01/13 - MountainBrook Village
January 2013 www.mountainbrookvillage.org INTRODUCING YOUR CANDIDATE FOR 2013 Here is the candidate running for your Board in the 2013. You must remember that Board members write all the policy for the Village and vote on all major monetary expenditures. This important position is a two year term. Introducing Barbara Sebring; Barbara Sebring I have enjoyed living in MountainBrook Village for 18 years as a full time resident. I have been active on many committees, community events, as well as using our beautiful facilities. Currently, I am serving on the MoutainBrook Board of Directors. It has been challenging but also very rewarding. It’s an exciting time to serve on the Board. I feel we have maintained and enhanced not only the facilities but also strive to create a friendly and enjoyable lifestyle. Our board, with the assistance of residents, has developed a remodel plan and a five year plan for our community. I would like to continue to serve on the BOD and see the completion of these projects. I bring the skills of listening, working with people, communication and being open minded. I will work to continue to preserve the quality of life in MBV while being prudent about expenditures. MBV ELECTION 13 THREE IMPORTANT DATES TO REMEMBER Plan to meet and greet your candidate, Barbara Sebring after the Coffee and News on Tuesday, February 12 Remember live Poling on Tuesday, March 5 Come to the Sunset Room between the hours of 7:30am-10:30am & 4pm7pm Cast your votes Come to the Annual Meeting on Wednesday, March 6, 2013 Join the residents of MBV at 2pm for a review of the year 2012, and get all the voting results at that time Note; Deadline for request of absentee ballot is January 25, 2013 Deadline for office receipt of absentee ballot is March 5, 2013 at 4 pm. Valentine’s Day Dinner Dance Thursday, February 14, 2013 Catered dinner by Classic Cuisine Dance to Swing Memories big band music Doors open at 5pm, dinner at 5:30pm & dance from 6:30-9:30pm BYOB, Reserved Seating Tickets $20, on sales now in the Activity Office NOW WHAT? Robert Meinecke The Election Policies for MountainBrook Village sets forth the process for receiving candidates for the Board of Directors. As is similar in many communities in the valley, MountainBrook Village asks any interested owner in good standing to obtain an application packet from the MountainBrook offices, fully execute that application, sign a Code of Conduct, and return the executed application by a particular deadline. This year we made notice of four open board seats through various venues, such as in the October Mountaineer, numerous community gatherings, the MountainBrook Village Web Site, and even a potential candidate forum titled “So you want to be a board member.” Applications were made available November 1st and a deadline for submission was on December 13th. Unfortunately we did not have a good turnout this year. Only one homeowner sought to be a candidate and timely submitted an application. Therefore, only one candidate will be listed on the ballot at the annual meeting on the first Wednesday in March 2013. (Live polling will be held the day prior to the annual meeting.) At the first Board meeting following the annual meeting, the Board of Directors will have various options to consider concerning the remaining three board terms that are expiring this year. Some options include: Vote to reduce the number of Board Directors from seven (7) to four (4) until the next annual meeting of members. Appoint up to three continued on page 4 4 January 2013 Community Corner Do You Know Sue Wright • Pickleball nets proposals were discussed. There have only been two bidders who have submitted bids. David Jones reported that some vendors have reviewed the project and have elected not to submit bids. This decision was postponed until the third bid is submitted for consideration. • The five year plan was presented by Neil Volmer. Copies were distributed to residents in attendance. The Board of Directors voted to accept the plan • The Curtain for the Superstition Stage was discussed. Two proposals have been received for consideration. One vendor still has to submit a proposal. Both of the proposals received to date were over the $10,000.00 figure. One company was concerned about the stack room for the curtain on the sides of the stage. Tom Stoalabarger from the AV team informed the Board that if a curtain with a drape is installed, the lighting must also be adjusted from their incorrect present position. The Curtain decision will be postponed until March when more information will be available. • The Board voted to have the piano in the Sunset room removed. It is beyond repair. • The Board voted to donate $250.00 to the Music Department of the Florence High School.The Board agreed to rededicate the recycle funds used for donations. Criteria to be determined at a later date. • A letter was received regarding problems in the Fired Arts Building. A team of three board members have been appointed by Bob Meinecke to review the problem and report back to the Board. • Buildings and grounds recommended to the Board that the stepping stones by the library be removed. It was felt they were a safety concern. They also requested that the pool area be posted as a nonsmoking area. There is a policy at this time that there is no smoking within the fence area of the pool and this policy will remain. • Communications Committee announced that Rick Peters is the new Team Leader for the Web Committee. The Board agreed. The new format for meetings worked! The meeting lasted two hours. The Board of Directors met on Tuesday, December 11, 2012 in the Superstition Center. All of the Board members were present for the meeting. Bob Meinecke opened the meeting with an explanation of a new format that will decrease the time needed for meetings. He said 4 and 5 hour meetings should be a thing of the past with this new format called Consent Agenda. Each item on the agenda will have a time frame for completion. He stated that meetings should be 2 hours or less. • Minutes of all of the Steering Committees were accepted as distributed. • Manager’s report was accepted as distributed. Some high lights from that report are: 1. Road work on Shadow Ridge I and II will begin after the holidays, in January. 2. The Vision Statement and the Mission Statement that were approved by the Board are now on the web site for all to see. 3. The proposed changes to the Bylaws will be placed in the election packet that will be mailed to all residents. 4. The newspaper stands are now located on the southeast corner of the Mesquite Building. 5. A new heat exchanger for the West pool has been installed. 6. Windscreens and netting have been replaced on tennis courts. 7. Library bathroom has been repaired, and the cleaning and disinfecting was a success. • Two bids for the Wash improvements were reviewed. The Board voted to wait for the third bid before making a decision on this important bid proposal. • Al Lehman reported that Pinal County will be coming to inspect the Washes and the Culverts that have been compromised with silt. He will report back to the Board with Pinal County’s report. Bob Meinicke stated that a special Board Meeting may be called to review the bids and be informed of the County’s decision on the Washes. • The Board elected to delay the decision to go paperless until the January meeting. At that time all Board members will have had time to review all of the systems. SO NOW YOU KNOW. NOW WHAT?...cont'd Board Directors by soliciting members for interested candidates to sit in the vacant seats for one year. In the Fall of 2013, the Board of Directors would again solicit for candidates to fill these remaining terms of those three seats, as well as any other seats that become available. Anyone interested in running for the Board of Directors in the future is encouraged to timely submit their application so that they might be included on the next annual meeting ballot in 2014. In spite of this unfortunate lack of turnout for candidates your vote is still very important. In addition to electing a board member there is another very important issue that requires your action. An amendment to the Bylaws, Article 6, paragraph 6.2 and Article 10, paragraph 10.2 addressing capital spending limits will be in the elections packet that is being mailed to each member in January. This very important issue needs your attention and your vote. See you at the March 6, 2013 Annual Meeting. TUESDAY COFFEE Every Tuesday at 9 am, in the Superstition Center, get free hot coffee and fresh donuts (get there early for the best donut selection). Get the latest announcements and community information. MISS THE COFFEE & NEWS? Get it on the website. Click on “latest news” at the home page and choose to read or listen to the recorded announcements. BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING Tuesday January 29th, at 9:45 am in the Superstition Center. CC&R's/Policy Do you have a question? Get the 2012 updates on the website. Go to the home page, go to Administrative, then click Community Documents and click on CC&R Excerpts. 5 From the Editor Changing Times call Cis Haines for a Change As we move into 2013, I want to wish you all a wonderful New Year. Enjoy yourselves and I think everyone should consider planning an exciting vacation (sometimes the planning is half the fun), then make a plan to visit old friends (old and dear friends cannot be valued enough) and then do something wonderful just for yourself. We are all so lucky to live in sunny Arizona and in MouintainBrook Village. Caring Corner Arlene Pytko, Caring Corner Chairman Illness: Dave Elrod, ER In Memory: Ted Brose, ER Dolores Minter, PV George Gosselin, IWIII Pat Driscoll, IWII Sam Clawsen Twa, ER If you should hear of someone who has passed away or is ill, Please call Arlene @ 288-8011. Thank you. ROOM RESERVATIONS 2013 Glenda Schimmelpfennig It’s that time again. Attention all groups and clubs! Now is the time to book your room for the upcoming season April 1, 2013 through March 30, 2014. Stop in the Activity Office and fill out the Room Request Form by February 28, 2013. Thank you for your cooperation. Cis Haines On this year’s ballot there will be a question to be answered. It is a proposed change to the bylaws. Sometimes I find these proposals are hard to understand. I thought you might like to get a layman’s view on what the proposal means to each and every one of us. You can vote to agree to make the change or you can vote against making the change, it is up to you. It takes 847 votes to make any change to bylaws and by not voting at all it is like casting a no vote. A no vote means everything will stay as is. Here is my explanation of what a yes vote means: To vote yes means the Board will still have Capital spending controls. “Capital” covers new items we do not currently have in MBV. Currently the Board cannot spend more than $10,000 on any one item. Currently they can, however, make many purchases under the $10,000 limit. In one year it is possible for the Board to approve twelve items for $9,000 January 2013 each which would be a total of $108,000. With a yes vote, they will be limited to spend 5% of the total budgeted assessment income. In 2013 the assessment income is estimated at $1,278,200. So 5% of that would be $63,910 and that is the limit for Capital expenditures for the total year 2013. Why do we need to have this vote? Costs are on the rise as you well know. Several items we want and need are currently costing over the $10,000 limit. These items are things many residents want. Several items under consideration for 2013 and 2014 were requested in the Community Survey. Community requests included: a stage curtain, a social café, lighting for the pickle ball courts and shade for the expanded pool area. No one wants to get ourselves in a financial bind but with costs rising we find ourselves caught in the $10,000 limit quandary. As long as we have clear spending limits, the proposed amendment will still keep us financially responsible. I hope this explanation has helped you and that you will do the responsible thing at election time and vote! REBECCA DAWN VARIETY SHOW Rebecca Dawn is an accomplished versatile entertainer from Branson Missouri. She has been captivating audiences everywhere she appears. The opening act for names such as The Judds, Merle Haggard, Juice Newton, Highway 101 and Jean Sheppard, to name a few. She has done special guest appearances in Branson with Mickey Gilley and Box Car Willlie, and at the Welk Resort. This country favorite is returning this year with an all new show on Thursday, March 7, 2013. Doors open at 6:30pm, show at 7pm. This is a reserved seating event (BYOB) and tickets are $10 per person. Tickets for this show go on sale on Tuesday January 22, 2013, at 8:30 am in the Activity Office. Village Voices Bill Wash The MountainBrook Village Voices Choir began rehearsals on January 2, 2013 for their Spring Concert performances. Concert dates are March 15 & 16 (Fri. & Sat.) and will be performed on stage in the Superstition Center. A sneak preview of songs selected include, among others, show tunes from Broadway, hit songs from pop groups and some surprises. The Village Voices Concerts are always "show stoppers" providing wonderful evenings of music, song and perhaps a few skits. Be sure to mark your calendars. If you enjoy singing and would like to join the choir, please join them at their practice in the Superstition Center as they practice every Wednesday at 2:30pm. I now wish to introduce to you the Village Voices Board of Directors members for the coming year: Larry Graham, President; Mary Susmilch, Past President; Allen Fry, President Elect; Sandy Wash, Treasurer; Elaine Jacobsen, Secretary; Bob Carnahan, co-Librarian; Gary Stemple, co-Librarian; Bill Wash, Publicity; Mary Govoni, Producer; Patty Sobek. Director. They are all to be applauded for their dedication to the choir and for their individual and unique talents. Any questions may be directed to Larry Graham at 480 671-3902. 6 January 2013 Gold Canyon Arts Council Roberta Russell, President Spanish Brass QuintetJanuary 18 In 1989 five Spanish musicians created an eclectic and innovative project to develop brass appreciation. Today they tour all over the world and are considered to be one of the top brass quintets along with Empire Brass and Canadian Brass. Spanish Brass performs a wide-ranging program from J.S.Bach to Spanish music and finish with Jazz and Dixieland. Broadway and BeyondFebruary 15 This show features two Broadway stars singing Broadway tunes and well known standards. Jeri has played Grizabella in “Cats”, Fantaine in “Les Miserables” and Eva Peron in “Evita”. Frank is known for his role on Broadway as the Phantom in “The Phantom of the Opera” and for his role as the opera singing son of Al Pacino and Diane Keaton in the movie Godfather III”. We are thrilled that these two stars will perform a St. Valentine’s Day concert for us here in Gold Canyon. Coming soon…. Charles Lindbergh: The Lone Eagle-Performed by Steve CarrollMarch 8. Clarinet and All That Jazz-Richard and Peter John Stoltzman-April 5. Bathroom & Kitchen Remodeling Specialists · Additions Counter Tops: · Tile work Granite Silestone · Wood Floors Established 1988 · Painting · Kitchen Cabinets • Custom Glass Shower Doors & Accesories Licensed • Bonded • Res. Lic. # 078623-B Serving MOUNTAINBROOK for over 15 years We do all our own work Many ces Referen KCR Ken Gay 480-983-5271 CONSTRUCTION & REMODELING Quality Custom Homes & Remodeling Additions • Kitchens • Baths • Tile Work All concerts take place at the Gold Canyon United Methodist Church on Kings Ranch Road at 7:30 pm on Friday evenings. Discounted $20 advance tickets are available at Canyon Rose Storage on Kings Ranch Road, the AJ Chamber of Commerce or via PayPal or our website. Tickets are $25 at the door. To learn more about the 2012-2013 concert season, ticket prices, Membership levels and benefits, please visit the Arts Council's website at www.gcac1.com. 7 Dear Amy Dear Amy: Who are the two guys on page 39 of the 2012 MBV Photo Directory & Pictorial under the heading “Life is good at MBV”? It’s driving me crazy. My friend says she recognizes the furniture and lamps, but can’t remember where she saw them. Are they MBV residents or male models brought in to pose for the photo? Signed: Who are the Lazy Boys? Dear Lazy Boys: I’ve heard this question before, so I’m throwing it out to the residents of MBV. How about it? Do any of you claim to be the hunky Lazy Boys in the new photo directory? By the way, if you had your photos taken and haven’t picked up your Directory, they are available in the Activity Office. Dear Amy: It seems like the Mountaineer is getting to my house later and later every month. By the time it arrives, some of the activities are over. Why can’t we get it earlier in the month? Signed: A Day Late and a Dollar Short Dear Late & Short: The Mountaineer staff is making a concerted effort to correct this situation after a couple of flubs in the past. After all the articles are submitted, the newspaper then has to be proof-read for errors or mistakes. This often has to be done after office hours or on the week-end to meet the printing deadlines. It is very easy to miss a date that is incorrect. Something else that throws off the delivery date can be a holiday, especially those that fall on a Monday, or if someone at the printer takes a vacation. All the pieces have to fall together just right to get the Mountaineer delivered to your mailbox each and every month. Hey, they used to be hand delivered to each and every home. Thanks for your input and we do try to improve on any shortcomings. January 2013 Dear Amy: Can you explain the policy regarding purchasing tickets for events at MBV? I stand in line only to be told all the best tables are already sold out. Just how many tickets can one person buy for an event? Signed: Tired of the View from the Kitchen Dear Kitchen: This topic is being discussed by concerned people as I write. The issue is one of fairness and equity. Currently there is no policy limiting the number of tickets an individual can purchase. It would require a vote of the Board to change the policy. It has been suggested that a limit of one table (eight tickets) per person would be an equitable policy especially during the busiest months. What do you think? I’d like to hear our opinions. Thank you! To all the wonderful frineds and neighbors in MountainBrook, Thank you so much for all the cards, flowers, food and kindness after my surgery and Virgil's death. It was all very much appreciated. Alice Hedlund A MURDER IN MOUNTAINBROOK? Bill Wash In order to find out all the ghastly details, we invite you to attend and be entertained by the MountainBrook Village Player's next presentation, a hilarious comedy, entitled Let’s Murder Marsha. The heroine is Marsha Gilmore, the ditzy wife of her straight laced wealthy husband, Tobias who doesn't approve of her addiction to reading trashy mystery novels. When Marsha overhears her husband talking to Persis, an interior decorator, about a surprise, Marsha thinks the worst. She then enlists the aid of her naive neighbor, Virgil, who together plan an unlikely murder scheme. Here are three teasers to peak your interest: 1) just what did Marsha and Virgil overhear that drove them to plot a murder scheme; 2) why is Bianca cleaning the ceiling; 3) what's Virgil's secret? Play dates are February 28 through March 3, 2013. Reserved seats are still only $10.00 each for a delightful evening’s entertainment provided by MountainBrook's talented Players. Tickets are available at the activity office. Refreshments will be served. January 2013 8 DWA ON THE MOVE Peggy Malsom WATER LILIES CHRISTMAS LUNCHEON Diana Webber The 9am water aerobics class met for the annual potluck Christmas luncheon in the Superstition Center on December 5, 2012.Our guest soloist, Phyllis Saxton, was joined by Sharon Schneider in leading the group singing Christmas carols. The food was delicious and everyone had a great time. Isolde Weilnhemmer gave our food and toy donation to Project Help in Apache Junction. New faces are always welcome to join our friendly group and have fun while exercising. DWA stands for Dependent Wife Army. Many years ago, forty to be exact, every time I wrote a check for groceries at the Commissary or bought something at the Post Exchange, I was required to sign my name followed by the initials DWA. I hated, hated, hated those initials. Prior to marrying a career military man, I had been a self-supporting woman for a number of years. Those initials seemed to reduce me to something or someone I didn’t aspire to be; a dependent. I was happy when the military dropped the DWA requirement. Even if we were still called that, we didn’t have to identify ourselves as such. I was a military wife for twenty-four years. So, as you can imagine, there were other things about the lifestyle that rankled me. However, the big one that people often ask me about is the frequent moves. Oddly enough, I always considered that a plus. Here’s why. It gave me something to look forward to, a timeframe, and the opportunity to explore a brand new place. Every move to a new state or better yet a new country became a do-over. It was a chance to start fresh, make new friends, discover exciting places and see something wonderful. I was never disappointed. From Alabama to Korea, Washington to Germany, Alaska to Arizona and points in between, it has sometimes been a challenge just getting there, but it has always been worth the effort. That’s how I’m feeling as we (and by we I mean MBV) move into 2013. We are on the move. Our current Board of Directors has set a clear direction which I believe will prove to be beneficial to MountainBrook Village. There will be challenges that always come with change. Driving from Alabama to Alaska by myself with two teenagers was a challenge, but my son was a pretty good driver by the time we got there. What I’m saying is, we’ve all met and exceeded the challenges of our individual lives. By working together now, we can take what we’ve learned and meet the challenges at MountainBrook in order to see something wonderful emerge that we can all enjoy. And that’s a move in the right direction. Happy New Year-let’s make 2013 great. 9 January 2013 The Village Voices Christmas Concert on November 30 and December 1, filled us with Christmas cheer Sobek Missouri Opry Christmas Show 2012 was a fun filled evening in December Stocks • Mutual funds • Bonds • Government securities Tax-Advantaged bonds • CDs • Money market funds • IRAs ...and much more. Call or stop by today! Abe W. Dye Darnell Grossi Matt Ruppert Financial Advisor Financial Advisor 6021 S. Kings Ranch Rd, Ste #4 Gold Canyon, AZ 85118 Financial Advisor 5301 S. Superstition Mtn. Dr, Ste #A110 Gold Canyon, AZ 85118 6877 S. Kings Ranch Rd, Ste #6 Gold Canyon, AZ 85118 983-7932 983-1333 288-9341 Serving individual investors from more than 10,000 offices nationwide. 12 January 2013 POINT AND SMILE Peggy Malsom Hablas Español? Me neither. It’s one of my many failings. I really should sign up for the Spanish class being offered at MBV this January. I should know more Spanish than Feliz Navidad and ordering a Mexican meal at Tia Rosa’s. The truth is I just don’t have an ear for languages. It’s not for the lack of trying. In 1980 we arrived in Germany courtesy of the U.S. Army. Our first night was spent in a charming guesthouse (small hotel) at Kitzingen in northern Bavaria. The next morning my husband was picked up to in-process leaving me on my own with two pre-school children. I was more than up to the challenge. Except the entire town including our guesthouse was closed for a religious holiday. The kids and I walked the streets as I tried to put on a brave face and make a game of it to take their minds off their hunger. It didn’t work, of course. Just before all three of us collapsed from jet lag and hunger, we heard the sounds of a band playing in the distance. We wound our way through the streets until we intersected a make-shift marching band. We followed the band through the streets to its destination in front of the only open guesthouse in town. When they stopped playing we followed the tuba player inside and sat in an empty booth. I knew that soup was suppe (pronounced soup-a) in German. When the waitress came over, I ordered three suppe. She brought what I later learned was a gourmet delicacy, cream of asparagus (spargel) soup. It resembles slime and smelled awful. By that time the kids were tired, hungry and close to tears. Although they were normally adventurous eaters, they couldn’t get past the smell to even try the soup. Just then the waitress walked by with an enormous tray of fries for a nearby table. My famished children cried, “French fries, Mom! They have French fries!” The waitress heard and she nodded as I held up three fingers. When she delivered mounds of delicious, crisp, hot fries to our table she smiled and said, “Pommes frites.” We had learned our first German words. I vowed right then and there to learn enough German to never have to eat slimy soup again. This isn’t the story I intended to tell you. I intended to tell you how when we went to France, they asked me to speak German. The French don’t care if you butcher German, but they can’t tolerate it if you speak their beloved French Eric the Entertainer, a DJ and entertainer, gave everyone a “rip roaring time” at the December 8th dance. language improperly. Before the trip, I took French lessons and practiced so I was ready when the waiter came over. He listened then said, “Do you speak German?”(in German). So I spoke my limited German the whole time I was in France. Months later it dawned on me, why didn’t I just speak English? There you have it. I’ve learned I can smile and point in almost any language and usually get what I want or need. Even in notoriously unfriendly France, which not only has delicious French fries, but also wonderful soup, bread, butter, wine, cheese, crepes, well everything edible. As for the Spanish classes, I’m still thinking it’s something I should do. Which means, I’ll still be pointing and smiling – in Spanish. ACTIVITY PLANNING 2013 Jan 24 (Thurs) Tribute to Johnny Cash Jan 25 (Fri) Dance with the Road Runner Band Jan 27 (Sun) MBV Band Concert Super Bowl Sunday Remember When (Variety Rock&Roll) 3 Speed 5-piece band Feb 14 (Thurs) Valentine’s Dinner Dance, Swing Memories Band Feb 14 (Sat) MBV Art Fair Feb 16 (Sat) Art/Craft Fair Feb 20 (Wed) Kenny Hess Show Feb 23 (Sat) Debbie & Double Eagle Band Feb 28-Mar 3 Play, Let’s Murder Marsha Mar 7 (Thurs) Rebecca Dawn Variety Show March 9 (Sat) Garage sales March 9 (Sat) Disco Dance night with DJ Ron Howard March 15&16 Village Voices Concert March 23 (Sat) Route 66 Party/car show/dance-Realtones March 24 (Sun) MBV Band Concert April 4 (Thurs) Show TunesBroadway Show April 6 (Sat) Lions Club Casino Night April 13 (Sat) Debbie & Double Eagle Band Feb 3(Sun) Feb 8 (Fri) 2013 Casino Bus Trips Fort McDowell Casino: 3/14 & 3/15 (all overnight) Lone Butte Casino: 3/20 13 January 2013 Village Events, January and February 2013 Walkin’ The Line & A Tribute to Johnny Cash On Thursday, January 24, 2013, you can hear all the Johnny Cash songs you love. Hear Scott Moreau, with his live country band, in his amazing tribute performance to the Man in Black. Come to the Superstition Center, doors open at 6:30pm and the show begins at 7pm. Show is reserved seating. Tickets are on sale now. Ticket price is $15 per person. Strike Up the Band & Donna Read The MountainBrook Village Band Concert is Sunday, January 27 2013, at 3 pm in the Superstition Center under the direction of Skeets Mahoney and assisted by Julie Mahoney. Bring your friends and neighbors to hear favorite marches, show tunes and classics. Our own Gold Canyon Saxophone quartet will also play for us. Tickets are on sale for only $5, in the office and at the door. Super Bowl Sunday ) Is on Sunday, February 3, 2013, in the Superstition Center. It’s Super Bowl time again. Come join in on the football fun and cheer on your favorite team, starting at 3pm. BYOB and an appetizer to share. Remember When & February 8, 2013, playing all your favorites from the 50’s, 60’s & 70’s. This five piece band will take you back in time to your high school sock hop days. Come to the Superstition Center at 6pm. Dance from 6:30-9:30pm.Tickets are on sale now. $6 and $7 at the door. Valentine’ s Dinner Dance¤ The dance is on Thursday, February 14, 2013. This event is catered by Classic Cuisine. Menu includes; Garlic Basil Tomato Chicken Breasts, Pork Loin in Apple Cream Sauce, Caesar Salad, Creamy French Potatoes, Mushroom Green Bean Almandine, Honey Baked Mixed Veggies, French Rolls and butter and to finish it all off, a Cherry Cobbler. Doors open at 5pm, dinner at 5:30 pm dance 6:30-9:30 pm. BYOB and enjoy reserved seating. Bring your Valentine and dance to the big band sound of Swing Memories-five piece band. Tickets are $20.00 per person with reserved seating. Tickets are on sale now in the Activity Office. MBV Art Fair _ It’s our Spring Art Fair so come join us on Saturday, February 16, 2013, from 8am1pm in the Superstition Center. Eight foot tables for participants are $12.00 and tables go on sale Tuesday January 15, 2013 at 8:30 am in the Activity Office. Kenny Hess Show H On Wednesday, February 20, 2013, Kenny Hess will entertain us. His talent and ability to connect with his audience has allowed him to make a living as an entertainer for over 30 years. He has opened shows for such legends as Merle Haggard, Charlie Pride, Garth Brooks, Reba and many more. Kenny’s show is second to none…filled with classic country songs, some of his own hits and a bunch of great stories too. This is a show you will not want to miss. Doors open at 6:30 pm and show starts at 7pm. Tickets are $10 per person, reserved seating, BYOB. Tickets are on sale now in the Activity Office. Let’ s Murder Marshag You will surely want to come and see our own MBV hilarious comedy “Let’s Murder Marsha”. The play dates will be Thursday, February 28 through Sunday, March 3rd. On Tuesday, January 15, the tickets for our 2013 play go on sale at 8:30 am in the Activity Office. Choose your date and bring your list of names when you come to purchase tickets. Tickets are still only $10 each for theatre style seating and reserved seats. Fort McDowell Casino s The next Ft. McDowell overnight trip is planned for March 14 & 15. Travel with MBV residents on the free bus and you get $10 on your card on each trip as well as a free drink voucher for beer & wine. Enjoy a fabulous room (free), as well as a birthday bonus. There is always free bingo on Thursday and Friday mornings at 9 am. Enjoy dining at their restaurant on your two day getaway. Sign up now or call Joan Archer @ 288-0891. The bus leaves MBV at 6:45 am and returns at 4:30 pm the following day. MountainBrook Dances 2012-2013 Tickets for dances are $6 per person, $7 at the door. Doors open at 6 pm, dance from 6:30-9:30 pm Friday, 1/25/13 Road Runner Band (rock & roll) Friday, 2/8/13 - Remember When (five piece band, 50’s & 60’s) Saturday, 2/23/13 - Debbie & Double Eagle Band (variety) Saturday, 3/9/13 - Disco Dance Night- DJ Ron Howard Saturday, 3/23/13 Route 66 Party/Car Show/Dance, Realtones Band (rock & roll) Day Last Tuesday 1st Wednesday Alternate Thursdays Thursday Before BOD Meeting 1st Wednesday 1st Thursday 2nd Tuesdays Committee Board of Directors Meeting Activity Committee Architectural Committee Budget and Finance Committee Building and Grounds Communications Committee Volunteers Standing Committee Meeting Schedule: 9:45 1:00 9:30 1:00 10:00 9:00 9:45 Time Mesquite Room Library Conf. Rm. Library Conf. Rm. Mesquite Room Mesquite/Palo Verde Room Mesquite Room Superstition Center Location Room Key: (BD) Board Room, (SC) Superstition Center, (SR) Sunset Room, (OC) Ocotillo Room, (MS) Mesquite Room, (PV) Palo Verde Room, (IR) Ironwood Room, (SG) Sagebrush Room, (SRA) Sunset Room A (or B, C, D, E) 16 January 2013 CLASSES, GROUPS & CLUBS Ladies Bridge Ladies Bridge meets every Monday at 1pm in the Sunset Room. The first Monday of the month is a potluck at noon. We each put in 50 cents for small money prizes. You can sign up one week in advance. Walk-ins are welcome. For questions call Barbara Osborn @ 982-9408. Bridge winners this month are: Kathleen Scheffler, Barbara Osborn, Blanche Quinn and Ivy Feeman. Just for Fun Golf THE COONEY MEN’S GOLF LEAGUE Come and join us for some fun. Enjoy golfing with friends and neighbors or just use this opportunity to make some new golfing buddies. We have a group rate and closest to the pin contest with prizes and more. We play every Monday morning at MountainBrook Golf Club. Could it be any closer? For sign-up information, call Chet Haines @ 671-1066. Are you ready for golf/ Just for us gals and just for fun. Golf on Thursdays, in the morning at Sunland Village, Mesa. It’s only 10 miles west of MBV. If interested, call Mary at 9833177. Couples Bridge Couples Bridge meets every Thursday at 1 pm in the Sunset Room. Singles are always welcome and you do not need to bring a partner. Come early to sign in, first come, first play. We collect 50 cents for prizes, nickels for slams but not bid and pennies for downs. Come and enjoy a friendly group. For questions, call Elaine Valenti at 671-1686. Ladies Nine Hole Golf Mondays at 8:00am Gold Canyon Sidewinder For more information call Marlies at 983-3122 Low Impact Aerobics and More Gladys Opfer This is for all those active MBV residents. Come join us for low impact aerobics, toning and Zumba in the Ocotillo Room from 7-8 am on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Classes are all year round and they are free. It is a group of ladies working out to cd’s and learning steps together. For questions call the exercise leader, Gladys Opfer @ 218-1311. MBV Artist of the Month The Peter’s Men’s Golf Group If you can’t golf on Mondays with the Cooney Golf Group, play with us on Wednesdays. We play at the MountainBrook Golf Course: we have group rates as well. Call Rick Peters at 671-1680 for Tee Times and sign-in. Hand and Foot Canasta We play every Friday all year long from 1 pm until 4 pm in the Sunset Room. If you want to learn, we will be happy to teach you the game. It is easy to learn and everyone has a lot of fun. There are approximately 18-30 players every week so come and join us. If you are interested, call Pat Schweder at 474-9027. In the winter months, your library invites painters, quilters, potters, woodworkers, glassworkers and more to display their artistic works in the library. The artist can be one person or a group. You can also be featured as “Artist of the Month” in the Mountaineer. Please call Char Peterson at 982-7793 with questions or to be scheduled for a month. Texas Hold’em Texas Hold’em is played in the Palo Verde Room on Monday, Thursday, Friday and the second Sunday at 12:30 pm. Ladies play on Tuesday at the same time, same place. There is a potluck and Texas Hold’em Tournament once a month on the last Sunday of the month. For the Tournament and potluck, join us at 12:30 pm in the Sunset Room. Yoga Strengthen your mind and body and come join us for Yoga with Deborah. Wednesday: Gentle Yoga (2nd week of each month, Yoga with a chair). Friday: Yoga for Rejuvenation. Both classes are from 8:30 am to 9:50 am in the Sunset Room. For more information, call Elfriede @ 982-2319 or Joyce @ 2880026. 17 Book Discussion Char Peterson We meet from 1-2 pm in the Mesquite room every second Wednesday of the month, October thru April. On February 13, 2013, Peggy Malsom will lead the discussion about the book ‘The Lone Wolf” by Jodi Picoult. This is a story of a father on life support and one child wants him to stay on life support while another child wants the life support to end. In January we will select books for March and April. (Please note 31 people attended the discussion in December). It is not necessary to have read the book nor vital to participate. You are invited to walk in and enjoy a lively discussion. There is no signed membership, just enjoy a good discussion. FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY Nancy Bozek Happy New Year from your library volunteers! Our New Year's resolution is to continue to work for our homeowners to keep your library running smoothly. Just a heads up - we will once again have our Book Give Away in March. It will be held before and after Coffee and News. We will have a confirmed date in the next issue of the Mountaineer. If you take out a book you really, really like and want to pass it onto a friend, we ask that when you return the book, please put a little note in the book and tell us how many friends have read it. Thanks. LADIES BIBLE STUDY Bible study meets every Monday @ 9am in the Mesquite Room. Come and enjoy the beautiful fellowship, spiritual encouragement and meet some new friends. Eunice @ 9831665. Card Making with Millie No experience is needed. This class is offered each month on two or three days from 1pm3pm in the Ocotillo Room. All materials are provided and the fee is only $10 for making five custom made greeting cards. Winter and spring dates are February 5,6 & 7, March 5,6 &7, April 9,10 & 11, May 1 &2. Call Millie Hart at 982-5388 or email at weharts@yahoo.com for reservations or questions. PILATES WITH FRAN Fran Strickler If you are interested in a fun total body toning class concentrating on your core, this class is for you. Beginners and veterans welcome. Classes are not so Yoga inspired. Music is varied, from Rod Stewart doing American Standards to Jack Johnson, Diana Krall and Nora Jones. For those not familiar with Pilates, all work is done on the floor on a mat. There is no special equipment needed. Pilates is designed to improve your shape, posture and balance by strengthening core muscles. Though the core is emphasized, all muscle groups are targeted. Classes begin in January. We will meet in the Ocotillo Room on Tuesdays and Fridays at 9 am. Classes are lighthearted and fun. All you have to lose are inches. Any questions, please call or email, Fran Strickler, Certified Pilages and Fitness Instructor. 317-797-9224 or fran.strickler@gmail.com Social Duplicate Bridge We meet every Tuesday evening at 6:30 pm in the Sunset Room. Come and enjoy a very friendly group. “Fun” is our motto. We collect $2.00 per person. 100% goes back in prizes. Duplicate bridge offers an enjoyable and different format. If you need a partner, call Jackie Johnson at 6719859. January 2013 PINOCHLE Pinochle is played in the Sunset Room three times each week. Women play each Tuesday at 1 pm. Double deck meets at 6:30 pm on Wednesday. And the traditional group meets at 7 pm on Thursday. Four Thursday players recently earned the coveted 600+ score. Jeanne Isaak, with 727, had the highest score in the past five years. Others were Marilyn Wilson, 644; John Davis, 632; and Howie Gehman, 605. Newcomers are always welcome. No advance signup is required; just show up by about ten minutes before the scheduled start of play; that helps with setup. Cordial players will help you cope with our style of play. AEROBICS FOR THE MIND Join us for talks on varied subjects of interest. The topic for the presentation on February 2, 2013 is “Growing Older: What’s New?”. Our speaker is Dr. Chris Allen. The meeting is in the Sunset Room at 10 am. We hope to see you there. WATER AEROBICS AT 10 AM Hey, the 10am water aerobics is back in full force. It's a good way to get exercise and enjoy our wonderful winter Arizona sunshine. There is no charge, no equipment needed - just a fun co-ed workout, Monday through Friday mornings at 10am. Any questions, please e-mail me at aplamor@juno.com or call 651-3515373. Looking forward to seeing you in the pool! Ann Rasmussen. January 2013 "Singles Moving Forward" We have a new singles group forming. Join us and be part of the action. We will have a get acquainted meeting where everyone is welcome. We have no age limitations and all denominations are welcome. Where? Gold Canyon United Methodist Church in Koinonia Room, on Saturday, December 15th at 4pm. If you miss the meeting and want information, please call either, Judy at 480-292-5332, or Ella at 480-474-1488. We are very open to suggestions for activities and social events. We have no calendar events planned at this time. Your ideas and thoughts are most welcome. Tennis Talk Jeanne Merrill The tennis Club’s winter tournament is scheduled for 1/31/2013 – 2/2/2013, with Tournament hosts Walt and Linda Gramada, Ken and Dixie Nelson and dinner hosts John and Barbara Sharrar, Bill and Jan Mullins. Anyone interested in this fun event do so by signing up on the sheet on the bulletin board in front of the tennis count. The ladies play Thursday, Men Friday and Mixed Doubles Saturday. The awards dinner is Saturday evening and the sign-up sheet for it is also on the bulletin board. If you don’t play in the tournament, come on down and cheer us on, we have some great senior tennis players, not quite ready for Center Court Wimbledon, but no doubt, tons of fun to watch. Mark your calendars for February 23rd, when our MBV tennis club competes with Trilogy. Speaking of fun to watch, if you haven’t been to that event, I would recommend you take the trip to our sister community. They host it every year at their courts and we supply the equipment, food and drink for the day. We are really proud of our MBV players as we are undefeated. Round Robin is still scheduled Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM with the organized play following Round Robin. Keep checking the bulletin board for other social events. Example being the occasional Thirsty Thursday, which is late afternoon tennis followed by happy hour. 18 Fairway Vista Arlene L. Pytko, President The meeting scheduled for Dec. 27th was cancelled and moved to Thursday, January 3, 2013, due to insufficient Board member attendance. The Annual Meeting will be on Saturday, February 9, 2013 and will be held as usual in the Superstition Center at 9 am with Sign In at 8:30 am. Brunch will be served after the meeting. Please respond to either Jomar at 288-8335 or Arlene Pytko at 288-8011 by February 1st with your RSVP for the Brunch. For any landscape concerns please contact Jomar at 288-8335. “All the Single Ladies”…. We are a group of single ladies who get together to laugh, play games, go to the movies and we go out to eat together as well. Join us the first Wednesday of the month at 9:30 am for a breakfast meeting at the Red Sage. You can help us plan our activities for the month as well as plan future outings. If you are interested, call Mary Lou Kent @ 671-0024. Ladies Bunco Do you have time for fun? Are you feeling lucky? Join us on the second and fourth Thursday of each month in the Sunset Room. Room A at 1 pm. All you need to know is how to throw those lovely dice to win. So come and have some fun with our lively group. Northeast Potluck The New England Potluck Committee has changed the name of our get together to the Northeast Potluck. We had a number of residents from New York and New Jersey attending our dinners and the committee felt the name should be changed. The Northeast Potluck will be held on Friday, February 1, 2013, at 5pm. Please sign up in the Activity Office if you plan to attend and specify what you will be bringing. A donation of $1 per person will go towards paper goods. Plates, cups and silverware will be provided. If anyone from the northeast would like to help with this potluck, kindly contact the committee; Dorothy Morrell @ 671-0455, Barbara Rowe @ 982-7078 or Barbara Lesko @ 983-4337. Michigan Pot-Luck Hear Ye- Hear Ye. Calling all Michiganders to note the following: The Michigan pot-luck party has been scheduled for Thursday, February 21, 2013, in the Superstition Center. Social will be at 5:30pm (BYOB) and dinner at 6:00pm. Cost will be $5 per person. The sign-up sheet for the potluck will be in the office/library. Tickets will be sold at “Coffee & News” beginning on Monday, January 7 through February 18, or call Mary Kay or Alex @ 982-1996, Kay Hafnagel @ 474-1059 or Jeanne Matthews @ 983-2730. Show /wear your Michigan spirit. Entertainment and prizes will be provided. See you there! North Dakota/South Dakota Potluck The annual North Dakota/South Dakota potluck dinner is scheduled for Monday evening, February 11, 2013, in the Sunset Room. The social will begin at 5pm (BYOB) with a potluck at 6pm. Please bring a dish to share and your own table service. A sign-up sheet is available in the Activity Office. If you have any questions, please contact Penny Potter @ 983-5657. Minnesota Potluck The Annual Minnesota Potluck is Sunday, February 10, 2013, in the Superstition Center. Our theme is “Hats off to Minnesota’ so wear your favorite state hat or cap. Everyone is welcome and we will be selling tickets at Coffee and News, in the library, at wine and cheese and also the night of the event. Social is at 4pm (BYOB) and snacks are provided. Potluck is at 5pm. Please bring a dish to share. Sign up on the Activity Office. We need salads, main dishes and desserts. Our entertainer is Larry Charon”Man of Many Hats’ a one man keyboard band. Cost is $8 per person. Volunteers are needed! Call Jean Peterson @ 218-289-4748. 19 COLORADO, WYOMING, NEBRASKA POTLUCK On February 10th come to the Sunset room at 5pm. Pay $1 per person for paper goods. Sign up in the office to bring a dish to share. Coffee will be provided. BYOB. Always great food and fun whether you are a Buffalo, Husker or Cowboy. Call 983-1652 or 982-5213 with any questions. IOWA POTLUCK The Annual Iowa Potluck dinner this year will be on Monday, March 4 in the Sunset Room. We invite you to join us for a fun evening. If you have visitors, bring them too. This year we will provide fried chicken for everyone. You bring a side dish or salad or dessert. Social hour is at 5pm(BYOB) followed by dinner at 6pm. A $2 fee will be charged for each person to cover the cost of chicken, paper products, coffee and soft drinks. Please sign up in the Activity Office at your earliest convenience. If you have any questions or would consider helping with set-up and/or clean up. Please contact Joyce Cole at 982-4596. Hope you can make it. ZUMBA FITNESS® Mary Wright, Zumba Gold® Instructor Zumba® is a Latin-inspired dance/aerobic class. You will learn some very easy steps including the Cha Cha, Salsa, Flamenco, Mambo and more. You don’t have to know how to dance, just follow me and have some fun! Zumba Gold® (55+) classes are every Monday and Zumba® Gold/Toning classes are every Wednesday at 8:00AM – 9:00AM in the Superstition Center. You will receive a free Zumba® T-Shirt* when you purchase a punch card good towards 10 classes for $55, or I offer a drop-in fee of $6 per class.If you have any questions, e-mail me at www. barry.mary@q.com Be sure to wear comfortable active clothing that is not restrictive and allows proper cooling. Also, wear lightweight athletic shoes with lateral support. Don’t forget to bring your water bottle and a sweat towel. *While supplies last Canyon Arts Festival, January 26th Bob Homann The 13th annual Canyon Arts Festival will be held on Saturday, January 26 from 9am to 4pm on the grounds of the United Methodist Church on King’s Ranch Rd. The Festival - a gift to the community from the Gold Canyon Arts Council – features free parking and no admission fee. We are very grateful to these wonderful sponsors who have helped keep the Festival a free event: SRP, Mountain View Funeral Home, Liberty Utilities, Deseret Family Medicine, Rossmar and Graham, and Resolution Copper Co. The festival will open to the public at 9am with the presentation of the colors and the national anthem. Musical entertainers arranged by Artistic Director Dr. Jack Kukuk will perform throughout the day. Returning will be two crowd favorites – the all-female Mariachi Pasion band and the Yellow Bird Indian dancers. New this year are the Desert Wind Steel Band playing Caribbean music and one other surprise group. The juried art show, coordinated by Marilyn Barton, will feature the work of eighty- seven artists in a wide variety of January 2013 genres and styles. Many of the artists are residents of Gold Canyon and Apache Junction, but thirty seven are new to this year’s Festival. Patrons will receive a program at the entry gates listing the artists, their specialties and their booth numbers as well as the performance schedule for the entertainers. This year’s limited edition Festival poster “Mountain Song” by Gold Canyon resident Sue Ann Dickey will be for sale at an Arts Council tent. Sue Ann will have a nearby booth and will be available to sign your poster purchase. There will be a Food Court area adjacent to the church’s Education Unit featuring a blend of tasty treats and beverages. The Food Bank will have a table in that area and we encourage you to donate to this worthy cause. The Arts Council tent will have information about this season’s Canyon Sounds performing artist series and tickets available. They will also have membership applications to celebrate the arts as an important part of a life well-lived. Please be advised that there will be traffic congestion on King’s Ranch Rd. and on U.S. 60 on January 26 and plan accordingly. WEDNESDAY QUEEN VALLEY GOLF Come golf the beautiful scenic Queen Valley Golf Course only15 minutes away. It’s a Gold Canyon group on Wednesdays beginning at 12:00 noon. Sign up as a 2-some, 4-some, or individually. You will get a group email on Tuesday mornings with 4-some and tee time. Any questions, or to sign up, call Gordie Rasmussen at 651-351-5373 or e-mail me at aplamor@juno.com. January 2013 20 Artist of the Month Sally Lackey I was quite surprised when asked to be your Artist of the Month as I’ve never considered myself an “artist.” I’m sort of a Jack of all trades, master of none, though people tell me I am an artist. I grew up in Olympia, WA and my father would ask us each evening at dinner: “What did you accomplish today?” We lived on a hobby farm and had many chores, as well as homework and practicing our instruments. After dishes were done, my two sisters and I would gather around mom’s organ with her playing; me on my flute or piccolo (the cat loved that), one sister on the clarinet and the other on her trumpet. We would play at least an hour together every evening. Music was a big part of our life. Because of the music classes I took in school, I was excused from art classes. I never knew I had an artistic talent until I took a stained glass class at Evergreen State University in 1975. Stained glass will always be my first love and over the years I’ve done many windows and lampshades. After so many years working with glass, I have lots of scrap so lately have been doing mosaic pieces. The one I’m most proud of is of the Superstition Mountain. Merging my love of pets and glass, I do pet rocks. People email me pictures of their pets and I design them in glass and mount them on flagstone: Several years ago, my husband bought me a kiln to fuse glass in. A friend of mine introduced me to horse hair pottery and I read all I could about it - since I had the kiln, I thought I’d try it. I also always loved Raku, so I tried that as well. Horsehair and Raku is fun as no piece ever turns out the same so it’s like Christmas when the piece is done. I’m an animal lover and have had a couple very special Samoyeds. I saved their fur when I groomed them and learned to spin, dye it and have knit sweaters, toques, mittens and socks with it. I love to knit and crochet when I don’t have a glass project going. This winter I’m working on a large landscape quilt for our boathouse “Mahal” (my husband’s project) in Bellingham, Washington. I’m still trying to “accomplish” something daily. You’ll find me playing my flute and piccolo in the Mountainbrook band or the Methodist church orchestra, golfing three days a week and on the off days riding my recumbent trike around Dinosaur Mountain and through Mountainbrook. I’m thankful my parents taught us that we can do anything we put our mind to and to have no fear to try. 21 Recent Architectural Revisions, Part III Have you recently gotten a letter stating you are not in compliance with Architectural regulations? Perhaps the Architectural Committee has changed some of the standards and you were not aware of the changes. Not everyone can keep up with all the changes occurring in our Village so we will try to update you when these changes occur. The most recent changes occurred at a meeting of the Board of Directors when Al Lehman made a motion to approve four Architectural Revisions: 3.4.2 Landscaping; 3.2.13 Patio Covers; and 3.2.24 Replacement Windows, Sun Screens & Window Tinting. This month we have 3.2.13 Patio Covers revision for your information. This will complete the revisions from the most recent Board approval. Patio covers are permitted providing the following guidelines are followed. General Requirements: The architectural design and style of patio covers must be consistent with MountainBrook architectural design and style. No freestanding ramadas or gazebos are permitted. Patio covers shall be constructed of either wood or aluminum and are permitted in back yards only. All wood construction shall be painted to match the house trim or body color. If aluminum construction is used, it is preferable to have factory applied paint. If an exact match is not available for the pre finished aluminum, the homeowner has the responsibility to provide the color sample closest to the body or trim color of the house to the committee for approval. All strip style and solid roof patio covers shall not exceed 12’ from the rear fascia of the main body of the home(excluding pop outs, bay windows, etc.) Complete detailed construction plans must be submitted with the application. Patio covers extending to the side of the home, either new or attached to an existing patio cover, are permitted under the following guidelines: If the patio cover is attached to an existing patio cover, it must be painted to match the existing patio cover and the integrity of the structure shall be maintained so all are the same size and type. The patio cover must be entirely shielded by an January 2013 intervening part of the permanent structure of the home (i.e. garage) such that it is not visible from the street. The patio cover may not extend out toward the side property line any further than the side of the home which shields it and may not extend forward past the back corner of the home. Strip style construction; Top strips may run parallel or perpendicular to the rear of the house and shall have a minimum dimension of 2” by 2”. Each space between strips shall be equal to the width of an individual strip. The ends of strips may extend a max of 12” beyond the last support. Supporting posts must be at least 4” by 4” and should be larger if required by structural considerations. Posts with stucco may be used of structural integrity is maintained. Top strips or panels running parallel to the rear of the house shall be supported by cross framing members spaced not more than 24” center to center. This cross framing material shall consist of 2” by 6” material or larger if necessary to satisfy design considerations. In all cases, top strips must be adequately supported so that they remain stable, flat and will not twist, warp or sag. Classifieds Note: One Ad of 20 words or less is free for MBV residents. Classified ads are to be submitted to the MountainBrook office. Business/Commercial ads for both residents and non-residents are available for purchase through Ray’s Printing, 480982-3087. All ads are due by the 25th of the month for publication the following month 6 pc. Dinette set. Oak w/pastel Aztec pattern on chairs. New condition. $375.00 Call 4749027 Need help with your computer? Want to learn the programs on it? Call Chris, a MBV resident (480-474-8037) Lyric E. Scooter Battery Powered Stand on for street or to explore off road terrain. Like new $1,600.00 928-240-2557 MBV resident will capture old photographs digitally and save on DVD /CD. Convert one or hundreds. Repair for damaged photos available. Can convert VHS or mini DVD tapes to DVD. Attractive pricing. Call 480272-2761 or email BCody1944@aol.com or visit; www.celebrate thememories.net. Bernina 200 Sew & Embroidery machine. Version 6 software, lots of feet and extras. Quilter’s Square $2,500. 480-671-7581 FOR SALE Miche bags by Marge. Tired of changing your purses? Use one bag and change your cover in 4 seconds 480-982-5439 Two brand new swivel rocking chairs. RV size Chocolate brown fabric $200/each or both for $350.00 Call DiAne or Bill at 602-9093753 or 702-373-6389 2009 “Select” power chair only driven 10 minutes! 15 miles full charge. Cost new $3,841.00 Will sell $1,800.00 Call 480-6717986 2010 Chrysler 300 Touring V6 Grey 36,000 miles $15,950. Call Ken 651-210-2119 RV..1996 Bounder 37’. Living, dining room slide outs. Washer, dryer, excellent condition. Low mileage, under 19,000, asking $18,000. Call 602-430-8551 17” ceramic kiln 240v. 2 shelves/furniture and pyrometer $300 48-688-3831 Sofa sleeper, slept on once, needs a new home, neutral tan/desert colors. Out of our home with no smoking or pets. Like new. Double bed size, upgraded mattress. $210. Delivery in MBV or Gold Canyon possible. John 605-366-7859 2006 Damon Tuscany 40’ Motor home. Diesel pusher, 4 slide-outs, satellite dish ready, convection oven, king bed, lots of storage, Onan generator, new tires. Loaded to the hilt. Call 402-432-1893 FREE 12 1/2X12 ½ White ceramic tile (15 tile) used in original construction of Jasmine. 602-459-9322 SERVICE Going on a trip and need a place for your dogs or cats to stay? 480-983-3122. Are you overwhelmed by all of the choices for Medicare? For personalized assistance, call MBV resident Jim at 480-686-4653. Affordable Medicare supplements. Call MBV resident for free information. 983-1412. Leave a message and I will return the call. Homewatch. Will be watching homes for snow birds the summer of 2013. Please call Arlene or Keith (handyman) for info 480-4742110 WANTED Electric turkey roaster. Reasonable. Call 474-9027 Helping Hands is in need of volunteers willing to transport clients to the doctors or shopping. If available call 474-9958. 22 January 2013 BOCCE BUNCH STRIKE AGAIN Lily Richardson The MountainBrook Bocce Bunch once again collected for the food bank in Gold Canyon and the results were awesome. As they knew they couldn’t sing to all of MountainBrook, they asked residents to bring donations to Coffee & News on Tuesday, December 11, 2012, and the results were fantastic. This gift was really appreciated by the people at the food bank and will go a long way towards helping those folks who are having a hard time this year. The golf carts met at Desert Spoon and Red Yucca to serenade the residents with Christmas carols and collected even more donations for the food bank along the way. Thanks to all for your generosity and for making it a Merry Christmas. RECURRING DAILY ACTIVITIES: UPDATED DECEMBER 2012 23 January 2013 MountainBrook Village The MountainBrook Village MOUNTAINEER is owned by MBV and is published for the MBV community by Ray's Printing: 386 S. Ironwood Dr. Apache Junction, AZ. To place business/commercial ad in the Mountaineer, please contact: Ray's Printing Mountaineer Mailing address: PO Box 5400 Apache Junction, AZ 85278 (480) 982-3087 • Fax (480) 983-9363 MOUNTAINEER Staff: Cis Haines, Editor; Joan Archer, Jan Broz, Pam Burks, Peggy Malsom, Glenda Schimmelpfenning and Carol Yost. Email articles & MBV resident personal ads (for sale, for rent, wanted) may be sent to LipsnLaw@msn.com or left in the MountainBrook office (480) 288-9213 by the 25th of each month prior to publication month. MBV Resident business/ commercial ads must be placed through Ray's Printing. For Your Convenience www.mountainbrookvillage.org (Revised 12/12/12) Board of Directors Robert Meinecke, President ..................................................671-9768 Joseph Juresich, Vice President ............................................671-1505 Sue Wright, Secretary............................................................671-1213 Barbara Sebring ....................................................................288-1579 Al Lehman ............................................................................288-9414 Jeff Hager ..............................................................................983-4188 Ron Pagani ....................................................................602-432-8367 Activity Office ..........................................................................983-5555 Lifestyle Director - Glenda Schimmelpfennig ........................983-5555 Community Manager - David L. Jones ..................................983-5555 Assistant Manager - Diana Meyers .........................................983-5555 MountainBrook Golf Course .................................................671-1000 Fairway Vista & PV Management Jomar Assoc. Serv - Pamela Weston........................................288-8335 Innovative Property Management (Pinnacle Vistas) ............983-1010 Activities Committee - Claudia Vaughan (Chair)....................983-3425 Architectural Committee - Al Lehman ..................................288-9414 Budget & Finance Committee - Sue Wright ..........................671-1213 Building & Grounds - Neil Volmer (Chair) ............................466-5606 Caring Corner - Arlene Pytko (Chair) ....................................288-8011 Communications Committee - Cis Haines (Chair) ................671-1066 Volunteers - Dawn Wagner (Chair) ..........................................982-0108 Covenants Coordinator - Diana Meyers ................................983-5555 Activity VIPs (Please contact the office with any changes) (Revised 4/1/12) Aerobics of the Mind Band Bible Study, Ladies Bible Study, MBV Billiards/Pool Bingo Book Discussion Bocce Ball Bowling Bowling (Mon) Bridge, Couples Bridge, Duplicate Bridge, Ladies Bridge, Men’s Bunco Canasta (hand & foot) Card Bingo Ceramics Chess Clogging Computer Class Craft Group CrochetingC lass Darts Democrats Club Euchre Fitness Center Game Day Gold Canyon Lions Greeting Card Class Helping Hands Hiking Knitting (Tues) Ladies Aquacise (8am) Ladies’ Aquacise (9am) Paul Cechovic ..............................288-6976 Donna Read ..................................671-9828 Dianne DeJong..............................671-4692 Carl & Mary Scheie ....................474-8256 Dick Brennan ................................983-8168 Bob & Joan Archer ......................288-0891 Char Peterson ..............................982-7793 Jim Chamberlin............................474-2215 Judy Schuyler ..............................671-7995 Marlies Gollnau............................983-3122 Elaine Valenti................................671-1686 Jackie Johnson..............................671-9859 Barb Osborn ................................982-9408 Rich Huseman ..............................288-5378 Arlene Pytko ................................288-8011 Pat Schweder ................................474-9027 Richard Skizenta ..........................983-6719 Lynn Gregory................................288-9963 Bill Vallicella ................................288-6727 Sharon Baack ........................520-610-1711 Len Broz ........................................671-4651 Judy Fitzpatrick ..........................982-6858 Dorothy Wolter ............................983-1672 John Kloosterman ........................288-2388 Bill Florence ..................................857-8189 Alex Dioyenis ................................982-1996 Don & Dawn Wagner ..................982-0108 Joyce Schenck ..............................982-7518 Terry Storbakken ........................983-3420 Millie Hart ....................................982-5388 Loretta Milton ..............................474-9958 Mike Lipscomb ............................474-1075 Kathy West....................................983-8432 Ginny Rauguth ............................288-0579 Isolde Weilnhammer ....................671-1439 Low Impact Aerobics Gladys Opfer ................................218-1311 Mah-Jongg (Mon) Sharon Penrod ......................602-320-2278 Mah-Jongg (Tues) Judy Beiganski..............................671-8363 Mah-Jongg (Wed/Oriental) Jeanne Bozych ..............................982-6280 Mah-Jongg (Fri) Ginny Rauguth ............................288-0579 Men’s Round Table Fred Bieber ..................................671-0219 Oil Painting Judy Maurer ................................982-5627 PEO Lorna Marifjeren ........................671-3793 Pickleball Gary Provost..........................623-326-1610 Pinochle, Double Deck Ed Joyce ........................................288-1932 Pinochle Jim McCann ................................982-5838 Pinochle, Ladies Suzanne Kadlec ............................671-4030 Poker & Straight Poker Ken Amundsen ............................671-1643 Pottery Barbara Dahlstrom ......................288-2523 Quilting/Needlecraft Linda Burch ..................................671-4463 Quilters, Superstition Mt. Alice Watkins ................................671-8663 Republican Club Tami Tack......................................982-8299 Scrabble Jackie Johnson..............................671-9859 Singles Marylou Kent ..............................671-0024 Social Hour John & Arlene Pytko....................288-8011 Softball, 55’s Jack Mutschler ............................982-7497 Softball, 65’s Dennis Hively................................983-4109 Stained Glass Leo Farmer ..................................288-4796 Supper Club Glorianna Heppner ......................983-8314 Tai Chi Chih Lovena Warren ............................671-7444 Tennis Sally Lickar ..................................288-8339 Texas Hold'em Deb Mullins ..................................250-7759 Village Players Barb Hofmeister ..........................288-9745 Village Voices Larry Graham ..............................671-3902 Water Volleyball Ralph Krueger..............................671-9709 Water Volleyball Weekends Don Reinke....................................474-9442 Woodcarving Wesley Stevens..............................982-3809 Yoga Elfrieda Rost ................................982-2319 24 January 2013 Mountaineer Marketplace Neither the Community nor the publisher has in any way endorsed the advertisements or advertisers in this publication and no such endorsement is implied. The Community is in no way responsible for the advertising portion of this publication. AIRPORT SHUTTLE AIRCONDITIONING & HEATING AIRCONDITIONING & HEATING ASSISTED LIVING AIRCONDITIONING & HEATING CHIROPRACTOR COMPUTER REPAIR CARPET CLEANING 25 CONSTRUCTION January 2013 HANDYMAN HOUSE CLEANING TRUSTED HOME SERVICES Molly Maids......................(480) 621-7766 Over 20 Years Experience Edward Jones ....................(480)983-7932 Gold Canyon Private Client Services ..............................................(480) 983-147 INVESTMENTS Painting • Stucco Repairs • Drywall Repairs Repair & Replace Faucets • Light Fixtures Door & Window Repairs • Window Washing Welding • Weather Strip Replacement House Sitting • Sunscreens • and much more! Licensed & Insured Damon Taylor LANDSCAPING References Available 480-202-6294 trustedhomeservices@hotmail.com DENTAL Superstition Mtn Dental ..(480)671-777 ELECTRIC SERVICES PLUMBING Gold Canyon Plumbing DBA HEALTH & WELL BEING COPPER TOP PLUMBING, LLC Residential • Commercial Full Service Plumbing 480-497-1110 EMAIL coppertopplumbing@yahoo.com • Water Heaters • Toilets • Faucets • Disposals • Water Softeners GOLF Superstition Mountain Golf & Country Club....................(877) 983-3200 • R.O. Systems • Water Line Replacement • Gas Lines • Slab Leaks Licensed •Bonded •Insured 24 Hour Emergency GLASS HEALTH & WELL BEING • Copper Repipes • Sewer & Drain Cleaning • Electronic Leak & Sewer • Locating Video Inspection Serving the Valley 25 Years ROC269970 January 2013 PLUMBING Do you Need Plumbing Help? Call Us First! 26 KCR Construction ..........(480) 983-5271 ROOFING •Up front pricing - no surprises! • Free Estimates • 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed $10 off your first service call with this ad J & B Home Maintenance (480) 982-8242 Lic# ROC127626 • Bonded • Insured PLUMBING SENIOR CARE Home Instead Senior Care ......(480) 827-4343 WINDOW COVERINGS WINDOW CLEANING Clean - N - Brite ..................................(480) 247-1309 Four Peaks Window Cleaning....(480) 489-2141 REAL ESTATE Lori Blank ...................................(480)983-8383 Jill McFadden ............................(480) 244-6172 Realty One - Leslie Stark ..........(602) 573-2182 REMODELING The Market is Changing! Call JILL Today! JILL McFadden: 480-244-6172 BEST CASITA VALUE IN MOUNTAINBROOK VILLAGE! EASY CARE 2 BEDROOM FEATURES EXTENDED BRICK PAVER PATIO! NEW ! Designer flagstone entry with pathway lighting welcomes you to the easy care lifestyle that is MountainBrook! Wonderful split 2 bedroom floorplan w/all tile flooring except in bedrooms. Kitchen boasts oak cabinetry w/ pullouts. Master vanity is raised height & master closet size is impressive!. Backs natural desert for privacy, north/south exposure! Ceiling fans, water softener & r/o , built-in garage cabinets and sink. Furnished! Custom upgrades include extended brick paver back patio & patio sunscreen that automatically activates to protect from sun, retracts in wind. You have time to enjoy the heated community pool & spa, tennis & every club activity because the HOA maintains front & back landscape! $184,900 PEN DIN G 1.3 ACRE LOT ENGINEERED FOR REAL RV ACCESS—PAVED! Custom territorial 3 bedroom home with expanded & extended 3 car garage! Panoramic Superstition Mountain views! Single level sports split floorplan, upgraded cabinets & corian counters. The backyard is your private paradise--built-in BBQ, fabulous pool & hot tub, spacious landscaped desert back drop,..$380,000 MOUNTAINBROOK REMODEL! NEW FLOORING, NEW PAINT, NEW A/C, STAINLESS APPLIANCES! Enjoy Superstition Mtn views from fabulous front courtyard and really relax in your spacious saltillo tiled back patio because this Desert Holly has been completely remodeled--all new furniture/furnishings included!! $239,900 CUSTOM TERRITORIAL W/3 CAR GARAGE ON 1.25 VIEW ACRES! PAVED ROAD ACCESS WITH ROOM FOR ALL THE TOYS & RV ACCESS! Custom concrete driveway accented with natural stone walls. Courtyard entry w/kiva fireplace & seating to enjoy the Superstition Mountain views!...$417,000 SINGLE LEVEL 3 BEDROOM WITH 3 CAR GARAGE & STUNNING SUPERSTITION MOUNTAIN VIEWS IN THE SUPERSTITION FOOTHILLS OF GOLD CANYON! Light, bright, all appliances included & move-in ready! Spacious master retreat boasts sitting room, private exit & awesome Superstition Mtn views from the tub! Neutral tile & carpet, water softener, high efficiency a/c added in ...$225,900 SING COS AY CLO T $$ LID $$ HO MENTION THIS AD TO JILL & SHE WILL SAVE YOU Certain conditions apply HOLIDAY COUPON Ask Jill About: Mega Marketing to CANADA MountainbrookVillageHomes4Sale.com FOR SINGLE CLICK SUBDIVISION SEARCHES JILL McFadden Going the Xtra Mile 4 Buyers & Sellers Direct: 480-244-6172 JILL is # 4 in sales out of 500 US Preferred Realty agents MOUNTAINBROOK SPECIALIST Address: 2512 S. Tonto View Gold Canyon AZ 85118 Email: JILL@GoldCanyonHomesAndLand.com Web: MountainbrookVillageHomes4Sale.com Presorted Standard U.S. Postage MountainBrook Village Mountaineer Ray’s Printing PO Box 5400 Apache Jct., AZ 85178 Postal Patron Gold Canyon, AZ 85118 PAID Apache Junction, AZ Permit No. 5400
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