Board of Directors Election: 2011 Candidates
Board of Directors Election: 2011 Candidates
DAVID HARRISON • • • • • • • Long time Credit union member, 17 years credit union board membership. Past vice chair of Bergengren board, served on executive and as chair of credit and amalgamation committees, also served on policy and green committees. Past director of New Glasgow and Cabri Credit Union (Saskatchewan), served on all committees while on those boards and as chair for both boards. Chair of Anglican Churches of Pictou County, member of Parish Council and Senior Warden of Christ Church, Stellarton. Graduate of the Credit Union Director Achievement Program Retired teacher and school administrator, former co-owner with my wife of small successful business, moved to Lorne (my wife’s home community) almost eight years ago. Member of New Horizons Band in New Glasgow (tuba) Proud to be a member of Bergengren credit union. I have enjoyed my past three years on the Bergengren board and would welcome the opportunity to contribute to our success. BERNIE MACDOUGALL • • • • • • • • • • Professional status: Retired teacher having served as an educator for 31 years in Antigonish, all at St. Andrew Junior School Community involvement: previous activity included coaching at the Jr. School level ball, soccer and hockey. Long time involvement with Antigonish Minor Hockey as coach and division head both on rep teams as well as House League. Active fund raising with community branch for Keating Centre, previous activity with church groups as well as community political parties. Past president of the Antigonish-Guysborough Retired Teacher’s Organization Served for one year as a Director of the Bergengren Credit Union, on the Policy and Education committees. Member in good standing with Bergengren for close to fifty years. Past Member of St. Georges Bay Fisherman’s Co-op and a member of Braemore Co-op. Completed two-thirds of required accreditation courses for Director training wich allows three years to complete Was awarded a plaque from the Nova Scotia School Athletic Federation for long-time involvement with school athletics Married to Anne with four adult children and a “proud papa” to three grandchildren LLOYD MACHARDY • • • • • • Credit Union member of since 1974 Served on New Glasgow Credit Union Board from 1999 to 2007 and Bergengren Board from 2007 to present, former Chair of New Glasgow Credit Union While on Bergengren’s Board served on the Credit, Green, Education and Community Involvement Committees Completed all of the director training courses mandated by the Credit Union Act and is a graduate of the Credit Union Director Achievement Program Charter member of Pictou County Co-op, Treasurer of the Plymouth Community and Recreation Association, enthusiastic member of the Bluenose Curling Club I have enjoyed the10 years spent with credit unions. It has given me a new understanding of the role we can all play in developing a more responsible and compassionate approach of dealing with the financial needs of our members. Board of Directors Election: 2011 Candidates DAVE MACLEAN • • • • • • • Current member of the Board of Directors for Bergengren Credit Union Fifteen years experience as a member of the Bergengren Credit Union Board of Directors including service as Board Chair Chair of the Atlantic Central Board of Directors and past Chair of Credit Union Central of Nova Scotia Director, Credit Union Central of Canada Experience on the board of directors and executive committee of League Data Business experience includes 28 years as CEO of Atlantic Broadcasters Ltd. Government relations experience was acquired as an advisor to a senior federal cabinet minister in Ottawa. MARY OXNER • • • • • • Chartered Accountant, a Chartered Financial Analyst, Associate Professor, Schwartz School of Business, StFX since 2000 Science degree from St. Francis Xavier University and has a PhD in Accounting from the University of Alberta Was the Senior Vice President of Quorum Funding Corporation, a strategic management company, and CFO of Quorum Growth Inc., a TSX publicly traded closed-end investment fund; also worked in Ernst & Young’s International audit group Volunteer work includes serving as the Chair of the Antigonish Guysborough Early Childhood Intervention Program (AGECIP), as Treasurer of the VON Antigonish Branch, as Chair of the Finance Council of St. Ninian Parish and as a Board member of the Creative Wellness Project which organizes the Friendship Corner and mental health workshops and peer groups in Antigonish Director on the Early Intervention Association of Nova Scotia (EINS) Board, the Chair of the Finance Council of the Diocese of Antigonish and the University Liaison Director of the Atlantic Canada Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Society Board of Directors. Faculty advisor to the Student Investment Society (“Invest-X”) and Treasurer of the STFX Association of University Teachers (STFXAUT) LAURA PROCTOR • • • • • • • • • Member of Bergengren Credit Union since 1988 Employed with AC Williams & MacDonald Inc. in New Glasgow, CA student. Graduated from St.F.X in May 2010; BBA degree with a major in accounting Currently working towards a Chartered Accountant professional designation; student at the Atlantic School of Chartered Accountancy Active community member and volunteer: former religious education teacher (St. Ninian’s parish, 5 years), former canvasser for local charities (C.A.C.L, The Lung Association, Canadian cancer society) Accounting experience, CGA firm Avery Cooper in Yellowknife, NT as a summer intern Vast array of customer service, small business & accounting experinece: -St.F.X Alumni Events & Annual Giving Office, Antigonish Arena, Central Supplies, MacMaster Choice Meats, Avery Cooper & Co.(CGA firm Yellowknife, NT) Daughter of Ken & Janice Proctor, granddaughter of John & Donna Proctor I feel I have a lot to offer to the Board of Directors, as an organized, outgoing dedicated individual, I am willing to learn and eager to work for Bergengren Credit Union Members KERRY PROSPER • • • • • • • • • • Member of Bergengren Credit Union for over 30 years Afton First Nation Chief 1991-1997, served as Band Councillor for 12 years StFX BA Graduate with Honours (Aquatic Resources) Presently natural resources (Netukulif) researcher with StFX Past research coordinator for the Paq’tnkek in the Social Research for Sustainable Fisheries project, working with the Mikmaq Fish and Wildlife Society and StFX. Extensive self-employment experience in the construction business Community service involvement includes various outdoor activities with the Paq’tnkek First Nation Served on various boards within the Mikmaq community, including Mikmaq Children’s services Served on Native Alcohol and Drugs Association Board and the Atlantic Salmon Conservation Board I am seeking a position on the board because I am interested in contributing an aboriginal perspective. Board of Directors Election: 2011 Candidates
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