Talk of the Tow n Fall 2013
Talk of the Tow n Fall 2013
1 Fall 2013 Talk of the Town Inside this Issue Town Staff / Council …………..…………………….3-4 Recreation ...…………...…………..…….……….…5-11 Town Services & Information….…………...……...12-31 Community Information……….…..…………...…..32-56 Community Directory………………………....…... 57-59 2 Town Staff Directory 863-2351 Stephen Feist, CAO Dianne Wilson, Deputy Clerk Tom Wadden, Comptroller Ken Proctor, Town Engineer Sean Day, Planner Greg Smith, Building Inspector/ By-Law Enforcement Officer Joey MacDougall, Fire Inspector/ Safety Officer Darlene Halfpenny, Planning/Eng. Tricia Cameron, Recreation Director Melanie Fougere, Executive Assistant/Recreation Rose Feltmate, Tax Billing Florence MacDonald, Water/Sewer Karen Perley, Accounting Clerk Katrina Leckovic, Municipal Intern Shaun Smith, Special Constable/ Traffic Authority John Pellerin, Special Constable/ Animal Control Officer Public Works Department Electrical Department Waste Hotline Water Treatment Animal Control Officer 867-5576 867-5580 867-5581 863-3237 867-5589 867-5591 867-5590 867-5575 867-5595 867-5574 867-5582 867-5583 867-5584 867-5585 867-5587 867-5588 863-2956 863-2777 863-4949 863-5025 867-5588 3 Town Council Mayor Carl Chisholm 7 Chisholm Street Antigonish, NS B2G 2S6 867-5577 Councillor Laurie Boucher 19 Gillis Way Antigonish, NS B2G 2W3 863-2427 Councillor Sean Cameron 16A MacLellan Street Antigonish, NS B2G 1V5 863-6371 Deputy Mayor Liz Chisholm 33 Xavier Drive Antigonish, NS B2G 1G8 863-2721 Councillor William Cormier 20 MacLellan Street Antigonish, NS B2G 2V5 863-3507 Councillor Donnie MacInnis 5 Viewville Street Antigonish, NS B2G 1E1 735-2823 Councillor Jack MacPherson 13 Dolorosa Avenue Antigonish, NS B2G 1T2 863-6680 4 Recreation Stretch and Strength High/Lo 2-Go This class offers a balance of resistance exercises with Yoga stretches the resistance exercises will include free weights, stability balls and body-bars. A high intensity, low impact class will work for everyone. A beginner aerobic class combines cardio work with some resistance and abdominal exercises to give a great workout. Mild to Moderate Intensity Instructor: Karen Garvie Tuesday/Thursday 6:30-7:15pm Location: Antigonish Fire Hall Instructor: Brenda Chisholm Monday/Friday 9:30-10:15am Location: Keating Millennium Centre **REGISTRATION IS CLOSED** CLASS IS FULL Club 60 Seniors Fitness High energy, low intensity exercise class combines aerobic moves with resistance exercises and stretches. Perfect for the 55+ crowd. Open to all seniors. Instructor: Barb MacDonald Tuesday & Friday 9:15-10:00 am September 16th—December 6th Location: Club 60 $2.00 drop-in fee to be paid at Club 60 All Classes will run for 12 weeks, September 16th to December 6th, Cost: $60.00 * Participants must pre-register at Town Hall* 5 Recreation Looking for something to do? Check out Highland Connect! It is an online guide for active living resource . Discover recreation, sport and physical activity opportunities in Antigonish, Guysborough and Pictou Counties! visit: You will find programs, services and facilities in our community. We make it easier for you to know where to do fun activities, as well to find out how to be a leader in community sport or recreation, how to access funding opportunities and much more. Highland Connect supports healthier lifestyles for all. 6 Recreation Sport Funding Programs Assisting families with registration and equipment fees so all kids can take part in sport and recreation activities. KIDSPORT Kidsport is a national children’s charitable program that helps disadvantage kids overcome the barriers preventing or limiting their participation in organized sport. KidSport Nova Scotia provides funding of up to $300.00 a year per child for sport registration and/or equipment. Application Periods Applications are accepted and reviewed six times a year. Application deadlines are : January 1, march 1, May 1, July 1, September 1 & November 1. CANADIAN TIRE JUMPSTART Canadian Tire Jumpstart is a community based charitable program to get children active which will deliver assistance to financially disadvantaged children so they can participate in recreational activities and organized sport. Canadian Tire Jumpstart provides Funding for children for sport or recreation registration fees. Application Periods Applications are accepted and reviewed six times a year. Application deadlines are : January 1, march 1, May 1, July 1, September 1 & November 1. For more information or to obtain an application, contact Town Recreation at 867-5574 or visit: 7 Recreation Touch Football Fundamentals If you are between 8 and 11 years old and want to learn more about football, have we got the program for you! FUNdamentals started last year and was wildly successful! The 6 week program designed to introduce youth to the sport of football with a focus on developing core skills to the sport (running, catching, throwing and kicking). Each week the program will introduce and build physical literacy with respect to playing non-contact football. Best of all— the concepts learned can be easily transferred to other sports with ease! Guiding principles come from Football Canada’s LTAD (Long Term Athletic Development) program. Participants will be guided by experienced instructors, who are players in the Highland Touch Football League. There will be special Guests from Saint Francis Xavier who will also be on hand to assist with demonstrations and instruction. The emphasis of Touch Football FUNdamentals is for all participants to have FUN while learning. We’ll go through some concepts and introduce skills each week. Participants will then partake in exercises and drills to reinforce skills. Each one hour session will be capped off by some fun football themed games and competitions. By the end of the session, some controlled scrimmages and game scenarios will be introduced. Program to run from September 19 to October 24, 2013. Thursday from 6:30-7:30pm. The cost of registration is $25 per child or $45 for two children in the same family. Three or more: $60. T-shirts are included in the price of registration. Maximum 24 participants. Register at Antigonish Town Hall Recreation Department. 8 Recreation Highland Touch Football League Come on out and try this exciting brand of football that everyone can play! No helmets or expensive equipment; just FUN! Now in our 7th year, the HTFL has introduced over 150 adults Touch Football in Antigonish & Pictou Counties. Weekly games are played on Sunday mornings at Oland Stadium on the Campus of St.FX. There is a varied background of among the membership from those who have never played organized football to those who have suited up for the CIAU! Our emphasis is on fun and camaraderie. The HTFL is coed and open to anyone 16 years or older. Kick-off begins September 8th with an “open house” where everyone is encouraged to come out and give Touch Football a try. The basic mechanics of the game will be reviewed for first time players. The League runs from early September to mid-November. Registration fees ($40 for adult and $30 for students) include a personalized t-shirt/jersey. Sign up at Antigonish Town Hall, Recreation Desk with the registration form from Page 10. Contact: Brian Nicholson, League President or by phone: 735-2757 9 Recreation Highland Touch Football League Registration Form Name: _________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: _____________________________________________Postal Code: _________ Email: _________________________________________________________________________ Phone: (H) _______________ (W) ________________ (C) _____________ DOB: __________________Emergency Contact: _____________________ Family Physician: __________________ Medical Conditions: ___________ Number of years playing organized football: ___ Positions played: ________ Would you be interested in being a Quarter Back? Yes T-Shirt Size (circle one): SMALL LARGE Registration Fee: Adult: $40.00 MEDIUM No XL XXL Student: $30.00 Enclosed is a cheque/money order in the amount of $ ______ payable to the Town of Antigonish Recreation Dept. Please do not send cash through the mail. I/we the undersigned agree not to hold the Town of Antigonish, St. Francis Xavier University or any of its agents liable for any injuries sustained by any person registered by me/us while a participant of this program. ____________________________ Signature ___________________________ Date Mail in registration and payment to: Town of Antigonish Recreation 274 Main Street Antigonish, NS B2G 2C4 10 Recreation PROGRAM REGISTRATION FORM Participant’s name Age Program Course Fee Parent Name:_____________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: __________________________________________________________________________ Phone (H) : _____________________________ (W) ______________________ © ____________________ E-mail: __________________________________________________________________________________ Medical Condition(s): ______________________________________________________________________ Family Physician: _________________________________________________________________________ Emergency Contact: _____________________________________ Phone #: __________________________ Participant / Parent / Guardian Signature I/We the undersigned, agree not to hold the Town of Antigonish or any of its agents liable for any injuries resulting from or sustained by any person registered by me/us while he/she is participating in the program. ______________________ Date _______________________________________________________ Signature of Participant / Parent/ Guardian Department of Recreation Mail-In Registration Form MAIL-IN REGISTRATION ONLY Mail form with Cheque/Money Order to: Antigonish Town Recreation Department 274 Main Street, Antigonish, NS B2G 2C4 11 Town Services Town of Antigonish Electric Utility Occasionally throughout fall and winter, weather conditions can arise that may cause power outages. Here are a few things to keep in mind before these events occur: In the event of a power outage, check whether the outage is limited to your home. A visual check from your window around your neighbourhood will often allow you to determine if it’s a utility outage or a problem in your own home. If you believe that the outage is not limited to your own home, please do not assume that the outage has already been reported. Give us a call at 863-2777. Home generators are a handy source of electricity in the case of a power outage. If you are connecting your generator to your electrical system, ensure you have it installed by a qualified electrician. The electrician will obtain a permit, the installation will be inspected and the risk of a back-feed to our system which can cause harm to our employees will be removed. In the event of a power outage you should bear in mind that, on the return of power, whatever devices you had running at the time of the outage may unexpectedly restart. Power tools, appliances, hair dryers are just a few items that may cause damage on a return of power. Turning the item off or unplugging it should prevent unexpected damage or injury. If you see a downed power line, keep back a minimum of 6 meters and always assume that the wires are live. Electric transmission and distribution lines are always the thinner wire occupying the top section of the utility pole. Generally, the thicker, heavier wire occupying the upper-middle section of the pole are telephone and cable lines. If you are unsure as to whom to contact regarding a downed line, call us at 863-2777. Check out opportunities for saving energy through retrofit or other worthy programs offered by Efficiency Nova Scotia. You are paying to fund those programs through your electricity rates, might as well try to take advantage of them. Contact them at, or call 1-877-999-6035. 12 Town Services 13 Town Services Curbside Collection Routes Garbage, Green Carts, and Recycling MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Archibald Brierly Brook Road Centennial Drive Chestnut Street Chisholm Street Cunningham Drive Hillside Drive Keltic Park MacDougall Street Maple Street Margaree Drive Northview Drive Pine Street Pushie Street Ross Street Silverwood Drive Sunrise Crescent Sunset Terrace The Heights Thompson Street Tigo Park Viewville Street Wedgewood Drive Whidden Street Xavier Drive Acadia Street Arbor Drive Brookland Street Carter Crescent Coady Avenue College Street Dolorosa Avenue Elm Street Hawthorne Street Landsdown Drive MacLellan Street Malcolm Court Orchard Terrace Pleasant Street Scarboro Drive St. Mary’s Street Sydney Street Victoria Street Adam Street Archie Street Bantry Lane Bay Street Braemore Avenue Cedar Terrace Church Street Court Street Fairview Street Fatima Street Gillis Way Greening Drive Highland Drive Kirk Street MacDonald Street MacKinnon Street Main Street Mariner Drive Martin Street Mt. Cameron Drive Nicholson Court Brierly Way St Andrew’s Street St. Ninian Street West Street Hillcrest Street Collection occurs bi-weekly with garbage (clear bags only) and green (organic) carts collected one week and recyclables collected the next week. Questions ? Contact the Town of Antigonish Hotline 863-4949 14 Town Services Town of Antigonish Curbside Collection Bulky Waste Pick-up: September 23, 24, & 25th. Please note that when Holidays Fall on a Monday, those who receive waste collection on Monday will have their material picked up on Thursday. Materials should be placed at Curbside by 7:30 a.m. Items should be clean and properly sorted. 15 Town Services YOUR WASTE SORTING GUIDE BLUE BAG #1 (Paper Products) Newspaper Flyers Boxboard (cereal, pizza, cracker, tissue boxes etc.) Egg cartons Phone books Copier Paper Envelopes Magazines Novels & text books (hard covers removed and placed in garbage) Items must be Clean and Dry. Cardboard should be empty, flattened then placed in the outside cardboard bin. BLUE BAG #2 (All Other Recyclables) Metal food cans Glass jars & bottles Plastic containers (#1-7) Plastic shopping bags Plastic bread bags All Milk containers Pop and juice cans Juice boxes Liquor containers Empty and Rinse Clean. Caps and straws are Garbage. Beverage containers must be taken to an ENVIRO-DEPOT to get your refund. ORGANICS COLLECTION All food waste including: Table Scraps, meat, fish, bones, eggs, nuts & shells, vegetables, fruit, & peelings, corn on the cob & husks, solid dairy (ie. Cheese) , Solid fat (i.e. bacon fat), tea bags & coffee grounds. Soiled or wet paper: Includes but is not limited to the following examples of paper soiled with food, dirt, water, or edible oil/grease: Sugar & flour bags, Paper plates, waxed paper, baking soda box, coffee filters, napkins & paper towel. Yard waste including: Flowers & potting soil Wrap messy food in a sheet of newsprint, a paper bag or box. Dispose in the green cart for organics. No cigarette butts, ashes, plastic, metal or glass. 16 Town Services Year Round @ Your ENVIRO-DEPOT ™ Give Leftover Paint A Second Chance Nova Scotians can return leftover paint, year round during business hours, to any of the province’s Enviro-Depots at no charge. Unused paint is sorted at a facility in Springhill, Nova Scotia, and then sent for recycling into new paint products. Nova Scotia’s Paint Recycling Program Over three million containers of paint are purchased every year in Nova Scotia and up to 25% of the paint is never used. The Paint Recycling Program helps keep paint out of the landfills and out of our environment! Keep the Lid on Safety Follow these steps to make returning paint to an ENVIRO-DEPOT™ a safe experience: Make sure paint is tightly sealed in its original container. The original label must be on the container and visible. No Painting tools in the container (brushes, stir sticks, etc.) Don’t mix alkyd (oil-based) with latex (water-based) paints. Keep paint containers out of reach of children and pets. Enviro-Depots DO Accept Interior/exterior latex, alkyd, enamel & oil-based paints Porch, floor & deck paints Interior/exterior varnishes & urethanes Primers, undercoats & sealers Marine enamels (must not contain pesticides) Wood finishing oils & stains Rust paint, decorative metal paints Fence & barn paints Aluminum paints Paint Aerosols that are latex, alkyds, varathanes Enviro-Depots Do NOT Accept Empty paint cans Automotive & marine paints Bulging or unlabelled cans Roof patch, tars, grease Solvents (e.g. paint thinners or Varsol®) Stir sticks, brushes, rags & rollers Glues and Adhesives Drywall filler 17 Antigonish Enviro-Depots: MacMillan’s Service Centre 4802 Hwy 104, Lwr South River 863-1127 Floss Bottle Exchange Old Antigonish Lane, Monastery 232-3247 For a full list of sites, visit: Art & craft paints Two-paint paints (eg. Urethanes & Epoxies) Deck cleaners Lacquers & epoxies Corrosive Other household hazardous waste Town Services Special Drop-Off Event for Antigonish Residents Where: Antigonish Mall Parking Lot When: Friday, October 18, 2013 from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Saturday, October 19, 2013 from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM _________________________________________________________________ What is household hazardous waste? Household Hazardous Waste is leftover or unwanted household products that contain corrosive, toxic, ignitable or reactive ingredients. Proper disposal protects both us and the environment. Aerosols Paint & stains Wood preservative Varnish Shellac & enamels Paint thinner & brush cleaner Chemical strippers Artist’s paints & mediums Acetone (nail polish remover) Roofing tar Asphalt sealer Fibreglass epoxy Contact cement Glues & adhesives Caulking compound Car wax & solvent Antifreeze Automotive fluids Drain cleaners Fuel oil Gasoline Diesel Fuel Motor Oil Brake fluid Battery acid Batteries Camp fuel/igniters Fluorescent tubes Fluorescent bulbs Metal polish with solvent Aluminum cleaners Deodorizers Toilet cleaners Spot removers Floor care products Degreasers Chlorine bleach Furniture polish Ammonia based cleaners Lye Turpentine Bug/insect spray Rat poison Lawn & garden chemicals Herbicides Pesticides Fertilizers Swimming pool acids Mercury containing items Fire extinguisher Propane tanks—all sizes Kerosene Gun cleaning solvents Ink cartridges Moth balls … Residential amounts of the above will be accepted FREE OF CHARGE!! REMINDER: Empty, dry paint cans are garbage. Remove the cover before placing in the clear garbage bag for collection! Questions?? Town of Antigonish Waste Hotline—863-4949 Eastern Region Solid Waste Management—870-2817 18 Town Services 19 Town Services YOUR GUIDE TO healthy lawns WITHOUT PESTICIDES FALL Fertilize. September is a good time to do this. Add lime and compost. October or November are ideal months for this. Compost acts as a natural fertilizer and keeps your soil healthy. Overseed. Add grass seed any time you see bare or thinning spots. You can do this any time in the fall. When shopping for fertilizer look for these words: slow release and nitrogen. Fertilizers often have a series of three numbers printed on the front bag, for example 10-33. Look for fertilizers that are high in the first number or those that only contain nitrogen. Your lawn rarely needs added phosphorus or potassium, the chemicals represented by the other two numbers. If this seems like too much work, think about hiring a professional lawn care company. To find one, go to If you do need to use pesticides for stubborn problems, choose something from the allowable list and remember to read and follow the directions on the label. Want a low maintenance front and back yard? Try what some Nova Scotians are already doing: Make your lawn smaller Replace your lawn with a garden of flowers, shrubs, and trees Grow a vegetable garden and fruit trees Enjoy all the wildflowers in your lawn 20 Town Services Public Works Shop Location 25 Hallowell Grant Road. (Grey Building Beyond Kell’s Ent.) Hours of Operation Monday through Friday 8:00am to 4:00 pm Service Numbers Billing Enquiries (Town Hall)……….863-2351 Public Works (Regular Hours)………863-2956 After Hours, Weekends, Holidays……863-2777 Emergency Contact…………………...863-9699 24 Hour Contact (Pager)……….1-902-558-1724 General Notice Should you require assistance or observe any problems related to Public Property, Streets, Sidewalks, and/or Water and Sewer Services, you are encouraged to phone one of the service numbers indicated above. Street Safety The general public is reminded that the removal of any street signage, covers related to manholes, catch-basins and/or valve boxes is considered an unauthorized act. For the safety of all concerned, please report any such activity immediately. Any individuals identified removing such items will be subject to the fullest extent of penalties established by the law. 21 Town Services Town of Antigonish Engineering and Planning Protecting your Investment with a Permit Important Notice to Homeowners, Contractors, Plumbers, and Designers Get your new project off to a good start by checking with the Town to see if you require any permits to carry out your renovation plans. Development Permit - Required under the Antigonish Land Use By-Law for any change of use, new construction, some renovations, expansion of a building or when erecting a sign. There is no cost associated with obtaining a development permit (no fee required). Site Plans - Generally shall provide sufficient information to show that the proposed work will conform to the National Building Code and whether or not it may affect adjacent properties. Plans shall be drawn to scale and shall indicate the nature and extent of the work. Site plans shall be referenced to an up-to-date survey and, in some instances, may require a copy of the survey. Building Permit - Required under the Building Code Regulations of Nova Scotia for building relocation, demolition, all construction projects except where the value of work is less than $5000, and where there are no structural changes or changes of use. Additionally, no Building Permit is required for accessory buildings under 20 square meters or for fences. Your project will dictate the details required and your permit fee. Please contact our office during the planning stage of your project. For More Information Regarding Building Bylaw Fees Visit: & click “Municipal User Fees Policy” Important Note: In cases where a Municipal Services Permit is required, no Building Permit shall be issued until the same Municipal Services Permit is issued. Refer to website for forms. 22 Town Services Occupancy Permit - Required under the Building Code Regulations of Nova Scotia prior to occupancy of any construction governed by a building permit. Occupancy permits may only be issued when all inspections required under the NS Building Code Regulations have been called for and all outstanding work carried out. Timelines - Please apply for all permits well in advance of your anticipated start date. This will allow staff sufficient time to review your submission(s) and identify any additional information that may be required. In most cases, no review will start in relation to an application until all required information and fees are submitted. Depending on office workloads, and as per the Municipal Government Act & Building Code Act, Development & Building Permit issuance may take up to 30 days. Municipal Services Permit - A municipal service permit is required whenever you intend to carry out work to your property that may impact the Town's infrastructure. This includes activities such as installation and/or repair or replacement of sanitary sewer lines, storm sewer/weeping tile or water services that connect to the Town's system or when installing a driveway. There is no fee associated with obtaining a municipal services permit; however, please allow at least five (5) business days for your application to be processed. Contact us to find out what information will be required to consider your application. Water Services (Having Water Turned On/Off) - Plumbers and property owners are reminded that under a Water Rates Approval issued by the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board, there are charges associated with the activation of new water accounts and for requests to have water services turned on or off for repairs, etc. The fee associated with having water turned off and/or on is $25.00. If the request is made outside of regular business hours, the fee increases to $100.00. This fee will be added to the property owners' water bill and will appear on the quarterly billing. For further information, please call 867-5575 23 Town Services Building and Development Permit Fees The following table applies to building Permit Application and Inspection Fees of all sorts, and at all stages of construction or readiness for occupancy for new construction, additions, renovations, and demolitions pursuant to the Town of Antigonish Building By-law and the Building Code Act. Description of License, Inspection, Permit, Application, Approval, or Service Fee¹ Building Permits New Residential Development $20.00 plus $1.20 per $1,000 of the value of the project New Commercial, Institutional and Industrial Development $20.00 plus $1.50 per $1,000 of the Project Renovations, Repairs and Upgrades of residential, Institutional, Commercial or Industrial $20.00 plus $2.50 per $1,000 of the value of the project New Mobile Home Installation $50.00 Building Permits continued Exterior Decks/Platforms/Stairs– New Construction $50.00 Exterior Decks/Platforms/Stairs-Repairs to Existing $25.00 Building Permit Renewal (limited to one) $50.00 Demolition Permit Demolition for Residential, Institutional and Commercial $50.00 plus $2.00 per $1,000 of demolition costs Development Permits Development Permit $25.00 Sign Permit $50.00 Zoning Confirmation $35.00 24 Town Services Pool Permit Swimming Pool Permit (above or below ground) $50.00 ¹proceeding with any construction, renovations or demolition without the benefit of a permit shall result in a charge of double the permit fee. Cash in-lieu of Parking Description of Fee Fee Cash in-lieu of parking fee pursuant to section 223 of the Municipal Government Act and sections 5.24(2) and (4) of the Town of Antigonish Land Use By-law $4,825.00 per parking space Dog Control Fees Description of Dog Impoundment or Service Dog Impoundment, pursuant to the Town of Control By-Law Fee Antigonish Dog $35.00 per dog per day of impoundment Dog registration, pursuant to the Town of Antigonish Dog Control $25.00 per dog for the life of By-Law the dog Use of Council Chambers Description of Fee Fee Council Chambers cleaning fee pursuant to the Town of Antigonish Use of Council Chambers Policy $50.00 25 Town Services Heritage Promotion & Preservation The Town of Antigonish has a long history of cherishing both their natural and built heritage and strives to continue this tradition by preserving the unique cultural and historical features of this community. Preserving our heritage buildings as a cultural resource and increasing the number of properties registered as municipal heritage properties is called for in both the Integrated Community Sustainability Plan and the Strategic Plan. Designating property within the municipal registry is important for its protection. Once registered, the property owner works with the municipality to ensure heritage value is maintained. Benefits of Property Reservation There are many benefits to designating a heritage property to the Town of Antigonish Registry. Not only will it help maintain the historic and cultural fabric of Antigonish, but also land use decisions can be made that respect the heritage importance of these properties. Intrinsic Value Designating a property contributes to sense of place. Our built heritage is a cultural asset that is visible to everyone, which gives identity and distinctiveness to a community. Property Value Designation may increase property value. Research has shown in areas where there is a downturn in property values, heritage buildings have been less affected. Recognition Registered properties receive a plaque to display on their property denoting it as a Heritage Property. Financial Incentives There are provincially funded grants and rebates that are offered to registered heritage properties. 26 Town Services Heritage Property Designation Process Interested property owners should submit an application form to the Planning Advisory Committee (currently acting as the Heritage Advisory Committee) stating their reasons for having their property designated. The committee will then review the application and, if accepted, will advise town council to add it to the existing registry of heritage properties. All recommendations must include a letter of support from the committee, a consent form from the owner, and a completed registration application. Council will decide whether the property should be registered at a public meeting, which all interested parties will be advised of. Once approved by Council, a Notice of Registration will be sent to the property owner and filed with the Registry of Deeds. Grant Administration Conservation Work Heritage Property Program Conservation Advise Heritage Property Program Materials and Labour Heritage Property Program Materials Rebate Service Nova Scotia and Municipal Relations Assistance 30% of eligible costs to a max of $1000 for maintaining the structural needs of properties used for religious worship or community, non-profit purposes 50% of eligible costs to a max of $1000 for homeowners seeking advise from conservation consultants about the restoration of the exterior or structure The PST portion of HST can be returned on the material and labour costs to the building’s exterior to a max of $500 The PST portion of the HST can be returned on the material costs with no maximum amount Applications for materials and labour grants are available from the Department of Planning at Town Hall Images: Two designated Heritage Properties are shown on the left. On the right, a number of character-defining elements of homes in Antigonish are displayed. 27 Town Services Town of Antigonish Noise Control By-law The Town of Antigonish Noise Control By – Law. The following acts, among others, are hereby declared to be noises which disturb or tend to disturb the peace and tranquility of any person located within the boundaries of the Town of Antigonish: Making any noise or combination of noises which, when measured on any property on which the noise is heard or the noises are heard, exceeds the applicable A-Weighted continuous noise level as follows: Time: 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. / 65 dBA 10:00 p.m. - 7:00 a.m. / 55 dBA This By-law also applies to dog owners or persons who have under their supervision or control, a dog which makes any noise that disturbs or tends to disturb the tranquility of any person located within the boundaries of the Town of Antigonish. A person must not make or cause a noise or sound in a street, park, plaza or similar public place which disturbs or tends to disturb the quiet, peace, rest, enjoyment, comfort or convenience of persons in the neighborhood or vicinity. Also, motor vehicles must only use muffler and muffler components that are in keeping with muffler equipment initially installed on new vehicles. Every person who contravenes or fails to comply with any of the provisions of the By-law shall be liable to a penalty of $387.50 per occurrence payable to the Town of Antigonish. The Town of Antigonish Noise Control By-law can be viewed on the Town of Antigonish Website at 28 Town Services POLICY RESPECTING BANNERS AND FLAGS ATTACHED TO AND / OR HANGING FROM TOWN PROPERTY In the Town of Antigonish no one is permitted to attach any signage to Town Property including buildings, utility poles and street lamps. Any interested group or individual wishing to have a banner or flag placed on town property shall apply in writing to the Town of Antigonish for permission to do so and shall include in same reason(s) for wanting to have this item(s) displayed on town property. Also, a request date and length of time for placement should be noted. In general it shall be in intention of Town Council to only approve requests where the message being conveyed is considered to be for public good. You can view the Town of Antigonish Policy Respecting Banners and Flags attached to and/or Hanging from Town Property at: 29 Town Services Town of Antigonish Animal Control By-law The Town of Antigonish has an Animal Control By-law and the purpose of this by-law is to promote safety, health and welfare of the people and protection of property, to ensure the humane treatment and control of dogs, to regulate or prohibit the keeping of fierce or dangerous dogs within the Town of Antigonish. Every owner of a dog, who resides in the Town, shall register such dog(s) with the Town of Antigonish. The Owner of every dog shall keep on the dog a collar with the tag issued for that dog by the Town at the time of registration and such tag shall be kept securely fixed on the dog at all times. The owner must notify the Town immediately if the dog tag is lost. The Animal Control Officer shall be responsible for the enforcement of the by-law. Outside of regular by-law enforcement hours, which are Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. excluding statuary holidays, the Animal Control Officer shall only respond to calls that are deemed to be an emergency. Every owner of a dog who violates any of the following would be considered in violation of the by -law: Whose dog is not registered pursuant to this by-law; Whose dog is not wearing a dog tag pursuant to this by-law; Whose dog is running at large; Whose dog persistently disturbs the quiet of the neighborhood by barking, howling or otherwise; Who harbors, keeps or has under care, control or direction a dog that is fierce or dangerous; Who fails to remove the feces of such a dog, other than a service dog, from public property or private property other than the owners; or Whose dog damages public or private property Any person who contravenes any provision of the Dog Control By-Law shall be subject to a fine set out in the by-law. A full copy of the Town of Antigonish Dog By-Law can be found on the Town of Antigonish website Animal Control Department—867-5578 / email: 30 Town Services Water Metering Program What are the Water Utility’s Rates? The Town of Antigonish Water Utility rates include: A quarterly system access fee of $41.07 for your installed 5/8” meter. A consumption rate of $1.83 per 1,000 gallons used per quarter for the first 750,000 gallons. A consumption rate of $1.42 per 1,000 gallons used per quarter for all additional gallons used. What are the benefits to water metering? There are many benefits in having a water meter including: You are only billed for the water you use. Less usage means a lower bill! Water meters help identify leaks and encourage responsible use. Reducing water consumption to lower your water bill also helps protect the environment and our resources. If you have any questions about the Town of Antigonish’s Water-Metering Program, please call the Town of Antigonish Hotline at 863-4949. E-Billing and Preauthorized Payment Options The Town of Antigonish is in the process of converting to a new accounting and billing system. The new system will give us the ability to send our water and electric utility invoices to your email account instead of through the regular mail. Also, depending on uptake and interest we will be implementing a pre-authorized payment option for customers to pay Town bills. Options we are considering include monthly instalments and pay in full as we bill. These changes will take place over the next few months. If you wish to have water and electric bills emailed to you instead of mailed to you, please send an email to If preauthorized payment of any or all town accounts is of interest to you, please include mention of that desire in an email, again to 31 In the Community BRINGING OUR COMMUNITY TOGETHER THROUGH MOVEMENT WE MOVE THIS TOWN looks to promote physical activity in Antigonish We Move This Town is a community based activity group that brings together people of all ages and abilities for the purpose of moving and being physically active. This new initiative was born out of desire to make physical activity inclusive, fun and free for everyone to participate. "Antigonish is such an active town, people are always out running or walking in the community. I thought it would be so much nicer for people to move together as friends, rather than strangers passing by on the sidewalk or trail" said Matt MacDonald, founder of WE MOVE THIS TOWN. Once a week, the group gets together for one hour of physical activity. Past activities have included running and walking, aquasize, and skating. In the coming months, activities will include swimming, dancing, low organized games, yoga, sports, step aerobics, fitness circuits, cross country skiing, and snowshoeing, just to name a few. There will always be a walking/ running option for those who prefer not to participate in the higher energy activities. "At the very least, most people can get out for a walk, so if they don't want to participate in the high energy activities, this is always an option for people. If people are in wheelchairs or have children in strollers, bring them out too," said MacDonald, "everyone has the ability to be active, and WE MOVE THIS TOWN is about strengthening our Community by investing in ourselves and each other. Because our health is the single most powerful investment we can ever make in life, no one else can do it for us!” We must, MOVE THIS TOWN! For more information about WE MOVE THIS TOWN check out our Facebook page or contact Matt MacDonald at 902-968-1264 or email: 32 In the Community Fall 2013 Gymnastics Program for Children (Ages 4-13) St. Francis Xavier Human Kinetics Department Mondays, September 30-November 18 2013 3:15 - 4:15 PM Auxiliary Gymnasium Oland Center Cost $50 1st Child $40 2nd Child from same family Childs Name: ___________________________________________________________ Age: _______ Sex: M/F Mothers Name: __________________________________________________________ Fathers Name ___________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________ Emergency Phone # during class time ________________________________________ Home phone # __________________________________________________________ Email:_________________________________________________________________ Has your child participated in program before? Yes/No Does your son or daughter have a medical condition we should know about? Send form and fee (cheque payable to Dept of Human Kinetics) Dept. of Human Kinetics StFX C/O Kelly Thompson Box 5000, Antigonish N.S. B2G 2W5 OR Drop in to Oland Center (Mon to Fri 9:00-12:00 am -1:00-4:00 pm) Bring form and fee to Human Kinetics Business office Ask for Millie Dunbar Registration Deadline Friday September 13 2013 (Limited to first 60 children) For More Information Contact Kelly Thompson 867-3896 or email *You will be notified only if your registration is not accepted once we reach registration Limits 33 In the Community WOMEN’S HOCKEY IN ANTIGONISH IS EXPANDING!! we are opening the league to all females over the age of 18 (out of midget hockey) all levels of player welcome there will be two leagues – recreational and competitive we play on Tuesday evenings from October to March Watch for announcements in September for a FUN DAY for newcomers to try the game and registration date for the league! For more information please contact: Jen Farrell 863-1920 Cindy Thompson 863-1660 34 In the Community Margie’s Run 5K run/walk from Antigonish Club 60 Saturday, December 21st Start time: 10:00 AM Proceeds to Cathy’s Place Cancer Resource Room, St. Martha’s Hospital. Antigonish Creative Dance Association presents it’s Annual Dance recitals on Saturday May 25 at 7:00pm, Sunday May 26th at 2:00pm and at 7:00pm in the StFX Chapel Auditorium Join the Movement! Creative Dance, Parent & Child Dance, Pre-Ballet, Ballet, Creative Movement, Modern, Jazz, Lyrical, Tap, Hip Hop, African Dance, Traditional Step Dance. For more information, visit Or Call Sally Clark, 863-6776 35 In the Community September 27 & 28, 2013 We are soon approaching the fourth annual Antigonight Art After Dark Festival. All events and displays are free to attend, accessible and provide incredible opportunities to experience and participate in a variety of interactive arts projects. It will be happening both Friday, September 27 and Saturday, September 28, from 7:00 - 11:00 pm in downtown Antigonish. For more information visit or find us on Facebook! Kids First Family Resource Centre Kids First offer programs and services to families of children aged 0 to 6 years as well as pregnant woman. Programs and services may change depending on the needs and wants of the participants and their children. Some core programs are: * Parent & Tot Drop-in (3 times per week) 9:30 to 11:30am * Healthy Moms/Healthy Babies (once a week) 9:30 to 11:30am * Parenting Programs * Outreach Programs Hours of Operation are 9:00am to 3:00pm Website : 27 St. Andrews Street, Antigonish, Nova Scotia B2G 2G9 Telephone: 863-3848 Fax: 863-3857 Email: . 36 In the Community Antigonish International Film Festival 7Th Annual Film Festival AIFF October 18, 19 2013 Festival Pass* (access to all films) Available at Brendan’s Fairway, Lyghtesome Gallery, People’s Place Library $15 regular / $5 student, unwaged Passes available September 15 We have an exciting festival year with 32 films dealing with issues from agriculture to history, health to environmental activism, social justice to music and much more in between. The filmmakers come from many backgrounds and communities and include three from Antigonish. The popular Community Dinner will again be held at the Prissy Pig Café & Deli on Saturday evening to close off the festival. See the website for details. Thank you to our many community volunteers and supporters who have made this possible. 37 In the Community Antigonish EMO Fall in Antigonish -- hurricanes and storm surges: Fall in Antigonish town and county can be a time of violent or heavy rain, hail, thunder and lightening storms, flooding and high winds, and the tail ends of hurricanes. The hurricane season in the Antigonish area runs from June through November, although the risk of hurricanes is highest during September and October. Wind is responsible for much of the structural damage, as well as the uprooted trees and the downed power lines. Even a weakened hurricane can carry winds strong enough to cause widespread destruction. A storm surge is an abnormal rise in water levels along the coast. Storm surges often accompany intense fall and winter storms or high winds. Storm surges can cross the normal high water shoreline, and cause coastal flooding. It is important to take measures to protect yourself and your property in the event of a storm surge. This action plan can help you and your family deal with storm surges. Environment Canada and EMO cooperate to ensure that messages about storm surges reach those who are threatened. If a storm surge has the potential to impact the Antigonish area, the Meteorological Service of Canada will issue statements, warnings, and/or interviews through available public media. These warnings are issued up to 48 hours in advance of any anticipated storm surge. During storms Call 911 and give first aid to help anyone injured or trapped. Be aware of safety issues created by the storm, such as fallen trees or downed or hanging electrical wires. Never attempt to touch or move downed lines. Avoid over-exertion when working outside, especially when clearing limbs or shoring up your house against water. Inform local authorities about health and safety issues, including downed power lines, washed out roads, fire hazards, and dead animals. Before eating non-perishable foods after power outage, make sure that they safe to eat. 38 In the Community After storms: Install storm windows or replace old windows; make sure your home is well insulated. Clean out gutters and repair any leaks. Cut down dead trees and branches that could fall on your house. Check the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Secure any loose objects on your property, particularly those that could become projectiles in heavy wind. Make sure windows are closed. If you can, invest in a generator or arrange a communal generator with your neighbours. Keep fire extinguishers on hand, and make sure everyone is your house knows how to use them. Allow faucets to drip a little during cold weather to avoid freezing. Learn how to shut off water valves (in case a pipe bursts). Hire a contractor to check the structural stability of the roof to make sure it can sustain unusually heavy weight from the accumulation of snow or water. If there is a threat to power, fill your bathtub with water that can be boiled and used for cooking. Completely open all faucets and pour hot water over the pipes, starting where they were most exposed to the cold or where the cold was most likely to penetrate. For more information: Go to the EMO Nova Scotia web site ( The Canadian Automobile Association web site ( also offers valuable information on emergency planning. To speak with an Antigonish EMO representative, phone 863—8366, or the provincial Emergency Measures office at (902) 424-5620. 39 In the Community Antigonish Community Transit Have you thought about transportation in Antigonish town and county? How do you get around? What are the social, economic, environmental, physical and mental costs of your current mode of transportation? Could Antigonish benefit from a transit system? We think so, what do you think? Play the BINGO game on the next page and think about how your mode of transit, or lack thereof, effects your daily life. Antigonish Community Transit has been busy over the past few months! What have we been up to you ask? We received $30,000 from NS TRIP to conduct a feasibility study and business plan looking at possible models of accessible public transportation in Antigonish town & county. We hired a staff person to coordinate our efforts, including the feasibility study, incorporation, community engagement and advocacy. We applied to NS Moves for funding to explore other modes of transportation outside of a bus system, such as carpooling, ridesharing, cycling and walking trails. We are gearing up to do community consultations, so keep your eyes and ears open for the time and place when we will be in your community. Then come on out and explain your ideas and needs to us. We are now on Facebook! Check us out at Antigonish Community Transit. For questions and information contact: Alida Campbell Project Officer Antigonish Poverty Reduction Coalition 1-902-863-6221 40 In the Community Antigonish Community Transit B You have missed an appointment due to lack of transportation. You can’t join school activities because you don’t drive. Your children are sick, how do you get to the hospital? You can’t afford a place in town, but now you can’t travel to town. You have missed church because you can’t get there. I Your family owns more than 2 cars. You pay taxis when you want to travel around the county. The Food Bank is open, but you have no transportation. You have a car, but you can’t afford to run it. You can’t join sports teams because you can’t travel to the games. N You work with a neighbor and could carpool to work. G Friends/Family take time out of their lives to drive you places. O You have a bike and could ride to work. You don’t feel safe driving anymore, but still need to get around. You walk everywhere. Free If you depend on others, will they be there next year to drive you? Owning a car is expensive and not possible. You have missed a job interview or workshop in the last year. Your car is stuck in the snow; you miss a day of work. It’s a beautiful summer day, but you can’t get to the beach. Do you pay for gas when a neighbor drives you to town? 41 Your disability doesn’t allow for access to taxis. You have missed social events due to lack of transportation. Taxis don’t have car seats. You can’t take your children with you. In the Community How Can You Help? Memorial Donations: a memorial donation is a wonderful way to pay tribute to a beloved relative, friend or colleague. Memorial Cards are available at Curry Brothers Funeral Home, MacIssac’s Funeral Home and the Foundation Office. Honorary Donations: An anniversary, birthday or other occasion can be acknowledged through a monetary gift to St. Martha’s Foundation. Donations of Appreciation: Former patients, families and friends may wish to express their gratitude towards St. Martha’s Hospital through a gift to St. Martha’s Foundation. Wills & Bequests: Once your family has been provided for, a person may wish to leave a donation to St. Martha’s Foundation through their will to ensure good healthcare for generations to come. Other Planned and Deferred Gifts: Other gifts arranged now but not available for use by St. Martha Foundation until some future time, are available and may be discussed by your tax and legal advisers. Planned Giving allows you, the donor, to provide a significant gift to St. Martha’s Foundation, which may not have been possible in your lifetime. Volunteering: Our events are successful not only because of the generosity of money but also the generosity of time. We require volunteers for all events throughout the year. For more information on events, volunteering or how to donate please contact the Foundation office at 863-1131, or visit our website or email us at 42 In the Community 43 In the community Lindsay’s Health Centre for Women Lindsay’s Health Centre provides women and adolescent girls with services and programs that can help them make informed decisions about their health. Our services are provided by a multidisciplinary team that includes: a physician, nurse practitioner, Mental Health Services, Addictions Services, Public Health Services, and the Antigonish Women’s Resource Centre. We are sensitive to the needs of those who experience difficulties in accessing appropriate health services. Lindsay’s is open on Thursdays, 9:00am – 4:00pm at the Antigonish Women’s Resource Center, 204 Kirk Place, 219 Main Street in Antigonish. Call for an appointment: 902-863-6221. Health Connections Health Connections Antigonish is a community health resource centre located in the People’s Place Library on 283 Main Street in Antigonish. It is a service of GASHA in partnership with the Pictou Antigonish Regional Library (PARL) and the Antigonish Town & County Community Health Board. We work with GASHA and other community agencies to provide health promotion programs and educational sessions that are free of charge and open to the public. Some examples of programs offered through Health Connections are: Women Alike Cancer Support Group facilitated by the Cancer Resource Room, GASHA Being Doing Becoming facilitated by Mental Health Services, GASHA Stop Smoking Program facilitated by Addiction Services, GASHA Alzheimer & Related Dementia Family Support Group Your Way to Wellness Program coordinated through Primary Health Care, GASHA Diabetes Support Group Varied Health Related Education Sessions We also offer help in finding available health services, supports and information. We do not offer clinical health care services. Our website: Drop in or contact us: 283 Main Street, Antigonish, NS Phone: (902) 863-7369 44 In the Community Men’s Health Centre Are you as healthy as you could be? Want more information? Need someone to talk to? The Men’s Health Centre provides health services to men and boys 12 and older. Our services are provided by a team of health professionals that includes: a physician, Mental Health Services, Addictions Services, Public Health Services and Family Services. We are open on Tuesdays, 9:00am – 4:00pm and located in our NEW LOCATION—in the Family Services of Eastern Nova Scotia Office at 275 Main Street, Suite 103 Antigonish (across from Town hall). Call for an appointment: 902-863-2358. WANT TO HELP YOUR COMMUNITY? WANT TO ASSIST IN MAKING YOUR COMMUNITY A SAFER PLACE TO LIVE? WANT TO MEET WITH INDIVIDUALS THAT WORK TOWARDS HELPING OUR SENIORS AND OUR YOUTH? IF YOU ANSWERED YES TO ANY OF THESE QUESTIONS, SAY YES TO JOINING THE ANTIGONISH TOWN AND COUNTY CRIME PREVENTION ASSOCIATION ANTIGONISH TOWN AND COUNTY CRIME PREVENTION ASSOCIATION MEETS THE 3RD THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH AT THE RCMP DETACHMENT ON FAIRVIEW STREET. STARTS AT 7:00PM. Visit FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL THE RCMP AT 863-6500 45 In the Community Antigonish Town & County Seniors Safety Program Fall and winter is fast approaching, so now is a good time to get ready and be prepared. Here are some tips to help you get ready: Have appropriate footwear ready. Comfortable shoes with anti-slip soles will help you navigate icy streets. Continue your exercise regimen—indoors if possible. However, avoid strenuous exercise like shoveling snow. Get vaccinated annually against the flu. The season for flu runs from mid October to mid-March, and the illness can be fatal to older adults. The vaccine offers some, if not complete protection. Request the Vial for Life—it is a program that assists emergency personnel in obtaining important medical facts during a crisis in the home. Paramedics/Police/Fire personnel will look for the Vial of Life symbol. This will indicate the vital information available to assist them to immediately begin treatment. The mandate of the Senior Safety Program is: Protection, Prevention, Education & Safety. Empowering Seniors to live safe, healthy and independent lives in their own homes for as long as possible. The Service Delivery we provide is: One on One contact Confidentiality and Respect Telephone contact Tailored to individual seniors concerns Home visits Sensitivity to issues of individual’s physical abilities, mobility concerns, economic status Proactive program that contacts “hard to reach” seniors Just a reminder that anyone; family members, care givers, and concerned neighbors can refer a senior to our program. If you feel there is any type of concern please call and we will provide whatever help is needed. Tammy Beaton—Coordinator 4 Fairview St. Antigonish, NS 863-6500 (w) 318-0372 (c) 46 In the Community Antigonish Town & County Crime Prevention Senior Safety Program “Bus Tour in our own Back Yard” Explore scenic Antigonish County in the comfortable St. Francis Xavier University Motor Coach Cost: $15.00 per person plus lunch When: October 2nd Meeting at St. FXU Millennium at 10:00 AM Returning mid afternoon To sign up and for further information: Please call Tammy at 863-6500 Payment can be made at the Antigonish Town Hall recreation desk during regular business hours excluding 1-2pm. Cash, cheque, or money order accepted. 47 In the Community Which “11” number do I need? Who do you call for information that you need? Whether you are feeling under the weather, planning a road trip, or are a newcomer to the community and are looking for programs and services, there is a “11” to help you. What follows is a summary of the systems in place and what you can expect from each: 211 By Dialing 211 or visiting the 211 website, users can easily and quickly connect for information on more than 4000 community, non –profit and government services. It is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. You can find information on recreation programs, employment training, food banks, new immigrant programs, home care, addiction programs, senior services, and much more— 311 Many cities, including Halifax, have 311 lines where residents can get all the information they need on government services and resources in that city. 511 Wondering about road conditions, road closures and upgrades? Call 511 or visit: 811 Access to non-emergency health information and services. When you call 811, Registered Nurses will give you the advise and information you need and provide reassurance concerning all kinds of general health issues and questions. Advise and information may include a recommendation to see your doctor or visit your local emergency department. You can also obtain information about health issues and services available in your community. 811 can provide services in French and many other languages. Reliable health information is available online as well, any time of the day or night. 911 For emergency calls needing assistance from the police, fire department or ambulance, call 911. Examples include: A fire A crime, especially if in progress A car crash, especially if someone is injured A medical emergency, such as someone who is unconscious, gasping for air or not breathing, experiencing an allergic reaction, having chest pain, having uncontrollable bleeding, or any other symptoms that require immediate medical attention. Brought to you by the Antigonish Ageing Well Together Coalition and 48 In the Community 2013 Community Newsletter Responding to disasters When house fires, flash flooding and severe weather force Nova Scotians to evacuate their homes, trained volunteers from the Canadian Red Cross respond by bringing assistance and comfort to those impacted. This past year, the Red Cross responded to small and large-scale disasters in areas such as Antigonish, Mulgrave, Pictou County and western Nova Scotia. Canadian Red Cross volunteers play a key role in the delivery of our programs and services. Find out how you can prepare your household for emergencies by creating a plan and assembling a kit. Visit for a complete list of recommended items for your disaster kit and more. Join the largest humanitarian organization in the world and make a difference Volunteer today! We are currently seeking volunteers to assist with reception and administrative duties at our office in Antigonish. Call us today at 863-8222. in your community! Providing mobility and greater independence The Red Cross HELP program offers short term loans of items such as crutches, wheelchairs, canes, commodes and bath transfer benches to the public at no cost. HELP provides mobility and a greater sense of independence to people of all ages. A recommendation form from a health care provider is required. Donations to support the services are gratefully accepted. The Red Cross hospital bed loan program is offered by referral only, through the Nova Scotia Department of Health’s Continuing Care services. For more information on accessing this program, call toll free at 1-800-225-7225 Learn to Save a Life with First Aid Stay Safe on the Ice and Water Do you know what to do in a medical emergency? The Canadian Red Cross delivers vital First Aid & CPR training, as well as babysitting courses for young people in your community. These programs are delivered by our Training Partners. Visit for a listing of courses being offered in Antigonish or call 863-8222. As part of our commitment to offering high quality training to the Canadian public we are pleased to promote Red Cross Swim Preschool and Red Cross Swim as a foundational step towards lifelong and safe participation in aquatic activities. For more information on programs in your area, visit or call 863-8222. Canadian Red Cross Antigonish Service Centre 36 Market Street, Antigonish, NS B2G 3B4 Tel: (902) 863-8222 Fax: (902) 863-1701 49 In the Community “BECS” “BECS” - the Bridging to Employment Career Specific Program, is a pilot project offered by the Antigonish County Adult Learning Association (ACALA) in partnership with the Antigonish Career Resource Centre, the Department of Community Services, and the Department of Labor and Advanced Education. A fall session, slated to begin in October, will launch the second of three cohorts of the project. During the Summer session, 9 adult learners spent 8 weeks in the classroom honing academic and employability skills. The first cohort focused on Administration and Program Management, and Retail and Tourism. Future modules will cover Health Care and Hospitality, and Trades. The third session will begin in January, 2014. Joe Crossman has been hired as the academic instructor and Rhonda McCarron is the Program Coordinator. Part of her role is to liaise with employers from the community. Aimed at attaching individual participants to employment opportunities in the local area, each program is geared to bridge the gaps in the resume of adult workers. Participants are extended the opportunity to take certification courses, like Emergency and Standard First Aid and CPR, WHIMIS, Portfolio Development and Food Handlers, along with life skills training for the workplace. Employers are offered an opportunity to engage a very employable, enthusiastic adult learner for probati onary period of 4 weeks followed by a work placement in their company for an additional 12 weeks. With only an investment of time, employers will be able to introduce an employee to their operation with no upfront training or hiring costs. As the program is structured to benefit the individual learner, BECS is constantly on the lookout for employers who would be good matches to the skills of the participants. At all times throughout the probationary and work placement period employers will have direct contact with the BECS Project Coordinator. Bridging to Employment Career Specific participants will also work with ACALA TV, a community broadcast service, under the guidance of Bryan Melanson, Project Coordinator. All learners will benefit from their work with this social enterprise by practicing communication and speaking skills while honing their computer and video production capabilities. The BECS Program is ongoing with intakers for participation continuing through the fall and early winter. Case Manager/Assessors for the BECS project are Lise de Villiers and Kathryn Collicott. Information for both learners and potential employers may be obtained through ACALA at the Peoples Place Library, Main Street, Antigonish or by calling (902) 863-3060 or (902) 318-3096. 50 In the Community ANTIGONISH COUNTY ADULT LEARNING ASSOCIATION (ACALA) Enroll with ACALA today! We will assist you in working towards your learning goals! ACALA offers programs to match your individual needs. Our ‘Learning for Life’ program is an opportunity for anyone to continue their education at any age whether you would like to improve your reading, writing or math skills or you are simply looking for a way to continue to learn for the love of it. ACALA is here for you. ACALA also offers “Adult Learning and Training” for those who are looking for advancement. Whether prepping to write your GED or working to improve your literacy skills to obtain further professional development training, ACALA can increase your chances for success!! The People’s Place Library 283 Main Street, Antigonish Phone: 863 - 3060 or 735-3065 for enquiries. Email: Programs are free and schedules are very flexible. 51 In the Community Pictou-Antigonish Regional Library THE PEOPLE’S PLACE: ANTIGONISH TOWN AND COUNTY LIBRARY 283 Main Street. Phone: 863-4276 E-mail: The library books and other materials for all ages and interests. Use the C@P Site computers, access our programs, and more. All you need is free library card. Hours: Monday: 9:00am to 5:00pm Tuesday: 9:00am to 9:00 pm Wednesday: 9:00am to 9:00 pm Thursday: 9:00am to 9:00 pm Friday: 9:00am to 9:00 pm Saturday: 9:00am to 5:00 pm Sundays: Closed Regular Programs: Children ABCs for Babies—Fridays at 10am Toddle Time—Wednesday at 10am Preschool Storytime—Mondays at 10am Stories and songs from the Library (at Kids First) - The last Thursday of each month at 11am Lego– Thursdays from 9:30—11:00am and again from 3-4:30pm Friday Night Movies—The 2nd and 4th Friday of the month at 6pm Youth Young Readers—2nd Monday of the month at 3pm Teen Readers Club– 1st Thursday of the month at 3:30pm Adults Book Club—3rd Wednesday of the month at 7:30pm Open Mic. —3rd Friday of the month from 6:30-8:30pm Armchair Travel—2nd Thursday of the month at 7pm Seniors’ Café– 1st Wednesday of the month at 2pm Please note that all library programs are free of cost. For information about upcoming events, you can phone the library at 863-4276, check our website, “like” The People’s Place: Antigonish Town and County Library on Facebook or follow us on Twitter @PARLevents. 52 In the Community Antigonish Career Resource Centre offers all area residents a convenient location to drop in and use the resources available to help you in your job search. The Career Resource Centre offers assistance with writing resumes and cover letters, free workshops and employment programs, an on-site Employment Counsellor, high-speed internet access, an updated job board with daily postings, a computer training classroom, a well-stocked resource library with information on cover letters, resumes, interview skills and motivational material, fax and photocopy services, computer programs to assist you with career exploration, current labour market information, and helpful, free service! The centre offers personalized service designed to help you find the job you want. For assistance with your job search, please drop by the Antigonish Career Resource Centre, 50 James Street, Antigonish, visit, or call 863-8244. You can also follow us on Facebook or tweet us on twitter. Hours of operation: Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm. We are here to help people find jobs. 53 In the Community East Novability Society for Persons With Disabilities offers a full array of career resource center services for persons with disabilities in the Town and County of Antigonish. In addition to regular case management services, the staff of East Novability provide clients and employers access to wage subsidy placements, skills development applications for funding, on the job support from a job coach, and referral for pysch.- ed. assessments and other assessments. Potential clients do not need to have medical documentation to support their disability to be recognized by East Novability as a person with a disability, and is open to meeting with anyone from the community who would like to pursue their career goals. Case Manager, Ken MacDonald, is available to meet with clients at the Antigonish Career Resource Center two days a week, but please call 1-800-686-1899 or 625-0001 to make an appointment. East Novability's mission to find and maintain sustainable employment for persons with disabilities in the four Strait Area Counties. Visit us on the web: 54 In the Community ANTIGONISH SPCA Reach us at: (902) 863-2111 Email: Fax Number: (902) 863-1228 MAILING ADDRESS Antigonish SPCA P.O. Box 1421 Antigonish, Nova Scotia B2G 2L4 REPORT CRUELTY TO ANIMALS Report Cruelty to Animals: 1-888-703-7722 ANIMAL CONTROL Officer for Antigonish Town: (902) 863-2351 Ext. 235 CASH DONATIONS We are always in need of cash to facilitate the continuous operation of our services. We welcome and appreciate any cash donations. Please visit our contact page for further details. 55 In the Community 875 Antigonish Lions Air Cadet Squadron Do you want to earn your pilot’s license? Travel? Make friends? Learn survival skills? Play team sports? You can! Check out Air Cadets today! The 875 Antigonish Lions Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron meets Monday evenings (excluding holidays) from 6:30 to 9:00 PM in the Antigonish Education Center located at 30 Appleseed Drive in Antigonish. Open to youth ages 12 to 18. Call 1-800-797-9974 #3 or email: for more information. 56 In the Community SPORTS ORGNIZATIONS Antigonish Aikikai ……………………………………………………………….. Antigonish Archery Association ………………………………………………… Antigonish Badminton Association ……………………………………………… Antigonish/Guysborough Minor Softball ………………………………………… Antigonish Handball ……………………………………………………………… Antigonish Highland Skateboarding Association ………………………………… Antigonish Kinsmen Minor Baseball …………………………………………….. Antigonish Minor Basketball Association ……………………………………….. Antigonish Minor Girls Softball ………………………………………………… Antigonish Minor Hockey Association ………………………………………….. Antigonish Celtics Soccer Club .. ………………………………………………… Antigonish Skating Club ………………………………………………………….. Antigonish Stoirm Volleyball …………………………………………………….. Antigonish Town & County Minor Football ……………………………………… Antigonish Track Club…………………………………………………………….. Antigonish Wee Lads & Lassies ..………………………………………………… PHAST (Port Hawkesbury Antigonish Swim Team) …………………………….. Phee’s Tae Kwon Do ……………………………………………………………… RID Tae Kwon Do ………………………………………………………………… WHAT-Women’s Hockey After Thirty …………………………………..……….. Xavier Tae Kwon Do ……………………………………………………………… 863-4475 386-2325 863-8242 386-2396 863-1663 863-1956 863-6819 863-3353 863-0665 863-8339 863-1383 735-2877 863-4627 863-6352 867-1803 863-2351 ext.233 863-5655 863-9230 .232-2557 863-6268 971-0977 RECREATIONAL GROUPS Afton and Area Recreation ……………………………………………………...… Antigonish Hiking & Biking Trails Association ………………………………….. Antigonish Therapeutic Riding Association ……………………………………… Arisaig Parish Community Recreation Association ……………………………… Auld’s Cove Recreation Association …………………………………………….. Fresh Air Adventures …………………………………………………………….. Havre Boucher Recreation Association ………………………………………….. Highlander Curling Club ………………………………………………………….. Highland Quilt Guild ……………………………………………………………… Linwood Recreation ………………………………………………………………. Lower South River Recreation Club ……………………………………………… Monastery Recreation …………………………………………………………….. Pleasantdale Development Association …………………………………………… Pomquet Acadian Trails …………………………………………………………… William’s Point Recreation ……………………………………………………….. Winter Wanderers Snowmobile & ATV ………………………………………….. Heatherton Recreation Association ……………………………………………….. 57 863-2803 863-2571 863-4853 863-2156 747-2941 863-1099 234-3170 863-0052 863-4798 232-2658 863-1365 232-3403 863-0665 386-2139 863-6661 234-2704 386-2960 In the Community COMMUNITY CENTRES Havre Boucher Community Centre ……………………………………………..….. Lower South River Community Centre …………………………………………….. Mini Trail Community Centre Association ……………………………………….... Pomquet Community Centre …………………………………………………...….. St. Andrews Community Centre …………………………………………..………. St. Joseph’s Community Centre ………………………………………………..….. 234-2188 863-5247 863-4292 386-2679 863-3279 867-2626 POINTS OF INTEREST Antigonish Culture Alive ……………………………………………………..…… Antigonish Duplicate Bridge Club…………………………………………..…….. Antigonish Garden Club…………………………………………………..……….. Antigonish Highland Society Pipe Band………………………………..…………. Black Congress of Women………………………………………………...……….. Festival Antigonish Summer Theatre…………………………………………...….. Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)………………………………………..... Silver Glen Art Centre……………………………………………………...………. Theatre Antigonish…………………………………………………...…………….. 783-2948 863-0005 863-5017 863-5207 863-8278 867-4539 863-4344 867-1123 867-4539 DANCE GROUPS Antigonish Creative Dance Association………………………………………….. Antigonish Highland Dancing Association………………………………………... Maureen Fraser School of Dance……………………………………………...…… St. Andrew’s Ceilidh Step Dancers……………………………………………..…. 863-6776 735-2866 863-1731 863-1563 YOUTH GROUPS Antigonish District Girl Guides……………………………………………...…….. 863-5910 Royal Canadian Air Cadet Squadron…………………………………………...….. 232-2846 Scouts Canada……………………………………………………………………... 1-800-557-7268 VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENTS Antigonish County Fire Department………………………………………………… Antigonish Town Fire Department………………………………..………………... Auld’s Cove Fire Department …………………………………….……………… Four Valleys Fire Department……………………………………………….………. Havre Boucher Fire Department………………………………………………….…. North Shore Fire Department ………………………………………………..……. Pomquet Fire Department…………………………………………………………...… 58 863-6911 863-3359 747-3053 863-6771 234-2711 863-5720 386-2987 In the Community SERVICE CLUBS Antigonish Kinsmen ………………………………………………………...……... Antigonish Lion’s Club ………………………………………………………..….. Challenge in Participation (CHIP) Volunteers………………………………..…… Havre Boucher Kin Club……………………………………………………..……. St. Martha’s Regional Hospital Auxiliary………………………………..………... 863-2434 863-3552 232-2361 234-3350 863-5363 SUPPORT SERVICES Addiction Services …………………………………………………………..……. Alcoholics Anonymous ………………………………………………….………... Antigonish County Adult Learning (ACALA) …………………………………..... Antigonish Career Resource Centre ……………………………………………….. Antigonish Community Food Bank ……………………………………………...... Antigonish/Guysborough Early Childhood Intervention ………………………..… Antigonish Emergency Fuel Fund …………………………………………..……. Antigonish Parkinson Support Group …………………………………………...… Antigonish Sustainable Development ………………………………………...…… Antigonish SPCA …………………………………………………………...……... Antigonish Volunteer Program (VON) ………………………………………..….. Antigonish Women’s Resource Centre ……………………………………….….. Big Brothers Big Sisters ………………………………………………………..…. Canadian National Institute for the Blind (CNIB) …………………………..……. Canadian Red Cross - Antigonish office ……………………………………..…… Cat Rescue Maritimes ( …………………………………..….. Family Services of Eastern Nova Scotia ……………………………………...…… Havre Boucher Medical Centre ……………………………………….………….. Kids First Family Resource Centre ……………………………………………..… L’Arche Antigonish …………………………………………………..…………… La Leache League Canada ………………………………………..………………. Lindsay’s Health Centre for Women …………………………………………….... Naomi Society for Victims of Family Violence …………………………..……… VON Antigonish Volunteer Programs …………………………………….……… Seniors Safety Services ……………………………………………………….…… 863-5393 863-3808 863-3060 863-8244 863-0611 863-2298 863-6221 735-2887 863-2351 863-2111 863-5700 863-6221 863-5332 867-1562 863-8222 863-8372 863-2358 234-3435 863-3848 863-5000 863-0056 863-6221 863-3807 863-5700 863-6500 SENIOR’S GROUPS Club 60 ………………………………………………………………………….... Happy Tracadonians Seniors Club ………………………………..………………. Havre Boucher Area Aged to Perfection 50+ ...…………………………..……….. Heather Club 60 ………………………………………………………………...…. Lochaber Sylvan Lakers Seniors ……………………………………………….… Pomquet Parish Seniors Club …………………………………………….………. St. Andrews Oak & Owl Club …………………………………………..………... 863-6976 232-2330 234-3036 386-2923 783-2532 386-2490 863-1058 59 Town of Antigonish Recreation Department 274 Main Street Antigonish, Nova Scotia B2G 2C4 Phone: 902-863-2351 Fax: 902-863-0460 Visit us online @ 60
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