Ocober November layoutt2005.pub - Croix
Ocober November layoutt2005.pub - Croix
Volume 3, Issue 6 The Northern Light October/ November 2005 A monthly update to keep our valued volunteers of the Canadian Red Cross and partners informed on what’s new in the Northern District of Nova Scotia, serving the counties of Colchester, Cumberland, Pictou, Antigonish and Guysborough! If you have any articles or news you would like us to include contact us at (902) 895-3894, or fax (902) 895-3860. Deadline is the last Monday of every month : ). Volunteers Bruce Clyke and David Sullivan standing with Smokey the Bear for the Bible Hill Fire Prevention Week, Open House held Saturday October 15th. It’s LOTOMANIA time of year!!!!! Tickets are on sale now! A R E Y O U P R E P A R E D F O R T H E N E X T D I S A S T E R ? $35.00 per ticket 4 for $100.00 Tickets will sell quickly, so don’t miss your chance to “Live Free for a Year”. Win cash prizes or one of 1,250 other great prizes. Tickets on sale at the Truro & Amherst Service Centre. The BIG draw will take place in Amherst this year. Turkey Bingo Lots of prizes to be won. Turkey Vouchers, Cash prizes Gas Vouchers & much more. November 30, 2005 @ the DSC Bingo Hall Canadian Country Christmas Concert Now on Sale Tickets for Disaster Preparedness Basket over $200 value. Sean Hogan, Jamie Warren, Duane Steele, Diane Chase, Jason Blaine with special guest, JD Clarke Tickets $1.00 each Halifax Casino, 8:00 pm $20.00 per ticket Contact 895-3894 For more information please call: 895-3894 The Canadian Red Cross mission is to improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity in Canada and around the world. All proceeds go to support the Local Canadian Red Cross Inside this issue: HELP Program Update 2 Antigonish Update 2 Volunteer of the Month 4 Focus on Amherst 4 Humanitarian Dinner 5 Babysitting course 6 We need your help Volunteer opportunities at the Pictou HELP depot. If you have 2 hours per week to spare on a weekday morning or afternoon and would like to get involved in the HELP program we would love to hear from you. Contact Martin @ 8953894 in Truro or call the Pictou HELP depot @ 485-1789 August 2005 Total Sept 2005 Total Loans 150 172 Returns 141 178 Transactions 291 350 Clients 126 144 Donations 67 89 Total Donations $1743 $2787.47 Northern Statistics Antigonish update It is with great regret that we say goodbye to two of our longstanding volunteers from the Antigonish Depot this September. We thank them very much for all of their years of hard work and dedication and wish them great happiness for the future. . Geneive Donovan has been with us for 5 years. Jeanette Chisholm with us for 10+years. The building of the new Antigonish Service Centre will commence soon. There will be a sod turning ceremony taking place, the date will be announced. We ask anyone that would be interested in volunteering for either program (HELP or Disaster Services) to contact Velma at the Antigonish Depot :902-863-8222 or Heather (Field Assistant) at the Truro Service Centre: 902-895-3894. Page 2 “The Red Cross is a light showing the right way in the darkness...It is our duty to see to it that it does not go out. “ Albert Schweitzer Welcome New Staff We take this opportunity to welcome 3 new staff to our team in Northern Nova Scotia Norma Shaw, Residential Campaign Coordinator Nova Westenberger, Residential Campaign Coordinator Heather Patriarche, Field Assistant, Disaster Services Nova Heather Norma Special Thanks to our partners at Service Canada Would you know how to recognize a heart attack? People suffering from a heart attack may deny that anything is wrong. Be the Somebody that knows how to recognize the symptoms of a heart attack and what to do to save a life. Call 1-877-356-3226 today to book your First Aid Course Current News: -Bob Wilson, Ron Urquhart, and Don Colp returned in October from 3 weeks of deployment in New Orlean’s. -Our Martin Fisher and his wife (our volunteer) became official Canadian Citizens—Congratulations EH! Bounce Back Katrina Relief PLAY.SERVE.SPIKE.HOPE Date: November 19, 2005 Place: NS Community College Gym, Truro Time: 9-5pm ceremony to follow Registration fee: $5 / $25 per team max. 6 Contact: 902-890-4837 Justin This is a 3rd party fundraiser Coming home from his Little League game, Billy swung open the front door very excited. Unable to attend the game, his father immediately wanted to know what happened. "So, how did you do son?" he asked. "You'll never believe it!" Billy said. "I was responsible for the winning run!" "Really? How'd you do that?" I dropped the ball." Page 3 Focus on Amherst Militsa Sotolongo Joanie Sirois A big welcome to Militsa Sotolongo Rodriguez from Cuba and Joanie Sirois from Quebec, they are part of Canada World Youth program which Amherst is hosting from September until December. Militsa and Joanie will be learning what we do as a organization, and helping out with all programs we offer. Emergency Response Team meeting in November 29 at 6:30 p.m. at the Amherst Service Centre. A thank you to all those who took part in the Firefighter's Memorial March which was held October 2, 2005. Page 4 2005 Canadian Red Cross NS Region Humanitarian Dinner The Canadian Red Cross – Nova Scotia Region, is honored to announce Mr. Ron Joyce, a native of Tatamagouche, Nova Scotia, as the 2005 Humanitarian Award Recipient. In memory of the late Tim Horton, Mr. Joyce created the Tim Horton Children's Foundation to work with children less fortunate. Today there are six camps in total, five in Canada and one in the United States. More than 11,000 children are guests of the Foundation at no charge each year, and their stay is supported primarily by the Tim Hortons’ store owners. Mr. Joyce's dedication and commitment to the Tim Horton Children's Foundation earned him the Gary Wright Humanitarian Award in 1991. He also received an appointment to the Order of Canada, with the official presentation taking place on October 21, 1992 at Rideau Hall, Ottawa. Although most well known for his work with the Tim Horton Children’s Foundation, Mr. Joyce also supports a variety of other causes and has been described as a person “who represents what a humanitarian should be. He has on many occasions and in many ways improved the lives of less fortunate and vulnerable within our society… the acts of kindness and support that have been given to a great number of people far from the limelight and publicity. It is in these acts of kindness and charity that the true measure of a man can be seen.” In May 1993, Mr. Joyce proudly accepted an Honorary Doctorate of Commerce from St. Mary's University in Halifax. In 1994 he received the McGill University Management Achievement Award. He also holds honorary degrees from Mount Allison University, Queens University, MacMaster University, University College of Cape Breton and the University of Calgary. For his business accomplishments, Mr. Joyce has also been honored with such accolades from being made a Fellow of the Hostelry Institute to being inducted into the Canadian Business Hall of Fame. The essence of the Humanitarian Award is to officially recognize and document the spirit of humanity in the province of Nova Scotia, to draw public attention to the full scope of humanitarian activity, and to inspire Nova Scotians to pursue humanitarian goals. Mr. Joyce is indeed a worthy recipient of this prestigious award. The Canadian Red Cross – Nova Scotia Region Humanitarian Award Dinner will help to raise much needed funds for the many programs and services offered by the Red Cross in communities across this province. Community Response Programs such as Disaster Services, RespectEd (violence and abuse prevention education) and the Health Equipment Loan Programs reach into our communities to provide no cost assistance to the most vulnerable. Red Cross programs are delivered without discrimination, assessing need as the criteria for assistance and delivering this assistance through a network of caring volunteers. The gala dinner in honor of Mr. Joyce will be held on Wednesday November 16th at the World Trade and Convention Centre. To purchase your ticket or table please call (902) 424-1422. Celebrate the spirit of humanity and be present as Mr. Joyce accepts this prestigious award. Contact: Tracy White Canadian Red Cross, NS Region Ph: (902) 424-1422 Fax: (902) 420-9589 tracy.white@redcross.ca VO L U M E 3 , IS SU E 6 Page 5 BABYSITTING Choosing a baby-sitter is often stressful for parents. Here are a few tips to help you choose and provide guidelines to your baby-sitter: Choose someone who has taken the Red Cross Baby-sitting course or a first-aid course. Don’t hesitate to ask for references and feel free to check them. Make sure your baby-sitter’s work environment is safe and tidy. Show your baby-sitter where you keep your Red Cross first-aid kit, evacuation plan in the event of fire and emergency telephone numbers. Be sure to provide a number where you can be reached. Tell your children in advance when a baby-sitter is coming. Tell the baby-sitter which activities and areas are out of bounds for your children. Take the time to explain your house rules. Ask the baby-sitter not to invite any friends over to your house. Baby-sitters should not be distracted from their work. Don’t forget to mention any of your child’s allergies or medication that needs to be taken. Our office will be closed on the following dates. NOVEMBER 11 Friday Remembrance Day DECEMBER 23 Friday Christmas Eve (1/2 day) DECEMBER 26 Monday for Christmas Day DECEMBER 27 Tuesday for Boxing Day DECEMBER 30 Friday New Year’s Eve (1/2 day) JANUARY 2 Monday, for New Years Day 8 Saturday Shopping Days Left till Christmas Emergency Response Team Meetings Colchester: November 7 at 6:30 p.m., Truro Service Centre Cumberland: November 29 at 6:30 p.m., Amherst Service Centre Pictou: November 15 at 6:30 p.m., Pictou Fire Hall Thanks to Bev Cooke, Lourlei McLean and Sheila Clyke for their expertise in training our new volunteers in Emergency Response Teams in Cumberland, Colchester and Pictou County. You are the best! Page 6 A special thank you to our volunteers who answer the call and respond to participate in community events— we appreciate you!
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