Newsrunner - Dallas County Emergency Nurses Association


Newsrunner - Dallas County Emergency Nurses Association
Texas Emergency Nurses
July-October 2014
Table of Contents
A WORD FROM YOUR PRESIDENT ........................................................... 3
ENA DAY ON THE HILL ................................................................................... 3
RENEWAL IN TEXAS ......................................................................................... 8
VOICE! ............................................................................................................. 9
ELECTIONS AND NOMINATIONS ...................................................................... 11
TENA COMMITTEE INFORMATION ....................................................... 25
PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION ........................................................................... 25
2014 EMERGENCY NURSES DAY CHALLENGE! .............................................. 27
2014 SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS NOW AVAILABLE.................................... 27
A WORD FROM TENA LOCAL CHAPTERS ............................................ 28
CHAPTER REMINDERS .................................................................................... 28
CPEN/ CEN REVIEW CORNER .................................................................. 29
WELCOME TO FIRST TIME ATTENDEES! ......................................................... 30
EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES ............................................................ 31
TENA VENDOR APPRECIATION .............................................................. 32
PLATINUM SPONSORS ..................................................................................... 32
GOLD SPONSORS ............................................................................................ 33
July-October 2014
A Word from Your
ENA Day on The Hill
Cam Brandt MS, RN, CEN, CPEN, CPN
Texas ENA President 2014
I can’t believe 2014 is half over!
Once again I would like to tell you how
honored and humbled I am to serve as
your 2014 President. While not always easy, it has been very fulfilling..
and never a dull moment!
A highlight for the 2nd quarter of 2014 was ENA Day on the
Hill which was May 6 and 7. This is a time when ENA representatives
from all over the nation come together to learn about issues of
importance to ED nurses. TxENA was blessed to have six voices, with
three National ENA board members, and three TxENA members
attending. As a novice when it comes to topics such as how to contact
your representatives and how to talk
to government officials (which I
learned is a Washington DC version
of an SBAR conversation!), I found
the entire process fascinating, and
perhaps a bit intimidating.
Fortunately, our National ENA office
and Texas ENA have government
affairs professionals (thank you Mary Leblond and Lynn Kelley) who
were happy to impart tidbits of advice. Between their guidance and our
training, we had very successful meetings with many of our legislators.
July-October 2014
To keep this article short, and knowing that ED nurses are
“bullet point people”, I am highlighting just a couple of the things I
Key Points from ENA Day on The Hill
The two topics that ENA prepared us to talk to our legislators were
Trauma Care and Mental Health.
A. H.R. 4080/S. 2405, the Trauma Systems and Regionalization
of Emergency Care Reauthorization Act. This is a
reauthorization, and asking for further funding, to support state
and rural development of trauma systems. It also funds pilot
programs for innovative regionalization programs. As we
know, severely injured patients who have access to trauma
centers have a better chance of survival. Currently, only eight
states have fully developed trauma systems. (see map, accessed
B. H.R. 274/S. 153, Mental Health First Aid Act. This act would
award $20 million in grants to initiate and sustain Mental
Health First Aid training programs. This course was designed
to give the general public skills aimed at helping to identify,
understand and respond to signs of mental illness.
July-October 2014
2. “SBAR” of talking to your legislator, according to Rep Burgess’ aid,
consists of only three concepts. The entire conversation should be
kept short.
A. Why is this important? (A few facts) When speaking to your
legislator about a topic, begin the conversation with a very few
simple facts, statistics, or other measurable, objective
information. For example, when talking about the Trauma
Systems Reauthorization Act, we used statistics that trauma is
the leading cause of death, that states with an established
trauma system have better patient outcomes, and that only 8
states have fully developed trauma systems.
B. What does this mean to me? (The story) Your legislator is
representing YOU, his constituent. He is interested in topics of
concern to YOU. After giving the facts, you then talk about
your interests personally. For example, after giving trauma
facts, I then said that as a staff nurse for a Level II pediatric
emergency department, I know that regionalization benefits my
patients, referring facilities and our hospital by already having
communication, stabilization, and transportation protocols in
place with the result that pediatric trauma patients in and
around the Fort Worth area have better access to care. We told
a story about a critically head-injured pediatric patient who was
flown to our emergency department, stabilized and sent to the
OR, and walked out of the hospital a month later. Any delay in
care of this patient would have resulted in a poor outcome.
C. What do you want from your legislator? (The request.) Your
legislator knows that you want something, or you wouldn’t
have made the appointment. Once again, keep it short, simple,
and black-and-white. In this case, we asked our legislators to
cosponsor the bill, vote in favor of the bill, and urge the
Appropriations Committee to fund $28 million dollars for
trauma and emergency care programs under the Public Health
Services Act.
3. Each of our representatives offered us Dr. Pepper to drink! With
Dr. Pepper being bottled in Texas, it is the “official drink” of Texas
legislators in Washington DC. I just thought you needed to know
July-October 2014
Putting this information to practice, I would like to close with a
simple conversation with YOU:
The work, and worth, of the Emergency Nurses Association is
accomplished through its Board of
Directors and the work accomplished by
members in individual states. Texas
currently has over 3500 ENA members.
Members are assigned to one of
seventeen different chapters. These
chapters have meetings, newsletters,
officers, and activities. Members have the opportunity to make a
difference in their profession through ENA.
As 2014 President of Texas ENA, I know how important each
and every member is. With the large number of members, we have the
opportunity to be a strong voice and influence in our state, and nation.
We have Texas representation on the National Board, members on
several national committees, we regularly present resolutions to the
National delegates resulting in an impact on the profession, and we were
a strong voice and influence in passing the Workplace Violence bill, it is
now a felony to assault emergency department personnel. Mary Leblond
has been recognized locally and nationally with awards for her work on
this bill. These accomplishments are a source of pride to me personally,
as a member of TxENA, but more importantly, I know that emergency
nursing is a better profession because of this representation.
This is my request: Please find 2 ways to be active in ENA.
You’ve already found one, you are an ENA member. Find one more:
attend your local chapter meetings, attend a state council meeting and
become active on a state committee, run for officer (local or state level),
review the National ENA website and find out the many ways you can be
active on a national level.
July-October 2014
Please email me with suggestions, concerns… or just to say hi!!
My email is And thank you again for the
opportunity to serve as your 2014 Texas ENA President.
July-October 2014
Updates from Your Texas ENA
Board of Directors
Continued Competency Through Certification:
Nursing License Renewal in Texas
Christine Russe, RN, MSN, CEN, CPEN
When one achieves certification in their area of nursing practice,
it is usually welcomed with a sense of great joy and professional
accomplishment. However, did you know that nursing certification is
now also a method of demonstrating continuing competence for nursing
renewal? The Texas Board of Nursing used to require that all nurses
renewing their nursing licenses complete 20 contact hours of continuing
education in their area of practice within the two years immediately
preceding renewal. In 2009, Texas joined several other states in adopting
competency through achievement of an approved national nursing
certification as another means of demonstrating continuing competence.
This means you have another option, besides 20 contact hours, to
demonstrate continued competence when renewing your Texas nursing
Why the change to recognize certification? Nursing certification
promotes professionalism and lets our patients know that the certified
nurse has achieved the knowledge necessary to provide competent
nursing care. When using nursing certification as a means of nursing
license renewal, the certification must be issued by a certifying body
accredited by a national certification accreditation agency which is
recognized by the Texas Board of Nursing. One recognized certification
accreditation agency is the Accreditation Board for Specialty Nursing
July-October 2014
Certification (ABSNC). The ABSNC believes “Certification is the
formal recognition of the specialized knowledge, skills, and experience
demonstrated by the achievement of standards identified by a nursing
specialty to promote optimal health outcomes.” For a complete list of
approved nursing certifications by the Accreditation Board for Specialty
Nursing Certification, see their Approved Certifications Programs.
So the next time you renew your nursing license, remember a
nurse may choose to demonstrate the achievement, maintenance, or
renewal of an approved national nursing certification in the nurse’s area
of practice as a means of nursing license renewal. In the event you are
audited by the Texas Board of Nursing, all you need to do is produce a
copy of your current certification card. It is that simple!
For further information, please refer to the Texas Board of
Nursing: Understanding and Complying with Continuing Competency
Requirements, including Continuing Education, for Nurses in Texas.
Marcia Fuller, MHAN, BSN, CEN, CPEN
Texas ENA Director
ENA National Election
ENA members our elections are over but our percentage of
voting is low. Next year let’s VOTE for the officers and increase Voting
participation. Appoint a Chapter member to call those in you Chapter to
vote. Spread the word at work it’s time to vote. Send email reminders to
members to vote. Texas ENA let’s Vote and participate.
July-October 2014
Texas contributed $9138.00 to Nationals for this event. Thank
you for this donation gift which will be in the form of a scholarship.
Next year we hope to have a donation event to raise money-be watching
for more information on TXENA Facebook regarding the Fundraiser.
Delegates were selected at the July meeting-congratulations to
all of you as you represent Texas in Indiana. Don’t forget to complete
your on line orientation as delegate by Oct. 7. There will be a packet
mailed to you with further information.
New and Updated Continuing Education Requirement
All nurses will be required to complete at least two hours in
nursing jurisprudence and ethics prior to the end of every third
licensure renewal cycle. These contact hours must be approved as
continuing nursing education. This cannot be done through national
nursing certification. The content must include information about the
Texas Nursing Practice Act; the Texas Board of Nursing Rules Board
Rule 217.11; Standards of Nursing Practice: the Texas BON Position
Statements; principles of nursing ethics; and professional boundaries.
All nurses who provide nursing care to any patient or patients who are
older adults must complete at least two contact hours related to the older
adult or geriatric care every licensed renewal cycle. The content must
include information about elder abuse, age related memory changes and
disease processes, including chronic conditions, and end of life issues.
If you are considering seminars make sure the requirements meet the
guidelines for the CNE hours.
On April 9, 2015 at South Padre Island Thursday afternoon will
be providing these contact hour requirements from 1330-1800 hours.
This is the day before the Texas ENA second quarter meeting. Save the
date to come to South Padre for education and the 2Q Texas State ENA
meeting in 2015.
July-October 2014
Elections and Nominations
Christine Russe MSN, RN, CEN, CPEN
Voting will take place during the Texas ENA fourth quarter State
Council meeting on October 25 in Arlington, Texas. It is not too late if
you are interested in serving in a leadership role for the Texas
Emergency Nurses Association. If interested, please contact Christine
Russe, Election Process Chair Person, at
Pre-slated TENA officer candidates are listed below:
Meet the Pre-Slated Texas ENA Candidates
Brenda Lynn Kelley RN,
Current Employer
Director of Emergency Services,
Texas Health HEB Hospital,
Bedford, TX
Texas Woman’s University,
BSN 1977
University of North Texas, MS,
ENA Participation
Delegate, General Assembly, 20062013
State Council Delegate 20062007; Government Affairs
July-October 2014
Chair-elect, 2012; Government
Affairs Chair, 2013-present;
Tarrant Co. ENA, President 2007,
President-Elect 2006, Treasurer
July-October 2014
Statement of
As an emergency nurse and
emergency department
director, it has always been my
goal to assure that our patients
receive excellence in care.
Because emergency medicine
is dynamic, we must all be
continually learning to maintain
that standard of excellence. In
addition, we must be
advocates for our patients and
our practice. We must take the
initiative to collaborate with our
physician partners and
regulatory agencies that may
impact our patients and our
practice to assure the safe
delivery of care. As presidentelect, I will strive to represent
Texas emergency nurses and
our patients to assure the
safety of our practice and the
care we deliver.
Michael Hastings MS, CEN
Current Employer
Trauma Program Manager, Dell
Children’s Medical Center, Austin, TX
Master of Science Nursing
Organization Leadership,
2012, University of Kansas,
Kansas City, Kansas
Bachelor of Science Nursing,
2004, Baker University,
Baldwin, Kansas
Certified Emergency Nurse (CEN)
TNCC- Course Director
ENPC- Course Director
ENA Participation
Currently I am on the 2015 Annual
Conference Planning Committee; I
was on the 2014 Leadership Planning
Committee, 2012-2013 in the first
Board Liaison mentor program,
2012-2014 IQISP committee. I have
been a delegate for Kansas 2012 &
2013. I also have the honor of
representing Emergency Nurses on
the National EMS Advisory Council.
This is a federal appointment through
July-October 2014
After moving to Texas in
August I attended my first
state meeting in October 2013
where I was welcomed with
open arms. At the next
meeting I was appointed
chairperson of the
Professional Education
Committee. I am also
currently a member of the
Nursing Practice committee
the Secretary of Transportation, and I
am the only nurse to sit on this
and attend the Trauma and
Pediatric committees.
I moved to Texas in August 2014 and
have been trying to find where I can
fit into the local level at this time I
am unable to hold a position in the
local level due to their bylaws.
First I want to express my
thanks to Texas for the warm
welcome you all have granted
me. For those that do not
know I moved here from
Kansas where I was the past
president of the state ENA
chapter. I have been actively
involved with the state level in
Kansas and on the national
level. Moving to Texas
obviously has been a big
move for me and my family
and to have my new ENA
family welcome me with open
arms has been a wonderful
You may be asking yourself
why this guy would want this
position. To answer I must
give you some more details
about me and my background
with ENA. When I first
became a member of ENA, I
did it because I thought it
would look good on my
resume! Honestly, that is the
truth. I went to one state
meeting and said no thanks,
this is not for me. I was luckily
enough to be invited back to a
second meeting. As the story
goes you leave the room and
July-October 2014
Statement of
you get nominated for a
position. Essentially that is
what happened. I was
nominated for the presidentelect and I decided it was time
to jump fully into ENA. I had to
explore what ENA was, what
it had to offer, and what my
role was with ENA. Thanks to
my attitude of jumping fully in
and starting a new adventure,
I have been able to serve now
on a couple national
committees and have the
opportunity to see behind the
scenes workings of ENA.
Thanks to these experiences I
have a brand new
appreciation of ENA.
Jumping fully in has been very
rewarding and has proven to
be the best tactic for me. I
always love a challenge and a
new adventure. I have given
much thought to my role here
in Texas. I could sit back and
blend in and go to a meeting
here or there or I could jump
fully in. I have decided after
much thought the right
decision for me is to jump fully
in. When I jump fully into
something I do not do it lightly
as once I commit to
something I am committed.
With your support I would like
to take my involvement with
the state to the next level and
July-October 2014
serve as your next Secretary.
I would be honored to have
your support and ask for your
Melanie Lynn Aluotto BSN,
Current Employer
Clinical Manager of Emergency
Services, Memorial Hermann
Memorial City, Houston, Texas
MSN, 2015 expected,
University of Texas at
Arlington, Arlington, Texas
BSN, 2011, University of Texas
at Arlington, Arlington, Texas
ADN, 2001 Blinn College of
Nursing, Bryan, Texas
ENA Participation
National Delegate, Texas
Emergency Nurses Association,
Member, Texas Emergency
Nurses Association: Pediatric
Committee, 2013-2014
July-October 2014
Member, Texas Emergency
Nurses Association:
Membership Committee, 20132014
Member, Texas Emergency
Nurses Association: Media
Committee, 2014
Member, Texas Emergency
Nurses Association: Awards
and Honors Committee, 2014
Member, Texas Emergency
Nurses Association: Injury
Prevention Committee, 2007
President-Elect, Houston
Emergency Nurses Association,
Chair, Houston Emergency Nurses
Association: Membership
Committee, 2013-2014
Chair, Houston Emergency Nurses
Association: Media Committee,
Director, Houston Emergency
Nurses Association, 2013
President, Emergency Nurses
Association, Heart of Texas
Chapter, 2005, 2007
July-October 2014
Statement to the
I am interested in the TENA
Director position because I feel
that I can truly serve the ENA
membership at the state level. I
began my nursing career in the
Emergency Department
because of my passion in
helping people in crisis. From
the beginning I loved ER
nursing and wanted to do more.
Together with a friend, we
decided to re-ignite the inactive
Heart of Texas chapter. With
lots of dedication the chapter
thrived and was able to bring
annual conferences to rural
areas in Central Texas. As life
brought me to the Houston
area in 2008, I moved my
membership to Houston 195.
President-Elect, Emergency Nurses
Association, Heart of Texas
Chapter, 2004, 2006
Chair, Heart of Texas Emergency
Nurses Association, Media
Committee, 2004-2007
Chair, Heart of Texas Emergency
Nurses Association, Conference
Committee, 2004-2007
Unfortunately not long after, the
Heart of Texas chapter was
dissolved. This saddened me
and I vowed to stay involved in
ENA. Last year I became a
Lifetime Member to reflect my
dedication to this great
organization. Through a
position on the TENA board, I
would like to continue my
service for the members of our
Bobette Langston Mayrant
Current Employer
Emergency Room Registered Nurse,
relief charge, Huntsville Memorial
Hospital, Huntsville, Texas
Master of Science in Nursing
Education, 2011, Walden
University, Minneapolis, MN
Emergency Room Registered Nurse,
East Texas Medical Center, Trinity,
Bachelor of Science Nursing,
2001, University of Texas
Tyler, Tyler, Texas.
July-October 2014
TNCC Instructor
ENPC Instructor
ENA Participation
2011: Leadership Symposium,
Portland Oregon
2011: Information Retention
Committee Member
2011: Texas State Delegate, General
Assembly and Scientific Assembly,
Tampa, FL
2011: Delegate, Texas State
Council, Houston ENA
Chapter July and October
2012: Texas State Delegate, General
Assembly and Scientific Assembly,
San Diego, CA
2012: Media Chair- Elect and
Information Retention
Committee Member
2013: Texas State Delegate, General
Assembly and Scientific Assembly,
Nashville, TN
2013: Delegate, Texas State
Council, Houston ENA
Chapter July
2013: Media Chair, Pediatric
Member, Awards and Honors
Member, and Meeting
Planning Member
2014: Media Chair, Awards
and Honors Member, and
Meeting Planning Member
2011-2014: Attended 14 out of
15 Texas State Council
July-October 2014
2010: Joined ENA as member of
Houston Chapter
July-October 2014
Statement to the
In comparison to many active
Texas ENA members, I would
be considered a “newbie”. I
was repeatedly encouraged
by a fellow member to join
ENA and attend “just one
meeting” even though at that
time I was not working in the
ER as a staff nurse. One
meeting was all it took for me
to see the value of being
active in a professional
organization and volunteered
to be a member of a
committee before the day was
over. I strongly believe in the
mission and purpose of ENA
and believe that each one of
us individually and collectively
can make lasting impressions
in the care we give day to day.
As a director for TENA, I
believe that more nurses can
be reached than what I could
do on my own currently. I
would like to use this
opportunity to give back and
serve TENA and its members
for all that I have gained
professionally and personally
over the last four years as a
Thomas John Tierney BSN, BA, ADN, RN,
Medical Center
at Mansfield,
Mansfield, TX
BA-Political Science & International Law, 1997,
University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ
ADN-Nursing, 2005, Dallas County Community
Colleges, Dallas, TX
BSN-Nursing, 2012, University of Texas at
Arlington, Arlington, TX
Sigma Green
2013-2014 State council attendee (Chapter
delegate in 2014)
July-October 2014
Statement to the Membership
The changing climate of Emergency Medicine, as
well as changes in American culture have led to the
Emergency Department being seen as the primary
Tarrant County
2014 Website
Tarrant County
care provider for many of the people we serve. As
such, Emergency departments and their staffs are
stretched beyond their limits. We are often overworked, under-staffed, over-utilized and underresourced.
I believe that the Texas ENA can help with these
issues in multiple ways. The Texas ENA should be
taking a more active role in educating the public in
the proper use of the Emergency Department. We
do a phenomenal job of educating the public about
what is an emergency, but we can improve on how
we communicate what is not one. I believe that the
Texas ENA has a responsibility to become more
active in membership recruitment and retention.
We need to be reaching out to the younger
generations of nurses and getting them involved,
not only in the Texas ENA, but in professional
advocacy activities as well. Additionally, the Texas
ENA should be exploring ways to better prepare
new graduates for careers as Emergency Nurses.
The average age of our membership continues to
increase, following the trends in our profession.
Without actively engaging young nurses, and those
that may become nurses, we stand to make the
looming nursing shortage even worse.
I feel that, as a Director, I will be able to bring forth
ideas and help organize activities that will help the
ENA prosper in the long term. I think we need more
of a “why not?” attitude when it comes to new ideas.
I want to help others be heard and their ideas
considered so that we can solve the problems that
face us. I want to serve the membership of the
Texas ENA. Thank you.
July-October 2014
State Council President-Elect Responsibilities
1. To perform any duties assigned by the President for the
state council
2. To succeed to the office of President at the expiration of the
President’s term. In the event the position of President
becomes vacant, the President-Elect becomes the President,
the position will be filled according to the state Bylaws.
3. To exercise all responsibilities and privileges as an officer
of the state council as specified in the Bylaws and Standard
Operating Procedures
4. To perform all duties of President-Elect as outlined by the
state council
5. Select committee chair elects for chairs that will become
vacant during their Presidential year
6. Liaison with assigned chapters
7. Serve as an active member of the Bylaws and SOPs
8. Term of Office: The state council President-Elect shall
serve for a term of one (1) calendar year, January 1st
through December 31st.
State Council Secretary Responsibilities
1. To maintain the membership and attendance rosters of the
state council delegates, officers and committees
2. To produce state council business minutes, to all officers
and chapter presidents, one week prior to the next
scheduled business meeting
July-October 2014
3. To maintain state council records and to provide for a
mechanism to transfer records upon installation of the new
state council Secretary
4. Perform duties as requested by the President
5. Maintain a copy of the state Bylaws and Standard
Operating Procedures
6. Complete and send correspondence in a timely manner
7. Liaison with assigned chapters
8. Keep accurate record of chapter representative attendance
at the Texas State Council Meetings
9. Term of Office: The state council Secretary shall serve for
a term of two (2) calendar years, January 1st through
December 31st.
State Council Director Responsibilities
Assist with management of the state council
Perform duties as requested by the President
Liaison with assigned chapters
Serve as Fund Raising Chair-Elect in first year as director
and Fund Raising Chair in second year as director
Term of Office: The Director shall serve for a term of two
(2) calendar years January 1st through December 31st.
A candidate verification process is conducted on all Texas ENA
Board of Directors candidates.
Qualifications include:
Current ENA membership
Current registered nurse licensure
Active participation at the Texas State Council
July-October 2014
i. Attended at least one (1) Texas State Council
meeting within the past year
ii. Attended at least one (1) Texas State Council
meeting as a delegate within the previous three (3)
iii. Has served as parliamentarian or committee chair
within the past two years at the state level
TENA Committee Information
Professional Education
Mike Hastings, MS, CEN
2014-2015 Professional Education Committee Chair
The Texas ENA (TENA) Professional Education Committee has
been busy working hard this year as we prepare for our education event
that we will be putting on April 9, 2015 at our meeting in South Padre
Island. We will have more details to come, however we will be covering
the new board of nursing requirements around Nursing Jurisprudence &
Ethics and Geriatric Care or Older Adult.
What are these requirements new requirements?
Nursing Jurisprudence & Ethics
All nurses are required to complete at least two contact hours in
nursing jurisprudence and ethics prior to the end of every third licensure
renewal cycle. The education must include information about the
July-October 2014
Texas Nursing Practice Act
Texas Board of Nursing (BON) rules including:
Board Rule 217.11
Standards of Nursing Practice
BON Position Statements
Principles of nursing ethics
Professional boundaries
Geriatric Care or Older Adult
All nurses who provide care to any patient who are older adults
must complete at least two contact hours related to the older adult every
licensure renewal cycle. The content must include:
Elder abuse
Age related memory changes and disease processes
Chronic conditions
End of life issues
May also include other content such as: health maintenance and
health promotion of the older adult or geriatric populations.
Effective Dates
The requirement became effective with licensure renewal cycles
that started after January 1, 2014.
Please mark your calendar now for our April 9th education event
as we anticipate this event to be a sold out session as all nurses not only
ED nurses need these requirements. Our committee will be working hard
on all the details around this event so if you have any questions please
feel free to reach out to me at or my cell is 913481-8489.
July-October 2014
2014 Emergency Nurses Day Challenge!
The Media Committee would like to challenge all ER nurses,
nurse managers, nurse directors, physicians, providers, techs,
secretaries… all ER staff to celebrate Emergency Nursing on October 8
by wearing something purple and sharing your photo with the rest of
Texas on the Texas ENA Facebook page. Let’s show unity and support
across this great state for the profession we love and sacrifice for daily!!!
The most creative photo shared on the Facebook page of Texas ENA will
be displayed on the Texas ENA website to honor your staff and facility
for the fourth quarter of 2014!!! (Please provide some information about
photos posted such as facility name, town, and any information
pertaining to photo). Contact Bobette Mayrant for any questions at
2014 Scholarship Applications Now Available
Kelda McMullen-Fix
2014 Scholarship Committee Chair
The applications for scholarships for 2014 are now
available on the Texas ENA website
( The three categories are
“Undergrad Scholarship”, “Master’s Scholarship”, and “Doctorial
Scholarship”. Applications are due by September 1, 2014 and can
be mailed or emailed to:
Kelda McMullen-Fix, TENA Scholarship Chair
5986 East Stockton
Moody, Texas 76557
July-October 2014
Recipients will be notified via email and announced at the TENA
4th Quarter State Meeting. Please do not contact the Scholarship
Chair to check on the award status of your application.
A Word from TENA Local
Chapter Reminders
A. TENA Chapter Reports – All TENA chapters are required
to submit a quarterly chapter report to our TENA Secretary,
even if your chapter is not represented at the State Council
B. TENA Chapter Article Assignments – Please review the
article assignment document and be aware of when your
article is due. For questions please contact Bobette
Mayrant, Media Chair at or
Cam Brandt, Texas ENA President at
C. TENA Chapter Membership Chair- Please remind your
local members to verify that the email address on file with
Nationals is correct to ensure that they are able to receive
communication from ENA and TENA.
Scholarship Applications- Scholarship applications due by
Monday September 1, 2014 to Kelda McMullen-Fix.
July-October 2014
CPEN/ CEN Review
Jeff Solheim, MSN, RN-BC, CEN,
A 12-year-old patient presents to the ED with a history of
threatening to kill his/her parents. On arrival, the patient
is calm and cooperative. Which of the following
questions should be included in this patient’s initial
a) “Do you love your mom and dad?”
b) “Are there any guns in your home?”
c) “Do you have any thoughts of hurting someone
d) “Do you ever experience any hallucinations or
Rationale and answer are on our sponsor page!
July-October 2014
Texas ENA 2014 Board and ENA
National Liaison
Front Row, Left to Right: Christine Russe, Immediate Past President; Cam Brandt,
President; Karen Wiley, National Liaison; Mary Leblond, President Elect; Ingrid
Steinbach, Director
Back Row, Left to Righ: Rhonda Manor-Coombes, Secretary; Barry Hudson,
Parliamentarian; Steven Jewell, Treasurer Elect; Charlotte Trudeau, Treasurer; Marcia
Fuller, Director.
Welcome to First Time Attendees!
Left to Right: Cam Brandt, Texsa ENA President; Barbara Felps, Austin; Carolyn
Jackson, Central Texas; Erica Cerna, West Texas Panhandle.
July-October 2014
Educational Opportunities
“Essentials in Emergency Nursing- 2014”
 Date: Sept. 10-12, 2014
 Location: The Historic Menger Hotel at the Alamo (204
Alamo Plaza, San Antonio, 800.345.9285)
Information: Contact Yvonne Moseley at or got to Texas ENA website at or San Antonio ENA website at .
Topics: Trauma, Pediatrics, ECMO, OB/GYN, Adult and
FOUR Skills Stations
Approved for 28.5 CE Hours
More than 20 Vendors!
“Child Abuse Seminar: Prevention, Intervention, and
 Date: Nov. 5-7, 2014
 Location: Isla Grand Resort, South Padre Island, Texas
 Information: Contact Stephanie Hamby at (956) 389-1721
or (210) 365-8337 or
“Certified Emergency Nurse Review Course” Faculty: Jeff
 Date: April 1-2, 2015
 Location: The Historic Menger Hotel at the Alamo (204
Alamo Plaza, San Antonio, 800.345.9285)
Information: Steven J Jewell, 210.215.2414
July-October 2014
TENA Vendor Appreciation
Platinum Sponsors
Stryker Medical July 2013
Stretchers, Surfaces, Furniture & Temperature Management
Casey Clardy
Account Manager
AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP Oct 2013
Jean Vollbracht
Executive Pharmaceutical Sales Specialist
First Choice Emergency Room Jan 2014
BTG Pharmaceuticals- CroFab Jan 2014 April 2014 July 2014
Daniele Pasatieri
July-October 2014
Special Tactics and Rescue Consulting, LLC July 2014
Phone: (806)470-6144
Gold Sponsors
Physio-Control, Inc. Jan 2014
Resolute Health Jan 2014
Methodist Health System Jan 2014
Texas Children’s Hospital Jan 2014
July-October 2014
CPEN/ CEN Review Corner
Rationale and Answer
The correct answer is C
Rationale: When addressing patients who are suicidal or
homicidal, they should be directly asked, in simple terms about
suicidal or homicidal ideations. Very little therapeutic
information will be gathered by asking the patient whether he or
she loves his or her mother and father. Although asking about
guns in the home may be part of discharge planning for this
patient, it will likely have little therapeutic benefit during the
initial assessment. Although identifying psychotic behavior is
an integral part of this patient’s assessment, the patient is
unlikely to identify whether they have hallucinations or
delusions, and these terms are not age-appropriate for a 12year-old, therefore this is not an appropriate question to ask
during the initial assessment.
Texas ENA would like to say thank you to
our sponsors for being so kind and
generous to our organization.
The Texas Newsrunner is electronic and can
be found on the Texas ENA website at
Bobette Mayrant, MSN,RN, CEN
2014 Media Committee Chair
July-October 2014