e Have A Home - Ninety


e Have A Home - Ninety
e Have A H om e
1976 Fall Sectional
Septem ber 24, 25 & 26, 1976
Ironm en Inn, Iowa C ity, Iowa
Tentative plans are:
B u s in e s s s e s s io n s S a tu rd a y
m orning (and the rest o f the tim e
devoted to living it up, Iowa S tyle!)
Tours of both the Amana C olonies
and the Hoover Presidential Library
spe ake r-lntem a tion ally
fam ous space expert
By Eleanor Linderbaum
Give a B ook
by a 9 9
for Christm as
Volume 2, Number 11, November 1975
The Ninety-Nines, Incorporated
W ill Rogers W orld A irp ort
International Headquarters
O klahom a City, Oklahoma 73159
Return Form 3579 to above address
2nd Class Postage pd. at N orth Little Rock, Ark .
and at additional m ailing offices.
E d ito r...................................................................................................................Mardo Crane
C irculation M anager.......................................................................................Loretta Gragg
C ontributing E dito rs.................................................................. M ary Foley - B etty Hicks
E d ito ria l A ssistant ....................................................................................... Phyllis Pierce
We Have A Home — Hazel Jones...................................................................................... 1
Powder Puff Derby To End.................................................................................................. 3
M ichigan Small Race Results............................................................................................. 6
Kachina Doll Race Results.................................................................................................. 6
To Save An A irp o rt — M ardo Crane.................................................................................. 7
Deltona Derby Results.......................................................................................................... 7
Pacific A ir Race Results....................................................................................................... 8
99s Canadian Award — H eather S ifto n ............................................................................ 9
Sally Buegeleisen — INTO THE W IND
(Random House)
Jo Eddleman — COWS ON THE
RUNWAY (obtain from author)
ENGINES! (obtain from AWTAR H dqtrs.)
Viola G entry — HANGAR FLYING (w rite
4 Santa Fe Rd., C helm sford, Mass. 01824.)
Page Sham burger — TRACKS ACROSS
( L ip p in c o tt ) ;
(W olverine Press, Paperback Crown).
(M acM illan)
Louise Thaden — HIGH, WIDE, AND
( A ir
F a c ts
P re ss.
Authographed copies from the C arolinas
These books should be a part of every
99s library. The authors addresses are in
our roster. Each w ill provide an autograph
w hich can be pasted easily in you r book.
For that friend w ho has everything — she
hasn’t if you haven’t given her a BOOK BY
A 99!
F fi
r F rom W orld's L a rg e s t P ilo t .
Ser to: S porty s Pilot Shop
Clerm ont County A irport
Batavia. O hio 45103
Phone: (513) 732-2411
President Pat's A ction Lin e .................................................................................................. 1
Chapter Personalities........................................................................................................ 4-5
New B rie fs............................................................................................................................... 7
Scrapbook — B etty M cN abb...............................................................................................8
Project A.W.A.R E. — C harlene F alkenberg....................................................................8
Aviation Law — S ylvia Paoli................................................................................................ 8
C om m ittee R eports........................................................................................................10-13
A ir Age Education — Linda Hooker
APT — M argo Smith
AWTAR — Wanda Cumm ings
Flying A ctivitie s — Charlene Falkenberg
Legislative Inform ation — Joan Kerwiri
NIFA — Page Sham burger
PPD — Bi-C entennial 76 — Pam V erder Linden
S afety Education — M arilyn Hibner
S ection R eports....................................................................................................................13
C hapter R eports................................................................................................................... 14
President — Pat McEwen, 16206 East Central, W ichita, Kansas 67230
Vice President — Lois Feigenbaum, 26 Pinewood Drive, Carbondale, III. 62901
Secretary, Thon Griffith, 314 R obinhood Lane, Costa Mesa, California 92627
Treasurer, Janet Green, P.O. Box 629, Ocean Springs, M ississippi 39564
Board of Directors:
Mary Able, 9009 Braeburn Valley Dr., Houston, Texas 77036
llovene Potter, 22315 6th Ave. South, Apt. 401, Des Moines, WA. 98188
Susie Sewell, P.O. Box 59906, S outhw est Station Oklahoma City, OK 73119
Mary Vial, #38 Lincoln H ills Estates, 3500 E. Lincoln Dr., Phoenix, Ariz. 85018
Production M an ag er
Je rry E. Erich
1315 E. Julian Street, San Jose, California 95116
Ernie Spencer
Published bi-m onthly. Annual S ubscription rate is $6.00 and is included as part
of the annual m em bership of the N inety-N ines, Inc.
Editorial: P.O. Box 477, Cupertino, C alifornia 95014
Circulation: Headquarters, W ill Rogers W orld A irport, Oklahom a City, Okla. 73159
COVER: (Left to right) 99 Vivian Harshbarger, D irector Student Services Sierra
Academ y.Bhupendra Patel from Kenya. Q ualified Pilot and 707 F light Engineer.
Bello Dambauzau from N igeria cu rre n tly in Private Pilot Program. Background:
Control Panel showing Schem atic o f A ir C onditioning and Pressurization System
o f Boeing 707.
President Pat's
M iC *T W O S N
~L *I N E
H e ad q u arters b u ild in g — d ed ic atio n
platform with dignitaries and 9th grade
select vocal ensemble Coleman Jr. High
School, Wichita Kansas — Lilaha Bolen,
Thought I w ould like to share w ith you a part o f th is th rillin g de d ica tio n week end.
These are my rem arks made at headquarters, in O klahom a C ity, O klahom a on Novem ber
2, 1975.
W ELCO M E—W ELCO M E—W elcom e to our NEW hom e. I th in k it is alw ays a th rill to
move in to new quarters or at long last have you r firs t NEW HOME! I th in k it is great that
we are having th is de dication on the day w h ich also happens to be ou r 46th birthday. This
weekend, we have had a w ond erful birth da y party c u lm in a tin g in th is de dication of ou r
new home. I purposely did not w elcom e any sp e cific d ig n ita rie s today, because I feel that
all of us are super VIPs and d ig n ita rie s in our ow n rig ht.
Last November 21 st we gathered on th is site to break ground fo r our new home. It was
a beautiful day and it was an e xcitin g m om ent fo r all o f us when we fin a lly got our
bu ild in g underway. I quoted Am elia Earhart, our firs t president, w ho said of wom en in
general and N inety-N ine s in particular, “ We m ust earn true respect and equal rig h ts of
men by accepting re s p o n s ib ilitie s and if we th in k and respond as capable human beings
able to deal w ith and enjoy the challenges of life , then we have m uch to c o n trib u te ." A t a
tim e in our n a tio n ’s h isto ry when our econom y was shakey and oth ers were ad op ting a
“ w ait and see" a ttitu d e , the N inety-N ines dem onstrated a fa ith in o u r co u n try, in the
future of general aviation, and in ourselves, by sta rtin g th is b u ild in g . We accepted the
challenges of life and the re sp o n sib ilitie s for, or to the fu tu re when we broke ground.
Now we have th is be au tifu l new b u ild in g that we can call hom e fo r the next 100 years and
we are all very, very proud.
We have charter mem bers here today w ho met in tha t d u sty old hangar 46 years ago
and gave b irth to the N inety-N ine s. We have past presidents w ho helped to keep th in g s
progressing thru the years. We also have young new m em bers o f the N inety-N ine s who
w ill help us keep going in the future. In those 46 years we have seen aviation grow from
bare bones, unreliable airplanes to super s o p h is tic a tio n and de pe n d a b ility. We have
w itnessed m in im um eq uipm en t to w alking on the m oon. During that period, the N inetyNines have grown from the 99 charter m em bers to som e 5000 strong and we w ill con tinu e
to grow. O ur past headquarters have been in d iffe re n t places w ith various sized quarters.
We have had to move as we needed more room . We have to move no more. We now have a
permanent lo ca tio n fo r our headquarters— a place fo r o u r m e m o rh a b ilia — a place that w ill
house our h isto rica l data available fo r research— A place that people can com e fo r
business o r pleasure— A place th a t we can meet to d iscu ss the new or rem inisce about
the o ld — A place all o f us can call home.
I sincerely believe there is no oth er organization of wom en that da ily dem onstrates
th e ir w illin g n e s s to accept the challenges o f life , than do the N inety-N ine s. We are
women firs t. But we are also interested in aviation and are p ilo ts . I rem em ber one tim e in
the Powder Puff Derby, a con testant was sponsored by a wax com pany whose slogan
was, “ For wom en w ho have more im p ortan t th in g s to do than scrub flo o rs .” Yes, we are
busy and we live ou r lives to the fu lle s t. We tackle all kinds of problem s and enjoy doing
it. We love to fly and make c o n trib u tio n s to aviation. I guess Pete Young really said it all
when he w rote a poem to the N inety-N ines years ago. Pete is D o ttie Y ou ng’s husband.
“ A N inety-N ine is m any th in g s
But best o f all she’s a girl
She’ll tackle an ythin g w ith w ings
th o ’ the fact is — she’s a g irl.
She's a teacher, lawyer, housew ife, chief or p ilo t— but a girl
A m erchant, m odel, doctor, nurse, o r lover— but a girl
She w rites, paints, runs the store; she’ll even iron you r shirt
She drives your dragster to Sunday S ch o o l— dressed in m in i-s k irt.
She may love you and hate you all w ith in the hour
Accom panied by shiny sun o r a rainy thundershow er
She's a d o ll— She’s a hu ssy— in an aeronautical w h irl
She’s a 99— A llah be praised— but she's also a g irl.
Continued on Page 2
We Have
P Home
By Hazel Jones
Dedication Weekend 1975
On A m elia Earhart Lane in O klahom a
C ity, O klahom a, over 300 N inety Nines,
F orty Nine and one halfers, and friends,
gathered Sunday m orning to dedicate the
H eadquarters B u ild in g . It was also our
46th birth da y and what a whale of a bir­
thday celebration was had. The band
played, the dignataries were introduced
and spoke b rie fly. We all gathered in
headquarters fo r coffee and frien dsh ip.
The fly b y scheduled was cancelled due to
weather, but ju s t after the dedication
cerem onies got underway, a brand new
Learjet w ith B icentennial m arkings and 4
Kansas 99s aboard came by and gave us a
super buzz jo b . P ilot Chuck Dyas Learjet
d ire cto r of F lig h t Standards and flig h t
safety did a great jo b in sa lu tin g the 99s.
The m any hours of planning and the years
of a n tic ip a tio n cam e tog ether on th is
h is to ric weekend. It was tru ly a m em orable
The N inety Nines began gathering during
the week w ith the a ctivitie s g e tting un­
derway Friday n ig h t. Old friends, and new
ones exchanged ideas. New N inety Nines
m ingled w ith Charter m em bers. W hat a
th rill fo r all o f us to get to v is it w ith the
charter m em bers who got it all started.
Saturday noon the charter m embers and
past presidents were honored w ith a
luncheon. Each charter m em ber had tim e
on the program to “ te ll it like it w a s.” Each
p a s t p re s id e n t d is c u s s e d
he r a d ­
m in is tra tio n and the unique th in g s that
occurred. The charter m embers in at­
tendance were: Melba Gorby Beard, Betty
Huyler Gillies, Phyllis Fleet Nelson Crary,
Retha McCulloh Crittenden, lla Fox
Loetscher and Blanche Noyes. The past
presidents in attendance were: Bettv
Gillies (1939-41), Blanche Noyes (1948-50),
Kay Brick (1950-51), Alice Hammond (195153), Geraldine Mickelsen (1953-55), Edna
Gardner Whyte (1955-57), Broneta Davis
Evans (1957-59), Eugenia (Deedo) Heise
(1959-61), Ruth Deerman (1963-65), Alice
Roberts (1965-67), Donna Myers (1967-69),
Betty McNabb (1970-72), Susie Sewell
(1972-74). A ll o f the International O fficers
and board m em bers were present as w ell
Continued on Page 2
President Pat’s Action Line
C ontinued from Page 1
I want to thank all of you fo r com ing to our birthday party and the de d ica tio n of our
bu ild in g. I want to thank the women pioneer p ilo ts of the past w ho gave b irth to the
N inety-N ines and who have provided our in sp ira tio n . This is a m em orial not on ly to them ,
but also to us, and to the ones who w ill fo llo w in our fo o tste p s. I thank God da ily tha t I
am a N inety-N ine and th a t I am associated w ith an organization w h ich has given m uch in
the past and w ill con tinu e to give m uch in the future.
detail all of the h isto ric data that is
th e re ...o r the O klahom a C ity A irp o rt Trust
who helped make it h a pp en ...or the
Cham ber of C om m erce...or Cessna A ir­
craft and Beech A ircra ft C orporations who
h e lp e d ...o r Pat McEwen, our president,
who stood tall in g e tting the bu ild in g
b u ilt...o r to the Honor R oll of Donors to
the Headquarters B uild ing Fund who had
fa ith enough to give and give, so that we
could b u ild a b u ild in g. It was all the Ninety
Nines and friends who built this building
and they all deserve the big THANKS.
Anyone w ho vis its th is bu ild in g w ill know
that it was all o f us together that made it
happen. It is our home and we can all point
w ith pride.
From a briefcase, to B etty G illie s ’ home
to the c u b icle in the O klahom a C ity ter­
m inal b u ild in g , to ou r headquarters
b u ild in g on A m elia Earhart Lane. We truly
have "co m e a long way baby” .
99, Headquarters Bldg. as it is today
Standing Back Row - L to R : Alice Hammond, Kay Brick, Jerry Michelsen, Edna Gardner
Whyte, Broneta Evans, Deedo Heise, Ruth Deerman, Alice Roberts, Donna Meyers, Betty
McNabb, Susie Sewell, Pat McEwen. Sitting L to R: Betty Gillies, lla Fox Loetscher,
Rutha Crittenden, Melba Beard, Phyllis Fleet Crary, Blanche Noyes.
Conference and Lounge area at the new 99
We Hove A Home
C ontinued from Page 1
as m ost of the Governors. North Central
and South East S ections had not on ly the ir
governor but all section o ffice rs there.
Jim Yarnell, D irector A dvertising and
Sales P rom otion, Beech A ircra ft, a great
friend of 99s, was the m .c. fo r the Saturday
N ight banquet. He introduced the head
tables (there were tw o) w hich included
Board m em bers, llovene Potter, Mary
Able, and Mary Vial, headquarters com ­
m ittee Marilyn Copeland, Jan Million, Pat
Mlady, Nancy Smith and all 4 9 ' / 2 S present.
The FAA was represented by William
Flener, Associate Administrator FAA from
W ashington, Henry Newman, Director of
the Southwest Region FAA, Charles
McMillian, Chief of the Okalahoma City
GADO, Airport Trust friend, Mr. Phillip
Rhodes, and John Soloman, the Will
Rogers Airport Director. During the in­
tro d u ctio n , the past presidents and charter
m embers were asked to stand and be
The program was a super m usical revue
“ B oots to Heels” put on by the Coleman
J u n io r High School of W ichita , Kansas.
This is a group of teenage g irls under the
d ire ctio n of Lilaha Bolen. They traced the
histo ry of the N inety Nines in song and
costu m e s of the day. The g irls were brigh t
and cute and talented. D irector Bolen
swears she is going to take up fly in g so
she can attend fu tu re m eetings of the
N inety Nines.
W here do you start th a n ks...H o w can
you thank Marilyn Copeland fo r the z illio n
h o u rs
sh e
m ust
h e a d q u a rte rs
c h a ir m a n ...o r
Feigenbaum w ho is som e kind of in te rio r
w ho
w ent
headquarters b u ild in g Saturday N ight after
the banquet to w ork to be sure everything
was in readiness fo r Sunday. The ap­
po in tm e n ts are ab solutely b e a u tifu l, artis itic a lly put together, and d ispla ys
fa n ta stic. It is breathtaking when you see it
fo r the firs t tim e, and then it is
“ goose bu m p” tim e as you exam ine in
One of first AWTAR Committee Members
Lynn Briggs and Long time historian and
active 99 Ruth Rueckert.
AW TAR Board m em bers L-R Betty
Wharton & Audry Schutte. Dedication
Banquet decor in background.
“ Powder Puff Derby To End”
Pal McEwen on platform at Sunday
morning Headquarters dedication.
Dedication V ie w s
99 Headquarters dedication ceremonies at
airport Pat McEwen greeting 99s from
many areas.
Southwest Section members at Dedication
Banquet including charter members Betty
Gillies & Melba Beard. SW Section
m em bers d on ated kitch en for new
On Novem ber 3rd a jo in t Board
M eeting was held to discuss the
1. There are no bids fo r a Start or
T erm inus fo r 1977.
2. The energy c risis lies dorm ant,
but is s till w ith us.
3. The fin a n cia l d e fic it o f the
POWDER PUFF DERBY con tinu es to
b u ild . Due to increased cost of
running the race and the lack of
increase in m onetary sup po rt from
the aviation c o m m u n ity, we have
operated in the red fo r the last three
4. The gro w in g con ge stion in air
tra ffic makes route planning more
and m ore d iffic u lt.
In an em o tion al session, the tw o
Boards made the d iffic u lt decision
to term in ate the POWDER PUFF
DERBY at the end of the 1976 race
rather than jeopardize our safety
record by lo w ering the standard of
The fo llo w in g statem ent was
released to the news m edia:
The A ll-W om an T ranscontinental
A ir Race (AW TAR) and the N inetyNines, Inc. Boards of D irectors
today announced the te rm in a tio n of
the Powder P uff Derby a fter the
co n clu sio n of the 1976 B icentennial
race. The tw o Boards have reached
the decision due to the current
fin a n cia l and energy c o n d itio n s.
During its 28 year h isto ry, the race
has made its im pact felt in every
phase of aviation. The safety record
o f the race is unparalleled as a result
of the careful and detailed planning
and m anagem ent o f the race. The
Powder Puff Derby has never had a
fa ta lity .
The AWTAR has inspired cou n­
tless wom en to fly , to increase the ir
p ro ficie n cy, and has made the pu blic
aware of w om en's achievements.
The race has dem onstrated the
p ra c tic a b ility o f fly in g and has
brought about m any aircraft and
a irpo rt im provem ents to the benefit
of the general public.
A ltho ug h the AWTAR is being
d iscon tinue d after the 1976 race, the
goals of safety and education w ill be
perpetuated through the e ffo rts of
the wom en p ilo ts of The N inetyNines, Inc.
The w o rld ’s largest and longest
speed race fo r lig h t aircraft w ill start
July 9, 1976 from Sacram ento, Cal
and term inate Ju ly 12 at W ilm in g to n ,
Del. w ith designated stops enroute
a t— Fresno and Riverside, Cal;
Grand Canyon, Az., Santa Fe, NM.,
Lubbock, TX., O klahom a C ity, O K.,
L ittle Rock, Ar., Nashville, Tn., and
Parkersburg, Wv.
T his is the on ly race endorsed by
The N inety-N ine s, Inc., and the
copyrighted name “ Powder Puff
Derby" w ill be retired at the con­
c lu sio n of the 1976 race.
Honor Roll of contributors to our new
Headquarters Building.
Display case featuring membership pins
from charter member to present day,
A m elia
Earhart and
Jim m ie
View of FAA control tower from front
window of International Headquarters
Educational display board featuring the
Powder Puff Derby.
Lounge area in new Headquarters building.
Lounge area in new Headquarters building.
Vivian Ha rs hbarger
Our " C o v e r Girl"
Vivian Harshbarger, mem ber of the Bay
C ities Chapter, has an unusual and
stim u la tin g job. She w orks for the Sierra
Academy of A eronautics, located in the
Oakland International A irp ort, Oakland,
CA. as the D irector of Student Services.
This m ig ht not be unusual, except that
Vivian is a "tro u b le sho oter" for the many
foreign students who sign up fo r flig h t
train in g. Some speak little E nglish, and
their problem s, at tim es seems great to
them. However, Vivian succeeds in helping
th e m w ith a n y th in g — w h e th e r it be
housing, transp ortatio n, losing licenses,
flig h t sche du lin g, or a room m ate depelting
the beer supply. At firs t they do not easily
accept a wom an in the aviation business.
But when they learn that she is a p ilo t w ith
a com m ercial license w ith a CFI, the ir
view point changes. She helps new and
experienced p ilo ts, as w ell as flig h t
engineers from foreign airlines. Needless
to say, Vivian is a great cred it to the 99s.
M a r ie Lepore
Marie Lepore of the Eastern New
England Chapter was nom inated as
W om an o f the Year fo r m erit in aviation at
the New England spring sectio na l.
B e s id e s b e in g th e p re s e n t C o m ­
m issio n e r of W orcester A irp o rt (M ass.),
there are num erous accounts of con­
trib u tio n s and cita tio n s to her cred it in
It all began in 1941 when she learned to
fly and became the firs t wom an p ilo t in
W orcester, Mass. She alm ost became a
W ASP, but ju s t before reporting fo r
tra in in g , she was inform ed
that she
c o u ld n ’t serve because she d id n ’t measure
up to the m in im um height o f 5’. A ltho ug h a
deep disa p p o in tm e n t, she d id n 't q u it, and
turned her a m b itio n s to serve the C ivil A ir
Patrol, the N inety-N ines and Aerospace
She was the firs t woman in Mass. to
com m and
a CAP squadron. She was
appointed Deputy fo r Education
T raining fo r CAP W ing headquarters at
Hanscom A ir Force Base. In 1957 Lt.
C o lo n e l
L e p o re
w as
p re s e n te d
procla m a tion m aking her “ M ayor” of La
V illita , the o rig in a l c ity of San A n to n io .
She received recogniation fo r her o u t­
stan din g w ork in A viation Education at the
N ortheast Regional Conference fo r CAP
and was cited fo r her o u tsta n d in g con­
trib u tio n to aeronautics in Central Mass.
as com m ander of the W orcester CAP
She has been a m em ber of the New
England Section of N inety-N ines since
1945 and was given much of her tim e on
m any com m ittee s. She was in charge of
local p u b lic ity fo r the 9th AWTAR w hich
C alif,
S p rin g fie ld , M ass., has served on several
AW NEAR boards. She has lectured and
acted as co n su lta n t to Chapters and
S ections in areas fo cu sin g on aerospace
e d u c a tio n and p ro g ra m s to f u r th e r
aviation. She was responsible fo r setting
up a sch o la rsh ip loan fund fo r ENE
chapter. In 1961 Marie received the New
E n g la n d N in e ty - N in e s c h o la r s h ip fo r
ou tsta n d in g w ork in the fie ld of air
ed ucation, CAP and furtherance of wom en
in aviation in New England.
A fte r reading ju s t a few of M arie’s
achievem ents, it is no wonder she was the
rig ht cho ice to receive the New England
Section N in e ty-N in e ’s Award.
By Carol Phelps
Freda T h o m p s o n ,
By Rosemary Colman
Freda T hom pson and the w rite r met on
the flig h t deck o f a 747 en route to the S.
W. S ectional in HNL. The lig h ts o f dawn
revealed the s ilh o u e tte of Freda’s p ro file
w h ile she spoke w ith Captain Bob Grey, as
the com p uter showed a line of zeros in­
d ica tin g we had crossed the line.
On returning to the passenger cabin,
conversation revealed no tw o dim ensional
pro file but a very three dim ensional per­
son. Here are Freda’s ow n w o rds:
“ Som ewhere in the past, about 1925 I
managed to get my parents to allow me to
fly from Paris to London. I saw them o ff in
the train, then later found my way to Le
Bourget. I cou ld speak French reasonably
w ell so nobody w orried. I duly arrived in
London, fly in g was d e fin ite ly in my blood
stream . In 1930 I eventually won per­
m ission to fly , not nearly so easy to
conquer as driving a car. In 1931 night
fly in g took my fancy, then blind flyin g
w hich I suppose was like instrum ent
fly in g , but we had only a sm all instrum ent
like a s p irit level; the bubble gave us fore
and aft and lateral level of the M oth, and
we managed to fly through bad weather,
cloud and rain qu ite safely. F lying com ­
p e titio n s and pageants seemed to occupy
every weekend. My parents became quite
used to my wanderings. I was usually the
only wom an com p etin g, the men certainly
showed no an im o sity and often helped
w ith a word of advice and I was extrem ely
lucky. I ended up w ith 47 troph ie s, even
the m ost sought after, the Club Cham ­
p ion ship w hich I managed on three oc­
casions. In 1932 I flew to Adelaide fo r the
second year in succession and managed to
w in the Aerial Derby fo r V icto ria . It was a
m ag nificent troph y but one of the men had
to accept it fo r me as wom en were not
perm itted to attend the dinn er and
presentation! I
“ Later that year I managed to get a
C om m ercial Licence and follow e d it in
1933 w ith an In stru cto r's rating. In 1934 my
father put money in the bank in England —
he knew so w ell my next am b itio n . I or­
dered my a ircra ft, a M oth M ajor, an A.H.
and a D.G. and enough fuel fo r 1000 m ile
range. W eather reports were not very
reliable, radio was non existe nt, 300 hours
flyin g experience, plenty o f confidence
w hich was shaken on several occasions,
but I did arrive home. The Shell Com pany
made a ll arrangem ents and met we
whenever I landed. At the tim e Douglas
Bader was w orking w ith them and helped
me a lo t w ith maps, perm its and good
advice. In A thens I saw som e of the firs t
aircraft land there in the England —
A ustralia air race. One landed safely and
could not taxi in, his fuel tanks were dry! I
was in Baghdad when the firs t air-race
ma6hine landed in Darwin. M elbourne was
the fin is h in g line. At A lo r Star in M alaysia
the landing ground was an old paddy fie ld
and flooded and I was to ld Iqter everyone
on the ground was w a itin g to see what I
would do. I was also th in k in g rapidly
working out a plan o f attack and splashed
down safely in about 18 inches of water.
Next m orning taking o ff w ith a fu ll load
was more good luck than good judgem ent.
Kupang to Darwin was a lo ne ly 5 1/2 hours
dodging odd storm s. The s trip was rig h t in
the centre of the to w n , ju s t about the
present shopping centre. 6th November,
1934 — there were no m aps of the North
then, it was a case of fly in g by landm arks.
“ During the W ar I hoped to go to
England and fly w ith the Ferry Com m and,
but fo r fa m ily reasons I had to remain at
home. Eventually I joine d the A. W. A. S.
as an am bulance driver. Early in the War
tw o of three o f us started the W om en's A ir
Training Corps, did q u ite a lo t o f voluntary
work fo r the A ir Force and maybe our
efforts encouraged the "p ow e rs that be” to
form the W. A. A. F. The V ictorian Aero
Club kept one aircra ft, a W hitne y S traight,
during the war years and it gave us ju s t
enough fly in g to hold ou r licenses.
“ Early in 1945, several ex. R .A .A .F .
Ryan aircraft were bo ught by a firm in
Geelong but due to certain requirem ents
they had to be ferried from M ount Gam bier
and Port Pirie by com m ercial p ilo ts and
later fou r from Evans Head. I was one of
the lucky p ilo ts . Later in the year I bo ught
a D. H. Hornet M oth from a very good
friend, another wom an p ilo t. For years I
flew all around the place, North, S outh,
East and W est, around A ustra lia and
across to New G uinea; w h ile there I had a
chance of tw o o r three trip s as co -p ilo t in
the Norsem an, that was 1952 the year
Sepik A irw ays trained the firs t woman
airlin e p ilo t to fly there. It is w ild m oun­
tainous cou ntry w ith m ost unpredictable
weather w hich closes in very rapidly.
“ In 1947 I found m yself on the Com ­
m ittee of the Royal V ictorian Aero Club
and the fo llo w in g year I became President.
W ith a good Secretary and a m arvellous
Treasurer I survived.
"I have tried the m odern lig h t aircraft,
even a lig h t tw in , and in stru m en t fly in g ,
ju s t to fin d out how everything w orks, you
ju st never know when it may be u se fu l; of
course there is the old saying ‘A little
knowledge is a dangerous t h in g !!!’ ”
Freda m odestly om itte d to m ention that
for her ou tsta n d in g achievem ents she was
awarded a num ber o f decorations in ­
clu din g the h ig h ly esteem ed Order of the
B ritish Empire.
Doris S c o tt
as w ell
S cott, o f Dayton, O hio, A ll-O h io
member, flie s her ow n tw in engine
is active in her ow n C orporations,
as, S couting, E xploring, Zonta,
F lyin g Farmers, A ircra ft O wners P ilots
A sso cia tio n , A d m in istra tive M anagem ent
S ociety, and the Dayton O hio Area
Cham ber of Com m erce A viation C ouncil.
She has been active fo r nearly th irty
years as C o rporation and Chairm an o f the
Board o f an Indiana Pneum atic and
H ydraulic C orporation.
She is also Vice President o f F litew ays
Incorporated, a P ilo t and A ircra ft F lig h t
Service Fixed Base O peration Center at
M ontgom ery C o un ty A irp o rt ju s t recently
renamed Dayton General A irp o rt.
Doris was presented w ith a be au tifu l
Explorer Trophy at the Dayton A ir Fair 1975
fo r her d istin g u ish e d service to you th. (See
Doris has been active in Boy S couts over
tw enty years, firs t serving as Den M other
as w ell as a W ebelos Leader. She w ent on
to organize a Den M others W orkshop for
the M iam i Valley C o un cil of the Boy
S couts of Am erica in w h ich over 10,000
Den M others received tra in in g on how to
better serve boys. T w en ty-tw o training
m anuals, a hundred pages each, on crafts,
skits and ideas on how to carry out the
S couting Programs were created. Doris
was the T.V. Den M other of the A ir fo r a
S couting program that was on the air for
many weeks, and the M iam i Valley C ouncil
Den M other C oord ina to r for many years, as
w ell as Pow-W ow Leader and Scout-ORama A ssociate.
She planned and carried out a special
program fo r the local C ouncil that resulted
in the organizing o f 77 new Cub Scout
Packs w hich brought 1,300 new boys in to
S couting.
D e s p ite
a ll th e s e
S c o u tin g
co m p lish m e n ts, she is m ost proud o f is
being the m other of tw o Eagle Scout sons,
the highest rank a Boy Scout can achieve.
Scouting paid a fin e trib u te to her work
by placing a perm anent Bronze plaque
dedicated to her at the flag quadrangle on
a h ills id e site overlooking the 2,000 acre
W oodland T rails Boy Scout Camp. The
quadrangle is an open air pavilion, formed
by 36 huge alum in um flag poles, from
w hich the flags of the Scout Troops fly
w h ile they are in cam p.
When the Vietnam p ilo ts started com ing
home, Doris became interested in “ Jobs
For Veterans". U sing her m u ltie n g in e p ilo t
rating, she and three other p ilo ts organized
a Fixed Base O peration, called Flitew ays
Incorporated, at
M ontgom ery County
A irp o rt; w hich w o uld be in a po sitio n to
create jo bs fo r P ilots, F lig h t Instructors,
Ground School Teachers, Charter P ilots,
M echanics, Linem en, Radio Advisory
Service and A d m in istra tive Personnel.
She became a member of the General
A viation C om m ittee of the Dayton Area
Chamber of Com m erce and has organized
num erous Federal Aviation A ssociatio n
Educational F lig h t Safety Seminars.
Last year Doris was recognized in the
W ho's W ho in O hio as a d isting uish ed
citizen of the State of Ohio.
$ c A .p ril
j 22 - 2 r
5 u n < I* m
I f 7t
m a - u iu a
The 99s Board of Directors is now
working on putting together an
authorized tour of the International
Convention in Australia, to be held
August 16-20, 1978. Meantime, if an
individual or chapter wishes to put
together a tour, it would be ad­
visable to consult the Board so that
we will not have a duplication of
The 19th Annual
iS #
Michigan SMALL
Race Final
A t O w osso A irp o rt in O wosso M ichigan
on O ct. 4-5i 38 wom an p ilo ts were entered
in the 19th M ichigan SM ALL race. The
Race Route was From O wosso to G ladw in
to W hite C loud and back to O wosso.
F irst place was won by Julie Clarke and
her husband Harold Clarke o f D etroit,
also w inning troph ie s fo r Best Per­
form ance by a M ichigan Crew and a crew
flyin g a Cessna. Second place went to
D o ttie A n d e rs o n o f B lu ff t o n , O h io ,
receiving Trophies fo r the F irst out of state
entry and Best Perform ance by a Crew
F lying a Piper. Sam m y McKay won th ird
place w ith her Cessna 210, and had the
d is tin c tio n of being the only p ilo t to have
flow n in all Nineteen Races. Carol Bobb of
Genesee M ichigan won fo u rth place in a
Cherokee 180, and the troph y fo r the Best
Perform ance By a crew w ith a male co­
p ilo t other than a husband, (Less Weaver
co -p ilo t). F ifth place and the Best Per­
form ance by N on-professional P ilo ts went
Sponsored by the Phoenix Chapter
By Natasha Swigard
Saturday, O ctober 25th brought clear
skies, 9900 w ind c o n d itio n s and 45 m iles
v is ib ility fo r the 8th Annual Kachina Doll
Roadrunner Races. These races rate safety
measures and p ro ficie ncy regarding tim e
to sta tio n s and to ta l fuel usage. There
were 42 o ffic ia l entries fo r the races— 19 in
the w om ens’ race and 23 in the m ens’.
The race course was 260 NM starting at
S cottsdale A irp o rt w ith check p o in ts at
San M anuel, Az. and W hiteriver, Az. Lots
of m ountain fly in g in be au tifu l pine tree
Aw ards were handed out at a w ellattended co ckta il party held at M cC orm ick
Ranch Inn. Nancy Crase won an award fo r
being rig ht on the mark in a spo t-lan din g at
the end of the race, and Jessie W inners
won the p re -flig h t con test of a Cherokee
loaned to us by Anderson A viation.
Clare E llis, Sandy Haag and Carol
B orgerding were responsible fo r a suc­
cessful set of races.
1. Nancy Crase
2. Natasha Swigard
3. Sandra Anson
4. Laura Little
5. Lois Ward
to Helen Barter and Sim one Breukel one of
tw o crews from Canada. The m ost trophies
were won by Pauline and Peter M allary of
College Park, Georgia, w ith S ixth place,
Best Perform ance by a crew fly in g a
Beach, by Husband & W ife Team, and in a
Bendex equipped aircraft.
O ther T rophies went to Barbara and Tom
B rotherton of O ntario fo r N ineteenth Place
in 19 Race, In the M iddle Award, and Best
Fuel Score. Margaret Ringenberg and Lois
Berger had the Best Speed Score, and Best
Perform ance by a M ooney crew. O ut o f the
Crews fly in g from Kalamazoo, M ichigan,
Eloise S m ith and Mary G ardanier too k Best
Perform ance by crew fly in g a Ballance.
From F lin t Mary A n g lin and Dennis Lentz
won Best Perform ance by crew fly in g a
R ockw ell; Kathryn B attin and Janelle
G olden won Best Perform ance by an all
wom an crew in th e ir firs t race, private
p ilo ts w ith com bined tim e less than 500
Hours. Mary and W illia m Creason of Grand
Haven won Best Performance by a crew
fly in g a Grum an. Tail End Tony was won
by B etty W odtke and W illard Osborne of
R oseville and S terling H gts, due to engine
problem s.
The SM ALL Race sponsored by the
M ichigan Chapters of the N inety-N ines
and the M ichigan A eronautics Com ­
m is s io n ,
is c o n d u c te d
u n d e r th e
re g u la tio n s
th e
F e d e ra tio n
A e ro n a u tiq u e In te r n a tio n a l and th e
National A eronautical A ssociatio n. The
Race is a cross-co un try pro ficie ncy event
fo r stock m odel aircraft not over 420
horsepow er m anufacturered after January
1. 1954.
By Kathryn Battin
1st place w in n e r— Ju lie C larke
husband co-pilot Harold Clarke.
Kachina Doll — Roadrunner
Proficiency Air Races
First place trophy for the Kachina Doll
Race being presented to Nancy Crase and
Judi Gunter by Bill Cams. The women are
awarded the Barry Goldwater Rotating
Judi G unter Cams
Brenda Davis
Stacy Wachs
Joanruth Baumann
M ary W illiam s
Sandy Anson presenting the Sam Steiger
rotating trophy to Robert King and Gerald
Myers for capturing first place in the
Roadrunner Race.
Time and fuel
Cessna 182
Cessna 182
C herokee 140
Cessna 150
Robert King
C liff Swigard
Randall Kumagai
Jack Packney
Bob Long
G erald Myers
John Nelson
W ill Harper
Dick Clark
M ooney
Cessna 182
GA Traveler
By Mardo Crane
EDITOR'S NOTE: We will have a series
of articles from time to time discussing
certain airports which have had problems
when building promotors have virtually
surrounded their operations with homes,
or shopping centers. We will attempt to
give all details, and all action which took
place, and the results to date.
Recently, there was a pa rticularly tragic
accident in Sacram ento, C alifornia, when
an F86 Sabrejet to o k o ff on a short runway,
failed, and slam m ed in to an ice cream
parlor w hich alm ost deadends th is runway
in a shopping center. T w enty-tw o ad ults
and children were kille d . The p ilo t
escaped, and perhaps on ly a p ilo t can
know how he feels about a tragedy that he
did not make.
Usually, in such disaster, there is much
e m o tion alism , and of course, there was
th is tim e, to o — understandable em otion.
But th is tim e som ething unusual hap­
pened. A man by the name of Partrick
Melarkey, chairm an of the Sacramento
County Board of Supervisors, came forth
w ith a very clear and astute com m ent. He
was quoted in C a lifo rn ia newspapers, and
on wire services, as blam ing the tragic
episode on “human greed".. He said it was
the “ human greed” o f developers who
pressed fo r co n stru ctio n o f the shopping
center where the ice cream shop was
Melarkey was quoted
declaring, "They ju s t d o n ’t give a da m n ,”
referring to developers in general. "T hey’d
put a service statio n in the m iddle o f the
runway if they cou ld get $50 fo r it... These
people (developers) should be held liable
for it (tragedy). They forced the de cisio ns
to develop the land that close to the air­
s trip .”
That the a lm ig h ty d o lla r means so much
is a tragedy in itse lf, and th is “ human
greed” is responsible in m ost instances
where an airport w hich has been there for
years, and allow ed to develop to f ill a
d e fin ite need in the area, gradually, and
som etim es suddenly, fin d s its e lf lite ra lly
surrounded by housing developm ents and
shopping centers. We know it happens,
and why it happens— so, what can we do?
Perhaps if we explore the facts we can
com e up w ith som e answers. There is no
use being re c rim in a tin g — and that, believe
me, is easy. That som e real estate
developers are plain experts at the art of
m isrepresentation has been proven over
and over again, both in and out of the
courts. Our ONLY ba ttle line when th is
habit extends to a irp o rts, is a wide and
constant education of the p u blic.
We w ill tell the story of how an airpo rt
was saved in ou r next a rtic le — ReidH illview A irp o rt, San Jose, CA. M eantim e,
the H o llyw oo d-B urb an k A irp o rt is facing a
very real and im m ediate c ris is . If each 99
w ould drop a card to : Senator John
Tunney, Aviation Subcommittee, Senate
Commerce Committee, 1415 Senate Office
Bldg., Washington, D.C. 20510; and to
R e p res en tative G lenn M . A n d erson ,
Chairman, Aviation Subcommittee, House
Public Works Committee, 1132 Longworth
Office Bldg., Washington, D.C. 20515, it
w ould certainly have great im pact, and
perhaps help save th is lo ng-established,
and m uch needed airpo rt fo r general
If you know o f any o th e r a irpo rt now in
danger; o r if you know of an airpo rt w hich
was saved by a c tio n — please let your
e d ito r know at once. We need to help and
we can help if we let our 99 voice be heard.
As our President Pat has declared so
o fte n — when it is tim e fo r ACTION we
m ust be w illin g and ready to ACT!
99s Sweep
MARCO ISLAND, Fla. — 99 Sophia
Payton (G reater P ittsbu rg Chapter) of
C learw ater in her M ooney M 20C won the
second annual Deltona Derby, a 265 m ile
w om en’s fly in g co m p e titio n held Nov. 7th
in F lorida. Her husband Neal was co -p ilo t.
Mrs. Payton was awarded $250, a trophy
and each leg prize.
In second place was S hirley Z illig of
W illia m s v ille , N .Y., in her G rum m an
Traveler. She and her husband, co -p ilo t
Robert, won a trip fo r tw o to the Bahamas.
99 Thelm a Dawson (F lorida Suncoast
Chapter) o f B rooksville, Fla. too k th ird
place fo r the second year in a row . Tom
Dawson, her husband, was c o -p ilo t of th e ir
Cessna 182L.
A lm a Drum m ond (F lo rid a Spaceport
Chapter) and her son, Dan, a m othe r and
son team from O rlando, placed fo u rth .
They flew a Bonanza A36.
The course was from St. A ug u stin e to
Naples, Fla., w ith a stop in Sanford where
local c iv ic leaders lite ra lly laid out the red
carpet on the runway fo r the 14 racers.
The Deltona Derby is sponsored by the
F lorida Spaceport Chapter o f N inety-N ine s
and the Deltona C o rpo ra tion , b u ild e r of
eigh t planned com m u n itie s in Florida.
San Antonio 99s hostess a tea for 99s
attending the OX5 Club Reunion in San
Antonio, Texas, October 9 - 12, 1975. L to
R: Judy Piper, Ruth Nichols, Fran Wehman, Heidi Heller, Mary Ann Greer, Betsy
Hogan, Alice Foeh, Laura Richter and
Dorothy Navarro, Chapter Chairman.
Charter Members of the Ninety-Nines at
the OX5 Club Reunion in San Antonio,
Texas, October 9 - 12, 1975. L to R : Melba
Beard, Blanche Noyes, Viola Gentry and
Mary Von Mach. Photo by Ferris.
Ninety-Nines attending OX5 Club Reunion
in San Antonio, Texas, October 9 - 12,
1975. Row 1, L to R: Heidi Heller, Judy
Piper, Alice Foeh, Dorothy Navarro, and
Fran Wehman (San Antonio 99s).
Row 2: Name Missing: “ Babe” Ruth,
Michigan; Blanche Noyes, Mary Von
Mach, Melba Beard, and Viola Genty,
Charter Members of 99s.
Row 3: Ruth Thomas, Tennessee; Mary
Randell, Florida; Ruth Nichols, San
Edna Gardner Whyte, Fort
Worth; Laura Richter, and Betsy Hogan,
San Antonio. Photo by Ferris.
and Tips
From the Scrapbook Chairman
Betty W. McNabb
International Scrapbook Chairman
1. Thank you, thank you all fo r the many
w onderful pieces of m aterial, photographs
and clip p in g s , you have sent me. This has
been a very bad year fo r me because of the
illne ss and death of my father, and I hoped
Pat had appointed another Scrapbooker,
but the roster says she d id n ’t. I'll try to be
more p ro m p t— the 1974-5 scrapbooks
aren’t fin ish e d yet.
2. Please identify and date all articles.
Dateless, they have no archival va lid ity.
U nidentified as to geography, they are not
com p le te ly desirable. And if you th in k you
did id e n tify them all — Where is the
“Herald Tribute” pu blishe d, the “ Daily
Bugle”, and the “News Sentinel”? These
aren’t real names, as far as I know, but
o b v io u s ly c o m m u n itie s a u to m a tic a lly
believe that the News Herald is known by
everybody to be printed in Panama C ity,
Florida. I have p a in fu lly researched the
roster many wee sm all hours to locate a
town name, and hoped the Weekly Bulletin
really emanated from the hom etow n of the
featured N inety Nine.
3. Photocopies. I made an error when I
said I could use good ph otocopy m aterial
because of the la titu d e in in te rpre ting what
good is. I have tons of s tu ff w hich peers at
one from a c o n d itio n of zero v is ib ility and
sky obscured-pictures and text. I do n't like
to use it unless it's so im p o rta n t I ju s t have
to. So if you haven’t one o f the photocopy
m achines that really make good black and
w h ite ph otoco pies, both pix and print,
d o n ’t send it out, please. The scrapbooks
are fo r all tim e and if you can't read ’em
today, no te llin g w hat th e y'll be like in a
few years.
4. I apologize fo r not answ ering the
personal notes of many of the scrapbook
chairm en. Life is se ttlin g down a little
now, and I hope to do better.
5. Please use my new address - 4701
Thom as Dr. No. 228, Panama C ity Beach,
F lorida. 32401.
As told to Charlene Falkenberg
By Cathy Nickolaisen
Project A .W .A .R .E . sponsored by the
Phoenix Chapter, had 450 safety-m inded
p ilo ts and th e ir wives atten din g the ir
safety sem inar, all were captivated by the
speaker, Pete Cam pbell.
He talked about the old an ti-safety
syndrom e —
G e t-th e re -itis.
The in­
terference o f the need to reach a
d e stin a tio n in ones a b ility to prejudge the
safety factor. He urged p ilo ts to learn the
w e igh t and balance lim ita tio n s o f the ir
a ircraft and operate w ith in a safe envelope.
He discussed the necessity of know ing the
m aneuvering a b ility of the a ircra ft, to be
able to fly the plane and not be afraid of
the changes in a ttitu d e . He stressed the
im p ortan t aspects o f o b ta in in g higher
ratings - w ith special em phasis on the
in stru m en t rating.
Four s k its were presented by the chapter
m em bers w h ich dealt w ith the fo llo w in g :
1. Planning your trip safely. Making
sure you have enough fuel fo r the distance
to be traveled and be sure to take into
con sid eratio n head w inds and ava ila bility
of the d e stin a tio n airport. Could you make
an alternate ju s t as easily if your intended
term in us is closed.
2. Know the craft you are flying and be
sure to check your lighting if you are going
to make a night flight. The clin ch e r of this
skit was that the g irls pretended they had
made a perfect landing w ith o u t the aid of a
landing lig h t. They had failed to check
th e ir po sitio n and a n ti-c o llis io n lig h ts prior
to take o ff and when they touched down
the tow er operator says, “ W ould you mind
com ing up to the tow er to discuss why you
landed on the taxi-w ay?”
3. Preflight. A nother case of the haste
of the p ilo t w ho cannot get in to his plane
fast enough and can’t get o ff the ground
fast enough. The only problem was the
angel on one w ing rem inding her to look
care fu lly over the craft w h ile the devil on
the oth er w ing w ould tell her to forget the
kid stu ff.
4. Weight and Balance. The last skit
was a w ife who had care fu lly weighed
every item in the car to make sure it was
not too much fo r the airplane. She pulled
out each piece of luggage and read out the
pounds (to the tenth), and tried to explain
to her husband that she had loaded to
capacity and not a pound over. Her
problem was that her figu res did not in­
clude herself and hubby.
The chapter was th rille d by the turnout
and all there enjoyed them selves im ­
m ensely w h ile being educated.
Pacific Air Race 1975
Judy Campbell-Broom,
Wally Funk, Pilot.
Pacific Air Race Co-chairman - (Start) Vi
C h am bers, Betty W harto n & “ B o o ”
Aircraft Type
Citabria 7KCAB
Beech A-36
G rum en Am erican
Cessna 177B
Citabria 7KCAB
Citabria 7KCAB
Piper PA28-151
Beech A-36
M ooney M20C
Piper PA28-180
Pilot & Co-Pilot
W ally Funk
Judy-Campbell Broom
Helen M cG ee (Sonora)
Julie Dryer
Lorraine Hoag
Lynn Cary
G inny W egener
M ary Pearson
H arriet Booth
Juanita Thompson
Patricia Thorpe
Phyllis Cantrell
Rae Pass
Laverne G udgel
Theola N utt
Kathryn McNamara
Ann Savage D Armand
Jeanne Rumm
Best Team — First Tim e Racers — Fran Johnson & Barbara Johnson #29
Best Team — Under 500 hrs. — Ethel Robinson & Patsy Lee Durham #46
Best S olo — Under 200 hrs. — Pat Davis #73
Best S olo — O ver 200 hrs. — Gwen Dewey #64
“ Tail-End A n to in e tte " — Nina Rookaird #99
Race O fficials review ed tow er tape at Bakersfield and determ ined final score.
which have not had postage in­
cluded for return are being sent to
Betty McNabb for the Scrapbook.
Editors N o te:
A recent a rticle e n title d Women in
Aerospace by 99 Jean Ross Howard, is
available upon w ritten request to :
Federal A viation A d m in is tra tio n
800 Independence Avenue, S.W.
W ashington, D.C. 20591
It is well worth reading, and th is should
answer many requests as to where to
obtain it.
99s Canadian
Pward In Aviation
By Heather Sifton
First Canadian Chapter
The Board of Trustees of the N inetyNines Canadian Award in Aviation are
pleased to announce the firs t R ecipients of
their newly established Trust Fund — The
Canadian S ociety of A via tion M edicine,
Film Fund C om m ittee and The W estern
Canada Aviation Museum Inc.
One o f the prim ary ob je ctives of the
N inety-N ines is to sup po rt and encourage
flig h t safety. It was the unanim ous
decision of the Board of Trustees that the
production of a c o lo u r do cum entary film
relating to hum an factors in flig h t en­
vironm ent, w ould be a great asset to the
flyin g pu blic. The F ilm
C om m ittee is Chaired in T oronto by Dr. A.
R. (Russ) Kem pton w ith Dr. W alter
Johnson in charge of Research, assisted
by Dr. James C arroll, and the film w ill be
available fo r general release across
The W estern Canada A viation Museum,
o ffic ia lly established in W innipeg, January
7th 1974, is dedicated to the preservation
of W estern Canada's A viation heritage.
President G ordon C. Emberley states that
extensive salvage and restoration of
h isto ric aircraft has been accom plished in
readiness fo r display at a perm anent site.
Canadian N inety-N ines are v ita lly con­
cerned that Canada's aviation histo ry w ill
be preserved fo r fu tu re generations.
The 99s Canadian Award in A viation is a
project of the East Canada Section of the
N inety-N ines. Using an in itia l fund of
$10,000.00 they have established a Trust
Fund from w hich annually Aw ards w ill be
m ade w ith in th e C a n a d ia n a v ia tio n
com m unity. The Awards are intended to
g ive a s s is ta n c e to in d iv id u a ls and
organizations engaged in educational or
charitable a ctivitie s related to aviation and
aeronautics, in p a rticu la r in the fie ld s of
sports aviation, preservation of aviation
history, disse m in a tio n of in fo rm atio n
relating to safety and aviation know ledge,
and s c ie n tific stud ies related to aviation.
Flying on to
(Ed. Note: The Heading NEW HORIZONS
reflects the belief that death is a horizon
toward which we all fly, even though this
new adventure is brought about by diverse
causes. In a sense it is a flight from the
"bonds of earth” to unknown “ New
Mrs. Rae Shaffer, Kansas Chapter, died in
a crash on O ct. 6, 1975. She was the
daughter o f the fou nde r of Russel A irp o rt,
from w h ich she too k o ff on a pleasure
flig h t. A veteran p ilo t, and one much
beloved by her m any frie n d s, her loss is
indeed a sad tragedy.
Bertha A. Cline, a valued 99 since 1963,
died February 28, 1975. She was a m em ber
of the Reno Area Chapter.
M arian
N e w m an ,
La ke
M ic h ig a n
Chapter, died Aug. 12, after a lengthy
illne ss. An e n th u sia stic 99, w ho is greatly
m issed.
Current Decisions
In Aviation Law
By Sylvia Paoli
In ap plying the legal do ctrin e of “ res
ipsa lo q u itu r"— “ the thin g speaks fo r it­
s e lf” — to a crash w h ich occurred in
O ctober, 1970, the Suprem e C ourt of
C a lifo rn ia has perhaps set a precedent.
The lo g ic behind the legal theory is
e sse ntia lly that it m ust be assum ed the
accident did not happen by its e lf, and,
therefore, if no oth er cause can be found,
the p ilo t MUST have caused it. To apply
the d o ctrine , three c o n d itio n s m ust exist:
(1) the accident m ust be of a kind w hich
o r d in a r ily d o e s n o t o c c u r w ith o u t
som eone’s negligence; (2) it m ust be
caused by som e th in g w ith in the EX­
CLUSIVE c o n tro l of the de fendant; and (3)
the p la in tiff m ust NOT have had anything
to do w ith causing it.
Harold Cheatham , the ow ner and p ilo t of
a Cessna 172, departed San Diego w ith tw o
n o n -p ilo t frien ds, about 1 :00 Sunday
afternoon, in clear weather. When the
plane failed to return, a search was
launched and the wreckage was located
the fo llo w in g day in the m ou ntainou s
terrain east o f Tijuana. There was no
evidence the plane had ever landed or had
any radio co m m u n ica tio n s w ith anyone
after take-off.
The surviving w ife and children of
passenger Newing sued the p ilo t’s estate
on the basis o f negligence and w ilfu l
m isco n d u ct, cla im in g the p ilo t (1) had
allow ed the plane to run out o f fuel w h ile in
flig h t; (2) had violated ap plicab le FARs;
and (3) was ne glige nt under the “ res ipsa
lo q u itu r” do ctrine .
The C om m andante of Tijuana A irport
and one of his m echanics, concluded "fue l
e xh a u stio n ” was the cause of the crash,
te s tify in g there was no evidence of fuel
spilla ge on the ground beneath the plane
and the level of fuel in the tanks was three
s ixtee nths of an in c h — unusable. The
defendants got the w itnesses to adm it that
no a tte m p t was made to bring the plane
level and then measure the fuel level.
F urther, no oth er causes had been con­
sidered o r investigated. A nother w itness
fo r p la in tiffs te s tifie d that a 172 has
s u ffic ie n t fuel to fly 4.3 hours when
operated at the usual power se ttin g s and
w ith a lean fuel m ixtu re — w hich ju st
happened to be the exact tim e from take­
o ff to when the plane's clock stopped at
5 :1 8 p.m . He also te stifie d that in an
experim ent in running the engine of a
statio nary 172 u n til it ran out of gas, five
sixteenth of an inch of fuel remained in the
tanks a fter the engine had stopped. Again,
defendants brought out that the endurance
of the plane could be much more or less,
and there was no evidence as to the
a ltitu d e , pow er se ttin g s, or fuel m ixture
used by the plane.
One o f de fendant’s w itnesses te stifie d
that he perform ed an experim ent on a
detached Cessna 172 w ing arranged at an
angle ap pro xim atin g that of the w ing o f the
downed plane as shown in photographs of
the wreckage, and found that it required
7.5 g a llo ns of gas to raise the fuel level in
the w ing tank to three sixtee nths o f an
in c h — d e fin ite ly a usable am ount of fuel.
There was furthe r evidence, from the
ow ner of a N ational C ity tavern, that the
three men had been drinking beer together
on the day of the crash, and eigh t o r nine
em pty beer cans were found in the plane.
In au topsies perform ed on the three, a
strong odor of alcohol had been noted
em anating from the rem ains of the p ilo t
and one passenger, but not from Newing.
At the close of te stim on y, the judge of
the tria l cou rt ordered a verdict for
p la in tiffs , on the basis that negligence had
been established under the “ res ipsa
lo q u itu r” d o c trin e ; the jury subsequently
returned a verdict in the am ount of
$125,000 damages fo r the p la in tiffs .
The Supreme Court, on appeal, stated
that there was no evidence of ANY factors
co n trib u tin g to the crash, and therefore, " it
seems reasonably clear that the accident
probably w ould not have occurred w ith o u t
negligence by som eone.” Since the tw o
passengers were not p ilo ts, the inference
was strong that Cheatham possessed
exclusive con tro l o f the airplane, and there
was no contrary evidence. A d d itio n a lly,
Cheatham was the p ilo t in com m and, and
under the
he is considered
responsible fo r all de cisio ns concerning
the operation of the flig h t. The bodies of
the tw o passengers were found to be in the
back seat of the plane, m aking it d iffic u lt
to im agine how eith er could have in ­
terfered ph ysica lly w ith the operation of
the plane in any way.
The defendants argued that the fact the
three had been d rin kin g meant tha t, in
actu ality, the passengers were in some
measure g u ilty by a llow in g them selves to
get in to the airplane w ith a p ilot who was
not fit to fly. The court fe lt th is argum ent
was not s u ffic ie n t to negate C heatham ’s
ultim ate re sp o n sib ility.
The court did not feel it necessary that
all possible causes be elim inated. Rather,
it is enough if the p la in tiffs can defend
against inferences of the possible con­
trib u tio n to the crash by the ir decedent.
Further, if there are pieces of evidence
po in tin g tow ards the p ilo t's negligence, it
then becomes the defendant’s o b lig a tio n
to disprove that evidence and show som e
other cause fo r the accident, or at least
show that Cheatham had exercised due
care in all po ssib le respects in w h ich he
m ig h t have been negligent. W ith o u t th is,
the cou rt fou nd it m ust a ffirm the low er
c o u rt’s de cisio n.
The defendants had also asked the trial
court to in stru ct the ju ry as to the law if
p la in tiff’s decedent Newing was found to
be c o n trib u to rily ne gligent, that is, have
con tribu te d in som e way to the crash, or if
he was found to have “ assumed the ris k ”
by pa rticip a tin g in the drinkin g and then
flyin g . The cou rt refused, saying there was
a lack of evidence to support either
co n te n tio n , there being only speculation
as to (1) how m uch d rin kin g had occurred,
(2) if the p ilo t was intoxicated to such a
degree as to put the passengers on notice
of his in capacity to safely p ilo t a plane, or
(3) if they otherw ise had some reason to be
put on such notice.
N othing in the cou rt's o p in ion reflected
any other defenses being raised. Evidently
no evidence was sub m itte d as to other
possible causes of crashes, such as clear
air turbulence, do w n drafts in the m oun­
tains, etc., and no investig ation was made
at all of the plane its e lf, other than that
made by the Tijuana o ffic ia l. Yet the case
is a clear precedent fo r holding the p ilo t
negligent unless the other side can PROVE
that he was n o t— a very d iffic u lt task.
What it's all about
by Margo Smith, Chairman
As you know by now, the in dividu al APT
lis tin g was om itted from the roster and
u n fortuna tely, so too were the names of
the Section and Chapter APT Chairm en. As
you m ig h t recall, the roster is set up early
in the sum m er so that when the decision
was made at C onvention to keep the
Program , it was ju s t too late to get the
in fo rm a tio n back in. Please save the
fo llo w in g lis t o f SECTION APT CHAIRMEN
fo r reference (note there are som e
M iddle East, Am y M orris; East Canada,
W ilsie F ro sst; New England, Nina Hetm anenko;
W e s te rn
C anada,
H e lg a
V alousek; New York-New Jersey, N icole
Radecki; A ustra lia n, Peg K elm an; North
Central, C arolyn Pobanz; East A frica,
Veronica M ason;
N orthw est,
M ercer; F inn ish , Sirpa H uusela; South
Central, Jan H eins; South A frican, Am alie
V o n -M a ltitz ; S outheast, G aldys Estes;
South Central A frica, B rig itte H ilde bra ndt;
S outhw est,
P yatt;
M em bers-atLarge, Carole Chambers.
Since the APT Program began in 1968
there have been eleven 99s who have been
fo r
c o n s e c u tiv e
ye a rs .
C o n g ra tu la tio n s are in order fo r New
England’s B illie
Downing and Mona
M o rr e ll,
N o rth
C e n tr a l’ s
M a rg a re t
Ringenberg, South C entral’s Adele Baker,
S outheast’s Frances P. Davis and S outhw e st’s Vera A rnold, V irg in ia Flanary, Sally
R o lfin g , Margo S m ith, Pam Van der
Linden, Kathleen W alton. No do ub t there
w ill be more when the rest o f the 1975
records get to my desk. There have been
many others w ho are 6 and 5 years APT. In
fact it is in te restin g to note that once a 99
becom es APT she more often than not
m aintains th is status annually. It is also
true that a 99 becom es APT but the APT
form was ‘lo s t’. This was esp ecially true in
the early years before we all realized what a
valuable and ongoing Program th is w ould
W ith the 1974 year alm ost at an end,
check to be ^ure you did get APT th is year
and su b m itte d the form . Don’t lose your
consecutive sta tu s ju s t because we went
in to a h o ld in g pattern fo r a m onth th is
sum m er!
by Wanda Cummings, Reporter
Marian Banks and I are back in the
racing o ffic e after a fun and fa tte n in g loop
through the W est Indies to Caracas and
G uatam ala w ith Thon and George G riffith
in th e ir Baron. Que Bueno! No way to keep
’em dow n on the Farms a fte r tha t, so we
clim bed in the Com anche to blaze some
more o f the Bicentennial T rail. W eather
p e rm ittin g , w e’ll have all S tops covered by
T hanksgiving as fo llo w s : Start Ju ly 9,
Sacram ento Ca; Fresno and Riverside CA;
Grand Canyon, AZ; Santa Fe, NM ;
Lubbock, TX; O klahom a C ity, O K; L ittle
Rock, A R ; N ashville, TN ; Parkersburg,
WV (changed from C harleston) and ter­
m inus W ilm in g to n , DE deadline Ju ly 12.
Fresno is not a m ust id e n tific a tio n ,
Riverside and Lubbock are “ M ust S top s".
She’s a long ’un...2,916 m iles.
Entry k its w ill be available in February
fo r $5.00. Send fo r yours early, en tries w ill
open March 15! If you plan to race an
aircraft w h ich is not on the 1975 handicap
lis t, request your handicap BEFORE Feb.
21. No race no. may be purchased this
AWTAR is blessed w ith good friends.
For in sta nce : San Diego area 99s have
always been staunch race supporters.
Their m ost successful project is the
“ F ly in g
C o m p a n io n
S e m in a r’’ ,
spearheaded by my revered co -p ilo t Ava
C a rm ic h a e l,
her fly in g
c o m p a n io n
husband Dr. David C., and chairm an Betty
W harton. Proceeds from one of these
sessions were con tribu te d fo r purchase of
needed eq uipm ent at Headquarters. In our
adopted Texan Lingo, "Love Y’a ll! ”
L. to R.:
Don Potter, Owner of Moqui Lodge, Grand
Canyon; June O'Neill, Stop Chairman;
Wanda Cummings and Marian Banks,
AWTAR Route Directors; Paul Baker,
Tower Chief.
Flying A ctivitie s
Charlene Falkenberg,
International Chairman
C o n g ra tu la tio n s go out to the com ­
m ittees of the succe ssful FAIR Race and
the M ichigan Sm all Race.
Im pound day fo r the Fair was IFR all the
way. The com m ittee was b itin g the ir nails.
F in a lly 38 con testants made th e ir way to
A nderson, IN by hook or crook. The stories
of th e ir adventures w ould f ill another
colum n . Ten states were represented
ranging from north to M ichigan, East to
Pennsylvania, South to Georgia, and west
to M isso uri. The top three w inners were
Sophie Payton, Clearwater, FI in her
M ooney M20C; Betty C u ll, O sgood, IN, in
a Piper PA28; and Janice Juechenm eister,
Dayton, O hio, in a Cessna 182.
The Sm all Race also found 38 women
p ilo ts com p etin g along a route stretching
from O w osso, M ichigan to G ladw in, to
W hite C loud, and back to O wosso. Julie
Clark w ith hubby, Harold, as co -p ilo t, of
D etroit, were beaming recipie nts of first
place, fo llo w e d by 2nd place winner,
D ottie A nderson, B lu ffto n , O hio, and 3rd
place captured by Sammy M cKay of Grand
Blanc, M ichigan. Sammy, a w ell known
Powder P uff Derby racer has the d is tin c ­
tio n of having flow n in all 19 Michigan
Sm all Races.
There is an in te restin g background to
th is event. It begain in 1956 to get con­
testan ts from the 1956 AW TAR, which
term inated in F lin t, M ichigan, to the
International Convention of the 99s which
was being
held in
Harbor Spring,
M ichigan.
C o ng ratula tion s go out also to the
winners of the m any oth er sm all races held
throughout the cou ntry. We now know the
route of the 1976 Powder P uff Derby and if
you haven’t gotten you rself a Snoopy pin
to help support th is event please do so. If
no one in your area has them ju s t get in
touch w ith me. Plans have been firm ed up
for the 1976 llli-N in e s air Derby. Cash
prizes, trophies, and awards w ill be given
at the 7th Annual llli-N in e A ir Derby, May
28-29-30, 1976, Quad C ity A irp o rt, M oline,
Illin o is. P roficiency and Speed Categories.
Male or Female P ilot. C ontact Von Alter,
Quad C ity Chapter, fo r Entry K it.
It is good to see all Section Meeting
dates in the roster th is tim e. It is never too
early to start planning a fly -in to the spring
meeting. Take note all F lyin g A ctivity
W ill all Chapter Chairm en please send
me the name of you r F lyin g A ctivity
Chairm an. (You d o n 't have one— shame on
you— get one appointed im m ediately).
Send to C H AR ; 618 South W ashington
Street; Hobart, IN 46342. I also need the
names of all Section F lyin g A ctivity
Chairmen. W ill the G overnors please send
this in fo rm atio n to me, or have the Section
Secretary do so?
Any Chairmen needing sug ge stion s for
flyin g activitie s drop me a line. I also
w o u ld a p p re c ia te re c e iv in g C h a p te r
new sletters as th is is a good way fo r your
ideas and a ctivitie s to get passed around.
In return I'll give all your a c tiv itie s all the
p u b licity possible and share you r ideas.
Remember A T is a s to p p in g p o in t. Let’s
keep the C in the word and make it a
working, m oving w ord. ACT — A ction ,
C om m unication, T ra in in g — Don’t fail to
com m unicate w ith me.
by Page Shamburger
Both Fran Sargent and I realize we have
some plenty big shoes to fill as th is year's
co-chairm en of N ational Intercollegiate
Flying A ssociatio n. Joy Feak did one big
outstanding jo b last year, and — please
help us keep tha t pace.
By the tim e you read th is, m ost of the
college flyin g regional m eets w ill be past
tense. As you may know, the winners of
those regional m eets are the invited
contestant teams fo r the big cham pion of
cham pions annual meet. We have received
the results of som e of those regional
meets and we’d like to give those to your
chapters fo r several reasons. F irst, we
thin k you’d LIKE to know w ho these big
winners are and second, if you have a
w inning college in your area, perhaps
you’ll contact them and see how you can
First and second places have been won
by Central Texas in Killeen and by South­
west Texas JC o f Uvale, by Southern
Illin o is U in Carbondale and M id dle Tenn.
State at M urfreesboro, by Gateway Tech in
Kenosha, W ise, and St. Cloud State at St.
Cloud, M inn.
Depending on the num ber o f co m p e tito r
teams in the regional, m ore than tw o top
w inners may be invited. W e’ll try to keep
you posted. Or be tte r yet, you can be an
associated m em ber of NIFA and receive
the m o n th ly “ C o n ta ct” spreading the news
all fo r $10. They need those dues, and you
can really be “ in ” on the d o in g s by jo in in g .
Fran, I, or Prof. Harold W ood, NIFA
National H eadquarters, Parks C o lle g e — St.
Louis U, C ahokia, Illin o is 62206 w ill accept
dues and get you on the m em bership rolls
q u ickly and g ra te fu lly.
Speaking of m on ey— horrid th o u g h t! We
do know th a t you as in d ivid u a ls, as
chapters, and as se ctio n s have too many
dem ands fo r d o lla rs as it is. There is
ab so lu te ly no way you can benefit the
future of aviation MORE than c o n trib u tin g
to NIFA, though the kid s are ju s t great and
alm ost to o ap pre ciative ; and every cent
you co n trib u te goes d ire c tly to them . A ll of
the other NIFA su p p o rtin g organizations
(G AM A,
A O P A — ALPA (A irlin e
P ilots
A s s o c ia tio n ) have u p p e d t h e ir c o n ­
trib u tio n s th is year, m ost have doubled
them . W e’d like the 99s to, too. Please
help us! In fla tio n is h ittin g the kids, too.
So far we have C olorado and Long Island
chapters c o n trib u tin g between J o y ’s term
and us. The tw o latest are: Southeast
S ection, $200, C arolinas Chapter, $100.
Please jo in the lis t, n o w — NIFA needs you
badly. The addresses are the same fo r
co n trib u tio n s and fo r NIFA associate
m em berships.
And w hy not plan now to com e to the big
annual meet? It's in A p ril hosted by Em bryRiddle at Datona Beach, F lorida. See for
you rself where o u r money goes. It IS a
good excuse to go to F lorida, too!
tim e enough fo r you to w rite. W o uldn 't it
be nice to have your ow n copy in your hot
little fis t to m ull over and com m ent on at
you r leisure? Besides, it’s free, and you
also receive A dvisory C irculars. WRITE,
asking to be placed on the F .A .A .’s
m ailin g lis t fo r fu tu re free A dvisory C ir­
culars and N otices o f Proposed Rule
M aking. The address: Department of
T ransp ortatio n, D istrib u tio n U nit, TAD
484.3, W ashing to n, D.C. 20590.
PPD Bi-Centennial 76
Thanks to you gals
who supplies the means
to support the ways
for the All Women
Transcontinental Air Race.
The Snoopy sh irts are all sold, and we
are w o rking feverishly on the pins.
A pp roxim ately 3,000 pins have been
d is trib u te d to sections and chapters.
Ilovene P otter and Judy McCrum are my
co-chairm en in the N orthw est S ectio n;
Kathy Long in the South Central S ection;
Jerry Roberts in the New York-New Jersey
S e ctio n ; and Charlene Falkenberg in the
North Central S ection. To save postage I
have m ailed bulk to these g irls, and they
w ill be in touch w ith the chapters. Over
1,000 pins have been sold already, and we
are g e tting orders every day.
Six thousand of these pins were cast
especially fo r us by the Aviva C loisonne
process and the fo llo w in g is th e ir sto ry:
“The art of cloisonne was already
flourishing in the religious art of the
Byzantine Empire by the time it was in­
troduced to the Far East. Nevertheless,
each in his own way, the Chinese and the
Japanese raised cloisonne to a peak of
beauty and refinement. Each piece of Aviva
cloisonne involves the intricate process of
Joan Kerwin
the placement of powdered enamel in the
Legislation Information Chairman
I have tried in previous colum n s to small outlined areas on the metal surface;
encourage you to w rite the President, firing under tremendous temperatures;
M embers of Congress and you r Senators polishing with pumice and charcoal and
a b o u t le g is la t io n a f fe c tin g G e n e ra l finally, gold plating, truly creating hand­
A via tion . They are the people who crafted jewelry of excellent quality!
The pins make w onderful C hristm as
o rig in a te and vote on le g isla tio n such as
fuel a llo ca tio n , taxes and large item s like presents fo r young and old, flyers and non­
that. (Include your expensive ELT here, flyers. O thers are being given away as
after tw o m em bers of “ The C lu b " were lost m om entos fo r firs t flig h ts , firs t so lo s, and
in an airplane crash in Alaska. If they had advanced ratings. A lso fo r C hristm as
presents d o n 't forge t Mardo Crane’s
been lo st at sea, do you suppose we w ould
“ Ladies! Rev Up Your Engines” ! (order
all be required to carry life rafts, etc.?)
However, if you th in k taxation w ith direct from Mardo $3.25) and Sheila S cott's
representation is bad, try regulation “ B arefoot in the S kies” (order through
w ith o u t in fo rm a tio n — in fo rm a tio n w hich m e— $7.95 plus 30 cents fo r postage).
Both of these authors kin d ly make a
the F .A .A . is seeking from you!
W henever there is to be a change in any d o na tion to AWTAR from the sale o f the ir
F .A .R ., a N o tice of Proposed Rule M aking books.
W hen the pins are gone, there w o n 't be
is issued. The p u b lic is given 60 to 90
any m ore ever. Ju st like w ith the sh irts, the
days to respond w ith any com m ents, pro
com panies make on ly lim ited qu a n titie s so
o r con. The F .A .A . then com p lie s and
the item s d o n 't become com m onplace.
tabulates the responses, som etim es even
The pins are $3 each. Postage is free on
using sug ge stion s made and then acts
orders of one dozen o r more. O therw ise,
acco rdingly. However, if they receive no
please enclose a dim e or stam p fo r single
com m ent or very few , they m ust assum e
orders. Let me have your orders as soon as
that you agree w ith them and the change is
po ssib le and le t’s
K eep’em Flying,
enacted as w ritte n .
Pam Vander Linden, Chairman
W ith the tim e elem ent o f 60-90 days fo r
1976 Ways & Means Committee
com m e nt, there is very little chance of me
P.O. Box 352, Fallbrook, CA 92028
in clu d in g an NPRM in th is colum n w ith
For Your
Inform ation
Marilyn P. Hibner, Chairman
“Points for Safety” Achievement
Program Underway
E ffective Septem ber 1st, 1975, YOUR
PLAQUE fo r having acquired the m ost
num ber of p o in ts toward the advancem ent
of safety education by the tim e the plaque
is presented at the 1976 International
C onvention for the firs t tim e. In a d d itio n ,
the w in n in g Section w ill be given per­
manent reco gn ition fo r th e ir achievem ents
by also having the ir Section name appear
on a d u plicate perpetual plaque that w ill be
on perm anent
d isp la y
Headquarters B u ild in g .
Safety Education
Activity-Points Listing
The fo llo w in g "P o in t Values” have been
assigned to Safety Education A ctivitie sA cco m p lish m e n ts that may be earned by a
Chapter and-or Section to accum ulate
po in ts on a Section level. The Section
scoring the highest num ber of p o in ts w ill
be the recipient of a "ro ta tin g ” Section
A w a rd p la q u e f o r S a fe ty E d u c a tio n
Achievem ent, w h ich w ill be presented
each year at the International C onvention.
A d u plicate "record of re cip ie n ts” plaque
w ill be on displa y at Headquarters.
To get these po in ts cred its, a copy o f the
applicable p o in ts cla im form m ust be
com pleted by the member, or Chapter, or
Section (as the case may be), fo r an activ ity -ite m that has taken place between
July 1, 1975 and June 30, 1976, and that
form then forw arded to the Chairm an of
the International C o m m itte e fo r Safety
Education for recording and verificatio n
under the name of ap plicab le sectio n. NO
Each Section Governor should have
received copies o f all of these cla im s
form s and forw arded on copies to each of
her C hapters in her Section of ju ris d ic tio n .
The m ailin g to the Section Governors
con sisted of the fo llo w in g :
S a fe ty E d u c a tio n A c t iv it y - P o in t s
Lising (4-75)
S e c tio n
C o m m itte e
C h a irm a n
A p p o in tm e n ts fo r Safety Education (4-75)
Section Claim Form fo r Points
Claim ed T ow a rd...A ch ieve m en t Award (475)
C h a p te r
C o m m itte e
C h a irm a n
A p p o in tm e n ts fo r Safety E ducation (4-75)
• Chapter C laim Form fo r Points
Claim ed T ow a rd ...S e ctio n Achievem ent
Award (4-75)
Individual M em ber’s P ilot Safety
M aintenance Program (3-75)
If your Chapter and each of its mem bers
have not received the appropriate form s
indicated in th is lis t, con tact your Section
Governor im m e dia te ly so that tim e is not
lost toward w orking on a c tiv itie s to acquire
po in ts fo r your S ection. C om plete de tails
on a c tiv itie s and the realm of the Safety
Education C o m m itte e can be found in the
latest SOPs issued by H eadquarters to
Use appropriate Section/Chapter “Claim Form for Points Claimed” to be eligible for this
Point Value
10 (each time)
5 (each time)
A ppointm ent o f Section S afety Education Chairman
A ppointm ent o f S ection Public Speakers Bureau Chairman
Safety Education Theme and Program at Section M eeting
Speaking Engagem ent of Speakers Bureau Speaking on
Aviation S a fe ty/A via tion /N ine ty-N ine s (com bined)
5 (each
10 (each
10 (each
10 (each
10 (each
10 (each time)
10 (each time)
5 (each time)
20 (each m ember)*
5 (each member)
A ppointm ent of Chapter S afety Education Chairman
A ppointm ent of Chapter Public Speakers Bureau Chairman
Safety Program at Chapter M eeting
Penny(ies)-A-Pound Event
S afety C linic in Association w ith FAA
S afety Check-Ride C linic with FAA
CFI Revalidation C linic w ith FAA
S tatic Display on Aviation S afe ty/A via tion /N ine ty-N ine s
(com bined) for Public View (i.e., during local "General
Aviation W eek" celebrations)
S.A.F.E. Sem inar
A.W.A.R.E.* Sem inar
Published A rticle on Aviation S afe ty/A via tion /N ine ty-N ine s
(com bined)
Pilot Safety M aintenance Program
FAA-Appointed S afety Counselor
**ln t'l Safety Education Chairman w ill convert this to a Chapter value by dividing the 20
points per m em ber by the num ber of Chapter m em bers of record as of 1/1/76.
Section G overnors and Chapter Chairm en.
Please note that the form fo r the “ Pilot
Safety M aintenance Program " has been
revised as of 10-75. The prupose of the
revision was to delete the requirement of
attaching copies of X-C flight planning
sheets and copies of log book sheets
w hich were form erly required on the
o rig in a l of th is form dated 3-75. There is no
other change to th is form or any other form
as of th is date. Your Section Governor has
been m ailed a copy of th is revised fo rm ;
however the o rig in a l form may be used and
the requirem ent struck out on the form
where it appears above the solid line on
page one of the form .
If you w ant to sponsor an FAA Safety
C lin ic, con tact your local FAA-GADO
A c c id e n t P re v e n tio n S p e c ia lis t im ­
m ediately to arrange a date (they need
about 2 to 3 m onths of lead tim e to have
O klahom a C ity send out th e ir C linic
A nnouncem ent m ailin gs to p ilo ts in your
area). If you want to o ffe r a Project
A .W .A .R .E . C lin e , s h o rt SO Ps are
available from the Phoenix Chapter or
throu gh the International Chairm an for
Safety Education. If you want to o ffe r a
S .A .F .E . program , a detailed SOP (over
100 pages) is available from the Long
Island Chapter fo r $18.00. Get your ac­
tiv itie s planned and carried out and get
your po in ts claim form in AS SOON AS
AW ARD OF THE PLAQUE. However, they
w ill be held over and credited to the
Section fo r the fo llo w in g year’s award of
the plaque. In all cases a verified copy of
the po in t recording w ill be m ailed back to
the person s u b m ittin g same by the
I n te r n a tio n a l
C h a irm a n
fo r
S a fe ty
Education. Please note: The Points
L is tin g is not to be considered an allin clusive, restrictive lis tin g of ways in
w hich po in ts can be acquired fo r Safety
Education activitie s-ite m s. Therefore, if
you have an a ctivity-ite m in m ind which
you feel prom otes Safety Education, but it
does not appear on the lis tin g , s u b m it your
idea w ith a thorough d e scrip tio n and it w ill
be assigned an o ffic ia l po in t value if it w ill
prom ote Safety Education.
Air Age
By Linda Hooker, Chairman
December 17th, 1903 O rville and W ilb ur
W righ t put K itty Hawk, North C aroline on
the map. There on that bleak overcast day
they, w ith on ly five w itnesses looking on,
made the firs t flig h t in a powered airplane
in h isto ry. At noon, in tw en ty seven mile
per hour w inds, W ilb u r made the fourth
and longest flig h t of the day 852 feet from
K ill Devil H ill. Since it took him 59 seconds
to travel the 852 feet, th is ground speed
was ap pro xim ately 10 m iles per hour.
I relate these facts because I feel that
December w ould be a good m onth to
com m em orate and tell the story of the
birth of aviation. This can be done in any
num ber of ways, in d ivid u a lly or as a
chapter project.
Please give serious
consideration to the fo llo w in g
projects fo r next year and the m onth of
December particularly.
(1) At your local school(s) o r in your
c o m m u n ity in it ia t e an a rt c o n te s t
(determ ine the m edium you rself or leave it
to the entrants cho ice ie, clay, o il,
watercolor, pastels, pen & ink, papiermache, etc.). Have all entrants depict a
certain theme o r aspect of aviation (ie.
“ Aviation Yesterday, Today & T om orro w ,”
“ Great M om ents in A v ia tio n ,” “ The Birth of
A via tio n ,” etc. You m ig ht even want to
have entrants relate A viation and the
B icentennial. Arrange fo r entries to be
displayed in a p u blic place such as a bank
lobby, co m m u n ity center, p u blic library,
shopping center m all, etc. Present awards
pu blicly on or around December 17.
Awards can be cash, flig h t tim e, an air­
plane ride, etc. (depending on age group).
If possible, have several age group
categories in clu d in g an adult group. For
helpful h in ts, advise and ju d g in g expertise
contact you r local art gallery or museum,
art co lle cto rs, etc. Advertise the contest
via radio & T.V. co m m u n ity service an­
nouncem ents, in local news and trade
papers, hand out flyers at schools,
libraries, shopping centers, etc. Above all
else PLEASE let me hear of your results.
Take pictures and m ail them to me AIR
MAIL. I w ould like to use them in a special
article in the 99 News and a national
magazine. Please accurately describe and
label each picture. Slides and film footage
w ill also be greatly appreciated.
(2) A variation on the art co n te st could
be an essay contest. Place a word lim it on
the length (ie 250 w ords or less, 250-500
words, etc.) High School and-or college
English & Literature teachers are excellent
resource fo r judges. If you choose th is
route, please send me a copy o f the 1st
through 3rd place essays and pictures of
the w inners. This m aterial also w ill be
used fo r a 99 News article. O ther projects
you m ig h t w ant to undertake are as
fo llo w s :
(3) Assem ble a displa y and place it in
your local school or p u blic library, school
classroom , airpo rt w a iting lounge, or any
other p u b lic gathering place.
(4) Go to a local teacher and o ffe r to give
a short ta lk on A viation. You m ig h t want to
include a fie ld trip to your local airport,
FSS, C o ntrol Tower, etc. Show pictures of
the "K itty H aw k" and com pare it w ith
pictures of som e of tod ay’s aircraft.
AGAIN, Please send me the name of
y o u r A ir A g e E d u c a tio n C o m m itte e
Chairman, if you have not already done so,
and keep me inform ed of w hat is being
done in the fie ld of AAE by you and your
SPECIAL NOTE: Foreign Chapters and
S e c tio n s , p le a s e g iv e s e rio u s c o n ­
sideration to adapting one of the above
suggestions to aviation in you r country.
by Carol Phelps
The New England Section recently held
th e ir fa ll m eeting in S p rin g fie ld , Mass. The
m eeting was hosted by the W estern New
England Chapter
New Section o ffice rs fo r 1975-76 were
in sta lle d. Mildred Doremus (ENE) of
L y n n fie ld , M a s s , g overn o r, Barbara
Herbert (CO NN.) of A rm onk, N .Y., vicegovern o r, H a rrie t F u lle r (E N E ) o f
Shrew sbury, Mass, secretary, and Martha
Barnes (NNE) o f A m herst, N.H. treasurer.
During the luncheon, Marie Lepore
(ENE) of W orcester, Mass. was honored as
W om an o f the Year fo r m erit in aviation.
Mrs. Lepore is presently W orcester A irp o rt
C om m issio ne r. Her c o n trib u tio n s and
c ita tio n s in general aviation are num erous.
Since the beginning of the Mass. W ing of
C ivil A ir Patrol in 1941, she has been a
valuable asset and holds the rank o f Lt.
C olonel. She has been cited fo r O ut­
standing C o n trib u tio n s to A eronautics in
Central Mass. as com m ander of the
W orcester CAP Squadron. She has been an
active m em ber o f the New England Section
N inety-N ine s since 1945 and has worked
on m any com m ittee s. In 1961 she received
the New England N inety-N ine scho la rship
award fo r w ork in the field o f A ir
Education, C .A .P ., and furtherance of
wom en in aviation in New England.
Western New England Chapter of 99s
models a flying suit of yesteryear complete
with parachute. The fashion show was part
of the program during the fall meeting of
the New England Section of Ninety-Nines
held in Springfield, Mass. (Photo by Carol
Fall Section Meeting
St. Louis, Mo.
By Jan Pocock
“ St. Louis has it, A to Z " was the theme,
and, the “ W ” ju s t had to stand fo r
W eather B e a u tifu l! C rystal clear skies
greeted the 33 airplanes th a t flew in to the
S p irit of St. Louis A irp o rt fo r the 1975 Fall
S ectional.
The v is itin g 99s, som e 4 9 ' / 2 S , and a few
o ff-sp rin g were greeted by s m ilin g STL
hostesses and super cou rte ou s line men at
the S p irit, then wisked away to the lovely
Sheraton W est Port Inn. W ith the com ­
bina tion o f the Inn’s Swiss decor and the
in trig u in g W est Port shopping plaza, in the
perfect Indian Sum m er weather, everyone
could have had a ball, le ft to the ir own
devices! However, there was the d e lig h tfu l
h o s p ita lity room , com plete w ith ducks!
These perm anent residents of the h o te l’s
pond ob vio usly sniffe d the odor of good
food d riftin g out of the room and decided
to wander in, much to the d e lig h t and
dism ay of hostess, Dot Haupt. There also
was a trip to Busch Stadium fo r the
baseball Cardinals victo ry over the Pirates,
w h ile som e enjoyed a lovely dinn er aboard
the Robert E. Lee, docked at the riverfront.
That was Friday, Sept. 26th. Saturday was
given over to the business of a Section
m eeting w ith C hairm an’s coffees in the
A .M ., excellent exchange o f in fo rm a tio n ,
then an A ir Age Education program ,
presented by In tn ’l. A .A.E. Chairm an,
Linda Hooker. The luncheon allow ed us a
change o f pace and a chance to find out all
about “ D ram a-m etric Exercises” from
guest speaker, Elenor Berkman.
This very entertaining lady dem on­
strated w hat facial exercise to use in order
to deter lines, sags, etc. but urged that we
restrict them to the privacy of our own
hom es, the reason fo r w hich was obvious!
The tables were set w ith g ift 99 ceram ic
cups, m anufactured to resem ble a co m ­
pass by Jackie Lindauer of the St. Louis
Chapter. There were door prizes for
everyone plus tw o special prizes fo r the
firs t re g istra tio n s received.
The business m eeting was conducted in
a m ost e ffic ie n t m anner by Governor Amy
Laws, w ith very enlig hten in g reports given
by all the com m ittee chairm en, lo ts of
good ideas fo r the members to carry back
to the ir own chapters. A report on progress
of our M useum at Dayton by Joan Hrubec
of A ll O hio, and a Headquarters report by
In tn 'l. Vice President, Lois Feigenbaum.
She rem inded us of the form al dedication
the weekend of O ct. 31st. There was
unanim ous agreem ent that the Section
should fo llo w the lead of International and
have each o ffic e r serve a tw o year term to
elim in ate the co st and fru stra tio n of yearly
electio ns. O ur election of o ffice rs fo r the
com ing year saw all incum bents relected,
w ith new Treasurer M arilyn C o lle tte of A ll
O hio. The Indiana Chapter invited us to
B lo o m in g to n fo r the Spring ’76 S ectional.
At the evening banquet, we were treated
to a marvelous talk on the WASPS by 99
Dr. Dora Strother. The lady from Bell
H e lico pter was especially fittin g , since
STL now boasts 3 w h irly girls, Betty Board
being the latest, No. 203! Dora, an
unusual person her co lo rfu l tales o f the
gals who ferried aircraft of every size and
d e s c r ip tio n , w h ile b e in g c o n s id e re d
civilia n s, together w ith her slides, only
helped paint an even more vivid pictu re of
how th in g s were.
Greater Kansas C ity Chapter won the
covered traveling troph y award and, since
there is no room le ft fo r engraving on th is
lovely silver bow l, they w ill keep it in th e ir
Chapter and start a new one. Chicago Area
Chapter received the “ O utstanding Chapter
Chairm an o f the Year" award accepted by
Ellen O'Hara, chairm an. Both are great and
deserving chapters.
Sunday dawned ju s t as clear as the other
days had been, com p le te w ith gourm et
b re a k fa s t b e fo re ta k e - o ff c lo s in g a
supurbly succe ssful weekend. To Betty
Board, Section M eeting Chairm an, and the
entire St. Louis Chapter, W ell Done!
Fall Section Meeting, N.C. Section, Head
Table for banquet. September 27, 1975.
home after a second spendid luncheon.
N inety N ines also present were p ilo ts from
Germany, Dr. Elsa W essel and Dr. Susie
G aertner, w ho are on th e ir way to
Tasm ania’s rugged w est coast to do
O ther N inety Nines am ongst the guests
were G overnor Helen B lackburn w ho flew
her 172 from Canberra w ith 49 1/2 Dick and
Vice Governor, Layne G la n ville -W illia m s.
Joan Thom pson and Barry, S hirley Harris
and Jim , G lenda P h ilp o tt and A lb ert,
M argaret Kentley and Rosemary Colm an
w ho all flew from Sydney.
W a tc h th e f o r th c o m in g
te le v is io n
program m es of the A ustralian Broad­
castin g C o m m issio n. Nancy Bird W alton
is to feature in the "B ig C o u n try" series.
She has spent th is m onth fly in g Tigers fo r
the camera. One sequence includes 21
spins from on ly 4000 feet. Nancy, at
present is in Spain to be a guest at the
reception after the m arriage o f King Leka
o f A lbania to Sydney g irl Susan C ullenw ard.
C o ng ratula tion s to 99 Jan M cKay who
won the New G uinea Independence A ir
Race against all com ers. A lso fly in g in the
race were 99s Peg Kelman and J ill C o llin s.
Fin nish Section
Australian Section
Rosemary Colman, Reporter
A u stra lia ’s o n ly W hirly G irl, Rosemary
Harris has been th is m o n th ’s u n o fficia l
am bassadress o f aviation. She appeared
as fu ll
page c o lo u r
po rtra it,
w ith
helicopter, on the fro n t page of the w idely
read Sunday Telegraph S upplem ent. Inside
were m ore photographs and a reported
interview . Earlier in the m onth Rosemary
and husband M aurice fle w to Jug io ng by
he lico pter fo r the A ustra lia n W om en
P ilo ts’ Fly In to the W ills A lle n s’ property.
They called at G oulburn enroute to refuel
and th e ir arrival was noted on the local
radio and press.
The Ju g io n g Fly In was a weekend of
lavish h o s p ita lity — grass skiin g , m otor
bikes and horses to ride and cordon bleu
food. Some sixty people were present fo r
Saturday luncheon o u tsid e in the balm y
weather and g lo rio u s ly green cou ntrysid e.
Dinner was inside in one of A u s tra lia ’s
m ost charm ing verandah style hom es. The
weather man o b lin g in g ly sent the cold
fro n t throu gh in the sm all hours of Sunday
m orning, and the day dawned clear as a
crystal and all visual p ilo ts had a safe trip
Outi Nallinmaa, Reporter
O ur bi-annual m eeting was held on 12
O ctober in Turku, in the m odern Congress
Hotel R uissalo by the sea. It looks ju st
gorgeous here th is tim e of year w ith the
blazing colors o f broad-leaf trees against
the dark green of con ifers, esp ecially on a
sunny day like the 12th was.
There were ten o f us present. We had a
brief sum m ary of the past year’s a ctivitie s.
As fo r raising fun ds, we have arranged
parties and bazaars and sold T -sh irts and
ja c k e ts . A n o th e r a r t ic le w o rth c o n ­
sid era tion w o uld be a w indch ea te r w ith
One of the tasks o f the m eeting was to
elect the 99 of the year. We pondered long
between Arja Martikainen, w ho was the
o n ly fem ale p a rticip a n t in the 1975 F innish
C ham p ion ship s fo r single -en gin ed aircraft
(the co n te st was deemed very d iffic u lt
indeed, and A rja got 15th), and Eila Oster,
w ho obtained her com m ercial rating th is
year. We decided on Eila, and she w ill be
p re s e n te d
w ith
o ld -fa s h io n e d
stee lyard— our 99 aw ard— w ith her name
e n g ra v e d
s ilv e r
p la g u e .
C o ng ratula tion s!
We also decided to hold ou r next b i­
annual m eeting in Tampere. But w e’ll hope
to let you hear from us before tha t, either
throu gh me or A rja M artikainen.
So u th Central A frica Section
Betty Ambrose, Reporter
E xcitem ent was in the air as the little
P itt's Special added up the flic k ro lls in a
fierce cross w ind. This was Poberesky in
South A frica's Flying Showpiece, “ Air
A frica Intern ation al", the debut of Lanseria, newest airpo rt in the Transvaal. The
c ro w d
a p p la u d e d
th e
im m a c u la te
de m on stra tion of what can be done w ith a
R ockwell Com m ander, and Bob Hoover
good-naturedly autographed T -shirts in the
99s tent, when we were back to normal
B rita in ’s Sheila S cott was signing
copies of “ Barefoot in the Sky” , w ith
Piper’s “ Navajo” S im u lato r crackling in her
ear; the fly in g fratern ity were feasting their
eyes on the w ide range of aircraft. These
were the stars of the show ; from
b e a u tifu lly restored vintage aircraft of
previous wars to the latest je ts that
overseas m anufactuers can offer.
A ga in st th is background, the Governors’
m eeting got under way. Sheila Scott,
B ritish G overnor, b rin g in g up to date
G overnors Jeannette van G inkel of South
A frica and B etty Am brose of South Central
A fr ic a . A ls o p re s e n t, Zee W ith a m ,
Rhodesian Flame Lily Chairm an and Eva
H o llin g sw o rth , chairm an of the Transvaal
Chapter. (C ongratulations on your new
Chapter Eva, many happy days). Much
clo ser cooperation was suggested bet­
ween these tw o S ections in A frica and we
look forw ard to future fly -in s together.
Our Section M eeting, in the com fortable
new club, too k place at 8:3 0 a.m . on
Sunday, O ct. 5th, surely the earliest
S ectional we have ever had, but 99s were
busy m anning the Inform ation Desk fo r the
Show and a sta ll, so had to be at their
p o sts by 10 a.m . We are very sorry to have
the resignation o f Hedy Green from the
post of vice governor. Hedy has been with
th is section since the beginning. B rig gitte
H ildebraudt was voted in to take the
p o sitio n .
The Governor w ould like to place on
record very sincere thanks fo r all the
trem endous e ffo rt and team w ork that the
99s put in to the whole week. Beforehand,
Val H um phreys had organized, M yrtle and
B rig itte had planned— and som e of the
plans went awry, but 99s came up with
s o lu t io n s to th e
p ro b le m s .
F rom
Rhodesia, Dr. Meg S tubbs flew a Cherokee
Six down to Lanseria w ith Chairman Zee,
Vice Chairm an, Penny Dixon, and Roseann
Sheldon, to jo in the others in a week of
sustained effo rt.
Rhodesian Flame L illie s had chartered a
V isco un t to take 56 fly in g enthusiasts
down to the Show fo r three days and this
was a great success. We enjoyed getting
to know oth er members of the com m unity
and m ore people were learning what the
99s are, in fact they were also requesting
to com e on our next charter!
We w o uld like to thank Mr. Andrew
S m ulian, A irp o rt Manager, fo r sm oothing
ou r way, and to all the people who were so
kind, pa rticu la rly Jeannette van G inkel, of
the S.A. S ect., and the great pleasure it
was m eeting p ilo ts of other countries,
France, Am erica, A ustra lia , and the
frie n d sh ip s that were made.
T his is w hat the 99s is all about.
re c o g n iz e d , in c lu d in g Jo a n S tu d e r,
com m ercial p ilo t from N ipaw in — Joan is
a true Bush P ilo t, fly in g in to the northern
lakes on flo a ts in the sum m er and w ith
skis in w inter.
Sheila Scott, British Governor, visits
Africa again, seen here with Betty
Ambrose, Governor of South Central
N ad in e C o o per,
Canadian Section.
G overnor
W estern
Western Canada Section
Nadine Cooper, Reporter
We have a postal strike in Canada,
nation w ide! Ju st as I was elected
Governor of the W estern Canadian Sec­
tion, my enthusiasm was high , co m ­
m un ica tions were going to receive firs t
priority, and now the postal w orkers strike
has brought everything to a sta n d s till.
We held a succe ssful and inform ative
Fall Section M eeting in Lethbridge Alberta
on Septem ber 26-27. It was a pleasure to
meet and know 99 Board M embers llovene
Potter from Des M oines Wa. Glad to hear
you had a good flig h t hom e llovene.
Dr. June M ills of N orth B attleford,
Saskatchewan. June has been accepted for
a post graduate course in A viation
M edicine in F arnborough England. She
w ill be leaving on January 1st.
M ildred Beam ish of M arshall, has
mastered the Instrum ent Rating requisites
at the age of 60 plus. C o ng ratula tion s!
I had the pleasure of travelling w ith
M ildred to the International F lyin g Farmer
Convention in LaFayette, Indiana, th is
past July.
Our Chapter has suffered a decrease in
members in the past year, Toni Ramsay
has moved to W innipeg, to a more
professional fly in g jo b. Vera M cA lliste r
another in s tru c to r has moved back to
B ritish Colum bia.
We paid a belated, but sincere trib u te to
Darleen Yergens, form er Chapter Chair­
man, w ith the present o f a low w ing m ono­
plane charm , at our Novem ber m eeting.
Darleen served w ith d is tin c tio n in 74-75
and continues in a less visible , but no less
im portant jo b — as Secretary-Treasurer.
We represented our Chapter at the
Moose Jaw A ir Show in July w ith a booth
in co n ju n ctio n w ith International W om en's
Year, several wom en p ilo ts were o ffic ia lly
Some of the Poker Prizes for the Poker
Run, Saskatchewan Chapter.
New England Section
Vivian Utko, Reporter
The fly in g tw oso m e are at it again.
Evelyn Kropp and Mary Suism an too k o ff
in Evelyn’s Arrow fo r the Em pire State 300,
a p ro ficie n cy fly in g con test, and they
landed tw o troph ie s, one fo r 2nd place and
one fo r the "B e st W om en Team ".
Chairm an Nina Hetman flew to the
AOPA convention in San Diego w h ile Cochairm an Ruth Buckley is h o ld ing down
the hom e fro n t, added to her teaching jo b
and atten din g grad school.
O ur F ly-in lunches, usually held once a
m onth on a weekday at various airports,
saw few o f ou r m em bers since m ost of
them work, consequently we have changed
th is m o n th ly gathering to a weekend day
and the firs t one fo r th is fall found a great
fly in g day w ith the lunch at Keene, New
Ham pshire.
Connie and R o llin s M acLeish, w ho have
been traversing the East coast fa irly
regularly, had an eventful trip on th e ir way
to Fla. in O ctober. During tne IFR flig h t in
th e ir 182, they were asked to help the local
Marine base in searching fo r a downed
plane. Approach c o n tro l vectored them
down through the clo ud s and in no tim e
they spotted a sm all craft turned over in a
corn fie ld , gave the coordinates and
surrouding land marks to the Marine Base,
and were then vectored back onto the ir
course again.
It is regret that I w rite of the passing of
Mrs. Doris Sage, m other of Peg Davidson.
Mrs. Sage helped the Conn. Chapter w ith
our raffles, k n ittin g and crocheting many
lovely item s fo r use in our section and
chapter raffles and she was often seen at
our fly -in s . W e’ll all surely m iss her.
Sherry Grobstein, Reporter
The Eastern New England 99s in­
sta lla tio n dinner was held on O ctober 10 at
the Lexington Inn w ith Dr. Sexton, and
FAA flig h t surgeon, as our guest speaker.
In s ta lle d w ere B illie M . D ow ning,
Chairman; Lillian A. Emerson, Vice
Chairman; Carol C. Stites, Secretary and
Lucille Flynn, Treasurer.
Three m embers were pinned since the
last report to the News: Agnes C attell,
Jean Doherty, and Brenda Colvin. Bette
Back has joined us from the M ichigan
Am ong the new ratings. Carol S tites has
her C om m ercial and M ulti-engine, Lu cille
Flynn com pleted her C om m ercial rating,
Harriet F uller has her Instrum ent rating
and Pam Hawes her Com m ercial G lider
Carol S tites has a new jo b ferrying
planes back to Mass. So far she has
delivered tw o : one from New Orleans and
one from Ind ian ap olis. Carol and 491/2er
Frank took a m on th -lo ng trip west in their
172 in A ug ust w ith stopovers in Montana
and Idaho.
B illie Downing and 491/2er Stu flew 65
hours and covered 7500 m iles in the 172.
They stopped to see Devil’s Tower in
W yom in g, Y ello w stone , and Sacram ento
where they rented a car to attend the Reno
A ir Races and see V irg inia C ity and South
S to p s
in c lu d e d
headquarters in O klahom a C ity.
L illia n , Howard and Chris Emerson put
55 hours on th e ir 172 traveling to Con­
Other recent chapter activitie s have
included tw o airm arkings, one at Norwood
and one at Hopedale-Draper. The A ugust
23rd Poker Party drew 29 entries. Pam
Hawes won firs t place and Steve Kolazyk
was second. The Chapter participated in
A viation Day at L.G . Hanscom Field where
Bette Back e xh ib ited her Tiger M oth.
New Y o rk -N e w Jersey Section
______________ /
Dolores Jane Zilincar, Reporter
At the O ctober m eeting, Chairman Claire
K urica fo llo w e d through w ith her prom ise
to augm ent our business m eetings w ith
interesting educational program s fo r p ilo ts
of every vintage.
We held our Spot Landing C ontest at
nearby Preston A irp o rt under the able
supervision of W anda and Lewis Mam mel.
Our w inne rs: Janice Blackburn, 99 and Joe
S m ith, 49'/2.
At the m eeting, Chairm an K urica an­
nounced that our APT Program w ould
con tinu e w ith Helen Lehman as chairm an.
Janice B lackburn, 66 Chairman, reported
that new fem ale p ilo ts w ould be sent
n o tic e s
c o n c e rn in g
o u r a c t iv itie s .
Stephana G redsted, as Public R elations
Chairm an, has already set thin gs in m otion
for coverage in local newspapers on 99
a ctivitie s. A lm a H itch in g s announced that
a p p lica tio n s fo r AE scho la rship w ould be
available to those w ho q u a lify. The current
list of chairm en fo r ou r BICENTENNIAL
GARDEN STATE 300 in clu d e : Route, Dana
and Dick Kull (newely weds as of th is
report); Banquet, Claire K urica; Im pound
and R egistration, K itty Pankow ; P u b licity
and Entries, Janice B la ckbu rn; Program,
Dolores Z ilincar. Steve G redsted w ill be
our leader.
G overnor Ruth Dobrescu has asked each
chapter in our sectio n to co n trib u te to a
fund for landscaping ou r new headquarters
b u ild in g . We voted to send $25.00 from the
Garden State. And c o n g ra tu la tio n s to the
GARDEN STATE C H A P T E R -o u r O ctober
11th m eeting coincid ed w ith our 10th
Guest speaker was Captain James
M u rp h y o f T W A . C a p ta in
M u rp h y
discussed weather as it effects the VFR
p ilo t,
observing tha t
flyin g
know ledge of thousands of sm all facts.
And th a t’s the tru th .
Sharon N. Conover, Reporter
In te rn a tio n a l W o m a n ’s Y ea r w as
celebrated w ith Anna Chennault at the
New York-New Jersey Section m eeting. As
host to the sectio n, m eeting, the Chapter
was proud to in tro du ce Madame C hennault
who is Vice President in charge of Inter­
national A ffa irs fo r the FLYING TIGER
LINE, INC., founded by her late husband,
General Claire Lee C hennault. During the
business m ee ting ,o ur4 91/2S were treated to
a special program on aviation safety,
presented by Bob Heckman, accident
prevention spe cia list from the Long Island
The G reater New York Chapter joined
Robert and Ruth W entz at a hanger party at
the Som erset A irp o rt in Som erville, New
Jersey in celebrating th e ir 27th wedding
anniversary. Ruth keeps her Cessna
Skyhawk at th is frie n d ly airpo rt, and
between the 99s and the W entz’s fa m ily
and frien ds, there was little room le ft fo r
the airplanes in the hanger.
Pat Blum and Penny A m abile flew Pat's
sin g le engine C om m anche to Denver,
C olorado and back. They file d IFR both
ways, and out of the 22 hours they flew ,
only ONE was so lid IFR! Penny earned her
in stru m en t tic k e t o n ly a week before and
was eager to use it. Pat's rating is several
years old.
Sally Bugeleisen is teaching a private
p ilo ts course fo r the A d u lt Education
program in Scarlsdale, N .Y., w h ile Penny
A m abile is h o ld ing an in stru m e n t ground
school at her home.
We are happy to have J ill S ilto n from the
San Fernando Valley Chapter w ith us,
w h ile her husband Peter sets up an o ffic e
in M anhattan. J ill has her in stru m en t
ticke t.
Ruth and Robert Wentz cutting their cake
at the Hanger Party.
Edith Tirpak, Reporter
C o n g ra tu la tio n s to
M arilyn
recipient of the A.E. Medal presented to
her by th is chapter fo r her u n tirin g e ffo rts
in the interest of aviation. M arilyn has ju st
com pleted her second term as Chairm an.
A viation E ducation is being served by
A lice B orodkin w ho is teaching an aviation
course in a H alf-W ay House, Ida Van
S m ith, w ho is teaching “ An In tro d u ctio n to
A v ia tio n " course at York College, and
A n ita C ourderc w ho has ju s t jo ine d the
Centereach, N.Y. U nit o f C ivil A ir Patrol.
Jane and W ally Duggan are the proud
ow ners o f a 1968 yellow and w h ite
C itabria. They have flo w n it to Old
Rhinbeck, S to rm ville , Freehold and a Flyin at K obelt.
The chapter d ire c tly benefited from
A n ita C ourderc's recent five week, 25,000
m ile to u r of the O rient when she shared her
many be au tifu l slides, the results of her
study of O riental m usic w h ile on sab­
batical, w ith us at a chapter m eeting.
Lore N e ff’s recent European vacation
included a fly in g ja u n t up the be au tifu l
Rhine River in G ermany. She was honored
by receiving a w e lcom ing le tte r by the
w orld fam ous Hanna R eitsch, the noted
German A irlin e Captain.
F lying vacationers Daisy and Bob Poss
made W illia m sb u rg , V irg in ia the firs t stop
on th e ir three leg trip w h ich included a visit
w ith th e ir son at R ochester and a landing
at T oronto, Canada.
N icole and Bob Radecki entered the
Em pire State 300 using the ir newly pur­
chased Skylane. Also p a rticip ating were
A lice B orodkin and Carol Rubman.
E nterprising Heide Hafner applied fo r a
patent pending on an aviation pro d u ct—
New Chairm an N icole Radecki passed
her CFII check ride.
Helen Egan Levy, Reporter
We were rained out fo r our 99 meeting
at Nairobi A irp o rt where Palisades Chapter
99s were co o rdinatin g w ith our GADO
representative to put on an FAA C lin ic &
Safety Program , so our m eeting was held
at G lob e-A ir F lig h t School on Caldwell
A irp o rt. T w o-thirds of the m embers were
present. Good news is that tw o local High
S chools have started F lying Schools. West
Essex and Paramus. We hope to be
w orking w ith them in some way, and for a
start, o u r4 9 1/2er, Dr. Joe B ellin o, is giving
the F lig h t Surgeon ph ysica ls to the West
Essex m em bers who range in age from 14
to 16. G ood representation at the Section
M eeting at Arm onk, N .Y., hostessed by
Greater N.Y. Chapter.
Louise G alfas, W ig g in s A irw ays, F light
I n s tr u c to r , C F II, 99 and A c c id e n t
Prevention C ounsellor, brought the local
high to Teterboro area w ith her presen­
ta tio n at the General A viation Pilot
E ducational C lin ic held on O ctober 29th in
a Salute to B illy Diehl Safety C lin ic ;
Palisades was well represented.
A sub -com m ittee has been form ed to
co n ta ct prospective m embers suggested in
th e
p ilo t
lis tin g
re c e iv e d
fro m
The “ AW JAR Snoopy p ins” are easting,
so w e’ll th in k SNOOPY fo r Powder Puff.
C hristm as fo r Palisades w ill be Belleville
C h ild r e n ’s S h e lte r, c o n c e n tra tin g on
teenagers, w ho usually give way to the
to ts. A pparently th is is a preference by the
Lord, we give Thee thanks fo r the
P ilg rim 's landings, m aking possible our
99s happy landings th rou gh ou t this
glo rio u s land o f the United States of
A m erica...w e pray, Lord, that you watch
o ve r
fo r
m any
m o re
H appy
Mary Creighton, Reporter
At the O ctober m eeting, the W estern
New York 99s expanded our m em bership
through an in vitatio nal party to all local
wom en p ilo ts w ho are not presently 99s.
Kathy and Henry Potoczak's slides of their
trip to the convention in Idaho were the
h ig h lig h ts of the party. Not only did we see
be au tifu l scenes, but we also picked up
som e tip s on m ountain flyin g .
On O ctober 18, the 99s and the ir 4 9 - 1/ 2 S
made a trip to the Glenn C u rtis Museum
and the B ully H ill W inery in Hamm on dsp ort, New York. The fu ll day in­
clu d in g to u rin g , wine tastin g and French
cuisine .
The 99s acted as hostesses to a FAA
GAMA Safe P ilo t C lin ic on O ctober 22.
Attendance was above the 500 mark. It
proved to be a beneficial safety c lin ic fo r
N o v e m b e r m e e tin g fe a tu re d g u e s t
speaker, 49-’/2 John Senneff who is em ­
ployed in the field o f aerospace research.
Agnes Denier is representing the 99s in
planning the celebration of the 50 year
anniversary of the G reater B u ffa lo Inter­
national A irp o rt in Septem ber, 1976.
The W estern New York 99s are extrem ely
proud of the fact that we have as a charter
m em ber Ceil Kenny, w ho was the firs t
woman p ilo t to solo from Greater B uffalo.
Happy flyin g to Jane and Marcus S ta lo ff
in the ir “ new” Cessna 172.
W .N .Y. Chapter 99 Picnic at Ceil Kenny’s
Place— July 12,1975. Kneeling L to R : Peg
Pieper, Jean Valvo, Shirley Havice, Ceil
Kenny, Vera Denz, Jane Staloff; Standing
L to R: Peter Pieper, Burt Valvo, Gini
MacKrell, George MacKrell, Terri Perrung,
Russ Hutchinson, Irene Miller, Donald
Denz and Marcus Staloff.
M iddle East Section
Joyce W illiamson, Reporter
H urrican Eloise has passed, however
overcast skies have hampered the tw o
scheduled events fo r th is m onth. The
S ectional held in W illia m sb u rg , Va. was
attended by only three m embers of our
chapter— Mary H ull, Helen Sheffer, and
Flo S hirey— they went w ith wheels instead
of w ings.
The second scheduled a ctivity, a Fly-In at
Spring H ill A irp o rt, was also follow e d by a
dark cloud so that very few m embers were
able to attend. However silver lin in g s came
through in Spring H ill and W ilkes Barre
that day. Mary and Cham p Pool made it to
Spring H ill in th e ir new ly purchased
Decathalon and were d e lig hted to meet
three prospective m em bers there. One
prospective m em ber is an ow ner of the
Spring H ill A irp ort.
Boots and 491/2er Rod Husted took o ff in
a Cherokee fo r Spring H ill w ith Mary H ull
and her 49'/2er, Jim , as passengers. They
ended up in W ilkes Barre. The same fate
came to Helen and Jim S heffer and the ir
passenger, Naomi Stahlnecker, in a Tri
Pacer—W ilkes Barre instead of Spring
H ill. Much to th e ir pleasure they all met
and discovered a great Chinese restaurant
on the fie ld in W ilke s Barre. This helped to
sm oo th over the d isa p p o in tm e n t o f not
m aking Spring H ill.
Georgene Peters and 49 1/2er,
recently vacationed in Jackson Hole,
W yom ing. A h ig h lig h t o f th e ir trip was a
to u r of the Grand Teton in a 182 Cessna.
The p ilo t gave them an "e xtra spectacular”
ride throu gh the canyon since both
Georgene and Art were p ilo ts.
Mary G albraith and M arty Pool met the
Bunch fo r Lunch at the 3-M a irpo rt in
B risto l, Penna. They discussed plans fo r
the Eastern P ennsylvania C hapter’s ter­
m inus fo r next year.
Nancy Gaynor Reporter
O ur O ctober m eeting was held at
Pennridge A irp o rt. O ur hosts were Marge
and Jack B ryant. Prospective m em bers in
attendance were, Rose Marie Hackett,
R osalind Snyder, and Siera Hom es, who
has transferred from the Hawaii chapter of
99s. A ll tolled there were 25 present.
The co-chairm an of the '76 convention,
Eileen W iegand, discussed the schedule
fo r the convention w h ich w ill be held in
P hiladelphia, at the Benjamen F ranklin
Hotel, on A ug ust 11, 1976 through A ugust
13. T ransp ortatio n fo r fly -in s w ill be
supplied by the Eastern Penna. chapter.
Eastern Penna. w ill be a ctin g as the stop
com m itte e fo r the Angel Derby, when the
p a rticip a n ts land at W ilm in g to n Delaware
A irp o rt, on May 27 to 31, 1976.
The S ectional m eeting in W illia m sb u rg ,
Va. was attended by several of our
m e m b e rs .
K a te
M a c a rio ,
A nn
G russem eyer, and Beverly H ow ett flew
down IFR. Those not so brave were, Gail
Lingo, Judy DeMarco and Eileen W iegand.
There were a to ta l of 60 m em bers in a t­
te n d a n c e . The s p e a k e r, M r. F ra n k
K in gston S m ith, A tto rne y and A viation
A uthor, from W ashington D.C., was en­
Carrol Kauffm an is arranging fo r our
chapter to answ er phones, on the air, for
our local educational TV sta tio n , in their
annual drive fo r fun ds. Carrol has also
passed her C om m ercial.
Patti Carwell, Reporter
O ur fina l endeavor as m em bers o f the
V irg ina Chapter was pa rticip a tio n in the
planning and execution of the Fall Sec­
tion al held at the W illia m sb u rg Lodge,
W illia m s b u r g , Va. M aryann Jessup,
Sectional Governor, presented the Charter
of the Hampton Roads Chapter to our
Chairman, Linda Hollowell. Each charter
m em ber was presented a corsage. We w ill
m iss ou r frien ds in the V irg in ia Chapter
and hope to jo in forces w ith them on future
W ell known aviation a u thor and lecturer,
Frank K in gston S m ith, recapped som e of
his h ila rio u s aviation experiences. The
w arm th and personality of th is man
illu m in a te d the evening as he spoke in ­
fo rm a lly and gave the m ost unique
autographs, each w o rth y of a co p yrig h t.
O ur newest, if not the m ost w illin g
in itia te s to the hallow ed status o f 491/2 are
Ron C ockrell, John Barrett and Glenn
Carwell. We w elcom e the ir lo yalty, support
and on rare occasions, even th e ir advice.
W hile the A tla n tic is our m ost prom inent
local landm ark, more and more members
are ta lkin g about recent flig h ts to the
P a c ific . L u c y T h o m p s o n and L in d a
H o llo w e ll fle w t h e ir tr a n s c o n tin e n ta l
vacation in a new 172. Linda's g lid e r and
tw in p ilo tin g h igh lig hted the trip . She has
achieved an Instrum ent Rating.
Becky Broach and husband, Jay, made
an e xcitin g coast to coast trip in their
M ooney. And after a m onotonous 747
“ bus” ride, Patti Carwell especially en­
joyed San Francisco by helicopter.
We are proud of G inny Buch, who now
holds a Part 135, Com m ercial Charter
C e rtificate, an achievem ent of ratings,
tim e and p ro ficie n cy. Every six m onths,
G inny m ust take an oral and-or w ritten
exam adm inistered by GATO in ad d itio n to
a rigorous flig h t check related to the
p a rticular types o f aircraft she w ill use in
charter service.
Mary W hite and 491/2er, Andy, flew their
Baron to the Aerospace Convention in
A capulco, reporting phenom enally CAVU
the entire flig h t. Janie A llen, who ju st
returned from a cross country to Macon,
Georgia, was not so fortunate, however.
This v o la tile autum n appropriately find s us
looking forw ard to an inform ative m eeting
at the N o rfo lk Naval A ir S tation, Fleet
W eather C ontrol.
Paulette Jones, Reporter
In keeping w ith our Speaker’s Bureau,
Rene Birch and Donna H awkins w ill give a
presentation to the G irls Scouts that w ill
include slides, an ATC-510 sim u la to r
d e m o n s tr a tio n , and m in i-c o u rs e on
general aviation.
99s are receiving some great p u b licity
concerning the Chesapeake Appreciation
Festival on Novem ber 1 and 2. A Baltim ore
TV statio n film e d some of the flyby
practice sessions and a few interviews for
the ir news show s. There w ill be tw en ty-six
99s in th e ir own planes in a flyb y salute.
New o ffice rs for th is year are: Chairman
- Donna Hawkins; Vice chairman - Lenora
Eaton; Treasurer - Kay Bays; Membership
Officer - Harryette Decklebaum; Publicity
Officer - Barbara Feader; Secretary Barbara Marder; News Reporter - Paulette
Jones; Amelia Earhart Scholarship - Babs
Kay Bays and June Hanson ju s t returned
from a trip in Kay's Twin Com anche to the
S outhw est. They flew to Utah, then
com m ercial to Montana to bring an Airstream trailer back to Utah, then back
hom e in the Comanche. Kay flew the
Com anche to O klahom a w ith Jeanne
W o lc o tt fo r the dedication of the 99s new
b u ild in g.
Dale Helt is w orking for General Aviation
M anufacturer’s A ssociatio n. Twelve MD
99s a tte n d e d th e W illia m s b u rg F a ll
S ectional. Ada Barrett conducted the
in d u ctio n o f new 491/2ers. Ruth Benedict
was named chairm an of the Spring Sec­
tion al w hich is being planned for A pril 9 at
the H ilton in A nnapolis.
Beverley Cosby, Reporter
The foliag e in the valley had not yet
reached its peak at our Septem ber m eeting
at New Market, V irg inia, on the 20th. But,
it was the firs t week-end that the newly
paved runway was open there. Mr. Dove,
manager and owner, even has the w indow s
of the airpo rt washed fo r the occasion.
Prime discu ssio n centered on the possible
form atio n of a new Shenandoah Chapter.
On O ctober 18th 99s from W ashington,
D.C., W est V irg inia,
M aryland, and
P e n n s y lv a n ia g a th e re d
in c o lo n ia l
W illiam sb urg to jo in the V irg inia Chapter
for the M iddle East Sectional m eeting. The
a ctivitie s began in the early afternoon w ith
the C hairm an’s m eeting, follow e d by the
section m eeting of all the chapters.
Individual chapter reports were received by
the G overnor and con sid eratio n then
centered on preparations fo r the Inter­
national Convention to
be held
Philadelphia in A ugust of 1976.
The evening was clim axed
by a
d e lig h tfu l banquet at the W illiam sb urg
Lodge. Frank K in gston S m ith, a u thor of
Week End Pilot and I’d Rather Be Flying,
was m ost entertaining w ith hum orous
com m ents of his fly in g experiences. Mary
Ann Jessup, G overnor, then presented the
new H am pton Roads Chapter w ith the ir
Ada Barrett concluded the fe stivitie s by
in itia tin g eigh t new members in to the
49 1/2 ers of w hich I am proud to say, you r
reporter’s husband was one.
/ -------------------------------------------------------------Southeast Section
Juanita Halstead, Reporter
A fte r all the weather forecasts fo r the
weekend of O ctober 4 & 5th fo r be au tifu l
weather, Saturday and Sunday were so wet
even a duck w o u ld n ’t fly . It did im prove
over N orth Alabam a enough fo r a cou ple of
planes to make it throu gh . But Central and
South Alabam a remained so lid I.F .R . all
Plans had been made fo r painting
num bers on the runway at South H u nt­
sville A irp o rt.
However the weather
changed that too. It w ill be rescheduled
later in the year.
By the tim e m eeting tim e rolled around
the group had grow n. There were three
g irls w ho had shown th e ir interest by
attending tw o regular m eetings and were
extended an in vita tio n to jo in ou r chapter.
Jay H udgins reported on International
and C laudia Conn reported on our
Southeastern Sectional held the previous
weekend in Stone M ountain, Ga.
Plans fo r November m eeting w ill be
announced later.
Jo Hartness, Reporter
T he a u tu m n w e a th e r O c to b e r 11,
c o u ld n ’t have been better. And the 35
pa rticip a n ts c o u ld n ’t have had a more
enjoyable tim e anywhere, than they did
fly in g the Blue Ridge C hapter’s firs t Poker
Run. Under the capable organization of
C arolyn Pilaar, six stop s were set up w ith
G reenville, S.C. the te rm in a tin g stop . F irst
place award fo r Best Poker Hand w ent to
Gary W heeler. Van Vanderplough copped
second place. Lee Orr won fo r Best 99
Hand, Pat Dockery fo r the hand w ith the
M ost 9s, and Aaron T ip p in , student p ilo t,
received W orst Hand reco gn ition .
Our Chapter was awarded the P u b licity
Trophy at the Southeast S ectional m eeting
held at Stone M tn., Georgia. Carol
M cKinney, P ub lic Inform a tion chairm an,
deserves m uch cred it fo r our receiving th is
award. Two delegates were present from
Blue Ridge C hp., Louise W hite and
Carolyn Pilaar. V irg in ia G ilreath and Gary
W heeler were also in attendance.
Joyce Cannon, Lee Orr, Louise W hite,
Carolyn Pilaar, and Gary W heeler joine d
the fe stivitie s down O kla. C ity way fo r
de dication of the new 99 Headquarters
Joyce Cannon is now em ployed by
A tlan ta Center, A tla n ta , Ga. W hat a way to
M ary E lle n C a s te llo e is w o rk in g
d ilig e n tly on her in stru m e n t rating under
the expert tutelage of Carolyn Pilaar. Lee
O rr has recently go tte n her m u lit-e n g in e
rating and proved it by taking o ff on a trip
to Nassau. Lucky gal!
Several m em bers w ill be fly in g in the A ir
Rallye, p ro ficie n cy race, in A sheville,
N .C ., O ct. 25— they include Louise W hite,
Lee Orr, and H ilda G oley. O ur chapter
along w ith the W .N .A .A . w ill award a
troph y to the “ Best W om an” p a rticip a n t in
the race.
Dot Penney’s fam e as a speaker has
engagem ents to “ hold fo rth ” on the 99s
and oth er to p ics.
W hile atten din g the “ H appening” at
T ullahom a, Tenn., O ct. 2 and 3, your
reporter enjoyed m eeting w ith C harlotte
Parish, Edna Broyles, Pat Garner, and
G eorgians M cC onnell m em bers of the
Tennessee Chapter.
Sue Hoffman-Reporter
The O ctober m eeting o f the F lorida
G oldcoast Chapter was a fly -in to B im in i in
the Bahamas. We were the guests of
Howard W ilde, aboard his yacht, Sweet
Bunny, w ith Connie S tafford actin g as
hostess. We were treated to a real
Bahamian luncheon in clu d in g lobsters
made on the o u td o o r g rill.
Because of the late afternoon storm s
that s till persist in our area ten o f us, plus
our guests, decided to rent a DC 3 to take
us to B im in i. W ith Lois Porter at the
co n tro ls, and because we are all try in g to
update our ratin gs, th is was really a
tra in in g flig h t. Each of us spent som e tim e
in the co c k p it try in g to fa m ilia rize ou r­
selves w ith the in stru m e n ts and co n tro ls.
Lois, w ho is a te rrific in stru cto r, has
prom ised to give us som e additional
ground school train in g at a future m eeting.
Cecile H a tfie ld has m issed so many
m eetings in the past three years, is now
back on the active lis t. Cecile graduated
from the U niversity of M iam i Law School in
May and is now em ployed as an attorney
w ith the firm of Marx and S quitero.
Bev Powell flew up to W illiam sb urg fo r a
week, then by air-cruise to Caracas, then
on to Phoenix fo r a holiday w ith her fam ily.
U rsula Davidson explained how she and
her husband overhauled and refurbished
th e ir Cessna 337. T his included having the
engine gone over and the in te rio r redec­
orated. They even added tw o additional
seats to make room fo r th e ir fly in g friends.
T h e G o ld c o a s t C h a p te r w as w e ll
represented at the Southeast Section
m eeting at Stone M ountain Georgia. Those
of our m em bers w ho were unable at attend
the m eeting were to ld , not only what went
on at the general m eeting, but how
gracious the G eorgia Chapter was and how
much we enjoyed the program that was
planned by them . We w ill be hostesses
next year and are looking forw ard to having
another fin e m eeting.
Ellie McCullough, Reporter
B etty Dodds, w ith a new m ulti-eng in e
rating, flew a “ Cham pagne F lig h t” to the
O ctober m eeting in her Beech D-18. Betty,
fly in g since 1969, has over 1600 ho urs—
placed 2nd in the 1974 Deltona, 3rd in the
Great Bahama A ir Race & 5th in the 1975
Angel Derby. She is P resident-C hief Pilot
of her ow n com pany, Safe A ir Taxi, Inc., is
on call 24 hours a day living up to her
slogan “ A nytim e , Any Place.” She carries
cargo, passengers (alive & otherw ise) on
flig h ts to the Bahamas, Caribbean, etc.
D ottie Shaw & V irg inia B ritt ju st
returned from fly in g the Race Route fo r the
1976 B icentennial Angel Derby scheduled
fo r May 27-31, 1976 from Quebec C ity,
Canada to Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
Connie B runger w ith 49'/2, Fred, flew
M achinac Island, over parts of M ichigan &
Canada, ad m irin g the beautiful fall foliage.
Marge Forood is flyin g a P itts Special
w orking on very unusual a ttitu d e s. Her
daughter, Lele, served on the US Team at
the Pan Am erican Games in M exico C ity,
w in n in g gold medal in ten nis.
Officers — Gulf Stream Chapter L-R —
Ellie Reichenbach, Corresponding Sec’y;
Mimi Bond, Recording Sec’y;
Elschner, Chairman; Dottie Shaw, ViceChairman; Treasurer, Eloise Ruby did not
attend meeting.
Ruth P h illip s & 491/2, Lewis, flew to New
York th is Sum m er in "C lyd e " a Cessna 150,
m aking it in one day. They then took a
Mooney fo r a side trip to Pennsylvania.
Ruth passed the C om m ercial w ritten and is
preparing fo r the check ride.
Lori Fine & fa m ily fle w to Holland,
M ichigan, to pick up th e ir new '68 Roamer
Chris Craft now named "It's F ine .” They
brought it dow n the M ississip p i River
enroute to its new hom e at Pier 66, Ft.
Betty Dodds Pilot of “Champagne Flight”
Champagne Flight. Betty Dods, Pilot;
Joyce Protzman, Prospective Member,
Dottie Shaw, Marilyn Burch, Joan Davis
(guest), & Ellie Reichenbach.
Dottie Parsons, Reporter
O ctober 8 found us at FIT (F lorida
In s titu te Of T echnology) in M elbourne,
w ith 13 m em bers atte n d in g . A fte r the
regular business m eeting a representative
from FIT made a presentation on the
upcom ing N .I.F .A . southeast regional
meet to be held Novem ber 14 & 15, w ith a
briefing on the 14th at 7:3 0 p.m ., follow e d
by a ju dg es m eeting in w hich several
Florida chapters expect to participate.
Harry W iese F lig h t Safety Inspector, of
St. Petersburg GADO, conducted a safety
c lin ic and fo llo w e d up w ith an FAA film
title d “ It on ly Takes O nce.” The film dealt
w ith several accidents and in cide nts w hich
a lm ost occurred when the p ilo ts were
psych o lo g ica lly u n fit to fly.
A few s ta tis tic s were tossed out con­
cerning wom en in aviation, such as “ In
1965 there were 17,555 private wom en
p ilo ts and 1974 found 36,943.” I'll try to
add m o n th ly to th is lis t at the bottom of
my report.
In July Lovina Tabor and Jerry flew to
Denver, C olorado in th e ir Skyhawk, w ith a
Sunday stop at 99 headquarters and
although it was not open, they were able to
take som e pictures of the b u ild in g and the
main door.
M a rg a re t
S ta n n a h
N o rm a
M cReynolds attended the Southeastern
S ectional m eeting at Stone M ountain and
o ffic ia lly represented our chapter.
O ctober fin d s S hirley O sborne and 49 1/2
A rthu r travelling by Cherokee, to AOPA
convention in San Diego. She’ll no do ub t
bring back a lo t o f prizes as usual. P.S.She did.
Chapter chairm en have been ap po inte d:
M e m b e rs h ip
L o v in a
T a b o r,
S cholarship - Joanne Davis, A ir Space
Education - Doris S tory, APT - Lovina
Tabor, N ew sletter - D ottie
P u b licity & Scrapbook - W anda Morgan.
Jane Tisdale, Reporter
K itty Hawk’s Helene Robertson has
done it again. At 66 years young, she’s
a s to u n d in g e v e ry o n e w ith h e r TAP
DANCING at Raleigh’s L ittle Theater.
She’s George M 's m othe r in the m usical,
GEORGE M. Local newspapers and TV
have even been featuring th is form er
va u dvillian’s com eback.
A nnette Rogers is g e ttin g checked out in
th e ir new 182 so that she can fly the fa m ily
to Disney W orld Oct. 16. She has been
appointed Safety Education Chairm an fo r
the SE Section.
Hazel M onroe & 491/2 HB flew th e ir 140
to C olorado S prings fo r 2 be au tifu l weeks
in June.
Diane & Lorrie T unnell met several
island p ilo ts w h ile in Curacao, Dutch W est
Indies in A ug ust and were briefed on
Island fly in g by the governm ent inspector,
our equivalent of FAA Inspector.
Several K itty Hawk fa m ilie s attended the
lovely SE S ectional at Stone M tn., Ga.
B ouquets to hostesses Kay G uice and her
N o rth G e o rg ia C h a p te r. W h ile y o u r
reporter & 491/2 drove the d ista nce at speed
lim it in 14 hours, our chairm an, Jan
Clem en recorded her round trip at the ir
J4’s speed lim it in 11 Vi hours.
O ur O ctober m eeting, hosted by Joyce &
Bob M unford in W ilso n , N.C. featured
plans fo r our firs t airm arking, and for
handling an Angel Derby flyove r-sto p at
W ilm in g to n , N.C. in May 1976.
Kitty Hawk 99s at Wilson, N.C. Airport in
October. Left to right, front row; Lorrie
Tunnell, Helene Robertson, guest Roylynn
Markowich, Diane Tunnell. Second row;
Joyce Munford, Jane Tisdale, guest Al
Coots, Annette Rogers. Third row; Bob
Munford & guest, Laura Otwell, Frank
Hayden FSS speaker on Weather & VFR
Chris Brown, Reporter
On O ctober 4, the M em phis Chapter
held its annual Dutch Luncheon fo r new
and student p ilo ts in the M em phis Area.
There were many guests, m ostly young,
and we were encouraged by the interest
they showed in the N inety-N ines. Nancy
M iller, our recent ex-chairm an, who has
been assigned to D etroit in her new jo b as
postal in spe cto r, was home fo r this
m eeting.
Several M em phis 99s attended the
S outheast Sectional Meeting in Atlanta,
where they learned that V irg inia Proctor,
our ow n, was the new Sectional Governor.
V irg inia, alw ays active, has been ap­
pointed A ccid en t Prevention C ounselor for
the fifth year. Recently, she spoke to the
A rk a n s a s C h a p te r o f th e A m e ric a n
Business W om en's A sso cia tio n :
subject was “ W om en in A via tio n .” On
O ctober 12, she attended the National
A ssociatio n fo r State Aviation O fficia ls in
Lo uisville.
W ith the fin a n cia l help of N inety-N ines
from all over, Carolyn Sullivan and the
M em phis group have purchased a head­
stone to mark Phoebe O m lie’s grave.
Carolyn has taken the lead in an e ffo rt to
get the name of M em phis Metro A irp ort
changed to M em phis-O m lie A irp ort. Local
N e w s C o lu m n is ts
have re s p o n d e d
favorably to the suggestion.
For the firs t tim e, the M em phis 99s w ill
be am ong the o ffic ia l sponsors of the
Annual March of Dimes A irlift. Some of us
w ill fly, others w ill participate as members
of the ground crew.
M em phis 99s on the go: Belle and
Posey Hedges flew to San Diego to attend
F lying
D entists' M eeting.
C a liforn ia they flew down to Mazathlan,
M exico where they got in som e successful
deep sea fis h in g . Belle and Posey also
attended the Bonanza-Lovers Society
M eeting in M inneapolis.
H ilda Savage and Dot W ilso n joined me
in Spain (where I went to do a little work
and som e play) fo r a d e lig h tfu l m onth of
tou ring .
Jenny McWilliams, Reporter
International Treasurer - Janet Green,
has recently attained her A irlin e Transport
P ilot C e rtificate! C o ng ratula tion s, Janet!!
Her new rating brings our APT percentage
up to 56 per cent. Janet was at the
D edication Cerem onies in O klahom a C ity
on Novem ber 1 - 2, 1975.
The M ississip p i Chapter has contributed
a fo u r fo o t high M agnolia tree to the new
99 Headquarters B uilding grounds. The
M agnolia is our state tree.
One of our 66s, Suzanne Case, has
soloed and w ill be a 99 before long.
The Southeast Section Meeting fo r Fall
'75, was attended by H arriott Hall, Peggy
M cC orm ick, Janet Green and Jenny
M cW illiam s at Stone M ountain, Georgia.
Peggy M cC orm ick has ju s t purchased a
Sanderson A udio-V isual G round School
package fo r continued teaching at the VoTech School in Greenwood.
Jenny M cW illiam s won tw o Blue Rib­
bons at the M ississip p i State Fair. The
entries were a crewel em broidery picture of
a Skyhawk and a decoupaged purse w ith
avionic and engine in stru m en t cu t-o u ts
and JN-4 affixed.
Mark your calendar now to attend the
1976 Spring Section meeting in Baton
Rouge, Lo uisian a; a jo in t m eeting w ith the
large South Central S ection!
Lois Lacy, Reporter
Despite our b o u n tifu l rains th is Fall
season we North G eorgians did manage a
fine weekend fo r the Fall Section m eeting
at Stone M ountain. 75 attended and we
were pleased to have w ith us our Inter­
national President, Pat McEwen and
International Treasurer, Janet Green.
Our new o ffice rs were installed at a
banquet Septem ber 25th. Carolyn Baker
was named Pilot of the Year and received
an A m elia Earhart medal. This was our
fifth in s ta lla tio n banquet since charter.
In the past tw o m onths several of our
members have experienced the a ltitu d e
cham ber at M oody A .F .B . and toured the
A tlanta Center at H am pton. Kay Guice
gave a speech on “ Becom ing a P ilot, and
W hat is a 99” to the Aerospace Education
class at W est G eorgia College. Evelyn
Tram m ell was interviewed on television on
the “ Today in G eorgia” program relating
som e of her experiences as a W .A .S .P . in
W .W . II. 15 m em bers toured the Delta
S im u lato r fo r our O ctober m eeting we had
and all got to try th e ir hand at fly in g the
DC-9-32. A fte r the m eeting we had lunch
and presented Kay G uice w ith a troph y in
appreciation fo r her tw o years service as
Chapter chairm an.
W elcom e to new m em ber Rose “ L o lly ”
Shaw. L o lly ’s husband is a Delta p ilo t and
they fly a 182 o u t o f Berry H ill. V irg in ia
Yates is using her new C .F .I. in her new C150 and preparing fo r the A.T.P. w ritte n .
received her private license, and had joined
the 99s-all w ith in one week.
The annual T ullah om a "H a p p e n in g "
included tou rs of the Beech Stagerw ing
Museum and rides in reb uilt “ o ld ie s ” of ail
types, the firs t weekend of November.
Upon return from the Powder Puff
Derby, Genie Rae O’Kelley received the
Mayor's Award of Merit and Mary Ann
M c A llis te r
aw arded
citizenship of Knoxville by Knoxville’s
Mayor Kyle Testerman. Dick Hash of
Executive A irw ays, Inc. TYS, is already
lo okin g ahead to backing Genie Rae and
Mary Ann in next years Derby.
Louise Kokesk and Ray along w ith
Dorothy and B ill Ponstein w h ile s ig h t­
seeing in the G atlinburg area, brought
o ffic ia l Chicago Area 99 greetings to the
O ctober C hapter m eeting.
35 Years Ago! Charter Members Tennessee
Chapter left to right: Ruth Wolfe Thomas,
Jean Slack, Pearl Brock, Louise Carson,
Ruth Bowler, Jane Hilbert Gump, Millie
Owenby and Gladys Lacey with Jane’s
Fairchild 24.
Sou th Central Section
Left, Carolyn Baker, Pilot of the Year and
Vice Chairman. Center, Doris Engerrand,
Chapter Chairman and Right, Carolyn
Upton, Secretary at the installation
banquet. (North Georgia Chapter).
Lura Odland, Jo Chandler, Reporters
A happy 35th birthday was celebrated by
the Chapter w ith appropriate flo u rish e s
and abstracts of the early new sletters as
reprinted by Ferris Thom as. In 1940 Louise
Carson had ju s t won a scholarship in the
firs t ground school sponsored by the State
and was in stru ctin g a college CPT course;
Pearl Brock had ju s t com pleted her private
and had purchased a new Luscom be; Jane
H ilbert w ith an LC was the m em ber w ith
the m ost ho urs; and Ruth Thomas had
married our fa ith fu l patron Ferris, had
Marjorie Andrews, Reporter
A fte r a storm y n ig h t the day dawned
b rig h t, clear, and ju s t crisp enough fo r
ch riste n in g p icnic, business m eeting in
fro n t of “ P u ff’s Place” , oth erw ise known as
the hangar where B etty Heise keeps her
new Piper tail-dragger.
Special guests fo r the m eeting were
local photographer Jane Roadcap, free­
lance jo u rn a lis t Connie Chapm an, and
Ruth S cott, an ow ner of Elm dale A irpark
where we met.
M arjorie reported on the Denver Sec­
tio n a l and dem onstrated her ow n coffeecan survival k it w hich she put tog ether
from in fo rm a tio n received du rin g the
M ountain F lyin g G round School there.
Tape recordings of the sessions are on file
fo r m em bers’ use.
M arjorie and Nervous Navigator Mac
made a long planned trip to C olum bia,
M issouri to v is it daughter M arianne, in
C hris, Too! Very VFR all the way fo r a
c h a n g e . A n o th e r t r ip to E v a n g e lin e
C o u n try— Lafayette, L o u isia n a — was the
same th is tim e o ff airw ays, m o stly no
radio, gorgeous pilota ge, fun fly in g . Hope
the Louisiana g irls can keep it that way fo r
the Spring Sectional.
Next m eeting w ill feature a self-grading
p re -flig h t quiz also from the Denver
Betty Heise (L) and Marilyn Schulz (R)
admire “Puff”, Betty's magic dragon— her
very own Piper Clipper at a combination
busin ess m e e tin g , ch ris te n in g party.
Photo by friend of the 99s, Jane Roadcap
(Abilene chapter)
Becky Lutz, Reporter
Kathy and Ralph Fox attended the South
Central S ectional in Denver last m onth,
and participated in the ground school
session on m ountain fly in g . O ur own
chapter w ill be sponsoring a m ountain
fly in g sem inar on November 14. It w ill be a
chance fo r all of us to sign up fo r G AM A’s
$40,000 airplane raffle. Kathy Fox is
planning the sem inar together w ith Roger
M itc h e m ,
o u r a c c id e n t
p re v e n tio n
sp e cia list.
The chapter assisted at the M id-Valley
A irpark F ly-in last m onth. In ad d itio n to
spo nso ring the spot landing contest, the
g irls assisted w ith unicorn, registration,
and over-all planning and p u b lic ity . The
fly -in was m ost successful, and Midvalley
is a good exam ple of what a sm all, private
airpo rt can do to put on a good show for
both p ilo ts and the general pu blic.
Kathy Fox, C laudia Beckner, and Roz
K inlen recently flew to Santa Fe to meet
the Santa Fe g irls and Marian Banks and
W anda C um m ings who are trailblazing
next year’s Powder Puff Derby. Joyce and
Jack Buehler and Jerry and Jack W arrick
recently had a fun trip to Garden City,
Kansas, to attend a fly -in put on by the
local E. A. A. Beulah W oo d fin had an
extended cross-co un try in a Cardinal to
Tennessee, M ichigan, M innesota, and
Nebraska to vacation and visit relatives.
Jewel Lundgren flew to Arkansas in a 182
to v is it her brother. Jewel also continues
to be active w ith the St. Jude’s Express, a
group that regularly flie s m edical supplies
to rem ote sp o ts in M exico.
Marguerite Nielsen, Reporter
Charlene and Dr. Mac Poe enjoyed a
flig h t to and from M iam i, Florida, retur­
ning ju s t in tim e fo r the Arkansas-Texas
game in Fayetteville.
A lin e Kay Newth was awarded the
troph y w h ich is presented annually to the
Arkansas N inety Nine who co n trib u te s the
m ost to aviation. Kay has really earned the
troph y and we are proud o f her ac­
com p lish m e n ts.
Arkansas Chapter has N inety Nine
approval fo r the sale o f a very beautiful
cushion. The foam rubber cushion has a
w hite polyester zipper cover w ith a blue
com pass rose. The cover is washable.
These cush io ns may be ordered from A line
Kay Newth, 3225 John F. Kennedy B lvd.,
North L ittle Rock, Arkansas 72116, w ith
checks payable to Arkansas N inety Nines
$12.50 plus $1.35 fo r s h ip p in g and han­
dling . The cush io n measures 15" x 15” x 3”
I am the Bread of L ife ; he tha t com eth to
Me shall never hunger; and he that
believeth on me shall never th irs t. John
"F o u n ta in of grace, rich, fu ll and free,
W hat need I, that is not in thee?
Full pardon, strength to meet the day,
And peace w h ich none can take aw ay.”
Lela Carwardine, Reporter
Sum m er rou nd -up:
In Ju ly o u r m eeting was held at Las
Cruces M un icip al A irp o rt. We firs t air­
marked the m ain runw ay— a re-paint jo b ;
and afterw ards held e le ctio n s fo r o ffice rs
for the com ing year. Those chosen were:
Karen Iselin, Chairman; Marjorie Mitchel,
V ic e -C h a irm a n ;
F lo yd ,
Secretary-Treasurer. Later in A ug ust we
met w ith m embers o f the El Paso Chapter
fo r a jo in t in sta lla tio n dinn er at A rdovino's
Roadside Inn on the Texas, New M exico
W ith a chapter m em bership of only ten,
we were w ell represented at the Inter­
national C onvention at Coeur D'Alene by
three of o u r m em bers: Orene H irth, our
very special m em ber, w ho was one of the
five 99s receiving the coveted Am elia
Earhart M em orial S cho la rship award. She
had ju s t returned hom e from her firs t try at
the P.P.D. in tim e to take o ff again fo r the
In A ugust, Las Cruces held a tw o day
festival, "F ie sta de las M ujeres” (W omen's
Fiesta). The purpose was to celebrate
a c h ie v e m e n ts o f w o m e n . C h a p a rra l
Chapter was invited to jo in w ith som e fo rty
other w om en’s clu b s and asso cia tions in
having booths at the be au tifu l Down Town
Mall. We fe lt it was a great o p p o rtu n ity to
present air age education to the pu blic and
evidently we did a good jo b . A wom an
reporter fo r the “ N ational O bserver" from
W ashington D. C. to ld us she tho u g h t it
was one of the m ost in te restin g booths on
the M all. We used the 99 colors in
decorations and posters, and had an
e x h ib it o f a v ia tio n m a g a z in e s and
literature, m odel planes, troph ie s won by
local women p ilo ts , Rene H irth ’s scrap­
book on the 1975 PPD, Lela Carwardine’s
scrapbook of her aviation adventures,
dating back to 1946, and various oth er
item s. Bellanca A ircra ft Com pany supplied
small airplane pins to be given away, and
we were able to award three free airplane
rides, through the courtesy of the local
aviation com panies. One of the winners,
because of his ride has now become a
student p ilo t. We were pleased that the
local newspaper gave us a very nice w rite ­
up on our project.
Jerry Melton, Reporter
Dallas Chapter a ctivitie s c o n tin u e to be
widespread in clu d in g m o n th ly m eetings
th ro u g h o u t the m etroplex area— from
A rlin g to n to M esquite and in clu d in g a
p icn ic and fly -in at Dallas A ir Park and a
pot luck d inn er and tru n k show ing of
fash ion s in North Dallas. The A irm arkers
have been busy pa in ting num bers at Dallas
N orth a irp o rt; the travelers have been busy
going to the fa ll sectio na l m eeting in
Denver and m aking plans to go to the
Headquarters D edication in O klahom a
C ity ; the O ffice rs have been busy planning
a productive year fo r us in clu d in g
Aerospace E ducation, fund raising fo r the
chapter, the se ctio n , and the Powder Puff
Derby, m ore airm arkin g, a m em bership
drive, and m uch m ore; the flye rs have
been busy w ith new ratings. We w ould like
to share your ideas fo r keeping a chapter
busy and active. Happy fly in g !
Wanda Cummings, Reporter
C h a irm a n E le a n o r J o h n s o n , H e len
W ilke, Hazel Jones, Doris Fuller, B etty
W orstel and Pat Je tto n were all in Denver
fo r the M ountain F lyin g Course. They had
heard that the Powder Puff Derby w ould be
routed over the h ills to high places, and are
planning ahead. S till s lig h tly blue, they
returned to cu t a swath throu gh the Dallas
area w ith p ith helm ut and long-handled
roller, airm arkin g Ennis, Redbird, and
Emerald Bay.
One CAVU eve the chapter m et at DallasFt. W orth (the Big M other A irp o rt) fo r a
to u r of the tow e r and radar room . Hazel
Jones m issed that session fo r she was
n u rs in g
R o ys
fo r
p o s t­
appendectom y AND FIVE new puppies
whose m other refused to m other. Wanda
C um m ings had rushed o ff to B aylor fo r the
Nurse Refresher Course, but by the tim e
she had fin ish e d , Hazel had both dogs and
husband under co n tro l.
Novem ber 11 the group w ill see the
process fo r chro m ing cylinde rs, courtesy
of B etty W o rste l’s 491/2. M eanw hile we
headed fo r OKC. D edication of the new 99
H eadquarters w h ich was a w ell-attended
Louise Mitchell, Reporter
Sim and Kathy Lindley became our first
mother and daughter team in the El Paso
Chapter when Sim proudly presented her
daughter, Kathy, with her 99 pin. We will
miss Kathy and her short but super flying
activities as she recently left for a tour of
duty with the U. S. Marine Corps.
Congratulations to the Lindleys also on
the purchase of a beautiful new Bellanca
Super Viking.
C h a irm a n D o ris S hre ve and R uth
Deerman attended the H ollom an A ir Force
Base, N .M ., civil fly -in breakfast recently.
The fly -in was com p lim e nts of the 49th
T actical F igh te r W ing. The purpose of the
event was to acquaint those attending w ith
th e ir je t low level routes in the southw est
and thereby enhance flyin g safety.
Louise M itch e ll recently flew to Florida
fo r a fab ulo us tim e on the beach and a visit
to Cape Canaveral view ing the Viking
b la st-o ff to Mars.
A nother big safety sem inar is being
planned fo r th is m onth by the chapter,
w ith a n ticip a tio n that all area p ilo ts w ill
Several of our members attended the
d e d ic a tio n
c e re m o n y
headquarters b u ild in g in O klahom a C ity
Novem ber 1 & 2.
Ruth Deerman is pictured with the Jimmy
Kolp Award presented to her at the South
Central Fall Sectional meeting in Denver,
Colorado. The trophy is awarded to an
outstanding 99 each year by the Wichita
Falls Chapter in honor of the late Jimmy
Kolp, a beloved and distinguished aviatrix.
Ruth was also the proud winner of a
Navajo classic necklace raffled by the
Colorado Chapter.
Auleen K. Hall, Reporter
W elcom e to ou r new m em bers Nancy
Barrett and Frances W allace. Edna W hyte
has had an extrem ely busy year. She was
one of three wom en in aviation selected to
be honored and entertained by the EAA at
O shkosh, W ise. The other tw o were Louise
Thaden and Blanche Noyes.
In O ctober during the National 0X 5 Club
C onvention in San A nto nio , Texas, she
was M. C. at the W om en’s Banquet. O ther
pioneer wom en p ilo ts at the head table
were V iola G entry, Melba Beard, Blanche
Noyes, Tiny B roderick and Nell Beher.
Edna reviewed the accom plishm ents and
c o n trib u tio n s of women in aviation since
1783. M iam i m em bers who attended the
convention in San A nto nio , after returning
home, have since asked Edna to be the ir
guest speaker at the Eastern 0 X 5 m eeting
in M iam i in December.
Jean B ish op was an assistant judge at
the National A erobatic C ham pionships at
Sherman, Texas in October.
H enrietta and Bob Pence participated in
the Texas A ir Tour. The Pences also
hosted a Chapter Fly-In at the ir airport,
F lying Oaks.
A tte nd ing de dication cerem onies and
fe stivitie s at Headquarters in OKC were
Nancy A rm strong , Malena Richardson,
Carole W heeler, Nancy Barrett, Edna
W hyte, Juanita W addell and Auleen Hall.
Verna Stubbs had planned to attend, but
her D octor said, “ no” . She is recovering
from eye surgery and doing well.
Pat Moore, Reporter
September 6th was our firs t fa ll air­
m arking at Oak Grove A irp o rt ju s t south of
Ft. W orth. The tu rn o u t fo r th is one was so
good it took only tw o hours to com plete
the job.
A fly -in was held at Texoma Lodge,
O klahoma, Septem ber 27th and those
courageous hearts who ventured there in
the haze w ith 3-m iles of v is ib ility reported
a fun fille d day. The early arrival o f our
com m ittee chairm an fo r fly in g activities,
Panny Peyton, acting co -p ilo t, along w ith
Glenda Farmer, p ilo t, stopped short on the
runway to drop o ff th e ir bag of lim e for
m arking the runway fo r the spot landing
contest (won by D ottie Hughes) and were
chased and cornered by the State Park
Patrol fo r an explanation of th is h ig h ly
questionable a ctivity by tw o young women
in an airplane so early in the m orning. They
weren't overly enthused but did fin a lly
accept the explanation.
Saturday, O ctober 4th, a coo l, beautiful
and clo ud less day in Texas, the East Texas
A ntique W ings & W heels had an all day
affair at Magee-Trask A ntiq ue A irfie ld in
W olfe C ity. By special in v ita tio n , our
Chapter was encouraged to attend and
share our aviation interests w ith Angel
F lig h t, an h o n o ra ry o rg a n iz a tio n o f
dedicated colleg e wom en fo r the fu r­
therance of aerospace activities.
We co-sponsored a safety sem inar w ith
the FAA on the 16th w hich dealt w ith the
Mary Wheelock, airmarking chairman, and
her 49 1/2er, T .W ., after Golden Triangle
Chapter airmarked Oak Grove Airport.
Presentation ot the coveted A.E. Medal to
Linda Hooker by Jo McCarrell at the
August Meeting of Golden Triangle
never ending study of weather, take-offs
m eeting. A fte r the business m eeting, we
and landings (both sho rt, s o ft and
enjoyed a d e licio u s lunch prepared by the
crossw ind ), and a film presented by
S co tts b lu ff gals.
Carswell A ir Force Base (our very near
Our Aerospace Education Chairman,
neighbor) regarding th e ir F-105’s low
Cathy B in fie ld , has prepared a packet of
a ltitu d e m issions in the hopes of reducing
m aterials to assist elem entary teachers
po tentia l local m id -air c o llis io n s .
w ith aerospace education u n its. The
Saturday, the 25th, a progressive fly in g
packets are m ailed on request to Nebraska
luncheon was staged even tho ugh the ♦ teachers, princip als, and 99s.
weather w asn’t exactly d e lig h tfu l fo r th is
On O ctober 15, M illie Barrett, Nancy
o u td o o r type of a ffa ir we had planned,
A lley, Sally Van Zandt, and Vera Bartunek
turning cold w ith in te rm itte n t rain, but that
flew Dawn Parkening’s aerospace class
d id n ’t slow anyone down even to the last
from Valley High School to W ichita,
stop on a grass strip w ith hom e-m ade
Kansas fo r a to u r of Beech A ircra ft
freezer ice cream.
Com pany and M cConnell A ir Force Base.
The excellent to u r included an o p p o rtu n ity
fo r each person to fly a KC 135 sim ulator.
Stephanie Vickery, Reporter
Nancy A lle y, our A irm arking Chairman,
The H ouston Chapter held a safety
has been a ttacking Nebraska airpo rts w ith
sem inar at M ontgom ery C ounty A irp o rt at
fervor. Nancy w rote a stim u la tin g article
Conroe, Texas, on O ctober 6. The sem inar
w hich appeared in PIREPS, the Nebraska
Departm ent of Aeronautics p u b lica tio n , to
was sponsored jo in tly by the H ouston
Chapter 99s and the 22nd G roup of the
encourage local airport operators to utilize
the airm arking service provided by the 99s.
C ivil A ir Patrol. Jerry Forsythe of the
R ecently, Nancy and her w illin g helpers
H ouston General A viation D istrict O ffice
have marked ro o fto p s at Red Cloud,
presented the program .
The H ouston Chapter started the new
Genoa, and O’N eill and have painted a
center line on the runway at W ahoo.
chapter year w ith a fly -in m eeting in
Nebraska 99s assisted w ith a F lig h t
Septem ber at Gene G onzales’ hom e in
Conroe. The second fly -in was to the
Safety C lin ic in Linco ln the evenings of
Conroe safety sem inar in O ctober. A third
O ctober 28 and 29. Plans are to help w ith
fly -in too k place in O ctober when a num ber
C lin ics in other parts of the state as w ell.
of H ouston 99s w ent to the Confederate
A ir Force Show in H arlingen, Texas.
C o ng ratula tion s to Mary Able who
became an FAA Instrum ent Exam iner
O ctober 21. Mary recently flew to Chicago
M idw ay fo r lunch as flig h t crew w ith Big
Three In d u strie s’ Lear je t.
Pat S tratto n (p ilo t) and A lice Seaborn
(co -p ilo t) flew
in the
Baytow n
A ir
P roficiency Race O ctober 4 and finishe d
tenth. Pat won the low tim e p ilo t trophy.
The Houston Chapter regular meeting
Nebraska 99s at the South Central Sec­
date has been changed from the second
tional in Denver. Pictured L to R are Dawn
Tuesday to the third Tuesday of each
Parkening, Jan Heins, Diane Bartels,
Shirley Amen, Mildred Barrett, Wilma
Ackerman, and Paulie Perry.
Beth Covey, Reporter
The O ctober m eeting fo r the Lubbock
Chapter was a luncheon in the C o m m unity
Room of S ecurity N ational Bank, w ith a
planning m eeting fo llo w in g at Lubbock
Regional A irp o rt. O ur very special guests
were M arion Banks and W anda C um m ings,
representing the route survey co m m ittee
fo r AW TAR, and several Lubbockites,
representing the C ham ber of Com m erce,
the Bicentennial C o m m itte e, and the
A irp o rt Board. We are very excited that
Lubbock has been designated a stop in the
1976 AW TAR. We know we w ill all have a
big jo b to do the next 7 m onths, but are
looking forw ard to giving each o f you
Visitors at the Dedication and Open House
racers a big W est Texas W ELCOME!
of the new Lincoln Air Traffic Control
Sharon Meyer, Reporter
For our O ctober 99 m eeting, we flew
west to S c o tts b lu ff. Since it ’s a long way
from one end of Nebraska to the other,
those from the eastern part of the state
organized “ plane p o o ls” using the faster
aircraft. The day bro ug ht be au tifu l fall
weather and a good tu rn o u t fo r the
Tower saw Sally Clark, Air Traffic Con­
troller and a Nebraska 99, hard at work.
Gail Tonnesen, Reporter
O ur new o ffice rs were installed in
Septem ber, by Rosemary B lock, at our
annual birthday dinner. O ur new office rs
are: Suanne Townsend, Chairman; Pat
Krueger, Vice-Chairman; Gail Tonnesen,
Secretary; Diane Chadwell, Treasurer.
Rosemary B lock, our o u t-g o in g Chairm an,
was given a surprise g ift to show our
appreciation fo r all the w ork she’s done fo r
the chapter in the past tw o years. Suanne
Townsend was presented w ith a “ survival
k it” , by Rosemary, to get through the
com ing year as Chairm an.
A fte r a busy sum m er and all of our
members o ff in separate d ire ctio n s we
fin a lly got tog ether fo r our firs t fly -o u t for
the fa ll. Four planes and 11 people made it
to Cherokee, Iowa fo r a sho pp ing trip and
luncheon. The w eather was perfect fo r a
day of flyin g and a good tim e was had by
C o ng ratula tion s to Jeanne Kautter, our
newest mem ber, on earning her instrum ent
Pamela H. Crane, Reporter
A brief business m eeting of the San
A nto nio Chapter was held at the airport
meeting room (Gen-Aero, Inc.) at 1330 on
O ctober 11th. A t th is tim e plans were
finalized fo r airm arking a ctivitie s the
fo llo w in g week.
F ollow ing th is m eeting members ad­
journed to the Menger Hotel fo r a tea
honoring 99s atten din g the OX-5 Club
national convention. Local members were
happy to meet charter m em bers Blanche
Noyes, Mary Von Mach, Melba Beard and
Viola G entry, as w ell as greet "B abe” Ruth
from M ichigan, Ruth Thom as from Ten­
nessee, Mary Randell from Florida and
Edna G ardner W hyte from Fort W orth,
The grand fin a le of airm arking the
Guadalupe C ounty airport, Seguin, Texas
took place on O ctober 18th and was the
occasion fo r a large tu rn o u t o f local 99s, as
well as 6 6 2 /3s, 4 9 ’/ 2 S and 24% s. This
jo b required a lo t of e ffo rt to com plete (in
three phases) but many favorable co m ­
ments have been made about the a ctivity.
Chapter mem bers worked the coffee
concession fo r the San A n to n io FAA
GADO General A viation Education C lin ic
held at the Sheraton San A n to n io M otor
Inn on O ctober 19th, and also assisted
w ith d is tr ib u tio n o f a v ia tio n s a fe ty
m aterials. The c lin ic was well-organized
and interesting and very w ell-attended by
over 400 local p ilo ts and som e of the ir
wives and children (n o n -p ilo ts). Erick
A n d e rs o n , lo c a l A c c id e n t P re v e n tio n
S pecialist, gave the local 99s his special
thanks fo r th e ir help. The activity also
resulted in considerable interest in the 99s
among attendees at the clin ic.
Several more prospective members have
been p a rticip a tin g in ou r a ctivitie s, and
attending m eetings, and we hope to
welcom e them in to the chapter soon.
Helen Hewitt, Reporter
Members w ho attended ou r O ctober
meeting received an abbreviated lesson in
ATC procedures as we were guests of
Radar Approach C ontrol at Barksdale AFB.
We had the o p p o rtu n ity to scan the radar
screens, observe tra ffic and learn firsthand
the problem s of an ATC con tro ller.
T his be au tifu l autum n w eather has kept
m any of us in the air. New in s tru c to r Jere
Saur is busy g e ttin g her firs t private
student, a po tentia l N inety-N ine , ready fo r
her flig h t check. Evelyn Snow flew her
Cherokee to see daug hter B etty Hesie of
the A bilene Chapter and tog ether they flew
to Grand Isle, Nebraska on business.
Evelyn’s newest flig h t stud ent is her
daughter-in-law .
F o u r o f o u r m e m b e rs ,
C o rin n e
S trickla nd , Mary Jo Voss, Jere Saur and
Evelyn Snow participated fo r tw o days in a
Search and Rescue exercise conducted by
the C ivil A ir Patrol.
M artha and Ray C h risty had the pleasure
of in tro d u cin g th e ir new granddaughter to
the jo ys of private fly in g . In th e ir Twin
Com anche, they toured the N orthw est w ith
stops in C a lifo rn ia and Texas. Joan and
David C arroll reported CAVU weather all
week long when they flew th e ir Com anche
to Illin o is .
Our Aerospace Chairm an; M arjo W righ t,
has a busy year planned w ith aviationoriented lectures scheduled at local
elem entary schools.
Joan Alyea, Reporter
H ig h lig h t of our O ctober a ctivitie s was
our Annual F ly-in Brunch held O ctober 12
at the M innequa C lub in Pueblo. The
weather cooperated w ith a good fly in g day,
not, however, w ith o u t a few bum ps to be
handled by ou r fly -in guests on the way
home. Speaker was Shirley M arshall from
B la c k F o re s t G lid e r P o rt, C o lo ra d o
Springs, w ho talked on soaring. Shirley
showed the film “ Soaring C o u n try "— th is
is a b e a u tifu lly done film and made us all
eager fo r a g lid e r experience. U pcom ing
plans in clud e o u r annual C hristm as party
and planning fo r an FAA safety sem inar.
We want to pass on a bouquet fo r the
Linco ln g a ls ....th e ir m oney-raising cab
service from a irpo rt to stadium fo r the
U niversity o f C olorado-N ebraska game
really im pressed som e of ou r local p ilo ts,
w ho can’t say enough good th in g s about
the 99s-type service! They d id n ’t get the
names o f the drivers, but we’re passing on
our thanks and the ir appreciation to the
w hole chapter.
Johnnie K. Salyer, Reporter
T ulsa Chapter 99s fund raising project
fo r the year was serving lunch at the EAA,
AAA and International Aerobatics Club
Fly-in held at Tahlequah, O klahom a on
O ctober 11.
Northeastern Oklahoma Flight Instructors
Clinic sponsored by the Tulsa Chapter 99s
and the Oklahoma Aeronautics Com­
mission. Shown is guest speaker, Dr. John
H. Furbay, Internationally known lecturer,
author and world traveler.
Tulsa Chapter 99s serving lunch— Lydia
Gutierrez, Carol Brown and Lee Brown.
North Central Section
Spanish Peaks Chapter members and fly-in
guests gather together following a good
meal and an interesting presentation by
Shirley Marshall at the annual fly-in brunch
at Pueblo’s Minnequa Club.
Shirley “Sam” Marshall, of Wave Flights,
Inc., Black Forest Glider Port, Colorado
Springs, Colorado, was guest speaker at
the Spanish Peaks Chapter annual fly-in
brunch on October 12.
Charleen Mehaffie, Reporter
In O ctober, our 1975 Annual Achievem ent
Award Banquet was held in C olum bus. The
c o m p e titio n was s tiff among the “ top ten"
because they all worked hard fo r the 99s
and on the ir ratings. Marcia Greenham was
the award winner and we all congratulate
her. The 49 1/2 award went to Charles “Doc”
Thomas and deservedly so because Doc
has been to ju s t about all of our m eetings
and fu n c tio n s lending us his support and
helping any way he can.
M arilynn M ille r was guest speaker at
Rockwell Intern ation al, C olum bus Plant,
A viation Club m eeting, and says they were
very interested in hearing about the 99s
and ou r activites.
Judy Alcom brack has com pleted and
received her 135 charter ce rtifica te fo r her
com pany airplane, Physician Leasing
We extend a w elcom e to the fo llo w in g
new m em bers: Francis M iller, Marie A llen,
Patti W olfe, Nancy Rhodes, and tw o
transfers from Lake Erie, Pat C o llier and
C aroline Luhta.
Virginia and Charles “Doc” Thomas— Doc
was the winner of the 4 9 1/2 award for 1975
T tf
Marcia Greenham — winner of 1975
Achievement Award (All-Ohio Chapter)
Ruth Teel, Reporter
“ O ctober’s B rig ht Blue W eather” — a
borrowed phrase, but certainly appropriate
fo r the O ctober 4 m eeting of Central
Illin o is 99s at M arshall County A irp ort,
Lacon, Illin o is . Those arriving by air were
challenged to a spot landing, won by
Kathleen W ood in her tw in Cessna.
Fourteen m embers, three guests and
five 49V2ers made up the attendance list.
A successful airm arking of the new
Edgar County A irp o rt at Paris, Illin o is was
accom plished on Septem ber 24. The in ­
du striou s crew con sisted o f: Jean W est,
Deed H olcom b, Joan Boyd, Lila F lin t, Jean
M cLaughlin, Theo Som m er, Libby Kaiser,
Betty H uffm an and Barbara Jenison. Barb
and Betty were on home base and provided
nourishm ent fo r the workers.
Kathleen W ood has made several flig h ts
to Pensacola, Florida.
Bard Brusseau, Mary W aters, Jean and
Bob W est, Deed and Max H olcom b and
Barbara Jenison attended the North
Central Section m eeting at St. Louis.
Theo Som m er attended the AOPA
Plantation Party as did Dave and Lila F lin t.
Dave and Lila included several days in
Baja, C a liforn ia in th e ir last trip . Their
plans also in clud e the Navion Fly-In at
Lincoln, Nebraska, as w ell as fly in g to Peli
Island, Canada fo r som e pheasant hun­
Joan and John Boyd flew th e ir 182 w ith
new w indsh ie ld to a high school class
reunion in W isco n sin after the Lacon
m eeting.
Jean M cLaughlin is s till m aking 99s—
She soloed tw o more gals ju s t recently.
Barb Silagi, Reporter
Marion Servos and 491/2 Jery flew w ith
th e ir childre n, Alan and Susan, to the
International C onvention to th e ir C olorado
River "S h o o tin g the Rapids” trip .
Ruth and Bob Frantz also flew their
Cherokee 140 to the C onvention, all the
way to Idaho and back w ith no weather
Barb Silagi flew down to Ft. Chaffee,
A rk., where she picked up a Vietnam ese
couple she is spo nso ring . A lth o ’ the trip
was very IFR w ith 45 m inutes h o ld ing at
Chicago, they love fly in g and q u ickly
taught her th e ir word My-Ty (airplane).
Bard in return has already had him to an
airm arking.
Thanks to R & D A viation w hich donated
fly in g lessons to 4 lucky ladies w ho were
the w inners in a free draw ing sponsored by
our chapter at the 2 day EAA A ir Show held
at Le w is-L ockp ort A irp o rt, Sept. 5-6. Polly
G ilkiso n and Judy Herrick worked the
show . C o ng ratula tion s to Toni Zag o f R &
D w ho has a new private license.
A ctin g as advisor fo r the
U niversity F lyin g Team, Polly G ilkiso n and
491/2 John flew a Cessna 150 to the Region
8, NIFA A ir Meet at Sm yrna, Tenn. O ct. IQ12. John helped in ju d g in g the p re -flig h t
co m p e titio n .
The last tw o Mary Shum way S cholarship
w inners have made it! Sandy K lo ck earned
an Instrum ents rating to add to her CFI-A
on O ctober 19th and Barb S ilagi added an
Instrum ent In stru cto r rating on O ctober
2nd the hard way, in that Tw in Comanche.
Mearl Frame, Reporter
The Greater D etroit Area Chapter met on
Thursday, O ctober 16 at the “ Brew &
Kangaroo” restaurant in Dearborn fo r the ir
m eeting. The guest speaker fo r the evening
was Professor Bob Lyjak, M athem atics
c o m p u te r
s c ie n c e
p ro fe s s o r,
U niversity of M ich iga n, Dearborn Cam pus.
He is a m ost in te restin g speaker and the
dinn er and program was enjoyed.
We have tw o new m em bers in ou r
chapter...Jean Paige and Joanne Marsden.
W elcom e aboard ladies, we are happy to
have you w ith us. Joanne M arsden w ent to
the section m eeting in St. Louis w ith us.
Our chapter chairm an, Joyce Odom w ill
be entering the h o spita l fo r surgery the end
of th is m onth. We hope th a t she w ill be
back w ith us very soon as good as new.
Joan W o o d ru ff and D orothy B utle r sold
50-50 raffle ticke ts at the M onroe Dawn
Patrol in Septem ber earning som e money
fo r our chapter treasury.
Sherry Quinland, Reporter
K.C. g irls had a do ub le reason fo r en­
jo yin g the North Cen. Sect. in St. Louis
last m onth. O ur own Bobbie M ille r was re­
elected Vice-Gov. & we won the at­
tendance trophy. This makes it a clean
sweep fo r the y r., having also won last
spg. at Lodge of the Four Seasons. The
silver bowl has been presented to our
chapt. to keep on perm anent display & a
new bowl was donated to the Sect. by
Sheldon & Ruth S tafford. It w ill be known
as the S tafford Logbook Traveling Trophy.
A nother new mem ber joined our chapt.
at the Sept. m tg. w hich was held at the
Rodeway Inn. A warm w elcom e to Karin
B utle r & to Jeanne W ille rth who has transf.
in to the chapt. from Central Mo.
F lyin g A ctiv itie s chairm an, Pauline
C lendening, & P ublic Relations chairm an,
B.J. H o ff, were sin gin g rain — rain go
away! in Sept. but to no avail. F ly-ou ts are
a m onth behind now w ith the firs t one
fin a lly g e ttin g o ff the ground in Oct. Since
the B icentennial Year is ju s t around the
corner, Pauline & B.J. have plans fo r us to
fly to surro un din g State ca p ito ls & other
c itie s rich in h isto rica l lore. The Sept. trip
to L ittle Rock, Ark. w ill be re-scheduled.
Those m aking the fit. to Spg. III. besides
Pauline & B.J. were Jean W ilso n, Kathy
Zim m erm an, Burt & V irg inia Pacey, Babs
Tooley, & B .J.'s son, Dennis. They toured
the C apitol B ld g ., Gov’s M ansion, &
visited one of L in c o ln ’s form er residences.
An extrem ely interesting as well as
educational event.
Mary Boldra, Reporter
Septem ber found Indiana Chapter at
Anderson fo r the FAIR Ladies Race. Our
m eeting was held on Sunday as a con­
c lu sio n to the weekend of racing. O ur past
Chairm an, Anne Black, won the Rookie
Award, w ith the firs t place going to Sophie
Payton from Clearwater, Florida. Sophie
also came the greatest distance.
New o ffice rs were in sta lle d by Lois
Feigenbaum , N ational Vice President in a
lovely cerem ony prepared by C u llie H olst.
N ew o f f ic e r s a re : C h airm an , Ruth
Ruggles; Treasurer, Barbara Jennings;
V ice C h a irm a n , Barbara S im m o n s;
Corresponding Secretary, Judy Graham;
Recording Secretary, Sue Bathauer.
Seated: Left to Right Judy Graham,
Corresponding Secretary; Sue Bathauer,
Recording Secretary; Standing Left to
Right: Barbara Jennings, Treasurer; Lois
Feigenbaum, National Vice President;
Anne B lac k, Past C h airm an ; Ruth
Ruggles, Chairman; Barbara Simmons,
Vice Chairm an; In the center of the picture
is a rug hooked by Culiie Holst in shades
of blue and white.
New In s tru m e n t r a tin g s w ere a n ­
nounced: Lois Hawley, C laudette Parker,
Ruth Ruggles, L illy Daneck and Esther
W yandt.
O ctober found us in W inch ester painting
stripe and num bers on th e ir runway fo r a
m oney-m aking project.
The O ctober m eeting was held in
Kendalville w ith nearly IFR co n d itio n s.
Mary Gardanier, Reporter
September news d id n ’t appear in the
news letter, so w ill com bine w ith October.
Since last news you r reporter, Evelyn Borst
and husband Larry have retired (?) to Lake
Havasu C ity, Arizona. New Horizons— Our
corageous Marian Newman died on August
12 after a lengthy illne ss. W e'll m iss her
bubbly enthusiam . Myran Stephens flew to
professional m eetings in Kansas C ity and
M inneapolis, M innesota. She and her
husband attended “ The F lyin g P hysicians”
m eeting at Lake Geneva, W isconsin.
Ruth Eisem an and fa m ily vacationed in
C alifornia, Hawaii and Alaska th is sum ­
mer. W hile in Alaska visited 99 Ruth
We enjoyed seeing everyone who
reached the AW TAR term in us in Boyne
M ountain, M ichigan.
Our S .M .A .L .L . Race is over and the
best p ilo t, J u lie Clarke, was the winner.
M aisie Strears, hubby and sons are
“ skyla ne ing” to Disney W orld in Florida,
November 3 & 4.
Y ou'll find Mary Creason fu ll tim e at her
"O ttaw a A ir” operation in M uskegon,
M ich.
A ll three M ichigan chapters w ill co m ­
bine fo r a C hristm as party at Eloise
S m ith ’s at A u stin Lake. Eloise is presently
vacationing in Sw itzerland and A ustria.
Carol Bobb, Reporter
The b e a u tifu l O c to b e r c o lo rs o f
M ichigan proved no disa p p o in tm e n t to our
guests from e ig h t states and Canada that
entered the 19th Annual M ichigan SM ALL
Race, O ctober 3, 4, and 5, held at O wosso
C ity A irp ort, O w osso, M ichigan. It was
such a fun and e xcitin g p ro ficie ncy race
w ith the firs t place going to Ju lie Clarke
and husband Harold of East D etroit, flyin g
a Cessna 172. Ju lie was a previous w inne r
in 1969. O ther w inners were, 2nd place,
D ottie Anderson from O hio in a Piper
Arrow ; 3rd place, Sam m y McKay and
daughter-in-law Geri from M ichigan in a
Cessna 210; 4th place, Carol Bobb and Les
Weaver from M ichigan in a Cherokee 180;
and 5th place, Helen Barter and Sim one
Breukel from O ntario, Canada in a Cessna
172. The sale of im p rinted T -shirts and
S w eatshirts w ith “ M ichigan SM ALL Race”
was a succe ssful fund raising item at the
From E xperim ental A ircra ft to the FAA
our booth was one o f approxim ately fo rty
set up O ctober 23, 24, and 25 fo r "The
Aerial W orld of Stan Bandrankee" at the
Macomb Mall in East D etroit prom oting
aviation. Thanks to Jan Olsen we
distributed 1,000 pieces of literature to
interested persons, have 8 new prospective
m em bers and answered m any qu estio ns
the general p u blic had regarding wom en in
aviation. Those taking part were Elna
Blass, Carol Bobb, Lynn Dahel, W inne
DuPerow, Leah H ig g in s, Elsie K arasinski,
Sammy McKay, Bertha M cM enem y, Claire
Ojala, prospective mem ber, Grace Shear;
Esther Stellw agon, Helen W ethe rill and
L illia n Snyder.
Inspector, Mary Clark (L) watches as fuel
tank is topped off in June Pailthorpe's
Cessna 150 at Michigan SMALL Race.
(L to R) Esther Stellwagon, Bertha
McMenemy and Helen Wetherill with
prospective member Grace Shear at
Michigan Chapter booth at Macomb Mall
in East Detroit.
Clara Johansen, Reporter
C hapt
w e re
ju d g e s ,
scorekeepers and tim e rs at the Region V
NIFA meet at St. C loud. Rita Orr and
daughter C indy, M adeline N iosi and Peggy
Johnstone flew there on Friday and worked
both days. On Sat. M axine P feifer (and a
planeload of prospectives from Duluth),
Margie H e w itt, Jan N ielsen, and Kay Nagel
To date, 15 of our chapter mem bers have
made flig h ts fo r the Red Cross Blood
a irlift. O ur mem bers feel helping at meets
and a irliftin g blood are very exciting
service projects.
Gina Millar, Reporter
Von Alter has started her term in o ffic e
as chairman o f the Q uad-C ity Chapter.
Fern and John Rathe flew to San
Francisco recently fo r a brief vacation.
They too k the southern route home and
w itnessed a spectacular sunset over the
Grand Canyon.
G igi Katz and her husband spent a long
weekend in W ood ruff, W iscon sin. Gigi
said it too k her tw o hours to fly up in the ir
plane and three hours to return.
Jan Gresham ou r Q uad-C ity air tra ffic
co n tro lle r has been checked out on radar.
Karen Davidson has recently earned her
private p ilo t ticket.
Judy Hodges, Von A lter and Neil Pobanz
attended the Illin o is Race Board Meeting
in R ockford on 12 O ctober. Judy is
chairm an fo r the lllin i-N in e s Derby which
w ill take place May 28, 29 and 30, 1976.
She w ill be ably assisted by Mary W aters,
Mary Krautkram er, Norma Freier, Mary
Panczyszyn, Von A lter, M arion Jayne
Charlene Falkenberg, Marge Hughes, Gail
W enk and Barb S ilagi.
Gina and G ordon M illa r flew their tw in
Aztec to W aterloo, Iowa to attend a dinner
dance. W eather was CAVU all the way
there and back.
Von and Charlie A lte r flew the ir plane to
the P u rd u e -lllin o is game in Cham paign.
Von got in som e IFR practice on the way
back and had her firs t ice encounter of the
Our Novem ber m eeting w ill be a flyin g
scavenger hunt to be arranged by Carolyn
Pobanz. Happy fly in g to all.
Louise Yeazel, Reporter
She’s done it! Dorothy (Carrot Top)
A iksnoras fin ish e d bu ild in g her Aero Sport
and it f lie s b e a u tifu lly . M ilw a u k e e
newspapers and television carried the
story of the red-haired girl mechanic who
b u ilt her own plane after hours at the EAA
A ir Museum at Hales Corners where she is
em ployed rebuilding and restoring antique
aircraft. Carrot top is a C .F .I. and an
en th u sia stic m em ber of the International
A erobatic C lub and A erobatic Club of
Am erica, but her firs t love is bu ild in g
aircraft. She has been supervisor of the
dope and fab ric tent and chairm an of the
w e lding shop at EAA Conventions in
O shkosh and m echanic fo r top aerobatic
p ilo t Leo Loudenslager.
The sub je ct of a recent feature a rticle in
the M adison Capital Times by Betty
W illm o re d id n ’t fly very well at all. B etty’s
story about H enrietta, a sm art, sassy pet
chicken caused a lo t of chuckles in the
M adison area. B etty is em ployed by a
p u blic relations firm and has had a num ber
of her free lance articles published
recently. She has been invited to jo in the
Madison Press Club.
Pat Back is a cover g irl now. Her picture
w ill appear on the fro n t cover o f Skyways
North, a northern W isconsin to u ris t
magazine. This next issue w ill also contain
an a rticle on the W iscon sin-M inn esota
jo in t 99 ou tin g at P hillips.
O ur O ctober m eeting was a luncheon at
A ustin-S traubel Field at Green Bay and a
tou r of the flig h t service statio n arranged
by hostess Diane Harris. Chairman Pat
W eir presided over the business m eeting at
w hich it was decided to assess chapter
dues of $5.00
The speaker at the Novem ber m eeting at
M iddleton w ill be Robert Niem ann, a
W orld W ar I Lu ftw affe p ilo t who is ju s t as
th rille d about fly in g now as he was as a
boy w atching hawks circlin g over his 1000year-old home village in the Hartz M ts. of
Germany before the W right brothers flew.
World War I Luftwaffe Pilot R. Niemann
talks to Wis. 99s.
Southw est Section
V ____________ ,______________________ >
Frances Gibson, Reporter
F irst fly -in in Novem ber w ill be to The
Shore Bird ju s t across the fence from Half
Moon Bay A irp o rt. M argaret Alderm an flew
w ith 491/2 B ill through passes in C olorado
at 13,900 to Jackson Hole, back across
Idaho and Nevada in th e ir Bellanca.
Debra Plym ate flew to Portland, Oregon
and stopped in at her fly-in cabin at
W akona Beach on the way back. She’s
excited about soaring these days and has
had tw o lessons at C alistoga.
K are n P o w e ll, M a rg a re t A ld e rm a n ,
Jaunda B igelow , Dianne Weeden, and
Brande True all flew to the fall sectio na l.
Jaunda and Ruth M agill and 49 ’/2 Joe
M agill flew to International and made a
forced landing on a du ster’s strip because
of weather.
The chapter had a fly -in to Los Banos
w ith 14 turning out. Dianne W eeden is
stud ying fo r her A & P at the College of
Alam eda. She gets to classes on a
borrowed m otorcycle. She made tw o
parachute ju m p s in A ugust.
Jaunda flew to Santa Barbara O ct. 11 fo r
the C a lifo rn ia A via tion C ouncil m eeting.
Karen Powell enjoyed a flig h t to Fall River
M ills . Jean S troobant, Jaunda, and Joan
Enos all flew in the M ini-D erby.
Frances G ibson and 491/2 H. M. ((Gibby)
enjoyed the C a lifo rn ia Aviation Educators
Conference at Lake Tahoe O ctober 25 and
26. The VOR and tow e r were out o f service
Sunday and people were bussing out fo r
c o m m e rc ia l f lig h t s fro m R eno and
Pat Davis, Reporter
Im portant news is that Sally H all, our
Chairm an, has had to resign w ith regrets.
She prom ises not to desert us com p le te ly,
and fo rtu n a te ly Sue Angell Young is ready,
w illin g , and exce ptio na lly able to step in
and carry on.
We are in the m id st of s e ttin g up an "o n ­
g o in g ” m o n e y -ra is in g
p r o je c t;
chairm an sent letters to all of the other
chairm en w ith a flye r show ing the Hawaii
posters that we are se llin g . They are, of
course, m uch more be au tifu l in the large
size, but if you w ant to get an idea fo r
a sm all g ift fo r som eone, check w ith your
Chapter Chairm an.
At our O ctober m eeting, we had five
prospective m em bers. We plan to com bine
our C hristm as p a rty— w h ich is a p o t-lu ck
d in n e r— w ith an atte m p t to co n ta ct every
sin gle wom an w ho is fly in g in the Islands.
We were shocked to learn th a t there are 89
women student p ilo ts on Oahu and we
know of on ly about 8 or 10! If you have had
th is situ a tio n and have com e up w ith a real
good s o lu tio n , we’d like to hear it. Pat
Coates, our M em bership C hairm an, wants
to hear from anyone w ith ideas.
Lindy Boyes, w ho is a m em ber of the
Silver W ing s P ilo ts ’ A sso cia tio n has been
elected to the national Board of Governors,
and needless to say we are qu ite proud of
On the social side, several o f our 99s
who are active w ith the General A viation
C ouncil of Hawaii spent three days in
Hana, Maui on a fly -in . P articularly great to
get together w ith everyone else fo r hangar
fly in g , but th is tim e we also included a trip
to the church at K ipahulu where Colonel
Lindbergh is buried. B etty Skold was
Chairm an of the fly -in and was assisted by
Pat Davis.
Pat Church, Reporter
The Fall sectional was a huge success
w ith 99s, many w ith 4 9 1/2S in tow , ap­
peared from all over the Southw est Sec­
tion . O ur co n g ra tu la tio n s to Florence
Moody and Achsa Donnells fo r holding
fo rth throu gh a couple of la st-m in u te
schedule changes and organizational
traum as. O ur guest speaker at the banquet
was Dr. Ted Erb, a man whose fly in g
experiences have covered the globe, and
whose presentation was m ost in te restin g
and e n tertain ing . H is talk centered on the
idea of our sm all w o rld — pa rticu la rly from
the p ilo t’s v ie w p o in t!
A irm a rking seems to be our “ big th in g ’’
th is fa ll. We have recently decorated the
runways at M eadows Field in Bakersfield,
and a new private strip at B la ckw e ll’s
C o rn e rs o w n e d by B la c k w e ll Land
Com pany. Special thanks on tha t a ctivity
go to A lb in a “ B u tch ” Ayars and her 49 1/2,
B ill, w ho set the m arkings fo r us to fo llo w .
C om ing up th is m onth are also Bakersfield
Airp ark and Shaffer’s M in te r Field. A no ther
a ctivity th is m onth was providing a check­
p o in t and tim e rs fo r the P acific A ir Race.
O ur C hairm an, M axine Turner, very
a p pro pria te ly turned over her firs t student
fo r a private p ilo t checkride on the firs t day
of the sectio na l. Yes, the stud ent passed.
A lb in a Ayars q u a lifie d herself fo r fly in g her
new Seneca by receiving her m u lit-e n g in e
T his m onth we had a luncheon fly -in to
Furnace Creek in Death Valley on Sunday,
Novem ber 2. C om ing up are holiday
season get-to geth ers in clu d in g new and
prospective m em bers.
Vivian Harshbarger, Reporter
Jean T insley do esn’t report in too often,
but when she does WOW! "Entered the
com m anche in a cruise, and proficiency
contest 9-20. Beat a 310, w hich has won
the past five years. Took firs t place over
200 HP, overall and team. O ff 1-10 gallon,
and 6 seconds ETE. Every question right
on 256 m ile cou rse.” A stra Johnson, our
new secretary, is n ’t sure the 99s really
want her. Last year, her firs t, she rushed to
take her Private check ride. Then several of
us personally transported her ap plicatio n,
fo r the proper signatures to assure her
lis tin g in the roster, w hich did not
m aterialize. T his year, she took no
chances. Money and renewal in early— but
s till no lis tin g . Not only that she lost her
99 pin.
Marge Carm ine, flyin g her Cherokee 180,
w ith Gail Wagg as c o -p ilo t, met Joyce
W ells in Santa Barbara on DRF deliveries,
then lunch w ith Joan Steinberger. Happy
news from Maureen Carter. She's due back
around C hristm as.
New Chairman, Rose Sharp presided at
our last m eeting, w hich was a farew ell to
Kathy W alton. Husband, Rich has been
assigned to the tow er at Kauai. If you are
flyin g in the area, slip in a qu ick “ FT(Friar
Tuck)?” They w ould love to see you.
The 9-19 Safety Sem inar at Gnoss Field,
Marin C ounty was a huge success. The
next Bay C ities Seminar, in co n ju n ctio n
w ith Sierra Academ y, w ill be 12-5 at the
Oakland A irp o rt H ilton.
The e ig h t BAY AREA CHAPTERS are
having a rum m age sale 3-5, 6, 7 for
Convention '77 expenses. At Fall Sectional
we had an o ffe r of help from the Fresno
Chapter, so w e’ve decided to prom ote a
RRF (Rum m age Relief Fund). Thought
maybe you cou ld fly -in rummage, and we
can w ork out som eway fo r you to fly -o u t
drugs fo r DRF.
Cay Hatch, Reporter
The PAR is over for th is year and a safe
and fun tim e was had by all. This reporter
was a firs t-tim e r and lo okin g forward to
next year!
The new looks at G illespie Field include
run way lig h ts being installed on the
n o rth -sou th runways, a new ILS is in ­
stalled, taxi ways have been de signated—
we’re ju s t like big tow n now.
Boo Bergman is recovering from her
surg ery— hope she w ill be back flyin g
soon. D ottie Ledbetter flew to Phoenix for
a d e n tis t’s ap po intm en t (sounds like a fun
tim e), then on to Lake Tahoe w ith fam ily.
She’s keeping up w ith air tim e — taking a
group of fe llo w teachers to Palm Springs
fo r lunch.
El Cajon Chapter held an ILS fly -in to
celebrate the new service. Refreshm ents
were sup plied and a draw ing held fo r a
week-end in Big Bear. Drawing was won by
ole lucky Claude W harton.
O ur new p ilo t and new member, Connie
Davis, winged it to Palm S prings fo r lunch.
A n o th e r new m em ber is L illie M artin. Our
Chairm an, Helen McGee visited June
O’N eill at the Grand Canyon and took in a
h e lico p te r ride. Helen has ju s t made her
com m ercial rating.
W hat to you do w ith you r old copies of
the 99 News? On several occasions I have
donated m ine to my d o c to r’s office . Some
of the s tu ff they have in the reading
selection w ent o u t w ith the Model T. There
may be others w ho w ould like to read
about us and even becom e interested in
flyin g. Keep it in m ind the next tim e you
have to s it fo r a boring hour or so.
Gwen Blomgren, Reporter
Our p in c h h itte r course w ent over w ell in
O ctober. The ground scho ol classes were
taught by 99s, Carol Bugay, V olin e Raiche,
Dixie Haper, and Lois Beeler. On O ctober
26, we had a graduation banquet and
cerem ony fo r the stud ents and the ir
fa m ilie s. O ur frie n d ly
FAA A ccident
Prevention S p e cia list, Jack Patrick, spoke
at the gra du ation cerem ony, and W alter
M artin, ou r Mr. 99, dem onstrated via a skit
the advantages o f having a p in ch h itte r
flyin g w ith you. A ccording to the skit if a
p ilo t through poor planning inadvertantly
find s h im se lf in a restricted area over an
A ir Force Base, it is a good tim e fo r the
p in ch h itte r to call in w ith a "s ic k " p ilo t!
Each graduating student was presented
w ith a c e rtifica te and a Snoopy 'Keep ’em
fly in g ’ pin.
Two of our m em bers came back sm ilin g
from the P acific A ir Race. P ilot Theola
N utt and c o -p ilo t K athie McNamara were
19 m iles an hour ahead of th e ir handicap,
and fin ish e d 9th in a fie ld o f 80.
We helped w ith the PCIFA meet again.
We helped ju dg e last year when the college
kids did th e ir th in g , and had a really fun
tim e. The meet th is year was at Palom ar
near San Diego, Novem ber 8-10.
Darlene Brundage, Reporter
Sunday, O ctober 26...Can you believe—
CAVU— real CAVU at F ullerton for ou r 3
cents-a-Pound! We had to give in to
w aiting people and start early.
Two be au tifu l parachutes, borrowed
from Skylark A viation at Elsinore, m u lti­
colored beach um brellas, pastel balloons
and loads of s m ilin g people gave the flavor
of a C ounty Fair.
14.7 tons of happy kids o f all ages were
flow n by Avery Grey, Howard Grey, Mary
O ls te n ,
E s th e r G ru p e n h a g e n ,
M ax
Grupenhagen, Sylvia Paoli, Ron Stoh, B ill
Griggs, B ill Resner and John Tim pte. They
did the ir num ber up in Super Sky, trying to
m aintain re la tio n sh ip s w ith the guys in the
tower (who were great), w ork the ir way
through all the Cowboy and Indian games
suddenly lossened on a day like th is in the
L.A. basin, and ta lk a little to the nice
paying passengers. It was a m adhouse up
there, especially over D isneyland, but they
all came down each tim e g rin n in g from ear
to ear and dying to exchange stories.
Nine planes, donated by the above, AFI
at F ullerton, Glen Brown and Bob Pellisier,
lit ju st barely long enough to pick up a new
load or refuel, w h ile groundcrew , led by
Mary Dyer, and co n sistin g of Judy Stoh,
Marita G ladson, Darlene Brundage, and
potential m em bers, Evelyn Craik and Reba
Thom pson, weighed, escorted, and ran
general interference do w n sta irs.
The C ity of F ullerton added som e drama
to the scene by having tw o fire tru c k s on
ha nd ...th ey d id n ’t have to do a th in g but sit
around lo okin g pre tty and red.
A plus we’d like to share: the local paper
ran tw o articles about ou r 3 cents-a-Pound
during the weeks preceding. One was a
pictu re w ith a m eaningful cap tion . We
gave the photographer a free ride (the
reporter has been up w ith us). That picture
really brought ’em in. We sold punch to the
crow d. A N D — we sold a v ia tio n !...a n d
ladies who fly planes.
Bea Howell, Reporter
THE MINI DERBY, a cruise and
pro ficie ncy race sponsored by our Chapter
every June is again in its planning stages
fo r 1976. We had a good tu rn -o u t th is year
and look forw ard to having more of you
jo in us in ’76. T his is one of the few 99
events that a llo w s men to enter eith er as
teams or as a hu sba nd -w ife co m b in a tio n .
This years 1 st was won by a man. We need
YOU to enter in '76 and give them a run for
th e ir m o n e y !!!
M ontgom ery F ield, San Diego (CA.) was
the d e stin a tio n fo r G olden W est N inetyNines Chairperson Kathi W entw orth and
Im m ediate Past C hairperson Rae G ilm ore.
F lyin g to San in Rae’s Com m anche 260,
they attended the AOPA (A ircra ft Owners
P ilo ts
A ssoc.) P lantation
C onvention. Having tim e to tou r the
m anufacturer's e x h ib its , they also par­
ticip ated in d iscu ssio n s w ith aircraft and
a v io n ic s m a n u fa c tu e r s ; and A O P A ’s
lo b b yist in W ashington (D.C.) Michael
Monroe. M onroe to ld of much le g isla tio n
in W ashington a ffe ctin g general aviation
p ilo ts . K athi, w ho has been instrum ental
in fig h tin g a proposed shopping center
that w ould a ffe ct San Carlos A irp o rt,
queried M onroe and AOPA Vice President
Max Karant about o b tain ing names and
addresses o f local AOPA m embers who
w ould not be adverse in assistin g the
preservation of general aviation airports.
O ther A O PA’ers in the audience suggested
that a coupon in th e ir magazine "P ilo t”
w ould allow m em bers an o p p o rtu n ity to
s u b m it th e ir names to be available, on
m C . S T G C m £R\
Rae Gilmore, past chairman, Golden West
Chapter and Kathi Wentword, Chairman.
request, to a ssist in local a irpo rt fig h ts.
Kathi and Rae urge 99s who are AOPA
m em bers to convey their support of this
idea to AOPA Vice President, Karant.
Carolyn Zapata and Bea Howell par­
ticip ated in the P acific A ir Race and had a
49 painted on the tail of their aircraft. This
na turally led Bea’s husband, Jim to paint a
49 1/2 on the tail of his plane to jo in them at
the term in us in Santa Rosa. Our thanks to
El Cajon Valley, San Diego Chapter and
Santa Rosa Chapter fo r their h o s p ita lity on
our trip.
C arolyn is also a m em ber of the Civil A ir
Patrol and ju s t th is m onth found a plane
that had gone down in adverse weather.
Yvonne Koepke, Reporter
Five of our members attended the
S o u th w e s t S e c tio n a l in B a k e rs fie ld ,
C a liforn ia the week-end of Septem ber 27
w hich gives us a 50 per cent pa rticip ation .
A good tim e was reported by all, in spite of
the fact th a t Yvonne Koepke had her firs t
forced landing due to a m alfu nctio n of the
o il separator in th e ir Navion. Fortunately,
ju s t over the co w lin g to the right appeared
be au tifu l Fox Field and no em ergency had
to be declared.
Our O ctober m eeting was held in the
FSS b u ild in g at Fox Field in Lancaster and
we had five p ilo ts and one student p ilo t
from that area present. They are all
planning to com e to our November
m eeting here in A pple Valley, when we w ill
be having guests w ith us from the Long
Beach Chapter. It w ill be an exciting
m eeting!
We were so happy to meet 99 Lt.
Stephanie W ells, another first-co m e r to
ou r m eeting, who has recently been
transferred to George A ir Force Base. She
is from the m id-w est and we are hoping
she w ill transfer to ou r Chapter.
We regret to report that Mary Lue and
Dick G arrison’s Cessna 210 was destroyed
on take-off from Riverside A irp ort on
O ctober 26. The G arrison’s partner in
ow nership was p ilo tin g and had taken
frien ds to dinn er at the Red Baron
restaurant. Both couples were killed
leaving six children w ith o u t parents. The
cause has not been determ ined as yet.
Our New Reporter, Bertha Ryan, has
been so involved in flyin g sailplanes and
p a rticip a tin g in related events that th is
chairm an is p in c h -h ittin g fo r her this
m onth.
If any of you saw the tow plane
sequence on “ M illio n Dollar M an" th is past
m onth, the tow plane p ilo t was our own
Jeanie M cAdam s out at C aliforn ia C ity.
Lynne Greer, Reporter
Our chapter had it ’s firs t fly-in Tuesday
evening, O ctober 28, the Apple Valley
A irp o rt. We then went in to Apple Valley
Inn fo r a lovely dinner. There were 21
people in attendance includ in g members,
491/2ers and guests. Being so wrapped up
in PPD we have never had a chance for
som e fun th in g s like th is so it was a real
Everyone was glad to see Kay Pellegrine
at Apple Valley as she has been on the
“ s ic k " lis t fo r several m onths. Kay is now
well and fly in g again.
The Greers had the privilege of fly in g to
George A ir Force Base on O ctober 25
where they had a general aviation fly -in .
The purpose o f the events was to educate
those in general aviation on the facts and
need for the m ilita ry ’s low , fast terrain
fly in g . It was indeed inform ative and gave
us a new respect fo r the m ilita ry fly in g
activities. The base was open entirely to us
fo r inspection and several de m on stra tion s
presented as w ell as film s on hyper­
ve n tila tio n , hypoxia, d iso rie n ta tio n , etc.
The general aviation tu rn -o u t of 500
persons was far beyond the base’s ex­
pectations. The fu n n ie st part of the entire
day was being a part of the swarm of
aircraft landing at George and hearing the
c o n tro lle r’s voice pitched about tw o oc­
taves above norm al in shear p a n ic— bet
they have a new respect fo r th e ir cou n­
terparts in the private sector!
Our chapter is proud of M illie Langw ell,
our Chairm an, w ho is the proud holder of
an Instrum ent rating. Tooke Hensley
represented us w ell in the PAR by com ing
in 29th; M illie Langw ell w ith A lberta
Brown as c o -p ilo t were in the race too.
Doris M. Totans, Reporter
The fly -in and Charter Dinner sponsored
by Lake Tahoe C hapter N inety-N ines
turned in to a fly-drive due to bad weather
m oving in to the Tahoe-Reno area earlier
than forecast on Saturday O ctober 25th. In
spite of the low clo ud s and rain obscuring
the area. N inety-N ines from six Southw est
S e c tio n C h a p te rs a rriv e d
by m id ­
afternoon. A ll fly -in s were planning on
landing at Truckee-Tahoe A irp ort w ith
Reno as an alternate. M ost fin d in g it
im p ossib le to get clo se r than 40 m iles to
e ith e r a ir p o rt e le c te d
to la n d
Sacram ento, rent a car, and drive. Lake
Tahoe Chapter is the 47th to be chartered
in the Southw est Section of the N inetyNines, Inc., w hich is the largest of all the
sections w ith 1200 m embers.
If you fly in to Truckee Tahoe A irp o rt call
Bonnie Seym our who runs the T h rifty Car
Rental w ith her 49'/2 M ilt, or Barbara
Davis, w ho w ith her 491/2 Dick are the
operators of the V illa V ista Resort.
Those who came in Friday or very early
Saturday were able to land before the fastm oving storm reached the Tahoe area. A
few who knew the area w ell were able to
make it to the Truckee airport. As one who
made it expressed it, “ The weather was in
and out all afternoon and when it was out,
we came in."
Saturday evening the fo rty-p lu s 99s and
4 9 1/ 2 S gathered at the Carnelian
overlooking storm y Lake Tahoe where
w h ite caps were breaking on the shore.
Representatives from Santa Clara Valley,
San Diego, Palom ar, San Fernando Valley,
G olden W est and Reno Area Chapters
joined the m embers of our newest chapter
for the charter presentation cerem onies,
conducted by S ection G overnor M arion
Barnick. As M arion read o ff the names of
the charter m em bers, Bonnie Seym our,
chapter chairm an, to ld a little b it about
each of them . Some were new 99 m em­
bers, several were new ly licensed p ilo ts.
And about a th ird were transfers from the
Reno Area Chapter. Bonnie is a form er
mem ber of the San Fernando Valley
F o llo w in g the charter presentation, Del
Hass, of the Reno Area Chapter, installed
the o ffic e rs : Bonnie Seymour, Chairman;
Kay Schlinkman, Vice-Chairman; May
Haskell, Secretary; and Marilyn Andrews,
Treasurer. The rem aining charter mem bers
are: T in cia Arrel, Lois Brow n, Pamela
Brown, Barbara Davis, Helen Foeger, Julie
H ofm ann, M arilyn Van Sant, Shirley
W eise, Sharon W offo rd.
Jean McConnell, Reporter
Back to norm al rou tine after a be au tifu l
P acific A ir Race. The weather cooperated
to assure an educational as w ell as fun
race fo r us. Long Beach Chapter was w ell
represented w ith seven team s. W ally Funk
and Judy C am pbell-B room , fly in g a
C itabria 7KCAB too k firs t place w h ile
Jua nita T hom pson and Pat Thorpe finishe d
in the top ten, taking a tro p h y fo r 6th
Fran Bera and Katie W hethered placed
second in the Henry O hje Speed Race
O ctober 18th fly in g a Bonanza.
A fte r the PAR, the Santa Rosa DRF
C o m m itte e was busy loading up so u th ­
bound planes w ith m edical su p p lie s fo r
Santa Barbara. The weather, however, did
not exactly cooperate, keeping Santa
Barbara below VFR m in im u m s fo r m ost of
the fo llo w in g day! Several teams of s o u th ­
bound racers stoped at M onterey overnight
and attended a barbeque at Gene F itz­
pa trick’s fa m ily ranch sou th of Carmel.
Colene G ig lio , N ational F lig h t In stru cto r
o f the Year Award W inner and W ally Funk,
along w ith Ruth Dennis from FSS were
selected to appear on national tele visio n in
O ctober as representative o f wom en in
Preparations are already underway fo r
the annual F lig h t In s tru c to r Revalidation
C lin ic. W ith m ore p ilo ts and C ertified
F lig h t In stru cto rs atten din g each year,
C lin ic Chairm an Susan G reenwald is hard
pressed to get through Labor Day before
s ta rtin g w ork on the “ C lin ic ."
Several mem bers attended the suc­
cessful S ectional at B akersfield.
Judy Campbell, Reporter
At th e ir O ctober m eeting, the Los
Angeles Chapter firm ed up all the d e tails
fo r the Santa M onica A irp o rt "O kto b e rfe st”
a ctivitie s, (O ctober 25-26). The weekend
marked the A irp o rt’s c o n trib u tio n to the
C ity ’s Centennial year. A m ong the many
a ttra ctio n s offered to the p u b lic, the LA
99s turned out in force to sp o n so r air rides.
Rachel Bonzon and Lynne O pper organized
the p ilo ts and ground crew fo r rides w hich
were a m ost succe ssful part o f the a irp o rt’s
ce le b ra tio n — over 500 rides were given
over the tw o day period.
In the Pacific A ir Race (O ctober 4) from
G illespie Field to Santa Rosa, C alifornia,
the LA Chapter had 17 participants
represented by 11 teams. W ally Funk
(Long Beach Chapter) and Judy Cam pbellBroom came hom e w ith firs t place trophy,
and Ann D’Armand and Jeanne Rumm
placed 10th over a record num ber of over
70 e n trie s — m aking th is the second largest
all wom en air race in Am erica.
A fte rth e PAR, Norma Futterm an, V irginia
Showers, Jean Pyatt and M arilyn Tw itchell
joine d o th e r 99s fo r a barbecue and
overnight stay at the Big Sur ranch of Gene
F itzpatrick. The LA g irls also took DRF
sup plies to Santa Barbara on the return
trip .
The LA Chapter was w ell represented at
the recent Section m eeting in Bakersfield,
where, w ith a few m in o r ad d itio n s and
changes, the Section By-Laws were ap­
Fran Milford, Reporter
We had fo u r entries in the P.A.R. th is
year and are proud to say that one entry
placed Third. P ilot, C o-P ilot team was
J u lie
D rye r and
L o rra in e
H oag —
C o ng ratula tion s g irls on a fin e race.
A lso in O ctober we had an FAA Safety
Sem inar w h ich was co-sponsored by three
of o u r local FBOs. It was held at the
Sheraton Inn and there was a trem endous
tu rn o u t of both drive-ins and fly-in s.
W e have o u r C h ris tm a s
B ru n c h
scheduled fo r December 21st, a Sunday to
be held at the Sheraton Inn. Anyone in ­
terested in atten din g our get together for
C hristm as along w ith th e ir 49 1/2er or guest
please co n ta ct Fran M ilfo rd (listed in the
Sharron A. Temps, Reporter
This past m onth we had a good
representation present at the Bakersfield
We were happy to co lle ct a few trophies
at sectio na l, taking hom e first place for
greatest number of APT Pilots in a large
chapter, and second place for Air-Marking.
We enjoyed the ou td o o r a ctivity so much,
and have hopes for firs t place in th is
category next year. Those attending
sectional were Margo S m ith, Maryanne
Jam ison, B etty Carrier, B etty M arshall,
Ursula Tracy, Betty Ackerm an, Ginny
Flanary, Barbara W ard, M aggie Burch,
Noreen K ilbo rn , and Happy Van Oder. We
were also proud to be able to donate
$1,000 to the new 99 Headquarters in
O klahom a fo r the purpose of landscaping.
Thon G riffith was our representative at the
cerem onies Novem ber 1-2.
T his reporter has been enjoying the
lovely scenery of Lake Elsinore, and our
unseasonably warm late A utum n weather
has triggered som e therm als that provided
lift fo r m any sailplanes. I rode a therm al to
nearly 7,000 feet in a rented sailplane. We
have planned fo r the next few m onths to
v is it Kern Valley, C atalina Island, Rancho
C a liforn ia , and Berm uda Dunes. These are
all very be au tifu l trip s, and not too far
away from hom e, so we should have a
successful fly in g and p ickn icin g w inter.
Gertrude Lockwood, Reporter
Ruth and Marvin Dilg are beam ing! As a
Christm as g ift (Decem ber 24) in 1969 they
both earned the Private licenses, on
September 24, 1975 Tig Pennock put each
one through the paces, as the other rode
passenger, to earn that IRF rating.
C ongratulations!
We fin a lly caught up w ith Ruth Kneifel,
who has been co m m u tin g in the Cessna
182 between th e ir hide-away on Hornby
Island, B .C ., S tateline, Nev. and an oc­
cassional v is it to F allbrook. She reports
that her once broken leg has healed and
she'll be able to ski again th is w inter.
Harriet Booth and Mary Pearson captured
the No. 5 spot in the PAR, and Ethel
Robinson, as p ilo t, w ith G inny B oylls were
awarded the 'best lo w tim e score’ in Ethel’s
"A rro w .”
Pam Vander Linden is sp o rtin g a brand
“ V ik in g ". N ot avocado green th is
tim e, but d e fin ite ly a ‘S noopy’ in the
w indow .
The Septem ber 19th Safety Sem inar was
w ell
attended and Toni Torres
responsible fo r bring ing Jan Sakert, form er
Marine Corps o ffice r, w ho made a spendid
M eteorology pre sen ta tion ; Fred Torres,
gave us h in ts fo r con stant good
m a in ta in e n c e ; M e d ic a l
fa c ts
w ere
discussed w ith Robert Parker, Marine
Corps S urgeon; Bob G riscom , our own
FAA A c c id e n t P re v e n tio n S p e c ia lis t
com pleted the afte rn o o n ’s w ork session.
Betty K itchin had arranged to show the
film “ Stam p of F rie n d sh ip " to the group,
w hile being convened. She made good use
of it the fo llo w in g day at her scho ol. For a
‘fee’ of one used GOOD subject m atter
paper book, the childre n were ad m itte d to
a b it o f histo ry in the show ing.
Several m embers o f the chapter at­
tended the de dication cerem onies in
O klahom a C ity.
The Novem ber m eeting is planned as a
Fly-in Brunch at Apple Valley and a
C hristm as party in December w ill round
out the year's a ctivitie s.
Natasha Swigard, Reporter
Last m onth we in sta lle d new o ffice rs fo r
the year— and to keep us on course once
again is Carol Borgerding.
Our biggest event of the year— the
Kachina Doll — Roadrunner P roficiency A ir
Races were held O ctober 25th at S co tt­
sdale A irp ort. We extend our thanks to
airport manager Harold Lagasse, and asst
tow er chief Dean S kidm ore fo r m aking
th in g s go so sm o o th ly fo r the 42 entries.
The WX was ab solutely fa n ta stic fo r both
races. It was severe clear and 9900 wind
co n d itio n s. Nancy Crase and Judi G unter
Cams won the Kachina Doll Race, and a
pair from C a lifo rn ia — Robert King and
Gerald Myers took hom e firs t place trophy
in the Roadrunner Race.
We had a succe ssful fly -in m eeting at
Francisco Grande w ith 11 planes (and 1
car) m aking the trip . There are more of
these planned. Makes going to a m eeting
lo ts m ore fun!
Dee Southard retired from the FAA after
spending 23 years aid in g p ilo ts w ith WX
and other im p o rta n t in fo . She now spends
her tim e tra in in g and sho w in g Shetland
ponies. B etty Jo S m ith has been taking
aerobatic fly in g w ith C liff Stereburg. She
has about 15 hrs. now, and really loves it.
Feels that it sharpens up her stra ig h t and
level fly in g . Judi G unter ju s t recently
m arried B ill Cam s. Best w ishes to them
both. Pat and Clark M oreland spent 9 days
traveling 226 m iles down the Colorado.
F lying is easier and drier! Donna Reaser
and Barbara Herd came in 8th in the Kino
Bay A ir Race, and B etty Jo and Allen
S m ith came in 17th. Lona A tkin so n , Pat
Moreland and Jud i Cam s joine d the ranks
o f the APT group.
This is part of the merry group that at­
tended the brunch and fly-in meeting held
at Francisco Grande: Mary Rogers, Don
Patterson (with PPD shirts), Dick Mumey,
Jane Patterson, Stacy Wachs, Sandy
Anson, Peggy Mumey, Caroline Reibert
and Pam Marley (Phoenix Chapter)
• „
t -
o r g a n iz a tio n and r e g is tr a tio n . T hree
m em bers of the new Lake Tahoe chapter
were there helping w ith reg istratio n on
F rid a y .
N in a is th e h ig h
representative on CAEA board of directors.
Lynn Ahrens and a Mt. Diablo 99 flew to
G illespie, San Diego, in a T34 to attend a
CAP practice m issio n . As trainees, they
enjoyed the experience. Both logged the ir
firs t 0.5 hr of m u lti-e n g in e tim e (in a Twin
Com m anche) after experiencing oil leak
problem s w ith th e ir ow n plane.
Lynn, our chairm an, has been om itted
from th is year's d irector, so please note
her name and address: Lynn Ahrens, 65
Canal Street, A pt. 15, San Rafael, CA
94901, Phone (415) 457-2543
Left to right (Redwood Empire Chapter) Pat
S to u ffe r, T reasu rer, Erma Chance,
Secretary, Lynn Ahrens, Chairman, Fran
Gauger, Vice Chairman.
Frances Gauger— Pilot of the Year Award
(Redwood Empire Chapter)
Cliff Swigard and John Nelson making
their fly-by past Scottsdale tower at the
end of the Roadrunner Race (Phoenix
Susan Lea, Reporter
Nina Rookaird flew solo in the PAR. As
Tail end A n to in e tte , she is en jo ying her
prize of a coffee pot. A late start due to tire
troub le meant a really s olo race!
Susan Lea received her in stru m en t
rating O ctober 13.
Erma Chance won a door prize at the
Bakersfield S e ctio n a l— a free weekend fo r
tw o at the Bioche Ranch in Nevada. She
also ferryed a new Cessna 172 to Napa
from W ichita . W eather b e au tifu l, and 14.5
hrs flig h t tim e back to Napa.
Nina Rookaird and 491/2 Dick spent
O ctober 24-26 at Tahoe Valley at the
C a lifo rn ia Aerospace Educational C ouncil
and A e ro s p a c e W o rk s h o p D ire c to r's
m e e tin g .
T hey
h e lp e d
w ith
th e
Connie Conolley, Reporter
O ur m em bership drive paid o ff at our
O ctober m eeting w ith 18 potential 99s in
attendance! A pleasant surprise visit by
our sectional governor, Marion Barnick
w ith Verna W est, and W illy Gardner from
the Santa Clara Valley Chapter. Marion
spoke on “ How to get involved in section
a c tiv itie s ” . New mem ber, Nadell Said, a
registered civ il engineer w orking fo r the
div. of A eronautics on an Environm ental
Im pact Study, was welcom ed to the fold.
Doris Loftsgaard was reinstated after five
years absence.
A presentation on "A ir S afety" was given
by Dick N eilson of G .A.D .O . fo llo w e d by a
film on W in te r F lyin g . Pat Sheehan, P.R
fo r the United Fund Drive, presented
ce rtifica te awards fo r th e ir help during th is
drive. A big thank you goes to the Mon­
terey Chapt. fo r th e ir donation of $100
tow ards ou r P.P.D. start fund.
A soaking good tim e was had by those
hard-w orking fund raisers at a plane-wash
organized by Sandy Case. Barbara Goetz
reports a nice p ro fit, a good suntan and a
thorough drenching from head to toe!
Audrey Germain and Barbara Goetz have
been appointed to the "S acram ento A irp ort
advisory co m m itte e ” by the Board of
Horsebackriding, h iking , fis h in g for
tro u t, dancing and excellent food was what
11 g irls and th e ir husbands experienced at
the fly -in to the J. & H. Ranch in S cotts
Our busy 99, Lynn A b b o tt, who is also a
charter m em ber of the International F lying
Nurses A ssociatio n, was recently ap­
pointed the ir H istorian. 49'/2er, Russ is
also heavily involved in aviation. He no1
only ow ns a business called “ V icto r 6"
selling Pilot supplies but he has organized
a group of 50 young ad u lts at the school
where he teaches, in the interest of
A e ro s p a c e E d u c a tio n . Lyn n re c e n tly
checked out in the ir Beech Sierra, flew
w ith Russ to attend the A .O .P .A . Con­
vention in San Diego exclaim ing it as
"F a n ta s tic !”
The good habit of p re flig h tin g your
plane before each and every flig h t paid o ff
fo r Shirley Lehr. Som eone had stolen her
dip stick! Beware of those G rem lins!
Betty Wharton, Reporter
The 1975 P acific A ir Race is now
h is to ry ...it had it ’s good tim es and it ’s bad
tim es, but we’ll remem ber ju s t the good
on e s...o .k.?
C o ng ratula tion s to W ally Funk and Judy
C am pbell-B room , who won firs t place. San
Diego Chapter had fo u r entries, Bea
W heeler and Diane S to cklin , Laura L ittle
and Joanruth Baum ann, M artha M ullen
and K itty Razook, and Eva M cHenry, who
chose to go solo th is tim e. The El Cajon
Valley, Bakersfield, San Joaquin and Santa
Rosa Chapters, worked hard for all those
who flew in the race! (the last I saw of Ray,
the tow er co n tro lle r at BFL, he was headed
fo r C row ley’s Bar). O ur chapter had a
“ firs t” at our Oct. m eeting. M em bership
chairm an Ruth Ebey pinned Elsie W atson’s
G RAND daughter as a new 99. Her name is
Debbie Pow ell. (MRY Chapter eat your
heart out) Two a d ditiona l new members
th is m onth are H arriett S m ith, and D ottie
Helm , who holds a Phi Beta Kappa
Key...(now THAT'S cla ss!)
Pat O sm on attended a C.A.P. O ffice r
in fo rm atio n conference on O ct. 18-19, at
Travis AFR, and was given the "G ill Robb
W ilso n " award fo r m e rito rio u s service to
the C.A.P. Senior program .
Some of the Start Committee Chairmen.
PAR Joan Sierecki, Camilla Hutson, Lynn
Briggs, Cay Hatch, Ruth Ebey. Front row,
Leah Liersch, Evelyn Wing, Dottie San­
ders, Dottie Koltz, and Laura Little.
On O ct. 19, 4 aircraft from San Diego
and El Cajon Valley 99s christened the new
localizer at G illespie Field. It’s a c irclin g
approach only, so d o n ’t let the a ltitu d e s
scare you o ff! R efreshm ents were served
afterw ard, and Claud W harton won a week­
end in Big Bear, in a cabin that sleeps
twelve, (he says he’s taking eleven 99s,
and go w h ile I'm in O klahom a C ity fo r the
de dication of the 99 Hdq. B ld g ., and an
AW TAR Board m eeting). More about the
divorce later!
Terminus chairman take it easy at the
start. L. to R — Phyllis Cantrell, Rae Pass
(PAR 63), Fran Johnson, Barbara Johnson
(PAR 29).
PAR Official Starter Pat Hill at Gillespie
Field (isn’t he cute?) and the “flag”
(Maggies drawers).
Donna Zwink, Reporter
M e m b e r M a rg ie R o b b in s p ro u d ly
received "W om an P ilot of the Year" Trophy
at S ectional in BFL and our Chapter
received the “ Non P rofessional P ilot
A w a rd" w hich w ill be displayed at various
FBOs. Eight m em bers were able to attend
S ectional, Doris T otans d is trib u te d copies
of the Van Nuys A irb orn e p u b lica tio n and
has requested all Chapters s u b m it news
item s to her at 3916 Oak S t., A pt. E,
Burbank, Ca. 91505. P ublishers plan to
feature as many Chapters as po ssib le in
each e d itio n in the N inety-N ine s Logbook
colum n Doris is cu rre n tly w ritin g .
DRF su p p lie s were flo w n to Santa Bar­
bara fo r O ctober Fly In com bined w ith a
p icn ic on the Beach w ith m em bers o f the
Santa Barbara Chapter. Pamela Brands
took stud ent p ilo t, Diane G ellathy, Coralee
Tucker too k guests and Bev W oodward
loaded her car and drove?
A weekend fly in is scheduled to Truckee
Tahoe to jo in form er m em ber Bonnie
Seym our and m em bers of the New Tahoe
Chapter on th e ir Charter N ight a ctivitie s.
Am ong the racers who departed San Diego
in the Pacific A ir Race, Audrey S chutteJoan Sandeen (Beech) 18th,
M argie
R o b b in s -C e c S c h u lm a n (P ip e r) 1 9 th ,
M arjorie M orong (M ooney) 26th, Donna
Z w ink (firs t tim e racer) and Shirley Thom
(C172) 28th, Lorrie Blech-Peggy Schaeffer
(Rallye) 56th. A dip of our w ings to all who
made th is race the biggest and best yet.
Doris Totans was selected Member of
the M onth, a new program the Board has
decided to im plem ent to bring a tten tion to
a m em ber w ho is “ buzzing around” for the
99s and general aviation,
Doris is
recognized fo r her efforts in p u b lic ity for
our Chapter and all 99s.
A warm w elcom e to ou r guests, Susie
Katz, L A Chapter, Fehra Davis and Diane
G ellathy, stud ent p ilo ts and Joyce Neal
from Lubbock, Texas who ow ns an elderly
V ta il Bonzana Model B.
Farewell to Rodg Rogers, m oving to
M orreland, Okla. firs t part of 1976 to open
a ircraft service and repair statio n. Libby
Svenson and Audrey Schutte Sons are now
private p ilo ts and Lorrie Blech soloed her
firs t stud ent, her sister. V irg inia Rainwater
pinned new m em ber M arjorie G illen who
ow ns a C180 and C150.
San Fernando Valley member Margie
Robbins and 4 9 1/2 Richard proudly
showing off the “Woman Pilot of the Year”
trophy received at Southwest Sectional
Banquet in Bakersfield.
Chairman, Shirley Thom, beamed with
pride accepting the Non Professional Pilot
Trophy at Southwest Sectional, on behalf
of the San Fernando Valley Chapter.
Vesta Malby presented valuable in­
fo rm a tio n on the sale of Burbank airport,
clo sure of W hitem an field and restricted
hours o f operation at Van Nuys, Vesta
stressed we m ust educate the public.
Elizabeth Dinan w ill con tact 99s in
Bom bay, India and celebrate her birthday
in Bom bay, Lorrie Blech "b u m p e d ” around
Texas in a Bonanza, Pat H a lle tt flew to
M ontana, Lola Ricci flew to Seattle and
Canada, V irg in ia Rainwater and Joan
Hetzel attended Canadian A ir Races and
Sally Kinsey flew 50 hours solo cross
co u n try in her Cherokee, saw Viking
launch at Cape Canaveral and flew entire
Colorado River from Grand J u n ctio n to
Grand Canyon.
a ro u n d !!!
O ur
m em bers
Betty Skiles, Reporter
Cable A irp ort was the s e ttin g fo r the 3
cent a pound ride by the San Gabriel
Chapter on O ct. 18th. Thanks to a lot of
hard work by ou r 99s, and esp ecially Helen
Blanchard chairw om an o f the event, we
had a very good tu rn o u t. A n tiq u e A ir­
p la n e s ,
e x p e rim e n ta l
a irp la n e s ,
agricultural and rescue H elicopters were a
few of the e x h ib its on displa y for the
people w ho cam e in spite of the contrary
weather. Thanks to Helen Blanchard and
Kathy W oolsey and th e ir husbands for the
use of th e ir planes and talents. We really
had a great tu rn o u t of ou r own members
for th is event.
Our fly -in fo r th is m onth was M onterey.
Sad to report som e o f us were grounded
due to bad weather, but the ones who
made it reported that once they got there
the weather was great.
O ur racing gal Bev M ahoney entered the
Pacific A ir Race on O ct. 4th flyin g a
Bonanza 36. She said she really had a great
tim e and despite a few problem s she came
in 27th out of 80 pa rticip ants.
Barbara Glantz, Reporter
Jean Murray had ou r Septem ber meeting
on her houseboat on the Delta in Stockton.
She also had our O ctober w ork m eeting
then the fo llo w in g day was in charge of our
rum mage sale. Jean worked on the PAR
fly-b y in C olum bia and attended the S-W
Fall S ectional. Jean also had the pleasure
of fly in g her son, Doug, and his friend to
C alistoga to take a g lid e r ride.
T rixie C layton was in charge of the
refueling durin g the PAR fly -b y
Colum bia, she was w ell assisted by her
491/2er Claud.
Helen McGee flew her son, Tim , to
Logan, Utah, where he is a freshm an at
Utah State U niversity. Helen then dropped
o ff her husband, Harvey, in Salt Lake C ity
w h e re
fle w
c o m m e rc ia lly
W ashington, D.C., then on to Russia to
report on the A stro n a u ts’ good w ill tour.
Helen attended the S-W Sectional and flew
in the PAR placing second.
Rosie H ijos flew to the S-W Sectional
taking along her Daughter, Diane and
Bertie Hargis. Diane recently received her
Private P ilot rating.
Laverne G udgel flew her A36 in the PAR,
No. 6. She was firs t to fly -b y in C olum bia
and Bakersfield. Then, firs t to arrive at the
term inus in Santa Rosa.
Norma Draper was checked out in a
W arrior. She also worked on the fly-b y in
C olum bia fo r the PAR.
Barbara G lantz flew her young son,
Danny, to Salinas fo r a v is it w ith her
cousin, Judy Dake, a M onterey 99. Barbara
was appointed to serve on a newly form ed
A irp ort A dvisory C om m ittee in Madera. It
is a five m em ber board.
Judi Gorham, Reporter
9 members and 1 guest arrived in 4
airplanes and 2 cars at the King C ity
A irp o rt to con du ct our m o n th ly m eeting
over lunch and then to to u r the Meyers
Tom ato Packing F a c ility .
M em ber in
charge of the m o n th ’s a c tiv itie s was E m ily
Cletsow ay.
To generate interest and attendance,
one m em ber is assigned to each m onth
and is responsible fo r whatever a ctivitie s
she w ishes durin g her m onth.
Seen fly in g overhead was Lois S m ith
checking out in the new Cessna 175; Em ily
C letsow ay and husband on th e ir way to the
New England area to b icycle in the fa llin g
leaves; C riss Yecny and baby ? going to
the CFI Sem inar in San Diego (that baby
w ill have q u ite a log book when it is born)
and several mem bers doing air w ork on
various ratin gs in progress.
Beth Howar, Reporter
R epresentatives to the Coeur d'Alene
C onvention were Jan Edm ond, Joan
S teinberger, Karen Charest, Marian F ickett
and Judy Roeser.
M e m b e rs re p o rte d th e B a k e rs fie ld
Sectional was great fun.
Jan Edm ond has ju s t treated her fa m ily
to a trip to Tucson in her be au tifu l new
Cherokee 235.
Marian F ickett m ust take the prize fo r
the longest trip th is sum m e r; she fle w her
tw o daughters to colleg e in a Cessna 182.
Her route included stop s in Portland,
Maine and W ashing to n D.C.
M arilyn W eixel has added a C om m ercial
to her fa st-g ro w in g c o lle c tio n o f ratings.
A lot of energy is going in to helping
persuade o u r c ity of the d e s ira b ility of
providing a new fa c ility fo r o u r FSS so that
it w o n ’t be forced to move elsewhere.
D iscussio ns, m eeting w ith the m ayor and
the c ity c o u n cil, and m ore planning are
among our a tte m p ts to explain the value of
saving FSS.
Evie Treen is c o o rd in a tin g our project of
c o lle ctin g and d is trib u tin g pe rio dica ls to
c o n v a le s c e n t
h o s p ita ls .
A v ia tio n
m agazines top the lis t o f desire co lle c­
Our last FAA safety sem inar was a big
success w ith over 200 people atten din g.
We are m aking preparations fo r another
one in O ctober.
Pat Rowe, Reporter
Hey, w hat are you do in g h e re ...ro llin g
out from a loop during an aerobatic
contest A m elia Reid found herself lo okin g
at an A ir Force C-5A. A m elia averted the
tu rb u le n t near-m iss but drew a penalty fo r
“ overtim e” on her routine!
Jeanine and Pete Ceccio flew th e ir 182
to C olum b ia to v is it w ith Helen M urphy
and enjoy a relaxing day.
P h yllis Pierce sponsored her 2nd annual
aircoupe day. P articipa ting
in flyin g
P h y llis ’s plane were Jackie Petty, Joan
Enyeart, M arion Barnick, Nancy Rodgers,
W illy G ardner and Evelyn Lundstrom .
C o ng ratula tion s to the new Tahoe
Chapter. Jackie Petty piloted M arion
Barnick and Varna W est, Southw est
G overnor and Vice G overnor to Lake Tahoe
to attend the de dication banquet. The
return trip was delayed a day due to a snow
storm but the extra hours were ju s t
w o nd erful.
Adrienne Parker jetted to B oston fo r a
weekend reunion and some Maine lobster!
Sherry Andersons 10 day turbo 210 flig h t
to M exico turned out to be a “ w in n e r.” The
firs t stop was Puerto Vallarta w ith a side
boat trip to Yalapa where Sherry became
p ro ficie n t in parachute riding by boat. On
to Oaxaca fo r sightseeing and then to
Belize B ritis h Honduras w ith perfect
weather all the way. Four days were spent
on San Pedro Island. B. H. fille d w ith
scuba diving and sno rkeling . The return
trip was to A cap ulco and a blessed
decision to stay an extra day before going
on to Mazatlan. Mazatlan was hit on that
day by a hurricane. Sherry said the planes
at the a irpo rt were unbelieveably tw isted
w ith de stru ctio n . A fte r a short stop there
she returned by way of C uliacan and
M exicali. Sherry is o ff again down La Paz
way fo r Thanksgiving.
Pat Roberts is 4-w heeling a new silver
S cout wagon fo r an anniversary present.
The wagon w ill provide transp ortatio n fo r
the Roberts co n do m inium in Sunriver,
Oregon. So whenever Pat lets forth w ith
“ H eigh-ho Aztec, Get-um up S cou t” we
know w hich d ire ctio n she is headed!
Gwen Dewey, Reporter
Our aerobatic cham p, B etty Johnson,
did it again! F irst place in the Sportsm an
category in the San Diego C o m pe tition
held at Borrego S prings. Next c o m p e titio n
is in February and B etty is already prac­
tic in g her Sequence in the interm ediate
Santa Paula chapter has been busy. For
tw o Sundays, we BBQ'd Hot Dogs, plain
and fancy, w ith all the trim m in g s. The
stand was jo y fu lly accepted by everyone
on the fie ld (cafe being closed) and we had
fun, we also did w ell fin a n cia lly. Our
Chapter was asked to count A irp ort
T ra ffic — ta ke o ffs and la nd ing s— fo r a fo u r
day period, from 7:0 0 a.m . to 7:0 0 p.m .
T his was fo r a current m aster plan of
a irpo rt a c tiv itie s requested by the C ity of
Santa Paula and the A irport A ssociatio n.
We who use th is airpo rt th in k it is the
greatest a irpo rt in the w orld. Come see!
Five of ou r mem bers entered, finishe d,
and had a w ond erful tim e in the P acific Air
Race. Those 99s sponsoring it did a
fa n ta stic jo b ! Gwen Dewey fin ish e d in 11th
place and also brought home a Best Score
troph y fo r so lo p ilo t over 500 hours. Team­
mates Barbara Deeds and B etty Johnson,
and Joanne M ille r and Norma W illiam s
enjoyed th e ir flig h ts , got a lot o f great
experience and all are raring to go next
We have w elcom ed tw o new members,
B etty Cuney, w ith a Cessna 172, and
Lu cille L itsh e im , and her Cessna 182.
M embers, Jackie Ross, and, Carolyn
Riley, are proud of th e ir new Cessna 172.
They have it on lease-back at W ells A ir­
Sally Allen has a replacem ent fo r her 115
HP C itabria named Jonathon. She has
retained the color, (orange and white) the
number, and the name, Jonathon. Their
in tentions? Num ero uno in Powder Puff
next year.
Ruth Foster, Reporter
Our Chapter has a reason to brag,
com ing through w ith three trophy winners
in the P.A.R. G inny W egener and Lynn
Cary ju s t m ig ht be in a rut, taking Fourth
as they did in the Powder Puff. P hyllis
Cantrell and firs t tim e racer Rae Pass love
that Seventh Place trophy. We've m issed
P hyllis in recent con tests, but now
perhaps we have a new “ tea m .” Fran
Johnson and Barbara Johnson are m aking
room fo r th e ir troph ie s fo r the Best Per­
form ance fo r F irst Tim e Racers. Fran
accom plished th is w h ile in her spare tim e
she was com ing in a w inner as the P.A.R.
Term inus Chairm an. We are proud o f the
10 “ fo llo w e rs " from our chapter. In all
th e re
w ere
p la n e s
w ith
d is q u a lific a tio n s . The Zontas did a great
jo b in helping to feed a lot of hungry flie rs.
As always the success of any event
depends upon the co-operation o f so
many, and the P.A.R. proved ju st that.
Those who m issed our O ctober m eeting
m issed m eeting and hearing Marion
Barnick and Verna W est. As G overnor and
Vice-G overnor of our S ection they reported
on the current problem s and possible
so lu tio n s facing the 99s. M ost in ­
form ative!
A bonus fo r our Chapter was received
from those P.A.R. racers who signed up to
fly m edical supplies to Santa Barbara on
th e ir home flig h t. The to ta l was over 2000
Busy m aking the "Speakers C irc u it”
these days are G inny W egener and Lynn
Cary. They give a very entertaining ta lk on
aviation and the part wom en are playing.
They have visited service clubs, w om en’s
organizations, and many other groups
expressing an interest in aviation. This has
also afforded them an o p p o rtu n ity to reach
the youth groups in our area.
W ith a fu ll schedule of events on the
calendar, we prom ise to keep our new
members Helen Bamber and Lisa M urphy
very busy. Lisa's parents run the C olum bia
F lying Service, a spot the P.A.R. racers
know qu ite well.
Northw est Section
Frances Heaverlo, Reporter
Sandy Sullivan and 491/2 John and
fa m ily spent one m onth in Alaska, hun­
ting , fis h in g , and v is itin g . They put more
than 40 hours on the C-185. Sandy visited
the Alaska Chapter N inety-N ines m eeting.
Linda Harris won the door prize at a
recent FAA seminar-1 hour in a sim u la to r.
Ilovene Potter flew the P acific A ir Race
from San Diego to Santa Rosa w ith Jan
G amm ell of Denver. A fte r the race they
visited w ith fo rm e r S eattle 99 Terry
We w elcom e our new m embers Dorothy
Habert, P riscilla Cox, Suzie M cG uire. We
are proud to have our chapter represented
at various levels. Ilovene Potter 1st Board
Member, Sandy Sullivan is Sectional
M em bership Chairm an. C harlotte Kamm is
Sectional Secretary, B etty Denney is
Sectional Scrapbook Chairm an.
Dorothy Albright, reporter
The school year tim e too k o ff fo r a good
start fo r our chapter. Up to date Five Big
Sky fem in in e flyers attended the Inter­
national C onvention at Coeur d ’Alene,
Idaho. Vivienne Schrank, Jordan “ Mrs.
U N IC O M ,” was the sole soul to go via wing
w a ftin g .
B etty Nunn, delegate from
B illin g s ,
g r a c io u s ly
t h is
correspondent the chance to go along in a
nice self contained cam per. One of the
h ig h lig h ts fo r yours tru ly was not ju s t one
but tw o sessions in a flo a t plane. The firs t
fall Fly-In was in B illin g s in the lovely
hom e of chapter chairm an, Judy M cCrum .
Inza Riedesel gave som e p o in te dly per­
tin e n t ideas as to the im portance of a t­
tending m eetings and being a fem in in e
flyer. "P eople do s it up and take notice
when a gal remarks that she is a p ilo t,"
was Inza’s challenge. The o ffice rs present
were, Judy M cCrum , chairm an, Dorothy
A lb rig h t, secretary-news reporter, and Liz
Gunn, vice chairm an, w ho w ith daughter
Am y flew over from Helena. Am y returning
to D artm outh College had but a few weeks
before o b ta in in g her own private p ilo t’s
license. (M om Liz may now try to ou tdo
m any as she is engrossed in both g lid in g
and parachuting) Mid O ctober favored
flyers w ith a fin e Saturday seeing planes
put down at Jordan where Vivienne and 49
Vi M ilt Schrank hosted the gathering. 99s
gallavanted in on the air waves from Idaho,
North Dakota, O regon, and several spots
w ith in the Big Sky State. Gene Nora
J e s s e n , N o rth w e s t G o v e rn o r, B o is e ,
Idaho, and from Eugene, O regon, Lou
W icks, Vice-G overnor, w ho brought Pat
Jenkins from near Burns, Oregon, all had
som e th in g im p o rta n t to say. The 1976
N orthw est S ectional w ill be in Sun River,
Oregon near Bend; next in turn w ill be the
northeast corner com prised of the Dakotas
and M ontana! Helen Dunlop, A ir Marker
Chairm an, and in cid e n ta lly MC’er fo r the
International AE luncheon, gave qu ite a list
of possible sites in need of a tte n tio n ,
m arking-w ise. If you greatly like distances,
do com e to M ontana, where there are m iles
of Big Sky C ountry. ’Tw ould be fun fo r us
to o ffe r you all a cup of steam ing hot
coffee at the R oundup A irp o rt (where
A lb rig h t’s F lyin g, Inc. is) w hich is po ssib ly
the b u sie st, little a irp o rt in the state. There
are three runways, an NDB, and UNICOM
to greet you. Standing by on 122.8!
Lorna Kringle for
Betty Curran, Reporter
A pancake breakfast let aviators " f lip ”
f o r S and
P o in t.
M a rc h in e
D e xte r
represented our chapter at the breakfast
sponsored by the Paine Field Chapter of
the W ashington P ilots A ssociatio n. The
purpose was to raise money fo r a cam ­
paign to preserve Sand Point Naval A ir
S ta tio n
as an a ir p o rt. The s ta te
organization has resolved to fig h t the c ity ’s
planned clo sure of Sand Point. We may
have lost a battle, but not the war!
F lying tou rs over Mr. Baker's b o iling top
(a not e xtin ct volcano in W ashington state)
are being offered by the U niversity of
W ashington in a course on A tm ospheric
and G eological Change. The $25.00 class
fee covers a flig h t of 1 Vi hours duration
over the m ountain and w ill be conducted
by in s tru c to r Jeff S m ith, a doctoral
in cloud
physics at the
U niversity o f W ashington who did an
airborne stud y of the area. Lorna Kringle
recom m ended the course to our chapter at
the last m eeting at the Jet Deck at Paine
Rejects from the 99 Booklet of W hirly
G irl ph otos sent by Saundra Lapsley and
Jean Ross Howard to be incorporated into
the "W om en in A via tio n ” slide show were
also show n. The jo in t Zonta-and-99s-andAAUW Luncheon that had been suggested
was approved by the m em bership and
in vita tio n s to all w om en’s groups in the
area w ill be sent.
We are happy to w elcom e Karen
M ikkelborg and Gail Brees to our chapter
and know they w ill be m aking valuable
c o n trib u tio n s th is year. Student p ilo t
Suzanne Harke, w ho w orks at Paine Field
has asked to attend our m eetings.
P hotographs taken at Pauline W irth's
home on Camano Island, when Chapter
o ffice rs met to plan the year's a ctivities
were shared. The weather being less than
the best, we all arrived by ground tran­
sp o rta tio n . Marian Lewis came all the way
from Renton. This was a m eeting for
photographs, because the pictu re taken of
Lorna K rin gle and fa m ily at Henley
Aerodrom e in Coeur d’Alene also arrived to
prove they were there.
AM Sharp, Reporter
Our regular O ctober m eeting
scheduled fo r the T ri-C ity A irp ort and we
met there, but the weather man did it to us
again. We had to drive. This same weather
man w ill probably s cu ttle plans to air-m ark
T ri-C ity, at least t ill spring.
Marian Carter, newly in sta lle d in the left
seat o f our a irsh ip of state, presented out­
going chairm an A li Sharp a b e au tifu lly
engraved N inety-N ine charm . Our guest
and prospective member, Eloise Nickell
to ld of leaving fo r Hawaii a few weeks ago
w ith the ink s till wet on her private license.
W hile there, she rented a 172 and soloed
from Kona to H onolulu International, then
back to Kona. Later she rented a
M uscateer and did some sightseeing over
H ilo.
B e tty G lin e s , a lw a y s b u s y w ith
stud ents, charter and fire patrol, has fille d
her evenings lately con du cting ground
school. B etty has prom ised that the
weather at North Bend w ould cooperate on
the 6th of Novem ber when we all fly -in for
a luncheon m eeting.
Roster Additions
M E M B E R S -A T -L A R G E
M u r a k a m i, C hiuoko ( R l )
Box 3362, C a s tle g a r
B .C ., C a n a d a
604 365 3848
J a r v is , Jan e E .H . (J e ffr e y )
4 C helw ood R o a d , C h e r r y H inton
C a m b rid g e CB1 4 L X , E n g la n d
0223 46996
G y lfe , E lis a b e th
is o w a a ri 40B 24
H e ls in k i 20, F in la n d
T e r v o , P ir jo
K a ja a n in tie 177
90230 O u lu 23, Suom i
F in la n d
981 38633
R hod e s ia n F la m e L ily
W a tt, C h ris tin e E .T u d o r (D o n a ld M . )
4 L o w e r H a m p d e n Road
M a r lb o r o u g h , S alisb u ry
R h o d e s ia , S outhern A fric a
702170(B )
M a p le L e a f
C lu le y , Sharon A nne (E r n e s t A .)
Box 495, P o rt E lg in
O n ta r io N O H 2CO , C a n a d a
519 832 5006
N ia g a r a T r illiu m
T h o m a , M a r th a
136 B a y S t., So. N o. 1701
H a m ilto n , O n ta rio L 8 P 3H5
C a nada
416 525 6823
G tr W in n ip e g
C h u d le y , D ia n e A . (L e s lie R .)
34 K n ig h ts b rid g e D riv e
W in n ip e g , M a n ito b a R 2 M 4E8
C a nada
257 3002
E a s te rn N e w E n g la n d
C o lv in , B re n d a Louise
342 Boston Road
B ille r ic a , M A 01821
667 1397
N o rth e rn N e w E n g la n d
G u e r tin , Ire n e Louise
28 E a s te rn P ro m
P o rtla n d , M E 04101
207 774 7638
N E W Y O R K -N E W J E R S E Y
C e n tra l N Y
K a ie r , L o rn a M a r ie
827 C roton S treet
R o m e , N Y 13440
315 336 3944
W e s te rn N Y
S ta n e k , E v e ly n A . (J o h n )
160 W e n d e ll St.
D e p e w , N Y 14043
716 683 1915
E a s te rn P A
Cook, E le a n o r J a n e M a tth e w s
109 C o lu m b ia A v en u e
N e w to w n S q u are , P A 19073
215 353 4247
D zie n is , S an d ra C h ris tin e
240 B assett A v en u e
N e w C a tle , D E 19720
302 328 5137
H o w e ll, M a r th a Ann
R D NO. 2, Box 274
P lu m C re ek
N o rth E a s t, M D 21901
301 287 5911
H o w e tt, B e v e rly A nn ( R l )
F o rre s t H ills , A p t. S 20
N e w C a s tle , D E 19720
302 328 7619
H a m p to n Roads
C o c k rill, S ara h A nderson (S. R o n a ld )
113 W oo d la n d D r iv e
F r a n k lin , V A . 23851
804 562 2826
M a r y la n d
F la s h m a n , A lb e r ta Rose ( B a r r y )
Box 478
S ev e rn a P a r k , M D 21146
301 647 2624
R o b e rts , C a ro l A nn (John P .)
7027 K n ighthood L a n e
C o lu m b ia , M D 21045
301 997 2192
W ash. DC
C a ric o , A lth a M i l l e r (R a lp h H .)
6112 Leew ood D r iv e
A le x a n d r ia , V A 22310
703 971 5280
C la r k , M a r le n e
G ra tc h n e r
( R l)
(R ic h a r d )
4400 F e r r y L a n d in g R oad
A le x a n d r ia , V A 22309
703 780 0508
B lue R id g e
B orough s, J a c q u e ly n M . (B o y c e )
R t. 3, Box 70
B e lto n , SC 29627
803 243 2373
S a n k e y , E la n o r E . (D o n a ld A .)
9 G la d e s w o rth D r iv e
G r e e n v ille , SC 29607
803 244 4292
C a ro lin a s
Stone, K sena M a y (John W ., J r .)
R t. 4, Box 288 A , F r a n c is D r .
R ock H ill, SC 29730
803 366 4303
T ennessee
S p a rk s , S a n d ra A lic e ( L a r r y P .)
2311 M o n tc la ir
M u r fr e e s b o ro , T N 37130
615 896 9108
A ll-O h io
H o ld e n , M a x in e D o ris (John L . , S r .)
1541 N . T w p . R d ., N o. 101
F o s to ria , O H 44830
419 937 2317
R e d d in , J a n e t Susan
914 N . P ro s p e c t St.
B ow ling G re e n , O H 43402
419 353 0893
Cape G ir a r d e a u A re a
J a m e s , M a r y A nn (J o e D ., J r .)
P .O . Box 956
C ape G ir a r d e a u , M O 63701
314-335 7421
L a w d e r , L id a C a rle n e (H a r o ld L .)
R t. 4, Box 276
M u rp h y s b o ro , IL 62966
618 684 4208
C e n tra l II
F r e e m a n , Lois E ile e n (W illia m E .)
R R NO. 3
J a c k s o n v ille , IL 62650
217 245 6788
P a r k e r , B a r b a r a Ann (John M . )
606 D ris k e ll
P a r is , IL 61944
217 466 3890
C hic ago A re a
H e s r ic k , J u d ith B. (D a v id J .)
4536 S herw ood A v e n u e
D o w n e rs G ro v e , IL 60515
312 964 4651
B e n n e tt, D on n a Ire n e (J a c k )
221 J oanne L a n e
D e k a lb , IL 60115
815 756 7712
G u e rin e , L o r e tta K . (G e o rg e N .)
1300 A ug u s ta
M e lro s e P a r k , IL 60160
344 4679
G tr D e tr o it A re a
P a ig e , D . Jean
910 F o re s td a le
Royal O a k , M l 48607
313 548 2683
G tr K a n s a s C ity
D ille n , P a ts ile e ( L a r r y )
8002 W a lro n d
K ansas C ity , M O 64132
816 361 5568
T u le y , B a r b a r a M a e 'B a b s ' (J a m e s
G .)
9608 M e a d o w L a n e
L e a w o o d , KS 66206
913 648 4040
G tr St. Louis
M o r s e , S y lv ia L o w e ( R l ) ( E . W illia m )
603 G a s lig h t D r iv e
A lg o n q u in , IL 60102
312 658 6635
M u r p h y , M a r y P a t r ic ia
3427 S ab o u rin , N o . S
S t. LbuiS , M O 63074
314 291 1723
L a k e E r ie
E is n e r ,
K a th ry m
G re e n b e rg
(F r e d e r ic k )
24870 F a ir m o u n t B lv d .
B e ac h w o o d , O H 44122
292 3996
P e a rs o n , Susan E lis e (R o b e r t E .)
18916 M itc h e ll
R o c k y R iv e r , O H 44116
216 356 1535
L a k e M ic h ig a n
M u r d o c k , C h ris tin e A lle n (R a w s o n )
411 N . Iro n w o o d D r iv e
South B e n d , IN 46615
219 289 8642
R u s s e ll, J a n e t Lou ( W illia m S .)
304 E a s t W a lk e r
S t. Johns, M l 48879
517 224 2443
W iscon sin
de V e n e c ia , M a r t a K . (G u ille r m o B .)
2194 H a y w o o d C irc le
O re g o n , W B 835 3843
608 835 3843
A rk a n s a s
S p e llm a n n , E lle n E llis (C h a rle s )
629 N o lia
E l D o ra d o , A R 71730
501 862 7828
C h a p a r ra l
C u rtis , R u th A nn (C o n ra d M . )
R t. 1, Box 1580
L a s C ru c e s , N M 88001
505 523 0454
M a th is , L u c y Jean
1350 G a r d n e r
L as C ru c e s , N M 88001
C im a rr o n
C u m m in s , Donna M . (H o w a r d E .)
1122 N . J o rd an
L ib e r a l, KS 67901
316 624 7690
F t. W o rth
W a lla c e , F ra n c e s G la d y s (D o n )
3109 C h a p a r ra l L a n e
F t. W o rth , T X 76109
817 923 8123
O m a h a A re a
K a u tte r , J ea n n e M a r ie (W illia m H .)
9703 F ie ld c r e s t D r iv e
O m a h a , N E 68114
402 391 3888
Space C ity
A n d e rs o n , S a n d ra L y n n (W illia m R .)
12101 G re e n g la d e D r iv e
H ou s to n , T X 77072
713 498 1260
B o a rd m a n , S te p h an ie
2044 Bissonnet
H ou s to n , T X 77005
713 527 8946
L e g e r , E d ith J ea n n e
4545 P ost O a k P I. D r . N o. 310
H ou s to n , T X 77027
713 622 4550
T u m lin , E v e ly n B row n (R b e r t )
5510 Bosque
H ou s to n , T X 77027
713 782 2936
Top of Texas
B o u rk , P ru d e n c e L o u is e (P a t r ic k M . )
R o u te 1
Boise C ity , O K 73933
405 546 2604
B o y le, B re n d a B re w e r (R o b e r t F .)
200 B ro a d m o o r
B o rg e r, T X 79007
806 273 7965
D ic k in s o n , M a r ile e A k e r ly (W a lte r E .)
6311 Jam e so n Road
A m a r illo , T X 79106
806 352 3594
H odges, J oanne P la tt (W illia m S .)
4420 W est H ills T r a il
A m a r illo , T X 79106
806 373 6997
H u f f, Im a Jean (J e w e tt E .)
2810 T e c k la
A m a r illo , T X 79106
806 352 0287
N e e l, B a r b a r a C la re
1008 Rusk
A m a r illo , T X 79102
806 374 7744
N e e l, J ea n n e D ia n e (K im b le J .)
3504 P a tte rs o n D riv e
A m a r illo , T X 79109
806 355 6335
W h e a tly , S haron H . ( E a r l A .)
R t. 1, Box 234
H e d le y , T X 79237
806 856 3242
A la s k a
O 'B u c k , R u th W a lla c e ( R l ) (John A .)
P .O . Box 3 4072
A n c h o ra g e , A K 99501
907-344 6171
E a s te rn Id ah o
Im e s o n , J en n ie F ra n c e s (P a u l C .)
P .O . Box 573
Jac ks o n , W Y 83001
307 733 3516
G tr S e a ttle
C ox , P r is c illa Rose (R o b e rt E .)
12805 163rd, SE
R e n to n , W A 98055
206 226 5448
M c G u ir e , S h ery l A . 'S u z ie ' (M ic h a e l
D .)
14913 123rd A v e ., N E
K ir la n d , W A 98033
206 485 4169
M t. Tahom a
C o le , P h y llis L illia n (E d w in .)
P .O . Box 3
V a s h o n , W A 98070
206 567 4271
F in d e n , M a r g u e r it e K a rs te d (Joseph
W .)
R t. 1, Box 276
P o r t O r c h a r d , W A 98366
206 871 3638
G e r a r d , S h irle e M a u r in e
R t. 1, Box 54
V a s h o n , W A 98070
206 567 4472
206 567 4472
S tilla g u a m is h
B a s h fo rth , G a il Ann
13710 58th A v e ., N E
M a r y s v ille , W A 98270
206 659 5466
W illa m e tte V a lle y
F itc h , J a n e t M a r ie
4672 S u n n y v ie w R d ., N E
S a le m , O R 97303
503 364 0230
C o a c h e lla V a lle y
A r m s tr o n g , Colleen (D o n )
S ta r R t. 2, Box 1325
Y u c c a V a lle y , CA 92284
714 365 4066
E l C a jo n V a lle y
M a r t i n , L illia n
4341 68th S tre et
La M e s a , C A 92041
714 462 6067
F u lle rto n
G la d s o n , M a r i t a Joy
819 H a rm o n y
F u lle r to n , C A 92631
714 879 5394
H i-D e s e r t
M i l l e r , D ix ie L e e (D o n a ld )
709 K e a r s a r g e A v en ue
N W C C h in a L a k e , C A 93555
714 446 2912
La ke Tahoe
H o fm a n n , J u lia n n a M a r y (John
P .O . Box 7972
So. L a k e T a h o e , CA 95731
916 541 1221
R .)
Continued on Back Cover
Hazel Jones, South Central G overnor,
was asked to represent all of the governors
at the de dication cerem onies and give the
in v o c a tio n :
Dear Lord
We are gathered here today w ith jo y and
tha nksgiving to dedicate our headquarters
bu ild in g . We g ra te fu lly dedicate it to You,
fo r w ith o u t You, it w ould not have been
possible. We dedicate it to the Ninety
Nines w ho have made th e ir “ last flig h ts ” ,
but w ho le ft legacies fo r all of us. We
dedicate it to the mem bers here present,
and to the N inety Nines of the fu tu re who
w ill carry on when ou r w ork is done. Thank
You fo r blessing us w ith leaders w ho are
courageous, dedicated to aviation, and
God fearing wom en.
Thank you fo r p e rm ittin g all of us to use
ou r tale nts to the fu lle s t in a free so cie ty;
to share your skies, and to know the total
serenity of fly in g toward a g lo rio u s sunset.
Bless what we do here today and
everyday as we live our da ily lives. W atch
Roster Additions
W e is e , S h irle y Stevenson
P .O . Box 4102
In c lin e V illa g e , N V 89450
702 831 2122
W o ffo rd , S haron L ittle ( R l ) (F r e d D .)
P .O . Box 1329
T a h o e C ity , C A 95730
916 583 5447
Long B each
R o w e , G e o rg ia L e e (John G .)
7 Round up Road
R o llin g H ills , C A 90274
213 832 4868
M o n te re y B ay
G illig a n , L o r r a in e J u lie ( P h illip J .)
over us, and guide us so that ou r e ffo rts
w ill alw ays be pleasing to You.
In Thy name we pray
9 9 Headquarters Building Fund
C ontributor Subscription Form
N A M E _______________________________________________________________________
A D D R E S S ___________________________________________________________________
C H A P T E R __________________________________________________________________
A m o u n t P le d g e d _________________________
A m o u n t E n c lo s e d _____________
M e th o d of p a y m e n t of B a la n c e ___________________________________________
s ig n a tu re
Send a ll c o n trib u tio n s a n d p led g es to:
T H E N I N E T Y N I N E S , IN C .
In te r n a tio n a l H e a d q u a r te r s
P .O . Box 59965
O K C , O K 73159
d a te
Checks p a y a b le to T h e 99 B u ild in g Fund
Continued from Inside Back Cover
1146 San A ng e lo D r iv e
S a lin a s , C A 93901
408 758 2530
M t . D ia b lo
E y c h n e r , J oan M a r i e (T h o m a s D .)
100 D a n ie l D r iv e
A la m o , C A 94507
415 820 2373
F lo r s h e im , M a r io n F . ( R l )
1183 S a ra n p a A v e n u e , N o. 12
W a ln u t C re e k , C A 94595
415 937 2449
S a c ra m e n to V a lle y
T e e te r , L in d a L ie b e r m a n (J im )
7990 Sunset A v en u e
F a ir O a k s , C A 95628
916 961 2470
San D ie g o
H e lm , D o ro th y D a v is (John E .)
4872 B u tte rn u t H o llo w L a n e
B o n ita , C A 92002
714 479 8421
S m ith , H a r r ie t Joy (C h a rle s , H . O D )
4291 A c a c ia A v e n u e
B o n ita , C A 92002
714 422 6067
San F e rn a n d o V a lle y
H e tz e l, Jo Ann
7948 C h a s ta in A v e n u e
R e s e d a , C A 91335
213 345 6617
L o v ele ss , J u a n ita M . N ita ' ( R l )
12352V? B u rb a n k B lv d .
N o. H o llyw o o d C A 91607
766 1877
S an ta C la ra V a lle y
S u lliv a n , A nne ( R l ) (R o y c e )
15828 A lta V is ta W a y
San Jose, C A 95127
408 251 1330
S an ta P au la
C u n e y , B e tty M a e (A lv in E .)
15190 W . S anta P a u la St.
S anta P a u la , C A 93060
525 4281