
Volume 21, Issue 17
2 Cross Street
New Town Tasmania 7008
Telephone: (03) 6279 4090
Fax (03) 6279 4050
November 27th, 2014
What a Day!
Sincere thanks to everyone for supporting our College Fair on Sunday. We were fortunate to have the best weather
that November has served up so far (not difficult) which nicely complemented an extraordinary job of planning,
management and co-ordination (very difficult indeed). I’d like to offer on behalf of the College and the hundreds of
parents, students, friends and passers-by who enjoyed all the wonderful things the Fair offered, our sincere thanks to
our Fair Co-ordinators, Jane Capp and Michelle Stolp, our Development Officer, Jo Heerey, our Fair Committee and all
of our volunteers as well as the teaching staff and students who helped out before and on the day.
This extraordinary effort does not come about without many hours in planning and discussion and eventually, lots of
hard work in the days and weeks leading up to the Fair and on the day itself and we were so fortunate to have
Michelle and Jane leading those efforts. Over $12,000 was raised on the day, money which will go into the many
Parents and Friends initiatives – resources and improvements to the College which do so much to make Sacred Heart
the great school it is.
Once again, a mighty thank you to everyone involved in our wonderful Fair!!
The exam period for Years 9 and 10 students commenced this week. I encourage all students to make the most of the
experience by studying hard, talking with their teachers about their exam experience and paying close attention to
the feedback given by teachers. All students can be reassured that you can only improve your result through the
exams and it is an opportunity to raise results through hard work and study. There will also be an opportunity for
students to debrief their exam experience with their teachers and, for our Year 10 students, an opportunity to look at
how to improve results in Year 11.
Any old Football Boots to Spare?
Dorothy Lagu (Year 7) has had a great idea. Having recently returned from a family trip to Sudan and seeing lots of
kids playing football in bare feet and with makeshift footballs, Dorothy is hoping to collect old football boots (and
any old deflated footballs) for her family to take with them when they return to Sudan in the near future. If you have
any old boots or old footballs taking up valuable cupboard space, please bring them into the College and we’ll pass
them on to Dorothy.
Health and Safety
The safety of our students and staff is our major priority and we work hard to make sure our policies and processes
keep everyone safe here at the College. To that end, you will have noticed that we ask for and collect a lot of
information on safety as well as ensure parents and students are well informed about excursions and activities at
school. We welcome your input into this process so if you think there is anything we can do better, or anything that
we are not doing that we should be, please let us know. No safety improvement is too much trouble to implement.
We have had to deal with a couple of issues recently concerning student use of anonymous or semi-anonymous
online forums, the most frequent one being ASK FM. Our advice is that people under the age of 18 should avoid such
sites. The dangers of interacting with anonymous people online (especially for children) are obvious and many and we
have had to deal with some very unsavoury exchanges on the ASK FM site. Please ask your son or daughter if they
use this site and strongly advise them against it. We will back up that message here.
Student Achievement
Congratulations to Darwin Hands (Q1) who recently competed in the Tasmanian JATNET Speech competition. Darwin
was awarded first place in the Grade 10 section. Well done to Emily Lei (D5) who competed in the same competition and
received an Honourable Mention. Amity Bailey (Q1) competed and also did very well. Darwin's achievements in particular are outstanding given that the judges commented on the very high standard of competitors in the state wide event
this year.
Well done to Jairus Lesek (Q2), Xavier Castaneda (X2) and Eduardo Castaneda (X1) who have been chosen to represent
Tasmania at the NTC Soccer Challenge in Canberra—we wish them all the very best in the competition.
We wish the following students well as they travel to Melbourne to compete in the National Interschool Chess Finals
commencing on Sunday 30th November; Blake Zamykal (D2), Matthew Barnes (Q1), Sebastian Krasnicki (Q2), Patric Grice
(D2), Trent Rankin (D2), Nathan Hill (X3), Warrick McCourtie (J4) and Rohan Corby (J1).
Congratulations to James Fletcher (1W), Phat Bui (1W) and Hamish McIver (1W) who have all finished in the top 100 students in Tasmanian for Skoolbo (a reading and maths online program). Well done boys on a wonderful achievement!
This week a huge thank you to all students who helped out on Sunday at the school fair. Many students went above and
beyond in the expectations of the fair committee. The enthusiasm, helpfulness and cooperation by students was amazing
and we thank them sincerely.
Craig Deayton
From the Fair Committee
Our sincere thank you to all who made Sunday such an outstanding success. You cannot put a dollar value on the community spirit that filled our school. To the organising committee who have given up many hours in the preparation behind the scenes; we thank you! A special thank you to all parents and staff who manned stalls, donated items, cleaned,
helped with set-up and especially Susan McCrae and Julie Eaton who helped Sharyn White (P & F Treasurer) with the
counting of the proceeds. Without the support of parents and teachers this day would not be the success that it is.
Thank you to our hardworking groundsmen who made our grounds look spectacular and who catered to our every need!
Thank you seems so inadequate at such times but please know that your efforts (whether big or small) are hugely appreciated. Mrs Jo Heerey
Student Leadership
At present we are in the midst of electing student leaders for 2015. I find it a very positive and affirming experience to
see the quality of students applying and their clear desire to contribute to the College. Here are a few quotes from some
of the secondary applicants:
“Sacred Heart has helped me grow as a person and become a lot more confident and that is something I will always be
grateful for.”
“I may have only been at Sacred Heart for one year but I’ve already noticed how inclusive and non-judgemental everyone
is and I intend to keep it this way.”
“The College is extremely welcoming and prides itself on the diversity of all of the students.”
“I think it is time that I gave back to the College that has given so much to me.”
“SHC has taught me all the best things about life and what life has to offer. The best part about this school is the desire
to help the disadvantaged.”
“Being at this school taught me so many things; like being honest, nice, being part of a team and helping out more.”
“I would like to help the College as much as I can after all they have done for me.”
“As a student who has seen SHC grow and change over the past 11 years, it would be incredible to be voted into a position where I can give something back to the school community.”
“I have never been at a school where the environment is so welcoming, where I feel like I belong.”
“While attending this school for the past 5 years, I have found that the community and House spirit of this school is unlike any other.”
“I have been at Sacred Heart since Grade 7 and loved every minute of it.”
“I am proud to say that Sacred Heart College has been like a second family to me. I feel very privileged to be part of this
special community and I feel like the way I can repay the care and love that this school has granted me, is to become
your House Leader for 2015.”
“Over the years, Sacred Heart has provided me with all the skills I need for my future; including social skills, mental skills,
the ability to make moral decisions and countless others. By being a House Leader I would have the opportunity to give
back to the College after all it has taught me.”
While it is tempting to think that these words have been tailored to try and increase votes received, knowing the students
who wrote them, I think they are genuine, heartfelt words. I am very confident that the student leadership of the College
will be in very good hands for 2015.
Mr Eamonn Pollard
Deputy Principal
Canberra Trip for Grade 6 Students
Students from our school have undertaken an education tour of the national capital. Students were given the opportunity
to participate in a variety of educational programs with a focus on Australia’s history, culture, heritage and democracy.
The Australian Government recognises the importance of all young Australians being able to visit the national capital as
part of their Civics and Citizenship education. To assist families in meeting the cost of the excursion the Australian Government is contributing funding of $150 per student under the Parliament and Civics Education Rebate program towards
those costs. The rebate is paid directly to the school upon completion of the excursion.
Ms Nicole de Gouveia
Term 4 Art
As we head toward the end of the year many students move into a higher gear and so in the last few weeks we have seen
a flurry of activity in the Art Department:
Grade 10: Final prints of etchings, photography and some 3 Dimensional work was displayed on Fair Day. Acid on metal
etching is quite an old medium, and produces beautiful line work, students then vary the wiping back of the ink to influence the overall tone and depth of colour.
Grade 9: The last few weeks have been taken up with Linocut printing, and some experimentation
with using Tetra-Paks to produce colour graph prints. A sometimes frustrating task, that works
very well (when it works very well!) Also pictured is a ‘Game of Thrones’ inspired sculpture currently hanging in the Library.
Grade 8: The popular screen printed T-Shirts end the year on a high for
many students, and past students tell us these shirts are worn until they
fall apart – sometimes even handed down to younger siblings.
Grade 7: This Term has seen tasks as varied as flower painting with Watercolour, Ink and Watercolour wash drawings and some high contrast
Charcoal drawings using old-school Hollywood legends as the inspiration. (pictured is screen siren Claudia Cardinale)
The Art department looks forward to another inspirational
and creative year in 2015.
Nicholas McShane—Teacher
State Basketball Champs
Our 7/8 and 9/10 girls’ basketball teams will be playing at Kingborough Sports Centre this weekend in the state championships. Both teams won their respective southern competitions and face some tough competition from the North and
North West. Pool game times are as follows
7/8 Girls
Saturday 9am v St Marys
Saturday 3pm v Scotch Oakburn
Saturday 6pm v St Brendan Shaw
9/10 Girls
Saturday 9am v St Marys
Saturday 5pm v Marist Regional College
Sunday 7.30am v St Brendan Shaw
Finals are dependent on results above, however, 7/8 and 9/10 girls’ grand finals are played at 2.30pm and 3.30pm respectively. It would be great to see as many supporters there as possible. Good luck to the girls and thanks to the
coaches Steven Moore and Kylie McCauley.
Sister Barbara Duggan Sport Award
Nominations are welcome for the Sister Barbara Duggan award for the fairest team. Coaches/parents wanting to nominate a team need to get forms returned to Mr Mills by Monday 8th December. Nomination forms can be downloaded
from (through the College website).
Touch Footy
The final round of games have been played this week. Well done to all teams and a big thank you to coaches Nicole
White, Richard Pears and Josh Burgess.
Our tennis teams have had some good results of late with our Grade 7 Girls and Grade 8 Boys a chance of making their
finals. Results and ladders should become updated and found at
Adam Mills—Teacher - Coordinator of Sport
St Vincent de Paul
Recently, 16 students from the St Vincent de Paul School Conference went to Argyle Street store and assisted with the
packing of survival kits for homeless Tasmanians. Included in the kits were blankets that the College donated through
the fundraising endeavours.
A busy term for the College bands and string ensemble is drawing to the close. Here’s some of what’s been and is
about to happen:
Band and Strings Showcase
The 2014 Band and Strings Showcase took place on Thursday 13th November. The Senior Band, Stage Band, Senior String
Ensemble as well as the Training Band and Training Strings demonstrated the development which has taken place in the
band programme over the past 3 – 4 years in a programme ranging from ‘The Drunken Sailor’ to movie themes from
‘Star Wars’ and ‘Jurassic Park’ to Adele’s ‘Rolling In the Deep’ and jazz standards like ‘Blue and Sentimental’. The very appreciative audience was treated also to a demonstration of the baritone saxophone by Mr Derek Grice, explaining why it
is so important to have one of these instruments in the band. With the help of the Parents & Friends and the Friends of
Music we are hoping to raise the $5000 needed to purchase one of these instruments. Thanks to the Friends of Music
who put on a BBQ to contribute to their fundraising efforts and to feed the many hungry mouths. Congratulations and
thanks to all the students on their outstanding effort and thanks to our excellent tutors Rebekah Grice (Strings), Robyn
Males (brass) and Derek Grice (wind) without whose expertise we wouldn’t be able to reach such a high standard.
Stage Band Workshop
Stage band members attended a workshop with Mr Derek Grice, our wind tutor on Thursday 20th November after school.
Students worked on a piece called ‘I’m beginning To See the Light’ by the legendary Duke Ellington. Mr Grice, himself a
very experienced player in stage bands and the jazz genre was able to teach the students much about the finer aspects
of swing playing, especially articulation , phrasing and technique.
Grade 7 Concert
On Thursday 11th December 2014 at 2pm in the primary school Media Centre. ALL GRADE 7’s will be putting on a concert
for the Grade 3’s and 4’s. The students are in the final stages of preparing their pieces.
Parents are warmly invited to attend this performance. If you would like to attend, please let the College office know by
Wed 10th December, so that we can reserve seats for you. An information letter will be sent home next week.
Primary Schools Tour
As this newsletter goes to press the annual music day tour to primary schools on Friday 28 th November, is happening.
The Senior Band, Stage Band, Senior Strings, Training Band, Training Strings and JENSEN (not Hansen as in previous
newsletter… showing my age), will be presenting concerts at St Therese’S Moonah, St John’s Richmond and Holy Rosary
Term 4 Music Dates
Don’t miss out. Put these dates in your diary now.
Wk 8
Thurs 4/12:
Grade 10 Graduation, evening, Stage Band only.
Wk 9
Thurs 11/12:
Grade 7 Concert in Media Centre, daytime
Primary Music
Primary Music is alive and well in Term 4. To read about what’s happening in Grades 5 & 6 go to the primary section of
the newsletter.
Carmelita Coen (Instrumental and Ensemble Co-ordinator)
Value of the Week: “Hope”
Ephesians 1:12 “Let us, who were first to hope in the Lord, praise God’s glory!”
Everybody has hope in something; the people who believe in God hope to see God one day.
Dear Parents,
The year is certainly ticking away and we are entering a very busy time. We have many End of Year activities coming up,
and I would ask parents to take careful note of the “Dates to Remember” section of this newsletter.
We have had and are still having many busy weeks in the area of Camp experiences. At this present time Gr 4 are experiencing the many wonderful activities offered by their camp at Orford and a visit to Maria Island. Forward thanks to Mrs
Revell, and Mr Guinane for your efforts with what has been a hugely successful camp for Gr 4 at Orford. It will be wonderful to share their news at the next assembly and also in the next newsletter.
It was my privilege to attend as Gr 6 had some wonderful adventures on their camp to Canberra last week. Visiting and
learning in places such as Parliament House, a number of galleries, The National War Memorial, Australian Institute of
Sport and Questacon was a highlight. Please have a read of our camp accounts included in this newsletter.
I must take this opportunity to highly commend our students for their exceptional behaviour, interest and engagement
while we were away. All Gr 6 students must be congratulated! They made wonderful ambassadors for our College and we
received many, many compliments from those conducting sessions and the general public.
Many thanks must be extended to our hardworking and professional staff who worked tirelessly in organisation to ensure that the camp was a success. To Ms de Gouveia, Mr Fabrizio, Mr Deayton, and Mrs McCrae, we say thank you for
organising and assisting on this highly successful adventure. This camp has been of outstanding educational value and
could not have been achieved without your dedication. Thank you again.
Sacred Heart Fair
Many thanks to all those who attended and contributed to our highly successful Fair last Sunday. The weather was great
and it was wonderful to see so many members of our school community enjoying a day out. So much time and energy
has been given by so many to make this bi-annual event a success and we extend our appreciative thanks to all for your
“Moving On” Grade 2015 Orientation
A collective 2015 Grade activity session will be held next Wednesday, 3 rd December between 1:50 and 2:50pm. All students will have the opportunity to enjoy a combined activity within their learning environment for 2015. As Staffing is
not finalised at present, Teacher allocation for each Grade will be forwarded when this process is complete.
Report Period
End of Year Reports are currently being written. These comments will add to those already available in our On-line Reporting procedures. The formal paper copy of your child’s results will be sent home on Friday 12 th December. Booklists
for 2015 will also be available at this time.
Advent Liturgies
This Sunday will be the first Sunday of Advent for 2014, and all grades P – 6 will take part in an Advent Liturgy on Monday morning. Here, we will listen to the Gospel stories about waiting for the birth of Jesus, light the first purple candle in
the Advent Wreath and sing songs of “Hope” which the candle represents. We will be sharing a second liturgy on Monday, 8th Dec. Thank you to Mr Paul Crennan and Ms Nicole de Gouveia for organising these lovely and meaningful celebrations of this special season.
Thank you to Grade 6 for hosting a lovely assembly this week. Your focus on “The Play and Learning Evironment” was
beautiful and it was great to see that you had such a great time on camp. There were a number of class award certificates given out and congratulations to all those who received an award.
Principal Awards were presented to: Georgia Rive (3W), Thomas Whitton (6W), Madison Chambers (6W), Rhianna Dries-
sen (6W), Emily Gamez (3R), Eryk Augustyniak (3R), Anesha Lackay (3R) and Grace White (3R).
Please note the next assembly will be held on Wednesday 10 th Dec in the SSJ commencing at 2pm. This assembly will be
hosted by Gr 4 and will be an expo of their adventures at Orford. All parents are warmly invited to attend.
End of Year Events
Please find a list of events for the final weeks of the year in the dates to remember. This year, the Primary would like to
invite all families and friends to join us in a “Twilight Carols in the Park”. This event will be held on Wednesday 18th December in the playground/grassed area outside of the media centre, from 5pm onwards. Please come along to enjoy
Christmas carols presented by each class and a BYO picnic in the “park” to celebrate another wonderful year at Sacred
Heart College.
House Point Up-date
House points as of Wednesday 26th November:
Dates to Remember:
Mon 17th Nov – Fri 28th Oct – Prep Learn to Swim
Wed 3rd Dec – “Moving On” Grade Orientation Session – P-6 2015 – 1:50 – 2:50pm
Tues 9th Dec – Kinder Red Nativity – 10am in Sacred Heart Church
Thurs 11th Dec – Kinder White Nativity – 10am in Sacred Heart Church
Fri 12th Dec – Grade 6 Mass and Graduation – SSJ – 10am
Fri 12th Dec – End of Year Reports home
Tues 16th Dec – Class Picnics
Wed 17th Dec – End of Year Assembly – SSJ – 9:15am
Wed 17th Dec – Kindergarten Picnic Day
Wed 17th Dec – Twilight Carols and Family Picnic – 5pm onwards
Thursday 18th Dec – Final Day for Students
Sue Walker
Deputy Principal – Primary
Film Festival
Come along to the Media Centre on Thursday 4th December to watch a range of short films written, produced and filmed
by students from Prep to Grade 6.
Sessions will be held at 9.30am, 11.30am, 2pm and 3.15pm, with the total running time approx. 45 minutes.
Families are very welcome to come along to any session. Films will be put on the school portal after the Festival.
Prepare to be entertained!
Primary Basketball
Primary basketball wrapped up with the State Basketball Championships on November 15 & 16 in Burnie. Our teams finished
as follows: 3/4 Boys 5th, 5/6 Boys 5th, 5/6 Girls 6th. While the results didn’t go our way, the way all teams acquitted themselves
against strong opposition and dealt with injuries was impressive. All teams improved from the Southern Championships and
played as a team and stuck together over the weekend. It was also pleasing to see the teams support each other where possible. Thank you to all parents involved in the weekend and in particular the coaches and managers.
Catholic Athletics Carnival
The Athletics season wrapped up on Friday November 14 with the Catholic Carnival. We had many impressive results across
the board with many students backing up brilliantly from the JSSATIS Carnival and also for others getting an opportunity from
their hard work at training. It was great to see the team support and encourage each other throughout the day.
Primary Triathlon
The Primary Triathlon was held last Friday at Bellerive Beach. We had over 40 students entered across the Grades 3-6 in team
and individual events on the day. While the conditions were less than ideal the students’ enthusiasm was outstanding and we
enjoyed some impressive results with Sam Berezansky finishing 7 th in the Grade 5 Boys and the Grade 5 boys finishing 7 th overall. It was also great to see the support and interaction between the children across the grades. In term 1 next year we will
promote and be involved in the free BUPA triathlon events which is a great opportunity for students right across the school to
get a taste for triathlons!
AASC P-2 Basketball & Cheerleading
AASC basketball has two more sessions with the final session on Monday December 8 while cheerleading finishes on Wednesday December 10. Thank you to all the parents that have helped make these programs beneficial experiences for all our participants.
Milo In2Cricket
The final Milo In2Cricket session will be on Thursday December 11.
Touch Footy
The Final Touch Footy game is next week, December 3. It has been great to hear the improvement the children are demonstrating with each game they play.
The 3/4 t-ball team’s last game is next week, December 2.
The primary badminton roster finishes on December 12. A reminder that Josh Honeyman and Jim McKellar are training the students on Tuesdays from 3:15 to 4:30 starting in the SSJ.
Learn To Swim
Our Preps will conclude the Primary Schools Learn to Swim program tomorrow. Thank you to all parents that helped out across
all grades and thank you to all teachers. We are looking at a few options to streamline our program next year and improve it to
allow students to gain the most out of this important life skill.
Working with Children Checks for all Coaches for 2015
Please read the relevant information in this newsletter for the new legislation in regards to the Working with Children Check. I
encourage all family members that can assist next year to get the Working for Children Check ASAP. To continue to offer the
range of sports we do at SHC we rely on the assistance of families in assisting by coaching/managing teams. The school really
appreciates the assistance provided and will pay for these checks that last for three years and covers you in coaching outside
the school as well. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask myself or Julie Eaton as we have both gone through
the simple process ourselves!
Grade 5 Music
Grade 5’s have enthusiastically embraced lessons on their chosen instrument, which they will continue to play through to
the end of grade 7. They have now had 3 lessons and you should be starting to hear some musical sounds coming from
the bedroom or practice room at home. Here are some photos from their first lesson.
Grade 6 Training Band and Training Strings
Congratulations to the students in the Training Ensembles who performed at the Band and Strings Showcase on the 13th
November. They played with confidence and their improved technique was evident in the quality of their playing.
Their next performances are on Friday 28th November when they will take part in a concert tour to 3 different primary
schools with the Senior ensembles in which I know they were very eager and excited to take part.
Summer Holiday Instrument Borrowing
Instrument borrowing is encouraged over the summer break so that students can keep up their practice ready for next
year. Instruments can be signed out on Thursday 11th December for the holiday period.
Carmelita Coen (Instrumental and Ensemble Co-ordinator)
Have you seen these instruments? PLEASE help find and return them to the College:
Clarinet 8 – in small black case with rounded edge, similar to the one in this picture, with
number SHC Clar 8 on it – missing since term 3.
and Clarinet 18 – in small square black case with split handles (no picture available). Has SHC
Clar 18 on it – missing since early term 4.
Please email Ms Coen on or contact the SHC Office if you have any information.
If found please leave at the office.
Carmelita Coen (Instrumental and Ensemble Co-ordinator)
… FAIR …
Thank you
The Parents & Friends Association would like to extend its appreciation to all parents, students, past-students, family
members and staff who contributed to the success of the College fair last Sunday. Profit for the fair is around $12,000
– a great result. We were also fortunate to have such lovely weather!
Thanks also to our new and existing food stall coordinators for a great effort. We are also very grateful for all the help
we receive from the school groundsmen led by Mr Peter Gangell and the office administration ladies.
We greatly appreciate the contributions made by parents who donated everything for their stall, in particular Plants,
Salon, Show Bags, Fairy Floss, Cup Cakes, Cakes, Lucky Jars, Pluck-a-Duck and the Delightful Dessert teams.
A great job and lots of fun was had in the Primary Quadrangle supervised by Mrs Sue Walker, Mr Romeo Fabrizio, Ms
Nicole de Gouveia, Mrs Kandy Parker and some amazing parents. It was a fantastic effort again this fair by Leon Westwood and the Chocolate Wheel team.
We are extremely grateful to all the businesses that supported the fair, in particular, Southern Air, Control Catering,
Trendy Cut Meats New Town, Banjos Moonah, Bidvest, Cellarbrations New Town, Lenah Valley Newsagency, Chigwell
Newsagency, Catholic Development Fund, Joseph Burton Wines and Friends Health and Fitness.
Lastly and by no means least, special thanks to Mrs Jo Heerey for her ongoing support and advice and extra work outside school hours. To fair committee members, Michelle Stolp, Sharyn White, Michelle Williams, Frances Harris,
Michelle Kellett, Cheryl Sutton and Bernie Garrett it was a great team effort, so thanks for coming along to so many
meetings throughout the year.
Jane Capp (P&F Secretary)
Notice of Meeting
Sacred Heart College Parents and Friends Association
Monday 1st December 2014
You are warmly invited to attend the P & F Association Meeting, to be
held in the Secondary Campus Library at 7.00 pm.
Confirmation of Previous meeting (held Monday 20 October 2014)
Business arising from previous Meeting
Fundraising – Fair
General Business
Primary Teaching structures discussion with Sue Walker
P&F Funding disbursements
Next Meeting Date: AGM 7pm 16th February 2015
Maddie White D5 has misplaced her jacket. It is clearly
If found please return to Maddie in D5.
Well done to Luisa Cavarretta who won the plant stall
raffle at the fair.
Congratulations also to Susan Lesek, Simone McManus
and Monica Johnson who won the various tubs of prizes.
The rewards for student banking need to be ordered by 2nd December to be received this year.
Items still available are:- scented pencils, shark
toy key ring, dollarmites money box (limited) and
sea streamers. Please note the last banking day
will be on Tuesday 9th December.
Grade 9 and 10 Student Free Day
GYC Orientation
Grade 7 Pre-orientation afternoon for 2015
Primary Film Festival
Grade 10 Graduation Wrest Point—6pm
Grade 10 Graduation dinner
Grade 9 camps commence