HH_v5_i18 - November 02 2012 (Read-Only)


HH_v5_i18 - November 02 2012 (Read-Only)
Time Falls Back Sunday, November 4th
Don’t forget to set your clocks back one hour!
Volume 5 Issue 18
November 2nd - 8th, 2012
By Gloria Hill, Appleseed Energy
How much time do you
spend reflecting on where
your power comes from? I
know most of us are concerned about our ever increasing power bills and
nervous because we don’t
know when, or if, the increases will end. How many
have considered the alternatives, considered being your
own power company, considered taking control of
your energy bills. Germany
is years ahead of us answering these questions and we
had the good fortune to visit
in June to explore their progress.
group’s financial resources
were limited they set the asking price at 5.9 million where
they had only valued the grid
at 3.5 million. The group took
the power company to court,
and they raised the high purchase price from private
sources while the court battle
was proceeding. Seven years
later, they won their court
battle and the grid was only
valued at 2.9 million.
When we visited Schönau on
a beautiful Saturday in June,
the son of one of those rebel
parents, now in upper management, showed us around.
They now have 70 employees
Last month, I spoke about
and just finished a big expanThe new addition to the Schönau power company using a unique roof design to incorporate solar panels.
our visit to the InterSolar
sion enabling them to handle
Photograph taken by Brian Rose, provided by Appleseed Energy.
Trade Show in Munich and
the 50 thousand customers
Wildpoldsried, a village that now
opportunity. The 20-year lease on
over the grid. Local government
from all over Germany; customers
produces 321% more power than
the power grid was coming due in
forced another vote two years later
who want to buy clean, green powthey need and sell it back to the
2-years. Council was not motivated
to try and overturn the decision
er. It is a true and inspiring story of
national grid for 5.7 million dollars.
to change the status quo but a
with the power company using ads
David overcoming Goliath.
We also visited another village,
local parent’s group saw an opporwith scare tactics. The parent’s
Schönau, in the Black Forest.
tunity to make clean energy locally,
group didn’t have the resources to
Schönau was profoundly and perand start to break away from nufight the advertising campaign and
For more information about Schönau visit:
sonally affected by the Chernobyl
clear plants.
they put out a plea for pro-bono
documents/Footer_Header/2012nuclear disaster in April 1986 and
help to marketing firms and were
couldn’t eat local produce because
The town’s bylaw allowed residents
overwhelmed by the response.
of the effects of nuclear fallout.
to force a plebiscite on the future
This helped them win a second
For further information about Appleseed
of the local grid. Both the local
vote by a narrow margin and the
E ne rg y
v i si t
t hei r
w eb si te
www.appleseedenergy.com or email them
Schönau’s “David and Goliath”
government and the power comprocess to take over the grid startat sales@appleseedenergy.com.
battle started that year, 1986, when
pany didn’t take the plebiscite too
a small group of residents, terrified
seriously, they didn’t expect sucby Chernobyl and the potential for
cess and were shocked when 54%
The power company was still not
future similar disasters, saw an
of the population supported taking
willing to give up; knowing the
Computer Advice
Your Chance to Help
Troy Peters continues with his advice on
how to protect our computers from harm.
This week he focuses on downloading new
software. What we should look out for and
when we should cancel the download completely. Read all of his tips on page two.
Antigonish Guysborough Early Childhood
has the opportunity to win a contest by
having people vote for their project. Read
about the organization and the contest
they have entered on page seven. Let’
help them win!
Horoscopes … ..
Ask Nellie … … …
Local … … … … …
Crossword … … ..
Sudoku … … … …
Cryptograms .....
Classifieds… … ..
Recipe… … … … .
Pg 2
Pg 3
Pg 3
Pg 4
Pg 5
Pg 5
Pg 6
Pg 8
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Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18)
Leo (Jul 23-Aug 22)
Expect demands from someone
you answer to this week. Stick to
the basics and keep detached or
you risk losing your calm.
A partner or colleague wants or
needs more control in your relationship. Work on alternatives
and get to the root of the problem
or risk losing a good rapport.
Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)
A property issue will come to a
head this week - either domestic
or work related. Know what you
want and focus on the process
more then the end goal.
Aries (Mar 21-Apr 19)
Its time to realize how much you
have on your plate before making
any major decisions. Weigh the
benefits of new ventures carefully
before shouldering another load.
Taurus (Apr 20-May 20)
A meeting last week that you
didn't give a second thought to
will have a far greater impact this
week then anticipated.
yourself for results - good or bad.
Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22)
Sharing your problems is not a
sign of weakness - it’
s a sign of
strength of character. Listen to
others for advice and don't be
afraid to follow it this week.
Libra (Sep 23-Oct 22)
You will be tempted to push
someone this week - for their own
good. Step back from the situation, let things develop. It may be
a chance for them to grow.
Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21)
Pressure can be useful in helping
you come up with last minute
solutions. Don’
t tempt fate and
find yourself relying on that to
solve your problems this week.
Gemini (May 21-Jun 20)
Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21)
Being challenged by others
brings out your passionate side
more quickly then is good for you.
Relax and focus on working in
tandem with others.
New information will lead to inner
turmoil this week. Avoid mulling it
over too much and let a conclusion come to you naturally as the
week progresses.
Cancer (Jun 21-Jul 22)
Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19)
Thinking outside the box can lead
you to come up with some great
ideas - but if you stick your neck
out often enough you risk losing
it. Tread carefully with new ideas.
t mistake others looking for
more flexibility from you for unreasonable demands. Be willing
to make the little changes for the
benefit of the larger relationship.
By Troy Peters, Site-to-Site Computers
Troy Peters continues to give us
some basic computer tips in
order to help us avoid spam,
spyware, adware, viruses and
malware. The problem he is
addressing this week is new
software downloads. He suggests we follow these rules:
1. Download and install software only from trusted sources.
Close windows containing popup ads or unexpected warnings
by closing the entire window.
2. Clicking on “Agree” or “OK.”
Read any privacy statements. If
they are difficult to find or include questionable practices,
abort the installation by closing
the window on which it is occurring.
3. Adjust your Web browser’s
security settings. If you use
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6,
keep it’s security level at medium or higher to block Web sites
from downloading a file without
your authorization.
4. Use updated anti-spyware
software to scan your hard drive
regularly. Always download it
from a trusted site. Update the
spyware regularly as well.
Look for advice on spam email
in next week’s issue.
Having a computer problem? Visit Siteto-Site Computers, 4077 South River
Road, Antigonish. Call (902) 863-0914
(office) or (902) 870-1196 (cell). Email.
Troy Peters at sts@eastlink.ca. Visit
their website at www.sitetosite.ca.
Dear Nellie,
Wilkies Court
208 Main Street
My parents are both now in their late sixties, the grandkids are almost all grown up and scattered to
university or working out west. Their house is paid for and they both have a comfortable income from
their investments and pensions. All of us kids are doing well and honestly, none of us need any inheritance from them aside from mementoes and keepsakes. How do we approach them about relaxing, living a little and enjoying their retirement? We were raised to be frugal and I’
m afraid that habit
is holding my parents back.
Save 25% on Glamourmom
Nursing Shirts!
Signed, Worried
Dear Worried,
Of all the problems someone could have with retirement, it sounds like your parents have
one of the easiest to solve - they have a safe retirement income, a large (from the sounds of it) family
and everyone is doing ok financially. Many people could only wish to be in such a situation these
Celebrate our
20% Discount Storewide, Nov 3rd only.
The reality of course, as you and your siblings know, is that they arrived at where they are through a
lifetime of hard work and sound money sense. When times were tough they made do, when things
were good they saved for the tough times. A lifetime of habits is not something that can be broken
overnight - doing so can be very scary or intimidating for them. Having their kids ‘
gang-up’on them
about this could also be offensive to them, an attack on the values they hold dear.
208 Main Street, Wilkies Court
(902) 735-3993
The Joys of Health & Wellness
Gift Certificates available for
Japanese Hot Stone Therapy.
There is nothing at all wrong with being frugal, but you are right - there comes a time when a person
should take the time to relax and enjoy life. As we age (something I know too well!) we are less able
to travel without a host of possible complications.
320 Main Street
If both your parents are family orientated and often speak of leaving something for you and your siblings (or the grandkids) the first step to helping them embrace a more relaxed lifestyle would be make
sure that everyone in the family is on board with the concern over your parents continued frugal habits. Have a family gathering (avoid the term intervention!) and bring it up in casual conversation.
Explain how well everyone is doing and bring up the topic of travel or even a brief vacation.
If your parents are frugal from nature and habit, there is nothing stopping them from continuing in that
vein. They may find a lot of fun and take pride in being able to travel on a shoe-string budget - let
them! Just because they may have the money to travel lavishly and do everything in executive class
doesn't mean they would actually enjoy it. Encourage them to find the bargain trips and budget hotels and ease them into the change in their lifestyle. After a few cramped flights or less-thendescribed hotel rooms, they may decide to change their ways a bit more.
All the best, Nellie
Opening soon under
new management!
Have a question for Nellie? Submit it anonymously at www.thehighlandheart.ca
(902) 735-7586 225 Main Street
Age: Less
Favourite Food: Seafood
Pet Peeve: People that are late!
Favourite TV Show: Big Bang Theory
Hobbies: Beach Combing
Lynn lives in Country Harbour with her husband and cat, Digger. She is the proud to share that she has two sons and two
Lynn Hayne
Lynn has worked at Sherbrooke Village for 19 years, promoting
events such as the Court House Concert Series and Old Fashioned Christmas. Lynn loves to travel, noting that she enjoys
camping and sitting around a campfire in all four seasons.
243 Main Street
(902) 863-3040
t Forget!
On Saturday, Nov. 24th at 6pm
The Annual Antigonish Christmas
Parade takes place!
1. 1250, in old Rome
5. Anna of opera
10. Go by horse
14. Refreshing drink
15. "___ for Mrs. Pollifax":
16. Preholiday nights
17. Creamy soup
19. Nugatory
20. Levan ne evergreen
21. Life or death, e.g.
23. Name of theatrical fame
26. Garden flowers
27. Military proceeding
32. Hosp. brain readout
33. Stocking brand
34. Mid-1st-century date
38. Junior brook
40. Emulate Brian Boitano
42. Extra things in the env.
43. Handbill
45. Cliff dwelling
47. Small Tibetan antelope
48. T-man
51. Embodiment, of sorts
54. Ceremonial heap
55. Devour quickly
58. From the barrel
62. Actress Hayworth
63. Kachina, for one
66. Baldwin of the silver
67. Ar sts' subjects
68. Breakfast brand for a
69. Paris papa
70. Trapshooter's target
71. Radish or turnip
1. Twice DCL
2. One of the Youngers
3. Bedecked
4. DeMille's Delilah
5. Spring month, in Mainz
6. Photo ___ (P.R. events)
7. Basic Web site info, for
8. Chimney passage
9. Sub tle to the 1978 film
10. Wake-up call
11. Netman Lendl and others
12. Clear the winter
13. Serfs
18. Stock
22. "Time ___," 1990's sci-fi
TV series
24. Santa me
25. New Englander
27. Wi y Benne
28. Trompe l' __ (visual
decep on)
29. Frigh ul
30. Show again
31. Woman's shoe style
35. "Splendor in the Grass"
36. Double-clicked picture
37. "Peace ___ hand"
39. Boot camp command
41. Difficult to hold
44. Study, as text
46. Burr who shot Hamilton
49. Overwhelms
50. Noun classifica on in some
foreign languages
51. "That's __!" (director's cry)
52. Fabric for a sundress
53. Convert
56. Popular novelist
57. Lymph bump
59. One way to order lunch
60. Pain: Comb. form
61. "The ___ thickens"
64. River in Scotland
65. Archaic verb ending
Fill in each square so the numbers one through nine appear only once in each row, column
and three by three box. Solution at bottom of the back page. No cheating!
Draw Date Every Sunday - Next Draw Nov 4th
October 28th Winner:
Marina Anstey, Antigonish
Tickets available from any member of AMHA or
community business sponsors like Need’s Convenience
A cryptogram is a phrase or quote that has been encrypted by simple letter substitution. You solve
the cryptogram with a trial and error process, guessing the letters that have been replaced. One
final rule - a letter can never be substituted with itself.
The solution: No cheating!
Solution to cryptogram on this page:
with yesterday's tools and expect to be in business
You can't expect to meet the challenges of today
The solution: No cheating!
— Unattributed
Grand Trivia Quiz
Get your friends together for an afternoon
of fun and trivia. This event will
help purchase books for the library!
People’s Place Library, Sunday, Nov 4th
3-6pm ($25 table of 4)
Highland Dance Sale & Swap!
First Friday Film Festival Series
It's time to clean out your closets!!
AHDA is having a swap shop of Dancing
Outfits: kilts, aboyne, jig, hornpipe...
Fri, Nov 9th 6-8pm @ Antig. Junior High
For info contact Janet 870-3864
Presents the film Lesson Plan:
The Story of the Third Wave
Friday, November 2 - 7:00 pm
StFX Schwartz Building room 205
Free admission (donations accepted)
AUS Rugby Championship
StFX Women’s Rugby team is
hosting the CIS Championships!
Nov 1st - 4th, StFX turf
For game details visit www.goxgo.ca
Go X Go!
Attention Pipers & Drummers
Pipers and drummers, who have ever participated in Antigonish Highland Games,
are invited to return to Antigonish July 13th
for the 150th Anniversary Celebration. More
info at www.facebook.com/AHGPipes150
Hip of Beef Dinner
The annual hip of beef dinner will take
place at the Mini-Trail Community Centre.
Nov 4th, 11am-1pm.
Tickets may be purchased from any Board
member or by calling 863-4292.
Christmas Craft/Bake Sale
Christmas Craft/Bake Sale
Saturday, November 10th
St. Andrews Community Center
Contact Peggy at 863-9119 for more info
Antigonish Farmers’Market
Every Saturday from 9am - 1pm
4-H Barn, James Street, Behind the arena!!
Come enjoy fine food, fresh produce, and
delicious baked goods while browsing hand
crafts of all varieties!
Tribute Concert
A Tribute to our Troops, Past and Present
will be held at the Chedabucto Place
Performance Centre in Guysborough.
Sunday, November 4th
2-4pm $5 admission
Arisaig Christmas Bazaar
Antigonish Green Clean
There will be a Christmas Bazaar at the
Arisaig Parish Hall, Sunday, Nov 4th,
11am - 3pm. Crafts, knitting,
home baking, preserves, plants, Santa
Claus, 50-50 draw and much more!
Where we care about your health!
We use melaleuca products to clean your
home making it clean & fresh.
give us a call
318-0056 or 234-3069
By Karen Keizer, The Highland Heart with help from Barb Shea, Program Administrator
Workshops & Events:
Antigonish Guysborough Early
Childhood Intervention is a
home based family centered
program for young children
birth to school age with developmental delay.
Early intervention can assist
families in meeting their needs
through a supportive familycentered approach which helps
to foster their child's development. Families gain an understanding of how to help their
children learn and develop
through play. Families can also
become familiar with activities
and materials that meet their
child's level of development as
well as learning about the community resources and services
available to them.
gain and improve developmental skills, helping them reach
their potential while all participants have the opportunity to
meet other families. . We also
offer The Parenting Journey, a
program that supports parents
raising children and youth with
Through home visits, the program promotes the healthy
development and well being of
children and youth.
Antigonish Guysborough Early
Childhood Intervention is excited to get some community
involvement with their latest
fundraising project, Aviva Community
These ideas move forward
through 3 rounds of voting,
Antigonish Guysborough Early
Childhood Intervention is now
in the second round of voting,
supporters can cast a vote for
this wonderful cause each day
until November 5thand then in
the third round from November
12th to 26th.
Barb Shea, Program Administrator explains, “We would appreciate if people could vote for
the project everyday and share
it with their friends. Success
Taxation Workshop
November 6th, 9am-4pm
Simply Accounting
November 7th, 9am-12pm
Where: Antigonish Career
Resource Centre,
50 James Street
Contact: Paula Brophy
StFX Enterprise Development Centre
54 St Marys Street, Antigonish
Ph: 867-2029
Pictured above are Leanne Hillier, Early Interventionist and Hannah Greencorn. Hannah made the transition to grade primary this September. Early Intervention offers a
year long program to assist families with sending their children to school. Children
are able to start school on a positive note with their strengths evident; their needs
addressed; and parents comfortable in advocating for their child. Photograph taken
by a staff member at Red Apple Children’s Centre, provided by Antigonish Guysborough Early Childhood Intervention.
would mean much needed
wonderful new toys, books and
resources for our lending library. ”Here’s the link for Aviva
C o mmu n it y
Fu n d
ideas/acf14835 or, you can
access the link through our
w w w. fa c e boo k. co m /pa g es/
Antigonish-Guysborough-EarlyC h ild ho od -In t erv en t io n Program.
Be sure to vote often to help
this great cause and tell your
For more information about Antigonish
Guysborough Early Childhood Intervention
visit their Antigonish Office on the 2nd
Floor Martha Centre, located at 25 Bay
Street, Antigonish, N.S. B2G 2G5. Phone
agecip@ns.aliantzinc.ca. To contact the
Guysborough Office visit Chedabucto Mall,
P.O. 51 Guysborough, N.S. Phone (902)
533-2694 or email gecip@ns.aliantzinc.ca.
Don’t forget to vote on their Facebook
page at www.facebook.com/pages/
Antigonish Guysborough Early Intervention is proud to once again be a partner in
the sixth annual Festival of Trees. Visit
them at The People’s Place: Antigonish
Town and County Library from November
23rd - December 15th. They would certainly appreciate your support in helping
these children and families.
Come join us for a wide variety of locally
grown and prepared foods along with a
great selection of local handcrafts, awesome jewellery and more!
By Karen Keizer, The Highland Heart
Congratulations Lynn Hayne!
Lynn is the lucky winner of
the Highland Heart Birthday
Lynn received a prize basket
valued at over $275, generously donated by Shopper’s
Drug Mart in Antigonish. To
go along with the basket
McCarron’s Massage & Wellness provided a gift certificate
for a massage. She received a
Hot Stone Therapy from The
Joys of Health & Wellness
and gift certificates provided
by Highland Home Hardware,
Moonlight Restaurant and
Kenny’s Pizza.
We would like to thank all our
Pictured above left to right are Karen Keizer, Content Manager, The Highland Heart,
Lynn Hayne, the winner of our birthday giveaway and Crispin Cornect, Web Designer and Owner of Simply Ducky & The Highland Heart.
sponsors and everyone who
participated in this celebration.
To learn more about Lynn see the
Local of the Week on page three.
Did you know that The Highland Heart is on
Facebook? We have article excerpts, local announcements and of course - all the pictures are
(whenever possible) in full color! Stop by and like
us today to make sure you don’t miss a thing that
is happening in Antigonish Town & County!
Scan me!
Use your smart
phone or tablet
to scan this QR
Sweet and Spicy Walnuts
2013 Calendars For Sale!
The calendars are $10.00 each and
can be purchased at several locations
throughout Antigonish or by phoning
the SPCA at (902) 863-2111.
Thank for your continued support!
1 tbsp five-spice powder, (or 1 tsp
ground allspice)
2 tsp ground ginger
2 tsp salt
1 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp garlic powder
2 egg whites
1/2 tsp hot pepper sauce
6 cups walnut halves, (about 1 1/4 lb)
1/4 cup granulated sugar
In large bowl, whisk together five-spice powder, ginger, salt, cinnamon, cumin, garlic powder,
egg whites and hot pepper sauce until foamy. Add walnuts, tossing to coat completely. Sprinkle
with sugar, tossing to coat again. Let stand for 10 minutes.
Line rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper. Or line with foil; grease foil. Spread on prepared sheet. Roast in 350°F (180°C) oven, stirring occasionally, until darkened and crisp, about 20
minutes. Let cool on pan on rack. (Make-ahead: Store in airtight container at room temperature
for up to 2 weeks or freeze up to 1 month.) Makes a delicious, nutritious snack!
Submitted Anonymously
(via www.thehighlandheart.ca)

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