THE Spanish dream team of Adam Raga, Albert Cabestany, Toni
THE Spanish dream team of Adam Raga, Albert Cabestany, Toni
Brits setae for second TH E Spanish dream team o f A dam R aga, A lb ert C abestany, Toni Bou and Jeroni Fajardo gave the o th er eig h t team s in the W orld cham p i o n sh ip class o f the m e n ’s Trial Des N ations a m aster class in riding as they rom ped hom e clear w in n ers at B real-sous M ontfort, France, as had been w id ely predicted. W ith the loss of just 18m arks for the two laps of 18 sections, Spain finished well clear of a British team that had Initially lead the event, but eventually had to settle for a safe runners-up posi tion as their challenge faded late on the first lap and never recovered. Looking to repeat the success of the W om en’s team twenty-four hours earli er, the British men sim ply had no answer to the might of the Spanish quartet. G reat Britain, represented by Dougie Lampkin, Graham Jarvis, Jam es D abill and Shaun M orris, put the S panish fa vo urite s under p ressure as th e y first m atched th e ir E uropean co u n te rp a rts with faultless rides through the first six hazards of the day before m oving ahead of them at section seven. R aga’s team responded, but could not shake the Brits off their tail until much later in the lap. Holding a m ere four m ark lead after 15 sections, Spain was about to show its suprem acy as it added no further m arks to its score through the three much more difficult closing hazards. In contrast Britain’s campaign fell a p a rt as it recorded heavy losses at this decisive m om ent to trail Spain by 16m arks at the halfway point. S pectacular action from British team ster Jam es Dabill as he helps the squad to second overall in France. Despite this quick change in fortunes, Britain’s eventual second position was alm ost secured at this stage as they held a 44-m ark lead over the Japanese squad lead by Takahisa Fujinami, who cur rently held third place just ahead of Italy. W ith the best th re e sco re s co u n ting in each section, Japan make their plight a touch m ore dif ficult by only fielding a three m an team w ith Fujinam i being su p p orte d by two Report: G2F Pictures: ERIC KITCHEN younger team m em bers in the form of S corpa m ounted Fum itaka N ozaki and Tsuyoshi O gaw a on an Italian-backed Montesa. The Italians had opted for a blend of old and new with D iego Bosis m aking his tw e n ty second Trials Des Nations appearance beside current W orld cham pionship regulars, Fabio Lenzi, D aniele M au rin o and Michele Orizio. The scrap for third, fourth and fifth places provided perhaps the most interest, as Japan, Italy and homeboys France fought it out for the last podium spot. W ith an im proved second lap pe rfo rm a n ce Japan fin a lly secured a w ell-earned place on the rostrum as they came hom e ju s t e ig h t-m a rks ahead of Italy, who in turn defeated France by the same margin to com plete the top five. The purpose developed trials park at Breal Sous M on tfo rt near R ennes in France is sim ply trials para dise. T he steep-sided, wooded valle y that sits directly in front of the many recently constructed clu b house buildings, hides some of the best trials terrain in Northern Europe. Based on the course that had been used when the W orld cham pio n sh ip last visite d this venue back in 2003, the loop had been slightly extended to allow for the increased en try size and the three extra sections that is part of the m odern TDN form at. Both Spain and G reat Britain arrived in the large open quarry area without having lost m arks, w here they found the first real test of the day. Both the severity and length o f section seven played havoc with m ost rid- Shaun Morris looks at home on Back Cowm type rockery. Shaun M orris, Jam es Dabill, G raham Jarvis apd Opugie Lam pkin line-up alongside rivals and TdN w inners Spain and third place finishes Japan, the latter just sporting a three-m an team.