MERRY XMAS TO ALL! - Southern Nevada Bluegrass Music Society
MERRY XMAS TO ALL! - Southern Nevada Bluegrass Music Society
NOV-DEC 2015 NEWS MERRY ANNUAL MEETING XMAS TO ALL! Commemorative SNBMS stickers now available! Only $1 for both! SNBMS wishes to extend a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to The annual meeting for the election all of our loyal members. and installation of the 2016 officers will be held January 9th, 2016. The SNBMS Christmas Party and potluck will be on December 19th at The meeting will take place outside the Henderson Eagles Club located at Morrell Park near Lorna J. Kesat 310 Pacific Ave, Henderson, NV. terson Community Park, 500 Harris Street in Henderson, NV near BoulThe club will be providing the main der Highway and Basic Road. dish of meat and one side. Please bring your favorite holiday dish, sal- The jamming starts at 12 noon and ad or dessert. election and meeting will take place at 2 p.m. We will also be voting on The party starts at 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. changes to the club By-Laws. MemAlso optional, please bring along bers should read through and familan unwrapped Toys for Tots gift or iarize themselves with these ahead canned goods and a white elephant of time. You will receive a copy at gift $10 or under for a gift exchange. the Dec. 19th Christmas Party. If you are unable to attend, these will be mailed to you for review and membership vote. A potluck will follow after the meeting. Bring your favorite food, musical instruments, singing voices, grins or whatever to join in the pick out during this time. BLUEGRASS NEWS is a publication of the SO. NEVADA BLUEGRASS MUSIC SOCIETY, a non-profit organization chartered in 1975 for the preservation and furtherance of Bluegrass and Old-Time Music. BLUEGRASS NEWS is published bi-monthly, and is free to members of SNBMS. change service requested Southern Nevada Bluegrass Music Society P.O. BOX 363584 North las vegas, nv 89030 PRSRT STD non profit org. u.s. postage PAID N. Las vegas, nv permit no. 0027 PRESIDENT’S CORNER NOTE FROM THE EDITOR by Vera Vann-Wilson 2015 Board of Directors I can’t believe it’s December already! Please plan to celebrate a Bluegrass President Vera Vann-Wilson 702-875-3579 Holiday with us Dec. 19th at the Eagle’s Vice President Club in Henderson. We’ll have some baked Paul DePatta 702-839-0807 ham and it will be pot-luck for the side-dishes and desserts. Secretary In the spirit of the Holidays, would you also bring either an Charles Rodewald 702-645-2929 unwrapped new toy or some canned food to be given to those Treasurer less fortunate. Of course, there will be jamming, but in addition, Brian Burns 702-521-5615 we hope for the social part of our club to be strengthened through Board Members a time for good food and friendship. Peggy Ruesch 702-361-2116 We finally have a new set of By-Laws for the members to approve and hope you all will do just that. These are now much more reflective of our Society at the present. There are several exciting Bluegrass concerts coming up early in the year 2016, as well as some nearby festivals, so keep tuned Leon Evans 702-463-3710 Glenn Nelson 702-274-1889 SNBMS Charter The Southern Nevada Bluegrass Music Society was chartered in 1975 as a non-profit corporation to promote for information on them and be sure to visit our website for all Bluegrass music in the So. Nevada area. up-to-date news. And join us on Facebook, as well. Happy Holi- We are an all volunteer organization! days and keep on picking’! Our purpose is to promote the enjoyment, Vera education and charitable participation in the tradition of Bluegrass music. As a 501(C)(3) corporation, contributions to the Southern Nevada Bluegrass Music Society are deductible under section 170(C)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. NEWSLETTER Jan/Feb Newsletter Deadline will be January 15, 2015 To avoid any delay in your material reaching the SNBMS Newsletter, please send all submissions and correspondence to: Glenn E. Nelson 7409 Enchanted Hills Ct. Las Vegas, NV 89129 Phone: (702) 274-1889 E-mail: P age 2 – SN B M A B lu egr a s s News Correspondence Any correspondence concerning NEWSLETTER STAFF Editor: Glenn Nelson Circulation: Charlie Rodewald Sunshine Girls Report: Bonnie Durfee & Betty Sisco Graphic Artist: Brian Burns Photographers: Glenn Nelson & Nanci Villegas BLUEGRASS NEWS, its contents, the SNBMS, or the officers elected therein may be sent to: BLUEGRASS NEWS, c/o S. NEVADA BLUEGRASS MUSIC SOCIETY, P.O. Box 363584, N. Las Vegas, NV 89030. (702) 834-5872 A Non-Profit Organization You may have noticed that you received two newsletters this past bimonthly period. This was a result of our Special Edition to promote this year’s Logandale Fall Festival. We will be going back to a bimonthly newsletter format. However, there has been some discussion to provide an extra E-edition to help members keep up on the latest events planned for the coming 2016 new year. This E-edition will only be available on our website. Eventually SNBMS would like to make the Newsletter available online or sent by email. As new membership renewals come due, it is important that you provide us with a current email address so as to help the club cut costs and use those funds to offer more events and concerts. As always, upcoming events that pertain to our Bluegrass community will also be posted on the Southern Nevada Bluegrass Music Society Facebook page. ACOUSTIC MUSIC JAMS OPEN TO ALL PLAYERS All Society members and guests, whether pickers or grinners, are welcome to attend any or of the regular weekly acoustic music jam sessions that are now being held. Tuesday Night Bluegrass & Old Time Music Jams 6:00pm-8:00pm at 5795 Sandhill Road, Las Vegas, NV For details call Betty Bess at 702-564-1630. Thursday Night Bluegrass Jam 6:00pm to 8:30 pm NW Mountain Crest Park Community Center 4701 N. Durango Rd., LV, NV 89129 N. Durango & W. Red Coach. For details call Vera Vann-Wilson at 702-875-3579. For the latest information regarding Acoustic Music Jams visit: Sunshine Girls Report Call Bonnie at 702-595-1360 or Betty at 702-564-5806 if you know of anyone needing a little sunshine. They can offer an ear if you need someone to talk to about a family illness, injury or tragedy. The Sunshine Girls would like to offer condolences to the family of Marshal Crowell, 91, who passed away November 13th. Marshall was a long time member of NOFA but was known to many SNBMS members for his great personality and fine guitar backup of many local fiddlers. If you have not already “Liked” our page, please come on over and dip your toe in the water, so to speak! Your Board is working hard to continue to improve the number of events, concerts and yearly festival that promote Bluegrass in Southern Nevada whether SNBMS is the sponsor or not. As always, if you have any questions about your club a board member would like to help. Call us, we are here to serve. Q: Why are banjos better than guitars? A: They burn longer. Q: How is playing the fiddle a lot like throwing a javelin blindfolded? A: You don’t have to be very good to get people’s attention. Q: You can tune a banjo but how do you tune a fish? A: By adjusting its scales. ADVERTISEs in Bluegras News! Rates per issue are: Full Page: $50 Half Page: $40 Quarter Page: $30 Bus. Card: $15 Discounts for multi-issue insertions S N BM A Blu e g r as s N e w s P ag e 7 BLUEGRASS HOTLINES NOVEMBER HOMECOMING ARIZONA Arizona Bluegrass Association (623) 435-8406 PICKOUT Desert Bluegrass Association (520) 296-1231 Main dish (meat) and side provided by SNBMS, bring your favorite holiday dish: sides, salads or dessert. The party JANUARY for Tots gift or canned goods and a white elephant gift. January 7th-10th – Bakersfield Great 48 Jam Bakersfield DoubleTree Hotel 3100 Camino Del Rio Court, Bakersfield, CA 93308 (near the junction of SR-99 and SR-58) January 9th – General Meeting and Elections Morrell Park near Lorna J. Kesterson Community Park 500 Harris Street in Henderson, NV near Boulder Highway Southwest Bluegrass Association (626) 332-5865 and Basic Road. Music starts at 12 noon with meeting San Diego North County Bluegrass & Folk Club (858) 566-4594 January 13th – Starbright Theatre Bluegrass Night Featuring “Sideline” and “Lonesome Otis” COLORADO Colorado Bluegrass Music Society (303) 364-GRAS SNBMS and Starbright Theatre present an evening of NEVADA Northern Nevada Bluegrass Association Southern Nevada Bluegrass Music Society (702) 834-5872 Jamming Las Vegas P ag e 4 – SNB M A B lu egr a s s News Henderson Eagles Club, 310 Pacific Ave, Henderson, NV. CALIFORNIA Bluegrass Association of Southern California San Diego Bluegrass Society (858) 679-4854 The music was great as many jammers were in the groove and grinners enjoyed the melodies of bluegrass music. As they say, there is no place like home. December 19th – SNBMS Christmas Party Potluck starts at 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Also optional is an unwrapped Toys Mid-State Bluegrass Association (805) 872-3138 The weather was a nice cool fall day with pickers and grinners sunning themselves to stay warm. DECEMBER BRITISH COLUMBIA British Columbia Bluegrass Association (604) 699-8697 California Bluegrass Association (916) 989-0993 November 20th saw SNMBS returning home to the Morrell Park in Henderson to hold our monthly pickout. UPCOMING EVENTS NEW MEXICO Southwest Traditional & Bluegrass Music Association OREGON Oregon Bluegrass Association (503) 691-1177 UTAH Inter-Mountain Acoustic Music Association (801) 277-7704 WASHINGTON Washington Bluegrass (360) 785-3478 scheduled around 2 p.m., then potluck follows. bluegrass featuring national touring act “Sideline” and regional favorites “Lonesome Otis”. Tickets are $15 and are available by calling: 702-240-1301. January 15th-17th Blythe Bluegrass Festival Colorado River Fairgrounds in Blythe, CA 591 North Olive Lake Blvd Blythe, CA. Contact Blythe Area Chamber of Commerce, 760-922-8166 FEBURARY February 9th-SNBMS Bluegrass Jam Bass Pro Shops, 8200 Dean Martin Drive, Las Vegas, N, ph.: 702 730 5200. Jamming starts at 12 p.m. Feb. 19th-20th-Colorado River Bluegrass Festival Rotary Park, 2315 Balboa Drive Bullhead City, Arizona. Contact: Colorado River Bluegrass Festival 2315 Balboa Dr. Bullhead City AZ 86442 US, Phone: 928-763-9400 ext. 303 E-mail: Website: S N BM A Blu e g r as s N e w s P ag e 5 RENEW THIS YEAR WITH A LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP! LIFETIME MEMBERS: SNBMS is now offering lifetime memberships for only $150. Ed & Vera-Vann Wilson Includes: Paul and Kathy DePatta • Membership for Life Leon and Robbin Evans • Newsletter for Life Brian Burns & Nanci Villegas • Newsletter Listing Tony & Jacqueline Messina • Lifetime Member Card Dink and Sophie Preston The board will be working to Peter Fand offer benefits, discounts & perks to our Lifetime Members! Nathan Tannenbaum PAYPAL NOW AVAILABLE AT SNBMS.ORG SNBMS members can now renew their annual dues with credit cards or their own accounts on PayPal through our website at: 3rd LORENZI PARK CONCERT sittin’ on top of the world PT. 2 ...I was stuck in the middle of nowhere. (Dave continues) But thanks to an angel that drove a one tone Dodge truck pulling a flatbed trailer I was able to hitch a 120 mile ride to Terrace, B.C. with the cycle on board. Now, I had my mandolin strapped to the back of the cycle in a soft case. When the fellow was strapping my bike to his trailer he put the strap right over the mandolin case and pulled hard. I thought for sure the neck would be broken, but thankfully no damage was done. November 1st turned out to be a beautiful fall Las Vegas day to listen to SNBMS local bands that played at the 3rd Annual Ward 5 Lorenzi Park Bluegrass Concert. Everyone attending enjoyed the various bands that played including Nevada Old Time Fiddlers, Stuck in Reverse, Red Rock Ramblers, Frequent Flyers, Sagebrush Stringband and Out of the Desert. Thank you to the City of Las Vegas and Ward 5 City Councilman Ricky J. Barlow who made this possible. Also to NVEnergy for providing funds to put on this event. Pa g e 3 – SNB M A B lu egr a s s News He showed me a park to camp in and a good motorcycle repair shop. I was there a week waiting for parts. One evening I heard guitars and singing. I jumped up and went over to their camp and asked if I could join them with my mandolin. We played on through the night. They invited me to visit them on my way home, so I stopped near Prince George, B.C. with a repaired bike. Two 12 string guitars, 1 electric, 1 six string and my mandolin.We had a wonderful time singing, playing, telling stories, and playing some more. They will be down to visit in the future, and Neils has already been here on his way across the country. On the trip I saw many different sceneries and animals, but the most treasured times were with people I met along the way, especially involving music. Music can make you travel, show you the highs and lows, challenge your thinking and stir your soul. It can be a friend, and it can break down barriers. It is the people we play and sing with every day that enrich our lives to cause us to keep going “Farther Along….” SNBMS Member Dave Johannessohn S N BM A Blu e g r as s N e w s P ag e 6