

Letter From the Lord Commander
Hello again, Harrisburg has been on fire this year!!! We are killing the game
and looking good while doing so. Our spirit at events is fantastic and our new
A.I.T.s are majestic. The board is doing incredible with their programming and
overall doing a spectacular job. I journeyed to IC two weeks ago and it was
such an unbelievable experience. I learned so much from the wonderful
speakers about myself, how to be a better leader, and how to improve the
chapter. I was also able to meet kids from all around the world, places such as
Bulgaria, France, and Uruguay to name a few. Most exciting for me I was
reuniting with CLTC friends. I highly recommend going to an IC before you
graduate; it is a once in a lifetime opportunity!
Frats to wearing hats backwards, long good and welfares, nature walks ;), the
megillah gorilla, my tie-dye bucket hat, bunny heaven, Harrisburg, Julian’s
sweatiness, and SJR girls
AZAlways, your friendly neighborhood lord commander,
Lincoln Weinstock
Letter from the Sopher
Hello, its me, your one and only Sopher. Welcome to the 3rd edition of the
Meatball. A lot has changed since you last read a Meatball. For instance, it is
now a new year. Also, the Sixers have finally won a game (8 actually!). The
board got some completely fire sweatshirts. But most importantly, as Lincoln
said above, Harrisburg AZA is doing incredible! And that incredibleness has
transferred over to this edition of the Meatball! There’s lots of articles from new
faces, old faces, new segments, fun games, and so much more, so I won’t
waste any more of your time with this intro, get to reading!
Nathan Adler
Spring Guy
The Spring Guy Award, which men compete in for looks, personality, body,
and other masculine qualities, goes to… Joseph Kass!
Runner Ups
Jason Derulo
Cash Cash
The Mowglis
Jason Weitzman
J. Cole
Alan Rickman
Hoodie Allen
Jim Beam
Evan Daniel
Bernie Sanders
Ted Cruz
Robert Di Nero
Draymond Green
Tyler Swidler
Harrison Ford
Sam Welks
Theodore Roosevelt
Aziz Ansari
Donald Trump Trump’s Hair
An Interview with Joseph
How does it feel to be selected as the Winter Guy?
It feels awesome to be selected as Spring Guy, even though I don’t know what
that means cause I’m done with winter and ready for the Spring.
What is your favorite part of BBYO?
My favorite part of BBYO is making friends that are Jewish because that makes
my mother proud.
What is your favorite Havdallah song?
Wagon Wheel feat. Jeremy Sussman.
What are you looking forward to the most this year?
I’m most looking forward to continuing to meet new people and making
lasting memories.
by Will Chaddock
BBYO’s IC took place over
President’s Day weekend and it was
one of the most amazing
experiences I have ever had.
Harrisburg’s AZA and BBG chapters
sent 13 people to the largest
gathering of Jewish teens in the
IC was an event which never
slowed down. The amount of time
the International board put into the event was very clear from the very start,
and I got to experience some of the best programs BBYO has to offer.
Before most people arrived, there were some events, which cost extra,
which took place before the main convention, including summits on Jewish
enrichment and membership growth.
After settling in and greeting all the new arrivals, the opening
ceremonies took place. This ceremony was surprisingly exciting, with several
entertaining speakers to present all sorts of information and entertainment.
After these speeches from notable people such as Justin Trudeau, prime
minister of Canada, and Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel,
there was a surprise concert by the group Timeflies to round out day 1.
Day 2 started out with another round of speeches from more influential
people, including the president of the NAACP, the founder of the Israeli Air
Force, and two Syrian refugees who have settled in Baltimore. After this
finished, we moved into the leadership labs, where everyone was given a voice
in discussing important global issues. For me, this was one of the best
moments of the entire convention, as I got the experience to combat the
refugee crisis, which has absorbed me for the past year. Services and Oneg
Shabbat rounded out the day.
Day 3 opened
up with morning
services, and then
moved into the
Limmud sessions,
which were
discussions covering a
wide variety of
different subjects, and
also included
presentations by
several international
delegations, such as
Argentina, Israel, the UK, and Germany, among others. At night, after
Havdallah, the State of the Order and the Awards Gala took place. Each
international board pairing honored a list of outstanding chapters and
individuals, and among the people recognized by the Morim was our very own
Lincoln Weinstock. After the ceremony concluded, the end of the night was a
showcase of several chapter programs that earned international recognition.
There were a variety of events to spend the majority of Sunday morning
doing. There were AZA international elections, BBG international elections,
AZAA and BBGG events, and a variety of sightseeing tours across Baltimore
and Washington D.C. The elections lasted for approximately nine hours due to
several deadlocks in voting, but by the end of Chofesh, new Grand and
International Boards were elected.
The final event, at the end of Sunday, was the gigantic concert featuring
performances from Jason Derulo, Cash Cash, and The Mowgli’s. The
performances were outstanding, and it was the most enjoyable event of the
By the end of BBYO IC 2016, I found my passion for this organization
reinvigorated, and it was a perfect way to fill the gap in regional conventions.
For this who have not experienced IC, I would highly recommend going if you
can. It is truly a life-changing experience.
Israeli News
By: Hallel Cheskis
A series of LGBT rights bills were presented to the Israeli Knesset (government)
on Wednesday, February 24, however they were all voted down. Just the day
before, the Knesset hosted its first ever LGBT Rights Day where many
representatives from some of Israel’s biggest political parties spoke in favor of
gay rights. Now some are claiming that the politicians supported gay rights at
the event, but when the bills were presented they voted against them. Are
Israel’s political leaders lying about their stances on LGBT rights?
The bills that were presented on Wednesday concerned basic civil rights issues
that were being denied to gay couples. The Jerusalem Post writes, “Bills
proposed by Zionist Union and Meretz MKs allowing gay civil unions and
same-sex couples to adopt, educating health professionals about gender
identity and sexual orientation, prohibiting ‘conversion therapy’ aimed at
changing someone's sexual orientation, and giving same-sex partners of an
IDF soldier killed in action the benefits heterosexual widows or widowers
would get were all voted down in preliminary readings.”
Israel’s Health Minister Ya’acov Litzman, who is openly opposed to the bills,
compared homosexuality to the sin of the golden calf in an interview with the
Jerusalem Post.
Meretz MK Michal Rozin responded to Litzman’s statement by saying, “If you
know there is a problem, something is lacking, there is discrimination and
disrespect that makes people sicker and God forbid leads to deaths, you
cannot stand here and preach to us about the golden calf... What you did here
is not Jewish and not humane.”
LGBT rights have been a controversial topic in Israel for a long time now. Some
stand against them claiming that the Torah forbids homosexual relationships.
Others stand with them, arguing that members of the LGBT community are
subject to discrimination everyday, and it needs to be stopped. Where do you
Convention Watch 2k16
MAY 20
Join over 200 new BBYO members from all over
Eastern PA, Delaware and Western NY, for a
weekend full of fun, energy and spirit. There will
be educational programs, recreational activities, a
Regional Meeting, Shabbat Services, a truly
inspiring Havdallah Service, a Saturday night
Dance and you will be inducted into BBYO.
Join 300 teens from across Liberty Region
participate in a weekend of WOW programming!
Saturday will be full of teen-lead programs. We
will have creative and interactive Shabbat services
and our famous Liberty Havdallah! Saturday night
will culminate in the annual Beau-Sweetheart
Dance! Sunday morning will have our Regional
teen-lead business meeting.
Come take part in Presidential State of the Region
Addresses, End of Year Officer Reports, Meet the
Candidates, Life Ceremonies for graduating
seniors and let your voice be heard and counted
as you elect your 2015-16 Regional Boards! Don't
miss out on joining over 200 of your BBYO friends
for the last convention of the program year!
Liberty held Marathon Madness, a huge dance in Phlly that was the
biggest non-convention event of the year!
Over 100 LBR teens traveled to Baltimore for #AZABBGIC2016
It was announced that WOW will be held in Newark this year
Chapter News & Past events
Whatever Night
On December 12, Harrisburg BBYO
held Latkefest, a huge Hannukah
event with almost 100 people from
across the region attending. There
was havdallah, games, tournaments,
a latke-eating contest, and more!
On February 27, Harrisburg BBYO
hosted Whatever Night, a huge
event at the JCC with Berks Chai and
York BBYO. It was a great night full
of, you know, whatever…
AIT Night
On January 16, Harrisburg AZA held
AIT Night, a sleepover event for new
members. It was a great time with
lots of programming and games.
Harrisburg AZA held meetings on
December 20, January 17, and
February 28. Lots of great motions
were passed, and there were several
epic swordfights.
Other News
Chapter Meetings
On February 20, Harrisburg AZA
held inductions. There was lots of
fun and meaningful programming,
and 9 alephs were inducted into our
Hallel Cheskis was the
January Aleph of the Month
The 88th Balls Board got
completely fire sweatshirts
Harrisburg has 11 new
Havdallah at Latkefest 2015
Upcoming Events
Fraternity Night
March 19th
Model Seder
April 24th
Car Wash
May 8th (Tentative)
Join AZA for a very
meaningful night full of
amazing programming,
friends, and fun
celebrating Fraternity
Not your average
model Seder, this one
has chocolate! And lots
of other fun programs
that take Passover to
Support Harrisburg
AZA by getting your
car washed by a
bunch of teenage
models (or maybe just
in the chapter
a new level!
the chapter).
June 4th
March 20th
An overnight event
where we say goodbye
to seniors, chapter
lives will be given, and
the new board will be
April 24
May 15th
Usually at JCC from
12-2, subject to
We are always trying to
plan new events! Keep
up with what’s
happening in the
chapter on
Fun Page
It’s aMAZEing
Help the Gizbor navigate the maze get to the money!
Word laScbemr
Can you unscramble these AZA terms?
1. AAZ
3. hgraiusbrr
4. raryl erui
5. lasbl rabdo
6. hapel
7. kiazd
8. birytle
9. ortuines
10. bltemala
Coloring Page
Try to stay inside the lines…
Board Directory
Lincoln Weinstock
Ben Loux
Carter Weinstock
Julian Sherr
Hallel Cheskis
Jake Chadwell
Nathan Adler
Paula Rosen
Check Us Out!
Harrisburg AZA
Text @profjuli to 81010 for our Remind101!
Got an idea for an Article? Want to submit an article or pictures?
Email me at
Editor: Nathan Adler
Other Contributors:
Lincoln Weinstock, Hallel Cheskis, Will Chaddock, Jospeh Kass