the art of cards
the art of cards
7 ENGLISH Cartazine THE ART OF CARDS 2 Magic Tricks from Carta Mundi, spoil your customers with magic. CONCEPT CARDS The world of magic continues to fascinate us. The many successful films and TV shows dealing with the unexplainable demonstrate this daily. So it is hardly surprising that there is a major success just waiting to reveal itself in Magic Tricks, the latest product from Carta Mundi. Magic Tricks is a series of 20 different card tricks. They are all fairly simple, yet each trick will delight and amaze as it is explained on the card that comes with it. Each Magic Trick is packed in a plastic flow pack or is presented in its own protective sleeve. Carta Mundi Magic Tricks make a wonderfully creative gift. Children and adults alike will be happily entertained in a magical way. Magic Tricks will associate your brand or trading name with a special moment of magic as your logo appears in a family gathering or circle of friends. The cards can be personalised with your logo or a specific message. A wonderfully creative gift. The power of on-pack promotions… is obvious from the fact that someone has beaten you to it because the cards have gone! Send an e-mail to and we will resend the Magic Tricks cards. 3 The World of Carta Mundi. B B (België): Kellogg’s, Avery Dennison Belgium IS F F (Frankrijk): Smarties, BN, Justin Bridou NL NL (Nederland): Libris, Sjakie GB GB (Verenigd Koninkrijk): Esquire, Umbro PL PL (Polen): Danone H H (Hongarije): Coca-Cola USA GR GR (Griekenland): Athena 2004 FIN FIN (Finland): Pedigree IS IS (Ijsland): Master Foods D D (Duitsland): City Guide Dresden, CAT EST EST (Estland): Scolar ISIC Student Card with Eestl Ühisbank debet card USA USA (Verenigde Staten): Las Vegas History, Texas Hold’em SGP SGP (Singapore): Singapore Airlines 4 PL FIN GB NL H B EST D F L GR SGP 5 Cards provide your product with added value. Carta Mundi : a boxful of sales solutions. - Merchandising - Carta Mundi can assist you in many ways to sell and/or promote your product. Our cards provide a virtually endless supply of opportunities – like a boxful of sales solutions for supporting your product. Amazing incentives, great giveaways, city marketing, stylish gifts and so on. Carta Mundi cards, which are a great success all over the world, can help you cover all angles. They provide your product with added value, while pleasing your customers. They also boost brand value and give your logo or message the precious time and exposure they need to become embedded in the minds of consumers. The following pages demonstrate Carta Mundi power and versatility. - Edutainment - -Public relations - 6 - -S prom - Infotainment - Giveaway - Sales motion - City marketing - - On pack promotion - Game creation - - Product presentation - In pack promotion - Event marketing - Client retention - - New customer acquisition 7 … Be l g i u m Brand : Kellogg’s Client: K’X communication & event marketing Distribution: primary schools in Belgium Number: 2,000 and re-order of 1,000 Period: October 2004 How to make children aware of healthy eating and your brand at the same time ? Children are a very important target audience for Kellogg’s. They were successful in generating enthusiasm for products among parents and children alike by issuing this carefully thought-out and educational Eat-Yourself-Fit board game. “Write down your eating habits for a week” was the question put to all schoolchildren. As a reward for, they received the game in their classroom. This fun board game with counters and dice features questions designed to provide knowledge and provoke ideas associated with healthy eating and health in general. The box also contained information posters about breakfast, the dietary triangle, the energy indicator and so on. By using this educational package of goodies, schoolchildren learn –in a funny and entertaining way– that healthy eating and plenty of exercise are important in their lives. It was a highly successful awareness campaign that all primary schools in Belgium could join in free of charge. 8 9 Ne t h e r l a n d s How to organise your own promotion with a great gift ? A great card game, printed in gold and featuring illustrations of Dutch children’s heroes, such as Nijntje, Jip and Janneke, Dikkie Dik and others. This terrific golden happy families game was available to Libris customers during Dutch children’s book week in October. They loved it! Brand : Libris Client: Intres brand agency Distribution: Libris book shops Number: 10,000 decks Period: children’s book week October 2004 10 Gre e c e How to make the Games a success without running a marathon ? Let the games begin! AS Company was granted the licence to market Olympic playing cards (featuring the official logo). An initial order of 25,000 of each colour was followed by a second order for 30,000 blue and 15,000 grey with a new design. Brand : Athena 2004 Client: AS Company Distribution: olympic stores Number: 95,000 decks Period: summer 2004 11 Hu n g a r y Client : Coca-Cola Distribution: supermarkets and other drink sales outlets Number: 600,000 decks Period: Christmas 2004 How to boost sales during the year-end festivities ? Ho! Ho! Ho! Father Christmas is back in his winter wonderland! As you probably know, Father Christmas has been brought back to life by Coca-Cola the way he looked in the 1950s. Coca-Cola launches campaigns during every Christmas period to indulge its customers. Not just with beautiful Christmas TV commercials, but also with on-pack incentives. This year in Hungary, there is a card game featuring Father Christmas with a comical Christmas boy character. 432,000 decks are being attached around Christmas to 2-bottle packs of Coca-Cola and 168,000 to single bottles. Making a great total of 600,000 decks of cards. Happy Christmas! 12 13 Ne t h e r l a n d s How to generate an impulse buy in a simple way ? Orange madness hit Dutch children hard last summer. Just about all of them were running round with brightly coloured faces. While the Euro 2004 football tournament was on and when they bought a Sjakie strip, the covermount also gave young football fans a free face paint card with the colours of the national team. Brand : Sjakie Client: Big Balloon publishers Distribution: book shops and newsagents Number: 17,500 cards Period: summer 2004 14 Fi n l a n d How to achieve customer loyalty in an attractive way ? This happy families game with fabulous photographs of different dog breeds was given away free of charge to customers buying Pedigree dog food. Client : Pedigree Distribution: stores (selling dog food) and pet shops Number: 10,000 decks Period: June/July 2004 15 Fr a n c e Brand : Smarties Client: Nestlé France Distribution: supermarkets & hypermarkets Number: 5,127 decks Period: September 2004 How to generate additional emotion about your product ? Cédric is a hugely popular strip cartoon character in France. Smarties is one of the world’s most well-liked items of confectionery. Combining the two was a guaranteed recipe for success. Sales of this Smarties variant with chocolate were boosted by the Cédric campaign. Children stormed the sweets section of stores to get their hands on this great savings campaign. 16 17 Cauvin-Laudec © Dupuis 2002 Fr a n c e How to inject a dose of excitement into your product ? The Incredibles, the latest animation figures from the Disney/Pixar stable, added an extra dimension to the mini BN 4-pack. These attractive printed cards were available in three different decks: a belote game, a memory game and a happy families game. Brand : BN Client: agency Coco d’iles for the United Biscuits group Distribution: supermarkets & hypermarkets Number: 1,078,398 decks (359,466 of each of the 3 decks) Period: November 2004 18 © Disney/Pixar Fr a n c e How to give the moment you use your product additional pleasure ? A simple campaign, straightforward mechanics, a fun party game. You couldn’t ask for more. You can play Z’apérigolo while having a drink. Simple and effective. Bon appétit! Brand : Justin Bridou Client: DDB Nouveau Monde Action Distribution: supermarkets & hypermarkets Number: 13,050 decks Period: second half of October 2004 19 Po l a n d How to make children fans of your product ? Black Peter is the most popular card game in Poland. It was used for this promotional campaign. A simple and educational game with 12 pairs of humorous drawings of farm animals was given away as a gift with Danonki, a yoghurt for young children. Client : Danone Distribution: giveaway in supermarkets and hypermarkets when buying Danonki products Number: 45,000 decks Period: November/December 2004 20 Estonia How to make your customers loyal in an effective way ? These cards not only enable you to play happy families, they also give you a discount on the product illustrated on the card! Students are given the cards when they go to the bank to collect their student card bank card attachment. Client : Scolar ISIC Student Card with Eestl Ühisbank debet card Distribution: every student visiting the bank receives 7 cards Number: 40,000 flow packs Period: beginning 2005 21 Ic e l a n d How to create added value for your products in an enjoyable way ? A gift for all hotdog lovers: a memory game featuring the logos and strip cartoon figures of the Master Foods brands. Brand : Master Foods Client: Margt Smatt for SS Hot Dog (largest meat processor in Iceland, importer of Master Foods) Distribution: giveaway at all hotdog stands Number: 2,500 decks Period: December 2004 22 Ge rm a n y How to promote your product in a relevant way ? This colourful happy families game (4 colours front, 2 colours back) illustrates CAT farming equipment, with their specific technical properties. Client : CAT Financial Caterpillar Distribution: giveaway at trade fairs Number: 1,000 decks Period: October 2004 23 Be l g i u m Client : Avery Dennison Belgium Distribution: Avery staff and customers at home and abroad Number: 1,500 games Period: from end of year 2003 How to strengthen customer and staff relationships ? Avery is celebrating its thirtieth anniversary in Belgium and wanted to do something special to mark the occasion. A board game was designed to win over the market by producing those products requested within the time required. To achieve this aim, the player has to win ‘production cards’ and other resources such as ‘People’, ‘Material’, ‘Machine’ and ‘Quality’. The aim of this ‘Let’s Stick Together’ game is to make people feel comfortable with the whole operating cycle. The game box was produced in 7 language versions to reflect the international nature of Avery’s business. 24 25 © Copyright Avery Dennison Corporation Un i t e d St a t e s How to celebrate 100 years of unique history ? Las Vegas History consists of two decks of cards featuring high-quality photographs of Las Vegas in the last century, packed in an old-style slot machine. The first deck includes some of the legendary hotels and buildings, famous signs, photos of casino tables and interesting moments from its history. Deck two features illustrations of famous entertainers and celebrities who have made Las Vegas great. Distribution: specialty and select mass retail stores Number: first print run of 40,000 decks Period: November 2004 26 Un i t e d St a t e s How to build sales with the support of regular TV exposure ? Several American TV channels have featured Texas Hold’em with great success. This colourful set with a deck of cards, 100 chips and rule sheet is based on the growing popularity of this poker game. Distribution: wherever playing cards are sold Number: - first print run: 50,000 decks - second print run: 100,000 decks Period: beginning fall 2004 27 Ge rm a n y How to link the promotional to the useful and the fun ? 1 2 3 The Skat and Rommé Game, issued by Dresden, contain cards featuring the city and information about particular places and buildings. Together with the city map, they illustrate the tourist routes that visitors can follow in a fun way (1&2). The happy families game, featuring places and buildings worth visiting, was handed out free of charge at the trade fair to promote Dresden as a tourist destination (3). Client (1 & 2) : Lutz Müller Distribution: books and souvenir shops Number: 2 x 5,000 decks Period: September 2004 Client (3) : ECC Kohtes Klewes Distribution: giveaway at the 7th International Fachmesse für Gewerbeimmobilien (Expo Real) Number: 2,000 decks Period: September 2004 28 Un i t e d K i n g d o m How to organise a successful readership drive year after year ? Client : Esquire Distribution: free covermount when buying Esquire Number: 85,000 decks Period: September 2004 These special playing cards were attached to Esquire for the 4th consecutive year. They have become a collector’s item. The game, that is enjoying growing success, features an additional card with a half price annual subscription offer. 29 Un i t e d K i n g d o m How to promote your clothing line stylishly? These cards, with their special fronts form a ‘brochure on a deck’, were handed out at trade fairs in London, New York and Berlin. The deck advertises Umbro’s Spring/Summer collection for men, by fashion designer Kim Jones. Client : Umbro Distribution: giveaway at trade shows Number: 1,000 decks Period: shows in 2004 30 Si n g a p o re How to announce a new service worldwide ? Singapore Airlines has a long tradition of giveaways for its passengers. This set was issued to mark the launch of a new service to Nanjing. The cards are now flying fast all over the world. Brand : Singapore Airlines Client: Arrow Exchange Distribution: giveaway to Singapore Airlines passengers Number: 240,000 decks Period: October 2004 31 USA - Carta Mundi Inc. 10444 Wallace Alley Street - Kingsport, TN 37663 Tel.: +1 (0) 423 279 9200 - Fax: +1 (0) 423 279 9201 e-mail: UK - Carta Mundi Ltd. Chapel House - 3 Chapel Street - Guildford, Surrey GU1 3UH Tel.: +44 (0) 1483 303 121 - Fax: +44 (0) 1483 303 205 e-mail: ASIA - Carta Mundi Asia Pacific Pte Ltd. 161B, Telok Ayer Street - 068615 Singapore Tel.: +65 (0) 6 227 32 92 - Fax: +65 (0) 6 234 27 06 e-mail: UK - Games & Print Services Units 8-17 Sandhurst Kings Road Charlfleets Industrial est. Canvey Island Essex SS8 OQY Tel: +44 (0) 1268 511522 - Fax: +44 (0) 1268 510337/515337 e-mail: - FRANCE - Carta Mundi France s.a.r.l. Les Mercuriales - 40, rue Jean Jaurès - F-93176 Bagnolet Cedex Tel.: +33 (0) 1 5582 19 20 - Fax: +33 (0) 1 4363 92 47 e-mail: SPAIN - Carta Mundi España SL Gran Vía Carlos III 84-3° - Edificio Trade - E-08028 Barcelona Tel.: +34 (0) 93 492 34 36 - Fax: +34 (0) 93 492 34 37 e-mail: NETHERLANDS - Carta Mundi b.v. Rietwijkerstraat 36 - NL-1059 XA Amsterdam Tel.: +31 (0) 20 615 95 36 - Fax: +31 (0) 20 615 95 18 e-mail: NORDIC - Carta Mundi Nordic AB Sickla industriväg 7 - S-131 34 Nacka Tel.: +46 (0) 8 514 436 40 - Fax: +46 (0) 8 511 755 70 e-mail: POLAND - Carta Mundi Polska Sp. z o.o. Pl. Kilinskiego 1 - PL-32-660 Chelmek Tel.: +48 (0) 33 846 27 00 - Fax: +48 (0) 33 846 12 03 e-mail: HUNGARY - Carta Mundi Kft Deák Ferenc u. 10 - H-1052 Budapest Tel.: +36 (1) 318 94 30 - Fax: +36 (1) 318 09 18 e-mail: GERMANY - ASS/Spielkartenfabrik Altenburg GmbH Leipziger Strasse 7 - D-04600 Altenburg Tel.: +49 (0) 3447 582 0 - Fax: +49 (0) 3447 582 109 e-mail: - SWITZERLAND - AGM AGMüller Urania Bahnhofstrasse 21 - CH-8212 Neuhausen am Rheinfall Tel.: +41 (0) 52 674 03 30 - Fax: +41 (0) 52 674 03 40 e-mail: 8M00000063 CARTA MUNDI HEADQUARTERS Belgium - Carta Mundi n.v. Visbeekstraat 22 - B-2300 Turnhout Tel.: +32 (0) 14 42 02 01 - Fax: +32 (0) 14 42 82 54 e-mail:
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