September 2013


September 2013
L o s A n g e l e s C o u n t y P r o f e s s i o n al P e ac e O f f i c e r s A s s o c i at i o n
Volume 40 Issue 8 September 2013
a salute
Military Veterans
See page 6
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188 E. Arrow Highway
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Star & Shield is the official publication of the Los Angeles
County Professional Peace Officers Association (PPOA).
Opinions expressed by individual board members or
contributing authors in this publication do not necessarily
reflect the opinions of the entire Board.
The Board of Directors meets on the second Wednesday
of each month in the PPOA offices at 10:00 a.m.
Star & Shield subscription: $12.00
Executive Editor: Brian Moriguchi
A Tribute to Veterans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Cops, Veterans and the Will to Win . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
PPOA Salutes Its Military Vets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
PPOA Veteran Stories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
10th Annual PPOA Retiree Luncheon . . . . . . . . . . 16
Scenes From the 2013 LASD Roundup . . . . . . . . . 18
Is Retirement a Sobering Prospect? . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Rookies Roost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Brian Moriguchi, President
Jim Cronin, Vice President
Rogelio Maldonado, Treasurer
Danya Hazen
Gerardo Garcia
Noe Garcia
Christopher Lee
Ray Leyva
Roberto Medrano
Chairman Moriguchi
Chairman CRONIN
Chairman RHODES
Chairman REDDY
Chairwoman Hazen
Chairman Moriguchi
614 Negotiations
Chairman LEE
Chairman MACHIAN
632 Negotiations
Chairman Kades
Chairman REDDY
Published by
911Media® is a division of Trade News International, Inc.
For Advertising call (818) 848-6397
Find us on Twitter:
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Retiree Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Another Memorable McArthur Reunion . . . . . . . . . 24
Second Annual PPOA College Scholarship Awards . . 26
Calendar of Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
A New Insurance Benefit for Retirees . . . . . . . . . . 29
Letters to PPOA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Southern California Alliance
of Law Enforcement (SCALE)
California Coalition of
Law Enforcement Associations (CCLEA)
International Foundation
of Employee Benefit Plans
Los Angeles County Organization of Police
and Sheriffs (LACOPS)
Public Employees Staff Organization (PESO)
Fraternal Order of Police (FOP)
National Conference of Public Employee Retirement Systems
California Peace Officer Memorial Foundation
PAUL K. ROLLER, Executive Director
CLARE FRANCO, Administrative Assistant
NORMA GOMEZ, Administrative Assistant
TERESA MACHADO, Labor Representative
VIOLET PEREZ, Administrative Assistant
Kevin F. Thompson, Intake Representative
GREG TORRES, Public Relations Coordinator
Mark Vidal, Media Assistant
MARICELA VILLEGAS, Executive Administrative Assistant
JIM VOGTS, Legislative Representative
VENISE WALLACE, Sr. Labor Representative
September 2013 | Star&Shield
A Tribute to Veterans
Brian Moriguchi
PPOA President
Lieutenant, LASD
Whether you served
during peace or war,
I am in awe of every
person who served
this country in our
military and I am
proud to dedicate
this issue to all
veterans — my
personal heroes.
very year, PPOA dedicates the September issue
of Star & Shield to our retirees and their service
to Los Angeles County, whether that service
was with the Sheriff ’s Department, District
Attorney’s Office, Coroner’s Office, County Police or
Marshal’s Office. This year, we also pay a special tribute
to those retirees who served in our military. Throughout this edition of Star & Shield, you will read firsthand
stories of our military veterans. Some are happy memories about camaraderie with fellow soldiers and others
are amazing recollections of heroism, courage, fear and
honor. Whether you served during peace or war, I am
in awe of every person who served this country in our
military and I am proud to dedicate this issue to all
veterans — my personal heroes.
Throughout history, the United States has been the
leader of the world, largely due to its military strength.
This strength comes from the incredible ingenuity and
advanced technology of our government, but its true
strength comes from the hearts and minds of its military personnel. Ingenuity and technology merely assist
our soldiers in the performance of their duties, but it is
the valor and courage of every soldier that wins wars.
Sadly, many have given their lives in service to this
country and many others have suffered mental and
physical disabilities as a result of their service.
Here are a few staggering statistics (forgive me if
they are not accurate, as there are many contradictory
facts on this topic): Over 848,163 U.S. military men
and women have been killed in combat serving this
country. Over 1,531,036 have been wounded. Approximately 142,246 have been captured and interned by
the enemy, and 17,010 have died while being held as
prisoners of war (POWs). Many others remain “missing” to this day. Nearly 300,000 were killed in World
War II; 58,000 in Vietnam; 45,000 in Korea; and 6,668
have been killed in Iraq and Afghanistan to date.
The numbers above are just that, numbers. Statistics. But each number represents a human life, a
courageous soldier and devastated families. The numbers do not tell the stories of individual bravery and
courage encountered by so many military personnel
from the past and present. Whether facing the surprise attack at Pearl Harbor or trudging knee-deep in
mud in the battle of Hue in Vietnam, it is people who
fought those battles and it is people who endured such
incredible adversity.
Many veterans became police officers and deputy
sheriffs after serving their country. It was a perfect
match for these selfless men and women to continue to
protect the people of the United States at the local level.
A true commitment to service. I was always able to
identify my partners in the Sheriff ’s Department who
served in the military. They had an unspoken strength
about them, were not easily flustered by confrontation
or emergency situations, and they rarely complained
about ... well ... anything. They just took care of business and moved on to the next problem. They cared
less about individual recognition, commendations or a
medal to pin on their uniforms and more about getting
the job done, defending the innocent and protecting
their partners. Frankly, we need more people like them!
In conclusion, I want to thank our retirees not only
for their service to Los Angeles County and their dedication to PPOA, but also a special thanks to all our
retirees who served in the military. We can never repay
you for your service and sacrifice, but know that we
are forever grateful to you for providing us the freedom and security we enjoy today in this great country.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Updated Mailing Address Needed for Elections
In October 2013, PPOA will send important ballots to each active member of this
association. These ballots provide PPOA members with the opportunity to vote on
bylaw amendment proposals and potential board member elections. In order for us
to get your ballot(s) to you, we need your current address. Election mail does not get
forwarded. If you have moved without notifying PPOA, please call the office as soon
as possible in order to update your file.
Call PPOA: (323) 261-3010
Star&Shield | September 2013
Cops, Veterans and
the Will to Win
Art Reddy
PPOA Board Member
LASD retired
While only 7% of
the U.S. population
is a military vet,
that number is more
than doubled when
it comes to retired
PPOA members.
“It is fatal to enter any war without the will to win.”
— General Douglas MacArthur
eople who know me probably don’t peg me
for the type of guy who spouts philosophical
quotes. And they’re right! But this line from
MacArthur sums up a lot about this issue of
the PPOA Retiree Report. Whether you’re a military
veteran or a law enforcement veteran, you know a
little (OK, a lot!) about the will to win. How could
anyone survive a tour of duty or law enforcement
career without it?
As you’ve probably figured out, this issue is
dedicated to the military vets among our retired
membership. We mailed surveys to our PPOA retirees with the hope of hearing from the military vets
about their experiences in the service. The response
was overwhelming. While only 7% of the U.S. population is a military vet, that number is more than
doubled when it comes to retired PPOA members.
That’s an impressive figure and I think it’s fair to
assume it will drop for the next generation of our
The feedback from our vets was full of pride and
pain. We’ve summarized it for you in the pages that
follow. I’m sure you’ll recognize many names and
learn quite a bit about your friends and former colleagues. This is where I need to draw another parallel
between soldiers and cops. Whether your career was
death-defying or relatively quiet has no bearing on
your status as a patriot and public servant. We all
took the oath and we all donned the uniform. On
planes, on boats, in jungles, at patrol stations, in
jails, behind a desk — you get the picture. Public
service is a noble calling and few are cut out for it.
In fact, less than 1% of America’s population fights
our wars. And even fewer police our streets. Yet
we’re the first group targeted when the anti-pension
crowd gets their panties in a bunch. (But that’s an
entirely different article.)
Again, I was extremely proud as a PPOA member and a military veteran to read so many of your
survey responses. Our retired members include a
Pearl Harbor survivor, a POW escapee, Purple Heart
recipients and countless vets who faced the ungodly
brutalities of war, yet still went on to dedicate
30-plus more years of distinguished public service
to the residents of Los Angeles County. That takes
perseverance and dignity. And it sure as hell takes
a will to win.
Thank you for sharing your stories with fellow
PPOA members. And thank you for your service! Credit Union Dedication to Jarvis and Easley
POPA Federal Credit Union paid tribute to a pair of its founding members at a special ceremony on August 6. Cam Jarvis and Seth Easley were honored with a plaque, commendations
from the L.A. County DA’s Office and a room packed with friends. The San Dimas branch of
the credit union was also officially named the Jarvis-Easley Branch. Both men have been PPOA
members since the 1950s and were instrumental in establishing the credit union in 1978. PPOA
September 2013 | Star&Shield
Its Military Vets
arlier this summer, PPOA sent surveys to our retirees to learn
more about the military veterans among our membership.
Needless to say, we were overwhelmed by the response. The
hundreds of replies we received came from retirees who served as far
back as World War II. Some shared vivid memories of battles that
occurred nearly 70 years ago! Others were much more reserved and
elected only to acknowledge that they proudly served. Regardless, our
goal all along was to include as much of the information as possible
in this special edition of the PPOA Retiree Report. It is our way of
expressing thanks to all who served. But just as importantly, this issue
is intended to help our members learn more about former co-workers,
partners and friends. Naturally, we were bound by space limitations
and deadlines, and apologize to anyone who was not able to respond in
time or wrote more than we were able to print. Rest assured, we tried
our best to summarize the feedback and pay proper tribute to all of
you. We hope that the information in this magazine will inspire you
to reach out to a few of your former co-workers. In fact, you can do so
by joining us for PPOA’s 10th Annual Retiree Luncheon on October 2
(see page 16 for info).
“Hero” is a relative (and largely overused) term, but we think after reading this issue of Star & Shield, you’ll agree with us that our membership
includes a number of unsung American heroes who deserve that title.
Editor’s note: As this issue went to print, we continued to receive survey
responses from our retirees. It is our intention to publish that information
in future issues of Star & Shield.
Star&Shield | September 2013
Ronald R. Ablott, LASD ret. ’98
Army, 1964-1966. 504th MP, 101st Airborne.
Vietnam Service medal with three campaign stars.
Wilmer C. Abram Jr., DA’s Office ret. ’00
Air Force, 1964-1968. Security Strike Force,
1041st SPS, Vietnam.
Birl Adams, LASD ret. ’92
Army, K Co., 65th Inf. Reg., 3rd Inf. Div.,
Korea Service Medal, Presidential Unit
Citation, U.N. Service Medal.
Richard A. Adams, LASD ret. ’09
Air Force, 1973-1977. Security Police:
Edwards AFB, Mildenhall AFB (UK), Space
and Missile Systems Facility.
Henry R. Aldana, LASD ret. ’02
Army, 25th Div., 1/2 7th Inf. (Wolfhounds)
B Co. Bronze Star, Combat Medical Badge.
Walter D. Allsop, LASD ret.
Navy, two years, USS Valley Forge CV-45.
Claude J. Anderson, DA’s Office ret. ’78
Air Force, 1953-1957. 3rd Aviation Depot
Sq., 807th Air Police. War dog handler,
Korean War, Isle of Guam. Attended Far East
sentry dog school (Japan).
William R. Anderson, LASD ret. ’77
Army, six years. 9th Div., 39th Inf. Fought in
Germany (WWII). Five years in anti-aircraft
units. Bronze Star.
Maurice “Mo” Angel, LASD ret. ’13
Coast Guard Reserve, USCG Cutter Venturous.
National Defense Medal, numerous search
and rescue missions along California coast.
Floyd Autry, LASD ret. ’94
Navy, 1955-1963. VF 25, VA 94, VF 193, USS
Lexington, Ranger.
James M. Baust, LASD ret. ’77
Army Air Force, 1942-1945. 8th Air Force,
445th Bomb Group. Air Medal Distinguished
Flying Cross, 32 missions as ball turret and
waist gunner.
Eugene S. Beggs, LASD ret. ’86
Air Force, 2242 AFRTC, instructor for
reserve officers.
Kenneth Bell, LASD/LADA ret.
Army, 1965-1967. Military Police, 562nd
Artillery, 2nd Missile Bn. Provided top-secret
security for missile site (Nike-Herc) 50 miles
north of Fairbanks, Alaska.
Rudy Berteaux, LASD ret. ’81
Army Air Corps, 1944-1945. Air Cadet.
James E. Bulanek, Marshal’s Office ret.
Air Force, 1963-1967.
Thomas Bush, LASD ret. ’85
Army Air Force, 1942-1945. 870th Aviation
Engineer Bn. Australia, New Guinea, Holland,
Phillipines, Japan.
William S. Betz, LASD ret. ’79
Army Air Corps, 1944-1946. MacDill AFB, Ft.
Dix, Germany.
Richard C. (last name withheld),
L.A. County Police ret. ’00
Navy, seven yrs, USS Northhampton, Japan,
Germany, Temp duty aboard Zerstoyer II.
Terry R. Black, LASD ret. ’99
Army, 1965-1967. C 1/508 3rd Brigade,
82nd Airborne Div.
Glenn E. Campbell, LASD ret. ’91
Army, 1958-1964. 8th Cavalry, 1st Cavalry
Div., Korea.
Ronald J. Blyleven, LASD ret. ’03
California Natl. Guard, 1969-1975. Combat
medic assigned to Hercules/Nike Missile
Base and Military Police Unit in Long Beach.
Daniel Bobrick, LASD ret. ’02
Air Force, Security Service, Good Conduct,
classified activity.
Walter J. Boskovich, LASD ret. ’00
Marines, 1965-1969. 1st/2nd/3rd/4th/5th
Bns. Medals: Vietnam Service, National
Defense, Combat Action, Presidential Unit
and more.
Gary E. Boudreau, LASD ret. ’05
Air Force, Communications SQ, Air Traffic
Controller. Vietnam, 1968-69. Sgt.
John C. Bragg, LASD ret. ’96
Navy, 1962-1968. USS Bennington CVS20.
National Defense, Vietnam Campaign.
Larry A. Breazeale, LASD ret. ’08
Air Force, 1966-1970; Reserve, 1978-1994.
3rd Security Police, Bien Hoa, Vietnam (Tet
’69). 452SPS, King Fahd Air Base, Saudi
Arabia (Desert Storm).
Baron K. Brown, LASD ret. ’06
Coast Guard, Reservist 25 yrs, Port Security
Unit 311, mobilized five times since 9/11.
Ops: Noble Eagle, Iraq Freedom, Hurricane
Katrina and more.
Edwin E. Buchanan, LASD ret. ’91
Navy, Photography Unit.
John R. Buck, LASD ret. ’84
Marines Reserve, 1952-1954. Camp Pendleton, National Defense, Artillery Unit.
“Sank a Japanese sub
near Iwo Jima. Ship was
hit by five suicide planes
at Okinawa but did not
sink. Saw the flag flying
at Iwo Jima.”
— Dell Freeman
Don Cannon, LASD ret. ’80
Coast Guard, USCG Air Station San Diego,
AD1. Good Conduct.
Scott Carter, LASD ret. ’07
Army, 1971-1972. 2nd Logistical Command.
Good Conduct. Ft. Still (Okla.) and Okinawa.
Joseph Castorina, LASD ret. ’81
Navy, 1942-1947. USS Nevada. Bikini Atoll
for A-bomb test. Convoy to England, Ireland,
Italy, N. Africa, etc. Landing on Normandy. Hit
by shore battery in Scotland.
Max Chance, LASD ret. ’80
Navy, 1942-1946. USS Loy, USS Blair and
more, 26 months in war zone. Medals:
Victory, Asiatic Pacific, European-AfricanMiddle Eastern Campaign and more.
Robert P. Christansen, LASD ret. ’96
Army, 1951-1953. 1st Cavalry Div., 7th
Cavalry Reg., 545th MP Co. Infantry in
Japan, MP in Korea. Purple Heart, Combat Infantry Badge.
Guy Cloutman, LASD ret. ’02
Navy/Naval Reserve. USS Jason AR-8,
FTG-119, National Defense, Vietnam Service,
Good Conduct. Enlisted in 1966, stayed in
Reserves until 1987.
Jerry Conklin, LASD ret. ’94
Navy Reserve, USS Diodon, SS349. Cold
War sailor.
William A. Connor, LASD ret. ’86
Air Force, 1955-1959. Intelligence school
(Texas), one year in Korea. Medals: Good
Conduct, Overseas.
James I. Cook, LASD ret. ’88
Marines, 1st Marine Div., 1st Marine Reg.,
Echo Co. Good Conduct.
Kenneth J. Coon, LASD ret. ’11
Army, 1974-1977. 1st Inf. Div., HQ Co.
John Crnkovich, LASD ret. ’07
Marines, 1975-79, 86-88, 97-99. HEMS-14,
3rd CAG.
Larry A. Crookshanks, LASD ret. ’03
Navy, USS Annapolis (Vietnam) and USS
Newport News, 18 months in Tonkin Gulf on
relay ship handling all communication in and
out of Vietnam.
George L. Cupa, LASD ret. ’04
Army, two years. CSC, 2nd Bn., 2nd Inf.
Good Conduct.
Gary W. Dahl, LASD ret. ’95
Marines, 1958-1960, Marine Detachment,
USS Ranger CVA-61.
Dennis Dahlman, LASD ret. ’03
Marines, 1966-1968. FLSU No. 2. Based
in Phu Bai, also stationed at Dong Ha and
Con Thien. Supported ops in I Corps area.
Vietnam service ribbons, combat medal.
Ed Dahlstrom, LASD ret. ’99
Army, 1967-1969. 295th Military Police Co.
and 18th MP Brigade. Vietnam Gallantry
Cross and more. Attached to 18th MP during
Tet Offensive and Counteroffensive.
Menno “Spike” Dammer, LASD ret. ’90
Navy, 1948-1952. O-R Div. Radioman (Morse
code), USS Valley Forge. Three trips to Korea,
including one-year extension from President Truman.
continued >>
September 2013 | Star&Shield
James Daniels, LASD ret. ’00
Army, 1966-1968. 9th Div. 2/47th Mech. Inf.
Arthur J. Davis, LASD ret. ’71
Navy, seven years, USS Missouri BB63,
AR541; USS Opportune, USS Wrangell.
Salvage diver for five years. Medals: National
Defense, Navy Occupation, Good Conduct.
Clifton Davis Jr., LASD ret. ’79
Navy, 1961-1964. USS Coral Sea CVA 43.
Expeditionary medal.
Jim Davis, LASD ret. ’08
Army, 296 Military Police, last class of
draftees in Vietnam War era, 1971. Ft. Lewis
(Wash.) law enforcement, AWOL recovery
and return to base services.
John B. Davis, Marshal’s Office ret.
Army 1953-1955, 20th Inf. Reg., 6th Inf.
Div., National Defense Medal, Marksman,
Good Conduct.
Robert Dearmore, LASD ret. ’04
Air Force, 1967-1971. 6510 Security Police,
Edwards AFB. 432 SPS, Udorn, Thailand.
Medals: National Defense, Vietnam Service,
Good Conduct.
Roger E. DeHaan, LASD ret.’00
Air Force, 1961-1965. Canine Corps, Air
Police. Clark Field (Philippines) and Travis AFB.
William B. Diehl, LASD ret. ’99
Army, two years active, four years reserve.
501st MP Co., 1st Armored Div., 720th MP
Bn. Participated in exercise Desert Strike.
Platoon provided security for Div. General.
Robert Dillard, LASD ret. ’03
Army Military Police (Intelligence) during
Vietnam era. National Defense Medal,
Overseas Campaign Ribbon, Expert Firearms.
Donald A. Dobson, DA’s Office ret. ’78
Navy, two years in South Pacific during WWII.
Samuel H. Douglas, LASD ret. ’83
Marines, 1943-1946, 2nd Tank BN, HQ Co.
Combat Intelligence, Asiatic Pacific Area,
three Battle Stars, Sharpshooter, eventually
enrolled in Air Force ROTC, appointed 2nd Lt.
Douglas E. Downs, LASD ret. ’87
Army, 1953-1955. 3rd Div., 8th Army. Medic
at Fitzsimons Army Hospital. 3rd Div. Ambulance Co. in Korea and at Tokyo Hospital.
Star&Shield | September 2013
Arnold Durazo, LASD ret. ’00
Navy/Marines, 1963-1967. 1st and 3rd
Marine Corps Div. (FMF Corpsmen).
Edward L. Dvorak, LASD ret. ’04
Army, 1967-1970. COF 51st Inf., Long
Range Patrol. Two tours in Vietnam, team
leader of LRP teams. Jump Wings, Bronze
Star, two Purple Hearts and more.
“I was shot through the
left side of the torso, but
I managed to escape
from a school house with
three other soldiers (out
of complement of 125
young soldiers). After six
days in enemy territory,
we located our forces
and despite my wound,
committed to another
major battle.”
— Paul Petredis
George R. Elder, LASD ret. ’73
Marines, 5th Amphib., 11th Gun Bn. B
battery. Eluded sniper fire while scouring
trees for bananas. Served with Ted Williams
who later helped Elder play pro ball.
Don M. Erickson, LASD ret. ’91
Army, 1953-1954. 565th Engr. Bn., Corporal. Medals: Korean Service with campaign
star, Korean Presidential Unit, U.N. Service
and more.
Clifford Erven, LASD ret. ’74
Army Air Corps, paragraph trooper in chair
borne, typewriter was weapon of choice.
Clerk typist was out of cadets due to
scoliosis and myositis.
Richard B. Evans, LASD ret. ’86
Army, 1950-1952, 66th Medium Tank Bn.,
2nd Armored Div., Occupation Medal.
Gary D. Everson, LASD ret. ’96
Navy, 1958-1962. USS Manatee AO-58.
Radarman, 2nd Class. Medals: National
Defense, Expeditionary, Good Conduct.
Albert J. Exworthy, DA’s Office ret.
Army Air Corps, three years. Engine and
structure airplane school for B-17s, B-24s,
Assistant Crew Chief. Good Conduct.
Harold C. Fife, LASD ret. ’81
Army Air Force, 1943-1946. Aviation Cadet
Training Program.
Gilbert E. Figueroa, LASD ret. ’85
Marines, 1946-1949, Reserves 1950-1952.
HQ Co. Inf. and A Co. 1st Mt. Bn. 1st Marine
Div., served in Korea for 12 months,
including capture of Seoul.
Jeffrey Fine, LASD ret. ’05
Army, 1966-1968. Drill Sgt. (Ft. Knox),
National Defense.
John F. Fleming, LASD ret. ’77
Army, 612 Military Police Co (Ft. Ord),
Provost Marshal General Military Police
Academy (Camp Gordon, Ga.).
Charlie Engelbart, LASD ret. ’95
(still LASD Reserve)
Navy, 1957-1961. USS Marshall 00676,
chased USS Midway on Pacific Tour.
1st Fleet staff as admiral’s navigator
and quartermaster.
William Flores, DA’s Office ret. ’04
Army, 1968-1970. Sgt. E-5. 1st Cavalry
Div., An Khe, Vietnam. Bronze Star. Now
volunteering as docent at Rose Hills during
tour of Vietnam Memorial Wall.
Wesley D. English, DA’s Office ret.
Marines, 1950-1954. C Co., 1 Motor Transp.
Bn., 1st Marine Div., Japan, ammo trip to
front line, pinned down by incoming airburst
artillery fire.
Don Forsyth, LASD ret. ’80
Army, 1946-1952. Reserves, 1958-1962. G
Troop 7th Cav., 160 Inf. Reg., Special Forces
Op Detachment. Korean mountains north of
Chunchon. Retired Capt. (USAR).
James C. Fosdyck, LASD ret. ’04
Army, 1968-1970. 3rd Inf. Reg. “The Old Guard.”
Squad Sgt. Medals: National Defense, Expert
Marksman and more. Participant in Nixon
inauguration and Eisenhower funeral.
Ronald W. Gillespie, LASD ret. ’00
Navy, 1965-1968. USS Virgo. Medals:
National Defense, Vietnam Service, Vietnam Campaign.
William B. Fowler, LASD ret. ’78
Army 1951-1953, Military Police Instructor
thanks to LASD training prior to enlistment.
William H. Gillespie, LASD ret. ’75
Navy, 1944-1946. Radioman and gunner
on dive bomber. Served in South Pacific
on USS Bonhomme Richard, Air Group 52.
Edward Franzese, LASD ret. ’79
Navy, USS Reform, Machinist Mate, 2nd Class,
USS Repose (Korean War). Medals: WWII Victory,
China Service, Korean Service and more.
Ernie A. Gjendem, LASD ret. ’04
Army, 1963-1966. 6th Army, Vietnam
Service Medal. One tour in Republic of
Korea before shipping to Vietnam.
Dell Freeman, LASD ret. ’83
Navy, USS Buchanan DD-484 and USS Newcomb DD-586. Invasion of Palau Islands, Iwo
Jima and Okinawa. Ship hit by suicide planes
but didn’t sink.
Clyde E. French, LASD ret. ’97
Marines, 1956-1959. Sgt. E-4. Marine Barracks,
Bremerton, Wash.
Kenneth L. Fuqua, LASD ret. ’90
Air Force, four years. 93rd Bomb Wing SAC,
B-52 crew chief. Base-trained most flight crews
headed to Vietnam. Rescued crew from runway
crashes. Three unit citations.
Bob Galarneau, LASD ret. ’09
Navy, 1972-1976; Reserves 1976-1980. VAW114 on USS Kitty Hawk, VP-65 Pt. Mugu.
Vietnam deployment. Flight Tech for E-2B
Hawkeye with 150+ carrier landings.
Paul Gallegos, LASD ret. ’10
Air Force, 1973-1977. 3902 Air Base Wing/Old
Det. 1 (Kinpo Air Base).
Thomas R. Galusha, LASD ret. ’77
Air Force, Air Training Command, Good Conduct,
instructor A & E (Shepard).
Lawrence P. Gandsey, LASD ret. ’80
Navy, 1942-1948. Bombing Squadron VB132,
European Theater, American Theater, stationed
in Morocco, flight engineer, tail gunner, antisubmarine patrols.
Joe L. Garza, LASD ret. ’09
Army, 1969-1971. 4th Armored Div. Assigned
to NATO in Germany. Standby Ready Forces.
Medals: Good Conduct, Marksman.
David L. Gates, LASD ret. ’03
Army, 1966-1968, 793rd Military Police Bn., Germany. Medals: National Defense, Good Conduct.
“I try only to remember
the good parts: my
brothers in arms and
getting rest time in the
Philippines, where I
played baseball with
Ted Williams. He was
instrumental in my
getting to the big leagues
with the old St. Louis
— George Elder
Alfred Gonzales, LASD ret. ’07
Marines, 1965-1968. 3rd Bn., 3rd Reg.,
3rd Div., Vietnam Service, Presidential Unit
Citation, Good Conduct, National Defense
Robert L. Gonzalez, LASD ret. ’90
Army, G Co., 8th Inf. Reg., 4th Inf. Div.
Stationed in Budingen, Germany. Promoted
to Spec. 4. Good Conduct.
James R. Goodrich, LASD ret. ’08
Marines, GYSGT, 1965-1986. Various FMF
and Security Force Assignments. Served
in Vietnam, Morocco, England and other
international locations.
John C. Graham, LASD ret. ’79
Navy, 1945-48, 1950-54. UDT-Amphibs.
Pacific Theater, Korea-Pacific Theater.
Thomas N. Gregory, LASD ret. ’94
Army, 1954-1957. 82nd Airborne, 11th
Airborne. Jump School, Ft. Bragg. Two years
in Augsberg, Germany. Good Conduct.
John Greenwood, LASD ret. ’02
Marines, four years served, 3rd Marine Div.
Good Conduct and more.
Frederick L. Gruener, LASD ret. ’00
Army, 1966-1968. 12th Military Police Co.
Ft. Riley, Kan.
Fred W. Gustin, LASD ret. ’80
Navy, 1943-1946. Armed guard signalman. Convoy attacked by German torpedo
planes. Took part in invasion of Lingayen
Gulf, Philippines.
Guido J. Gutierrez, LASD ret. ’98
Marines, 1962-1968. Security for top secret
compound. Sergeant E-5. Expert Rifleman.
Robert Hamilton, LASD ret. ’79
Air Force, 1956-1960. 224th Fighter Day
Sq., jet mechanic, served Far East: Japan,
Korea, Okinawa. Good Conduct.
Allen Haney Jr., LASD ret. ’91
Air Force, 1954-1957. Air Police at Korea
Suwon Air Base and Mather AFB.
Boyd V. Hargrove, LASD ret. ’82
Army, 1952-1954. 322 Signal Bn. Occupation and Good Conduct. Stationed in
Paul M. Harman, LASD ret. ’93
Army, 1966-1967. 9th Div., 2nd 60th Inf.,
3rd Brigade. Vietnam buildup. Landed by
LST in Vung Tau. Survived snipers, traps,
mines, dysentery and a Dear John upon
Allan J. Harrington, LASD ret. ’04
Army, drafted in ’68 following Tet Offensive.
Stationed in Germany in M-60 tank (1/68th
Armor, 8th Inf. Div.) after Russians invaded
Charles T. Harris, LASD ret. ’93
Marines, MABS 27, shooting badge, Good
Conduct, infantry and admin. clerk.
continued >>
September 2013 | Star&Shield
Robert L. Harris, LASD ret. ’95
Marines, Kilo Co., 3rd Bn., 1st Marines.
Purple Heart, Vietnam Service and more.
M-60 machine gun squad. Wounded during
Operation Double Eagle.
Thomas E. Hart, LASD ret. ’00
Army, 1965-1968. 388 Trans. Con., Vietnam.
Crew chief, fixed and rotary.
Richard T. Heldreth, LASD ret. ’01
Navy, 1963-1966. USS Duncan DAR 874,
Vietnam Service Medal, Vietnam Combat Medal,
Good Conduct.
John R. Hendrick, LASD ret. ’80
Marines, 1st/2nd/3rd Recon Companies, Korea
Inf. Co. Purple Heart and 12 others. Amphib
Recon, Intelligence, joined USMC on 17th
Alvin W. Henley, LASD ret. ’92
Army, expert rifleman, Good Conduct. Drove
two-star general.
Robert A. Henley, LASD ret. ’92
Army, 1958-1966. HQ USASA Pacific. Army
Security: Japan. NSA Ft. Meade (Md.).
Roanld B. Herbst, LASD ret. ’00
Navy, 1960-1964. USS Vega AF-59.
Gene Hetzel, LASD ret. ’95
Marine Reserve, 1959-1967. Boot camp: Parris
Island, S.C.
Larry Holden, LASD ret. ’97
Marines, 1958-1961. 6th Marines, 2nd Marine
Div. Good Conduct.
Patrick J. Holland, LASD ret. ’00
Army, Services and Supply Unit. Ft. Ord,
Ft. MacArthur and Karlsruhe, Germany.
Tony Hollins, LASD ret. ’03
Army, 9th Support Bn., 198th Light Inf., Americal
Div., Chu Lai (Vietnam.) 537th Trans. Group, Can
Tho (Vietnam). Medals: Vietnam Service (2),
Army Joint Service and more.
Edward P. Huffman, LASD ret. ’99
Army, 1964-1966. 4th Inf. Div./CENTAG (NATO
unit with U.S., German and French troops).
Gary D. Huggins, LASD ret. ’98
Army, 1968-1970. 2nd Bn., 51st Inf., 4th
Armored Div., Sgt. E-5, light weapons infantry.
National Defense Service, Sharpshooter M-14.
Star&Shield | September 2013
Donald A. Hull, LASD ret. ’88
Army, 1954-1956. 3rd Armored Div., Good
Conduct, tank commander, N. Korea veteran.
Harvey S. Hunter, LASD ret. ’72
Navy, USS Soubarissen AO-93, arrived in
Okinawa on third day of invasion.
George S. Jackson, LASD ret. ’90
Army, 1950-1957. Medals: Korean Service,
U.N. National Service, National Defense, Good
Conduct, Sharpshooter.
Charles M. “Chuck” Jackson, LASD ret. ’05
Army, 1966-1968. 155th and 124th Trans. Cos.
Served in two ammunition companies in Cam
Rahn Bay (Vietnam).
“Saw action, fought and
was wounded during
Operation Double Eagle,
the biggest amphibious
landing in history.”
— Robert Harris
William H. Jackson, LASD ret. ’04
Marines, 1964-1968, India Co., Sharpshooter,
heavy action in Vietnam, several kills, numerous ops, promoted to Sgt./squad leader.
Camie L. Jarvis, DA’s Office ret. ’88
Army, joined 1951. 916th Field Depot, Deputy
Commander. Philippines. Balanced family,
law enforcement career and reserve duties.
Promoted to Colonel.
Lawrence Jenks, LASD ret. ’88
Navy, 1951-1954. Naval air patrol squadron
42 (VP42). Aviation ordinance man, defended
Alaskan Aleutian Islands from attack by
North Koreans.
Buster Johnson, LASD ret. ’83
Army, Sentry Dog Platoon.
Charles (Johnny) L. Johnson,
Marshal’s Office ret. ’89
Navy, 1947-1952. USS Curtiss AV-4. A-bomb
testing in South Pacific. Duty in Korean Straits
and Japan. Medals: Korean Service, U.N.
Service, Good Conduct and more.
Gordon L. Johnson, LASD ret. ’02
Army, 1966-1968. 2nd Bn., 1st Artillery.
John A. Johnson, LASD ret. ’81
Army, 1954-1957. 8178 Army Unit, aircraft
maintenance. Inchon, South Korea. Nellis
AFB in Las Vegas for A-bomb tests. Good
Michael M. Johnson, LASD ret. ’13
Marines, 1974-1976. 2nd Guard Co. (Washington, D.C.). Secret security clearance.
Guard duty on naval base where Japanese
code was broken in WWII.
Edward S. Jolivette, LASD ret. ’02
Army, 101st Airborne “Screaming Eagles,”
Bronze Star, Silver Star, Purple Heart,
Vietnam service, assault helicopters,
wounded, resigned as captain.
Louie A. Kemp Jr., LASD ret. ’90
Navy, 1952-1956. Good Conduct.
William Kennedy, LASD ret. ’82
Navy, 1944-1946, Ribbons for American
and Pacific Theater, Sent to Okinawa for
rumored invasion. Then President Truman
ordered bomb dropped. Back to L.A.
Louis B. Kingston, LASD ret. ’96
Army, 1962-1965. HQ Co 54th Engineer Bn.,
299th Engineers (Germany), Sharpshooter
(Rifle M-14).
Vance G. Kirkpatrick, LASD ret. ’90
Navy, 1951-1955. Served in Pacific, U.S.
and Caribbean as Plane Capt. (flight
engineer) on PB4Y-2s and P2Vs.
John Kocis, LASD ret.
Air Force, 1959-1963. 6984th Radio
Squadron (Alaska). Analyst in AF Security
Service, spied on Russian activities from
Aleutian Islands.
William J. Kupper III, DA’s Office ret. ’00
Marine Reserves, 1966-1968, 2nd Air Wing,
Good Conduct.
Daryl Lance, LASD ret. ’95
Army, 32nd Artillery Brigade/Germany. Supplied
communication to missile batteries while
living in a mountaintop tent for 1 1/2 years.
Larry L. Landreth, LASD ret. ’10
Army, 1974-1977. 402nd MP Co., Presidio
(San Francisco), Good Conduct.
Allen Lassiter, LASD ret.
Army, 1957-1959. 7th Inf. Div., 7th Military
Police Co., Medals: Overseas Service,
Korean Defense, S. Korean Presidential Unit
Citation, Good Conduct.
Stephen E. Lawson, LASD ret. ’96
Marines, 1962-1965. 1st Bn., 4th Marines
(Rein), 1st Marine Brigade FMF, Good
Conduct, stationed in Hawaii and Taiwan.
Wilelmer Layne Jr., DA’s Office ret. ’87
Army, 1951-1954. 8114 Army Service Unit.
Formed band with unit members and played
nightclubs in Japan.
Dennis B. Lazzari, LASD ret. ’08
Navy, 1968-1972. USS Kitty Hawk, CVA-63.
Medals: National Defense, Vietnam Service,
three Bronze Stars and more. Gunner’s mate
tech, assemble/test/store nuclear weapons.
George R. Leake, LASD ret. ’84
Navy Reserves, V6, Naval Ammunition Depot.
Stephen Lee, LASD ret. ’99
Army, 1968-1970. 18th Military Police
Brigade, 720th MP Bn. National Defense,
Vietnam Service.
David A. Lewis, LASD ret. ’82
Navy, 1957-1962. USS Hooper Island
and USS Klondike. Operation Hard Tack
(Marshall Islands), tested multiple atomic
bombs in 1958.
Raymond A. Locke, DA’s Office ret. ’76
Navy, 1944-1948. Destroyer USS Madison
DD425. At Tokyo Bay for surrender. Sent to
rescue survivors of sinking USS Indianapolis.
Victory Medal and more.
Rudolph J. Lovio, LASD ret. ’77
Marines, 1961-1963. Marine Aircraft Group
15 (El Toro Air Station).
Dennis Lowry, LASD ret. ’99
Marines, 1965-1969. K Co., 3/5 1st Marine
Div. Medals: Purple Heart, Combat Action,
Presidential Unit Citation and more. DMZ
Battle of Hastings.
James T. Lyle, LASD ret. ’88
Marines, 1961-1965. 1st Marine Div.,
3rd Marine Air Wing.
Rodney Lyons, LASD ret. ’02
Air Force, Strategic Air Command. Joint Army/
Air Force operation during Cuban Crisis (1962).
Robert J. Malone, LASD ret. ’05
Navy, 1963-1967. USS Sam Rayburn,
SSBN 635.
Richard A. Martin, LASD ret. ’01
Army, 1965-1968, 101st Airborne 1/327 Inf.,
Operation Hawthorne in the Central Highlands,
not a good time.
Lawrence J. Martines, LASD ret. ’80
Marines, 1954-1959. A Co. 1st Bn., 5th Reg.,
A Co. 1st Bn., 3rd Reg. Philippines, Indonesia, Lebanon. Drill instructor (San Diego).
Wesley D. McBride, LASD ret. ’02
Marines, 1960-1966. 1862409, Vietnam
Serv., National Defense and more. Cuba
crisis, embassy duty in Ireland, 7th Marines
(Vietnam), three years in Coast Guard Reserves.
“Served in Korea and
the capture of Seoul …
At Chosin Reservoir,
all personnel became
Riflemen due to Chinese
outnumbering Marines
— Gilbert Figueroa
Leonard M. McCarthy Jr., LASD ret. ’03
Army, 1968-1970. 11th Armored Cavalry
Reg., Tank Commander, Sgt. E-6 in Vietnam.
Medals: Bronze Star “V”, Vietnam Service, Army
Commendation “V” and more.
Charlie McClean, Jr., LASD ret. ’95
Navy, Hospital corpsman, USS Hassayampa
125 and USS Platte 24, also attached to 1st 175
Marine Corps Div. as Unit Corpsman 3rd Class.
Charles N. McGraw, LASD ret. ’89
Marines, 1960-1963. Staten Marine Detachment. USS Yorktown CVS-10. Toured Japan,
Philippines, Australia, South America, Vietnam,
David A. McKindley, LASD ret. ’02
Marines, Motor Transport, 3rd Marine Div.,
Vietnam service medal, combat action ribbon,
Navy achievement medal with combat “V.”
Roy M. McLaurin, LASD ret. ’09
Army, 1968-1970. 4th Inf. Div. Lost good
friend in Vietnam while being inserted into
hot landing zone (LZ). Medals: Vietnam Campaign, Air Medal, Combat Infantry and more.
Marvin McRoberts, LASD ret. ’80
Army, 1943-1946. 10th Mtn. Div., Alaska, Italy,
France, Monte Carlo, Germany.
Edward E. Messinger, DA’s Office ret. ’03
Marines, 1971-1975. 3rd Marine Div., 2nd
Bn., 9th Marines, “Hell in a Helmet.” Weapons
Platoon Commander.
Julian M. Meza, LASD ret. ’03
Army, 1968-1970. 1st Aviation Brigade, S.
Vietnam. Medals: National Defense, Army
Commendation, Vietnam Service and
more. Long Binh Army Base 165th Aviation
Group HDQ Co.
Robert A. Miller, LASD ret. ’87
Navy, 1951-1955. Several squadrons, two ships
in Korean War. China Service, Korean Service,
U.N., National Defense, Good Conduct.
Allen W. Mitchell, LASD ret. ’79
Navy, 1957-1966. USS England DLG22, Vietnam
Service Medal, task force group in Gulf of Tonkin
and Maikong Delta (Vietnam).
George Moak, LASD ret. ’02
Air Force, 34th Air Div., 7th Airborne Command
and Control, air medal, flew as crew member in
flying command post in Thailand.
Prentiss Molden, LASD ret. ’78
Army, 1963-1967. 249th General Field Hospital.
En route to set up MASH hospital in Vietnam
when Da Nang was overridden in Tet Offensive
(no survivors). Rerouted to Tokyo.
Albert A. Montague, LASD ret. ’76
Navy, 1941-1952. Pearl Harbor survivor, eight
war patrols, USS Stingray SS-186. Submarine
combat pin, five stars and more (link to news
article about Montague available at
Frederic J. Montaldo, LASD ret. ’01
Army, 525 Oro Co. National Defense, Good
Conduct. 2 1/2 years in Germany.
James L. Montgomery, LASD ret. ’76
Navy, 1943-1946.
Lee Moore, LASD ret. ’87
Army, 1953-1955. HQ Co. 123rd Inf. Reg., 2nd
Div. National Defense, Good Conduct.
continued >>
September 2013 | Star&Shield
James P. Mulay Sr., LASD ret. ’94
Army, 1958-1961. Signal Corps, Specialist
5th Class E-5. Korea (1959-60), Tobyhanna
Signal Corps. Depot. Good Conduct.
Steve Nelson, LASD ret. ’02
Army, 1969-1971. Co. F, 75th Inf., 25th
Inf. Div. two Bronze Stars and three Army
commendations. Joined Ranger Co. for
missions in Vietnam and Cambodia.
Rex E. Nere, LASD ret.
Army, 10th Corps. 79 ECB, 2nd Armored
Div., 17 AEB, North Korea, Enewetak Atoll.
Monte Nicholson, LASD ret. ’96
Marines, 1965-1968. 5th Tanks, 2nd Bn.,
27th Marines. 2/27 Inf., 1968 Tet Offensive.
Patrolled jungles around Da Nang to protect
against rocket attacks.
John Nickols, LASD ret. ’83
Army Reserve, 1965-1971. 585th MP Co,
Sgt. E-5. Majority of company was law
enforcement, including John Thurman
(LASD) and Bill Rosensteel (LASD).
Chuck Norris, LASD ret. ’04
Navy, 1963-1966. DLG-18, Medals: Vietnam, Good Conduct, National Defense.
Ron Oest, LASD ret. ’88
Air Force, 1958-1962. Air Policeman,
Wheelus AFB (Tripoli, Libya).
Jon C. Olesen, LASD ret. ’98
Army, 1966-1969, 148th MP Co. and 502
MP Bn. and 5th Div., National Defense, Good
Conduct. Training officer, post traffic officer,
intelligence officer.
Richard B. Olson, LASD ret. ’80
Army, 1950-1952. 40th Inf. Div., Japan
and Korea. Platoon set in rifle company.
Medals: Korean Service, Combat Infantry,
U.N. Service and more.
Augustin A. Ortiz, LASD ret. ’06
Army, 1966-1968. Germany Bravo Battery,
4th Bn., 57th Artillery Unit, Medals: National
Defense, Good Conduct, Spirit/Honor/
Fred Owens Sr., LASD ret. ’89
Marines, 1953-1956. Battery, range and
radar computer operator, 29 Palms. Good
Conduct, Expert Rifleman.
Star&Shield | September 2013
Jack L. Palmer, LASD ret. ’87
Marines, 1953-1956. 1st Marine Div.
FMF, 1st MAW MAG-33, Korea and Japan.
Medals: Korean Service, U.N. Korea, Korean
Defense and more.
Norman H. Prell, LASD ret. ’90
Navy, 1955-1958. USS Rochester CA124. Two
cruises to Far East. Japan, China, Australia and
David S. Paterson, LASD ret. ’76
Navy, 1952-1956. Aerial recon/photo mapping, intelligence, North Korea and Russia.
Frederick D. Price, LASD ret. ’95
Air Force, 1957-1961. Strategic Air Command.
Ground crew member servicing B-49s, B-52s
and fighter planes. One year in Thule, Greenland.
James Peck, LASD ret. ’08
Army, 1st Inf. Div., Vietnam combat in 1966.
Many airlift operations.
Grable (Gabe) B. Ramirez, LASD ret. ’03
Army, 1967-1969. 11th Armored Cavalry Reg.
Tet Offensive.
“I knew we were close
to all-out nuclear war
when B-52s began
24/7 takeoffs over
my barracks and my
base commander gave
instructions on burning
our top secret files and
issued rally cards in the
event we survived an
— John Kocis
Paul G. Petredis, LASD ret. ’82
Army, 1949-1953. Baker Co. 29 Inf. Reg,
King Co. 35 Inf. Reg., POW Medal, three
Purple Hearts, Order of St. Maurice and
many more. Shot, captured and escaped.
Leroy G. Pike, LASD ret. ’77
Navy, four years. USS Bataan CVL29.
Alexander T. Poltash, LASD ret. ’94
Army, six years, 414th.
Robert C. Powell, LASD ret. ’84
Marines, 1948-1952. 1st Marine Div.,
11th Marines (artillery). Battle of Chosin
Reservoir (Chinese attack in -20° temps)
resulted in 6,000 dead for 1st Marine Div.
Julian Rincon, Marshal’s Office ret. ’02
Army, 1967-1970. FCO 52nd Inf. (LRA),
Long Range Patrol 1st Inf. Div., Airborne
Ranger 75th Inf., Bronze Star, Purple Heart,
Air Medal, Vietnam Cross of Galantry, Parachutist and more.
Robert “Mickey” Reedy, LASD ret. ’89
Navy 1958-1964, USS Henry B. Wilson, deployed
to Mediterranean and Southeast Asia during
Cold War.
Roy A. Riffle, LASD ret. ’96
Navy, USS Lexington CVA 16 and VS29 squadron, 1962 stood guard off coast of Cuba (Bay
of Pigs). Flew patrols in South China Seas off
coast of Vietnam.
Doral R. Riggs, LASD ret. ’03
Navy, 1961-1965. USS Osbourne DD846.
Vietnam Service, gunnery division on destroyer.
Hawaii, Philippines, Japan, China and Vietnam,
Cuban Missile Crisis.
Robert C. Ripley, LASD ret. ’94
Air Force, 1957-1961. 546th Ammo Supply
Sq., Okinawa. 26th Aviation Depot Sq., (Wash.).
Member of nuclear weapons loading team.
Loaded H-bomb on B-52.
Johnny T. Rodriguez, LASD ret. ’84
Army, joined tail end of WWII. Discharged and
recalled to active duty for Korean War.
Eugene D. Rudolph, LASD ret. ’88
Navy, 1949-1953. USS John W. Thomason
DD760, China Service, U.N. Korean Service,
Japanese Occupation. Machinist mate, forward
engine room.
John Rueff, LASD ret. ’13
Navy, 1976-1980. USS Hoel DDG-13,
Good Conduct.
John D. Russell, Marshal’s Office ret. ’89
Air Force, 1951-1955. AACS, Air Traffic Control.
John H. Ryon, LASD ret. ’92
Navy, 1952-1955.
Gregg Sabalone, LASD ret. ’02
Army, 1970-1971. 30th Military Police Bn.
Tom Schmidt, LASD ret. ’89
Army, 504th MP Bn. 1961-62: Deployed to
France in support of Berlin crisis.
Robert Shaw, LASD ret. ’10
Air Force, 1971-1975. Security Police,
AF Special Weapons Center. One year in
Greenland (900 mi. north of Arctic Circle).
Don D. Simpson, LASD ret. ’77
Army Air Force, 8th Army. Trained as B-17
waist gunner. Medals: Sharpshooter, Good
Conduct and more.
Klaus D. Singer, LASD ret. ’04
Army, 5th Special Forces GP/10th Special
Forces GP, Bronze Star W/V, Army Commendation W/V. Vietnam and Germany.
Tom Skaggs, LASD ret. ’88
Army, two yrs, 2nd Inf. Div.
DeWayne R. Smith, D.A.’s Office ret. ’90
Army, 1951-1953. 65th Div. Artillery, NCO,
scheduled officers for training at Ft. Ord.
John H. Smith, LASD ret. ’86
Navy, 1948-1957. YTB 395, USS Yarnall
DD 451, USS Helena CA 75. Nine years of
Good Conduct.
Milton A. Smith, D.A.’s Office ret. ’78
Army Eng., 1945-1946. 1371st Eng. Dump
Truck Co., Germany Occupational Forces
(Regensburg, Nuremburg, Munich).
Terence J. Smith, LASD ret. ’07
Army, six years active reserves, four years
Mich. Army Natl. Guard, two years Calif.
Army Reserve, Military Police.
William L. Snyder, LASD ret. ’97
Air Force, 1962-1966. 4080th Air Reconnaissance Wing, Strategic Air Command.
Delbert J. Souza, LASD Ret. ’89
Coast Guard, 1951-1954. CGC Durant
Destroyer escort. Medals: National Defense,
U.N. Service, Korean Service.
John D. Spiller, LASD ret. ’88
Air Force, 1952-1956. SAC 93rd Bomb
Wing. EOD tech, Castle AFB.
Ralph E. Standridge, LASD ret. ’86
Army, 1949-1952. 720th Military Police Bn.,
Japan and Korea. Inchon Landing, Chosin
Reservoir campaign. Medals: Korea Theater,
Occupation Japan.
Paul Stemmler, LASD ret. ’00
Army, 1st Bn., 8th Reg., 4th Inf. Div. Medals:
Bronze Star, Vietnamese Cross of Galantry,
Combat Medics, Presidential Unit Citation.
“I lost one of my best
friends while being
inserted into a hot
LZ (landing zone).
Approximately eight to
10 of our guys were hit
during that firefight but
my friend was the only
one who died that day.”
— Roy McLaurin
Joe Surgent, LASD ret. ’94
Army, 1963-1971. Army National Guard, 19711985. Army Reserve, 1985-1993. Medals:
Bronze Star, Army Commendation, Meritorious
Service, Combat Infantry and more.
Edwin H. Swanson, LASD ret. ’82
Navy, served on LST in Pacific 5th Fleet in
John Sylvies, LASD ret. ’94
Army, 82nd Airborne Div., 82nd Signal Bn., 19
jumps. Ft. Ord, Ft. Gordon, Ft. Bragg.
Edward Sznaper, LASD ret. ’93
Marines, 1954-1957. Good Conduct, Expert
Rifleman, Expert Pistol.
Robert L. Taylor, LASD ret. ’12
Air Force, 1974-1978. 351st SAC, White-man
Ron Tevere, LASD ret. ’80
Marines, 1961-1964. 11th Marines, 1st Marine
Div., forward observer during Cuban Missile
Crisis. Stationed on USS Iwo Jima.
James Terborg, LASD ret. ’84
Navy, Utility Squadron, reported aboard
Naval Air Facility (China Lake) the day
Korean War started. Then to Japan for target
towing outfit.
David Thomas, LASD ret. ’08
Navy, two yrs. Reserves, four yrs. USS Maddox
DD731, USS Pledge MSO492. National Defense
Jerome O. Stern, LASD ret. ’86
Army 35th Div., Medals: Combat Infantry,
Purple Heart, Bronze Stars, Korea Occupation, Japan Occupation. Nine months front
line in Korea. Shrapnel in neck.
Kenneth R. Thomasson, LASD ret. ’87
Army, 10th Special Forces, 2nd Inf. Div., CIB
award for Vietnam Service, Army Commendation
for prepping 2nd Inf. Div. for deployment to
Richard A Stevenson, LASD ret. ’06
Ari Force, 1968-1972. Security Police 22
SPSQ (Sac). Medals: Vietnam Service,
National Defense and more. Volunteered/
sent to Tuy Hoa, Vietnam, for one year.
Edgar F. Thompson, LASD ret. ’98
Air Force, four years. Air Development and
Research. A & E mechanic.
Stephan E.R. Stand, LASD ret. ’81
Army, 1960-1963. H&H Battery, 3rd Howitzer Bn., 18th Artillery, 7th Army. Stationed
in Darmstadt, Germany.
Gary E. Thompson, LASD ret. ’98
Navy, 1959-1963. USS Cacapon AO52.
John C. Thurman, LASD ret. ’92
Army, 1953-1955; Reserve, 1955-1987. Active:
59th MP Co. and 728th MP Bn. Medals:
Meritorious Service, Korean Service, National
Defense and more.
continued >>
September 2013 | Star&Shield
Walt Thurner, LASD ret. ’83
Navy, 1958-1962. Destroyers out of Long
Beach, anti-submarine warfare, radar man,
discharged three weeks early to join LASD.
Severeo (Sam) Tolfa, LASD ret. ’88
Air Force, 1955-1959. Air base defense/air
police. Assigned to Atomic Energy Comm. in
Louisiana and air defense in Misawa, Japan.
Reginald D. Tomblin Jr., LASD ret. ’79
Air Force, four yrs, B-29 Bomber Squadron.
Larry W. Touquez, LASD ret. ’92
Navy, 1958-1962. U.S. Navy Electronics
Lab, Treasure Island Radar School.
Jack Toyer, LASD ret. ’84
Navy, 1963-1967. USS Semmes, DDG-18.
Howard Traut, Marshal’s Office ret. ’80
Navy Reserve, 1943-1946. Submarine
repair, Australia and Philippines. Worked
on fire control computers and torpedo
firing systems in South Pacific (Brisbane
and Subic Bay).
Milton Triggs, L.A. County Police ret. ’09
Army, 1967-1970. Pershing missiles, 2nd,
44th A-Battery.
Carl E. Trout, LASD ret. ’79
Army (one yr), Navy (eight yrs), USMC (four
yrs). 133rd Inf., WWII Purple Heart.
Jack Trull, LASD ret. ’80
Army, 1943-1946. 17th Airborne, 681st
Glider Field Artillery Div., Battle of the Bulge
vet, landed behind German lines with gliders and paratroopers in Operation Varsity.
Bruce Vallerand, LASD ret. ’10
Army, 1973-1976. 8th Army Korea.
Charles W. Vaughn, LASD ret. ’89
USMC Pvt., USAF Sgt., CA St. Guard Capt.,
49th FTR GRP (USAF). Five battle stars,
Korean War. 33 months, 19 days in Japan
and Korea during war (aka “Police Action”).
Barney T. Villa, LASD ret. ’05
Marines, 1969-1975. HMS-764. Los Alamitos Naval Air Station.
Robert Wachsmuth, LASD ret. ’98
Army (63-65), Coast Guard (80-84), Air
Force (84-01). 4th Armored Div./Channel
Islands SAR/Edwards AFB Security Police
(criminal investigator).
Star&Shield | September 2013
Anthony R. Wade, LASD ret. ’08
Marines, 1967-1970. HQ Bn., 5th Marine Div.,
Vietnam. Medals: National Defense, Vietnam
Campaign, Marine of the Month, Marine of the
Thad Wakeman, LASD ret. ’89
Air Force, 1951-1955. 5th Comm. Group. Korea
and Japan. Military Police. Medals: Korea Service,
U.N. Service, Presidential Unit Citation and more.
Flora Lee Wald, LASD ret. ’86
Navy, Radioman, ship-to-shore communication
during Korean conflict using Morse code. Good
“After [our] overseas
tour (1945), we passed
under the Golden Gate
Bridge. The skipper
laid on the horn and we
all cheered. First meal
stateside was fresh milk
and fresh tomatoes.”
— Arthur Zuhlke
Howard N. Wald, LASD ret. ’86
Navy, 1949-1953. Destroyer USS Shields
DD596. Japanese Occupation, Korean three
Stars. Far East Service including entire Korean
Edward G. Ward, LASD ret. ’ 89
Marines, 1952-1960. VMF232, Presidential
Unit Citation.
Randall A. Watwood, LASD ret. ’ 85
Coast Guard, 4 years. USCGC Morris W147,
USCGC Bittersweet WAGL183. Sonarman, 1st
class. At-Sea law enforcement, search and
William L. Webb, LASD ret. ’99
Marines, 1959-1963. H&S Co., 81 mm Mortars,
3rd Bn., 5th Marines. Good Conduct.
Robert C. West, LASD ret. ’90
Air Force, four years. Nellis AFB (Nevada.) Tech
Sergeant. Good Conduct.
James J. Wetzel, LASD ret. ’00
Army, 592 Signal Co, Berlin Brigade (surrounded by Soviet Military Forces). Medals: Army of
Occupation – Europe, Expeditionary Forces.
Harold W. White, LASD ret. ’76
Air Force, 1943-46 and 50-51. WWII 125th
Fighter Squad, Korea 452nd Air Police Squad.
Proudly served with numerous Lennox
Station personnel.
Norm Williams, LASD ret. ’05
Army Reserve, 1968-1974. 63rd ARCOM.
National Defense Service.
Terrell J. Williams, LASD ret. ’79
Army, six years served, 1st Signal Corps.
Byron Wisberger, LASD ret. ’98
Army, 1960-1963. Co. D, 508th MP Bn.,
Regensburg, Germany. 1 1/2 years in crime
car with German police officer, plus one year
in traffic car.
Michael M. Woods, LASD ret. ’94
Air Force, 1961-1968. Communication Intelligence in Japan and Turkey.
Clifford W. Worden, LASD ret. ’93
Marines, 1st Mar. Div., 5th Marines HQ Co.,
Good Conduct, on loan to Base Brig as “prison
chaser” guard at Camp Pendleton.
Robert H. Wright, LASD ret. ’85
Navy, 1951-1955. YFNB 22/24. USS AtlasARL7. Medals: Korean Service, U.N. Service,
National Defense, Good Conduct.
Daniel York, LASD ret. ’87
Air Force, 1964-1968. 55th Air Weather.
Aircraft mechanic for B-47. Flew for fall out
when France tested nuclear bomb. Based at
McClellan AFB.
Tom Zeller, LASD ret. ’07
Air Force, 1966-1970. CalAir N.G. 1975-1991.
Security Police. Medals: Presidential Unit
Citation, National Defense, Vietnam Campaign
and more.
James Zucca, Marshal’s Office ret. ’86
Air Force, 1969-1973. Good Conduct. Personnel Specialist, Mather AFB (Sacramento).
Arthur W. Zuhlke, LASD ret. ’78
Navy, 1943-1945. Ships repair unit (Navy
140). Victory medal, Asiatic-Pacific,
American Campaign. Assigned to islands
of Espiritu Santos (New Hebrides). PPOA Veteran Stories
Editor’s Note: While we have done our best to summarize hundreds of intriguing survey responses from our retirees,
we do wish we had the space to print each response in its entirety. Here are just a few of the many stories that seemed
impossible to sum up in a line or two. The following excerpts were conveyed to us by four veterans, two from World
War II and two from the Vietnam War.
Paul Harman (ret. 1993)
My unit was part of the Vietnam buildup. We were transported via troop
ship on a month-long journey, landing by LST in Vung Tau, Vietnam. I fought
in many skirmishes with Viet Cong guerrillas. We lost a lot of men from
my platoon and company through snipers, booby traps and mines, and in
battles with entrenched forces. I
am glad to have survived warfare,
dysentery and a “Dear John”
when I returned home. We fought
proudly and bravely but were spit
on and ridiculed when we returned
home. I was supposed to get a
bronze star with a V for Valor, but
my captain was killed in our next
battle and the paperwork was
never processed.
My men and I provided cover
fire for our company while we
were being evacuated from a
battle zone outside of Ben Luc.
We were accidentally fired on by
one of our own gunships, and by a
miracle, none of us were hit as we rolled away from the machine-gun bullets.
We were the last to board choppers and VC were rushing the helicopters,
firing on us as we lifted off. Our door gunner was hit but survived.
Too many close calls and too many hot days in a hostile land.
Marvin McRoberts (ret. 1980)
WWII…. From Naples, Italy, we were trucked to an area where we received
mules and a 75 mm Howitzer. This artillery piece breaks down into seven
pieces and mules can carry them
into the mountains. We were then
airborne-trained. Although I was
training to parachute, I was told
that I would come in with the
gliders. The gliders had a pilot, a
co-pilot and a cargo of Howitzer
ammunition, which I had to lie
on. Out of 100 or so gliders that
landed in our area, only three came
in with no damage, and I was in
one of them. I found some of my
battery and after my sergeant
confirmed some were dead, we
got the Howitzer out of a wrecked
glider. We placed it behind an
unused medical jeep and put mud on the hood to cover the emblem. In a
short time, our crew of four (with me as the gunner) was able to place the
gun and fire a few missions…
As the war was getting closer to Germany, we started north and fired
a few hundred rounds at the Germans, who originally began to surrender
but then fired on our infantry near the
French-Italian border.
Steve Nelson (ret. 2002)
I was drafted into the Army in August
1969 and shipped out to Vietnam in January
1970. Ended up at the “repo depot” for the
25th Infantry Division at Cu Chi base camp.
While I was there, I was invited to join the
Company F Ranger Company, attached to
the 3/4 Cavalry Battalion, stationed at Tay
Ninh base camp. After receiving one week of
intensive “recon” training, I joined a ranger
team for six months of on-job training. The
mission consisted primarily of our six-man
team being inserted into a rainforest by
a helicopter and then searching for NVA
newbies (trainees) crossing the Cambodian border into Vietnam. The areas
we worked in were the Parrot’s Beak, the Black Virgin Mountain “Nu Ba
Den,” the Straight Edge Woods and the Boi Lois Woods.
In May 1970, President Nixon invited us to fly farther into Cambodia, where
we conducted harassment and interdiction (H&I) missions. In June 1970, I
traveled north to Nha Trang and attended Special Forces “Recondo” school.
Upon my return to Cu Chi base camp, I was promoted to sergeant and given my
own team. We continued to conduct recon missions in the crescent area and the
Ho Bo woods. The activities slowed down and
I returned to “the world” in December 1970.
Jack Trull (ret. 1980)
I was in the Battle of the Bulge in December 1944 (Belgium). Had no air support
because of weather conditions (snow,
below-freezing temps and bad visibility). In
March 1945, we landed behind German lines
with gliders and paratroopers, losing many
men. It was called Operation Varsity and we
captured several German soldiers. Came
back home on the Queen Mary and docked
in New York City in January 1946. I was 19
when I went into service and will be 90 on
September 15, 2013. September 2013 | Star&Shield
10th Annual
PPOA Retiree Luncheon
October 2, 2013
Sheraton Fairplex
601 W. McKinley Avenue, Pomona
12 p.m. – 2 p.m.
Free for retired PPOA member
and one guest.
Free gifts and drawings!
RSVP required by September 24.
(800) 747-PPOA or
Photos from the 2012 luncheon
Star&Shield | September 2013
Star & Shield Foundation
with Golden Road Brewery
O ktoberfest
October 19, 2013 - 2-6 p.m.
Golden Road Brewery
5410 West San Fernando Road, Los Angeles, 90039
Early Bird Discount
(Ends October 1, 2013)
VIP Experience with Brewery Tour
Hurry and buy tickets online at
or call (323) 261-3010.
Proceeds will benefit the Star & Shield Foundation. The Star & Shield
Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization of the L.A. County
Professional Peace Officers Association. Tax ID #95-4752410.
September 2013 | Star&Shield
2013 LASD
Scenes from the
Dennis Slocumb, John Stites, Art Reddy, Brian Moriguchi, Richard Shockor and Jim Vogts
Photos by Greg Torres
Ron Sylvies, Vance Kirkpatrick and Joe Barrett
John Jackson, Art Reddy and Joe Lazzara
Mike Crowley, Jim Wetzel and Ron Anstead
Star&Shield | september
September 2013
Karen (Green) Henkel and Brian Moriguchi
Frank Hartog, Charlie Engelbart and Spike Lewis
Dale Havlovic, Richard Byrd and Leo Chaney
Dick Patton, Joe Lopez, George Sennatt and Bob Catalano
Albert Rowe and Roy Wielke
Vance Kirkpatrick, Larry Gandsey and Norm Copping
Tom Aguilar, PPOA guest and Jim Vogts
Gil and Pearl Carrillo
september 2013
2013 || Star&Shield
Is Retirement a Sobering Prospect?
By Joan Connor Clark, Betty Ford Center Staff
ife as an undercover detective was exciting. Traveling around the
country and shifting from one identity to another gave a stimulating edge to Bob’s life. When he reached retirement age, left police
work and moved to a community in the California desert, he knew
the pace would be much less exhilarating. What he didn’t know was that
a daily game of golf would often end with drinks at the bar, that dinner in
the clubhouse would include endless glasses of wine, and that empty hours
each day could be filled with alcohol.
Without even realizing it, Bob slowly moved from social drinking into
daily drinking and from there, into a downward spiral that led him to
the Betty Ford Center in Rancho Mirage, California. He was successfully
treated for alcoholism and now fills those retirement hours with volunteer
work and 12-step program activities that help him — and others — stay
Bob had no history of problem drinking before retirement. The combination of a completely different lifestyle, new social options and the
accessibility of alcohol all contributed to the advent of active alcoholism.
Alcohol, pain medication and tranquilizers are depressants. Depression
in response to life changes in older years occurs with physical changes, loss
of friends and family, and awareness of mortality. Substances may provide
temporary relief from anxiety or depression, but these emotions are likely
to be magnified after the substance effects wear off. Psychological and
psychiatric support may be needed.
In recent years, there has been an upsurge of substance abuse among
older adults, i.e., the Baby Boomer generation. The increase in drugs prescribed to this age group is also staggering.
According to the American Society of Consultant Pharmacists (ASCP),
on average, individuals 65 to 69 years old take nearly 14 prescriptions per
year, while individuals aged 80 to 84 take an average of 18 prescriptions
per year. Interactions of prescribed and over-the-counter medications can
also create problems, especially when a person has multiple health care
providers. The more prescriptions, the greater the chance of abuse.
There are changes in the body with age, and that can alter the way alcohol and drugs are processed. For example, a person who is accustomed to
drinking a certain amount for years may experience a greater degree of
intoxication from the same amount of alcohol.
Chronic or new health problems associated with age — e.g., diabetes,
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Star&Shield | September 2013
hypertension and heart disease — can be worsened with alcohol and some
drugs of abuse.
Cognitive difficulties in older adults are magnified by the effects of
mind-altering substances. Alcohol, over-the-counter sleep medications,
pain medications and tranquilizers can do this. When a person enters
treatment for substance abuse, cognitive problems need to be monitored
because they may be related only to substance use or substance use may
be covering up other conditions.
Two of the most prevalent barriers to seeking help are:
• The stigma associated with having an alcohol or drug problem. This is
likely to be greater in older adults and certainly in persons who have
been engaged in a highly respected profession, such as law enforcement.
• Many friends and family will ignore substance abuse problems. This
may be because of their own shame, the belief that someone should
be able to drink in retirement if they care to, or not wanting to rock
the family boat.
Family members of older adults face the same challenges that all families do who love someone who has addiction: working through their own
denial; learning about the disease and its progression; overcoming the
myths of the older adult dependent on narcotics; and facing the truth in
the family that indeed everyone has been impacted.
The steps toward recovery for the whole family include the following:
• Participation in an educational program on addiction in order to
understand the nature of addiction
• Participation in 12-step-based programs like Al Anon
• Engagement with a professional addiction counselor or interventionist
Although no formal professional intervention may be necessary in some
cases, it is recommended that families do not wait for the loved one to come
to his/her own decision to seek help, because with the power of addiction,
this will not happen without outside help. It is a myth that alcoholics/
addicts have to hit a bottom. There are many resources in place for families
to get help and support for intervening on the disease of addiction.
Medical science still has a lot to learn about alcoholism and addiction
but one thing remains true: Without help, addiction progresses, and the
quality of life for the alcoholic becomes compromised. In some cases, it
can result in death. Families that receive education and support around the
disease of addiction begin to set healthy boundaries for themselves. Having an honest desire to seek help for themselves can optimize the addicted
person’s openness to seek help. The help of outside professionals increases
the ability of the family to intervene compassionately with the loved one.
If treatment for addiction becomes the best solution, health problems
such as diabetes, hypertension or heart disease need to be considered. The
person’s physical status may need to be shored up to allow for participation. At the Betty Ford Center, counselors are able to adapt treatment
expectations to meet the needs of older adults. There is a specialty group
for patients over 55 with questions ranging from social security to dealing with grandchildren. It’s not unusual for older adults to be cognitively
impaired, which further requires alteration of regular treatment expectations and approach. The California desert is a haven for retirees, many of
whom find too much time on their hands and not enough activity options.
For people like Bob, the retirement road became narrower and challenging before taking an unexpected turn that led to a productive, happy life.
If you would like more information about the Betty Ford Center, visit or call (888) 536-4728. September 2013 | Star&Shield
Rookies Roost
By Robert Lindsey (LASD ret.)
his issue of Star & Shield is dedicated solely to retirees and their service
to Los Angeles County. With my position at PPOA writing the Rookies
Roost, I get to speak to many retirees and many of them are deeply
concerned about the upcoming Sheriff ’s race. And they should be. We
worked 20-, 30- and 40-plus years dedicated to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s
Department and hate to see its reputation tarnished by lack of leadership,
power mongers and flat-out corruption. But what can we do? We are retired.
Yes, that’s true, but we can still make a difference. We can get involved with
PPOA, which has fought hard against wrongdoing in the Department and may
be the last line of defense against corruption and mismanagement. There are
rumors that a candidate for Sheriff is attempting to take control of PPOA for
his own benefit to secure its endorsement and gain access to its Political Action
Committee (PAC) funds. This is just one more example of abuse of power and
corruption, and we retirees must get involved to prevent such a takeover of
the only association that has remained ethical and strong against management
abuses. I encourage all retirees to reach out to the PPOA Board members, PPOA
President Brian Moriguchi, Retiree Representative Art Reddy and Executive
Director Paul Roller and pledge your support of their efforts to preserve
PPOA’s independence and sanctity. PPOA must remain an organization “for
the members” and not become a puppet controlled by management or beholden
to one individual. The future of the Sheriff ’s Department may very well ride on
the collapse or re-strengthening of PPOA. Our retiree health care, pensions,
CCWs and other well-deserved benefits may be lost if PPOA falls into the
wrong hands. Having been a PPOA Board member, I am confident in PPOA’s
current leadership and the direction they have taken this organization, but they
are under attack for political and personal gain by a certain individual and his
cronies. We can make a difference. Get involved!
Now let me stop preaching and start praising. I am very proud of PPOA for
dedicating this issue of the Retiree Report to retirees who served our country
in the military. There is no higher honor and we are all grateful for their service
and sacrifices so this country could remain free and the strongest in the world.
You will read some amazing stories of adversity and courage that probably don’t
even do justice to what these people went through fighting for this country.
I salute every veteran and thank each and every one of you! As usual, I will
include a few stories about other retirees and their goings-on as well, so we
can keep tabs on our fellow retirees and friends.
My excellent friend and longtime mentor Mike Stine and his beautiful wife
Renee, where does the time go? Mike, it doesn’t seem like you retired 14 years
ago, it seems like yesterday. If my math is right you’re 68, but I can tell you
that you will always be 35 to me. I brought you in to run exams for personnel
because of your ethics, integrity and willingness to always go out of your way
to do the right thing. Any idiot knows he should surround himself with people
much better than himself, so I picked you. Wait, did I just call myself an idiot?!
Since your retirement in 2002/2003, the ethical testing process spiraled to
new lows that will be discussed in upcoming articles, whether here or the
L.A. Times. Nonetheless, my friend, you had a great handle on a process that
rewarded performance, true test scores and a history of secured testing. I know
the Department needs a return to those standards. I had absolutely no idea
you put together a history of West Hollywood policing from 1928 to present.
To see that presentation would be a real treat, as I know you settle for nothing
less than amazing. Mike, I am so proud of you and Renee for dedicating and
sacrificing for the needs of Reene’s son, who is autistic with special needs.
I know you are considered “Dad” 10 times over. What a blessing to him, I
am sure, that you have been in his life. All of the sacrifices made here, today,
tomorrow and next week will certainly come with vast rewards at a later time.
Star&Shield | September 2013
You mentioned you have very fond memories of the Department — back at
you, Mike. By the way, I do think you are nuts living in the middle of L.A.
unless you have a moped and a cone helmet.
Eugene Rudolph of Placentia, California, and renowned narcotics sergeant
“back in the day”: Congrats on 25 years of retirement, which closes in on
another full retirement career. I guess that means you are qualified for retireeretiree medical if Obama doesn’t fine you. What is this part-time gig at the
Riviera Country Club? I have an in I didn’t know about. With that and halfpriced In-N-Out, I’ll die happy. I am certain your many years of wisdom serve
the National Coalition of Narcotics Officers Association very well, and your
training of others all over the country must be very satisfying. I am so very
sorry that your wife Mary is no longer here with you, however, I am sure you
feel her presence not only in your children but in the five grandchildren and
one great-grandchild. Eugene, may you be blessed as you continue to bless
others. Thanks for your historic service.
Dock Parnell, a mere 84 years of tenured perfection, retired in 1968. Dock,
I was 13 and still trying to figure out which leg went into my pants first. Your
resume is unbelievable. Management of security for Shell Oil and then a
manager of industrial security for a multinational corporation. I believe your
statement is wherever there is oil in the world, you have been there. To have
travelled to so many countries must be incredible. Enjoy your time with your
wife Jeri and those four great grandchildren. Also, keep writing. I am sure
your books have the thrill that can only be found with the experiences you
have had in real life. You reached for the stars and brought back a dozen. Well
done, Dock.
Jerry “Bosshog” Price, the goofball master sailor who convinced us that
a calm night sail to Catalina would be intriguing. You’re still nuts and I’m
still dizzy. Thank God you moved to Mead, Washington, so we could all be
much safer. Poker and hunting are your pastimes, which fit you like a shoe.
You mention you had a bad accident on September 25, 1912, that caused a
bad break to your right leg and 6 1/2 hours of surgery resulting in four bolts.
Bosshog, if it did happen in 1912, that explains why we all thought you were
way too knowledgeable about so many things. By my calculations, you would
be at least 116 years old. I know you are joking when you say you broke your
leg when the husband came home and you dove out the bedroom window. You
just forgot you were on the third floor. That’s your story and you’re sticking
to it. I know you’re joking because a fall like that based on body composition
would have landed you on your head and not your feet. Maybe that’s why you
think it happened in 1912, Jerry. Get that head checked. All joking aside, you
brought life, vigor, and the always unexpected to the Department. Heal fast and
don’t be jumping from any windows again. Try the proverbial closet — they
never look there, as it is too obvious. Don’t ask.
James Purcell, you are a man of few words. You only wrote “Live the life of
a retired gentleman.” The end. Your wife Nancy is a lucky lady. I have found
that we men have a much better chance at living if we don’t say anything. But
then when we don’t say anything they think we are hiding something and they
accuse us of being too quiet. James, did you write this just to screw with my
head? Best wishes to you and your family in Lake Hughes, California.
Ned Rodriguez, my good friend from Pico days. Twenty-three years in
Oroville and you move back to this chaos? You need a brain scan, Ned. But
then again your motive was to be around family and there is no higher calling.
Congrats on your short stories being published, and keep on writing. I got a
kick out of your current employment: husband. Ned, did Emily proof this or
continued on page 26
Retiree Events
10th Annual PPOA Retiree
October 2, 2013,
12 p.m. to 2 p.m.
Sheraton Fairplex, Pomona
Free for retired PPOA
members + 1 guest
RSVP: (800) 747-PPOA or
(See page 16 for more info)
Annual Special Enforcement
Bureau Dinner
October 3, 2013, 4 p.m.
Pacific Palms Resort,
Industry Hills
Open to all past/present SEB
Info: (323) 881-7800
PPOA Oktoberfest
October 19, 2013
Golden Road Brewery, Los
Benefits Star & Shield
(See page 17 for more info)
30-Year Reunion:
LASD Class #220 November 16, 2013
Sheraton Pasadena
Info: Angie Wilkinson,
LASD Classes 70 through
79 Dinner Reunion
April 8, 2014 (in
conjunction w/ Laughlin
Riverside Hotel/Casino,
Organizers need help
locating class members
Info: Hershel Aron (702)
360-0484 and Richard
Byrd (410) 623-3804
Lakewood ROMEOs
Second Monday
of each month
Los Angeles Retired
Deputy Sheriffs (LARDS)
Second Monday
of each month
Bella Italia Restaurant,
San Gabriel
(across from
Northwoods Inn)
11:30 a.m./$10.00
Retirement Parties
Sergeant Joe McDonald
September 12, 2013
Industry Hills Equestrian Center, $35, 5 p.m.
Info: Bonnie McDonald, (714) 349-5325
Deputy Gerald Dixon
September 25, 2013
Skylinks, Long Beach, $25, 4:30 p.m.
Info: Lisa Moore, (562) 421-2701
Wuzz Fuzz/Victor Valley
Second Tuesday of each
Hometown Buffet
Victorville, 7:30 a.m.
The Motherlode Loafers
Second Wednesday of
each month
Location varies among
Grass Valley restaurants
L.A. County Retired Deputies
First Wednesday of
each month, Carrows,
Hesperia,11:00 a.m.
Retired D.A.
Investigators Lunch
First Wednesday of
each month
10808 Alondra Boulevard,
Cerritos,11:00 a.m.
Info: Wes English,
(714) 962-5862
Inland Empire Old Guys
First Wednesday of
each month
B.C. Café, Rancho
11:30 a.m.
Info:Dock Parnell,
(909) 981-6217
Desert Heat Lunch
Second Wednesday of
each month
Elks Club, Lake Havasu
Retired Deputies in Las Vegas
Third Wednesday of each
Blue Ox Tavern on Sahara,
12:00 p.m.
Info: Tony Silas,
(702) 251-8088
Compton Alumni Association
Third Wednesday of
each month
Crystal Hotel & Casino
12:00 p.m.
North County SEB
Retirees Breakfast
Third Wednesday of
each month
IHOP, Santa Clarita
Santa Clarita Area
Retired Sheriff’s Personnel
Quarterly Luncheon
Second Thursday in February,
May, August and November
Tournament Players Club
restaurant, Valencia,
11:30 a.m.
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September 2013 | Star&Shield
Firestone Station Reunion
September 14, 2013
Maggie’s Pub,
Santa Fe Springs
4 p.m., $25 (includes buffet
and gift)
Info: (562) 345-4236
Carnivore hour
Jeff Grulkowski and Walt McClure
Another Memorable
McArthur Reunion
By Richard A. Smith Sr. (PPOA retiree)
he 32nd McArthur Reunion was held at the Intermountain Fairgrounds (70 miles east of Redding) from June 16 to 21. Attendees
are the big family most of us knew for 20 to 35 years or so. As
LASD family members, we shared good times, funny times, scary
times and loyally covered each other’s backs.
Just ask first-time attendees Jeff and Nancy Grulkowski, who said the
retiree who invited them wasn’t able to come, but they felt so welcomed and
comfortable they were sorry they hadn’t come earlier into their retirement.
They vowed to return next year.
Or ask Bobbi Pease, who has attended every reunion since the first
one and still attends even though her husband Jack Pease (LASD ret.) died
several years back.
Bill Violette, also one of the faithful old-timers, drove down from Anacortes, Washington, even though his wife Norma couldn’t make it this year
because she had jury duty.
Attendees come from Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada and
Idaho, and there are no strangers here. There will likely be someone you’ve
worked with who “knew you when.” Even nicer, there’s an opportunity to
make new friends and hear new stories.
And the setting? Fall River Valley is the last bastion of the California
cowboy. Surrounded by volcanic peaks Mt. Lassen and Mt. Shasta, this
valley features farms, ranches, lakes, rivers and waterfalls, not to mention
clean, crisp air, a diversity of wildlife, farm animals and majestic scenic
beauty every direction you look. Ask Linda Engelbart about the sunsets
over Mt. Shasta she could enjoy from the comfort of her rig.
Whether you prefer kicking back or staying busy, this reunion has something for you. Spend your time golfing, fishing, playing cards, playing bocce
ball, lawn darts or horseshoes. Enjoy potluck meals, steak barbecues, or if you
like, restaurants ranging from country style to Mexican to gourmet.
Fishing? It’s fantastic. I caught 19 fish (big ones!) in just one day.
Tom Sargent might not agree. A local white pelican stole three of
Star&Shield | september
September 2013
his fish from a stringer when he turned his back. Or so he says.
Were there witnesses, Tom?
Then consider RV camping for $15 a day and a week of great eating for less than $20 for the whole week. The McArthur event is
made possible by contributions from Sheriff ’s Relief, PPOA, POPA
Credit Union, ALADS and RELAC. Dinners and the tea also feature raffle prizes funded by contributions and the efforts of folks like
Judy Smith, Charlie Engelbart, Pat Milhovil and Gloria Swensson. Thanks
also to the Intermountain Fairgrounds staff, especially Bob and Jim, who
ensure everything goes smoothly.
This year Frank Linley, who had volunteered to be wagon master, died
only weeks before the event. We send condolences to his wife, Cheryl. But in
true McArthur fashion and as Frank would have wanted, the show went on.
Special thanks to Dick and Judy Smith, Tom Sargent, Carolyn Pohlmeyer,
and Charlie and Linda Engelbart for their efforts.
Some rigs start rolling in the week before. The regular RV site rates
are $27.50 for those who come early or stay over. There are also
local motels for those who don’t have RVs.
Kickoff on Sunday starts with potluck hors d’oeuvres. Through the
week, you’re kept as busy as you choose with scheduled events like golf,
bocce ball, lawn darts, horseshoes and 31 card games. Participants pay
a small fee and the funds go for prize money. The arts and crafts event allows
talented folks to display and sell their craft wares.
Don’t plan on dieting while you’re here. The food is too plentiful and
too good. There are potlucks on Monday and Friday nights with a steak
and chicken catered dinner on Wednesday. This year’s ladies’ tea was
catered with delicious sandwiches and included gift exchanges. Country living isn’t complete without a barbecue and on Thursday the huge
barbecue grill was lit up. Folks brought their own steaks and fixings to
grill; salads and baked potatoes were provided. Ron Moya, Tom Sargent
and Dick Smith whipped up a pancake-and-sausage breakfast on Friday.
Bocce ball winners Nancy Grulkowski, Charlie Engelbart, Jeff
Grulkowski and Jan Boudreau
Bill Violette and Dan Brown
All those calories have to be worked off
somehow, so members burn them off by throwing things around. First, there are horseshoes.
This year’s champ was Charlie Engelbart followed
by Jerry Price, John Chambers and Clyde King.
Then there are those sharp pointy lawn darts.
Jan Boudreau and John Chambers placed first
and second. And none of the participants
skewered any of the bystanders. Bocce ball is
a game where players throw a big ball nearest
to a little white ball that sometimes gets lost
in the deep grass, making it a real challenge.
Meeting the challenge on Tuesday were Charlie Engelbart and his partner Nancy Grulkowski
in first, and Jeff Grulkowski and Jan Boudreau
in second. On Friday, they went at it again.
This time Steve Stephens and partner Jan
Boudreau placed first, and Jeff Grulkowski
and Lille Monde placed second.
Whacking a golf ball is another way to get fresh
Charlie Engelbart, Dick Smith and three fish
Ron Moya and Norm Nelson
air and exercise at the scenic golf course in Fall
that never stood a chance
River Valley. The team of David Pease, Tom Sargent, Ron Moya and Ted Lewis won scrambles.
The scrambles team with Walt McClure, Bill Violette, Dan Brown and Mary Lou Kennedy, Clyde and Cecelia King, Judy and Ted Lewis, Walter
Lillie Monde came in second. Singles champions on Thursday were Walt and Betty McClure, Ron and Bonnie Moya, Bobbie Pease, Steve Stephens
McClure (first), followed by Bill Violette and Charley Downen. And boy and Lillie Monde, Pat Mihovil, Chickee and Norm Nelson, David and
did Walt crow about his win — even asked for a speechwriter to Cheryl Pease, Jerry and Eileen Price, Roy and Sherri Riffle, Ron and Jane
write his acceptance speech.
Riordan, Doug and Jeanne Robertson, Karl and Carol Sargent, Tom SarThen there are the 31 tournaments for the card sharks. Here’s how gent and Carolyn Pohlmeyer, Gil Sherwood and Carol Engle, Richard and
those went: (Monday) First, John Chambers followed by Gus Carlton, Judy Smith, Gloria Swensson, Jim and Arlene Terborg and Bill Violette.
Doug Robertson and Bonnie Moya. (Wednesday) First, Carol Engle, then
Plan to attend next year’s reunion scheduled for June 15 to 20, 2014.
Jerry Price, Pat Mihovil and Gloria Swensson. (Friday) In first, Bonnie Feel free to bring an adult friend or family member or acquaintances
Moya, then Lillie Monde, Jerry Price and Cheryl Pease.
from other public safety organizations. Please reserve ahead to help the
To add to the excitement and intrigue, most nights including wagon masters pre-order food and drinks. You don’t have to pay until
drawings for prizes and then a drawing for prize money. Winners you arrive. Next year’s wagon masters will be Ron and Bonnie Moya.
who took home dollars were Gil Sherwood, Linda Engelbart and Contact Ron at (909) 593-2682 or; Richard Smith
Jeff Grulkowski.
at (626) 444-0686 or; or Tom Sargent at (530)
Everyone contributes to making the event successful, some more than 243-8982 or They can answer any questions you may
others. If I have failed to mention or thank someone, my apologies.
have about the reunion.
Reunion attendees this year were Mary Anthony, Florence Barclay,
Hope to see you in McArthur next year!
Gary and Jan Boudreau, Marilyn and Dan Brown, Gus and Carol Carlton,
John Chambers, Joseph and Ann DeLaby, Louis and Jane Diot, Charley
and Linda Downen, Charlie and Linda Engelbart, Joe and Dianna Estes,
Sue Greene, Jeff and Nancy Grulkowski, Ken and Susie Haas, Bill and
September 2013 | Star&Shield
Recipient (parent)
Cameron Wegener
$2,500 Al LeBas Memorial Scholarship
(Lt. Kent Wegener)
(see letter from Cameron on page 33)
Second Annual PPOA College
Scholarship Awards
The August board meeting at PPOA was a special one,
as we hosted a room full of excited students. These
bright, young minds were on hand to accept PPOA’s
Second Annual College Scholarship Awards — a total
of $13,500 — in order to help further their educations.
Special thanks to Sheriff Lee Baca for joining us to congratulate the scholarship winners.
Rookies Roost
continued from page 22
did you write that on your own? Good move. By the way, Irvine is a beautiful
place to end up. Thanks for all your contributions to the Department and to
me personally.
Finally, Sergeant John H. Smith, 24 years at East L.A. and 82 years of life
experience, most of which was like a high-speed bullet train. John, sometimes
I don’t think normal people realize how much information is squeezed into a
cop’s life and head in 27 years of service. I’m surprised we all don’t walk around
looking like we have oversized bowling balls on top of our necks. ELA in the
60s was huge. It was the Sheriff ’s Department. You personally worked with
Lee Mealy whereas I ran from him, as he was a big — really big — dude who
looked really scary to a new boot. We all know he was a teddy bear of sorts.
You also mention E.V. Carter, (I believe it was an E, if not, forgive me), and
others who truly created the history of this amazing agency and for whom it
is imperative we retain the legacy. That is why I care. John, don’t be talking
about “hot sheets” and “paper logs.” The new team would think hot sheets were
8” x 12” tins soaked with butter being prepared to place cookie batter on. Paper
logs would get us all in trouble because that certainly isn’t going green in line
with global warming. “Boulevard Mary” is a name that is now sacred to those
who defended the streets of ELA in days past. However, the days we live now
would never be what they are if not for you, Lee, E.V., Sam and the many others
who jumped in harm’s way to make sure others didn’t have to. My hat is off
to you, and a big salute for not only your career, but for who you are. You see,
in my opinion the Department has lost much of what it previously had. You
know what that is. Many of us do. You can’t buy it, you can’t order it, you can’t
just make it happen. It just is. I live for the day that it “is” again. John, thanks
for the note, I appreciate it. Also thanks for letting me know there is actually a
Phoenix in Oregon. I was clueless. With that, God bless, and I don’t need any
retorts from anyone telling me that you agree I am clueless. 26
Star&Shield | September 2013
Christina Hershey
(Lt. Marcus Hershey)
$1,000 PPOA Scholarship
Laina Do (Lt. David Do)
$1,000 PPOA Scholarship
Parker Rhodes
(Lt. Tab Rhodes)
$1,000 PPOA Scholarship
McKayla Stevens
(Lt. Mark Stevens)
$1,000 PPOA Scholarship
Melanie Kim
(Sgt. Patrick Kim)
$1,000 PPOA Scholarship
Connor Rush
(Lt. John Rush)
$1,000 PPOA Scholarship
Trent Kelly
(Sgt. Gregory Kelly)
$1,000 PPOA Scholarship
Corianne Bailey
(Sgt. Michael Bailey)
$1,000 PPOA Scholarship
John Lewandowski
(Lt. Victor Lewandowski)
$1,000 PPOA Scholarship
Jordon Rush (Lt. John Rush)$1,000 PPOA Scholarship
Sgt. David Auner
$1,000 Dennis Porter Scholarship
DMV Confidentiality
Retired LASD peace officers with California driver’s licenses
are eligible to receive DMV confidentiality of home address
indefinitely. To request DMV confidentiality of home address,
obtain form INV-32 by contacting:
L.A. County Sheriff’s Department
Personnel Administration, Processing Unit
101 Centre Plaza Drive
Monterey Park, California 91754
Attn: DMV Confidentiality Coordinator
(323) 526-5662 — Jean Marie Lewis
(323) 526-5500 — Main Line Personnel
Please note that INV-32 forms are no longer available for pickup
at local DMV offices. They are now available only through the
above contact information.
Qualifying retirees should always complete their own personal
information regardless of the request. The employment
verification section of the INV-32 form should be left blank; it
will be filled out by Personnel. In the job title section, write
“retired” and your former position. In the badge number
section, enter your former employee number. Completed
request forms for DMV confidentiality of home address should
be mailed to the LASD Personnel address listed above. PPOA
PPOA extends condolences to the
families and friends of the following
members who recently passed away:
making pre-arrangements
June 2013
Francis Linley
Daryl Grigsby
benefits of
July 2013
Reece Donley
William Castillo
Richard Longshore
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August 2013
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September 2013 | Star&Shield
Calendar of Events
September 14, 2013:
Sheriff’s Relief Annual Family Social
STARS Center
September 24, 2013:
Sheriff’s Youth Foundation “Salute to
Youth” Gala
Beverly Hilton Hotel
September 30, 2013:
CDAIA Annual Conference Golf
La Cañada Flintridge Country Club
Hosted by L.A. County DA Bureau of
Info: Chris Oppenborn, (213) 379-3541
October 3, 2013:
Annual Special Enforcement
Bureau Dinner
4 p.m.
Pacific Palms Resort, Industry Hills
Open to all past/present SEB members.
Info: (323) 881-7800
October 5, 2013:
LASD Fun in the Sun Chili Cook Off
PDC/Jack Bones Equestrian Center
Proceeds benefit Special Olympics
October 7, 2013:
LASD Major Crimes Bureau 5th Annual
Golf Tournament
San Dimas Canyon Country Club
Info: Sgt. Maher, (562) 522-6937
Star & Shield
Contest Winners
Congratulations to the PPOA members below for
winning the “Find the Hidden Symbol” contest
in Star & Shield. If your name is listed, that means
your entry was drawn as one of five winners for
that month’s issue. Please call Greg Torres at
(323) 261-3010 to claim your $100 check.
$100 Prize Winners
(August 2013 issue)
Robert Cartwright, Retired
Ismael Estal, Custody Assistant
Boyd Hargrove, Retired
Bridgette Harrison, Criminalist
Merly Mancia, Crime Analyst
Star&Shield | September 2013
October 19, 2013:
PPOA Oktoberfest
Golden Road Brewery
Los Angeles
Benefits Star & Shield Foundation
(See page 17 for more info)
October 20, 2013:
Lupus Race for Life
La Mirada Regional Park
October 24, 2013:
LASD Ladies Night
6 p.m.
The Castaway, Burbank
Whom to Call When
a Spouse Dies
When a spouse dies, the last thing you need is
confusion about whom to contact. Keep this list in
your files. The order in which you place the calls is not
• PPOA: (800) 747-7762 • Sheriffs’ Relief: (800) 544-4772 • LACERA: (800) 786-6464 • Social Security Administration: (800) 772-1213 • Department of Veteran Affairs: (800) 827-1000
• POPA Federal Credit Union: (800) 369-7672 • Banks and credit unions
• Insurance companies • Auto registration and insurance • Utility bills • Credit cards and loan companies • Church • Mortgage company
Don’t forget to call extended and distant family
members and friends as well. If you are simply too
overwhelmed, you can avoid hurting others’ feelings
by asking someone to do this for you. PPOA
A New Insurance Benefit for Retirees
By Eddie Holmes, PPOA Insurance Agency Manager
hances are you know someone who has had a heart attack,
stroke, or has been diagnosed with cancer within the last few
months. Maybe it was a family member, a close friend or a coworker. You probably observed that they had to miss work, pay
out-of-pocket expenses and other medical bills.
We never think it will happen to us. We all like to think that serious
illness happens to the “other person.” Unfortunately, that is an unreasonable (and dangerous) assumption.
If you have a critical illness, you will most likely survive. But few of us
are prepared for the financial burden of recovery. True, you have good
health insurance, but it doesn’t come close to covering all of the expenses
you will incur. How are you going to pay your mortgage, car payment,
deductibles, out-of-network treatments, or home health care?
Take a look at your monthly expenses, then add an additional $10,000$20,000. You are already on a fixed income; where will you get the money
to pay for the additional expenses?
The PPOA Insurance Agency (PPOIA) is offering a simplified issue
critical illness policy that covers 12 illnesses/procedures. It is a short
application and there is no medical exam. This plan is available to retirees
up to age 64. You can purchase between $5,000 and $50,000, and the plan
is renewable until age 75.
The 12 illnesses are: malignant carcinoma, non-malignant carcinoma,
heart attack, stroke, heart transplant, coronary bypass, angioplasty,
advanced Alzheimer’s disease, coma, end-stage renal failure, major burns,
major organ transplants (other than heart) and paralysis (not caused by
This policy will give the freedom to choose your health provider, have
your spouse with you when you really need them, and freedom from
worry about your bills.
Retirees have many unique needs. You need to protect yourself and
your family. You need to protect your retirement savings from losses
caused by dramatic swings in the stock and bond markets. Call the PPOA
Insurance Agency to get your personal risk-management analysis at
(909) 599-8627.
Connect with PPOA on Facebook
Get daily posts from PPOA regarding discount offers,
event announcements, public safety alerts, pension
attack updates, contest giveaways and more.
With Our Special Vehicle Loans!
APR* - 800.369.7672
*All rates are quoted on approved credit as Annual Percentage Rates (APRs). Loan
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subject to change without notice. Rebates are not considered cash down. Other
restrictions may apply. These rates include the following Relationship Pricing
discounts: -0.50% discount for having a POPA FCU Checking Account with Direct
Deposit, -0.25% discount for having signed up for eStatements.
by NCUA.
September 2013 | Star&Shield
Here Are 500 Reasons
Why It Pays to Read
Cash is great, but our giveaways aren’t
the only reasons to read Star & Shield.
Five $100 prizes
Members who find the hidden symbol in Star & Shield
and register through our website (
by the end of this month will be entered
into a drawing for one of five $100 prizes.
The hidden symbol is:
Each issue gives you the latest information on
• Contract negotiations
• Benefit changes
• Retirement considerations
• Hot topics on the job
• Association news
• Upcoming events
Online registration only. Please do not call the PPOA office to register for contest.
This giveaway is open to PPOA members only. You must be 18 or older to win.
Contact the PPOA Staff
Discount Tickets, Address
Updates, Non-Job-Related
Legal Consultation:
Shannon Schreck
Questions About Current
Insurance Policies:
Norma Gomez
Membership, Dues
Clare Franco
Notary (by appointment):
Violet Perez
Star & Shield,,
Social Media, Delegates:
Greg Torres
Board and Foundation
Inquiries, Political
Maricela Villegas
Executive Board
Brian Moriguchi, President (
Jim Cronin, Vice President (
Jim Blankenship, Secretary (
Rogelio Maldonado, Treasurer (
Danya Hazen (
Inquiries About New
Insurance Policies
(Life, Home, Auto,
Disability, etc.):
PPOA Insurance
Agency representatives
(909) 599-8627
Job-Related Labor
Kevin F. Thompson
Contact the PPOA Board
Star&Shield | September 2013
Gerardo Garcia (
Noe Garcia (
Christopher Lee (
Ray Leyva (
Roberto Medrano (
Art Reddy (
(323) 261-3010
Tab Rhodes (
911MEDIA is honored to recognize
PPOA’s military veterans.
We are humbled by your courage,
and wish to thank you for your
heroic service to our country.
Publications • Websites • Advertising
323-DIAL-911 •
September 2013 | Star&Shield
In an effort to better serve Sheriff’s Department retirees, the renewal
application to carry a concealed weapon is printed below and can also
be found at For those retirees living a great distance
from our Employee Service Center in Monterey Park, California, you
may renew your CCW by mail.
The renewal-by-mail process takes approximately two weeks. During
that time, you will be without your ID/CCW. Please print and complete
the application below. Mail the completed application, along with
your expiring ID/CCW, to:
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department
Employee Service Center 101 Centre Plaza Drive Monterey Park, California 91754
For our retirees within driving distance of the Employee Service
Center, you may call our main number, (323) 526-5500, to schedule
a same-day appointment.
When you call the Employee Service Center, one of our representatives
will ask you all of the questions on the application. (It may benefit you
to print the application and complete it prior to your call.)
Once we have received all of the necessary information from you,
we will schedule an appointment. You will need to bring your expiring
ID/CCW with you to your appointment, as we will collect it. A new
ID/CCW will be issued to you on your appointment date. In rare
cases, an investigation may be required prior to the renewal of an
ID/CCW. Should you have any questions, please call the Employee
Service Center.
Retiree Qualification Procedures
The purpose of this bulletin is to inform retired LASD sworn personnel of the current Department procedures to certify them under the
Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act of 2004. This federal law allows
honorably retired law enforcement officers to carry a concealed firearm
nationwide, but requires annual proficiency certification. The LASD
Weapons Training Unit has developed a firearms test for those retired
members who wish to take advantage of the privileges afforded to
them under the new law.
Annual Qualification
The Department firearms proficiency test for retirees assesses
general firearms safety and proficiency in handling and firing weapons.
It is available to any retired LASD deputy who retired in
good standing. California residency is not required. The
test can be administered daily, by appointment, at the
Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department
Biscailuz Pistol Range. The primary purpose for making
Retirement ID and CCW Renewal Information Sheet
appointments is to ensure that the range is operating
Employee Service Center
101 Centre Plaza Drive
and that personnel are available to accommodate
Monterey Park, Ca 91754
retirees when they arrive.
Main (323) 526-5500
Fax (323) 981-5925
Call (323) 267-2730 to schedule an appointment.
Retired personnel who successfully complete the
Expiration Date:
H.R. 218 firearms proficiency test will immediately be
Last Name
First Name
issued a certification card, valid for one year from
the date of certification. This card must be carried
Employee Number
Social Security Number
Date of Birth
with the retiree’s Department identification.
Driver’s License
Rank at Retirement
Retired from what Dept
Street Address
Home Phone
Zip Code
W ork or Cell
Comm ents:
Star&Shield | September 2013
Additional Information
• The Sheriff has directed that the firearms proficiency
test and annual certification be provided at no cost to
LASD retirees. You will be able to purchase .38, .45 or
9mm ammunition at the range. For other calibers, you
will need to bring your own ammunition.
• Retirees who do not wish to carry a concealed
firearm outside of California do not have to qualify
under the federal law. However, if they wish to continue
carrying in California, they must renew their CCW
permit as currently required.
• Currently, we can only certify those LASD retirees
who can report to the Biscailuz Pistol Range to be tested.
It is anticipated that, in the future, additional agencies
statewide will be able to certify LASD personnel.
• H.R. 218 allows for LASD retirees living in other
states to be certified by that state if the state offers
such a test. Retirees living out of state should contact
their local law enforcement agency to determine if such
a test is available.
Any questions regarding the contents of this bulletin
may be directed to the LASD Leadership and Training
Division at (323) 526-5375.
Letters to PPOA
August 14, 2013
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Websites for Retirees
L.A. County Sheriff’s Department
Sheriffs’ Relief Association
U.S. government resources
L.A. County District Attorney’s Office
Fraternal Order of Police
California Peace Officers’ Memorial
Extensive information for
retired deputies
L.A. County Professional Peace
Officers Association
Retired Employees of L.A. County
POPA Federal Credit Union
Business card order form for
LASD retirees
September 2013 | Star&Shield
Discounted Ticket Prices for PPOA Members
Adventure City (Anaheim)
Disneyland (One-day)
Disney/California Adventure (One-day Park Hopper)
Disney Annual Passports
SoCal Select (valid 170 days)
SoCal (valid 215 days)
Premium (valid 365 days w/parking)
Huntington Library
Knott's Berry Farm
L.A. County Fair
L.A. Zoo
Legoland (Three-park (Aquarium/Legoland/Waterpark)
two-day ticket)
Legoland (Two-day ticket)
Long Beach Aquarium
Medieval Times
Movie tickets (see below)
Range: 6.25-8.25
San Diego Zoo
San Diego Zoo Safari Park
Scandia Amusement Park (Ontario)
Sea World
Sea World Fun Card 2013
Six Flags Magic Mountain
34.99 (online only/
34.99 (online only/
Universal Studios (Three-day ticket)
69.00 (credit card only)
69.00 (credit card only)
Universal Studios 2013 Pass w/blackouts
80.00 (credit card only)
80.00 (credit card only)
Universal Studios 12 mo. pass w/o blackouts
114.00 (credit card only)
114.00 (credit card only)
Universal Premium Star Pass
154.00 (credit card only)
154.00 (credit card only)
Universal Front of Line Pass
149.00 (credit card only)
149.00 (credit card only)
AMC Theatres
Harkins Theatre (Chino Hills)
Movie Theater
All ticket sales are final. Prices and details on the PPOA website are subject to change. Always call first to confirm prices and availability. Please call the PPOA office at (323) 261-3010
for more information. Limited to six (6) tickets per member for Universal Studios, ten (10) for all others. All purchases are non-refundable. Make checks payable to “PPOA.”
Star&Shield | September 2013
PPOA Classifieds
FEMALE ONLY. Master Bedroom w/bathroom near Sheriff ’s Academy. Utilities included.
$700.00/Month Contact Doreen Ellis (Custody
Assistant) 626-419-4211 (0113)
Maui Condo Rental
Luxury 2 bed, 2 bath. Sleeps 6. Kaanapali
Resort. Pool, Spa, Tennis. Full kitchen, W&D.
40% discount for LASD/PPOA & families.
LASD owned. For Photos & calendar e-mail: (661) 600-5600 (0212)
Seeking 1989 through 1994 Toyota 4x4 extra
cab for sale. Please let me know what you have,
thank you. Joey (714) 745-4963. (0413)
Seeking vintage remote control cars from the 70’s
80’s and 90’s. I buy and collect remote control
cars. Please call Joey (714) 745-4963. (0413)
Montebello House for Rent
3 beds/1.5 baths, living & dining, plus bonus room.
Remodeled 2011, upgrades all. Near 60 Fwy. $1,800/
month. Contact Matthew 626-625-7301. (0813)
Store inside or outside, prepare your family.
Cash/check upon delivery or pickup at
Walnut/Diamond Bar Station. Contact (0113)
New Rubber Gym Mats
Perfect for home gyms, zumba, insanity, P90X,
size 16 x 16 x 1 inch thick. Mats interlock as
large as you want. Only $3.00 each. Call Erric @
323 456-2353. (0513)
36’ Custom Motorhome
‘95 Coachman Sentara. Very low miles
65K, excellent condition, all the bells and
whistles, self leveling, slide-out side, custom
duel rear axels, rear camera, towing hitch.
$29,500. Ron (760) 898-3365. (0713)
Hawaii-Imperial Waikiki, 1 street to Ocean.
Koa Unit, 1 bdrm, 2 ba. Slps 4. Annual usage,
Floating time. Selling 2 weeks. 1 wk. for
$2,800, 2 wks. $5,000. Call Marlena @ Cell
805-710-0484. (0413)
Redondo Beach Rental
$1,800 per Month - Walk to Shopping,
Park & Restaurants. 2 Bdrm - 1 Ba, Lg yard
with storage shed. Refrigerator and Stove
included. RV / Boat Access. (Address: 18320
Grevillea St.) Contact: Bryan 949-533-2047, (0713)
Classic Cars for Sale
1957 Chevy Bel-Air: 2-dr w/o post; frame off.
Restoration, disk brakes, everything works. 1st
place Santa Barbara car show. $40K obo. 1960
El Camino: Hotchkis suspension curry 9”. $30K
obo. 1964 Chevy Malibu: Hotchkis suspension
700R4. $30K obo. Retired Deputy Spaulding
Mills (323) 294-4162. (0813)
Guest House for Rent
Small guest house on rear of property in beautiful
foothills of Lake View Terrace. Prefer one retiree,
male or female. $700 per mo. Call for details.
Contact Dave (818) 445-4968. (0813)
Two Smith & Wesson 38s
for sale
S/W 38 spl 2” $400, S/W 38 air weight 2” $400.
Both re-worked, good condition. L. Boyce (623)
236-5335 (Phoenix, AZ) (0913)
Laguna Beach Christmas
week rental
12/20/13 - 12/27/13. Ocean front condo, walk
to beach, village, restaurants. 1 BDRM/2BA,
sleeps 4, full kitchen. Email:
or (360) 301-5509. (0913)
Laguna Beach New Year’s
Week rental
12/27/13 - 01/03/14. Ocean front condo, walk
to beach, village, restaurants. 1 BDRM/2BA,
sleeps 4, full kitchen. Email:
or (360) 301-5509. (0913)
PPOA classified ads are free and available only to PPOA members
(one per month, 25 words max). Private party only, no business ads
allowed. Send your ad to: Star & Shield Editor, 188 E. Arrow Highway,
San Dimas, CA 91773 or email to
New submissions are added on first come-first served basis, each
issue. Please send within first week of each month to ensure timely
inclusion. Sellers are encouraged to list price of each item listed. No work
numbers may be used in ads. Submissions must be in writing, not over
the phone. Ads run for 3 months. PPOA is not responsible for any claims
made in a classified ad.
September 2013 | Star&Shield
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Lewis, Marenstein, Wicke, Sherwin & Lee, LLP
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