decreases because of the leakage of reactor coolant into the secondary side. After the ECCS is actuated, water level in PZR increases again. The water levels in PZR and in both steam generators (intact and broken) are shown in Fig. 4. At the time 1360s, the water level in both Steam generator decrease rapidly due to the steam continue generate while the feed water pump and reactor coolant pump were tripped following the reactor trip. Due to the shutdown of the reactor and the actuation of ECCS, the steam generated in the secondary side of steam generator decreases and the water level rises again. The operating pressure of RCS is 15.5 MPa and SG secondary side is 7 MPa. Therefore, when the SGTR event occurs, highpressure primary coolant will leak into the secondary side through the break during the event. Fig. 3 shows the primary and secodary system pressures during the simulation for the SGTR event. When a steam generator tube is ruptured, the reactor coolant system pressure immediately drops as a tube break and the Fig. 4. Water level in Steam generator and Pressurizer by MARS [7, 8] (Left) and ELAP/SCDAPSIM (right) 11 ANALYSIS OF STEAM GENERATOR TUBE RUPTURE ACCIDENT FOR … Fig. 5. Mass flow rate in steam generator by MARS [7, 8] (Left) and RELAP/SCDAPSIM (right) The mass flow rates in SGs from feed water line, economizers are presented in Fig 5. The flow rates of the steam generators still remain until the reactor trip. After the reactor trip, the flow rate of the steam generator decrease quickly due to the reactor coolant pump tripped and feed water pump is closed following the reactor trip. reason may be MULTID is used in MARS. The other reason for the difference in comparison is that it is not clear which part of a steam generator tube is assumed to rupture for SGTR analyses in [7, 8]. The main feed water flow supplied from economizer (90% of total feed water as design) fluctuated as seen in Fig. 5 and so the water levels also fluctuated as in Fig. 4. This is explained by the fluctuation of pressure in shell side during the SGTR in which the coolant leakage from primary to the secondary side. It should be noted that the time for simulation is taken from 0 incase of RELAP/SCDAPSIM while it is taken as continuation from steady state in MARS. The secondary-side pressure is regulated by the control systems when it increases due to tube rupture that results in the leakage of the primary coolant. As described above, the main safety isolation valves (MSIVs) are automatically actuated as turbine trip and steam will bypass to the condenser system. If the primary coolant leak rate through the broken tube exceeds the maximum capacity of the steam bypass control system, the secondary side SG level starts to increase, and finally a highlevel signal is generated to close the MSIVs and the pressures in broken SG as well as intact SG increase as seen in Fig. 4. As reactor trip the main feed water line is also closed. Fig. 5 shows the flow rate of feed water before and after the event. There are differences in results simulated by RELAP/SCDAPSIM and MARS, the main Fig. 6. Pressure vs time with different break position. 12 LE DAI DIEN, LE TRI DAN study should be performed in the future works. The experience of SGTR analysis, which is a design basis event, provides the understanding and knowledge bases for transient scenario development and experience in the review of safety analysis report for chapter 15 (safety analysis). REFERENCES Fig. 7. Pressure changes in reactor coolant system during the events with different number of broken tubes (from 1 to 10 respectively) B. SGTR – Multiple broken tubes. The effect of tube rupture location has been investigated for APR1400 [10] for multiple steam generator tube rupture (MSGTR). In this preliminary study, these are only simulated draftly. The time events, especially the pressure drop occurs depend on the location of rupture. In case of rupture at the top of U-Tube bundle, the primary side pressure drops ealier than the rupture at down side as seen in Fig. 6. For the multiple SGTR, the Fig. 7 illustrates primary pressure behavior during the event with different number of broken tubes. The larger number of broken tubes is, the ealier and higher the pressure drop is expected. IV. CONCLUSION Analyses of postulated steam generator tube rupture events in an APR1400 nuclear power plant have been carried out using a best-estimate system analysis code RELAP/SCDAPSIM. The fundamental difference between simulations by another computer codes is in leak rate. This may be resulted from various causes such as modelling of rupture and discharge coefficients. The other differences have been noted in this study. However, a sensitivity [1] C. M. Allison and R.J. Wagner, RELAP/SCDAPSIM/MOD3.2 (am+) Input Manual, Supplemental, Innovative Systems Software, LLC, Dec. 2001. [2] Le Van Hong et al. Summary Report on Cooperation project between KAERI and VAEI: Study on Safety Analysis of PWR reactor core in Transient and Accident Conditions (2009-2010). [3] Le Đai Dien, Hoang Minh Giang, Le Van Hong, Le Thi Thu, Nguyen Thi Tu Oanh, Vo Thi Huong, Phạm Tuan Nam, Nguyen Thanh Thuy, Some preliminary results of LOCA problem for Korean Reactor APR1400. The Ninth National Conference on Nuclear Science and Technology, Ninh Thuan, 18-19 August 2011. [4] Le Đai Dien et al. Loss of Coolant Accident Analysis of APR1400 Reactor. Nuclear Science and Engineering, No.2 June 2011. [5] Nguyen Thi Thanh Thuy, Le Dai Dien and Hoang minh Giang. Feed Water Line Break (FWLB) Analysis for APR1400 Reactor Using RELAP5. The Ninth National Conference on Nuclear Science and Technology, Ninh Thuan, 18-19 August 2011. [6] APR1400 SSAR. Chapter 5: Reactor Coolant System and Connected Systems. [7] Chung B.D., et al, 2005, “Development and assessment of multi-dimensional flow models in the thermal-hydraulic system analysis code MARS,” KAERI/TR3011/2005, KAERI. [8] MARS CODE MANUAL, VOLUME IV: Developmental Assessment Report. KAERI/TR-3042/2005. 13 ANALYSIS OF STEAM GENERATOR TUBE RUPTURE ACCIDENT FOR … [9] Ji Hwan Jeong et al. Best Estimate Analysis of MSTGR event in APR1400 Aiming to Examine the Effect of Affected Steam. [12] Ji Hwan Jeong et al. Effects of tube rupture modeling and the parameters on the analysis of multiple steam generator tube rupture event progression in APR1400. Nuclear Engineering and Design 224 (2003). [10] Generator Selection. Journal of KNS, Vol.33, No.4, August 2002. [13] A. Auvinen et al. Steam generator tube ruptures (SGTR) scenarios. Nuclear Engineering and Design 235 (2005). [11] Ji Hwan Jeong et al. The effect of tube rupture location on the consequences of multiple steam generator tube rupture event. Annals of Nuclear Energy 29 (2002). 14 Nuclear Science and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 2 (2013), pp. 15-20 Design and simulation calculations for one - and two - neutron transfer 24Si(p,d)23Si and 24Si(p,t)22Si reaction experiment N.T. Khai1, B.D. Linh1, L.X. Chung1, D.T. Khoa1, A. Obertelli2, A. Corsi2, A. Gillibert2, N. Alamanos2, D. Sohler3, Zs. Dombradi3, N. Keeley4 1 2 Institute for Nuclear Science and Technology (INST), VINATOM, Vietnam Institut de Recherche sur les Lois fondamentales de l’Univers (IRFU), CEA, France 3 Institute of Nuclear Research ATOMKI, Hungary 4 National Center for Nuclear Research (NCNR), Poland (Received 28 June 2013, accepted 26 September 2013) Abstract: Magic numbers are well established for stable nuclei: 2, 8, 20, 28, 50, 82, 126 but are known not to be valid for unstable neutron-rich and proton-rich nuclei located far from the β-stability region. Normally, structural research for these nuclei is performed based on inverse-kinematics nuclear reaction experiment with secondary radioactive isotope beams produced by the cyclotron facility. In this work we would like to report on the design and simulation calculations for an experiment on producing proton-rich isotopes 22-23Si based on one- and two-neutron transfer reactions of (p,d) and (p,t) types with 42 MeV/nucleon incident 24Si beam from the accelerator facility SPIRAL2 at GANIL, France. The obtained results are included: (i) optimization design for experimental configuration in inverse kinematics, (ii) tracking of beam trajectory with detectors CATS1&2, (iii) particle identification with MUST2 telescope system, (iv) identification for g.s and 2+ excited states, and (v) count statistics evaluation and reconstruction for nuclear excitation spectra. The main purposes of the experiment are to measure the energies of the neutron single particle and hole states in 23Si from 24Si(p,d) reaction to deduce the strength of the N=8 shell closure, and populate the excited states of the expected doubly-magic nucleus 22Si from 24Si(p,t) reaction to check the stability of the N=14 shell closure. Keywords: one- and two-neutron transfe, inverse kinematics, particle identification, beam trajector. I. PHYSICS MOTIVATION Atomic nuclei are few-body systems, mainly governed by the strong interaction force and quantum mechanical laws leading to a shell structure for the nucleons. In nuclear structure shell closure and shell gaps are a direct consequence of the nucleon-nucleon interaction. Magic nuclei, with a magic number of protons and neutrons, are spherical and more inert than their neighbors since their excitation requires more energy to scatter nucleons above the energy gap to reach the next shell. Magic numbers are well established for stable nuclei: 2, 8, 20, 28, 50, 82, 126 but are known not to be universal over the nuclear chart. The study of unstable nuclei including the neutron-rich and proton-rich ones located far from the stability valley is the only way to establish the structure of nuclei throughout the nuclear chart and unravel the isospin properties of the nuclear force. New shell closures can be reordered and are predicted in regions which may be difficult to explore, due to the limit in the current experimental setups and to the beam intensities. More specifically, the N=20 and N=28 shell gaps are known to vanish for neutron-rich nuclei but these phenomena still need further investigation [1]. In even-even nuclei, the excitation energy of the first excited 2+ state is very sensitive to the shell structure above the Fermi level. Large 2+ ©2013 Vietnam Atomic Energy Society and Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute DESIGN AND SIMULATION CALCULATIONS FOR ONE - AND TWO - NEUTRON … state excitation energies directly correspond to large energy shell gaps. 22Si is the mirror nucleus of 22O, recently suggested to be a new doubly-magic nucleus away from stability [24]. We therefore expect the extremely proton rich nucleus 22Si to be one of the very few unstable doubly-magic nuclei. 22Si differs from its mirror nucleus by the Coulomb energy difference, which makes a pair of protons nearly unbound (S2p~0) in 22Si. 23 Si is a very asymmetric nucleus with 14 protons and 9 neutrons lying next to the presumably doubly closed shell nucleus 22Si. The energy of its excited states gives information on the neutron single particle states. The single-particle states in 23Si are sensitive to the N=14 d5/2–s1/2 and N=16 s1/2-d3/2 shell gaps [5], whereas hole states are excitations across the p-sd shell gap responsible for the N=8 magic feature. Single particle transfer reactions are the most adequate tools to get this kind of information. We propose an experiment on accessing the proton-rich isotopes 22-23Si via 1n and 2n removal reactions by using a 24Si beam to impinge on Hydrogen target. In the 24 Si(p,t)22Si process a pair of neutrons will be picked up. The cross section of the 24 Si(p,t)22Si direct reaction is predicted to be smaller than that of the 24Si(p,d)23Si one, where only one neutron is picked up. The coupled reaction channels (CRC) calculations by considering the coupling to the (p,d) channel give a cross section of 0.57 mb to populate the ground state of 22Si and a cross section of 0.26 mb to populate the first excited 2+ state [6]. In the proposed experiment we focus on the spectroscopy of single-particle states in 23 Si and the possibility of populating the first excited (2+) state in 22Si from 2n removal reactions. The question of spectroscopic factors obtained from deeply-bound nucleon removal will also be addressed. In this report we would like to present the design and simulation calculations for the experimental research on structure of the proton-rich nuclei 22-23Si based on the 1n and 2n transfer reactions of 24Si(p,d)23Si and 24 Si(p,t)22Si in inverse kinematics, where the 42 MeV/nucleon incident 24Si beam is produced as a secondary one by the accelerator facility SPIRAL2 at GANIL. The aims of the experiment are to: Fig.1. View of experimental setup for measurement of the 1n and 2n removal reactions from 24Si beam using 5 MUST2 telescope configuration. 16 NGUYEN TUAN KHAI et al. (i) measure the energies of the neutron single particle and hole states in 23Si from oneneutron transfer 24Si(p,d)23Si reaction to deduce the strength of the N=8 shell closure, two detectors CATS1&2 to the reaction target are, respectively, 1600 and 500 mm. This allows us to determine the position of the beam particle hitting the target. It is assumed that the reaction of interest occurs randomly in the target, the energy losses of the beam particles and reaction products have to be taken into account. It should be noticed that the reaction kinematics, i.e. energy and scattering angle, are calculated based on the model-calculated angular distribution. (ii) populate the excited states of the expected doubly-magic nucleus 22Si from 24 Si(p,t)22Si two-neutron transfer reaction to check the stability of the N=14 shell closure, (iii) search for possible deviations of spectroscopic factor values for a nucleus having a large neutron to proton binding energy asymmetry, In order to compensate the low incidentbeam intensity, we plan to use the GANIL solid H2 target [9] with a 1 mm thickness (7 mg/cm2). The target diameter is 10 mm. It has already been successfully used in a previous experiment [10]. It is the first time this target will be used with MUST2 detector [11]. LISE simulations give a beam size of 5 mm FWHM on the target. In any case, the stopping of beam particles in the copper target structure will not harm the experiment nor perturb the measurement. (iv) test of the setup to see if the (p,p2n) reaction can be used as a tool to study the proton unbound state in nuclei close to the proton drip line. The experiment will be performed by the missing mass technique to detect recoil particles from the (p,d), (p,t) and (p,p2n) channels. II. EXPERIMENTAL CONFIGURATION AND SIMULATION CALCULATIONS In the proposed experiment a secondary beam of 24Si will be produced by fragmentation of a primary 32S beam at energy of 95 MeV/nucleon, with an intensity of 4 eμA. The beam will be then purified at 99% with the LISE spectrometer and the associated Wien filter. Residual contaminants will be eliminated via time of flight. Beam production and measurements in this mass region have been performed for experiment E398 [7] and LISE++ predictions have been found to be reliable. The low beam intensity allows considering a very efficient MUST2 configuration composed of five detectors: one at 0 degree and four side detectors. The zerodegree detector is located at 240 mm from the target. It will be used both for projectile-like fragments (trigger condition) and target-like recoils, i.e. recoiling light changed particles. The side detectors cover an angular range from 15 to 24.5 degrees from the center of the target (Fig.1). Such a design of the target – MUST2 detector configuration is assured to be consistent with volume of the target chamber and cover kinematic range of the (p,d) and (p,t) transfer reactions of interest. The MUST2 detector has been conceived to handle multi-detection in a single detector and be efficient for correlation studies. This is a modular array consisting of 6 large area Fig. 1 shows the designed configuration of the experimental setup, where the 24Si beam are produced at 300 pps intensity and 42 MeV/nucleon energy. The beam trajectory tracking is performed by two multi-wire proportional chambers (MWPC) CATS1&2 [8] for position measurement. Distances from 17 DESIGN AND SIMULATION CALCULATIONS FOR ONE - AND TWO - NEUTRON … silicon strip-Si(Li)-CsI telescopes with associated electronics and data acquisition system. The detector has been designed to identify the recoiling light charged particle through time of flight, energy loss and energy measurements and to determine precisely their scattering angle through X, Y position measurements. The mechanics of the telescopes is a truncated pyramid with a base 130x130 mm2 and an “active” face of 110x110 mm2. The first stage of the telescopes consists in a 100x100 mm2 double sided Sistrip array detector with 128 horizontal and 128 vertical strips. The strip thickness is 300 μm. Such a structure of the detector yields a position resolution of 0.7x0.7 mm2. The overall energy and time resolutions are 50 keV and 250 ps for alphas of 5.48 MeV, and a 300 keV energy threshold for protons [11]. Protons of less than 6 MeV stop in the strip detector and are identified by energy vs. time of flight measurement. The second stage is a lithium drifted silicon diode Si(Li) of 4.5 mm thickness with an energy resolution of 120 keV for alphas of 5.48 MeV [11]. Above 6 MeV and up to 32 MeV protons traverse the strip detector and stop in the Si(Li) detector. For applications where high energy particles must be detected, such as protons with energies above 32 MeV and up to 80 MeV, the telescopes are equipped with a third stage made with CsI crystal of 3 cm thickness with an energy resolution of 6% for alphas of 5.48 MeV [11]. Based on the determined kinematical characteristics the identification of light charged particles will be performed via correlation between energy loss (ΔE) in the Si strips and absorbed energy (E) in the CsI stage. Fig. 2-left shows an unambiguous identification for proton, deuteron and triton produced from the reactions 24Si(p,p’), 24 Si(p,d)23Si and 24Si(p,t)22Si, respectively. For the scattering 24Si(p,p’) [12] most of the recoiling protons are out of coverage of the MUST2 configuration. E(MeV/nucleon) E(MeV/) ΔECsI (MeV) E(MeV/) g.s (23Si) p d t ΔESi-Strip (MeV) 22 2 + Si g.s θ (deg) Fig. 2. - (Left) Particle identification based on energy loss correlation on Si-strip and CsI stages of the MUST2 telescopes. - (Right) Energy-scattering angle correlation for recoiling light particles: Sum of measured deuterons and tritons from 24Si(p,d)23Si and 24Si(p,t)22Si measured by all the 5 MUST2 detectors. The three kinematic lines correspond to the population of the (i) ground state of 23Si, (ii) the ground state of 22Si and (iii) the 2+ excited state of 22Si at tentative excitation energy of 3.2 MeV. 18 NGUYEN TUAN KHAI et al. The kinematics of the neutron transfer channels should be measured with differential cross sections down to 0 degree in the centerof-mass. Fig. 2-right shows the simulation results on energy - scattering angle correlation for deuterons and tritons from the neutron transfer reactions 24Si(p,d)23Si and 24Si(p,t)22Si measured by all the 5 MUST2 detectors. The obtained kinetic lines are used to identify not only for the reaction channels, but also for the ground state and the 2+ excited state of 22Si. We expect this measurement to allow a very precise DWBA (Distorted wave Born approximation) or CDCC (Continuum Discretized Coupled Channels) analysis and SF (spectroscopic factor) extraction. The projectiles going through the target and projectile-like reaction products will be stopped and identified in the zero-degree MUST2 telescope. allowing an angular distribution for spectroscopic factor extraction. Few hundred of counts are also expected in the population of each p-shell hole states. This statistics allows determining the transferred angular momentum during the (p, d) reaction and address the quantum numbers to the populated states. C. Count statistics for (p, t) channel: The cross sections to populate the ground state and the first 2+ state of 22Si from (p, t) reaction are estimated at 0.57 mb and 0.26 mb, respectively, via the CRC calculation [6]. With 5 days of beam time, it gives a final number of counts in the excitation energy spectrum of about 300 counts for the ground state and 120 counts for the 2+ state from the detection of tritons. Fig. 3 shows a reconstruction for the excitation energy spectrum of about 300 counts for the ground state and 120 counts for the 2+ state from the detection of tritons. Fig. 3 shows a reconstruction for the excitation energy spectrum of 22Si based on the proposed experimental configuration and relativistic kinematic calculations, where the first 2+ state is assumed at 3.2 MeV [4]. The spectral result shows a good separation between the ground state and the 2+ excited state. III. BEAM TIME REQUEST AND COUNT STATISTICS ESTIMATION A. Beam time request B. Count statistics for (p,d) channel: For the (p,d) channel the 1n transfer cross section of 16.8 mb to populate the ground state of 23Si has been calculated via DWBA considering the Kooning-Delaroche nucleusnucleon optical potential valid for energies up to 200 MeV/nucleon [6]. For the proposed configuration of the experiment the acceptance of about 60% and the MUST2 efficiency of 90% have been simulated. For a 5-day beam time, the statistics of about 1800 counts will be measured for the ground state, Count E(MeV/) For this experiment we request five days of beam time plus an additional one day for calibration and electronics tuning with the 32S primary beam downscaled at few 104 pps (screened MUST2 detector at zero-degree) at 50 MeV/nucleon energy. Energy (MeV) Fig. 3. Simulated excitation spectrum with g.s and 2+ state at 3.2 MeV of 22Si. The Gaussian fit gives the errors ~ 90 keV in Sigma and ~ 100 keV in mean value of energy. 19 DESIGN AND SIMULATION CALCULATIONS FOR ONE - AND TWO - NEUTRON … IV. CONCLUSION AKNOWLEDGMENT We present the design and simulation calculations for the experiment on one- and two neutron transfer reactions of 24Si(p,d)23Si and 24Si(p,t)22Si at energy 42 MeV/nucleon. The experimental configuration is consisted of a solid-H2 target and five MUST2 telescope system in order to cover the kinematic range for detection of deuterons and tritons from the (p,d) and (p,t) channels. The evaluation for cross section populating the ground state of 23 Si from (p,d) has been done via DWBA calculation, whereas for population of the ground state and the first 2+ state of 22Si from (p,t) reaction the cross sections have been calculated via the CRC. The proposal for the experiment has been approved by a Program Advisory Committee (PAC). The experiment is planed to perform in 2014 at GANIL, France. The experiment and the data analysis will be driven within a collaboration between INST Vietnam, ATOMKI Hungary and MUST2 collaboration. This research is expected to be part of French – Vietnamese LIA program. The Vietnamese authors would like to thank Vietnam National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED) for the support under the grant number 103.012011.17. REFERENCES Particle identification is performed based on the energy loss correlation in the Si strip and CsI stages of the MUST2 detector. This information is really essential to separate the (p,t), (p,d) and (p,p') channels. The ground state and the 2+ state of 22Si will be identified via analysis of energy – scattering angle kinetic lines. Simulation for reconstructing the excitation energy spectrum of 22Si has been done based on the proposed experimental configuration, the model-evaluated cross sections and relativistic kinematic calculations. The simulation results give a total statistics of about 300 counts for the ground state and 120 counts for the 2+ state of 22 Si from (p,t) channel. [1] O. Sorlin et al., Nucl. Phys. A834, (2010) 400. [2] Thirolf et al. Phys. Lett. B 485 (2000) 16. [3] M. Stanoiu et al., Phys. Rev. C 69 (2004) 034312. [4] E. Becheva et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 96 (2006) 012501. [5] O. Sorlin and M.-G. Porquet, Prog. In Part. And Nucl. Phys. 61 (2008) 602. [6] N. Keeley, private communication (2011). [7] J.-C. Thomas, private communication (2011). [8] S. Ottini-Hustache et al., Nucl. Instr. Meth. Vol. 431 (1999) 476. [9] D. Suzuki et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 (2009) 152503. [10] A. Obertelli et al., Phys. Lett. B 633 (2006) 33. [11] E. Pollacco et al., Eur. Phys. J. A25 (2005) 287; [12] charged particles/must2/ [13] D.T.Khoa et al, private communication (2011). 20 Nuclear Science and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 2 (2013), pp. 21-28 Mechanical properties and thermal stability of poly (L-lactic acid) treated by Co-60 gamma radiation Tran Minh Quynh1,*, Nguyen Van Binh1, Pham Duy Duong1, Pham Ngoc Lan2, Hoang Phuong Thao1, Le Thi Mai Linh2 1 Hanoi Irradiation Center, Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute, No.5, Minh Khai, Tu Liem, Hanoi Hanoi University of Science, Vietnam National University, Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan, Hanoi * Email: 2 (Received 27 June 2013, accepted 24 September 2013) Abstract: Poly (L-lactic acid) (PLLA) was mixed with 5 wt% polyethylene glycol 1000 g.mol-1 (PEG) as a plasticizer and 3 wt% triallyl isocyanurate (TAIC) as a crosslinking agent for preparation of the plasticized PLLA films. The crosslinking plasticized materials were prepared from the plasticized PLLA by irradiation with various radiation doses under the Cobalt-60 gamma radiation source at Hanoi Irradiation Center. The crosslinking structures were introduced in different formulations of PLLA, and the crosslinking density increased with radiation dose and seemed to be saturated at 50 kGy. The resulting stable crosslinking network inhibited the mobility for crystallization of PLLA chains. As a result, thermal stability of the crosslinking plasticized PLLA increased, and the plasticized PLLA crosslinked with TAIC at 50 kGy become much higher than that of initial PLLA with a very small endothermic peak at its melting temperature in the DSC thermogram. The stressstrain curves of the crosslinking plasticized PLLA showed the toughness of the materials reduced but still higher than that of initial PLLA, whereas its tensile strength was much improved by radiation crosslinking. Keywords: L-lactic acid, polyethylene, crosslinking, thermogram. I. INTRODUCTION By the end of the last century, biodegradable polyesters have been attracted great attention from scientists and managers as the promising candidates to replace for synthetic plastics and polymers, which are usually none or less degraded for long time after disposal to the environment. Among these, poly (L-lactic acid) (PLLA) is a polyester, which can be produced from renewable resource has been much studied [1]. Since PLLA is a thermoplastic polymer with good biocompatibility, non-toxic and having relative high tensile and performance, it has been applied in various fields, from medicine, agriculture, biotechnology, industry to environment [2]. However, the number of PLLA application is still limited because its poor thermal stability as well as its low tensile strength and modulus, which are not met requirements of industrial processing. PLLA can be processed using injection-molding, compression-molding, extrusion and thermoforming etc. but some drawbacks including high cost, brittleness, toughness, and low thermal distortion temperature limitted its applications. The material properties and processibility of PLLA have to be improved for expansion its applications. Many different methods were applied to improve not only its thermal stability but also other properties such as copolymerization, blending with other monomers or polymers having high thermal stability, stereocomplexation between L- and D-enantiomers, annealing treatment, plasticization, and crosslinking [3]. Modification of PLA by copolymerization or physical blending is useful tool for decreasing its brittleness, and heat distortion temperature. Various additives such as plasticizer, toughening agents, reinforcing fillers and compatibilizers were incorporated ©2013 Vietnam Atomic Energy Society and Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute MECHANICAL PROPERTIES AND THERMAL STABILITY OF POLY (L-LACTIC ACID)… into PLLA matrix [4]. Recently, radiation crosslinking was also proved to be a useful method for enhancing the mechanical and thermal stability of PLLA [5]. Ionizing radiation can be applied as an initiation agent replacing for the chemical initiators in polymerization reactions. Radiation degradation is applied to prepare shorter segments with the same characteristics of the origin materials. Radiation crosslinking and radiation grafting are also applied to create new materials with improved properties [6-9]. In recent studies, triallyl isocyanurate (TAIC) has been proved as the best crosslinking agent for preparation of the crosslinked PLLA, and the gel fraction of the radiation-induced crosslinking PLLA increased with the ratio of TAIC to 3% and leveled off, suggested that the 3% TAIC was enough for the radiation crosslinking PLLA samples with high crosslinking density [10]. Our previous results also revealed that the heat resistance of the radiation crosslinking PLLA materials is much improved, but the crosslinked materials become harder and more brittle. NatureWorks (Malaysia branch). PEG 1000 and TAIC were bought from Sigma Aldrich (United State) and Tokyo Chemical Inc. (Japan), respectively. B. Sample treatment preparation and Irradiation PLLA (92%), PEG 1000 (5%) and TAIC (3%) were melt-mixed at 180 5C in the plastic mixer (Brabender, Haake, Germany) into homogenous blend. About 14 g blend were put between 2 stainless steel molder, preheated to 180C for 3 min, hot-pressed at the same temperature under 150 kg/cm2 pressure for other 2 min, then cold-pressed using water circulation. The resulting PLLA films were sealed in PE bag, and irradiated in air at the same dose rate of about 4.3 kGy per hour with various radiation doses under Cobalt-60 gamma source at Hanoi Irradiation Center. C. Characterization The radiation crosslinking PLLA samples were characterized by the crosslinking density and structure. In this study, the crosslinking densities obtained in the crosslinking samples were measured by gel fraction in chloroform according to following equation: Recent studies of PLLA plasticized with polyethylene glycol (PEG) have indicated that the efficiency of plasticization increased with decrease of PEG molecular weight [11]. In a previous study, we found that 5 wt% of PEG 1000 is suitable to improve the toughness of the radiation crosslinking PLLA [12]. Therefore, in the present study, the crosslinking PLLA films were prepared from PLLA/5%PEG1000/3%TAIC by gamma irradiation, and their thermal stability and mechanical properties were investigated with radiation dose. Gel fraction (%) = (Wg/W0) 100 (1) where W0 is weight (dry) of the crosslinked PLLA, Wg is the weight remaining (dry gel component) of the crosslinked film after dissolved in chloroform at RT for 24 h. The structure of the crosslinking gels formed in irradiated polymers determined their capacity in adsorption of solvent. Therefore, the dried PLLA gels were immerged in chloroform and their swelling degree (time) was calculated by the following equation: II. EXPERIMENTAL A. Materials PLLA pellet (4042D grade, melting point of about 160C) was purchased from Degree of swelling (time) = (Ws - Wg)/Wg 22 (2) TRAN MINH QUYNH et al. where Wg is the weight of the dried gel extracted from the crosslinking PLLA, Ws is the weight of the gel swollen in chloroform at RT for 48 h. P and CHCl3 are densities of PLLA and chloroform, respectively. About 5 mg of PLLA was aluminum pan, sealed and set in holder of a differential scanning (DSC). The sample was heated sample holder, heated from room temperature to 500C with a heating rate of 10C per min under nitrogen flow of 30 mL per min, and the amount and rate of change in the weight of a material were recorded with temperature. Dynamic mechanical analyses (DMA) of the typical crosslinking PLLA samples were carried out with a DMA-7e (Perkin Elmer, Malaysia Nuclear Agency). The film was cut put in the the sample calorimeter from room into a rectangular specimens of 20 12 0.5 mm. Measurements were performed at a frequency of 1 Hz under nitrogen atmosphere from 30 to 200C with heating rate of 5C per min. temperature to 200C in air, then cooled with the same heating and cooling rate of 10C per min. Melting point (Tm), glass transition temperature (Tg) and enthalpy of melting (Hm) of each sample from DSC thermogram. And its degree of crystallization was calculated as follow: PLLA sheets were cut into dumbbell samples of Type V according to ASTM D 638. The sample was fixed in the gauges form the top, provided that the length between 2 gauges was kept at a determined distance. Mechanical properties of PLLA samples were measured using a tensile with a 10 kN load, 5 mm.min-1 in crosshead rate. Stress-strain curve was recorded with time at room temperature and the mechanical properties were determined by the film thickness. At least 3 samples were tested for each material. c (%) = 100 (Hcc + Hm) / (3) where Hcc and Hm are enthalpies of melting and crystallization, respectively. Heat of fusion of PLLA crystal (Hf) is 135 J.g-1 as determined by Miyata and Masuko [13]. Thermal degradation behavior of PLLA was investigated by a thermo gravimetric analysis using a TG/DTA (Institute of Chemistry). About 10 mg sample was put on Table I. Gel fraction and swelling degree of the radiation-induced crosslinking PLLA/5%PEG/3%TAIC with radiation dose Radiation dose (kGy) Gel Fraction (%) Degree of Swelling (time) Non-irradiated ND - 10 ND - 20 9.04 35.26 30 67.30 26.86 50 85.42 22.70 100 88.64 10.53 ND: Non-detected 23 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES AND THERMAL STABILITY OF POLY (L-LACTIC ACID)… III. RESULTS AND DISCUSIONS introduction of the crosslinking network in the plasticized PLLA samples. Figure 1 shows one possibility of the crosslinking network produced in the plasticized PLLA by gamma irradiation. A. Gel behavior of the radiation crosslinking PLLA samples Gel fractions of the irradiated samples were determined with radiation dose as presented in Table I. The results indicated that the crosslinking networks was not produced in the PLLA/PEG/TAIC by gamma irradiation with the dose below 10 kGy, though TAIC has been proved as a good crosslinking agent for PLLA [5, 10]. It may be due to the presence of oxygen during irradiation for the PLLA films in our present study accelerated oxidation and prevented the formation of crosslinking sites at low radiation dose. Also, the presence of PEG may inhibit the recombination of macromolecular radicals formed during gamma irradiation. Table I also revealed the swelling behavior of the crosslinked gels. It is interesting that the swelling degree quickly increased with increasing of radiation dose to 30 kGy, then significantly decreased with higher radiation doses, though the gel fraction almost the same. This was attributed to the change of the crosslinking structure. In generally, radiation degradation and crosslinking coin concurrently occurred in the plasticized PLLA during irradiation, but the presence of crosslinker, TAIC speeded up the crosslinking between the polymer chains as observed from Figure 1. With increasing of radiation dose, the number of radicals increased. As results, the probability of crosslink between polymer and crosslinker also increased, and tighter crosslinking networks with higher crosslinking point were formed in the samples irradiated at higher dose, and their degree of swelling decreased. A significant insoluble gels were observed in other samples irradiated with dose higher than 20 kGy. The gel fractions of PLLA/PEG/TAIC are 9.04, 67.3, 85.43 and 88.64% by irradiation at 20, 30, 50 and 100 kGy, respectively. The gel fraction quickly increased with radiation dose to 50 kGy and leveled off with further increasing of radiation dose up to 100 kGy. These results suggested that the dose of 50 kGy is enough for Irradiation PLLA chain PEG1000 chain TAIC molecules Fig. 1. Possible crosslinking network formed in the irradiated PLLA/PEG/TAIC 24 TRAN MINH QUYNH et al. Table II. Thermal properties of PLLA/PEG/TAIC with radiation dose Radiation dose Tg (C) Tcc (C) Tm (C) Hm (Jg-1) c* (%) Neat PLLA 58.01 128.40 152.40 21.11 16.02 Non-irradiated 37.88 112.63 148.70 20.46 15.16 10 kGy 38.24 112.53 147.35 18.54 13.73 20 kGy 39.73 114.89 146.99 14.91 11.04 30 kGy 42.83 - 144.24 0.49 0.36 50 kGy 44.07 - 144.56 0.37 0.28 100 kGy 39.69 - 146.43 5.78 4.28 Fig. 2. Thermo gravimetry thermographs of PLLA (a); plasticized PLLA (b); the plasticized PLLA irradiated at 10 (c); 20 (d); 30 (e) and 50 kGy (f). of the plasticized PLLA recovered by gamma irradiation. The stable crosslinking networks introduced to PLLA restrained the mobility for crystallization of polymer chains. As results, degree of crystallization of the crosslinked PLLA reduced with radiation dose. The higher the radiation dose, the lower is the crystallization degree. Even the plasticized PLLA crosslinked at dose higher than 30 kGy showed no crystallization and very small melting peak. These results suggested that the crosslinking samples become more stable when temperature rises. B. Thermal properties and stability of the crosslinking PLLA DSC thermograms of neat PLLA and crosslinking plasticized PLLA samples were recorded with temperature, and their thermal properties were presented in Table II. As one can see, the glass transition, cold crystallization and melting temperature of initial PLLA were much reduced by adding 5% PEG and 3% TAIC. This may due to the plasticization effect of PEG for PLLA. However, the glass transition temperature (Tg) 25 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES AND THERMAL STABILITY OF POLY (L-LACTIC ACID)… This result is entirely suitable with our previous studies on the thermal properties of the radiation induced crosslinking PLLA [10]. TGA curves for different PLLA samples were showed in Figure 2. PLLA started to be As on can see from Table III, the initial decomposition temperature for plasticized PLLA was 276.2C, and about 87.4% PLLA/PEG/TAIC were thermal degraded at pyrolysed at around 285C and its weight around 300C, its remaining mass exhibited a higher heat resistance and seemed to be rapidly reduced with temperature to 350C. While the plasticized PLLA displayed twostep degradation with heating, the crosslinking PLLA showed single-step decomposition similar with initial PLLA. Thermal stability of PLLA much reduced by adding of PEG and TAIC, but it recovered by gamma irradiation. It suggested that the crosslinking networks produced in polymer made it become harder to be melted and thermal degraded. completely degraded at around 400C. The two-step degradation may be due to the crystallization domains of PLLA or PEG did not be plasticized, still kept thermal stability like initial PLLA. All crosslinking PLLA samples become more stable with heating. The temperature where 50% sample mass was pyrolysed for the crosslinking PLLA increased and its weight loss decreased with radiation dose. Table III. Thermo gravimetric data of the crosslinking plasticized PLLA Samples Tonset (C) Tmidset (C) Weight Loss (%) Initial PLLA 285.7 309.9 98.4 PLLA/PEG/TAIC 276.2 298.9 99.4 PLLA/PEG/TAIC-10 kGy 273.5 304.7 92.9 PLLA/PEG/TAIC-20 kGy 293.1 318.2 97.0 PLLA/PEG/TAIC-30 kGy 311.2 344.6 96.4 PLLA/PEG/TAIC-50 kGy 325.2 357.7 96.0 Table IV. Mechanical properties of PLLA, plasticized and crosslinking PLLA samples Samples Tensile strength (MPa) Young’s modulus (MPa) Elongation at break (%) Initial PLLA 51.76 804.77 3.5 Plasticized PLLA/PEG/TAIC 38.63 523.63 256.8 PLLA/PEG/TAIC-10 kGy 32.62 579.21 200.1 PLLA/PEG/TAIC-20 kGy 42.32 679.57 68.2 PLLA/PEG/TAIC-30 kGy 47.54 737.61 28.6 PLLA/PEG/TAIC-50 kGy 53.11 841.53 13.7 PLLA/PEG/TAIC-100 kGy 58.18 777.04 10.3 26 TRAN MINH QUYNH et al. 3.5 3.0 Initial PLLA tan 2.5 Plasticized PLLA 2.0 Crosslinking PLLA-50 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 30 40 50 60 70 Temperature 80 90 100 (o C) Fig. 3. Tan of different PLLA samples with temperature Stress–strain curves of the different PLLA films were recorded using a tensile tester, and their mechanical properties were presented in the Table IV. Initial PLLA shows rather high modulus and tensile strength meet the requirements of many applications, but its toughness is not enough for the application in industry with low elongation at break of 3.5% only. After mixing with PEG, the elongation at break of plasticized PLLA was about 80 times of the value of initial PLLA, whereas it’s tensile and modulus reduced. The tensile strength and young’s modulus of the plasticized PLLA were recovered by gamma irradiation, while their elongation at break gradually reduced, but still higher than that of initial PLLA. These results suggested that the radiation induced crosslinking PLLA become harder and tougher, namely is more stable in mechanical aspect. transition temperature (Tg) of the polymer samples. The temperature and intensity of the tan delta peak of PLLA were obviously decreased by plasticization effect of PEG, suggested that the presence of plasticizer retarded the segmental motion of polymer matrix during the transition. However, their mobility might be somewhat recovered by gamma irradiation. Thus, the crosslinking network inhibited the motion of PLLA chains for crystallization, but not for transition. IV. CONCLUSION The crosslinking network was introduced into the PLLA/PEG/TAIC during gamma irradiation. The gel fraction of the crosslinking samples increased and their degree of swelling decreased with radiation dose. PEG of 5 wt% and radiation dose of 50 kGy are considered to be optimal condition to prepare the crosslinking plasticized material with crosslinking density of about 85 %. Plasticization effect of PEG was much reduced the thermal properties of PLLA, but the crosslinking network made the materials become more stable with heating and the crosslinked at dose higher than 30 kGy Dynamic mechanical analyses (DMA) of typical PLLA samples were investigated for clarification their miscibility and glass transition temperature. Figure 3 shows the tan delta of initial PLLA, plasticized and crosslinked PLLA as functions of temperature. The peak of tan revealed as the glass 27 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES AND THERMAL STABILITY OF POLY (L-LACTIC ACID)… required the higher temperature for pyrolysis of 50 % initial mass, even Tmidset of the PLLA/PEG/TAIC-50 kGy about 50C higher than that of initial PLLA. The flexibility of PLLA much increased by plasticization, while it’s tensile and modulus reduced. The mechanical stability of the plasticized PLLA was recovered by radiation crosslinking. Elongations at break of the crosslinking PLLA samples were reduced, but still higher than that of initial PLLA. Thus, mechanical properties of PLLA were significantly improved by radiation crosslinking. [4] Garlotta D. J. Polym Environ 2001, 9(2): 6384. [5] Jin F, Hyon SH, Iwata H, Tsutsumi S. Macromol. Rapid Commun 2002, 23:909-12. [6] Chapiro A. In Radiation Chemistry of Polymeric System. Jhon Wiley & Sons, New York. 1961. p.1. [7] Nikitina TS, Zhuravskaya V, Kuzminsky AS. In Effects of Ionizing Radiation on High Polymers. 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Properties of crosslinked polylactides (PLLA & PDLA) by radiation and its biodegradability. Eur Polym J, 2007, 43(5): 1779-1785. 28 Nuclear Science and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 2 (2013), pp. 29-38 Studying agents causing respiratory disease in the airborn at Institute for Nuclear Science and Technology’s area, in Hanoi Nguyen Thuy Binh1, Vo Thi Anh1, Nguyen Thu Ha1, Ha Lan Anh1, Nguyen Hong Thinh1, Do Thi To Uyen2, Pham Quang Thang3 1 Institute for Nuclear Science and Technology, 2 Institute of Biotechnology, 3 Institute of Environmental Technology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology. (Received 02 May 2013, accepted 17 September 2013) Abstract: The aerosol sampler-Gent Stacked Filter Unit (GENT-SFU) located on the top roof of the third floors building of Institute for Nuclear Science and Technology. The amount of aerosol particle and their components such as black carbone, chemical elements, ions, volatile organic compounds and microorganisms are identified by the appropriate analysis methods. The regression method and analysis of variance were used to find out the correlation between pollution effects and number of patients treated at the respiratory clinic of E hospital, Hanoi. The results showed that microorganisms, benzene, toluene, element sulfur, element silic have influence over the number patients treated for respiratory-related disease treatment on a monthly at the E-hospital- Hanoi. Keywords: Aerosol particle, chemical element, volatile organic compound, microorganisms, E-hospital. The World Meteological Organization (WMO) has warned us about potential risk causing fatal that signs of increasing in the countries with strong economic development, especially in the major cities in Asia and South America. The WMO also warned the phenomenon of increasing temperature of the earth to increase atmospheric pollution, global desertification and sandstorms. The increase in the frequency and extent of forest fires also cause air pollution. such as Hanoi, Hochiminh city, Danang...lead to activities in industry production, construction and transportation, it have increased the level airborn in the air pollution. The major sources of urban pollution in cities include transport, industry and construction. Studies have pointed out the economic damage in cities and rural areas due to air pollution. Data from the labor Health institute reported that Hanoi losses about 1 billion VND per day because of air pollution from exhaust gas from motorbikes. Another study in 2007 was carried out by Vietnam Environment Protection Agency in Phutho and Namdinh province, it showed that economic loss caused by health impact of air pollution has been estimated about 295 000 VND/person/year, corresponding to approximately 5,5% GDP. In Vietnam, Economic development, mechanical population growth in major cities The previous studies of air pollution are only of monitorning the level amount of I. INTRODUTION The social and economic development in each country, especially in developing countries, environmental problems become more serious, in which air pollution impact directly on climate change and impact on human health. ©2013 Vietnam Atomic Energy Society and Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute STUDYING AGENTS CAUSING RESPIRATORY DISEASE IN THE AIRBORN AT… aerosol particles in air, some inorganic fluorescence spectrometer X-VietSpace was used with working regulation: sample size mode HV=30kV, I=200 µA, no filter; spectrum record time 1200 sec.; working environment- primary vacuum; data analysisautomatic. components and make some assessmanent of their source. The studies about correlation between environmental factors affecting human health are limited. In frame of this study, we have built the method to collect and analyses some polluted effects in airborn (such as volatile organic compounds-BTEX, microorganisms), Study the correlation between polluted effects and their impacts on respiratory diseases. The ions of particles PM are detetminated by Dionex-600 Ion Chromatography with Peaknet 6.0 software. The volatile organic compounds-BTEX such as benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, mxylene, and p-xylene were collected by active method. FL-1001 pump to absorb air into adsorption tube with flow rate 50ml/minute collecting time on each adsorption tube is 25 minutes. We collect two tubes for each sampling with the collecting time separated 10 minutes. The adsorption tubes, which are maintained in safety box for VOCs analysis, are covered tightly by specialized Teflon cap. The samples are desorbed and analyzed in GC/MS-QP 2010 (Gas chromatography-Mass spectrometry). II. METHODS The aerosol sampler- Gent Stacked Filter Unit (GENT-SFU) is used and located on the top roof of a three-floor builbing of Institute for Nuclear Science and Technology (INST) with longitude 105o47.56’, latitude 21o2.46’. Due to the equipment used in conjunction with other research, so the average sampling time of 24h did not perform. Based on the ability of sampling and topography where the aerosol sampling is located, the samplers were taken from 16 pm to 8 am. Nuclepore polycarbonate filter with diameter 47 mm was used to collect dust particles PM2,5 and PM2,5-10. The impingement method is suitable technical condition for collecting bioaerosol. The airflow impinged into liquid medium. The airflow impinged into 250 ml glass flask containing 100 ml liquid nutrient medium. The glass flask is connected with the pump by teflon tube Ø= 5 mm. After that, solution sample is enriched and analysis the microorganism. Total microorganisms are finding out by counting colonies forming unit (CFU) on medium agar disk. Cell morphology and Gram bacteria are finding out by Gram stain method and PCR method (polymerase chain reaction). The maintain goal of methods is detection microorganism species which are isolated. The amount of particles PM on the filters is determined by weight method. The difference in weight of filter after and before collecting is an amount PM particles and concentration of PM particles is a quotient of amount dust on the filter and air volume passing through the filter. The Black Carbon substance is determined by light intensity measurment method. The chemical elements are determined by XRF (X-ray fluorescence). The X-ray 30 NGUYEN THUY BINH et al. Fig. 1. PM2.5 and PM2.5-10 particle concentrations collecting in Institute for Nuclear Science and Technology Fig. 2. The concentration of black carbon of PM particles The variance analysis ANOVA was carried out with the obtained numbers in order to study the correlation between there pollution components and the effects on human’s health. for 70% of the total of PM. The black carbon of PM2,5 is accounted for nearly 67% of total amount of black carbon sample. The results presented in fig. 2. The results is shown that the chemical elements such as Al, Si, S, K, Ca, Ti, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn and Zr are detected in all samples, but concentration of elements on coarse particulars is difficult on fine filter. If concentration of chemical elements arranged in line from high to low is S > S i> Ca >K > Al of PM2.5 that concentration of chemical elements of PM2.5-10 will be Si > Al > S > Ca > K (see Fig. 3 and Fig. 4). III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The amount PM particle of aerodynamic size 2.5m PM2.5 called fine particle and particulates of aerodynamic size 2.5-10m PM2.5-10 called coarse particle collecting in INST are described in fig. 1 from April 2011 to Mar 2012. The amount of PM2,5 is always higher than PM2,5-10. The highest amount of PM2,5 is up to 236µm/m3 and PM2,5 accouted 31 STUDYING AGENTS CAUSING RESPIRATORY DISEASE IN THE AIRBORN AT… Fig. 3. The concentration of elements of PM2.5 particles Fig. 4. The concentration of elements of PM2.5-10 particle Anion such as F-; Cl-; Br-; NO3-; PO43-; SO42- and cation such as Na+; NH4+; K+; Mg2+; Ca2+ are detected in all samples. The results of ion chromatography analyze shown that concentration of anion are arranged in line from height to low SO42- > Cl- > NO3- > F- > NO2- > PO43- of PM2.5 and SO42- > Cl- > NO3> PO43- > NO2- > F- of PM2.5-10 concentration of cation are arranged in line from height to low : NH4+ > Ca2+ > K+ > Na+ > Mg2+ of PM2.5 and Ca2+ > NH4+ > Na+ > Mg2+ > K+ PM2.5-10. All major ions in PM2.5 films were detected. Benzene, toluene, o.m.p-xylene (orto-. Meta and para-xylene) are volated organic compounds BTEX group are detected in all collected samples. The highest concentration of BTEX found in 12/2011 is 7.615µg/m3 and the lowest concentration in 5/2011is 28.83 µg/m3 (Table I). 32 NGUYEN THUY BINH et al. Table I. VOC data, rainfall data, humidity data and temperature data Month/ year Temp (OC) Humidity (%) Rainfall (mm) Benzene (µg/m3) Toluene (µg/m3) EthylBenzen (µg/m3) m.pXylene (µg/m3) o-Xylene (µg/m3) 5/2011 25.25 84.75 149 8.44 32.82 10.09 9.66 6.89 6/2011 27.75 89.00 396 15.71 37.74 13.56 16.75 9.88 7/2011 28.40 84.20 295 15.51 12.19 5.02 4.30 1.13 8/2011 28.00 84.00 313 18.72 28.63 5.05 11.00 4.02 9/2011 26.67 87.00 247 21.67 42.06 14.78 23.09 12.43 10/2011 24.00 91.75 178 23.77 49.84 33.53 68.03 28.63 11/2011 20.50 88.50 32 25.43 43.19 33.53 60.09 23.54 12/2011 17.20 65.00 52 27.62 77.51 26.75 44.83 16.67 1/2012 14.00 82.00 20 28.83 78.22 10.62 23.67 9.47 2/2012 15.50 86.25 19 23.23 44.69 7.00 17.82 5.53 3/2012 18.80 95.40 17 19.89 43.34 8.39 13.27 8.12 4/2012 24.75 88.25 123 17.71 38.79 4.95 10.08 3.91 Table II. The number of microorganisms in different months Month/year Microorganisms Humidity (%) Temperature (C) Rainfall (mm) 3/2011 88568 78% 16 18 4/2011 12867 79% 24 41 5/2011 2570 80% 26 149 6/2011 3191 91% 28 396 7/2011 15091 79% 30 295 8/2011 6819 83% 29 313 9/2011 6348 87% 26 247 10/2011 1070 84% 25 178 11/2011 8433 88% 21 32 12/2011 1316 74% 15 52 1/2012 2465 78% 14 20 2/2012 3/2012 17857 11484 87% 92% 15 19 19 17 The results show that the highest number of microorganism on day is 37*104 ± 1.7* 104 CFU/m3. The highest average result is 88.57 CFU/m3 in March 2011 and the lowest highest average result is 10.70 CFU/m3 in October 2011. Genus Pseudomonas, Staphylococcus and Aspergillus’s were determined in collected samples. Negative gram bacteria samples ranged from 2% to 15%. 33 STUDYING AGENTS CAUSING RESPIRATORY DISEASE IN THE AIRBORN AT… the benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene content and the average rainfall through months is presented in the following equation with the Significance F=0.0099<0,05: The correlation between sulfur S and sulfate SO42 content in PM2.5 fine dust is shown in the following equation with significance F=0,001<0.05 S 20.36 2.38 [ SO42 ] (1) Microorganisms = 15874.72+[Benzen]* 27.18 – [Toluen]* 376.78 – [Ethylbenzene]* 235.37 –[Rainfail]* 24.12 (4) It shows that the appearance of S in fine dust causes of the conversion from SO2 to sulfate through a chemical process under the impact of UV and humidity. Only a part of sulfate is the result of the transformation from SO2 in the local scope, the other part is due to the process of distributed. In Hanoi, there are numbers of factories and small factories that still use poor quality coal, in addition to the habit of using cheap fuel sources in the daily life of the people is the cause that leads to the high concentration sulfate SO42-. This can be explained as the cause of the spreading of organic compounds as well as microorganisms on fine dust particles and in the air, dust and gas emissions in the air under the impact of rainfall, toluene and ethylbenzene. So the correltion co-efficients between microbial populations and rainfall toluene and ethylbenzen have negative value (-24.12; -376.78; - 235.37). The Institute of Nuclear Science and Technology is located in Cau Giay district, and nearly E hospital. The patients with insurance in Cau Giay district are registered for medical examination and treatment at the E Hospital. We have collected the number of patients hospitalized at the Department of Respiratory to find out the impact of pollutants on the number of people living around the examined area. The interaction between the number of black carbon and organic compounds BTEX group for both types of dust PM2, 5 and PM2,5-10 is shown in the following equation with significance F=0.01<0.05: BC(PM2,5)= 5.00-0.2*[Benzen] +0.04*[Toluen]+0.05*[Ethyl Benzen] (2) and with Significance F=0.009<0.05: BC(PM2,5-10)=2.55-0.09*[Benzen] +0.02*[Toluen]+0.01*[Ethyl Benzen] The regression function was used to find the relationship between the number of patients and the number of bacteria per month, we have a function: (3) Black carbon in dust and gas is formed through the incomplete combustion of fuel and the effect of organic carbon absorption and scraps of minerals. It can affect the transport and fate of organic matter pollution through the carbon black-organic minerals compound. Patients = 112.91+0,003*[Microorganisms] - 0,012*[Rainfall] (5) In which Significance F= 8.92E-06-07<0.05. It’s clear that the bacteria in ambient air collected at the Institute of Science and Technology areas of nuclear has the correlation to the number of patients live in Cau Giay who are under the treatment in the E Hospital, Hanoi. Microbial populations in the natural environment withstand the impact of the components of pollution in the air. The correlation of microbial populations in the air, 34 NGUYEN THUY BINH et al. Table III. The number of microorganisms, humidity, temperature, rainfall and the number of patients in the Department of Respiratory Month/ year Microorganisms (CFU) Humidity (%) Temperature (oC) Rainfall (mm) Patients 3/2011 88568 78% 16 18 343 4/2011 12867 79% 24 41 197 5/2011 2570 80% 26 149 101 6/2011 3191 91% 28 396 122 7/2011 15091 79% 30 295 175 8/2011 6819 83% 29 313 126 9/2011 6348 87% 26 247 117 10/2011 1070 84% 25 178 88 11/2011 8433 88% 21 32 143 12/2011 1316 74% 15 52 97 1/2012 2465 78% 14 20 99 2/2012 17857 87% 15 19 169 3/2012 11484 92% 19 17 158 The relationship between the patients, the total anion content of SO42-, the number of microorganisms was shown in the equation below: Patients = -88.5+0.31*[SO42- ] +0.006*[Microorganisms] The polluted components in air entered in the body and accumulate over time. The pollution level is not too high and still in the threshold. However, everyday people have to breathe the air that is containing a certain amount of pollutants, they will penetrate the respiratory tract, accumulate in the body and cause disease. Therefore, the levels of pollutants are potentially harmful to humans, as they exist in the environment and humans breathe them in a while. (6) in which Significance F= 0.00017<0.05. The relationship between the patients, the Microorganisms, Silic (Si) amount and Sulfur (S) amount in PM2,5 dust is shown in the equation below: The Table IV is the data which was collected at National Lung Hospital. It shows that the number of people treated at the Department of obstructive lung disease increased by more than 50% after two years (in 2009 the number of patients was 509, in 2011 increased to1014 people). The number of patient at the Department of pleural disease after two years increased from 543 in 2009 to 849 in 2011. According to the latest statistics of the hospital, after 2 years, the number of patients with lung disease increased by 52%. Patients =69.49+0.006*[Microorganisms] +2.123*[ Si_Fi]+0.012*[S_Fi] (7) In which Significance F= 0.0006 < 0.05. From there, we can get the levels of bacteria, benzene, toluene, ethylbenzen, the total amount of SO42- anion, the total amount of silic and sulfur in the examined area have an impact on the number of patients at the department of Pneumology, E Hospital Hanoi. 35 STUDYING AGENTS CAUSING RESPIRATORY DISEASE IN THE AIRBORN AT… Table IV: The number of patients in Examination Department at National Lung Hospital Year 2009 2010 2011 Number of patient visits 35255 38520 40287 Male 21116 23468 24485 Female 14119 15052 15802 Number of patients 32093 33847 35786 Number of children 1620 1658 1720 Patients with insurance 5941 9651 12681 Pulmonarytuberculosis 7140 7578 7501 Extrapulmonary tuberculosis 3563 3636 3341 Lung disease 16356 16963 19826 Emergency department 522 456 360 TB department 1507 1146 1313 272 184 CPR department Pulmonary infection deprtment 1534 1299 1488 Department of Obstructive pulmonary dissease 509 1038 1014 Department of pleural disease 543 729 849 Department of cancer 1666 2071 2616 Pediatric department 308 344 326 Surgery 114 Total number of patients in hospital 8401 9375 10233 Pulmonary tuberculosis 1765 1635 1326 Extrapulmonary tuberculosis 1983 1965 1820 Lung disease 4653 5775 7083 Source: The Scientific Research Department – National Lung Hospital In Pediatric clinic at Bach Mai Hospital, the number of patients with respiratory diseases increased in winter (months 1, 2, 3) by 57.4% (Table V) industrial, handicraft workshops, and the mechanical population growth in the city led to urbanization planning which lead to an increase in number of vehicles. The environment is now under a large amount of emissions and human have to bear the consequences. They will have to contact, breath and live with considerable amount of pollutants which will be accumulated in the body and cause disease. The data shows that the ambient environmental quality deteriorate day by day, natural environment is under the influence of the negative impact due to the rapid growth of the economy. It leads to the fast increasing of 36 NGUYEN THUY BINH et al. Table V: The number of patients in Pediatric department – Bach Mai Hospital Month/ year Number of patients Number of patients with respiratory diseases % Respiratory diseases 2/2011 1048 302 28.8 3/2011 1492 569 38.1 4/2011 1676 620 37 5/2011 1892 401 21.2 6/2011 1442 365 23.3 7/2011 1336 245 18.3 8/2011 1511 502 32.2 9/2011 1623 539 33.2 10/2011 1559 506 31.2 11/2011 1357 122 12/2011 1376 499 36.3 1/2012 1685 597 35.4 2/2012 1124 329 29.3 3/2012 1040 429 41.3 relationship of pollution agents to patients with respiratory diseases. IV. CONCLUSIONS This result is just the initial study, because the examined location is at a point that located relatively high above the ground. It also shows the influence of the components of air pollution on human health and pollution levels remain within the threshold. However, every day people breathe the air containing a quantity certain pollutants, that pollutants will penetrate the respiratory tract, accumulate in the body and cause disease. Therefore, the levels of pollutants are potentially harmful to humans, because they exist in the environment and humans will contact them through breathing. More studies need carrying out in the locations that are at lower elevations and various points in the city. They needed repeating after 2 to 3 years for us to be able to assess the broader and learn the changes in the RREFERENCES [1] ATSDR (agency for toxic substances and diseace registry): “Evaluation of exposure to contaminants of exposures to contaminants from the formera abex/remco hydraulics facility willts, mendocito couty”, California EFA facility ID CAD000097287, A 2, 2006. [2] Chris Kerth, Crystal Braden, “Controlling Airborne Microbial Contamination”, Supported by: Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreement #FSIS-C-33-2003, Development of a Virtual Library for Small and Very Small Meat and Poultry Processors. [3] Eva Welam Henningson and Math S. 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Kai Grunnet, M.D. D P H, Jen Carl Hansen, D V M, “Risk of infection from heavily contaminated air”, Scand. j. work environ. & health 4 (1978) 336-338. [11] Robert M. Parr, Susan F. Stone, and R. Zeisler, “Environmental protection: Nuclear analytical techniques in air pollution monitoring and research”, IAEA, bulletin, 2/1996. [7] Mahmoud Abdel-Salam BSc & John H Dennis PhD, “Review of aerosol sampling methods and introduction of a new low cost aerosol sampler”, /.../salam_dennis... [12] Shiao-Ru Chen and Shangde Luo, “Characterization of the physical and thermal properties of airborn carbonaceous particles (Black carbon) in the environments”, [8] Paul A. Jensen, Ph.D., PE, CIH and Millie P. Schafer,Ph,D.,“Sampling and characterization of bioaerosol”, NIOSH/DPSE.NIOSH Manual of Analytical Method. [13] Viet Nam Air Quality Profile, 2010 Edition, October 2010 38 Nuclear Science and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 2 (2013), pp. 39-46 The isomeric ratios in 107Ag(γ, n)106m,gAg photonuclear reaction induced in the giant dipole resonance region Tran Duc Thiep1, Truong Thi An1, Phan Viet Cuong1,*, Nguyen The Vinh1, Bui Minh Hue1, A. G. Belov2 and O. D. Maslov2 1 2 Institute of Physics, VAST, 10 Dao Tan St., Ba Dinh Region, Hanoi, Vietnam Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions, JINR, 141980 Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia * Email: (Received 1th August 2013, accepted 29 September 2013) Abstract: We measured for the first time the isomeric ratios in 107Ag(γ, n)106m,gAg photonuclear reaction by using the activation method and γ-ray spectroscopic method for the whole giant dipole resonance (GDR) region. The high-purity natural Ag foils in disc shape were irradiated with bremsstrahlungs generated from an electron accelerator Microtron. The induced gamma spectra in the irradiated foils were measured by the high resolution γ-ray spectroscopic system which consists of a high-purity Germanium detector and a multichannel analyzer. In order to improve the accuracy of the experimental results the necessary corrections were made in the γ-ray activity measurements and data analysis. The results were analyzed, discussed and compared with those of other authors. For the mentioned reaction, the isomeric ratios in the energy range from 14 to 24 MeV bremsstrahlungs in this work (except the values at 14, 18 and 20) are new measurements . Keywords: Photonuclear Reaction – Isomeric Ratio – GDR region – Reaction Yield – Impulse. I. INTRODUCTION The study of nuclear reactions at bremsstrahlung photon beam in the giant dipole resonance (GDR) region has definite advantages and presents a considerable interest due to the significant difference from nuclear reaction induced by other projectiles. In photonuclear reactions such states are excited which are usually difficult to be produced in other reaction types. Although the cross section of photonuclear reaction is very low, however the bremsstrahlungs are an intense source of photon produced by powerful electron accelerators and the cross section of photonuclear reaction presents a wide maximum and as a result, the reaction yield is significant. Up to now most investigations were concentrated to nuclear reactions with proton and neutron while the data for photonuclear reactions are incomplete. Therefore, recently the study of isomeric ratios in photonuclear reactions still continues to attract interest of many researchers /1-6 / including natural silver. Natural silver consists of two isotopes 107Ag and 109Ag with abundances of 51.35 and 48.65% respectively. There are very few works devoted to the investigation on photonuclear reaction of natural silver [11-18]. For isomeric pair 106m,gAg the authors in [ 11] have measured for 20 and 30 MeV, in [12] for 14 MeV, in [13,14,15] for 30 MeV, in [16] for 18 MeV, in [17] for 50 MeV and the authors in [11] have theoretically calculated for 20, 30 and 40 MeV with the aid of photon strength functions proposed by the authors in [18]. There are no data measured for whole GDR region as well as above this region for isomeric pair 106m,gAg in existed literature. The aim of this work is to completely measure and analyze the isomeric ratio in 107Ag(γ, n)106m,gAg photonuclear reaction of natural silver for the whole GDR region. The rationale ©2013 Vietnam Atomic Energy Society and Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute THE ISOMERIC RATIOS IN 107Ag(γ, n)106m,gAg PHOTONUCLEAR REACTION… of the study was the incompleteness and big discrepancy of the data in this region. It is expected to obtain new information on the probability of level population and other properties of the residual nuclei based on the measured isomeric ratios. II. EXPERIMENTAL Target preparation The samples for investigation were prepared from natural silver metal with purity of 99.99% in disk shape with 1 cm diameter and their masses were from 0.2545 to 0.3272 g.. Table I shows the decay characteristics of isomeric pair 106m,gAg which have been observed in photonuclear reactions of natural silver with bremsstrahlungs in the GDR region. The data were taken from [8, 9]. Target irradiation The sample irradiation in the GDR region was performed at the electron accelerator Microtron MT-25 of the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reaction, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Dubna, Russia. The description of this accelerator and its characteristics are presented in [10]. The essential advantage of this Microtron is the small energy spread of the accelerated electrons (30- 40 keV) at high beam intensity (up to an average power of 600 W). This allows us to perform the measurement at strictly definite end-point energy bremsstrahlung. As an electron-photon converter was used W disk 4 mm in thickness, cooled by water. To absorb low energy electrons passing through the converter in the irradiation target, an Aluminum screen 20 mm in thickness was placed behind the converter. The bremsstrahlung end- point energy of this accelerator can be varied stepwise from 10 to 25 MeV i.e. the GDR region. The average electron beam was 12 to 14 µA and the irradiation time was 60 min. Table I. The decay characteristics and gamma rays of investigated nucleus 106Ag Nuclear Reaction 107 Ag(γ, n)106mAg 109 3n) Reaction Product 106m Ag Spin Abun. [%] Half life 6+ 51.35 8.28 d. Ag(γ, 48.65 Reaction Threshold [MeV] Gamma ray Energy [KeV] and Intensity [%] Isom. Trans. coeff. IT 9.53 221.7(6.61) 0.0 26.33 406.1(13.5) 106m Ag 429.3(13.23) 450.9(28.2) 748.4(20.6) * 824.8(15.3) 1045.8(29.6) 1527.6(16.3) 106g Ag 107 109 * Ag(γ, n) 106g Ag(γ, 3n) 1+ Ag 106g Ag Gamma rays used for the isomeric calculations 40 24.0 9.07 min 25.99 621.9(0.32)* TRAN DUC THIEP et al. bremsstrahlung photon flux; N- the number of reaction product nuclei; - the decay constant and P- the isomeric transition coefficient, S, and I - the areas, the efficiencies and the intensities of the interested gamma rays; Λi (i = 1÷ 9) are expressions connected to the irradiating, cooling and measurement times, E m – the bremsstrahlung Gamma spectra measurement The gamma spectra of the samples irradiated were measured for different cooling and measurement times with a spectroscopic system consisting of 8192 channel analyzer and high-energy resolution (180 keV at gamma ray 1332 keV of 60Co) HP(Ge) semiconductor detector Canberra. The GENIE2000 (Canberra) computer program was used for data processing. The efficiencies of the detectors were determined with a set of standard single gamma ray sources calibrated to 1 - 2 %. end-point energy, m E and g E - the cross sections of the isomeric and ground states respectively; (1) (2) In the case of bremsstrahlung, the isomeric ratio is defined as the ratio of the production yield of the isomeric state to that of the ground state as follows: Em No m E E dE Ethm - the threshold Fig. 1 shows a typical gamma spectrum of natural silver irradiated by 24.0 MeV bremsstrahlung and measured with the HP (Ge) semiconductor detector at a distance of 5 cm with the times of irradiation, cooling and measurement of 60, 30 and 30 min., respectively. On this spectrum are marked the gamma rays characterizing the isomeric and ground states of isomeric pair 106m,gAg. Other gamma rays were arisen from different products of the interaction between natural silver and the bremsstrahlung. As shown in Table II there are many gamma rays characterized for the isomeric state while for the ground state only one gamma ray of 621.9 keV which were observed in the spectrum. In principle all gamma rays in Table II can be used for calculation of the isomeric ratios. However in practice as it is seen from Fig.1 and Table I gamma rays 221.7, 406.1, 429.3, 450.9 keV characterizing the isomeric state 106m,g Ag appear against very high Compton background with gamma rays of 616.2 (21.6), 717.3 (28.9) keV characterizing both the isomeric and ground states 106m,gAg and 748.4, 824.8, 1045.8 and 1527.6 keV characterizing the isomeric state 106m,Ag. Therefore in this case for calculation of the isomeric ratio gamma rays 748.4 and 1045.8 On the basis of resolving system of equations (1) in dependence on irradiating, cooling and measurement times we could determine the isomeric ratio IR by the expression below: IR g E th Data analysis Usually the isomeric ratio in a nuclear reaction is determined by the measurements of the areas under gamma rays characterizing the isomeric and the ground states. The equations that describe the decay of these states can be written as follows: Sg m I m 3 6 9 1 5 8 3 5 8 3 6 7 1 Sm g I g IR 258 and energies for the isomeric and ground states respectively. Isomeric ratio determination dN m N0 m m N m , dt dN g N0 g g N g P m N m , dt m E th (3) Em No g E E dE Ethg Where m and g- the isomeric and ground states, N 0 - the target nuclei number, E 41 THE ISOMERIC RATIOS IN 107Ag(γ, n)106m,gAg PHOTONUCLEAR REACTION… keV characterizing the isomeric state and gamma ray 621.9 keV characterizing the ground-state can be chosen due to their highest intensities and lowest intensity errors [14, 15]. On other hand although the intensity of gamma ray 1045.8 keV is higher than that of gamma ray 748.4 keV but the detector efficiency of gamma ray 748.4 keV is higher than that of gamma ray 1045.8 keV. In the end gamma rays 748.4 keV and 621.9 keV were chosen for calculation of the isomeric ratios of pair 106m,gAg. This choice made experimental error lower. average value IR of those data calculated from various combinations of a series of gamma spectra measured for different times of cooling and measurement. In the experiment the counting loss was arisen from summing effect and gamma ray self-absorption. The summing effect can be reduced or eliminated by taking a proper distance between sample and detector, while for reducing the selfabsorption an optimum sample mass is calculated. These corrections were performed in the experiment by the methods used in [3, 4]. The main error sources of the isomeric ratio of pair 106m,gAg were discussed and the total relative error was estimated of 6.5%. In our experiment the isomeric ratio was determined by using expression (2) as the Fig. 1. A part of gamma spectrum of natural silver irradiated by 24.0 MeV bremsstrahlung measured at a distance of 5 cm with the times of irradiation, cooling and measurement of 60, 30 and 30 min. respectively. 42 Isomeric ratio TRAN DUC THIEP et al. 107 Ag(,n) 107 106m,g Ag This work Ref. [11] Ref. [11] - Calculated Ref. [12] Ref. [13,14] Ref. [15] Ref. [16] Ref. [17] 1 Ag(n,2n) 106m,g Ag Ref. [19, 20] Ref. [19,21] Ref. [19,22] Ref. [23] 0.1 0.01 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 Energy (MeV) Fig. 2. The isomeric ratios of 107Ag(γ, n)106m,gAg and 107Ag(γ, n)106m,gAg reactions. than that of the ground state when the bremsstrahlung end-point energy increases. In 107 Ag(γ,n)106m,gAg photonuclear reaction the GDR region is from the threshold (i.e. about 9.0 MeV) to about 21 - 22 MeV [24]. It means that for energy region higher than 22 MeV the isomeric ratio in the mentioned reaction slightly changes (or almost unchanged). III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Table II shows the results on the isomeric ratios obtained in this work and references. It should be noted that the isomeric ratio is defined as the ratio of the yield of the highspin state Y(hs) to that of the low-spin state Y(ls) i.e. IR = Y(hs)/Y(ls). Fig. 2 depicts the dependences of the isomeric ratio of 107Ag(γ, n)106m,gAg reaction on bremsstrahlung endpoint energies and 107(n, 2n)106m,gAg reaction at 14.1, 14.5 and 14.9 MeV neutron energies. It is well-known that 107Ag is odd-even nucleus with spin I = 1-/2 determined by the last odd proton 1g9/2 of fourth shell 1f7/2,2p3/2,1f5/2,2p1/2,1g9/2 [36]. As result of 107Ag(γ, n)106m,gAg photonuclear reaction, odd-odd nucleus 106Ag was formed and its spin is determined by the mentioned odd proton 1g9/2 and odd neutron 2d5/2 of fifth shell 1g7/2,2d5/2,2d3/2,3s1/2,1h11/2 [25] and isomeric pair 106m,gAg was formed at isomeric and ground state with spins 6+ and 1+, respectively. One can see from Table II and Fig. 2 the following facts. One can see from formula (3) that for the case of photonuclear reaction with bremsstrahlung in the GDR region, the isomeric ratio increases or (decreases) with the increase of end-point energy, reaches maximum (or minimum) value at the end of this region and slightly changes (or almost unchanged) for higher energies. The change of the isomeric is due to a fact that the yield of the isomeric state increases faster or slower 43 THE ISOMERIC RATIOS IN 107Ag(γ, n)106m,gAg PHOTONUCLEAR REACTION… a/ There are very few data which are One can see that in the error limit our results are in good agreement with the experimental and insignificantly lower than the theoretically calculated data from [11], but much lower than the data from [12, 16]. As mentioned above in 107Ag(γ, n)106m,gAg photonuclear reaction the GDR region is from the threshold (i.e. about 9.0 MeV) to about 21 - 22 MeV. This means that from 22 MeV above the GDR region, the isomeric ratio has to be unchanged or slightly changes. However as it is seen in Table II at bremsstrahlung end-point energy of 30 MeV the isomeric ratios measured by authors in [11, 13-15, 17] are in big discrepancy and the data in [11] are significantly lower than the data in [13 – 15, 17]. available in the literature to refer the isomeric ratios in photonuclear reactions with natural silver in the GDR region as well as in the higher energy range. We found only seven experimentally measured data [11-17] and one theoretically calculated data [11] with the aid of photon strength functions [18]. There are only three values of the isomeric ratio for pair 106m,g Ag are found at 14, 18 and 20 MeV bremsstrahlung end-point energies. Here the data in [12] is too high in comparison to that in [11, 16] as well as to our results. Although there is a big discrepancy existing among the data in the literature, however in a general tendency the isomeric ratio decreases with the increase of bremsstrahlung end-point energy. Table II. The isomeric ratios in dependence on bremsstrahlung end-point energies Nuclear Reaction Present work End-point Energy [MeV] 107 * Ag(γ, n)106m,gAg Other works Isomeric Ratio R = Y(hs)/Y(ls) End-point Energy [MeV] Isomeric Ratio R = Y(hs)/Y(ls) 14.0 0.026 ± 0.0017 14.0 2.5 [12] 15.0 0.021 ± 0.0014 18.0 0.06 ± 0.01 [16] 16.0 0.016 ± 0.0011 17.0 0.015 ± 0.0010 20.0 0.015 ± 0.0045 [11] 18.0 0.014 ± 0.0009 19.0 0.013 ± 0.0009 20.0 0.012 ± 0.0008 0.042 [13, 14] 21.0 0.011 ± 0.0007 0.040 ± 0.02 [15] 22.0 0.010 ± 0.0006 0.0160* [11] 23.0 0.011 ± 0.0007 40.0 0.0197* [11] 24.0 0.010 ± 0.0006 50.0 0.023 [17] Data calculated with the aid of photon strength functions [18] 44 0.0147* [11] 30.0 0.010 ± 0.002 [11] TRAN DUC THIEP et al. b/ Our results show that the isomeric ratio 107 by the authors in [26]. The higher the impulse of the projectile is, the higher the isomeric ratio is. It is well known that (n, 2n) and (γ, n) nuclear reactions form the same isomeric pair. However for the same energies of neutron and photon, the impulse of neutron in (n, 2n) reaction is higher than that of photon in (γ, n) reaction because the photon has zero rest mass. Therefore the isomeric ratio in (n, 2n) reaction is significantly higher than that in (γ, n) reaction. This fact can be seen in [19 – 23] and presented in Fig. 2. One can see our results for bremsstrahlung end-point energies 14.0 and 15.0 MeV are significantly lower than the data for 107Ag(n, 2n)106m,gAg reaction induced by 14.1 and 14.9 MeV neutrons. This once again confirms that our results are logical. 106m,g in Ag(γ, n) Ag photonuclear reaction in GDR region decreases with the increase of end-point energy, reaches minimum value at the end of this region (21 - 22 MeV) and slightly changes for higher energies (23, 24 MeV). This fact was expected from formula (3) as mentioned above. The results also show that for isomeric pair 106m,gAg, the yield of higher spin state increases lower than that of the lower spin state when the bremsstrahlung end-point energy increases. In fact at the end of the GDR region the value of the isomeric ratio measured in this work is 0.010 ± 0.0006. Therefore it is expected that above the GDR region the isomeric ratio has to be about 0.010 ± 0.0006. In practice this value is lower than the data for 30 MeV from [13 -15] and for 50 MeV from [17]. It can be explained as follows: the isomeric ratio of isomeric pair 106m,g Ag in natural silver for energy region higher the GDR region comes from two 107 Ag(γ, n)106gAg and 109Ag(γ, 3n)106gAg photonuclear reactions. The isomeric ratios of these two reactions are different due to the channel effect [26]. The author in [28] show that the isomeric ratio for one and the same isomeric pair depends on the mass difference of the target and product nuclei and the higher the difference the higher the isomeric ratio. This means that the isomeric ratio in 109Ag(γ, 3n)106m,gAg is higher than that in 107Ag(γ, n)106m,gAg. As a result, the isomeric ratio for isomeric pair 106m,gAg in the GDR region is lower than that in above GDR region. This means that the isomeric ratio in this work at the end of the GDR region has to be lower than that at 30 and 50 MeV obtained by the authors in [13-15, 17]. This fact confirms that our results are logical. It is interesting to note that stable nuclei In and 107Ag are odd-even ones having the same nucleon configurations and their spins are determined by the last odd proton 1g9/2 of fourth shell 1f7/2, 2p3/2, 1f5/2, 2p1/2, 1g9/2. Therefore in agreement with the shell model their spins have to be of the same value i.e. I= 9+/2. However, the experimentally obtained values of spins for 113In and 107Ag are different and equal to 9+/2 and 1-/2 respectively. As result of (γ, n) photonuclear reaction odd-odd nuclei 112In and 106Ag were formed and their spins are determined by the mentioned odd proton 1g9/2 and odd neutron 2d5/2 of the fifth shell [25]. As a result, isomeric pair 112m,g In was formed with isomeric and ground state spins 4+ and 1+ while isomeric pair 106m,g Ag was formed with isomeric and ground state spins 6+ and 1+ respectively. It is well known that the yields of the isomeric and ground states depend on their spins and the isomeric ratio depends on the isomeric state and ground state spins as well as on their difference. In our case the difference of spins of the isomeric and ground states is 3 for 112In and 5 for 106Ag. Therefore the isomeric ratios in 107Ag(γ, n)106m,gAg and 113In(γ, n)112m,gIn 113 c/ As a principle, the isomeric ratio of an isomeric pair, produced from different nuclear reactions depends on the impulse of the projectiles. This is the influence of reaction channels on isomeric ratios as demonstrated 45 THE ISOMERIC RATIOS IN 107Ag(γ, n)106m,gAg PHOTONUCLEAR REACTION… photonuclear reactions are significantly different. One can see from [11- 17] for 106m,g Ag and [1, 2, 27] for 112m,gIn that the 113 isomeric ratio in In(γ, n)112m,gIn photonuclear reaction is much higher than that for 107Ag(γ, n)106m,gAg photonuclear one. It may be due to that the difference between the spins of the isomeric and ground states in 106m,g Ag is bigger than that in 112m,gIn. IV. CONCLUSIONS For first time we have completely carried out the measurement of the isomeric ratios in 107 Ag(γ, n)106m,gAg photonuclear reaction induced by bremsstrahlung with endpoint energies in the whole GDR region. The results provide complete and new data for this region and could contribute to the Nuclear Data. This work has been performed at the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reaction, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia. The authors would like to express sincere thanks to the Chemical Department of the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reaction for providing the measurement system. This research is funded by Vietnam National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED) under grant number 103.04-2012.56. REFERENCES [1] V. A. Zheltonozskij, V. M. Mazur, Z. M. Bigan , D. M. Simochko, J Phys. At. Nuclei V.21, N.2(2007) 37. [2] V. M. Mazur, Z. M. Bigan, D. M. Smochko, J Phys Part Nucl Lett V.5, N. 4(2008)628. [3] K. S. Kim , M. D. Shakilur Rahman et al, J Radioanal Nucl CheM N,287(2011 )869. [4] N. V. Do , P. D. Khue et al, J Radioanal Nucl Chem N.283(2010)683. [5] T. D. Thiep, T. T. An, N. T. Khai, N. T. Vinh, P. V. Cuong , A. G. Belov, O. D. 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This work presents the results obtained by the authors about the energy distribution of bremsstrahlung spectra, the method for determination of bremsstrahlung photon flux as well as the possibilities for producing neutron and neutron rich radioactive ions beams for fundamental research and practical applications. Keywords: Bremsstrahlung- Energy Distribution- Bremsstrahlung Photon Flux- Neutron Producing I. INTRODUCTION Recently electron accelerators have been widely used in different fields of fundamental research and practical applications [1 - 5]. Although electron accelerators are equipments which accelerate electrons, in fact they are intense sources of bremsstrahlung photon beams. The principle of converting the electrons in bremsstrahlung can be found in [6]. The bremsstrahlung photon flux allows us a) to determine the characteristics of photonuclear reaction as the cross section and yield [7 - 9] b) to estimate the possibility of producing the neutron-rich radioactive nuclei beam [10, 11] and photon-induced neutron beam [12, 13] for fundamental research and c) to determine the sensitivity of photon activation method [14, 15] and the possibilities for radiation protection and shielding [16]. Therefore the study on spectroscopy of bremsstrahlung is of great importance. This work presents the results obtained by the authors about the energy distribution of bremsstrahlung spectra, the method for determination of bremsstrahlung photon flux as well as the possibilities for producing neutron for fundamental research and practical applications. II. CALCULATION OF ENERGY DISTRIBUTION OF BREMSSTRAHLUNG AND THICKNESS EFFECT The bremsstrahlung produced from electron accelerators is intense and high energy photon source. For the experimental and theoretical calculations on photonuclear reactions, it is necessary to know its characteristics as intensity, energy and angular distributions. The rate of energy dissipation due to bremsstrahlung and the cross section for its production are inversely proportional to square of the mass of the incident particle [17]: ©2013 Vietnam Atomic Energy Society and Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute ON THE SPECTROSCOPY OF BREMSSTRAHLUNGS PRODUCED BY… Where q – the radom number uniformly distributed between 0 and 1, N- the number of atoms/cm3, b - the bremsstrahlung cross section, which has differential form as follows [19]: where m and Z – the mass and the charge of the particle respectively, Zt – the mass number of the target. The bremsstrahlung emission is a dominant energy dissipation mechanism for electron – the lightest particle, especially at relativistic energies greater than a few MeV. Where – the frequency of photon, = 1/137, = E/ E 0 , E and E 0 - the initial total and The study on angular distribution of the emitted bremsstrahlung [17, 18] indicated that at very low energies of electrons the radiation intensity is of maximum in direction perpendicular to the incident beam. However as the electron energy is increased, the maximum appears at increasingly forward angles and at very high electron energies, the emission of bremsstrahlung essentially occurs as a narrow pencil in the forward direction, the average angle of emission is then given by [18]: final total energies of electron respectively, = 100 mec2h /( E 0 E Z t1 / 3 ), which is quantity representing effect of screening by the atomic electrons surrounding the nucleus upon the near Coulomb field felt by the incident electron, 1 , 2 - the screening functions which are usually calculated using a Thomas- Fermi model of atom [18, 19], f (Zt) – the small correction to Bohr approximation which takes into account the Coulomb interaction of the emitting electron in the electric field of the nucleus [19]. The all detailed interactions of electron with the target can be found in [20]. These interactions have been included in our calculations in order for simulating the following processes: a) the history of the life of electron of an initial energy T0 hitting a heavy target to its “death”, where Ee – total energy of electron, me - the mass of electron and c – the light speed. When a relativistic electron beam hits a heavy target, the total energy loss of electron is summed by two parts as follows: b) the bremsstrahlung produced and undergone the characteristic interactions according to random walks in order to form the expected energy distribution at the exit of the target. Fig. 1 presents the typical spectrum calculated for bremsstrahlung emission at the exit of W-target of thickness d = 1.1 mm for Microtron MT-17 of the Institute of Physics, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology. Fig. 2 shows the calculated dependence of the bremsstrahlung intensity on There is existed so called the critical energy where the contributions of the above two dissipation energy mechanisms are comparable. At energies above this critical energy bremsstrahlung dominates completely. Since bremsstrahlung is seen as a production of another form of radiation than the incident electron beam, the free path of an incident electron in the target can be determined as random walk: 48 TRAN DUC THIEP, NGUYEN TUAN KHAI, TRUONG THI AN, PHAN VIET CUONG, NGUYEN THE VINH Table I. Elemental Characteristics and optimum thickness of some materials the W-target thickness for T0 = 15 MeV and the solid points are experimentally measured data for Microtrons of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Dubna, Russia [21]. Z Density [g. cm-3] Radiation Length [cm] Optimum Thickness [cm] Fe 26 7.86 1.76 0.60 W 74 19.3 0.33 0.12 Pt 78 21.4 0.29 0.11 U 92 18.7 0.31 0.11 Element III. DETERMINATION OF TOTAL BREMSSTRAHLUNG PHOTON FLUX BY ACTIVATION METHOD In order to determine the total bremsstrahlung photon flux, we applied the photon activation method in our experiments. During the activation process, the number of radioactive nucleus N (t ) formed at moment t Fig. 1. The typical spectrum calculated for bremsstrahlung emission at the exit of W-target for Microtron MT-17. can be described as follows: dN (t ) N0 E E N (t ) dt (7) By resolving equation (7) for the case of activation with bremsstrahlung photon flux we obtained the following expression for the number of interested gamma rays irradiated from the radioactive nucleus: Fig. 2. The calculated dependence of the bremsstrahlung intensity on the W-target thickness for T0 = 15 MeV S where In general, both the simulation and experimental date show that the bremsstrahlung emission intensity approaches a maximum value at a target thickness of approximately one third of the radiation length of the materials as presented in Table I. mN AI 1 e ti e td 1 e tm intth M ( Em Eth ) (8) E m - the bremsstrahlung endpoint energy; E , Em - the bremsstrahlung photon flux at energy E ; E - the cross section for the radioactive nucleus i.e the giant resonance Em curve; th E , E m dE - the Eth bremsstrahlung photon flux for the region 49 ON THE SPECTROSCOPY OF BREMSSTRAHLUNGS PRODUCED BY… determine t h . Besides, as mentioned above from reaction threshold Et h to endpoint energy E m ; int = t h is the bremsstrahlung photon flux for the Em E dE E is the integrated cross region from Eth to E m . However, our purpose th section for the same region; S - the area under the interested photopeak characterizing the radioactive nucleus i.e the number of gamma was to determine the total bremsstrahlung Em photon flux E , Em dE i.e for the 0 rays; t m - the measurement time; t i - the energy region from 0 to E m . irradiation time; t d – the decay time; m - the In order to do this, it was necessary to know the energy distribution of bremsstrahlung. The energy distribution of bremsstrahlung photon flux can be estimated by the Schiff approximation [22] or simulation method. In our work we used the simulation method presented in [23 - 25]. Fig. 3 shows the experimental arrangement and Table II presents the total bremsstrahlung photon fluxes at different endpoint energies by using simultaneous activation of two monitors Cu and Au in comparison to one monitor activation [26] and calculated ones [27]. The more detailed description of this method can be found in [28]. elemental mass, - the isotope abundance, N A - Avogadro number; M - atomic mass; I the gamma ray intensity and - the detector efficiency. The value of t h can be determined from expression (8) as follows: th = 1 e t i SM ( Em Eth ) e td 1 e tm int mN AI (9) In expression (9) all parameters are well known from literature and experiment except the integrated cross section int . Therefore it is necessary to calculate int in order to Al-absorber energy of low electron Electron Accelerator Monitor Cu Em Em Beam of accelerated electrons with energy Em Bremsstrahlung gamma-quanta Monitor Au Bremsstrahlung converter Fig. 3. Experimental arrangement at Microtron MT – 25 50 TRAN DUC THIEP, NGUYEN TUAN KHAI, TRUONG THI AN, PHAN VIET CUONG, NGUYEN THE VINH Table II. The total bremsstrahlung photon fluxes at different endpoint energies. Bremsstrahlung Endpoint Energy [MeV] 15 18 Total Bremsstrahlung Photon Flux [ s-1. A-1] This work References 1.530 x 1013 ± 10% a) 1.447 x 1013 ± 10% b) 2.715 x 1013 ± 10% a) 2.669 x 1013 ± 10% b) 3.245 x 1013 ± 10% 20 b) [26] 3.156 x 1013 [27] 22 24 4.946 x 1013 ± 10% a) 4.797 x 1013 ± 10% b) 5.628 x 1013 ± 10% a) 5.498 x 10 13 ± 10% 5.540 x 1013 ± 10% b) 30 6.311 x 1013 [27] 60 1.420 x 1014 [27] 65 a) 3.846 x 1014 ± 10% measured with Au monitor, IV. NEUTRON PRODUCTION FROM PHOTONUCLEAR REACTIONS FOLLOWING BREMSSTRAHLUNGS AND TARGET THICKNESS EFFECT [26] b) b) b) measured with Cu monitor Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics, JINR Dubna, Russia. A. Determination of neutron yield For each tungsten isotope the yields from (γ, n) and (γ, 2n) reactions are determined by the simulated bremsstrahlungs and the reaction cross sections. The photon- neutron yield Y(γ, xn) from two types of reactions is the sum of the individual yields. The electron neutron yield is determined by folding between the calculated bremsstrahlung spectrum and reaction cross section as followings: Electron accelerators are not only intense sources of bremsstrahlung but also are high neutron intensity ones. In order to produce neutron beam photonuclear reactions (γ, xn) or (γ, xnp) can be used. We have performed a Monte – Carlo calculation to estimate the production yield of neutron from the (γ, n) and (γ, 2n) reactions following the bremsstrahlung produced by 100 and 200 MeV electron beams on the tungsten target with thickness from 1.5 to 2.5 mm. for linear electron accelerator of Y(e, xn) = Y(e, x γ). Y(γ, xn) 51 (10) ON THE SPECTROSCOPY OF BREMSSTRAHLUNGS PRODUCED BY… where Y(e, x γ) is the electron – photon yield i.e. production yield of photon obtained from the interaction of electron with target and Y(γ, xn) is the photon – neutron yield i.e. production yield of neutron by photonuclear reactions. neutron yields Y(e, xn) at 1.5 mm target thickness are summarized in Table III. As a result, the total neutron yields of about (1.01 ± 0.09).10-3 neutron/electron and (1.17 ± 0.11).10-3 neutron/electron were determined for the cases of using 100 and 200 MeV electron beams. The more detailed description of the calculation can be found in [26]. B. Dependence of the neutron yield on the target thickness To consider the dependence of the neutron yield on the target thickness we have determined the yield at three values 1.5, 2.0 and 2.5 mm of the thickness for both 100 and 200 MeV. The results presented in Fig. 6 shows a gradual increase of the yield with the increased target thickness. However it can be seen that increasing rate is faster in the region from 1.5 to 2.0 mm compared to that from 2.0 to 2.5 mm, especially for the case of 100 MeV electron energy. Our calculations have shown that the electron – neutron yield reaches maximum at a value which is more or less equal to 2.0 – 2.2 mm while the electron – photon yield is still a gradually increasing function of the thickness in the considered region from 0.5 to 3.0 mm. Fig. 4. The simulated bremsstrahlung spectra produced by 100 (curve 1) and 200 MeV (curve 2) lectron beams incident on 1.5 mm thickness tungsten target. Fig. 5. Bremsstrahlung emission at different angles for the case of using 100 MeV electron beam: 1. Total spectrum; 2. from 0 to 5 0; 3. fom 5 to 100 ; 4. From 10 to 150 and 5. From 15 to 200. Fig. 4 shows the bremsstrahlung spectra produed by 100 and 200 MeV electron beams incident on 1.5 mm tungsten target. Fig. 5 shows thr bremtrahlung emission at different angles for the case of using 100 MeV electron beam. The obtained results of individual Fig. 6 Neutron yields as a function of target thickness at 100 (■) and 200 MeV (●) electron energies. 52 TRAN DUC THIEP, NGUYEN TUAN KHAI, TRUONG THI AN, PHAN VIET CUONG, NGUYEN THE VINH Table III. Neutron yields at 1.5 mm thickness of tungsten target at 100 and 200 MeV electron beams Threshold Energy, MeV Neutron Yield [neutron/electron] at Ee = 100 MeV Neutron Yield [neutron/electron] at Ee = 200 MeV W(γ, n)185W 7.19 (1.91 ± 0.13).10-4 (2.16 ± 0.13).10-4 W(γ, 2n)184W 12.95 (1.04 ± 0.09).10-4 (1.17 ± 0.09).10-4 W(γ, n)183W 7.41 (2.21 ± 0.14).10-4 (2.42 ± 0.14).10-4 W(γ, 2n)182W 13.60 (1.11 ± 0.09).10-4 (1.27 ± 0.09).10-4 W(γ, n)182W 6.19 (0.95 ± 0.08).10-4 (1.18 ± 0.09).10-4 W(γ, 2n)181W 14.26 (0.38 ± 0.04).10-4 (0.52 ± 0.05).10-4 W(γ, n)181W 8.07 (1.65 ± 0.12).10-4 (1.87 ± 0.12).10-4 W(γ, 2n)180W 14.75 (1.92 ± 0.07).10-4 (1.13 ± 0.08).10-4 W(γ, n)179W 8.41 (0.009 ± 0.003).10-4 (0.012± 0.003).10-4 W(γ, 2n)178W 15.35 (0.002 ± 0.001).10-4 (0.003 ± 0.002).10-4 Total (1.01 ± 0.09).10-3 (1.17 ± 0.11).10-3 Abundance, % 186 W (28.60) Reaction 186 186 184 W (30.70) 184 184 183 W (14.28) 183 183 182 W (26.30) 182 182 180 W (0.12) 180 180 C. A+ Bsin2θn, with B/A= 2.0 ±0.5 [30]. We justify this choice by remarking that the photons which are active in producing neutrons have energies concentrated above threshold whatever the electron energy. The bremsstrahlung radiation is taken to be exactly forward. The anglular distribution of the produced neutron is therefore the same as in [29, 30], while the neutron energy spectrum is displayed in Fig. 7. Neutron energy distribution Besides evaluating the total neutron yield, the Monte-Carlo method makes it possible to calculate the energy and angular distributions of the produced neutrons once the angular dependence of the photonuclear reaction cross section is known. In case of the (γ, n) reaction, the energy-momentum conservation relates the neutron energy En to its production angle θn via: Mr2 = (ΔE + Mn)2 - 2ΔE(En + Mn) + 2Eγ [ΔE - En – cosθn (En2 - Mn2)0.5] (11) where Mr - the mass of the final state nucleus (c= 1), ΔE= (Mt – Mr – Mn)c2 with Mt being the mass of the target nucleus, Mn the neutron mass and Eγ the incident photon energy. It is needed to note that the neutron kinetic energy is Tn = En – Mn. The angular distribution of the photonuclear cross section is taken from [29, 30]. It has a form P(θn) = Fig.7. The energy spectrum of neutrons emitted by the 186W(γ, n)185W reaction. 53 ON THE SPECTROSCOPY OF BREMSSTRAHLUNGS PRODUCED BY… [5] 5. IAEA “Manual on radiation sterilization of Medical and Biological Materials ” Technical Report, Series No.149, IAEA, Vienna 1973. V. CONCLUSIONS We have performed the following works: a. 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Keeley ................................................................................ 15 Mechanical properties and thermal stability of poly (L-lactic acid) treated by Co-60 gamma radiation Tran Minh Quynh, Nguyen Van Binh, Pham Duy Duong, Pham Ngoc Lan, Hoang Phuong Thao, Le Thi Mai Linh ...................................................................................21 Studying agents causing respiratory disease in the airborn at Institute for Nuclear Science and Technology’s area, in Hanoi Nguyen Thuy Binh, Vo Thi Anh, Nguyen Thu Ha, Ha Lan Anh, Nguyen Hong Thinh, Do Thi To Uyen, Pham Quang Thang ....................................................................................29 The isomeric ratios in 107Ag(γ, n)106m,gAg photonuclear reaction induced in the giant dipole resonance region Tran Duc Thiep, Truong Thi An, Phan Viet Cuong, Nguyen The Vinh, Bui Minh Hue, A. G. Belov, O. D. Maslov ...............................................................................................39 On the spectroscopy of bremsstrahlungs produced by an electron accelerator Tran Duc Thiep, Nguyen Tuan Khai, Truong Thi An, Phan Viet Cuong, Nguyen The Vinh … 47