Human enterobiasis in evolution: origin, specificity and
Human enterobiasis in evolution: origin, specificity and
Article available at or HUMAN ENTEROBIASIS I N EVOLUTION: ORIGIN, SPECIFICITY AND TRANSMISSION HUGOT J.-P.*, REINHARD K.J.**, GARDNER S.L.*** & MORAND S.**** Summary: Résumé : H Y P O T H È S E S SUR L'ORIGINE E T LA SPÉCIFICITÉ DES O X Y U R E S HUMAINS : LIENS AVEC LEUR M O D E D E TRANSMISSION The co-evolutionary pathway seems to be the most plausible hypothesis for the explanation of the origin of human pinworms. Deux modes de contamination Of the two modes of transmission of oxyurids among humans l'enterobiosis which have been documented, the direct oral/anal route is also chez d'autres primates, observed in other Primates and seems to have been favoured by œufs en suspension selection. As indirect air-borne transmission has also been shown études de cophylogénie for human enterobiasis, the question of "How this alternative to the parallélisme standard transmission method could have arisen" is examined. The de leurs oxyures, results of comparative studies of prevalence of Enterobius résultat d'un phénomène in human humaine ont été reconnus : la voie oro-anale, et la voie aérienne ont d'outre part révélé l'existence d'un si marqué entre l'arbre évolutif des Primates et celui qu'il ne peut être expliqué d'étroite humains sont donc probablement America, show that a higher prevalence of pinworms is correlated des with the lower total amount of air-exchange in caves relative to génération other structures. The air-borne route of transmission of pinworms la voie oro-anale animaux savane, pair. This mode of transfer could have been en génération. régulièrement Or, si l'on distingue nomades et vivants dans des milieux l'efficacité de la transmission probablement from a hunting-gathering to a more sedentary existence, initially l'étude comparative associated with cave habitats. humains dans des séries favorisé. aisément arborés ou de de la prévalence des œufs de coprolites d'oxyures collectés sur plusieurs comment ce mode de contamination a pu être des œufs est beaucoup plus élevée sur les sites anciennement des vivants dans des villages, chasseurs-cueilleurs lorsque occupés par des que sur ceux occupés par ou des agriculteurs l'on compare les prévalences sites permettent de tenter On observe en effet que la prévalence agriculteurs pourquoi par voie aérienne est du sud-ouest des Etats-Unis d'expliquer des parasites transmis de faible dans ces mêmes milieux. Les résultats de néolithiques Enterobius vermicuhris, E. gregorii, primates, pinworm, oxyurid, coevolution, enterobiasis, habitation, prevalence, dust, coprolites, air-bornecontagion, air as a vector, archaeological material, parasites, helminths, archeoparasitology. Les oxyures les descendants a été favorisée par la sélection chez des favoured during the time when humans changed their behaviour KEY WORDS : que comme le coévolution. ancêtres primates de l'Homme, human/Enterobius connue dans laquelle des dans l'air sont inhalés puis déglutis. Les coprolites, in villages of Neolithic age of the arid west of North among humans is interpreted as an innovation in the dans également nomades. De plus, respectives de villageois MOTS CLES : Enterobius vermicularis, E. gregorii, primates, oxyures, coévolution, vivants, soit dans des maisons construites en milieu ouvert, soit enterobiosis, habitations, prévalence, poussière, coprolites, transmission par dans des maisons troglodytes, on observe à nouveau une voie aérienne, parasites, helminthes, palèoparasitologie. différence significative : le taux d'oxyurose est environ deux fois plus important à proximité falaises des habitations construites au flanc des et utilisant en partie des cavités naturelles de la roche. Il semble donc que l'augmentation humaines et les modifications accompagné expliquer observées de la densité des le développement de l'agriculture totalement ce phénomène, puissent L'interprétation observations populations de leur régime alimentaire et que les différences être en partie liées au type que nous proposons qui ont ne puissent d'habitat. à partir de ces différentes est la suivante : la transmission par voie aérienne ne peut être efficace que dans un milieu confiné où les courants d'air sont faibles, abris aménagés comme l'est l'atmosphère * Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Institut de Biosystématique du développement (FR 1541 CNRS), Nématologie Fondamentale et Appliquée, 55, rue l'hypothèse Buffon, 75231 Paris cedex 05, France; e-mail: être progressivement ** Department of Anthropology, sorte que dans les circonstances 126 Bessey Hall, University of des grottes ou des sous roche, qui partout ont été utilisés au cours des sociétés humaines ; nous que le mode de transmission favorisé au cours de ces périodes, Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE 48588-0568, USA. de la densité des populations *** H.W. Manter Laboratory of Parasitology, W-529, University of d'un habitat particulièrement Nebraska State Museum, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE aérienne, 68588-0514, USA. de façon considérable **** Centre de Biologie et d'Écologie Tropicale et Méditerranéenne, concernés. l'ensemble faisons par voie aérienne où une augmentation a pu de telle importante s'est accompagné de l'occupation propice à la transmission de ces facteurs ail contribué le taux de contamination par vole à augmenter des groupes Laboratoire de Biologie Animale (UMR 5555 CNRS), Université de Perpignan, Av. Villeneuve, 66860 Perpignan, France. Correspondence: J.P. Hugot. Parasite, 1 9 9 9 , 6~, 2 0 1 - 2 0 8 Point de vue 201 HUGOT J.-P., REINHARD K.J., GARDNER S.L & MORAND S. INTRODUCTION A shford & Crewe ( 1 9 9 8 ) noticed that, o f the 399 species o f parasites that have b e e n reported from humans, more than 7 0 % are "adventi tious" species for which man is an incidental host and only 16 % can b e considered "core" species, depen dent on man for their survival. Ashford ( 1 9 9 1 ) also illustrated h o w parasites may b e c o m e parasitic in humans by either host-transfer or coevolutionary path ways. C o m b e s ( 1 9 9 0 ) had observed this previously and considered that most parasites o f humans originally t r a n s f e r r e d t o m a n from n o n - p r i m a t e h o s t s . H e explained this as a c o n s e q u e n c e o f the ecological cha racteristics o f humans. B e c a u s e o f our t e n d e n c y to inhabit extremely varied environments and b e c a u s e o f varied behavioural patterns exhibited by humans, w e provide myriad opportunities for parasites to o c c u p y n e w hosts. In other words, w h e n humans left the natural habitat o f their primate ancestors and pro gressively c o n q u e r e d all available geographical ranges on Earth, they also penetrated the territory o f different parasites o f which s o m e host-switched successfully, adapted, and speciated, b e c o m i n g host-specific human parasites. Here w e investigate the origins o f human pinworms and the reasons w h i c h can explain their high speci ficity. This leads us to e x a m i n e and c o m p a r e the ways o f transmission o f the pinworm parasites in different host groups. For m a n y years the literature on pinw o r m e c o l o g y has r e c o g n i s e d the importance o f oral ingestion as the primary m e a n s o f perpetuating infec tions o f t h e s e n e m a t o d e s within and b e t w e e n human hosts. However, recent w o r k suggests that air-borne transmission o f pinworm eggs may also b e important in m a i n t e n a n c e o f their life-cycle. Air-borne trans mission o f p i n w o r m s a m o n g modern h u m a n s is dis cussed relative to the accumulating data sets o n the p r e v a l e n c e o f parasites in coprolites from Neolithic humans. MATERIALS AND METHOD A sample o f 8 3 0 coprolites from the arid areas o f North America allows to consider Enterobius vermicularis infection in context with chan ging habitation patterns. T a b l e I summarises the dates for most o f the locations in which positive coprolites have b e e n discovered. T h e larger n u m b e r o f dates in the AD range does not reflect m o r e sites studied from later time periods. It simply indicates that pinworm eggs are m o r e c o m m o n l y found at later sites. Table II presents the locations which w e r e investigated for human coprolites, ordered by habitation type, and 202 Locality Date 8,000 BC D a n g e r Cave, Utha 4,800-4,300 BC Dirty S h a m e Shelter, O r e g o n 4,010-650 BC H o g u p C a v e , Utah AD 400 T u r k e y P e n C a v e , Utah AD 600 Antelope House, Arizona AD 500-1,200 C l y d e ' s C a v e r n , Utah AD 920-1,130 Pueblo Bonito, New Mexico AD 1,075-1,140 Antelope House, Arizona AD 1.100-1,250 S a l m o n Ruin, N e w M e x i c o AD 1,250-1,300 Inscription House, Arizona T a b l e I. - D a t e s for Enterobius vermicularis finds from North A m e rica. tabulates the p r e v a l e n c e o f E. vermicularis eggs. Hunter-gatherer sites were o c c u p i e d by small groups o f p e o p l e (less than 5 0 ) w h o subsisted o n wild plants and animals. Agricultural sites w e r e o c c u p i e d by large groups o f p e o p l e (several hundred) w h o subsisted in part on cultivated plants and in part on wild plants and animals. Parasite remains have b e e n r e c o v e r e d from coprolites ( d e s i c c a t e d faeces) for 2.5 d e c a d e s in North America (for review s e e Reinhard, 1 9 9 0 ) . Paleoparasitological methodology was established by Samuels ( 1 9 6 5 ) w h e n he d e v e l o p e d the rehydration and sedimenta tion technique for extracting parasite eggs from copro lites. Since that time, relatively little variation has o c c u r r e d other than the introduction o f n e w equip ment and adaptation to available materials. Consis tency in technique is essential for comparing data col lected by several researchers o v e r a 25-year period: the fact that the t e c h n i q u e o f Samuels ( 1 9 6 5 ) was fol l o w e d with minor variations by all North American coprolite researchers until present supports the vali dity o f comparative analysis. T o further evaluate the c o n s i s t e n c y o f results, R e i n h a r d ( 1 9 8 8 ) a n a l y s e d coprolites from Antelope House, o n e o f Fry's main study sites. No statistical difference in recovery o f eggs o f E. vermicularis or larvae was found. Therefore, w e b e l i e v e that, with regard to E. vermicularis, the data sets from different researchers may reliably b e c o m pared. Relative preservation o f the remains b e t w e e n sites is also a significant factor w h e n considering the reliabi lity o f intersite c o m p a r i s o n s . In the c a s e o f t h e s e coprolites, the eggs s h o w excellent preservation, except for those from Pueblo B o n i t o which w e r e poorly pre served. For the rest o f the sites, the eggs w e r e well preserved and the larvae w e r e sufficiently robust to allow them to b e s q u e e z e d out o f the egg. However, even for the site which exhibited relative poor pre servation, the eggs w e r e still recognisable and identi fiable. Point de vue Parasite, 1 9 9 9 , 6, 2 0 1 - 2 0 8 H U M A N E N T E R O B I A S I S IN Studied Positive Site Cave Dwelling, Hunter EVOLUTION Analyst gatherer 100 0 Dust D e v i l C a v e Reinhard 50 0 Love Lock Cave Heizer a n d N a p t o n 16 1 Danger Cave Fry 50 4 Hogup Cave Fry 32 0 Frightful C a v e , C o a h u i t a , M e x i c o Fry 13 1 Dirty S h a m e R o c k S h e l t e r Hall 35 0 Bighorn Cave Reinhard 326 6 (1.8 % ) Cave sites stone walled villages/Agricultural 0 Glen Canyon Anasazi Fry 10 0 Glen Canyon Fremont Fry 40 0 (0 % ) Stone 1 without 30 12 walled Villages/Agricultural S a l m o n Ruin 5 9 0 Kin K e t s o Reinhard 15 4 Pueblo Bonito Reinhard Reinhard 132 13 ( 9 . 9 % ) ISO •w 20 2 B i g h o r n S h e e p Ruin Gardner 56 4 Hoy Stiger 17 3 1 Inscription Stone 20 283 walled Antelope Villages in Caves/Agricultural House Reinhard House House Fry Step House Samuels 54 ( 1 9 % ) Unknown Construction in Caves/Agricultural 24 7 Turkey Pen Cave Reinhard 25 4 Clydes Cavern Hall 49 11 ( 2 2 % ) T a b l e II. - T a b u l a t i o n s o f Enterobius vermicularis finds b y h a b i t a t i o n a n d s u b s i s t e n c e t y p e . As in the following w e use the prevalence o f Entero bius eggs in stools as an indicator o f the prevalence o f infection, the question arises o f h o w both indices are related. Frequently Enterobius eggs prevalence in stools is relatively low as c o m p a r e d with the preva lence o f other helminth eggs (Chieffi et al, 1974; Haswell-Elkins et al, 1987). This can b e considered a c o n s e q u e n c e o f the peculiar behaviour o f female pinworms which release their eggs outside where they get stuck around the anus. This also explains that the pre valence o f Enterobius eggs in stool samples is g e n e rally highly inferior to the rate o f infested individuals in the s a m e population. Another characteristic o f pinworm infections is that a great amount o f the worms are aggregated in a small fraction o f the population and that certain households contain aggregations o f hea vily infected individuals (Haswell-Elkins et al, 1987; Hugot, unpublished). This suggests that w h e n consi dering egg prevalence in stools w e are probably under estimating the prevalence o f infection, not the contrary. Archaeological results are only as useful as dating procedures are accurate. In the case o f the coprolite data, dating the coprolites is b a s e d on stratigraphic association, radiocarbon analysis, and dendrochronological dates. Parasite, 1 9 9 9 , 6, 2 0 1 - 2 0 8 RESULTS T h e l o w e s t p r e v a l e n c e o f E. vermicularis is observed at hunter-gatherer cave sites (2 % ) and in agricultural peoples living without stone Fig. 1. - Result o f an A N O V A p e r f o r m e d o n e g g s p r e v a l e n c e values, transformed in arsinus ( p r e v a l e n c e 1 7 2 ) in o r d e r to n o r m a l i s e residuals (Zar, 1 9 8 4 ) . 1: c a v e d w e l l i n g h u n t e r gatherer; 2: s t o n e w a l l e d villages agricultural; 3: s t o n e w a l l e d villages o r u n k n o w n c o n s t r u c t i o n s in c a v e s , agricultural. Point de vue 203 HUGOT J.-P., REINHARD K.J.. GARDNER S.L & MORAND S walled villages (0 % ) ; the latter sites have maize and o t h e r d o m e s t i c a t e d c r o p s but lack villages. S t o n e walled agricultural villages not associated with caves have a prevalence o f 10 %. T h e highest prevalences ( 1 9 % and 22 % ) are observed a m o n g coprolites o f agricultural p e o p l e s living in villages or constructions in c a v e s . A N O V A (Fig. 1) r e v e a l e d a significant influence o f habitat/subsistence types on prevalence o f eggs (P = 0 . 0 1 4 ) . However, only egg prevalence in cave dwelling hunter/gatherer was significantly lower than egg prevalence in agricultural caves (Scheffe's post hoc test, P < 0 . 0 1 4 ) . DISCUSSION H O S T - T R A N S F E R O R COEVOLUTIONARY PATHWAY? P inworms occur in most families and genera o f the order Primates. Host specificity is extreme in the pinworms, with each species o f nematode occur ring in a specific host (Hugot, Gardner & Morand, 1996). Cameron ( 1 9 2 9 ) first suggested a close corres pondence between phylogenetic histories of both Oxyurids and Primates: "The examination o f the fomis ... ( o f pinworms found in Primates) ... suggests ... that the parasite has evolved with the host. If o n e assumes the existence o f a pre-enterobius form in the pre-simian host, then the modifications o f the parasite should a c c o m p a n y the generic difference o f the host. O n e will expect to find forms more closely related to the human parasite in apes, while those in old World m o n k e y s would b e closer to E. vermicularis than those in n e w World m o n k e y s and the lorises but not so close as in apes". Later, Sandosham ( 1 9 5 0 ) and Inglis ( 1 9 6 1 ) , and finally B r o o k s & Glen ( 1 9 8 2 ) using cladistic analysis, gave additional arguments for coevolutionary rela tionships a m o n g Primates and their oxyurid parasites. Recently, b e c a u s e they share derived characters, most m e m b e r s o f the Oxyuridae Cobbold, 1 8 6 4 , parasitic in Primates have b e e n grouped into a n e w subfamily: the Enterobiinae Hugot, Gardner & Morand, 1 9 9 6 . T h e results o f a cladistic analysis o f the E n t e r o b i i n a e (Hugot, in press) extensively supports the hypothesis Fig. 2. - T r e e r e c o n c i l i a t i o n "parasite c l a d e s v e r s u s h o s t families". H o s t t r e e after Purvis ( 1 9 9 5 ) m o d i f i e d . Parasite t r e e after H u g o t (in p r e s s ) E T = E t h i o p i a n ; AS = Asiatic. 204 Point de vue Parasite, 1 9 9 9 , 6, 2 0 1 - 2 0 8 H U M A N E N T E R O B I A S I S IN E V O L U T I O N o f Cameron in its aspect o f "coevolution + c o s p e c i a tion" o r "association b y descent" as defined by B r o o k s & McLennan ( 1 9 9 1 ) . As e x p e c t e d by Cameron ( 1 9 2 9 ) , the closest relative to the human parasites, vermicularis Enterobius (Linneus, 1 7 5 8 ) and E. gregorii 1983, is the parasite o f the c h i m p a n z e e s : E. pitheci Hugot, sugars by bacteria and protistans living in the caecum. This is also a very efficient w a y for the packaged and non-invasive parasite eggs to b e ingested. In humans and other Primates, swallowing eggs implies different mechanisms. antbropo- Gedoelst, 1916. T h e sister-group for these three T H E ANAL CONNECTION species includes the parasites o f the apes (orang-utan Descriptions of enterobiasis as reported by Moule and gorilla), and old World monkeys (1911) prove that the ancient Greeks and Latins already (baboons, m a c a q u e s and g u e n o n s ) . A tree reconciliation «para had recognised human pinworms and discovered pre site s p e c i e s versus host species» p e r f o r m e d gnant female nematodes crawling around the ano- using TREEMAP ( P a g e , 1 9 9 5 ) g a v e 6 4 % o f c o d i v e r g e n c e genital area during the night. Nocturnal ( s u p e r i m p o s a b l e n o d e s ) b e t w e e n the trees; however, accompanied by a strong pruritus is common in ente w h e n considered at the level o f "parasite clades vs. robiasis. This explains why anal swabs remain the best host families" the c o n g r u e n c e e x t e n d e d to 8 4 % o f and simplest way for diagnostic. This also explains why superimposable pinworm eggs have such a high prevalence on chil n o d e s (Fig. 2 ) . T h e probability for such a high percentage to o c c u r by chance, as revealed egg-laying dren's hands and fingernails (Chieffi et ai, 1974; Ryang, by a Markovian test, is p = 0 . 0 0 1 . Thus the co-evolu 1975). This method of transmission has also been tionary pathway s e e m s to b e the most plausible hypo observed thesis for explanation o f the origin o f human pin- common trait for the whole order. in other Primates and is likely to be a worms. Cameron ( 1 9 2 9 ) asked the question: "why and h o w such a high specificity?" and h e speculated that "the life history o f primate pinworms tends to m a k e them parasites o f the individual b e c a u s e . . . their eggs d o not tend t o b e broadcast as d o those o f other helmint h e s . . . " This c a n probably b e e x t e n d e d to the w h o l e order Oxyurida in which Maupas & Seurat ( 1 9 1 6 ) a n d Seurat ( 1 9 1 6 , 1 9 2 0 ) demonstrated that the infestive larval stages (L3) develop within the egg, which makes these larvae unable to actively search for a n e w host. In addition, most o f the oxyurids parasitic in mammals have their eggs either grouped into a p o u c h as the parasite o f domestic rabbits (Hugot, Bain & Cassone, 1982), stuck together with an adhesive secretion o f the female as the oxyurids o f the p o r c u p i n e s (Hugot, 1 9 8 2 ) , or they occasionally stay e n c l o s e d inside the female cuticle after its death (Seurat, 1916). This nondissemination o f the eggs reduces the c h a n c e s for a n e w host to b e infected and transmission may b e assisted by a special behaviour. T H E AIR-BORNE Another method CONNECTION of transmission is suggested for human enterobiasis. When sampling house dust, fur niture, bed-clothes, etc., in schools, nurseries orphanages, Enterobius and eggs were encountered eve rywhere (Nolan & Reardon, 1939; Gieryng & Pietron, 1981) and were more frequent than eggs of other para sites such as Trichuris, ai, Ascaris and Taenia (Chieffi et 1974; Chung, Chang & Horng, 1978; Engelbrecht & Berendt, 1991). These authors also observed that the larger the space for children's activity, the lower the prevalence of eggs. This relationship between volume, space, and abundance air of eggs was also reported by Engelbrecht & Berendt (1991). In addition, Irgashev, Babaeva & Daidaliev (1974) and Babaeva & Saidaliev (1975) observed that: "All dust samples taken from the bedding and flooring of houses in a hamlet near Samarkand, Uzbek SSR, contained Enterobius ova and occasionally ascarid and taeniid eggs. Of the many thousands of Enterobius ova collected, between 6 5 . 5 and 8 5 . 5 % w e r e viable. The average number of CAECOTROPHY AND PINWORM TRANSMISSION ova/g o f dust was 7.7 to 13.1" (our emphasis). These In the Rodentia a n d Lagomorpha, infestation is pro reports clearly show that Enterobius bably facilitated b y both grooming and c a e c o t r o p h y high prevalence in air and dust in human environments eggs can reach a (sensu Morot, 1882 = p s e u d o rumination sensu Taylor, and that a great number of those floating eggs remain 1 9 4 0 ) : during intervals o f resting, the animals produce viable or infective. This show that, in particular condi special droppings (the c a e c o t r o p h s , after Morot, 1882). tions, air-borne transmission can be considered an T h e y swallow these small faeces pellets b y arching alternative to oral infestation for human enterobiasis their b a c k until they are able to collect them up at the (Smyth, 1994). time they are discharged by the anus. This special behaviour w a s first described from the Lagomorpha and has b e e n later recorded in most families o f Rodent SPECIFICITY AND MECHANISMS O F TRANSMISSION T h e Oxyurida are unique a m o n g the parasitic forms ( K e n a g y & Hoyt, 1980). It is interpreted as a w a y for in the Nematoda being the only group that was able recycling cellulose after it has b e e n transformed into to c o l o n i s e and u n d e r g o a spectacular diversification Parasite, 1 9 9 9 , 6, 2 0 1 - 2 0 8 Point de vue 205 H U G O T J.-P., REINHARD K.J.. GARDNER S.L. & MORAND S. in both invertebrates (cockroaches and millipedes prin cipally) and vertebrates. In mammals, the Oxyurida succeeded primarily in the Primates, Rodentia, and Lagomorpha in which every host genus (and in some cases every host species) has its specific pinworm. The gregarious and sedentary life history of the invertebrate hosts of the Oxyurida explains that new hosts could easily be infected with eggs and coprophagy is pro bably an important method of transmission in these hosts. In mammals the mechanisms described above result in a very short or almost non-existent free living stage for the parasite. For this reason and because interspecific interactions are rare, a close correspon dence between phylogenetic histories of the oxyurids and their specific hosts can be observed. With nonsedentary hosts such as Primates, it is easy to unders tand that the "anal/oral connection" may be appro priate, and then favoured by selection since Primates and their pinworms are living close together. Conver sely the "air-borne connection" appears as an ineffi cient method of transmission among wandering hosts, living either on trees, or in open savannas. Thus a question must be asked: How this.alternative to the standard way of transmission could arise? The disco very of various different levels of prevalence of Enterobius eggs in human coprolites from Northern Ame rica allows speculation on how air-borne transmission can influence the prevalence of enterobiasis. VISITING "UNHEALTHY" CAVES The earliest discovery of E. vermicularis is from Danger Cave, Utah, deposited about 8,000 years ago and the dates for the later sites are in the thirteenth century AD: before Europeans invaders first arrived in Ame rica. These ancient dates suggest that E. vermicularis entered the Americas with the first migrations of humans and was not introduced later with trans oceanic contact. Therefore, the parasite has great anti quity in the New World and the variation in prevalence of E. vermicularis through time is not a result of recent introductions, but rather of behavioural characteristics of indigenous peoples. It is apparent that two aspects of human behaviour affect the prevalence of E. vermicularis in humans, including: subsistence type and dwelling type. These two aspects are not independent; hunter-gathering subsistence limits numerical group size of populations to no more than about 50 people. Especially in arid lands, carrying capacity prevents the development of large numbers of hunter-gatherers. Also, because hunter-gatherers must frequently move from one area to another to find food, the development of perma nent structures among such cultures is unknown and these factors ultimately define the nature of huntergatherer parasitism (Reinhardt, 1988). The development 206 of agriculture had significant impacts on habitation type and numerical density of populations. A dependable, storable food supply led to the increase of populations such that hundreds to thousands of people lived toge ther. The need to store food, and need to defend arable land, necessitated the establishment of perma nent villages. These aspects of agricultural life led to an impressive change in the nature of human parasi tism as documented by studies of coprolites (Reinhard, 1988). In the arid west of North America, many of the permanent villages were established in caves, often as a defensive, measure. Each of these stone walled vil lages (Salmon Ruin, Kin Kletso, and Pueblo Bonito), is a large, multi-storied complex containing between 200 and 500 rooms. They represent the largest villages built in the Southwest before 1300 AD. Thus, the increase in pinworm prevalence in coprolites as compared to agricultural people and hunter gathe rers may be presumed to be related to numerical den sity of the human population, due to the increased pro bability of transmission of pinworms in larger populations. However: i) the results of investigations in Glen Canyon (Table I) suggest that pinworm prevalence among agricultural peoples was not greater than huntergatherers, if agriculturists did not live in village or constructions, it) there is also a remarkable increase in pinworm positive coprolites in villages within caves. Point i) suggests that diet alone did not affect preva lence. Analyses of room patterns between cave villages and open villages suggest that the basic organisation of open villages was the same as in caves. This means that it is unlikely that populations of humans were larger or more concentrated in caves. Thus, point ii) indicates that numerical density of the population is not the only variable that led to increased pinwonu infection. The refore, there must be some other factor involved. One distinct difference between caves and open vil lages is the fact that air flow is limited within the confines of a cave. This allows air-borne particles to remain in the air column for a longer period of time which in turn increases the probability that humans living in the cave will encounter these particles. It has been shown that E. vermicularis eggs are infective via inhalation and may abound in the air environment of humans when living in confined and sedentary habi tats. Therefore, the still air of caves enhances the potential for human infection with pinworms. Thus, for agriculturists who built their villages in caves, the interplay of larger population combined with the reduced air circulation in caves may explain the remar kable increase of E. vermicularis infection which is reflected by greater numbers of coprolites that are posi tive for eggs. In conclusion, the oral/anal mode of transmission which results in a very short or almost non-existent free Point de vue Parasite, 1 9 9 9 , 6, 2 0 1 - 2 0 8 HUMAN EN FEROBIASIS IN EVOLUTION living stage for the parasite allowed the Primates a n d CHIEFFI P.P., MORETTI I.G., FOIZER A.CM., NAKAGAWA E. (S: their pinworm parasites t o live an "idyllic and unin- GOMES A.C Studies on the epidemiology of enteroparasi- terrupted romance", p r o b a b l y from the time o f origin toses in a closed population. II. Mechanisms of transmission. Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical, 1974, 8, 87-91. CHUNG W.C., CHANG K.C & HORNG S.H. Epidemiology of Enterobius vermicularis infection among orphans in orphanages in Taipei City. Chinese Journal of Microbiology, 1978, 11, 30-36. o f the hosts themselves. As the air-borne transmission cannot reliably b e c o n s i d e r e d advantageous for transmission a m o n g wandering hosts, living either o n trees, or in o p e n savannas, as w e r e the primate ancestors o f humans, w e argue that this different m o d e o f transmission could b e an innovation o f the h u m a n / E n t e r o bius pair. This different m o d e o f transfer could have b e e n favoured during the time w h e n humans b e c a m e m o r e sedentary, which initially associated with cave habitats. In addition, during h u m a n s progressively settled and d e v e l o p e d denser populations they also a c q u i r e d a m o r e a n d m o r e sophisticated language which tended to substitute for grooming. This in turn could result in a reduction o f b o d y contacts and a decreasing efficiency o f the o r o / a n a l m o d e o f transmission. However, s o m e questions remain w h i c h presently w e are unable to response. 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Reçu le 1 6 septembre 1 9 9 8 Accepté le 2 6 avril 1 9 9 9 208 Point de vue Parasite, 1 9 9 9 , 6, 2 0 1 - 2 0 8