a snazzy pdf version.


a snazzy pdf version.
Welcome to the Unity Books summer newsle er.
Jam-packed with terrific tles, there’s plenty of choice to ensure you have the most
thrilling bookstack this summer. Dive in!
On a Saturday Night:
Community Halls of Small-Town NZ
Frey, Newman & Maillard (CUP) pb
This jubilant celebra on of the New
Zealand community hall documents a
unique aspect of New Zealand’s culture.
Community halls have long been the
backbone of small towns. Bringing communi es together, these halls
have hosted everything from stag par es to church services. For this
book the authors have visited many halls to inves gate the essence
of what each has meant - and means - to its community.
Meme Churton (David Ling) pb $40.00
An extraordinary memoir by the wonderfully
flamboyant 86 year old Meme Churton.
Growing up in Italy, she worked in China as
a diplomat. Finding herself in New Zealand
in the 1950s she went on to manage one of
our first dealer art galleries, started one of our
first European-style coffee bars, championed
interna onal cuisine and promoted fashion
for women.
Shackleton’s Whisky:
Spirit of Discovery, Odyssey of Endurance
Neville Peat (Longacre) pb $40.00
A new angle on the explorer Ernest Shackleton.
While best known as a teetotal adventurer,
during his 1907-09 Nimrod expedi on, he
ordered 25 cases of Mackinlay’s Rare Old
Highland Malt Whisky. Discovered undisturbed
and frozen by a New Zealand conserva on
team in 2006 at Shackleton’s Cape Royds hut
in the Ross Dependency, this is the story of that whisky.
Field Guide to New Zealand’s NaƟve Trees
Dawson & Lucas (Craig Po on) pb $50.00
If the impressively he y and awardwinning New Zealand’s NaƟve Trees
inspired you to venture into the outdoors
to closely explore our unique tree flora,
this handy compact field guide is the ideal
handbook to take along. It is packed with
detailed informa on on 209 species of
trees found in New Zealand and includes
Stewart Island and the Chathams.
Colour.indd 1
CivilisaƟon: Twenty Places on the Edge of the World
Steve Braunias (Awa) pb $36.00
Steve Braunias is one of New Zealand’s most
awarded and formidable journalists. For
CivilisaƟon, he travels off the grid to capture
eccentric and remarkable goings-on in smalltown New Zealand. In these beguiling (and
some mes disturbing) stories about people
living in places from Kawakawa and Mosgiel
to Samoa and Antarc ca, Braunias discusses
their lives, loves, aspira ons, and even dark
The Winemaker
Kerry Tyack (Random) pb $45.00
At the age of 21 and with no business
experience or plan, Sir George Fistonich set up
his own winery, Villa Maria Estate. The mul
award-winning winery con nues to produce
some of New Zealand’s best wines and this is
Fistonich’s buoyant and inspiring story, from
his Mangere upbringing to his innova ve and
successful approach to winemaking.
Moa: The Story of New Zealand’s Strangest Bird
Quinn Berentson (Craig Po on) hb $50.00
This fascina ng book documents the life
and death of one of our most intriguing
birds. Though scien sts think that moa - a
clan of feathered monsters that developed
in isola on for millions of years - were eaten
to ex nc on by 1500, they are a na onal
icon. The discovery and iden fica on of
their bones in the 1840s was a worldwide sensa on, claimed by
many to be the zoological find of the century.
Jumping Ship & Other Essays
Glenn Colquhoun (Steele Roberts) pb $25.00
Glenn Colquhoun’s Jumping Ship was first
published to great acclaim by Four Winds
Press in the Montana Estate’s Essay Series
edited by Lloyd Jones. Long out of print, it is
reprinted here, along with other astute and
o en provoca ve essays, speeches and poems
on race rela ons, medicine, history, love and
related themes by one of New Zealand’s most
beloved poets.
17/11/2012 1:10:21 p.m.
New Zealand Ta oo: In the Home of the Ta
Chris Hoult (Libro Interna onal) hb $75
ooist’s Art
Aotearoa has a long and rich heritage of ta ooing, which is much admired worldwide. Profiling leading ta ooists
including Merv O’Connor, Gordon Ha ield, Monique Mataga, Jason Parkinson and Te Rangitu Netana, combines
striking photography and zesty text covering three ta ooing tradi ons: Ta Moko (Maori ta oo), Tatau (Pacific Islands
ta oo) and Ta oo (European and Asian ta oo forms).
C.K. Stead (MacLehose) pb $30.00
Risk is set in the early nough es a er the
Twin Towers have fallen and the Bri sh and
American military are about to invade Iraq.
Sam Nola separates from his wife in New
Zealand and moves to the other side of the
world. There, he takes a job with a bank and is
drawn into a maze of events.
Homeland of Pure Joy
W. Dewey (Lawrence & Gibson) pb $29.00
William Dewey, author of My Tender Jaw &
Other Stories and Without a Soul to Move,
returns to New Zealand with the story of a
young American searching for home and love
over the course of one trying day in Wellington
Charlo e Grimshaw (Random) pb $38.00
Poems to a Glass Woman
James K. Baxter (VUP) pb $28.00
This punchy and thrilling novel explores a
contemporary New Zealand’s social and
poli cal landscape, revisi ng some of the
characters from Grimshaw’s popular The Night
Book. Prime Minister David Hallwright and his
wife, Roza, invite their friends, the Lamptons,
to stay at their luxurious beach house north of
Auckland. All is going well un l Simon Lampton receives an unse ling call.
These poems were wri en in 1944–1945, and
gathered into a sequence in about 1957, but
never published. They record the immediate
impact of James K. Baxter’s first serious love
affair. It was a rela onship that affected him
profoundly, and to which he returned me and
me again in his later work.
The Phoenix Song
John Sinclair (VUP) pb $38.00
Magnificent Moon
Ashleigh Young (VUP) pb $28.00
A young violin prodigy grows up in Harbin
and Shanghai amidst the poli cs of midcentury China. Under the influences of her
revolu onary parents and the White Russian
intellectuals who are her tutors, she is drawn
into a world of ideology and espionage where
music must serve not only ‘the masses’, but
also the unpredictable whims and strategies
of great leaders.
The Burial
Courtney Collins (Allen & Unwin) pb $35.00
This beau fully poised novel was inspired by
Jessie Hickman, a female bushranger born at
the turn of the 20th century. There is a bounty
on Jessie’s head a er she is accused of murder,
witchcra and the . There is also a separate
search party with alterna ve inten ons. Exhilara ng and inven ve, The Burial has been
compared to the work of Cormac McCarthy.
Summer Newsletter Greyscale Final.indd 1
This lovely and eagerly awaited debut collec on
of poems is by one of the brightest new voices
in contemporary New Zealand poetry. Winner
of the Landfall 2009 essay compe on,
Wellington poet Ashleigh Young’s poems are
focused, though ul and intelligent with a
resonant anxiety, wry humour and honesty.
Will Self (Bloomsbury) pb $35.00
Dense and dazzling, Umbrella breathtakingly
spans a century and stars a psychiatrist, Zach
Busner, and Audrey Dearth, who in 1918 falls
ill with encephali s lethargica, a brain disease
which spread over Europe a er the Great War.
Will Self’s sprawling, stream-of-consciousness
modernist novel was shortlisted for the Man
Booker Prize this year.
17/11/2012 1:41:23 p.m.
Dog Stars
Peter Heller (Headline) pb $30.00
Peter Heller’s dystopian novel follows Hig, who
survives a superflu that kills most of humanity.
Striving to stay alive and to remain connected
with the things he loves, Hig sleeps out every night under the stars with his dog, Jasper.
With Jasper as co-pilot, Hig flies a 1956 Cessna
around what was once Colorado in pursuit of
love and friendship.
Train Dreams
Denis Johnson (Granta) hb $29.00
Denis Johnson has been hailed as one of
America’s finest living writers of fic on, and
Train Dreams is a refined novella which buzzes
with a vivid evoca on of the American West’s
landscape. A labourer, Robert fells trees to
make way for the railways of the early 20th
century as he watches a pre-industrial America
change rapidly.
Dear Life
Alice Munro (Cha o & Windus) hb $50.00
This is Alice Munro’s 13th book of short stories. Her vivid, snappy tales of great clarity and
insight illustrate how extraordinary ordinary
life can be. Much adored as the mistress of
the short story, Munro fana cs will savour the
finely cra ed meless pieces in this
collec on.
Testament of Mary
Colm Toibin (Picador) hb $25.00
Colm Toibin offers an interes ng alterna ve
portrait of Mary, challenging the image we
have of her as a docile, loving and obedient
woman, instead pain ng her as harsh and
complicated. Toibin presents a solitary woman
trying to navigate the events that became the
crux of the New Testament and founda on
of Chris anity in this moving and provoca ve
Back to Blood
Tom Wolfe (Jonathan Cape) pb $38.00
Tom Wolfe’s an cipated fourth novel is
packed with the bi ng sa re and savage
social commentary that he exhibited in his
first sensa onal novel The Bonfire of the
VaniƟes. Filled with moral dilemmas and racial
tensions, Back to Blood is set in Miami and
stars a colourful cast including a Cuban mayor,
a billionaire porn addict and a sex addic on
Summer Newsletter Greyscale Final.indd 2
This is How you Lose Her
Junot Diaz (Faber) pb $35.00
Set between the Dominican Republic and the
Eastern Seaboard and dancing somewhere
between the novel and the short story, This
is How you Lose Her is Pulitzer-Prizewinning
author Junot Diaz’s mesmerising collec on
of short stories, which examine different
kinds of love from obsessive to maternal,
dashed roman c affairs and violence all de ly
explored with a streetwise eloquence.
The Garden of Evening Mists
Tan Twan Eng (Myrmidon) pb $30.00
During the Japanese occupa on, Yun Ling
Teoh seeks solace among the planta ons of
the Cameron Highlands, where she finds the
only Japanese garden in Malaya, and its creator, the aloof Aritomo. Aritomo takes Yun Ling
as his appren ce “un l the monsoon” so she
can design a garden in memorial to her sister.
An alluring Man Booker Prize shortlisted tle.
Yellow Birds
Kevin Powers (Sceptre) pb $30.00
Two young soldiers Private Bartle and Private
Murphy meet at boot camp the day before
deployment to Iraq. Sta oned in Al Jafar, the
pair grapple with physical fa gue and mental
and emo onal stress as their platoon heads
to bloody ba le. An Iraq war veteran himself,
Powers has wri en a s rring and beau fully
accomplished account of the Iraq war.
Hydrogen Sonata
Iain M. Banks (Orbit) pb $35.00
The ninth novel in the ‘Culture’ series, Hydrogen
Sonata is set in Culture – a techno-utopian
universe with a hedonis c, Machiavellian and
libertarian society. Iain M. Banks is known for
his ebullient imagina on and sharp wit, and
demonstrates both of these strengths in this
space opera.
Su on
J. R. Moehringer (Blue Door) pb $35.00
With a cynical view of banks, J. R. Moehringer
tells the electrifying and suspenseful story
of real life bank robber William Su on, who
broke into American banks and out of prisons
countless mes over three decades. While
Su on was once hailed as the most dangerous
man in New York, he never killed anyone and
was seen by many as a folk hero.
17/11/2012 1:41:24 p.m.
San Miguel
T.C. Boyle (Bloomsbury) pb $37.00
Hugh Howey (Century) pb $30.00
(Due December)
Wool is set on a post-apocalyp c Earth
where humanity clings to survival in the silos
– a dystopian subterranean city. The latest in
a series of short science fic on novellas which
started with a short story, these swi ly told
and polished stories impressed director Ridley
Sco so much that he has nabbed the film
Two families, one in the 1800s and another in
the 1930s struggle for self-reliance in a microEden. Set on a ny desolate island off the coast
of Southern California, San Miguel is a novel
which explores isola on and the dynamics
between man and nature. A surprising but
accomplished departure from T.C. Boyle’s
usual sa rical style, San Miguel is sweeping
and bi ersweet.
Silent House
Orhan Pamuk (Hamish Hamilton) pb $37.00
The Lighthouse
Alison Moore (Canongate) pb $25.00
Nobel Prizewinning author Orhan Pamuk’s
second novel, Silent House has now been
published in English. A majes c, melancholy
and reflec ve tale, it is set in Cennethisar, a
small coastal town near Istanbul. Under the
shadow of the impending military coup in
1980, a Turkish family gather to visit Fatma,
their 90 year old grandmother.
Orwell’s Cough:
Diagnosing the Medical Maladies
and Last Gasps of the Great Writers
This beau fully observed slim novel was
shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize this
year. It tells the tale of Futh, an awkward man
who embarks on a contempla ve walking
holiday on the Con nent a er he and his
wife separate. Quietly sinister but diffused
with an elegant wis ulness, The Lighthouse
is a though ul medita on of memory and the
sensory experience.
John Ross (Oneworld Publica ons) pb $33.00
Did wri ng 1984 kill George Orwell? Dr John
Ross of Harvard Medical School, theorises on
the ailments, diseases and condi ons of 10
great writers of the English language, from the
Elizabethan era to the mid- 20th century. With
novelis c flair, Ross blends biography, history,
literature, science and imagina on to provide
historical context to some of the world’s
favourite classics.
La n for Gardeners
Lorraine Harrison (Allen & Unwin) hb $40.00
The Horologicon: A Day’s Jaunt Through the Lost
Words of the English Language
Mark Forsyth (Icon Books) hb $37.00
In his new book, bestselling author of The
Etymologicon, applies his logophilia to every
hour of the day. The Horologicon (meaning
a book of things appropriate to each hour)
follows a day in the life of unusual, beau ful
and forgo en English words. This is a
collec on of extraordinary words for any
given situa on to suit even the most fervid
Consider the Fork:
A History of Inven on in the Kitchen
Bee Wilson (Penguin) hb $50.00
Much more than a simple botanical dic onary
(though it is also that), Harrison’s beau fully
illustrated collec on sheds new light on
the naming of plants. Featuring accounts of
early plant hunters and their discoveries,
LaƟn for Gardeners uncovers the stories and
expressive meanings behind many of the
plant names that have puzzled the greenfingered but not-so-classically-trained for
Some mes it is the most innocuous of objects
that have the most fascina ng stories to tell.
As Bill Bryson proved with his recent foray
into the domes c – At Home – there are great
histories to be uncovered within our own nests.
Bee Wilson’s fantas c new book centres in the
kitchen, encompassing culinary ingenuity from
ancient Rome to tomorrow’s breakthrough
gadgetry. Heston Blumenthal take note!
Informa on is Beau ful
David McCandless (HarperCollins) hb $45.00
Aesop’s Kiwi Fables
Ray Ching (David Bateman) hb $50.00
These full page colour spreads are total eyeopeners to the magnitude of the world. The
lovely 2nd edi on of InformaƟon is BeauƟful,
packed full with 20 new updates and 20 new
visualisa ons, paints pictures with ma er we
normally just hear about, if we’re told about
it at all – seeing makes all the difference.
Ray Ching is renowned for his detailed realist
pain ngs of birds and here he brings this
skill to bear in a version of Aesop’s Fables
featuring the flora and fauna of New Zealand.
The tuatara persists in its race against the
possum and the kiwi is both foolish and wise
in this an podean reframing of the fables.
Summer Newsletter Greyscale Final.indd 3
17/11/2012 1:41:26 p.m.
The Great Degenera on:
How Ins tu ons Decay and Economies Die
Niall Ferguson (Allen & Unwin) pb $37.00
In 2011’s CivilizaƟon, Niall Ferguson outlined
the facets socie es need in order to flourish.
In The Great DegeneraƟon he goes one
further and describes what happens when
these ins tu ons falter. With his consummate
analysis, he paints a disturbing portrait of the
state of Western democracies and invites us
to consider the implica ons for tomorrow’s
genera on of today’s poli cal and economic
stagna on.
A History of the World in Twelve Maps
Jerry Bro on (Allen Lane) hb $60.00
A treat for the curious cartographers in us all,
this book offers a fascina ng examina on of
many historical maps, including the earliest
Korean map of the world to the newest images
of Earth from Google maps. Bro on argues
that maps are not purely scien fic objects but
rather a subjec ve representa on of the ideas
of their age.
Shakespeare’s Restless World
Neil MacGregor (Penguin) hb $50.00
In A History of the World in 100 Objects,
Neil MacGregor used historical artefacts
to illustrate the diversity of the past. Here,
objects as shocking as a preserved eye, and as
mysterious as buried jewels, bring to life the
exo c history of Elizabethan London, when
Moroccan pirates sailed the Bri sh coast and
Shakespeare’s plays reflected a world being
constantly redefined.
Hallucina ons
Oliver Sacks (Picador) pb $40.00
Drawing on his wealth of experience, as well
as historical and literary descrip ons, Oliver
Sacks is back with yet another engrossing
account, this me tackling the intriguing world
of hallucina ons. Inves ga ng altered states
and sensory depriva on, Sacks reports on the
influence of hallucina ons on art and culture,
as well as highligh ng why the poten al for
hallucina on is present in all of us.
An fragile: Things that Gain from Disorder
Nassim Nicholas Taleb (Allen Lane) pb $37.00
(Due December)
AnƟfragile is the latest from radical philosopher
Nassim Nicholas Taleb, on how to live in a
world we can’t predict, and thrive in moments
of disaster. Pu ng forward the argument that
some of the best systems have an fragility
at their heart, Taleb suggests that the most
successful of us will take advantage of disorder
to benefit us beyond our expecta ons.
Summer Newsletter Greyscale Final.indd 4
Mullahs Without Mercy:
How to Stop Iran’s First Nuclear Strike
Geoffrey Robertson QC (Vintage) pb $28.00
Robertson’s latest work provides chilling
examples of why Iran cannot be trusted
with nuclear weapons. Here he provides a
powerful account of crimes against humanity
commi ed by Iran’s leaders, and makes the
case for the importance of Interna onal Law
stepping in to prevent Iran’s nuclear strike
capability. Timely and authorita ve, Mullahs
Without Mercy is an argument for peace and
jus ce.
In Defence of Dogs
John Bradshaw (Penguin) pb $30.00
A must read for dog lovers, this book
inves gates some interes ng perspec ves
from owners’ and dogs’ point of view.
Bradshaw claims that the current dog-training
model is flawed and our understanding of our
canine friends as ‘wolves with be er table
manners’ is wrong, whilst subtly sugges ng
that any communica on is ideally a two-way
On the Map
Simon Garfield (Profile) pb $37.00
Maps chart the physical world, but as Garfield
demonstrates, they also reveal the ideologies
and aspira ons of the cultures which produce
them. From the “here-be-dragons” of early
explorers to the essen alism of metro sta on
schema cs, from the quest to create a perfect
globe to the different ways in which men and
women approach maps, this is a diver ng
meander through cartography.
Lost at Sea: The Jon Ronson Mysteries
Jon Ronson (Picador) pb $40.00
Many will know Jon Ronson for his incredibly
strange encounters with unusual characters.
Lost at Sea is the best of his adventures
– full of intriguing, disturbing and frequently
hilarious reports, Ronson can’t help but err on
the side of madness. Interac ons with reallife superheroes! Robbie Williams at a UFO
conven on in the Nevada Desert! Ronson’s
tales are joyfully bizarre.
Why We Build
Rowan Moore (Picador) hb $50.00
By looking at architecture from an unusual
philosophical perspec ve, Rowan Moore
explores how it is influenced by human
emo ons and how it changes experiences. All
factors, including power, sex, family life and
capital are analysed, as well as func ons and
inhabitants of various structures - examples
ranging from Egyp an pyramids through the
Palm in Dubai to the Dome in London.
17/11/2012 1:41:27 p.m.
Grace: A Life in Fashion
Grace Coddington (Vintage) hb $50.00
(Due December)
Grace Coddington is best known as the crea ve
director of Vogue magazine but her career as
a model, writer and editor has spanned more
than forty years. Coddington’s famous wit,
innova ve editorial ins ncts and eye for style
shine through this memoir, illumina ng the
experiences of a talented and bold woman,
dedicated to redefining the possibili es of
Johnson’s Life of London:
The People who Made the City that Made the World
Boris Johnson (Harper Collins) pb $25.00
With its countless boozers, theatres, dens
and dank alleys, London is a city brimming
with the possibility of encounters. In this
refreshing biography, current London mayor
Boris Johnson does the rounds of its historical
residents. Told with his trademark wit, his is a
dazzling collec on of portraits that encompass
Shakespeare, Churchill and Keith Richards.
Grab a copy for a Thames-side seat.
A History of Ancient Britain
Neil Oliver (Phoenix) pb $30.00
Iron Curtain: The Crushing of Eastern Europe 1944-56
Anne Applebaum (Allen Lane) hb $60.00
There has been human habita on in Britain,
regularly interrupted by Ice Ages, for the best
part of a million years. This book takes the
reader on an epic journey into an ancient
world to observe the lives of the first Britons
and the world they occupied. By the author of
A History of Scotland.
Iron Curtain is a brilliant history of the brutal
post-WWI period in Europe from the Pulitzer
Prize winning author of Gulag. Raking through
archival material and chronicling the lives of
individuals, Applebaum calmly details the
eviscera on of many ins tu ons of civil society under the tyranny of Stalin, and the imposi on of Communism on Eastern Europe in this
post-war period.
To the Ends of the Earth:
Scotland’s Global Diaspora 1750-2010
Tom M. Devine (Penguin) pb $30.00
Almost 30 years of research establish Devine
as a master of Sco sh history, but not all Scotland’s past remained in Scotland. To the Ends
of the Earth breaks open centuries of emigraon and the effect that Sco sh expatriates
had on the world - and on the country that was
le behind.
Myth of Wu Tao-tzu
Sven Lindqvist (Granta) pb $30.00
As a young man, Sven Lindqvist was fascinated
by the myth of the Chinese ar st Wu Tao-tzu,
and by the possibility of entering a work of
art and making it a way of life. This profound
medita on on art and its rela onship with life
was first published in 1967.
Every Love Story is a Ghost Story:
A Life of David Foster Wallace
D.T. Max (Granta) hb $50.00
Since his suicide in 2008, David Foster Wallace
has become a cult figure. In this account of
Wallace’s evolu on from anxious adolescent
into post-modern an -hero, D. T. Max’s
biography tells the story of a man struggling
to write authen cally about what it is to be a
human being amongst the noise of modern life
and the cavernous void of American culture.
Country Girl
Edna O’Brien (Faber & Faber) hb $40.00
Her wri ng formed a launchpad for writers
like Anne Enright and Colm Toibin and her first
novel, The Country Girls, was banned by the
Irish Censorship Board in 1960 for its sexual
content. Her field of work and cultural history
makes for a stark read as Edna O’Brien turns
her poe c eye upon herself in the first fulllength publica on of her memoir.
a bottle of Shackleton’s Whisky
buy the book Shackleton’s Whisky and be in the draw to win
a $299 replica bottle of the Whisky recovered from Shackleton’s Hut.
The perfect drink for Christmas Day.
Entries close 16/12/12
Summer Newsletter Greyscale Final.indd 5
see www.unitybooks.co.nz for more details
17/11/2012 1:41:28 p.m.
Trampled Under Foot:
Pete Townshend: Who I Am
Pete Townshend (Harper Collins) hb $45.00
The Power and Excess of Led Zeppelin
Barney Hoskyns (Faber & Faber) pb $40.00
Pete Townshend was rock’s troubled voice
of a genera on and principal songwriter,
lead guitarist and amp-smasher in The Who.
Described as the “thinking man’s rock star”,
Townshend popularised the concept album,
has worked as a literary editor and developed
scripts for television and stage. With a revealing
and sensi ve style, this is his memoir of rock
and roll excess.
How Music Works
David Byrne (Canongate) pb $40.00
With a robust intelligence, David Byrne explores
music and how every aspect of its sound and
construc on has an emo onal impact right up
to how it’s distributed, marketed and listened
to. Byrne concentrates on his own experiences
from his work with Talking Heads and Brian
Eno and his journeys to wherever music exists
from Wagnerian opera houses to African
Respected rock biographer, journalist and
commentator Barney Hoskyns’ book features
a staggering 128 interviewees and covers
a dizzying scope of the history, rock pomp,
myths and reali es of classic rock group Led
Zeppelin. Featuring rare and previously
unseen photographs, this books sheds new
light on the group.
Unknown Pleasures: Inside Joy Division
Peter Hook (Simon & Schuster) hb $50.00
In his breezy and cha y style, Peter Hook
gives us a rare inside account of life within
influen al post-punk Manchester group Joy
Division. The suicide of frontman Ian Cur s,
the band’s friendships and fall-outs, rehearsals
and recording sessions and the personali es
and characters that surrounded the group are
remembered by the co-founder of and bass
player in the group.
Sontag on Film
Susan Sontag (Hamish Hamilton)pb $37.00
House of Redgrave:
The Secret Lives of a Theatrical Dynasty
Tim Adler (Aurum) hb $60.00
Collected here for the first me is a selecon of Susan Sontag’s insigh ul and piercing
thoughts on cinema. The author of the much
admired and referenced On Photography,
Sontag adored films and these finely-tuned
and gleaming pieces of film cri cism are sharp
and illumina ng.
An explosive saga of one of the greatest
dynas es of Bri sh cinema and theatre – the
Redgraves. The amazingly talented family
includes filmmaker and theatre director Tony
Richardson and actors Michael, Lynn and
Vanessa Redgrave and Joely and Natasha
Richardson. This rive ng biography charts the
many highs and some mes scandalous lows of
the family.
Mick Jagger
Philip Norman (Harper Collins) pb $37.00
Philip Norman charts the progression of
rock icon Mick Jagger’s career, from his
Home Coun es school years to his current
and endless tenure as the frene cally
stru ng frontman for the Rolling Stones.
Norman writes about Jagger’s years as a shy
economics student and his transforma on
into a narcissis c superstar with a reckless
fondness for drugs and sex. Highly readable.
Waging Heavy Peace
Neil Young (Viking) hb $48.00
This self-penned memoir by rock icon Neil
Young is forthright, revealing, and sharp. With
astonishing detail, model train and car
enthusiast and fiercely loyal family man Young
writes in a sprawling and conversa onal tone.
Julian Cope (Faber & Faber) hb $75.00
(Due December)
This firecracker of a book is a collec on of
album reviews and themed track samplers to construct an alterna ve
history of the last 6 decades of popular music. Nu y and visionary
musician, an quarian and musicologist Julian Cope has been responsible for some of the best and enthusias c music commentary, and in
Copendium, he writes with an infec ous wild passion.
Summer Newsletter Greyscale Final.indd 6
17/11/2012 1:41:31 p.m.
Feas ng with Bompas and Parr
Bompas & Parr (Harper Collins) hb $45.00
(Due December)
A jelly skyline, lakes made from punch and
cocktails the size of a house are some of the
wild and bombas c crea ons concocted by
bespoke jelly merchants Bompas and Parr.
Known for their adventurous avant-garde
food which is a mix of architecture, performance and physics, the duo’s new book shows us how to recreate special extravagant feasts from throughout history.
Hugh’s Three Good Things
Hugh Fearnley-Whi ngstall (Bloomsbury)
hb $60.00
Hugh Fearnley-Whi ngtsall has worked out
the simple pa erns that contribute to the
success of well-loved dishes. Whether it’s
scallops, bacon and pea puree, or rhubarb,
crumble and custard, Fearnley-Whi ngstall
encourages us to embrace simplicity by using
a base of three complimentary ingredients which combine stellar
flavours and textures to make simple dishes sing.
The Lebanese Kitchen
Salma Hage (Phaidon) hb $70.00
Phaidon excel at producing wonderful cookery
books which celebrate cuisine from around
the world. The recipes in The Lebanese
Kitchen range from light temp ng mezes to
hearty and wholesome meals from Lebanon.
With an intoxica ng burst of textures, colours,
flavours and scents, these recipes reflect the
country’s landscape and climate, from the
sublime Beqaa Valley to the snowy Danniyeh mountains.
Kitchen Diaries II: A Year of Simple Cooking
Nigel Slater (Fourth Estate) hb $60.00
Nigel Slater is such a wonderful pitchperfect writer that you’ll want to devour his
words straight from the page. This gorgeous
companion to his Kitchen Diaries is bubbling
with finesse and recipe ideas based on his
jo ngs and scrapbooks. Slater’s food is fussfree and his enthusiasm for food is moreish.
Magnus Nilsson (Phaidon) hb $75.00
Origin: The Food of Ben Shewry
Ben Shewry (Murdoch) hb $120.00
In this beau ful mix of memoir, manual and
manifesto, New Zealand born chef Ben Shewry shares how his personal experiences
growing up in rural New Zealand have shaped
his approach to running A ca – his awardwinning Melbourne restaurant. He draws
inspira on for his recipes from his surroundings and pivotal moments and experiences in
his life.
Get Fresh
Al Brown (Random) hb (includes CD) $60.00
Visi ng farmers’ markets across New
Zealand including Northland, Coromandel,
South Auckland, Wairarapa, Marlborough,
Canterbury and Riverton, Al Brown serves
up a glorious range of dishes using the finest
produce from 10 New Zealand regions.
Brown’s down-to-earth enthusiasm is
refreshing and the book includes a CD of songs with local groups to
get you into the regional spirit while you cook.
Edible Selby
Todd Selby (Abrams) hb $58.00
With Edible Selby, photographer and illustrator Todd Selby enlivens the concept of food
photography, sprucing his up with an eclec c
mix of photographs, watercolours, handwritten recipes, ques onnaires and notes.
This spirited and affec onate collec on of
illustra ons of some of Selby’s favourite spots
in the culinary world includes the Bethells
Beach caravan cafe near Auckland.
Yotam O olenghi (Ebury) hb $65.00
Following the raging popularity and success
of his previous cookery books OƩolenghi and
Plenty, Yotam O olenghi is back with Jerusalem
to explore and share the culinary roots of the
city which has influenced and shaped his
approach to food. With culinary inspira on
coming from Jerusalem’s Muslim, Jewish,
Arab, Chris an and Armenian communi es,
this book is packed with temp ng recipes.
The Taste of Central Otago:
More Recipes from Arrowtown’s Saffron
Pete Gawron (Godwit) hb $70.00
Chef Magnus Nilsson strives for authen city
and excellence with Faviken, his restaurant
which is located on a 20,000 acre farm and
hun ng estate in Northern Sweden. Hailed
as one of the most daring restaurants in the
world, Faviken only cooks with ingredients
that are raised, farmed and hunted in the
immediate vicinity of the restaurant.
Summer Newsletter Greyscale Final.indd 7
Pete Gawron and his wife Mel established
Saffron, the Blue Door bar and Pesto Pizza
restaurant in Arrowtown nearly 13 years
ago. Gawron’s recipes are a lovely mix of
contemporary trends in food, wild food and
molecular gastronomy using locally sourced
ingredients. The Taste of Central Otago is artfully presented with superb photography.
17/11/2012 1:41:33 p.m.
The Art of the Restaurateur
Nicholas Lander (Phaidon) hb $55.00
A welcome alterna ve to the showy glitz and
glamour of celebrity chefs, The Art of the
Restaurateur is a fascina ng look at the nuts
and bolts of what it takes to make and sustain
a successful restaurant and the obstacles that
must be overcome. Nicholas Lander profiles
20 restaurateurs from Europe and America.
Engine Room Eatery
Natalia Schamroth (Godwit) hb $70.00
With a philosophy of “good damn honest
food and cooking with heart and soul,” The
Engine Room on Auckland’s quaint Northcote Point is known for its deligh ul, flavourpacked food. In Engine Room Eatery, you’ll
find 100 of its best dishes.
Converted Houses:
New Zealand Architecture Recycled
Lucinda Diack with photographs by Daniel
Allen (Penguin) pb $65.00
A rickety old shed on a Marlborough
vineyard, a flour mill, a derelict petrol sta on
and a school dental clinic are some of the
unexpected and unusual old buildings which
have been transformed into habitable homes
and are featured in this book. This wonderful
photographic book is an inspiring look at unique homes from across
New Zealand.
Best of Grand Designs
Kevin McCloud (Collins) hb $55.00
The perfect companion to leading
architecture, design and interior decora ng
commentator Kevin McCloud’s much loved
television show, Best of Grand Designs charts
where domes c architecture has come from
and where it is likely headed. Featuring
photography, building plans and McCloud’s
own insights, this book is an inspiring
celebra on of innova ve and excellent house design.
Two Hundred and Forty Years of New Zealand
Pain ng
Docking, Dunn & Hanfling Eds (David Bateman)
hb $100.00
An immense scope of New Zealand pain ng
is covered here. First published in 1971, it has
since been updated by art historians Michael
Dunn and Edward Hanfling. The original text
by Gil Docking covers the period from European discovery up un l
1969, Dunn explores the 1970s and 1980s and Hanfling describes
New Zealand pain ng in the last 20 years.
Paul Dibble: The Larger Works
Paul Dibble (David Bateman) hb $125
For over 35 years, Palmerston North
sculptor Paul Dibble has cra ed
works which draw inspira on from
mythology, European art history,
colonialism and Pacific culture. Found
in public spaces across New Zealand, Dibble’s larger sculptures are
impressive. This substan al book focuses on these large scale works,
some of which measure in at over five metres in height.
Summer Newsletter Greyscale Final.indd 8
Big House, Small House:
New Homes by New Zealand Architects
Reynolds & Walsh Eds (Godwit) hb $80.00
From one of the contributors to Villa: From
Heritage to Contemporary Living comes this
survey of 60 New Zealand residen al homes
from Northland to Dunedin. Ranging in size
from small baches, studios and apartments
to big scale homes, the houses featured here
are accompanied by commentary and plans
showcasing some of the finest architectural work in New Zealand
since 2007.
Peter Campbell (Profile Books) hb $60.00
(Due December)
Wellington-born Peter Campbell was a designer and art cri c for the London Review of
Books, where his instantly recognisable subtly washed out and airy cover art graced the
magazine’s covers from 1979 un l his death
in 2011. Artwork is an elegant collec on of
Campbell’s LRB illustra ons, book designs,
pain ngs and drawings, and features an essay by Wellington poet
Bill Manhire.
Art in Oceania: A New History
Brunt, Thomas & Mallon Eds (Thames &
Hudson) hb $130.00
This book gives a fascina ng historical
background and context to statues, ta oos,
carvings, woven and painted fabrics,
intricately carved weapons, ornaments, ritual
objects and everyday items from around
Oceania. Illustra ng the tradi onal, historical
and spiritual significance of each object, Art
in Oceania gives voice to, and an insight into,
works scarcely seen outside of Oceania.
High Country New Zealand:
the Land,
the People, the Seasons
Antonia Steeg (Te Papa) hb $100.00
Nature photographer Antonia Steig
began documen ng the majes c
beauty of New Zealand’s High Country
in 2008, when she was invited to attend the last muster at the historic Mesopotamia Sta on. This quickly expanded into a four-year project capturing the land, its people
and their way of life through the changing seasons.
17/11/2012 1:41:34 p.m.
The ACB with Honora Lee
Kate De Goldi (Longacre) hb $35.00
This Moose Belongs to Me
Oliver Jeffers (Harper Collins) hb $30.00
These gorgeous full-page illustra ons really
The much awaited new novel for ages 7-100
distract you from the fact that someone is
watches the rela onship between Perry and
trying claim poor Wilfred’s Moose as their
her grandmother Honora Lee, who thinks a li le
own. Wilfred tries to rec fy the situa on, but
differently to everyone else in Perry’s life. When
the Moose has other plans! Everything you’ve
Perry’s father leaves the room, Honora Lee asks
come to expect from the 31-award (so far)
“who is that man?”, and she doesn’t play I Spy the
right way. A well-wri en, mul -faceted observa on on Alzheimer’s. winning writer/illustrator. If you haven’t checked him out, now is the
me. Slipcase edi on also available.
Grimm Tales for Old and Young
Phillip Pullman (Penguin) hb $50.00
Yet again the incomparable Phillip Pullman
has produced another remarkable
His unconven onal life view coupled with
comprehensive research informs the retelling of
fi y perennially loved tales; giving the some mes
over familiar an astonishing faceli . This is a
handsome edi on, complete with reader ribbon, intended to be
read aloud to the young and re-read over a life me.
The Great House Hunt
Davide Cali & Marc Boutavant (illustrator)
(Gecko Press) hb $35.00
Join real-estate agent Mister Weevil as he
takes his ladybird clients, the Polka-dots, on a
quest to find the nest of their dreams. Through
a compost heap, down a stream and along a
washing-line, follow the trio to the castle in the
air. Told in a fun and interac ve way, The Great House Hunt will keep
kids searching for hours.
Let’s Make Some Great Fingerprint Art
Marion Deuchars (Laurence King) pb $26.00
When it comes to pain ng with children,
some mes the simplest techniques can achieve
the best results. Learn how le ers, pa erns,
animals and characters can be created using
only the most basic of tools: fingers and ink.
Interac ve and playful, Deuchars’ book will
encourage ar sts aged 6 and upwards to get messy and crea ve.
The Man from the Land of Fandango
Margaret Mahy (Walker) hb $30.00
The man from the land of Fandango is coming! He wears a hat and a polka-dot e - and
he juggles and dances with bison, baboons,
kangaroos and even dinosaurs. He’s wonderful and amazing, so watch carefully because
he only appears every 500 years! This fantascal poem full of Margaret Mahy’s signature wordplay is brilliantly
matched by Polly Dunbar’s illustra ons.
Stupid Baby
Stephanie Blake (Gecko Press) pb $20
Simon from Poo Bum is back and this me
his parents have brought a Stupid Baby
home from the hospital. What is he doing
here and how long is he going to stay? Now
who will protect Simon from those wolves
outside? With quirky, colourful illustra ons,
Stupid Baby will appeal to new big siblings
and their parents.
Olivia and the Fairy Princesses
Ian Falconer (Simon & Schuster) hb $26.00
Falconer’s whimsy strikes again with Olivia,
piglet extraordinaire. Drama Queen that she is,
an iden ty crisis descends in middle childhood
as she considers the tedium of choices defined
by custom. Subtlety is not Olivia’s strong suit
but acceptance of people’s idiosyncrasies is.
Every Day
David Levithan (Text) pb $26.00
How do you think you’d handle waking up in a
different body every morning? Each day a new
person – girl, boy, young, old. That’s what A has
been doing for 5994 days. But their irregular life
is jolted when they meet someone – just once
– who they can’t let go of. A tasteful love story/
sci fi tale for fans of John Green.
Joy Cowley (Random) pb $20.00
When a rare white kiwi was born in captivity at
Pukaha Mount Bruce, Maori recognised this as
something very special - a treasure and a sign
of new beginnings. In this beautiful picture
book Joy Cowley tells the story of Manukura
the little white kiwi and offers an uplifting
message to all New Zealanders. Strikingly naturalistic illustrations by
Bruce Potter.
100 Amazing Tales from Aotearoa
Simon Morton (Te Papa Press) pb $35.00
Te Papa stores more than 2 million pieces in trust for the nation. Take a tour behind the scenes with 100 amazing
items! Learn the secrets of the first dinosaur fossil ever discovered, see new and unique spider species, be inspired by
deep and personal stories of Maori taonga. Includes a DVD of the series.
Summer Newsletter Greyscale Final.indd 9
17/11/2012 1:41:35 p.m.
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Summer Newsletter Greyscale Final.indd 10
17/11/2012 1:41:35 p.m.
Buller’s Birds of New Zealand:
The Complete
Works of J. G. Keulemans
Geoff Norman (Te Papa Press) hb $150.00
A cloth-bound, slipcased covetable treasure,
Buller’s Birds of New Zealand includes the
complete set of 95 artworks from both edions of A History of the Birds of New Zealand
by Walter Buller and the subsequent supplement. Reproduced in stunning full colour at
original size, each pain ng is accompanied
by Bullers original text.
Vogue Weddings: Brides, Dresses, Designers
Hamish Bowles (Three Rivers Press) hb
Around 400 magnificent photographs of
the weddings and wedding dresses of royalty, socialites, models, ar sts, actors and
musicians make up this luxurious homage
to roman c glamour. European Editor-atLarge for Vogue Hamish Bowles casts his
fashion historian’s eye over these iconic images and gives a fascina ng behind the scenes look at the crea ons.
The Big New Yorker Book of Dogs
New Yorker Eds (William Heinemann) hb
$80.00 (Due December)
An impressive line-up of pieces from the
treasure trove of the New Yorker archives
make up this glorious tribute to man’s best
friend. The perfect gi for canine lovers, the
book features ar cles, poems, cartoons,
cover art and humour from esteemed
contributors including John Cheever, Arthur
Miller, Roald Dahl, John Updike and a new
essay from Adam Gopnik.
Vogue: The Editor’s Eye
Anna Wintour (Abrams) hb $115.00
This lavishly illustrated book pays tribute to
the influen al role the fashion editor has
played in shaping America’s sense of style.
Drawing from archives, Vogue: The Editor’s
Eye focuses on eight Vogue fashion editors
using the work of legendary photographers
from Richard Avedon to Annie Leibovitz
and models from Marilyn Monroe to Linda
Paper Passion Perfume
Schoen & Steidl (Thames and Hudson) hb
The Auckland University Press Anthology
of New Zealand Literature
Williams & Stafford (Eds) AUP hb $75.00
What book lover isn’t a racted to the smell of
books? A covetable luxury item for bibliophiles,
open up this book and inside is a bo le which
contains the scent of books. Master perfumer
Geza Schoen has created this literary fragrance
with clever packaging by Karl Lagerfeld. A heady
and intoxica ng bouquet of freshly printed
books in a bo le.
This stunning anthology brings together a
superb range of fic on and nonfic on,
le ers and speeches, novels and stories,
comics and songs. For the first me in one
volume, this country’s major wri ng, from
the earliest records of explora on and encounter to the globalised, mul cultural
present are lovingly collected.
- The Sartorialist: Closer by ScoƩ Schuman
- New Zealand’s NaƟve Trees by Dawson & Lucas
- Elemental by Brian Turner
- HHHH by Laurent Binet
- Pocket Atlas of Remote Islands: FiŌy Islands I Have Not Visited
and Never Will by Judith Schalansky
- Stag Spooner: Wild Man from the Bush by Chris Maclean
Bring Up the Bodies
Hilary Mantel (Fourth Estate) pb $40.00
Hilary Mantel is the first living Bri sh author to win the Man
Booker Prize twice. Bring up the Bodies is about Thomas
Cromwell, an adviser to King Henry VIII, and charts the bloody
downfall of Anne Boleyn. Peter Stothard, who chaired the judging
panel said, “This is a bloody story. But Hilary Mantel is a writer
who thinks through the blood.”
Colour.indd 2
- Capital by John Lancaster
- Ancient Light by John Banville
- The Margaret Mahy Treasury - Margaret Mahy
- May we be Forgiven by A.M. Homes
17/11/2012 1:10:24 p.m.