12 - West Hills Community College District
12 - West Hills Community College District
WHC Coalinga Mission Statement West Hills College Coalinga is committed to achieving student learning through the provision of educational, cultural, and economic development opportunities to our current and future students and the local and global communities that we serve. VOL. 5, NO. 10 APRIL, 2012 This newsletter is brought to you by the West Hills College Coalinga president’s office and is meant to give you the latest and greatest news and information from around the organization. WEST HILLS COLLEGE COALINGA California Community Colleges Chancellor Jack Scott Visit Chancellor Scott praised a new priority enrollment system that has resulted in more high school graduates entering West Hills Community College District campuses on March 1, saying it can serve as an example for system-wide registration changes called for by the California Community Colleges Student Success Task Force. The West Hills Community College District’s two campuses (West Hills College Lemoore and West Hills College Coalinga) switched to the new priority registration process in the summer and fall 2011 registration sessions and through a focused effort in outreach to high school seniors at the district’s 15 feeder high schools, West Hills Community College District saw a 35 percent increase in high school graduates enrolling compared to 2010. This outreach also aligns with the task force’s recommendation to foster better coordination between K-12 schools and community colleges. "Chancellor Scott’s visit to our district to observe firsthand the impact of our new priority registration system is great,‖ West Hills Community College District Chancellor Frank Gornick said. ―Our success with this new system and his visit validates his advocacy on behalf of all of the community college students and the hard work of our staff with the registration implementation." 300 Cherry Lane - Coalinga, CA 93210 - (559) 934-2000 1 | Page KMPH Channel 26 Visit KMPH Channel 26 visited the West Hills Community College District on February 16, 2012 to publicize events and activities celebrating Black History Month. AG Warriors West Hills College Coalinga will join forces with California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo; California State University, Fresno and College of the Sequoias to develop plans to assist returning service-members seeking training in the agricultural field. In an effort to prepare veterans for long-term agricultural careers, these educational institutions will work with the International Agri-Center in its development of the Ag Warriors program. West Hills College Coalinga is well prepared to handle the task of training returning veterans. The college's career and technical education programs are ideally suited for veterans going through the Ag Warriors program. "Through our Farm of the Future, we have education programs in agriculture and industrial science that can lead to promising careers in agriculture and agriculture-related occupations," said Willard Clark Lewallen, President of West Hills College Coalinga. "Partnering with the International Agri-Center and the Ag Warriors program is important on so many levels for West Hills College Coalinga. We have the utmost respect and admiration for all military veterans." Many veterans who might otherwise excel in agriculture lack the requisite training, certification, familiarity or access to initiate careers in agriculture. The Ag Warriors program at the International Agri-Center will facilitate the necessary training and certification for returning veterans to enter the industry. "We're looking to the experts to help us develop the educational aspect of Ag Warriors," said Stacey Beachy of the International Agri-Center. "With commitments from Cal Poly, Fresno State, COS and now West Hills, we're one step closer to helping veterans get the training they need to secure professional careers in the agriculture industry." See www.agwarriors.com for more information. 300 Cherry Lane - Coalinga, CA 93210 - (559) 934-2000 2 | Page INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS PROGRAM California Adventure! th On March 24 , 2012 the West Hills College International Students Program took a tremendously fun trip to Disney’s California Adventure! They soared over California, visited the Hollywood Tower of Terror, road the Grizzly rapids and did a little screaming on a rollercoaster… or two! They are looking forward to their Yosemite National Park trip in April. TRIO – STUDENT SUPPORT PROGRAM (SSP), UPWARD BOUND (UB), AND UPWARD BOUND MATH & SCIENCE (UB MATH & SCIENCE) National TRiO Day of Service The SSS, UB, and UBMS participated in the National TRiO Day of Service on March 25. National TRiO Week is a direct result of the defeat of the 1986 Gramm-Rudman-Hollings bill, which put the federal TRiO programs in danger of being eliminated after more than 20 years of service to students. Parents, students, alumni and TRiO personnel across the country rallied in a grassroots effort to defend the programs, which caught the attention of politicians. Soon after the bill was defeated, Congress established a resolution proclaiming February 28, 1986, as National TRiO Day. The TRiO community has since observed the occasion on the last Saturday of February each year, with National TRiO Week celebrated throughout the week leading up to TRiO Day. 300 Cherry Lane - Coalinga, CA 93210 - (559) 934-2000 3 | Page TRiO derives its name from the group of federal college-focused educational programs initially created by the Educational Opportunity Act of 1965. The intent of the programs was to remove social and financial barriers and expand educational opportunities to students who otherwise might not be aware of, consider, experience, or have access to higher education. TRiO Week sheds light on the programs and their value to students, and it reminds us of the 1986 battle that w as waged and won to sustain them, a struggle that continues. The ultimate goal of each year's TRiO Week is to celebrate, educate, and make the TRiO name more widely known. TRiO Students met at the San Joaquin Food Bank a non-profit organization that helps provide families in need with a nice hot meal and place to eat once a week. The Food Bank Serves the Needy and less fortunate: homeless, hungry, alone and sick, with no one to care for them. They come from everywhere: Cantua Creek, Helm, Tranquillity and San Joaquin. The TRiO students served, cleaned and motivated other students to help their community. After the event, Mr. Nick Bowles extended a cordial invitation to all TRiO students to continue serving their community every other Thursday. The Coalinga TRiO students helped clear out storage units. The Huron group was engaged in helping wash all the police cars. 300 Cherry Lane - Coalinga, CA 93210 - (559) 934-2000 4 | Page The volunteers spent several hours washing and organizing the Huron Police Station. Mendota High School and West th Hills College Coalinga, North District Center met at West Side Youth in Mendota to perform a cleanup along 7 Street. West Side Youth Director, Nancy Daniels, provided students with heavy duty plastic bags, rakes, brooms, and trash pickers. The TRiO students worked their way from West Side Youth down the main street, cleaned several empty lots, and along sidewalks of trash, empty bottles, and debris. The students worked very hard to fill up over twenty bags of garbage. After the clean up, the students enjoyed a nice lunch at Pacifica Pizza in Mendota. MyStudentEmail Workshop The SSS peer mentors attended a workshop on MyStudentEmail on February 29. The workshop was presented by Thomas Robb, Education Technologist Specialist. He guided the participants through several hands-on exercises to help them navigate the new software program. The students were enthusiastic and thanked Mr. Robb for a great workshop. Transfer from Student to Teacher Conference The UBMS/UB and SSS students set out to attend the Transfer from Student to Teacher Conference and have a campus tour of CSU Stanislaus in Turlock, on March 3. At CSU Stanislaus, the students signed in and enjoyed a welcome breakfast, followed by a series of workshops. The workshops included information on mandated reporting laws, California Mini-Corps, and important essentials necessary to get into the California State University Schools. 300 Cherry Lane - Coalinga, CA 93210 - (559) 934-2000 5 | Page LunchtoLearn (LtL) On Tuesday, March 13 and Wednesday, March 15 the SSS staff hosted the March LunchtoLearn (LtL) presentation in Coalinga and North District Center respectively. The topic of the workshop included information on ways to save money wisely and the importance of planning ahead for an enjoyable retirement. The featured speaker, Jeff Williams, showed financial formulas to maximize savings for the future. Burrito Sale On Thursday, March 15, the TRiO club and ASB began activities in celebration of Women’s History month. The students sponsored a Burrito Sale. Several activities were scheduled throughout the month of March. St. Patrick’s Day On Friday, March 16, the TRiO club, TRiO program and ASB hosted St. Patrick’s Day. The student leaders organized several activities and games. ASB President Gerald Butler donated free cabbage and corn beef samplings. Ice Cream Social On Tuesday, March 20, 2012 the TRiO SSS staff at NDC hosted an Ice Cream Social. The students enjoyed games and networking with each other. This event will be sponsored twice a semester. 300 Cherry Lane - Coalinga, CA 93210 - (559) 934-2000 6 | Page OTHER SPECIAL CAMPUS EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES Polynesian Club of Fresno This FREE cultural event took place at WHC Coalinga on April, 13, in the theater. There were dancers, musicians and drummers. The event was well attended by students, staff, and community members. Cornel West at WHCL West Hills College Lemoore hosted Dr. Cornel West as part of the Distinguished Speakers and Performers Series on February 17. Dr. West is a prominent and proactive democratic intellectual. He graduated Magna Cum Laude from Harvard in three years and obtained his master’s and doctorate degrees in philosophy at Princeton. Dr. West has taught at Union Theological Seminary, Yale, Harvard and the University of Paris. 300 Cherry Lane - Coalinga, CA 93210 - (559) 934-2000 7 | Page This event followed the college’s annual Black History Month celebration activities. It was well attended with everyone enjoying what Dr. West had to share. President Lewallen with Dr. West National Cesar E. Chavez Blood Drive at WHC Coalinga West Hills College Coalinga and members of the community participated in the National Cesar Chavez Blood Drive. Full-time Instructor, Dr. Michael Burke, takes time to donate blood on March 29, 2012. 300 Cherry Lane - Coalinga, CA 93210 - (559) 934-2000 8 | Page NORTH DISTRICT CENTER Workforce Connection Staff Training The North District Center Workforce Connection staff shared vocational training information with migrant parents and st students whoattended the 21 Annual Migrant Parent Mini-Conference in Firebaugh, on February 25. Left to right: Ruthie Martinez and Margarita DeArcos share information on local training with parents. North District Center Black History Month Activities Dr. Marlon Hall spoke to North District Center students on February 29 about the importance of knowing and understanding one’s personal family tree and what role the family history plays in building a stronger community. According to Dr. Hall, ―Throughout my 50-plus years, I always look forward to Black History Month. As an elementary student, it was only a week in February but as the years went by, it was extended to a month. I always enjoy sharing the history of my people and my family during this month. My hope is to educate people about other cultures and help all of us to become culturally literate. The month of February is great but the history of all cultures should be celebrated yearly.‖ Dr. Joseph Koroma shared his personal story about his journey from Africa to the United States with NDC students on February 29. His message to students was simple ―…the world is a global village and generally people everywhere have similar aspirations irrespective of background or heritage. And with hard work, we can achieve our individual and collective goals.‖ 300 Cherry Lane - Coalinga, CA 93210 - (559) 934-2000 9 | Page Basic Skills Workshops Dr. Martha Rodriguez conducted a Basic Skills Workshop on ―Degree Completion‖ at the North District Center on February 3. She spoke to students about key steps recommended in order for accomplishing an AA degree within the time-frame desired. During the interactive workshop, Dr. Rodriguez asked students to name specific examples of A thru Z courses that transfer and nontransferable courses that are specific for personal enrichment. Dr. Martha Rodriguez speaks on specific core transferable courses leading to a successful transferring plan and what strategic step must be taken to enroll in degree leading courses on March 2. A second workshop was offered to students to re-enforce the importance of planning in advance. Dr. Martha Rodriguez and Alicia Rocha pictured during ―Degree Completion‖ workshop. 300 Cherry Lane - Coalinga, CA 93210 - (559) 934-2000 10 | Page College Day at NDC The North District Center held ―College Day‖ for Firebaugh High School and Mendota High School seniors on March 28. President Lewallen participated in the student workshops and shared key examples of why college is essential to succeed in life. Michelle DeOchoa, TRiO Advising Specialist reviews registration and WHCCD online resources with high school students during ―College Day‖ at the North District Center. High school seniors participated in various interactive workshops during ―College Day‖ in Firebaugh. 300 Cherry Lane - Coalinga, CA 93210 - (559) 934-2000 11 | Page Students enjoy a great lunch, music, and sunshine during at the North District Center Plaza. Mr. Thomas Robb, Educational Technology Specialist, visited North District Center to conduct a workshop on using web resources and MyCourses online services in March 2012. National Cesar Chavez Blood-Drive at NDC CAMP students took the lead in organizing the National Cesar E. Chavez Blood Drive district-wide. 300 Cherry Lane - Coalinga, CA 93210 - (559) 934-2000 12 | Page Migrant students honor Cesar E. Chavez by volunteering in the National Cesar E. Chavez Blood Drive Planning Committee. CAMP students gather around the Central Blood Center Bus to complete paperwork prior to donating blood. Migrant students are serious about making a difference through donating blood. Students agree that ―Donating blood is Donating life.‖ 300 Cherry Lane - Coalinga, CA 93210 - (559) 934-2000 13 | Page COLLEGE ASSISTANCE MIGRANT PROGRAM (CAMP) 21st Annual Migrant Parent Mini-Conference Eliseo Gamiño (CAMP Director) and Olivia Vega-Contreras (HEP Advisor) were selected by the Migrant Parent Advisory st Committee to be the Masters of Ceremony for the 21 Annual Migrant Parent Mini-Conference on February 25. Migrant parents selected the theme ―A Migrant Student Who Graduates will have His Future Secured‖ as Firebaugh Las Deltas Unified School District celebrated 21 years of excellence. st Olivia Vega-Contreras and Eliseo Gamiño initiate the 21 Annual Migrant Parent Mini-Conference by recognizing the Migrant Parent Council and the Firebaugh Las-Deltas School District Board Members. Olivia Vega-Contreras recognized Migrant Region IV personnel during the Firebaugh Parent Mini-Conference. st The (Migrant Region IV) 21 Annual Migrant Parent Mini-Conference was a success. Parents enjoy a wide-range of informational workshops and had a chance to meet key community resource personnel during the fair. 2012 CAMP Statewide Leadership Conference WHCCD migrant students from all three campus locations (Lemoore, Coalinga, and Firebaugh) attended the 2012 CAMP Statewide Leadership Conference at CSU Bakersfield on March 2. Dr. Horace Mitchell (President, California State University Bakersfield) and Dr. Maria Escobedo (CAMP Director and Host) gave the official welcome. Mr. Armando Vázquez (Administrator, East Kern Services, Kern County Superintendent of Schools). The California CAMP Consortium composed of nine partners designed interactive workshops in the areas of Networking, Student Government Public Speaking, and Careers/Internships. Conference participants included: WHCCD CAMP, Santiago Canyon College, Mendocino College, CSU Bakersfield, CSU Fresno, CSU Long Beach, CSU Monterey Bay, CSU Sacramento, 300 Cherry Lane - Coalinga, CA 93210 - (559) 934-2000 14 | Page and CSU San Marcos. (Front row – l to r) Mario Escobar, Pedro Rodriguez, Stevens Herrera, Marianeli Ruiz, Lupe Bañales, and Olivia VegaContreras (Middle row – l to r) Eliseo Gamiño, Juan Echevarria, Michael Rocha, Grabiela Santillan, Pedro Ramirez (Back row – l to r) Crisol Yanez, Jose Garcia, and Pascual Cruz Mr. Armando Vázquez (Administrator, East Kern Services, Kern County Superintendent of Schools) speaks to students about leaning ―To thank mentors, showing-up to work, shinning at work, and how to avoid pride getting in the way of success‖ CAMP Statewide Leadership Conference ―From Seeds to Harvest‖ was held on March 2 at CSU Bakersfield. 300 Cherry Lane - Coalinga, CA 93210 - (559) 934-2000 15 | Page Eliseo Gamiño presents at the workshop with Migrant seniors from Golden Plains. 13th Annual Migrant Parent Mini-Conference th th On March 10 , Kerman Unified School District held their 13 Annual Migrant Parent Mini-Conference. Ms. Maria Medina, School Board Member at Golden Plains, was selected by the Migrant Parent Advisory Committee Executive Board Members to be the keynote speaker. Workshops included: Laws and Immigration (Ms. Rosemary Moreno), Domestic Violence and Human Trafficking (Bertha P. Sanchez and Mayra Rosas). Victor Martinez was the Special Guest Speaker at the 22 Plains). nd Annual Migrant Conference held in San Joaquin (Golden 300 Cherry Lane - Coalinga, CA 93210 - (559) 934-2000 16 | Page The WHCCD College Assistance Migrant Program students visited California State University Monterey Bay to learn about their admission process. Migrant students learned first-hand the admissions requirements and transfer steps needed to attend during the 2012-2013 fiscal year. HIGH SCHOOL EQUIVALENCY PROGRAM (HEP) Stephanie Ramirez Stephanie Ramirez, a High School Equivalency Program (HEP) student and single mother of two, was born as she put it, ―on a ranch‖ and has overcome a few obstacles to obtain her General Education Development (GED) diploma. She had to learn the delicate balance of taking the time to care for her two young sons while studying for the GED exams. She achieved her first educational goal in December 2010, when she passed all five subjects of the GED exam. Stephanie says she is grateful to the HEP project at WHC because, ―They [HEP] provided me with all of the tools that I needed to study with. On top of that, they paid for the GED exams and gave me a stipend when I completed my GED; as a single mother, that ALWAYS helps!‖ Stephanie is currently working at Dollar Tree, caring for her two sons, and attending classes at WHC working towards becoming an Office Technician. She says her two young sons are the inspiration that keeps her going every day. She has set out to be a good example for her kids, ―I want them to have what I never could. I want a better future for them.‖ Thanks to HEP and Stephanie’s hard work, both her and her kids have bright futures ahead. We are proud to have Stephanie represent the HEP project at WHC. 300 Cherry Lane - Coalinga, CA 93210 - (559) 934-2000 17 | Page STUDENT SPOTLIGHT Carolyn Lowe Psychiatric Technician Instructor Dam-Mikkelsen started off by saying how much he has enjoyed having Carolyn Lowe in his class. This is a student that he felt should be recognized for her academic commitment and dedication. She has been an exceptional student throughout her entire time in our program. From what Carolyn has shared with the faculty, she is a single mother of three children who found herself unemployed at the end of 2009 (after being a faithful and hardworking employee for over 10 years) due to the economic downturn. Due to the economy and being a displaced worker, it was difficult for her to find work. It was during this time in her life that she decided it was time to go back to school. Carolyn initially set out to enroll in a nursing program, but decided on the Psychiatric Technician Program due to a friend’s recommendation. Carolyn was accepted into the Psychiatric Technician Program in January 2011. At first Carolyn was apprehensive about starting school and questioned her ability to succeed due to the fact that it had been a long time since she had been a student. She also was experiencing financial hardships and had an unreliable car to get her to school. She quickly made the adjustment and applied herself to her academic pursuit. She demonstrates great time management skills and utilizes every opportunity to study and prepare for her classes. One example of her dedication is commuting to school with her classmates and studying on her way to class. It is not a surprise to her instructors that she has been able to maintain a 4.0 grade point average. Carolyn is expected to graduate May 18, 2012 and sees herself going on to pursue her goal of getting into a nursing program after graduation. She has mentioned many times that the education that she is receiving in the Psychiatric Technician Program will allow her to find employment in a nursing related field. Carolyn would like to thank each and every one of her instructors that nominated her for this distinction and taught her throughout the program. She feels that if it were not for her instructors’ guidance and support, she would not have made it. She would also like to recognize her fellow students for all of their support and friendship. ATHLETICS Spring 2012 Rodeo Schedule DATE DAY HOST LOCATION Apr 13-14 Fri-Sat Cal Poly San Luis San Luis Obispo, CA Apr 27-28 Sat-Sun University of Las Vegas Las Vegas, NV 300 Cherry Lane - Coalinga, CA 93210 - (559) 934-2000 18 | Page Spring 2012 Baseball Schedule Current record (5-13, 13-17) For current stats visit: http://www.cccbca.com/sports/bsb/2011-12/schedule?tmpl=schedule-rpi-template DATE DAY OPPONENT LOCATION TIME Apr-17 Tuesday *Reedley Coalinga 2pm Apr-19 Thursday *Porterville Coalinga 2pm Apr-21 Saturday *Fresno Fresno 1pm Apr-22 Sunday *COS Visalia 2pm Apr-26 Thursday *Merced Merced 2pm Apr-28 Saturday *Taft Coalinga 1pm * Conference Games HOME GAMES IN BOLD Spring 2012 Softball Schedule DATE DAY OPPONENT LOCATION TIME Apr-12 Thursday *Porterville Porterville 2pm Apr-17 Tuesday *Reedley Coalinga 2pm Apr-19 Thursday *Taft Taft 2pm Apr-24 Tuesday *Merced (DH) Merced * Conference Games 2pm HOME GAMES IN BOLD 300 Cherry Lane - Coalinga, CA 93210 - (559) 934-2000 19 | Page STUDENT SERVICES EOPS/CARE & Career Center Workshops EOPS/CARE & Career Center Workshops were scheduled for March 6 at NDC and March 7 at WHCC. The topic discussed for the month of March was ―Healthy Snacks for People on the Go.‖ Maria B. Sandoval, a health educator from Avenal Community Health Center (ACHC), presented at both sites. Students were engaged during the workshops and learned how to put a ―one minute‖ mini lunch or snack together for on the go. Students also learned the difference between a snack, treat, or free foods. They also learned to read and better understand the nutrition facts on food labels. Workshop attendance was good with lunch being provided to those in attendance. FARM OF THE FUTURE WHCC Hosts Regional Rodeo st st On March 31 and April 1 the WHCC Rodeo Team hosted the college rodeo teams from their region. Attendance was good with many positive compliments on the new facilities. Many community members along with competitors’ families enjoyed the new seating area that had temporary bleachers. All in attendance expressed ―they can’t wait to see the project completed‖ with anticipation towards more events in this facility. Below are some of the pictures of the competition and the crowds. A bull rider trying to stick like glue. Cowboy preparing to be air born. 300 Cherry Lane - Coalinga, CA 93210 - (559) 934-2000 20 | Page After the rodeo, the ladies from the region and community had an opportunity to join in a breakaway roping contest. Forty-seven competitors competed for a saddle and prize money. This event was a fundraising effort for the WHCC Rodeo Boosters Club. The Club did well with their fundraiser. Ag Science Project Up-Date The Ag Science Project is at approximately 80% complete according to Mark Wilson Construction. The project is scheduled for completion in mid-to-late May. This date may be pushed back due to a delay obtaining an easement from Chevron by PG&E to tie-in electrical power for the project. The easement problem is being addressed by AP Architects in an effort to expedite the process so the project can be completed. The Arena portion of the project is getting close to completion (90+%) with the arena lights and sound system yet to be installed. Final details are being completed on Building 100, 200, 300, and 400. Punch lists are being developed to ensure that all the project details are taken care of by the contractors. Electrical power is going to be important when completing final inspections and completing the punch list for the project. The arena seating area is now completed along with connecting sidewalks. In this picture the sidewalk hand railings are being installed. 300 Cherry Lane - Coalinga, CA 93210 - (559) 934-2000 21 | Page Building 500 Building 500 is progressing toward completion. Below is the south side of the building where the slab under the canopy is nearing completion. Because of the slab size the pouring is being completed in several segments. Southside of Building 500 Welding classes using the mobile welding lab starting at midterm in Mendota and will last until the end of the spring semester. During the first half of the semester the welding trailer was in Avenal offering classes. Offering classes in both of these communities has been well received. Students have the opportunity to take an American Welding Society (AWS) certification test at the end of the classes. 300 Cherry Lane - Coalinga, CA 93210 - (559) 934-2000 22 | Page EMPLOYEE SPOTLIGHT Alicia Rocha My name is Alicia Rocha and I have been blessed with two beautiful children; Angela (15) and Javier (17) who recently was accepted at Fresno Pacific University and is a recipient of their President Scholar Scholarship. My husband Roman of 22 years is a USMC Desert Storm Veteran. I received a BA degree in Liberal Studies/Bilingual Emphasis from FPU. While in college, and after I graduated, I worked for the Fresno Unified School District as a Spanish Immersion Instructional Aide and a Migrant Tutor. My career goal was to become an Elementary Teacher, especially a Kindergarten Teacher. I truly enjoyed working with young children and I thought my mind was set; however, an opportunity came up to apply for a position as an EOPS/CARE Advising Specialist at NDC. Initially, I was hesitant to apply because the thought of working with college students was not something that I thought I would enjoy as much as I enjoyed working with elementary school age children. Well, I was wrong! I have been an Advising Specialist for the past 14 years and can say that I have come to truly enjoy working with, and assisting, the students here at NDC. One of the most rewarding things about being an Advising Specialist is continuously seeing the progressive growth of each student. The defining moment of my career has been actualizing a special rapport and relationship with each student and their families. For the past 14 years, I have encouraged students to participate and made it a priority to attend WHC commencement each year. It gives me much pride to see each student actualize their educational dreams and it makes me realize that I had a small part in helping them get there. Many of my former students have gone on to graduate from a CSU, UC, or a private college. I continuously provide them with support as we have kept in touch. As a result, I have been blessed by being a Madrina at their weddings, attending their children’s births, baptism or birthday parties, and further commencements. It has been a joy and honor to be a part of their educational journey and everyday life. I haven’t given up my interest in teaching completely. For the past 10 years, I have volunteered as a second grade Catechism teacher at my church. God has blessed me with two children of my own, but I have been blessed with nine godchildren and of course the awesome students of NDC. STAFF DEVELOPMENT, RECOGNITION, AND INVOLVEMENT Merlin Welch – President of the Land Improvement Contractors Association 300 Cherry Lane - Coalinga, CA 93210 - (559) 934-2000 23 | Page Merlin Welch was installed as the national president of LICA in February at the organization’s annual winter conference in San Diego. Working with LICA and area industry leaders, Merlin assists students in helping them find industry jobs. He also works with the industry to make sure that students are getting the most current training possible. Hawaii Tokai International College Accreditation Visit President Lewallen chaired an accreditation site visit team that evaluated Hawaii Tokai International College located in Honolulu, Hawaii. HTIC is part of the Tokai University System based in Japan. Vice President Stearns from WHCC and Vice President Dorsey-Robinson from WHCL also served as members of the team. WHCCD FOUNDATION March was an exciting month for the foundation. Our scholarship deadline was March 1 and we received over 300 applications for scholarships for the 2012-2013 school year. Campus committees are considering the applications. Both campuses will have 16 Osher scholarships this year of up to $1,000 each thanks to fundraising activities of the foundation and employee philanthropy. Thanks to all who participate. If you would like to join, please email me (francessquire@whccd.edu). nd On Friday, March 2 , we were a co-sponsor of the Dream to Be A Hero event with astronaut Jose Hernandez, which was attended by more than 100 WHCCD students including two busloads with students from Avenal, Stratford and Lemoore. Stratford Upward Bound student Martin Chavez was interviewed on CBS Channel 47 in Fresno. th On March 16 , Little Joe y La Familia, a Tejano group, performed at WHCL and attracted people from all over Central California—many of whom had never before been to WHC. 300 Cherry Lane - Coalinga, CA 93210 - (559) 934-2000 24 | Page th th th On March 24 , the foundation sponsored the 80 anniversary celebration for WHCC and the district and the 10 anniversary st celebration for WHCL (along with the 41 anniversary of NDC) during a gala event at WHCL. Thanks to Dennis Gallegos from the marketing department for capturing wonderful pictures of the event, which are available at: http://www.flickr.com/photos/whccd/. We also managed to squeeze in several three-hour sessions of Datatel training via webinars that will allow us to capture donor information and share it appropriately throughout the district. th Finally, on March 29 the final hearing was held on the estate of Dixie and Brian Welborn, who have left one-third of their estate to the WHCC Foundation. While the numbers were not confirmed at the deadline for this newsletter, the gift will be the largest ever in the history of WHCCD. If you would like to learn more about the Welborns, go to: http://whcgift.org/?pageID=3&storyNum=2 You can download the electronic version of this newsletter at: www.westhillscollege.com/coalinga/about/presidents_pen_newsletter.asp 300 Cherry Lane - Coalinga, CA 93210 - (559) 934-2000 25 | Page
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