Archived of BBYO`s 2007 eNewsletters


Archived of BBYO`s 2007 eNewsletters
BBYO eNewsletter January/February 2007
Issue 20
Give to BBYO
BBYO is pleased to present the January/February 2007 issue of the eNews.
BBYO, Inc. News
BBYO's International Convention at
its Largest in Texas; Nearly 600
Jewish Teen Leaders Set
Organizational Agenda and Elected
2007-08 Leadership
This summer, BBYO hopes to involve more
than 1,000 teens in its Summer Experiences.
Some will travel to Israel for the first time or
mentor at-risk youth in an urban setting.
Others will spend ten days in NYC networking
with entrepreneurs or at the University of
Judaism discovering a connection to their
religion they didn't know they had. While each
of BBYO's summer experiences is uniquely
designed to capture the varying interests of
today's teens, the outcome of each program is
the same; teens leave the program with a
stronger Jewish identity, valuable leadership
skills that will help them reach their goals and
friendships that will last a lifetime. Please help
BBYO reach as many Jewish teens as possible
with a life-changing experience by supporting
BBYO today. Click here to donate now.
Join BBYO!
Hundreds of future doctors, rabbis,
politicians, business executives and Jewish
community leaders gathered at Greene
Family Camp in Bruceville, Texas, February
15-19, for the largest-ever International
Convention (IC) in BBYO's 80+-year history.
With BBYO's Lonestar (Houston, Austin and San Antonio) and North Texas-Oklahoma
(Dallas and Tulsa) Regions hosting the event, nearly 600 of the Jewish community's
"best and brightest" – hailing from all over North America, Europe and Israel –
convened to elect their new international leaders, address critical issues impacting
Israel and their Jewish future, participate in a series of intensive Jewish study sessions
and celebrate BBYO's largest Shabbat of the year.
BBYO'S International Teen Board
Conducts Business in Israel for First
This winter, BBYO's ten-member
International Board traveled to Israel to
learn about the country, deepen their
connection with the Jewish people and set
goals for the remainder of their term in
office. During the ten-day trip, the teen
leaders combined sightseeing and goal
setting with meetings with prominent
leaders in the Jewish community in order to better understand BBYO's connection –
and their personal connection – to the Jewish homeland. READ MORE...
NBC Universal Execs Give BBYO Valuable Face Time
Join thousands of teens from around the world
who are having the experience of a lifetime in
BBYO. Click Join to get involved in a chapter
near you today.
Iron Out Your Summer Plans Now!
(L to R): Matthew Grossman,
Marc Saperstein, Marc Graboff and
Rachel Hochheiser
Nearly 100 professionals of BBYO convened in January at the University of Judaism in
Los Angeles, CA for the organization's annual staff conference, which featured rare
"behind-the-scenes" access to two top executives from NBC Universal.[8/5/2014 3:54:23 PM]
"We came to staff conference expecting an itinerary jam-packed with skills sessions
designed to help us become the most effective Jewish communal leaders we can be,"
said Rachel Hochheiser, Area Executive Director of BBYO's Southwest Region, which
encompasses LA. "Getting the opportunity to spend serious time with two prominent
entertainment industry leaders was a completely unexpected and incredibly unique
professional development experience."
Make a Living By Making a Difference - BBYO Seeks Director of
BBYO is currently seeking a talented, smart, energetic fundraiser to be BBYO's
International Director of Development based in Washington DC.
March is Advisor Appreciation Month
From leadership and community service to
Israel travel and Judaism, BBYO has a summer
experience for you. Click here for more
information or to register for a 2007 Summer
Experience! Email to
request a 2007 Summer Experience brochure.
BBYO Gets You Ready for Purim:
This coming month, BBYO members across the country will
say, "Thank you" to approximately 800 advisors who
dedicate significant time and energy to the organization on
a volunteer basis. Upholding BBYO's teen-led ideals, an
advisor's primary responsibility involves facilitating
leadership among the youth they serve. In other words,
BBYO advisors are committed to helping the members of
the chapters they advise become the best BBYO leaders
they can be.
Ranging from college students to grandparents, newcomers
to veterans, advisors all share one thing in common; they
are passionate about the success of BBYO and dedicated to
creating a strong Jewish future. Their ability to shape BBYO members into tomorrow's
leaders is a priceless gift to the future of the Jewish people.
"Our advisors are always there to help us, give advice and assist us in overcoming
personal problems," said Pam Winkler of New England Region. "They are our mentors
and our friends."
For more information on becoming a BBYO advisor, click here.
Looking for a Summer Job that Means So Much
More than a Paycheck?
Kosher Gift Baskets are Now Available!
One of the commandments (mitzvoth) of Purim
is to send baskets of gifts of food to family and
friends. BBYO now offers Kosher baskets for
Purim called Shalach Manot. Click here to place
your order online. A portion of all proceeds will
benefit BBYO.
Books on Sale for the BBYO Family
The Jewish Publication Society is proud to
announce a special limited time offer
exclusively to members of the BBYO family. A
full 40% will be taken off of your total order at when you enter: BBYO1 in
the "Promotional Code" field. Take advantage
of this special Purim/Passover special – view
holiday titles including Megillat Esther,
Haggadah & History, and The Moriah Haggadah
and save up to $40 per item! Remember, this
offer is good on all JPS titles through March 9,
2007. A full catalog can be accessed and
downloaded online or request a print copy at Questions? Contact Alx
Block at or at
800.234.3151 x 5622
BBYO offers more than twenty different summer experiences in
the U.S., Israel and Europe for high school teens. Programs
are rural and urban, and range in focus from community
service, Jewish spirituality and leadership development to
travel and career development.
From the Chairman of the Board – Howard
In the last eNews, I offered my initial thoughts on BBYO.
I told you that what struck me most is the fond
memories that BBYO alumni have. Again in the last few
weeks I've met BBYO alumni who are Jewish
professionals, ranging from seminary rabbis to Jewish
agency leaders. They tell me that BBYO launched their
Jewish living and left an indelible mark. So, too, I have
met alumni who did not necessarily become more
observant or as involved in Jewish agencies. Nonetheless,
they, too, cherish their time at BBYO. I can see their
eyes glitter as they recall wonderful memories. READ
Alumni News
Where Young Lives Takes Shape: Joel Secter[8/5/2014 3:54:23 PM]
IC Edition of The Shofar
The newest edition of The Shofar, BBYO's teen
newspaper, was distributed at International
Convention and mailed to BBYO members
worldwide. To request your copy, e-mail
At International Convention 1990, Joel Secter joined the members of AZA at a spirit
session, chanting the words to "Up You Men" over twenty times as they swarmed
around Camp Perlman. Today, he runs a motion picture company, producing and
directing commercials, music videos and independent films.
Teen Connection
18 Ways YOU Can Help BBYO
Are you a BBYO Alumni? Here are 18 ways that you can give back to the organization:
BBYO's Teen Connection program provides
opportunities for pre-highschoolers in
communities around North America. Click here
to learn more or email to
request a Teen Connection brochure.
Sign Up Now for Nitzotz, an Unforgettable
Community Service Experience
Do you want to make a difference in the world?
Based in a dynamic urban center, Nitzotz is your
opportunity to "give back" in a meaningful way.
Click here to register or learn more.
Become a Leader at CLTC
1. Refer BBYO to a Teen You Know – encourage a prospective teen to join
2. Join the Alumni Mentor Program – get paired with a Jewish teen who is
interested in your college. Email for more information.
3. Register Online for the Alumni Network – become a part of the Alumni
Network, search for old friends, set up your profile, sign up for and plan
events, and interact with other alumni from all over the world:
4. Attend an Alumni Event – reconnect with old friends, share memories, and
network with other professionals. Visit to find out about
upcoming events near you.
5. Read the BBYO Alumni Book – catch up on news from BBYO alumni around
the world in the Alumni Book, BBYO's alumni newsletter. Click here to read The
6. Serve as an Advisor – be a positive Jewish role model and help BBYO teens
reach their full potential. Click here to find out how.
7. Act as an Ambassador – share your love of BBYO.
8. Staff a BBYO Program – your time, passion, and effort can really make a
difference. Click here to find out how.
9. Promote the Alumni Network – help AZA and BBG alumni reconnect with the
organization that meant so much during their teen years:
10. Hire BBYO Teens or Alumni – offer a position to someone who you know has
strong leadership skills.
11. Wear Your BBYO Gear – take pride in this great organization. Click on to sport the latest BBYO styles.
12. Host an Alumni Event – take the initiative to plan and coordinate your own
alumni get-together. Email to coordinate an event.
13. Support BBYO Financially – ensure that the organization has the resources it
needs to involve more Jewish teens in more meaningful Jewish experiences.
Click here to donate now.
14. Encourage a Friend to Subscribe to the BBYO eNews - help fellow alumni
stay updated on the BBYO community. To subscribe, e-mail
15. Encourage Teens to Join – b-linked is BBYO's online networking
community for Jewish teens from around the world to connect with one
16. Identify Potential Donors – find those willing to support BBYO financially and
invite them to an event. E-mail
17. Travel to Israel on an Alumni birthright Trip – enjoy all Israel has to offer
with fellow BBYO Alumni. Click here to learn more.
18. Distribute Marketing Materials – Order marketing materials from to distribute to friends or colleagues who might share an
interest in BBYO's mission.
Lowell Adelson z'l[8/5/2014 3:54:23 PM]
Learn the basic skills of leadership through
hands-on experience at Chapter Leadership
Training Conference, a two week program for
BBYO members throughout the summer. Click
here to learn more about the program and for
dates and locations for each session.
Visit Israel this Summer with P2I
The 13th Grand Aleph Godol, Lowell Adelson, passed away on January 14, 2007, at the
age of 89. He lived a full life and was passionate about his family. Lowell was born and
raised in Oakland, California. He graduated from University High and from Cal Berkeley
with a B.S. degree.
Congratulations Shofar Fellows
BBYO congratulates alumni Adam Reingold and Erica Hymen on their acceptance to the
Shofar Fellowship. Adam Reingold is the Interim Teen Coordinator at the Peninsula
Jewish Community Center and Erica Hymen is the Diller Teen Fellows Coordinator and
Let's Go: Israel! Recruiter at the Bureau of Jewish Education. Erica and Adam are two
of 14 San Francisco Bay Area Jewish Teen Educators selected to participate in this
competitive and prestigious program.
BBYO Hosts Alumni Events Around the World
Registration is now open for all of BBYO's 2007
Passport to Israel trip options, including Trek
Israel, Israel Journey, Euro-Israel Journey and
ILSI! Visit for more
information and to register.
Save the Date for Evergreen Region Alumni Reunion
2006 Annual Report
In 2006, BBYO involved the largest number or
Jewish teens in more than two decades. To learn
more about BBYO's fiscal year 2006
accomplishments, visit to
download a copy of BBYO's Year in Review. Or,
Reconnect with BBYO friends and support Evergreen Region BBYO at a reunion this
May. Enjoy live music and spirits in Studio 116 at the Queen Anne in Seattle,
Washington on Saturday, May 5, 8-11pm. The cost for entry is $18. The event is
sponsored by the Evergreen BBYO Adult Advisory Commission. For more information,
contact Matt Lemchen, EGR BBYO Director at
Northern Virginia Council Celebrates 25 Years[8/5/2014 3:54:23 PM]
request a copy by emailing
Get Ready for Spring with Polos from
Northern Virginia Council of Northern Region East will honor its first BBYO director, Roz
Engels, at a reunion on Saturday, March 17, 8:30-11:00pm at the Jewish Community
Center of Northern Virginia. The cost per person is $36. Please RSVP no later than
March 2. For more information, e-mail
Canadian BBYO Alumni are Invited to a Happy Hour
AZA, BBG and BBYO polos are just a few of the
items available from the BBYO online store.
Check these items and more at
To submit news, events or comments
for the new BBYO e-Newsletter, e-mail
Forward the BBYO e-News to friends or
colleagues who might be interested.
Ensure you never miss our e-mails
because of your SPAM filters!
Click here and follow the directions.
You're invited to a BBYO Alumni Happy Hour in Toronto. Join alumni from around
Canada for this special event on Thursday, March 8, 6-10 pm at Safari Bar & Grill. The
cost is $20 in advance/$25 at the door. For more information, contact Debbie Silver at or 416.398.2004. Purchase tickets in advance, and you will be
entered to win 2 Leafs tickets for the March 13 game! News
New "Ask the Rabbi" Feature on!
The newest feature on is an "Ask the
Rabbi" section, where b-linked members can submit
questions to Shmuly, a rabbinical student at
Yeshivat Choverei Torah in New York. Shmuly has
taught and volunteered throughout the world in
Israel, Central American, Europe, Africa, Southeast
Asia and the former Soviet Union.
In the first month of the "Ask the Rabbi" section, Shmuly has answered questions
about Jewish views on tattoos, the death penalty, heaven, premarital sex and Hebrew
names. Your questions can be submitted by e-mailing or by
sending a b-linked message to Rav Shmuly. Check back often to see new questions
and answers.
Click here to learn more about Rav Shmuly!
imPACT is's new section for online social action opportunities. Right now,
Free the Soldiers is one outlet for users to get involved and make their
voices heard.
Join the effort to bring attention to the plight of the three kidnapped Israeli soldiers by
adding your name to the petition at Your efforts will help
ensure that families of missing soldiers know that they are not alone in their struggle
to bring their sons, their brothers and their husbands home. represents a broad base of national Jewish organizations and
community leaders that share a common urgency to advocate on behalf of Israeli
soldiers and their families. Click here to learn more.[8/5/2014 3:54:23 PM]
b-accepted News
Find a College Initiative Near You
BBYO is hosting college initiatives throughout the country. Here is what is coming soon:
March 9 & 10 - College Tour for Jewish Teens to the University of Kansas
March 18 - Los Angeles Hillel Council Admissions Conference and College Fair, cosponsored by BBYO
March 23-25 -- College Tour for Jewish Teens to Boston University, Tufts and
March 30 & 31 - College Tour for Jewish Teens to Western Michigan University &
Kalamazoo College
April 13-15 or 27-29 -- College Tour for Jewish Teens and Parents to Vanderbilt
For more information on b-accepted events, email Julie Fishman at
b-accepted Now Offers Summer Initiatives; Seeking
Staff for Project NYC
Project NYC: An Experience for Emerging Entrepreneurs is a
new 10-day summer experience for high school juniors and
seniors in New York City from July 22-31, 2007. Utilizing the
underlying theme of entrepreneurship, this program aims to
expose and educate Jewish teen participants to the following 4
professional worlds of New York City:
Finance and Wall Street
Marketing and Public Relations
We're looking for college and/or graduate students with interest and experience in one
of these areas to staff this program. Besides being a part of life-changing experience
for the teen participants, staff will be able to network with some of the highly
influential and successful industry leaders who are taking part in the program. The
position is paid. If you are interested, please contact Julie Fishman, Director of College
Initiatives at or 202.857.6562.
Regional News
Lake Ontario Region Comedy Night:
Come Laugh Your Tuchas Off
On December 9, teens from Lake Ontario
Region in Toronto, Ontario, Canada attended
a downtown comedy night specifically for
Jewish teens. With prize giveaways,
comedians and over 35 people in
attendance, the program was lots of laughs
for everyone involved.
The Regional Spirit Gavel Goes to Teen
Ambassadors at NRE Convention
The Richard Anderman Shalom BBYO Chapter (Shalom
BBYO) took an active role in Regional Convention,
held in December in Ocean City, Maryland. Shalom
BBYO is a chapter for teens with developmental
differences that was re-launched five years ago with
the financial support of Barbara Gervis Lubran. This is
the second year that members of Shalom BBYO[8/5/2014 3:54:23 PM]
attended convention. The successful inclusion
experience was culminated by the coveted AZA
Regional Spirit Gravel awarded to Shalom BBYO. It
was a tearful moment as 295 teens gave a standing
ovation to Shalom BBYO members, Stuart Zitomer
and Adam Hoffman, who accepted the gravel on behalf of their Chapter. READ
North Texas Oklahoma BBYO Surpasses Goal for Darfur Solar Cookers
North Texas Oklahoma Region BBYO members recently launched an effort to raise
$3,000 for solar ovens for Darfur refugees. The provision of these cookers will allow
the women of Darfur to stay in the safe confines of their camps, rather than leave to
search for firewood, making them vulnerable to rape, torture and murder. Assembly of
the stoves will also generate a livelihood for the women who otherwise have no source
of income. The BBYO members worked tirelessly to raise funds to help these women
live safely in the refugee camps, and their hard work paid off. They raised over
$6,000, doubling their fundraising goal for the project. This is just one way that BBYO
teens around the country are combating the genocide in Darfur. Click here to visit
BBYO's Darfur Activism Center, and find out what you can do to help.
Alumni Pay Visit to Ohio Northern Region's Leadership Training
Eight alumni of BBYO's Ohio Northern Region (ONR) recently visited with teens
attending ONR's Leadership Training Institute (LTI). During the hour-long program,
they spoke to the convention participants about the positive role that BBYO played on
their lives after high school and offered the teens advice on senior project ideas,
college applications, finding a job after college and networking opportunities.
BBYO In the News
In Birmingham, members of Magic City BBG collected books for Israeli students this
winter. Their efforts were recognized in the Deep South Jewish Voice of Birmingham,
AL (November 1, 2006).
The Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle of Milwaukee published a photograph of BBYO members
at a GaGa tournament at the AZA Maccabiah overnight in Wisconsin Region
(November 17, 2006).
The Canadian Jewish News featured a photograph of BBYO members in Toronto with
speaker Sally Wasserman for Holocaust Remembrance Week (November 23, 2006).
Lonestar Region's MIT/AIT program was featured in the Jewish Herald-Voice of
Houston, TX (November 23, 2006).
Northwest Canada Region's ongoing project to collect 6,000,000 pennies in
recognition of the Jews killed in the Holocaust was reported in the Jewish Free Press in
Calgary, Alberta, Canada (November 30, 2006).
In Central Region East, BBYO members participated in the second annual Mitzvah
Day in Wilmington, DE, reported the Jewish Voice of Wilmington (December 1, 2006).[8/5/2014 3:54:23 PM]
Members of Livingston AZA in New Jersey reached out to the homeless in a "Midnight
Run" program, reported the West Essex Tribune of Livingston, NJ (December 7, 2006).
BBYO Teens on Passport to Israel visited a program with Yad Sarah. They were
featured in the organization's newsletter (December 7, 2006). To view the newsletter,
click here.
Northstar Region BBYO members in Minneapolis, MN participated in a hospital game
night with local veterans; their photograph appeared in the American Jewish World in
Minneapolis (December 8, 2007).
Tulsa BBYO member Gena Pollack was featured in the Tulsa World of Tulsa, OK for
her efforts to raise money to purchase solar cookers for refugees in Darfur (December
13, 2006).
Jonah Rosenthal of Keystone Mountain Region was featured in an article about
Chanukah in the Pittsburgh Review-Tribune (December 15, 2006). To read the full
article, click here.
The Tribune Chronicle in Warren, OH announced Ohio Northern Region BBYO's
involvement in a program called "A Light Among National," a community celebration of
Chanukah (December 15, 2006).
Southern Region Adult Board members joined in support of Israel at an event in
Atlanta; the event was featured in the Atlanta Jewish Times (December 15, 2006).
BBYO Alumni Phil Glauben was named the president of the Alumni Association of the
Univeristy of North Texas; his appointment was announced in the Texas Jewish Post of
Fort Worth, TX (December 21, 2006).
Andi Perelman of Keystone Mountain Region was featured in the Jewish Chronicle
of Pittsburgh, PA for her involvement in BBYO's Ambassadors to Bulgaria program
(December 28, 2006).
The Eccentric of Birmingham, MI, and the Oakland Press of Pontiac, MI reported on
Michigan Region's winter regional convention (December 2006).
The Canadian Jewish News pictured BBYO teens from Lake Ontario Region with
donations from their toy drive (December 2006). To view the photograph, click here.
The Canadian Jewish News reported that BBYO teens in Winnipeg, Manitoba work
alongside the Jewish Children and Family Services and Certified Safety Checkers to
improve the quality of life for Jewish seniors in their own homes (January 4, 2007). To
view the full article, click here.
BBYO parents in North Texas Oklahoma region were invited to a financial
management workshop as reported by the Texas Jewish Post of Fort Worth, TX
(January 11, 2007).
The Jewish Herald-Voice of Houston, TX reported on Lonestar Region's winter
convention, held December 21-24. The convention, themed "No Day But Today" hosted
over 225 BBYO members (January 11, 2007).
In Nashville, TN, BBYO members were recognized by the Observer for their
achievements and awards at Cotton States' Regional Convention in December
(January 12, 2007).
The Canadian Jewish News announced that the AZAs in Toronto, Ontario will attempt
to break the Guinness world record for the longest indoor floor hockey marathon on
April 24; the current record is held by the BBYO chapter in Edmonton, Alberta (January
18, 2007).
Nassau Suffolk Region collected more than 1500 pounds of non-perishable food in a
winter food drive, reported the Newsday in Long Island, NY (January 21, 2007).
The Tulsa Jewish Review in Tulsa, OK; Texas Jewish Post in Forth Worth, TX; and
Jewish Herald-Voice in Houston, TX reported on BBYO's college tour to the University
of Texas (January 2007).
BBYO members attending the Panim and AIPAC High School Israel Summit were
featured in the JT News of Seattle, WA; Jewish Community Voice in Cherry Hill, NJ;
Ohio Jewish Chronicle in Colombus, OH; Atlanta Jewish Times in Atlanta, GA; New
Jersey Jewish Standard in Teaneck, NJ; Hebrew Watchman in Memphis, TN; New
Standard and New Albany News in Columbus, OH; (January 2007).
An article in the Orange County Review told the story of how two BBYO members from
Pennsylvania met in 1958 and were married 45 years later (February 2007). To read
the full article, click here.[8/5/2014 3:54:23 PM]
BBYO's International Convention at its Largest in Texas; Nearly 600
Jewish Teen Leaders Set Organizational Agenda and Elected 2007-08
Leadership (Continued)
"Keeping teenagers involved in Jewish life is a foremost priority in our community
today," said Houston Jewish Federation CEO Lee Wunsch, a BBYO alumnus and former
BBYO Regional Director. "BBYO does a great job of programming for teens and
inspiring in them a sense of leadership and responsibility."
"We were so excited that IC was in our home state this year and that more than 50
members from Texas were there," said local BBYO member Alex Raynor. "It was the
perfect place to host IC because BBYO has meant so much to so many people here –
including my entire family!" said Alex's twin sister, Callie. Both young women have just
been elected to serve on their regional BBYO board in Houston – following in their
parents' footsteps as active BBYO leaders. Stuart and Barbara Raynor met through
BBYO and have established successful careers in the Jewish community, Barbara as the
Director of Marketing and Communications at the Jewish Federation of Greater Houston
and Stuart as the Senior Associate Executive Director at the JCC of Houston.
"As the Executive-Vice President of the Jewish Federation of Greater Dallas, I am
delighted that IC was held in Texas," said Gary Weinstein, an alumnus of BBYO and
former Regional Director. "Texas has a long and valued history with BBYO, and we as
a community count hundreds of BBYO alumni as donors, community leaders and Jewish
professionals. My greatest Jewish experiences growing up were as a member of BBYO
– attending conventions, traveling to Israel, having a chapter named in memory of my
mother Ginny Weinstein. I am a Jewish professional because of the positive influence
of BBYO."
IC followed two days of "Execs," the annual meetings of teen presidents from BBYO's
40 international regions who defined the agenda on which the convention body acted.
Last year, an IC vote led to the designation of the American Jewish Joint Distribution
Committee (JDC) as the beneficiary of BBYO's teen philanthropy; a widespread
fundraising and educational campaign ensued, sparking a new level of activism among
BBYO's extensive international teen network and raising consciousness about the needs
of Jewish communities around the world. The teens have already raised over $35,000
through local efforts to support the JDC's critical mission.
Teens also discussed strengthening relations with overseas affiliates; enhancing ties
and programming with Israel; developing strategies to raise more charitable dollars for
the JDC; and creating resources for more consistent and widespread Jewish education
throughout the BBYO system. Teens participated in two Shabbat afternoon study
sessions on topics ranging from Jewish humor to leadership models to social action and
community service.
"IC was a monumental event, bringing together Jewish teens from all over the world to
discuss and set into motion strategies for making the future of the Jewish community
stronger," said Sheryl Eskowitz, Regional Director of Lonestar BBYO. "The teens we
saw at IC will no doubt be seen again assuming important roles in society," added
Sherrie Stalarow, Senior Executive Regional Director of North Texas-Oklahoma BBYO.
In addition to the formal business conducted at IC 2007, other highlights included:
The presentation of The David Bittker Advisor of the Year award to Ann Rubin
of Dallas, who has been involved as a volunteer advisor since 1975.
Story-telling and oratory competitions, a young men's sporting event/Israeli
military simulation, a young women's "Mind, Body, Attitude" program about
healthy lifestyle choices and political empowerment; and a dynamic, musical
Shabbat celebration.
Live performances by the Boston-based Jewish rock band, the Josh Nelson
Project, and Seattle-based teen band, Left at the Castle.
"For the past six months, I've met with teens around the world who prove to me that
we are capable of remarkable things," said Dina Finer of Tulsa, BBYO's International
Teen President. "We were so proud to preside over the largest IC in BBYO's history,"
added Finer's counterpart, Jeremy Gelman of Denver. "It showed us that teens want to
play an important role in shaping the Jewish future."
The March/April issue of the BBYO eNewsletter will report on the new members
of BBYO's International Board elected into office at IC and to be installed this
Back to Article
BBYO'S International Teen Board Conducts Business in Israel for First
Time (Continued)[8/5/2014 3:54:23 PM]
"Through our activities, we realized the importance of being strong leaders with big
dreams and demanding presences," said Aron Rosenberg, International Jewish Heritage,
Community Service and Social Action Vice President (Grand Aleph Shaliach), of their
afternoon spent at Rabin Square. "As was apparent through the life and death of Rabin
that strong leaders make or break the spirit and success of whatever it is they are
BBYO International Office professionals Kelly Brown, Director of Program Leadership
and Development, and Ian Kandel, International Programs Associate, designed and led
the program which allowed the teens to experience the culture and terrain of Israel,
while focusing specifically on the unique leadership styles and bold decisions that have
shaped the country into what it is today; Israel's unique history and constant struggles
for survival were used as platforms for discussion. At each stop along their travels, the
teens discovered an obstacle that Israeli leaders have overcome and were urged to
draw connections to their own challenges as leaders of BBYO.
A highlight of the trip involved a meeting with The American Jewish Joint Distribution
Committee (JDC) liason, Gideon Herscher, regarding BBYO's philanthropic partnership
with the organization. The JDC's AMEN project, which trains Israeli teens in the area of
social service, is currently the beneficiary of BBYO's teen philanthropy. The
organizations plan to expand their partnership to include initiatives enabling BBYO
teens to impact their local Jewish communities.
The teens also met with the national leaders of Tzameret, BBYO's partner youth
organization in Israel. They shared information about the missions of their
organizations and examined ways to strengthen the communication between members
of BBYO and Tzameret. This renewed connection will allow for a broader range of
Israel-focused programming among BBYO chapters.
"By connecting with the people and the history of the Israel, the International Board
was able to understand the essential nature of our organization's relationship with the
Jewish people as a whole," said Jason Wachs, International Membership Vice President
(Grand Aleph Moreh).
This trip to Israel was the first of its kind for BBYO's International Board. The group
generally meets in locations within the United States to work on programming and
organizational initiatives. The success of this pilot program will lead to further
international retreats by the board in order to bring them closer to the members they
serve worldwide.
Back to Article
NBC Universal Execs Give BBYO Valuable Face Time (Continued)
Marc Graboff, President of NBC Universal Television, West Coast, and Marc Saperstein,
Senior Executive Vice President Human Resources for NBC Universal, offered the staff
an engaging presentation entitled, "Differentiating Yourself as a Leader," during which
they applied their expertise in the entertainment field to the work that BBYO
professionals do each day.
"It's not every day that leading corporate executives take time out of their demanding
schedules to share their experience and advice with Jewish communal professionals,"
said Matthew Grossman, BBYO's Executive Director. "We are thrilled that Marc Graboff
and Marc Saperstein believe in the work that BBYO is doing so deeply that they'd
make us a priority."
Saperstein and Graboff are both passionately committed to the organization, as they
have seen the impact of a BBYO experience first-hand. Graboff was a BBYO member in
Los Angeles in the 1970's and attributes much of his professional success to skills he
learned as a teen in BBYO, particularly time management, public speaking, fiscal
responsibility and teamwork. Saperstein, whose daughter assumed a variety of
leadership roles in BBYO when she was a teenager, including International Secretary,
and whose wife is also an alumna, refers to the organization as an "incubator of
leadership development for young people."
In addition to the NBC Universal presentation, which also included the Universal
Hollywood tram tour and a premiere of a Universal Pictures movie, the BBYO team
spent four days gaining core skills necessary to achieve success with BBYO and to help
them achieve broader professional goals as they progress through their career.
Training workshops featured topics ranging from project management and group
facilitation to conflict resolution and risk taking.
Other highlights of the conference, attended by professionals from across North
America, as well as Israel and England, included a panel discussion led by two
psychotherapists on the topics of depression and eating disorders; Judaic learning,
including a private tour of the Skirball Cultural Center; and sessions focused on brand[8/5/2014 3:54:23 PM]
management, technology and work-life balance.
Marc Graboff was appointed President of NBC Universal Television, West Coast, in
January 2006. He oversees all business, financial, operational, and administrative
matters for NBC Entertainment, NBC Universal Television Studio, the NBC Agency and
NBC Universal Domestic Television Distribution. Graboff also oversees all business
affairs and physical production activities of the NBCU Television Group, which, in
addition to NBC Entertainment and NBC Universal Television Studio, includes the
entertainment cable networks USA Network, SCI FI Channel, and Bravo, as well as NBC
Universal Television Distribution.
Marc Saperstein is Senior Executive Vice President Human Resources for NBC Universal,
a division of General Electric. He is a 32-year veteran of GE, having served in human
resource roles in GE's Aircraft, Appliances, Financial Services, Healthcare, Power
Systems and Transportation Systems businesses. Marc also serves on BBYO's
International Board of Directors.
Back to Article
Make a Living By Making a Difference - BBYO Seeks Director of
Development (Continued)
The Director of Development will join BBYO during a period of unprecedented growth.
In a relatively short period of time, we have created a compelling strategic plan to
expand BBYO's market share from 20,000 to 50,000 Jewish teens, and have built a
budget surplus that allows us to make investments in quality individuals and cutting
edge technology to support these development efforts.
It should be noted that this may not be your typical development job. A major
challenge is to create direct marketing and viral marketing strategies for an alumni
database of more than 200,000 recently updated records. The Director of Development
will be responsible for strategically combining direct engagement of alumni with a
creative marketing program that targets major gifts.
Though we know the task will not be easy, BBYO has been fortunate in attracting a
number of the Jewish community's finest volunteer leaders. Lynn Schusterman, Howard
Wohl and others are major donors and each is committed to raising money on behalf
of BBYO. The Director of Development will work hand in glove with these individuals to
cultivate and solicit annual gifts of six and seven figures. In so doing, the new Director
will become acquainted with the Jewish community's leading philanthropists and grant
BBYO's talented professional staff is looking for someone who shares their enthusiasm
and sense of purpose. We are looking for a smart, charismatic individual who is willing
to take risks and hold her/himself to the highest standards. In doing so, this individual
will derive much satisfaction knowing that s/he is taking part in an endeavor that will
make the Jewish community significantly stronger.
We are open to both the go-getter with a few years under his/her belt or the
seasoned professional. The salary will be commensurate to the candidate's potential to
add value; depending on background and experience.
If you are interested in applying for the Director of Development position, or you are
interested in exploring other positions within BBYO, please visit
Back to Article
Looking for a Summer Job that Means So Much More than a Paycheck?
BBYO is looking for counselors and administrative staff as well as Jewish educators,
song-leaders, Israeli dance instructors, and arts specialists. BBYO summer staff have
an opportunity to:
Serve as role models
Develop important skills
Build their resumes
Explore a potential career
Earn a competitive salary
Make friends and network
Help shape the Jewish future
To learn more about BBYO summer programs, visit and click on Summer
Experiences. If you have outstanding leadership skills, a strong work ethic, a good
sense of humor and a passion for working with teens and building the Jewish future
contact Sarah Feldman at or 202.857.6639 for an application.[8/5/2014 3:54:23 PM]
Back to Article
From the Chairman of the Board – Howard Wohl (Continued)
At this writing I am only days away from my first encounter with International
Convention ("IC"). When I tell people I am headed for Waco, Texas, they are generally
stunned. For what Jewish life exists where David Koresh practiced, Dr. Pepper operates
and one of the local museums is dedicated to the memory of the Texas Rangers (the
state troopers, not the ball club). Yet what I've discovered is that Jewish life flourishes
in North America's small towns and cities as well as in our large cities and suburbs.
I am really looking forward to IC, and meeting with six hundred young leaders from
across Canada and the United States. Thus far, I have met hundreds of AZA and BBG
members who are, it seems, all enthusiastic and filled with a passion for the Jewish
people. Somehow, the BBYO name has long had the connotation of Jewish "lite", as if
it is more fraternity (or sorority) than a Jewish teen organization. One might say, it is
thought of as Hellenic rather than Jewish, a reversal of roles in our Chanukah story. If
ever that were true, it does not describe today's BBYO.
Our youth davven together, recite the Birkat Hamazon from memory and with fervor.
In a recent gathering of Israel advocacy groups, BBYO members represented by far the
largest contingent of youth in attendance. I have spoken with BBYO teens who have
taken on greater religious observance as well as rediscovering their roots and their
Jewish neshama. BBYO has taught many of our youth leadership skills that will be on
display at IC. I am looking forward to our youth-led activities that will be highlighted
by the selection of BBYO's new teen leadership. Grassroots democracy will be on
display and I know that my heart will be beating with excitement as well as deriving
enormous pride.
I look forward to reporting on my IC experience in Waco in the next eNewsletter!
Back to Article
Where Young Lives Takes Shape: Joel Secter (Continued)
As a member of AZA, Joel served as the Regional President (Godol) of Red River
Region in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada and International Secretary (Grand Aleph
Mazkir) in 1990-1991. As a new member of BBYO, Joel was inspired by his first
experience at a summer program and the "intense shared experiences" by BBYO
members worldwide. Like summer programs participants today, Joel's programs took
his BBYO experience to a different level, and he continued to staff programs for three
years after he graduated from the organization.
BBYO was not only where Joel developed a positive Jewish identity and indelible
connection with Israel, it is the place where he met many of his close friends and his
wife, Rachel Rodin. They served together as Regional Presidents (Godol and N'siah)
and International Secretaries (Mazkir and Mazkirah).
"In addition to all of the amazing friends I made in BBYO, I gained valuable leadership
skills; I learned to maintain personal integrity and lead by example, to be fair and
treat people equally, to be passionate and motivate a group to achieve its goals," said
While in BBYO, Joel had no idea that he would become a filmmaker. He stumbled
across the profession when he was 23 years old, making a film with his uncle, indie
film pioneer David Secter, in Los Angeles. Overnight, he became an Executive
Producer. Joel returned to Canada and worked on numerous film and television
productions before making his first film as director. "The Best of Secter & The Rest of
Secter" was awarded Best Documentary Film at the Whistler Film Festival and recently
aired on the Sundance Channel, Independent Film Channel and Canadian Broadcast
According to Joel, the filmmaking industry isn't all the glamour you would expect. In
his job, he spends days or weeks in planning meetings in order to accomplish one day
of filming. "To those who want to write, produce and direct," Joel says, "I would advise
following your passion and doing work that truly excites you. Be prolific because it is
only from doing that you learn a craft."
In addition to his work with motion pictures, Joel is involved with establishing Canada's
BBYO Alumni Network. Returning to BBYO as an adult is one way that Joel can reflect
on how rewarding his experience in the organization was and help secure its future.
Though it is often difficult to work with a region that he did not grow up in, Joel says
that overcoming that obstacle has made the experience very fulfilling.
Back to Article[8/5/2014 3:54:23 PM]
Lowell Adelson z'l (Continued)
When Lowell was in AZA, membership was limited to boys from age 16-21, so he
joined Oakland Chapter #42 in the fall of l933. The first year of his membership was
highlighted by a ten thousand mile, two-month motor trip to Washington, DC as the
youngest member of a five boy delegation. They brought home the Best Around
Chapter Award. They visited many cities in the USA and touched Mexico and Canada,
and received unbelievable hospitality from local AZA members. He made friendships
that became life long. Two that remain--Hy Haves of New Haven and Jerry Vogel of
South Bend, they still stay in touch by phone, telephone or email.
Lowell attended nine consecutive national conventions from l934 to l942, as a member,
delegate, grand counselor, Grand Aleph Godol, junior member of the Supreme Advisory
Council, Regional Field Secretary (District 4) and District Director (District 3). Lowell
was elected the 13th Grand Aleph Godol in l936. He knew all 12 GAGs who preceded
him, some quite well. At the 1940 national convention in Ohio, he was elected into the
AZA Legion of Honor, the youngest person ever elected.
After his career in BBYO, Lowell's first job was as an executive with B'nai B'rith in
Philadelphia. After serving in the Army overseas during WWII (in the 102nd Infantry
Division) and earning a Bronze Star medal, he succeeded in a number of business
positions including owning a coffee vending company in San Francisco named "Coffee
Time" and ending as a representative at Portsmouth Financial Services. In 1941 Lowell
married Ruth Moises of Seattle. Their wonderful union lasted over 50 years before
Ruth's untimely death in 1991. Since then he has been blessed with the loving
companionship of Rosalie Anixter. Lowell spent most of his free time playing golf,
usually at Lake Merced Golf Club, where he served as a president. He also closely
followed the activities of his many family members, kept in touch with survivors of his
army unit, and supported Cal athletics and alumni events. He has uniformly been
described as a man of extraordinary warmth and integrity, invariably upbeat, proud of
his heritage and progeny, and an eloquent speaker. He is survived by three children
and their spouses: Ken (Karen), Patti (Alan) and Mike (Amy); by five grandchildren
(Jen (Kevin), Eliot (Julie), Jeremy, Claire and Tillie); and by four great-grandchildren:
(Rylan, Brinley, Josh and Nate). Lowell's beloved mother, Tillie, and his close brother,
Vic, predeceased him.
As AZA's oldest living Grand Aleph Godol, Lowell Adelson was an inspiration to
us all.
To learn more about the life of Lowell Adelson, please visit
Back to Article
Congratulations Shofar Fellows (Continued)
The Shofar Fellowship: A Call to Leadership for Educators of Jewish Teens is a 12month professional development program is designed for educators of Jewish teens,
who wish to deepen their knowledge base, skill sets, and professionalism within the
field of Jewish Education. During the 2007 calendar year, Shofar Fellows will participate
in retreats, educational seminars, and an Israel seminar. Using a project-based
learning approach, the fellows will advance their capacity to engage teens Jewishly and
will advance themselves as professionals.
Shofar is a project of the Bureau of Jewish Education of San Francisco, the Peninsula,
Marin and Sonoma Counties and the Center for Jewish Living and Learning in the East
Bay. The project is funded in part by the Richard and Rhoda Goldman Fund; the Jewish
Community Federation of San Francisco, the Peninsula, Marin and Sonoma Counties;
and the Jewish Community Federation of the Greater East Bay.
Please join us in congratulating Adam Reingold and Erica Hymen. For more information
about the program please contact Shofar Fellowship Director, Jennifer Mangel: or 415.751.6983 x111.
Back to Article
The Regional Spirit Gavel Goes to Teen Ambassadors at NRE Convention
The two Shalom BBYO members, Stuart and Adam, participated in almost every
activity at the convention. Adam enjoyed hanging out with Melech AZA members who
were very inviting, while Stuart was typically found hanging with Oseh Shalom BBYO,
mainly because of "the ladies." Both teens were invited to sit and eat together with
other teens. True to their personalities, Stuart enjoyed singing Chanukah songs in
front of a crowd during Coffeehouse Night and meeting new and old friends; Adam had[8/5/2014 3:54:23 PM]
fun participating in programs such as a human-sized game of ring toss and a pirate
scavenger hunt.
Adam Soffrin, Shalom BBYO advisor and Melech AZA alumnus ('02) observed that
because the staff and teens were all so welcoming and accommodating, Shalom BBYO
teens were able to enjoy their independence at the conference.
For additional information about BBYO programming for Jewish teens with
developmental differences, contact Limor Hartman, Northern Region East Special Needs
Director, at or 301.984.6073.
Back to Article
BBYO is the leading pluralistic Jewish teen movement aspiring to involve more Jewish teens in more meaningful Jewish experiences. For more
than 80 years, AZA and BBG chapters in communities around the world have been providing exceptional leadership programs and identity
enrichment experiences, shaping the lives of 250,000 alumni who are among the most prominent figures in business, politics, academia, the arts
and Jewish communal life. Now, more than ever, BBYO offers unique opportunities for teens to connect with one another, serve their
communities, navigate the college admissions process and travel the world, providing each participant with a network of lifelong friends, a
perspective which adds value and meaning to life and a shared commitment to strengthening the Jewish future.
BBYO, Inc. · 2020 K Street NW, 7th Floor · Washington, DC 20006 · ·[8/5/2014 3:54:23 PM]
Click here to make your
contribution and help secure
the Jewish future.
March & April eNewsletter
BBYO is pleased to introduce b-informed - the newly branded
version of the BBYO eNewsletter. We hope you enjoy the same
great information on BBYO's people and programs in an updated
format. Please feel free to share comments with
BBYO, Inc. News
Click here to join an AZA or
BBG chapter in your area.
BBYO has just been featured in an article, entitled "The Rebirth of
BBYO," published by the JTA. The article, which has been
subsequently reported by several leading Jewish publications,
including The Jerusalem Post, portrays the significant progress that
BBYO has made since becoming an independent organization five
years ago.
Click here to learn more about
Teen Connection, BBYO's
program for pre-highschoolers.
As the article indicates, BBYO's success would not be possible
without the strong leadership and financial generosity of so many.
Thank you for being a part of BBYO's rebirth!
To read the article in full: Click here. Be sure to post a comment
and rate the article to show your support for the BBYO community!
To support BBYO philanthropically: Click here
Click here to sign up for
Passport to Israel.
As we acknowledge BBYO's first five years as an independent
organization, we must always remember that the organization we
are today was crafted from a proud history and the celebration of
traditions which are as much a part of BBYO today as they were 84
years ago. As our teens look to their parents when celebrating their
milestones, we must also look to our parent with gratitude for
bringing us to this day. In this case, our parent is the parent of
some of the most successful Jewish organizations in our community
– B'nai B'rith.
[read more]
Click here to visit,
the largest online community
exclusively for Jewish teens.
Teens Convened in Texas to Set New Membership Goals, Elect
New Leadership and Inspire Community Service and Social
Action Involvement in BBYO Communities around the World
Click here to reconnect with
BBYO Alumni around the world.
Nearly 600 Jewish teens from virtually every corner of North
America, as well as Israel and Europe, gathered in Bruceville, Texas
for BBYO's International Convention – the largest "IC" in BBYO's
80+-year history. For five days, the teens focused on growing their
community, electing their new leaders and developing programs in
the areas of community service and social action.
[read more]
Click here to register for a 2007
BBYO Summer Experience.
Click here to purchase BBYO
Summer Gear!
To submit news, events or
comments for the new BBYO
e-Newsletter, e-mail
Jason Wachs of Cleveland, OH and Renee Sharon of Charlotte,
NC, were elected at BBYO's International Convention to serve as
the Grand Aleph Godol and International N'siah of BBYO. Their
terms will begin in June 2007. The pair will follow Jeremy Gelman of
Denver, CO and Dina Finer of Tulsa, OK, who currently serve as
the International Presidents. [read more]
Forward the BBYO e-News to
friends or colleagues who might
be interested.
Ensure you never miss our emails because of your SPAM
filters! Click here and follow the
directions.[8/5/2014 3:55:25 PM]
In the last eNews, I mentioned that I was headed to International
Convention ("IC") in Waco, Texas. Well, it wasn't actually in Waco,
but at URJ's Greene Family Camp in Bruceville, Texas, a few miles
south. The Greene Family Camp is the largest winterized facility
BBYO could find in North America. Housing six hundred
enthusiastic BBYO teens and nearly one hundred BBYO staff along
with a few lay leaders, we all had a terrific time. I don't know what
the normal temperature is over the President's Holiday weekend in
Waco, but it was as cold outside as it was warm inside.
[read more]
Advisor Serves as Role Model for Future Jewish Leaders
BBYO is proud to announce Ann Rubin as the 2007 recipient of The
David Bittker Unsung Hero Award. Rubin has served as the advisor
to Ginny Weinstein BBG #1604, a 70-member girl's chapter in
Dallas, TX, for nine years. Her involvement with the organization
extends back to 1976 and includes service as a BBYO North TexasOklahoma board member, as well as a BBYO professional.
[read more]
On Sunday, May 6th, when more than 1 million people converge on
the most infamous street in the world to show their support for
Israel, BBYO will be there with the largest teen delegation.
Hundreds of Jewish teens and their families will come from the local
New York region, and from as far as Michigan, to form a 500 strong
delegation to march on New York City's Fifth Avenue as part of the
Salute to Israel Parade, the single largest gathering in the world in
support of Israel.
[read more]
Inspiring a Lifelong Commitment to Community Service
BBYO's Nitzotz Community Service Experience instills in its
participants the responsibility – and desire – to continue giving back
to their communities throughout their lives. For Scott Berger of
Atlanta, GA, participating and coordinating Nitzotz has created a
culture of service that permeates his college career and will
continue into his future.
[read more]
On April 22, Jewish teens around the country participated in JServe, a national day of community service. J-Serve is the Jewish
component of the National Youth Service Day and Global Service
Day, which have been in existence since the 1980s. J-Serve is the
Jewish piece of an annual day of service for youth throughout the
world. It is a day on which Jewish teens join their counterparts in
other faith communities, cities and countries in giving of their time to
serve the communities in which they live. This year, BBYO members
around the country joined J-Serve for a day of community service
[read more]
Are you looking for a job that allows you to make a difference while
earning a paycheck? BBYO is currently hiring program professionals
in the following cities: San Francisco, St. Louis, Cleveland,
Washington, DC, and Milwaukee. Additionally, we are searching
for a Director of Development to work out of BBYO's
headquarters in Washington, DC and an Area Director for the DC
If you would like more information on the jobs currently available or
are interested in applying, please email Rebecca Rottenberg,
Human Resources Coordinator, at You can
also visit our website,, to find out more!
Alumni News
Where Young Lives Take Shape: Alex Goldman[8/5/2014 3:55:25 PM]
According to Alex Goldman, serving as Regional President (Godol)
of the Big Apple Region was his first full-time job. And, it is this start
with BBYO that has enabled him to establish a successful career
with his family business.
[read more]
Upcoming Events:
Long Island, New York Alumni Event is Expected to be a Holein-One
On Monday, April 30, join Nassau - Suffolk Region for the third
annual Golf Classic at the Island Hills Golf and Country Club. The
Golf Classic is an all-day event featuring golf games, a dinner, an
awards reception and raffle. Sponsorship opportunities are
available. For more information, contact Dennis Ingberg at
Don't Miss the Las Vegas, Nevada Alumni Event
Save the date for a BBYO alumni weekend May 4-6, 2007. Join
BBYO alumni in the Las Vegas area for Shabbat dinner on Friday
night, a gala event at the Venetian on Saturday and a family picnic
on Sunday. For more information, contact Neil Popish at
702.794.0090 or
Reconnect at a Seattle, Washington Alumni Event
Reconnect with your BBYO friends and support Evergreen BBYO
programming while enjoying live music and spirits. The event will
take place on May 5, 2007 from 8-11pm at Studio 116 at Queen
Anne in Seattle. Cost per person is $18. The event is being
sponsored by the Evergreen BBYO Adult Advisory Commission. For
more information, contact Matt Lemchen at
Mark Your Calendar for the Southfield, Michigan Chapter
Alumni Reunion
Join the alumni of Gen. Maurice Rose AZA #656 of Michigan
Region for a reunion at Mr. Joe's in Southfield, Michigan. The event
will tentatively be held on Sunday, June 3 at 6:00 p.m. For more
information, contact Ted Efros at 248.865.0055 or Micky Rosner at
b-linked News[8/5/2014 3:55:25 PM]
It's Israel Month on b-linked
Shalom Chaverim! April marks Israel Month on, the
premier social networking community for Jewish teens. b-linked is
spreading Israel appreciation throughout our network of over 13,000
Jewish teens from around the world. We're celebrating all month
with an online chat with Israeli teens, Hebrew Slang word-of-theday, an online Israel program share, Israel trivia and more! b-linked
is also excited to welcome over 50 teens from Tzameret, BBYO's
partner in Israel, to our online community. These Israeli teens joined
in a dialogue with North American teens on Sunday, April 22 to
compare teen life in Israel and America. b-linked is building bridges
with our partners in the Jewish State and April is just the beginning!
"Why I'm addicted to"
Joel, 17 years old, of Bala Cynwyd, PA
Ok, so I admit it, I'm pretty much obsessed with b-linked. Luckily,
pretty much everyone I hang out with is equally as obsessed, which
makes the website even better. It's also awesome that a lot of the
people I talk to on b-linked aren't even local friends. I made friends
with people in Bulgaria, Israel, California, Texas, New York, and in
my area. I find myself checking constantly to see if I've gotten new
b-linked messages and updates. b-linked is really user-friendly with
features that keep me hooked for hours. I send messages, write like
a billion shout-outs on people's profiles, and join groups for those
who like the same music and movies as I do. I also register for all
of my BBYO events online without the hassle of forms and snail
I like how b-linked is a lot safer than other websites like Myspace
and Facebook, and I can communicate with just Jewish teens. It's
nice to see that there are so many people like me online and talking
on b-linked. Hanging out and talking with people on b-linked is a lot
of fun and I even get my Jewish friends from school and from my
JCC on it so I can talk to them there. All in all I'm pretty crazy about
b-linked and all of its awesome features. I mean, with all of the cool
things a Jewish teen can do on there, who wouldn't be? See you
on b-linked!
b-accepted news:
Nassau Suffolk Region Teens Visit Universities in Boston[8/5/2014 3:55:25 PM]
Nassau-Suffolk region is abuzz after 24 sophomores, juniors and
seniors went to Boston University, Tufts University and Brandeis
University from March 23-25th. At the various campuses, BBYO
alumni led tours for the teens, providing a realistic and honest
impression of the schools. A scavenger hunt at Tufts gave
participants the opportunity to learn about the campus while having
fun. Additionally, the teens took part in a round robin program about
college admissions, Jewish identity, college life and time
management, giving them the chance to learn about important
aspects of college from peers rather than in a classroom. The teens
shared in Shabbat dinner and services at Brandeis on Friday night
and at Boston University on Saturday. Joining the Hillel groups for
services gave participants a first-hand glimpse at the types of
Shabbat experiences they could look forward to on campus.
Amanda Marcus, Assistant Regional Director of Nassau-Suffolk
Region said, "It was the best feeling in the world to watch these
young leaders take the stress out of the college process for even
one weekend and learn to enjoy it. NSR youth are already looking
to expand the tour to include additional schools next year."
Pacific Coast Region Co-Sponsors College Fair
The Pacific Coast Region co-sponsored the LA Hillel Council's Get
into College Fair for the second year in a row. BBYO had a booth
which drew teens and parents interested in BBYO's college-related
program offerings as well as leadership training and Israel
programs. This year, the BBYO session, "The Real Deal," which
drew over twenty teens, addressed the real issues of the college
search and admissions process.
Regional News
Grand Aleph Godol Visits Southern Region – Dixie Council
On March 25, International President (Grand Aleph Godol) Jeremy
Gelman visited AZA chapters in Columbia, SC. Together, they
held a discussion on anti-Semitism and being Jewish in the 21st
century. After the program, Jeremy was presented the "Key to the
City" by state senator and BBYO Alumni, Joel Lourie.
Rocky Mountain B'nai B'rith Girls and Moms are Knockouts[8/5/2014 3:55:25 PM]
On Sunday, April 15, Rocky Mountain Region BBG hosted "I'm A
Knockout" - a mother/daughter night out designed to promote
female empowerment. With over 200 mothers and daughters in
attendance, the energy level was fantastic.
[read more]
Wisconsin Region BBG Present Walk-a-Thon Donation for
Cancer Research
Wisconsin Region B'nai B'rith Girls presented a check of $2,250 to
the cancer research center of the Medical College of Wisconsin as
the result of a walk-a-thon they held in Fall ‘06. They toured the
center and met some of the researchers who work every day to find
a cure for pediatric cancer. To read the feature on the college's
website, click here.
Cotton States Region Collects Books for Israel
Cotton States Region collected nearly 1,600 books for the Jade
Bar Shalom Books for Israel Project, an international grassroots
effort to provide direct help to Israel's students and teachers during
a time of terror and uncertainty. The books were sent to the
Midreshet Ben Gurion Library in the Negev and a group of schools
in Lev Hasharon, specifically the middle school of 940 students.
"The countless hours spent laboring over tape, books, labels, and
boxes were worth every single second, because we knew that those
books were going to children who truly needed them," said Debbie
Bitran of Birmingham, AL.
[read more]
North Texas Oklahoma Region Holds Leadership Series in
Dallas[8/5/2014 3:55:25 PM]
In Dallas, Texas, NTO Regional Director Sherrie Stalarow, led a
leadership seminar series for BBYO members in the area. Teens
were recommended for the program by their chapter advisors for
demonstrating exceptional leadership potential in their chapters.
The four-week program included interactive activities and
discussions regarding the qualities that make up a leader, mistakes
that leaders make and leadership within the Jewish community. At
the end of the program, the participants held a "graduation
ceremony" where teens gave speeches about what they had gained
from the experience.
Mountain Region Stays "Up All Night for Israel"
In Mountain Region, 75 teens gathered for "Up All Night for Israel,"
an overnight Israel awareness program, held on March 24. With a
grant from the Jewish Foundation and partnership with Jess
Schwartz High School, the program was a great success. An Israeli
DJ got the night started and the participants ran through an obstacle
course, wrote letters to soldiers, learned about Israel's history
through music and watched an Israeli film. Teens also participated
in a live chat with Israeli BBYO members and talked about politics,
drugs, Iraq and safety in Israel.
200 DC Teens Gather for Service and Leadership Weekend
BBYO Convenes Pre-Passover Retreat to Promote
Volunteerism, Interfaith Dialogue and Jewish Values
The Washington, DC region of BBYO hosted a community service
retreat March 16-18, which included a keynote address by Rev.
Dana Ashton of Bethel AME Church in Baltimore. Two hundred[8/5/2014 3:55:25 PM]
teens from Northern Virginia, Maryland and Washington gathered at
the Pearlstone Retreat Center in Reisterstown, where educators,
Rabbis and social service professionals facilitated discussions and
activities designed to engage teens in volunteerism as a civic
responsibility. The weekend concluded with four hands-on
community service projects held at different locations in the
Washington metro area.
[read more]
In The News
BBYO members from Lake Ontario Region will join USY members
on a Canadian community service trip to New Orleans, reported the
Canadian Jewish News. Click here to view the entire article.
BBYO members attending the Panim and AIPAC High School
Israel Summit were featured in the Detroit Jewish News of
Southfield, MI and the New Jersey Standard of Teaneck, NJ
(January 2007).
The Jewish Herald-Voice of Houston, TX announced the new
officers and beau nominees of Malev BBG in Lonestar Region
(January 25, 2007).
The Jewish Herald-Voice of Houston, TX reported that Lonestar
Region recognized Roselle Smith of San Antonio, TX for her
outstanding work as an advisor and supporter of BBYO in San
Antonio with the Beau and Abe Merfish Malach Award (January 25,
BBYO's Passport to Israel program was included among the many
ways that Jewish teens are meeting one another in the Jewish
Exponent of Philadelphia, PA (January 25, 2007).
BBYO's Passport to Israel programs were included in an article in
the Cleveland Jewish News of Cleveland, OH, regarding Israel travel
opportunities for teens (January 26, 2007).
An article in the Cleveland Jewish News in Cleveland, OH reported
on International VP membership (Grand Aleph Moreh) Jason
Wach's experiences in Israel with BBYO's International Board this
winter (January 26, 2007).
Cotton States Region BBYO members participated in the
Tzedahak Tzunday program with the Jewish Federation in Nashville,
TN (January 26, 2007).
Cotton States Region BBYO members in Memphis, OH
participated in the Federation's Super Sunday by collecting art
supplies, working with the Child Advocacy Center and other
tzedakah projects, reported the Hebrew Watchman of Memphis
(January 18, January 25, February 1, 2007).
The Jewish Herald-Voice of Houston, TX announced the election
results of Barnston BBG in Lonestar Region (February 1, 2007).
BBYO Alumni and Georgia state senator David Adelman was
featured in an article in the Atlanta Jewish Times for his active
participation in the Atlanta Jewish community while serving in public
office (February 2, 2007).
The Jewish Reporter of Las Vegas announced an upcoming alumni
reunion that is scheduled for May 5 (February 2, 2007).
In Gallipolis, OH, the Jewish Foundation offers grants for high
schoolers to travel on Israel programs; BBYO's Passport to Israel
and Alexander Muss High School in Israel programs were
included in the programs available for teens, mentioned by the
Sunday Times-Sentinel (February 4, 2007).
Samantha Ginsburg of Cotton States Region wrote an article for
the Hebrew Watchman in Memphis about her experiences in Israel
with BBYO's Passport to Israel Journey program (February 8,
2007).[8/5/2014 3:55:25 PM]
The Jewish Herald-Voice of Houston, TX announced the election
and installation ceremony for Cyrus Adler AZA of Lonestar
Region (February 8, 2007).
The election results of the five BBYO chapters in Memphis were
announced in the Hebrew Watchman of Memphis, TN (February 8,
Lonestar Region's newly elected regional boards were pictured in
the Jewish Herald-Voice of Houston, TX (February 8, 2007).
Ohio Northern Region's Beau-Sweetheart convention was
featured in the Cleveland Jewish News of Cleveland, OH (February
9, 2007).
The Las Vegas Israelite of Las Vegas, NV promoted the upcoming
Teen Connection weekend trip to California Adventure (February
9, 2007).
In East Orange, NJ, the New Jersey Jewish News publicized a
Greater Jersey Hudson River Region BBYO co-sponsored Book
Fest at the JCC (February 22, 2007).
Lonestar Region's Leadership Institute was featured in the Jewish
Herald-Voice of Houston, TX (February 22, 2007).
Rocky Mountain Region hosted a concert by RebbeSoul on March
10. An article in the Intermountain Jewish News of Denver, CO
announced the concert and highlighted the BBYO adult board
members who put the event together (February 23, 2007).
Rocky Mountain Region's programming with people who have
developmental disabilities was featured in the Intermountain Jewish
News of Denver, CO (February 23, 2007).
In Canton, OH, the Stark Jewish News announced a Kosher for
Passover candy sale by the local BBG and AZA chapters (February
The Dayton Jewish Observer in Dayton, OH announced the results
of the chapter elections for Hatikvah BBG in Kentucky-IndianaOhio Region (February 2007).
The Jewish Journal of San Antonio printed a picture of San
Antonio BBYO members at Lonestar Region's winter convention
(February 2007).
The Chicago Jewish News, the Jewish Press of Omaha, NE; the
Jewish Journal of Los Angeles, CA; Atlanta Jewish Times of
Atlanta, GA; and the Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle of Milwaukee, WI,
announced BBYO Summer Experiences and Passport to Israel
travel opportunities for teens (January-February 2007).
Philadelphia Region BBYO member, Aliza Kahn, participated in a
video conference with Israeli and American teens in a program with
the local Jewish Federation. The article appeared both online and in
the Jewish Exponent of Philadelphia, PA. Click here to view the
entire article (March 1, 2007).
The Farmington Observer of Farmington, MI; Detroit Jewish News
of Southfield, MI; Eccentric of West Bloomfield, MI; and Southfield
Eccentric of Southfield, MI announced Michigan Region's
Membership Kickoff Day, which was held on March 11 (March 1,
BBYO programs and leaders were featured in an article in The Ohio
Jewish Chronicle of Columbus, OH. The article focused on Andrew
Igdaloff's election to the position of International VP Membership
(Moreh) and the successful programs throughout Kentucky Indiana
Ohio Region (March 1, 2007).
The Observer and Eccentric newspapers of Michigan published
announcements about Michigan Region BBYO's fashion show on
March 10. The announcement appeared in 19 editions of the
publications throughout the Detroit suburbs (March 1 and 8, 2007).
Congratulations to BBYO Southwest Area Director Rachel[8/5/2014 3:55:25 PM]
Hochheiser on her engagement to Scott Alan. The announcement
was posted in the Detroit Jewish News of Southfield, MI (March 8,
Shapiro AZA of Lonestar Region shared their events with readers
of the Jewish Herald-Voice of Houston, TX (March 8, 2007).
Lonestar Region's International Convention delegation was
pictured along with an article about the region's efforts in co-hosting
the convention. The Jewish Herald-Voice of Houston, TX article
also reported Lonestar's award recognitions from the convention
(March 8, 2007).
A Jewish comedy workshop co-sponsored by New England
Region BBYO was announced in the Daily Hampshire Gazette of
Northampton, MA (March 8, 2007).
The Sun Messenger and Sun Press of Cleveland, OH featured
Jason Wachs' election to serve at the International President
(Grand Aleph Godol) for the 2007-08 term, which begins this
summer (March 8, 2007).
The Hebrew Watchman of Memphis, TN published an article by
Cotton States Region BBYO member Zach Hanover about his
Passport to Israel experience (March 8, 2007).
Atlanta Council's Talent Show was announced in the Atlanta
Constitution of Atlanta, GA (March 9, 2007).
Miami Region President (N'siah), Nicole Salzman, is bringing a
mother/daughter self defense program to the JCC; the event was
announced in the Miami Herald of Miami, FL (March 11, 2007).
The Jewish Herald-Voice of Houston, TX announced that Lonestar
Region's Kallah program will be held at the Merfish Teen Center in
Houston (March 15, 2007).
The Reporter of Vestal, NY reported that Binghamton BBYO
members attended Central Region East's "Tournies" convention
(March 16, 2007).
Central Region East's Regional Kallah will be held in Binghamton,
announced the Reporter of Vestal, NY (March 16, 2007).
Congratulations to Nadov BBYO, the newest chapter in
Connecticut Valley Region. The chapter was started by Gabrielle
Clare, reported the Connecticut Jewish Ledger of West Hartford,
CT (March 16, 2007).
The Jewish Voice of Wilmington, DE published an article by Dana
Solge and Megan Collins, Central Region East BBYO members
who participated in "Tournies" convention (March 16, 2007).
Shane Kleinstein of Rocky Mountain Region was featured as a
weekly "Top Kid" in the Denver Post for creating a group called
YAGID (Youth Against Genocide In Darfur), outstanding academic
achievement and holding the position of president (N'siah) of her
region. Click here to view the entire article (March 26, 2007).
The online magazine, Teen Ink, published a story by Rebecca
Bever of Mountain Region about her trip to Israel and feelings
about the current Middle East conflict. Click here to view the entire
BBYO alumni from Tulsa, OK spent their winter in Israel on
"birthright" and "Leading Up North" programs. The teens were
pictured in the Tulsa Jewish Review (March 2007).
Lonestar Region honored San Antonio advisor Roselle Smith with
the Beau and Abe Merfish Malach Award for her impact on the
BBYO community. The Jewish Journal of San Antonio reported on
the award and Smith's accomplishments (March 2007).
The Times-Tribute of Scranton, PA announced a Central Region
East BBYO-sponsored hotdog eating contest, where the winner
consumed 17 hotdogs and buns. Click here to view the entire article
(April 5, 2007).[8/5/2014 3:55:25 PM]
In looking back at these five years, we must acknowledge the
difficult decision that B'nai B'rith made in allowing its prized child an
opportunity to stand on its own. This decision was made after
intense deliberation that never strayed from B'nai B'rith's
commitment to BBYO's needs and best interests. Today, B'nai B'rith
remains one of BBYO's most significant funders and programmatic
partners in transmitting values and pride to a new generation.
BBYO's youth leaders recently passed a resolution linking their
Founder's Days to their legacy with B'nai B'rith. Each spring BBYO
chapters and B'nai B'rith lodges will have a joint program exploring
some aspect of Jewish history as BBYO and B'nai B'rith members
interact and explore their common background.
"It gives me great pride that our youth leaders have the desire to
respect and explore their past," said Matthew Grossman, BBYO's
Executive Director.
As we look back at the history of BBYO, whether it be over a period
of five years or five decades, no one can deny that we would not
have reached this point without the support of a caring parent. For
we share in name the lesson that we have taught to generations of
Jews - we are all children of the covenant.
"BBYO exists to help you unleash your unlimited potential, to hone
those skills and understand the values that will enable you to make
the world a better place," said Matthew Grossman, BBYO's
Executive Director, in an address to the organization's top teen
leaders. "BBYO gives us a structure to speak with one voice, to
inspire new ideas, to challenge each other, and to create
relationships that will enable us to pursue this mandate and all of
the ideals and values found in living a Jewish life, throughout our
Following are a few of the key projects that were initiated by over
80 regional presidents during "Execs," two days of meetings prior to
IC, and were subsequently acted upon by the convention body:
The teens created a plan to increase education about the
American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), the
beneficiary of BBYO's teen philanthropic efforts, expected
to raise $50,000;
Developed new programs to reach more Jewish teens and
set a goal to recruit 18,000 members by June 2007;
Worked to strengthen the connection between BBYO
members in North America and abroad through Judaic
programming, international visits and online initiatives; and
Created a standing membership committee to help regions
across the world establish new chapters.
"I loved participating in such a huge BBYO event," said Melissa
Schwager, a BBYO member from Tucson, AZ. "It was inspiring to
be around so many motivated people with the same goals as me.
We spent five days working together to improve BBYO and our
Jewish future."
Additional IC highlights included:
A presentation by teen representatives from the United
Kingdom, Bulgaria and Israel.
A program for seniors focused on giving back to the Jewish
community after graduation.
An information session by the JDC showing how BBYO's
fundraising efforts are impacting people around the world.[8/5/2014 3:55:25 PM]
A ceremony honoring the memories of BBYO alumnus,
British activist and politician Alan Sennitt; philanthropist
Andrea Bronfman; and the Israeli victims of Hezbollah
Recognition of BBYO's Advisor of the Year, Ann Rubin of
Dallas, TX.
IC also provided the opportunity for BBYO's teen presidents,
Jeremy Gelman of Denver, CO and Dina Finer of Tulsa, OK, to
deliver powerful keynote addresses. Participants at IC were inspired
by their messages which focused on creating concrete goals for
increasing membership and social action involvement within the
BBYO community. They also stressed the need to utilize BBYO's
resources like - BBYO's online social networking
community - for connecting with other Jewish teens around the
world and creating dynamic local programs.
" BBYO is constantly creating new programs and initiatives to help
its members reach their goals for college admissions, community
service and finding a deeper connection to Judaism and the Jewish
community," said Finer. "It is the teen leaders of the organization
who further the development of these programs and propel BBYO
towards a strong, promising future."
Gelman and Finer also had the opportunity to oversee the
democratic elections of ten International Board representatives,
whose terms will begin this summer. Jason Wachs of Cleveland, OH
and Renee Sharon of Charlotte, NC were elected to serve at the
helm of BBYO through the 2007-08 programming year.
IC's formal business agenda and social action workshops were
balanced with activities that enabled the participants from over 40
different regions and councils to establish new friendships while
connecting to their Judaism on a meaningful level. IC began with a
special Opening Ceremonies concert featuring the popular BBYO
rock band from Seattle, WA, Left at the Castle. Throughout the
week, teens enjoyed the revival of traditional BBYO storytelling and
oratory competitions, separate BBG and AZA programming, varied
Judaic programming on Shabbat and camel rides to promote Israel
travel through BBYO's Passport to Israel program.
"A culture of excellence demands that we achieve the ambitious
vision before us," said Gelman. "Tonight, we embrace the
expectation that excellence requires of us and we hold ourselves
above even that expectation."
Wachs and Sharon will each defer their first year of college to
spend the 2007-08 term assisting Jewish high school students in
creating strong, dynamic programming; modeling leadership;
representing teens at major communal gatherings; and encouraging
involvement in the broad spectrum of Jewish life and activities.
"The responsibility which is entrusted to teenagers throughout BBYO
teaches great lessons on the indispensable skill of working with
people and the necessity of using the abundant resources which
BBYO possesses," said Wachs.
"Jason has been such a great leader in our community," said
Regina Krieger, Jason's Regional Director in ONR. "I know that the
sky is the limit for where Jason will go in his life and that he will
make a difference as the Grand Aleph Godol of BBYO and in the
Wachs has been actively involved with ONR for four years and is
currently serving as the International Vice President of Membership
for the worldwide organization. Sharon has been a member of
Eastern Region for four years and is currently serving as the
President of her council.[8/5/2014 3:55:25 PM]
"In a world that is run by adults, BBYO gives teenagers the ability to
let their voices be heard," said Sharon. "It gives us the opportunity
to experience things we would otherwise not have the chance to
Both teens have tremendous goals ahead of them. Wachs' agenda
includes strengthening the relationship between North American
BBYO members and those overseas, using new technology to
effectively educate new members and increasing involvement in
local communities. In addition, Sharon will work to encourage
greater participation at international summer programs, develop
stronger communication between the International Board and
members of BBYO and create more opportunities for BBYO
members to travel, learn and connect to one another.
"Renee is creative, energetic and passionate about Judaism and
BBYO," said BBYO's Eastern Region Executive Regional Director,
Ellen Goldstein. "Eastern Region is thrilled that Renee will have the
opportunity to share her enthusiasm with teens across the US and
abroad. We are proud of Renee's accomplishments and know she
will serve as a positive role model for her peers."
In addition to Sharon, the new International leaders of BBG include:
VP of Programming, Ali Greenberg of Miami, FL; VP of
Membership, Lauren Shenfeld of Los Angeles, CA; Secretary and
Treasurer, Emily Rosenfeld of Dallas, TX; and Jewish and Israel
Education, Community Service and Social Action VP, Lisa Weisshar
of Chatsworth, CA.
The new International leaders of AZA include: VP of Programming,
Evan Herron of Cherry Hill, NJ; VP of Membership, Andrew Igdaloff
of Columbus, OH; Secretary and Treasurer, Joel Rosen of Bala
Cynwyd, PA; and Jewish Heritage, Community Service and Social
Action VP, Steven Mintz of Dallas, TX.
Wachs and Sharon will be installed to their new positions during a
ceremony this summer.
As is customary at IC, the professionals and lay leaders were
certainly made welcome, but it was the BBYO members' show.
Many of the teens present are regional leaders and they
demonstrated not only their familiarity with BBYO traditions and
Jewish religious rites but also social consciousness and
organizational skills. Listening to the current teen leaders and to
those who threw their hats into the ring at these international
elections, I came away with wonderful feelings of respect and
appreciation. So many of the teens speak and act with passion, with
sincerity, with consideration for others' feelings and many of those
who spoke were both articulate and insightful. The breadth of talent
on display was remarkable and the elections presented difficult
though compelling choices of candidates from all over the United
States and Canada. My wife Diane and I were thrilled to be part of
IC and all of us have much to be proud of.
At IC I learned about our overseas affiliates. Representatives came
from Israel, Bulgaria and the United Kingdom. Each of them had
much to say. There are some eighty BBYO teen members in
Bulgaria who value their affiliation with us. More than six hundred
Israeli teens have only recently become members of a youth group
that affiliates with us and we were pleased to welcome the
representatives from the UK as well.
The Board has been working with Matt Grossman, BBYO's
Executive Director, and the professional staff in many ways. As
indicated elsewhere in this edition of eNews, we just celebrated five
years of independence from B'nai B'rith and three years under
Matt's leadership. Much has been accomplished in this short period
of time, including many new members of the Board. We continue to
welcome your participation at both local and international levels. In
order to continue to serve an increasing number of teen members[8/5/2014 3:55:25 PM]
we require both leadership and financial support. I encourage you to
get involved to support the development of a generation of future
Jewish leaders.
Speaking of local, there were two events that also displayed our
teenage talent. The first was a gathering of nearly one hundred
BBGs at Purim. Diane joined me as well as local lay leader Michael
Arkin, to witness a bit of this joyous weekend, at a discussion of
teenage self-esteem and at their Purimspiel. Fran Haskell, Nassau
Suffolk Region's lead professional ensured a meaningful experience
for these teen women. I had met a number of them at IC and was
happy to see them again a few weeks later at BBYO's first New
York Investment Conference. Hosted by Stacy Schusterman and a
number of BBYO alumni and supporters, we heard from Paul
Singer, one of the most respected hedge fund managers. The
highlight was, once again, a visit by two NSR teen leaders who
demonstrated poise, maturity and a deep affinity for their fellow
Jews. Again, I was able to see what BBYO is all about - ensuring
that more Jewish teens have more meaningful Jewish experiences.
This summer we expect more than two thousand Jewish teens to
join us in Israel and North America at BBYO programs. Make sure
to sign up soon as availability may be limited.
The David L. Bittker Unsung Hero Award is given out annually in
memory and recognition of David Bittker, a long time BBYO lay
leader known for putting his personal interests aside to take on
roles most needed by the organization. His desire to give time,
energy and resources toward strengthening the Jewish community
is the very model of leadership BBYO seeks to share with
generations of young people. Rubin is the third recipient of the
award which is presented to an outstanding advisor reflecting
Bittker's qualities of integrity, humility, dedication and hard work.
"Ann is a strong, caring individual who shows exemplary conviction
toward what she believes, and most importantly is responsive to the
needs of others," said Sherrie Stalarow, Regional Director of
BBYO's North Texas-Oklahoma Region. "Ann is an asset to our
organization and a true role model for our members and other
Rubin balances advising Dallas' youth with her career as a school
librarian and mother of two. Both of her daughters as well as her
husband were involved in BBYO as teens, serving posts on their
regional boards and attending international programs. Through her
work as an advisor, Rubin seeks to connect Jewish teens with the
greater Jewish community and ensure that the future of the Jewish
people rests in the hands of strong leaders.
"What makes Ann such a great advisor is her dedication to the
chapter and the girls in it," said Emily Rosenfeld, a junior in Ginny
Weinstein BBG. "Ann really acts as a second mother to us."
The award was presented to Rubin in front of nearly 700 attendees
of BBYO's International Convention on February 18 in Bruceville,
TX. It was the largest IC in BBYO's 80+-year history.
"Through her patience, enthusiasm and determination, Ann has
earned the trust of her members, as well as admiration and respect
from her fellow advisors," said Stalarow. "She continually
encourages her members helping them to develop their leadership
"I am so proud to be a part of something so big in support of a[8/5/2014 3:55:25 PM]
place that I care so much about," said Jamie Goldstein, Regional
Vice President of Programming in Nassau Suffolk Region BBYO
from Merrick, Long Island. "It will be an indescribable feeling to
stand together with friends and family, and people from all across
America, from all different Jewish backgrounds, to salute our Jewish
The BBYO delegation, which will also include local alumni and
supporters of the organization, will accompany a 24-foot float,
featuring giveaways for the crowd, including a FREE trip to Israel
through BBYO's Passport to Israel program, as well as the music of
hip-hop artists, Niz and Kosha Dillz.
The following BBYO regions are expected to have representation at
the parade: Nassau Suffolk, Westchester, Big Apple, Michigan,
South Jersey, Philadelphia, Connecticut Valley and Central Region
East. If you are an alumni of BBYO interested in participating in the
BBYO delegation, please e-mail for more
When choosing a university, it was not only Tulane's popular
architecture program that drew Scott's attention. The opportunity to
offer assistance to those whose lives are still in shambles after
Hurricane Katrina, while participating in a challenging academic
environment, made the University a perfect fit for him.
As an active member of BBYO's Atlanta Council, Scott got an early
start as a community service leader by serving as his chapter's
Community Service Chair and later assuming the role at the
International level. Additionally, Scott participated in a variety of
international programs, including CLTC, Kallah and International
Convention. According to Scott, Nitzotz was different from the other
leadership programs he had attended.
"What I really liked about Nitzotz was not just the community
service opportunities you got to perform, but also the people you got
to meet on the trip," said Scott. The friendships created on the
Nitzotz program are rooted in a shared experience that equally
impacts everyone's life. A program focused on community service
fosters unique relationships between people who are dedicated to
making the world a better place.
The Nitzotz program is designed to give participants the opportunity
to work in a dynamic urban center in a variety of community
settings. For example, some of Scott's activities included working
with Habitat for Humanity, an area food bank and his favorite,
"Inspiration Café," a breakfast café where he functioned as a waiter
serving homeless clients with dignity and respect.
Participants leave Nitzotz understanding that community service is
about so much more than completing the task at hand. More
importantly, it's about becoming involved with the people you are
helping in order to truly impact their lives.
"The experience made me realize that to make a difference, you
really need to develop a relationship with the communities are you
serving," said Scott. "So we spent more time, and it was well worth
Beyond the service opportunities offered on Nitzotz, there is also a
strong Jewish learning component as part of the program. The
concept of Tikkun Olam - repairing the world - is fundamental in the
Jewish community, and therefore a fundamental part of Nitzotz. By
connecting their actions to a greater tradition of commitment to
service, Nitzotz participants are able to connect to the entire Jewish
"The program itself - the service work with the ‘dose' of Judaism relates it back to your experience as a Jew and makes the program
much more meaningful for the participants."
Because the Nitzotz experience had such a positive impact on Scott[8/5/2014 3:55:25 PM]
and because he established himself as a role model in the area of
community service, he had the opportunity to participate in Nitzotz
twice; once as a program participant of Nitzotz Chicago in Summer
2005 and again the following summer as the program coordinator
for the Chicago trip.
"Nitzotz absolutely strengthened my commitment to community
service," said Scott. "The first time around it inspired me to be more
than a volunteer; I realized I could facilitate community service. The
second time around, it made me want to be a leader in community
service. It taught me that you can make a much greater difference
by organizing 30 kids to do a project than by doing it alone."
Scott's BBYO community service involvement only skims the
surface. As a teen, he was also involved in community service
through his national honor society and the Center for Jewish
Education. Additionally, he completed "mentorships," which allowed
him to work with non-profit organizations, including the Sandy
Spring Community Action Center where he worked with the
homeless and Children's Wish Foundation International, where he
assisted with the processing of the granting of wishes for terminally
ill children.
Now, as a college student, Scott works with the Tulane Hillel,
gutting houses that have been damaged by Hurricane Katrina. He
also takes classes which have a service component; for example,
an architecture history class challenges Scott to do survey and
service work in historic neighborhoods damaged by the Hurricane.
According to Scott, "Nitzotz prepares you for the world - it gives you
a good moral character." And, he is proof that it does.
To learn more about Nitzotz, being offered this summer on both the
East Coast in Baltimore and the West Coast in Los Angeles, click
Projects were planned in over 25 BBYO communities, including
Phoenix, Northern Virginia, Philadelphia and Seattle:
The Phoenix Jewish Teen Leaders Fellowship (JTLF), a
teen led committee, worked with the Council for Jews with
Special Needs to host a carnival for Jewish children and
young adults with special needs.
The Washington DC JTLF worked with Behrend Builders, a
volunteer program that works to repair, renovate and rebuild
Washington DC and the DC Public School system for their
service learning project.
Philadelphia's JTLF service learning project gave
participants the opportunity to focus on the issue of hunger
and poverty through a variety of activities: volunteering at a
soup kitchen; physically cleaning up an impoverished area;
lobbying to raise the poverty line through a letter writing
campaign; visiting the underprivileged elderly; and
interacting with underprivileged children.
The Seattle JTLF J-Serve project worked with different
shelters and organizations that serve the homeless in the
greater Seattle area.
"J-Serve represents not only a day of service, but a greater
commitment to repairing the world - a true Jewish value," said
Naomi Korb, JEXNET program director. "J-Serve allows thousands
of teens to connect nationwide and creates unique opportunities for
them to get involved in their local communities. This project models
informal Jewish education at its finest."
For more information on J-Serve, visit
Where Young Lives Take Shape: Alex Goldman (Continued)[8/5/2014 3:55:25 PM]
As a member of BBYO, Alex served on both his chapter and
regional boards and held an international chairmanship. A member
of Haganah AZA #1972 in the Big Apple Region, Alex actively
helped his chapter become one of the most respected in the region.
Additionally, he participated in international programs, including
Kallah and March of the Living. Along the way, he picked up skills
that he now utilizes on a daily basis.
After graduating Magna Cum Laude from the Leonard N. Stern
School of Business at NYU, Alex began working for his family's
cigar business. As much as he learned while earning his degree in
Business Administration, Alex says it is BBYO which gave him a
basic set of organizational and leadership skills that allowed him to
take a growing business and make it even stronger.
In addition to serving as Vice President of the House of Oxford,
Alex lobbies and is involved with political organizations that benefit
his company, and again looks to the skills he first learned as
chapter officer in BBYO.
"Giving speeches, running meetings, holding conversations and
working with a diverse group of people may all seem like simple
skills, but as BBYO members, we learn to refine our communication
abilities and relate to all people," said Alex. "BBYO members quickly
learn the value of mutual respect among people. This has been a
critical aspect in my career."
According to Alex, BBYO positively impacted more than just his
professional career; like so many BBYO alumni living around the
world, some of Alex's closest friends today are those he met as a
teenager in AZA.
" What is important is to get as much as you can out of BBYO," says
Alex. "It will help you better yourself, and just as importantly - it will
help you better the lives of your friends and those around you. The
best aspect of being part of a group such as BBYO is the exchange
of ideas and opinions that you get from your friends and peers.
These ideas will help shape the basis for your college career and
life beyond."
As an alumnus of BBYO, Alex has chosen to play an active role in
ensuring that BBYO is able to impact the lives of Jewish teens the
way that he was so positively impacted by generously funding an
Advisor Training Program. Advisor training is one of the key
elements in helping to build strong chapters and facilitate leadership
among BBYO members. Because of Alex, advisors all over the East
Coast received the training they need to strengthen the Jewish
community, and ultimately the Jewish future.
Close this window to return to the eNewsletter
Rocky Mountain B'nai B'rith Girls and Moms are Knockouts
During "Round One" Jackie Kallen, the self-described "First Lady of
Boxing", spoke candidly about her life story and related it to
important life-lessons with which the mothers and daughters both
could identify. One such story involved Jackie's early days as a
struggling journalist trying to interview the Rolling Stones backstage
following one of their concerts in Detroit in the late 1960's. After
being stonewalled by other, more famous journalists, Jackie,
knowing that the Stones had an off-day between two shows, invited
the band for a nice home-cooked meal at her mother's. They were
thrilled by the offer and accepted. Jackie learned from that
experience that you should always ask for what you want.
At the conclusion of the presentation Jackie received a standing
ovation from the attendees and was presented with a hot pink
Everlast boxing robe embroidered with the words, "Undisputed
Champion of the B'nai B'rith Girls Rocky Mountain Region" by the
Regional Board.
During "Round Two" the attendees drove to a nearby mall for a[8/5/2014 3:55:25 PM]
private shopping experience at Sephora. Sephora graciously
brought in 40 consultants to do free facials, coloring and skin
consultations. After getting their consultations, many mothers and
daughters had their formal portrait taken by Monty Nuss
Photography - a local mainstay in the Denver community. In
addition, all attendees received gift bags filled with products
compliments of Sephora.
"It was about Jewish girls and moms coming together to celebrate
being Jewish women," said Regional Board member Shoshi Leftin
Cotton States Region Collects Books for Israel (Continued)
Due to the high security situation in Israel, most of the money that
was used to buy English books for Israeli school children has been
cut, leaving children in desperate need of English books to practice
their English. This situation is not only affecting Jewish children, but
all children attending Israeli schools - Jews, Christians, Druze,
Bedouins, Bahai's, and Muslims. The Books for Israel Project
promotes the need for English language literacy and supports
communications abroad. Volunteers familiar with the project help
coordinate local efforts to run successful book drives and collect
"Parts of the project were very strenuous and tedious but the end
result made it all worthwhile," said Bitran. "I really think this project
was something that brought the whole chapter together; everyone
contributed and when I sent all the books in the end, the chapter,
as a whole, was so excited and proud."
To start this project in your city, contact Michael Quint at More information is also available at
200 DC Teens Gather for Service and Leadership Weekend
The theme of the gathering, "In This Great Future, You Can't Forget
Your Past," drew upon the lessons of the Holocaust as a catalyst for
action against discrimination, intolerance and injustice. Teens
studied quotes from Anne Frank, Gandhi, Bob Dylan and Elie
Wiesel as calls-to-action throughout history.
Reverend Ashton shared her personal experiences related to race,
religion, discrimination and social action in America. She
mesmerized the audience by speaking about life growing up in
Southeast Washington DC, what inspired her to go into the Ministry,
and how her position had given her the responsibility to affect
"We tend to live in our own worlds, and we're not always aware of
the tremendous inequalities in our society," said Kevin Lieberman, a
senior at the Charles E. Smith Jewish Day School in Rockville. "The
retreat really gave a sense of perspective and motivated us to go
out and make a difference."
A presentation and dialogue with the Black/Jewish Forum of
Baltimore, an organization committed to promoting increased
understanding and cooperation between Baltimore's Black and
Jewish communities, inspired the teens to appreciate the common
themes in the histories of both groups, who have experienced
oppression and discrimination as minority populations.
"Given the Passover holiday, we wanted to provide an experience
for the teens to talk about with their families during the traditional
seder meal (April 2 & 3)," said Katie Glazier, BBYO's Regional
Director in Washington. "Passover is about freedom and reaching to
the disadvantaged. ‘Let all who are hungry come and eat' is part of
the seder ritual. We had an opportunity to dialogue across religious
lines and offer direct service to those in need."[8/5/2014 3:55:25 PM]
The community service projects tackled local and international
issues. Teens from Northern Virginia prepared Oral Rehydration
Therapy (ORT) packets to be sent to refugee camps around the
world under the auspices of Save the Children and the Universal
Aid Society. Over 9,000 packets were prepared.
Teens also worked with Living Classrooms in Columbia, Maryland a non-for-profit organization which serves at-risk youth and works
for the environment, providing training, nature education and
mentorship programs. The teens worked on eco-friendly art projects,
cleaning local marshlands and painting plant identification signs.
At the White Flint Mall in Rockville, teens joined a group of
individuals with special needs from the Jewish Foundation for Group
Homes and created a scavenger hunt together. They learned about
issues facing individuals with special needs.
Teens also volunteered at the DC Central Kitchen, preparing over
500 snack bags and sandwiches, and also participating in a hunger
banquet, an educational activity which demonstrates the breakdown
of hunger in America. "This is the most fun I've ever had doing
community service," said Jonathan Ochss, a high school
The retreat was made possible by the support of the Annette M. and
Theodore N. Lerner Family Foundation, which is committed to
improving the quality of life in the Washington area and inspiring
youth through service. "The Lerner family has tremendous vision,"
said BBYO Service and Advocacy Program Associate Gila Ward.
"The impact on the teens was transformational and they came to
understand service in a very profound way."
Visit us on the web at
Join the Online Alumni Network at
Teens, connect at
BBYO is the leading pluralistic Jewish teen movement aspiring to involve more Jewish teens in more meaningful
Jewish experiences. For more than 80 years, AZA and BBG chapters in communities around the world have been
providing exceptional leadership programs and identity enrichment experiences, shaping the lives of 250,000 alumni
who are among the most prominent figures in business, politics, academia, the arts and Jewish communal life. Now,
more than ever, BBYO offers unique opportunities for teens to connect with one another, serve their communities,
navigate the college admissions process and travel the world, providing each participant with a network of lifelong
friends, a perspective which adds value and meaning to life and a shared commitment to strengthening the Jewish
BBYO, Inc. * 2020 K Street NW, 7th Floor * Washington, DC 20006 * *[8/5/2014 3:55:25 PM]
BBYO - eNews
Visit us on the web at
Join the Online Alumni Network at
Teens, connect at
To submit news, events or
comments for the new BBYO eNewsletter, e-mail
Forward the BBYO e-News to
friends or colleagues who might
be interested.
Ensure you never miss our emails because of your SPAM
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Click here to make your
contribution and help secure
the Jewish future.
BBYO eNewsletter May/June, 2007
Issue 22
BBYO is pleased to share b-informed - the newly branded version of the BBYO eNewsletter. Please
feel free to share comments or submissions with
BBYO, Inc. News
As I write this message, BBYO’s teen leaders and professional
staff are hard at work presenting a menu of summer program
experiences that will entice close to 1,300 teens to
strengthen their Jewish identities and form friendships that
will play a permanent, meaningful role in their lives. Two
CLTC programs are already under way, and departures have
already been made for Israel where nearly 400 teens will
participate in this summer’s Passport to Israel (P2I) program.
New summer programs have been received with strong
interest, including Project NYC, a career development program bringing teen entrepreneurs to
New York for “Apprentice”-style competitions over the course of two weeks. Next week, a group
of teens will leave for a tour of European capitals (Prague, Budapest and Vienna) prior to their
experience in Israel, an example of how we must diversify our offerings to meet the curiosities of
today’s teens and the many options they have for filling their summer. READ MORE...
Partners with BBYO to Address Critical Issue in Jewish Community; Makes Initial
Investment of up to $2.5 Million to Fund Professional Development Initiative
Click here to join an AZA or
BBG chapter in your area.
With a goal of addressing one of the Jewish community’s most pressing issues, the Jim Joseph
Foundation has just awarded BBYO up to $2.5 million to implement a major professional
leadership development initiative.
To read the JTA article, Jim Joseph Foundation Invests Big in BBYO, click here.
To read the BBYO Press Release in its entirety, click here.
Click here to learn more about
Teen Connection, BBYO’s
program for pre-highschoolers.
On Sunday, May 6th, more than 250 BBYO teens joined
hundreds of thousands of supporters of Israel in New York
City for the Salute to Israel Parade. The parade is the single
largest gathering in the world in support of Israel, and this
year’s parade marked the 59th Anniversary of the State of
Click here to sign up for
Passport to Israel’s Journey 6
(July 15- August 5)-Last trip[8/5/2014 3:56:03 PM]
This summer, BBYO is providing its most varied menu of
program offerings ever, with experiences focused on
everything from leadership and career development to
community service and spirituality. Close to 1,300 Jewish
teens from around the world are taking advantage of the
opportunity to meet new people, learn new things and travel
to new places through BBYO.
BBYO - eNews
with space available so sign up
This summer, over 100 Jewish teens from around the country will become champions of service,
working to make the cities of Baltimore and Los Angeles a little greener and the smiles of its
youth a little brighter. The teens are participants of Nitzotz, a two-week community service
experience provided by BBYO, Inc., the world’s leading pluralistic Jewish teen movement, and
offered in partnership with Spark: The Center for Jewish Service Learning, a department of
Jewish Funds for Justice (JFSJ), working to inspire a commitment to ongoing service and Jewish
civic engagement.
Click here to visit,
the largest online community
exclusively for Jewish teens.
It is hard to imagine how quickly my first year as Board Chair
has passed. There have been many highlights, and I can
attest to continued progress in strengthening and solidifying
BBYO’s position as North America’s premier Jewish teen
organization. As we have noted in these pages, BBYO
received important news coverage marking five years as an
independent organization. So, too, BBYO was awarded a
substantial grant by the Jim Joseph Foundation to fund an
innovative Professional Development initiative. READ
Click here to reconnect with
BBYO Alumni around the world.
You asked, we answered! BBYO is happy to announce a Passport to Israel: BBYO Advisor Trip!
This is a perfect opportunity for both first timers as well as frequent visitors to see all that Israel
has to offer with P2I’s exciting itinerary. Applications are coming soon. Do not miss this chance to
experience Israel through the eyes of teens!
Bring Israel home to your chapters and help BBYO recruit for next year’s P2I teen trips in your
The dates for this trip are November 7-18, 2007.
$999 from New York City including airfare.
Questions? Contact Lane Schlessel at
Click here to purchase BBYO
Summer Gear!
BBYO is looking for talented, hard-working and creative professionals to join our team across the
country. Please see below for current vacancies within the organization. Visit our website at for more detailed descriptions and to apply! For questions regarding
working with BBYO, please contact Rebecca Rottenberg, Human Resources Coordinator, at
Las Vegas Program Associate
Wisconsin Region Program Associate
Northern Virginia Program Associate
Miami Program Director
Atlanta Program Associate
Ohio Northern Region Program Director
St. Louis Program Director
International Program Director (Washington, DC)
Assistant Director of Program & Leadership Development (Washington, DC)
International Director of Development (Washington, DC)
Alumni News
"I'm forever grateful for the things I learned and the people I met in
BBYO," reminisces Carrie Peroutka, now known in Hollywood as Carrie
"CeCe" Cline. A successful actress, screenwriter, producer, musician and
founder and president of Perzazz Entertainment and Cassiopeia Theater
Company, Peroutka cites BBYO as a major influence in her life.[8/5/2014 3:56:03 PM]
BBYO - eNews
Despite her busy schedule as a child actor, she became extremely
active in her chapter, L’Chaim BBG in California, where she was
President, Vice President of Membership and Secretary/Treasurer(N’siah,
Aym-Ha-Chaverot and Mazkirah) as well as the Regional Vice President
of Programming (S’ganit) for Southwestern Region. "My entire
experience in BBYO was incredibly special. I loved every second of it,
the chapter meetings, the council events, the sleepovers and regional
weekends," she says.
Carrie’s career began when she received her first break from legendary producer, Aaron Spelling
who once said that Carrie was "classically beautiful, is highly professional in every sense of the
word, and can find any sort of emotion at the drop of a hat." She has since acted in Serenity,
Catch Me If You Can, Everybody Loves Raymond, Charmed, and Malcom in the Middle, just to
name a few.
"Ahenkora" – a member of the Ghanaian Jewish Community
© Bryan Schwartz, 2004, all rights reserved, may not be produced without the
express permission of the artist.
Writer/photographer Bryan Schwartz is the former International Programming Vice President of
BBYO. Together with photographer, Sandy Carter, and journalist, Jay Sand, he has visited dozens
of the most isolated Jewish communities in the world. Mr. Schwartz has started Scattered Among
the Nations, which is, according to its website, “a non-profit organization dedicated to educating
the Jewish and non-Jewish world about the beauty and diversity of our people.” This organization
assists geographically- and politically-isolated Jewish or Judaism-practicing communities in
continuing and embracing the Jewish religion and culture, while documenting these communities
as they are today before they disappear through immigration or assimilation. READ MORE...
Lauren Michelle Sher is an alum of Kohav Zoher BBG in Gold
Coast Region. Her site where she gives cooking tips, recipes
and where she hosts her online cooking show is becoming
extremely popular in the college circuits. Articles about Lauren
and her show, College Bites have appeared in the Miami
Herald as well as the University of Florida newspaper in the
past few months. Lauren has remained involved in BBYO; she
was a BBYO tour guide at UF last year for the BBYO College
Tour. She is currently a civil engineering student in her third year at the University of Florida.
To visit Lauren’s website, click here.
My colorful Jewish identity stems from my experience in BBYO. Growing
up in a small community in Bulgaria, where Judaism has been considered
taboo for the past 50 years, I evolved into a Jewish leader through BBYO;
as a member, I attended CLTC and IC. My Judaism is an important part of
my life and, upon graduation from the American College of Sofia, the
oldest American high school outside of North America, I knew that I[8/5/2014 3:56:03 PM]
BBYO - eNews
needed a place that would not only give me an excellent business education but also satisfy my
need for Jewish life. Choosing a college, therefore, proved to be a difficult task since Hillel hardly
exists at European universities.
Evergreen Region held an Alumni Reunion on May 5. The
event was a success with a live band and great turnout. For
pictures, click here.
The alumni of former Detroit area Rose AZA Chapter # 656
held a reunion on Sunday, June 3 at Mr. Joe's in Southfield.
Mr. Joe’s is a popular establishment owned by Rose AZA alum
Michael Abrams. The event drew close to 100 alumni including
several who were from out of state.
Attention Alumni, please e-mail any birth, wedding or other exciting announcements in your life
to so they can be included in the next BBYO Book publication.
Join alumni from BBYO Regions across North America, as well as BBYO supporters from the Los
Angeles community, at our first Los Angeles BBYO Gala, honoring Henry Winkler, on the evening
of Thursday, October 11 at the Skirball Cultural Center. You do not have to be a BBYO alumnus
from the Los Angeles area to attend. For more information, please contact Rachel Hochheiser at or 818.464.3366.
b-linked News
As the school year comes to a close, we asked b-linked users to pay tribute
to the class of 2007 and those who inspired their lives. Here’s what some had
to say:
For several months, teens submitted Jewish questions that were on their mind. Shmuly
Yanklowitz, a rabbinical student in New York, approached each question with care and sincerity.
We’ve compiled all the questions and answers for teens to explore and discuss in our Jewish
Questions group. b-linked Users Click here for a full list!
Regional News
From Saturday night, April 14, until Sunday, April 15, BBYO members in Toronto broke the world
record for the longest floor hockey game by playing 24 and ½ hours of floor hockey at a local[8/5/2014 3:56:03 PM]
BBYO - eNews
high school. The previous record was held by a BBYO chapter in Edmonton, Alberta. In addition,
the game helped raise funds for the Shoot for a Cure Foundation, which raises money for spinal
cord research, and Rebuild Homes, Rebuild Lives.
To view written news coverage and clips from television coverage, click the links below:
Click here to view the Rogers News coverage.
Click here to view the CTV News coverage.
Click here to read The Liberal article.
Click here to read Canadian Jewish News article.
On Yom HaShoah, April 15, BBYO members of Nassau Suffolk
Region BBYO joined their local B’nai B’rith Lodge in
commemorating the day by reading names of some of the 6
million Jews who perished in the Holocaust.
Sam Yolen, an active BBYO member, is one of six teenagers
who will be traveling across America from the Pacific coast to
the Atlantic coast in order to raise money and awareness for
kids with cancer.
Michigan Region Co-Hosts Event with B’nai B’rith Lodge
On April 22, members of Shapiro AZA in Michigan Region
teamed up with the local B’nai B’rith Lodge to visit residents
of Hechtmann Apartments. Fifteen BBYO members joined the
B’nai B’rith members and residents to enjoy food, games and
Central Region West Holds Havdallah with B’nai B’rith
On Saturday, May 5, members of Central Region West BBYO,
helped lead Havdallah at the Four-Region B’nai B’rith
Conference held in San Francisco, CA.
Ten Miami Region BBYO members were honored with
nominations for the prestigious Silver Night Award. Each high
school in South Florida nominates one student for excellence
in categories such as English, Drama, Social Science, and
General Scholarship. Congratulations to all BBYO teens who
were nominated: Jodi Ellenby, Grace Lotker, Katelin Snow, David Faber, Shayna Held, Aaron
Landy, Scott Elfenbein, Jordan Eric Schockett, Gaelyn Sicher-Ford, and Tabisa Walwema!
BBYO - eNews
A group of BBYO teens from Toronto traveled to New Orleans
to assist with the clean-up efforts. Norene Gilletz, leading
author of Kosher cookbooks in Canada and a former BBG
member in Winnipeg provided them with many copies of
cookbooks (some of them her own) to help replenish
cookbooks lost in Hurricane Katrina. The teens presented
these books to Betty Lazarus, a librarian, who is in charge of
collecting cookbooks for Jewish families in New Orleans.
As a result of connecting with BBYO through this project, Gilletz will be doing a fundraising
cooking demonstration in October in Toronto.
BBYO: Life Skills and a connection to 18,000 Jewish youth around
the world –Nikki Roth
My name is Nikki Roth and I am a 17 year-old, Principal’s List, Parkland
High School junior. When seen in the jam-packed halls of my school, I
would not stand out any more or less than any other “average student.”
However, there is something that distinguishes me from the 3,000 other
students at Parkland. I am the Vice President in charge of membership
for more than 300 Jewish high school teens in the B’nai B’rith Youth
Organization (BBYO). If you ask any of my friends or family members,
they will tell you about how essential BBYO is to me and what a positive
impact it has had on my life. BBYO International is the world’s leading trans-denominational
Jewish youth movement. With chapters spanning all across America and chapters in Canada,
Israel, Australia, England, Ireland, Bulgaria, France, Switzerland, South Africa, and Thailand, we
really are international. Unlike many of the other Jewish youth groups and school-sponsored
activities, adults play a very “behind the scenes” role in BBYO; we are youth led, adult advised.
In the News
A JTA article titled The Rebirth of BBYO portrays the significant progress that BBYO has made
since becoming an independent organization five years ago. This article has been covered in the
following publications: Jerusalem Post, JUF-Chicago Jewish Community Online, Jewish Ledger
(Rochester, NY), Intermountain Jewish News (Denver, CO), Baltimore Jewish Times, Heritage
Florida Jewish News (Fern Park, FL), Hebrew Watchman (Memphis, TN), New York Jewish Week,
Westchester Jewish Week, Long Island Jewish Week, Queens Jewish Week, Brooklyn Jewish
Week, Detroit Jewish News, JT News (Seattle, WA), and Washington Jewish Week (April-May,
The Jewish Herald-Voice of Houston, TX published an article by Malev BBG member Julie Bush
regarding the chapter’s recent activities (March 1, 2007).
The Texas Jewish Post of Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX featured an article on Council President (Godol)
and incoming international officer, Steven Mintz, and his lifelong friend, USY international
president, Aaron Jacobs. To view the entire article, click here (March 12, 2007).
The Texas Jewish Post of Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX mentioned North Texas-Oklahoma Region’s
success raising funds for solar ovens for refugees in Darfur (March 12, 2007).
According to the Hebrew Watchman of Memphis, TN, incoming Memphis JCC President, Morris
Thomas, recalled his first leadership experiences in BBYO as he assumed his new office (March
15, 2007).
Allie Maron of Atlanta Council wrote an article for the Atlanta Jewish Times of Atlanta, GA
about the awards won by her council at International Convention (March 16, 2007).
An article in the American Israelite of Cincinnati, OH featured BBYO’s educational and social
programming (March 22, 2007).
Rachel Cohen of Cotton States Region wrote an article for the Hebrew Watchman of Memphis,
TN about her experience in Israel with BBYO’s Passport to Israel program (March 22, 2007).
The Atlanta Jewish Times of Atlanta, GA pictured Atlanta Council BBYO members dressed as
their favorite cartoon characters at the annual Beau-Sweetheart dance (March 23, 2007).[8/5/2014 3:56:03 PM]
BBYO - eNews
Jonathan Paz, Jamie Lincenberg and Graham Levitas were the winners of this year’s
Atlanta Council BBYO talent show. BBYO member Allie Maron reported on the event; her
article appeared in the Atlanta Jewish Times of Atlanta, GA (March 23, 2007).
In Milwaukee, WI, the Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle announced the beginning of Wisconsin
Region’s Mitzvah Corps program (March 23, 2007).
Shapiro AZA and Wise BBG were among the participants in the “Island Purim Shpiel” at Seven
Acres retirement home, according to the Jewish Herald-Voice of Houston, TX (March 22, 2007).
The Washington Jewish Week of Washington, DC pictured Northern Region East BBYO
members volunteering at the DC JCC (March 29, 2007).
The Texas Jewish Post of Fort Worth, TX announced Emily Rosenfeld’s election to the
International Board of BBG (March 29, 2007).
Kentucky Indiana Ohio Region BBYO members in Cincinnati participated in the Pesach Delivery
Project to deliver Passover food to over 275 families in the greater Cincinnati community; an
article regarding their involvement with the project appeared in the American Israelite of
Cincinnati, OH (March 29, 2007).
Hilary Cohen of Lonestar Region announced the results of regional elections and provided
updates on regional events in the Jewish Herald-Voice of Houston, TX (March 29, 2007).
Hannah Lapin of Lonestar Region wrote about her experiences with the “beau/sweetheart”
nomination process and the lessons learned in BBYO in an article published in the Jewish HeraldVoice of Houston, TX (March 29, 2007).
Jewish female boxing promoter, Jackie Kallen visited the B’nai B’rith Girls in Rocky Mountain
Region for a program on positive self-image in teenage girls. The Intermountain Jewish News of
Denver, CO reported on the event (March 30, 2007).
The Atlanta Jewish Times of Atlanta, GA published an article by Atlanta Council BBYO member
Allie Maron about the council’s programs for 8th graders (March 30, 2007).
Wisconsin BBYO alumni Mara Alpert wrote about her experience starting an All Girls Jewish
Choir – Jewop – first in BBYO and again as a student at the University of Wisconsin in Madison.
The article appeared in the Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle of Milwaukee, WI (March 30, 2007).
Wisconsin Region’s comedy night was announced in the Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle of
Milwaukee, WI (March 30, 2007).
The Cleveland Jewish News of Cleveland, OH announced Jason Wachs’ election to the position of
International President (Grand Aleph Godol) (March 30, 2007).
Wisconsin Region BBYO co sponsored an event with the JCC and Anti-Defamation League called
“Sticks and Stones: A teen-to-teen talk about tolerance.” A photograph from the event appeared
in the Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle of Milwaukee, WI (March 30, 2007).
Dana Varshavsky of Atz’ Chaim BBG in Central Region West was featured as one of Silicon
Valley’s Women of Distinction in the San Jose Magazine of San Jose, CA (March 2007).
The Jewish Journal of San Antonio featured an article highlighting the involvement of Lonestar
Region and North Texas-Oklahoma Region teens in this year’s BBYO International Convention
(April 2007).
The Ohio Jewish Chronicle of Columbus, OH recognized nine Kentucky Indiana Ohio Region
BBYO advisors honored at award banquets in May (April 5, 2007).
Nassau Suffolk Region BBYO members participated in B’nai B’rith’s annual Yom Hashoah
ceremony by reading some of the names of the six million Jews killed in the holocaust (April
The newsletter of Yachad, the Jewish Housing and Community Development Corporation of
Greater Washington, featured BBYO’s SOS – School’s Out Service – program’s involvement
painting a church on their day off school in January (Spring 2007).
The Tulsa Jewish Review of Tulsa, OK announced the presidents of its BBYO chapters (April
The Detroit Jewish News featured images and information from Michigan Region’s annual
fashion show fundraiser (April 5, 2007).
The Tulsa Jewish Review of Tulsa, OK included information about the creative and musical BBYO
Shabbat service at Temple Israel on April 13 (April 2007).
The Canadian Jewish News of Toronto, Ontario reported that BBYO members from Lake Ontario[8/5/2014 3:56:03 PM]
BBYO - eNews
Region spent their spring break helping to rebuild New Orleans from the damage caused by
Hurricane Katrina (April 5, 2007).
Teens participating in Lake Ontario Region’s Exec Overnight leadership program were pictured
in the Canadian Jewish News of Toronto, Ontario (April 5, 2007).
Hannah Beltz of Cotton States Region recounted her experiences as a participant in BBYO
Israel Trek in the summer of 2006. Her article appeared in the Hebrew Watchman of Memphis, TN
(April 5, 2007).
Joe Goldberg and Ben Nachman of Mid America Region – Omaha Council each wrote articles
for the Jewish Press of Omaha, NE about the experiences and skills they have gained in AZA
(April 6, 2007).
The Reporter of Vestal, NY described the Brotherhood/Sisterhood Convention in Central Region
East. Teens were able to dance in a semi-formal dance, participate in programs that created
bonds with fellow members, and listen to a motivational speaker (April 6, 2007).
Ari Levin of Mid America Region – Omaha Council wrote an article for the Jewish Press of
Omaha, NE about his chapter’s annual Sweetheart dance (April 6, 2007).
The Jewish Press of Omaha, NE profiled David Sukiennik of Mid-America Region: Omaha
Council, announcing his receiving of the Sokolof Scholarship (April 6, 2007).
The Jewish Journal of San Antonio published an article about the J-Serve Community Service
Project, a day of community service on April 22, where BBYO teens participated (April 2007).
The Intermountain Jewish News of Denver, CO featured Rocky Mountain Region BBYO’s
Mitzvapalooza project on April 22 as part of the national J-Serve day of serve (April 6, 2007).
The Jewish News of Greater Phoenix of Phoenix, AZ listed Amara Babani, Bryce Schotz, and
Mark Khatz of Mountain Region as teens selected to participate in the Jewish Teen Leadership
Summit held June 5-6 in Washington where they created the local J-Serve project (April 13,
Dana Solge of Central Region East relived her experience at the Brotherhood/Sisterhood
Convention held in Harrisburg, PA. Her article was published in the Jewish Voice of Wilmington,
DE (April 13).
Congratulations to Leslie Graul of Mid-America Region for her receiving of the 2006 Jewish
Teen Leadership award. The Jewish Press of Omaha, Nebraska honored Leslie with an article
speaking about her BBYO experiences. To read the full article, click here (April 13, 2007).
The Miami Herald of Miami, FL featured Miami Region BBYO’s production of Conviction, a play
exploring the lasting effects of the holocaust (April 15, 2007).
Emily Davidson of Tikvah BBG in Cotton States Region was featured in the Hebrew
Watchman of Memphis, TN for being one of the four grand winners of the Memphis-Shelby
County Science Fair (April 19, 2007).
BBYO teens supporting Israel in the Up All Night 4 Israel event held on March 24 were pictures in
the Jewish News of Greater Phoenix, Phoenix, AZ (April 20, 2007).
The Cleveland Jewish News of Cleveland, OH included an article and pictures about BBYO’s
involvement in the J-Serve, a day of volunteering (May 2007).
Northstar Region BBYO were responsible for leading prayers and readings for a Yom
HaZikaron commemoration service, reported the American Jewish World of Minneapolis, MN
(April 20, 2007).
Charles Hyman of Lonestar Region BBYO was awarded a $15,000 college scholarship in the
Young Epidemiology Scholars Competition. He is an active member of BBYO reports the Jewish
Herald-Voice of Houston, TX (April 26, 2007).
Detroit Jewish News of Southfield, MI reported on the growth of Michigan Region. This article
focused on events such as the Michigan State University and University of Michigan campus tours,
the Salute to Israel Parade and the growing membership of Teen Connection (April 26, 2007).
Josh Bethke of Jack Lubel AZA reported on the election results of the chapter in the Jewish
Herald-Voice of Houston, TX (April 26, 2007).
Canadian Jewish News of Toronto highlighted a BBYO Alumni event that 99 alumni from all over
the globe attended (April 26, 2007).
Allie Maron of Atlanta Council BBYO wrote an article describing the dedication of BBYO
members to get involved with community service. She highlighted many community service
events in the Atlanta Jewish Times (April 27, 2007).[8/5/2014 3:56:03 PM]
BBYO - eNews
The Cleveland Jewish News announced the elections of Moriah Shtull and Scott Rosenthal of
Ohio Northern Region to the position of regional presidents. To read the full article, click here
(April 27, 2007).
The Wisconsin Jewish Chronicle featured a picture of Wisconsin Region teens at their Mitzvah
Corps kick-off event which included a food drive (April 27, 2007).
BBYO Summer Experiences were featured in a Charleston Jewish Voice article of Charleston, SC
article about summer options for teens (April-May 2007).
The Stark Jewish News of Canton, OH included an article and pictures about BBYO’s involvement
in J-Serve, a day of volunteering (May 2007).
The Charlotte Observer announced Renee Sharon’s election to serve as International President
(N’siah) of BBG beginning this summer (May 7, 2007).
The Canadian Jewish News reported on Lake Ontario Region’s successful Tikkun Toronto event
on April 29, focusing on community service (May 9, 2007).
Ali Greensburg’s election to the International Vice President of Programming position was
announced in the Miami Herald (May 13, 2007).
The Miami Herald of Miami, FL honored the achievements of Jody Ellenby of the Miami Region
in the areas of drama, community service and academics (May 16, 2007).
The Canadian Jewish News of Toronto published a picture of Lake Ontario Region’s Spring
Convention. Click here for the picture (June 6, 2007).
I am particularly proud of the team of people who have come together to support all of these
initiatives. As always, caring lay leaders have donated generously throughout the year to make
these experiences possible for teens regardless of economic background. I am particularly proud of
the way our alumni community has come together to “staff” many of these programs. After
collecting and organizing more than 200,000 records of our alumni along with the growth of our
alumni website (, we have been able to reach out to this group who
understands BBYO and appreciates the experience it offers teens. They have applied in record
numbers to staff our summer programs and now serve as outstanding role models for our Jewish
teens. We are pleased that this winter we will be able to offer them BBYO Alumni buses on the
birthright Israel program, allowing them to visit Israel for ten days for free.
It is always the work of our teens that is most inspiring when reviewing a year of BBYO’s activities.
Under BBYO’s teen leadership, led by Grand Aleph Godol, Jeremy Gelman (Denver, CO) and
International N’siah, Dina Finer (Tulsa, OK) our youth leaders focused on reaching more teens with
vigor, developing new strategies that ultimately reached 24,000 Jewish teens. A focus on reaching
8th graders through BBYO’s Teen Connection program yielded BBYO’s largest incoming class of
freshmen in years. Hundreds of dances, sporting events, and community service projects filled our
calendar bringing the diversity and vibrancy of a BBYO experience to thousands of teens.
I am particularly proud of the work that our teens did to fulfill the mitzvah of tikkun olam (making
the world a better place). BBYO members participated in J-serve, a nationwide day of community
service projects. I had the pleasure of joining a group of teens from NRE as they painted and
landscaped a high school in Washington, DC in need of restoration. Hundreds of our teens marched
in rallies and parades to end the genocide in Darfur and support Israel. Our teens, through the
Lynn Schusterman International Service Fund (ISF), raised more than $50,000 to support Jewish
communities in need through The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC). BBYO teens
collected more than 10,000 signatures on a petition urging the White House to stop the proliferation
of nuclear weapons in Iran.
In its purest sense, this is what BBYO is all about - inspiring teens to reach beyond themselves to
fulfill the Jewish mandate to strengthen the world around them. Our work gives them the
confidence and skills necessary to accomplish great things while exposing them to their Jewish
heritage as a roadmap for a fulfilling, meaningful life. If we are able to share this message with
more teens, along with the powerful experiences that come along with BBYO involvement, we will
add significant value to the future of the Jewish people.
This year, we have made great strides in this effort. We celebrated an important milestone in April,
marking BBYO's fifth-year anniversary as an independent organization. It is not this milestone in
and of itself that matters. It is what we've accomplished during the past five years that should be
celebrated. Referred to as a "rebirth” in a story published by the JTA which appeared in more than
20 publications, BBYO has significantly expanded its offerings, increased in financial resources,
reached out to alumni and parents in new ways and, most important, grown teen involvement.
Thanks in large part to the generosity of founding philanthropist, Lynn Schusterman, BBYO was
able to institute major change in a more than 80-year-old organization, while maintaining a deep[8/5/2014 3:56:03 PM]
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connection to its historical roots.
We are now fortunate to have a dynamic board, led by Chairman Howard Wohl, and supported by
more than 50 of the Jewish community’s most talented and generous volunteers, who have
challenged us to take risks, embrace innovation and do whatever it takes to fulfill our mission of
reaching more Jewish teens with more meaningful Jewish experiences. This approach has resulted
in others taking notice of our ability to deliver cutting-edge programs. Recently, the Jim Joseph
Foundation of San Francisco made a multi-million dollar investment in BBYO to establish a program
allowing BBYO professionals, over the course of three years, to participate in an MBA program and
Judaic enrichment curriculum at no cost to them. This truly unique professional development
opportunity positions us to recruit outstanding new professionals as we prepare our workforce for
exceptional careers in Jewish communal life.
It is with great pride that I share with you this message and the other messages that make up this
eNewsletter. We have learned a great deal from our work this past year. We now stand ready to
begin the next academic year with new ideas, impassioned leaders and an undeniable sense of
purpose. As you read through this publication, I hope you will consider what you might do to
strengthen BBYO and Jewish teen life.
We need and appreciate your financial support if we are to continue this pace of growth. We also
need your enthusiasm for the organization to be shared with others. Please talk about your
experience with BBYO to as many people as possible. Let them know that we are growing quickly,
and are reaching in a cost effective way teens who might otherwise not be involved in Jewish
activities. Consider volunteering to be an advisor or staff a BBYO program – our teens need role
models and, as our programs grow in size, we need adult involvement.
I hope you enjoy reading this message as much as I have enjoyed writing it. Reflecting on the
accomplishments of our young people is a true pleasure of my job. I look forward to sharing more
with you in the future and hope that our paths will cross soon.
Matthew Grossman
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"Since assembling our new board and completing our strategic planning, the Jim Joseph Foundation
has sought bold projects that educate young Jews and strengthen the Jewish community’s
professional ranks," said Al Levitt, the Foundation’s President. "This project will accelerate BBYO’s
efforts to involve more Jewish teens in meaningful Jewish experiences while instituting a
professional development program that will add value to the entire Jewish community."
"We are delighted that the Jim Joseph Foundation recognized BBYO’s potential to add significant
value to Jewish communal life," said Lynn Schusterman, Chair of the BBYO, Inc. International
Board of Trustees.
Through this initiative, BBYO will offer select high-caliber professionals a dual-track program which
will prepare them for senior leadership positions in BBYO and the Jewish community. The academic
track will provide participants with a master’s degree in business. A Jewish learning track, featuring
educational experiences taught by leading educators in North America and Israel, will strengthen
their proficiency in Jewish education. The program will be implemented over a three-year period
and will run concurrent with participants’ BBYO employment throughout the country.
The initial phase of the grant is intended for planning purposes. Over the next several months,
BBYO will form a partnership with a degree-granting institution, put into place a substantive
mentoring program of seasoned Jewish professionals and identify Jewish educational experiences
designed to further the Jewish skill set and personal engagement in Jewish life for each participant.
"The Jim Joseph Foundation recognizes the magnitude and potential of this undertaking," said
Howard Wohl, Chair of the BBYO, Inc. Board of Directors. "We are extraordinarily grateful to the
Foundation for its collaborative efforts in making this initiative succeed."
The program, provided at no cost to the participant, will be available to current and incoming BBYO
professionals who qualify. It is expected that cohorts of up to 20 will be created each year with an
initial cohort starting the program during the summer of 2008.
"Not only is this a unique professional development opportunity for the participant," said Marc
Saperstein, Chair of BBYO’s Human Resources Committee and former Senior Vice President for
Human Resources at NBC Universal, "but it will also allow BBYO to increase employee retention
rates and recruit exceptional job candidates."
According to Dr. Chip Edelsberg, Executive Director of the Jim Joseph Foundation, BBYO is
especially well-positioned to achieve success with this initiative due to its ability to recruit from its
impressive database of alumni, some 250,000 strong; adapt a for-profit model and capitalize on its
own resources to initiate annual salary increases aimed at improving retention; and provide a
flexible work schedule conducive to the pursuit of concurrent academic and professional tracks.[8/5/2014 3:56:03 PM]
BBYO - eNews
"BBYO’s brand carries with it decades of tradition and name recognition," explained Dr. Edelsberg.
"Its alumni are some of the Jewish community’s strongest leaders, and BBYO’s recent investment in
technology and professional leadership positions it for serious growth over the next five years. This
initiative is designed to strengthen BBYO organizationally, and we hope it will enable BBYO to reach
its goal of engaging 50,000 teens annually in Jewish life."
The uniqueness of the program lies in the fact that professionals will develop two different but
complementary skill sets – management and Judaic knowledge – with immediate opportunity to put
them into practice.
"This initiative will set the new standard for professional development within the Jewish
community,’" said Sandy Cardin, President of the Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family
Foundation. "BBYO has designed a program with enough appeal to rival corporate packages and
strategic enough to make an indelible impact on the Jewish communal field."
"We are thrilled to be collaborating with the Jim Joseph Foundation on this critical endeavor," said
Matthew Grossman, BBYO’s Executive Director. "We are confident that it will result in highachieving professionals who will help move BBYO toward its mission of reaching more Jewish teens
with more meaningful Jewish experiences, and more important, serve as a launching pad for them
to have highly successful careers as Jewish communal professionals."
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"I had no idea what to expect," said Dana Schwartz of Ocean, NJ. "I left the parade feeling
empowered and with a renewed sense of faith in and love for Israel. Seeing members of all
different races, cultures and religions at the parade awakened a sense of unity amongst not only
Jews, but amongst all people who remember the struggles in the past and believe in a stronger
future for the incredible State of Israel."
Bringing together participants from New York, New Jersey and Connecticut, BBYO represented the
largest teen delegation participating in the parade. Carrying Israeli flags and sporting "Israel Lights
up Our Lives" t-shirts to go along with the theme of the parade, the teens marched the parade
route on New York City’s 5th Avenue, followed by a 24-foot float, featuring Jewish hip hop artists
Niz and Kosha Dillz.
"The fact that there were so many races and cultures at the Israeli Day Parade instilled a sense of
pride; a sense of pride that I support Israel, a sense of pride that I am Jewish," said Annie Levitt,
River Vale, NJ.
The Salute to Israel Parade has taken place annually in New York City since 1964 and continues to
be the world’s largest gathering of Israel supporters. This year, New York Mayor Mayor Michael
Bloomberg led the parade accompanied by Mayor Uri Lupolianski of Jerusalem. The event attracted
over 100,000 marchers from Jewish schools and organizations around the country.
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For nearly 400 teens, traveling to new places means boarding a flight bound for their Jewish
homeland for one of BBYO's Passport to Israel Programs (P2I). This summer, teens could choose
from a variety of trip options, including Israel Journey, a whirlwind excursion perfect for first-time
visitors; Trek Israel, the ultimate eco-adventure; and Euro-Israel Journey, a four-week odyssey
through Europe and Israel. BBYO members had the additional option of International Leadership
Seminar Israel (ILSI), an enriching experience enabling teens to explore significant issues facing
Israeli diplomacy and society alongside Israel’s cultural and political leaders. Recognizing that teens
might want to stay in Israel longer than three weeks, BBYO is also running community service and
military simulation extension options this summer.
Back in the U.S.A., more than 800 teens will take part in BBYO's flagship leadership programs Chapter Leadership Training Conference and International Leadership Training Conference designed to develop BBYO members into future Jewish leaders. Also on the summer agenda is
BBYO's renowned Jewish enrichment program – Kallah – designed to help teens explore their
Jewish identity, a pursuit that seems to be on the rise as the program has experienced a 41%
jump in participation since Summer '06.
Brand new to this year's summer program portfolio is Project NYC, a unique 10-day experience,
based at New York City's Columbia University, and designed to immerse emerging entrepreneurs in
the fields of entertainment, marketing, Wall Street and fashion, complete with "Apprentice"-style
competitions to apply their newly learned skills. The program will provide participants with the
opportunity to network with top industry leaders, including many prominent BBYO alumni; learn
what it takes to work in a competitive business environment; sharpen their skills through a collegelevel training seminar at Baruch College; and have fun exploring New York's cultural and Jewish
opportunities with new friends.[8/5/2014 3:56:03 PM]
BBYO - eNews
Rounding out BBYO's summer menu is Nitzotz, a unique hands-on community service experience in
its fifth year in Baltimore and, due to the program's popularity, launching in Los Angeles. More
than 100 teens will be making a difference in these communities by volunteering on a variety of
projects dealing with at-risk youth and senior citizens, as well as urban greening and community
restoration. (See the Nitzotz article later in the eNews for more information on this program.)
Finally, BBYO offers several summer experiences through partner organizations, including Etgar 36
Journey, a 36-day coast-to-coast tour of the U.S, and Etgar West, a 22-day excursion from Atlanta
to San Francisco. Through interactions with politicians, activists, musicians and artists during these
cross-country excursions, participants have the opportunity to explore politics and social activism as
they discover America.
To learn more about all of BBYO's program offerings, visit
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A collaborative effort between BBYO, JFSJ and a variety of local service partners, Nitzotz is in its
fifth year in Baltimore, where participation has doubled since last year. The rise in interest, a signal
that teens are making community service a higher priority, has led to the addition of a second
session in Baltimore and to the launch of a West Coast Nitzotz program in Los Angeles.
"The magic of Nitzotz is that it provides the participants an opportunity to experience the core
Jewish value of tikkun olam on a meaningful, personal level," said Matthew Grossman, Executive
Director of BBYO. "The notable increase in participation in Nitzotz confirms that today’s teens are
committed to hands-on service work and making a difference in the world around them."
Today, most high school students are expected to fulfill community service hours to graduate, and
Nitzotz provides a unique opportunity for participants to collect over 60 hours working on a variety
of important projects dealing with at-risk youth and senior citizens, as well as urban greening and
community restoration.
For example, the Baltimore program (Session I: June 24-July 8, Session II: July 15-July 29)
features historical restoration work with community organizations dedicated to maintaining
Baltimore’s Reservoir Hill neighborhood, participating in a literary program with children at the
Hampden Family Center and celebrating Kabbalat Shabbat with senior citizens at the Jewish
Convalescent Home. The Los Angeles program (July 9-July 23) features a variety of direct service
work including the creation and execution of a mini-summer camp program for children living in LA
Family Housing; supporting the growth of trees in five areas by working with TreePeople, a Los
Angeles environmental group; and participating in a recurring tutoring session each weekday of the
program with children at Hazeltine Elementary School.
"Volunteers of all ages have the ability to help reverse ecological problems in our cities," said Nick
Araya, Tree Care Coordinator for TreePeople. "We are especially excited for the Nitzotz teens to
work with local LA communities and help make positive changes in our parks, streets and schools
this summer."
Through Nitzotz, teens not only gain valuable community service experience, but they also get to
explore a new city while making new Jewish friends. Participants of both programs will take in
Major League baseball games and visit top tourist destinations. Additionally, both programs provide
the opportunity for participants to celebrate Judaism in a unique way. In LA, for example, teens will
experience a Havdallah ceremony on the beach and a book signing with Rabbi Ron Wolfson, a
professor at the University of Judaism. Most important, participants will learn how their actions
relate to society, spirituality and politics, ultimately empowering them to become leaders in their
own communities. For example, the Baltimore program includes a visit to Capitol Hill and the U.S.
Holocaust Memorial Museum; speaking engagements with representatives from Jewish service
organizations, including Rabbi Ariel Walsh of the Baltimore Jewish Convalescent Home; and a voter
registration drive.
"My experiences at Nitzotz last summer taught me how even simple acts of kindness, completed by
a group of teenagers, can inspire whole communities," said Lauren McGothlin, Nitzotz Baltimore
alumni, attending Nitzotz LA this summer. "While we were repairing several neighborhoods last
year, the people living there came out and worked with us. They lent us a helping hand with our
projects, and also began to plant trees and flowers in their own yards. It was a joint effort, and
that’s what Nitzotz is all about. I can’t wait to do the same this year."
Only 17 spots remain on the Nitzotz progam. For more information on Nitzotz or to
register, visit
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As additional confirmation that BBYO’s message is reaching more Jewish teens, BBYO teen[8/5/2014 3:56:03 PM]
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membership has increased substantially from the previous year. As we go to press, membership is
up about 15% from last year and the total number of teens who are engaged in BBYO activities has
reached nearly 25,000.
BBYO has expanded its offerings to teens, with close to 2,000 Jewish teens expected to participate
in BBYO’s summer and international leadership programs. Our outstanding b-linked social
networking community has attracted thousands of teens, and its alumni counterpart – b-networked
– has attracted thousands of alumni as well. We have expanded content and program offerings
throughout the b-linked site. That site now serves as the main driver of our internal database which
links the field with our International Office in Washington. More formerly cumbersome tasks have
been made simpler online, and many administrative tasks have been lifted from local operations.
Our BBYO "Dashboard" maintains records of all members, prospects, activities and events. We have
been able to standardize much that takes place, allowing for greater time to experiment and
innovate throughout the BBYO network.
In order to meet the challenge that growth in membership and in programming brings us, we have
expanded the depth and quality of our Board of Directors. We are pleased to welcome new
members from across North America, alumni, community leaders and others who share a passion of
connecting Jewish teens with our community. We have been fortunate in increasing our fundraising
to meet these challenges.
As we enter our new fiscal year starting July 1, the Board has adopted a plan that calls for
continuing improvement to BBYO’s offerings. We will bring additional outstanding new talent to our
organization, especially in positions that directly interact with our teen members.
So I end the year on a high note, with BBYO reaching new heights, gaining accolades, attention
and support. In order to reach even greater heights I call upon you, our more than 250,000 alumni
and all those who care about the Jewish Community’s future – for your ideas, your passion, your
involvement and your financial support.
To contact Howard Wohl, Chairman of the BBYO, Inc. Board of Directors, e-mail
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A year after graduating from UCLA with a degree in Political Science and Communication with a
minor in Journalism, she created her own production company called Perzazz Entertainment. This,
along with many acting jobs, did not satisfy Carrie’s ambition, however. She went on to found
Cassiopeia, a production company that produces television shows, films and theater.
Cassiopeia is currently moving into film and television production, shooting the pilot for Boarders, a
semi-autobiographical show in which Carrie has included some of her past BBYO experiences.
Peroutka has been very busy and this year, she is being considered for an Emmy nomination for
Best Supporting Actress for her TV show, My Life... Disoriented.
Carrie is more than just a successful actress and producer; Carrie has also been in six Broadway
plays and she was one of the youngest performers to sing at Carnegie Hall, New York. Currently,
she is working on recording an album with original music written by her and her musician friends,
with Carrie accompanying herself on piano on many of the songs. Still, her talents do not stop
there; Carrie is also a classically trained ballet dancer and a model.
Carrie is engaged to her BBYO sweetheart, Ryan Lustig, whom she met at a Tri-Regional Kallah. At
that convention, Carrie and Ryan had a “mock wedding” and Carrie plans to display pictures from
that wedding at her real wedding. “I know half of my wedding party will be friends whom I first
met in BBYO,” says Carrie.
Carrie claims, “Never in my life had I been surrounded by such loving, fun, intelligent and
ambitious people like the ones I met in BBYO.” When asked what message she would send to
BBYOers today, she simply answered, “Get as involved as you can! Take lots of pictures because
your memories of BBYO will stay with you forever. BBYO will change your life if you let it.”
Mazel Tov to Carrie and her fiancé from BBYO!
For more information on Cassiopeia Theater Company, go to
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Currently, a photo exhibit for which Schwartz acts as a curator is traveling the country, depicting
Jews from communities around the world. Articles on this project have appeared in numerous
newspapers on the East coast. Soon, Schwartz plans to release a book with Carter and Sand titled
Jews of Color: In Color. This book will introduce readers to the diverse faces and places that
comprise today's hidden Jewish world.
Click here to go to the Scattered Among the Nations website.[8/5/2014 3:56:03 PM]
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Once I visited Lauder Business School, a small university in Vienna, I knew that it was a perfect fit. The
campus is a picturesque Baroque complex that served as a palace for Empress Maria Theresia. Today, it has
been renovated to host a modern university with a Kosher cafeteria with three meals a day, a computer
lab, library, as well as modern and comfortable dormitories just 20 minutes from the center of Vienna.
The Lauder Business School offers a three-year, internationally recognized BA-Program in Intercultural
Business Administration and a two-year MA-Program in Intercultural Management and Leadership; both
programs are in English, but foreign languages are offered to the students. An amazing Jewish community
thrives on campus. Young Jews, coming from over 20 countries, celebrate all the Jewish holidays in a
pluralistic and fun environment.
I am proud to be studying at Lauder Business School and to be representing the university. As a member
of its Marketing Team, I help to organize recruitment for the school. The Lauder Business School reminds
me so much of BBYO because I see Jewish young people coming together to work on their identity,
attending various Jewish events all over Europe and, at the same time, receiving their BA’s and MA’s on a
high level.
Feel free to visit our website and apply - contact me by e-mail:
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lieberman2461 wrote
at 4:14 PM Monday, May 14, 2007
There's no one that fits the description
of being a better grad better than
Jackie Grad....
smallman2010 wrote
at 11:29 AM Tuesday, May 15, 2007
david frydman really impacted my life
by making me join BBYO!!!
Matt Kanter wrote
at 3:28 PM Tuesday, May 15, 2007
I would like to Honor Noah Seidel, he
represents what AZA is for me, and
he is my hero, and the reason why I am and
continue to be a Dedicated Aleph
JADreifus wrote
at 6:43 PM Tuesday, May 22, 2007
I love all of my friends my age!
International BBYO Class of 2007 was
amazing! Thank you for everything!
Is there a grad who has touched your life? Do you have a great story about a graduating senior? If
so, we want you to share it in the b-linked Honor a Grad group so we can say thanks to those
grads who impacted our lives.
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What started out as a search for summer activities quickly became an exciting opportunity as Sam
Yolen discovered the charity summer program, Coast to Coast. “It wasn’t what I was looking for,
but definitely what I want to do,” said Sam, a 16-year-old junior at Ridgefield High School.
The coast-to-coast ride started four years ago to raise money for children with cancer to attend
programs at Camp Quality. Camp Quality, created in 1983, in Sydney, Australia, was designed to
“give a child with cancer the opportunity to be a child again by providing enjoyment and a positive
atmosphere.” This growing organization now has approximately 220 camps within Australia and 19
camps, each in a different state, throughout America.
Coast to Coast is a nonprofit, two-month biking expedition, spanning ten states across the United
States, in order to raise money and awareness for children with cancer. All the money raised by
Sam and five other participating teenagers is directed to Camp Quality USA, helping to provide free
week-long camping experiences and support to children with cancer and their families.
For more information, visit
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Although many of the extracurricular activities offered at a typical high school teach some good
morals or lessons, BBYO provides its members with real experiences and life lessons. Key Club
International, a common club found on most high school campuses, has a mission to “develop[8/5/2014 3:56:03 PM]
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competent, capable, and caring leaders through the vehicle of service.” Imagine if students ran this
club; if the success and failure of its programs rested on the shoulders of the club’s leaders.
Imagine if members of Key Club in Pennsylvania could regularly meet with members of Key Club in
Texas, or Canada or Europe - if the organization truly were international. That is the difference
between BBYO and any other extracurricular activity.
The entire process of becoming a leader in BBYO teaches lessons that stay with its members for all
their lives. From public speaking to time management, the lessons that BBYO has to offer are
endless. Recently, I was talking to a freshman in college who is a BBYO alumnus. He told me about
the edge he has over the other students at his university because of the skills he obtained while in
BBYO. He said that BBYO, more than high school, prepared him for college, and for life.
The opportunities that BBYO offers its members are unparalleled. There are a slew of BBYO
summer programs that cater to all teens. From leadership conferences to community service
programs to trips to Israel and Europe, a BBYO summer leaves all the participants “hooked on a
feeling.” BBYO extends over much of the world and the International summer programs offer
unique experiences for participants to spend extensive time with fellow BBYOers from other parts of
the globe. Last summer, I attended a three week long summer program with two Bulgarian
members, a cultural experience I will never forget. This summer I will travel to Israel with BBYO’s
Passport to Israel program, and friends that I have met from all over the United States at previous
programs and experiences.
I have been a part of clubs and school sports and although they are enjoyable, they don’t hold a
candle to my experiences in BBYO. The opportunities I have had to connect with 18,000 Jews
across the globe are unrivaled by anything else I have ever experienced. Because of BBYO, I have
become a strong leader, a better friend, a proud Jew, and a conscious part of the world around
me. The experiences and lessons I have learned are unmatched by any other activity of which I
have been a part. I know that these lessons, principles, and life skills will stay with me for the
remainder of high school, through college and beyond. As a member of BBYO, I am a member of a
team, part of a student government and an active member of my community. There is nothing that
I would rather spend my time doing than working for BBYO.
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BBYO is the leading pluralistic Jewish teen movement aspiring to involve more Jewish teens in more
meaningful Jewish experiences. For more than 80 years, AZA and BBG chapters in communities around the
world have been providing exceptional leadership programs and identity enrichment experiences, shaping the
lives of 250,000 alumni who are among the most prominent figures in business, politics, academia, the arts
and Jewish communal life. Now, more than ever, BBYO offers unique opportunities for teens to connect with
one another, serve their communities, navigate the college admissions process and travel the world,
providing each participant with a network of lifelong friends, a perspective which adds value and meaning to
life and a shared commitment to strengthening the Jewish future.
BBYO, Inc. * 2020 K Street NW, 7th Floor * Washington, DC 20006 * *[8/5/2014 3:56:03 PM]
BBYO - eNews
Visit us on the web at
Join the Online Alumni Network at
Teens, connect at
Forward the BBYO e-News to Friends
or colleagues.
To submit news, events or
comments for the new BBYO eNewsletter, e-mail Abby
Strunk, Director of Marketing
and Communications at
BBYO eNewsletter July/August, 2007
Issue 23
BBYO, Inc. News
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- Have a Happy and Sweet New
What's your New Year's
resolution? If it's to help secure
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Ten new leaders have recently been installed to serve at the helm of the world's leading
pluralistic Jewish movement. The new International Executive Board members were elected by a
record number of participants in February at BBYO's largest-ever International Convention, held in
Texas, and installed into their positions at a June 28th ceremony at the B'nai Brith Perlman Camp
in Starlight, PA.
Members of the 2007-08 Grand Board of the Aleph Zadik Aleph include: president (Grand Aleph
Godol), Jason Wachs; VP of programming (Grand Aleph S'gan), Evan Herron; VP of membership
(Grand Aleph Moreh), Andrew Igdaloff; secretary and treasurer (Grand Aleph Mazkir), Joel Rosen;
and Jewish and Israel education, community service and social action VP (Grand Aleph Shaliach),
Steven Mintz.
Members of the 2007-08 International BBG Board include: president (International N'siah), Renee
Sharon; VP of programming (International S'ganit), Ali Greenberg; VP of membership
(International Aym-Ha Chaverot), Lauren Shenfeld; secretary and treasurer (International
Mazkirah), Emily Rosenfled; and Jewish and Israel education, community service and social action
VP (International Sh'licha), Lisa Weisshar.
Teens from around the country spent their summer becoming better leaders, exploring new
places and making lifelong friendships. Whether teens were traveling to Israel, doing community
service in Los Angeles, participating in leadership programs at the American Hebrew Academy or
Camp Perlman, or immersing themselves in the business world of New York City, BBYO Summer
Experiences continued to change the lives of many. The testimonials below provide a quick
glimpse of just a few of the meaningful experiences teens had this summer.
Passport to Israel
Save the Date – February 1418 - for IC '08 in Chicago!
Click here to join an AZA or
BBG chapter in your area.[8/5/2014 3:56:54 PM]
Israel Journey 5
by Matt Baker
BBYO - eNews
Israel Journey 5
by Sarah Mogelson
Golden Valley, MN
Click here to learn more about
Teen Connection, BBYO's
program for pre-highschoolers.
Since I was little, I have always heard about
how amazing Israel is. This summer I finally
had the chance to experience it myself with
the Passport to Israel (P2I) program. I went
into the trip only knowing a handful of kids,
and I wasn't sure exactly what to expect
when I arrived. Not long after our plane
landed did I realize that Israel is one of the
most beautiful places on earth. It was
amazing to me how one day we could be
walking through rivers and forests, the next
day be riding camels in the desert, and the
day after be shopping at one of the busiest
markets in Tel-Aviv.
Columbia, SC
To me, your Jewish identity is made up of
different parts. These connections—ranging
from your family, to your Bar/Bat mitzvah, to
your role within your community, etc.—are a
part of you and your every day life. But I
always felt strange about my connection with
Israel. I always knew that Israel was my
homeland. I knew to give tzedaka to the
Jewish state. I knew that we face Jerusalem
when we pray. I knew about the passion that
most every Jewish person has toward Israel,
but what was so strange for me is being so
passionate about a place yet never having
experienced going to it first-hand. READ
International Leadership Seminar Israel (ILSI)
Click here to visit,
the largest online community
exclusively for Jewish teens.
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BBYO Alumni around the world.
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Summer Gear!
by Marie McGwier
Columbia, SC
by Nikki Roth
Allentown, PA
When Theodor Herzl proclaimed, "Im
tirtsu, ein zo agada" - "If you will it, it is
no dream," it was with a staunch belief
that in the future, a Jewish State would be
created where people who shared one
amazing religion could congregate and live
freely for the first time in history. In 1948,
with inspiration from Herzl, Israel was
created. People of all origins, backgrounds,
ethnicities, and sects, flocked to Israel
eager to find refuge from persecution.
Now, in the present time, this one
miniscule country boasts the only full
democracy amongst a wealth of Arab
countries. With an army equipped to
protect the country, 37 kids including
myself felt completely safe to venture into
the land to learn about who we are and
what our faith was about.
International Leadership Seminar in Israel
(ILSI) is Passport to Israel's BBYO membersonly premier leadership and enrichment
program. Unlike traditional Israel tours, ILSI is
about connecting to Israel on a deeper level;
at least that's what it says on its website. But
having just returned from this three-week
adventure, I know from first-hand experience
that this description is just the tip of the
iceberg. READ MORE...[8/5/2014 3:56:54 PM]
BBYO - eNews
Chapter Leadership Training Conference
by Molly Kalinsky
Charleston, SC
by Brandon Weber
Allentown, PA
CLTC 1 was the most amazing experience in
my life! On the first night, Sherrie, our
director, said that all 70 of us would become
a family in 12 days. Nobody believed her at
first. I went with two other people from my
council, Sarah and Davis, and on the plane
to Atlanta, we were so excited, but so
nervous at the same time. We kept thinking,
"What if the people don't like us?" or "What
if we don't make any friends?" but when we
arrived in Atlanta, these two girls came to
talk to us. They asked where we were going
and we said "a Jewish summer--" but before
we could finish, they asked, "CLTC?" and we
said, "YES!"
This summer, I was lucky enough to get to
attend a CLTC session in Greensboro, NC.
Besides being a CLTC to go down in history
(the first one ever held in North Carolina), it
was a CLTC that I now refer to as the best
two weeks I've ever had. I went into CLTC
not knowing many people; there were 5
others from my region and one person I had
talked to from another region, so I knew six
out of about 68 people. Needless to say, I
was a little nervous. As always, BBYO was a
welcoming community. I'll admit, it was
probably one of the most awkward moments
I've had in a while standing outside in the
scorching hot North Carolina summer
weather, watching kids I don't know play
Frisbee better than I could ever try to, but
by that first night, I was already making
friends and starting to have a good time. By
the third or fourth day, I realized that CLTC
5 really was a home to me.
International Leadership Training Conference
by Guy Katz
Philadelphia, PA
by Mindy Shipon
Cherry Hill, NJ
In BBYO, every member contributes to their
chapter or region, because this is what keeps
the organization alive. However, sometimes
members experience difficult times helping
their chapter or region, and need help. There
are many places to seek help. For example,
there is CLTC, or Chapter Leadership Training
Conference, which is an international twoweek camp that teaches a member how to
lead his/her chapter. However, once the
member feels ready to begin to move
Once again, I had an amazing summer
thanks to a BBYO summer experience: last
year was CLTC 7, and this year was the
International Leadership Training Conference
(ILTC) 2007. I spent two weeks at Camp
Perlman in Pennsylvania learning everything
there is to know about BBYO. At ILTC, I
made friends that I believe will last a
lifetime. These friends were made through
the bonding activities that we participated in
at ILTC. ILTC was more than a leadership[8/5/2014 3:56:54 PM]
BBYO - eNews
toward regional work, he/she goes to ILTC,
or International Leadership Training
Conference. This annual conference is three
weeks long, and, according to many
participants such as myself, it is the
experience of a lifetime.
program; it changed me as a person. READ
by Callie Raynor
Houston, TX
I have grown up hearing about Alice's Cow
Palace and the many wonders of Perlman
camp—not to be too graphic, but my sister
and I are the products of Kallah. Ever since
my parents met staffing Kallah, they can't
stop talking about it. So this summer, when
I was finally old enough to go, choosing
Kallah over the other summer programs was
truly a no-brainer. And even though I may
have gone to Kallah to see what my parents
were talking about, not to find my Jewish
identity, I don't think I could have ever made
a better choice.
by Shoshana Torn
Baltimore, MD
"Blessed is the match consumed in kindling
flame. Blessed is the flame that burns in the
secret fastness of the heart. Blessed is the
heart with strength to stop its beating for
honor's sake. Blessed is the match consumed
in kindling flame." -- Chana Senesh
When I first received the Kallah shirt with
this saying on it, I was struck by the beauty
of the quote. But it wasn't until after I had
actually experienced the Kallah program that
I fully understood what the poem meant. The
words are simple, yet they carry the
importance with great pride. "Blessed is the
match consumed in kindling flame." READ
Nitzotz Los Angeles
by Brandon Jalnos
San Antonio, TX
Nitzotz Baltimore 2
by Cara Ozlek
Margate, NJ
Have you ever had that one moment where
something just hit you? On the last day of
Nitzotz, we ran a carnival at Hazletine
Elementary, where we assisted children to
learn how to read. As the carnival ended, our
presence was requested in the auditorium.
We walked through the double doors to a
standing ovation from all the children we had
"How wonderful it is that nobody wait a
single moment before starting to improve
the world." This is a quote by Anne Frank
which serves as the Nitzotz philosophy.
During the two weeks of the program, I
learned how important it is to give back to
your community. We worked with inner city
youth through Super Kids, did restoration
work with Parks and People, visited seniors
at a nursing home and worked with the[8/5/2014 3:56:54 PM]
BBYO - eNews
BUILD organization.
This summer, teens from across the country packed their
bags and traveled to "The Big Apple" as BBYO introduced
Project NYC, a unique 10-day experience based at New York
City's Columbia University and designed to immerse emerging
entrepreneurs in the fields of entertainment, marketing,
finance and fashion. Borrowing inspiration from the popularity
of competitive-based reality shows, such as "The Apprentice," Project NYC was complete with
friendly competitions for participants to apply their newly learned skills. READ MORE...
I am sitting here at NBC Studios on the fifth day of Project NYC. Julie
Fishman, BBYO's Director of College Initiatives, with the assistance of a
number of BBYO friends and board members, has organized an
incredible week for twenty BBYO members. As you've read above, the
idea is to combine an introduction to some of New York's specialized
industries, such as entertainment, finance and sports, with more
touristy experiences including Broadway theatre and Major League
This summer, more than 150 participants of BBYO's
International Leadership Training Conference (ILTC) were able
to witness the impact of their tzedakah (charity) as BBYO
presented a $52,000 check on July 5 to the American Jewish
Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), a result of BBYO's
commitment this year to donate its International Service
Fund (I$F) money raised from each region to the
organization. The JDC serves as the overseas arm of the
American Jewish community, serving the needs of Jews throughout the world, particularly where
their lives as Jews are difficult.
BBYO is pleased to be launching a Passport to Israel: BBYO
Advisor Trip! This is a perfect opportunity for both first timers
as well as frequent visitors to see all that Israel has to offer
with P2I's exciting itinerary. Applications are available via the
Dashboard. Do not miss this chance to experience Israel!
Bring Israel home to your chapters and help BBYO recruit for
next year's P2I teen trips in your communities! The dates for
this trip are November 7-18, 2007, and the price is $999 from
New York City including airfare. Questions? Contact Lane
Schlessel at
BBYO is looking for talented, hard-working and creative professionals to join our team across the
country. Please see below for current vacancies within the organization. Visit our website at for more detailed descriptions and to apply! For questions regarding
working with BBYO, please contact Rebecca Rottenberg, Human Resources Coordinator, at
Director, BBYO Alumni Network (Washington, DC)
International Director of Development (Washington, DC)
Washington, DC Area Executive Director
Southwest Area Executive Director
Wisconsin Region Program Associate
Ohio Northern Region Program Director
Boston Program Associate[8/5/2014 3:56:54 PM]
BBYO - eNews
Nashville Program Director
If you are looking for the perfect way to send well wishes for the New Year to your family, friends
and community members, two versions of Happy New Year cards are now available for purchase,
with a portion of the cards's proceeds donated back to BBYO. To wish everyone L'Shanah Tovah,
choose between the Apple & Honey version which says, "May You Have a Good and Sweet Year"
in Hebrew on the outside and English on the inside or the Shalom version which says, "In the
New Year, may the world be blessed with peace." The cards can be easily purchased and
personalized online. Envelopes are included. Please visit to order.
Alumni News
"Every aspect—from the friends, to the leadership skills I've developed,
to my respect for ‘process'—stemmed from BBYO," claims Jodi Binstock,
a highly-acclaimed TV and film director, producer and alumna of BBYO.
She has directed such notable shows as Boy Meets World and has
produced for television networks such as NBC.
Jodi Binstock held the position of International BBG President (N'siah)
from 1977-78. She credits her experience in BBYO with helping her
achieve success. "I think it was really in BBYO where I learned to get
along with others, and to work things out in a productive and
cooperative manner," she explains. "I have used those skills all of my
adult life. In addition, I learned to do public speaking at such an early
age, that speaking to crowds now is not only easier, but it's also like
being with an old friend, and that is entirely due to BBYO." READ MORE...
When David Schneider, Daniel Leavitt and Jeremy Baggish
decided to attend Kallah in 1987, they were expecting to have
a fun summer and to make some memories. What came out
of that summer were three brothers and a pact. David, from
Harrisburg, PA (Central Region East), Daniel, from San Diego,
CA (Southwest Region) and Jeremy, from Greensboro, North
Carolina (Eastern Region) all came to Kallah in the summer of
1987 as strangers; twenty years later, this summer, they
returned as best friends to fulfill a pact that they had made. READ MORE...
Upcoming Alumni Events
Join alumni from BBYO regions across North America, as well
as BBYO supporters from the Los Angeles community, at our
first Los Angeles BBYO Gala, honoring Henry Winkler, on the
evening of Thursday, October 11th at the Skirball Cultural
Center. You do not have to be a BBYO alum from the Los[8/5/2014 3:56:54 PM]
BBYO - eNews
Angeles area to attend. For more information, please visit, email or call
Whether you're an AZA or BBG alum, have children or relatives involved in BBYO, or just care
about the future of the Jewish community in Memphis and beyond, you're invited on Sunday,
September 9, at 7:30 pm to a Memphis Alumni and Support Network Kick-off Event. Please RSVP
to 901.767.7440, email or log on to and
sign up under Events.
If you are a young BBYO Alum living in the NYC area, mark Thursday, October 11th on your
calendar! You are invited to an elegant evening of reconnecting, networking and hearing from
current BBYO teen leaders from 7-9 pm at the Eden Fine Art Gallery, located on Madison Ave. and
50th St. Please contact Darrin Goldin, Northeast Area Executive Director, at for
more information or to provide an updated e-mail address.
Want to go on a free trip to Israel with your old friends from
BBYO? This winter, BBYO will be running a birthright trip for
BBYO alumni, ages 18-26. The trip will be open exclusively
for BBYO alumni for a limited time only. Visit often, as the dates and details will be
released soon, with registration opening on September 4. For
more information, email
b-linked News
It's hard to believe how fast summer has flown by! We asked b-linked users what they did on
their summer vacation. Here are some of our favorite responses!
rpazzy wrote
at 1:47 PM Sunday, August 05,
ILTC was an amazing experience.
I will never forget the wonderful days i spent at
Perlman amongst some of the organizations best
leaders. The leadership skills and friends i made
will stay with me forever.
I love each and every one of the 148 people
present, and i can't imagine having not gone.
Thanks for helping summer 2007 be the best
summer ever![8/5/2014 3:56:54 PM]
Talia<3 wrote
at 3:00 PM Saturday, August 11,
I lived in Costa Rica this summer
for six weeks with a host family!
It was the most amazing experience of my life
right before CLTC 8 2006 last summer. I lived in a
tiny house with dirt floors and chickens running
around my kitchen! I met other students doing
the program as well from all over the country,
just like in BBYO international programs. One
other student in my town was even in PCR! It's a
small world. her and I bonded over BBG and
shared stories and even planned a program while
BBYO - eNews
abroad. I had a great time practicing and learning
spanish as well as learning all about central
american culture. My stay abroad had its up and
downs, of course, but I wouldn't have changed
anything for the world. My host family ended up
feeling like my actual family and I bonded with
them immediately. This experience changed my
life, just like CLTC, and I now have a different
outlook on everything. Hope all of you can have
as great an experience as I have had this
summer sometime in your life!
kms624 wrote
at 12:50 PM, August 13, 2007
I moved to California, from Florida. I
drove with my parents and my dog for
9 days to get here. Then I met a
couple people who took me to a BBYO get
together, which got me interested, and I became
a member not even a week later.
Becca_08 wrote
at 9:48 AM, August 20, 2007
i went to ILTC!!!!! it was
amazing!!!! & Project NYC!!! it
was really awesome! & you should
look out for it next summer & you should go!!
really it is unlike any other BBYO summer
b-accepted News
This summer, 20 teens from across the country packed their
bags and traveled to the "city that never sleeps" for the firstever Project NYC, a unique 10-day experience based at New
York City's Columbia University and designed to immerse
emerging entrepreneurs in the fields of entertainment,
marketing, finance and fashion. Borrowing inspiration from
the popularity of competitive-based reality shows, such as
"The Apprentice," Project NYC was complete with friendly competitions for participants to apply
their newly learned skills.
Congratulations to the winners of Project NYC's competition (named "Urban Nature" by the teens
participating)! "Team Nine" wowed the judges and beat the competition with a sleek presentation,
a solid business plan and a hot idea. Great job, Sara Gelb (Fort Myers, Florida), Amy Gross
(Columbia, South Carolina), Marley Kleiman (Fox Point, Wisconsin), Paul Lazarow (Palo Alto,
California) and Brandon Lebowitz (West Bloomfield, Michigan)!
In the News
A JTA article titled The Rebirth of BBYO portrays the significant progress that BBYO has made
since becoming an independent organization five years ago. This article has been covered in the
following publications: The Long Island Jewish World, Jewish Tribune (Spring Valley, NY) and The
Tulsa Jewish Review.
A JTA article titled Jim Joseph Invests Big in BBYO covering BBYO's recently received grant has
been published in the Jewish News of Greater Phoenix, Cleveland Jewish News, New Jersey
Jewish News, (Central and Metro Wes Editions), Jewish News (Central Oaks, CA), Jewish Post &
News (Winnipeg, Canada), The New Standard (Columbus, OH), The Jewish Chronicle (Worcester,
MA) and Jewish World (Albany, NY).
Ethan Tabakin from Virginia Council published an article in the Jewish News of Virginia Beach,
VA discussing his experience in BBYO and the Programming Award that Virginia Council won at
BBYO's International Convention (April 2007).
The Jewish Herald-Voice, Houston, TX, published an article about J-Serve, a day of service, in
which members of Lonestar Region BBYO participated (May 3, 2007).
The Texas Jewish Post of Fort Worth, TX published an article highlighting North Texas
Oklahoma Region's leaders. This article featured Emily Rosenfeld, Jasmine Rikin, Robert
Radoff and Steven Mintz (May 3, 2007).[8/5/2014 3:56:54 PM]
BBYO - eNews
The American Israelite of Cincinnati, OH published an article congratulating Cincinnati BBYO of
Kentucky Indiana Ohio Region with the quadrupling of its membership (May 3, 2007).
The Hebrew Watchman of Memphis, TN published an article and a photo about Memphis BBYO's
recent Leadership Training Institute Convention held in Downtown Memphis (May 3, 2007).
Emily Giller, Alyssa Morris and Amanda Bucher of Cornbelt Council wrote articles for the
Jewish Press of Omaha, NE about BBYO's impact on their lives (May 4, 2007).
Brittany Thomas, a Cotton States Region member, was chosen by Memphis Woman Magazine
as one of its "Outstanding Young Women of Memphis" according to the Hebrew Watchman of
Memphis, TN (May 10, 2007).
The "Tikkun Toronto" event where BBYOers gave back to the community was covered in the
Canadian Jewish News of Toronto (May 10, 2007).
The Jewish Tribune of Spring Valley, NY included a photograph of BBYO participants in its article
covering the Salute to Israel Parade (May 11, 2007).
The Charleston Jewish Voice of Charleston, SC featured an article highlighting the past and future
events of Charleston BBYO, Dixie Council BBYO, as well as Teen Connection (May, 2007).
The Jewish Journal of Fort Lauderdale, FL discussed BBYO's Passport to Israel options (May
17, 2007).
Washington Jewish Week published an article about BBYO's recent success and its upsurge in
popularity (May 17, 2007).
Jason Scott Feldman wrote an article for the Dayton Jewish Observer about his experience at
Kentucky Indiana Ohio Region's Kallah convention (May 2007).
The Rose AZA Alumni Reunion was featured in the Detroit Jewish News (May 24, 2007).
Lonestar Region BBG's Mind, Body, and Attitude Program, a program with a licensed dietitian
and make-up artist, was highlighted in the Jewish Herald-Voice of Houston, TX (May 31, 2007).
The Hebrew Watchman of Memphis, TN printed a photo of the Rose Belz Kriger BBG Holocaust
Remembrance Day program which commemorated eight modern genocides (May 31, 2007).
An article in the Jewish Hearald-Voice of Houston, TX examined how Teen Connection gives
8th graders the opportunity to connect with Jewish teens, explore Judaism and create a positive
Jewish social experience in preparation for high school (May 31, 2007). Shayna Meliker of Baltimore Council was featured in an article, entitled Walking Inspiration in
the Baltimore Jewish Times. The article explained how Shayna has already raised $255,000 for
Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America, and discussed her BBYO involvement (June 1, 2007).
The Jewish News, Virginia Beach, VA, published an article about Tidewater BBYO's attendance
at the Spring Council, a convention where new council boards are elected. Ten out of the 14 teens
elected were from Tidewater BBYO (June 2007).
The Dayton Jewish Observer printed a photo of Wepring-Kadima AZA members celebrating the
83rd anniversary of AZA Founder's Day. The celebration included Shabbat Dinner, service and a
program about Israel (June 2007).
A picture of teens attending the Spring Convention of Lake Ontario Region was printed in the
Canadian Jewish News of Toronto, Canada (June 7, 2007).
Baltimore Council's Achot BBG chapter was featured in the Baltimore Jewish Times for their
Locks of Love Day program on June 10, benefiting financially-disadvantaged children under 18
suffering from long-term medical hair loss (June 8, 2007).
Central Region East's Dana Solge wrote an article for the Jewish Voice of Wilmington, DE about
her experience at Spring Fling, the last convention of Central Region East's programming year
(June 8, 2007).
The Jewish Herald-Voice of Houston, TX announced Cara Rosenthal from Lonestar Region as
the recipient of a Summer Experience Scholarship (June 14, 2007).
Pulaski-Ruach college scholarship recipients, Megan Silverman and Evan Varadi, both
Lonestar Region BBYO members, were profiled by the Jewish Herald-Voice of Houston, TX
(June 14, 2007).
The Jewish Voice-Herald of Houston, TX announced Lonestar Region's Blake Helfman as the
winner in an economic research contest (June 14, 2007).
BBYO made the list of 120 Great Things About the Greater Philadelphia Jewish Community in the
Philadelphia-based Jewish Exponent (June 19, 2007).[8/5/2014 3:56:54 PM]
BBYO - eNews
The Detroit Jewish News published a photo of BBYOers Stephanie Howitz, Sarah Hepner and
Dana O'Neil of Michigan Region (June 21, 2007).
The Detroit Jewish News included a photo and an article announcing the new Michigan Region
BBYO Commission elections (June 21, 2007).
The Columbia Jewish News of North Carolina published an article by Gabbi Baker about
supporting Israel. Gabbi wrote that BBYO helped her realize how important supporting Israel is to
her (June 2007).
Meet the International Board
Renee Sharon
International N'siah
Charlotte, NC
The true essence of BBYO to me is Judaism.
Although my leadership skills have undoubtedly
grown as a result of my involvement in BBYO
and I have made friendships and memories
that will last a lifetime, without BBYO in my
life, I would not be as proud and
knowledgeable about Israel and Judaism as I
am today. As N'siah, I hope to distribute my
pride and knowledge about the issues that face
our religion to every single member in our
order and make them feel as passionate as I
do about Judaism.
Ali Greenberg
International S'ganit
Miami, FL
BBYO honestly means the world to me. It has
brought me friendships, experiences and
memories of a lifetime, and I couldn't even
begin to imagine high school without
everything it has offered. This year I'm really[8/5/2014 3:56:54 PM]
Jason Wachs
Grand Aleph Godol
Cleveland, OH
Thanks to BBYO not only have I been
afforded the opportunity to travel all over the
world, but more importantly to find my niche
as a leader in the Jewish community.
Throughout my term as Grand Aleph Godol,
it will be my intention to offer the same
opportunities I have had to as many other
Jewish teenagers as possible. Furthermore, it
will be my goal to ensure that BBYO further
secures its place as an influential
philanthropic organization within the Jewish
community. BBYO has incredible power
within the Jewish community and it is an
honor to serve in such a prestigious position.
Evan Herron
Grand Aleph S'gan
Cherry Hill, NJ
BBYO is more than just a Jewish youth group
to me; it is something I believe in. It gave
me a Jewish identity and has shaped the
person I have become. Through new and
innovative programming ideas, I hope to give
BBYO - eNews
looking forward to coordinating the BEST IC
ever (don't miss out!), working with my
counterparts to improve the quality of
programming on the local level, and, overall,
doing everything I can to give back to the
organization that has brought so much to me
over the past three years.
all Alephs and B'nai B'rith Girls the same
Lauren Shenfeld
International Aym HaChaverot
Northridge, CA
Andrew Igdaloff
Grand Aleph Moreh
Blacklick, OH
BBYO is a Jewish teen's greatest opportunity.
It's an opportunity to grow as a leader, a
friend, and a Jew; it's an opportunity to learn
to be self-motivated and self-inspired, to make
a positive change in both your own and in
another person's life. This year as a member
of BBG's International Board, I cannot wait to
reach out to thousands of new members,
increasing the number of Jewish teens across
the world that get the opportunity to be a part
of BBYO. I also look forward to seizing this
fortunate opportunity as International Aym-Ha
Chaverot to educate the International Order on
the history and traditions of our over-60-yearold organization, instilling in each member a
great passion for BBYO!
BBYO provides so many amazing
opportunities that have helped me really
grow into the person I am today. My favorite
moments in high school have come during
BBYO programs here in Columbus, at Camp
Perlman, and most recently in Israel. This
upcoming year should be very exciting with
our push to reach beyond 18,001 members.
We have a lot of cool things planned for this
year to make recruitment drives and
education easier and more successful than
ever before.
Emily Rosenfeld
International Mazkirah
Dallas, TX
Joel Rosen
Grand Aleph Mazkir
Bala Cynwyd, PA
BBYO is the place for me to make connections:
connections to new friends, to my Judaism and
to leadership skills and abilities I never even
knew I had. BBYO has allowed me to create
change in a way that I was never able to
before I entered it three years ago, and I think
the empowerment that BBYO provides is the
reason so many teenagers fall in love with it.
There are few other opportunities where teens
can make an impact like we can in BBYO. As
an I-Board member, my priority is to reach out
BBYO is not only an important Jewish
experience in my life, it is a way of joining
together to form stronger bonds with friends
in a helpful way. Community service helps
better my community while building
character within myself. International Board
has given me the chance to demonstrate the
leadership skills I gained at International
Leadership Training Conference last summer
and demonstrate moral fiber to help improve
this amazing organization.[8/5/2014 3:56:54 PM]
BBYO - eNews
to every one of my counterparts and be there
for them as a resource at all times, to promote
and improve BBYO's online endeavors, increase
awareness about I$F and coordinate an
incredible ILTC 2008!
Lisa Weisshar
International Sh'licha
Chatsworth, CA
Steven Mintz
Grand Aleph Shaliach
Dallas, TX
BBYO has taught me that I have the voice and
the power to make a difference. To me, BBYO
is an opportunity for Jewish teens from all over
the world to connect, grow, and discover
where they fit into their communities as Jews.
My main priority this year is to inspire teens
with that certain sense of enthusiasm, zeal and
spirit for Judaism that first attracted me to
BBYO has provided me the opportunities to
become a stronger leader, an independent
person, a reliable friend, and most
importantly, a proud Jew. Above all else,
BBYO is not only a safe haven that has
welcomed me like we are family, but it has
also strengthened me as an individual. My
top priorities as Grand Aleph Shaliach will
focus primarily on providing for the member,
giving assistance when it is needed, listening
when there are requests, and being a
resource for everyone to use to their
Back to Top
Israel Journey 5
by Sarah Mogelson
Golden Valley, MN
Now that I am home, everyone asks me "What was your favorite part?" "What experience did you
get the most out of?" and I simply cannot answer it. Everything was so amazing, and every
experience made me love Israel even more than before. Although I didn't have a favorite part,
certain things stick out to me more than others. For example, the Western Wall on Shabbat was
like nothing I have ever seen before. It was amazing. Men in black hats and tallits joined in a circle
with boys from my program wearing only shorts and t-shirts, and sang nigguns and Shabbat songs
while dancing. I stood with three of my friends at the wall, looking up at it, through crowds of
women, and all of us sang the Shema. It was like nothing I have ever felt before, and I know it
was a feeling that can only be grasped onto at the Kotel.
In my past years of BBYO, I have attended CLTC and Kallah during the summer. They were both
amazing experiences, but nothing can even compare to Israel. It is a place that cannot be
compared to anywhere else is the world. I had the opportunity to experience so many things that I
have never done before such as rappelling down a mountain, kayaking in the Jordan River,
climbing Masada, and so much more. The best part of the whole trip was the sense that I actually
belonged in Israel, that I wasn't just a tourist, but that I was a part of the State.
Back to Top
Israel Journey 5
by Matt Baker
Columbia, SC
BBYO's Passport to Israel program was the ideal way for me, and hundreds of others throughout
the summer, to experience Israel in their own way. What stood out the most about my trip was all
of the diversity in what we did from day-to-day, how it was never the same agenda when we woke
up in the morning. Being able to walk through the City of David, and then make our way up to the[8/5/2014 3:56:54 PM]
BBYO - eNews
Western Wall one day in Jerusalem, and then the next, go swimming in the Sea of Galilee and
spend the evening shopping in Tiberias, is just a normal two days of the three-week experience.
What I realized the most when I returned home—besides the fact that I wanted to be with my 40
friends back in Israel—was how comfortable I truly felt overseas. Back in America, the physical
aspects were all different, but the feeling of being home didn't change; I felt comfortable in Israel
as much as I did at my home back in South Carolina. I am so passionate about BBYO summer
programs because they afford teens so many different opportunities. It's just a matter of
what opportunity you choose to take.
Back to Top
by Marie McGwier
Columbia, SC
We were tired. We were antsy. We were irritable; but we could hardly grapple that we were finally
in Israel the moment we landed. How could something so many people dream of and never
accomplish come to us by the mere age of 17? We'd already been awake 13 hours but it was only
six o'clock in the morning in Israel. With that in mind the kids of ILSI loaded a bus and we were
transported to our home, the Alexander Muss High School in Israel, for the next three weeks. From
there, the ball began to roll. In some aspects the next three weeks were a total blur. Our days
were so full half of the time I can't remember if I did something the first week or the third. In other
aspects every single activity was completely separate and a vastly unique experience of its own.
However, every single step I took furthered my Jewish identity. Whether I was learning about the
oppression of my people at the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum, or taking a hike down the river
bed of a mountain Rabbis fought to reach the top of, Judaism was constantly being thrown at me,
and it was a challenge for me to hold it all in.
I never considered that I had never TRULY been connected to my Judaism until I stepped into Tzfat
for the second Shabbat. Literally, I felt my religion flowing through my veins; it was as if I had
been injected with the beliefs of my forefathers who fought to the death for the safety and well
being of Judaism. The Friday night of the second Shabbat was the holiest I've ever felt in my entire
life. The girls and boys were separated, and we went to a Kabbalist's home to have spiritual
services with his wife. We sat on the floor, sang niguns and felt so connected I could feel
everything Jewish in the room that night. Experiences such as the second Shabbat in Tzfat are
literally once in a lifetime experiences ONLY capable of being witnessed in Israel with the people
you love.
The people you love: the ones you can't imagine your life without. They are the ones you meet on
summer programs such as ILSI. For me, the program was 40% Israel, 60% people. My trip would
have been drastically different had the most amazing people I've ever met in my entire life not
been there with me. Each experience was that much more unique because I had 36 other
invaluable people there to share the fun, the trials and the tribulations with me. Though cliché, I
had people to rely on through thick and through thin, and we worked together hand-in-hand to
accomplish our goals.
Since I've been home, I've done a lot of thinking. On occasion, it blows my mind how attached I
can be to a place I spent so little time in. However, I think back, and I realize I learned so much
about one amazing place while only there for three weeks. There was never a flaw in the schedule,
and never any down time. While in Israel, I often thought to myself that I really wished I had
more "alone time." Now that I'm home and have plenty of time to myself, I have realized I would
give up anything and everything to go back. I don't need down time. I had 36 people to share my
life with. I made the best friends I've ever had.
On the third Shabbat, I was less than enthused to be congregating at the Kotel for Friday night
services. From what I'd heard, men had fun singing and dancing, whereas women stood, mumbled
and expressed no joy to be praying. When we arrived, there were so many Jewish people
gathering, it lit up my heart to watch them all. We (the girls) got in a circle and began to sing
niguns and eventually began to pray. It was nothing of what I expected. I felt almost as connected
to God as I had the week before in Tzfat. Shabbat at the Kotel was an important experience vital
to my mindset of my Judaism.
Last year, when I came home from Kallah West, I expressed my views not as a Jew from South
Carolina, but instead as a Jew fighting for the strength and survival of her religion in the South.
Now not only do I speak as a Jew fighting for the strength of her religion, I speak as a Zionist, an
educated Jew, a Jew PREPARED to fight for the strength and survival of her religion in a rapidly
declining Jewish populated area.
Israel was a life changing experience. Not in the sense that I came home more religious, or keeping
Kosher…but I've learned so much about myself and who I am. In addition, I've grown this deep
heartfelt love for the land of Israel. I truly feel like later on in life I could live there. ILSI was a
beyond amazing and invaluable experience. I cannot imagine how my life would be without it. I
now feel able and confident to take on non-supporters of Israel, I feel connected to a land so
special to my religion, I have made the best friends I've ever made in my life, and I have visited a[8/5/2014 3:56:54 PM]
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country many people live their lives for but never reach.
My one regret: I took the first two weeks for granted. Though I had an extremely amazing time, I
did not fully appreciate everything David and Reuven (our educators) were teaching us. I was more
focused on seeing the pretty sights and making the daring climbs than fully understanding the
significance of what I was looking at and what hike I was tackling. It was not until the second
Shabbos in Tzfat when I realized how much more I could have learned. From then on, I set out
listening and enveloping my mind with everything Jewish I could. My life without Judaism would be
lacking. My life without Judaism would be pointless. My life without Israel would be nonexistent.
Aym Yisrael Chi. May the people of Israel live forever and ever.
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by Nikki Roth
Allentown, PA
Beginning from day one, ILSI proved to be the quintessential spiritual and Judaic quest for
knowledge. Two top educators from the Alexander Muss High School in Israel were more than our
teachers; they were our mentors. Not only did we have the opportunity to learn about Israel and
the history of our people, but we also got to walk in the steps of our ancestors, literally.
We visited the bustling city of Tel Aviv, the mystical city of Tzfat, and the ancient city of Jerusalem,
each offering a window into the past and a door to the future. In Tel Aviv, we discussed how to
preserve Judaism in a Western metropolis. We also got to see an outstanding performance called
Mayumana, which is often compared to Stomp, but is truly unique unto itself. In the middle of our
second week, we immersed ourselves in spirituality and mysticism by traveling to the Kabbalistic
center of the world, Tzfat. Many of the participants found our four-day trip to be the highlight of
their stay in Israel. While in Tzfat, we met a Kabbalistic artist and experienced an authentic
Kabbalah Shabbat, amongst many other things. We ended our trip with a three-day overnight in
Jerusalem, where we enjoyed Friday night Shabbat services at the Western Wall.
No trip to Israel would be complete without climbing Masada, spending the day at the beach and
floating in the Dead Sea. We had the pleasure of experiencing them all, along with many other
adventures too numerous to mention.
As if traveling the Holy Land wasn't enough, I got to experience all of this with my best friends
from across the Order. I reconnected with friends from past programs and bonded with new Alephs
and BBGs from all over the United States. Experiencing such a unique and powerful trip together
elevated our friendship to a new level. My experience on ILSI solidified my love for Israel and
Judaism and strengthened my passion for BBYO.
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by Molly Kalinsky
Charleston, SC
When we landed in Milwaukee, Sarah, Davis and I couldn't believe we were finally going to CLTC!
We had so many mixed feelings at this point; we didn't know what to expect. Everyone was in their
cliques from their regions in the baggage area, but as soon as we left the airport and got on the
bus everything was different—we all just started talking and getting to know each other.
When we arrived at Beber, Julie Judson and Yaniv Barzilai, our coordinators, jumped onto our bus
and introduced themselves—right then and there I realized that CLTC would be an experience I
would NEVER forget. Everyone made friends instantly. Shy people like me broke out of their shells.
It was amazing.
The things we did at CLTC were so inspiring. Inductions into the International Order were
incredible. Julie planned everything so well, and I will never forget the inductions. Rotations like
Israeli dancing were always entertaining, and problem solving was also very helpful, along with
communications, and membership. I now have resources (both paper and people) to take home to
my chapter in Charleston.
The friendships that I made while at CLTC will last forever—seriously. It really is amazing how
much CLTC impacts your life. The girls and guys that I met are my best friends, and I can call
them up just to talk, if I have a problem or even to share BBYO stuff! I know they will always be
there for me and I will always be there for them. CLTC was the best thing I've ever done.
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by Brandon Weber
Allentown, PA[8/5/2014 3:56:54 PM]
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This realization came to me during the elections for the chapter board of Max Baer AZA #1959, my
mock chapter. I ran for Godol, and after losing that, was nominated by others for almost every
position. After each loss (yes, I lost all of them) I saw that the dorm was becoming closer, and
though I would not be on the board, I would be a member of a close group of friends I'd have for
the rest of my life. As the days went by, I grew closer and closer to my brothers in Max Baer, my
brothers in the other chapter (Chico Sabbah AZA), and my sisters also there.
Somewhere between the funniest dinner I've ever had, singing a 40-minute long version of the
Birkat Hamazon, reading my slam poem at CLTC Presents, receiving a standing ovation for my
renditions of songs from RENT at the talent show, and running around outside in the rain for an
underground session, I knew that nothing else I would ever do would take the place of CLTC in my
heart, and that these were memories I'd keep for a lifetime. Of course, I learned a lot of things
that I now plan to bring back to my chapter (Allentown AZA #156) and region (Central Region East
#34), but it was the fun times that really made CLTC stand out. If you haven't gone to a CLTC
session yet, I definitely recommend taking the first opportunity you get to go. My summer
definitely would not have been the same if I had not gone to CLTC.
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by Guy Katz
Philadelphia, PA
ILTC is when the top 150 leaders in the international organization have a chance to get help from
the best of the international staff, as well as the International Board. This experience is so
reputable that members from across the globe attend. At ILTC '07, there were two Bulgarians, eight
Israelis and four Canadians. All 150 leaders of the organizations came on behalf of their respective
regions with the hope of being equipped with the tools needed to run a region. ILTC trained its
participants in many ways. First, there were daily classroom lessons, called Blueprints. There were
many to choose from, including Marketing, BBYO Basics, Being a Visionary, the Science of
Leadership and a Lesson on Respect. Each participant got to choose two of these blueprints and
have four or five lessons on them. Each was as helpful as the other, and those who wanted help
with a subject not covered in their blueprint would talk to others and get other perspectives.
Another method of learning was one-time electives that participants would choose to attend, and
would cover very specific ideas that could be difficult in BBYO. The final way we were trained for
regional work was through hands-on work. There were Shabbat groups that every member was a
part of, and each group had to do something for Shabbat at ILTC. Some had to plan programs,
some had to decorate the camp, some had to plan services, and some had to do environmental
work to the camp to make it a better place to stay. All in all, through much work and dedication,
every participant was able to take something away that would later help their regions with the
struggles facing them.
ILTC was made to be a helpful and educational experience for everyone, but this was not
everything. Between all the participants that attended and the two hours of free time given to
everyone every day, participants were bound to have fun too. Every participant got to choose a
creative art that they would be a part of during their entire stay at ILTC, and would eventually
present what they did at the end of camp, during ILTC Presents. Some of the creative arts were
Visual Arts, Ceramics, Rikudim (Israeli Dancing), Movie/Film, Slideshow and Music. Every member
of these electives contributed to the final presentation that was given on the last night of ILTC.
These were very fun and unique experiences. Other than that, there were still many other
opportunities to enjoy oneself at ILTC. The two hours of free time, or Chofesh, given everyday,
gave participants a chance to go to the canteen, play ping pong, buy candy, jump in the pool, play
Frisbee or do something else on their own. It was a chance for everyone to get their minds off of
work and BBYO and a chance to simply relax and enjoy themselves.
The last and most memorable experience that we experienced at ILTC was Color Wars. All the
participants were split into four groups: Blue Toad, Red Mario, Green Luigi and White Boo. All the
teams had to work together, plan out their strategy and show great physical strength for three
days straight in order to collect the most coins and stars. The competition included a real-life
Mario-kart simulation, tug-of-war, a massive water balloon with over three thousand balloons and
more. It also had mental competitions, such as a silent breakfast, a lunch in which the only
communication that could happen was singing, a trivia game and a spelling bee. The competition
ended with an intense rope-burning competition in which each team had to build a fire high enough
to break three high ropes, and the team that did it the fastest, Red Mario, was the winner of the
color war. It was a difficult competition, but even the teams that did not win still enjoyed
themselves very much and considered the experience unforgettable.
ILTC in general was truly an experience of a lifetime. Everyone learned a great amount, everyone
had fun, and everyone made friendships that could never be replaced or forgotten. The amazing
experience truly cannot be expressed in words and remain as extraordinary as those three weeks
were for every one of the 150 participants of the International Leadership Training Conference.
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by Mindy Shipon
Cherry Hill, NJ
One of the best things about ILTC, to me, was meeting all of the unique, spirited and passionate
members of BBYO from across the organization. Being from South Jersey, I think it is amazing to
meet kids from Bulgaria, Israel and even California! The teens that went to ILTC 2007 have an
amazing passion for this organization, and it was so nice to share in it. There were many different
classes, but there was one where we were split up into our positions from our
regional/chapter/council board. It was so great to be able to discuss how each region runs and
what programs works for them. By doing so, I was able to take notes to help my region for when I
came back home.
ILTC was not entirely learning; we had a lot of fun too. Every night we were able to bond by
attending the evening activity. Most nights we had Israeli dancing and song sessions. However,
there were other nights that guests came in to perform for us, talk with us or help us get our
creative juices flowing. I know that we all laughed a lot when the Late Night Players came and did
a comedy skit for us. To me, one of the best events was the Poetry Slam. The Hebrew Mammita
came and recited some of her personal poetry for us to listen to. She then helped us to write our
own poetry based on the lines "I am..." As a community, we listened to each other express who
we are in the form of poetry. Besides nighttime events, we took some time out of ILTC for
Maccabia! There is not a better way to become connected with your friends than by throwing water
balloons at them and cheering with your team until you have no voice left. The people that I met
are friends that I will continue to keep in touch with.
I can't believe that the summer is already over and I am back home. My experience at ILTC is one
that I will never forget. I learned how to be a leader within my region and new ideas to try at
conventions. The people who attended ILTC are some of the most amazing people I have ever met.
I would highly recommend ILTC to anyone interested in having an amazing, educational BBYO
summer. Back to Top
by Callie Raynor
Houston, TX
Kallah was absolutely one of the most amazing experiences of my life. The expectations I had built
up for sixteen years were far surpassed within the first few days. Now, just one week after Kallah, I
can't imagine living without some of my new friends. As for my favorite Kallah experiences, there
are probably too many to write down. In fact, now that I'm thinking about it, there aren't too many
specific moments that stand out as what made Kallah special, just the experience as a whole was
First of all, at the beginning, I was extremely surprised at how open everyone was. Rather than
pretending to act cool and superior to any really deep questions, the participants actually took the
time to really think about their answers and share very personal responses with almost complete
strangers. I felt like no one was there just to be there, that they really wanted to go full force into
the program and absorb everything they could.
Secondly, I think a massive part of what made Kallah so special for me was the specific group of
people, both participants and staff, who were there. Even though I must have been kicked out of
the staff lounge a hundred times a day, the staff really did help make Kallah great, and I'm glad
that I've kept in touch with many of them. As for the participants, what can I say? I met some
amazing people at Kallah. I don't think I met one person who wasn't friendly and am really grateful
to all of the participants for being so real and open-minded. Meeting some of the girls who turned
out to be so down to earth and different than I had initially assumed has definitely helped me not
judge people before I know them - as cliché as it may sound. I am so happy that this specific
group of kids was at this year's Kallah. This summer, and this program, brought about many new
experiences for me that I cannot imagine having with anyone else, and I know that the 180 of us
have a relationship that no one else will ever be able to understand.
So to sum it up, I will never forget my first Kallah Havdallah, the "all girls service," all the laughs
and how sad I was to leave—a true sign of how much this whole experience has meant to me. I
wish every kid in BBYO had the chance to go to Kallah and see how inspiring kids my age can be.
Even though I haven't decided to be more observant or religious, I think my perspective on my life
and on Judaism has been changed for the better because of what I would have to say were the
most incredible three weeks of my life.
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by Shoshana Torn
Baltimore, MD
We learned something new everyday; I believe that sparked the flame. And by something, I mean
the reasons for why we do Havdallah on Saturday nights, the consequences of interfaith marriages,[8/5/2014 3:56:54 PM]
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the importance of a Jewish community and the power of one's own t'filah-prayer. Over the course
of three weeks, the fire of Judaism appeared in each participant through the numerous discussions
on our personal Jewish identity. Although I have attended a Jewish Day School until my high school
years, I loved being able to learn with teens from all different backgrounds and practices of
Judaism. We were also taught new songs and dances that connected us to our heritage. Every
single program had a purpose in mind, and I know that the messages were conveyed in many
creative ways.
Kallah was more meaningful because it was in the ideal learning environment, isolated from the
world, but living as one community. One hundred seventy teens from the United States, Canada
and Bulgaria kept the flame alive at the biggest summer program yet. Now the true challenge
comes after the entire experience. I believe it is our own responsibility to bring the flame home, to
our own Jewish and BBYO communities. Kallah 5767 has to become the match, the teacher,
carrying the fire to all who want to learn.
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Nitzotz Los Angeles
by Brandon Jalnos
San Antonio, TX
Every afternoon, we got off our bus to a swarm of kids ready and eager to learn. We started by
participating in their recess, playing such games as soccer and basketball. Everyday I played with
the same group of kids and made many memories with them. After recess, we regrouped with our
partners and prepared our lesson plans for our reading groups. From there, I met many different
kids who touched me with their stories. Many of them grew up in broken homes but were very
appreciative with what they had. On one particular day, I overheard one of the groups. The
children had been given gifts and were allowed to trade or "upgrade" to something of larger value.
The two lesson planners of this group asked the kids if they were happy with what they had
received. One child who was given a paperclip was extremely excited. Now who would think that
child would be so excited about receiving such a gift? But she replied, "I'm happy that someone
thought to give me something."
Once we took our seats in the auditorium the principal and directors of the program we worked for
at Hazletine Elementary welcomed us. One by one, the students started walking up upon the stage
to read letters of appreciation to us. Some were addressed to single individuals while most were
addressed to the whole group. After the brave students who volunteered to read on stage had
finished reading, we were informed that the rest of the letters from the students were on the walls
all around us. As soon as the ceremony ended, we rushed to read the letters that surrounded us.
As I skimmed across the readings, I came across one written to me. It was from one of the
children who had played basketball with me and had been in my last reading group. I remember
the first day I met him. He told me of his favorite soccer player named Ronaldino, which instantly
became his nickname. I immediately made a connection with him for we both had the love of
sports. When reading his letter in the auditorium, it made a permanent impression on me that I will
never forget.
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Nitzotz Baltimore 2
by Cara Ozlek
Margate, NJ
Super Kids is a program designed to assist children who have difficulties with reading. I loved
participating with Super Kids. The children would run up and hug us as we came in. They made us
feel so welcome. Each child worked extremely hard. Most of the students that I worked with moved
to a higher reading level. It was hard leaving, knowing that I made an impact on their lives.
We teamed up with Parks and People to restore a lot in the Reservoir Hill section of Baltimore.
During our first day, we picked up a great deal of rubbish (enough to fill an entire garbage truck!)
On the second day, we added two different types of soil and spread it through the earth. Also, we
constructed most of the barrier that day. During the third and final day, we restored the lot and
transformed it into a garden.
On Shabbat, we visited seniors at the Jewish Convalescent Home. We led a service there and
talked with some of the men and women there. They had very interesting stories to tell us. I wish
we could have had more time.
For the first time in Nitzotz history, we worked with BUILD. Their goal is to stop the youth violence
and to create safe after-school programs for children. We went door-to-door to inform others of
BUILD's agenda. As a result, we collected over 200 signatures. I also learned many Jewish values
through our "daily doses." During this time, we reflected on our experiences. There was a theme
each day. We would discuss this theme along with the Jewish value that it entailed. It was very[8/5/2014 3:56:54 PM]
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We also explored what Maryland has to offer including Artscape and the Inner Harbor, and we were
able to explore Washington D.C. as well. It was so much fun spending time with everyone. I truly
felt like I was part of a big family.
Nitzotz is a great opportunity that I truly recommend. It was a time where I was able to meet new
people, learn more about myself and take part in community service. This was the best summer
program that I have ever attended.
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The inaugural program was launched at a time when teens are increasingly concerned with the
college admissions process and compelled to think about their career aspirations earlier. In line
with a recent study by The Intelligence Group, a market research and trend consulting firm, which
found that 41 percent of young people consider owning their own business an important life goal,
Project NYC exposes teens to four major industries, while making them more competitive college
applicants and preparing them for future internships and careers.
Central to Project NYC's itinerary were exclusive opportunities to spend quality time with prominent
businesspeople, some of whom are BBYO alumni. For example, the teens discussed the changing
world of sports marketing while on a private tour of NBA Headquarters with Estee Portnoy, a
business manager for basketball legend Michael Jordan, and Dan Pincus, the NBA's Director of
Marketing. Participants also saw first-hand the fast pace of the New York publishing and advertising
industries through meetings with Samantha Meiler, Editor of Life & Style Weekly; Julie Hochheiser,
Senior Web Editor of Seventeen Magazine; and Marc Grunberg, Senior Producer at JWT, the largest
advertising agency in the U.S. and fourth-largest in the world.
"Project NYC is the epitome of a unique leadership and business development program," said
Portnoy, who aside from being Jordan's business manager has also co-founded a non-profit
foundation called Kids Enjoy Exercise Now (KEEN). "I was thrilled to be able to expose participants
to the world of sports marketing, while challenging them to apply what they learn to their own
business initiatives."
Additional Project NYC highlights included:
Learning the ins and outs of capital markets through a virtual "on the floor" Wall Street
simulation followed by a personal trading floor tour with financial advisors from a leading
investment bank.
Attending a New York Mets game after discussing the business of baseball with David
Newman, the Mets's Senior Vice President of Marketing and Communications.
Touring NBC Universal after attending NBC's Today Show in Rockefeller Plaza, where singer
Marc Anthony performed.
Discussing entrepreneurial tactics and strategies in relation to non-profit and advocacybased organizations with Nigel Savage, the Founder of Hazon, an American Jewish
environmental group.
Experiencing college life in NYC through tours of New York University and Columbia
Celebrating Shabbat with Friday night services at B'nai Jeshrun in Manhattan, a visit to the
East Side Jewish Museum and a relaxing Shabbat lunch in Central Park.
Taking in the NYC sites, such as seeing Legally Blonde on Broadway; exploring Times
Square; and taking tours of Ellis Island, the Statue of Liberty and the Lower East Side.
A geographically-diverse mix of twenty teens, from California to Missouri to Florida, were selected
to participate after a competitive application and interview process. The final group of teens, all of
which have expressed a profound interest in entrepreneurship, boasts impressive resumes filled
with school athletics, social activism and artistic interests.
"BBYO is committed to creating innovative programs that make a difference in the lives of
teenagers," said Howard Wohl, Chairman of the BBYO, Inc. Board of Directors. "Project NYC widens
teens's horizons and inspires them to become future business leaders who are also committed to
making a difference in the world."
The participants sharpened their business intuition in a college-level training seminar at Baruch
College's Lawrence N. Field Center for Entrepreneurship, providing them with an academic
experience in an active learning environment. After an overview session on entrepreneurship during
the first day, the Field Center immersed the teens in entrepreneurship-themed programming
including a case study analysis of a company, in which the teens then provided real
recommendations; a session on the capital markets process and how to understand published stock
market tables; and a business improvisation class, which included interactive exercises that[8/5/2014 3:56:54 PM]
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promoted confidence and risk taking, thinking on one's feet, articulation and team collaboration.
"Project NYC was truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience, said Rachel Donlin, a rising junior from
Charlotte, NC. "I was pleasantly surprised by how willing our speakers were to give us advice and
how interested they were in each and every one of us. To top it all off, the Jewish culture and
vivacious New York City backdrop were both upbeat and extremely inviting. If I was able to be part
of this trip again, I would do it in a heartbeat!"
Back to Top
Today's day started at 5 am and, though this group has been at NBC studios from early morning,
every one of these teens remains alert and fascinated by the presentations. We just heard from
one of NBC's talented anchors, Hoda Kotb. Now, a young former Israeli by way of Germany is
relating the role of a TV producer. We are viewing an interesting piece he produced on young
refugees from war-torn countries, narrated by Tiki Barber, who turned in his football cleats for TV
Our teens hail from all over and, based on what they've told me, this includes San Francisco, CA;
Boca Raton, FL; Dix Hills, NY; Timonium, MD; Knoxville, TN; Roswell, GA; Manhattan, NY;
Columbia, SC; Miami, FL; West Bloomfield, MI; Milwaukee, WI and other areas.
Though this complex initiative took enormous time and effort for just twenty select teens, it has
been a well received pilot. That seems appropriate in view of our present location, where successful
programs advance from pilot to prime time.
High school teens are stressed about the college acceptance process. In today's overly competitive
landscape, teens need guidance, resources and experiences that engage and inform. BBYO's college
initiative, starting with its college-related website, has been combined with
supervised college tours and college preparation opportunities like Project NYC. Additionally, we
encourage BBYO alumni to volunteer as college mentors. Not only will this be an opportunity to
meet today's BBYO teens and compare and contrast experiences, but it will connect your college
experience and spirit with teens who seek advice. In that way, it is very much L'dor V'dor, from
one generation to the next.
For more information on BBYO's College Initiatives, please visit or contact Julie
Fishman at 202.857.6562.
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Abby Pitkowsky, the Director of Jewish Education and Global Programs for JDC, joined the ILTC
participants to talk to them about the JDC and to thank them for BBYO's support. After her talk,
members were supposed to present her with a check for $40,000, BBYO's I$F goal for the year.
Yet, to Pitkowsky's surprise, as the teens presented the check, they changed the donation amount
to $52,000 - $12,000 over their goal! Pitkowsky thanked the teens for their involvement and for
their commitment to tzedakah.
"JDC's work is all about Areivut - Jewish responsibility," she said. "When there's a need, there
should be an immediate response; it's the Jewish way. BBYO clearly grasped this value, and
responded in a significant way to serious needs caused by the war in Northern Israel last summer.
We knew that BBYO was devoted to meeting these needs, but I was truly amazed when handed a
most impressive sum of $52,000 during my presentation at Camp Perlman."
The money, according to Pitkowsky, has since gone to Northern Israel to bring daily meals to the
elderly and handicapped who were not able to leave the Northern region, or even their apartments.
It provided activity kits for children—a much needed diversion from the many hours they spent
confined to bomb shelters. It gave kits of essential personal items to the elderly to make their stay
in the shelters more manageable.
"The amount BBYO raised is remarkable in and of itself, but even more so when we recognize that
it was accomplished by youth who dedicated themselves throughout the year to reach this goal.
We salute you, BBYO! Your commitment to meeting Jewish needs overseas is inspirational, and we
look forward to our continued partnership next year," concluded Pitkowsky.
For more information on the JDC, please visit
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Jodi remembers that she fell in love with TV directing and producing when she and a friend started
a TV show when they attended Semester at Sea. When the ship docked, Jodi Binstock transferred[8/5/2014 3:56:54 PM]
BBYO - eNews
to film school at New York University and began her career in theater, film and television.
After graduation, Jodi directed a short film titled A Limited Engagement which won numerous
awards. Later, Jodi moved to Los Angeles where she received the honor of the Disney Directing
Fellowship, working in both multi- and single-camera episodic television. Jodi has directed episodes
of Boy Meets World and You Wish and was the assistant director of 500 Nations, a CBS mini-series.
She has also worked on several TV image campaigns for networks such as Discovery, TLC, Fox
Family and Fox Kids. Jodi has won the Broadcast Design Award six times. She has also directed
theater; some of her work includes the Broadway workshop of Leon Uris's Trinity and Edward
Albee's The Zoo Story.
In 2004, Jodi directed her first feature film, Call Waiting. Not only was this movie chosen as the
Official Selection at nine film festivals but it also won numerous "best movie/comedy" awards at
these festivals. Jodi's most recent project is a documentary, Torch, on a Holocaust survivors's trip
on the March of the Living from Poland to Israel. Jodi cites this movie as her most rewarding
personal experience, "It was seeing the gratitude in the eyes of the survivors for telling their stories
well on film. That was a great moment." Currently, Jodi lives in Los Angeles with her six-year old
daughter, Logan.
When asked what advice she has for the teens currently involved in BBYO, Jodi offered the
following: "Take advantage of all BBYO has to offer especially the leadership opportunities. It allows
you, in a very safe environment, to try being a leader where you can take chances. Risk things,
take chances. You will always be grateful for it later."
Back to Top
David, Daniel and Jeremy met at Kallah 20 years ago and became great friends. They made a pact
that 20 years later they would reunite at Kallah at Perlman Camp. They fulfilled their pact by
visiting Kallah 2007 in an RV, spending Shabbat with the participants and even leading an elective
on Saturday morning. When asked about his reunion experience, David said, "It was so wonderful
to be embraced by both the participants and the staff as part of the overall summer experience.
The kids were virtually the same kind of people we were 20 years ago."
All three alumni consider BBYO to have been a turning point, as well as a foundation for their lives.
Daniel says, "BBYO impacted my life by opening up my world to traveling physically as well as
mentally outside the ideas that were in my own home and community and challenging me to
experience ideas that were different and educational through the programs and people that I met."
All three men credit summer programs for providing enriching experiences. "Summer programs are
a wonderful opportunity to learn about Judaism and leadership, to meet people from all over the
Jewish world, and for self-discovery," Jeremy said.
David, Daniel and Jeremy enjoy successful and fulfilling lives. David is Head of Trading for Merrill
Lynch and has been living in Asia for the last 11 years; he currently resides in Tokyo, Japan.
Daniel, his wife, and two daughters live in Northern Arizona where Daniel works at Arizona's
Children Association as a coordinator for families who need relief and also works as a manager for
an event's venue. Jeremy lives in North Carolina and works as the Deputy Director for the American
Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association.
Although they are spread out across the world, they have maintained the friendship that they
started at Kallah. They see each other three to four times a year and claim that they are no longer
friends; instead, they see each other as brothers. They have spent 15 out of the 20 past New
Year's celebrations together and have traveled together to Turkey, Israel, Egypt, Costa Rica and
the Philippines.
"I attended BBYO summer programs at a time when my world was opening and expanding before
me—changes, the size of which I had never yet experienced, were just around the corner. The
summer of 1987 gave me many things, not the least of which were two best friends to whom I
could tether through the tempest of young adulthood," explains Jeremy.
Back to Top
BBYO is the leading pluralistic Jewish teen movement aspiring to involve more Jewish teens in more
meaningful Jewish experiences. For more than 80 years, AZA and BBG chapters in communities around the
world have been providing exceptional leadership programs and identity enrichment experiences, shaping the
lives of 250,000 alumni who are among the most prominent figures in business, politics, academia, the arts
and Jewish communal life. Now, more than ever, BBYO offers unique opportunities for teens to connect with
one another, serve their communities, navigate the college admissions process and travel the world,
providing each participant with a network of lifelong friends, a perspective which adds value and meaning to
life and a shared commitment to strengthening the Jewish future.
BBYO, Inc. * 2020 K Street NW, 7th Floor * Washington, DC 20006 * 202-857-6633 * *[8/5/2014 3:56:54 PM]
BBYO - eNews
Visit us on the web at
Join the Online Alumni Network at
Teens, connect at
Forward the BBYO e-News to Friends
or colleagues.
To submit news, events or
comments for the new BBYO eNewsletter, e-mail Abby
Strunk, Director of Marketing
and Communications at
BBYO eNewsletter September/October, 2007
Issue 24
BBYO, Inc. News
Ensure you never miss our emails because of your SPAM
filters! Click here and follow the
click here to make your
contribution and help secure
the Jewish future.
More than 80 of BBYO´s teen presidents assumed the role of business leader, politician and
Jewish communal professional, as they worked to set an agenda for growing the organization,
strengthening the Jewish future and addressing significant world issues. BBYO´s annual "Execs"
meeting took place in Washington, DC, August 23-26, and was themed "The Year of the Chapter,"
inspiring the teen leaders to focus on involving more Jewish teens in more meaningful Jewish
experiences through extensive localized approaches.
Click here for more information
on IC ´08. Registration is filling
up fast!
BBYO´s Chairman of the Board Howard Wohl, Gala Honoree Henry Winkler and BBYO´s Executive
Director Matthew Grossman take a moment to pose at the First Annual BBYO Los Angeles Gala.
I have discovered that this position has a few challenges which are more than outweighed by all
the rewards. Those rewards have generally been derived from meeting our BBYO teens, our BBYO
alumni, our BBYO professional staff and our BBYO board members. Recently, I had the
opportunity to partake in an event that shined the light on each of these BBYO groups. READ
Click here to join an AZA or
BBG chapter in your area.
If you were a 7th or 8th grader today, chances are you would keep up with a virtual stuffed
animal, wear Disney couture clothing (I never had any), own a personal cell phone and be
remarkably content with your current stage of life. Chances also are that you are looking for
something new to do with your friends, and without your parents. Teen Connection, the BBYO
experience created specifically for pre-high school teens, answers both teens´ and parents´ calls
by providing fun activities in a safe, supervised environment. And it seems to be working, as Teen
Connection experienced a growth from 715 teens involved in 2006 to 3,267 in 2007. READ
Click here quick! March of the
Living Applications are due
Nov. 1.
BBYO - eNews
Click here to check out P2I´s
new programs for summer ´08.
Parents, there´s even a trip for
If you are looking for the perfect way to send well wishes for Hanukkah to your family, friends
and community members, two versions of Hanukkah cards will soon be available for purchase,
with a portion of the proceeds donated back to BBYO. The cards can be easily personalized with
family photos and personal messages online. Envelopes are included. Please visit
soon to order.
BBYO is looking for talented, hard-working and creative professionals to join
our team across the country.
Click here to learn more about
Teen Connection, BBYO´s
program for pre-highschoolers.
Please see below for current vacancies within the organization. Visit our
website at for more detailed descriptions and to apply!
For questions regarding working with BBYO, please contact Rebecca
Rottenberg, Human Resources Coordinator, at
Director, BBYO Alumni Network
DC Area Executive Directo
Southwest Area Executive Director
Boston Program Associate
Big Apple Region (NY) Program Associate
Memphis Program Director
Do you want to have fun as you volunteer your time helping
shape the lives of Jewish teens?
Follow in the footsteps of a role model who positively influenced
your teenage years?
Gain valuable experience and connections to help build your
As a BBYO advisor, you can!
Click here to visit,
the largest online community
exclusively for Jewish teens.
Joining our network of more than 600 volunteer advisors could be one of the most rewarding
experiences of your life. To learn more about being an advisor, click here to read an interview
with 7-year advisor veteran, Jonathan Tavss. Contact your local BBYO office for more
Alumni News
Click here to reconnect with
BBYO Alumni around the world.
Click here to purchase BBYO
Summer Gear![8/5/2014 3:57:30 PM]
BBYO elections are often considered turning points in one´s high school
experience, but for one alumna, her experiences in BBYO elections inspired
her to pursue a future career. For Rachel Fox, a graduate of Atlanta Council,
BBYO elections helped her discover her interest in political communication,
ultimately inspiring her to move to Washington, DC where she currently
works in the strategic communications practice of a public affairs firm. READ
BBYO - eNews
On October 11, more than 150 BBYO alumni and entertainment industry
professionals joined together at BBYO´s first annual Los Angeles Gala.
The evening included an elegant reception and dinner before the
presentation of the Inspiration Award by Garry Marshall to Henry
Winkler for his dedication to the Jewish community throughout his more
than 30-year career in the entertainment industry.
Despite a torrential downpour outside, resulting in the closing of
the New York Subway system, more than 75 BBYO alumni
gathered at the New York area Alumni Wine and Cheese Night.
Organized by Darrin Goldin, New York Area Executive Director for
BBYO, and his lay committee comprised of 10 alumni volunteers,
the evening featured words from the current Nassau Suffolk
Regional President (Godol), Ian Schwartz, and the current Big
Apple Regional President (N´siah) , Bari Nadworny, a raffle and
an ongoing game of Jewish geography. Held at the Eden Art Gallery in uptown New York City,
alumni reunited with friends that they had lost touch with from years past and reminisced about
their times in BBYO.
The New York Area Wine and Cheese Night was the first of many New York alumni events to
come in the future. If you are interested in becoming more involved with BBYO as an alumni or
want more information on BBYO in the New York area, contact Darrin Goldin at
On Sunday, September 9, approximately 75 community members and BBYO´s Executive Director
Matthew Grossman attended the Memphis BBYO Alumni and Support Network Kick-off Event, the
first of many events planned for Memphis. For more information on how to get involved in
Memphis alumni activities, please contact Judith Rosenberg at
--Chicago: Join alumni in the Chicago area for a happy hour on Thursday, November 8 from 7
to 9 p.m. at The Kerryman in the city! For more information contact Stacy Heller at
--Washington, DC/Maryland: Come join DC Council BBYO alumni and friends at their third
annual Gala where they will be honoring Ruth "Ruthie" Cantor, longtime BBYO staff and friend,
with the Philip Berg Distinguished Alumni Award. The reception will be on November 15 in
Bethesda, MD and will begin with a wine reception at 6:00 pm and continue with dinner at
7:00 p.m. For more information, please contact Julianne Weiner at 301.348.3783 or
--Detroit: Save the evening of Saturday, December 1, to reunite with other Michigan BBYO
alumni from the 70's & 80's at the Janice Charach Epstein Art Gallery at the West Bloomfield
JCC. For more information, contact Andy Kollin at[8/5/2014 3:57:30 PM]
BBYO - eNews
After a three-year battle with leukemia, Joshua Topy, a BBYO
alumnus from Columbus, OH, passed away in early September.
The kind of universal joy that Josh spread to everyone who knew
him was a rare and precious thing, made obvious by the fact that
the friends he made during his time in BBYO remained closely by
his side until the very end. In his blessed memory, Columbus
BBYO is establishing a Joshua Topy Memorial Scholarship Fund to
help teens´ involvement in BBYO, encouraging them to live their
lives like Josh lived his – with warmth and humility, passion and love. If you would like to
contribute to the Memorial Fund or for more information, please contact Amy Dicker at or 614.231.2731.
b-linked News
b-lucky is back! Teens that are already on b-linked and teens that still need to
register can all benefit from BBYO´s b-lucky scratch-off card campaign. BBYO
teens are re-circulating b-lucky cards across every region of the country, and all
you need to do is scratch the card to reveal your code. Once you have a code, visit, fill out the registration information and key in your code along with
the name of the person who gave you the card for you both to be eligible to win
prizes in a random monthly drawing; prizes worth $250 include: iPod Nanos, Sony
PSPs, Abercrombie & Fitch gift certificates, iTunes gift certificate, digital cameras,
Summer Program scholarships and more.
For more information regarding the contest rules and regulations, visit and click on
"Contest Rules" on the Login page. Contact your regional office or Sarah Shapiro, for more information on how to receive these cards.
b-accepted News
From October 18–22, more than 50 juniors and seniors from Gold Coast
Region BBYO toured the University of Central Florida, University of
Southern Florida, University of Florida and Florida State University for
their annual College Tour. This year the tour was appropriately themed:
"Campus Crashers." READ MORE...[8/5/2014 3:57:30 PM]
BBYO - eNews
Regional News
Dixie Council BBYO Board members, (from l-r) Elyse Kriegshaber, Marie McGwier and Gabbi Baker
showed their support for Darfur at the South Carolina Darfur Action Group rally in October. "It
was so motivating to see hundreds of people of all different religions, ethnicities, ages and
backgrounds at the State House for one cause--to help the people suffering in Darfur," said
Gabbi. "The speakers and presentations inspired me to continue fighting for what I know is right
and to make sure that Darfur is a topic that never leaves the mind of those in power."
More than 280 teens and adults attended the First Annual Atlanta Council BBYO/Blonder Family
Department for Developmental Disabilities Sock Hop. The event, which occurred on October 6 at
the Marcus JCC, proved that it is hip to hop!
With over 200 teens in attendance, the Great Midwest Region celebrated the new school year with
its largest kick-off event ever. On Sunday, September 9 Jewish teens from all over Chicago joined[8/5/2014 3:57:30 PM]
BBYO - eNews
BBYO at the Navy Pier for a scavenger hunt, dinner and cruise boat ride.
During a critical rebuilding period for North Florida Region, Waldflowers BBG and Orlando Rebels
AZA brought in 15 new members with a successful roller-skating event at Semoran Skating Rink
on October 6.
Nassau Suffolk Region Launches "Battle of the Cause"
After a successful beach-side kick off event with 200 teens, Nassau Suffolk region has just begun
its year-long "Battle of the Cause" competition, in which each chapter has chosen a specific
charity to take on for the year. With twenty chapters committed to twenty different charities
around Long Island and the country, NSR is certainly making a difference!
KIO Teens Get Jumpstart on Financial World
While most teens don´t spend too much time worrying about financial investing and credit
scores, teens from Indianapolis are taking advantage of the opportunity to take part in a six-week
financial literacy program. The innovative program offers classes such as budgeting, preventing
identity theft, using credit checklists and understanding the differences between a debit and
credit card. The teens also have the option of working with individual investors in the Teen
Investment Club.
Congratulations to our 2008 CLTC Coordinators!
After a lengthy application and interview process, twelve BBYO members were chosen to
coordinate next year´s CLTC sessions.
Congratulations to: Michael Chakoff (Miami Region); Jeffrey Draluck (Southern Region Atlanta Council); Andrew Putterman (Eastern Region - North Carolina Council); Eric Silver
(Southern Region - Atlanta Council); Robert Radoff (North-Texas Oklahoma Region); Kevin
Rosenberg (Eastern Region - North Carolina Council); Jennifer Ahdoot (Northern Region East,
D.C. Council); Austin Bloom (Eastern Region - North Carolina Council); Megan DuBro
(Kentucky-Indiana-Ohio Region); Marci Engel (Cotton States Region); Nikki Roth (Central
Region East); Sara Sopher (Southern Region - Atlanta Council)
The Jewish Chronicle published an interview with Leonard Nimoy, also known as Star Trek´s Mr.
Spock, in which he mentions his involvement in BBYO while discussing his Jewish identity (Oct. 12,
The South Florida Jewish Journal published an article highlighting Project NYC and quoted Frank
Jaffe, Sarah Stubins and Rebecca Shapiro (September 25, 2007).
BBYO was featured in an article on the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee´s website for
its $52,000 contribution to JDC. Hannah Boresow, Southern-Atlanta Council Region member,
and Ian Schwartz, Nassau-Suffolk Region member, were quoted in the article which you can
read here (September 2007).
READ MORE BBYO in the News
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"The sense of energy was exciting, and all of us came away feeling that we had made tremendous
progress in our goals to involve more teens in Jewish life," said Jason Wachs, BBYO´s International
President (Grand Aleph Godol). "I know that, together, we can make a difference and inspire the
next generation of Jewish leaders."
The program´s theme, "The Year of the Chapter," helped the regional leaders come away with a[8/5/2014 3:57:30 PM]
BBYO - eNews
very clear understanding of their roles at the national and local levels, and how to grow the
organization community-by-community, teen-by-teen. In addition to focusing on membership and
retention, the teen leaders also spent time creating a program bank for teens from across the
country to access successful program ideas; organizing plans for BBYO to become more
environmentally friendly; touring the National Mall; and celebrating Shabbat together while learning
about outreach as an inherently Jewish value, through a text session facilitated by three former
international teen leaders.
Additionally, to help the teens place their leadership roles into the broader context of the Jewish
community, various keynote speakers were brought into "Execs," including:
A speaker from the Israeli Embassy who updated the teens on current events in the Middle
East, including Israel´s delicate political situation as the State of Israel approaches its 60th
A representative from J-Serve, a national day of service in which thousands of BBYO
members will participate next year on April 13.
The Director of Education at the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), which
will serve as the main beneficiary of funds raised through BBYO´s Schusterman
International Service Campaign.
"This annual gathering is one of BBYO´s most important events, as it serves as an incubator for
the teens to dream and to lead," said Matthew Grossman, BBYO´s Executive Director. "The teens
are now ready to lead us to our end-goal of greater involvement and vitality in the community."
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On October 11, as described elsewhere in the eNews, Los Angeles had its first annual gala for
alumni and friends of BBYO. You have to know that I love the concept of "the first annual" event as
it indicates that, though it has never happened before, there is every hope that this event will
continue for many years to come. Jonathan Anschell, an International Board Member from Los
Angeles, chaired this event honoring Henry Winkler. Though Henry Winkler is not a BBYO alumnus,
it was the type of evening that everyone in attendance became BBYOers. Along with Jon, the event
was graced by Earl Greinetz, another Los Angeles member of our International Board, as well as
three Board members who came from more distant locations: Rob Spitzer, Vice Chairman, from
Seattle; Michael Laufer, Chair of the BBYO Alumni Network, from New York and Estee Portnoy, a
member of BBYO's Executive Committee, from Washington, DC. Jon was a BBYOer in Canada,
Michael in New Orleans and Estee from the Pittsburgh area. Each found alumni from their home
regions and were all aglow.
In attendance were a number of alumni living in the Los Angeles area who reacquainted themselves
with BBYO's reborn organization, and BBYO's professionals were led by Matt Grossman, Executive
Director; Rachel Hochheiser, Los Angeles Area Director; Jayme David, Senior Regional Director and
Amy Jablin, Director of Executive Support. Each provided a warm welcome to the attendees and
made sure that the program went off with precision.
Yet it always seems to be the teens who are most remarkable.
While it is expected that our Board members and quality professionals would be poised and
polished, it was a delight to recognize that it was our International Board teen leader Lauren
Shenfeld who stole the show and struck the strongest note of the evening. She beautifully
recounted what BBYO has meant to her and how it has allowed her to become the capable person
she is. Lauren spoke with understanding of the difficulties of growing up in today's society and the
pressures placed on teenagers. It was all so very real and it demonstrated to me, more than
anything else that evening, what BBYO is capable of doing for thousands of Jewish teens. BBYO
instills self-esteem, leadership skills, love of community and caring for "the other." So as we
honored the one-time "Fonz," emblematic of how goodness can be expressed from the least
expected quarter, we honored all our alumni. It was one of those feel-good events that, often
surprisingly, leaves you with a lingering feeling that things can turn out just fine in spite of the
crazy world in which we live.
Back to Top
With close to a 400 percent increase in participation last year resulting in the largest incoming
BBYO freshmen class ever, Teen Connection is a proven success. This year, we have grand plans
for our Teen Connection program, with everything from partnerships with Jewish summer camps to
expanded travel opportunities for this audience. By helping create a transition from bar/bat mitzvah
to continued Jewish involvement, Teen Connection plays a critical role in keeping younger teens
connected to Judaism.
If you know a 7th or 8th grader in your community, let them knosdw about the opportunities that[8/5/2014 3:57:30 PM]
BBYO - eNews
are available to them through Teen Connection. Together, we can truly work to inspire more Jewish
teens to ultimately become active members of the Jewish community throughout their lives. For
more information on Teen Connection in your community, visit or
Back to Top
Name: Jonathan Tavss
Age: 37
Hometown: Miami, FL
Current town: Los Angeles, CA
Career: Digital Marketing Media Consultant
Chapter advised: Knesset AZA for 7 years!
Favorite food: sushi
Favorite book: Mila 18 by Leon Uris
How did you get started advising for BBYO?
JT: I had been involved in other Jewish programs in LA, and I wanted to
continue working with high school teens because it is such a rewarding experience.
How does being a BBYO advisor differ from your other work with teens?
JT: When I had been working with other teen groups, I was always the one doing the
programming. Now, with BBYO, the teens do all of the programming, and it is so much more
rewarding working with teens who are learning, growing and becoming better people because of it.
What´s your favorite part of the position?
JT: You are constantly meeting new people because you see the teens come in when they are
young, and then they go to college and new teens come in. It keeps things interesting and exciting
when you are constantly interacting with different people.
What´s the advice you give your teens the most? JT: There´s a time and a place for
everything. Get your stuff done, and be sure to do it in a smart way.
What has been your greatest highlight so far as an advisor?
JT: At one point, the chapter was struggling. The guys, however, were committed to brotherhood
and wanted to show the entire region at a convention. People kept commenting to me the entire
weekend how impressive and obvious it was that those boys meant business.
Back to Top
"One of my favorite parts of BBYO was writing speeches for elections, so I should´ve known that I
was destined to work in political communications!" said Rachel Fox, who graduated high school in
2001 and then attended the University of Michigan. "I knew that I wanted to be in Washington and
so I spent all of my summers working here on the Hill and on campaigns. Not only did I feel
comfortable in this heartland of politics, but I loved being surrounded by young people who were
passionately working for causes they believed in."
From working as a press assistant on a presidential campaign to producing campaign ads for
gubernatorial and congressional races across the country, Rachel has accomplished a great deal in
the political arena, a feat she greatly attributes to her days in BBYO. Having served the
organization in multiple capacities, including International Board, Rachel is extremely thankful for
BBYO´s training in the areas of event planning, budgeting and public speaking.
"Take advantage of internship and job opportunities while you´re in high school and college," said
Rachel, when asked how current BBYO members can get involved in the political communications
field. "It will help you develop your passions, make connections and hone in on your career
interests. Even more, make connections everywhere you go and keep in touch with those people.
You´ll hear it a million times, but network, network, network."
After a six-year absence from the organization, Rachel came to speak in August with this year´s
top teen leaders at "Execs" concerning recruitment tactics.
"I was so excited to work with the teens again and see how compelled they all were to really make
a difference," she said. "It felt great to be back."
If there´s an alum you think should be featured in a Where Young Lives Take Shape article, feel
free to let us know! Direct all submissions to Lander Gold, Alumni Network Associate, at
Back to Top
Held at the Skirball Cultural Center, the Gala was hosted by National BBYO Board of Directors[8/5/2014 3:57:30 PM]
BBYO - eNews
member and Los Angeles Board Chair, Jonathan Anschell. Other speakers included former Grand
Aleph Godol, Rabbi Dan Moskovitz; California State Assemblyman, Lloyd Levine; International VP of
Membership (Aym Ha Chaverot), Lauren Shenfeld; BBYO Board of Directors Chair, Howard Wohl;
and BBYO´s Executive Director, Matthew Grossman. A highlight of the evening was the comical
presentation of the Inspiration Award by Happy Days creator, Garry Marshall, and the equally
humorous acceptance of the award by Henry Winkler. In addition to a number of other high profile
Hollywood players, in the audience was Don Most, who played Ralph Malph on Happy Days and
came to support his former co-star.
With so many alumni looking back on their time in BBYO as such "happy days," choosing Henry
Winkler as the honoree of the first Los Angeles Gala, was an appropriate choice. Winkler has had a
successful 30-year career in Hollywood, including 10 seasons as "The Fonz" on Happy Days. The
Los Angeles Alumni Board chose to honor Winkler not only for his distinguished career, but also
because of his tremendous community activism, especially with children. The list of groups with
which he is associated is as long as his resume of acting credits and includes Honorary Chairman of
United Friends of the Children; Founding Member of the Children´s Action Network; and National
Chairman of the annual Toys for Tots campaign.
A huge thank you goes to LA Board Chair Jonathan Anschell, Gala Co-Chairs Allison Pieter and
David Cohan, and the entire Los Angeles Alumni Board. For more information on how to get
involved with alumni activities, please register at
Back to Top
Kicking-off the program was a workshop helping teens determine the best type of school for them,
led by Judi Robinovitz, a Certified Educational Planner with more than 30 years of experience in
Teens learned about the four diverse universities through campus tours and student panels
provided by members of Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life, brothers of Alpha Epsilon Pi
Fraternity, sisters of Alpha Epsilon Phi Sorority and, of course, BBYO alumni. Because BBYO
Floridians know how to have fun, the trip also took participants on a trip to the exciting Halloween
Horror Nights at Universal Studios Orlando, a beach party in Tarpon Springs and a social night in
Back to Top
BBYO is the leading pluralistic Jewish teen movement aspiring to involve more Jewish teens in more
meaningful Jewish experiences. For more than 80 years, AZA and BBG chapters in communities around the
world have been providing exceptional leadership programs and identity enrichment experiences, shaping the
lives of 250,000 alumni who are among the most prominent figures in business, politics, academia, the arts
and Jewish communal life. Now, more than ever, BBYO offers unique opportunities for teens to connect with
one another, serve their communities, navigate the college admissions process and travel the world,
providing each participant with a network of lifelong friends, a perspective which adds value and meaning to
life and a shared commitment to strengthening the Jewish future.
BBYO, Inc. * 2020 K Street NW, 7th Floor * Washington, DC 20006 * 202-857-6633 * *[8/5/2014 3:57:30 PM]
BBYO - eNews
Visit us on the web at
Join the Online Alumni Network at
Teens, connect at
Forward the BBYO e-News to Friends
or colleagues..
To submit news, events or
comments for the new BBYO eNewsletter, e-mail Abby Strunk,
Director of Marketing and
Communications at
BBYO, Inc. News
BBYO eNewsletter November/December, 2007
Issue 25
Interested in learning more about BBYO? Reviving old
BBYO memories? Sharing the magic of BBYO with
family, friends and community members? You are just a
short click away. Watch BBYO's new video now!
Ensure you never miss our emails because of your SPAM
filters! Click here and follow the
Click here for more information
on IC ’08, featuring a
performance by Israeli music
sensation Hadag Nachash.
Registration is filling up fast!
Is there a teen in your life who
you want to be impacted by
BBYO? Click "Join BBYO" at to sign up a teen for a
4-year experience that will
shape their life.
If your child is in grades 6-8 and has never attended a
nonprofit Jewish overnight camp for more than three
weeks before, you could be eligible to receive a JWest
Campership incentive—up to $1,800! Through BBYO's
recent partnership with the Foundation for Jewish
Camping, Jewish teens ages 11-13 can now enjoy yeararound meaningful Jewish experiences through a lifechanging Jewish camping summer experience and Teen
Connection programming during the school year. READ
(Teens, find out how you can win $100!)
As you know, the environment is hot! BBYO teens
expressed an interest in developing an environmentally
friendly campaign, and now BBYO is going green with Bgreen. Lead Green – a BBYO Environmental Initiative.
Click here to make your
contribution and help secure the
Jewish future
Fifteen teens representing BBYO traveled to
Washington, DC, November 9-11, to participate in the
third annual American Israel Public Affairs Committee
(AIPAC) High School Summit. The three-day Israel
advocacy and activism seminar drew more than 300
students nationwide and emphasized political education,
engagement and action. Sessions focused on current
events in the Middle East, stressing the importance of
involvement in the American political process to
strengthen the U.S.-Israel relationship. READ MORE...[8/5/2014 3:58:07 PM]
BBYO - eNews
Click here to join an AZA or BBG
chapter in your area.
At this writing, my family is sitting shiva after the loss of my father-in-law. Nat Goldstein was
94, having grown up in an era so different in many ways from today. He lived to see his
grandchildren give birth to children of their own. As you can imagine, this period is an emotional
one, with a mixture of sadness and appreciation of a life well lived. READ MORE...
Click here to check out P2I's
new programs for summer ‘08. The Passport Program now
offers a variety of trips to
As I was watching the Patriots play the Steelers a couple of weeks ago (as a Patriots fan, I don't
think that there is any need for me to comment on the results), I was checking out BBYO's
various websites. If you have not seen our home page lately, you may want to check it out.
Under our main description, we typically rotate summaries that link to different news and
information as it relates to our work. I found the current five postings particularly representative
of our work.
GoodSearch is a search engine which donates 50
percent of its revenue to the charities and schools
designated by its users. It's a simple and compelling
concept. You use GoodSearch exactly as you would any
other search engine. And because it's powered by Yahoo!, you get proven search results. The
money GoodSearch donates to your cause comes from its advertisers; the users and the
organizations do not spend a dime! BBYO has been designated as a charity, so instead of
"googling," start "goodsearching!"
Click here to learn more about
BBYO's renowned summer
leadership development
Click here to learn more about
Teen Connection, BBYO's
program for pre-highschoolers.
BBYO is looking for talented, hard-working and creative professionals to join our team
across the country.
Please see below for current vacancies within the organization:
Chief Administrative & Finance Officer
Chief Development Officer
DC Area Executive Director
Boston Program Associate
Big Apple Program Director
Memphis Program Director
Michigan Program Associate
Staff Accountant
Visit our website at for more detailed descriptions and to apply! For
questions regarding working with BBYO, please contact Rebecca Rottenberg, Human Resources
Tired of Hallmark? Want to make your friends and
family laugh? BBYO has just the thing! READ
Click here to visit,
the largest online community
exclusively for Jewish teens.[8/5/2014 3:58:07 PM]
BBYO - eNews
Alumni News
Click here to reconnect with
BBYO Alumni around the world.
Growing up in a small Jewish community in Canton, Ohio,
Adam Arenstein knew all of the older kids running the
local BBYO chapters and became involved as soon as he
entered high school. "At first, I showed up because my
friends were doing it and I was having fun. I stayed
because I felt empowered to be a leader and part of a
community." Arenstein, who says that BBYO impacted his
life in multiple facets, is now a Virgin America flight
dispatcher and flight instructor.
Click here to purchase BBYO
Summer Gear!
Attention alumni and friends of the Nassau-Suffolk
Region! On May 29, 2008, at the East Meadow
Jewish Center on Long Island, we will come together
as a community to celebrate NSR's 50th
anniversary. Please do not miss this opportunity to
reconnect with friends while supporting BBYO in Long Island.
For more information and to add your name to the invitation list, please visit, email or call 718.577.9168.
After almost 40 years as the director of BBYO in Michigan,
Arnie Weiner will be retiring this coming June. In order to
send him out in the big way he deserves we are hosting
"A TRIBUTE TO ARNIE WEINER" on Saturday night, March
15, 2008 in conjunction with our annual Fashion
Unleashed Event. We are also compiling a tribute journal
for Arnie, with the proceeds going to the newly created
"Arnie Weiner Scholarship Fund." This money will provide
scholarships for Michigan BBYO youth and advisors to
attend Israel and overseas programming. If you are a Michigan BBYO alum, we hope you will
include an ad in the journal and come out to support MI BBYO. Please email for more information, or call 248.353.9038[8/5/2014 3:58:07 PM]
BBYO - eNews
This winter, BBYO will celebrate its largest International Convention
(IC) to date. From February 14-18, 750 BBYO members will be
gathered in the Chicago area, and alumni are invited to join the
group. Please email Lander Gold, Alumni Network Associate, at if you are interested in more information. We look
forward to reconnecting and seeing you at IC!
For more than 80 years, BBYO has influenced teens,
many whom have become extremely prominent in their
respective fields. In our efforts to recognize our alumni
and their achievements through our Prominent Alumni
Campaign, please send us names of AZA and BBG alumni
who have made significant achievements in the world.
Please email Lander Gold at with their
name, brief biography, years and location involved with BBYO and contact information (if
On Thursday, November 8, BBYO alumni living in the
Chicago area reconnected with old friends for a happy
hour at The Kerryman. Alumni from Chicago, Ohio,
Michigan, Wisconsin, St. Louis and many other locations
came together, networked and made new friends. We are
looking to form a young alumni committee in Chicago to
continue planning events. If you would like to join the
young alumni committee in Chicago or help plan future
events, please contact Stacy Heller at or
The weather outside may have looked more like mid-February than early December, but that
didn’t hold back the 100+ BBYO alumni in attendance at the Michigan Reunion gathering alumni
from the 1970s and 1980s. People in attendance enjoyed an exhibit at the Janice Charach Epstein
Art Gallery and viewed a video montage of old photos and movies from the 1970's VIP Presidents
training retreats. In attendance were past regional leaders, former BBYO staff members and
Sid and Linda Dunn of Carmel, Indiana were chosen as recipients of the President's Volunteer
Service Award on behalf of President George W. Bush and the President's Council on Service and
Civic Participation. The Dunns were honored in November for their involvement and work on a
volunteer basis in Omaha and Indianapolis. Congratulations Sid and Linda!
b-accepted News[8/5/2014 3:58:07 PM]
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For several years, BBYO has offered tools and resources to help Jewish
teens navigate the college admissions process. An important component
of BBYO's College Initiatives is a partnership with The Princeton Review,
which features a 10% discount off all SAT and ACT prep courses. Now,
for a limited time—between December 1 and January 31— that discount
has doubled—a savings up to as much as $200! Visit for more info. READ MORE...
Regional News
Michigan Region member Hannah Gross was one of
16 contestants to compete on the reality competition
show Endurance, hosted by the Discovery Kids
Channel, which began running October 13. Over
several weeks, Hannah participated in mental and
physical challenges in Fiji. Hannah said, "Everybody
had different personalities, so if you had a strong determination to be there and win, you’d do well
at the challenges." She believes her "determination and passion" were key factors in her success
on the show. Congratulations, Hannah!
Rachel Donlin of Eastern Region recently had an article
published in Charlotte Parent Magazine reflecting on her
experience at Project NYC, BBYO's summer experience for
emerging entrepreneurs. Rachel said she was looking for
a "college and career-prep program" due to competition in
the college process. "I knew that such a program would
be the best way for me to explore the college majors I
am considering. Aside from meeting 19 extraordinary
teenagers from all over the country, I learned and
experienced things that I would have never had the
opportunity to do anywhere else—things that definitely
put me a step ahead of my competition," she said. To
read Rachel's article click here.
International N'iah Renee Sharon visited the Lake Ontario
Region for five days, participating in the 4th Annual
Regional Event—LaserQuest Lock-In, where teens stayed
up all night playing laser-tag. She ran a Chapter
Executive meeting, attended an Adult Board meeting and
went to Pink Day, a breast cancer awareness program. CENTRAL REGION WEST HONORS ADVISOR[8/5/2014 3:58:07 PM]
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Central Region West honored one of its advisors, Dan Appleman, upon
entering his 18th year of service with the chapter. The gala was a
surprise, and more than 200 friends, teens and BBYO alumni attended to
honor Appleman. He was also recognized by the State Senate and local
Federation for his work. Appleman believes that he found his "tikkun
olam" in becoming a BBYO advisor. BBYO in the News
An article by Matthew Grossman, BBYO's Executive Director, was published in onPhilanthropy—a
global resource for more than 50,000 nonprofit and philanthropy professionals. The article
discussed BBYO's new Professional Development Institute and the importance of nonprofits
investing in their human resources. To read the article click here (December 5, 2007).
BBYO demonstrated tzedakah by presenting a check for $52,000 to the American Jewish Joint
Distribution Committee featured in The Jewish Current Events (October 1, 2007).
BBYO was mentioned in an article about March of the Living in Minneapolis’ American Jewish
World. Ethan Buckner was quoted on his amazing experience saying, "The Holocaust was an
example of the very worst capacity that human beings have to hate, but The March of the Living
made me realize that every human has the power to rise above these tendencies" (October 5,
BBYO was one of the sponsors to host Israeli band HaDag Nahash in Chicago to celebrate "Israel
at 60" reported by The Jewish United Fund (November 16, 2007).
What is JWest Campership?
JWest Campership is an incentive program which seeks to increase the number of pre-teen Jewish
youth in the western U.S. enrolled in overnight Jewish summer camps. Funded by the Jim Joseph
Foundation, the program is currently being rolled out in 13 western states: Alaska, Arizona,
California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and
How does the program work? JWest Campership awards financial incentives of at least $1,500 to first-time campers in grades 68 who attend nonprofit Jewish overnight camp for at least 3 weeks. More than one child per family
can apply; each will be considered a separate applicant. For a listing of over 150 nonprofit Jewish
overnight camps (including Camp Charles Pearlstein!), please visit and
click the "Find a Camp" icon.
How can I apply and learn more? For more information, including an online application and eligibility criteria, please visit For more details, including eligibility criteria and application
information, email or call 646.278.4523.
Back to Top
BBYO Launches b-Green. Lead Green Campaign! (CONTINUED)
This initiative is being carried out by BBYO's own teen leaders who have organized a B-Green.
Lead Green teen committee for this campaign. Teen members include: Hilary Scherer (Greater
Jersey), Taylor Kent (Eastern), Max Cohen (Eastern), Jesse Rabinowitz (Eastern), Adam Bloom
(Central Region East), Branden Sloan (Gold Coast), Elena Solomon (Great Midwest), Hannah
Boresow (Southern-Atlanta), Kevin Lieberman (NRE-DC), Eric Shainock (Wisconsin), Clayton
Aptekar (Lonestar), Lisa Weisshar (International Shlicha – Pacific Coast), Emily Rosenfeld
(International Mazkirah – NTO) and Renee Sharon (International N'iah – Eastern).
Elements of the campaign are being implemented on the international and local levels. In addition[8/5/2014 3:58:07 PM]
BBYO - eNews
to the creation of a campaign logo, BBYO has created "BBYO Recycles" stickers, which transform
any receptacle into an automatic recycling bin. If you would like to order "BBYO Recycles"
stickers, feel free to e-mail Avery Budman at Upcoming international efforts
include the creation of BBYO environmentally friendly tote bags, which reduce the need for paper
or plastic bags at the grocery store, and a B-Green. Lead Green digital campaign, including buddy
icons, a Facebook group, etc. Locally, regions are doing everything from preparing CDs of
information rather than handouts to trading bottled water for water coolers and reusable Nalgene
Looking for a way to reduce your own carbon footprint? BBYO has created three documents to
How to be a Green Teen! – Includes ways in which individuals can make a big difference.
Make Your Offices Green – Includes tips to make offices a better place for the environment.
Make a Difference at BBYO Meetings, Conventions & Programs – Includes ideas to help the
environment at BBYO gatherings as well as tons of programming ideas.
Teens, Moment Magazine is featuring an essay contest for high schoolers! The topic is "What Can
You Do to Help Slow Global Warming?" Three winning essays will be published in Moment
Magazine, and finalists will be posted online at Winners will receive a $100 gift
certificate plus a free trip to Washington, DC (March 9-12, 2008) to participate in a PANIM el
PANIM seminar and awards ceremony. Essays are limited to 500 words of less. For more
information, visit
Back to Top
"The conference made me realize that I can become involved in politics now by building
relationships with my representatives in Congress," said Jake Janofsky, a sophomore at Lenape
High School in Mt. Laurel, NJ. "I am now even more driven to pursue Israel's cause."
To ensure that students got the most out of the Summit, sessions were customized based on a
self-assessment survey gauging knowledge of Middle East issues. The Summit featured Shalem
Center Senior Fellow, Rabbi Danny Gordis, who spoke about Israel's importance to the world and
Embassy of Israel Spokesman, David Siegel, who spoke about happenings in Annapolis, Damascus
and Tehran. The teens also participated in political skills building workshops, including public
speaking, advocacy writing, online social networking and fundraising.
More than 30 professional educators attended and helped students leave with the resources
necessary to support other students in implementing advocacy initiatives on school grounds. Participants also had the opportunity to tour D.C. monuments by night, visit the United States
Holocaust Memorial Museum and attend a concert featuring the Israeli music sensation, the Idan
Raichel Project. Following "Lobbying Labs" and role-playing exercises, the conference culminated
with the teens getting the opportunity to lobby congressional members to discuss the threat of
Iran and the importance of the U.S.-Israel relationship. The teens also showed appreciation to
members of Congress who have supported the Iran Counter-Proliferation Act.
"Strengthening U.S.-Israel relations tomorrow is dependent on developing strong Jewish leaders
today," said Howard Wohl, chair of the BBYO Board of Directors. "Educating today's Jewish teens
about Israel, encouraging them to visit their homeland and inspiring them to take action to
support Israel is critical in securing the Jewish future."
Back to Top
How many of us will look back at our lives with the same sense of satisfaction? How many of us
will feel connected to our Jewish community? During my father-in-law's time, many challenges
existed—including the Great Depression and a World War that destroyed European Jewry—but it
was also a time of technological advances, the rebirth of a Jewish State after nearly two thousand
years and the acceptance of American Jews as full citizens in every way imaginable.
Those continued challenges—a mixture of threats and opportunity—are different today, but no less
complicated. Back then Jews knew ‘their place’, and BBYO was formed because Jews were still
considered to be outsiders. Today as more of us are assimilated, intermarried and confused as to
our allegiances and what it means to be Jewish, BBYO may be more important than ever before. Sadly, many of our institutions are failing us, and our children are bombarded with many
messages, opportunities and stresses. Often their alternatives are limited and as teens, they seek
something other than the same old answers. So, BBYO has evolved and now offers an important
opportunity to welcome Jewish teens to stimulating adventures, warm friendships and a
connection to a people with much to offer. Jewish values can be a stabilizing force in this era of[8/5/2014 3:58:07 PM]
BBYO - eNews
information overload. Performing community service, helping others and being mentored by caring
professionals helps develop caring, mature teens.
So as we take this time to look back on a life well lived, we also look forward to providing the
world with individuals who will live rich and rewarding lives. Back to Top
The first item is BBYO "MushyGushy" grams. Truth be told, I have no idea what these are.
Apparently they are a new style of greeting card (modeled after Jib Jab cartoons - are you lost
yet?) that teens are sending around the internet. The founders of this technology happen to be
BBYO alums who agreed to set up a site for us for no charge. If you have a chance, check it out.
Next is an ad promoting our relationship with Princeton Review. We were able to expand our
discount with Princeton Review this year to 20% off courses for BBYO members. This co-branding
is important in positioning BBYO as "value added" in the college admissions process while showing
that membership in BBYO has its "privileges."
A headline follows about BBYO's $52,000 contribution to the JDC's Amen Initiative which was
raised by our teens as part of the Lynn Schusterman International Service Campaign. In fact, a
couple of weeks ago I had the pleasure of joining Jason Wachs (Grand Aleph Godol) and Renee
Sharon (International N'iah) at the JDC's board meeting in New York, where they presented the
JDC's leadership with one of those big cardboard checks. Isn't it usually the senior generation that
is supposed to present the younger generation with the big checks? Needless to say, the teens
were awarded with a standing ovation.
BBYO's latest video is also presented on our homepage thanks to Youtube. Getting this video
posted in many locations on the internet is an important strategy as we try to reach those teens
who are not necessarily trying to reach us. Lastly, you will find a link to an article titled "An Investment in Building Tomorrow's Nonprofit
Leaders," in which I discuss BBYO's Professional Development Institute. The article—which also
includes commentary from the Executive Director of the National Council of Nonprofit Associations,
Dr. Audrey Alvarado, and the Executive Director of the Jim Joseph Foundation, Dr. Chip Edelsberg
— is published on the homepage of, a global resource for more than 50,000
nonprofit and philanthropy professionals. My favorite line of the entire article is when Dr. Alvarado
asserts that "BBYO is really issuing a challenge to other nonprofit organizations," because it
highlights our efforts to remain on the "cutting edge" of nonprofit performance. If you would like
to read the article, you can find it here.
I urge you to take a look at when you have a chance. The site received 1,904,903
hits just last month. The purpose of many of the items on the homepage are to promote BBYO to
a broad audience. Once you explore the site, you'll find a lot of great information about AZA and
BBG, resources for programs, links to our other sites and opportunities to get involved.
Back to Top
Easily upload photos and cut and place your face into all of our animated BBYO branded ecards (
called GushyGrams). Help us spread the word about the ever-changing face of BBYO, including its
teens and alumni. These GushyGrams are all FREE to send to friends and family. So, if you have a
head (any shape or color will do) and no money, you can start starring in your GushyGrams today
by visiting
Back to Top
Adam held almost every chapter position; he spent two years as the Godol for the David Ben
Gurion AZA chapter in the Ohio Northern Region, and also held positions as Sgan, Mazkir, Gizbor
and Shaliach. In addition, he coordinated two regional conventions. "Creating events and running
meetings from the age of 15 years old gave me the confidence and leadership skills that propelled
me through college, internships, and my first few jobs out of school," said Adam.
Additionally, becoming involved with BBYO allowed Adam to make his closest friendships and
participate in various summer programs. "I was lucky enough to participate every year and
always returned home with amazing friends, a broadened perspective, and an awareness of myself
as a person, a leader and a Jew." He even met his best friend and fiancée, Erica Hymen, at CLTC
in 1996.
"Travel is a passion of mine and The March of the Living and ISI were my first two experiences
abroad–laying the foundation for many exciting journeys to come." Now, Adam has the ability to[8/5/2014 3:58:07 PM]
BBYO - eNews
control the journeys of others working as a dispatcher and flight instructor. As a dispatcher, Adam
works in the airline's Operations Control Center and supports the pilots, doing most of the route
and performance planning before the flight, then giving information to the pilots throughout the
flight such as the weather, safety and security precautions and world events. Adam and his team
truly help get guests safely to their destinations.
Adam began learning how to fly planes when he received the gift of a flying lesson for his 16th
birthday. He even earned his private pilot license before he graduated high school! "Aviation was
always in my blood," he said, "It's never too early to start a career in aviation! I always find
teens learning to soar the skies." If there's an alum you think should be featured in a Where Young Lives Take Shape article, feel
free to let us know! Direct all submissions to Lander Gold, Alumni Network Associate, at
Back to Top
A leader in the field, The Princeton Review has demonstrated that teens who take their prep
courses may increase SAT scores by as much as 200 points. They hire top educators and limit
class size to 12 students. They also offer proctored exams under real-life testing conditions.
About The Princeton Review SAT Courses:
Princeton Review guarantees students's satisfaction, regardless how much their scores
improve. If they're not satisfied they can continue to work with The Princeton Review for
up to a year for free. For details on the guarantee, visit
The instructors are dynamic educators who are committed to working with high school
students and have scored in the top 5th percentile on the SAT.
Each class is limited to 12 students.
If teens don't understand material taught in class, they can work with the instructor outside
of class.
In addition to class time, students will take 4 proctored practice exams under realistic
testing conditions. Teens may enjoy this benefit simply by accessing the special BBYO promotion code
available at
If you have questions about this new 20% discount, or any of the exciting things that BBYO is
doing in the college realm, please contact Julie Fishman, BBYO's Director of College Initiatives, at or 202.857.6562.
Back to Top
BBYO is the leading pluralistic Jewish teen movement aspiring to involve more Jewish teens in more
meaningful Jewish experiences. For more than 80 years, AZA and BBG chapters in communities around the
world have been providing exceptional leadership programs and identity enrichment experiences, shaping
the lives of 250,000 alumni who are among the most prominent figures in business, politics, academia, the
arts and Jewish communal life. Now, more than ever, BBYO offers unique opportunities for teens to connect
with one another, serve their communities, navigate the college admissions process and travel the world,
providing each participant with a network of lifelong friends, a perspective which adds value and meaning to
life and a shared commitment to strengthening the Jewish future.
BBYO, Inc. * 2020 K Street NW, 7th Floor * Washington, DC 20006 * 202-857-6633 * *[8/5/2014 3:58:07 PM]