Declaration Packet - BBYO Lake Ontario Region


Declaration Packet - BBYO Lake Ontario Region
Declaration Packet
for Regional Elections 2015
As modified by Marlee Socket & Billy Cohen
Your 2014-2015 Regional N’siah & Regional Aleph Godol
Election Website:
Lake Ontario Region
4588 Bathurst St. #1-22
Toronto, ON M2R 1W6
T. 416.398.2004
F. 416.398.5780
Our Brother Alephs and Sister B’nai B’rith Girls,
Every Aleph and BBG experiences BBYO on the chapter level. Some choose to become
Regionally active: we attend conventions, enjoy dances, and meet teens from chapters we
can’t find on a map. Others go further: they get involved in regional leadership and take on
the responsibility of planning those conventions, organizing those dances, and supporting
chapters all over the Greater Toronto Area.
Regional Board is an opportunity to lead the region, to make Lake Ontario Region better than
it has ever been, and to learn more about BBYO along the way. It’s long hours behind the
wheel, it’s deep conversations at 3 AM, it’s hair pulling and stress, and it’s an experience like
no other in BBYO. If your passion for AZA, BBG, or BBYO eats up your hours of sleep, if your
commitment to your fellow BBG’s and Alephs goes beyond fraternity or sisterhood, then
Regional Board could be your chance to make an impact.
If you’re a member in good standing and you’ve served on chapter or regional board, then
you are eligible to carry our torches for the next year. There are an incredible number of
Alephs and B’nai B’rith Girls who would be qualified to serve on the 36th Regional Board.
But does being “qualified and eligible” translate to this being a good fit for both you and the
role? Regional Board is a lot to handle. It is a privilege, but also a responsibility and a
Welcome to the 36th Regional Board election process. Read this packet carefully - it has
everything from information about the positions, insight into the experience of serving, and
detailed instructions on how to complete the candidacy process. Even if you aren’t
considering candidacy, we encourage you to familiarize yourself with what you should
expect of your leaders to become an educated voter.
We wish you the best of luck. If you have any questions at any point, please reach out to one
of us. It’s our job to make sure that you’re informed.
Submitted with undying love for BBYO Lake Ontario Region #36,
We remain your 35th Regional Aleph Godol and Regional N'siah,
Billy Cohen & Marlee Socket
To be eligible for regional office, a candidate must meet the
following criteria:
A. The candidate must be registered as a member in good standing of a chapter
of the Lake Ontario Region.
B. The candidate must have served a full term (the length for which he or she
was elected or appointed) on chapter or regional board or be nearing the
end of a qualifying term.
C. The candidate must fulfill all requirements and meet all deadlines as
stipulated in the Regional Declaration Packet.
D. The candidate must be present at the election meeting (Spring Convention,
May 15-17).
Exceptions to the eligibility criteria may only be made by regional staff in
collaboration with the Regional Aleph Godol or Regional N’siah.
Before you declare your candidacy, it is recommended that you
consider these questions:
Is my chapter strong enough to thrive without my leadership next year?
Does my schedule allow me to fulfill everything required of me as a regional
board member?
Do I truly understand the responsibilities of the position I want to run for?
Will I be punctual with attendance and deadlines?
Do I have the experience and qualifications necessary to serve as a regional
board member?
Am I capable of inspiring individuals to be passionate about BBYO?
Will I be able to leave a legacy by going beyond my position if I run?
Do I have the capacity to lead by example?
Closed Caucus Policy
All members of BBYO Lake Ontario Region are prohibited
from engaging in any form of campaigning before elections,
such as:
Talking to anyone about your candidacy, whether
decided yet or not;
Talking about your goals for the term prior to elections;
Talking about your ability to perform well as an officer;
Engaging in actions designed to win votes;
Employing others to campaign for you.
Please do not discuss your candidacy with anyone
except the current Regional N’siah/Godol, your
Chapter Advisor and Regional Staff or you risk
being disqualified.
Officer Expectations
In choosing to serve in the highest tier of leadership in our
region, the expectations placed on officers are high and
carry a lot of weight within the region. There are several
things that the office and the members of Lake Ontario
Region expect from the Regional Board members.
All Elected Officers on the Regional Executive Board must:
Be part of a team which includes all other regional board members and staff, which
means publicly supporting group decisions and furthering the collective mission of
the region.
Be a positive role model at all regional and chapter events and in everyday life.
Follow all policies of BBYO and help to ensure that other members of the
organization do so as well.
Show respect to all BBYO members, staff, advisors and guests at all time.
Comply with the Dress Code and the BBYO Participant Code of Conduct at all times.
Present themselves responsibly and appropriately on all social media.
Meet deadlines, be on time for meetings and work well with others.
Provide chapter counterparts with training, resources and aid throughout the year.
Oversee the work of any related Regional Chairs and Committees.
Attend and actively participate in all regional meetings, events and conventions and
make regular visits to chapter meetings and events.
Communicate regularly with the corresponding International Board counterpart.
Attend International Convention as a representative of the region, February 11-15,
2016 in Baltimore (scholarships are available), and participate in International
Elections as a voting delegate if eligible.
Regional Godol / N’siah:
Coordinate the work of each regional officer to help accomplish their individual goals and represent the
region to the local community, all partner agencies, the International Order and the BBYO Ontario Board
of Directors.
Prepare an agenda for each Regional Business Meeting and for each Regional Board Meeting and preside
as chair at all meetings.
Attend International Convention as head delegate of the region (February 11-15, 2016 in Baltimore).
Attend International Executive Meetings in August and February (as scheduled by BBYO International).
Attend meetings of the BBYO Ontario Board of Directors and present a progress report at each meeting
(held approximately every 8 weeks).
Serve as an ex-officio member of all regional committees and attend meetings of all committees as
scheduled throughout the year.
Serve as coordinator for Regional Leadership Training Conference (Held in the fall, plus all Steering
Committee meetings).
Facilitate the annual election process by creating a declaration packet, promoting elections, training
prospective candidates and chairing the election meeting.
Present the State of the Region at the end of the term.
Regional S’gan / S’ganit:
Coordinate programming, spearhead programming initiatives, oversee the chapter program planning
process and strengthen program excellence across the region while promoting programming in all of the
Five Folds (AZA) or Six Folds (BBG) as well as Aleph Zadik Aleph Athletics (AZAA) or B’nai B’rith Girls
Games (BBGG).
Serve as an ex-officio member of all regional program-related committees and attend meetings of those
committees as scheduled throughout the year.
Serve as coordinator for Fall Kickoff.
Serve as coordinator for Spring Convention (Held in the spring, plus all Steering Committee meetings).
Coordinate and chair the State of the Region at the end of the term.
Assume the responsibilities of the Regional President in his or her absence.
Responsibilities (cont’d)
Regional Moreh / Morah:
Coordinate recruitment, retention and re-education efforts including BBYO Connect and Grade 8
transition; guide and direct members in the re-registration process; educate new members on AZA/BBG
and BBYO traditions and history and keep brotherhood (AZA) or sisterhood (BBG) strong in the region.
Serve as coordinator for all AIT/MIT or New Member programming.
Regional Mazkir / Mazkirah:
Coordinate communication within the region by utilizing the latest and most innovative communication
methods to make sure every member knows about every happening in the region and in the local
Coordinate everything finance-related in the region including overseeing regional funds, planning
fundraisers including the fundraising component of BBYO’s Stand UP campaign and managing the region’s
contribution to the International Service Fund to support global Jewry.
Record minutes at Regional Business Meetings and Regional Board Meetings and promptly distribute
them accordingly.
Oversee the preparation and publication of a regional newsletter, newspaper or yearbook.
Regional Shaliach / Shlicha:
Coordinate participation in BBYO’s Stand UP campaign through service, advocacy and philanthropy;
educate the region on Jewish values, customs and holidays; and serve as the region’s advocate for the
international Speak UP campaign.
Serve as coordinator for AZA/BBG Global Shabbat.
Understand that the lists of expectations and responsibilities are incomplete and that you will play a role in
shaping additional expectations for the next Regional Board.
Declaration Timeline
* Any candidate who fails to meet a particular deadline will be ineligible to run *
Step 1: Declaration Email
DEADLINE: Monday April 13, 2015
Step 2: Reflection Questions
DEADLINE: Monday April 20, 2015
Step 3: Candidate Call
DEADLINE: Sunday April 26, 2015
Step 4: Parent Conference Call
CHOICE OF: Sunday April 26 or Monday April 27, 2015
Step 5: Declaration Form
DEADLINE: Wednesday April 29, 2015
Step 6: Regional Priorities
DEADLINE: Sunday May 3, 2015
Step 7: Platform Submission
DEADLINE: Wednesday May 6, 2015
Step 8: Regional Elections
SPRING CONVENTION: May 15 to 17, 2015
Step 1:
Declaration Email
DEADLINE: Monday. April 13
AZA - Send a declaration email to: AND
BBG - Send a declaration email to: AND
Your email should contain the following information:
Home Phone
Cell Phone
Email Address
Number of Years in AZA/BBG
Previous Executive Positions Held (if any)
International Programs attended (if any)
Primary Declaration (The position for which you are caucusing)
Alternative Declaration (Regional Drop-Down position or Chapter position preference)
One meaningful sentence expressing why you want to run
Step 2:
Reflection Q’s
DEADLINE: Mon. April 20
AZA - Email your answers to: AND
BBG - Email your answers to: AND
Reflection Questions:
1. Being Regional Aleph Godol or N’siah is an incredibly selfless experience and it’s not about you. You need to be
prepared to elevate other people’s ideas over your own, focus on highlighting others’ successes, credit your own
hard work to other people and take the blame for them when they make mistakes. What is your strategy for
managing and motivating your team (Regional Board/Counterparts) to work hard and successfully move the region
2. What does your ideal Region look like? How will you work towards making your goal, the goals of your board
members, the goals of our chapters, and the goals of Alephs and BBG’s, realities?
1. In what ways do you think LOR's programming can improve on the chapter level in this upcoming year? On a
regional level?
2. This past year, we have strived to create conventions with purpose and integrity throughout the experience. In
what ways do you think convention planning and programming can be improved? And how do you plan on
instituting those changes?
1. There are thousands of Jewish teens in the Greater Toronto Area, but LOR has fewer than 300 members. How do
you plan to continue to help the region expand and grow? Moreover, this year we established chapters in
Richmond Hill. How will you support these and other new chapters?
2. Why do members join BBYO? Why do parents support BBYO? Why does the Jewish Community support BBYO?
How will you capitalize on each of these reasons to strengthen our region?
1. Why are Summer Experiences an integral part of the future of our region? Please create a detailed plan for the
recruitment and promotion of Summer Experiences this year.
2. The fundraising goals set by our region generally require raising thousands of dollars for scholarships, Stand Up, I$F
and more. How do you plan on raising such a large amount of money?
1. Why is Judaic content such an important part of BBYO and how will you work to keep Judaism at the heart of
AZA/BBG? How will you ensure that Judaic programming is meaningful on both the regional and chapter level?
2. How will you engage your counterparts in promoting regional and international Stand Up and Speak Up initiatives?
Step 3:
Candidate Call
DEADLINE: Sun. April 26
Before you run for office, it is important to understand
the life of a Regional Board member. Your call with the
current Regional Godol/N’siah is your chance to make
sure you understand the role and ask any questions
you may have. This call is not an interview but rather a
chance for you to gain perspective. Please come
prepared with any questions you may have about the
position or the process.
BBG: Schedule your call with Marlee Socket: 647-379-0383
AZA: Schedule your call with Billy Cohen: 647-864-2258
** Please schedule your call well in advance. **
The responsibility lies with YOU to arrange this call and
ensure that it takes place by the deadline.
Step 4:
Parent Call
Sun. April 26 at 8:00pm
or Mon. April 27 at 8:00pm
Your parents will be invited to participate in a
conference call, for which information will be sent
directly to them from Regional staff after caucusing
has closed. In order for your caucus to remain valid,
one of your parents/guardians MUST participate in
one of the two call times offered: Sunday April 26 at
8:00 pm or Monday April 27 at 8:00pm.
Candidates may also join the conference call although
candidate participation is not mandatory.
Step 5:
Declaration Form
DEADLINE: Wed. April 29
Please fax to 416.398.5780, email to or submit in person to Regional Staff.
I, _________________________, officially declare myself for the high and honorable position of Regional
________________ of BBYO Lake Ontario Region.
I agree to fulfill all requirements and meet all deadlines as stipulated in the Regional Declaration Packet or
my candidacy will be automatically withdrawn.
I understand the expectations (page 5) and responsibilities (page 6-7) of regional officers as outlined in the
Regional Declaration Packet, and, if elected, I agree to meet all expectations and fulfill all responsibilities for
the duration of my term. I understand that failure to meet expectations or fulfill responsibilities will result in
removal from the Regional Executive Board.
I recognize that elected officers are seen as role models to their peers. If elected, I agree to uphold the
principles of this organization both inside and outside of BBYO. I will be responsible for maintaining a public
image (both online and offline) that is in line with BBYO policy and I will always adhere to the BBYO
Participant Code of Conduct.
I realize that serving my peers in this capacity requires a significant time commitment and that it may also
involve, at times, a great deal of stress. I am prepared for this and promise to maintain optimism even in the
face of adversity. Finally, regardless of the election outcome, I will remain active in my chapter and dedicated
to its success. If I am not elected, I will seek out other leadership opportunities. I will not allow the
experience to frustrate me; rather I will learn from it all that I can. I will refocus my energy toward the
betterment of my chapter and region. My commitment to BBYO and its principles will not waiver.
Candidate Name (printed)
Candidate Signature
Parent/Guardian Declaration of Support:
I, ______________________________, the parent/guardian of the above candidate, have thoroughly read
the entire Regional Declaration Packet and have discussed the upcoming regional elections with my teen. I
am aware of the expectations (page 5) and responsibilities (page 6-7) as well as the significant time
commitment required of regional officers. If elected, my teen will have my support in meeting all
expectations and fulfilling all responsibilities for the duration of his or her term.
Parent/Guardian Name (printed)
Parent/Guardian Signature
Step 6:
Regional Priorities
DEADLINE: Sun. May 3
BBG - Send your Regional Priorities as a Microsoft Word email
attachment to: AND
AZA - Send your Regional Priorities as a Microsoft Word email
attachment to: AND
In a Word document, please outline three priorities related
to the position for which you are caucusing that you believe
are of utmost importance for Lake Ontario Region’s success
next year. For each priority, please specify why it’s
important and what initiatives you would implement to
support that priority.
Please limit your submission to 1,000 words or less and
please refrain from using any special colours, fonts or
formatting (except for Bold, Underline, Italics and Bulleted
or Numbered Lists).
Your priorities will be posted to our Elections Website
( prior to Spring Convention.
Step 7:
DEADLINE: Wed. May 6
AZA - Submit a printed copy to Billy and a printed copy to Kevin.
BBG - Submit a printed copy to Marlee and a printed copy to Kevin.
You must bring 60 additional copies to Spring Convention (unless otherwise notified), at your
expense. The copies you bring to Spring Convention must be identical in all respects to the
copy submitted in advance or you will be prohibited from distributing your platform to the
voting members.
Platforms are a way to let all voting members know a little bit more about yourself and to
outline your ideas for the upcoming year with respect to the position for which you have
declared. The rules for creating your platform are listed below. Feel free to ask your regional
president or regional staff any questions you may have.
Platforms generally consist of a brief candidate summary, previous positions held, programs
attended and goals for the term. However, platforms also allow voting members to see your
creative side. As long as you follow the platform guidelines, the concept of a platform is open
for interpretation!
Platform Guidelines:
 8.5” x 11” paper size only; Paper may be any one colour
 One sheet of paper only - May be double sided
 Only black ink may be used
 Paper must not be cut - Folds are permitted
 Adhesives (stickers, staples, tape) are prohibited
 Professional typesetting is prohibited
 Platforms may be individually signed in blue or black ink
 All information on the platform must be true
Sample platforms are available from the Regional N’siah or Godol or Regional Staff.
Step 8:
Election Day
Regional Elections take place
at Spring Convention, May 15-17, 2015
Only those candidates that have completed all steps outlined in this guide shall be permitted
to declare their candidacy. Additionally, nominations from the floor will be accepted only if
the nominee has completed the declaration process.
The election day process includes:
1) Distribution of Platforms
Remember to bring 60 copies of your platform, EXACTLY as previously submitted
or you will be prohibited from distributing your platform to voting members.
2) Candidate Q&A
During elections, a set of questions related to each Board position will be asked to
each candidate by the voting members. Be prepared to think on your feet!
3) Speeches
Every candidate will be allowed to make a speech. Speeches do not
need to be submitted in advance. Time limits are as follows:
BBG - N’siah (7 minutes max), All others (5 minutes max).
AZA - Godol (7 minutes max), S’gan (5 minutes max), All others (4 minutes max).
As a reminder, all “Slide Across” candidates will have a maximum of one minute to
state qualifications only.