AST NEWS - Lake Forest School District


AST NEWS - Lake Forest School District
NOV-DEC 2015
 Nov 19—Family Fitness Night
5:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m.
 Nov 23—Parent/Teacher Conferences 12:00-7:30 p.m.
 Nov 23—Nov 28—School Closed
(Thanksgiving Break)
 Dec 3— Fall Picture Retake Day
PTA Meeting 6:00 p.m.
The East Family has done it again!!! We can officially announce our school’s latest accolades.
National Award - Blue Ribbon School 2015
Our school has been selected as a National Blue Ribbon School for 2015.
The U.S. Department of Education named three Delaware schools as National Blue Ribbon
Schools, so this is an especially prestigious honor.
Remarks made from United States Senate, Senator Christopher A. Coons:
“This award is a testament to the passion for education fostered within the school’s walls. It is
my privilege to join the administration, staff and students in celebrating this well-deserved
 Dec 10—2nd Marking Period
Interims Issued
Board Meeting @ CBO 7:00 p.m.
The education students receive is essential to their academic and personal success. The faculty
and staff at lake Forest East Elementary School make student success a reality by ensuring
that superior academic standards are maintained, while creating an environment where students feel welcome and accepted. As a parent, I am truly grateful to administrators, educators
and staff members like those at Lake Forest East Elementary School who go above and beyond
to ensure that students excel in every area of their lives.”
 Dec 11—Referral Free Day
 Dec 16—Winter Concert @ LF
High School 6:30 p.m.
 Dec 14—Dec 18—Holiday Gift
 Dec 24—Jan 1—School Closed
Winter Break
 Jan 7—PTA Meeting 6:00 p.m.
CONGRATULATIONS to our students, staff, families, and community members.
October flew by in a flash. It was a productive month in more ways than one. Students
have adjusted to their schedules nicely and are now solidly down to the business of conquering
new curricula and skills. A special Thank You goes out to our PTA, parents and staff for helping
to sponsor our third annual Fall Ball. We had excellent family attendance and a good time was
had by all. Thank You!!!!
We have several activities coming up. Please make sure to pay special attention to our important
dates. Also, mark you calendars for our Winter Concert on Wednesday, December 16th at 6:30
p.m. at the LF High School. We would like all participating children to be there by 6:10 p.m.
Welcome back to another great school year!
your child ever gets off to a rough start in the morning and you feel it might impact their learning, feel
free to contact us. We are here to help your child be
successful at school.
Mrs. Johnston-FCT
(Family Crisis Therapist)
Mrs. Parker
School Counselor
We are still looking for mentors to
volunteer once a week to be paired
with a child to read, practice spelling
words or just play a game. There are
many children that could use a positive
role model in their lives. If you are
interested in helping make a difference
please contact Mrs. Parker at 335-5261.
As we move into the month of November, students are beginning to develop
important computer skills. Kindergarten
students have been learning about the use
of usernames and passwords for accessing
computers. As kindergarten students
practice using their letters and numbers in
the classroom, they will transfer that skill
to their own personalized computer
logins. The upper grade levels have been
practicing their typing skills as we learn
new letter positions on the keyboard.
Students are also getting a chance to become more familiar with word processing
software as they have been creating documents with text and clip art images. Up
next, they will start learning about online
research and information sources.
The music program is
gearing up for our
winter concert program. The concert
will be at
Lake Forest High School
on Wednesday,
December 16th at 6:30 p.m.
Each grade level will participate in the
program. Come join us for a wonderful
evening of winter music.
The fall season has been a busy one for
Lake Forest East’s fabulous first graders.
While we were busy getting to know
about ourselves, our new friends and our
community through our studies in reading, we’ve also been learning to observe
the weather and the changes that came
with autumn during science lessons. In
October, we took a trip to Loblolly Acres
to explore the farm and learn about the
growth of a pumpkin plant from seed to
fruit. We also met some animal friends in
the barnyard and learned about their
needs. Together with our friends, we
enjoyed the slippery slide, the maze, and
the thumpy, bumpy hayride all around
the farm. After the trip, we wrote to tell
about our experiences using what we
ESPeN news
I am sure you are as amazed
as we are that it is already the
second marking period. Some
very exciting things are happening in the LFEE gymnasium. In all grades so far this
school year we have learned
the proper way to squat, pick
up heavy objects, back squats
and overhead squats. The
children are also playing several team sport games that
work on sportsmanship and
hand eye coordination. A
have learned about narrative writing.
First graders know how to plan their stories and tell the important details in an
organized way, sometimes using transition words.
In math, first graders are becoming experts at using mental math to add numbers. We can use strategies like counting
on, doubles, near doubles, friends of ten,
flip flop facts, and related facts to solve
addition equations. We are beginning to
practice fluency at school and at home to
improve those facts in a flash! In November for Thanksgiving and American Education Week, we will be having a funfilled switch day where parents are invited in to travel to each first grade classroom with their student. In each room,
students will participate in a craft or activity related to the story of Thanksgiving
like learning about the Native American
Squanto, making a bracelet to remember
the Thanksgiving story, reading a fun
turkey story and creating a turkey craft,
and making a booklet of things we are
thankful for.
It’s definitely been a busy season, and the
next months will bring even more learning and fun for our fantastic first graders
as they continue to learn and grow.
Thank you to all the parents who support
these fun activities with your time and
donations for special projects; we couldn’t do it without your help.
(East Sports and Physical Education News)
highlight of our fall season is
the Turkey Trot. The Turkey
Trot is a great way to promote
the life skill of running as well
as raising money for PE
equipment. As a school we
ran 588 miles and raised over
$760!!!! Thank you for your
Family Fitness Night
Please come out on Thursday,
November 19th at 5:30 p.m.
for some family fun fitness.
We are now well into the
cold and flu season. Please
remind your children to wash
their hands frequently, as this
is the best way to keep all of
us healthy this winter.
Thanks to all
For your
It’s getting cold outside, but our third
graders are burning it up
this autumn at Lake
Forest East Elementary.
They have learned various forms of fiction,
gained information from
multiple non-fiction
texts, and are now studying “main idea”
as it relates to informational text. Students have also been developing their
ability to write a complete paragraph,
including a topic sentence, at least three
supporting details with explanations, and
a conclusion. They’ve done this in the
context of writing personal narratives. In
math, we’ve completed a unit on number
sense and adding/subtracting to the thousand’s place. We have begun multiplication and division, which is a major focus
of third grade math. Don’t forget to have
your child practice telling time, counting
money, and using flashcards to memorize
multiplication facts. In Social Studies,
we’ve been learning principles of economics and we continue to study geography on a daily basis. Soon, we’ll begin a
new science unit that focuses on Earth
If you haven’t already scheduled a conference, please contact your child’s teacher..
Please check planners nightly for notes,
homework, etc.
Parent/teacher conferences will be held
on Monday, November 23rd from 12-7:30.
Kindergarteners hit the ground running!
was an exciting beginning to the school year
and each day only gets better! In September,
we worked on settling into routines, initial
assessments, understanding rules and procedures, as well as getting to know one another. In October, we took our first field trips
where we learned all about the Frederica
Fire House as well as farm life at Wicked R
Ranch. Some of the favorite highlights from
our trip the fire house include spraying the
hose, seeing the fire trucks and all of the
equipment, and riding back to school in the
fire trucks. Some of the favorite highlights
from our trip to Wicked R include learning
about the animals, going on a hayride, going
through the corn maze, completing obstacle
courses, playing in the hay and the bounce
houses, and getting a pumpkin. We also got
to experience a Kindergarten Fall Festival
where we exchanged classrooms to engage
in fall activities and crafts! In the beginning
of November, Kindergarten got to experience their first PBS – they had so much fun
having earned the right to pick fun choices
as well as participate in grade-wide raffles!
This November, our students have been
working hard on learning Thanksgiving
songs and plays to perform for our families and they are very grateful to get to
share this experience with their families!
At the same time, we are also continuing
to work on learning our letters, lettersounds, concepts of print, using informational text to discover main topics,
counting by 1s and 10s, number recognition, and 2-D and 3-D shape identification as well as finding them in the environment. Our days are chock full of fun
learning through songs, books, centers,
worksheets, interactive components,
groups, and play! Kindergarteners are
always ready and excited for learning!
“We worry about what a child will become tomorrow, yet we forget that he is someone today”
The Second grade classes
have worked hard on learning
about insects. We will be
completing our unit on insects
and begin another social studies unit on respect in civil
society. We also have worked
on learning strategies for mental addition of two-digit numbers. Be on the look out for
your students to use open
ended number lines, compensation, break apart, and hundreds chart to find the sums of
two numbers added. When
we return from Thanksgiving
break, we will begin working
on strategies for mental subtraction of two-digit numbers. During our reading, we
currently are working on fiction and nonfiction sequencing of text. Keep your students reading their library
books and encourage them to
identify what is happening in
sequence. We have moved on
from narrative writing to howTo writing, so, easy practice
for both reading and writing at
home could be going over
recipes or how things are
made. Keep in mind, spelling
packets come home on Monday
and testing is on Friday. Please
have your child complete his/her
packet weekly and help them
study on the skill for the week for
their phonics test.
For a fun note, the second graders will be attending the Nutcracker Ballet on December 10,
2015. We will have a limited
number of chaperones(3) for
each class. So, be on the look
out for permission slips to come
home shortly.
It is a great ballet!!
Nutcracker Play
Dec 10th
@ Del State Univ.
Madison Collins
Colton Cristaldi
Alexis Hansen
Lucas Maharaj
Jaydah McNeil
Kirra Noble
2nd Grade
Makyi Cannon
Angela Escobar-Fuentes
Brian Iacono
Jax Osika
Amerie Robinson
Daniel Salerno
1st Grade
Jesus CastilloFernandez
Claire Ellingsworth
Donovan Gygrynuk
Toni Joynes
Colton Robbins
Ava White
Thanks to all those whose participated
in the Original Works Art Fundraiser. I
will be sending our orders in to the company this Friday, 11/19/2015.
Original Works will deliver our keepsake
artwork back to the school for on
12/10/2015. I will send the items home
with the students unless you let me
know that you prefer to send the items
home another way.
Happy Holidays!
Lake Forest East Elementary
3rd Grade
April Bolander
Rebecca Lamb
Ariona Long
Kyle Parham
Brock Robbins
Alexis Hansen—1st Place
Jai’Arye Taylor—2nd Place
Addeline Putnum—3rd Place
1st Grade
Inocencio Cruz-Cordova—1st Place
Toni Joynes—2nd Place
Natalie Cuccinello—3rd Place
2nd Grade
Ashley Hernandez—1st Place
Gabriella Razzano—2nd Place
Jonathan Osika—3rd Place
3rd Place
Kyle Parham—1st Place
Angalena Carter—2nd Place
Quinn Subers—3rd Place
PTA was busy throughout our 1st marking period.
Our 1st East Night Out
was held at Frederica Pizza House and was very successful. It is so nice to see
so many familiar Spartan faces. Mrs. Pope's class and Mrs. Williams' (Barrett)
class tied with the most vouchers - they will be celebrating with pizza parties! We hope everyone who was able to attend Fall Ball had a great
time! PTA really enjoys organizing this event for our students and families. Our Brax Spirit Cup fundraiser has wrapped up. We would like to recognize Paul Cox, Jr. and Liam Neal (both Kindergarteners) for being East's Top
Sellers! A huge thank you to everyone who participated. We are hoping to
purchase a large piece of playground equipment and have it installed during
this school year with the money that was raised with the fundraiser. In December, we have scheduled an East Night Out at the Camden Texas Roadhouse on Monday, December 7th and our annual Holiday Shop will run from
Tuesday, December 15th through Friday, December 18th where students will
be able to "shop" for loved ones (more information will be sent home shortly). Volunteers for Holiday Shop are always needed
- contact PTA at if you
would like to help! Thank you again to everyone for
your support!
124 W. Front St.
Frederica, DE 19946
Phone: 302-335-5261
Fax: 302-335-5273