December 2013 - First Presbyterian Church
December 2013 - First Presbyterian Church
PresbEnews Good News Edition - December 2013 A monthly newsletter of First Presbyterian Church - Jody McDevitt & Dan Krebill, co-pastors Willson at Babcock, PO Box 1150, Bozeman, MT 59771 (406) 586-9194 - - Editor - To unsubscribe, email and type “Unsubscribe” in the subject line. Co-Pastors’ Corner…. Time is a funny thing. When we’re young, we wish that time would move faster so that Christmas would come sooner. When we’re older, we wonder where the year went, and wish that we had a few more weeks to get ready. “Time is an illusion,” said Albert Einstein. Time is precious, we all realize, when we are with those we love or doing what we love to do. The season of Advent is a season of Time. We reflect on God’s timing: why was the little town of Bethlehem the time and place for Christ’s coming into the world? We wait for the renewal of Time, wondering when God will complete the salvation begun in Christ. We marvel at the long view of Time which is God’s perspective. And we do this in a culture which reminds us daily of the shortness of time, counting the shopping days remaining before Christmas. How we spend our time during Advent is important to our spiritual health. We can “buy” the frantic, hurried (and worried) pace advocated by our culture, or we can choose to live by God’s clock. In this spirit, you are invited to partake of this season’s offerings designed to slow us down to appreciate God’s time, which is always precious. Our Advent Celebration, “Lighting the Way to Christmas,” December 1 at 7 pm A women’s retreat at Carol Shellenberger’s home, Saturday, December 7 Christmas at Rockhaven, Saturday, December 21 Community Messiah Sing, Sunday, Dec. 22 Four Sundays of Advent worship, at 8:30 and 10:30 am. And by doing so, we hope you will avoid the dilemma voiced by Dr. Seuss, “How did it get so late so soon? It’s night before its afternoon. December is here before its June. My goodness how the time has flewn. How did it get so late so soon?” Page 1 PresbEnews - Good News Edition - December 2013 Session Notes November 21 Devotions were given by Don Frye. This moving devotion was based on his dad’s recent hospitalization and the knowledge that we cannot always control a situation; that it is God who is in charge. The acceptance of new members was approved and Bruce Backman, Julie Small, Mike and Mimi Roser, Gordon Kenney and Shirley Neupert were welcomed into our congregation. Dan and Jody noted that the PresbyCats spring break mission trip will be to Ghost Ranch in New Mexico. As yet, the number going is unknown but 18 seats on the air flight have been booked! Two wonderful upcoming services: The Downtown Community Thanksgiving service at our church on November 27 at 7 pm. Quite a number of downtown churches will be represented; and the “Lighting the way to Christmas” service on December 1 st, at our church at 7 pm will end with lighting the tree outside the front of the church. This will be a wonderful service to begin the Advent season. The hymnals currently in use will be retired after the November 24th service and the new hymnals placed in the pews. The Annual Convocation and Presbytery of Yellowstone meetings were held in Great Falls November 7 th and 8th. The Convocation speaker was Dr. Stephen Hayner, the 9th president of Columbia Theological Seminary in Atlanta and a truly dynamic speaker. Workshops on changes and programs in health care and medical dues were attended by our Leadership and Personnel team. Another class on ‘1001-planting new worshipping communities’ was eye opening and showed us how God’s Word is being taken to places other than a church. There were several other workshops, all equally informative and thought-provoking. The Presbytery meeting following the convocation focused on the revision of the Standing Rules, which describe the procedures for how we will do ministry and guide our life together, setting the per capita for 2014 ($45), and the election of the new Presbytery Moderator (Jed Cauffman) and Vice-Moderator (Debbie Blackburn). Quite a few of our church members attended the proceedings. Pastor Dan noted the information for giving to the church via the new electronic system. This system is primarily for those who do not use checks or carry cash; they are used to doing everything electronically. Set-up of the Rockhaven Task Force is coming along well and will address specific problems with the Rockhaven Camp. A Women’s Retreat is planned for December 7th at Carol Shellenberger’s home. The theme is “Simply Wait” and focuses on the spiritual aspects of Advent. The Mission and Outreach committee is putting together an adult mission trip to Washington, Illinois which has been hard hit by a tornado. The mayor there is a brother-in-law to the Broughtons. Further details will be coming later when infrastructure in the area is in place to accommodate the mission team. Submitted by Elder Gill Erlandson 2 Corinthians 9:7 “Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” Thank you for giving your time, talents, and financial contributions. Without your generous support we could not do all the great things we do to Glorify God. Below is a table showing our financial status as of the end of October, 2013. October Income $40,169.56 Year to Date Income $378,806.47 October Expenses $55,084.41 Year to Date Expenses $424,969.75 ($14,914.85) Year to Date Balance ($46,163.28) October Balance Page 2 PresbEnews - Good News Edition - December 2013 "Lighting the Way to Christmas" Sunday, December 1st at 7 p.m. Join us for a time of scripture, music, and lights as we prepare for the coming of the Christ Child. We'll have bells, brass, singers, and at the end of the service, we will light our Christmas Tree outside as sing "Silent Night". You won't want to miss this SPECIAL EVENT! The Bright Star of Bethlehem Devotional Booklets available Advent begins Sunday, Dec 1, and with it a season of reflection and deepening relationship with God. To help with that, a daily devotional booklet is now available at the church. Entitled The Bright Star of Bethlehem, each day includes a scripture reading, a reflection from Bethlehem today, and a prayer. The reflections are written by Christians who live in today’s Bethlehem as well as American Christians who have traveled there to visit and support Christmas Lutheran Church. Simply Wait Women’s Retreat: Saturday, December 7 from 9:30am-2:30pm at the home of Carol Shellenberger. We all know we need to focus on the spiritual aspects of Advent. But reality intrudes and we try to cram in all that needs to be done for Christmas: the shopping, decorating, everything. In our time together we will explore spiritual practices which are very doable and focus on anticipation, hope, patience and discipline as we Simply Wait … restoring calm in the midst of Advent. For more information call Gil Erlandson at 582-7942 or Kathy Braun at 539-3491 for more information. Please call Linda at the church office 586-9194 to register as space is limited. Page 3 PresbEnews - Good News Edition - December 2013 Interfaith Thanksgiving service at our church tonight November 27 Our church will be holding the annual community interfaith Thanksgiving service tonight at 7:00 p.m. Our pastors and musicians will be joined by others from neighboring congregations in leading this service in which we praise and thank God for the blessings of our lives in the past year. Plan now to join with others in attending this service. And, why not invite a friend to come and see our beautifully renewed sanctuary! Messiah Community Sing The Messiah Community Sing will be Sunday, December 22 at 3 p.m. in the sanctuary . Complete with orchestra, soloists, organ and a large community choir. What a great way to prepare to celebrate the birth of the Messiah listening to this special music. Be ready to sing the "Hallelujah Chorus"! Reception following in the Fellowship Hall. If you would like to sing in the choir the rehearsals are: Rehearsals: Men - Thursday, December 19 @ 7pm Women - Friday, December 20 @ 7pm Full Rehearsal with orchestra Saturday, December 21 10am For a score or rehearsal CD - call Kathy 539-3491 Thanksgiving Baskets Thank you On Friday, November 22nd, Thanksgiving Baskets were delivered to 58 families in the Gallatin Valley. These families were referred to us by parent liaisons at Thrive and the counselors at Monforton and Gallatin Gateway schools, and included 129 adults and 142 children. This project was made possible by the incredible generosity of the members of our congregation. The Board of Deacons would like to thank the 45 volunteers that helped transport the groceries from Heebs to the Senior Center, unload the groceries, fill the baskets and then deliver them to the families. Thanks also to those who made monetary donations in the amount of approximately $2300.00. It was truly a team effort, gratefully received by the recipients. Church Facebook page a source of up-to-date info! Even if you’re not a Facebook member yourself, you can still access the church’s Facebook page at to get in on regular breaking news. If you’d like to interact with the content and others on the page, click the “Like” button at the top of the page if you’re a Facebook member. Facebook–just one more way for us to interact with today’s world! Page 4 PresbEnews - Good News Edition - December 2013 Thanks to Sunday School Volunteers! In the month of November, the children’s Sunday school learned more about the Exodus story of Moses and the people crossing the Red Sea and wandering in the wilderness. They also spent one Sunday morning filling boxes for Operation Christmas Child. Thank you to these people who volunteered in November: Chris Asher, Fran Babcock, Suzanne Bratsky, Kaycee Cronk, Don Frye III, Aigerim Haynes, Lidiia Iskakova, Diana Johnson, Heather Overton, Scott Thrasher, Sarah Thrasher, Hans Swenson, Annie Van Voast, and Nancy Williams. In December, the focus will be on Advent and Christmas, including preparing music for the 5 pm Christmas Eve service. Community Art for All At a retreat in November, members of the confirmation class began a community art project which will become a banner for the sanctuary. You are invited to join this project on Sunday, December 8, during the coffee hour following the 10:30 service. No artistic expertise is required, and all ages are encouraged to participate! The banner is based on a design by liturgical artist Karen Goedecke, entitled “crosses of discipleship.” (see photo) Using oil pastels on pre-cut cardstock of various colors, participants each draw images, symbols, or designs which express their faith. The crosses will be assembled and attached to a cloth backing by Judy Patterson, who has made numerous banners for the church. There will be several tables set up in the Fellowship Hall for your artistic efforts. Please join in making this community expression of our faith. Adult Sunday School Class Coming in January: George Goodrich will lead a study of Teresa of Avila, a 16th century mystic, during the adult Sunday school at 9:30 on Sunday mornings in the church library. Beginning the second week of January and continuing through the month. Page 5 PresbEnews - Good News Edition - December 2013 Birthdays this Month 12/2 12/3 12/4 12/5 12/6 12/7 12/8 12/9 12/10 12/11 12/12 12/13 12/15 12/16 12/17 12/18 12/21 12/23 12/24 12/25 12/26 12/27 12/30 12/31 Joy Ames Jim Mitchell Tom Hinman Dan Holland Delia Turner Shelley Clunie Holly Serverson Jan Peace Lenka Swenson Rorric Pipe Henry Erwin Kris Hall Marcia Jarrett Sandra Cutler April Spoerl Logan Kleinhans Mary Hektner Larry Growney Karl Spoerl Abby Nelson Judy Arkwright Rhoda McCormick Ed Sedivy Debbie Ernst Paul Visscher Ruth Steel Doug Babcock Terry Schaplow Elliot Johnson Jim Hall Kelly Kleingartner Sammylu Parsons Gallatin Valley Food Bank Sunday is this Sunday, December 1 Operation Christmas Child Close to 300 boxes were filled with gifts for children around the world. Contributions fund the purchase of items through the year so that our children and youth can fill many boxes. They also help with shipping costs. As we heard from our Presby Cat, Lidiia, from Kyrgyzstan, who cherishes the gifts she received as a child and helped her mother distribute boxes to children in orphanages, these boxes bless children with the experience of God ’s love! Our church’s extravagant generosity reflects God’s extravagant generosity, blessing all the world with love and the gift of salvation. To God be the glory! First Friday at First Presbyterian December 6 Join First Friday on December 6 at 5:30 for a spaghetti dinner - movie - popcorn - and ice cream for dessert as we discuss the implications in our lives from a Christian viewpoint of the movie for the month recommended by our faithful member, Paul Krebill. Heartland was filmed in Montana and our neighboring state of Wyoming and is set in the early 20th-century. A bitter Scottish farmer Clyde Stewart (Rip Torn) hires a housekeeper, a widow named Elinore (Conchata Ferrell) who penetrates Stewart's cold heart with her determination as she scrapes by to support her young daughter. As feelings between the two intensify, outside forces threaten the togetherness they both crave. This award-winning character study is based on Elinore Randall Stewart's autobiographical works. If you will be bringing children, please call the church office to arrange for a sitter and allow us to provide appropriate movies for the younger set. Please note that we will NOT meet in January, but will resume First Friday in February 2014. Page 6 PresbEnews - Good News Edition - December 2013 Welcome to our new members, joining our church! Bruce Backman is joining by reaffirmation of faith. Bruce is a native of Bozeman. He is on the custodial staff at MSU where he has worked for over 23 years. Before that he worked in the retail shoe business. He has had a lifelong interest in horses and enjoys being an active part of the local horse community. His address is 200 Frank Rd #14, Belgrade, MT 59714. His cell number is 406-581-8622. Jay Pontius, who is Bruce’s partner, is also his host. Gordon Kenney is joining by transfer of membership from First Presbyterian Church in Beacon, NY, where he served in numerous capacities over many decades. He has been both a ruling elder and a deacon among other positions. He moved to Bozeman earlier this year after his wife died, so he could be closer to his son, Bruce. He is a retired lab technician having worked for Texaco his whole career. His address is Highgate Senior Living, 2219 W. Oak, #212, Bozeman MT 59718. His phone number is 219-3238. Nancy Rutkowski is Gordon’s host. Shirley Neupert is joining by reaffirmation of faith. She moved to Bozeman from Seattle a few years ago in order to be closer to one of her 3 sons. She was widowed in 2010. She has become a close friend of Gordon Kenney who she enjoys spending time with at Highgate Senior Living. They met when Gordon moved into Bozeman Lodge last spring. Her address is Highgate Senior Living, 2219 W. Oak, #201, Bozeman, MT 59718. Her phone number is 586-2008. Nancy Rutkowski is Shirley’s host. Mike and Mimi Roser are joining by transfer of membership from Irvine Presbyterian Church in Irvine, CA, where they were very active, especially enjoying their service as deacons. They moved here from Laguna Beach, CA earlier this year to be closer to their daughter and her family and grandsons. They are semi-retired–Mike in real estate, and Mimi in retail sales. Their current address is 1229 Barley, Bozeman, MT 59718. Mike's cell number is 949-3385524 and Mimi's is 949-705-7035. Brad & Trish Garnick are the Roser’s hosts Julie Small is joining by reaffirmation of faith. Most recently she was a member of Crossroads Baptist Church. She and her 2 children, Adynn (3rd grade) and Zephaniah (Kindergarten) have been attending FPC for several months. She is a MSU student pursuing a degree in secondary education in technology education. Before that she served for 8 years in the U.S. Air Force. Her address is 103 Paisley Ct. Apt I, Bozeman, MT 59715. Her cell number is 406-690-2721. Patrick and Sudi Pipe are hosts for Julie and her family. Page 7 PresbEnews - Good News Edition - December 2013 ADULT MISSION TRIP Within the past few months we have received several requests from adult members of our congregation to participate in an Adult Mission Trip. Several ideas have been suggested starting with the tornado damage in Moore, Oklahoma to the floods in Colorado. We have been keeping an eye on the Presbyterian Disaster Assistance website to find a good place to be of help. The recent tornado in Washington, Illinois has just presented a new option. We have a wonderful contact who is the Mayor of the city and the Brother in Law of our own Chuck Broughton. If you would be interested in joining a group that would travel to Illinois to be of assistance in the Spring or Summer, please let Betsy Crabs or Jody know of your interest. Instead of giving Poinsettias This year, instead of giving poinsettias to honor and remember loved ones, we will be offering you the opportunity to remember and honor those same people through the sponsorship of one of the hymnals. If you want to give a hymnal or several hymnals in someone’s memory or honor, a book plate will be applied to the inside of the hymnal you give. We will have some poinsettias in the sanctuary to enjoy, don’t worry. We just think that this year, the hymnal would be a longer-lasting and very practical option. Changes in Worship? Beginning in September and concurrent with our “12 Words” series, our 10:30 worship service has followed a different format from what had been our standard format. We announced in PresbENews that this was something of an experiment. Many have expressed their appreciation for the changes, while some have voiced concerns. Please help us by being as specific as possible about what you like or don’t like! We are open to evaluation of this experiment and value your point of view. You can contact any of us with your feedback. Jody McDevitt & Dan Krebill, co-pastors Debby Haynes, Elder and Chair of the Worship Committee Giving to First Presbyterian Church In addition to traditional methods, First Presbyterian Church offers the option of making financial contributions to the church electronically via the web or by texting. Contributions via the web can be made from the online giving link on the church’s website, or by scanning this QR code with your smartphone. To give by text, simply text the amount of your gift and any designation to 406-278-6267. Thank you! Page 8 PresbEnews - Good News Edition - December 2013 Blessing of the Animals Does this look like fun, or what?! The third annual Blessing of the Animals will take place on December 29, 2013, at 10:30 am. This will be the only worship service that day, and your pets (on leashes) are welcome to attend with you and receive a blessing. Animals were the first to welcome Jesus into their home on Christmas, so this is a fitting time to welcome animals into God’s house! Christmas@Rockhaven Snow on the mountains, a fire in the fireplace, the log chapel, singing Christmas carols and hearing the Christmas story—what could be a better way than time at Rockhaven to relax and enjoy the season? On Saturday, Dec. 21, all are invited to spend some time unwinding in the afternoon at Rockhaven, beginning at 2 pm. There will be cookies to decorate and some simple crafts to make, or you are welcome to just hang out by the woodstove in the dining hall. Depending on the weather, you can also play in the snow. This tradition of afternoon relaxation began in 2012—please join us again this year. If you would like to help with the afternoon activities, contact Scott Thrasher at 600-1891. At 5 pm, the chapel will be the site of the annual Christmas@Rockhaven service. It will be hard to top the live artwork (4 scenes) drawn by camp counselor Katrina Kinnan last year, but creative minds are at work imagining another fresh retelling of the Christmas story. And of course, we’ll sing Christmas carols. Following the service, there will be a chili supper in the dining hall. If you would like to help with providing part of the meal or decorating the chapel, contact Nancy Rutkowski at 223-2438. Sketches created by Katrina Kinnan, Rockhaven 2012 counselor, as the Christmas Story was presented at Rockhaven last year Page 9 PresbEnews - Good News Edition - December 2013 Holland-days… … (by Dan Holland) I set out to determine how God breathes. I know, I know, the mysteries of God are too wonderful for me and all that. But still, I can ask the question, can’t I? So I went to the river to watch the sunset. It was a bluebird day — ice lined the banks — and the river groaned as this shelf tried to absorb it. My own breathing easily slowed in syncopation. The Tobacco Roots swallowed the sun, its remnants spread throughout the horizon, and in that precious moment of alpenglow and silence God exhaled. I returned in the morning. More of the river had frozen. The air had frozen, too, and this icy fog obscured the rising of the sun. As the muffled light nudged out the darkness I felt the Creator slowly and imperceptibly inhale. I counted my own breaths. In the course of a minute there were seventeen. That’s about a thousand in an hour, and some twenty-four thousand in a day. While God had two. Two! My profound revelation was soon interrupted by the realization that in the next moment the sun would be rising again to the west for someone and half a world away it would be setting for someone else. Simultaneously. God is always breathing. God is always loving. Page 10 PresbEnews - Good News Edition - December 2013 December 2013 Sunday 1 8:30am Worship 9:30Sunday School 10:30 Worship 10:45 K-7 Sunday School 11:30 PresbyCats Monday 2 3 Wednesday 4 Thursday 5 22 8:30am Worship 9:30Sunday School 10:30 Worship 10:45 K-7 Sunday School 9 7 6:45pm Fist Bells 7 Boy Scouts 7 pm Choir 7 pm Deacons 10 11 12 13 14 7:30 am Women’s Morning Book Group 16 6 pm Merry Munchers 17 18 19 20 7:30 am Women’s Morning Book Group 21 Christmas at Rockhaven 7 pm Session 6:45pm Fist Bells 7 Boy Scouts 23 24 Christmas Eve 5pm Family Service 8 Traditional Service 11 Candlelight Service 3:00 Messiah 29 10:30 Worship Blessing of the Animals 6 Saturday 5:30 First Friday 6:45pm Fist Bells 7 Boy Scouts 15 8:30am Worship 9:30Sunday School 10:30 Worship Mt. Ellis Choir 10:45 K-7 Sunday School Friday 7:30 am Women’s Morning Book Group 7pm Advent 8 8:30am Worship 9:30Sunday School 10:30 Worship 10:45 K-7 Sunday School 11:30 PresbyCats Tuesday 30 25 Merry Christmas 31 Page 11 26 Office Closed 27 28