Volume 9 Issue 17 Antigonish & Guysborough Edition Oct 24th - Oct 30th 2014 ANTIGONISH, LET’S GET ACTIVE! By Emily Kehoe, Interim Physical Activity Coordinator, Antigonish County Recreation Antigonish County Recreation, with funding from the Nova Scotia Department of Health & Wellness will be offering opportunities for Antigonish residents to get active this fall and winter at no cost! Until mid-March, free swim and free skate options will be available for everyone to enjoy. ton, Bayfield and Cape Jack. There are more outdoor rinks around the County that may be in the making, so lace up your skates and give one of them a try! Free swims will take place every Saturday from October 25thMarch 14th at the St. F.X. Alumni Aquatic Centre from 1:00-2:50 pm. Participants under 16 years of age must have a parent present. Bathing caps are optional. Free skates will take place every Sunday from now until March 15th at the Antigonish Arena from 4:30pm-5:50pm. There are also free skates for seniors, tots and adults throughout the week. See their website at for the full ice schedule. Carmen MacDonald with his daughters Nora and Abby at a free skate during last year’s initiative. Photograph taken by Emily Kehoe. . They will be offering some free skates and swims in Port Hawkesbury as well to accommodate residents of the eastern end of the county. Free skates will take place at the Port Hawkesbury Civic Centre from 1-2 pm on the following Saturdays: November 1, 8, 15, 29, December 13, January 17, February 14, 28. swims and skates added throughout the winter so “Like” Antigonish County Recreation on Facebook to stay up-to-date on all your physical activity opportunities. Mark your calendars now so you are sure not to miss these opportunities! There may be more There are outdoor rinks throughout Antigonish which encourage community use including Heather- INSIDE Free swims for the eastern end of the County will take place at the Strait Area Pool from 2:30-3:30 pm on the following Saturdays: October 25, November 22, December 6, January 10, 24, February 7, 21, March 7, 14. In addition to these skating and swimming opportunities, there are many more ways to get active in Antigonish. Antigonish County Recreation has snowshoes and Nordic walking poles to lend out for free! There are great places in the area to head out for an afternoon of snowshoeing such as Keppoch Mountain, Beaver Mountain Park, the Antigonish Golf and Country Club and even in your own backyard! The Benefits of Physical Activity Regular physical activity is one of the most important things you can do for your health. It can help: Control your weight Reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease Reduce your risk for type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome Reduce your risk of some cancers Strengthen your bones and muscles Improve your mental health and mood Improve your ability to do daily activities and prevent falls Increase your chances of living longer It is so important to maintain regular physical activity throughout the year. Many people find it easier to stay active in the warmer months and tend to be more sedentary as the temperature falls. We would like to encourage people to take advantage of some of the fun ways to stay active throughout the fall and winter, so come on, “don’t hibernate, participate! This initiative is part of Thrive! A plan for a healthier Nova Scotia. For more information on Thrive! visit their website: ANTIGONISH TRANSIT BOOK LAUNCH PHIL MILNER GET THE WORD OUT! We are so excited to finally have launched our entire service. This is a flex-route service to the county, which means we have a dial-a-ride option available. Turn to pages six and seven to see the route schedules in the county from Monday to Friday. There are signs out and about. The launch is on Wednesday, November 5th, at 7pm at the Legion on Main Street, free! So, Patient Reader, you are cordially invited to come for many reasons. Have a local group or event that you think needs recognition? The Highland Heart is a paper for and by the community. We are always looking for written submissions! Horoscopes ………... Local ……………………. Puzzles ………………... Feature Story ……….. For Kids ………………. Classifieds …………… Business Focus ……. Recipe …………………. Pg 2 Pg 3 Pg 4-5 Pg 6-7 Pg 8 Pg 10 Pg 11 Pg 12 YOUR WEEKLY HOROSCOPE Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb 18) Leo (Jul 23-Aug 22) Your mood today will color the remainder of your week. If you can’t be upbeat, then try to think positive thoughts. Others will thank you for it. Take caution when dealing with your finances this week. If it sounds like it is too good to be true, then it probably is. Think before you make a big spend. Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20) Virgo (Aug 23-Sep 22) Your many efforts over the past months will finally be recognized and appreciated. Keep in mind it is the small things in life that we are most thankful for. Focus your efforts on seeing things through when it comes to family or friends. They are expecting your best and you need to give them your all. Aries (Mar 21-Apr 19) Libra (Sep 23-Oct 22) Try not to over exert yourself mentally or physically this week. You need to stop and smell the roses; it is a good time to think about taking a short vacation. Try to reserve some energy for the beginning of the week, you will need it. Pick and choose what really needs to be accomplished and stick with your plan. Taurus (Apr 20-May 20) Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov 21) Don’t turn down an upcoming social event, even though you may be tempted to. This is just what you needed to pick you up. Dance, have fun and go for it. Someone you care about has an issue with you. Take the time to listen to what they have to say. Your relationship will improve once you see things their way. Gemini (May 21-Jun 20) Sagittarius (Nov 22-Dec 21) There’s a lot going on at work this week. Get your priorities straight, so you can make time for those social functions. You wouldn’t want to miss out on anything. There is no point in complaining about the what ifs. You are right where you need to be in life. Look at all you have and be grateful for those around you. Cancer (Jun 21-Jul 22) Capricorn (Dec 22-Jan 19) The seeds you sowed a while back will start to bear fruit. Don’t worry it is all positive, and the decisions you made were the right ones. Enjoy what is coming your way. Make work a priority this week, if you want to get ahead. You may have to sacrifice some of your social events in order to get everything done that needs doing. Your Community Paper - The Highland Heart We’d like to thank our many supporters in the business community for advertising in The Highland Heart. As a free paper, privately owned, our only source of revenue are the many advertisers you will find in each issue. Their support makes all of this possible and we invite our readers to likewise support these outstanding businesses and organizations. Stop by and let them know where you saw their ad! Thanks - and keep reading “The Highland Heart Weekly”! Rick & Marilyn, owners of the Highland Heart Weekly Newspaper, feel the paper gives them the opportunity to support local organizations and businesses. The paper provides a place for the community to be heard, as well as an economical place to advertise their activities and services. Visit us at or w w w . f a c e b o o k . c o m / thehighlandheartweekly Rick Simpson - Owner Marilyn Simpson - Editor/ Content Manager Please contact us at or by phone at (902) 783-2114 2 Visit us online at: or Download complete issues on our website, read individual articles, submit FREE classifieds, recipes and letters to the editor! The Highland Heart is printed on 30% post-consumer materials. Please pass this paper on to someone else or recycle it when you are finished! Stones Jade - Jade is the name of 2 ornamental stones from China and Central America, nephrite and jadeite. Jade is a beautiful stone found in various shades of pale to vivid green. It is usually cut into smooth dome shapes called cabochons, or carved into bangles, beads etc. Dealers gamble when they buy Jade, as they can purchase a boulder with only a tiny opening visible from the outside, however once it is split it may contain fine stone or be worthless. Top quality Jade (jadeite) comes mostly from Myanmar and Guatemala. The main deposits of ‘nephrite’ are found in Canada, Australia, the US and Taiwan. Jade has been the royal gemstone of China for more than 4000 years. Priceless jade artifacts were placed in the tombs of emperors as a symbol of their power and wealth. In Central America, Jade was sacred to the Olmec, Mayan, and Toltec peoples, who carved it into masks and relics. Jade’s healing uses include helping to balance emotional states, particularly in sensitive individuals. It can calm the heart and soothe away anxiety. Jade is often used in healing to bring the energy of love and peace into the heart, as well as nurturing and caring for the spirit. The energy of Jade is balancing and harmonizing. Hematite - Hematite is iron oxide, a mineral that is a source of opaque, silver-gray crystals. The host rock and its dust are red in color. It can be found in Northern England, Mexico, Brazil, Australia and Canada. In ancient times, the red rocks of hematite were said to be formed from the blood of warriors who died in battle. The word “hematite” comes from the Greek root haem, which refers to blood. Traditionally it was held by women in childbirth and was used in makeup formulations. Hematite is a grounding and strengthening stone, which helps to centre you, especially when your energies are overstretched. It has a calming and soothing effect on the nerves. It can be worn to strengthen courage and energy when facing challenges. It also counteracts negative energy when used in your environment. Do you have something to say that you would like to share with the community? Letters to the editor or “Other Stuff” can be sent via email to and should be no more then 450 words in length. We are unable to print anonymous articles and your submission must include your first initial, family name and location. The Highland Heart is a community newspaper comprised of content generated by and for the Antigonish & Guysborough area. We welcome submissions about community events, local business, tourism, opinion pieces and more. The Highland Heart Weekly is printed every Thursday and distributed each Friday right here in Antigonish. Copies are available at over 45 locations in Antigonish and Guysborough Town & County, as well as online at We are always interested in printing articles of interest to the community, classified ads, recipes and more. Not all submissions will be printed. Please contact us at info or by phone at (902) 7832114. The Highland Heart is proudly owned and published by the Simpsons (Rick and Marilyn). Favourite Food: Taco’s Pet Peeve: Mean People Favourite T.V. Show: Heartland Hobbies: Farming and bike riding Age: 10 Abby lives in Guysborough County, with her Mom, Charlene and her Step-Dad, Kevin. She goes to Chedabucto Place Education Centre and is in grade 5. Abigail,Catherine Alse Myles When Abby grows up she wants to work at a daycare, teach horseback riding and be a life guard. She currently raises chickens and has a rooster called Milo. She has a cat named Kitty, and a dog named Clarice. Visit us online at: or Download complete issues on our website, read individual articles, submit FREE classifieds, recipes and letters to the editor! The Highland Heart is printed on 30% post-consumer materials. Please pass this paper on to someone else or recycle it when you are finished! 3 Across 71. Melodic subject 1. Love handles, essentially 5. Peddles 10. Big "Bonanza" brother 14. Autobahn car 15. Of the lower intestine 16. Affirmation 17. Old West transport 19. Great Barrier Island, N.Z. 20. Half a semester 21. Really enjoyed 23. __mater 26. Isolate like Napoleon 27. Fruity, flaky dessert 32. Aberdeen uncle 33. Income: Fr. 34. Mazatlán misses: Abr. 38. Night, in N'mes 40. "I __ reason why..." 42. Bar overdoers 43. Poor grade 45. Cord fiber 47. Suffer 48. Take liberties 51. Electric current unit 54. Er -_ (he says): Ger. 55. A cousin of cabbage 58. Literally, "great O" 62. Dies _63. Boardinghouse sign 66. Not more 67. __ nous 68. Opening for a tab 69. Caustic compounds 70. Spanish lariat 4 Down 1. On the double 2. Mandolin cousin 3. Month after Shebat 4. "Two all-beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions, on a sesame seed bun" 5. Urge to attack, with "on" 6. 'Evil Woman' rock group 7. Noted James Earl Jones stage role 8. Doily fabric 9. Carry with effort 10. Indianans 11. Swearing to tell the truth, and others 12. Man of __ (Superman) 13. Hades habitue 18. Moray pursuer 22 "Last one __ a rotten egg!" 24. Sras., in Savoie 25. Poem with the story of the Trojan horse 27. Darn, as socks 28. 'My turn' 29. Astronaut Armstrong 30. Bikini experiment 31. Metric fractions 35. Bridge or tunnel charge 36. Fit to__ 37. Fleet fleet members of old 39. Like many tires 41. Olive for Ovid 44. Dried up 46. Fungous growth on cereals 49. '__, My God, to Thee' 50. Nth degree 51. James Bond's "A View to __" 52. Amsterdam of "The Dick Van Dyke Show" 53. Terrible twos, for one 56. Rib or ulna 57. Minute bit 59. French magazine 60. Subj. with circles and such 61. "__ boy" 64. "Rocky III" actor with the line "I pity the fool" 65. North or Ross Visit us online at: or Download complete issues on our website, read individual articles, submit FREE classifieds, recipes and letters to the editor! The Highland Heart is printed on 30% post-consumer materials. Please pass this paper on to someone else or recycle it when you are finished! Sudoku Fill in each square so the numbers one through nine appear only once in each row, column and three by three box. Solution at bottom of this page. No cheating! Cryptogram A cryptogram is a phrase or quote that has been encrypted by simple letter substitution. You solve the cryptogram with a trial and error process, guessing the letters that have been replaced. One final rule - a letter can never be substituted with itself. FQ CACQI RFK RFZZCQCY, GZPQ XRVER VI VK YVMMVEGTI IP KZCFN, FQY VHZPKKVDTC IP DC KVTCQI. The solution: No cheating! Solution to cryptogram on this page: silent. difficult to speak, and impossible to be An event has happened, upon which it is The solution: No cheating! — Edmund Burke Visit us online at: or Download complete issues on our website, read individual articles, submit FREE classifieds, recipes and letters to the editor! The Highland Heart is printed on 30% post-consumer materials. Please pass this paper on to someone else or recycle it when you are finished! 5 Out and About... By Alida Campbell The Antigonish Community Transit Society has launched in the county and will be making daily routes to different parts of the county! We are so excited to finally have launched our entire service. This is a flex-route service to the county, which means we have a dial-a-ride option available. If you cannot get to the route just give us a call and if you live within 2.5km of the route on that day, we will come and pick you up! Please make sure there is room for the bus to turn around! You can also flag the bus down along the route. Make sure you are not standing on a hill or blind curve. This is a volunteer run service for the community! We want to ensure that this service is the best it can be! If you have any questions, comments or wish to book a dial a ride, contact us at 902-867-0411 or Antigonish Community Transit Society Arisaig Schedule MONDAYS Antigonish Mall Arisaig Community Centre Highfield Road 337/245 Intersection Old Maryvale Road Maryvale Firehall St. Mary’s Parish Church Peasant Valley Road North Grant Trailer Park Pleasant Valley Road St. Martha’s Regional Hospital AM 8:45 9:15 9:20 9:25 9:28 9:30 9:35 9:37 9:40-45 9:50 10:00 (arrives) PM COST (senior/regular) 6:00 5:15 $8/$10 5:10 $8/$10 5:05 $8/$10 5:02 $8/$10 5:00 $6/$8 4:55 $6/$8 4:53 $6/$8 4:45 $4/$6 4:40 $4/$6 4:30 (leaves) *Times are approximate, please be at the stops 5 minutes before* *You can flag the bus down along the route, provided it is safe to do so* Antigonish Community Transit Society Cape George Schedule TUESDAYS Antigonish Mall Church of the Holy Rosary Mash Road Lakevale Mintrail Community Centre Cribbon’s Beach Road Crystal Cliffs Fairmont Road Seabright Road Marl Road Hemlock Lane St Martha’s Regional Hospital AM 8:45 9:15 9:18 9:27 9:32 9:36 9:38 9:44 9:46 9:50 10:00 (arrives) PM COST (senior/regular) 6:00 5:15 $8/$10 5:12 $8/$10 5:03 $8/$10 4:58 $8/$10 4:54 $6/$8 4:52 $6/$8 4:46 $6/$8 4:44 $6/$8 4:41 $6/$8 4:30 (leaves) *Times are approximate, please be at the stops 5 minutes before* *You can flag the bus down along the route, provided it is safe to do so* 6 Visit us online at: or Download complete issues on our website, read individual articles, submit FREE classifieds, recipes and letters to the editor! The Highland Heart is printed on 30% post-consumer materials. Please pass this paper on to someone else or recycle it when you are finished! In the County of Antigonish Antigonish Community Transit Society Auld’s Cove/Havre Boucher Schedule WEDNESDAYS AM PM COST (senior/regular) Antigonish Mall 8:00 7:30 Auld’s Cove Petro Can 8:35-40 5:55-6:00 $8/$10 Gary’s Rite Stop 8:45-50 5:45-50 $8/$10 Havre Boucher Community Centre 8:45-50 5:45-50 $8/$10 Upper Big Tracadie Church 9:00 5:30 $8/$10 Monestary Petro Can 9:05 5:25 $8/$10 DeCoste Recycling Depot 9:10 5:20 $8/$10 Gorman Road 9:15 5:15 $8/$10 Paqtnkek First Nation 9:20 5:10 $8/$10 Heatherton School 9:30 5:00 $8/$10 Glen Aire Estates 9:35 4:55 $6/$8 Henry’s Auto 9:40 4:50 $6/$8 Leaves and Limbs 9:45 4:45 $6/$8 Greenwold Manor 9:50 4:40 $4/$6 St. Martha’s Regional Hospital 10:00 (arrives) 4:30 (leaves) *Times are approximate, please be at the stops 5 minutes before* *You can flag the bus down along the route, provided it is safe to do so* Antigonish Community Transit Society James River/ Lochaber Schedule THURSDAYS AM Noon Antigonish Mall 8:25 No Stop St. Martha’s Regional Hospital No Stop 12:55 Post Road 8:35 1:05 Grant Brierly Brook Road 8:37 1:07 2115 Brierly Brook Road 8:39 1:09 Back Road Brierly Brook Road 8:45 1:15 Mill Road 8:47 1:17 James River Fire Department 8:52 1:22 Riverside Speedway 8:57 1:27 Mill Road 9:00 1:30 Keppoch Mountain 9:07 1:37 St. Joseph’s Community Centre 9:13 1:43 Gaspereaux Lake 9:18 1:48 Lochaber Community Centre 9:28 1:58 Glenhill Berry Farm 9:31 2:01 Glen Road Connector 9:40 2:10 Pinevale Road 9:42 2:12 Ultramar 9:45 2:15 Green Hill Estates 9:47 2:17 St. Martha’s Regional Hospital 10:00 2:30 PM COST (senior/regular) No Stop 4:25 4:35 $4/$6 4:37 $4/$6 4:39 $6/$8 4:45 $6/$8 4:47 $6/$8 4:52 $6/$8 4:57 $6/$8 5:00 $6/$8 5:07 $6/$8 5:13 $6/$8 5:18 $6/$8 5:28 $8/$10 5:31 $8/$10 5:40 $6/$8 5:42 $6/$8 5:45 $6/$8 5:47 $4/$6 6:00 Antigonish Community Transit Society Pomquet/ St. Andrew’s Schedule FRIDAYS AM Noon PM COST (senior/regular) Antigonish Mall 8:30 No Stop No Stop St. Martha’s Regional Hospital No stop 1:00 4:30 Silver Birch Estates 8:35 1:05 4:35 $6/$8 Brosha’s Short Stoppe 8:40 1:10 4:40 $6/$8 SASHA 8:55 1:20 4:50 $6/$8 River’s Bend Wood Products 8:58 1:23 4:53 $6/$8 Pomquet Co-op 9:00 1:25 4:55 $6/$8 Societe St. Croix 9:05 1:30 5:00 $6/$8 Pomquet Beach Road 9:10 1:40 5:10 $6/$8 Ecole Acadienne de Pomquet 9:20 1:50 5:20 $6/$8 Vern’s Tire Service 9:25 1:55 5:25 $6/$8 Glen Aire Estates 9:30 2:00 5:30 $6/$8 Henry’s Auto 9:32 2:02 5:32 $6/$8 Leaves and Limbs 9:40 2:10 5:40 $6/$8 William’s Point Road 9:45-53 2:15-23 5:45-53 $6/$8 Greenwold Manor 9:55 2:25 5:55 $4/$6 St. Martha’s Regional Hospital 10:00 2:30 6:00 *Times are approximate* *You can flag the bus down along the route, if it is safe to do so* Visit us online at: or Download complete issues on our website, read individual articles, submit FREE classifieds, recipes and letters to the editor! The Highland Heart is printed on 30% post-consumer materials. Please pass this paper on to someone else or recycle it when you are finished! 7 Just For Kids! (or for the kid in all of us) Halloween Candy Word Search CANDY CORN CARAMELS CHIPS CHOCOLATE BAR GUM GUMMY BEARS HOT TAMALES LICORICE LIFE SAVERS NERDS PEANUTS RAISINETS RAZZLES SKITTLES SMARTIES SOUR PATCH STARBURST SUCKERS SWEET TARTS TOOTSIE ROLL 8 Visit us online at: or Download complete issues on our website, read individual articles, submit FREE classifieds, recipes and letters to the editor! The Highland Heart is printed on 30% post-consumer materials. Please pass this paper on to someone else or recycle it when you are finished! Book Launch At The Legion - Nov. 5th By Phil Milner convinced me to fix some things, and a friend of my wife’s, Elizabeth, rooted out most of the typos. Greg Walsh, son of my brother, toiler in the StFX pits, took it from there and did a hundred sweet things at Bounty Printing. It was published by Collegetown Phil Milner posing with the character that became the Books, a figdesign of the book cover. Photograph provided by Phil ment of my Milner. imagination so far, though I am I wrote a book 25 years ago, The thinking of knocking on a DutchYankee Professor’s Guide to Life Canadian neighbor’s door in in Nova Scotia. I thought, to hopes of a follow-up book. speak shamelessly, that I accurately described the Antigonish Time is running out for me. I am that I almost knew, loved in my 72 years old, healthier and way, and butted my head against wealthier than my father ever in my goofy efforts to belong. It dreamed of being, luckier but less felt good to write it. Since writing wise than Dad was. He was dubiit, I have raised my kids, watched ous about this whole Ph.D. trip my grandkids growing up here that the GI Bill sprung me to. I and elsewhere, retired from my wish he were alive to read my new job, and found a sometimes book, but I waited too long. I pleasing job as a Casket columnwanted to tell what I learned in ist. two I thought The Yankee Professor would be the beginning of a long and fruitful writing career, the first book of a foot-wide shelf. The book cost $9.95 Canadian, tax included. Lancelot Press published The Yankee Professor and sent me smallish cheques twice a year for a while it turned out to be my only book, apart from a couple of scissor-and-paste jobs I wrote to get myself tenure at StFX. thirds of a life lived here, among people whose instincts were to consider me an American and StFX professor — two categories that do not automatically win affection in Antigonish. Still, I’ve no one to please with this, my book, except myself. There are signs out and about. The launch is on Wednesday, November 5th, at 7pm at the Legion on Main Street, it’s free! So, Patient Reader, you are cordially invited to come for many reasons. You might win valuable prizes, to wit, several two ounce honey bears full of my honey, some gorgeous one-pound muth bottles of honey, a couple copies of The Antigonish Book of Days, and some swag from the Casket. I will read from the new book for twenty minutes, show an updated version of my Antigonish slide show, offer a few munchies, and Andrew Stalker and the Formerly Ordinary Horse will provide live music. The plan is to have attendees back on the street by 9pm. All free, of course, though the hope is that someone will want a discounted ($20) copy of the book. What a deal, eh? Strange but true: you still can buy a new copy of The Yankee Professor’s Guide to Life in Nova Scotia at for $100.56 American (I kid you not). What does that tell you, Dear Reader? It tells you that enough family members will sometimes pay a lot for copies of their relatives’ out-ofprint books. The Antigonish Book of Days is a home-made job. I wrote the book, my wife designed the cover, my friend, Kevin, read it over and Visit us online at: or Download complete issues on our website, read individual articles, submit FREE classifieds, recipes and letters to the editor! The Highland Heart is printed on 30% post-consumer materials. Please pass this paper on to someone else or recycle it when you are finished! 9 Thursday Nov. 6th at the Claymore Inn, Antigonish. Keynote speaker Toronto based entrepreneur & business owner, Mark Wafer. to register go to Deadline is Oct. 15th. For info. Contact Chris Cook at 902-631-2858 or 863-5024 Fire Benefit Dance In aid of Joe “Rug” MacDonald Nov., 8th from 9 - 1 AM Music: Addison Hawes Maple Hall, Heatherton ID required: Adm. $10.00 For info. Call John at 902.386.2553 Family Round & Square Dance A family round and square dance will be held at St. Mary’s Parish Hall, Maryvale, Antigonish Friday, Oct. 24th from 9 - 12 am Music by Glenn Graham & Guest Adm. $10.00 Children under 12 free Tea & Sweets provided! Event Repairs to all makes and models Of sewing machines. For more information Call: 902.863.1609 Service Sewing Machine Service 1st Annual Bus. Ability Banquet Event Come help prepare & enjoy a healthy, well balanced, budget friendly meal. St. Mark’s United Church, 504 Bernard St., Port Hawkesbury November 18th & December 19 From 11:00 am to 1:00 pm To register call (902) 867-4500 ext 4345 Event Free Community Kitchen Group Arisaig Hall on Sunday Nov. 2 11:00 am to 3:00 pm Lots of variety, baking, crafts, knitting, Santa, Auction, Canteen Beans & Brown bread Book Tables by calling Mary at (902) 863-1101 Event Connecting the Dots in Antigonish Weds. Oct 29th From 6:30 - 9:00 pm People’s Place Library - Community Room Speaker and author of several books will be Caroljean Willie, a Sister of Charity of Cincinnati Event Sustainability & Poverty Reduction Arisaig Christmas Bazaar Event It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown Friday, October 24th at 6:00 pm At the Antigonish Library Come Watch on the Library’s Big Screen. Event Free Family Movie Great Weekend At The Antigonish International Film Festival! By Denise Davies er. We would like to thank of course the film makers and producers who create these thought provoking and beautiful films; the many community sponsors who support the film festival and make it possible to offer the festival passes Antigonish Film Festival. Photograph by Denise Davies. at a low price to make it open to It was a feast of plenty enjoying the everyone; the venues that give a films at the Antigonish International variety of locations to enjoy the Film Festival. There were difficult films; our volunteers who have so decisions to make choosing be- many different tasks that they pertween films at the 3 different ven- formed so well; our media sponsors ues. that got the word out and built the audience; our technical support So many people work to make this people who kept the films running yearly film festival to come togeth- on time; our food and refreshment 10 providers; the speakers who brought their expertise and experience to Q&A after the films; the community dinner location and staff; and of course the steering committee that work throughout the year in planning the event and sifting through hundreds of films to select an enticing array of films. Please take some time to give us your feedback and comments. Let us know if you would like to be involved. See the survey link on While you are there also sign up for our email announcements. The First Friday Film Festival will be screening films throughout the year. Visit us online at: or Download complete issues on our website, read individual articles, submit FREE classifieds, recipes and letters to the editor! The Highland Heart is printed on 30% post-consumer materials. Please pass this paper on to someone else or recycle it when you are finished! Business Focus: The Rusty Kicker By Marilyn Simpson, The Highland Heart The Highland Heart is delighted to bring you a look at a new or unique business located in Antigonish or Guysborough counties. Not only is it important to support the area economy by shopping local, it is also very practical with so many wonderful shops and services available. Business Focus is provided at no cost to participating businesses by The Highland Heart Weekly as our contribution to the local community. The Kicker offers two kinds of Burritos, both made on handmade Tortillas. The first is a black bean and rice burrito, called the “No Bull Burrito”, the second, for those who like meat in their Burrito, Claudine offers the “Kino’s Beef”, with spicy ground beef. The toppings include lettuce, tomato, bell pepper, jalapeño, green onion, cilantro and cheese, and the choice of sauces are salsa, sour cream, sweet potato, guacamole, and a spicy hot sauce made by the “Taste Bros.”, from Sydney. Claudine Broussard attended the Farmer’s Market since she was a child in a stroller. When she was old enough she worked with her Mother at “Wild Flour Bakery” gaining experience and a background in running a business. She felt that the various Market’s could use more “Savory Food” types, and during the Spring of this year, with her parents encouragement, she brainstormed many ideas and decided to start a Mexican Burrito Business, called The Rusty Kicker. The Rusty Kicker is a popular spot at The Antigonish Farmer’s Market, the Baddeck Community Market and the Port Hawkesbury Market, during the open season. Opened: Location: Owner: Phone: Hours: Twitter: Claudine is hoping to add an additional Breakfast Burrito within the next year, and she anticipates that it will be a popular item on her menu at the Markets. Her overall objective is to offer a tasty, healthy breakfast or lunch item that is an economical alternative to fast food. When in season, Claudine uses fresh locally grown veggies for her burritos. The feedback from her customers and the Markets, that she services, has been very positive, and she now has a regular base of customers that attend her booth weekly. When I asked Claudine who her clients were, she said, “I have a wide range of customers, including Mom’s with kids, seniors, and college students”. Claudine will be at the Antigonish Farmer’s Market into November of this ear. She would like to thank all of her happy burrito customers for supporting her new venture. She is thankful to God for helping and guiding her in this new business. She also wants to thank her parents for all the advice and support, and her siblings, especially for doings ‘lots of dishes’. When you are at the Market, stop by and say Hello to Claudine at The Rusty Kicker, and try out one of her tasty burritos. Twitter address is June 2014 Antigonish, Baddeck & Port Hawkesbury Markets Claudine Broussard 902-625-0905 During Market season Visit us online at: or Download complete issues on our website, read individual articles, submit FREE classifieds, recipes and letters to the editor! The Highland Heart is printed on 30% post-consumer materials. Please pass this paper on to someone else or recycle it when you are finished! 11 Experience Gaelic Antigonish By Lewis MacKinnon, Executive Director, Gaelic Affairs, Department of Communities, Culture and Heritage Beagan Bhriathran is Abairtean a bhuineas do dh’Oidhche Shamhna ann an Dualchas nan Gàidheal = Some Vocabulary and Phrases that pertain to Halloween in the Tradition of the Gaels Oidhche Shamhna = Halloween aodann coimheach = mask culaidh choimheach = a costume uile-bhéist = a monster ialtag = a bat ialtagan = bats cnàmhlach = a skeleton cnàmhlaich = skeletons peapag/puimcean = a pumpkin peapagan/puimceanan = pumpkins deoch an uil-ìoc = a potion uaigh = a grave uaighean = graves cladh = a graveyard cladhan = graveyards clach-chinn = a headstone clachan-cinn = headstones draoidh = a magician draoidhean = magicians ban-draoidh = a sorcerer ban-draoidhean = sorcerers cat dubh = a black cat cait dhubha = black cats bodach ròcais = a scarecrow fitheach = raven fithich = ravens an donas/an diabhal = the devil gàd teoclaid = chocolate bar gàdaichean teoclaid = chocolate bars sliseagan = chips poca de shliseagan = a bag of chips pocannan de shliseagan = bags of chips ùbhal = an apple ùbhlan = apples milis = a sweet mìlsean = sweets treut = a treat treutan = treats samhnair(ean) = trick or treater(s) a’ falbh bho thaigh gu taigh = going from house to house samhnag = a bonfire or torch used at Halloween a’ faighinn treutan = receiving/getting treats ri cleasan = up to tricks bòcan = boogey man/spectre bòcain = boogey men/spectres taigh nam bòcan = a haunted house spiorad = a spirit of a dead person spioraid = spirits of dead people spiorad duine bheò = a spirit of a living person taibhs = a ghost taibhsichean = ghosts an taibhsearachd/an dà shealladh = the second sight bana-bhuidseach = a female witch bana-bhuidsichean = female witches a’ bhuidseachd = the witchcraft/sorcery/curse sìthiche = a little person, i.e. a fairy sìthichean = little people, i.e. fairies teine-sionnachain = a jack o’lantern an fhuarag = a pudding made of a mixture of oatmeal and whipped cream Am bi thu ’dol a-mach a’ faighinn treutan? = Will you be going out trick or treating? Bidh. = Yes. Cha bhi. = No. Dé ’chulaidh choimheach a tha thu ’cosg? = What costume are you wearing? ’S e culaidh choimheach na ban-altrum a tha mi ’cosg. = I am wearing a nurse’s costume. Tha bòca(i)n anns an taigh sin. = That house is haunted. A bheil an t-eagal ort? = Are you scared? Tha, tha an t-eagal orm. = Yes, I’m scrared. Chan eil, chan eil an t-eagal orm. = No, I’m not scared. Cò mhiad samhnair a thàinig dhan taigh agad? = How many trick or treaters came to your house? Thàinig deichnear shamhnairean dhan taigh agam. = 10 trick or treaters came to my house. Rinn i buidseachd orm. = She put a curse on me. Bidh na bana-bhuidsichean a’ goid toradh a’ bhainne. = The witches will be stealing the good from the milk. Chaidh a c(h)ur fo gheasaibh. = He/She was put under charms. Would you like to share your favorite recipes,? 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