Welcome to Brisbane - Crosscare Migrant Project


Welcome to Brisbane - Crosscare Migrant Project
Date: 2013
Websites for Brisbane Families
Brisbane Kids http://brisbanekids.com.au/
Welcome to Brisbane
Playgroup QLD http://www.playgroupqld.com.au/
Bub Hub http://www.bubhub.com.au/index.php
The Corner at the State Library http://www.slq.qld.gov.au/whats-on/calendar/children
Brisbane kids markets - http://www.kidspot.com.au/babykidsmarket/
Top 10 Kids activities www.couriermail.com.au
Medicare – medical registration www.medicareaustralia.gov.au
Great blog on living in Oz: http://www.bobinoz.com/
The Queensland Irish Association in CBD - http://www.queenslandirish.com/
Irish Festival (This site is updated annually) - http://www.irishfestival.com.au/
Australian Irish Heritage Association - http://www.irishheritage.net/
QLD GAA, Willawong - http://www.gaelicfootballqld.com.au/
Immigration Enquiries - http://www.immi.gov.au/ Phone: 131 881
The Lansdowne Club – Irish business networking - http://www.lansdowneclub.com.au/
Brisbane 4EB – Kangaroo Point Irish radio - http://www.4eb.org.au/
Irish Echo newspaper – free at the IASAQ centre.
Disclaimer: - All companies and services mentioned in this booklet are included only because they have been tried,
tested and recommended by our parent’s group. We are aware there are many good companies out there but if we are
unable to personally vouch for them, we are unable to personally recommend them and have excluded them here. All
opinions and thoughts expressed solely the domain of the authors and the IASAQ takes no responsibility for personal
viewpoints. If you feel there are glaring errors or we have omitted important information or details, we would like to
hear from you. Please contact Rita on 07 3391 1300.
IASAQ—Irish Australian Support Association
“if you are having problems or are in trouble, call us; we
can guide you.”
With special thanks
to Office Works,
Wooloongabba for
their generous
support in helping
print this brochure.
Contact: Rita Stott
Address: Justice Place
5 Abingdon Street
Wooloongabba, QLD 4102
Tel: 07 3391 1300
A new start information guide aimed at Irish people
who are settling in Brisbane.
Summery of Contents
• Housing market information—rental and buyer information
• Schooling information
• Settling in Brisbane guide
• Medical & Job Search information
Mobile 0432 087 328
Email info@iasaq.com.au
IASAQ—Irish Australian Support Association QLD
TEL: 07 3391 1300
MOBILE: 0432 087 328
IASAQ—Irish Australian Support Association QLD
Employment Information
Meeting your visa
Table of Contents
About the IASAQ
To work within certain areas you must
have certain authorisations/cards.
Welcome Note
2013 Holidays and Festivals
Weather, Climate & Car Guide
Rental Advice & Info
10 & 11
Living costs, Public transport, House buying
12 & 13
Shopping Tips, Markets
14 & 15
Daily Brisbane Wildlife
16 & 17
Children 0-5—kindy, playgroups, activities
18 & 19
Schooling information
20 & 21
Public vs private schools
22 & 23
Activities & Entertainment
24 & 25
Medical & Hospital Information
26 & 27
Visa, Tax, Employment
28 &29
Useful websites & Contacts
“It takes about 2 years to feel in any way settled and less homesick….”
To work with children you must have
a BLUE CARD and often a first aid
certificate. To get a Blue Card go to :
To work on a building site: QLD
WHITE CARD. This is to show your
have completed work health place
safety training.
To work where alcohol is being
served: you must have RSA certificate
which is the Responsible Service of
Alcohol certificate
www.besttraining.com.au—online cards
and training.
Getting your ABN: Australian
Business Number. Sole Traders,
Partnerships, Trusts, Companies and
Superannuation funds can apply for an
ABN www.ato.gov.au
Getting your TFN Tax File
Number: You need a TFN to work, to
claim benefits, to get superannuation,
to get tax back and to do a tax return.
Permanent residents and Temporary
Visitors can apply online:
Check to see if you’re a resident for tax
purposes HERE.
Superannuation: This is a compulsory
investment fund that your employer
pays into for you, about 9% of your
wage. It provides money for your
retirement, or insurance if you are ill
and unable to work. Salary Sacrifice is
when you choose to add more to your
super than the 9%. You get tax breaks
doing this.
S up e ran n u ati on
If yo u a re w o rking in A ustra lia an d you r
m o nthly w a ge is m ore tha n A $45 0, you r
em plo yer w ill ge n era lly con t ribu te a n am o un t
equ al to 9% o f yo ur w age in to a
su pe ra nn ua tion a cco un t for yo u.
T em p ora ry resid en ts w h o w ork in A us tra lia
a nd h ave s up er con trib ut io ns pa id b y th ei r
em plo yer are e n titled to rec eiv e th e ir su per
b en efi ts on c e th e y lea ve A ustral ia. Th is
p aym ent is ca lled a de p arting A us tra lia
su pe ra nn ua tion p ay m e nt (D A SP).
Fair work Ombudsman: Pay rates,
work conditions, leave loading, Unions,
Apprentices, Seasonal Workers,
Termination, Industries—
Centrelink—The dole office. Support
and family payments etc. ASDOT (this
is help with assessing overseas
professionals to work here). Crisis
payments can be available in extreme
Employment/Job information:
TEL: 07 3391 1300
MOBILE: 0432 087 328
Tax Information
Visa Information.
Let’s be honest. They employ migration agents to
plow through the minefield of visa’s, so there is no
way we are going to get through all the information
here on this page. Here are a few of the most
common questions, but please contact the IASAQ
for more assistance if required.
while they resolve an immigration matter.
overstayed their visa. Click HERE.
Persons who overstay their visa by more than
28 days may become subject to an exclusion
period that prevents them from being granted
a temporary visa to travel to Australia for
Please click HERE to go to the Department of
three years. This exclusion period applies
Immigration Visa Wizard www.immi.gov.au/
they leave voluntarily or not. Even
after the exclusion period has finished, the
What happens if I loose my job on a person cannot be granted a visa unless they
repay any debt they owe to the
457 visa? Click HERE.
Commonwealth, including for costs of
removal, or they make satisfactory
You have 28 days to do the following: •
arrangements to repay their debt.
Find another employer who is willing to
sponsor you and apply for another Subclass
457 visa to work for that new employer. •
Can I bring my parents or dependant
Apply for another type of substantive visa relatives over? There are 2 types of parent
that you may be eligible for. For example, if
visa. Contributory and non-contributory.
you want to study, a student visa, or if you
Contributory takes 2 years to go through and
want to have a holiday before returning
costs $20,000 per person. A non-contributory
home, a visitor visa.• Leave Australia.
cost around $4,000 and take 10-15 years to be
Generally, the department will issue a
approved on the waiting list. More
Notice of Intention to Consider
information can be found through the
Cancellation (NOICC) regarding your
www.immi.gov.au website. You have to be a
Subclass 457 visa towards the end of the 28- permanent resident to sponsor a dependant
day period unless you have already applied or parent, and agree to support them
financially for the first 2 years. Parents cannot
for a new visa. The NOICC will allow 5
working days for you to provide a response. apply for an Australian pension until after
being resident in Australia for 10 years.
Following receipt of the response, a case
officer will then make a decision whether or
Visa fees and costs can be found HERE.
not to cancel your visa, taking into
consideration the information provided in www.immi.gov.au
your response. If your Subclass 457 visa is
cancelled you will become an unlawful Working Holiday Visa Information and Fact
Sheets: HERE. www.immi.gov.au
non-citizen and may be detained and
removed from Australia.
Information about Living Away From Home
What if I have overstayed my visa? Allowance. www.lafha.com.au
The Community Status Resolution Service
(CSRS) is part of the Department of
Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC). It
works with people in Australia who have:
IASAQ—Irish Australian
Australian Support
Support Association
Association QLD
The Irish Australian Support Association of Queensland
Incorporated was formed some 5 years ago. Is a not-for-profit
Our mission is to provide social and personal support to as many
Irish/Australian people as possible.
The Association offers a wide range of activities and support
services, including: * Immigration advice and support, especially to newly-arrived Irish
* Special interest groups such as those for Irish/Australian Mothers
(especially to newly arrived families), seniors and backpackers.
* Support in times of traumatic and often tragic events and
circumstances, such as sudden and/or accidental death, or major
* Repatriation of the deceased person and liaison with the Irish
family in cases of sudden death, including drownings, victims of
murder and fatal industrial accidents
* Assisting people who are hospitalised, usually in emergency
* Support fundraisers for these special cases and circumstances
related to problematic or crisis issues and circumstances
* Networking with the elderly in the community, as well as visits to
aged care homes, hospitals and hostels
* Seniors’ events including lunches and excursions be they either
local, intrastate or interstate
* Generally promoting fellowship and social gatherings for
* Assistance with legal and court matters
Many of these services and events bring Irish people together,
whether they are permanent residents or those enjoying short or
long term travel (visa holders) to Australia … helping them feel
that they have a home away from home and connecting with other
Irish people in the local community.
1 800.000.0000
3391 1300
0432 087 328
Welcome To Brisbane
Welcome to Brisbane and the start of your
new life. Here are a few nuggets picked up
along the way that may make settling here a
bit easier.
It’s very daunting to come all the way across
the world to a new country, but at least the
weather is great, the economy isn't too bad
at the minute, the people are friendly and
they speak mostly the same language (with a
few oddities). A few less things to worry
Brisbane can be a bit difficult to navigate
because of the snaky river. It does get easier
and here are a few tips to position yourself
in the city. All the “female” streets (Queen,
Ann, Elizabeth, Margaret, Alice) run
roughly east to west and the “male” streets
(Albert, George, Eagle, Edward) run
roughly north to south. The Botanic
Gardens are on the southern tip and Central
station is on the Northern tip.
Navigating the city is the easy part. Settling
in a new country permanently is the hard
part. The lack of family is defiantly the
biggest drawback to moving here. It can
and will get lonely here, so here are a few
tips that we have found to help you settle a
bit more.
The first thing is to make sure your head is
in the right space. For you to begin to feel
at home here (the general consensus is it
takes about 2 years so be patient), you need
to be committed to staying here. If you
always have in the back of your mind that
this is temporary and you’ll be heading back
home ASAP you’ll be less likely to make as
much of an effort to integrate and settle
into Brisbane life. Your head will be a in a
negative place and your homesickness will
be stronger and you’ll be comparing
Brisbane unfavorably with home and fail to
see all the wonderful things Brisbane has to
offer. If you have a goal (residency, buying
a house, getting the kids into a good school,
good job etc)—then you’ll be working
towards something positive which does
help alleviate some of the initial bumps you
will no doubt face. The key to success in
any new venture is keeping positive and
It is important to have a good mix of
friends, both Australian and Irish. The more
Australian friends you have, the more “in
the know” you’ll be. You’ll also find in
Brisbane it’s often who you know that make
a difference in the job search, schools, kids
etc. While Irish friends are important and
comfortable, you’ll find it harder to settle in
Brisbane without Australian connections.
The other problem to only having ex-pat
friends is that ex-pats tend to move around
a lot and you friends will change often,
making settling that much more difficult.
IASAQ—Irish Australian Support Association QLD
Medical for Temporary residence
The Australian Government has signed Reciprocal Health Care Agreements with the
governments of the Republic of Ireland which entitles you to limited subsidised health
services for medically necessary treatment while visiting Australia.
Your entitlements
As a resident of the Republic of Ireland you are entitled to free treatment as a public inpatient or outpatient at a public hospital and access to subsidised medicines under the
Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme during your visit to Australia. This covers any ill health or
injury needing medical treatment while in Australia. To access these benefits you should
show your passport at hospitals or pharmacies. You are not entitled to Medicare benefits for
non-hospital medical care and you will not be issued with a Medicare card.
Medical services not covered by Medicare
Medicare will not cover:
• medicines not subsidised under the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme
• dental work and allied health services
• treatment arranged before your visit to Australia
• accommodation and medical treatment in a private hospital
• accommodation and medical treatment as a private patient in a public hospital
Registering with Medicare. www.immi.gov.au/living-in-australia/
www.humanservices.gov.au. You cannot have a Medicare Card until you are a permanent
resident, but you can apply for a Reciprocal Health Care Card from Medicare which entitles
you to the medical services above. To enroll you need your passport and the Irish Medical
The GP can Bulk bill (bill Medicare directly) or bill you individually. Depending on the
clinic, you can choose to pay immediately, or ask them to bill Medicare directly. You will
have to pay some of the fee, as Medicare only pays $35 of the fee.
Y o ur entitl eme nts
Ireland ’s h e alth sche m e p rov ide s b enefits fo r h os pital tre atm en t du ring yo ur stay, b ut n ot fo r
p rivate m edic al se rvices o r p rescrip tio n m ed icine.
W hat is co vere d?
Pu blic h os pita l care is avai lab le for a sm all fe e fo r th e fir st 10 d ays of yo ur stay in
any year an d th en i t is free th e reafter. A fe e is ch arge d for atten da n ce at o ut-p a tien t
o r ac cid en t an d em erge n cy d epartm en ts if yo u are no t referre d b y a do cto r.
W hat is no t co vered?
Y ou will have to pay th e full co st o f vis its to p riva te do cto rs.
A fee is ch a rged fo r pres crip tion m e dicin es . After a certain a m ou nt h a s b een sp e nt
d urin g e ach m on th th e H ea lth B o ard re fun ds add itio n al ch arge s un der th e D rugs
Paym e n ts Sc h em e.
TEL: 07 3391 1300
MOBILE: 0432 087 328
Hospitals and Emergency
Public vs. Private
For an emergency, the best children's hospitals are Royal Brisbane and the Mater.
If you need an ambulance, as long as you are a QLD resident, you do not have to pay.
The best maternity units are at the Mater (public & private—they also do midwife
visits after birth), the Wesley (private), & Royal Women's (public & private) More can
be found at this link www.bubhub.com.au/directory/find/maternity-hospitalsbrisbane
13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) is a government medical enquiry hotline
IASAQ—Irish Australian Support Association QLD
Hepatitis B
months Tetanus
Hepatitis B
(refer to note
(refer to note
000 is the emergency number.
Royal Brisbane The Royal Children's Hospital (RCH) is located in the Brisbane
suburb of Herston, on the corner of Bramston Terrace and Herston Road, which is
approximately a 10 minute drive from the city centre.
The main entrance to the hospital and the Emergency Department are both on
Herston Road.
Mater Mater Misericordiae Health Services Brisbane Ltd,
Raymond Terrace South Brisbane, Qld. 4101 Phone: 07 3163 8111
There are 3 places you can get your child vaccinated:
The GP—($50—$65)
Community Child Health Centres (Have to have a Medicare card)
Council Immunisation Centres (Free)
If you do not get your child vaccinated, if/when you get your residency, you may
miss out on any family assistance from the government.
All children aged between six weeks and eight years old, including international and
interstate visitors, can use Council's immunisation service. Children who are sick can
still be immunised provided the child has a temperature of less than 38.5 degrees.
Vaccines are avail able at Council 's children's immunisation clinics.
months Tetanus
Hepatitis B
months Tetanus
Hepatitis B (or
at 12 months)
months Mumps
Hepatitis B (or
at 6 months)
months Pneumococcal
4 years Diphtheria
So, how to meet all these Australian
friends?! (www.bobinoz.com)Australia is full
of community activities. Much more than at
home. They have clubs, societies, groups
galore. So, find what you’re interested in,
sports, dancing, music, children, food, wine,
travel, and you’ll find a club to join. And
while you’ll feel like the outsider to start
with, the more you get involved, the easier it
gets. The outdoor life is massive here, so
enjoy it. Go camping, fishing, boating. Take
a day drive to the coast or national parks.
Get out of the house and have a picnic in
one of the beautiful parks here. Enjoy life.
The beaches are tropical, the weather is
amazing (even the storms) , the swimming
pools are a great day out in the heat. BBQ’s
are a way of life.
Making Australian friends will be harder
because they will already have their network
in place and not be as inclined to make new
friends. Don’t despair. Keep trying, and
you’ll wake up one day realizing you’re
living it up. Good luck!
A few comments from our contributors:
“Personally, If you can I would try to get
residency while still in Ireland. It’s worth the
wait and extra expense. Being here is too
expensive on the 2 year Temporary Visa…”
“I found it has taken about 2 years for me
to settle in Australia and find my feet…”
“The feelings of loneliness are really hard,
especially when coming from home where
you’re surrounded by friends and family…”
“It is so expensive to live here…”
“I love the weather. It’s brilliant to wake up
everyday and see blue skies. Even the
storms are amazing…”
“The schools and hospitals are fantastic.
Very modern and fresh. Great facilities…”
“Getting around without a car is really
“There is soo much to do here for families.
It’s great place to raise kids.”
The Queensland Gaelic Football and
Hurling Association (QGFHA) delivers
Gaelic Football, Hurling and Camogie
competitions to over 20 teams in Brisbane,
represented from 6 clubs. All games are
play at Gaelic Park, Bowhill Road,
Willawong. Four competitions are
contested over the course of the year –
Summer Competition (Feb-Mar), Carpenter
Cup (late Mar-May), Queensland League
(Jun-Aug) and Championships Finals (AugSept).2013
The Association will introduce, a youth
Development Program,
This will include Go Games for Children
under 12, with fun games in
Gaelic football, Camogie, and Hurling,
Another group will be set up for the same
codes for the over 12 up
To U17, anyone interested in helping please
TEL: 07 3391 1300
MOBILE: 0432 087 328
What’s On 2013 -http://www.bnecity.com.au/
Holidays and Observances (Australia)
Jan 01 New Year's Day
Jan 26 Australia Day
Mar 31
Easter Sunday
Mar 29 Good Friday
Apr 01 Easter Monday
Apr 25
Anzac Day
May 06 May Day (NT, QLD)
Jun 10
Queen's Birthday (Most
Aug 14
Oct 7
Labour Day
Duck race, cancer research
Nov 5 Melbourne Cup
International film festival
Nov 11
Remembrance Day
Dec 25 Christmas Day
Dec 26 Boxing Day
Dec 31
New Year's Eve
Brisbane Festival—
•Cockroach Races - 26th January, The Story Bridge Hotel hosts this festivity
on Australia Day
•Brisbane International Motor Show - early February, an exciting motor show
featuring everything from the world of motoring
•Chinese New Year - celebrations taking place in the city's Chinatown district
•International Cricket - one-day event played at the Brisbane Cricket Ground
•St. Patrick's Day - 17th March, a celebration of Australia's Irish ancestry
•Musica Viva Australia - April to November, a series of international concerts
•Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht Race - yacht race starting from the Shorncliffe
Pier and going to the Queensland coast of Gladstone
•Queensland Winter Racing Carnival - mid-April to end June
•Commemoration of the Battle of the Coral Sea - 5th to 8th May
•Paniyiri Greek Festival - late May, a multicultural event showcasing Greek
culture in a one-day ethnic celebration, with over 20,000 people in
attendance from the local Greek community
•Brisbane River Run and Walk - late May
IASAQ—Irish Australian Support Association QLD
Enjoying your
night out; be
aware that there
is a different
attitude by the
Police here to
and/or being
disorderly, on
the street or on
public transport;
you can be
arrested and
charged and
spend the night
in the slammer.
The Police here
have a more
stern attitude
than at home;
do not give
them cheek or
mouth off at
them and obey
their directions –
they will not
hesitate to arrest
and charge youMagistrates are
becoming less
tolerant when
foreigners are
charged with
offences. Not a
smart thing to
do if you are
seeking a
Residence Visa.
If you are not
represented in
court it is easy to
get a conviction
and you can say
Jazz Club, 1 Anne St, Kangaroo Point. Brill music nights & good food.
Tivoli—Brisbane Exhibition, Fortitude Valley. Small Concert venue, with great artists.
Lock & Load Bistro, 142 Boundary St, Brisbane
Brisbane Powerhouse Arts 119 Lamington St, New Farm—Live Music most nights and
free music on Sundays.
Brisbane Riverstage—Music/concert venue.
Family Pubs
Story Bridge Hotel, Kangaroo Point—Good food and live entertainment
Pineapple Hotel, 706 Main St, Kangaroo Point (good food and beer—children's play
gym out back)
Norman Hotel, 102 Ipswich Rd, Wooloongabba (Great Steak)
Breakfast Creek, 2 Kingford Smith Dr, Breakfast Creek. Famous song affiliated.
Irish Club, Elizabeth Street, Brisbane
Mick O’Malleys, Queens Street.—Live entertainment
Brewhouse, Woolloongabba. Boutique beer. Live entertainment Friday & Saturday .
The German Club—Great food & Beer.
Belgian Beer Café, 169 Mary St, CBD. Great food and beer
Riverlife, Kangaroo Point—great for kayaking, rock climbing on Brisbane River.
Barefoot bowls, and any local bowls club.
There are at least 20 national parks and dams/lakes within a 2 hour drive of Brisbane.
Hiking, camping, biking, 4WD and fishing activities. Lamington NP, Glass House
Mountains (Sunshine Coast), Mt Barney NP, D’Aguilar NP, Border Ranges NP,
Fraser Island—4WD, camping adventure
Stradbroke Island—Camping adventure off Gold Coast
Hamilton Island—Camping and holiday destination
Morton Island/Bay—Camping, and dolphin adventures. Boasting and fishing.
10 Things to do before heading Home. www.couriermail.com.au
1—Great Barrier Reef—snorkeling or diving. Best from Townsville.
2—Breathtaking Scenic Areas in Queensland— www.couriermail.com.au/life
3—4WD on Beach
4—Bush Walk
5—Visit Amusement Parks on Gold Coast
6—Visit Wildlife Park and take photo with a koala, wombat or snake.
7—Sailing & Fish in Whitsundays and Moreton Bay
8—Whale Watching
9—Eat Australian Wildlife at least once—Crocodile, Kangaroo, Emu
10—Go fruit picking for fun (not work)
TEL: 07 3391 1300
MOBILE: 0432 087 328
What’s on in Brisbane
Brisbane City Events—www.bnecity.com.au/
Visit Southbank: www.visitsouthbank.com.au/
Day’s out
Southbank— Museums, water park,
restaurants, Saturday markets, cinema,
shopping. (www.visitsouthbank.com.au)
Gold Coast - Sea World, Currumbin Wildlife
Sanctuary, Wet and Wild, Dreamworld— (buy
a season pass for $99/person and get access to
at least 3 parks) (www.visitgoldcoast.com)
Sunshine Coast—Bellingham Maze,
Australia Zoo, Maleny Dairy's, Ginger
Factory, The Big Pineapple.
Mt Cotton Winery, Sirromet—Great day
out for adults and kids. Good park.
Mt Co-otha—Botanic Gardens, and picnic
areas. (www.brisbane.qld.gov.au)
Tambourine Mountain, wine, cheese, beer,
spirits, walks/waterfalls.
Bribie Island—swimming, fishing, beach holiday on
cheap, golf www.tourismbribie.com.au
Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary—You can catch a
ferry from Brisbane or drive. Great wildlife park near
Brissy, Fig Tree Pocket. www.koala.net
Strawberry picking—PYO (pick your own)
strawberries. Loads of places—mostly on Bruce
Highway to Sunshine Coast.
Manly & Wynnum—Good seaside walks, and
food. www.manleyaustralia.com.au
Beautiful Drives—Somerset Dam, Mt Nebo and
Mt Glorious, Toowoomba, Warwick
Foxy Bean, Woolloongabba—great coffee shop,
Irish owned.
Azafran, Australian/French modern, Annerley
Caravanserai—Turkish restaurant, West End
Mondo Organics, West End. Brilliant restaurant and
cooking scool
Brews Brothers, Woolloongabba—bottle your own
beer for a fraction of the cost.
Tukka, West End—Native Australian Cuisine. Bring
Beach trip advice:
♦ ALWAYS bring, sunscreen, hat, and long sleeved shirt. Sun shade tents
Wear foot coverings, shoes flip flops etc—the sand gets VERY hot.
Watch out for jelly fish. There are 3 types of deadly jellyfish Box jellyfish
and blue bottle jellyfish and the Irukandji . Box & Irukandji jellyfish first
aid is vinegar, blue bottle first aid is ice packs. Jellyfish season is OctoberMay. Wear a sting suit if snorkeling. (Irukandji is in far nth QLD, 2.5cm long
Box jellyfish
Always swim between the flags—even if it looks quiet, the rips are
extreme and it’s so easy to get pulled out to sea. If you do get pulled out,
swim parallel to beach until you are out of rip. Do Not try to swim back
to shore.
• Brisbane Medieval Fayre - early June, featuring a variety of cultures and time
periods, with battle re-enactments and a wide range of family entertainment
• Brisbane Wine Festival - mid-June, a popular wine event, with wine and
food matching workshops, 'Meet the Winemaker' sessions and numerous
tasting opportunities
• Brisbane Festival of Music - held on odd-numbered years
• International Film Festival - a ten-day film bonanza Valley Fiesta - mid-July,
a food and music party held in Chinatown and Brunswick
• Royal National Agricultural Show 'Ekka' (Royal Easter Show) - early August,
held at the RNA Showground's
• Brisbane International Film Festival - with a host of films from Australia and
• Brisbane Riverside Festival - an early September arts-themed fest, with food,
entertainment and fireworks, held over 12 days.
• Livid Festival - the city's premier music fest
•Oktoberfest - a popular German-themed
event staged at the RNA
Showground's—beer-drinking festivities, live Bavarian-style music, yodeling,
cowbell ringing, a puppet theatre, freshly baked pretzels and dodgems.
•Duck race for cancer research. Buy a rubber duck and race it down Brisbane
Bluebottle jellyfish
river. Prizes to be won.
•Pinnacles Music Festival - a 15-day celebration featuring jazz and improvised
Don’t swim at dusk and dawn—shark hunting time.
Stone fish, although uncommon can drive their spine through a shoe, so
be careful where you swim. Live in reef areas. Designated swimming areas
are fine.
staged by members of the
Queensland Performing Arts
Grand Prix
and causes death within 2-3 days.)
• Whale Watching - 1st June to 1st November
• Queensland Day Celebrations - 6th June,
• Gold Coast Indy 300 - four-day celebration centered around the Indy Car
are a great idea.
IASAQ—Irish Australian Support Association QLD
•Woodford Folk Festival - 31st December, based some 78 km / 48 miles
Irukandji jellyfish
north of Brisbane, in Woodford
TEL: 07 3391 1300
MOBILE: 0432 087 328
IASAQ—Irish Australian Support Association QLD
Public & Non-Government Secondary
My favorite times of the year are Spring and Autumn. Summer can be a killer if you’re not used to the
heat. Its not only the heat, but also the humidity. Winter can feel really cold, especially in the QLD
houses, where insulation is almost non-existent.
Definitely scope out places that are shady. The beach is usually too hot in summer to be enjoyable
except early morning or late afternoon. Avoid 11-2pm. Always wear sunscreen and a hat. The local
pools are brill as they are mostly open air with great landscaping, cheap pricing—so bring a picnic!.
Storm season is Summer. It’s tropical rain and often cyclones and flooding. Be prepared and careful.
Hailstones can also do major damage to your car!
Spring — September — November
Summer — December — February
Autumn — March — May
Winter — June —
M a xim u m M in im u m
Queensland does not operate on daylight savings
time and is always +10 GMT.
The country code is +61 and area code for QLD is
Best phoning times to Ireland. 10 hours behind
J a nu a r y
2 9° C /
8 4° F
2 1°C /
70 °F
F e b r ua r y
2 9° C /
8 4° F
2 1°C /
70 °F
M a r ch
2 8° C /
8 2° F
1 9°C /
66 °F
A pr il
2 6° C /
7 9° F
1 7°C /
63 °F
Brisbane 5am—9am = Ireland 7pm—11pm
2 3° C /
7 3° F
1 3°C /
55 °F
Brisbane 5pm—11pm = Ireland 7am—1pm
Jun e
2 1° C /
7 0° F
1 1°C /
52 °F
Jul y
2 0° C /
6 8° F
1 0°C /
50 °F
A ug u st
2 2° C /
7 2° F
1 0°C /
50 °F
S ept em ber
2 4° C /
7 5° F
1 3°C /
55 °F
O ct o b e r
2 6° C /
7 9° F
1 6°C /
61 °F
No vem ber
2 8° C /
8 2° F
1 8°C /
64 °F
D e ce m b e r
2 9° C /
8 4° F
2 0°C /
68 °F
Sunrise generally 5am(summer)—6am(winter)
Sunset generally 5pm(winter)—7pm(summer)
secondary schools
Based on 2011
TEL: 07 3391 1300
MOBILE: 0432 087 328
Public & Non-Government Primary
Primary Schools
IASAQ—Irish Australian Support Association QLD
Buying a Car
Buying a car in Brisbane, there is really one place to go. It’s the Magic Mile in Moorooka.
Massive car lots. New and second hand. Credit available. Also look at www.carsales.com.au
for car values etc
If you buy a secondhand car, beware. To purchase or sell a secondhand car, you need a
roadworthy certificate done by a mechanic. Even if a car is issued with a road worthy, it
does not mean that the car is free from major faults. The best way to ensure you are making
a good buy is to use www.racq.com.au/motoring/cars/car_advice/vehicle_inspections. It
costs between $211-$395, but definitely worth it.
RACQ also has a comprehensive journey planner and a map showing where the cheapest
petrol is located at www.racq.com.au/motoring/cars/car_economy/fuel_prices
To register a vehicle, which includes CTP (third party insurance), costs $900-$1,500/year.
$330 is the insurance. See www.tmr.qld.gov.au
secondary schools
Based on 2011
Car insurance: Go to www.iSelect.com.au where you can compare prices from AAMI,
Suncorp, Budget, NRMA, RACQ etc. Third party costs $250-$300/year. Comprehensive
costs $900+/year. The third party insurance you get here is Third Party Property only. It is
very different from Ireland; If the car is legally registered (rego’d), any licensed driver is
insured to drive it as when you rego a car, you pay for CTP (Compulsory Third Party
Insurance) – it is “personal insurance only” and does not cover car or property. If you have
had a suspension from Ireland and have not declared it, your insurance here may be void.
Driving license: $64.20 for one year or $143.75 for five years. You can drive on a valid
Irish license for the first three months ONLY if you are a resident. You must transfer to a
valid Queensland license with the proper form, ID, and current license after that. If you do
not transfer, you will lose points.
You have 13 points in total; points are transferred to and from other states if you move to/
from interstate and accrue for bike and car driving. See ww.tmr.qld.gov.au for more info.
Speeding fines are mailed to your registered address and if they accrue unpaid, your licence
will be suspended.
Drinking and driving - DON’T do it - there are plenty of RBTs (Random Breath
Testing) and if you are in an accident, you will be breathalysed. It may invalidate your
Car rental:
The best car rental from experience
get what you pay for.
has been Hertz, Thrifty and Budget. You
TEL: 07 3391 1300
MOBILE: 0432 087 328
Where to live
One of the biggest questions facing any new arrival into the country. There is only so much
research you can do online. Until you see and live somewhere, it is very hard to tell where you
and your family will be happy. Here we have tried to break down some information for you to
help you in your decision. Where you live is a very individual thing, but here we have listed
areas that are well established, generally are safe and clean and have good reputations. Please
look at the blog (address on next page) for people’s opinions on where NOT to live.
A few rental Do’s and Don’ts.
The rental market is very competitive, so it pays to be prepared. If you see a house you like, be
ready. Download an application form from the agent PRIOR to going to the open house. Have
a few copies of your ID — passport, residency status, any references, recommendations,
employment status or bank account details to hand. It may be overkill, but the less the agent
has to do, the more favorably they will look upon you.
Also phone the agent 30 minutes before the open house to make sure the house hasn't been
taken already. Believe me, it happens!
If you LOVE the house, don't be afraid to put in an offer above the asking. The most common
lease term is 6 months, but you can get a year. Beware, after 6 months, the agent will usually try
to up the rent. Unfortunately, you don't have much say, but don't be afraid to negotiate. They
may be just trying their luck. If you are a good tenant, they may be willing to do a lot to keep
Inform the agent ASAP if anything is broken. Take pictures of the property on entry, and drop
copies into the agent of any stains etc. They will request you sign an inspection report. If you
have pictures, you have more of a chance getting your bond back.
A bond is usually 6 weeks’ rent paid upfront to be held by the Residential Tenancies Authority
(RTA) — you should get a receipt from the agent or direct from the RTA. This is held against
any damage done to the property while you are a tenant. This is why it is very important to fill
in the conditions report as soon as you move in, and return it to the agent with a list of existing
Check the exit policy and fill in the exit report. They will more than likely get you to hire
professional cleaners on exit, and you have to show receipts. Double-check things like oil stains
on the garage floor, wall stains, dust on fans, clean ovens etc.
If, by chance, you are refused your bond back, contact the rental bond authority immediately.
Often they will get your money back for you — especially if you have evidence!
Because the rental market is so busy here, you will find the standard of housing to be generally
poorer than what you are used to. There are a lot of older houses without insulation or air
conditioning, so consider that it can be very cold in winter with drafts blowing in and it gets
very hot in summer.
There will be inspections during your occupancy of the property. This depends on the agent.
Usually every 3-6 months depending on your lease. Ensure the house is clean, garden tidy,
walls, kitchen and bathroom are tidy. The house doesn't have to be spotless, but you have to
show you are looking after it.
IASAQ—Irish Australian Support Association QLD
So how much is private education? This is where it could get messy but I have found a way to
make this real simple…………
Between $800 and $29,000 a year.
So as you can see, fees vary wildly. But generally speaking, the older your child the more expensive
it gets. Typically the fees are in these bands:
Prep to year 6.
Years 7 to 9.
Years 10 to 12
Furthermore, good discounts are available for sending more of your children, if you have them, to
the same school. Some payments are tax deductible as well.
Catholic schools.
Catholic schools are funded in the same way as private schools in as much as they charge a fee to
their students and they receive a government grant. But it appears that Catholic schools are
substantially cheaper on average than private schools.
Expect to pay between $600 and $3000 a year.
According to the government, they pump $22.7 billion of public funding into state education (2.2m
students) and a further $7.6 billion into private (independent and Catholic) schools (1.1m students).
School fees rough summary.
Public (state) schools: $60-$1000 a year. Average $150
Private schools: $800 to $29,000 a year. Average $6,300
Catholic schools: $600 to $3000 a year. Average $1,200
Plus the cost of uniforms, books and other stuff as previously mentioned
Another good Private school link is: www.privateschoolsdirectory.com.au/
TEL: 07 3391 1300
MOBILE: 0432 087 328
Schooling Information
IASAQ—Irish Australian Support Association QLD
Where to live
Within 10km of city centre
Choosing the right school
Obviously our children are the most important investment we can make in our life. So schooling
2 bed
Annerley (4103) 4.9 km
$260 - $430/wk
$400 - $560/wk
Bulimba / Hawthorne (4171) 3.7 km
$380 -$700/wk
$550 - $750/wk
and finding a good school is very important. A lot of people move just to be in the catchment area
Camp Hill/ Carindale (4152) 5.6 km
$300 -$480/wk
$425 - $650/wk
of a good school.
Cannon Hill / M orningside (4170) 6.9 km
$380 -$580/wk
$430 -$580/wk
Greenslopes (4120) 5.5 km
$350 -$500/wk
$420 - $540/wk
Although academic achievements are not always the best indicator of a good school, they do
Coorparoo (4151) 4.3 km
$320 - $470/wk
$365 - $595/wk
indicate a good learning environment.
Hamilto n (4007) 4.8 km
$400 - $720/wk
$460 - $750/wk
Holland Park (4121) 6.6 km
$300 -$530/wk
$360 - $480/wk
A few things to note: In public schools, you can only enroll your child the year before they are due
M ount Gravatt (4122) 9.5 km
$350 -$420/wk
$380 - $460/wk
to go to school. You must live in the catchment area of that school to be given first priority. Often
M urarrie (4172) 7.6 km
$330 - $480/wk
$350 - $480/wk
the secondary schools will look at your child's primary education to determine if they will be
Tarragindi (4121) 7.3 km
$310 - $460/wk
$350 - $450/wk
accepted into that school.
Yeronga (4104) 5.6 km
$300 - $400/wk
$350 - $400/wk
West End (4101) 2 km
$300 - $550/wk
$520 - $830/wk
“I personally prefer the
Southside because you have at
least 4 different ways of
entering the city, and I think it’s
less crowded and nicer on the
south side. More facilities and
parks. I’m biased because I live
here and am familiar with it—
Just a personal opinion! “Ruth.
Real-estate sites:
These are the fees that apply to Australian citizens and residents, i.e., Australian tax payers. If you
are here on a temporary visa then different fees may apply or you might get a grant.
Rochedale (4123)
Springwo od (4127)
Wynnum (4178)
M anly (4179)
The three main types of school:
Public (state) – run by and funded by government.
W it hin 10 km of cit y cent re
Private – run privately but subsidised by the government.
Blog on where NOT
to live.
2 bed
3 bed
Albion (4010) 4.7 km
$400 - $550/wk
Alderley (4051) 5.5 km
Ascot (4007) 5.1 km
Each public school has an obligation to accept all of the children within its catchment area. If they
Ashgrove (4060) 4.3 km
$380 -$450/wk
don’t have enough room, they must find some. If they don’t have enough teachers, they must hire
Bardon (4065) 4.7 km
Property value:
Chermside (4032) 9.1km
Catholic – run by Catholics and also subsidised by government
some more.
Fig Tree Pocket (4069) 9.5 km
Enoggera (4051) 6.4 km
All public education in Australia is free, but there is confusion because each school can charge a
New Farm (4005) 1.9 km
“Voluntary Contributions” and these seem to range from $60 per annum to as much as $1,000.
Kelvin Grove (4059) 2.6 km
Lutwyche (4030) 5 km
The Gap (4061) 7.8 km
Here in Australia, the government realise that your decision to go private is saving them money, so
Paddington (4064) 2.6 km
they effectively subsidise your payments by paying a grant to all private schools who in turn can
Newmarket (4051) 4 km
reflect that in their fees to students.
Everton Park (4053)
North Lakes (4509)
Victoria Point/Redcliffe (4165)
Sold/Rented House
price guides:
Rental Tenancy’s
TEL: 07 3391 1300
MOBILE: 0432 087 328
Daily Living Costs
Everything is soo expensive!
This is probably the most common sentence
you will hear when talking to ex-pats. Yes
the cost of living is higher here, but then so
are the wages, and when you get over the
$300/week shopping bill, you’ll be well on
your way to thinking $40 for a family
breakfast is normal.
Obviously the costs below are just
estimates, and vary from circumstance to
(According to Bob in Oz) Salaries in
Australia were about 31.7% higher than
those in the UK, so although the figures are
higher, so are the wages—so bear with it,
you’ll get used to it before you know it!
Children 0-5
Shopping = $300—$350 weekly shop for
family of 4 (Coles, Woolies, IGA
comparison site. www.checknsave.com.au)
Coffee: $3.50-$4.50/cup
Kindy: Kindergarten is started usually from
Whale Park, Wynnum
age 4 –5 . It is not compulsory. School age is 5
Alexander Clark Park, Dewar Drive, Loganholme
Glindeman Park, Lawn St, Holland Park
There are two types of kindy. The one affiliated
Calamvale District Pk, Formby St, Calamvale
with a daycare centre and a purely dedicated
Majestic Park, Eva St, Coorporoo
Milk—$3—$4 3 liters
kindy program.
Teralba Park, Pullen Rd, Everton Park
The government standardizes the program and
Hidden World, Roghan Rd, Fitzgibbon
there are approved centres around., though
Orleigh Park, West End
Cost of Living
So, What does it cost to live in Brisbane?
IASAQ—Irish Australian Support Association QLD
Electricity—$400/qtr for family of 4
(excluding pool) (AGl, Energex, Ergon,
QLD Electricity)www.switchwise.com.au
Internet/Phone $60—$120/mth
depending on plan. Optus, Telstra, Dodo,
Skype, iiNet. www.phonechoice.com.au
Skype is a wonderful thing and it’s free!
If you figure on a family of four, the general
consensus is that you will need to take
home between $5,500-7,500/mth.
Obviously this depends on where you live,
how you budget, etc, but generally this is
what you need to live in Australia. Also
don't forget if you are on a Temporary 2
year Visa, you don't get a lot of the
assistance you may get on a Permanent Visa.
Childcare rebates, Medicare, Family Tax
Benefit etc.
Connection fees:$200-$600
Cost of living in Australia blog:
Satellite TV — Foxtel is expensive.($2,600
for two-year contract)
Optus & Telstra do an entertainment
package for an extra $10/mth, including
movie down loads.
Council rates and water are included in
your rental price. They vary depending on
the value of your house.
there is little difference . They all teach the
same things.
The kindy affiliated with daycare will teach the
government program, but also offer childcare.
They charge $75—$80 /day, no matter how
many hours your child is at the centre. You will
still have to pay even if your day falls on a
Public holiday—so don't choose Monday as a
daycare day.
Bulimba Riverside Park, Bulimba
New Farm Park, New Farm Playgroups and
Playgroups. There are tons of these around, and
are a great way to meet people in your area. $35/
year membership + attendance fee varies from
$2/session www.playgroupqld.com.au/
Football—Little Kickers. 18 mths+ Brilliant
football activities for kids. $16/lesson
Swimming: Aquatic Achievers in various parts
of Brisbane. .From 3 months +. $20.50/
s usually 4-5 hours a day, and it only costs $40— lesson.www.aquaticachievers.com.au/
$50/day. These are harder to get into, so
Outdoor/Indoor Swimming Pools also offer
register with a few as soon as you can. There
lessons $4.75 adult entry $3.50 child entry. Under
3’s free. www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/
usually is a fee of $10 to register. This does not
The 100% kindy program is a 5 day fortnight. It’
guarantee you a place. http://mychild.gov.au/
Kids activities: www.kidspot.com.au
Gymboree. Gymnastics, music and dancing.
$16.25/lesson www.gymboree.com.au/
Parks: The best and easiest way to entertain your
kids, and there are some great ones in Brisbane.
Here are a few:
YMCA –10 mths—7 years. $12.50/lesson.
Rocks Riverside—Seventeen Mile Rocks
Kidspace—Murphy road, Chermside
Colmslie Beach, Colmslie Rd, Murrarie
Irish Dancing—Scoil ard rince or Walker
Irish School of Dance.
TEL: 07 3391 1300
MOBILE: 0432 087 328
Public transport—Buses, Trains, Ferry,
Citycat, Citylink
Children 0-5
Family Zone
Brisbane is definitely a family friendly
environment to live in. There are a multitude of
activities and entertainment choices to keep
or in care, and you cant make it to the weekday
events, the IASAQ hosts 3-4 annual family days
with a view to facilitating Irish community
meetings. Contact the centre for more details.
you little ones happy. The biggest challenge to
having a family in Australia is the lack of family
support that we rely on to keep us going. This
is why building a good network of friends as
soon as possible, Australian and Irish, is a good
Often a necessary evil, childcare in Brisbane can
be a daunting excursion.
idea. Here are a few hints and tips that may
Roughly it costs $60-$80/day for childcare. The
make things easier
three main ways to go are:
Where to go
1 — Family Daycare. This is where your child is
First thing’s first. Make a stop into the IASAQ
centre (contact details at end of the booklet).
There you will find there is a really good
support network in place for you to utilize.
Every Monday morning there is a parent’s
minded by a person within their own home.
Advantages—Small groups, personalized care and
often cheaper. Disadvantages: Few places
available, and not as structured as a centre.
group where mother’s, fathers, careers are all
2—Childcare centre. There are heaps of these
welcome. Whether you have young children or
centres around. Some are good, and others are
older, there are friends to be made.
not good. Do some searching and go and visit
Every Tuesday there is a community luncheon
at the IASAQ centre, so drop in for a chat and a
Get into the swing of things as soon as you
can. Getting out of the house and exploring this
the centre. Advantages—Structured activates,
more funding, more play equipment.
Disadvantages—Large groups, not personalized,
great city will help you feel more at home, and
3 — Nanny/aupairs. There are lots of university
the better you become at navigating around,
students. Student midwives etc that are willing
the more confident and at home you’ll feel.
to look after your little angels. Pricing can
If you are both working, your kids are in school
IASAQ—Irish Australian Support Association QLD
range between $80-$200/day depending on
circumstances etc. www.aupair-world.net/
Buying a House:
Personally, I thinking making the
decision to buy a house in Australia is a
So the first thing to do is get a GoCard.
good one once you have decided to
settle here permanently. There is
This is really the only way to use public transport nothing like being able to decorate your
in Brisbane. If you don't have a GoCard, you will own home, or feel like you own
be paying about 20% more for your travel. Plus something to give you roots and
some services don't accept cash, so you may be
permanency. Plus as the rental rates
stuck. You touch in with the round yellow circle. here are nearly equal to mortgage
Just press you card to that, and away you go.
payments, it often makes sense to invest
However, before buying, definitely rent
GoCard. If you don't, you will be charged the
maximum for that travel period. You can top up in the area you’re looking at to get a feel
for if you want to live there
at any pay station or some shops.
It is also a wonderful novelty to travel to work
To buy a house you should look into
by Citycat/Ferry. It’s also a great touristy thing
to do when friends come to Brisbane. There are getting a mortgage broker. They are free
and can broker you a better deal with
different zones in Brisbane—see the Translink
banks than you can on your own.
maps, and you will be charged more to cross
these zones. For travel within Zone 1, you will
You will also need a conveyancer and a
be charged one way $3.05 (GoCard) $4.50 (cash).
solicitor. You will need to do a pest
To be honest, within Brisbane, it’s very hard to
inspection and now the houses have to
get around without a car. Public transport is
have an energy efficiency rating.
often crowded and infrequent. The transport has
Stamp Duty is a killer and you will hate
very direct routes, and you will have to make
to pay it.
changes often to get to your destination. The
distances are also longer here, and public
Also when looking at a property, don't
transport can take a long time. Having a car in
forget the ongoing costs of property tax
Brisbane is very useful. To plan your journey, go $350-$1000/qtr plus water rates $250to: http//jp.translink.com.au
$500/qtr, which you will not have been
used to paying when you were renting.
TEL: 07 3391 1300
MOBILE: 0432 087 328
IASAQ—Irish Australian Support Association QLD
Good Shopping Tips
There are a lot of stores to choose from, but here are a few that we found to be
particularly good when first setting up your home.
In Brisbane, they have deals and specials on a Tuesday—Called Cheaper Tuesday, so
look out for those.
There is also an entertainment book http://
www.entertainmentbook.com.au/ which gives vouchers and
discounts on entertainment throughout Brisbane.
Spreets, Lifestyle and Groupon are also good voucher sites to check out.
Don’t forget Gumtree and EBay for good bargains.
Red back spider
Magpie on attack
Bull Ant
Bush Turkey
Paralysis Tick
Furniture shopping
Tender Disposals, West End & Springwood
Super A-Mart
IKEA—Slacks Creek
Lifeline Supa shops, Woolloongabba, Acacia Ridge, Loganholme.
Appliance Factory Seconds, 655 Toohey Rd, Salisbury
Good Guys—Appliances
Spotlight—Bedding, towels, curtains, fabrics
Termite/White ant
Huntsman Spider
Sand flies & bite effect
Carpet Python
Christmas Beetles
Fruit Bat/ Flying Fox
Blue Tongue lizard
Food shopping:
Woolworths & Coles have 80% of market sewn up. $5 for delivery. Can shop online
and collect for free.
IGA, Aldi are other alternatives.
There are loads of little local fruit shops with cheaper fruit & veg.
Water Dragon
Red-bellied black snake
Eastern Brown Snake
TEL: 07 3391 1300
MOBILE: 0432 087 328
Wildlife you’ll see - Please DO NOT FEED
Ok so, Australia has one of the highest
concentrations of insects/animals and sea
life that can kill and maim you.
More than likely, you will never see any of
these creatures. Below are the ones you will
see on a daily basis. This is a forewarned is
forearmed page. Not designed to freak you
Kookaburra, Crow, Ibis, Lorikeets: All
harmless birds, but do not feed. They are not
afraid of snatching food right out of your hand.
Magpie: Careful around breeding/nesting
seasons. August—November. They will dive
bomb you, especially if you are riding a bike
(you’ll see people with zip ties coming out of
their helmets—magpie prevention)
every attic in Brisbane, and they keep down the rats
and mice.
Bull Ants: One of the most annoying insects. They
are everywhere, though it’s said that if you have
black ants, you wont have white ants (termites), so
may be a good thing. Their sting is excruciating.
Best treated with a bi-carb paste to neutralize the
bite. But it can hurt for days after.
Sandflies: The biggest downside to going to the
beach. Huge welts after they bite, though you do
seem to become immune after a while. (Old wives
repellent—dettol, metho & citronella oil)
Cockroaches: Although they are harmless, they are
pretty large and disgusting. Unfortunately, no
matter what you do, you’ll always have one or two
around. They come out at night, so bathroom trips
are fun!
Bush Turkey: You’ll see these randomly walking Mosquitoes: Although there have not been any
down the street. They love to dig up your garden
cases in Brisbane, just a little farther north, they
and make HUGE nests.
have a big problem with Dengue Fever. Don’t
leave water around for them to breed.
Blue Tongued Lizard: Small, flat lizard.
Harmless, but can give a nip if provoked. They
Cicadas: You generally wont see these, but you’ll
have a black/blue tongue
hear them. VERY LOUD.
Water Dragons: Harmless, though will bite if
Christmas Beetles: Large beetles. Harmless.
provoked. You’ll see them in parks and botanic
Brown/Multicolored. Fly at night.
Fruit Bats, Flying Foxes: Protected. Fly at night,
Paralysis Tick: Deadly to your pets, so please
eat fruit. Don’t touch as can carry diseases such as
protect your pets using the proper repellent.
rabies, Nipah virus, Ebola Virus & SARS & start
Harmless to humans.
Hendra virus.
Huntsman spider: Although scarily HUGE and Possums: Protected. Don’t corner them, they can
everywhere, relatively harmless, though they can
bite. Will destroy your house if they get in. Often
bite, they will avoid you.
get into roof space and make lots of noise at night.
Redback spider: One of the most dangerous
species of spiders in Australia, with toxic venom.
Gecko: You’ll see these everywhere. Completely
harmless. They’re good because they eat
cockroaches, so love them up.
Carpet Python: Although these are large and
intimidating, they are harmless, though they can
bite. Non-poisonous. They are said to live in
IASAQ—Irish Australian Support Association QLD
Valley Markets—Brunswick St Mall and China Town Mall, Fortitude
Valley—every Sat & Sun 8am-4pm.
Jan Power Markets—Powerhouse, New Farm, every 2nd and 4th Sat of the mth.
Every Saturday, Davies Park hosts the West End Markets from 6am til 2pm
The Southbank Lifestyle Markets are open Friday, Saturday and Sunday every week—
arts, crafts, fashion, health, lifestyle.
Riverside Pier at the Pier Markets every Sunday from 7am-3pm at Eagle Street Pier
Every Wednesday, CBD Farmers Market 9am—6pm—Top of Queen St Mall next to
Treasury Casino.
Rocklea Market, Sherwood Road—open to the public on Wed, Sat & Sun. Food,
Clothes Shopping
Myer & David Jones—Pricey, but good quality generally. Always have
sales on.
Coles clothing—good quality, cheap, limited selection.
Target—mid range quality and price
K-mart, Millers & Big W—Hit and miss , but generally ok quality
Barkins—Office & Casual wear
Rivers—online and outlets— clothes & shoes
Irish Businesses
Purchase Irish produce
Get an exterminator to get rid of them.
Celtic Koala - 300 Lutwyche Road Windsor QLD 4030 0415 455 946
Red-bellied Black Snake: Probably the most
common snake you’ll come across in the bush. It is
venomous, but treatable. Best to avoid if you can.
Annerle y Me ats – Paul (Irish butcher) - 502 Ipswich Rd, Annerl ey 4103 (07) 3848 3336
Eastern Brown Snake: Very aggressive and highly
venomous, it is the second most toxic snake in the
world. Colours vary, see picture on page 17.
Irish Shed Brisbane - 240 STAFFORD ROAD, STAFFO RD (07) 38577108
IGA Cannon Hill -Shp2/ 965 Wynnum Rd, Cannon Hill QLD 4170 (07) 3399 3222