April 2016 Newsletter - East Antigonish Education Centre
April 2016 Newsletter - East Antigonish Education Centre
East Antigonish Education Centre/Academy April, 2016 April in Brief Parent/Guardian Teacher Principal: Vice Principals: Jim Keay Joanne Landry Paul Brown Amanda Marchand Mary Pelrine Dauphine MacHattie Leisa Brow Ernie Pellerine Guidance: Secretarial: Building Operator: Parent Teacher sessions will take place Thursday from 6-8 at the Paq’tnkek gym. No appointment necessary. Everyone welcome! Friday’s sessions will be at the school from 1-3. (P-6 require appointments by calling 902-232-2810. No appointments necessary for 7-12). Parents are encouraged to visit the Lost and Found at the school for any items your child may have misplaced. The Dinner Auction April 10128 Route #4 Monastery, Nova Scotia B0H 1W0 Ph. (902) 232-2810 Fax (902) 232-3829 I would like to thank our school community ahead of time for once again supporting our upcoming Dinner Auction on April 30. All proceeds will be divided up, and used to decrease the cost of graduation fees, extra-curricular activities as well as our playground project. Given the past successes of the Dinner Auction, all are encouraged to purchase tickets and attend this excellent fundraiser for our school. Hope to see you there!! Open House School Office Hours Please note that school office hours, including phone coverage, are from 7:45 am to 3:15 pm. There are times when additional events are not added to the monthly school calendar on the paper copy of the newsletter. I strongly encourage you to visit our school’s website to view the most updated calendar of events: http://eaeca.srsb.ca/ We will be hosting our annual “Bring Your Family to School Evening” at EAECA April 28 from 6:00 – 7:30pm. Everyone is welcome to attend our Open House. All areas of the school will be open for public viewing. Once again we will having demonstrations, entertainment and activities!! Thank you, Jim Keay Principal April 17-23 is Education Week 2016 (As taken from NSTU website) Education Week will take place from April 17 - 23, 2016 under the theme Media Literacy, Empowering Critical Thinking in a Digital Media World/ Les compétences médiatiques : savoir faire preuve d’esprit critique à l’ère des médias numériques. Education Week provides a special opportunity for the education community to acknowledge educators and partners for their outstanding work relative to the Education Week theme. A ceremony will be held on April 18 from 2 to 4 pm at a venue to be confirmed. This year’s theme focuses on the importance of media and digital literacy and celebrates educators’ involvement in developing the skills required to understand, create, and critically interpret print, screen-based, and digital text. These media are a primary means of daily communication in our students’ world. Education Week 2016 recognizes educators who are teaching students to become respectful, responsible and ethical digital citizens. Education Week is a cooperative project between public education stakeholders in Nova Scotia. The communication officers from the NSTU, the Nova Scotia School Boards Association (NSSBA), and the Department of Education, a volunteer director of the NSSBA, the president of the Nova Scotia Federation of Home and School Associations (NSFHSA), a representative from the Association of Nova Scotia Education Administrators (ANSEA) and the executive director of the Fédération des parents acadiens de la Nouvelle- Écosse (FPANE) comprise the committee. The chair of the committee rotates between partners. This year’s committee is chaired by Angela Murray, NSTU’s Public Relations & Communications Coordinator. Up Coming Events April 6 -- Report Cards sent home April 7/8 – Parent/Guardian Teacher meetings April 28 -- Open House April 29 -- Regional In-service Day (no classes) April 30 -- Dinner Auction May 23 -– Victoria Day – No Classes June 22 -- Grad Dinner June 24 -- Prom June 27 -- Graduation East “Shout Outs” The East would like to give a HUGE shout out to the following for their recent donations to our school: Darrell Connors: Delivered several large logs to our playground area which will be used to create a seating area for our construction zone inside our fenced area!! Thank you Darrell!! St. F.X. pre-service teachers: Thank you for all your hard work and dedication. Good luck in your future endeavors!! Constable Morgan MacPherson: For presenting to our grade 9 students. Gabby Melanson, Tricia Myette, Kelly Delorey and Kim Melanson for their continued support with the breakfast program. As always, your generosity is very much appreciated by staff and students! Peanut Smart School Due to severe allergies, East Antigonish Education Centre/Academy is a Peanut Smart School from Grades P-12. This prohibits any peanut butter or other products containing peanuts/nuts. This also means that no food items can be brought into the school that “may contain traces of nut”. Parents are asked to be vigilant in packing their child’s lunches. If you have any questions about the types of products you can send in your child’s lunch/snacks, please call the school for information. Peanut Tip of the Month: Always remember to encourage your children to wash their hands before coming to school, especially if they ate a peanut product at home. This can avoid cross contamination. SchoolsPlus Guideposts from Guidance SchoolsPlus is a comprehensive and collaborative interagency approach to educating and providing service to the whole child and family with the school as the centre of service. The focus of SchoolsPlus is to support students and families by helping them in attaining timely and effective services which meet their identified needs. We hope everyone had an enjoyable March and Easter break, and are back feeling rested! We will be partnering up with the EAEC Early Years Centre and KidsFirst as they offer The Incredible Years program to families on Thursday evenings. We hope to see lots of parents and students out each week and look forward to getting to know you! Marguerite MacGillivray - SchoolsPlus Facilitator Tara Hassin - SchoolsPlus Community Outreach Worker April is a busy month here at the East and Guidance is no exception! Potential Grads: Keep checking the scholarship calendar which is available on the school website, your Google classroom and my weekly emails! Also, you should see me ASAP if you haven’t applied to post secondary yet, as well as attending Career Cruising workshops or making an appointment with me on either th Day A or C! I am away on April 4 so appointments will need th to be made on the following Day A, April 14 . There is also a th very special PSP activity planned for Tuesday, April 12 . You th will be receiving permission slips the week of April 4 . ***Evening session on applying for Student Loans (Student th Assistance) will take place on Tuesday, April 5 at 6 pm in the Performing Arts Room. A representative from the Student Assistance Office will be present to provide information on the program and answer any questions you may have. School Advisory Council (SAC) The final meeting date is May 25 Happy Spring, families of East Antigonish: th Bus Passes Parents: Parents are asked to ensure that your child has a note for a bus pass each day it is required. Passes will only issued with a note. Phone bus pass requests are not accepted! be Students are asked to request bus passes at the office as soon as possible in the day to avoid a rush at the day’s endpreferably before recess. Due to combined bus routes and students being dismissed simultaneously, there is an increased number of students on the buses. Please be aware that there may be times when a student may not be able to travel on a specific bus due to lack of seating for that bus. Students who would like support with their postsecondary and career options should be making appointments with Guidance. I have the better part of Day Cs set aside for this purpose. There will be sign up sheets posted on my new message board for this purpose. Career Cruising sessions will continue in April: these are lunchtime workshops held twice a month to allow students to use this website to explore career th th options: April 6 and April 17 are this month’s sessions. A Junior Achievement program for the Grade 10s, “Dollars with Sense”, teaching Financial Responsibility, will be scheduled for later this month or into May. All students: The next installment of Grade 6 lunch bunch will begin on Thursday, April 7th. Chill Academy will take place in Guidance on Thursdays from 10:4511:45 for 8 weeks. Lunchtime yoga (12:25-12:45) Two Wednesdays per month for Grades 6-8 Two Tuesdays per month in the Performing Arts room for students in Grades 9-12 Two Fridays per month in the Family Resource room for Grades 3-5 Amanda Marchand, M.Ed., CCC Guidance Counselor, Yoga 11 Teacher Youth Health Centre News The Youth Health Centre uses a strengths-based approach to develop healthy relationships with youth and engage them in leadership opportunities, personal skill/values development and supportive programs & services/agencies. To learn more about the developmental asset approach go to http://www.search-institute.org/ Youth Health Center hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday or Friday from 8:15-2:45. If you have any question about the Youth Health Centre, feel free to contact Christina Williams Public Health Youth Health Nurse Coordinator, at Christina.williams@nshealth.ca or (902) 232-2810. A big thank you and congratulations go out to our schools Jack.org Chapter for hosting a lunch and learn this month with Jack.org guest speakers Sarah and Julissa from STFX’s Jack.org Chapter. Jack.org is the only national network of young leaders transforming the way we think about mental health. With initiatives and programs designed for young people, by young people, we will end stigma in our generation and increase the wellbeing of Canada’s young people. While 1 in 5 people will have a mental illness at some point in their lifetime, 5 in 5 people have mental health, and that means that this conversation leaves no lives untouched www.jack.org. Sarah and Julissa shared their passion for ending the stigma around mental health and how important it is for everyone to take care of their mental health the same way that we take care of our physical health. Our very own East Jack.org Chapter were energized by Sarah and Julissa and have some fun activities planned in the next few months, so stay tuned. Other upcoming events: Celebrated every year on April 22, Earth Day is the largest environmental event in the world. More than six million Canadians—including nearly every school-aged child— participate in an Earth Day activity in their communities. Our School’s Green Thumbs team will help our school celebrate Earth Day by organizing a variety of activities th th during the week of April 17 -25 . This spring, EAECA students and staff will be organizing a Health Fair for students in grades 9-12. This day will be a great opportunity for students to take part in a variety of activities to support their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. If Parents/Guardians have suggestions around topic areas for youth or topics they might like to see offered for parent/guardian sessions feel free to contact Mrs. Marchand, our schools Guidance Counsellor or Mrs. Williams, our Youth Health Nurse at 902-232-2810. (From left to right) Jessica-East student, Julissa-Guest Speaker, Codie-East Jack.org Co-Chair, Sage-East student, Sarah-Guest Speaker, Celeigh-STFX Education Student, and Christina-East Youth Health Nurse If you have any question about the Youth Health Centre, feel free to contact Christina Williams, Public Health Youth Health Nurse Coordinator, at christina.williams@nshealth.ca or (902) 232-2810. Early Years Corner Psychology for You Psychology for You is an educational series of videos to support parents/guardians with key parenting issues and concerns. Join us at the East Antigonish Family Resource Room (EAECA) to watch one of these videos and share refreshments. Our School Psychologist will be available for discussion or to answer any questions after the video presentation. Sessions will take place the first Wednesday of each month. “But I’m not tired…” Sleep in Teens, Good Habits and Pitfalls th Wednesday, April 6 7:00-8:30 Parenting the Young Worrier th East Antigonish Education Centre/Academy’s Jack.org Chapter host Lunch and Learn in the Youth Health Centre Wednesday, May 4 7:00-8:30 Mealtime Strategies for Picky Eaters Wednesday, June 1 7:00-8:30 st EAECA is continuing to offer a ‘Before and After School’ program for children ages 4 to 10 years. The program starts at 7:30 a.m. and ends at 5:00 p.m., each day. Full day care will be available during in-service days. The cost is $5 before school, $10 after school, and $30 for full days. Space is still available. Please contact the school if you would like to register your child or if you have questions about the program. Please contact the Early Years Centre by calling the school at 902-232-2810 ext. 1217. ************************************************** Incredible Years Parenting Program The staff of the EAECA Early Years Centre, Kids First Family Resource Centre in Guysborough, and SchoolsPlus are offering a parenting program based on “The Incredible Years®” programs. Incredible Years programs are used worldwide in schools and mental health centres. The goal is to help parents deal with young children's behavior and support them in their social, emotional, and academic development. The program will be offered for 6 weeks, on Thursdays evenings from 5:30-7:30pm, beginning on March 24. Supper and child care will be provided. Support for transportation to and from the school is available. EAECA School Website The East Website is updated regularly and the main page contains a convenient monthly calendar for you to reference. You can find us at eaeca.srsb.ca so please visit the site for scheduled events, parent/guardian information, important dates and more. Microwave Use When sending food to the school to be microwaved, please remember we can only reheat food. Cooking something takes too much time and is dangerous in terms of temperature and students walking through the hallways with their food. One item in particular which is problematic is Kraft dinner containers. Unfortunately we will be unable to cook these types of food items. Please contact the school if you have any questions or concerns Children's Story Time! Families with children under four years of age are invited to participate in a Children’s story time program on Wednesday mornings at 9:00 am that rd began March 23 at the Early Years Centre at EAECA in Monastery. Expect to read awesome books, sing fun songs, and have a great time. This program is a partnership between The Pictou-Antigonish Regional Library and the Early Years Centre at the East Antigonish Education Centre/Academy. Please contact the library at 902-863-4276 or call the Early Years Centre at 902-232-2810 ext. 1217 to register or for more details. To register for the program, please call the Early Years Centre at 902-232-2810 ext 1217 or Kids First Family Resource Center in Guysborough at 902-533-3881. ************************************************** Kids First Family Resource Centre is offering a 7 week Parent and Child program “Jump, Jiggle and Jive” at East Antigonish Education Centre/Academy, Monastery from 910:30 am Fridays from April 8 to May 20, 2016 for ages 18 months to 5 years. Please bring indoor shoes. Parents must accompany children. There is a snack break during the program. If you wish to bring a snack, please ensure it is peanut free. Carolyn Webber Lead Early Childhood Educator Early Years Centre **Check out our Facebook page: EA Early Years Centre** Indoor/Outdoor Footwear Just a reminder to all parents and students that it is necessary for all students to have an indoor pair of sneakers for Phys Ed as a costly gym floor has been installed. Also, due to the weather changing the students are bringing in a lot of dirt on their feet and outdoor footwear should not be worn inside during inclement weather. Important Medical Info Parents/Guardians are asked to contact the school if your child has a medical condition or allergy which we should be made aware of (if you have not already done so). This will allow us to take some proactive measures to ensure the safety of your child. Please note that prescription or non-prescription medicine (ie: Tylenol, cough medicine) will not be distributed to a student without a completed school medical form. Please refer to SRSB policy to view the Board’s new policy “Administration of Medications and Medical Procedure: IVB-2. Volunteering & Extracurricular Activities Transportation Parents/Guardians, grandparents or community members who are interested in doing some volunteer work at the school, either on a regular basis or for special activities/events, should contact the school. th As of June 4 2015, the SRSB has a new transportation policy in terms of student travel (IV-B-6) to extracurricular activities. In order to transport students (other than their own children) parent/guardians/volunteers will have to do the following: 1. Completed a criminal record check and a child abuse registry check. (These are good for three years) 2. If transporting a student complete a J form and this will require the school have a copy of Driver’s license Vehicle registration Proof of insurance Proof of inspection Winter tires necessary when applicable Teacher/Chaperone consent form 3. Confidentiality Form 4. Volunteer Application Form Parents are a very important support in the running of extra-curricular and sports activities at the school. We very much appreciate your efforts and support! Please call the school if you have any concerns or questions. EAEC/A Leadership Committee The WE Leadership Committee would like to send a huge thank you to our school and home communities for your ongoing support of our fundraising initiatives. Over a very short period of time during November, students in the school and their families supported a very successful Food Bank Drive which resulted in an amazing 1150 lbs of food! That's enough for approximately 900 meals. The winning class, Mrs. Margaret Boyle's Grade 3/4, brought in 306 lbs while Ms. Maria Gough's Grade 6 class came in a close second with 279 lbs of food. We have now just completed ticket sales on two baskets which has raised over $1000.00! This ticket money will go toward the building of a water well for a school in India. Winners of the baskets were Suzanne Melanson and Theresa Tremblay. Thank you to everyone who bought and/ or sold tickets! Our top ticket sellers were Gabby Melanson, CJ Longmire and Sam Young. Stay tuned for further initiatives from our great group of future leaders! Denise Bekkers Chartwell’s We are now on Facebook! You can find us at “Chartwells At East Antigonish Education Centre” and remember to “Like” us! Check out our website for daily, weekly and monthly specials! Art Supplies Needed Our Art class is in need of any plastic lids that you are about to recycle. NS International Student Program (NSISP) Summer Camp The Nova Scotia International Student Program (NSISP) was founded as a way for students from around the world to learn more about the language and culture of Nova Scotia. Since 1997, NSISP has welcomed thousands of students and has grown to include over 800 host families in communities across the province. L’Arche Antigonish Summer Day Camp Program has a limited number of spaces available for this summer’s session. If you are interested in enrolling your child, please contact Carl MacDonald by phone at 902-872-3714 or via email, carlmacdonald@larcheantigonish.ca . New participants will be interviewed before being accepted into the program. Hosting an international student means the opportunity to bring the world home. The learning you will gain and the connections you will make will be a life changing experience for your whole family. When you invite an international student into your home, you’re not just getting a houseguest... you’re gaining a family member. What is the L’Arche Summer Camp Program? In 2003, a number of parents of children with disabilities asked l’Arche to start a summer program. In response to this request L’Arche started a summer day camp for school age children who have a developmental disability. For more information on the NSISP Homestay Program contact your local coordinator Denee Mattie at 902-8701951. Strait Regional School Board 902.747.3670 (ext. 2223) donalda.rooyakkers@srsb.ca nsisp.ca Supplies Needed Mrs. Delorey is accepting donations of used snow pants and splash pants for student use. We welcome donations of sizes 5-14. Snow pants can be in used condition; if your child has outgrown a pair this winter, and they have some wear please donate them here. Also, Mrs. Delorey is looking for donations of shoe boxes. The boxes are used for task boxes in YSF. Thank you! The summer camp program is a recreational/social activity program for youth (ages 8 to 21 years) who have a developmental disability. The focus of our program is fun and friendship. We are located in the middle of the town of Antigonish and are involved in many community activities and weekly outings. How is the program funded? We receive no government funds for this program. The staff positions are covered by grants, although the number of grants we receive varies from year to year. Each participant pays $25 dollars per day. Other program costs are covered by donations and fundraising. The actual cost is approximately $75 per day per participant. We are grateful to the Knights of Columbus who let us use the John Paul center for a nominal fee. Payment is required before the program start date. Cheques are payable to lL’Arche Antigonish. L’Arche Summer Camp 2016 Dates/Hours Antigonish Minor Ball Registration Antigonish Minor Baseball will be holding registration for Kinsmen Minor Baseball and Challenger Baseball for the 2015 season on the following dates: Monday, April 4th Wednesday, April 6th Tuesday, April 12th Thursday, April 14th All registration sessions take place at Dr. John Hugh Gillis Regional High School from 6:00 – 8:00 pm nd rd Wednesday July 4 to Friday August 26 . 9:00 – 3:30 Monday to Friday Jean Paul Centre, Main Street Antigonish For more information, http://www.antigonishbaseball.com please visit Income Tax Support Volunteers with the Community Income Tax Volunteer Program are available to come to EAECA to assist you in completing your 2015 Income Tax Return. You may be eligible for support if you have a simple tax situation and meet the suggested family income level. If you are interested in receiving support, please contact EAECA at 902-232-2810. Eastern Nova United Soccer Club P.O Box 398- Mulgrave, NSB0E 2G0 The Eastern Nova United Soccer Club was formed to provide youth the opportunity to play soccer competitively in the Highland Soccer League. It is based out of Mulgrave, but the teams are made up of players from areas such as Linwood, Tracadie, Monastery, Havre Boucher and Route 344. A schedule of games takes place from mid-May to the first week of August. These games are on weekdays only (Monday- Thursday) @6:30. This doesn’t interfere with summer weekends. Travel will be to Mulgrave, Antigonish, New Glasgow, Truro and Amherst. In our first season, we had two dedicated soccer teams but this year we are expanding!!! We have coaches for the following age groups: U 18 Boys (1999/1998) U 16 Boys (2002/2001/2000) U 18 Girls (1999/1998) U 16 Girls (2002/2001/2000) U 13 Girls (2005/2004/2003) This year we are inviting players from the Guysborough and Canso areas to join our soccer club. We are always in need of more coaches and volunteers, if you are interested please let us know as we are happy to have you. Registration forms can be picked up at the office. If anyone is interested in joining a team, coaching, or becoming a volunteer contact Travis Snow @ t.snow62508@ns.sympatico.ca or (902)-747-2659 Heather Brennan @ Heather.Brennan@townofmulgrave.ca or (902)-302-0736 Joe Brennan @ 631-2397 or like our Facebook page “Eastern Nova United Soccer Club” Registration forms will be available at the main office at EAECA!! April Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 3 4 A 5 B 6 C Report Card Day Gr. P-12 10 11 F 12 G 13 7 D Parent/Guardian Teacher 6-8 pm @ Paq’tnkek Gymnasium H 14 Saturday H 8 2 E 9 *Inservice (am only) *Parent/Guardian Teacher (pm only) 1-3 pm (no classes for students) @ EAECA A 15 B 16 Grade 7 Immunization 2nd round 17 Education Week Media Literacy 18 C 19 Swim Trips Grades 3/4 - 6 D 20 E Techsploration “Goes to School” 21 F 22 Playground meeting @ 7pm. 24 25 H 26 A 27 G 23 School Assembly P-6/7-9/10-12 School Based Heritage Fair B EYC Parent Focus Group at 7:00 pm 28 Open House 6-8 pm Everyone welcome! St. F.X. Pre-Service Teacher’s Last Day C 29 D Regional In-service Day No classes for students 30 Auction at 6 pm in Msgr. Donnolly Hall in Tracadie
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