Global Witness Bible & Literature Missionary Foundation Baptists Printing Scriptures since 1968 2101 Hwy 231 South • Shelbyville, TN 37160-3807 • (931) 684-0304 or 684-5442 Email: officeblmf@bellsouth.net • web site: www.biblelit.com • Dr. Bob Lemmon, Founder • Dr. Robert M. Lemmon, Jr., Director Sponsored by Victory Baptist Church, Shelbyville, TN • Dr. Jim Tedder, Pastor Jan - Feb - Mar 2015 Volume 46 Number 1 Praise God! We Are In The New Building We started operating out of the new building on January 12th. It has taken longer and cost more than we expected, but praise the Lord we’re in the building! After becoming the director of this ministry in September of 2007, I did not think that life could get any more complicated, but it did! Since the regular Tri-Annual Board of Director’s meeting in February of 2014, when the board voted to purchase this building, my twelve hour, seven day a week schedule went to sixteen hours a day, eight days a week. It may not have been quite eight days a week but it sure has seemed like it! But now that we are in the building, I can say “It has been worth it all”! Every hour and every dime! What a blessing! What a miracle! What a wonderful tool the Lord has provided to enable us to be more efficient and more productive for Him! We cannot begin to adequately thank everyone for your prayers, for every contribution and for every one of you who have given financially to the purchase of this beautiful building! Thank you! The devil has fought us every day and every inch of the way, but God has been faithful so we especially want to praise and thank Him for His bountiful blessings upon this ministry! When we say that God has been so good, that is an understatement! At that same February board meeting the board also discussed the possibility of upgrading our web press from 32 page signature to 48 page signature but it looked doubtful as we didn’t have the additional funds to do it. Doing it while the press was being moved would be $25,000 less expensive than waiting to later but, no dough, no go! Matter of fact, we were not sure we would be able to cover all of our moving cost BUT, God has marvelously provided for both and we would be in great shape accept for the cost overruns on the electrical work. First Rolls Of Paper Delivered To The Barn Getting The Seed Out Of The Barn In 2015 Many times in the Old Testament God used droughts and famines to remind His people that it would be beneficial to them and in their best interest to cease from their sin and disobedience and to serve Him. Or, as the case may be, in Noah’s day, more water than they could drink or as in the wilderness, more manna and fowl than they could eat! But God has a lot of ways of getting our attention! God had promised His people in Moses’ day that if they would serve Him He would bless their bread and water. God used famines to move Abraham, Jacob and Joseph and to bring judgment upon King Ahab and His people in I Kings Chapter 18 and again in II Kings 6:25. After the 70 years of captivity King Cyrus of Persia sent a host of the people back home to Jerusalem with instructions to rebuild the Temple, he returned the vessels of worship that Nebuchadnezzar had taken and even provided them with all of the materials that they would need to rebuild the Temple. These people returned to their homeland, settled in, built their own houses with little or no interest in the work of God or His house. God was greatly displeased so He sent His profit, Haggai to deliver a message to them about the situation. Consequently, God could not bless them and in Haggai chapter one verses five and six, God said, “Consider your ways. Ye have sown much, and bring in little; ye eat, but ye have not enough; ye drink, but ye are not filled with drink; ye clothe you, but there is none warm; and he that earneth wages earneth wages to put it into a bag with holes.” In verse nine “Ye looked for much, and, lo it came to little; and when ye brought it home, I did blow upon it.” So, let us consider a spiritual application that is applicable to us as God’s people in our day! Please consider that if our great God magnifies His Word above His name, and He does! Then would God not care equally as much or more about His Word as He does His house? Do you suppose that our great Seed Continued on Page 2 Remembering Mrs. Justine H. Lemmon By: Robert Lemmon, Jr. or her family and those who knew her, Heaven is a much sweeter place today than it was prior to Mom’s home going on Monday, December 8th at 10:38 AM. Like Dad, Mom had fought a good fight and finished her course and at the age of 93 years and 5 months was ready and well deserving of a rest after her 69 years of faithful Christian service as a pastor and missionary’s wife. She was a Christian Lady until the very end! A faithful helpmeet and lifelong partner and wife to a dedicated and faithful man of God! They were a great team who made a tremendous impact on the lives of the hundreds of people that Dad pastored and, an even greater impact on missions and the millions of people who have received Bibles or Scriptures from the Bible & Literature Missionary Foundation. hortly after Mom and Dad married in 1940, at the invitation of an older brother living in Detroit, Dad and Mom moved there where they became active members of the Temple Baptist Church, Dr. J. Frank Norris, pastor. They left rural Shelbyville, TN behind where there was very little job opportunities, to move to Detroit to find employment but the Lord had a different plan and purpose for leading them there. The Lord had already been preparing Dad’s heart for a call to the ministry but it was not until joining Temple that Dad surrendered to God’s call. Some of the things that may have looked like coincidence at that time were in reality the hand of God working in their lives bringing them to a time and place where they would find God’s direction and calling for their life. These influences have had a positive impact for the cause of Christ around the world effecting the second and third generation of the Lemmon family! F S Mrs. Justine continued on page 3 2 Seed Continued From on Page 1 Our Love For T he Word Of God By: Phil Jones, Representative There are many people in the world that do not have a Bible in their own language. The sad fact is even if one was available in their village or town many would not have the money to buy it. Another sad fact is that unlike many people in the United States if they had a Bible they would actually read it. Many of us have heard stories from missionaries of how hungry people in many countries are to possess, read and hear what the Word of God has for them. If the Word of God were available in these areas many more people would have the opportunity to be saved because we know that “The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple.” (Psalms 119:130). It is also a sad fact that the cults are running their printing presses 24 hours a day to be able to put printed material into the hands of people around the world. While we who have the truth, are only able to operate our presses sporadically because of a lack of funds. If I remember correctly Pastor Mark Smith from Tacoma, Washington, said there are about 27 independent Baptist printing ministries. These ministries have different capabilities, some print tracts others print Bible portions while some print the entire range of printed material including whole Bibles. If that is correct and your church is supporting one of them I say, Praise God and thank you for what you are doing. But isn’t it amazing that Bible & Literature Missionary Foundation (BLMF) of Shelbyville, Tennessee, has ten Representatives that are responsible for telling churches and individuals about the needs of the ministry in hopes of raising funds to accomplish the work of the ministry. Several are employees of the ministry with full time jobs that do this work on their off time but most are unpaid volunteers with a heart for getting God’s Word into the hands of as many people as possible. Several of the members of the Board of Directors are also available to present the work to churches. As a representative I am not trying to raise personal support but only support for the ministry. Not every congregation is able to take on another ministry or missionary at any given time, I understand that. I do believe however, that many congregations that could make a great difference are doing little to see Bibles be sent around the world. Many Pastors and Missions Pastors have flatly refused to even allow their congregations to hear about the great work of these printing ministries. Often we are not able to talk with Pastors because their secretary screens their calls, this might be because of the Pastor’s overload, or even health issues and the fact that he is bombarded by request for support; but how else are we to inform you of what we are doing? Sometimes our calls are not returned or responded to. Some Churches support several missionaries but then even though they are able, will not support a work that will also help these same missionaries do an even greater work while on the field by helping to provide printed material they can give to the people, to me this is sad not only for the missionary but also for the people they minister to. If enough Pastors and Christians would give a little, the ministry of BLMF would be able to operate with no representatives while printing Bibles on a more regular basis. Brother Bobby (Robert Lemmon Jr., Director) told me recently that BLMF only has enough regular support for about half of its operating budget; most of the printing and distribution is accomplished through special or one time gifts and volunteer labor. Praise God for those gifts and the people with a heart to give them and those that come and work. At this time the ministry is struggling to get moved into the new building that will save many hours of labor because we will not have to move material and equipment around the plant or across town to get work done. With hopes of getting the web press operating in the next few days we have request for 6 containers of Bible from around the world but there is little paper on hand and even less money to buy more. My Pastor is hoping we will be able to soon print Bibles for India; the funds are already on hand for this project. There is still a lot of work to get all the presses into the building, the cost and labor needed for this job has shocked me. For example a crew of engineers from North Carolina has been working since October to move the web press and get it operational and improved (it was modified during the move to increase the number of pages in each signature or section) the modifications made during the move will reduce the printing time and collating time by one third. But just imagine the cost of that expense alone. How can you help? Every church has a need for printed materials; BLMF can satisfy every one of these needs. The advantage of allowing BLMF to provide your printed material is that the profits are used to print and distribute Bibles. Even if your church is not able to take on another ministry at this time you are still able to support the work while satisfying your own needs for printed material. If you ministries will have adequate help and finances. Seek ye first the kingGod is pleased that we have settled dom of God and all of these things into to our homes and the cares of shall be added unto you! Our barn this life, while most of His people, will not be filled with plenty until “Christians”, set idly by with very litwe have been obedient to Him and tle or no regard to missions or to the there will not be a bountiful harvest printing and distribution of His preof souls until the seed is sown! Much cious Word. I think not! In America, seed, much harvest! John 4:35, “Say the most affluent and prosperous sonot ye, There are yet four months, ciety in the world, most Christians, and then cometh harvest? behold, are exactly like God’s people deI say unto you, Lift up your eyes, scribed in Haggai chapter one versand look on the fields; for they are es six thru nine, because the things white already to that we possess harvest.” Matthew and the wages that 9:38, “Pray ye we earn are never therefore the Lord enough! Could of the harvest, that it be that God is he will send forth withholding His labourers into his blessings today harvest.” We have like He did with the assurance that the nation of Juwhen the seed is dah for not obeysown that it will ing Him and putproduce fruit, ting Him and His some thirty fold, work first? Could it be that we are First Bundle of Sigs Off The Web some sixty fold and some a hunmissing out on dred fold. We have His promise that God’s blessings and living on the His Word will not return unto Him meager things in this life when we void! could be enjoying His bountiful Our theme for 2015 is “Getting blessings, and a much more fulfillThe Seed Out Of The Barn” but being and abundant life than we are? fore we can get the seed out of the We might also consider that when barn we must first produce the seed! we obey God it produces innumerThe seed that we produced last year able results. The three that come to has all been sown and with our web my mind are; that God’s great work press down during the move there for His church and world missions just isn’t sufficient seed in our barn. are achieved resulting in a bountiful We must produce more seed and a harvest of souls, those who are saved lot of it and do it as quickly as posare delivered from hell, and individsible to meet the needs of those who uals who give and go are blessed and are asking for Bibles and Scriptures! their spiritual and physical needs Consider how many more people are met! If we are being obedient would receive a copy of His Word with the resources that we have, and how many more souls could be our time, talents and possessions, saved, if we are able to produce and then His plan and work will be acsow more of His Word? complished, and missionaries and These Posters are available for your church upon request. Love Continued on Page 4 Did You Know? We do customized printing. Tracts - Offering Envelopes - Books Letterhead - Business Envelopes New Address Please use the ministries new address at 2101 Highway 231 South, Shelbyville, TN 37160-6718! The workers at our local US post office in Shelbyville are wonderful, efficient, caring, kind, considerate and courteous folks and they have always gone out of their way to help this ministry. They are good, professional people and I’m sure that most post offices across the country offer the same professional services as they do here. But we sure can’t make that boost with the whole US Postal Service. When we started working out of the new building we immediately requested an address change to try to avoid any delays or interruptions in their mail deliveries. Well, somewhere there was a major breakdown of their “system” and we didn’t receive any mail for the first two weeks. When we would inquire as to the delay their reply was always that our mail was somewhere in their “system”. Come to find out the Nashville, TN office was returning all of the mail to the senders. Personally, I think their “system” is broke. We only moved two miles out on the same Hwy, what could possibly be so difficult about that! Unfortunately, we have had similar problems with our AT&T telephone and internet service as well, what an interesting coincidence! Thank you for your patience and understanding! God’s Timing Is Always Right On Time! By: Robert Lemmon, Jr Absolutely true every time but sometime His timing doesn’t fit our preconceived schedule the same as His ways are not always our ways because His are so much higher than ours! The pictures above are of a beautiful 23” x 29”, 5 color Man Roland, sheet fed, offset press. A good friend of this ministry contacted us about a month ago asking if we would be interested in purchasing this press at a very reasonable price. Our board of directors and I all believe this opportunity is of the Lord because it is too good to be true, and we know that the devil wouldn’t want us to have this press! This press is immaculate inside and out, cosmetically and mechanically. It would and should sell for $300,000 to $350,000 but it has been offered to us for $135,000. The company that owns it needs a quick sell and they are willing to take a loss on it in order to move it as quickly as possible. If this press had come along a year ago or even six months ago, we would not have had any place to put it but now we do! But financially it could not have come at a worse time, or does God have something for us that is far above our imagination, one of those “exceedingly abundantly” things? I had not given much thought to the needs of this ministry beyond this larger building but, if I had a wish list for this ministry, this press would certainly be the next item on it. I guess it’s just another coincidence, or is it? The greatest need of this ministry right now, in my opinion, is for additional funding for paper and materials to enable us to grow our production this year, working to “Get the Seed Out of The Barn”! I know that our great God owns all of the cattle on a thousand hills but right now they are in somebody else’s pasture. Our BLMF Web Press Has Grown Up! 3 Mrs. Justine from page 1 W hen Dad enrolled in the Bible Baptist Seminary in Fort Worth Texas in 1945 after serving his enlistment in the Army during WWII, Mom worked for the seminary as Dr. Louis Entzminger’s personal secretary to provide income for our family of three. In 1951 our family of four moved to Memphis, TN so that Dad could start the Victory Baptist Church, the first fundamental, independent, Baptist Church there. To provide income for the family, Mom took a job at the Sears and Roebuck Company and later worked as the personal secretary to an attorney. When the church was able to provide Dad a salary, Mom quit her secular job to become the church’s fulltime secretary (without pay) while raising and taking care of her three children. Mom again worked a secular job while Dad pastored in Fort Worth, 1966 thru 1971 so that Dad could be a fulltime pastor until He gave up his pastorate to travel fulltime for this ministry in 1970. When Dad, Mom and their teenage daughter moved to Shelbyville in 1971, mother again took another secular job to help support the family as Dad never received a salary from this ministry. In 1986 she retired from her last secular job to become Bible & Literature’s bookkeeper for no salary until Dad died August 30, 2007. She continued on afterwards as the ministries bookkeeper but with a $100 a week salary until her birthday, July 13, of this year when she retired for good. It would certainly be an accurate assumption to say that without his loving, understanding and faithful, hard working wife, Dad could not have been a fulltime staff member for Dr. Norris, a fulltime pastor for 21 years and then as the Director of this ministry for the last 39 years of his life. In addition to working all of her life, Mom raised three children and taught a ladies Sunday school class during the years that Dad pastored. She was a remarkable, incredible Godly lady who never complained about her lot in life. She loved the Lord, Dad, us kids, her grandkids, her family and friends and this ministry. She is sorely missed but we can rejoice in that she is now in a perfect place, in perfect health, re-united with Dad and family there. We know that we shall see her again shortly! od had wonderfully blessed Mom with remarkably good health and a very good mind for over 92 years of her life and she had lived alone since Dad’s home going until this past October when she moved into an assisted living home. On Saturday morning, December 6th she had a major stoke from which she never regained consciousness and was escorted by the angels from this life into her heavenly home Monday morning December the 8th. Mom was in every way a Proverbs 31:10 Lady! We thank and praise the Lord for His allowing us to have such a special, precious Mother! G A Beautiful Bouquet of Bibles In another article we have already mentioned our desire to modify our web press to produce 48 page signatures in place of the 32 page signatures that we have been printing in the past. Last year our theme was all about “Expanding to Evangelize” and part two of this plan, the Lord willing, was to expand our web press to print more pages at a time. This could be accomplished by adding an additional web, allowing us to print 3 webs at a time in place of two. It was important however that this be done while the press was being moved so, by faith, this has been done. This does a couple of wonderful things for us, first, we will now have one third fewer signatures to collate in every Bible and N.T., secondly, it cuts our press work and collation by one third. Or, as our production continues to grow, we can increase our production by one third without adding any more press time or collating. As a third advantage, the 48 page signatures will at sometime in the future enable us to start collating some of our Bibles on our Binder by adding a few more pockets to it. This will cut down on some of our hand work. $2.50 Flowers are beautiful for a short while but they soon wilt and die while the written Word of God, “the Bible” abideth forever! For several years now, Pastor Jim Tedder and the Victory Baptist Church, the home church of BLMF, have made it a practice to give Bibles instead of flowers at the home going of a church member or an immediate family member. After all, when a Godly Brother or Sister in Christ graduates this life and experiences their new “Eternal Life” in Christ first hand, why would we want to symbolize their new life in Christ with something that will die? So, let’s choose life over death and give a gift in their memory that will keep on living both on the printed page and in the hearts of those who receive it! A Bible is a gift that not only produces but symbolizes life. A gift that will bring true, abundant Life to the recipient when and if it is read and applied to their lives. For less than the price of a beautiful bouquet of flowers you can send a case of English Bibles for $60.00 (24 Bibles @ $2.50 each) to a foreign mission field to be given away FREE to those who do not have a Bible. In an effort to make it easier for you and others in your church to sponsor Bibles in place of flowers, BLMF will provide your church, upon request, an attractive display containing a request envelope, acknowledgement card & envelopes and instructions. In every Bible that is given in memory or in honor of, we insert an acknowledgment in the front, with the name of the one the Bible is in memory of, their date of birth, and date of their home going and the name of the church or individual giving the Bible. Occasionally, Christian couples will include a portion of their estate in their will to be used to produce and distribute Bibles as a way of carrying on a ministry and a work for Christ after their death. Occasionally the surviving family members will designate a portion of their inheritance as a living memorial to the one leaving them an inheritance. Pastor Tedder dedicates the Sunday evening worship service, the Sunday following the funeral in memory of a member’s home going and at the close of the service, church members, friends and loved one are given an opportunity to make a contribution for Bibles. In 2014, Victory Baptist Church has contributed $5,646.66 through memorials. 4 Love Continued from Page2 are a supporting church you need to ask about a discount for your print jobs. This is one ministry that not only encourages you to visit but will provide you with a place to stay while you are here. If you would like to bring a crew, accommodations can be made available. If you are passing through and would like to stop in, call to make reservations. Visit our website at www.biblelit. com. Every Christian should consider it an honor to have a part in this ministry, “The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it.” (Psalms 68:11). I beg everyone, especially pastors, to consider publishing God’s Word in some way other than just using your voice. Reaching outside the range of your voice gives access to an audience that is larger than you can imagine. Production & Distribution Report Since January 1st, through the regular, faithful financial support and contributions for paper and Bible sponsors from your churches, “Scripture-Producing Partners”, this ministry has received $117,204.10 designated for Scriptures. From these funds we have purchased 3 trailer loads of paper, printed 50,000 English New Testaments and 25,000 English Old Testaments, and shipped 59,681 Bibles and Scriptures in 6 languages to six different countries. We have spent $85,948.94 for 2 trailer loads of paper and ink, with a $33,500 bill for the third trailer load of paper due next week. These funds have allowed us to purchase enough paper to get the web back up and running, but they are not sufficient to run for very long. As these projects begin to come off the press, we will need to purchase the cover stocks, glues and shipping cost that it will require to bind, trim, finish them and the freight to get them to the foreign field. On behalf of all of your friends and workers here at BLMF, we want to thank all of you for your prayers and faithful financial support of this ministry. And, to extend a very special “Thank You” to a precious pastor and church and to a kind and generous businessman who have sponsored trailer loads of paper recently. Somehow, some way, God always provides! With the web press down for several weeks, the last container that we shipped was 43,000 bilingual English/Tagalog N.Ts. in December to missionaries, Roger and Cheryl Riley in the Philippines. Beside the satisfaction of getting the precious Word of God into the hands of those who do not have it and fulfilling your duty as a church to produce and distribute God’s Word, there are a couple other benefits to your being a regular partner in this ministry. Partner churches receive 15% off of all personalized printing, and your church can obtain all Bibles, N.Ts and Bible portions from us at cost (mission price). Reaching The People of This Generation in This Generation! 1,008 Paper Roll Sponsors Needed! When Linda and I married in 1962 our rent was $75.00 a month, and our utilities were $20.00 a month; we spent $10.00 a week for groceries, bread was twenty cents a loaf, and gasoline was nineteen cents a gallon. In 1972 thru 1975 we produced New Testaments for twentyfive cents each, and by 1978 when we started printing whole Bibles, I think the cost was somewhere around $1.38 each. (Cost of paper and materials, NO labor or overhead included.) Amazingly, in the past 46 years, the cost of the Scriptures that we are producing now has only increased by 2.5 times compared to increases of ten times or more for practically everything else like rent, milk, bread and gasoline, etc. There have been much larger increases on a lot of things like automobiles, houses and building materials, especially electrical! In the past eight years, light weight Bible paper has increased from sixty-two cents per pound to the current seventy-eight and a half cents per lb, or about 26.6% increase, while our inks, plates and glues have increased by fifty percent. Forty years later, the twenty-five cent New Testament is now sixty cents, and the $1.35 Bible is now $2.25. Or, for $2.50 we can place one of these English Bibles in the hands of a person on the foreign mission field who does not have one. This is a bargain by anyone’s stanIndia dards! It just adds up to a lot of money when you multiply the quan- tity by 600,000 Bibles or 2.3 million New Testaments or 10,000,000 Bible portions. But, if we are going to make an honest effort to try to reach the masses with the Gospel in our generation, then we must start producing and distributing millions and billions of Scriptures every year instead of thousands! The question is, “When are we going to get serious about reaching the people of this generation, in this generation?” In order to accomplish this task we must be rich toward God, Luke 12:21. We are not going to accomplish the task while sitting on the sidelines or without some personal and financial sacrifice! In order to produce 2.5 million Bibles and Scriptures this year, we need to raise $1.5 million dollars for the paper and materials. We’re not asking anyone to give it all, just asking that everyone do something! Over $800,000 of the $1.5 million will go to purchase paper, and 70% of the paper Africa will go to print whole Bibles! We currently have several requests for containers of Scriptures: a Jerrold & Karen Myers container of English New Testaments and Bibles for Brother Jerrold and Sister Karen Myers serving in South Africa, a request for Creole Bible portions for a national pastor in Haiti; a container of English Bibles for Brother Ed Stanley with a missionary helps ministry to be distributed in Kenya and the Sudan; a container of Kannada Bibles for a national pastor friend, Brother “We’d Love To Share!” Bhasme Isaac for India, and we have requests from three Scripture distribution ministries for containers; a container of Spanish Scriptures for Brother Allen Johnson with Wings Bearing Precious Seed; Brother Renee Freret needing English New Testaments and Bible portions to help fill a container going to Brother Rick Martin in the Philippines, and Edwin Hodges Zambia ministries is requesting anything that we can supply them with for Pakistan, Romania, Poland and other European counties. In addition we have many requests for smaller quantities: Shona New Testaments for Brother Anthony Eubanks for Zambia, and Brother Jose Morale wants English Bibles for the Philippines. Would you and your church consider being a regular financial partner in this ministry as a “Scripture Producing Church” or as an annual “Paper Roll Sponsoring Church?” We need 1,008 roll sponsors this year at $785.00 per roll. The lighter weight paper that we use to print whole Bible is a little more expensive than heavier weights of paper, but the yield is also greater and the shipping costs less. These rolls will produce 500 English Bibles or 2,000 English New Testaments or 16,000 Bible portions; the yield on other languages may vary slightly. Oh! Please remember that for every roll of paper, it takes another $350 to pay for the plates, inks, glues and cover stocks. By: S han Lem non mon Do you have questions about The Bible and Literature Missionary Foundation? Would you like your church people to meet one of the families involved in the interesting production of God’s Word? The dedicated representatives of BLMF are available to come to any of your church services, mission conferences, or special designated “Scripture Sundays.” You and your congregation will see many of the Scriptures we have printed on our display table, the beautiful faces of the people on the foreign field in our ministry presentation video, and hear the latest news and updates regarding the printing and distributing of God’s Holy Word throughout the world. You may meet our representatives and read their testimonies at our website: www.biblelit.net. Click the “About Us” tab at the top and then select “Representatives.” Call us at (931) 684-0304 for any additional needed contact information. We are truly grateful for the opportunity to share what the Lord is doing here in Shelbyville, TN. Please consider including the printing of the Word : y e il R r of God as your next mission emphasis. God has enabled e om Rog 11 n a h it w s a A word fr this ministry to reach 100 countries with His precious bibles w s here ling withWthe emake frequent vaisyiting. I a e d y n o m Word. What better way to “go into all the world” with ti pr e. tes My favoritbeoy in the hospitalehwerent from bed to bWeed were able to the Glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ than partnering year old ibles and tracts. W king with this boy. bible. His eyes lit with a ministry whose sole prayer and mission is to get taking b y knees and was jo if he would like a aving his mom got on mto laugh. I asked himwn?? As we were lefor was a bible to a copy of the Bible into the hands of all the souls around get him e said one of my o all he was asking really hit us. Not h id t a d a s n h the globe who need one? Would you please prayerfully a T e up crying. Sh . fford one. stoppedouwsn and she couldnr'tdaof God...devastating consider inviting one of our representatives to come incall his le to afford the wo b form your people of the need of God’s precious Word a being and the solution of which they can be part?