HH_v5_i15 - October 12 2012


HH_v5_i15 - October 12 2012
Volume 5 Issue 15
October 12th - 18th, 2012
By Anne Isherwood, VON, Manager of Community Support & Volunteer Services
VON Antigonish is part of a national, not for profit, charitable
organization that had it’s beginnings in 1867 when the wife of the
Governor General of Canada, Lady
Ishbel Aberdeen, realized the need
to bring health care to people living in rural areas across Canada.
Under her guidance the Victorian
Order of Nurses was formed and
continues to thrive today across
the country. The idea was very basic…. to bring health care to those
who could not access it any other
way. VON nursing staff continues
this proud tradition today and are
complimented by many Community Support and Volunteer Programs. The purpose of these volunteer support programs is to ensure
that seniors are able to continue
living healthy, independent lives in
their own homes for as long as
Locally, services such as Meals on
Wheels, Assisted Transportation,
Adult Day Program, Lifeline, Vial of
Life, Senior Home Check and Seniors Income Tax Service provide the
volunteer based assistance that
makes a great difference in the
lives of local seniors.
The Community Support Programs
promote wellness and independence.
Last year the Meals on
Wheels Program delivered 3,790
meals. Not only do seniors receive
a hot, nutritious meal prepared by
the only person the seniors will see
that day. Through the Assisted
Transportation Program volunteers
drive clients to medical appointments, lab visits and shopping. The
Senior Home Check service made
over 21,000 calls last year to remind clients to take medications on
time. In addition to these services,
Lifeline, Vial of Life, and the Annual
Income Tax Clinics have supported
fellow residents in their desire to
continue living independently in
their own homes. Volunteers are
also active members of VON’s
Community Board and others serve
to support fundraising efforts and
office assistance.
Pictured above are Doug and Lorraine Dadeau, who have been steadfast and devoted volunteers in VON’s Meals on Wheels program since 1997. They are among the sixty VON volunteers who contribute on a daily basis to ensuring the well being of many seniors in our community. The Dadeau’s have delivered over 6,000 meals in the fifteen years they have volunteered. They are a wonderful example of the fact that it is not just the act of delivering a
meal, driving a client or helping clients in the day program, it is also the care, kindness and
concern shown to each client that makes their volunteering so special. Photo submitted
courtesy of the VON.
Sodexo Foods of St. FX University,
but they also benefit from a visit by
one of VON’s friendly volunteers.
Sometimes the volunteer might be
Birthday Contest
Theatre Antigonish presents Doubt, which
will be running from October 18th - 21st at
the Bauer Theatre. Ed Thomason, Bauer
Theatre Artistic Director shares a brief summary of this Pulitzer Prize-winning drama.
Read all about it on page seven.
This is the last week for your chance to
win the Highland Heart Birthday Package,
valued at $600! Enter by liking our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/
thehighlandheartweekly. Maybe you will
be our lucky winner!
Horoscopes … ..
Ask Nellie … … …
Local … … … … …
Crossword … … ..
Sudoku … … … …
Cryptograms .....
Classifieds… … ..
Recipe… … … … .
The Adult Day Program is the most
recent addition to VON’s family of
support programs. This program is
designed to assist clients in maintaining a maximum quality of life in
all areas. It provides opportunities
to use abilities and skills which
promote independence and optimize the level of cognitive, physical
and social functioning. The aim is
to reduce isolation and hospital
admissions and to keep clients out
of long term care facilities for as
long as possible. The program also
provides much needed respite for
caregivers by helping to prevent
stress and burnout for those caring
for a loved one. The cost for this
program is $20 per day and it takes
Continued on page two
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Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18)
Leo (Jul 23-Aug 22)
Decide what you want out of the
week and don't let anyone stop
Be aware of the risks
though - you may step on others.
Your creativity may feel limited by
the obstacles in your life. Instead
of feeling hemmed in, be creative!
Find the way around, not through,
the things in your way.
Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20)
This week will make you feel like
all eyes are on you. Walk tall and
realize that you have nothing to
hide. Next week brings calm at
work and with colleagues.
Aries (Mar 21-Apr 19)
Continue to reach out for new
experiences this week and
broaden your horizons.
term success can be assured
through experience.
Taurus (Apr 20-May 20)
It may be tempting to charge
forward alone, teamwork is the
key to a successful week at everything you do. Sharing the credit
also means sharing the reward.
Come join us for a wide variety of locally
grown and prepared foods along with a
great selection of local handcrafts, awesome jewellery and more!
Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22)
Your imagination is not always
your friend. Don't let it run away
from you - you may find yourself
jumping to conclusions that will
hurt you and those around you.
Libra (Sep 23-Oct 22)
Good things come to you this
week. It is tempting to let excitement get the best of you. Stay
calm - you’
ll be in good shape
when things return to normal.
Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21)
Rely on the advice of others this
week when you are tempted to
make an important decision.
You’re judgement may be
clouded where others see clearly.
Gemini (May 21-Jun 20)
Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21)
Other people in your life this
week will dominate and you may
feel that you have no choice but
to listen. Bid your time and speak
your mind when the time is right.
Someone close to you may be
pushing your buttons. Stay calm
and try to find the reason why they are unaware of the impact a
stressor is having on them.
Cancer (Jun 21-Jul 22)
Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19)
Avoid focusing on the goal at the
expense of the process. Understanding the behind-the-scenes
actions will help you better succeed.
Look behind the scenes before
you loudly praise a friend or colleague. You don't want to be
associated with the situation once
the truth comes to light.
Continued from page one
place on Wednesdays and Fridays at the JJ Carroll House.
VON’S community partners in
this program are GASHA District
Health Authority and the Eastern Mainland Housing Authority.
This past year VON volunteers
generously donated over three
thousand hours of their time,
talent and energy to help make
life better for seniors in the
town and county of Antigonish.
To make it possible to continue
providing these much needed
services to seniors in our community VON relies on fundraising activities such as the upcoming mail out campaign.
Each year past donors are contacted in the hope that they will
continue to support the volunteer programs. This year, in
addition to the regular mail out,
VON is launching a general
householder mail out. This
means that every household in
the town and county of Anti-
gonish will be receiving a letter
detailing the many services
offered and a request to consider making a donation to the
programs. By doing so, residents will be part of making
Antigonish a healthy and safe
place for all its residents.
To learn more about VON Antigonish
programs, or for information on how to
volunteer or donate to these much
needed services please contact VON at
863-5700 or drop by the office at 133
Church Street, Suite 6, Antigonish Mall
Business Centre.
Dear Nellie,
ve been dating a guy I meet at frosh week for almost a month now and he asked me out
for a dinner date at 7pm on Friday. He calls me up while I’
m in class and leaves a voicemail saying
s really sorry but some old friends have landed in town and he has to cancel. It really makes me
mad that I’
ve been turned down in exchange for a better offer - why couldn't he invite me? I was
pissed and sent him a text to “let me know when you can fit me in your life”. I haven't heard from him
all week. Should I apologize?
- Texting Mad
Dear Texting Mad,
No one can blame you for being mad about having your plans being cancelled at the last
minute. Lets be honest, it always hurts a bit to have something your looking forward to is taken away
and the only explanation given is one that doesn't make sense to you. Feeling hurt is ok, what can
cause troubles is reacting to a situation without knowing the exact circumstances.
Lets assume for the moment that these were some good male friends that he misses, people with
whom he has always had ‘
guy time’- the sort of male gathering where girlfriends are generally not
included. That has to be ok, its something each of you will need from time to time in a relationship.
The important thing is to make sure it’
s not a pattern. If this starts to happen regularly and you find
yourself ‘
excluded’from spending time with the people he finds important (close friends in this case)
then that likely means that he doesn't see the two of you as being in a serious relationship at this
time, or doesn't even see you as his girlfriend.
The text you sent can translate into ‘
I want a serious relationship’
, something that could be scaring
him away if you haven't had the ‘
serious relationship’talk yet. If you haven't had that talk then you
likely jumped the gun with the text and possibly made him think about a casual (to him) relationship
that he did not consider serious. He may be mad at you, but more likely he simply doesn't know how
to respond to what is scary and new situation.
What you do next depends on how you want to define your relationship. I wouldn't apologize for the
message - but you have to decide who makes the next step. You can wait things out and see if he
wants you bad enough to contact you first (and if he doesn't then you know it was not a serious relationship and from the sounds of things, not what you were looking for), or you can wait a day or so for
you to both calm down and approach him normally - sit down, and for your own peace of mind, have
that talk about whether the two of you are in a serious relationship.
Stay calm, communicate and no more angry text messages!
All the best, Nellie
Have a question for Nellie? Submit it anonymously at www.thehighlandheart.ca
Age: 18
Favourite Food: Movie Theatre popcorn
Pet Peeve: When people scuff their feet!
Favourite TV Show: The Mentalist
Hobbies: All sports, watching movies and volunteering
Monica was born in Charlottetown, PEI, where she lived until
Grade 10. She then moved to Halifax where she attended Citadel High School and spent many hours volunteering at the
Abbie J. Lane in Halifax.
Monica Bolger
Monica is currently attending St Francis Xavier University,
where she is pursuing a Bachelor of Arts Degree, majoring in
psychology. She calls Chillis home and is a new member of the
StFX Cheerleading team!
Draw Date Every Sunday - Next Draw Oct14th
October 7th Winner:
Ralph Casey, Larry’s River
Tickets available from any member of AMHA or
community business sponsors like Cleve’s
1. Wintry
5. Savage
10. Matador charger
14. "The ____ Love...": 1924
15. Unified
16. Moslem cleric
17. "Perils of Pauline" star
19. Narrow cleft
20. New age music maker
21. Robber
23. Bruce's spouse
26. Sci-fi creatures
27. August through December,
for many collegians
32. Paul Bunyan's implement
33. Wash gently against, as
the shore
34. Pays, as the bill
38. Ocho___, Jamaica
40. "Don't Know Why" singer
42. Food pkg. contents
43. Give it a try
45. Mast attachment
47. Narrow river inlet
48. Assumes responsibility for
steering a ship
51. Cute as a button, for one
54. West London district
55. Italian liqueur
58. China's Chou
62. Ex-Mrs. Burt Reynolds
63. Flustered
66. River into the Danube
67. Spikes the punch
68. Pinkish, as a steak
69. Type of bog
70. Ideal vacation spots
71. "Famous" cookie man
1. Clone
2. Perfectly draftable
3. Pastrami preference
4. Tyrolean frock
5. Fee-___-fum, ogre's
6. Biblical verb suffix
7. Irritate.
8. Square column
9. Regard with lust
10. Crowbar in a trunk
11. "Mother ___" (old
12. Sapporo soup
13. Sharif and Epps
18. A von Trapp
22. Pitch symbol on a musical
24. Petty or shabby
25. Obtrude
27. Taxi rider
28. Allies foe
29. Tolstoy and Gorcey
30. Famous family of Western
31. Fits' companion
35. Other, south of the border
36. Minnesota player
37. Eminem song on "The
Marshall Mathers LP"
39. Swift, notably
41. Ritz lookalike
44. Harvard rival
46. Girlish laugh
49. Boiler on a range
50. Iran-___ Affair
51. Medicinal tuber
52. "Put me in that category"
53. Heaven-sent food, in the
56. "X-Men" villain with great
leaping ability and a very long
57. Between twice and never
59. Actor Neeson
60. Aviating prefix
61. Rough day for Caesar
64. Four-star officer: Abbr.
65. Inits. in Navy ship names
Fill in each square so the numbers one through nine appear only once in each row, column
and three by three box. Solution at bottom of the back page. No cheating!
A cryptogram is a phrase or quote that has been encrypted by simple letter substitution. You solve
the cryptogram with a trial and error process, guessing the letters that have been replaced. One
final rule - a letter can never be substituted with itself.
The solution: No cheating!
Solution to cryptogram on this page:
and only deeds will suffice. .
Speak out in acts; the time for words has passed,
The solution: No cheating!
— John Greenleaf Whittier
Doubt: A Parable
Theatre Antigonish is proud to present the
Pulitzer Prize-winning play, Doubt.
Come out to the Bauer Theatre
October 18th - 21st @ 8pm
Tickets are $14 and $10 for Students
Fall Expo
Attention Students
Want to get your damage deposit back?
Discounts for weekly or bi weekly jobs
Hire us to help make it easier. Landlords
love a clean place. Call (902)318-0056.
The Antigonish Women Entrepreneurs
will kick off Small Business Week with their
first annual Fall Expo.
October 14, 2012 from 2-8pm at the
Antigonish Legion. Everyone Welcome!
High Spirits Aesthetics
Antigonish Farmers’Market
Opening October 15th
Located 70 West Street, Suite 3
Behind Sears Building Across from St.F.X
Pamper yourself today and book now!
Amanda MacIsaac: 735-3444
Every Saturday from 9am - 1pm
4-H Barn, James Street, Behind the arena!!
Come enjoy fine food, fresh produce, and
delicious baked goods while browsing hand
crafts of all varieties!
Alley Cat Cosmic Bowling
Sign yourself up, Sign your team up.
Have a little fun and make a difference.
October 14th, 2-4pm
Contact Susan or Marlene at
carma.ant@gmail.com for info!
Rowing Regatta
International Film Festival
Come out to Lochaber Lake
Saturday, October 13th to cheer on
athletes from all over Atlantic Canada!
Prime time for viewing the races will be
between 2-4pm. See you there!
Antigonish International Film Festival
Oct 19- 20th
At the Empire Theatre &
People’s Place Library
For info: www.antigonishfilmfest.org
Business Gala
AIFF Community Dinner
Antigonish Chamber of Commerce is hosting a night of celebration to salute the
Antigonish Business Community!
St. Andrew’s Community Centre
Thursday, Oct 18th
Antigonish International Film Festival will
be hosting a dinner on Oct 20th at the
Prissy Pig Café and Deli.
Tickets $ 20 available only at Lyghtesome
Gallery are going fast – get yours soon
Hip of Beef Dinner
Jim Richard & Rusty Cage
The annual hip of beef dinner will take
place at the Mini-Trail Community Centre.
Nov 4th, 11am-1pm.
Tickets may be purchased from any Board
member or by calling 863-4292.
Jim Richard & Rusty Cage in Concert
Oct 14th at 7pm
Goshen Community Centre
Enjoy the music of Legends Johnny Cash,
Waylon Jennings, & more!
Submitted by Ed Thomason, Bauer Theatre Artist Director. Edited for length by Karen Keizer, The Highland Heart
Theatre Antigonish
opens its new season this month with
Shanley's powerful,
P u l i tz e r
Pr i z e winning
Doubt: A Parable.
Shanley’s skill as a playwright is to engage his
audiences and activate
this “dynamic, present
tense” uncertainty in
their responses to his
play. He explains “The
last character in any
play is the audience and
if you do their job for
them they feel robbed.
And as much as they
would like me to explain
the play to them,
if I did they would
resent me for it
and feel less for it.
You walk out of
this play and the
last act takes place
at dinner afterwards or over
Doubt takes place in
a Catholic school in
the Bronx, New York,
in 1964, a year after
the assassination of John F.
Kennedy, the
action focuses
on the clash
between Sister
old style prinThe Theatre Anticipal
gonish season is
strong disciplistocked full of
narian of St
must see plays.
EleNext month, be
m e n t a r y
sure to look for
the timeless clastwo of the
sic, Little Women,
s c h o o l ' s
set to run Novemyounger and
more progresThis play is based
sive teachers, Father Flynn (top centre) is portrayed by Joshua Bryson-Weaver, (left) Sister James is on the Louisa M.
Jennie Appleby and (right) Sister Aloysius is Carol Anne MacKenzie. Photograph by
James Farnoush Zadeh, provided by Theatre Antigonish.
published in 1868,
Flynn, who is also the parish
more than we need another
which became an immediate bestpriest.
play that says the Nazis were
seller. The dramatization is sure to
satisfy life-long fans and is a viWhen Sister James expresses
brant introduction to a classic
concern for the school's only
Shanley’s preoccupation is with
African-American student, Siscurrent modes of public dister Aloysius becomes convinced
course, and the place of doubt
There will be a talk-back session immedithat Father Flynn is involved in
in big conversations about imately following the performance on October 19th.
an improper relationship with
portant issues. He states
the boy.
“Having a lack of certainty can
"Doubt" by John Patrick Shanley is playing
be a passionate exercise rather
Oct. 18, 19, 20, 21 @ 8:00PM
While he uses this situation as
than being something that cuts
the springboard for his play,
you off at the knees and makes
Tickets are $14 and $10 for Students. For
Ticket Reservations call (902) 867 3333 or
Shanley has made it clear in
you weak, that in fact it can
tickets are available for purchase online at:
past interviews that his play is
make you strong. To live in a
not about that. He says “I don’t
state of doubt is to live in a
think we need a play that says
dynamic, present tense way,
For information on upcoming shows visit
Theatre Antigonish on Facebook at
priests molesting kids is wrong,
rather than sitting back on the
w w w .f a c eb o o k.c o m /p a g e s/ Th ea tr ethey shouldn’t do it, I don’t
couch of convictions.”
Antigonish/131301284706?fref=ts .
think we need that play any
Looking For A Home...
Rookie is one of five orange tabby kittens available for adoption. She has a
sweet disposition and is very playful.
For further information about adopting
any of these kittens call (902) 863-2111.
By Denise Davies
In the coming weeks leading up to the Antigonish International Film Festival, the Highland Heart is pleased to
feature a brief summary of some of the 30 films to be shown at this year’s event.
Singing against the Silence: the Gaels of Nova
Directed by Michael Newton this iconography of
Nova Scotia is replete with images of the Scottish
Highlander, especially in tourist publications
which highlight tartans, kilts, and bagpipes. These
romantic clichés obscure a complex history of
marginalization, appropriation, and resistance.
Through interviews with a range of subjects, Singing against the Silence explores the struggles of
Scottish Gaels in eastern Nova Scotia to sustain
and reclaim their language, and puts these efforts
in the larger context of linguistic and cultural
The International League of Conservation Photographers (ILCP) teamed up with EP Films to create a
documentary with stunning cinematography that
tells the story of the threats facing the Great Bear
Rainforest and the continued efforts of the First
Nations communities and conservation groups to
protect this wild landscape. SpOIL follows the
Great Bear Rainforest Rapid Assessment Visual
Expedition (RAVE) that sent a swat team of photographers and filmmakers to the Great Bear Rainforest to document the beauty and the threats to
this wild landscape. This film is directed Trip
Save the date for the 6th annual Antigonish International Film Festival October 19 and 20. See more details at
www.antigonishfilmfest.org and sign up on our Facebook page for special updates. The Antigonish International Film Festival
would like to thank their generous sponsors. For Singing Against the Silence, Antigonish Optical, Braemore Co-op Food Market,
Nova Scotia Office of Gaelic Affairs, StFX Department of Celtic Studies and for SpOIL, Lyghtesome Gallery, Responsible Energy
Action, StFX Department of Anthropology, StFX Extension Department.
Writing/Rewriting a
Business Plan
There will be a writing and
rewriting a business plan
workshop held at the
XEDC Boardroom,
54 St. Mary’
s Street.
October 17, 2012
1130am - 1pm
Contact: Paula Brophy
StFX Enterprise Development Centre
54 St Marys Street, Antigonish
Ph: 867-2029
Enter now by liking us at: