Your Weekly Horoscope
Your Weekly Horoscope
Volume 3, Issue 24 December 2nd - 8th, 2011 Welcome to the latest issue of the H ighland H eart! We’ re now tw ice as big as we ever were with even more content for you to enjoy - but we need y our help! Drop by our w ebsite and submit a recipe, email us a story you’ d like to share or submit a free classified ad - it is y ou, the reader, that helps make this paper what it is. - Crispin Cornect, of Simply Ducky Your Weekly Horoscope Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18) Leo (Jul 23-Aug 22) Changes in your home-life seem a bit disrupti ve at the moment however things will settle and the whole famil y will benefit. Whether it is at school or at wor k, hard wor k and dedication will pay off. Keep your eye on the goal. Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20) It’ll be difficult but bite your tongue this week especially at the wor kpl ace. Don’t jeopardize possible advanc ements. Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22) A hello, simple nod, or polite smile from you goes along way especi ally to the stranger whose world is falling apart. Aries (Mar 21-Apr 19) Routine has returned and with that comes time and energy for you to enjoy what is i mportant to you. Libra (Sep 23-Oct 22) Taurus (Apr 20-May 20) Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21) By putting everyone els e in your life “first”you tend to overlook your own needs . It is crucial to have time for yourself to reflect on what is i mportant to you. Stay neutral in office disputes or thos e amongst friends. It’s the onl y way to mai ntain healthy relations hips and peac e of mi nd. Gemini (May 21-Jun 20) Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21) You may thi nk that things are at they’re best now but be pr epar ed for additional sur prises and unexpected delights. Keeping things si mple around the holidays will give you much needed famil y ti me. Cancer (Jun 21-Jul 22) Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19) Keep an open mind and be patient. Over-reac tion may cause a bad situation to get worse. Don’tallow others to wal k all over you. Take that muc h needed first step to s how them that you are important and deser ve to be treated with love and res pect. Someti mes it is easi er to l ook the other way but remember in doi ng so you may be turning your bac k on s omeone who s ees you as their only hope. Visit for the chance to submit your recipes, classified ads and more! The Highland Heart is printed on 30% post-consumer materials. Please pass this paper on to someone else or recycle it when you are finished! Dear Nellie, My 14 year old son wants several video games for Christmas. We have two other children and money is tight. Some of these games cost over $50.00. What should I do? Signed, Disappointed Dear Disappointed, There are several things that can be done regarding your situation and buying your son all of these games is NOT one of them! I would figure out how much money you are going to spend on each child. Sit your son down and explain budgets to him, and that you and your husband are following a strict one this holiday. If for instance you decide to spend $50.00 on each child, tell him he can pick a few older games that have been reduced or settle for one of the newer and more expensive releases. I would then try to teach him the value of the dollar because he obviously does not quite understand this as of yet. Encourage him to get an after school job or perhaps he can do chores around the house to earn some money. Teach him to budget and be responsible for his money. You can tell him that if he is able to manage his money he’ll not only be able to buy the games that he wants but will be able to save a little as well. This is the perfect time of the year to teach him about the less fortunate and how his requests can be considered a bit greedy and selfish. If all this fails and he does not react the way you’ d expect him too, don’t get him any games at all and hopefully then he will realize his poor judgement. Happy Holidays! Regards, Nellie We’ re Here To Help We promote Small Business s uccess through: Business Startup Assistance Business Counse ling Training and Skill Development Consulting E-Learning Centre Contact us today! StFX Enterprise Development Centre, at 867-5543 for more information on our many services and courses O r visit www.xedc .ca To Register Contact: Tel:(902) 867 -5543 E-mail: Age: (I think I’ m going to stop asking this question) Favourite Food: Pizza Favourite Hobby: Scrapbooking Favourite Sport: Hockey (Montreal!) A huge Montreal fan, Dana enjoys hockey in all its f orms. When she isn't following the trials and tribulations of her f avourite team she can often be found cheering on her nephews who play for the East Hants Penguins. L O C A L Have a question for Nellie? Submit it anonymousl y at www.thehighlandheart.c a - each week s he’ll pick one ques tion to s hare anonymousl y with her readers! D a n a P e t t ip a s Dana’ s true passion is human services and to that end she is greatly enjoying her time at the Antigonish Career Resource Center as she works towards f inishing her degree. Visit for advertising opportunities, a downloadable copy of the paper and more! Antigonish Guysborough Early Childhood Intervention A home based family centered program for young children birth to school age with developmental delay. Our staff has knowledge of child development and can help you accelerate gains by using a play based method as well as incorporating skill building activities into your family’ s daily routine. Our staff travel to homes or Early Childhood Education Centers for visits at the discretion of the family. This isa voluntary program with no fee. We work with other professionals involved to design services for families; offer coordination of services; summertime playgroups; and a bookand resource lending library. Funding is provided by the Nova Scotia Department of Community Servicesand is supplemented by local fundraising. Parenting Journey home based program in Antigonish and Guysborough for those seeking help with parenting skills for children three to sixteen. Referrals to both programs can be made by parents, professionals, or others with parent/ guardian permission. Directed by a local volunteer board with representation from Antigonish and Guysborough. The preschool years are the most important years of any child's development. Early intervention can assist families to meet their needs through a supportive family-centered approach which helps to foster their child'sdevelopment. Families gain an understanding of how to help their children learn and develop through play. Families can also become familiar with activities and materials that meet their child's level of development as well as learning about the community resources and services available to them. Children gain and improve developmental skills, helping them reach their potential while all participants have the opportunity to meet other families. Antigonish Office 2nd Floor Martha Centre 25 Bay Street Antigonish, NS B2G 2G5 863-2298 Guysborough Office Chedabucto Mall PO Box 51 Guysborough, NS 533-2694 We are proud to be a partner for the fifth annual Festival of Trees. Visit us at The People’ s Place Library during open hours between November 25th –December 17th For more information, or to contact us, please visit: Do you want to hel p promote a loc al non-profit organiz ation? The Highland Heart welcome s ubmissions of articles and pictures for the Community Focus column and our classifi eds. H ave an event you would li ke to advertise? We offer speci al rates for registered non-pr ofits. Contact us today! Visit for advertising opportunities, a downloadable copy of the paper and more! Get the sewer in your life a HQC Gift Certificate Come join us every Saturday before Christmas at the Antigonish Education Center from 9am to 1pm for great crafts, wonderful home baked goods and some of the best gift ideas anywhere! It’ s a busy time of year and we currently have 9 kittens and 3 adult cats that are available for adoption! Our Beloved Pet Calendar is now on sale at many local stores. Contact 863-2111 for further details. Across 1. One-dish meal 5. Animal related tothe giraffe 10. Network that covers the N.Y.S.E. 14. Seep (out) 15. Castor-bean product 16. Tra trailer 17. Fisherman's haul 19. Olfactory input 20. Russian vodka brand, for short 21. Reason tohit the brakes 23. Protestant religious org. 26. Pressed-pants feature 27. Heavy shrubbery growth 32. Prefixwith bar or butane 33. ___ voce (almost in a whisper) 34. Like a piano 38. Dreadful end 40. Impulse 42. Like a lawn at dawn 43. Schilndler or Werner 45. Hundred dollar bill, in older slang 47. Nay negater 48. Halloween decoration 51. Single-celled creature 54. Slangy suffix with smack or sock 55. Pudding and pie 58. Flower associated with Holland 62. Rat chaser 63. "Go!" 66. Trio in a Christmas story 67. Time in D.C. when it's noon in Chicago 68. Old comic strip character Kett 69. A.C./D.C. power 70. Rosa ofMontgomery's bus boycott 71. Goes out, as a fire Down 1. Grasses 2. On the nose 3. Pinza of the Met 4. "Citizen Kane" director Orson 5. Ugly Tolkien creature 6. Korean automaker 7. Play segments 8. Anc. Scot's ally 9. Like things at a pawn shop 10. Shut up 11. 1976 Olympicgymnastics gold medalist ___ Comaneci 12. Online journals 13. Chili go-with 18. Exclamations of dismay 22. Class for a 4-year-old, briefly 24. "Try ___ for size" 25. Comic's routine 27. One-named singer with the album'NoAngel' 28. Those, in Mexico 29. Niche 30. "___ easy to fall in love" (1977 lyric) 31. Twosome 35. Style of 1960's French pop music with a repetitive name 36. Eared vessel 37. Cannon in Hollywood 39. Grand 41. Fly intothe wild blue yonder 44. "Sticks and Bones" playwright 46. Safe investment, informally 49. Drive-in restaurant server 50. Barnstormed 51. "There Is Nothin' Like___" 52. Kind of detector 53. River spannedby the Bagnell Dam 56. R&B singer Turner 57. Suffixwith mob 59. French novelist 60. 'Must've beensomething ___' 61. High-tech appt. books 64. Tollbooth setting: Abbr. 65. Gilbert and Sullivan's '___ Pinafore' Visit for advertising opportunities, a downloadable copy of the paper and more! Sudoku F ill in each square so the numbers one through nine appear only once in each row, column and three by three box. S olution at bottom of the back page. N o cheating! Cryptogram A cry ptogram is a phrase or quote that has been encrypted by simple letter substitution. Y ou solv e the cryptogram with a trial and error process, guessing the letters that hav e been replaced. One f inal rule - a letter can nev er be substituted with itself. NOMG CVLR MG UXKF CVLR VLR NOMG CVLR MG BU CVLR, GKFY, TKN NOY QXFCR MG FKL TU NOXGY NOVN LYPYF CMGNYL NX BKGMD VLUQVU. — Bob Dylan Solution to cryptogram on this page: T his land is your land and this land is my land, sure, but the world is run by those that never listen to music anyway. Visit for advertising opportunities, a downloadable copy of the Now Taking Christmas Orders! Custom crochet hats, leg and arm warmers sock monsters, fairy wings, costume design and s o mu ch m ore! Contact Heather at 872-4006 hpols Recreate Christmas Memories Polson Design St udio is now takin g Christmas orders. Recreate precious moments on canvas or archival phot o paper. We also restore old phot ographs 872-4007 Jewelry Boxes for Sale 100 (2 boxes of 50) fiber filled jewelry boxes f or sale. 8 x 5.5 x 1.25 Great for packaging gifts and gift cards Asking $30.00 per box or both f or $50.00 or 863-9644 Edward Chisholm Christmas Tree Fresh Local Christmas Trees Balsam Fir, Wh ite & Scotch Pine Wide Selection of Wreaths and Brush Located at the A ntigonish Mall Every da y u ntil December 23rd Game Boy Wanted Wanted t o buy an "old school" Game Boy and Games. Contact jenn ifermacneil@hotmail. com if you have one for sale! Free Workshop “Improve Your Chance of Being Hired” Monday, Dec 5th 930am - 1130pm Inclu des: filling out applications, resume Writing, dress codes, interviews & more Call 863-8244 or visit VISIT WWW.THEHIGHLANDHEART.CA TO LIST YOUR CLASSIFIED AD - FOR FREE! LOOK FOR THIS BUTTON FILL OUT THIS FORM AND YOU’ RE DONE! Your ad will appear in the next issue of the Highland Heart! For a complete list of terms and conditions for all free classifieds, please visit A Big Thank You by Heather Polson I wanted to send a “BIG THANK Y OU”to the v olunteers, v endors and businesses who donated and to ev eryone who came out to support our family Halloween ev ent for the IWK in Monastery. Our ev ent was originally booked for OCT 30th. Due to the bad storm we had to cancel. We were able to make it happen the fallowing weekend NOV 6th. I am so gratef ul for the over 300 people who came out to support a great cause. Ev en though we were not able to have everything we had originally planned the event was a success! I’ m so proud to say that we raised almost $1,300 f or the IWK ! My goal was to see how much of the community I could get inv olved to come together, do something very special for a great cause. It’ s amazing if you can just do something small or big in the end together it becomes a BIG DEAL. So thank y ou f rom the bottom of my heart for making my idea a reality. I am looking f orward to next y ear although I think we’ ll hav e it in the summer! If you are interested in v ending, donating or just being a part of our special day I’ d lov e to hear from y ou. Thank y ou again, - Heather Polson 902.872.4006 Donations From: Polson Design Studio, Passionate Nights, Jennif er Polson Photography, The Hawk , Student Computers, Prissy Pig, Marlie and Marlene, The Perf ect Fit, Sulliv an’ s Auto, The 5c to $1 store, Vivid, Snow Queen, Harbor Quilt Co., Garden Glass, M&M’ s , Treasured Moments, Chuggles, Andy’ s Tire Shop Ltd., Scobey ’ s Antigonish, Pet Pal’ s Boarding Kennel, Earth Wise, Jack Ronalds Photography, Cameron’ s Jewelry , Brook Ridge Farms, Hav er Acres Maple Farm, Festiv al Antigonish, Lilly Pond Designs, Reid Business Serv ices, Central, Chery l’ s Place, Wall Mart, Glamour Puss Garments, Jewelry by Paula Mac Loed, Brothers Beauty Supply, Cat’ s ey e Crochet, Joleen Chisholm Photography . Ly nda Moff att IWK, Nadine and Tany a Felix, Stephanie, Conrad Veronica ( Farmers Market Antigonish), Jessica, Chris, Monique, Sarah Benoit, Yv ette, Annie and her mom, Andrew Brick house, Sabrina and Jamie, Nicole, Morris, Maura Hriskevich and Crispin (Simply Ducky / The Highland Heart) Visit for advertising opportunities, a downloadable copy of the paper and more! Come join us every Saturday before Christmas at the Antigonish Education Center from 9am to 1pm for great crafts, wonderful home baked goods and some of the best gift ideas anywhere! Saturday December 3 For all your papercrafting needs! Scrapbooking, wedding invitations, classes & more Now located in Wilkies Court! Antigonish Farmers' Market Antigonish Education Center 9:00 AM-1:00 PM X-Ring Ceremonies Keating Millennium Centre St. FX Campus 2:00 PM-5:00 PM Sunday December 4 X-Women v s. East Coast Musicians Antigonish Arena, 30 James Street Admission: $10 Adult, $5 Students 7:00 AM-10:00 PM Wednesday December 7 The Alzheimer Caf é The People’ s Place Admission: FREE 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM Tax Strategies Antigonish Career Resource Center Admission: FREE 6:30 PM - 8:30PM Friday December 9 Friday Night Family Flicks - Mickey's Christmas Carol The People’ s Place Admission: FREE 6:00 PM-8:00 PM Antigonish Bulldogs vs. Glace Bay Miners Hockey Game Antigonish Arena 7:30 PM - 10:30 PM Tis the season 5 Bette and May nard Chedabucto Place Perf ormance Centre, Guysborough Admission: $30 8:00 AM - 10:00 PM Gingerbread Men All Christmas Pajamas, Robes and Slippers are now 20% off! Come see our wonderful selection of intimate apparel & more! 3 cups flour 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder 6 Tablespoons unsalted butter 3/4 teaspoon baking soda 3/4 cup dark brown sugar 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 large egg 1 Tablespoon ground ginger 1/2 cup molasses 1 3/4 teaspoons ground cinnamon 2 teaspoons vanilla extract In a small bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, ginger, cinnamon, and cloves until well blended. In a large mixer bowl beat butter, brown sugar, and egg on medi um speed until well blended. Add the molasses and vanilla. Continue to mix until well blended. Gradually stir in dry ingredients until dough is smooth. Divide dough in half and wrap each half in plastic. Let stand at room temperature for at least 2 hours. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F. Line cookie sheets with parchment paper. Place 1 half of the divided dough on a floured surface. Roll dough to a little over 1/4" thickness. Flour your work surface and rolling pin as needed to keep the dough from sticking. Cut out cookies with cookie cutters. Place cookies 1 1/2" apart on prepared cookie sheet. Bake one sheet of cookies at a time for 7-9 minutes, do not overbake. Cookies firm up after cooling. Remove cookie sheet from oven and allow the cookies to cool until firm enough to move to a wire rack. Decorate your ginger bread men with icing, candies, or colored sugar when fully cooled. Submitted by Rose MacDonal d (via www.theh igh lan Visit for the chance to submit your recipes, classified ads and more! The Highland Heart is printed on 30% post-consumer materials. Please pass this paper on to someone else or recycle it when you are finished!
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