antigonish - Nova Scotia
antigonish - Nova Scotia
A Brief History Antigonish (pronounced variously as aunti-gun-ish or aunta-gun-ish) is a Mi’kmaq name. Antigonish has two quite distinct meanings, depending upon whom you ask. No on seems to know the derivation with certainty. • The place where the branches are torn off by bears gathering beechnuts. • Five-forked rivers of fish (or spread fingers, snake-like). In the past Natives have been living in this area for many centuries. 1755: The Acadian French began to settle the east end of Antigonish County near Havre Boucher. 1770’s: Thousands of Scots were forced to flee oppressive Highland Clearance in West Scotland. Many settled along the Northeastern coast of Nova Scotia. Soon these original settlers moved east and south to establish farms throughout the region. ANTIGONISH 2015 Visitor Map & Info 1784: Irish Loyalists, led by Capt. Timothy Hierlihy, took up a large land grant surrounding Antigonish Harbour and founded what they first called Georgetown – then Dorchester – and finally Antigonish. To Hierlihy and his ship full of hopefuls, we attribute the establishment of the first permanent settlement in the area. 1787: Loyalist Blacks settled around the present day Lincolnville, Guysborough County, at about the same time Thomas Brownspriggs was granted 3,000 acres of land at Tracadie, NS for himself and 74 other Loyalist Black families. 1889: Antigonish was incorporated as a town. Today Northumberland Shore Antigonish is governed by two municipal units the Town of Antigonish; population 4299 (plus StFX Students) and the Municipality of the County of Antigonish; population 15,296.; Antigonish has the benefit of being extremely diverse from a robust primary resource sector (agriculture, fishing, forestry) to an established light manufacturing sector to an enormous untapped pool of fine artists and musicians. Major employers: St Francis Xavier University, Nova Scotia Health Authority, Strait Regional School Board. 29th Edition Visitor Information The Highland Heart of Nova Scotia Antigonish is proud to be the primary service, retail, government, education, and health care centre for northeastern Nova Scotia. The area offers all the amenities of a larger centre; with the advantage of living in a smaller coastal community. Explore our vibrant town and beautiful surrounding areas. Visitor Information Centre 133 Church Street, Antigonish Market Square, 902.863-4921. Hours: June: Monday – Saturday 10AM - 4PM July & August: Mon. - Sat. 9AM – 6PM, Sun. 12PM – 5PM September -Mid October: Mon. - Sat. 10AM – 4PM Mid October – June; visit Whidden’s Campground: 902.863.3736; 11 Hawthorne St. Hotels & Motels Antigonish Evergreen Inn: 1-888-821-5566 or 902.863.0830; 295 Hawthorne St. 1 8 Claymore Inn & Suites: 902.863.1050; 137 Church St. Antigonish Highland Games. July 5 – 12. Celebrate the traditions of the Scots through clan gatherings, concerts, piping, dancing, drumming, bike race, road race and heavy event competitions. www. Antigonight: Art After Dark is a free, two-night, multi-disciplinary arts festival that engages the public in creative and expressive processes. Interact with painters, sculptors, poets, musicians, filmmakers, photographers and more. Happening September 25 & 26, Chisholm Park and People’s Place Library, Antigonish. For more information, visit Antigonish International Film Festival: Oct 23 & 24. Over 30 international documentary films. People’s Place and Empire Capitol Theatre venues. Festival Antigonish: July 8 to August 22. Professional repertory summer theatre in Antigonish. Bauer Theatre, StFX Campus. www.; 902.867.3333 Gathering of the Arts (GoArts) is a juried visual art exhibition held from July 7 to August 29 at People’s Place Library. Opening reception Monday, July 6, 6:30-9pm. For more information, see www. Maryvale Family Square Dances: 9:00 pn to 12:00 am; St. Mary’s Parish Hall, Highway 245. May 22, June 19, July 7, August 21, September 18, Otober 23, November 13. StFX Art Gallery: Ground floor Bloomfield Centre. Changing exhibitions of artists. Theatre Antigonish is a not-for-profit community theatre, supported by StFX and the people of Antigonish. Weekly Ceilidhs: July 9 to August 27, 7:00 pm, Antigonish Heritage Museum. Promoting Celtic culture and providing a stage to showcase various talented performers from throughout the area. Where to Shop 6 Coastal Inn: 1-866-563-3730 or 902.863.3730; HWY 104 Lower South River 24 26 25 23 Maritime Inn Antigonish: 902.863.4001; 158 Main St. 18 Emergency....................................................................................... 911 Health Care Questions ...............................................................811 Road Conditions ...........................................................................511 Antigonish RCMP Detachment ...............................902.863.6500 Inns 19 9 31 Antigonish Victorian Inn: 902.863.1103; 149 Main St.; Where to Eat Antigonish Is Only… Distance in timing source via NS Tourism online Distance Calculator. Art Displays. People’s Place Library has monthly community art exhibits and cultural events. StFX Art Gallery. ASAP Gallery (next to Post Office), Lyghtesome Gallery, Down to Earth, Made in Nova Scotia Store. Restaurants having changing art and photography exhibits: Tall and Small, Alcove Restaurant, Prissy Pig Café and Deli, Justamere Café & Bistro. 10 Emergency Numbers • 42 minutes from Cape Breton Island • 55 minutes from the PEI Ferry • 1 hour, 20 minutes from Truro • 2 hours from the Halifax Stanfield International Airport • 2 hours, 24 minutes from downtown Halifax The vibrant arts community of Antigonish, Nova Scotia features artists, performers and artisans of all disciplines, and is an integral part of our rich culture. To view a calendar of exhibits and performances, visit www. Where to Stay Campgrounds Snow Queen Leisure World: 902.863.1450; HWY 104 Lower South River 32 Snow Queen Restaurant: 902.863.4890; James St. 4 Snappy Tomato: 902.863.1212; James St. 2 7 Justamere Café & Bistro: 902.735.3353; 137 Church St. 22 14 16 21 Publication of: 11 Brownstone Cafe: 244 Main St., 902.735.3225 Gabrieau’s Bistro: 902.863.1925; 350 Main St. Serving amazing seafood and much more! 12 Little Christos: 902.867.4992; 332 Main St. 18 Main Street Café: 902.863.4001; 158 Main St. 17 Moonlight Restaurant: 902.863.3667; 210 Main St. 29 Pizza Delight: 902.863.3111; 348 Main St. 30 13 20 Antigonish 5¢ - $1 Store: 902.863.2571; 245 Main St. Photo Finishing – SAME DAY Aphrodite: 902.863.0606; 292 Main St.; Mon. to Sat. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Beautiful: 902.863.5562; Mon. to Fri. 10:30 to 5 p.m.; Sat. 10:30 to 2 p.m. Cameron’s Jewellery: 902.863.1283; 239 Main St. Lyghtesome Gallery: 902.863.5804; 166 Main St. “One of a Kind & Celtic Gifts”; Pottery, Jewellery, Books, Cards, Prints. The Made In Nova Scotia Store: 902.867.2642; 324 Main St. The Plum Tree Gift Shoppe: 902.735.7586; 225 Main St. HRS: Mon. to Thurs. & Sat. 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m; Friday 9:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. 1 Arisaig Provincial Park: Rte 245. A small picnic park located 27 km (17 mi) north of the Town of Antigonish. The park overlooks the warm waters of the Northumberland Strait and offers a fascinating window to life on earth some 443 to 417 million years ago. A 1.6 km (1 mi) loop trail provides access to many interesting features. From the interpretive kiosk, the trail winds towards the shore through a forest of white spruce. The shoreline portion includes a viewing platform and several access points to the beach. Another viewing station overlooks Arisaig Brook. From Arisaig Brook, the trail climbs a short but steep hill to the top of a small open field, where it returns to the kiosk along the ridge. 2 Ballantyne’s Cove Tuna Interpretive Centre: Ballantyne’s Cove, Rte. 337 – wharf, washrooms, showers, laundry facilities. The centre’s interpretive panels explore the life cycle of tuna and the history of tuna fishing. The centre also provides a video for viewing, as well as a life-size tuna model. Before leaving, be sure to check out the 19th century Fresnel Lamp, a replica of the lamp once belonging to Cape George Point Lighthouse. 3 Cape George Heritage School: Rte. 337 – Step back in time and explore the history of Cape George and Ballantyne’s Cove in artifacts, photos, and writings in this one-room schoolhouse. Information on heritage and culture of area. A trailhead point for Cape George hiking trail. 4 Cape George Hiking Trail: Rte. 337, 27 km from Town of Antigonish. A series of connecting loops, varying in length and difficulty, 33 km in total. With panoramic views of the bay, this trail meanders from scenic coastline beaches to elevated old growth forests. Three serviced trailheads: Cape George Heritage School, Ballantyne’s Cove Wharf and Cape George Day Park and Cape George Lighthouse Day Park with picnic facilities and services. 5 Fairmont Ridge Hiking Trail: Rte. 337, 10km from Town of Antigonish; look for the trailhead and parking lot on the left. 12 km of well marked trails – a set of 6 stacked loops through a variety of terrain, varying from rock outcrops, gullies and pastures to hardwood groves and bogs. Spectacular views of Antigonish Harbour. Linger along the Lakes Region 9 Fraser’s Mills Hatchery: St. Andrew’s, Rte. 316, Call 902.783.2926. Speckled (Brook) trout, Brown trout, Rainbow trout and Landlocked salmon are reared at the hatchery which distributes 500,000 – 700,000 fish annually. It is the only trout brood stock (adult parent fish) facility in NS. Visitor interpretive center on site. 10 Antigonish Rowing Club: Lochaber, Rte 7. Based in beautiful and picturesque Lochaber Lake, the Antigonish Rowing Club is a growing organization offering an incredible experience to new and experienced rowers. Offering Learn To Row programs for Junior and Adults in June, July and August, as well as recreational rowing and competitive rowing memberships from May-September. Head for the Hills Region 11 Beaver Mountain Provincial Park: Located 11 km from the Town of Antigonish, Exit 30 off the TCH 104, just past Riverside Speedway. Beaver Mountain’s network of roads and trails around the park provide opportunity for everyone. This forested park is suitable for cycling, hiking, walking, cross-country skiing and picnicking. A 1.6 km paved loop (wheelchair accessible) plus two easy to moderate trails – 3 and 6 km in length. Head up for a walk, a bike ride, or even cross country skiing in the winter. A variety of trees and wildlife and several ecosystems - you’ll find something to pique your interest. Don’t forget to take a look at the spectacular view of the town from the park’s entrance and visit the interpretive panels. 12 Keppoch Four Season Outdoor Experience: Exit 30 south & follow the signs. A 300 acre natural forest recreation area just 15 minutes west of Antigonish. A groomed trail system totaling approximately 18km for multi-use is found within the park boundaries rising over 150m from the base. Six downhill cycling trails of varying difficulty total approximately 10 km while a loop and spur trail system add another 8km for mountain biking, trail running, snow shoeing and hiking and geocaching. There are 19 geocaches on the mountain all registered and within the network of trails. Views of Antigonish Harbour, St.George’s Bay, Cape Breton and The Beaver Meadow -Keppoch Basin from the Summit. There is a large parking area and a clubhouse. RidgeTrailnear-Antigonish-NS-1535 Region Acadienne de Pomquet Acadian Region 6 Chez Deslauriers: Pomquet, A restored Acadian heritage home, interpretive centre and tearoom. Open Fridays in July and August 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.. Trailhead for Pomquet Acadian Trail. 7 Pomquet Acadian Trail: Three loop trails along the coastline near Pomquet and through forested areas. Spectacular view from the cliff side path. Trailhead point at Chez Deslauriers. Enjoy the Great Outdoors & More 27 Antigonish Golf & Country Club, 902.863.4797; Cloverville Rd 5 4 Coady International Institute The Coady Institute was created in 1959 by St. Francis Xavier University to promote community self-reliance and innovative ways to improve the lives of people around the world. The Institute is named for Rev. Dr. Moses Coady, one of the prominent founders of the Antigonish Movement, who inspired communities to embrace the principles of cooperation and create selfreliant societies where all people could fully participate. The Coady International Institute is world renowned as a centre of excellence in community leadership education, with more than 5,000 Coady graduates and partners are working with millions of people in 130 countries. Coady graduates include Heads of State, MLAs MPs, and leaders of civil society and community development working to address issues of poverty, health, injustice, and the environment. 902.867.3960 “The spirit of concern which St. Francis Xavier University expresses in deeds through its Coady International Institute among the poor of the world, is very close to my heart. Your leadership role is deservedly acknowledged and universally acclaimed.” — Mother Teresa ANTIGONISH’S NORTH SHORE HEAD FOR THE HILLS REGION ACADIENNE DE POMQUET ACADIAN REGION EASTERN ANTIGONISH LINGER ALONG THE LAKES Ballantyne's Cove 2 Northumberland Strait 3 Cape George ANTIGONISH’S NORTH SHORE Snow Queen Leisure World, Malignant Cove 902.863.1450; Playgrounds: Arisaig Parish Community Center, Heatherton, St. Joseph’s Lakeside Community Centre. Also, visit school playgrounds at St. Andrew’s, Pomquet, Antigonish Education Centre, and H.M. MacDonald School. Discover the legendary StFX experience for yourself. Call 902.867.2445 to arrange a guided campus tour. Virtual tour and campus map Cape George Lighthouse Livingstone's Cove Riverside International Speedway, Sport Fishing: The Antigonish area is blessed with several healthy rivers and streams, which have become synonymous with trout and salmon fishing. For more go to Antigonish Rivers Association St. George’s Bay is one of the hottest spot for giant Bluefin Tuna fishing. Each year in mid-August thru October charters provide the thrill of a lifetime. St. Francis Xavier University (, founded in 1853 is one of the highlights of any visit to the Antigonish area. StFX’s beautiful campus is ideally suited to a walking tour. Hall of the Clans: exhibiting tartans and coats of arms of the Highland clans that settled in Nova Scotia. Found in the Angus L. Macdonald Library; 902.867.2228. The Frank McKenna Center for Leadership opened in 2011. Charles V. Keating Centre: hosts Corporate Training, Trade Shows, Concerts, Sporting Events, Galas, Industrial Training, Global Conferencing, Lectures, Retreat Training Packages, Parties and events up to 5,000 attendees.; 1-877-STAY AT X (782.9289). Oland Centre: Pool and athletic facilities. Welcome desk 902.867.2181 Campus Store and Union Clothing Store: Purchase StFX clothing and souvenirs. Bloomfield Centre. The Campus Store is open Mon. to Fri, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m ANTIGONISH COUNTY MAP 902.863.2410 2 StFX University 8 Pomquet Beach Provincial Park: Located east of the Town of Antigonish (Taylor Road off HWY 104 between exits 35 and 36). This 3-km (2-mi) supervised beach (July and August) has the best example of dune succession in Nova Scotia. The beach has a gentle slope and occasional sand bars. Other park features include boardwalks, interpretive display, change house, and flush toilets. The park is available for group use. 1 Lakevale 7 Maryvale Arisaig 245 Cribbon's Point 337 St. George's Bay 3 HEAD FOR THE HILLS 6 ale esd Clyd 30 Lanark 7 8 Beech Hill Rd. Pomquet 35B 36 Afton Tracadie 37 Heatherton 25 Keppoch Golf & Country Club Pomquet Beach G OU GU 10 Lochaber OR B YS TY N OU HC 316 9 Monastery EASTERN ANTIGONISH St. Joseph’s LINGER ALONG THE LAKES Auld's Cove 8 St. Andrew's 12 Keppoch 38 5 Antigonish South River 5 11 7 REGION ACADIENNE DE POMQUET ACADIAN REGION ANTIGONISH Landing 31 32 33 34 23 35 Lower James River Havre Boucher 5 2 To New Glasgow Mahoney’s Beach North Grant Pleasant Valley Y 15 Antigonish Market Square: 902.863.1596; Find us off Exit 32 at 133 Church St. A collective of goods, services, and people. Bennett’s Market & Bakery: 902.863.3501; New Location Post Road: Mon. – Sat. 9 a.m to 7 p.m. & Sunday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Hawthorne Convenience: 902.863.5583; 201 Hawthorne St. Monastery Petro Canada & NSLC Outlet: 902.232.2107; Monastery Just Off HWY 104 at Exit 37 Sobeys: 902.863.6022; 133 Church St. Trendy’s Clothing & Home Décor: 902.863.1662; 247 South River Rd. HRS: Mon. to Wed. & Sat. 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Thurs. and Fri. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Antigonish’s North Shore Region OUNT OU C PICT Cover Photos: Kayaking at Mahoney’s Beach, biking at Keppoch Mountain, Antigonish Highland Games, Cribbon’s Point, StFX Campus. Brochure photos courtesy of Casket Publishing, Jeanious Design, Greg MacLean. Enjoy the Great Outdoors & More Arts & Culture 28 To Canso Causeway and Cape Breton 1 3 2 2015 4 6 5 7 — 2015 winner— 38 James Street Antigonish 902-863-1212 • Help with Resumes/Cover Letters • Job Board with Daily Local Postings • 6 Computer Workstations • Fax & Photocopier Services All-day breakfast / Lunch / Supper 137 Church St., Antigonish 902-735-3353 rnw oo St. Bay St. Bay st Ma Enjoy our licensed café. We also offer outdoor seating. 224 Main Street, Antigonish B2G 2C2 (902) 735-3225 St. w . Dr ne Mari r Take-out & Delivery Available d. 902-863-5562 254 Main Street Antigonish ie dv BeautifulAntigonish 18 19 Always in Style! St.Andrew ’s St. Visit Antigonish’s only Canada Select four star, full service inn featuring modern guest rooms and Main Street Café where you can enjoy great Taste of Nova Scotia approved dining. B e a c h Hi Antigonish Visitor Information Centre . y Ln Trinit 902. 735. 7586 Green wold D r. Notre Dame Ave. R an Gr of D re s s e s rR . ’s Ln r o n ver o G OldP Sro m Al l Stoyl ueths i ve r. Jewelry accessories home decor DGIFTS table linens pottery 17 Largest Selection is Eastern Canada tS t. W es St. Moth e r of th e B r i de / Groo m r Wes t St. in w’s 16 i ve t. est S Authorized dealer for Grohmann knives Visit our online store - we ship anywhere Adam St. dre Ced rnw oo nt oi am ’s P ne Mari r rescent illi Notre Dame Ave. W Rd. ane Willo wda le L W es tS t. Ced rra ce Chis rescent Th lD r. k oo Br ly ier Rd. rra ce Vin cen t’s W ay Wes t St. 324 Main Street, Antigonish Unique hand crafted treasures from 100% Nova Scotia artisans “We’re not fast food - we’re good food, fast.” st R Brook side W ay Harbour View Ct. 15 Coming Soon Dr. . Dr 14 We Dr. t. tin S e Jam 18 Mon.-Thurs. & Sat. 9:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Friday summer hours 9:30 a.m. - 8 p.m. t. sS Cir . re to 2 n St. Blvd. n o i t a oc Conv . ch St Chur St. y Wa RC 20 dD n St.A 17 Ea . Rd pe B 19 Kirk . t St cres Hill St. iew Gilli s MP 21 ng eni Gre Mar x Ale ce Terra cle ce Cir les ee r. dD n Flore 902-863-3501 Bantry Ln. Pottery Ln. 22 Ca m er o r. n 337 F e ley St. To C a 4 Things to See & Do When in Antigonish Hig iew V ur o rb 13 Ha 332 Main Street, Antigonish 902 86-PIZZA (867-4992) Ha Elm 30 22 21 20 j • Saturday and Sunday Brunch • Pizza • Seafood • Lebanese • Greek • Italian • GF Options • Patio • Dine In, Carry Out • We Deliver 12 rt Cou 16 15 Road ve r ill ch H Bee Main St. ar St.M . y St 14 e St. Ha t. ia S St. ad rne Ac ho wt Oak Ln. 29 Colleg a Ple . a t.tM S S s y’ ne Syd St. t san 11 St. s ’ y r St. Te 13 ’s Ri 34 ria Ct. m l o c Mal 12 ght 33 to Vic Orc ha d Hallow ell G ra n t Gilfoy 31 Beac h Hil l St. West . Dr Chis iew ens d r Olda Highway 104 n G urt a i Ind ler Co i Tra Wr i St.Andrew ’s St. . y Ln Trinit Th dv d. Antigonish Visitor Information Centre Green wold Dr . t. St. Ex hurch CarterC Vin cen t’s W ay R rR Brook side W ay th an Gr ou College St. lD r. a Br St. Martha’s New fully licensed pub Regional Hospital t. M Ol d S r Beaton Cou rt b i ve i ve e. y Av d a Co St. d n okla Bro 8 ark Tigo P Fairv St. t. ima nC Fat lso ho Nic t. ing C Sheil 23 St. nd nse Tow 24 11 c d eR d. st R k St. t ’s S Ma cD ou ga llS t. in n. r’s L rno e v Go 7 6 C . n St Lella Mac oo Ma Golf Cou rs . Dr. We St. . t St Br 10 Adam St. g Exhibition Grounds: Home of the Antigonish Arena; and Eastern Nova Scotia Exhibition Antigonish Farmers’ Market: Saturday 8:30AM – 1PM; St. n o b• Antigonish Heritage Museum: 863.6160; Hrs: Mon.-Fri.: inn 10AM – 5PM; h PFestival K t. Nintheatre. ark Antigonish: Professional repertory Ssummer c ian St.902.867.3333; n r i Ma Trail. Wildlife . c• Antigonish Landing: 4.8Km Shared Use, Flat Terrain t sanctuary along Antigonish Ca i People’s Place (Antigonish Library): 902.863.4276; Hrs: Mon. & Sat.: 9AM – 5PM, Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri.: arTerraceHarbour. Way dS l ly r ie r a B d• Coady International Institute: A world-renowned centre 9AM – 9PM on of excellence in community-based D c development and leadership education. a j Chisholm Park: Enjoy your lunch by the river. Home to the Antigonish Arts Fair held Friday evenings M e Central Field: Venue for soccer, football, rugby, and baseball. Crocket Ct. June 26, July 10, July 24, August 7 and August 21. Universi ty Ave. . a track for walking (or running!), f Columbus Field: A fully equipped playground with waterpark, r k Cairn Park: Visit the unique cairns of Scottish ancestors of the Antigonish area. dD quiet trails through the woods and courts for tennishround. lan a• 151 Church St., Exit 33 902-863-6022 w dre St. Riverside . ch St Chur Kirk ly No other discounts apply with this package n St.A f 19 rt Cou . y St cres Hill r. or D r. Arb aD os or ier st Ro CarterC d. 18 Chestnut St. St. e i h Arc Br Cir . St. St. ne Syd St. SylvanVall ey Rd. R ley Ha Ea Elm ia tor Vic ge Colle t. ia S ad Ac Landsdown Dr. Green Hill Dr. Trailer Court Attractions ve r Dr. o r bo Scar e Dr. Heritag rosa Dr. Restaurant 337 F e 9 Dr. Chisholm e iPgonhd ts Accommodations dD Harbour View Ct. ille erv ov Cl a College St. Orc e The H 25 mVaSrsitt.y Dr. hol Ca m er o r. n 9 . Dr Dr. ve. ore A 902-863-5583 16 15 22 21 20 i Do l Ha wt Braem 201 Hawthorne St., Antigonish St. Lotto - Groceries - Baked Goods - Hot Lunches & More . n St Lella Mac iew Home Baked From Scratch . n Blvd ocatio Conv r. ara D Tam Retail S&L Bakery Fairv rt Cou ting Kea Recreation + 2935 Post Rd., Antigonish y Wa Dr. Dr. r e i Xav ’s Ri t. ’s S 17 St. Ninian St . Ln. h tter’s Tro B ng Hawthorne Convenience j d g Dr. ide Hills Dr. iew thv r. Nor dD woo dge Dr. t. tS St. e l p 31Ma Park ght 30 k h 32 7 orne St. To New Glasgow One Stop Shop For All Your Needs r. or D r. Arb aD os or ’s nnie Bantry Ln. t. tin S le Po eni Gre Mar c ce Cir n Flore d. 24 Cairn ry a St.M 12 13 14 11 29 Main St. 10 o4mpson St. a Old Highway 104 We . ood e St erw gare Silv Mar sR rke Book online @ er . d st R Ma 26 . Rd • 18 Hole Championship Layout • Championship Practice Facility • Fully Equipped Pro Shop • Full Service Clubhouse • CPGA Professional Dave Deluzio 27 St. t. ima nC Fat lso ho Nic t. dS aac cIs 902-863-4797 P M RC St. es Jam32 St. e n i P Ma m ce erra setT Sun Cloverville Road, Antigonish ville w Vie Te University Ave. Gilli s 3 Ct. olm Malc a Ple Oak Ln. arTerrace Wr i Hallow ell G ra n t t. tS san Chestnut St. l ud Dr. lan h Hig ha d ark Tigo P A e shi Pu St. So ve. dy A Coa St. nd okla o r B Landsdown Dr. St. on inn K c Ma t. dS nal o cD Ma Crocket Ct. St. n a i nn ed Dr. iddeTerrace e t n e h x Ce Apples W Ale St. Come Play! St. e Pottery Ln. A hidden gem located in the Heart of Antigonish rne s den Gar rt n ia u Ind ler Co i Tra Dr. boro Scar t. ie S Arch sen m ha g i nn u C Shamrock Acres Trailer Court Brierly Way Dr. ho Dr. ier Xav t. ing C Sheil t. S ss Ro Ha wt ae Br n’s Be k . Rd k o Bro St. Pine St. ple Ma n Tow y erl i r B Cr. rise Sun 28 Keltic Par Antigonish Landing mSt. hol Do l s eight The H ce erra setT Sun S ille wv Vie ompson St. ve. Dr. ore A ide Braem Hills Dr. iew thv r. Nor dD woo dge Dr. We od . o e St erw gare Silv Mar e shi Pu t. St. Martha’s Regional Hospital n. er’s L Trott B St. en 26 nia d n nte hid W St. Ce eR d. w Vie ur o rb Ha t. M lu Dr. Dr. d ’s nnie am igh nn u C 245 Riverside A Ro k . Rd ok o r St. yB ss erl Ro Bri Golf Cou rs 1 27 ae Br n’s Be Ma cD ou ga llS t. Shamrock Acres Trailer Court ille erv ov Cl Cr. rise Sun 245 Keltic Par SylvanVal ley Rd. 8
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