salamander industrie produkte


salamander industrie produkte
■ II
The company HRAM 032 PVC Trade LLC is one of the largest producers of PVC carpentry in Serbia.
We conduct our sales in Serbia through our distributers and shops where you can find our products in
over80 stores in Serbia. In ourofferyou can find a complete product programme of PVC Profil Centre,
that is, PVC windows and doors in all possible variations and fillings with standard and non-standard
dimensions. Our headquarters is in Preljina, near the city of Čačak. There are two production sectors
equipped with state-of-the-art machines, connected via an interactive software based on IT-lnformation
Technology that helps in production, managing, storing, communicating and distributingthe information,
namely, on a controlled system of production. By using modern technology of window production, we
produce over 80.000 window units per year with an increasing trend in the follovving year.
We have received a number of prizes and awards-the highest number of sold units and quality-price
ratio being the biggest and the most significant to us.
By implementing new well-known German company Salamander profiles we have made a big step for
ward when it comes to improving the quality, longevity, better characteristics, and we can safely say
contemporary and esthetically appealing design. Original German profiles and metal parts with
production in Serbia, in a word German quality with the price affordable to our Serbian customers.
We give a ten years warranty for our products.
All our products are eco-friendly, made by European standards and tested. Large production line,
German quality, made in Serbia, winners of awards and prizes for production innovation, for the quality,
for the quality-price ratio... are reasons enough to visit our stores or website, choose
what suitsyour needs best and become our customerto our mutual satisfaction.
PVC Welding and Corm
Control a
iontrol and glazing unit
ing Machine
Four Head PVC Welding Machine
■ •
■ .
All around attractive
and modern
L e b e n s q u a l i t a t h a t ein Profil
li l
S A L A M A N D E R SYSTEM B U R G M A N N fro m Tiirk h e im , G e rm a n y has extruded PVC-e profiles fo r 40
years. D ue to this experience, experts fo r m aterial d e v e lo p m e n t, profile design and technical
p reparation, w ith th e help of s ta te -o f-th e -a rt facilities and laboratories, grant h ig h -q u a lity PVC-e
profiles. A ll o f this m akes us on e o f th e to p PVC-e profile m anufacturers. O u r profiles are ecological,
since th e y are stabilized by th e m eans o f calcium -zinc m ix and are ecologically friendly. O v e r hundreds
of thousands doors and w in d o w s m a de of Salam ander & B riigm an n PVC-e profile are m anufactured
daily a ro u n d th e w o rld . A ll interna tiona lly recognised universities for PVC-e profile testing have
acknow ledged o u r sup rem e quality.
m b e r system for th e fram e and w in g
W in g and Fram e
itly curved edges
of w h it e o r w o o i
Standard and custom ised LO W -E insulating glass
filled w ith a rgonV ncrM r^pton , 24 to 40 m m thick**
specially engineered gaskets, 'p e rm a n e n tly elastic'
black o r grey fjr^ja^TPE o r EP D M
Zinc-plated steel profile o f w a ll thickness 1.2 5 m m
S A L A M A N D E R SYSTEM B R U G M A N N A D system of classical design w ith slightly curved edges and five cham bers and
tw o recessed gaskets in th e profile, of 'p e rm a n e n tly elastic' special construction enables op tim a l pre ve ntio n of water,
w in d , high and lo w te m p e ra tu re ingress. Profile installation d e pth 73 m m m atches th e high dem and s of EnEv
regulations concerning energy savings, and provides possibility o f insulating glass installation in th e range of
2 4-40 m m , w h ich im p rove s sound insulation (V D I 2719 SSK class 3) o f 35 to 39db and th e rm a l insulation U f= 1 .4 W / q m K
(D IN EN ISO 10077). Fram e and w in g surface in tw o planes - 're tracted' flat w in d o w has sash fillister fitting 13 m m
(D IN V EN V 1627) w h ich decreases th e possibility of forced entries, Class 2 (W K 2 ) Fram e and w in g are reinforced
according to th e re quirem ents of w in d o w and d o o r statics, w ith steel, zinc-plated profile o f w all thickness 1,25 m m .
For th e needs of installation of additional profiles, Salam ander System B riigm an n A D has developed a variable system
w ith all connectors present in civil engineering, as profiles: fo r jo in in g and duplicatio n, connection to th e w in d o w sill
and d rip , ventilation, etc.
G o ld e n -O a k 51
S t r e ife n -D o u g la s ie 2 7
M o o r e ic h e 25
M a h a g o n i 26
Antik 39
V in t a g e -O a k 4 1 P r e m iu m
W a n u t 21
D a rk R ed 06
B irk e ro s e 4 4 P r e m iu m
B riliia n tb ia u 14
* * IN S T ITU T ift R O SE N H EIM
Proof: U w = Coefficient o f heat tra n s fe rth ro u g h w in d o w
Report 403 27980/1 for W in d o w , 1-flgl. Standardsizes 1 .2 3 x l.4 8 m
a c c o rd in g to DIN EN 12412-2 Sala m an de r system B riigm an n A D
Coefficient of heat transfer for Fram e profile U f= 1 .4 W / q m K and Insulating glass:
- (4LOW -E+16+LOW -E4) U g = l.lW / q m K + A rg o n + (W a r m fram e A lu m in iu m ) tota l U w = 1 .2 4 W / q m K
- (4LOW -E+12+4+12LOW -E4) U g = 0 .7 W / q m K + A rg o n + (W a rm fram e T G I) total U w = 0 .9 9 W / q m K
rdi--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------H R A M 0 3 2 P V C T R A D E Address: street Ibarski w e y bb 32212 Preljina Serbia tel/fax: +382 (0)32 361 213
e-m ail: m po.preljina@ h ram 032 .rs
w w w .h ram 03
The most beautiful vievvs
and the best perspectives
id i
L e b e n s q u a l i t a t h a t ein Profil
S A L A M A N D E R SYSTEM B U R G M A N N fro m Tiirk h e im , G e rm a n y has extruded PVC-e profiles fo r 40
years. D ue to this experience, experts for m aterial d e v e lo p m e n t, profile design and technical
pre pa ra tion, w ith th e help of s ta te -o f-th e -a rt facilities and laboratories, gra nt h ig h -q u a lity PVC-e
profiles. A ll o f this m akes us on e o f th e to p PVC-e profile m anufacturers. O u r profiles are ecological,
since th e y are stabilized b y th e m eans o f calcium -zinc m ix and are ecologically friendly. O v e r h undreds
of thousands doors and w in d o w s m ade of Salam ander & B riigm an n PVC-e profile are m anufactured
da ily a ro u nd th e w o rld . A ll inte rnationa lly recognised universities fo r PVC-e profile testing have
acknow ledged o u r su p re m e quality.
Five -ch a m b e r system for th e fram e
and six cham bers for th e w in g
ta nda rd and custom ised LO W -E insulating
glass filled w ith ^rg g n and kryp ton, 24 to 48 m m thick*
Th re e spec1felly engineered gaskets,
perm a-nentlvAlastic' black o r gre y fro m TP E o r EP D M
M rith rounded edges o f w h ite
Zinc-plated steel profile o f w a ll thickness 1 .50 m m
j M L M I f l n l l U L r\
S A L A M A N D E R 3DS Design exceptionally carefully engineered and designed profile w ith aesthetically ro u n d e d line,
w ith glittering A lp in e w h ite surface and five cham bers and th re e gaskets, w h ich prevents all possibilities o f w ater,
w in d , high and lo w te m p e ra tu re ingress. Profile installation d e pth 76 m m m atches th e high dem and s of EnEv
regulations concerning energy savings, and provides possibility of insulating glass installation in th e range of
24-48 m m , w h ich im p rove s sound insulation (V D I 2719 SSK class 4) of 40 to 44db and th e rm a l insulation U f= 1 .4 W / q m K
(D IN EN ISO 10077). Fram e and w in g surface in on e plane, w in d o w has sash fillister fitting 13 m m (D IN V EN V 1627)
w h ich decreases th e possibility of forced entries Class 2 (W K 2 ) Fram e and w in g are reinforced according to th e
requirem ents of w in d o w and d o o r statics w ith steel, zinc-plated profile o f w a ll thickness 1,5 m m . For th e needs of
installation o f a dditional profiles, Sala m an de r has developed a va riable system w ith all connectors present in civil
engineering, as profiles: fo r jo in in g and duplicatio n, connection to th e w in d o w sill and d rip , ve ntilation, etc.
G o ld e n -O a k 51
S tr e ife n -D o u g la s ie 2 7
M o o r e ic h e 25
M a h a g o n i 26
Antik 39
V in t a g e -O a k 4 1 P r e m iu m
W a n u t 21
D a rk R ed 06
B irk e ro s e 4 4 P r e m iu m
B riliia n tb ia u 14
* IN S T IT U T ift R O SE N H EIM
Proof: U w = Coefficient o f heat transfer th ro u gh w in d o w
Report 403 27980/2 for W in d o w , 1-flgl. Standard w in d o w sizes 1 .2 3 x l.4 8 m
according to DIN EN 12412-2 Sa lam an der 3D system M itteldich tu ng
Coefficient of heat transfer for Fram e profile U f= 1 .4 W / q m K and Insulating glass:
- (4LOW -E+16+LOW -E4) U g = l.lW / q m K + A rg o n + (W a r m fra m e A lu m in iu m ) total U w = 1 .2 0 W / q m K
- (4LOW -E+12+4+12LOW -E4) U g = 0 .7 W / q m K + A rg o n + (W a rm fra m e T G I) total U w = 0 .9 2 W / q m K
H R A M 0 3 2 P V C T R A D E Address: street Ibarski w e y bb 32212 Preljina Serbia tel/fax: +382 (0)32 361 213
e-m ail: m po.preljina@ h ram 032 .rs
w w w .h ram 03
The priceless be
of ehjoying
L e b e n s q u a l i t a t ha t ein Profil
m B R U G M A N N A D & S A L A M A N D E R 3DS Design T ilt & slide door,
suitable for larger glass areas o f Balcony Doors. Fram e and w in g
stability a c c o rd in g to statistic requ ire m e nts is provided by zincplated reinforcem ent w ith 2 m m w a ll thickness. W in g and fram e of
standard w in d o w profile in w h ite co lou r o r w o o d texture-decor,
w ith five cham bers and tw o active gaskets o f special 'p e rm a n e n tly
elastic' structure w h ich p revent precipitation ingress. Profile
installation depth 73 m m , i.e. 76 m m m a tch e s th e EnEv regulations
concerning energ y savings and provides possibility o f installing
insulating glass w ith in th e range of 24-40 m m , w h ic h increases
H sound insulation to 39db (V D I 2719 SSK Class 4) and th e rm a l
■ H U f= 1 .3 W / q m K (D IN EN ISO 10077) insulation. P o ssibilityof setting
up connection profiles th a t ap pe a r at installation, as profiles: for
jo in in g and duplicating, connecting to th e drip, ventilation, etc.
Technical characteristics:
-Selection of openings and colours
-Sta nda rd d o o r w id th and height
-Installation depth 76 m m
-N u m b e r of cham bers 5
-S im p le construction
-Silent operation
-H ig h -q u a lity fitting
In the open state
Construction characteristics of th e profile:
1. Installation depth
Fram e 73 o r 7 6 m m , m ullion 73 o r 76 m m ,
w in g 73 o r 7 6 m m
2. Design
External-internal profile edges and glass
3. Profile w a ll thickness
Fro n ta l-re a r profile w a ll of A Class
4. Gaskets
Fram e-w ing-glass skirting 'p e rm a n e n tly
5. R einforcem ent
Zinc-plated steel profile according to
6. Glazing
Standard and custom ised LO W -E
skirting slightly curved
according to R A L-G Z 716/1, Teil 1 and 7
elastic', of TPE o r EP D M
RAL-RG 716/1, Teil 1 and 7
insulating glass filled w ith argon and
kryp ton, 24 to 40 m m thick
7. Drainage/ventilation
Frontal fra m e and w in g cham bers on
th e profile for drainage and ventilation
8. Fitting
Siegenia T ilt & Slide PSK 160 plus KF
9. Cham bers
Five -ch a m b e r system for th e fram e
and w in g .
10. Colours
B R U G M A N N A D - w h ite co lo u r 9152 o r
S A L A M A N D E R 3DS - w h ite co lou r 9016
and natural co lo u r w o o d te x tu re -d e co r
Cross-section A -A
Fram e /Fitting/ W in g
H R A M 0 3 2 P V C T R A D E Address: street Ibarski w e y bb 32212 Preljina Serbia tel/fax: +382 (0)32 361 213
e-m ail: m po.preljina@ h ram 032 .rs w w w .h ram 03
L e b e n s q u a l i t a t h a t ein Profil
S A L A M A N D E R ID Design Lift & Slide D o o r
Suitable for large glass areas o f Balcony doors provides
panoram ic view , co m forta ble am bie nce and a bu ndance
of light to th e ro o m . Special profile construction allow s
f o ra lo w thre sh old, and gives high stability, longlasting and reliable p erform ance to d o o r fram e and
w in g , th e re b y m a tc h in g th e high EnEv regulation
standards concerning energy savings and provides
possibility of installing insulating glass w ith in th e range
of 2 4 -4 8 m m , w h ich increases sound insulation to 48db
(V D I 2719 SSK Class 4) and th e rm a l U f= 1 .2 W / q m K
(D IN EN ISO 10077) insulation. T h e m a xim u m d o o r
w in g height available fro m 2200 to 2 6 0 0 m m , w here as
th e m a xim u m w id th ranges fro m 3500 to 6 5 0 0 m m .
Technical characteristics:
-Selection o f o penings and colours
-N o n -S ta n d a rd d o o r w id th and height
-Installation depth 172m m
-H igh stability level -L o w threshold
-Silent operation, p a r t o f t h e fittings is tro lle y w ith
rollers, so th e d o o r w in g operates sm o o th ly
-H ig h -q u a lity fitting
c o
ln the open state
Construction characteristics o f th e profile:
1. Installation depth
Fram e 1 7 2 m m , w in g 76 m m
2. R einforcem ent
Fram e A L U profile
3. Profile w all thickness Frontal-re a r profile w a ll of
A Class according to
RAL-G Z 716/1, Teil 1 and 7
4. C om pensation profile Height 19m m , W id th 6 0 m m
5. R einforcem ent
W in g Zinc-plated steel profile
according to RAL-R G 716/1,
Teil 1 and 7
6. Fitting
Siegenia 300 KF
7. G lazing
Standard and custom ised LO W -E
insulating glass filled w ith argon
and krypton, 24 to 40 m m thick
8. Gaskets
Gaskets Fram e-w ing-glass
skirting 'p e rm a n e n tly elastic',
of TPE o r EP D M
9. Sealing strip
10. Carriage-
Reinforcem ent
A L U profile
W in g Zinc-plated steel profile
according to RAL-RG 716/1,
Teil 1 and 7
11. Thresho ld
A L U threshold w ith th e rm a l
bre a k-'bridge'
12.D rainage/ventilation Frontal fram e and w in g
cham bers on th e profile for
drainage and ventilation
13. Colours
S A L A M A N D E R ID - w h ite co lour
9016 and natural c o lo u rw o o d
te x tu re -d e co r
Cross-section A -A
Fram e /ALU threshold / W in g
rdj -
H R A M 0 3 2 P V C T R A D E Address: street Ibarski w e y bb 32212 Preljina Serbia tel/fax: +382 (0)32 361 213
e-m ail: m po.preljina@ h ram 032 .rs
w w w .h ram 03
[9 i i
L e b e n s q u a l i t a t h a t ein Profil
B R U G M A N N A D Design, Entrance d o o r profile. Fram e and w in g w ith slightly curved edges of A lp in e w h ite co lo u r o r w o o d
te x tu re -d e co r w ith fo u r cham bers and tw o active gaskets o f special 'p e rm a n e n tly elastic' construction recessed in th e profile,
enables op tim a l p re ventio n fro m precipitation ingress. Profile installation depth 7 3 m m . Possible installation of insulating glass
o r o rn a m e n te d -fla t PVC filling of 24 m m thickness. Heat transfer coefficient: 1.6 W / q m K , sound insulation Class 3. Fram e and
w in g surface in tw o levels, flat w in g 1 0 5 m m w id e sufficient for installing safety lock - m u ltiple point locking. Fram e and w in g
reinforced according to statistical requ irem ents by zinc-plated reinforcem ent o f 2 m m w a ll thickness. A L U thre sh old w ith
th e rm a l break. Th resho ld and fram e connected by rail..
Construction characteristics of th e profile :
6. A L U thre sh old w ith th e rm a l bre ak-'bridge '
1. Installation of insulated glass up to 4 0 m m o r
7. Evronut for lever m echanism of m u ltip le-
flat o rn a m e n te d PVC fillings fro m 2 4 m m .
point safety lock
2. Glass skirting slightly curved
8. Frontal fram e ch a m b e r for drainage
3. Zinc-plated steel reinforcem ent o f 2 m m
9. Safety lock ch a m b e r of 45 m m w ith
w all thickness
m u ltip le -p o in t locking
4. and 10. Fo u r-c h a m b e r system for excellent
12. 30° inclination w ith slightly curved edges
th e rm a l and sound insulation
for excellent drainage fro m profile w ings.
5. and 11. 'P e rm a n e n tly elastic' gasket
of T P E o r E P D M
D o o rfillin g s
BP 025/P7
BP 007
BP 003
APL 00
Entrance d o o r of
Sa la m an der ID Design style.
Su p e rio r quality, m od e rn
orn a m e n ta l filling design,
w ith heat transfer coefficient
k=1.6 W / q m K , functionality,
w id e v a rie ty o f colours. Glass
fillings in form s of: Insulated,
parsol, polished, orna m e nta l
and tin te d .
A w id e v a rie ty of d o o r tools.
D o o r e q u ip m e n t
P e e p h o le - g o ld , s ilv e r
«1 <1 f f
v -
H a n d ra il - vvh ite / g re y //bblla c k
D o o r h a n d le - w h ite / g r e y / b la c k
H a n d ra il - w h it e / s re y /
Room for individual design.
M o re detailed inform ation
can be obtained fro m th e
m anufacturer.
K n o c k e r - L io n / a n c h o r
"j H
H a n d le -in o x
H a n d le - m a tt
H a n d le - g o ld
r đ j-
H R A M 0 3 2 P V C T R A D E Address: street Ibarski w e y bb 32212 Preljina Serbia tel/fax: +382 (0)32 361 213
e-m ail: m po.preljina@ h ram 032 .rs w w w .h ram 03
L e b e n s q u a l i t a t h a t ein Profil
S A L A M A N D E R ID Design, Entrance d o o r profile. Fram e and w in g w ith slightly cu rve d edges o f A lp in e w h ite co lo u r o r w o o d
te x tu re -d e co r w ith fo u r cham bers and tw o active gaskets o f special 'p e rm a n e n tly elastic' construction recessed in th e profile,
enables op tim a l p re ventio n fro m precipitation ingress. Profile installation depth 7 6 m m . Possible installation of insulating glass
o r o rn a m e n te d -fla t PVC filling of 24 m m thickness. Heat transfer coefficient: 1.6 W / q m K , sound insulation Class 3. Fram e and
w in g surface in tw o levels, flat w in g l l O m m w id e sufficient for installing safety lock - m u ltiple point locking. Fram e and w in g
reinforced according to statistical requ irem ents by zinc-plated reinforcem ent o f 2 m m w a ll thickness. A L U thre sh old w ith
th e rm a l break. Th resho ld and fram e connected by rail..
0 £
Construction characteristics of th e profile :
6. A L U thre sh old w ith th e rm a l bre ak-'bridge '
1. Installation of insulated glass up to 4 0 m m o r
7. Evronut for lever m echanism of m u ltip le-
flat o rn a m e n te d PVC fillings fro m 2 4 m m .
point safety lock
2. Glass skirting slightly curved
8. Frontal fram e ch a m b e r for drainage
3. Zinc-plated steel reinforcem ent o f 2 m m
9. Safety lock ch a m b e r of 45 m m w ith
w all thickness
m u ltip le -p o in t locking
4. and 10. Fo u r-c h a m b e r system for excellent
12. 30° inclination w ith slightly curved edges
th e rm a l and sound insulation
for excellent drainage fro m profile w ings.
5. and 11. 'P e rm a n e n tly elastic' gasket
of T P E o r E P D M
D o o rfillin g s
BP 007
BP 025/P7
BP 003
APL 00
Entrance d o o r of
S a lam an der ID Design style.
Su p e rio r quality, m od e rn
orn a m e n ta l filling design,
t o
k=1.6 W / q m K , functionality,
w ith heat transfer coefficient
w id e va rie ty of colours. Glass
fillings in form s of: Insulated,
parsol, polished, orna m e ntal
and tinte d.
A w id e va rie ty of d o o r tools.
D o o r e q u ip m e n t
B P042
BP 028
P e e p h o le - g o ld , s i l v e r
M o re detailed inform ation
can be obta ined fro m th e
H a n d ra il - vvh ite /' g re y / b ila c k
R oom for individual design.
(fe C
H a n d ra il - w h it e / g r e y / b la c k
m anufacturer.
K n o c k e r - L io n / a n c h o r
H a n d le -in o x
H a n d le - m a tt
H a n d le - g o ld
rd j-
H R A M 0 3 2 P V C T R A D E Address: street Ibarski w e y bb 32212 Preljina Serbia tel/fax: +382 (0)32 361 213
e-m ail: m po.preljina@ h ram 032 .rs
w w w .h ram 03
H e a t loss
v a lu e (W / q m K )
3 -la y e r In s u la tin g
2 -L a y e r In s u la tio n
2 -la y e r In s u la tin g
g la s s s ta n d a r d
g la s s L O W -e
C oefficient of
C oefficient of
C oefficient of
h ea t transfer
hea t transfer
h ea t transfer
U g = 2.5 - 3 W / q m K
U g = 1.0 - 1 . 3 W / q m K
U g = 0 .8 - 0 .4 W / q m K
So la r fa cto r 7 5 %
So la r fa cto r 5 7 %
S ola r fa ctor 4 4 %
g la s s L O W -e
S o la rfa c to r
va lu e (% )
Five -ch a m b e r system for
th e fram e and w in g
W in g and Fram e w ith slightly curved
edges of w h ite o r w o o d decor co lou r
3 -la yer Insulated glass L O W -e
filled w ith argon 36 m m thick
Coefficient of heat transfer
Ug=0.7 W / q m K
T w o specially engineered gaskets, 'p e rm a n e n tly elastic'
black o r grey fro m TPE o r EP D M
Zinc-plated steel profile of w a ll thickness 1 .2 5 m m
L e b e n s q u a l i t a t h a t ein Profil
IN S T IT U T E FOR W IN D O W T E C H N O L O G Y R O S E N H EIM Report 403 27980/1 fro m 3 M arch 2 0 0 4 fo r establishing U W -h e a t transfer
o f l-w in g tilt and tu rn w in d o w s o f standard dim ensions 1 .2 3 x l.4 8 m , m easured according to DIN EN 14351 -1:2 0 06 + A 1 :2 01 0 for
profile co m bination H P 1 22 0-fram e/H P 1720-w in g/G P 1362-glass sk irting/V S1120-reinfo rcem ent B riigm an n A D
Tested standard w in d o w sizes 1.23 x 1.48m
Cross-section A - A
W in d o w
Eb O
HP1220/HP1720/G P1362/VS1120
Heat transfer coefficient U f= 1 .4 (W / q m K )
T h e rm a l obstacle-steel coating oxide/ LO W -E A rgo n lo w em issivity
Th e rm a l b a rrie r coating of iron o xide /LO W -E glass
L O W -E insulated glass, float-glass w ith pyrolytic protection
o f a th in layer of m e ta l-o xide w h ich absorbs heat th a t is
e m itted fro m a heat source and significantly reduces fu rth e r
radiation, hence th e te rm low -e m issio n. H eat transfer
O utside
coefficient U g = 0 .7 (W / q m K).
- Insulated glass stru ctu re : (4EL+12A+4+12A+4EL) th e first
T L : 74%
FSg: 4 4 %
R L : 15%
and th e th ird glass are 4 m m LO W -E w ith th e ir "in n e r" side,
in regard to th e heat source, has p yrolytic p rote ction, i.e. a
th in layer of m etal-o xide and th e second glass is a 4 m m float
glass. T w o TG I spacers of 1 2 m m fo rm an gap filled w ith argon
gas. Total insulated glass thickness is 3 6 m m .
-L in e a r heat transfer coefficient, th e rm a l-rim connecting
spacer -" w a r m fra m e " T IG 1I fg= 0 .0 4 (W / m K )
-Insulated glass transm ission-natural light passing TL= 7 4 %
-Ligh t reflection RL=15%
> -
-Insulated glass solar factor-hea t transfer FSg=44%
U w - coefficient of heat transfer th ro u g h w in d o w (W / q m K )
Analytical estim ation o f U w -h e a t co ndu ctivity
Ag - surface glass w in d o w s (q m )
th ro u gh th e w in d o w :
Ug -
coefficient of heat transfer th ro u gh glass (W / q m K )
A f - surface profile o f th e co m bina tion of w in d o w (q m )
(/ w
+ Z /9y < (W /qm K)
U f - coefficient of heat transfer th ro u gh profile (W / q m K )
Lg - total length o f th e spacer fram e-spacers T IG (m )
- linear heat transfer coefficient (W / m K )
> -
Q ua lita tive classes energo attest w in d o w
Insulating glass
D is ta n ce fra m e fo r
Fra m e
(sam ple)
in s u la tin g glass
p ro file
W in d o w
values k w h / q m / y e a rly
incre a :
U 9
E n E V h a r m o n is e d
a c c o r d i n g to
0IN EN 673/DIN EN 674
A lu m in iu m
A c c o r d i n g to
W a rm
fra m e T G I"
1 0 0 7 7 -1 : 2 0 0 6 -1 1
B 7 6 -9 5 b e tte rth a n e x p e c te d
C 9 6 -1 0 0 m a tc h in g e xpectations
D 1 0 1 -1 2 0 d o s e to e xpectations
E 1 2 1 -1 5 0 b e tte r th a n average
F 1 5 1 -1 9 0 average
G 1 9 1 -2 5 0 close to average
H 2 5 1 -3 4 0 p o o r
I o v e r 340 bad
Pow er con sum ption 65 k W h (q m ) per year
Conclusion: Resolute opinio n th a t th e n u m b e r of cham bers on PVC profile has a vital role o ve r th e rm a l insulation of PVC-e
w in d o w s , and can serve o nly fo r th e p u rpose of m arketing. By application of profile co m bina tion HP1220/HP1720/G P1362/
VS1120 B riigm an n A D System Sa lam an der w ith tw o gaskets and installation o f th re e -la y e r LO W -E insulated glass filled w ith
argon, w e im p ro ve th e rm a l insulation b y 1 0 0 % co m p are d to standard PVC-e w in d o w s w ith do u b le insulated glass. Th is is h o w
w e get energy-saving w in d o w th a t m eets th e re qu ire m e nts of EnEV standard U w < 1 .3 W / q m K - Coefficient of heat transfer
th ro u gh w in d o w . T h e tested w in d o w is suitable fo r installation in lo w -e n e rg y buildings. Analytical and ta b u la r data fro m the
re p o rt dem onstrate th a t by application o f B riigm an n A D System Sa la m an de r has balanced th e effects of th e n u m b e r of
cham bers and glass stru ctu re o v e r total heat transfer va lu e U w = 0 .9 9 (W / q m K ), w h ich is be tter th a n th e re qu ire m ents of EnEV
standard and classifies this w in d o w as an A category of ene rg y attest w ith ye a rly e ne rg y co nsu m p tion o f 65 k W h (q m ).
rd j-
H R A M 0 3 2 P V C T R A D E Address: street Ibarski w e y bb 32212 Preljina Serbia tel/fax: +382 (0)32 361 213
e-m ail: m po.preljina@ h ram 032 .rs
w w w .h ram 03
H e a t loss
v a lu e (W / q m K )
2 -L a y e r In s u la tio n
3 -la y e r In s u la tin g
2 -la y e r In s u la tin g
g la s s L O W -e
g la s s s ta n d a r d
C oefficient of
C oefficient of
C oefficient of
h ea t transfer
hea t transfer
hea t transfer
U g = 2.5 - 3 W / q m K
U g = 1.0 - 1 . 3 W / q m K
So la r fa cto r 7 5 %
i_ g la s s L O W -e
S ola r fa cto r 5 7 %
U g = 0 .8 - 0 .4 W / q m K
S ola r fa ctor 4 4 %
S o la rfa c to r
va lu e ( % )
Five -ch a m b e r system for th e fram e
and six cham bers for th e w in g
3 -la ye r L O W -E insulated glass thickness is 3 6 m m filled
w ith argon, heat transfer coefficient U g = 0 .7 (W / q m K )
Th re e specially engineered gaskets,
'p e rm a n e n tly elastic'
and F ra m e w ith rounded edges of
w h ite o r w o o d decor co lo u r
Zinc-plated steel profile of
w a ll thickness 1 .5 0 m m
Lebensqualitat hat ein Profil
OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY for windows with 3-layer glass of SALAMANDER 3DS design.
IN S T IT U T E FOR W IN D O W T E C H N O L O G Y R O S E N H EIM Report 403 27980/2 fro m 3 M arch 2 0 0 4 fo r establishing U W -h e a t transfer
of l-w in g tilt and tu rn w in d o w s o f standard dim ensions 1 .2 3 x l.4 8 m , m easured according to DIN EN 14351-1 :2 00 6 +A 1 :20 1 0 for
profile co m bina tion H P 12 2 0-fram e/H P 1720-w in g/G P 1362-glass sk irting/V S1120-reinfo rcem ent B riigm an n A D
Cross-section A - A
Tested standard w in d o w sizes 1.23 x 1.48m
W in d o w
Profile co m bina tion fo r w in d o w
HP1220/HP1720/G P1362/VS1120
Heat transfer coefficient U f= 1 .4 (W / q m K )
T h e rm a l obstacle-steel coating oxide/ LO W -E A rgo n lo w em issivity
Th e rm a l b a rrie r coating of iron o xide /LO W -E glass
L O W -E insulated glass, float-glass w ith pyrolytic protection
o f a th in layer of m e ta l-o xide w h ich absorbs heat th a t is
e m itted fro m a heat source and significantly reduces fu rth e r
radiation, hence th e te rm low -e m issio n. H eat transfer
O utside
coefficient U g = 0 .7 (W / q m K).
- Insulated glass stru ctu re : (4EL+12A+4+12A+4EL) th e first
T L : 74%
FSg: 4 4 %
R L : 15%
and th e th ird glass are 4 m m LO W -E w ith th e ir "in n e r" side,
in regard to th e heat source, has p yrolytic p rote ction, i.e. a
th in layer of m etal-oxide and th e second glass is a 4 m m float
glass. T w o TG I spacers of 12 m m fo rm an gap filled w ith argon
gas. Total insulated glass thickness is 3 6 m m .
-L in e a r heat transfer coefficient, th e rm a l-rim connecting
spacer -" w a r m fra m e " T IG 1I fg= 0 .0 4 (W / m K )
-Insulated glass transm ission-natural light passing TL= 7 4 %
-Ligh t reflection RL=15%
-Insulated glass solar factor-hea t transfer FSg=44%
U w - coefficient of heat transfer th ro u g h w in d o w (W / q m K )
A nalytical estim ation o f U w -h e a t co ndu ctivity
Ag - surface glass w in d o w s (q m )
th ro u gh th e w in d o w :
(/ w
Ug -
Z A9 +Z Af
Z ' V V Z - ^ + Z ;gy/< (W /qm K)
^ g - linear heat transfer coefficient (W / m K )
D is ta n ce fra m e fo r
F ra m e
(sam ple)
in s u la tin g glass
p ro file
U 9
E n E V h a r m o n is e d
a c c o r d i n g to
DIN EN 673/DIN EN 674
A lu m in iu m
U f - coefficient of heat transfer th ro u gh profile (W / q m K )
Lg - total length o f th e spacer fram e-spacers T IG (m )
Insulating glass
coefficient of heat transfer th ro u gh glass (W / q m K )
A f - surface profile o f th e co m bina tion of w in d o w (q m )
A c c o r d i n g to
W a rm
fra m e T G I"
W in d o w
1 0 0 7 7 -1 : 2 0 0 6 -1 1
B 7 6 -9 5 b ette r th a n e xpected
C 9 6 -1 0 0 m a tc h in g e xpectations
D 1 0 1 -1 2 0 close to e xpectations
E 1 2 1 -1 5 0 b e tte r th a n average
F 1 5 1 -1 9 0 average
G 1 9 1 -2 5 0 d o s e to average
H 2 5 1 -3 4 0 p o o r
I over 340 bad
0 .04
Pow er con sum ption 60 k W h (q m ) per year
Conclusion: Resolute opinio n th a t th e n u m b e r of cham bers on PVC profile has a vital role o ve r th e rm a l insulation of PVC-e
w in d o w s , and can serve o nly fo r th e p u rpose of m arketing. By application of profile co m bina tion 110 220/211 365/413 922/
215 025 Sa la m an de r 3D Design w ith th re e gaskets and installation of th re e -la ye r LO W -E insulated glass filled w ith argon, w e
im p ro ve th e rm a l insulation by 1 00% co m p a re d to standard PVC-e w in d o w s w ith d o u b le insulated glass. Th is is h o w w e get
energy-saving w in d o w th a t m eets th e requ irem e nts of EnEV standard U w < 1 .3 W / q m K - Coefficient of heat transfer throu gh
w in d o w . T h e tested w in d o w is suitable fo r installation in lo w -e n e rg y buildings. A nalytical and ta b u la r data fro m th e re p o rt
dem onstrate th a t by application o f S a la m an de r 3DS w ith th re e gaskets has balanced th e effects of th e n u m b e r o f cham bers
and glass stru ctu re o v e r total heat transfer value U w = 0 .9 2 (W / q m K ), w h ich is be tter th a n th e re qu ire m ents of EnEV standard
and classifies this w in d o w as an A category of energy attest w ith ye arly energy co nsu m p tion of 60 k W h (q m ).
H R A M 0 3 2 P V C T R A D E Address: street Ibarski w e y bb 32212 Preljina Serbia tel/fax: +382 (0)32 361 213
e-m ail: m po.preljina@ h ram 032 .rs
w w w .h ram 03
:omfort c Fliving
from its most beč utiful side
■ ■ *
*1.4 .
WEISS 5000
W EISS PROFIL fro m Sofia, Bulgaria has been extruding PVC-e profiles o u t of th e highest qu ality m aterials
by th e m eans o f a special form u la th a t is suitable fo r all w e a th e r conditions fo r ten years now . Th is is h o w
th e y becom e resilient to o u td o o r im pacts, unique and virtu a lly unpre ced e nte d in all w e a th e r conditions.
European appearance and design m a nufactured by the latest A ustrian technology. Profile q u a lity is in
accordance w ith m a nufacturing standard EN 14351-1 and it makes it possible to use CE m a rking th a t
entails nu m e ro u s privileges w h e n exporting to th e EU. Tested in a m od ern-accredite d la bora tory equipped
w ith precise m easuring apparatus.
and w in g area in tw o planes - 'staggered', curved
profile edges in w h ite o r w o o d texture colour*
of installing m u lti-la y e r insulating
glass in th e range o f 2 4 -4 0 m m
indented gaskets
Reinforced by steel zinc-plated profile
W EISS PROFIL 5000 C u rve d profile edges w ith five cham bers, in w h ite o r w o o d texture colour. T w o indented gaskets th a t
successfully p re ve n t inflow of w ater, w in d , noise, high and lo w te m p era tu re s. Profile installation d e pth 7 2 m m , according
to standards of EnEV regulations a b o u t energy savings and provides possibility o f installing insulating glass in th e range
of 2 4 -4 0 m m , w h ich increases sound insulation to 32-35cb and th e rm a l insulation to 1.6 W / q m K . Fram e and w in g area in
tw o planes - 'staggered', w in g area has g u tte r fo r shackle of 1 3 m m (D IN V EN V 1627 class 2) w h ich decreases th e
p ossibility of forced entries. Fram e and w in g reinforced according to statistic re quirem ents b y a steel zinc-plated profile.
For connection profile installation, W eiss profile 5000 has developed a variable system w ith all connectors available in
civil engine ering, such as profiles: for connecting and duplicating, linking to w in d o w sill and d rip , etc. Detailed inform ation
available fro m m anufacturer.
cham bers, profile installation d e p th 72 m m
rd j--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
^ jj
H R A M 0 3 2 P V C T R A D E Address: street Ibarski w e y bb 32212 Preljina Serbia tel/fax: +382 (0)32 361 213
e-m ail: m po.preljina@ h ram 032 .rs
w w w .h ram 03
mallest detai
W EISS 5000 entrance d o o r profile. Fram e and w in g are cu rve d, in vvhite and w o o d textu re colour, w ith fo u r cham bers
and t w o active gaskets indented into th e profile enable op tim a l pre ventio n fro m precipitation inf1ow. Profile installation
depth 7 2 m m . Possibility of installing insulating glass o r o rn a m e n te d o r flat PVC fillings fro m 24 to 4 0 m m thick. Heat transfer
coefficient: f o rt h e insulating glass - 1 .1 W / q m K , for PVC fillings. 1.6 W / q m K , sound insulation of th e th ird c la s s .. Fram e
and w in d o w area in tw o planes, w in g flat 9 5 m m w id e , enough for installing safety lock w ith m u lti-p o in t locking. Fram e and
w in g reinforced according to statistic requ ire m e nts by zinc-plated reinforcem ent of 1 .5 m m thick w a ll. D o o r threshold is A LU
w ith th e rm a l bridge, connected to th e fram e via PVC connectors.
Construction characteristics of th e profile :
6. A L U threshold w ith th e rm a l bre a k-'bridg e '
1. Installation of insulated glass up to 4 0 m m o r
7. Evronut for lever m echanism o f m u ltip le -
flat o rn a m e n te d PVC fillings fro m 2 4 m m .
point safety lock
2. Glass skirting slightly curved
8. Frontal fram e ch a m b e r for drainage
3. Zinc-plated steel reinforcem ent o f 2 m m
9. Safety lock ch a m b e r of 45 m m w ith
w all thickness
m u ltip le -p o in t locking
4. and 10. Fo u r-c h a m b e r system for excellent
12. 30° inclination w ith slightly cu rved edges
th e rm a l and sound insulation
for excellent drainage fro m profile w ings.
5. and 11. 'P e rm a n e n tly elastic' gasket
of T P E o r E P D M
D o o rfillin g s
BP 005/P7
BP 007
APL 00
BP 003
Entrance d o o r of
W eiss 5000 Design style.
Su p e rior quality, m o d e rn
orna m e ntal filling design,
w ith heat transfer coefficient
k=1.6 W / q m K , functionality,
w id e va rie ty of colours. Glass
fillings in fo rm s of: Insulated,
parsol, polished, orna m e ntal
and tinted.
A w id e varie ty of d o o r tools.
D o o r e q u ip m e n t ^ Pee^ ° le' 60ld'
Room for individual design.
v v
H andrail - w h ite / grey/black
Handrail - w h ite / grey/black
M o re detailed inform ation
can be obtained fro m the
m anufacturer.
K n o c k e r- Lion/anchor
H a n d le -ino x
H andle - m att
H andle -g o ld
H R A M 0 3 2 P V C T R A D E Address: street Ibarski w e y bb 32212 Preljina Serbia tel/fax: +382 (0)32 361 213
e-m ail: m po.preljina@ h ram 032 .rs
w w w .h ram 03
-g _
l f
Technical characteristics-Basic elem ents
Inner housing cross-section
shutters w ith th e rm a l insulation
1. A L U o r PVC shutter casing
2. Profiled th e rm a l insulation
3. S h utter coverlid for revision
4. P V C -e o r A L U slats-blinds
5. M e cha nism for shutters
6. Final slat
7. Slats-blinds guide rail
8. A xle for w in d in g PVC-e o r A LU
Shutter, insect screen and balcony d o o r systems for th e first installation and in d o o r/ o u td o o r renovations in accordance w ith
EnEv regulations regarding energy savings. S im p ly designed casing w ith slightly curved edges in w h ite o r RAL colours. Casing
construction prevents ingress of w ater, w in d , high and lo w tem p era tu re s, suitable for first installation and renovating w ith o r
w ith o u t insect screens. Fram e and casing connection via ru b b e r seals. Blinds PVC o r A L U slats, in w h ite o r in RAL colours.
For in d o o r shutters heat transfer coefficient th ro u g h PVC casing is U s b = 0 .8 2 W /q m K , w h ere as heat transfer coefficient throu gh
A L U casing is U s b = 3 .7 2 W /q m K . For o u td o o r shutters, heat transfer coefficient th ro u gh casing w ith o u t affect on th e rm a l
insulation. Sound insulation for both casing typ es is o f th e th ird class
PVC o r ALU dassically designed m aterial, suitable for e ve ry house and
facade style. W h ite o r w o o d texture colour, shape and dim ensions
according to statistical re quirem ents ensure strength and safety.
Resistant to water, w in d , high and lo w te m p e ra tu re ingress. Interspace
of PVC curtain-slat profile filled w ith air, th e sam e interspace of ALU
curtain-slat profile filled w ith p o lyu re than e, w h ich ensures o ptim a l
th e rm a l and sound insulation.
Shutter e q u ip m e n t:
Slat-blinds starting is achieved by th e m eans of m echanical o r electric
drive. Small and m ediu m -size d areas (u p to 2 q m ) of slats-blinds are
operated by th e m eans of m echanical drive of 'cigarette case' shutter
m o to r lever m echanism - 'crank'. Larger areas (fro m 2 q m ) of slat-blinds
are easily and effortlessly operated by the m eans of e le c tro m o to r via
w a ll-sw itch co m m a n d , rem o te sw itch o r a u tom a tic tim er.
Technical characteristics-Basic elem ents
C on vincing - fro m and function
O u tw a rd housing cross-section
1. A L U shutter casing
2. PVC-e o r A L U slats-blinds
3. Final slat
4. Slats-blinds guide rail
5. A xle for w in d in g PVC-e o r A LU
Insect screens present optim al
protection against all types of insects,
rodents and small anim als. In offer, w e
have t w o insect screen typ es - roll and
fixed. Roll insect screen construction is
an A LU casing w h ich reels up grey
fibreglass net resilient to m oisture, sun
and lim ited m echanical dam aging,
transm its 4 0 % of air. Fixed insect screen
Fix insect screens
construction is an A L U fram e w ith
fibreglass net.
rd j —
H R A M 0 3 2 P V C T R A D E Address: street Ibarski w e y bb 32212 Preljina Serbia tel/fax: +382 (0)32 361 213
e-m ail: m po.preljina@ h ram 032 .rs w w w .h ram 03
Stylish sun protection
for your home
iH o o o f l!
Lebensqualitat hat ein Profil
S A L A M A N D E R classically designed profile for Shutters-Blinds.
W in g w ith filling - fixed o rt u rn in g slats w ith slightly curved
edges of alpine w h ite o r w o o d decor colour*, o p tim a lly
prevents th e ingress of w ater, w in d o r sun according to
D IN EN 13659, decreases th e o u te r influence of heat, cold,
light o r noise. W in d o w s and slats reinforced according to
th e statistical requ ire m e nts by zinc-plated reinforcem ent
th a t is w e ld e d on all fo u r angles to w in g profile by th e m eans
o f PVC 'w e ld in g '-a n g le connector, w h ich prevents its
d e form a tion. Profile installation depth 48 m m . T h e t u rn in g
fitting enables closing o f slats o r its bolting to th e house w a ll
u pon ope n in g. Fu rth e r inform ation can be acquired from
th e m anufacturer.
*Color W o o d Tex tu re -D e co r
W a ln u t illu m in a te s
W a ln u t d a rk
G o l d e n -O u k
D a rk - O a k
C h e rry w o o d
M ahagoni
Technical data for Slats and W in d o w s :
1. PVC fixed slats
2. Insulating glass w in d o w
3. Steel zinc-plated reinforcem ent for PVC blinds
4 . Shutters-Blinds fitting
5. Shutters-Blinds w in g
6. Carrie r for fixed slats
7. Steel zinc-plated reinforcem ent for w in g
8 . W in d o w
H R A M 0 3 2 P V C T R A D E Address: street Ibarski w e y bb 32212 Preljina Serbia tel/fax: +382 (0)32 361 213
e-m ail: m po.preljina@ h ram 032 .rs w w w .h ram 03
C o e ffic ie n t o f h e a t t ra n s f e r t h r o u g h p r o f ile -B iig m a n n A D
C e r t if ic a t e s -D I N IS O 9 0 0 1 : 2 0 0 0
C o e ffic ie n t o f h e a t t r a n s f e r t h r o u g h p r o f ile -S a la m a n d e r 3 D S
N a c h w e is
N a c h w e is
Energieeinsparung und W armeschutz
Aulro^gtbtr Sa|ai11ander
P rufbe rich t 432 25151/1
***»*■" Salamander
Industrie-Produkte GmbH
Jakob-Sigle-Str. 58
tVVVeitenfor Kunststoffprolile
auj Fensteisystemen*
Industrie-Produkte GmbH
Postfach 160
Energieeinsparung und W armeschutz
P riifb e ric h t 432 27109/1
DoutschoGOMlteehaft iui ZoitiRdcnuiKvon M»natomontiyltomon
86842 Torkheim
prEN 12^12-2 1»7-10
BeMtnrmjnfl desWdrmedurch-
Salam andcr Industrie-Prođuktc GmbH
iN12412-2 l»7-10
Kunststoffprofie aus Fenstersystemen
PlOdJrt Flugel-Blendrahmen-Profilkombination
junjen t ON ENsowie
ti<hi-i.nj BrOgmannAD
Bautiefe BlenCrahmen 73 mm
Bautiefe FlOgelrahmen 73 mm
0 26871 Papenbure
jitsme« Ansichtsbreite ist variabel
iijmai PVC / U (PVC-hart)
»steituna Stahl verzinkt______________________
Entwtd*jnfcHersteSungundVemicbvonPro«en. technbchenfcflenundLederf»seisto(ren
NactmeisdesVVooneduichqangsioelfi2ierten Cifurdas
Emspnchtd«nmtonalanF«s-------- smganEDMENsom
SNhe Anloge2
Design 3D und Design 3DS
Bautiefe BlendrahmerVSprosse 76 mm
Fiogelrahmen 76 mm fiachenversetzt.
86 mm fiachenbondig
Ansichtsbreite ist variabel
... ■PVC
Oesei PnAencMdwnzun
gangskoenzMnienV,lui das
-------- gepiun« Pio«sysi«m
AusiuAn] Stahl. verzinkt
Q ualitatsm anagcm entsystem
eirgefuhnhat undan»*ndet.
beschnebenePro«system Die
dei PinfuT#zugiundehegendenVerfahrenbasierenau*
DurchcinAudt. dokumcrrbert ineHnemBertcht. wur0edef
Nacfcwe&eibracht. dassdteses(JualnAtsmonagcments^em
dieFofdenjngendcr tolgendcnNomi etfuBt:
D«sesZertiUat at 0jltigbis
FtankfuttamMato. Bcrlin
Ancerunjenergeten. nekhe
*e Mess- btw. Rechenergebinssebeeinflissen.
C/f= 1,4 W/(m •K)
U i= 1,3 W/(m2 - K )
(ic 4 £ l
lQ N e t
W a rra n ty
SMcMluittm t> HelmiitHcfirMMi 830MRoMnh»im
ZcrtfcKKunjMiofc. PUZSBIe
T«**|0)TO1 »1-0
Lder Oot.-SioiIFMl J’nchSleMoth F«< M9(018C01261-2S0
Kb 3»». 812711S
---------- -------
C o e ffic ie n t o f h e a t t ra n s f e r t h r o u g h w i n d o w -B r i i g m a n n
C o e ffic ie n t o f h e a t tra n s fe r t h r o u g h w i n d o w -S a la m a n d e r 3 D S
N a c h w e is
n a « ;iiw e id
S A L A M A N D E R - Fensterprofile
Energieeinsparung und W armeschutz
E n ergieeinsparung und W 3rm eschutz
PrO fbericht 403 27980/1
1I g lll
P rufbe rich t 403 27980/2
ftiaggeber Salamander
Audraggebc-r Sa|aman{jer
Industrie-Produkte GmbH
Jakob-Sigle-Str. 58
Firma Salamander Industrie-Produkte GmbH, D - 86842 T0rkheim/8ayern,
fOr die Dauer von
ENISO 12567-1 2000-09
Industrie-Produkte GmbH
Jakob-Sigle-Str. 58
ENIS012M7-1 2000-09
Heizkastenverlahtens. Terl 1
86842 TOrkheim
86842 TOrkheim
piodnki einflugeliges Einfachfenster
Produn einflOgeliges Einfachfenster
10 Jahren
R fl
I mI
Bezeichnung Design 3D
Bezeichnung BrUgmann AD
fOr vveiOe und folienkaschierte Profile
(BxHinmm) 1230 mm x 1480 mm
(RMawral PVC-U/weiS, Stahl/verzinkt
Oflnungsan Drehkipp
Mehrscheiben-lsolierglas SANCO Silverstar Typ 3-fach Kr
Aufbau: 4 / 1 2 /4 / 1 2 /4 mm
GasfOllung: 97 % / 98 % Krypton
Beschichtung: Pos. 2 und Pos. 5 (Ji9= 0,04)
FuUur j Abstandhalter: Edelstahl / Chromatech
zeichnungsgerechte Formbeschaffenheit
Wetterechtheit (Farbanderung),
StoBfestigkeit in der Kalte,
Oiesei Piulbenchidrenl zum
gangskoefAzienienI .
PVC-U/weiB, Stahl/verzinkt
Ollnungsait Drehkipp
Mehrscheiben-lsolierglas SANCO Silverstar Typ 3-fach Kr
Aufbau: 4 / 1 2 /4 / 1 2 /4 mm
Gasfiillung: 97 % / 98 % Krypton
Beschichtung: Pos. 2 und Pos. 5 (>l»j= 0,04)
Fuiung Abstandhalter: Edelstahl / Chromatech
DieseiPnilbenchl dientzui
gangskoelSzienien( ,
Besondeiheilen —
Uv = 0,92 W/(ma ■K)
Die Gevvahrleistung erstreckt sich auf das Gebiet der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Belgien,
Danemark, England, Frankreich, Luxemburg, Niederlande, Osterreich, Polen, Schvveiz, Slovvakische
Republik, Slovvenien, Tschechische Republik, Serbien, Montenegro.
D - 86842 TOrkheim, Jakob-Sigle Str. 58
r A Hans-JurgenHa
T e s t in g -M a t e r ia l p r o p e r t ie s
T e s t in g -M a t e r i a l p r o p e r t ie s
C e r tif ic a t e s R A L -G Z 7 1 6 / 1
SALAMANDER-Kunststoff-Fensterprofile werden aus hochschlagzah
modifiziertem Hart-PVC entsprechend den RAL-Gute- und Pruf-bestimmungen
fur Kunststoff-Fensterprofile RAL-GZ 716/1 hergestellt.
ift-K O N F O R M IT A T S Z E R T IF IK A T
Durchgefarbte Hart-PVC-Formmasse in weiB, braun und Sonderfarben (z. B. cremeweiG, ocker).
------ ! i —* L - |= u i
Bezeichnung nach DIN EN ISO 1163-1:
Formmasse ISO 1163-PVGU, EDLP, 082-25-28
PVC = Polyvinylchlorid
U = Hart (weichmacherfrei)
E = Extrusion
R egistrier-Nr. 117
Die GUtegemeinschaft Kunststoff-Fensterprofile im QualitStsverband
B eschlage /Hardware
D = Pulver
L = licht- und witterungsbestandig stabilisiert
P = schlagzah modifiziert
Kunststofferzeugnisse e.V. verleiht nach Prflfung der Voraussctzungen der Firma
irehkipptoGschlag«lur F
S a la m a n d e r I n d u s trie -P ro d u k te G m b H
activPilot, proPllot
Tiirkheim, Jakob-Sigle-StraDe 58
das vom RAL (Dcutsches Institut filr GUtesicherung und Kennzeichnung e.V.)
anerkannte und zeichenrechtlich geschUtzte
Priifzeichen der Gtitegem einschaft Kunststoff-Fensterprofile
Die SALAMANDER Formmasse ubertrifft die Anforderungen der RAL-GZ 716/1.
im Q ualitatsverband K unststofferzeugnisse e.V.
filr die Hauptproftle des Fenstersystems
Uberwacht nach Teil I, Abschnitt I der RAL-GZ 716/1
Produktionsstatte: Turkheim
Mit der Verleihung des Rechts zur FUhrung des PrUfzeichens ist die Veipflichtung
verbunden, ftir die Einhaltung der RAL GUte- und PrUfbestimmungen Abschnitt I
- RAL-GZ 716/1 - Gewflhr zu bieten. AuBerdem untcrlicgt die Fertigung der obengenannten Erzeugnissc einer stiindigen amOichen GUteUberwachung durch eine neutrale
GUtegemeinschaft Kunststoff-Fensterprofile
im Qualit8tsverband Kunststofferzeugnisse e.V.
Priifung an Pressplatten
Der GUteausschuB
tA p
Bonn, den 03. September 1999
T h e rm o g ra p h y is a contactless recording and m e asu re m e nt techn ology o f th e rm a l radiation and its
d istribu tio n across th e area o f a buildin g. T h e m easuring result is visible o n th e th e rm o g ra p h -p e rm a n e n t
record o f m easurem ents. T h e v e ry p ro ce d ure o f th e rm o g ra p h ic inspection includes IR cam era recording
and im age softvvare processing (th e rm o g ra m ), based o n w hich w e detect heat losses:
7% loss through the roof
4 0 % loss through the w indow s
22% loss through the walls
16% loss through the floor
15% other losses
Th e rm o g ra m -im a g e
1 15 s
uncontrollable air leaks th a t can increase th e n u m b e r o f replacem ents of defective w in d o w s and raise
e n e rg y loss up to 6 0 % . Energetic inspection w ith o u t recording b y the m eans o f infrared th e rm o g ra p h y
especially favours p o o r w in d o w m anufacturers and contractors, because it conceals e rro rs visible only
after several years, a t th e expense of custom ers and investors them selves because o f constant
reclam ations and reparations o n n e w ly -b u ilt buildings. O u r w in d o w s are distinguished b y high -q u a lity
m aterial and processing and innovative practical solutions for saving energy.
M o d e rn design and w id e range of w o o d decor colours. H igh level o f accuracy o f m anufacturing
and installation, h ig h -q u a lity hinges, low -em ission, LO W -E insulating glass filled w ith argon
and krypton.* M aterial, m anufacturing and installation w arran ty.
Address: street Ibarski w ey bb
32212 Preljina Serbia tel/fax: +382 (0)32 361 213