March 2015 - Pictou Academy


March 2015 - Pictou Academy
A p r i l 2 0 1 5 Ne w sl e t t e r
P r i n c i p a l : M r. J a me s R y a n
Phone: 485-7200
Dates to remember:
May 18-Victoria Day
No classes
June 24– Break up (Prom)
June 26 –Pictou Academy
V ic e P r i n c i p a l : M r s . S t a rr P e t t i pa s
w e b s i t e: w w w . p a . cc r s b . c a
Graduating Students
Graduating students should have applied to post-secondary
institutions. Remember to ask for your transcripts from the
guidance office.
Graduating students are reminded to keep an eye on the scholarship and
bursary board outside the Guidance Office. New items are continually
being posted with timed deadlines.
June 30-Last day of classes
Nova Scotia Community
Students in grade eleven are
now able to put their application into Nova Scotia Community College for the 20162017 school year.
The sooner the application is
in the better chance of getting
into the field of study of your
Forum For Young Canadians
Grade 12 students Emily MacDonald and Lindy Quann
spent the week of March 9-13
in Ottawa taking part in this
Students from across Canada
gathered to learn about government and take part in
workshops exploring Canadian
Pictou Academy Proudly presents:
When in Rome, do as the Romans
do...slip on a toga and charge like a lion
into this dazzling musical.
Ten delightful songs and side splitting
musical comedy.
A Pictou County tradition.
deCoste Entertainment Center
May 28 & 29th 7:30 pm
Available now at DeCoste box office
or online at
$16 adults
$14 students/seniors,
$10 children under 10.
See you there!
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Notice to Parents of Grade 9 students:
There will be a meeting on Thursday April 30, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. for parents of grade nine students.
This meeting will address the high school credit system, graduation requirements, entrance requirements to
post secondary institutions and the Options and Opportunities Program, as well as a question and answer
period. We strongly recommend that you make every effort to attend this meeting since the courses your
child takes will affect decisions regarding education after high school.
Students are also encouraged to attend this meeting. This meeting will take place in the school’s resource
center (library).
Sport and Spirit—
Duke of Edinburg Programme
McCulloch will be hosting their annual
recognition of school involvement on
June 10 at 2:00 pm.
We will be celebrating during the school day so all
students will be able to attend the event.
Parents are welcome to join us in the Pictou Academy Auditorium and recognize the involvement
of students and volunteers.
Four Pictou Academy students will be
presented with their 'Silver Level
Awards' on May 8th. Amelia English,
Aran MacDonald, Casey Doucet and
Lindy Quann will receive their awards
from the Lieutenant Governor of Nova
Scotia at Government House in Halifax.
The Duke of Edinburgh Award Programme is a non-competitive programme in which participants set and
achieve personal goals for community
service, skills, fitness, and adventure.
This year, Grade 6 students who participated in
Hackmatack will be attending the awards ceremony at the new public library in Halifax on
May 8th.
Students will then travel to the Rath-Eastlink
Community Center in Truro. Students will have
the option of swimming for 1.5 hours or splitting
their time between the pool and the rock climbing wall.
On May 6, the same students will go to Pictou
Elementary to hear one of the Hackmatack
authors read from their novel.
McCulloch Student Council
McCulloch Student Council is promoting the following activities: on April 30th there will be a
spirit day in classes at McCulloch School. The second week of May will be McCulloch’s annual
SPCA donation drive. Anyone wishing to donate
old blankets, food, towels or cleaning supplies are
asked to drop them off at the school.
Marathon of Respect and Equality
Representatives of McCulloch and
Pictou Academy attended the
Proclamation signing at West Pictou
on April 21. The MORE Rally will take
place on May 7.
Students will attend the MORE Rally
start at the town gazebo at 8:15am on
May 7. Due to the early start to the
school day, classes will be dismissed at
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Green Schools Nova Scotia
Pictou Academy / Dr. McCulloch School has joined Green Schools Nova Scotia. It is an engaging and hands-on program that teaches students about energy efficiency and helps
schools enhance their environmental sustainability. Through specific and relevant activities,
Green Schools Nova Scotia empowers students from grades primary to twelve to become leaders and change makers in their schools, homes, and communities. To view Schools Green
Schools NS Newsletter, go to the following website
Lieutenant Governor's Medal
Aran MacDonald has been chosen to
receive The Lieutenant Governors Medal
for her contributions to school and
community while maintaining a high
academic standard.
Aran will be presented with her medal by
The Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia
at a ceremony at North Colchester High
School in Tatamagouche on May 14th.
Congratulations Aran.
Curling news
The McCulloch Jr. Girls curling team
earned silver at the Regionals hosted in
Truro on March. Members of the team
include skip Jeana English, Kelli MacDonald, Myla Briand and Rachel Van
Veen. Coaching was Donnie English.
The PA curling teams advanced to Provincial Championships in Truro on March
26-28. The girls team placed fourth,
Members of the team Amelia English,
Madison Van Veen, Lindy Quann and
Anna LeBlanc. Members of the mixed
team included Tim Shea, Clare MacDonald, Riley Clish and Leigha MacDonald. Donnie English was the coach for
both teams.
Well Done !
Michael Galtois
On May 4, a motivational speaker will be
speaking to grades 6-8.
Michael will share his story on facing the
difficult challenge after being severely burned in a
tragic fire.
He will motivate students by talking about the
challenges he has faced and how he used it to motivate him in creating something positive.
Hard Academic Worker Awards
The February HAW Awards were presented to a
student at each grade level at PA.
Congratulations to the following students on receiving the awards and accompanying movie
money Gr. 9 Emma Ruiz, Gr/ 10 Kim Cherry
Gr. ll Caroline Fan, Gr 12 Lindy Quann.
Well Done !
McCulloch Yearbook
The Yearbook Committee has worked very hard this
year to create a special book of memories. If you
have not purchased a book yet, there are only a few
Also, if you have reserved your copy, remember payment is to be made before the book arrives. The due
date for the Yearbook Launch will be in June.
Author visits McCulloch School
The grade 7 & 8 ELA classes welcomed Pictou
County author Jennifer Hatt to their classroom on
March 24. Ms. Hatt shared writing tips and read
samples from her various books.
Annual WALK for ALS
in Pictou County
The annual WALK for ALS
in Pictou County will be
held on June 6, 2015.
Registration: 9:30 am
Westville Civic Centre.
Walk Kick off : 10:30 am
Victoria Park – Westville
Pledge forms can be
downloaded at:
Contact Sara Watters 3965718
for further information.
Music Festival
A shout out to the beginner
and junior bands who participated in the annual Music Festival on April 23.
Both groups won Silver for
their fantastic performances.
Native Culture Day
Teachers at McCulloch
School are in the process
of planning a Native Culture day. This will expose
students to various aspects of Native Culture.
This activity is part of the
school’s improvement
Twenty-two Pictou Academy students will be taking part in
Dramafest at Dalhousie University on April 30th and
May 1st and 2nd.
Students will participate in master classes, workshops, special events and student productions under the guidance of
theatre professionals, professors and university students.
PA students will perform a play they have written themselves for the event on the Friday evening.
Techsploration Goes To School
On April 23rd, all grade nine and ten students at Pictou
Academy had the opportunity to view a presentation by
the PA Techsploration Group and to hear, first hand, about
numerous careers in technical fields they might be considering for their future.
The Techsploration Group at PA consists of six grade 9
girls interested in examining technical trades not traditionally filled by females. Members of the 2015 group are
Peyton Briand, Erin MacMillan, Leigha MacDonald,
Emma Ruiz, Sasha Verheuvel and Thea Waller
The NSSAF 'Celebration of School Sport 'awards luncheon will
take place on May 1st at the World Trade and Convention Centre in Halifax.
Tara Fanning will receive the Outstanding Service Award for
her contributions to sport at PA and McCulloch. Craig Sutherland and Lindy Quann will receive Exemplary Participation
Awards for their demonstrations of sportsmanship and fair
Congratulations to all recipients!
Science Fair
Grade 8 students participated in the school Science Fair with
outside judges on March 10. Three individuals, Nathaniel
Moore, Dylan Rafuse, and Jenna Reid were chosen to represent
McCulloch School at the regional Science Fair at the NSCC Pictou campus on April 8. Nathaniel's "Crazy Wax" won the
award for the project with the most marketable idea. Congratulations to all students for their creative ideas and for the hard
work involved in their projects.